Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1872, Image 2

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She UntHian.
Diron ad momiETOi. . ,
Sinco tlio October election Ponnsji.
vs.nU it known abroad as the Bute of
Cameron and corruption. Thii If
' linrd on tlio William Ponnites.
At Work. Ii will bo noticod by
their program mo tlml tlis Good Tem
lars uro going to canvaii our county
previous to tlio December election.
Tbo lint of appointment for Mr. Dct
wiler will bo found elsowliero.
Thi Klction. As wo go lo press,
(2 o'clock P. M., TuosJuy,) people are
ninrcliing up to tbe polls and deport
ing tbeir bullots. What tlio result
will bo no one can tell ill this time,
whether it will be Groeley or Grant,
for the next four years.
"Let arery Democrat itand bravely to hit Sol
on" Ceurf.if lttpnblinxn.
That', preciiely what thoy did during the
Ikuocratic rebellion. nuraaf.
Wall, that Is more tknn the editor
of the Journal did. Ho went and got
liimsolf exempted. 01 what a fa
mous rebellion crustier yoo wcrel
Blow on. That is all you are good for.
Hon. John A. GriswoM, one of New
York's lunxt enterprising basilica
men, died lit Troy, in that SUte, on
the 81t ult., iii his 55lIi year, lie
was a nephew of the lale Gun. Wool,
and wus the owner of the patent for
manufacturing Bessemor steel in thia
X Polk county, Iowa, man baa man
aged to fcteul and sacrclo a brittle
twctily-four feet long, perfect in all
itspiirt. - Susnysawo.tern oxelinngo.
Jlu will be elected to tho United
Stales fccniilo or Governor, if the
mnrul tnno of the Iowuns runs on
low a grade as it does here in Penn
sylvania. Ho miiy land in a peniten
tiary, but if it happen in litis State,
ho will bo punlonnd, (or the purpose
of certifying to the integrity of n con
federate who is up fur GoTornor.
Congress)! km Elkct Gov. Geary
I, an isxued his proclamation dec-hiring
tbu iiuines of lbs persons returned na
duly elected to Congress at the lata
ilecl'HM.. The following in the lint :
1. Smntl J. floodnH.
2. Cburl.-e 0 Noill
J. Leonard Mrcr.
4. William P.Kolley.
4. Alfred (.'. 1 1 inner.
6. Jamce P. Uicry.
7. Vab. Towneond.
8. iriVer tVymtr.
(. A. lli-rr ri.uilu.
10. John W. klltinger.
J L JS D. Sturm.
ill. Lu. t..boouiaker.
1.1. 1m I). Strawbridje
U. John II. Pock.r.
1 J..k A. Mi.jn.
111. John Ce.ena.
17. H. ilillnn Spur.
iH. r-obictki Hum.
IV. Carlton I). I'urlii.
til. H. L. Richmond.
II. Alu. W. Taylor.
? Jamei 8. Nrgley.
2.1. K. MrJunkio.
34. Wia.S. Moor.
Thoae Udiciied ure Dcinoorals.
From the above list it will bo toon
ati art the new delegation in thu House
consists of ninoleea Republicans and
five Detuocruts.
Mori Rascals A few rogues elect
ed to office by tho Democrat of York
-county, have been imitating 11 art
ranl't, Yerkca, Mackey, Cameron 4
Co., and have robbed tho tax payers
of that county out of a largo amount
of money. We hopo the scoundrels
Trill bo delected ond sent to the peni
itunliury, where they belong. But, if
.they rar,t there, we protest agiiinat
fiwoopo, Geary and tho balance of
that corrupt ring pardoning them.
The Democrata of Now York turned
all their rogues out of office, and the
York t!ng will aliure the same fate.
Democrats will not go into tho poiii
tonliury for tho purpose of obtaining
clirtifieat-es of good character for their
candidates, neither will they elect men
to high official position nllor they uro
jiroven lo bo scoundioU by a legisla
tive committee.
Aware. Tho editor of the Journal
lias discovered that somebody bus
been stealing In Democratic Yolk.
Wo called his attention to a similar
case of larceny in loyal Indiana, out
neighboring county, over six mouths
no, yet he has never noticed it.
Mom, the Court has ordered a Demo
cratic lawyer to carry tho key of tho
'oa!cnisioiiors' ofllce, fur tho purpose
of proven'Jng the loyal raaculs from
Mealing Court House, jail and every
thing else, until tho accounts are over
hauled. Tho editor who fuils to denounce
Jho huge robberies going on at Wash
ington and Harrinbiirg, is a moral
coward, and t-omplclfly devulopus
himself when he makes a fuss over
local fraud, a good ways from home,
nt that.
We are glad howovor that our
neighbor bus got or.e eye open, lie
has got. it on York. The other may
blunder on Indiana yet. It's not so
far off.
Tub Ajiendmrat. -Full returns of
the voles for and against thu consti
tutional amendment romoving tho
election of Stats Treasurer from the
LeL'ixlaturo and vesting it in the
"qualified doctors," liavo boon pub
linlicJ. Tli'ro was 481,020 votes enst
in fuvor nf tlio Hinonilmeiit sod 4,'VJi
niritinal it. It Is s aoniewlmt iimlni
tli iiiit fni:t llmt onctliird nf thsss (l,
.Clf) were tlirown In Lluuililn county,
tlie homo of Simon Csnmron. The
old wigwaer evidently )irtif'ureU the
old plan of jiUtThssiiig tlio Truusiiry
ship. The airif nilnuiiit having hun
voted for by two siu-cossive Lr(ilu
rirns and rati Hod hy tho people, tne
tth sctilion of tho sixth article tit the
Const,! i ii lion will now road : "A fState shall be chosen by the rjuuU
Ifli'd clcotors of the Suite at such tinios
nnd fur snuli term of service m shall
J jrtcribd hy law."
Horit ChoUra.
A terrible malady hat broken out
among tho horses in New York,
Brooklyn, Jersey City and vicinities
Moro than 20,000 horse) ro" Hick, yot
few cases have proved fatal. , Typhoid
Laryngitis is the name given to the
difcaso by tho borso doctors, who d
scribe its symptoms thus: Tho In
flammation of tho throat extends to
tho lungs and rapidly grows more
ularming, und when coughing occurs
it is fearfully convulsive. The animal
stands in tho stall as if benumbed or
paralyzed ; his bead hangs low, to the
floor, and his breath comes and goes
with a quick nnd sharp movement.
Ui body Is quits warm, but his ex
tremities grow almost icy cold. , This
seems to be tho warning of the fatal
ending of the malady, nnd if it contin
ues as widely prevalent as it now Is
for a fow days longer thero can bo
littlo doubt that hundreds of the
horsot that aro effuctod will dronp and
die. Tlio diseaao will huvo reached
its climax and tlio relapse after an ap
parent improvement, as in the caso of
a human Doing, in a lever, win i n on
begin suddenly but fulalty. The dis
order has also' broken out in Philadel
phia und Baltimore, nnd it looks now
as though it was moving southward.
Another llolorautt.
The steam ship "Missouri," was
burned at sea on tho morning of the
22d of October, near tho Bahama
Inland, and about eighty persons
either burned to death or drowned.
Tbe alarm of fire was given while the
guests wore seated at break fust, and
in less than forty micuLes the whole
ship was on fire. The scene can bet
ter bo imagined than described. The
New York Herald, in alluding to the
destruction of the vessel, says:
Tho fated Missouri perished in
nearly tho eamu waters which were
lighted only a few weeks before by
the destruction (if tlie liienville. A
sad picture of inelllcienoy and entire
luck of preparation for such an emer
gency as tlio breaking out of a fire is
presented by tho mcagro reports.
Wo aro told tiro was discovered during
broad daylight, when all the eighty-
eight persons on board were wide
swuko, aatir and in full posnession of
their wits. How could it be that the
flames wero not promptly put out?
How was it that every one of the
steamer's lifeboats was lost ? To both
questions the answer is obvious.
1 hero was no instruction ana discip
line in the ship competent to make
the captain muster of the situation.
Doubtless ho was a bravo and faithful
man he died with his snip but his
crew was hot drilled so as tojie useful
in that supreme trial. A passenger
had his own boot on the steamer, lie
had tho courage, skill and presence of
mind uhicli enabled hi in to set it
afloat and Save a dozen of lives. If
this disaster ahull teach our aleam
stilj) owners that, to meet the public
doinaiids, their ofttoera and men must
bo exorcised and instructed in the use
of apparatus for quenching fire and
saving life by launching and manag
ing boats, raits, floats and all articles
capable of affording aid, this terrible
sacrifice of life will have wrought an
improvement imperatively demanded.
Thero wcro boats enoujrh fur all, and
land was near J but they were unskil
fully thrown away at the cost of to
many lives.
riiiLAJir.i.miA Justick Hugh Mara
shot ltevenuo Inspector Brooks, in
the interest of the Whisky iiing.
Pardoned for this by Gov. Geary, he
shot Alderman McMullen. Ho be
longs to tho Pennsylvania Iting. just
as llaggerty, tho Vouchor Thief, bo
lonjrs in tho New Yoik King We
said, before the October election, that
the story of Pennsylvania pardons
would be incomplete without the par
don of Mara, the political assassin.
But Mr. Swoope, District-Attorney
and servant of the King, did better;
he brought Mnru into court, and, by a
series ol auroit tricks wun mo law,
sent forth this man, who bears tlio
blood Ol two lialf-accoinplished mur
ders on his hands, a freeman and a
cilizun. Vcj-kcs in pardoned, Mara is
cleared of crime, and Uurlranl'l livo
a prosperous gentleman. Is thero any
such thinif as law or justice left in
Pennsylvania 7 W hy should we ask f
Simon Cameron is an honored citir.en
and a Senator of the United Slates I
S. Y. Tribune.
Co.MntisrioN. A cao of spontaneous
conihustifin, arising from cuivlnssncws
in leaving a pile of oily rags in a cor
ner, occurred last week in Bedford,
Pa. Tho building in which the tiro
occurred wus a now ono, and the
w iirlc of fluishinij wastill in progress.
Workmen wore cmiikiyed in painting
the woodwork, and when they left for
the night the ras used by Ihein in
graining wr thrown together in a
corner. Theso bcciimo ignited by
snontuncoi.N comliuslion, und were
just bursting inlo tlninu when discov
ered. As an experiment a (iiiuntliy
of tho oil rags were alleiwurila put
into a Lurrol, and set In tho sun, uml
within a few boms the barrel and
contents were in a flame.
MiM.Mtsvii.t.K. An exuhango says :
Lancaster has a Brooks, a regular
Connecticut nut-meg, one of the '-ha-bling
Brooks" wo read of in poetry,
who prostitutes an institution of learn
ing, fostered by tho State, inlo a cam
paign club-room and makes it sing
peals of pr'aiso to Ilurlranft, the pecu
lator. If citizens of honest antece
dents want- their children cultivated
after "Tho Ideal" presented by Hurl
nmft, llu;h Mara, Yerkes, Camuroa
ami Brooks, ha them ship the loved
ones to Millcrsvillo, where Brook's
babbles incessantly.
A I.aroi BiWARt). Tho Pennsyl
vania lUilroad Company offer a re
ward of ten thousand dollars, and a
life-time pass over all their lines, for
inlorniHtiun leading to the arrest ol
tin villiuns who roiuovrd ft mil ol the
trut-k, near Uurret Siding, Chestrr
county, ciiiiniiig the dmith of an cngi
noi r and fireman soverul wovks ago-
Onr StNsun.K Nio Wm Moore, a
colored man, of Lnuraniro, (iu., who
has heretofore acted with tho l.udl
cals, is out in a card, in which he says:
"My sentiments sro that tlio sooner
we cut loose from needy adventurers,
whelhor carpel-baggers or scaluwags,
and make up our minds lo act with
the honest portion of our white friends
in polities, ns we do in other relations
Un lif'u, the belter It will bo for us, po
J liticuNv, soflully, snd morally."
Constitutional Convention,
Tho dologftlos aro lo assomblo In
thehiilloflholloutioof Representatives
nt Uurrishiirg, on tho third Tuesday
of Noveinhor (tho 12th.) at 12 o'clock,
when It shall ho the duty of tho Sue
rolary of tho Coininbnweulth lo cull
the Convention to order, alter, whit h
they shall oranizo by electing the
necessary ofllcers. The Convention
shall have power to adjourn from lime
lo time and from placo to place, to
frame n new Constitution or proposo
amendments to the present ono, which
shall bo advertised and voted upon in
tho usual way tho right being reserv
ed to one-third of thu members to re
quire any nmendmont to bo voted on
separately. Tho ninth article of the
existing 'Contltntlon, which Includes
thu the Declaration of Bights, is ex
cepted from the powers given to this
Convention, Tho Ret declares that
theso, rights "shull be und remain in
vlolato forever."- This articlo covers
tho rights of liberty and properly, tho
right of the people" to nllor, reform or
abolish their government, the right of
conscience, tho rights of citizens, tho
t'rjcdom and equality of clectioss, trial
by jury, nod the liht of the press to
examine the official conduct nt public
olllcers, and to give tho troth In evi
dence in ull trials where thu matter
published was proper for puhliu Infor
mation, together with many oilier
fundamental principles, umoiintin in
all to twenty-six enumerations, upon
which this Convention cannotsomuch
as lay a finger,
The members of tho Convention are
to receive a compensation of 81,1)00,
and mileage at 10 cents per milo cir
oular, und $50, for stationery and post
age tho Secretury of the Common
wealth to p roc uro such books and
stiitislicul information for thu use ol
tho Convention as they may require,
at an expense not exceeding $(ii)0.
Lancaster Express.
.1 Trut ftftvofthr rrnnnyUnnta
Tho Gollen Age, edited hy Theo
dora Tillon, gives the lollowinir true
picture of tho recent election : "Penn
sylvania has given to tho country the
best of ull reasons why the I'epiihlican
uity should bo defeated. The II in t
ra n It victory in that State u victory
hy a dishonored over an honorable
man a victory whose swollen major
ity was heaped up by repealers and
magnified by fraud a victory of ihe
penitentiary und perjury audi a vic
tory is worse than a defeat. The Re
publican parly of Pennsylvania corn
mil ted suicide on tho Hlh of October.
Whom the gods would destroy they
first miiife mud. It needs no prophetic
luresiht to see that sooner or later
there is sure to bo a popular revulsion
against the llartranft type of public
service. It is generally ennfe.-sed
that if this man's ticket had Inwn lei I
lo its own merits lo ausiuin it, und
hud not craftily borrowed un extra
neous help from Grant and Ihe uecussi
siiies of the next Presiduucv, it would
have cone down into the dust under
the weiirhlnf 75,000 adverse majority
Tho KcpiiWirant of Pennsylvania,
therefore, Maud convicted of tiling
for a Governor whom in llmir hearts
they despise, for tho aako of re-electing
a Federal Administration which
thus becomes a partner in tho frauds
of the most irinaiitic of Slate Kii l's.
Tho Pennsylvania Uepublicane give
up to parly what was meant lor man
kind. They out-Tweed Tweed."
m '
Giantism in Soitu Carolina
Thu following paragraph, from tho
Uttftt (Jbservr, IniciOly illustrates tnc
result of tho rule of carpet-baggers
ami negroes in South Carolina under
the protection ol drums Ailiiiiolslta
tion :
A gentleman well known in Ihe
southern purt ol this State, M. r..
Harmon, purchased a plantation
South Carolina in tho your 1SG8. In
ISIi'J ho paid thereon f40 in taxes.
In 1871) Iho taxes were SIM. In 1871
tho luxos wero 85 W. For tho year
1872 taxes lo tho amount of 81,000
were lei vied on tlio platform, where
upon Jlr. tiarinon anannoneii ino
property, i nal stmpie met wuwrnics
bolter than any argument I lie system
in voguo under Grant's lieutenants in
Iho luckless Southern country. And
out of all the money gathered by that
shameful Mucosa not ft lias been ap
plied to the payment of tho public
debt, to ihe support ot charituhlo iwtti
tuiion, or 10 Iho maintenance of pub
lic imrovementa. TheSnporiiitetidiin',
of Iho Insane Asylum lately put forth
a touching appeal, saying that with
-iOOpnlicnla on his hands he bud not
food enough to last .them forty-eight
hours. Charitable citizens must lur
tbaupplios or the demented inmates
would be cast loose on the community.
He could not get a dollar from the
State, for the treasury was drained by
tho high-handed robberies of F. J.
Moses. And this man is to wrilo him
self Governor of South Carolina for
llio next two yours.
Dr.ATii or Mas. Grxklky. Mary (J.,
w ile of Hon. Horace Greeley, died of
Consumption on Tuesday, the ii'Hh.
Hhn was n confirmed invalid for many
yeius nnd viaited nearly every climate
lor relief, but lound none only in death.
We know little of .Mrs. Greeley's life,
hut sbo was ihe beloved wife of un
eminent puldin man, and lh beloved
mother ofdaitL'liters who huvo winch
ed by her bedside through long months
of painful illness and until release
cniue in the great summons of the
grave. In such griufs otlen Iho sur
vivor (lies, wlitlo those won nuvo reus
cd to live on earth find rclruso from
pain hero and joy heiculter.
The maiden numo lit tln defeased
wus Miss Mary (i. Cheney, and her
niarriagu with Jlr. Greeley was an
nounced as follows in Iho Acts Yorker,
of July 16, ISM:
"In Immnniiel t. niiicn, warrenion,
N. C, on Tuesday morning, 5th inst.,
by Kov, Wm. Norwood, Jlr Horuco
Greeley, editor of the X(W Yorker, to
Miss Mary (. Cheney, of Worrenton,
formerly of this city."
The acquaintance between iho pur
ties commenced at the Graham House,
Sew York, and when tl.o hidy, who
was bv Profession a lonelier, had takon
an ongagineiil In Sorlh I'aniliiiH, it
was carried on by corropoiulence
with the happy result slated.
Smui.AR CoiNCiKKNcr. 1. S Knox,
Kq , Cahicr of tho Monongahcln
Hank of Krnwiisville, Kayetlo county,
died very sudilmilv on His litli inst.,
and Armnlronii Jladden, Ksq., C'rthh-
ior ot tha Dollar Savings Hunk of
Unloctown, sumo county, died sud
denly on the IT'.h. Hnth wore exrol
lent men, and will lo very greatly
missed by tbe business publiu.
Tbe tolul number of votes polled In
this Slate on Tuesday, October Hlh,
fur Governor reached 071,1 17, or lo,
495 moro votes than were pollod for
I'rc'identin 1868.
Coupon Vw.
A Des Monies (lowa)clorgytnan ad
vocalos theatrical and other nmuso
meiils, and his congregation is )10t
shocked thereat either.
With ull tho nsststnnue of tho l!ing,
Including tho assistunuo of the Peni
toutiary, llartranft is 10.27U behind
the average majority of his ticket,
' Dan Bice's famous horso I'Kxoel
sior" is duud. . This educated uuiiuul
had heeii in possession of tho great
showman for eighteen years, r. .
Governor Geary, In cnml'urmity with
tho President' proclamation, bus is
sued u proclniiiu'.ion designating the
UKih of November, us Thunksjjiving
day. " ' 1 ;
Hon.. Tolunat A. Uondriiks Is the
first Deuioerulio Governor elected in
Indiana sinco 1850. ' Ho has three,
times been a candidate in 1H00, -in
IfjtiS, and in 1871 f 1 ;.
Tho Williamsport Sun tnys i Lot lc
II u veil has n Cameron pluy-grnuud
culled "The Devil's half-acre." It is
so full of pugilism, bad mm and wnrso
women that even the (. Hilton liepub
liciin revolts at it. ..
Anexchnge sayt : "JohnV Croeloy,
Republican Congressman from the 2d
Philadelphia district, who is charged
with swindling, bus absconded'
Crecley is churgud with dnlrunding n )
wealthy widow nut ol u,uijii worth of .
Government bonds.
New York and Indiana have fit.iv
electoral voles Uliio and I'uiinsyl
vaniau huvo fifty-one. There it) about
a stand off, politically. In the remain
iug Stutes thero is u majority, accord
ing to all reasonable chances, for
Greeley. " ' '
Miss Marian Kinors, of Huintrumck,
Mich., aged eighty -six, wus the other
day united in thu holy bonds of wed
lock to John G. Hinster, of Van Huron
county, aged eighly-scveii. Neilhoi
one hud over been murried before. und
had known each other for more than
forty years,
Fletcher Mills, for twelve years
clerk of the Delaware Sulety Fire In
surance Compnny of Philadelphia, hu
been arrested as a delimiter He hud
been ayslomalicully defrauding the
Company by fasuing falsu formicates
of scrip. The amount of thu swindle
is about $.';,. oiHl.
Theodore Tilton snyst "There are
two bugs (unions in history. Ono is
sucied and the other is secular. One
in which Judas held the money when
ho sold his Master, und Iho other is
the etirpet-bug that contains the plun
der of those who rob their country."
The new reservoir for the Philadel
phia waler winks will hold 8,000.0)10,
00U gallons of water, nnd wilj be com
pleted, within two years. It measures
one and u half miles in cireuuilereucu
the embankment from 70 to 'JO fcul in
thickness at the bottom, 15 at tho lop,
and 24 led hih.
We understand that u new passen
ger train, to be culled the Pitt-burgh
lixpte-s, is lo be put iikhi the. Penn
sylvania road at the timo tho winter
sehtMule likes vlTcul, which will be
wiihin a few days The constantly
increasing travel on the road renders
Ihis imreaso ol lacilitiea necessary.
Tho New York Tribune., which
charged Speakor Blaine with having
accepted a bribe from the Credit .lo-
hillicr, now exhoneratos him, based on
a letutr from General Kwintr, who
ys it wan tUoSpenker's lu-niher wlw
got iho shares. The plunder did not
go oUside the family, anyhow.
Mrs. Levi Woodbury, who was i
belle in President Jackson's day when
her husband was Secretary of the
Navy, spends her summers with her
daughters, ill her old home in Ports
luouth, N. II , und may often be seen
riding horsebnek ulono In the subjib.
01 that Ueliglillul old town.
The Kolorm Association of Philude
phia has not only determined lo con
lest the election of tho county olliccrs
chosen on the 8lh, but they huvo lully
resolved 10 enforce the full penal')' ol
the law against every dishonest elec
tion officer and every illeiral I'td -r
ll llittlcoiild bo accomplished t fore
the fith day nt November tjr ley
would carry Philadelphia by a s-
inir niaioriiy
Tho Albany Araut calls the
party tho groat whito-wiishinir htt
cliioe. It wliito-washed tho (Vlnm
House, the Sun Iluniiugo job. jthe
French arms swindle, tho Fedora Cut
lugea in the Southern Stales, ant! ow
it stands godfuthcr to Simon C her
on's election frauds in l'ennsyl iitt ;
hut all the .while-washing the) lean
uocoinpliah will never cover that 'luck
j"b.. - ....
lion. J.,ongv.reol, the rrosnfus
relative, who was first for-Grant Ihen
for Gruoley.and now conies back ig;nn
tor Grunt, is regmded by the ij'uiu
press us u truly "reconstructed i-ith-erncr."
Alexander II Steplntis is
opposed to Greeley, and iho gisjiilla
Muhby is loud for Grant. -A re (hey,
too,"liuly reconstructed Souther ra?''
If the Old Boy himself wus to dlure
for Grunt, we verily believe b too,
would ho declared a iileiir-lioinh d,"
ly roc jiistruutod" putriol, King, I
its, sing l
IllNO ItAnCAI.ITY Thero sor1
bo lid ond to Iho frauds in conic
lion hy the ring of rrniiiidivla
live out of iho Snito mi'l oily Treas
urv of riiiludfliiliift. Too coitor (if
the y'ri'5. tluix win rih the pn plenguinif
the raids ol tlii- pnlitit-nl liiKiironi :
The n hoint'S id the flenpersto nun
who will niisrfircent llns greiit titj
til lliirrishurg tiio coining winicr ad
inoiiiidi us ot a iiioiiiiKilion ihut iiiun
ot'i-tuiiiiv huvo a lilitto in our roviswl
Inuiriiiiient. It Ik a scnndiil thai hard
My lucks confirmation that a oonspir.
ey tins been lorinctl Delwoon me nit'ii
be i-B of Iho Lugiihiliiro-oloul and h
tn u iti'-i put olllocrs of thii idly, whendi
tlie tonus of nflico and tho luuso
power of tho combination that welgN
so heavily upon our peopio are io t
extended for a poriod of several year
This is a bold gnino, but not nn in
posnihlo ono. Tbo chief ol Iho loci
dopotinn, fearful thnt the cotivoniititi
limy disturb their enjoyment of tl.o
olllees Ihoy have won at so groat
cost and rik, will dsn) nimosi an;-
j tt.iiiR to perpt-tuale their rule. A pr-
vision in mo new eonsiuiiiion, )r.-
hibiling the extension ol oniciiii tern
by legihhilive eiiavtinenl, is an impe
alive noceHKitv - Tho dimuxnion '
such a proposition at this time, hi
uwukeiiing public, tbniigbl anil inili:
tuition, w ill on the menus ol ileteniiint
a cloverly-loid seheme, which, if U'l
cosmIiiI, would bind 1'biludelphia liani
and loot to Iho Juggm nuul of niisriils
and debt for another five years, '
. - i
A GitKAT Man.- An exchange says:
Al the lute election, Simon ('nmuroa
was olvuled Govornor, Auditor Gen
eral, Supreme Judgo, Stiilo Seiiuto and'aluture, of 1'etiusylVHtiiu. Hi
majority In tho State wnf,o"' .' ...,n"l
Itlscly fair to J
(,m.toD w;;. himv( ,
- - ..-v
! tw guJvfrtljfinfnt.
TOTICI! The panon Hint took the Whnl
ji liamiw frua tha pnvouiout in front or Frsnlt
sb'rt'f ibop uo Thuriilajr evua'Xi OetoburSI,
.livoi-ii 0 and 7 o'olovlt lu thti uvvutiiK, will lfsM
riura It, ll'tiiktil on luuii, and it Iskoo ith lite
lot adon (if kitpiim h hT U S1'
Is irdi (ic 1 bfljr iraot no uo 10 (In i.KB.'r.) bjr
oilllnir on Ihe Nutatcribor At tbt blitnl ti"e Hhop.
novO t'l-(.d. K. HHtKT.
IlXK.t UTIIItM' NIITICI-:. Nulloo l lioro
J I' fiu llt Irtli-rM tviunieiitsrj having
Isnn grmiti-d to the tmUrtliisd on the ealete uf
lld'I'HKV ZII.MOX, doooascl, lile of Und;
I9vnlliii, Clearflidd simntv, PennivlVHnia, nil
,e nine inilfhlvd to mid relate are rofuottl to
unite liiiiiiudiute nv.vnient, ar.d thote hnvltix
oliiiue etfeinit Iho eeiue will jrvont tbeta duty
Atiht-iitiuutoU for ittltltment.
'I - ' .1 lljSNRt WHAVKR,'
Vovembrr S, 1971. -61 Kxeauiori,
rri wri iumk l.i ( n hi. j. o.
)t twrilor, ol KnnNU, tmployetl bj tb (JriinU
l.ftluf I 0. of U T., will Iroturo oa Uimiwr
Bit'c followi: IMtiltpdhurff, Wuilhl.(,T, N(Tv
nbtr tt( OfMoln, TtinKlity lNoriiibir 7( Cltur
ArlJ, Putunl'iy, NoVfiuber (I Curwviivillu. M au
dit, Novruibir il ; (ilrn ttnet Xu$dny, Sortm
l,tr AoioriTtJI-, XburwUv, Nurw.Lrr 14;
LutultiT City, FrtdHjr, NovemW 15; I'mtivlltt,
Inrnrtlnt, N'irember M; Lutlierpfcurjt, Mtvl,?,
Nnwiubiv lfij FuullvlJ, Tmfiiy, ovwbor IV.
H if tlffintl tint frienili uf tuuiiorftnt nt Hcb
;tl0O)ill to ItAVlnir ft u ready, ftnd that
nil c lit (ci of ixmijlti Wl" "m out to htatr th
lotur, mid th ttl Mr. l)utwller h lulfirtulrifd
Mid furwtrdud l but little etutnM.
t. num.
Scuo! itrvet, next dr to Flrt attoual Bank,
oovft 72 Cbnrflrl4, P.-
" " ADJOUiiNKU ; -
VIMIlHTH ATtH'H BI.fV-Tn purtu
anue uf au ordnr of lb Oi)tiatn' Court (
Ct-aHtM e iuntv. iho undrrii jnf 'I, adinii.iitmtcr
of tt wtate uf Wui. l.uniadDf', ducfam-il, will m
nt iuI'Iir fnle. at tho Court Hku'v, io ('li'rfirll,
on ll'KSDAY, Notnnbar Itfrh, !fTI. at oVIo. b
p. nit, the f'tlhiwing diniri'-rd real aiMrtlc, lihwla
in l'fc'n twnhi), Cb'artit'ld pouniy, I'., bcia
nlu? t itnie ootfmf In line of Jiruti WilHnorjfi(
(bnie by laud of A. fro' entulo, lit eevnral
vuutYtt atid (titnrH), 1781 111 jieivboj; theoc
bv bind of Jubn Coulter H.1 ,rebeet tbnce by
land of V, Adfltni fl perched to turnpike : llipncc
eat ty pike 671 perch" thenoa weat by Jmid of
.Mn irt-i !MU iwitbi; tlteoueetut by Jlre.
t'roii ft 0-10 prrobn j ttit'n3e north Itn several
eoiiiri and dUtancei by land of Mr, V1 HI -!0
perebai to slow' iu Una ef Jamei W ilMttmroft ;
tbnw by i:iino 10 410 perchfi to ptaco of bgin
eftutttiiiinf; 4U acre and 00 perchai atid ul
hiwimt'it, and havipj about arrrt etrarr.1, a
frauie bouav, fiauebani and large bvaringorcliard
(raw) or Sals. One-tbird Id hand, bilaooe
In two i-riuftt annuaJ pat mrnta, with intrrft,fob
Metm-d ly bond and inert xft no the premier!.
rovrt 2t A. 0. TAI K, Admiriinlrntor.
Builtlcrs and Mechanics.
CoNuiitaiovERa Orwu a. 1
Ci.KARriauti, Fi.. Oot. Jl, i S72. t
BfaVd r..p(Ml will be received at tbia btTiM
at.til Friday, tbo 1 5th d.y of .V-rvmbr ant, lor
Iba er"ftin and eumplutiun of a tUblt on tbe
ntW iiiiana lot.
Unit eu be banded In at any tine. Plant mid
jj.t.ic.tintu ian b ffro ttt I h la uft :9.
frufoeala for the entire work oaly will be eorj
ilerva. U. B. QoontAxnrn, J. I). TUOMrSoN,
III U4 WATI-:UTbe.4ch'Mi IU-
rtetor wf lweatur t'wnlilp dflra to no
pny tbraa eotapetnt Tearhtra, to Uke t:barf;p af
ihe lebvol t aaid towoabtp fur the winter ivrta.
Appy to R. Ill HHKS, 3.
IHhbr 50 31
SI R K From tbe riMiidenaa af ikt ao
drrnjriiPd, Vppr M rka liun. In Wood
,fd i4wtibiiit n lA' tvin.a ataall .o,
three year' old, ol a pale red color, ibe awid-b at
tbe tail while and the bind Irf white up lo tbe
kiera, with op :e of rod In iho afaite, and eoui
whita atout the udd)-r. Her horna are fmalland
tnrofd up, and ahe baa n brll on bvr week. Hbe
ia auppoti'd lo hare gone tuwarda OaaMla. Tbe
amis-r will coiilr a rat laenr no the oaucr by
ioformiKX btan of brr wtirrrslMiala.
oc30 3i WARKfcN K. PASSMORK.
The nadtralffnod elfera f r aalc. ta the berourb
of Cit-arfteld, a Hlarkaiailh Nop.on (Seovcd atrt,
fl'iDlainitig tbrw turret and two full aeti of tooti.
A ftrM el a i hiiaintt. Aa eieellent ehanea for a
icuod tnevbanio. Apjt'y to
Octtl ' i IrarMd. Pa.
Th. aniUnifneii woald r..p.rtrull7 fir. no
tin. In Hi. eitilen. of Ueeearia tewnehip aa.l sur
randin( enuntry, that he hai pnraaeJ tbe
llraris rinurinj Mill ani rat ererrlliing in
aoiBiMe orti.r, and ie nenufaciariug a Ar.t-ela.a
.ue-'ilj ei fUiar.
sail Fleur la quaalitj eonilantl an bans foraale.
nlw.Ti ta huit and for Ml. whole..!, or null.
tm I Will eti-hanie Floar and ('Hon for 2(1-
,n li rlMnnlei, or will ia.r part moner, ll ilmied.
Ilea Jut I oreneil, .1 th. K KYSTONK 8T0UK, a
eouiplcle itook or
'.r e i o o ii s, deeeriplios.
f'C, if-c.
"' ' HYE,
Rrmlr.d by ihe nr hud, end aold t a .mill
A mpplj of ROt'E .on.Untl; oa hand.
Special Induoemente ottered lo thnea (etlin ul
Biuare Tiuilxr ami I.g", ai . dial leigrljr
In Lamhrmen'e Bupplire, and are pra
, . fered at all litre, in puroliaee Mm
. bar and unlir, .
K D. We U R A II A m,
i-ond Blre.1,
i Oct M. IKTJ.
l(17 and ldSS for .al. al Ibe ro uma.
i nr n :a r an
Milled t. any .u.rcea.
CH I ION. Ail pvraoni art bareby wnrncd
Uidt dlMJouullug or trudiiig fr a onrUin
vr uilwnr nofo triva by no to tr Mlrri, dsled
Uetolmr Will, lb72, itayftMo Oit munlht (ttr
dtle, on 11 1 it for onaliuudrtJ nd flltjr dullnri.M
1 lint' titar racetvwl mlut tor tb ant and ttto
dttrwifjj not to pay It union init lir'l bv law.
t i i ' ' r JACKSON JJOOViiW.
KylvrtowD, Oot. 8. ;
IXI I IJ rolt'H NOIICK NutlottUbrrs
j by nhuu tUl Ltiar 'i'ltuuuuUiy bmg
b runted to Iho lubBitrlber, ou tb Kitat ol
JOHN I'KlfcUS, Jr., duuiauod, Uio of limdiurd
liHnsblp, Clarticld euuuty, VuDboylvaum all
ivttout imlttbud to laid Kitale am rnutnleil to
Utika imiitddiala jsayinvDlf and thote having
oluiuia aifiiift tlio vwiub wilt jtrncnt tbt tu duly
authonticftU-d for HtttleNicnt.
1 Oct. 80, I873:flt. Kxeafilx.v
DlbHOLU llON-Notio ia fftrra
t lint tbt jmrtutjrhip burtofira xntiny b
Irttrn 'J lif-U..(y ttiDvbiiia'itiiti A. VQlv, un
der the firm of Hiavotmuti A f 1., wul fli-h lr J on
tbt 2'2d day of Octobar, 1H72, by mutual coon-..t.
All dobia owiug to tbo taij puitiierihip aie to b
roci'lvod by nitl lbodura BtcvvLsun, tod all dt
wautli on tbt iaid atturtblj ar to beoroeuttd
lo him for tiayiuaiit.
Tb butinma will ba oftltntfad at tbt aid atand
at beratulora by tbe undrrtiffnaJ.
iii3t.3t TUEOD'JKE
"lirilEHKAS, Hon. O. A. MAYKft, Pre,.
W (dent Jodeo nf the Court of Common I'lre.
of th. iKonty-Stth Jndiriat Uletrtet, ronipoeod f
tbe eoaiitloe of olonrnelu.Onrr. snn ttmt'in
and lion. WILLIAM C. KOLKYand Hon..lullN
J. HKA1), AHoeiat. Judei ot Clrirneld o.,
here leeued their preout, to in. directed, fur th.
hoiii. ( a VL-urt or Common leal, at tha
Court lloo.e, el Clearnftil, u a,, f k .
of Cleerfli-ld. n-mrornrtn on tlie act nnil Mon
day, the lltll dayul Notrmhcr, A. I). IhI'I,
and inconlli.ue TIIKKK WEKKS.
N0T1CK li. thorr-fue, hfrobt KiTrn, to Inrore
and witneit.ri, tn and lor laid county of Clearfirld,
to be and aptrnr tn their proper timonf, at tu
o'eloi;k, a. lo of eutd day, to do thoe Ibinge
which tu tUi-li biLulf ier'.in to be aouc.
01VKN undor my bund at Cluerll-I.l. tliie lih
day of October, In the year of our I.urd, on.
Ibou.and eight hundred and ei-vmty tww.
JUSC1M J PlK,o'.f..
XA Nwcmbtt Tnn, A, l. 187.!, I, -d Monday.)
li. t wxrx.
Peter Riaial.,.-Booearia J. A. IUaIa.,.r(rBtia(n
Jija. Ceintbell Pruct louxia ..(iirard
II. A. (?;i(s " en. ii. urtu..Ueaiiain
11. h. Uall itiallvtj S tStiiogic '
Jul SbuAi-U, liiady iJwha fleoti ..O-tlit
Jtu. II kuk " Abu. kr hfcoi
Krrd Koaler " l. Ca'ht-art
T. J. liwolb. 41 ' (rg'Ka. Lirooe
Jobu Watjiinar.Han.fide1 Newton Ktrd... u
Johu Kiotr IT. MrPta-r.a
Jrtraei lrit ,...Cbtt; Jt. Ilucbaa Mril
Ht-n. Kibilnx- Ctcarllvld '.nab ii--r.., "
Win. Ujrd Caiwtaav Is' JijbD ili!lOitola
I)id Uois (Dretar't barb a Limrtr 1 run
Hutire Uoe i ILua-b Mulkn I'.kn
Wtu. '. . " K. o- Ilumvlifey . "
K, McUk h..lVguoii Ii UarisLv.o, jr "
'. arciio wxrx.
Wm. Uo'ton Brccaria, M. Tate Othfn
Uror-r l'asauiwr....bli 1 . Keed...
K. William'J. ... :ny..B1.,
K Reareo jJ. Y. Hlo Oallih
ffui. li'Minr,. . iJiio. M LjrlIBI''nnm
P. Ari;oU UraJy K. r
It. wen
r. u.-iiiiwi. . "
J . h. .Iu!.iiun . "
.1 II.IMm.J Keobaui
O. J. We.toriT.-bu:.i''.d.
I ii.. M ir.i
I.. i;i!:ien -'Jiieti A. U 1mp:irry..I.awrcn'5j
B. B. . ktuMi.. ' M. O. In.'wn..
1. l.e .nerd.. t'l.ert 'Id , . rpecaiaen
. k. Wrialev llituo Hier....J.onii
W. W. lieu.... ' A. I', b.vun.. 1'iie
H. U. TUejn. .C,H.,JI tVeli.. "
il. A. .1. 1'. Ill U . "
And. Ki-pt.trt... " Hie. IIkiIov Laion
W. DicAi.'B-.eaatia, EJ. Cuoi-r Cl.ereld
l .ipr ' . ! ti. n . .
L t!,: - i t. ft. .f
...t "cifur
.. t'u j(u'n
W'u. Luid " S. ' iUibu;;
U.-. t.-ilfiiin tlril .1. L.
A. 1). t'nm II.imiIT. II. K.'ic.t.
I). W. M.,u, .iJ II. Ilu-l.-
S. ('.moaay
A. U.ailieil....
J. tt l,.nH,.r(..
R. t'w.n. ..
Jut. 1 a'.r...
A. M...vrr, it..
V. holiday
I.'. Uarrrlt..
J. B. in
J, Humu.affilli..lJumid) J. II- 1'illou " tirtnwnt..,oii)('ii A. Itrrn. Ovula
T. K. Fullt rln..Cltar'ld P. l'ailry Ponn
N. baw. ' llbtoiat Hall....
Jao. Julicb..n
iJoa. limlap...,
L. l.rftvy..,.
IT. ItfCH-kli.tik...
Psiti t al.
v lillea H al.
vi Catdwvlli' H-t.
rt IWtlt-t.
' ti (uaa.
...... Lit a.
....... llitlfdirftad.
, va W hitt.
ti Th' at School Pil,
...... i Lwiiftrd rt ft'.
Ta I.PKimrd nt al.
, TV Mairhawi tt ftl.
....... TN I rrt;
tr Tb uiptwa.
ta Porfit ot at. -
Ta Hrarni.
, t M'hito.
,.... t Watt.
t llallaxhor.
ti Hnyder. 1 '
ti Poroay a4 al. . i .
, va Hrotliora,
a Fbuff. '
...... ti bona otaL .
, ti Onaui.
cotB w it ait,
Tt I BTilnr A Hyjoo,
t Hnyd"r A Uroe.
, v Oo'rfof.
ti Miiovltargtr. .
y Micliarl.
...... HotJ, ; '
, ti C'tutfrot.
ti Ut N. flauk.
...m.. ti H'tbitwa.
ti Irvin.
t Hiiiftkmaa, ''
t Hick. i
Tl Altwri.
m to rally.
M uoiiiSrr,
Ti Knaworlh.
Ti lUkor.
t .Itinva.
Ta Wajonar.
ti Kctn'onoTtr.
ti liong.
ti ('aldwrll.
ti BlMitn.
ya PiuUll.
tnifto win.
Ti Fault.
vi bhaw.
ti Puitvr.
, Ti Hrod,
,, vi Hrfi. (.1
tl Mo.Mutlcn.
r Uiltigao.
vi AppW. ,
, t K". plinrt.
,., vi U.6UB-ni an.
, va HpimI.
Ti Hftjt'TtT.
, va Bowiusva.
va bmi!h.
Tn 0 all ft.
rt Uratiatn.
, va I'urlrT,
va Albfrl Brno.
L Onard
Mt't'lur .j
W Lu If
Morgan ....
1 at
Car, towufli p .
ParkWam.. .....
Ht-ed 4 C-)-
Haa-iy ,..
H11r1lbr.ll ......
Korci-y..- .... ..
VinHlmj .
Hcnntlt ,
aim a
Hell IO Mil
Lautiitta ,
iUtxanl .
Hrifln -.
l.Vdnaril .
Parker w...
Siiv dir
Ha; aioad.
Mr-Curdv ,
IjUihtjr 1
Tumpike Co....,
Ab 11 loiter
('iniowuy ft al.
Ktri'oo'llr 1
Al Ik. Kew Tot ao.0 and Cigar Slate uf
11. Jiuir,
Dween BKaw A Mantioa 11 nuee, Clearfield.
Conetantly on hand s Una aeeortmcnt of Kary,
Cotirei, Cnr.ndilb, Calil., fpunroll,
i Michigan and Century Flaa-aul
Cb.wln( Tohacoo, in.
AIm, lets' '"d Mlwl'd lloek af ImpoMed
nd Domeillo Cigar., Pmnkini Tohaocvt,
MMrirhenm and Briar Pipee,
'' Plp "ati'Te., Tohaccp
Boim M,,r Hold'.,,, ,d .rerytl.lns ener.lly
und In s 'I1 rvnliited C'.f t end
f.blM IHora.
SfrDmiMnKer'tba pl.eai Market tre.l. ba-tw-o
Shaw IIuum aud Maneion llo"e. Clear.
Held. P. pd tolas.! TJ
S5 ner d.r I Aient. wanted I
VU All ele'eee ol working pcopl.,
of either , yonas "l. "iak. nor. mouoy at
work fur ue In Ihelr 'pere momente, or an ' no nine,
than at nythln. el. Particular, fra. AddrM.
0. HtiHWt Ca., rartlend, klals. tl'71yl
Jiiufjs and SMciUriiifi
rji ii e
i i
OX 'IJiUP-lii JO''
To ttieir Btw .Wilding en H. fund BlYMt, nearly
opjiftiitc th ttor f WatMr A Btlt,
Wbara thr will fdntiimt to tofplj tliolr old tad
ai matij dcw curfumtri aa wj euuit. with
(Inotu'Ing all new remedle.,) 1
Pitert Medicine Peinte aad Oil., Ol... and
Pally, School Bo-'kf. Hlaiionrry. Peper,
A..j alioia fi.ll line of Uif
. . (' Pundrlei, lialr . , ,
' ' Tontee, . i ' .
Coetaelioe, Perfnnrrlee, Toilet ArtlcJcl, BruLrl,
Toikl fioapt P.jekot Book., Ae , all of
... Ifa belt quality. 1
tot medicalA eacriinien..! parpnief otttv,
e ': ' 1 .
I ' .
Pure Whit. I.Ml, fo'iirr of aT Pew and
B. II'd Llrrcd Oil Vemi-h. e, Tn-pca-
tin", lotl OH, Piul A Varui.U
ltaiihe., cla.'ofiag
. j , Kalracla,
Confe-t'unerir., Itir.l Sefl, Pp'c, grtund and
t nry'oaud, of all aindt.
. . Viit find our itoct of Cnewttjr
and Fiut.n. Toliaeco, Tiaport- d ao I !
meet.. CiRerl. hnnff aod Fine-cut lo b. of the
Tvry brand, in ibe market.
LAMPS Avi cniusi3,'" '.''' Z
' An aindi of 0LAS9 WARB,
liAKDKH SEEDS, ' ,' ' .
nd UaeiMil Triamiir.i of .r.ry r.rtety.
Hainc ft lonx xnriBO In ibe r-mina-f, nnd
. . .: i .-.It ... 1 ....t. ,.r ....n ..
air rusuii u .v s. n r ... "
the iboriat-l 00 tire and oa tha molt rt-aaonitWf
tvtmf, dij ond uight.
Clearfitia, I' a,, Way II, IK71 tf.
P. T. I.
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Infirmities." St. Paul.
Veafe. para, pl. aad halth-r,i'tng Tonio
etrietlj vrr.-tale, and manufactured froai
the aioil pare aad anaieo naleriale-i. nat a fjiirlt
drltik unr eaKilitute for whiflir, 1u( S aclealiflo
eoniiiund, fr th. pntteetKis of Ik. .yetea and
th. rur. of diecasn, made frois chemlrally pure
.IHH, llrl free from ra.ll .il wulkv Irrlla
tlm pmperticl, and will not di.arrreor ofleSd the
oiu.1 doliralt elauiicb. A long prirat. el'.H
sue. bal att.lted iu
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Pitter. at pmeni offerod ta In puhtk
annitlM ao ninh medicinal virtue, and yrr .0 tan
and pleaaant I. uke. II. a". 1. . cur. dita.
and It will tol create au .pprdre fnr epirifu.ui
liquor., but will cur. tb. efficl. uf Jii.ip.itiDil.
To tb. Appetlto, 1"SK IT.
To praite !.( .1 tun, , t'SE IT.
Tu cure r-i-rprpna. , , , I'PR IT.
' To cur. Fever and Ague, TSK IT.
"To cure BilUuuineH, ... VSK IT.
To cur. Cmtipeliun, ' VPE IT. '
To eur. Chr.a, Diarrhiaa, - ' ' I L.SR IT.
T cura lhurt Imr., ' VPK IT.
To cure Flaitilrsot, ' ' tSE IT.
To ear. Aeld Bruclallow., ' I'PK IT.
To euro XeiToue DeMIItt, t"fK IT. '
To ear. Ilvdiwhondria, tB IT.
Tn cilr '.Ihiwni.. of CiimpleMns, I f K IT.
To eura Pimple, and ninichne, t'RB IT.
For Oeneral Pm.lralifn of th.
Ph.releal powan, V?E IT,
aud it will oare au.
Bold e.erTwhcT, at ll.BS per bottle, M-Mia
factured eiclufiecly hy
' 1 Irojli, ' '
ci.KARriRi.D, r ,
Vho aTen liberal Inducemente to th. trad..
Oe. T. IRSSttr.
VI ) M I M S I K A T ) H , NO 1 1 1 1'. - X ul ,rr
ia bcrel-r giren Ihn letter, of a.niiiil.:mliu
un Ihe r.lHlo ot M A K Y tHIIARU, lei. el
Knoll h.wn.ltlp, (,'learncld aonnt.. Pa , di-ei-aird.
havniR hei-a duly .railed to the an lt-r.ijtne.l, all
prrioli. indetitt-u io aiiid relate will plce.e mebe
uottifcliate peyroenl, and those l.a. iiiji claim, or
di-mande will prem ut them propcily euihenlicated
for r.ltU'tnrnt wilhuat di luy.
Adniimet rotor.
Sol Ice
X ir hcnibf glrcl that Irtt.r of a haiaiclrallon
on Ihe relet. '! I.ttnt rtltltniioiis, de'd. Int.
nf llrll tnwiiekip, tleerlicl I .ouniy, Penn'a.,
havln hern dulv aranled tu the und.rilf ned, all
pern... iuiisrd to euld enn will pica make
immediale payment, and ttinia haring claim, or
.li-manile will preeenl mem properly aultiMinoaieu
Rir iritlerarnl wllboul delay.
At'AM llRtTIl,
nelt-At. Adtnlnillralof.
SI.F.US VOW SA U; l-Si Hir ,nt
rllade t'lew nr e.nnera-a, reel run.
Will b. .iid at 4 batgais, lnqoir. of
wnlltf CTeat Held, Pa.
Kn (f state for fale.
IJ, TV un ler'inJ uilun fur alv !.
tvry iittint (IwiiiiLic tvuw V91X lot. litiiiut erj
Puunli f!.-4ft, tu Citarsis'l.l, Pa.. lU lut tl 60 1
2n0 .vol, wiili a two airy fratnt dwtlllrg houi
rvoti I .ft i on, !Ck.'Q f-'. an I LDv atifrv kites
til atlh-,-i'l1 ?itli a K"ud t wa'cr therein"
Forttwin of tftl vall f ll, fulfurt. It
or tlio i-od'Tiluad.- "
ltr 'f. 9 .iuilUU uu.lMtm-vy,,kjA u t:rf(rn Ywu
nil I' nil f-tl't'', ill ihw l.f on -'1 -f Cim: ;ttj
1h uutidliii ft two t' ry ' I' ,Urjii ,ftlj
tori", wj;I (jiilrlir I, log IB m t it;( ttt t.oi,-t.
ftirlnn x : t JNHY I'.U'.I.I.'-b,
V-J'-J.n ''l" -;' ' CltaS.,
Tbe anitei.ijne l offer, at prlraU tal. iLe fol.
lowing real Mia'ii
A l ot of Croul d, etiu.u In tbe rlllije of
Xew'uurjj, Ciieet town.liip, eontelnin on. end a
balraorn.aud lie. ion a large two .lory IIuuh
and food alabie erected tli.reon. 'ihii property
U tuilel.le for Uuiid sr lr.:hnj.
ALSO, A I arm, of .0 aerer, adJolnit( ike
town of Newliurf, baviu .ver 16 aer i ;..iri,J
aai ander cultivation, witli a good log bout- ,(
barn and Uering orchard of chuiue freil itiornte.
A rio of excfllcnl e".l underliei tbe trett.
AI 50, lot) Acre, of I snd. on Wl!i tin,
Ir. t'hret toriiihip. wittiln two a'.d a he't mle. of
Chf It Creek. It ,e well tltnbere-t with Plie, cr.a
and Hijnlock, and uiM-!. wltk eoal.
Partle. any further Info-maliM
aaU uu Mra, Maigai.t Am r, et V-"Knr r to
ncKJtf Cl.arf.i Id, '..
"Lny down the Shovel snd the Hoc "
TMi !tjg"ij!oui marbfn. for wblch a pstef'bi
Jmt been inuel. It ! eooflrieitrljr kllTM wiil t.
pfride all tbrn in uf or tflcrM to ib pj'-l e.
It it rosMri'ctH 10 that It tun own, )rlau:i mj
iiwr at at(u,f, nt tjmt1 iliHtanoraaputl. ixfh
ln;y itur, tr or vt f :;a in rau U :!, o
tb MkrB-iy Utterrnn br) einnmrvrit
ouftriti L vra wli drcrppnl, itnuiittr.i.g 'ium't
It li rruw tt'4 lHT-iDj lUi- jrroUbd in t)-t:.r
(ronnnon iUftt brfor- til tit'.i.i.
It la in i'nU t-tu?tu m itl'i'ay rithiiu,
rr juir.r to hin -4 nd A .,0 tiv no t
hfirrr 'J ih r.'n'T riKi.ian.y btt-
tlif.n if 'r-y. f o'iit f lt,b.v X t )
thin L-.n' (lit- Ubo.
An tw. th! can drirn, wl ttla Plotter cb
t in a te d prrpurcii (or corn an i lurroir. ano
nnd o'tr tru tu ttitn acn-a dm), ttprv;
hii .imitixt uoljr j (tit ditUnot si tuan cn
t tail: It rtiivea. It it to onoitraetrd ihn' na.t
mot plMtttiriff or ia tamitif at tfaarod ol ILe ie;
row, ty a tttru tgitch it ia taiard ofi tbt ri tn.
thrown out uf grar aud tooced baukwurd tt IjT.
wai d, w!irr ywu uiy want tf wit bout dro .
turn ur tt.a4t.1r1K iIm aarth.
Prai'tiaallj it ipjcur tnaa. hovt and .. in
corn j.Unt.Titf, arj J 11 a-;.i tbt btch ha ! t -:).
fur tifi-a ba d laxr ft aiara pwttna lor a .o; , ir
aJoat hcalitay XfreiMi fur lazy wan.
lnT ctlfMi ot iLe PUnU-r eiLitruetal hy it
pit ntf p'lr iia'jr aojitntadr aaJ ootiotr, Sta or
lo liridnal rtit;h'i fur aula, at low rata, ui,"rt.L
it iBTO-t'.C i' B. ' 1 '
AJ-lrt-.a IU. CUES' XlACKMA. Pateotf.,
auft.-t-'iia k CluarfielJ. V.
it to I' tip aod SAiicora, Mono Muf.itl
T'jj Ton Setts, In jrrtiM variet; . Alu, Va- ai
F.iD v Tnilct Sr ita, ol t!ii hptid-i'Ut-it dtufi
l hrae i;jod I ti.ivo 110 )iid iiioetly tt-iu t--rt'po,
ft'id tnv prifi art a lo ti :iy iBfv m
cm tri rlw mucv f. Ot in el'O'!: a.'i cr .
X-,rk A..1: Wi-::ii.MR,
'c. SM. 3cu'b Sec t.d and 'Jb Straw1 oirt 5i .
v - Pbildf'itiim Pa.
V. D.-Mv i:rok crcnAJeDEl.IEKS.Mp-nal-
a tap id to (.ftiirvl.c ia viy larj. B- ol
d'awint.. h"Wi(ijt; ft., dviign ot :b cbafiit .11:
and bmckot, will be r-rnt ou mjue.t. ofi':2a
" i ! J, ISAACS,
Pocoeteor to
llr Altlll Sl
Middle of lb. Uo.-k. mi
Tib A Sik it... i.ii,
isr6Taa aas Mtmrii-
roa Liiur' chil .'
WI 4 H,
W'bolfMlf aud F.f .iii.
Haviof Imported ivrf large aad pli. :,J
OTtmfnt of all h diflervut kiud of f I I '
I rat han'i tn fcurf, wmld r(iottiiJ
the rvarlrra ia p"p"' r M-B' ' 3
aMrtrofiiI of ftiy Fura. 1 am drtciifi ti-d ia
all at tn lowrit tmb pricaa. AU ui
4 No niarfpra. uUHui.t tn ilfaol ?.
FIKS A Ll t i K l AN J HKI' ilKtbD.
Mrll-iniuibrr rliu it ere, 7to ArvL Sl. 1 i. ! it
Uclui-ftr Bit, itz---a .
i i. I r r f.:txA v. i -
Th Mftfi'lT eontf at Mwmp TranrpaTicI P'
ll at an rm! for tL prparnt, n ftiratt iV
turlna; of jnpn an-l U deatrnKfiitn of pf"'
(nMrnf4. Th RutbI JuirK'1nrfi nn a""' '
Htfantvi and rriB tt Ut : ;
Inalfttlflrant li (tw-ir work whan 'vumpa.'
th buuiMi an4 obriaiiaa of rd oX M
whrt ial tin V -?rIcti to aupiTV H 1P fi'ir-r''
th lororrJ iii osuiTity with fuoiand t ' '
at enHi 'linir InwrAtvi fruta bil mittuntiis I
Ml ).;-OMil Mi. wlnrw eati alwaa i
iTft-ly to wil upun ciulara and aupply htL
Pry of all KIikN
Such .1 Clollie, Palinctte, Ca.siinen-e. r, l.inea, llrlllli.r.. t'.hro...
Irliamifine. Hikbon., Lace
Rce lj-uiedc Cloltiit.jt, Booll and Sh.Mfl. P'' ''
( up ell .if Ihe beet metcrtal anil to
Uo-e, !o.-i, tll'X-., MilMne, Lao... Ri-ki 1
Coffee, Tea, Surer. Hire. Molaoee, Fill. "
Pork, Liite.-ed Oil, Kieh Oil, Carl"'. 0
ll.r.are. iaWrOi tWeiT.. Qlior.,
and Plow, Nolle, tpike. Oorn I '
ti.r.. Cider Picaw., r.d all kiade ot Airi
Perrum.r., I' Jate, V.rwl'k, Ulaee, and a "
i auTtiiienl of Statioaary,
Of diffcreat frauds, elwave tin, nd
old at tha lovcjl poiiihle lijiurcj.
I.IQt'dPS, .ucb a. Brandy, Wlna, tlia,
Javn.'. .M.dh-.nee, Hi.riter'e aa
iiooHer..'.! u.r,.n.
I IU puui- '.l hi W miI wai.l.d lor "i'
Mv.oel prl,. I., pei'l. I hi i "
and For i-.'f I the V!'?! maikct yrire
Alio, Atit f-J ftraiwanll. aud Cur" "
Thrc.hi'i .M.chinri.
ifuCnll .ml eeefor yonreelvei. Y""w
ararytbiui i,(all Ifet in a retail iiore.-
L. M rot pr'1 1
Frnehvlllr P. 0.. March 1. 1 -
rKu. S..3.' LIPUK''1
Haiinj rrgned la tt.a M.rMe ho-le "
t. Inform her WcnJi and tbe uh:ir '"
Thiw i.d will knop oonef.atlyon keel ''
well icleeled et.kf ITALIAN AND V
VlAItnlX. and il prr ar w fciel?" ?'r" j
T0MHST0NK8, ' v
. Cmki .ad Port, for Cemetery Lot'. T '
Bill! and Cpe, IV
rirnmr; firwn ! 1
tbeR." '
Vsj.Tenl An Berd irt, neat
Cle.iSrld. Pa.
I w.t'a P'" P """.
permanent erf .11 kwde "I
m "'" ". - - :..ol r. '
iwn. A1
permanent .urn erf all ' - ,
Ull'. Annlhllatnr for lb. radjc" ,( , ,
and .M. in in. neej. '..-. Kr
Im 1.1 CTSioam 1
i '