Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1872, Image 1

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; riiLiiD ivenr DcisAr, it
I EtTAnl.milF.l) IN ISt.
Ik largea! Clreulatluu or any Newspaper
j la North Central Pennsylvania.
Terms of Subsoriptioni
;' If paid In aJranoe, or within I monthi....'! (X
' If paid after S and liefore raonthi
i If paid after the expiration ofO uiontht... 3 UO
- Rates ot Advertising,
' Tranlent edeertlaerocnli, pr tquara of 10 Hneaer
i leu, t timet or leal II M
j. For eath aiibeequerit Ineortion 40
IdmlnlitraloiVand KlKutorl' notloel I 60
Aaditora notleea, .. I &0
: 'Caationi and Kalreye 1 60
i niiaolutten notice! t 1)1
' Prafcaatovtl Cerde, 5 Unci of kil.l Jor...., 00
: Lecel auleee, pel line.... 10
': 1 iqaar.. ....18 00 I eolnmn.. $31 00
I iquarat -.. I 00 onluiun 4.t MO
0 ljuar. ..10 00 1 column SO 00
1 " Job Work.
Itofli qui' W (0 I 9 qulrei, li,
HUirel, pr, ijulre, I 10 OiVr S, por quite, I 10
4 .heet.JI or leu, $2 00 I ihoct, or lcn,i5 00
"jtaet,M or lua, S t) I ihcet,ll Ot lent, 10 00
.. Over 14 of eaeb of above at proportionate ratal.
Cards. , .. ..
man . a'asaiLr.
R. M 1 SL w. a'cesov.
i"le.rAelil. Pa. bu.lnen attended to promptly wi
tdrlit. Office on Beoond itreet, abore the Mi
flatienal Bank. -
wiui-na t. timet.
run naLDise.
. m.':inl1 r-lru . -fi f ,11
ClearUeld, Pa.
MrLeKal buiinoai of all kindi mien Id to
with promptneai and Oilolity. Ollioe in rmiil o?
f William A. Wallace. janl:71
s Attorney and Counselor at Law,
i Hariaj renljnfd hit Judgeship, hai resumed
the practice of the law in hii old ofliee at Clear
laid, Pa Will attend thooonrtt or JeftVreon and
Ilk ooantiei when ipeoialljp retaioed in connection
rita relident counsel. . ' 1:14:72
t Prompt attention giren to all legal bmloeai
estreated to hil eare in Clearneld and adjoining
ouotiel. OIBoe on Market It., oppotitl Neaa;le'l
Jewelry Store, Clearaeld, Pa. JeW71
f, Clearfield, Pa.
(VOoe la the Court Honaa. deel-ly
l:l:7 CleerrJeld, Pa.
Mee ea Beeond St., ClearUeld, Pa.
ClearUeld, Pa.
r-Oflei In the Court Home. jyll,'l7
t ClearUeld, Pa.
Sci oa Market St., arar Joteph Bhoweri'
flroeiry itori. Jan.3,IH73.
"riot. i. cniLonoa.
w. . n'ci'LLOuoa.
ClearUeld, Pa.
01m Locust itrmt, smrly onpoftU tb re-
f Dr. R. V. Wilioo. w hrt ta oar or-
t f RiMMk 4 Bro'i Ureii firt nd bur
fbr proof iftlM, for th protftio of booki, ddt.
H ouor Twuftblo pftpert flMed In oirour,
land Real Ratal Agent, ClearUeld, Pa.
I Office oa Third itreet, bet. Cherry A Walnnt,
aT'Reapeeifally otferi hli lerTlcealn lelltog
laid buying landl la Clearfield and adjoining
aeantUl and with an experience ot over twenlv
yean ai a nrveyor, latter! hintelf that ha aa
r.iaer aatliraetloa. (Feb. 2f:3:tf,
axn patua in
Haw Logs and Liumber,
OOee la Nannie Ballding, Room No. 1. 1:5S:71
i ll Oaceola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y pd
Wtllareton, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
WAII legal builaeai promptly attaoded to.
D. L. KREB8,
Sueeeeior to U. B. 8woone.
Law and Collection Office.
teha U. Ortia. 0. T. Alexander.
Bellefoute, Pa, ieplS,'i.T
Bellefoitte. Pa.
Ill nraetiee la Clrarfleld ana all nf Ik. .1
Ib'h Jadielal dltlrlet. Heal relate builmti
eollectiea of claimt made ipeeialtlci. al'TI
tOmoe on Market Street, Claarleld. Ta.
r-Ofiea koura s I to 11 a. a , and 1 to I p. in.
OBoe la Maaoale Building, ,
Clearfield, Pa.
attend profeeetonal oalli promptly. aitglO'70
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
UYINO located at Pennfield, Pa., offen hit
profeoiiooal earrioel to the people of thai
aad larroondinf oountry. Allealli promptly
M te. oct. II If.
wrgeon ef the Sid Regiment, Penniyltanla
uert, kartng rotnrned from the Army,
hit ptofenlonal itrricei tothieltltem
oarlild eoanty.
Profeiilonal ealli promptly attenied to.
a Second itreet, formirlyoooupled by
edi. i r.n.a
Restaurant,' ,
! Seeond Street,
ne"? Fr"n Oyilafi, Io Cream,
i Crk,ra. Cakea, Clgare, Tobaoeo,
rraiu. Orange, Lomone, aad all kladi
a tea.oa.
OLLURO JtOOM oa Iwtcnil door.
Q00DLANDEB & HAGEETY, Publishers .
VOL.'46-WHOLE NO 2293.
HAYINB located at Otoeola, Pa., offrri hie
profenlonal eervtoei to the people of that
,laeo and eurrounding eountry.
4rtL.AH ealli promptly attended to. Office
and retieenia oa Curtlu at., (ormerly oeenpledf
by Dr. Kline. May, IU:ly.
a. baviaraiutY.
Blank Rook . Manufacturers,
AND S T A H 0 N E tl 8, ,,,,,,
318 .liarkrl St., ' Philadelphia.
teevPaper- Flour- Sarkl and Itftgt, Foolscap,
Letlor, Note, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall
Papere. fel.2t.T01pd
: Tgeorge' c ; ki rk7
JuM.oe of the Peaoe, Surrffyor Rtitl Culiveyancor,
' ' " loathe rub uri. Pa.
AH iu'lnti intrnnlttl to bun will b pruto fatty
ittemlcl ti. lVrtoni wiilting to employ a 8ur
vvvur will Jo well to Klve H,i htflntttrg
liimicvlf that be cud n n.ler wititfaclion. IeJs of
oonrcyatico, articlei of aicrermcnt, anil ill Icjtn)
pnpen, promptly and neatly eiecutvd. tzjmar j
Judlee of the Peace and Licenecd Conreyancer,
I.utheraburg;, ClearUeld Co., Pa.
. ' aytrCollootloai A remlltanocl promptly made,
and all kindl of og.rl iuttrauienti oxeeuied on
thort notice, maye,7u
Lutlieriburg, Pa.
THE tubicriber offort hit eerricM to the public
In tlio oapMlty of ScrWener and Surveyor.
All ea.lla for eurreying promptly attended to, and
the making of draft., deedl and other legal In.Cru
menu of writing, executed without delay, and
warranted to lie oorroet or no oliarge. ol2:70
Claim and Collection Office,
OSCEOLA, Clearleld Co., Pa.
9Conreyanolng and all legal pnpcrl drawn
with aoenracy and diapatcb. l'taiu on and pat
age tickeU to and from any point In Europe
prooured. Ot4'70 in
F. K. ARNOLD 4. Co.,
I.uther.barg, ClenrOeld county, Pa.
Money loaned at reaaonabla ratrii exchange
bought and laid; depo.ill received, and a gen
earl banking buaineel will be carried on at the
abora place. d:l 2:7 1 :tf
Juitle of the Peace and Scrivener,
CurwemvUle, Pa.
tt-Collcctiom maje and money promptly
paid over. fchmitf
E. A. &. W. D. IRVIN,
niALtai l
Real Estate, Square Timber, Logs
OAceln now Corner Store bedding.
bot16'71 , . Curweneeille, Pa.
eao. lit nasRT ii ir.nT. w. ii
Manufacturer! A extrnliva Daalcnia
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c,
-0rderl wliclted. Bill, filled on thort notice
and reaaonauie lenni.
Addreat Woodland P. 0., Clearfield Co., Pa.
Preuehvllle, Clearfield County, Pa.
Keepi eonttantly on hand a fall aiaortment ol
Dry Ooodt, Hardware, Urooeriel, and everything
naually kept in a retail itore, which will be told,
ror eaau, aj eneap aa eiaewnere in me eoaoiy.
Frenchville, June 17, lS67-ly.
DiiLia i
Alio, extenttro manufacturer and dealer In Square
limner ana eawea ijuuneroi an ainoi.
JtyOrderi lolloited and all biUl promptly
nnea. I"jyiri7i
Clearfield, Pa.
TTAVINO rented Mr. Entrei' Ilrcwerjr
M.X. hope, by itnot attention to bmnepn and
the mannfaetura of a inperior artiolo of BliEK
to reeeiro the patronage of all the oM and many
new enatomert. ( -oang
Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.
NEGATIVES made In clondy ai well a. In
elear weather. Contlantly on hand a good
aaaorlment of FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and
STEHUOSCIII'lO VIEWS. Framca, fmm any
tiyieoi mouiaing, aiad to order. aprzn tr
JyH CLE All PI El. D. PA. ti
House and Sipin Paintnr nnd Pp'
' Clearfield, Peitn'a.' ' "
Ve, Will execute jebi In hii line promptly and
In a workmanliko manner. afr.,67
Clearfield, Penn'a.
The frfiwoinff and pal tit in of ebtirchet and
othnr pnblio buiMinpca will reouivo partfmilar
atteniion. an won ai tne pai tiling ol oarrmgei and
Irish. UiMinf done iu the ncntnt etylri. All
worli warranted. ISbon on Fourth itreet, formerly
ooeupted by Enquire MiiiKurt. octlir7(i
practical pump maker,
e-Pumpi alwayi on baud and made to order
on anurt notice, ripoi boreo; on riiimname terma.
All work warranted to ronder aati.fnetiou, and
deltvered If dealred. Biy26:lypd
Agent for thl Aurrlcan Double Turbine Water
Wheel and Aadrrwa A Kalbach Wheel. Can fur-
niah Portable tin it Milll on abort notion, jyll'71
ptiLtni in
ind manufacturer! of .
Pooler la all kladi of
Warket Street,
Oae doer out Poet Office,
eegl7 CLIARFlEtD, r.
Presidential Eleotion Proclamation,
WHKHKAS, by ea aot of thft Oumral At
ainMy of the Wjinoiiww.ltb uf f-niyl-v
aula aad tbe atn-eral euniilcttimi thereto. )t la
providod that tbo tteotnre of the Mvenvl eonntlei
of the Coumonwealtb quilifled to vote for meua-
ben or ino ueneraj Aeeembly. oh all bold an olee
tion, ai the lame plaoes at which iba eatne naein
btr ill all hara bten roled fur at (he praoeding
eleution on the flrit TuciuJbt nen Aiiw the Ant
dMonttuy 61' Novuiubcr. iu the year of Our Lard
one thousand eight hundred and forty, and on
the inuia day fn every fourth yaar theroatter, for
the purpoie af c.eettug fc lecture of frt-etdent and
Vice President of the United titatei.
Tiierhkohk. I. JLSTIN J. P1K. Mich BherilT
of Clearfield county, ie imraaaaoeof the duty en
joined on ine by the Act above referred ta and the
laid iitfiplamenti tlietMfif Uo Men a ihte, my pro
olea.atiuii, giving not lea to the elerturs uf the
eoutity of CtiiarAeld, qualiflad to rote for nenibert
f tlie (ifntral lUraibly, to meat at their several
eleotion districts on TUESDAY, tbo fifth da r of
November next, then and there, between tbAh-- j
f m WW-i. dWwrtawramgaod leven o'clock
tn Ibe ev en tug of raid day, to vote fur tweuty-ntne
r; lectors of a rresufenl and Vice president 01 tbe i
Uuited Slates. And that the several Judge, Id 1
j motors and Clerks, who shall have attended at
the preceding grow a I eleoilon, are roq aired to at. 1
tend ami parlor m the alike duties and be subject
to alike penalties for neglect of duty or misooo
duct aa they anal ba liable at said Ueucral
The electors of the county of Clearfield will take
aotioe that the laid eleution will ba held at the
following places, vis:
Beccaria town imp, at tne tnten Hotel, ituuieo
Bell township, at the house of Robert Mehaffuy.
bloom township, at the boose of the late Jam is
Dloout, Sr. '
Uojts township, at tbe house of Edward Albert
Urailford township, at the house of Jaoub Pieroo.
Brady township, at the house of Wn. Suhwcni,
In Luthershurg.
rJu reside township, at loung s school bouse.
Chest township, at the publio school bouse acar
Slmoa Rorabaugh's.
ClcsrOidd borough, at the Co art House.
Covington township, at tbe bouse of J. M surer.
Curwcnevllle borough, at the house of tbe lato
Isaae Bloom.
Uooatur township, at Centre school honae. 1
Fersuson township, at the bouse uf John Urrjr-
ory, formerly occupied by Thos. Robiron, (U road
ilirard townih'p, at Congrrss Hit) school house.
Goshen township, at the public school houso at
Grab am township, at the house of Jacob II uhler.
iJulich township, at the publie school house, in
Janes Wile,
Iluitbn township, at tlie houso of Jeso Wiluoa.
lloutsdale borough, at tbe publie bouse of Wis.
Parker, in eeid borough.
Jordan towuFhip, at the publie school house, in
Karthaus township, at llrMjren's school house.
Knox township, at Turkey Hill school house.
Lawrence township, at the Court House, in the
borough of Clrarflrlit.
Lumber City borough, at tbe public school boas.
U orris township, at the house formerly occupied
by Thomas Kyler.
IS aw Waabiogton borough, at tbe publie eehool
Osceola borough, at the publie house of Milo
Hoyt, In said borough.
1'enu township, at the hotel formerly kept by
W. W. Anderson.
Pike township, at the house of the lata Isaac
Bloom, in tbe borough of Curwensville.
Union township, at tlie house of D. H. Rritbnker.
Woodward towuship, at the house of Thomas
Notice ia further hereby glvm, That
all persons eioept Justices of the Ptare, who
shall bold aa (Bee or arpoiinnt of trust under
the government of tbe United States, or af fait
State, r of any jnrori.paid district, whether a
eoTnLuiMluned umoar or otliprwisc, a tuboromate
officer or agent, wbo Is ar shall be employed an
dor the Lejritlative, fcircutive or Judivial de
partments uf this Btsto or of tha Doited States,
or any city or incorporated district, and also
that every mMubrr of Congress, ar ef iba Ptate
Legislature, ar f tbe eoiniuua or selvet enaaell
of any city, or commissioner of any Inoorporatad
district, are by law Ineauable of holding ar
exercising, at the same time, the office or ap
pointment of Judgo, Inspector or CUrk of anj
election of this Commonwealth.
By the act of Assembly of 1809, known ai tbe
Kcgi'try, it is provided as follows i
1. "Election oftVors are to open the polls be
tween tbe hours of sii and rcrcn a. m. on tbe day
of election. Before sit o'clock in tbe morning of
scooud Tuesdsy or Uctohrr they are to receive
from (lie toudty 'toajuiifiioners ibe Jlegistered
List of l olurs and air atoessarjr olecnun blanks.
aud they are to permit no man to vote whose
name is not on raid list, unless he shall make
proof of his right to vote as follows t
2. The pnrson wL'iiv. itaiua is not on the list
elaiming the right to vote must pmdiioe a qualified
voter ol the district to swrar in a whiten or print
od alTidavit to tbe residence of the claimant in tbe
disuiol tor at leaM tea days neat proceeding said
ekotict, defining el early whota the nsidcoee af
the pertion was.
3. The party claiming the tight to vote shall
also make an affidavit, stating to the beet of his
knoa ledge and belief where and when be was
born, that he is a oitixen of Pennsylvania and of
the United States, that he has resided in the
State ono year, or, If formerly a eitism therein
and removed the re from that he has resided therein
six months next preceding said election, that he
has not moved into the district for the purpose of
voting therein, that he has paid a State or county
tax within two years, which was astcsxed at ban
ten days boforo the eleetiur , and the alii do v it shall
state when and where tha tax was assented asd
paid, and the tax receipt must be produced unless
tbe alridavit si. ell state that It has been lost or de
stroyed, or that he received none.
4. If the applicant be a naturalized citlxrn, ho
mun in addition to the foregoing proofs, state in
hie affidavit when, whore and by what court he
was nature Hied and produce hit certificate of
o. Every person claiming to be a naturalised
eitircn, whether on the legictrr list, or producing
a (ti davits aforesaid, rl all he required to produce
his naturalisation oertillcate at the eleotion before
voting where he has been for ten years consecu
tively a voter In I ho district where he otTere to
vote) and on the vote of such a person being ra
ooirei, the Election O (Beers are to write or stamp
tha word 'voted' on his certificate with the month
and year, and no other voto ean be east that day
in virtue of aaid certificate, exoept where eons arc
entitled to voto on tuo naturaJiution of their
6. If the person elaiming to vole who Is not
born citUen of the Unite! Htates, or, ff born elso
whore, shall produce evldnnce of hi naturalisa
tion, or thiU he Is entitled to cltitenshtp by re axon
of bis father's naturatf satinn, and further, that be
Is between lil and 22 year uf age, and has resided
within tbe htate ono year, and in the election dls
triil ten days noxt preceding the election, he
sbnll bo entitled to vela though be eball sol have
paid taxes.
In cane the person who shall have received the
second highest n timber of votes fur innjieetor, shall
not attend on the day of election, than tha person
who shall have received the senoud highest num
ber of votci for judge at the next preceding elec
tion, shall act as iimnoetor in bis place j and in
ease tbe person wbo shall have received the high
est number rf votes for inspector shall aot attend,
the person elected Judge, shall appoint an In Direc
tor in his place; and in ease the person elected
Jndge shall not attend, then the inspector wbo re-
ceivtid the highest number of votes, shall appoint
a Jndge in his place i or if any v a nancy shall con
tinue in tbe l.onrd for the spice ef one hour alter
the lime fixed by law for the opening of tbe cleo
tiun, the qualified voters of the towmhip, ward or
district for which aueh officer shall hare been
elected, present at the place of election, shall so
led ono out or inoir ntuoncr to in i sucn vaoaney.
Also, that where a judge, by sickness or ana
voidable accident, le unable to attend such tneot
ingof judges, the a the certificate or return thai)
bo taken charge of by one nf tha Inspectors or
clerks of the election of the dlslnet, wbo shall do
and perform tho duties required of said Judge un
able to attend,
Ibe Return Judg-s of tha respective districts
aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court
House, tn the boroueh of Clearfield, on the first
Friday next after the said first Tuerdaj af tio
vemaer, then end tfaera fc do tbose things
required of them by law,
OIVBN under my hand and Mai, at Clearfield,
Pea a., tbia ninth day of October, ia tba
L.S.year nf oar Lord oae tboasand
batidred and seventy two, and of tha Inde
peadencaor Ue United Htalos the nieety-eis,
JUSTIN J. P1H, Sheriff.
T W. DA Vl, of Glen Hon, Petma
I is my authorised Agent fur tba tale of
noiontt't J'eia t'atnt, Ibe only Instant re her and
permanent cure of all kind of Pain. Also Wo),
ontt'l Anntb.lalnr for the radios! pure nf Catarrh
and colds In the head. R. L. WOI.COTT.
2-ioi If I Chatham Pqesre, New Tcrh
T0i I A If M)i!.H Ti;.iv-
' '-- -- - I
It ti laid that Grant, when In conversation with
his chief Fugleman, oa the returns of tho lato State
Elections, In which waa not all satisfaction, went
off iu the following strain. " i ' I
wO, give me eoeuee uf blood and carnage
The popular will, Is wore to manage
Or scenes amidst tbe dead and dying, 1fc ' ' '
And not oa some men rvlylng.
Sdc what we've done fur the eld Korlh Ptate; '
They give us back re r en go ami hate.
I would to God 1 had stayed at tanning,
Aud thereby been eared from a nation a dnmning,
For, from all you've said, yuu must srmember,
Thifti'l Dotnt that way fur next - v -
"iliild, your higWj--, iu tlie returns of Maine
there a consolation.
Yes, I know, and our en use Is lost hy that, same
computation. 1
Just give me four years more of public ruling, '
And with my will there shall be no fooling.
rour years more nngenng in tne puh'le mauiury,
I'll lay well my plans and aot at leisure.
Then with my soldiers and tbe peoplc'a weal lb
witi be obeyed, H 1 keep uv bealtn.
Then spake again the Fugleman, aad said.
"lou snail nave ir, niavter, or t u ue nuiuuerea
with the dead. . i
And I swear, by the prestige of my Clan,
You shall get the party vote to the lust man.
1 care not wbut you u luard ot late,
Y'U will get all the loyal of my State. I
I know we have presented sides quite too many. I
Hut I'll male that all right in Pcuu-vlvania.
What odds if they should prove to be oo agon, -
I ni I fix them all, or my num., s not tarter.
There's I)un, not Don Juan, that famous rider,
Hut he that stiettcrkuown as the legislative briberi
He's a man of fire, as the color of bis hair dcootca,
And to buying men, part of his time devote t
But not to paying, as some mcwhers know.
In things, that happened about twu years ago, .
And in that very same transaction
I was badly beat by tbat other railroad faetlnn.
At that time, we bad to ohango one in tho Xatiou's
t thonght It wise to consult that railroad magnate.
I talked long to him, but all ia vain,
1 told uim it waa too sadly lain
Tbat one need of that buJj was a man In things
divine a teacher,
And bone would suit the place so well as tho Alle
ghany preacher.
Turn ulked around a a bile, and then he did begin.
Aud aaid, no could nut be taduoed to cuter in y
To any si t-up schema or plot
That would be prejudicial to one John Sdott, 1
Who had been faithful, aud served thorn with
devotion, - ,
And to that very place bad a somewhat aspiring
At this juncture I began to luck about '!
To find a hole tha I could crawl out, 1 f
As things looked, I d on myself been heaping
Then I tried the one cent tax upon petroleum;
So, In (llrard House, in room forty-two.
A hill was drawn just by a few,
Who wem expert in words and knew Ihotr meaning.
By no means young adepts in legislative sebeeming.
In words 'twaa guarded well,agniut all Roorback),
Aud for our stamps we would depood on Phila
delphia drawbacks.
The bill wt'tit through the House without detention,
And in the Senate there was little or no ooutcution;
I felt exultant, I must here tell, '
Por things were moving on tike a marriage bell?,
When a sudden change came o're the M joh ;
I don't mean tbat ever oh an gin g plant,
But he that's fixed R. H. member ot our Sture Senate.
At this sudden turn I felt inclined to tremble,
W hen I found tbe Jig was up with our poor Komble,
I was near being squeescd 'twren them two Scolts.
"f is all passed, it's a long lane that has no turning,
I'll caUb that Irwiu, should I over find bim
Enough of this, let ui get nearer to the point,
Or all our plans, may get bad'y out ol joint.
Now you hnve measured ell from your own dia
gram If you please, let me lay down the programme.
I would not hesitate to do It
ir I IhcMiRht in truth you would pursue it.
But since to lead your mind is bent,
You may mark it out, with my conrcnt.
Well, Lion wilt aid ns if we bun solicit,
And in our come down their it ao d licit
Then in my State Ml speak for strong protection,
I tbiuk 1 should, to aid in our Eicolumj
Further on wo will talk free trade,
You know mighty things with that's been made,
And in most sections ol the Weit
I think it suits the people bed
And as we gi t down in tbe South,
There we'll speak merely from tho mouth;
With their fool notions of that lost cause
We must sp-nk careful, to get out applause;
And when we get up among the Yanks,
Whore of late they've cut some quite queer pranks,
There all forts of talk will ba too Ibm,
To get their voire we must bring down the tlnj
If ue bare not the tin wo will u-c shinpWcrs,
And lay snothcr tax on our excise devils and
Fust Masters,
Now for this Fugleman a wirj I'll say,
In onler that be may get fair nlay.
You would Ibink to bear this Loro talk
That in none but honeat paths he'd walk.
But with all his pleading fur the public wual,
You will find It all intended for his own LochieU
Another word I would say to both.
And I think it will abound ia truth,
That some where there must be sad abuse,
Or men would uot come here to tight them from
the Hussies.
And uow just a word, to show the author 'a not
- been erring.
He'd bare you read, and digwt well, that report
oi ui new I lrwm.
Another Heiieli.iom. Something
liko n rebi'Iiion hits broken out among
tho boys itt tbe Anniipolis Navul
Acadoniy. Tbo aociul cquttlity fanut
ics have forced a negro into tho innti
tutiun, and' tho white boys Im red bim
liko other now vomera. This tho
d ur key has pocketed as nn insult to
bis area! A Washington correspond
ent nys tbo runt tor bus boon laid bo
luro inu rrcsUlcnt, Secretary of Wm
and Navy, and Mutt "tho government"
remarked that tho tinging bullions nt
Went Point and AnmipolU miiHt bo
broken up II' every whito boy in those
schools had to be txpcllud. What it
burnt of iudignnlion for tbe bent fit of
few negroea and the discomfiture of
tho while boya 1 What impartiality !
Threo negro boya to monopolize tho
two schools !
Rino Kahcai.s. Six or ciirht very
roppeetablo cilir.on, but ctUlniHiaRlie
Cameronilce, have boon a r re died in
LnnenHier county during tho pant
week for bribery and corruption at
tho lato election. If ordy half what
honest Kepnblicnna tell abont tho ac
tion! of the Cameron ring is true a
Vigilance Committee, alniilnr to tbe
ono which rid California of its ballot-
box fituflcriianri State robbers In 1n.)(J,
in fSfttntlully neoesfary In Pbilmlel-
phin, Lancaster, Ilarricburgaud I itts
burg. Kixino It. Tbe PitlKburgh Post
aays: 'Aa wo predicted Romo daya
ago liuchcr Swoop is nn aspirant for
the plane of Simon Cameron ip tho
United States Somite,
ever, upon (ho pleasure of tho ''old
man." Uo has not quite mado tip big
mind to quit, but wo nro Informed tho
wholo matter will bo' arranged neit
week. Tbe Legialaturo does not moot
until January, which formerly had
, iriiivuimg o WBJ- in wuun maiierw, Ulll
. It Is to bo relieved of all anxiety, by
JIackey and Errett, next woek, They
'are to fix thing." '
..ij ; ; i . .. t 1 1; ii w. -
1 1 : .. I
I ,l-,: t
' 'j: i 1
Extracts from a Letter of Ex-Qov.
iglor to DisaSeotod Democrats.
Sometime In August last a numbor
of prominent Democrats in Tonncssve
addreaeed a lottor to Ex-Gov. Biglor,
in relation to tho Preaidentiul question.
are permitted to mako the follow.
lng extrncU from Ida anawer. which
to our mind, suits (his laliludo aa well
aa Tennessee i ' i ' 1 . 'I ,.i '
' You nr mistaken
as to tho 0th Jteaolution of tho Stale
ConvLiitiou of 1S71 and the Cincinnati
Vlatform being .domical. The ooni
plaint against the former was not that
U n-rioAod 10 tbe amendments, hnt
that it ftf(settJ ' ilio'i they hritf been
flJoptod by tho proper authority am'
in lite proper manner ; Wliorcus, the
Dnmocraliu Jiarly had huld thnt tlie
proper authority ta regulate, txiffragt
irat in the States, nnd that tlio mun-
nor (if adopting tlie Amendments had
hnd lioen dccuilivo, If not Truuduluiit,
in many of tho Sliilos, and ervneciully
in Pennoylvania.
" I diemiss iill flso you any about the
Amcndnientg to tlio Coimiiluliun with
tho lemurU that olirdienuo to law Id
an elementary principle of the Demo
cratic party. However oarnoxtly it
mny have rcsiBted tho cnaulmunt of n
given lnnpo.-itioi. into Jaw, whenever
KUeh inntler rvoirivca tho fortni of law
that roHielaneo teased. 80 it must be
now and in tlio future
I have great respect for tho concern
you muiiifcal for the good name of the
Ilemoeniliu I'arty.butwemuHt not for
get that lie plod i haraeter epi ungfi om
it pant worts, and that its reputation
in tho lulu 1-0 will bo shaped by the
remits it may produce. Professing
t-priial dovotion to the nellfare of the
country, nolhinf; could be more dam
aging to Its reputation than that,tiav-
ing tho oppnrtunily, it should, on
iiiBiifflcient grounds, rofuso to carry
out that profeshion. For many years it
ha been in the minority, and has wit
nessed tho most flagrant wrongs in
tho practice of government, without
being able to interpose cfTeclivo reais-
lint when an organized body of
men, dissenting from the ruling parly,
unpen rod in tho field, deelarini? in
favor of the principles and measures
to which the Democracy stood pledged
aircauy, 1110 uutpicioua oportuiuly
was presented. Such w at the outlook
when the Democracy of tho sovcral
Stales were called upon to select delo
gates to the Rational Convention.
And now 1 ask you, witlvwhat show
of dovotion to tho principles nnd
measures no had been ndvocating,
rntild we withhold the himd of fellow
ship from a buily of men who bud
uipousfd, in all essential things, the
sime emus 1 And how shall we ever
becomo a mnjnrity, if wo refuse the
on-oprrulion of those who agreo with
u, on die ground thul ihcy differed
with o-berelulore. And how dm 1 1 the
bund i t noblo men who have diaxented
from t 1 e Kudical organization because
of ils ujijnst measures, n(.cumplifh tho
good loik Ihcy havo uudcriakon, if
they r fuso to co-operate with men
rngngii in the same cuusc ? And how
could I jexo orgnnir.ationg get logetbur
wilhotii mutual coiicoasiimg to each
other t j Nor, my dear sir, will it do
fornici i rnfoseiny devotion to country,
to Aiil to do it a groat good, simply
becausrithey cuuld not do it alone and
in lliul'iown way; nor to ncgloit to
do all lie good they can, becauxo they
cannot 1 all Ihcy would
In fclibr words, shnU the Demo-
cratio ijnrty refuse lo triug about
greal a ll good tlilrfgfl for tho country)
simply levnuMo it has not tho power,
of itself and through the agencies of
its old favorites, to accomplixh but
it would regard as political perfection
Thcii were tho considerations
wclglicj by thoughtful men, North
and South, and that led to tho Bonding
if DultfHala to (be Xwiional Oonvin
lion, with scarce a dUsctiting voice, lo
rufify bonds of fellowship bctwoou
ImIi patriotic organizations, to tlio end
tilt tlicirunitcd numbersinight rescue
thl country from proeent evils mid
injtomling perils.
po uction of tho 11a I i more Conven
tion was fur uiiiro than the noininn
liul of candidates In tho usual way.
Tli 004 votes cast for Mr. Greeley oi
thi' flint ballot, not so much signify
thai be should bo our noinincfyns it
did tho uvsent of tho Purty to thecom
ingogethci' of conservativo men,
fi'inii all sections, irroxpeclivo of past
dillerence, to acJomplinh tho groat
and good purposes to w hich all stood
Alido from those considerations.
Mr Greeley could not have received
one Vote out of tho C9I, nor would bis
frliiuU bavo desired that ono should
bo it fur bim. but tho Convention
bolieVing (hut he would, in good faith,
anil 'with courAgo stand by tho prici
plc' it hud enunciated, mado him its
unanimous pomlpp. . And, now allow
m to 'ay that tbo obligation doeolv-
uiglipon tho momboii of tho party to
abiJe that docision ia all tho moro
solum n and imporativa because ol its
extrordinary slgnillcanco.
In addition to candidate tnd a plat
form, It gav iu an nlly ef number
.ufflelent, to It sgro autces at the rolls,
:r.l I 1 :! t'"i, l
I -n ., '1 v. l
fl. . Til
t t ; . i.i-i ot ii i1 - ..''- '..'i . " i" : '
Besides, this deciaion, as all intelligent
men known, had been predetermined
by, tho Democracy of tho.. several
States, boforo tbo delegates left their
respective homes for tho Convention.
Nothing remained lo bo done at Bal
timore but lo prosent tho legitimate
offspring of tho general dosiro. V''- '.
Besides 1 can think of no sentiment
that has bo generally pcrVadcd ibe
lomocrulio riinkH,,iov yours pattl, as
that favoring tho uuited action of oon-
servdtivo men, irrespoctivo 'of pant
difference. td rcscuo tho count ry'fi'oin
the control of Ihoso whoso . psiont
and bates, iinplanted by protracted
sectional strifo, biive rendered ilium
unfit to curry out 11 Uo national
policy.' ' . ' ' ' Ji
:; - ''''" 1 ,
, With these general remarks I ahull
procoed to answer your question.
"What will tho Democratic Party
gain by tho election1 of Sir. Grooley "
It were better to enquire, what shall
the country gain ? for we should look
more to country than lo party. It is
tho great wrong of llineo now in pow
er that they look to party and not to
, By tho Cincinnati .Plutfurm, all nro
pledged to frugality in tho uso of the
publio money, eo that taxation may
be permanently reduced ; also to hold
to a rigid accountability all who aro
cntruned with the keeping thereof, so
lliai what the people pay may be ex
pended for their benefit, and thul tho
reign of fraud and peculation in pub
lio place, so diagruceful to tho nation,
may be brought lo an ontl.
A single Presidential term is lo be
ihe rule, so that un acting Prosidcnt
may bavo no inducement to prostituto
tho power and patronage ol this high
ofHco to Bccure bis nomination and
election for a second term and this
will bo a great primary step in tho
way of Civil Service reform.
The military would be held In strict
subordination lo the civil authority
and on this point, the Cincinnati Plat
form distinctly declares that the pub
lio wclfaro requires that this should
bo done. It demands also, for the
citizen, the protection of the Writ of
Ilabtai Corpus, and for the individual
the lurgcat liberty oonatatcm with pub
lic order, and for the States self-government.'
" '
All aro pledged also fo tho restric
tion of tho Federal Government to its
Constitutional limits, so that it eball
no longer interfere in tbe domestic
affairs of States; also to universal urn
nesty, and the cultivation of good re
lations between tho people of all the
What moro could wo do or promixo
to do, had wo rejected tho plutfurm
and candidates of Mia Conservative
llepuhlicuns and selected eomo favor
ito members of our own organization?
I unswor, nothing, nothing moro with
any show of sincerity. Such a work
might have been more gratifying at
tlio moment, but it could bring noth
ing but defeut, und kit us ppen lo the
reproach of having subordinated the
good of tho country to tho pride of
position und the gratification of preju
dice growing out of iaeuos that have
mainly passed oway. , ,
1 liko tenacity lor principle, but
lhoo principles which point to tlie
rear, do not answer prosent needs. I
prefer rules that aro to affect the
futuro, and that aro to bluijio living
not dead woi ks.
Iu conclusion, I remark that I rc
gnrd the putting away of the sectional
and parly niiimosilies incident lo the
tho War, und thestrifes that leal 1'iero
to, by tlio united action of men who
were found on all sides of iIiomi ii-sues
and strifes, as tho one greut needful
step to beget substantial pence and
true lellnw ship aim fraternity amongst
tho American people 1
' ' ' Your obedient Servant,'-
Wim. 1!isk Aoain. The Pbilailel
phia ,!;'-, in relei ring to our defeat,
says : "Tho Demncriilic party has
sustained a defeat, as it has before,
and never with less tho sliatun of de
feat. It had sound DcinncruU and
honest men as its candidates, and the
fraud and corruption that prevailed
against them won a victory over all
tho principles that nr al tlio base of
civilized society. But their overthrow
is temporary. Tbo principles of truth
and juslico and fico civil government
are, under the will of Providence,
sometimes tuhmorgi'd in the storm of
political excitement ; but it aluites,
they arise again, and their ultimate
triumph is certain. '1 hose who think
they nave got the D'niocratio parly
down will find that It has a banpy
knack of rising. Wo havo Seen many
limes tho ascendancy of wrong, but it
docs not stay up. There is sure faith
in principlo that is never east down
by temporary reverses. Tho Demo
cm tin party, Into to itself, Is still tho
best hop of every honest mun and
every real patriot,
Ton Ttn.N TO Wash We hope now
that ll.irtianfl has promised lo havo
restored lo tho Treasury tho money
Evans nnd ot lints ntolo, ho will en.
deavor to get back bis duo bill lor
000 which ho had not tlmo lo get be
fors the election. A groat or cao of
lalse-protcnco was never cnanled In
this Slate. Harlriinft had the oppor
tunity to collect all this money year
gn, but ha and Geary and othors wero
too rrnsy Uivklingllio plunder.
Is E.un and who keen him out of
night? ' , ' I
;t i-n..
:.. ! -.;V j ' : J.t : .'
V S. a 1
TEEM3-S2 per annum in Advance.
SERIES - V0L. 13, NO. 43.
' ..'... ' Cuuinunteaiud. '
Ma Kbitor : Occasionally I hoar a
Democrat say it is impossible for bim
to voto for Greeley. With such tut
mo take a shbrt review of wh'at Is
known its Liberal Republicanism .and"
what to mo appears to be bur duly mi
the coming contest."' Ever' sincV the
nomination1 of Horace Greeley liy the
Cincinnati Convention, 1 havo been
closely anil quietly observing tlio' cur
rent of -liberal publio opinion. ' That
convention was composed of tho moot
Intelligent, honest, blglf tened and
liberal-miudod members of tho ItepuU
lican party. ' I say liboruf-mfndod,
because: tho prime movers'' in'"'thnl
convention wero I he meii'10 wjiom
the Demooratie party looked for co
operative assistance wltli" tlio "few
Democrats' yet' remaining-In ' their
country's servieo. ' Whenever there
wai up for discussion In Congress any
of their St. Domingo, Bailroad subsi
dies, or land-grab association bills,
you would always find such men as
Trumbull, Rnmncr, Schurz,and others,
who ore now prominent in thle Lib
eral movemont, nrrayrd with tho De
mocracy j knd why f Been n so these
men aro honestly striving for the wcl
faro of our country. They would not
bo held within tho pulo of tho Repub
lican parly when they saw its motives
wero dishonest'and corrupt, and its
intentions, as manifested by legisla
tive enactments and official patronage,
were not for the good of our country
and ihe progress of our freo institu
tions, but for' tho perpetuation of
party power, to enablo that party to
continno on through a second Presi
dential term of national robbery and
wilful and glaring violations of thoso
laws which should be maintained and
thrown urotind us as a national safe
guard. They are honest In their mo
tives, bocauso when aclivo mombers
belonging to tho parly iu power they
could have been the recipients of otli
cial patronage and Presidential pref
erences. And whoro they refused it,
(See Plcusanton's exposision of Grant's
attempt lo steal St. Domingo), they
voluntarily, and without any mone
tary or lfih motive, evacuated their
old camp and turned their gun upon
ils fortifications, because they well
knew buhind those walls was lurking
tlio most dangerous enemy American
liberty and independence ever had.
Money and position wo not strong
enongh lo bind them to the endorse
ment of an administration that, by its
violulion of Constitutional laws, its
unlawful Congrefsionul enactments,
its system id national robbery, its
frauds and thieving peculations and
its grinding and impoverishing syt
teiu of taxation, was hastening our
once great and prosperous country to
bankruptcy und financial ruin.
Tho Cincinnati Convciiliouists took
a wise, deliberate and comprehensive
view of the condition of the political
horizon nnd the relutivu position of
each parly lo the other. They well
knew that, as a party of thcnisolves,
they were in tho minority, with every
thing to Inoso and nothing lb gain,
unless by u wise and judicious nomi
nation they could secure; for thoir
candiduto tho cudnr.-c incut of tho
'Ualtimoro Convention. Many Demo-
crata preferred A Jams tu any other
Liberal Republican, but the convention,
with a unmeditated view of the ao-
ceptaiire of their candidate aud plat
form at Baltimore, 1 think wisely
between tlieso too, placed iu nomina
tion llorueo Greeley, of Now York
There are other men the Democracy
would have preferred to either of
llieso two, but it is useless to assign
reasons. His done. It is now Grvo
ley or Grant.
Democrats, stop '. Don't say you
will not vole for Greeley 1 Do not
think that because bo was heretofore
against us upon tho question of slave
iy, that he would not give us an holi
est and constitutional lultninislrution.
Think for yourselves study tins mut
ter over und over in your own mind.
Jieinembcr, this question bears upon
und bus to do willi, the future ol our
count ry. It is no ordinary or passing
event. Ask yourselves this question :
llavo I, us un American citizen, no
duly to perform lo my country f Do
1 owe it no service for its past protec
tion ? Am 1 not partially instrumen
tal in tho ultimate success, ur partial.
Iy responsible for tho immediate ruin,
of our free institution! and system of
self-govel umeiil 1
Tho hope of tho country depends
upon 1111 inimedialeihaiigo of adminis
tration, Always having had the most
sucred Confiilenco in a Democratic ad
ministration ol this government, as a
vital ncurssiiy to its existence nnd the
conliuuanco of its untrummcled prin
ciple of coustittiliotial liberty, I
would bare preferred, as I firmly be
lieve all Democrats would, to havo
seen placed In nomination by the Bal
timore Convention a Democrat, truo
and tried, ono who never, even in tho
darkest hour of our party's ndvor.ity,
had for a single moment deserted tho
lime bnnorod principles of that grand
old party, whoso very pisiform was
M wcl' I""'1 Blld l1ircel "f tlio
Constitution of our country.
iu lelis itop niid" consider.' Uero
ia a powerful and unscrupulous party
in power, it lins tho military, tho
money power and official patronago
at Ils fingers' ends, and docs not Ijesi-
tata or blush to uso either, no matter
how corrupt, infamous or tyrannical
tho manner or means, If it will result
to Us political benefit. Jt holds, and
bus bold for twulvo years, tlio reins of
government, grasped firmly In .that
iron grip which o clearly trial ks our
near und rapid opprouch to a usurp- .
ing und tyrannical form and centrali
zation of power. Giant, when a can
didate for Presidential honors four
years ago, declared in favor of the one
term system. Sinco his election, ho
has given the lie lo his former filler.
unco, and Is again before the pooplo,
taking tho people's presents, using tho
people's 'money, squandering tlio no-,
tional revenue' nnd distributing pat
ronago in tlie most reprehensible and
abusivl manner, ta secure his re-election.
And I firmly boliuve, if re-elected,
ho, will bo tho lust President ever -ulucLed
by the people in this country.
Fraud and corruption now slulk de
fiantly through our luud, and boldly
outer every , branch, of the nalionul,
and lunny of 1 the State governments.
With deliberato and premeditated
violations of c-onslituniul law staring
us In tho faeoj villi a tyrnnnicul
usurpation' of tlio military ovor tbo
civil authorities; with un ulter disre
gard for the protection of life, liberty
and laws at home,, and n cringing,
humiliating and dishonest diplomuey
abroad, is it any wonder that tbo
hearts of the American people throb
with anxiety for ihe futuro welfare of
their oountry is it at all surprising
that all members of all political par
ties, aro honestly striving and, suiccro-
ly desirous to hand down to futuro
generations this once grout and happy
country, with all its noble machinery
of self-government pure, intact and
inviolable, as it was handed down to
us by thoso who fncrificed their lives
upon their country's altar lo transmit
to ui' ench Is glorious inherilage aa,
was never boforo bequeathed to any
people or nation of tho world f" I say,
is it any wonder iho pooplo of all par
ties, imbued with tho fooling of their
country's nced,should unite and so
nobly immoluto nil past differences,
parly spito and all sectional fooling,
and regardless of every thing save tho
future welfare of their country, calm
ly consider the grave and momentous
questions as they prosontod them
selves,' and, after maturely divining
their effects and consequences, should,
with one grand und united outburst Qf
truo patriotism and singleness of pur
pose, place in . nomination a man
whose . popularity, rising ' in ' its. -strength,
and liko a mighty tidal
wave which indicates tho tremendous
shock soon to follow, now sweeps over
our country from convro to circumfer
ence f A man, it is truo, heretofore
holding different viows from many of
us upon some of the issues thou beforo
tho peoplo but now extinct bul
who, ull must havo the candor to ad
mit, is a statesman, a scholar, an hon
est man and a truo American citizen ;
who is honestly, sincerely and solely
concerned for the future prosperity o
the country, and who, if elected, will
give us un honest and Impartial od
ministration of tho laws, according to
the letter and spirit of the Constitu
tion. ' ' ' "" ",' " ''
' Speaker Blaine, in his reply lo lion.1
Chns. Sumner, presents Ihe issno in .
its true aspect, llo says "tlio sumo
rales that elect Horace Greeley Presi
dent of tho Vniled States will placo
in power a Democratic Congress,
which will leave Iloraco Greeley pow
erless to execute a Republican admin
isiration, If be so wished, which J do
not believe he does.'1 Now, Democrats,
this is tlio truo and correct view to1
1 ako of the issue, and it is tho result
anticipated, and which will bo gladly,
accepted by tho Liberal Republicans.
Then I regard it at simply our duly,
lo our country und our parly organi
zation to support' Horace Grooley
with heart unci hand.
Although Pennsylvania haSj nt tho
lato election, recorded an overwhelm
ing majority against tho Democratic,
and Liberal ticket, no sane man be-,
longirjif Jo cither party, ot even ordi
nary intelligence, will say that ma
jority was an honest yortlict of tho
voters of this Commonwealth. When
New York und Muiy land withdruw
their "repeaters" and "bullies" and
Richmond und Ilaltimoro cull home
their thousands of nomadic negroes,
it will Lave the honest majority of
legal votes ill Pciilisy fvsniu with tho
Democracy nnd Liberal Republicans, '
whero it ban been for years. Their '
hopo was to carry Pennsylvania at
tho October election by such an over
whelming majority as to demoralize
and disorganize us to such an extent
that wo would not bo able to rally our
(on es nnd poll our full voto at No- '
vember, which they well know will,
give Ihe Stalo to Greeley. Although
wo acknowledge u defeat, it is not in
the power of that tyrannical, infamous
and corrupt parly lo disorganize or
dismay a purty that has for year
been standing between tho people and
their oppressors, fighting manfully for
the principles of free government and
tho purity of Iho ballot. Democrats,
there Is un apathy in tho camp of
your opponent. Tho enemy of your
country has lost its "men. fit-arms,"
whiM they aro in 11 stupor after thoir
carnival of victory. Let us rally our
forces, and ones more strike home for
the vutiiahing 1 1 liertii'i nf our country
and Iho Justice and humanity' of our
eiiuso.nnd wo will roulo our enemies,
inn so ana tool, ns rini our iiolilu t hsIi
ington w hen ho foil like an avnlnneho
upon tho stupid nnd unirurded Hes
sians nt Trenton, whilst they wora
reviling in llieir midnight orgiel over
a recent success, and recorded a bril
liant victory for hi. country. Si
in,1V we, In November. .