THE ..REPUBLICAN. - ' CLEARFIELD; PA. , i- I . ' .".- 1 WBDXBSDAJ. WOKMSQ,OCT.80,1ST. Colon! ,Vtl'lre$ llt-tr. - ; Colonel MoClure, who is it shrewd ob"erver, gives tbi perfectly just and raoclerto stutomonl of tho wuy iu whiuli tho Into election wag conducted in this oity.' 'I'd it reporter of the Prets Colonel McClure aid ;., -;...: Fraud ha. bc'como muh a acionc,", And ia so completttly protovltxJ by the ofUoer. of the law1, that tho politioiana are not -content with modcrato frauds oven when frauds ro. not nocussary. . .' lleporlor. AVaa tlioro no way to ar rest these frauds f - MoCJurd.) ,Nqti( ! Thoj pobpl of Fbiladolphia are poworless'. . .An irro aponsiblo liourd ot Aldormon appoint the canvassers, mOBtly clmruciorlom or incompetent men, and they register 20,000 or 30,0110 fictitious namos. Tho repeaters were here in swuruii to vote tbtt (alio names, the loader of the en terprise, Mr. TLeo. Alton, having rooms at both the Continental and tho Girard. The poiico with tho knowledge and approval of Major Stokley, not only protected repeaters but, in many in stances, piloted them to their fluids of operations, and Uio Deputy United States Marshal), as a rule, were but allies of the repealors. Then thoy had the Election Boards, made up ex pressly to receive the fraudulent votes; and uo ottioor ia tho city to tntike an arrest in earnest for any offence com mitted by tho rounder and repeaters. We bad, therefore, no possible re straint upon fraud, and we have no tribunals wherein to punish tho guilty. JReporter. Whore is the remedy to come from for those alarmins evils f . MoClure. I don't know. For tho frauds of this year the respectable and solid men of Philadelphia are much to blame, lor they came to tuo tront and knowingly shielded organized crime in their sincere anxiety to save Grant. They will now be appalled to see o body of Legislators and city officers elected who will close the doors to all preform, and they will revolt as soon as the t'rosidential election Is over; .hot they will bo powerless, for tho 'Governor must break faith with the friends wbo nominated and elected 'him if be ever approves any bill for toe reiiol ot X'hilauulpbm. A. Patriot. Gen. Wm. E. Doster, Grant's Rovcnoe Collector in IheXllh District of this State, has resigned, una in his letter ot resignation Bays: "I a the national canvass I am for peace. By peace I mean not order ilciifit by force, whith if no peace, but the quiet which reigns in this country when there is general confidence in .the President to do what is right, by all and for all the harmony which comes by casting behind ns the ha treds heartbnrnings and proscriptions "bred by civil war. I mean "by peace wnat 1 sam in a speocb at aniline. ton City, in 180a. "We are at the ond of a civil war, a time when it is desirable there should be no further "mention or remembrance of fraternal strife." That is true peace, for it comos 'irotn tue neart. Aunt kind of peace 1 am for now more than ever, because our grudges are now seven years older; because such patriots as Cbaso, Sum ner, schurz, and Trumbull advocate a, and because people in all the States from both armion, of all parlies, and of all oolors have this year, as it impelled J)y toe Instinct or ancient fraternity, rrisen up with a common voico to do vmaito. H. And, sooner or later, they will have It. ' Not, however, through the Republican party under General Grant. That party became greut in war, and cannot become grout in peace without ceasing to bo murtiuL. That glorious work will have to bo done by inemr bands, unembarrassed by pint 'differences, and led by aomo civilian .wtwj lores civil modes of procedure, respects local authority, and is devoted to objects which appeal to the pride of every Anwionn cilir.en. The task of establishing a permanent accord between Americans is in its nature, .Outside of and beyond military skill; and as, during our revolution, the things which wore boyond Gcnoral Washington were well dono by a prin ter from Philadelphia, o now I am for leaving tho things which are bo yond Gen. Grant to a printer from New Yolk. I certainly beliore that before this oonntry Is four years older, the wonder will be how any rntioni.1 man or Christian could for a moment .doubt tho good policy and righteous mess of national reconciliation." . ' A or. nts, PliaheTkmUs. Will lh Tirant partt' ever conaont to inform ihe peoplo why C'ongrom ive up llio flrtt mortgntre on the l'ucilio railroad to a corrupt rinir, and took a second inortfrngu lor tlie povornmont, which vu worth iiothingi' i ' Will thny cvor toll tho pcoplu by w lint means the appropriations of Con- irroas were put tlirouili, furnishini; tho road with inoro tlmn was noccary to build it . , Will they oonsent to tell tho peoplo imw 11 came w pass tnni, in addition to the monoy, public lands wero irivun to that road in sqnoro milea equal to J.lie territories ot. Uonnoctiout, cbuscttH and 'ew HunipHhire f - It is not enough for llenry WiUon to aay, "I do not grudge tho money I do not trrudire the lands." Wo know he didn't. But a better expla nation of tho astounding action of Congress is wanted. TrxAS. In tho spring of 1870, the Assessor or U. S. taxes lnr the Dis trict of Texas became a defaulter, and ran off. There was no Collector, and of course nobody psid taxes, ns there wras no ono uuthorieeu to rocuivo. Now, ovor 1 ,600 Democrats have been arrested to bo brought before tho U, 8. Court, for non-pay mont of taxes .during tho very time when there was no Collector to rocoivo thorn. ' As this procsfs will dotain thote persons from the polls on the 5th of Movcmber, it is plainly n trick of Grant's underl'inps to deprivo them of the right of suffrage, and lesnen Grce- Jey s vote in X exits to that amount. ' fraud ia bad, bribery ia worse, but to use lonal process as a cover for an electioneering dodge, seems to bo tliu worst ot all. Truly, the ndininixtra tion appears to balk at no plan ot ccurni( lour years moro ol rule. Some of our Democratic oor.tompo rarles in tho inlorior are congrutulnl 1ng thamselvus that YorUes was not a :ndldto for Governor. litidictil sym pathy would have givon him n still lurger majority than llartrnoft a vrkei will no uouhl he t'jo next JJadlral noininse for Govrrnor, Down I Down II THE LAST 'ARRIVAL , AND OJ COllKSlTUH CHKirSSTJ 4 A Proclamation against High Prices I IT TH .r. now opetilrc up a lot of the belt and Y most ecamable Uooda and Wares evor olloreat ia tali market, and al iirloca Dial remind ana of the aood old dvi of cheap things. Thoae who lack fail u upon litis point, or dewu our alia gallon lupcrfluouft, need but i CALL .IT Of It STORE, . 'eontrr'i'ront and Market streets, 1 " ' ( Where they can see, feel, hear and know for them- arlTea. To nil IT undenuna wual erecneap , tb ia niuit be done. We do out deem It neoeaearj to enumerate and itemise our stock. It la enough for as toatatoUiat , ; i ', il i We have Everything that ia Needed and eonaumed In thla market, and at prloei that astomah both old ami vounr. deoliO . . JOatl'll SJIAW A KO!.. r. a. mLi.r.n. a. . rowr.i.L. miller & powell; .WHOLESALE A RETAIL ii.'... ,v '1,.' '. .. i' V.i. ,f'V M E R C II A N T S, flmhara'i Row, Market St., CLF.t RFir.i.n, PA. We would moat r.sMotf.iHy inform our friends, euetomera, and the public gn. rally, that we are now baak In our old quarters, which hare been rrmodelrd and Improved, and wo are now pre pared to Moramodata ill who nay faror ti hf calling. N.E W GOO D S ! , We hare Jillt raoelred one of the largest slocks of all kindl of Jferchandis. tcr brought to Clear- Held ooontVj which wa Jntcn.lo id) y such fig uree ai will miVe it 'an elgrct for all penona to purcluie from ua. Fanilliea laying ia winter npplicl of Oroceries, lrj Qooda, Ao.( ahould aot fail to giro ni a eall, at we feel eonCdent oar pricei and superior quality of foods will amply aatiafy all. Our atook of , , , . , v . , ' - ' GROCERIES consists of Coffeee of the brat quality, Tval, Su gart of all kind, Molaaan, Viah, Salt, Choree, Dried Frail, gpleea, Provisions, Flour and Feed, to., it. Our stock of DRY GOODS is large and varied, and wi will Just fay wa eaa auppty any article in that line, without anuoner ting. . READY-MADE CLOT II IXG Wo bava a largo slock f ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very small advenco on cost. Boota and Shoee, flats and Caps, Hardware, Queenawara, Wood and Willow Ware, Xottone, Fancy Qooda, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac, Ac. . f&-Being extonairely engaged la the Lumber buaineaa, wa are able to offer auperlor IndueeBcoU to Jobbers. MttLKn A POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. i. 1K7J. ... J)ANIEI-GOODLANDER, LtlllhltfcrJUKO, PA., Dealer in DRY GO O.I) S, NOT I O N S, HOSlEItY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SlIOK-S, Tobaoco, Omcertea and Fiah, Kails, Hard ware, tuaenewara and ttlaaawara, Men a ana lioyi' ('I'.lliirit, llmif. Paints, Oile, fchool Hooka, a lorira lot of Patent Mcdieines, Candks, Kuts A DrUd Fruiis, Chorae and Crack era, ttoca ana nine rowuer, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, 1 Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Morocco, Llninjra, Bindings and Thread, hborinaltera' 'Joola and Shoe Findinga. ... Ko sreater variety of goods in any atore in th eonoty. AH fnv aale very low lor cmh or onnnlry produoe at the thrap lorncr. . April in, 102. READ ,TI1.IS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT The altontion of tlio clliiwi.i of CIoaifltM am) Tic.nity it ilirrct.d Ut ilif fiW t lint (loolf Hw Bm are tht agntitt of M. Ni A Co., nod hare junl rtxifitTd a half dnu'Q oar loal of flour aod Ktn'u, Klurb tlij onr at the lonrit posmble fig ure!. A largo itork of FLOUR, CORN , MEAL, CHOP, UtCKWUEAT FLOUR, MUX, . potnloftn, ShcIU-d Corn, Corn In car. te,. Ae, , rartlcnUr tltrntinn tt tn)lr& to M. N'icoc A Co.'t brand of i'ttmily l'ltnir, which (i tho best in tht innrket. Flonr and Fetd fnn and will W tn'd hrantr tli fin it an be obuincd elrcwhvra tn Ch-Jirtlcld JF-O' An Market itract. nt-xt bVnr to llou. Alvxaodor Irvlp'i rfhlrnct. ,' ' , ttOOUFKI.LOW A 80S, Agent for M-Nia A Oo. JanlOif rERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, , HAKUISU VASKS, Stove Lining and Tiro Brick,' 1 1 ke;d constant! on hand. : ST0E AM) EARTHENWARE OF EVKIIV DESCRIPriONI CROCKS! POTS I CHOCKS! I'laher'a Patent Alrtlicht Hclf - Hcaliur fruit I anal DI'TTKIl CHOCKH. wllh lids, j CREAi CHIK'KH, MILK CHUCKS, Al'l l.H-iii l ir.n inutKo, PICKLE CROCKf. FLOWERPOTS, . PIE DISHES, BTFVT rOT8, And a great man, other thlttga too numerous tn . mention, to be hail at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Curtitr nl rhen-Y tnd Third Stroott, CLIiAHl'IKIaU, FA. - au The Lightning Tamer. TFtR nndonlKOffd art tht tf1t Aontt In thl ennntv for the ,Nrth Atnorktn Oalvanttod UHHTNINd RODH." T'io aro tfct only ife ndi now In mo. and art tndorttd hj all tht eUntkflt idpo to tht Ofiuntrr. W htrtby notify tht eltlttnf of tht ooantj that wt will fat thoai op a bettor rod, and for Iffi nionwjr, thtn li eharftod by lh fortiftn nKfntt who tnnnally Iravorvt tha eouuly and oarry our iiuit raab. ntvtr to rttara. KNCOUHAGK HO .MB LA1JOU. Thnto wlnhlnjr I.lKhtnlnr Rodt vrooiad to tholr bolldlngi ned hot addrott oi by Ittttv. or oall la trnn. Wo will pat tfatoi p anywboro In tht oounty, and warrant tbtai. Tht Rodt owd Ftiturta otto bo lata at any timo by oalHog o( Maiai al.. U U Hint LU & l A Clttittld, Unrrh 3 7 if ' - ' 2Ja0w; .'Jlttujarf, tttt. THB'XE0XTSZDZ3- 'i TIN AND STOVE STORE I a. , 111 PhilirsTjurr. Coatro County, Pft. rilHK underalgaed respectfully annoancea to 1 the public that ha uaa on nana a care- fully-selected and well assorted stook of sjqvEs; a ?I EATERS yAjsojift hollow - ware: TIN, COITER AND SIlEKT lltON ' WARE! :- " WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE ! Ola stock of Cooking Btoroa ovnalata of HIB CBI.EDRATED ironsides, Which have never failed to bring reece and prosperity Into families where it ia uard, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, ".pears' California Cook Mtove, rlpeara' Antl-Duat, Uaa-Barnlna; Cooklna; Htorea, Vlotor, heiianee and I'nion Hen ea, Spears' Cooking Knogea, Ae., ato. . ; .-- .. 1 ' I i tik.Th Tin and Cheat Iron war fiven witfi the Htoves Is made of the kaav'en and beat material, and warranted to give perfect satis faction. ! His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, hatter and cheaper than evor before aahitittea to tne puoue consisting or Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, Pprare anu-puel iiaa-urning rarlor Move, ripeara' Orbicular (las Uurning Parlor rtove, 8para' Oaa Buri.lng Parlor btuve, Boquct, Pearl, Oem, Ida, Bun, Tropic, Nevada, . Ac, Ac , Vulcan, F.lm and Victor Ileatera, Fpeara' Re volvtng Ltgnt llcators. Tie Is also prepared to furnish complete assortment or . -., Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholesale ar retail, manufactured neatly and with the aula view to service, from lbs beat ma. terial in the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPl'N A C0MMOS IRON KETTLES, Of every description oomUntly en hand. ORDERS FUR SfOUTlXfl, HOoFIKO ,:.'( And other work belonging to his buaineaa will ba promptly 11 1 lad by oiperienoed and skillful workmen. . t CBASS, COrrEB, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CAM! i T.ken In aichanra for goods. rMle .snaclally Invites th. attantion of Merchants wishing ia purchase at wholesale, aa they will dnd It to their advantage ta alanine kla atock before purenaaing eisawnera. Look out for th. Die Bljro orrwlte the reel date, of Mrs. I'r. I osier.) All Ooodi Wisaaartto is Raraasaann. FLI.CAI . Philipshnrg, Jan. 8, 170. angS tt (gACKETT Jt SCIIUYVER, CEAI-Ehs ID SHELF HARDWARE, and Hianufaeturtra of , 1 ! I I;! i W'J::" I r . J Tin.f opix'r & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Rtrct, CLLinPICLI), PA. CarpRotrrii ftnd lluildcn will do well to i am ine cur itwrk of - BUILSINO HASEWAEE ft TOOLS. DIPTOX'S FAWP Dlaton'f Cros, cut! Hand, Hip, Tenant and tlcnl'e fi.wa. IiOYNTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS. Rmnoth t'lanat. iA IMnnoi, For iMmur, 1 Jointeri, Malfh PltOAt. Plaml.i A UtcIc, Btiol F(iiffp Ac, Ao. Firmer tnj Fmmtng Chin1ft Cornfr C'hifeli, Carjientrm' Plllii, Urmrt and Bit in, 11 win f Miictinait, Ao. Grindstone and Grindstone Fixtures, SmuVy Flue art eflWtiinll? furid hruninj Itiuh -' Fatrnt cotiiic i um topm, for wbirh w hare tho tgncy. No curt, no paj riiilinlolpbia Carrliijre HoHii, U lilrt.fttl I, to tar m, wooden s nro( to. A flat arttant af POCKET & TAUT, TO CUTLKRY movES i STOVKyi The Tiinea Cook, the heat In the market; alen, the Monarch, Kctiani-p, and No. II) Iron Hiilpai Krvaer's Furtalile llrater, and lleatlnx, Parlor and Hart aiorra. . , uRoorint, Ftmntln. and Joh Work done on reasonable tertus. All orders will reev-ir. prompt iitirntion. Juijr t, i4j. CTOSE'S SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wo ham rwlvtd tho tffcnrt for theSorrand will nil tlitm al mnoftolnrrr'l prior. Call and fxnmin them. Tlitjr Mro tht hfft. jolO 71 II. F. lihll.KTt A CO, WATCHES I WATCHES! I a larre slock of AMKR1CAN aad SWISS WATOHF.d, of ih. ditlir en grades, tn from two to right euoo. oasoa. t offer these for sale LOW, and guarantee loam to give entire satisfaction. JEWELRY I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladl.i' and O.nt's J.w.lrj of tha allies! Always getting ojialhlng new I 1 woild ask Lumb.ra.aj and oth.n who In tan I paroliaaing Wateh.a to call and ... mj atook bofor. going I. tha eltlae, al I am tar. aar. I eaa sail Watoh.. ae low aa the. can b. bought, b.ald.a th. different la diitano. In tha event of th. goads proving d.fcetlre. All bindsof RBPAI11INO la my linepromnllv allead.d ta at tha stors aa B.cond street, oppo alta th. Coart IIoub.. for your llb.ral aupport t lb. paat 1 am v.ry tkankl.L ' 1 ' !' S. I. fSYDKR. . April , Hi;. ' . Scuttotrif.- ANNOUNCEMENT . j OF TUB QltKAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I OT ft PI ill T I -R tll.Wa !.. IMPORTANT TRI.'TIISi ' llarlni auooocclod In celtlng a lliliter tariff on material, bence tlie Ion and i.iierne clmrgo for purtlal end full acta uf Teellr. I um itlie beat nianulaeturo uf teeth and other Material. All operaliona rcKialered and warranted to give lir- rioe onl anttatuution. l'rii tula, relleot tlmt my Charlies for the Inser. tiow f nnilleiita. aml.tbo. aavlBB, of tb. natural letk aro tow Ihe maaliwawnabk' In PeiHieyleuuia. Prcaervc your teeth cud you preserve jour health, 1'tltttng or tlie tinluritl teeiu in a ncaiiny, pis. serralivr and neoful oonditlon Is ainda a speolulty lileenaesand mallertnaalmaoomiiion to il.e moiuli, law mid aaaoolate parte, arc treated and eorrvettd wlih failr 'aveeeii .IiitaiuinaUoua and consult. tiua rHF:n.',i - :ll would Iwnell for patlenla Trom aistnnoe to let uie know by mail a if days before cowing tn Ilia ullle. . It la very iiuiiortant that children between Ihe ages of alt and twelve yeuri should huva tji.-lr teeth alntniuCiL Anniatlielics Are adniMilatored anj Toeth re- tnurnd wititoitt oain lnipopltlons and character t-t jii'lfd by all the world by the elproaaiuna of tho. faoC, beaee how very dieoatrooa may it tnerrtore oa fur per sona to laduleruan axiiresaion of distorted fealurrs, even apart from a hyu:icuio view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artilicial centrorta ana pieaauree, rvapeet and obey natural ainiplioitioa and imtiiut, H. run l r.n biia vi , l). u. p. OrTioe tn New Masonic Building, Second atreet, Cloarlicld, Pa. felil l'7i DENTAL CABD.S' Da. A. M. Illl.tdS s.. Tt Would nr to hit pntlrntu Htirl tttt rub- lie uwiiomlly, thai, hnitig .iMlvel pnrtriervliiii wi'b Dr. hbnw, b It mow rititif tht entlrt nork of hi oQiot biwMlf, to theit palitutt nrl nut ttu btttiji put unUer (lit html" nf thy lh( r oprrntor- i,Hmrnuii, maws i, imz-pa:vmtiii --v J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., i OAlM vrtr IrwlD't Droj Slort, . Cl'RWKNBVILLK, PA. ' t AH dtnUl optnitloiit, tittinr In tht m.iijittO ortpertitv bra net, firtmplly tttnm1(t4 t tnd titilte(ii gutrtnttrAl. lSpwll -vttnitio ptid to tUc trttiut-nt t dttvajir of (lie ntruntl l?ih, go mi thii month. Irrff iiltHtT of tho lw4ti tuo cBHifully ourrfctfti. Truth otirmetcd niihout fitirt by tht utt of Kihnr, tnd trtiflatal lovlh limrtd of the httt tnatoriftl and wtrrtntod (a rondr n trfrvo.t-'t. tpHi2ff'7lTlT liscrttantouj. 0 0 ... J t . i R. S ' vTIIICH HAVE ALWAYS (i I VK N 6ATI8FACT ON UCKKTOFOItB, WILL BE MSPOflh'D OF IN SUCH a y a y A8T0PLRASB 0 X FRIENDS AKD CUS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED ! Y THE riEST W0BTMEST OF IIOLIPAf 000U9 SUCH AS BOOKS 1 j. i . r AND OTIiE ! tv l ( . " STATIONERY AHTICLES, EVER OFFEBKD'TO 'f UK C1T17KS3 . .. Ct THIS PLACE ! NOW ON KXI11BITIOX AND TOR SALE AT H'BLISIIEliS' A H NUFACTUKERS' . PRICKS, AT TUE POSTOFFICH., Bviw.1l. 1'TO. ' II ATS A CAPS! HOOTS' S 1I015B! GENTS rUltMSUING GOOD Cnll at I.KVER FI,K(1AL'5 now Ei Governor Uiglrr't rridot)''0, on Htnonil tti It, Clcarflold. Pa., and tmtnint hit fiot tlork of I Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,! ruriiMihtg Ctrodt. Ac. j Of which h U eontantl- woWing a largtaitt mont f tha vory Utwt and bout ityh-t, hiot fio will diPt'onc of at aitonUhingly )w priori. I LAD IK I hnvt oa hand a i.irga ami rll flrrtod utook of thnvo eoKbrnUd haad-trorl MUHOtM'O tnd LASTLNtl 1 A1TKR3, wht I ann inft'ly rocnnimond to bo the bttt Iu tho i hot. Cull and oxnnitno ihrm. Hknt's Kurnihhino Goons. (1 KNTI.EMKN, my ttork of FumlFhlng 0 It ooniiilrta. 1 bavt all Hit nevi ltin In 8c Tic. Cravnti, Ilanlktn;hiifi, I'ndorwoiir. 1 penden, Co 1 1 am. Ulorci, lluairry, Au., lojr fcr with a coin p If to anportmcnt of n Into and (. Sliirti. I hnre on hald a Urro and well iflr tuck of 11 lit and Capi of tht vary latent tlN. AUn, Trunk. Valiioi, Railroad UnRi, CmhreNa. tMlta.., Belli taotlj llmr l-itc'CRe ttalk Hfvl11l nd ornamental, whtnh HI h ol. t fair ratM. jrtThc ritirrn ol Ch nrfiold and rlrinity art rcfprctfully Invlttd to call tnd ttnmlut my goudi befurt porrlianing tlnowhtrr. s LRVKR FLKflAt. Cloarflttd, Pa., Mny 12, 1HV2. READING FOR ALL 1 1 fiOOKS A- "STATIONERY. Mnrkct HI., C lcarflelil. (at the Poat Ofllra.) ' I IIK undersigned begs Irava to announce to I th. cltlaena of Clcarleld and vicinity, that he haa tiled up a room and ha. Juat returned from th. city with a larga amount of reading matter, tonaiatlng In part or Bibles and Misoolkuoous Books, ll'lank. Aeroont and Paa. Rooks nf aver de acriptlon Paper and Envelopes, French prnsaed and plain i Pens and Pencils Hlank, Legal Pinsrs. Deeds. Mortae.rai Juilutn.nt, ICienin tlun and Promissory notes t Wbit. and Parchf m.nt Brief, Legal Cap, Keeord lap, annum i:.p, Hheet, Mualr f..r either Piano, Hole or Vloll, eonauntlv on hand. An. booka or statlonerv desired that I may aot hava na band, will ba or ordered by grot, and eold al wholesale or retell to salt customers. 1 will also keep perlodloal llwratara, suoh aa Magasln.s, News. papers. Ae. r. A. UAUMM. rilarlil May T, jB W 8T011B , IN HOUTZDALEl P. OAI.LAOUKH having Jnst retntned from the anal with an .ntira new and complete assort ment of M.rch.ndiM, aiiltalil. lor Rioter aad Hprlng trade, which has brim eUMl.d with great car. and botiglit at low r.toa, is prepared to fur. niah the oltiaona of U(,uldal. and vicinity with goods at a very llihl advance a I ret cost loi cash. Country Pmduoa and Shingle, taken at market price. C.U and Mamin. my stock belor. parchasjiig alaewh.ra. ; , , . . . p- ""'AonKn. floutsJalr, IV, frh. a;;. grjj :tmit, fitomitt, U. E.A.&WiD.IRVIN , 1.. -i. ',01 ,..,.. nIA vi"' rtA !if OKpiAL, I ; !:; i1! .;'!, S'lti.ii 'in 'nu i , . :i i a if I SQUARE: TIMBER,' ! .! J I lui it .'I J fit LOGS & LUMBER .-..i." , f a I J I , i it. ) CUHIVESiSVlil.K, tA., j. j: i .j ,i I RR orfi rlng. at thslr new f let 'Hinrre,; a 2 eomplito liK-k of NEW UOOD6, of ll dt-acriptioua. : l"' ' 1 11 1 it!- Dry, Goods and Groceries, HAHDWAltE, ; i (' tit : ; . : BOOTS it SHOES, CLOT JUS G ' IN LA HUE VAKIETT. Flour, .Wrnf, fiat, 1 Corn, Alwnra on hand and for sale at a small adianca. Rnrn, la larje rjnantitic., aoM low h, coll; atra, J'ULLEy ELOCKS, MALL noi'K I : ' 1 ' and TAKTllOOKS. On. hundred ease, of AT WATER'S ELM IRA I200T3, for talt by tbo onit tt wbuletalo ratet. Haotlrod by ear load : . 11 US TIS G DON FLO UR, and .old at small advanoe. HARNESS, of all kinda, HORSE COLLARS and Tl AMKS, nnRPn TSLANKET9, BCFFALO ROllKd, A. Also, on aaJ. rl olajs' Iwe liora. WAOOSd, TWIS FLEPS, LOO SLEDS, and ' ' " '' FLEI01IK. " ' ' ' Fpaolal inilaetmenU ojertl to tliria. g'tlmn out Fquara Tinlier and Lojra, aa w. deal in Lutnhrrmrn's Hnnplira, and are prepared at all timta to purchase Tluiurt, liO(a and Lnuilier; 4 Ciirwenaville, Nnvrmher 15. 1871. FAIRBANKS' . STANDARD fi A Ia K H, or .ui. (litis; ing;-iijti Baircvs, V'.rcnouic Tracks, Copjing t . Prtawcs, Improved Monrv Drawer, Ao. . - run sat-ii av ' j II. F. DIGLER CO Dcalera In llarilwarr. llch."0:T(l If Fi-cond Ftrcot, Clrarllrld, Pa LAD ) UHBER COMUXY " ' OFFER ' ' IX DUCK 5IEXTS rurrliasrrs of Choice at mum Coods MAMMOTH STORK IN OSCEOLA. 7vy Cabiiit t I f f OfiH ANNON LAM) AND LUMBER COM ll I PA NY oflir f'-r aale Town l-ota In the Iwr ouli of Oeorola, CLariielil rounljr, Pa., aad alw lots to suit iiuronamrs outside tli. limits of said borough. Oaerola is sltantrd on the aloahannoii Crork, in the riehest nortlon of the rounty o( Clearlleld, on Ilia line of the Tyroue A Clonrfli lil Railroad, whrre tha Moahannoo and Hcnverton hranrh roada Inlereect It la a!-" In the hrart ol the Movhannon coal baain, and large Imdiea ot white pine, hrttiWh, oak. and othrr titiilirr fur round It. One of the larjioat luiiilii.r m.nnt'actiir- Ins: estBlilirhmenta ia the ritate ia loealcd in llif town, while there, nr. rneny other Imnher and ahinale milla around it. the town ia but se en yoars old, and contains a population of one thou sand Inhabllanta. Kor further Information applv at the oflW ol tue ahove compnnr. JOHN LA Writ 15. M:T(I1 General Suprrintcndrnt. VOSKANNON LAND & LUMBER CO. OSCEOLA FT F.AM MILLS, 1 aiarraorrnns itMDRR, LATH, AND PICKETS U. II. BU1LL1NOFORI, Preiidrnt, Offloo Poiwt Place, Ko. 12ft S. 4th it., l'hil' JOHN LAWSIir.. Central Bun't. ' OroooW K'flt, Clr'arflcld -minlr, Pa, fVToTICI'V llavinr pnrotmncd the Intrrrtt i.1 J. A. LlattnntwrKor. Eq. In tha biliinai ittri'tuforo oarriod oo oridvr Utt lirta nine nf J. A. llattnltrrn r A Co., tht tamo will bo oondiirti'd t'-ff-nftrr unditr tht ntroa of MuihtnDoo I.and and .rtinhpr Comimny, (Stnr.)i II. MIUltlAUhUKK, ilUlli1! lifaHMII., fciyJ.Mf Utnrral pup t O. i. 7"HKnB to tuy my imY Q00)9f (iWO y oartrt, QuMnatitn, (lltaowtrf, ruti and sitiont, Confatlnnrlf Ac, chctp for eaah. Vht tuiiKcrlhtr hrjta leavt to Inform hit old and tnror tuttotyLftri thalt hat optmcd A VAIitETY eiDKB ' j . JN GUN 1I0TK, PA. Anil will tell good al priori to lutt tht limta. A li'itral rrduoiion will bt mada to ouaUtincrt buy ti g at whuleaale. , Ctlt ond txtmlnt ma ttnt-k bwfnro pnrrhnalnf lwhfro. A MImmuI tharo of pnblle f atrontgr ti t. hoitrd. - ' C. J. KKAOY. Qlt Hop., Po Juat 14, 1R71. )INK, WI1ITI A ROAIf LININtl 8KIN8 ' Jnil rootlvod tnd for atlt hy Ajrll JO, 16 70, fl. r. BlOLFfH CO, .'tlarfUitufctts. -v R. BADWAY'S READY RELIt-F ttUEH THE VtOUh'f I'AINS In from Ono to Twonty Minutoo- . NOT OfJE HOUN i ' , , i ftof raii;i.l':larii.i.tti.''i.i . il wj' cm , , " ' pPl-TPIt Wltll I'AIN. 11 ItAUWAT'S ttkAl'V HKI.IKK la A C'l'KR FOH .i , I.VhlU I'AIN. .. . y . 1 It wiafhi- Am U ' T) Only lNUu ltMTirrty ihtl itMiM.tly ktf in moil rjujnt iw iif. ullirt 1 1 It" III it ;tllM, HU'l tlirtt) l.tXIBlrll.lli-S W ill lilr Cl' lull ,'itins, Minfiimh, (Jowoltftir oiiht kImkIs yr organ), r Ht.(rlMHth f. , u' i itou onf: to tvEvry hin'utj;, flr Ili;ittlT lil.W .i. !lt (f i M Ht!llltl,(( tlifl li li iht SHKI UATIU, Bfl rWel.-rt. liBr., t'rl(plw1, Ktvu -.uiialifiu, nr VftiiWii tiu lUauaM btiiy kulK-r, ; ( j. HAD WAY'S READY RELIEF . Will, AKKll'l) INKIA.NT t.iK. ... b . IM'IJiMJ All I., l-h Till': M -NI.).- I NI t.i MM AT!' IN 'V km I IlLADDEr! ' INFLAMMATION t IU W KtAlil.l , OlMil.SI InN 1'b lim I. JiO BfirtTS TtlllOAT, lI I llfl'IT Mitt VI h!mI ' i l al.l'ITA IMN -HI' Tllh Jlalinr ' ' 1 I ATAIilUUXFIXEtZA' cot.n nm.i.n, A'll k I'nii.f.'. I IK nti'ill I U Itl'fl n.ik'.ii'sii tfilwi Itn4y irrtlf tottiHrtM I'f U l4U Vf (:.Ut.Uit AU mii IOIvMlI UU4 Twnriy dmr n lialf ft ttimLW WitT HI !f- fr-v ' tni'ttmUrma itH A M I'H, bl'AHMa. HoUlt Hh,MA 'il, ii,Aiiriu i:N, HI K iii.aua'!ik. ilAHlJIK.. lYr'FTKY. 'ot.r WINU JN TIIK UOWEIi.' awl nil IN'l'k.KNAI. I A 1 Sri, 'Ira-iti Aii.-tiift cwry aMUoof IfiJwai Tlrt'lf Itt'llpf 'Hi A T- w tit' ill; iaiu v I I Cn vuf ikiHM or putnw ftmn rhaur nfwulir, It U p.T l4u i-itjtwli UiBinly ur liiUji at d nHtuuthJ-ta,, , ritviiit and a.ii:. ffiVnn A.M Ai.Ui; turt-l f..r liti, t.i.n. T..T.-ll Itfit iiM imiliitl nrtriiV In Hi1 'rtil Clt-tl will rrnr,' lVcr ' a i Ajtuti.inidiill other W ilil"t Hilltiw. hcitii-i, T ; I'litiUl. H now, Mini tiiiHT r ii i m iiiiiii-ii uyiirtini ai n JTittjr kwuts par iMW. ttuld iy UmMUU, HEftLTH ! BEAUTY ! ! BTIMIMt AND rt llK I' ll IIMXHl-INrllKAi: OVFIFMl A nil IV r. I -I i.r.iMi r.ii..i MtAU lU VL guUi'LiilU.V aU-UKht) IU AXL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT IIAH V Ml' lIIK Hmr AWTOSlMltSU rriLKA ! '1HK ltiilit I l.l.llfitHM t'NTtl It 'ihih IKIILK WuMjU.Hia Evory Day an Incroaso In Flc&h and Welftht la Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ' Ivrf drop af IM A RHAI'AKIIJ.lAN HBWtl-V-W Ca-uumuiilcatt'a lltrunjtli Iliti ItUnni, Owt-iU, I Dim,, , ih1 i,ll.r ItuM tnd (Bto-.-irthf RvtiMiilh. i(T,rct lir-. for h rtralrillr wmlt.K' btlr nw vA t..mA inkUrlal. fVfffulm, Hv'h.,i, CuhMunLikm, OUntluUr tlit:, ricrta In tin Tlin.tvt, Mtiitli, 1 nn,.ir, NimI.-i In ti (ilwiftt otlirr rnrti nt tti lyMrri. Ann Kvn, Mruiunut I'lnrhsirim Ttnm liSt Kara, And Uic Wnrt (bruit t BHa UiMfa', hiutitloni, lvr VifT, iV'sij Ilrad. It1nK Worm, rH Hheum, KoIhIm, Actir. Ifla- k Si'-'tL ..t-mi iri Ui ili'ih, T'lmnn, (iihnfa in 1M V. nif), ajtri nil vmtkmluc und i-nlnful iWburn, Mift.t fttVMU, L if SHii. uitil nil nMm t.f U.f lllem,rU. pi, re wltnlii tlie curlhj m- f ot tlil wondpr r M"d rt C'hatntttry, atid t IVw rt)' ok? will fnv to nay fraM u'n( ll for i.ti.r if .i- lo.ut tf dliciVM )H bolt ut po(r tn cui tltcm. If tti tMl'tit, dullr Lcom1tf minced br tin wttftrt id nt?mip'iiiltl'iii that la cHiltMiB,it rriiari'Winp, (tn ccfd 111 ftirrttliiji tliMW wtn, Hid rtpufn tli tWuiir wit It pw mttiI imi'te from halthT hliixlaud UiU U fcAKSAl'Altl 1,1.1 AN will w.d iltrMttciit, Not Oflly d(M till H atAf AllLLl A KDatlLVIEXT rr-4 til kni wn rctiii-dlnl frui In ll tirf of ( IiM.rdr, K nrfn. louti, CdiinUntU'iuAl, aiad bkla dlicMw i built ta UltM.1 (nUlcurfur lildnry cV ISIudtlor CoinpluInU, rnntry. tw W-imb dlar-, OraveL I'itn rnT, PiiijiiidTr if Wntvr, ItiMintltifnft r.f rrttic. flrljcl t't 1H. rut. Albamtnuria. and In all aMut w)icr xmrt an- brkk du drpWn, or ti.ej witrr U itjtck. ciiiudr, ouawd witii iiWncr like thi wtilto uf wi tgi , r ll.r.U like Mlt ! or thm it a irtort'1.1, tlnrk. 1'lllnif. npia'stnnf, fuid whltu VtTtt rVtrt drTtnaKt, "tifii thrr t prick tnr, tmrnlfiK MMiMtlon wlien iHalnK wUf, inl pilti In U. Bui nl I rrtti lU.n kuialiia Utt I4iua. fiicu, ti.oo. WORMS Tlie otly knowa and turt Rm&cdr tm M m h-J iA, luetic. Tumor or 1J Vcnra' Growth Cured by Ituduu) ICcaolvt nl. OlTtntT. Mia, Jnlj m, 1M, It. HUhwa:-I kiNa. (m1m TauitM Ut th 'Ml w4 Vowala. All lib kNt " iWr wmt m li.t, fi.r ll " I tiWJ ttty th.Mf thst wm arfltniiantM t lit xtlrvf kdranl nr. ( M yewr tUiavtil, ft4 liivul.l I would try It . tnil haJ hilk U H, Wrawa 1 aVsxi aufi for twain n. I tavvk til boltlaa ff ha tUaaivrH, t4 m V l aarT'l Milt, Sd wt beg- IU af "-af Havlr KlMf ; tuaw ibrra U i 4 Unoi to bt awsM ear Ml, ill I M Ml, WIWUT. Wut t( Irr ihan I hai furtlT fan Tra WrU UniM WU ! U UA Uta. the) 0wU, 3w Um fT.-t. I wrtl lata U t w Ikt UmU tl Um. In on fMitk If yw ch . IIANNAlt P. RlfAPr. DR. RADWAY'S . PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, fwfmtr tavdolfat, fir-itartlr tttrtvA ailfc rwifl r't". ti'irif?. rrtfiiUl. pitrtfv, rrM, tn I Mrcnrtlxn. lUd. wvr fi'W 1m Ibe cufv ol li l!ttrthrp -if IM Womwh, t.irr. B"W-lit, Kldi.fvt, HlAtir. tirmmn Vit, ll-mlftcl!, t'l-4litl(., tirtlT-irviaiL )riillretliit. Pyi.j -alt, nHkMiMKU. iliHoui Kttr, lirftunin,.., td IhflHuwr1-, tMrsi,jid .ill Ivrai t5rnitntjftl.t' Via ,frr. Wnrnnlod tn tfTort fiilwrirT. Pin.T TffWa UtvContnriili. nn mrcun-, tnrfifr,of dflrtitMrt nn I w o.ii'tT) tli ft'ilvwh'f ytuuBta n wilttnf tiua Dia.ird?riof the IMf rutira Oriritua: rtrtttlpttlnal, lnrv I Pll. rtillnM of ttbt ttlrvH ! lb Mw. AddHv h KAa'vt. Niiaw-a. Ilewrthtii, IH.im1 if YfM, T.iM ur ttVgrn ,n U). K.ur F'HttUuii, Mhit ar fittTif tb I"1' t ltl- tln"". altiminfi nf th Hrwt, llurr'lMl mJ ptltWlt trraathtrrf, 1 lllrai tti. Haul, ." id t PaiifKaling HaKWti'M ri,o l I IVtnr tm-f Ttato. larh i KthMM iht I. Mnf u4 Nil tm tft Ifct HmI, ertVw f t! rrtrla..i. nT tin Skim anal tvrt. I- Iht UM. (twri, Urn, Ml hhUm Tiukm uf Hii, htruimt ta ts Vk-tk. A frw.vMnC RAhWArS PTT-T-S wit- nwt b tT trm IVoinmll tht t-ovt n'ii-J fl ' "'. lYitw, j veuit ftamptiiRAI1.AT A K) , N. t J ltij"f I -tile!, KeW. Vwk. jiirttrniaiiua Wvirut luuiMsmtu a Ll It M.L.I ju!A It. H. TAYLOIi'S LIME AND COAL YARD, , (Xcar the r.allxtiad D-p't,), , , . ( CMiUtHIJI), PINVl TEMTIRACK thii uisthol of InfurminiE tht tAtthtl.. il. it t Ui I ii. & vtiid fur ll.v aitlt of wood or rout burnt LIMK rni-l An.lin.citf COAL, In the boruuzb of Cli-aiMd. and L'C OdinpU'ti'tl rrniig(ta rU with railtrn JtoJ.r L) li u'ft I cin ko p t inn ii ''iy r.-iunt!j n nai.M, 1 itli will he iliMioftil ii f at rrjuaM rit- a, liy the titn, liuahol r car loadp to auit j.i.ri huMirs. Thtw at a litauo can tdlies nf v Uttr, tod oUlaUii..! tttirtoay Ut(w'tilta lv MUira wtil.- It. li. J A J Clcaiflold r.irb.ll. lMW-tf T' Ll'fin V. It .11 I. N 1 1 I prriFKCTios ix ?GG0v) Hi i i.i ' iir C A N T II O O K S I The ClrarfiiM ricntaicir Canthnok vill boI, weiir out or nr'iK, oi'iffl contlrucua aim one S'llid band froui clip lo 6int. tl is iironouuce.1 Ly all prarlicnl luinLcmicn who tiav. ri iminr.l It to bo Ihe mott ciTiol Canlhovk ever loventotl. Amos Kennard, Patentee, ! Uanufaolurtil by Aloe Ktsxaai. Co., at CI.F.AIiril'.l.D, I'A. to-All orders fromplly allmJxl to. niVTO DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Hun I h Third Strrct, riilla lclpliia Jt.t.VH Kit, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall Kill neive nmmpt atton tiim, and all inforraatloa ohcerfiilly fimiirtiod. Order, aoliolrd. April U lf. ir K Si I". I) O II T I air am BURNED U PI I)KI.I.'8 lU'S WOOLEN FACTORY, "" Knn lownaliip, Clcarflold Co., Pa. Tlio aiibarril .era are, al Rrrnt cprn, rrbul'd lli(t. and In a few rlaya will have potnb'trd, a aiMKliliortiooil aioeyaily, in tlln ereelloi, of a firet oln.a Wuoli n Miiiiu!a. l"iy,itll all Hie iil'idrrn llnlirmenu nta altnehrd, end on' ir (.arid tu innke all kinda of CMhe, Caa.iuierra, S.liuilta, IILn. kela, Flannel., U. 1'lentjr "f x dc on kund to anily all onrold and a l rwr, atniin we n?R to ronie ann vbhhiii- ur ..vv. , The buaineaa of CABDINU AND Fl'Ll.IXO wilt r'liei'T""'' ellentlon. Our new mill will be rroiy by wool carding erason, lliprerre tlirre n.Td be no hrailalion on that arore. Prop.r nrraiiftrmrnta will b. madr to recrtve and dt livrr Wool, to euit euitoliii'ra. Ail work wnrranli-d and done np'ia ihe ahoit. at a"lke,nd by sriil ath tion I" l'.-i"-t wa Ih.ji. l.r.jiUii. a jlWr.l tiivi of piildie nrttronrifte. lt,IMM FOl'NDr) WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay III. anrk. t prle. for Wool and aell our mannfnolnrrd goods aa low aa eimil.r good, can hobouglil In the county, and whenever we fail to render mnaonnitlo aiitifnctinn we een always bo found at home ready tu vake proper eiiilan.tlon, either In perann or by letter. JAMKd JOHNSON A HONft, aprll.otf ' (Irmupinn llilla P. 0. pilliA VG HOC K li I ICS 1 "1 1 j U'MIIKH TTTT, PA. The ondcraU-notl annniintva In hit aid frinida tntl intrnnt that ht hat flf" Kiod'lio of UIKM Kltll'H A PKtVlsl'iNK ol tho old aland ol Kirk A HiitiMr, for hirh ht tolirit a lihoml p.tnnt,to. BPB.NCKK. Lumhor City. P., Mamh llO tf. BAHUAINS IN MUSICAL 1N ftTHl'MKNTK! Oina, bolh new and aorond hand; at th. M 11,10 Mora, nppo.ite llulioh's furniture Jttor.. All peraoni intcrcttd are invl Ud to eall and efimlne a new stvle nf Organ now oa eihihitlna. Hheet Musin and Muale hooks cnjMsnllj on haorl. atiUt llif omulni anil iUarhint Ucp. BICLER, 0Uric &C0m . SiKoon-'tfri to Dtj nlou A Yuung,) FOUNDERS & MACIIINIiST, 1 S!inftiturri of ; . . roSTAELE (c STATIOII AEY STEAM ENGINES , Cot nor of Fourth tnj Pin Strcelt, CLrviliUlM), PA. . ij.U'e". t i- nAVl VO 4-cAnc in the tunuf ic(ur uf Cri cIhm IM A J 1 1 1 ? I.I'.Y, wp r-irptfully itfiirm U a ptiMio tlitt wcuro now prj.itrtd l- f.Il all orJtra t4ituj! aud a pronjjtilv tf oan ) 'lout in any of the citK'i. Wa tianufucture and di al in Ir!id BW.flha. 'tt M"lir-., PIia'm PuPrt't. Oilora, Tallow fiipi, Oil Cujn, InitRi' Cnrka, Air T-rk, GWhi Vtlvt!, CIitIc Vnlrrt, wroiilit lrn Pipv(t, P.rara Puinpa. IloiVr Ft-rd Putnp Antl Fritftioo Siftrff, Ptp Pton Packinf. Outn Pafk in j, and all Ittndi of itLlj WOKK; togrthr with Plowi, RU-1 Pi!cf, COOKANJ) PA FiLOn STO VES, and other t'ASXlN'iJS f ill kin. la. p-fr-OnUn aoliiitrd and Tlltd at city pHcitj 11 Irfft-r of inquiry With fT r-n.-f to machiurn of our Innnufc'tur pmtnpt!)- annwornl, by utMrra ng ua at Clcnrficld, Pa. drr2i7d tf ' noLrn, vowa a ro. a.t.Kcci. NOTICE. I"- fo.on RKKD '& POWELL "CLKAKFIKLD PLANING MILL ' A I. I ' RIGHT! ( rpilE proprietor tvajiiMfully itifurm the citii A-of ClrarfieM coiintr, tlwt I lie havt thiirttv rrflttrd thin ef taMhnitiit wjtli the UtfU MninvcJ mvu - working n. hincry, at.d are itow prtpArfd to esp-ute all order in their line uf huaiut'ft. Ttiry will give rtppit itutitiuD to the mj.ituf;in turt; of matf-riftl for hue i'U'iWiii, bucU at FLOORING, WEATHER -BOAR-INS, SASH, DOO RSjUMXPS. BltoSCIiETS S" aTiOC XJJi.l tS OF ALL STYLES, ' Wealwatf l.avoa hand a Ur?t Mt-ek of IfhY LU.MIfKIt.aaJ will pNTMih for si) emr I.ttm'fr Lumber Manufactured to 'Order, Or exrhniitid, to suit fui'fonnrri. U. OrJt ra to'.lciU-J, on l I.iitntur furl)ilttd un aliort notice Hsd uo wnaotuMc term. rkft) a po;vi:ll. ClnrfitM. . is;i.j,,i ti'J U fr-rr tit king I owd r?. Alttr taking Pwirdt rs. SflWfl IMPlTori!n CiaMHTlON POM'DT:itS. lifii in il .filiate ci!- id tii.Mt in er. Cotigha, fid -It." PU, Fnvy, C-n-Jirc-titi, Jtiiihnca of tlio ISkiti, and Fl' ):ia; nf Walff. tirrn'1, Pwrllctl l.vgf .-tin Iitfiutima cuu hit Tvlifvo.l, and cfmotiuirn 01 rod, ly thu uac cf llt-ae Pdir-lf-rt. 1Uoj aill n.t fn(ci&-rf with thr dnilv woik nf thn llorrr, mid ran ht? givt-u tu cut tle aith ro. ml adttntiitrr. Put up bj A. I. 81IAW9 Pruggist and Apotht rtrr, ritnrfiel 1, Pa. , Sdvrmm'i 8, lvVl. Sttll nvprywhtr. j v. 1. 1 i r v AT COST I FOR CAni Tht Inrgfit of , . P II II X I T U'lt- tror o&rca In CLKARPIKLD ! K At the FTKt V C A ft I V FT ?IIOP.rnrn-r V.rkrl and l itlh Slrreta, C1.I.A Id'IlM.Ii, PA. Tli' nndcrflrpJ winM nnn'ininf to th pnhKc that hf hm en hand nnd r now ufft rinjt chrp fur GRr-h. th l.trpnirt rtork of Parnltmt evr in tore tu thin ctionty, cunainiinj of riilnjlatfird Pstrhir ?n.', Cliambor Mtn, Kxtcu-In TaWpt, St-cn-tarifi, tlo.1t Cat.. IlctttitfMtda, Fjrlng Pull and Muttrrstoa, Louv , - . nviit-hvs. Plain A Marhlf Top Tahlct A llurmoa, Wash Manila, Cane Sett and Common Chnlrft, Bock in (t Chaira, T.rokinf .lnapt, Window Fhadoii, ' ' Ticturt Frame", , Curdi ttid Tar tola. Ao. , L, lit- olfn mmiurni'ttiret ai d kc't r.n lmttd Pat ent Hpriitjt Hvda, tho lwt rTrr invmitcd, Nh fmtiily ho with nut them, Any kind of g'ftd not on hind cuti bt had un nhort naiu- t jitmltftcrlng ond rt pairing nvatly cxvuti-d COFFINS, of til aircp, nn ht hid on h l n'f honra' nutieo. and at the low rat pricra. A dodun tion of lit) p r otut mado for enh. MKTAI.I.IC CA?i:?. or Ronton 1, VNInnl tnd riittrry Cnftiut, with (laai or flood tpK, (uruiahod on &vo hourt' uotica, . pprar. tUrndnne with henro, on fni trAl went. tint, tnd f trripji t fnrnlnhrd wlun dmin-d. Thanking tht poldlo fr )Ml favora. and by atrt.'t prraontl tttrnttnn to tiniiitm, 1 liapft to rrcoivr a cuntinunni't ol tlio tn ma, ncnictn-r the plmr ilia Strnm Cahinot Shop, oornor of M.rktt and Fifth Sli-ft'tn, Unreb 39, 7My. DAMKIj IlKN'NLIt. TIIU CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufaatnrod raprnially for TIIK Vl.F.Atil'lELl Til AVE, roa a. La ar augWI il?F. IUIIl.KR A 00. House & Lot for or l.cnt ! fpilH undoninnc l ofira lor aale or rent, upon X reaaonalile l.rma, Mm alory Uwi lhnu, lot .iidatahlev,,aniinKton, I'lk. town.litp. For t.raie. A... appiv le . I.KrtlS 1. bl.OOM. January Id. IK71lf. B I.AWK '0lTAIJXKH ALF. FOR salt at Ibis .dee. sniaHia aiaam m irsrwriwn. i . An Hfi-aiHi emi mlic IHvw i.arauifti inr, to dirrriioii, mvi reniAin lm ynwrtl, irriTluej lltftr htsirMaretiM k' ft.'"! by nnitcrtl x.iviti ut t.,ti nAi'$ !iu tiul Qt.iui vtitlLiit beytiotj t!i f6t of f t. ' ' lyafir t nr liitllcrrtllnni ' lIcidtM'I.e, pj)a iti Hw bliuuUicri. CiKf. 1 igi.tfte- trf lit Chaat, lnt. . Diirv', S'utt Krin t Miirtit ti( t Lie bloiTt.K It, j'Mlt in tli(, - Moitlli, I'mI'Mi. ilitis j i,f iit 'JliAit, t j ( fl.if.iOtr.t I. n if t)f l.itii-K, Piin in dif r ttt tin K'Hrte, anrt m Imndrr! otWtr Moihil mpint, ure the (iif-!'ripit nl' I )y-tr pwa. In tlica tiniiiiAm,i. il lias no equal, iind mi but) wi'l rvo 4 Lcitcr juu inrf!(st ilHtw iiH lit hi n Itruflliy iivt-ril-'-JViit. Fur Fr hi die C'oiaailttliir ywx tm cM, marrird rtr -11 : . nr il iwn fl w ttrhi-l, of n,a turn trf hf-, tkvael 'I'" llittmil kT'-'ViM: J ti intltwiice tlul a nuirknU improvauicttl u wvi imtti Vb. For liiflainmntorr and (iironlc r.htij. Ilinllaitl and Ckh'I, ('.l oih, 1 n -rtii and Infj. inntftii I-ver. nc. of tha l'tM4. jer, Kidiwrt tnd ItUdder. iliete Ititttrt an it an ciuaI. SikIi a tre csiufi by it. jU-J li tm-i, wluli ia gsncriy jjioiliiwd by dt'flnj;t",r"t tf tin- ti'ftive t)i;uit Tliry Hre n 4-rutle I'tirfal 1 ve n A'lt at ta Tail If. iiMik.n yo iUt (-' blur uteri of aoinj at (J4iw( r"iil fnt in ffl'vii-fj ('rm-ntion or Intfitnc niai.onof ttw Liw aid Vraccral Oram,id in Bitwas. Jjiates, For Kklil Dlarotrt, Ernrtlonri, Tettar, Salt Rheuai, HwiKliaa, biutft, 1'itnplta, puMttiea, H"ila, C bnttc.ftk, Kina -wwn), .Sdid-Hcid, S-re tyti, i.ry. ti,ein. 1 tt ll. iJcir's I I'ilomnoti of tlte Skin, Hiunrn tnd liwav ni ttrp Strtw, fit arhwrw naiit m naime, arohtcrally d tip atxi cirncd otil tA I)m ayaltia it ft. tlt'Ht time tlir n." of tlivit? li a ir tiriilcful Ttiotiiinilt frvx'aim Vmrttot fTiT raaa the trtwt woiKitniii iitviKiw tbucrer twilanwd the inkine lYiinn. J WAI.K''Vr R.lf. frf0ti,D CO. , uprumtwt anH Gen. A at,, Sia I'Tancttca, Ctl.. aihtcvr.ot Wi .Itut'iu and CliArltnri Sit , New York. SOLI) CV ALL PKUOUISTM AND f'EAI.ERS. ' IIAYES, COULTER & CO., f iwce4u! lo V A. Aruold, MAirrAmraKiit or Hralci's, Ranges, Low Crates, a:U MAKliELlZCO PLATE MANTELS. FoV airen(s fur llio eelibratetl CIHLSOX COOKIXC. -RASGK. S?raJ for ri'Bl'.gnea. Kci, l.'ilii C'vitHUul ftreel, June i f.u, ' l'lllLAPELPIIIA. Clearfield County Bank. 'pllK Clctifleld Count I tnk t- tn ioccri era JL id tnTtnuttn bat- font out of nintrnro ba ibti furrecivr ol iia oharitr, on May 13, itttt, All it Ut t lt it owned by tbo tobtoribora, ht artll cutjtiuuo lh liafckmt; bokinrta at tht UBt tla.-i'( aa ftitatt Hi.kt r oodsr tbt Ira atat nt thr ,l!trt!lt"M Cour.ty Btnk. Wt rt rt apittiwililv fur tho df ttta of tht Hank, and will pay iu not on do tnd a tho oooottr. lrpiUi rorttivt d and intt-roti ptid wboB aaoof y it Ithftt a fa d tin.. I'ki er tlitrouatod at tlx ptmnt, 4f re. Dur 1 trans 1 1 rtaponaibilit) U pl.'ttjfd for all It otitt rtraWed tnd btniaa trans iod. A cntitiiiBRaoo of tht liberal pat roii air of the botinett mat of tbo ooantj it ro apUully i!ioid. At Prtidtot, Caabicr and officrrj of iht late l lrarneld County Dtok. t roqulrf the notet of laid bank to bt prtaentcd for redomptfoo. - US. T I.KftNAKD-,- RfCH .BD SHAW, W M POHTKH. JA8. B. ORAHAM. A. K. WUJUHT, 0. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Tho Via.oei of tbo Bank will bt oondorttd j John M- Adam... kaq.. at Ca.hl.r. l 71 County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD, PA. ' nOOM in Mftonir Ruiidin, oot duor Bnrtb of C. l. Writaim't nir Ptitre. l'aua Tifki-ta N and from L1totjo1, Qdptii. too, tilnjjti.w, London, Par it and Uoprohairva. Am. I'raii' for tain on thr Royal Bank of IreUad and Iniitt-rial Hunk of London ,t A M KS T. LEONARD. Vt W, M. PI1AW, Cafhior. 11:1:73 J. D. X.'Oirk. Kdwanl Porka. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk 1 perks. utvottora to Fottor, Porkt, A Co., riiillpkbur. Centra Coymy, Fa. T ill HK all ibo bwamta of a Bankinff ILiaaa wil o trantiaclud promptly and op'ta tot t Ltvorn ilc tonut aiar7-tf 1. L. t:rirvTtv. a. atnLivaa. REIZENSTEIN 4 BERLINER,. (Surovi rt to D. ilant A Co) . , - whole ttalo dtalrrt ( t.lM.V UKAIMllAti lUtlll I.l'penstd street, hetween Charrh street ett Wet nrnadwar, Nfw York cltj. ( jy.11 7J JtT KV STO UK AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Have juat opened a Nt Sront, on Main St..Ci.l.KPIiu, Pa. lulclr occupied lv Wm. F. 1RW1.N. Their stock conaklt of 113 HZ TS QD- CD 23 ID ounrmtCoT'lb rt qunliiy, OiiFF.Ns.vAriR. lioots nnd Shoes, and fvfrjr nrlicle BfCOMarf fon . onej'a comfrrl, lull h,i. I nuiimuia nil, itock li.1i.Ta rur rt.a.inp cKswliprft. May !. 1 rTi(-t f. "n vvnV YOU NV Sltmo-CHttt r and Stonf-Mnson, f 11.1. evecnte .11 work In hie line l etal. priee. and la FlRriT-t'LASS stjle v Ai'cLitoctural Ornauiout3 fn ALL eTVLKK, bln. Pr.a.lnu .f evwf lea.-rii.ilon, and all kind, of mason work ex tracted for in ..routof the rounty. Ant perseri wi-hioK. to have revpeetnble nnJon work eel Inne-rutllnn done, will Iind it to melr iBtrreM to e.ll upon ua I would air. Inform the v'. He thr.t 1 em d.-llv.r anj o,"ntllv or elaal 9 ton. doilrcd, as I am tb. owner of ' KIU.ST-CLASS STONE QUARK Orders for work ean he addreaard lo DAVIU VtH Nfl. OjrM,! I'learSald I'a. Beale's Embrocalion, (LATH fOlVllt'l.) For all dl.ea.e. Incident to Hi.rsea, fettle, aat Unman Heih, rei) Irina: th. as. .1 asternal applloatioa. . This Embrocalion waa asea ej the tt'-ver. menl doriot th. w.r. ' . for ..I. b, llartawlrk A Irwin. ?''? Jo.., h H. Irwin, Curw.n.vill.. U'ni' HJ' l.uTn.ran.rff. - tA Xr W'jlTtCI.Wa f"''"."" j em,-l .rmcnt f.r alt, either . at j, or .II'H rnor. a Tfar. New woika -v l." H. h 1 UH K. and .rthera. K.ip.rb ,"'"l.0,. aw.v. M-.ney made repidlr and eaail, al for lie. Write and .e.. I''l'7l"r,17; p. WOHTIIINUTON. IH'SIIN A ro Sep):. lUrtfotd, C.naKtiee'- 1 ;1 T