!8 M-1 TI1K REPUBLICAN , . ;'CLEABFIELl,i Ta. , WEDNESDAY UoLmN'Q. OCT. 8.1, IST2.' Harh Put. The Hnrriahni-g Tele graph ia hard put to nnnouiiro convert, to the Grant party when it titlontpU to palm off Gonerul Urownloi', (.ii-nry's lato Attorney Gcnorul, us nn "old Democrat" who has lutoly liillcn into the Grant line. Ben. hna not acted with thu Democracr tint-o 1 Stt I , wlion he, along with Ben. Butler and a hoot more ot venul Democrat wont over to the Lincoln party to gut a cliunt-o nt the nifltrnificent Ulini' iniliatod thon and continued Iv liiu successors ever ainee. Hoo Chop of Iowa. Tho tot J num. tier ot hofe'9 in Iho Slitlo i)f lows, ac cording to statistics tukvn from un advanced sheet of tlin Stale Auditor' nbstrant of assessment for this year, la 8,254,16b hond, njrniiiht l,0l)S,(i71 dead for 1871, and thoir toliil vulun tion was 12,521,210, oi-$2.02 pur hoad, while IuhI year I heir valuation was $2,583,581, or $2 53 pir head. Tho above indicates, that maluro hos have boon sold off pretty closo in lowo, and that her crop is largely made up of young hogs. .Tlio tounti ful corn crop will moro than muko np the difference. A Dolly Varden Suit. Thoy have found a now uniform for tlio Jindicul party in Pennsylvania. It ia no longer the cup nnd cape of tho "wido-u wakes," 4he military toggerj- of tho "boys in blue," or tlio ruseet garb of tlio "Un ners,"but the zehru striped liabilimonls of tlio penitentiary, the close cropped liair of tho Ticket-of-Leuve Man. Since Govornor Goary pardoned Yeikca out of the ponitentiury, that ho might give n good character in Iltirtranlt, his ac complice in villainy, this uniform has become most appropriate, and its adop tion a political necessity. Poor Penn sylvania! has it come to this, that thy budge of honor is felon's garb ? Gut Fawkes' Dat. An English journal calls attention to the fact that the presidential election in the United States this year occurs on the anni versary of tho discovery of the mem orable gunpowacr plot to blow up tlio British parliament, which was mado .November 5, 1005, so that America nnd Great Britain will, for onuo in thoir modern history, have a common; iinnivorsary of political significance. While we are choosing a new ruler, some of our cousins on tlio other side of tho water will bo celebrating tlio deliverance of their king, lords nnd commons from a plot dot-igiicd to blow them all into eternity. t Ilia Request. Horatio Seymour is certainly rcasonublo. llo says Hint when Mr. Greeley is elected and gets to Washington, all wo ask is lor him to show that we do not want any ex posure for vindictive purposes; but pnly for direction in the future. Wo used to say there was something wrong in New York, and we were right. So we say thcro is something wrong in Washington, and wedomana to see the books. If this great reform movement shall result in laying bare All the corruption and wrong of the present administration, so that the morals of tho nation shall bo Improv ed, it will bo well for tho wholo people, j Manhood Wanted Tho editor of the Huntingdon Glube, in alluding to oloction tiny in that loyal borough, nays : "During yesterday we saw men voting the opposite ol their best judg ment. They voted for men they be hoved wcro unworthy thoir votos. Tboy voted for men because they were tho nominees of tho Ilepublican pnrty. They voted for Ilartrnnft, nnd Allen uflcr ad mi tlingthut their success would continue in power tlio corrupt Camer on Ring rulo. They voted away their manhood, their honor, their right to chooso between right and wrong. Slaves to tho will of a corrupt master. Is it not timo the whito man should respect himself and enjoy tho freedom guaranteed to the negro f" A Singular Accident to Two Fa mous TnoTTEiis. At Indiunapolis, on October 2d, as the celebrated trotting marcs sciciudo Golduust, owned by L. L. Dorsey, of Louisville, Kentucky, and Minnie Blncfc, owned by Fruxcr & Jioore, or (.ynlliiaiia, Kentucky, were practicing at tho park, the maro Minnio, by seizing the bits between her teeth, became unmanageable, and tho consequence wns a collision be tween tho two. Tho mare Sciciudo was seriously injured by n Bliaft tear ing open bcr breast, whilo the maro Jlintno was killed, ihey wcro bolli entered for the raco this afternoon Tho loss to tho owners by the death of Minnie will amount to 88,000 or $9,000. Sciciudo GoMdust was valued nt 820,000. ' ' 1 TnuE Wobps. General Ben. II. Hill, In nn nddross to tho people ol Gcorgin, before tho Isle election, suid: "A majority of 50,0(10 for bur State tickot In Uftober will give us nn ensy nnd still greater success in November. It is tlio ijlorioiis privilege of deoi'giii to sneak next in order 1 A thrill of ioy electrifies every fibre of my frame when 1 fool, as I do feol, that neither money, nor force, nor funaticism, nor ' fraud, nor till combined, will bo nblo to stiflo the video of my own dear old Common weal ih I Let her speuk tiny. she will speak the firet clear, ring ing founding nolo for her own and tho Nation a redumption. Tho majority in that Slnto V 55, 420, enough to witifly the iiiokI en- thtiHlaslio Democrat, North Or Nnitli, TllK Kulkof I'uaud On tho morn Ing of the election the N. Y. Sun con laincd the following: Throo scparnto gangs of repcatoi a have gone from this city to Philadel phia to voto in tho election. In one of these gangs thcro are eighty -aoven men : tho others nro much larger 'J'hoie aro several United Slsles elec tion marshaU uinong Ihem. Tlieyex prct to voto ns many as thirty times ouch. Jliny hnvo lice tiassagu both ways, und nil their expenses paid; and they receive Irom Ion to thirty dollars n piece lor their aei vioes. Never was political fruud organiziid on so grand, so nndieguised a scalo ns for this Pennsylvania election under the uuspiuet of Simon Cameron and U liiant. "ls it possiblo that by sunh meuns I people nf Pennsylvania may bo rwnulmod, and kept under rulur ty repudiate and under a systom of lcinl villuiny Irom which they would n bo emancipated. Yes, Ihut is just tho wny it was lohu. Rogues and money did thojob i'or ns . . Jiru floorta, CwrrlcJ, (ftr. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COUKflB TllK CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "1TB nro now opening tin a lot of tho boit anJ f in it ipiwoiinblfl (Joints and Wares ever offered in tliii market, and at priors that remind one of the goorl oM days of chcup things. Thoao who tack la i lit upon this point, or doom our nlle gaiion superfluous, need nut tt.h ..fr orji smite, Corner Front and Market streets, t Where they ran lea, fuel, luar and know for them selves. Tu fully understand what art cheap goods, tint muM im done. Wa tlo not tlueiu it necessary to omimurato and item. in our stuck, It li enough for ui to state that "Wo Lave Everything that is Neodod and consumed In this, market, and at prion that AFiunirn uotii- oiu ana young. Jbj2i . JUSIJI'lI FIIAW A PON r. a. mu.ru. A. it. ruu r.LL, MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Ornhuin's Row, Market St., CI. R A R PI EI. I), PA. W would moit ropptotrulty inform our fritudt, cmtomr, nnd lh. publin general!, Ibt we art nnw back in our old quarter, which bare been remodeled nnd improrcd, nnd wo are now pre pared to nocommodata til who may faror ui by calling. NEW GOODS! We hare jmt received one of the largnt itockt of all kindi of Merchandlio ever brought to Clear field count r, which we Intend to tdl at each tig area at will make tt an object for all peroni to purchaae from on. Families ayag In winter uppltci of Groccrici, I)ry Gondii. Ac, ihould aot full to give m a call, a. we feel confident our prices and puporior quality of goods will ample satisfy all. Our stock of G R O C E H I E S ' conjl.ti of Coffeel of tho beat qnilitjr, Teal, Su gar! vf all kinda, Sloluaoa, Fih, Bait, Cheeoo, Dried Fruit, Fpioea, Proriaiunr, Flour aod Feed, Ac, Ao. Our Hock of DRY GOODS la large and varied, and wa will Ju.t tajr wa tan enppty ai.y article in that line, without rnumer- ting. KE A DY.il A DE CLOTHING We bare a large atock of rcady-mado Clothing fur Men r.nl Doja woar, which wo will diapoaeof at a very email advance on ooaU Eooti and Sbooi, llnta and Capa, Uardwaro, Queen.'naro, Wood and Willow Ware, Notion), Fancj Qoodf, Carpeta, Oilcloths, Wall Fapera, Window Shades, Ac, Ac. .O" Being eitensivel engaged In tlio Lumber business, wo aro able to oflorsuperlor Inducements to Jubbcrs. MILLER A POWELL. Clrarfii-Kl, Pa., Jan. 3, 1S71. N E W OOOD'I cw Firm at Wallaceton, Pa. JOHN HOLT k SONS Hare bought the entire stock of g'tods from P. Uallagher, nd are receiving a general assortment of n;w goods from the Eastern cities, snch as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GKOCEUIF.S, QUEENSWACE, HARDWARE, BOOTS Si SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, . FEED, io., io., Ac, To exchange (ir Country Troduoe, Hailroad Ties, LumWrort'A.SH. ootoner IS, 1S7I. 2 AN I EL GOODLANDEit, LUTIIKKPBl'RO, PA., Tli-alrr In DRY GOOD S, NOTIONS, 110S1F.UY & GLOVKS, HAT.S A CAPS aJ BOOTS A 8II0K3, T.ibocno, arocirics sn l Fish, Nal1, IInr!worf, Qtiernawitro and titae.ware, Men s anl Boys' Cltithing, Drug', Paints, Oil', t-'-l I ll.ioka, a large lot of pjiont Midli'lncs, Can.llea, N'nta A DM Ptuita, Cheese and Craik - crs, Kotk and Kino Powder, . . Flour, Grain and Potatoes, . f C'lovor and Timothy 3ccl, . . , , rtolo Lra'bor, Mrtroncoa, l.intnffa, Rin Hngs and Thrrad, Sihoe,nntn.rs Tools and Khoe Findings, No greate r vnrtrty of ("noils In any store In th eonntv. All f,r ante very low fur cacti or enmilry produce at the Cheap Corner. April 10, IS72. lt K AD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 The atraniion of the citisrni nf Clcsrfieli) and vlrtnity is directed to the fnnt that Unudfcltow A Hon are the aim's of M. Niwe A Co , and hare just rrnrteed a half dnsen car loads of Plnur and Feed, whieh tlicy n. r at the lowest pos'ibls fig ures. A largo stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, HUCKWnKAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoea, Sheltod Corn, Corn In ear, Ao., Ao. Particular attention la eallci tn M. Niece A Co. 'a brand of Family Flour, which is the best in the markot. , - Floor and Food aan and will be sold cheaper than it oan be obtained olsenbera la Cloarteld county. "Slore en Market street, neat door to Ron. Aleaander lrvin's residence, . . , ' UOODFKLLOW A 0!, ' an0ir Al"nlrrM.NIroeACe. Saravsre.. Ulnorr, t5tr. THE IRONSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE 1 G. S. F LEGAL, :."! .J It A .it.; rhilipsburff, Contrt- Comity, Tt,. rpiIK underslgnod rsspootfully nnnrances to X tho publlo that ho has on hand a ouro lully-aelootod and wall aaaortad stock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, ' HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON : W A KG! ' 1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills stork of Cooking Bti'vss consists of HI E CEl-F.nitATF.D IHONSIDES, Which bars savor failed to bring roaoo and prosperity Into unihloa whoro it is used, Diamond State. Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' unliromta uooa nioea, npe.ra' Anii-iiu,, tias-Hurnlng Cooking Stoves, Vlotor, fielianoe and Union Hun as, Spears' Cooking Kangos, Ac, aro. fco,Tho Tin and fiheet Iron ware glvos with tho floras Is mado of tho beav'eat and beat material, and warranted to giro perfeot satis, faction. His Stock of Parlor & floating Stoves Is larger, Vj-tUr and cheaper than ovor before oibibited to tho public con lining of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stova, epeara' Anti-Dual Oas Burning Farlor Ftore, H.era' Orbicular Oas Burning Parlor Stovo, Spears' flaa-Burt ing Parlor Blova. Bonuct, Pearl, Oeni, Ida, Sun. Troplo, Nevada, Ac, Ac Vulcan, Kin and Victor Heaters, F pears' Be volrtng Light Heaters. Ha Is also prepared to fnrntsh a complete aisortmont of . , Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tho sole view to sorvioo, from tho boat ma terial tn tha market. PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, 8PUN A COMMON IRON SETTLES, Of every description constantly on hind. oRPEits Fun sroomo, koofixg And other work belonging to his business will bo promptly allsd by etperioneod and skillful workmen. B1USS. COTTER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods cr-rie especially Invites tha attention f MercbanU wishing to purchaae at wholesale, as they will tnd it to tbelr advantage to oiamine lis stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Look ont (or the Big Sign nppoilto the resi dence of lira. Dr. Footer. All Goons Wiiteo as Rirnisnsvto. u. n. I LKCAI.. augt 6S Phlllpshurg, June 9, 1870. gACKETT i SCHRYVF.R, IUni I SHELF HARDWARE, and munuf.oturers of Tin.C opppr& Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, C LEAK I'' I E I. PA. Carpenters and Buildrrt will do well to eiam ine our slook of BUILDING HAEDWAHE & TOOLS. DIRTOX'S SAWS Dillon's Croes-out, Hand, Rip, Tenant and Oent's Haws. BOYNTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS. 8moth Planes, J firth JManes, Fore I'lnnes, JoinUrt, Mntnh Plnoes, IMumhs Leeds, Btcrl Squares, Ao., Ae. Firmer and Framing Chisels, Corner Chisels, Carpenters' Hllcks, Ilraoes and JlitU, , Jionng Jiacnincs, o. Orimlsfonrs and Grinthtone Fixtures Hinokjr Flues are elTn'tiialtT eurr4 by using Rich ards' Patent GOTHIC H,M2 TOPS, fur which wa hare the agency. Ko aura, no pay. l'bilu Idphla Carrlsge Itotts, lUtlroad t antcrns. Wooden Ware, tio. A Ana assortment af POCKET 4 TADLU CUTLERY. STOVES I gTOVESl Ti e Times Conk, the heat In the market i also, tlio Monarch, Reliance, and No. 10 Iron Sides; Krvarr's 1'ortuMe ll'.tcr, aud lloating, Parlor aud II ii ft Htovrs. VCj. Roofing, Spouting and Job Work done on rrssonalile terms. All orders will receive prompt attention. July a, U"J. O TONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We hnre received the agency for the ahnreand will sell tit to. at menufaoiurer's price. Call and examine thens. They are thi best. jcl 72 . II. F. HHsl.HH A CO. WATCHES 1 WATCHES 1 I bars a Urge slock of AMUIUCAN and SWISS WATCHES, of tho dilfrr on grades, In freos two to eight ounce cases. I offer these for esls LOW, and guarantee tbetn to glr, entire satisfaction, - i i t ' i i t JEWELRY I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladles' and deal's Jswelry or the latest styloat Always getting something new! I wonld ask Lumbermen and there who In lend purchasing Watches to call and tee my slook before going to the cities, as I an Tory sure I oan sell Watehea as low as they oaa he bought, besides the difference la dletanoo In the erent of the foods proving detcctlrs. All kinds of REPAIRING la mf tin, frwaptly atteoded In at the store on Seoqil street, oppo site the Coart noose. Fjf ,0r liberal support Ihe pass 1 am erj ankfnl, . . .... t. I. BSfDSR. April 1, 1S7I. S-fntlBiry., ANNOUNCE M UN T , , OF THE GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES! BY 0. POHTKM HIIAW. , 1), n. - w- . ' : CI t ' ' 1 " IMPORTANT TRUTHP t Hiving succeetU'd In gelling a lighter tar iff on material, heneo the uie ami muthmit eharga tur ftrllul and full lots of Teolh. 1 use tho bum iiiaiiulertiire or tntli and other inntrriitl. All operations registered aud warrautvd to glvo ser vice and satisliiution. Frimdr, roticot thiit uiy charges for Ihe innrr. Hoa f ortitluial aud Dm savli g of llm italurnl teeth are now the inoet reasonaUniii Pununylvaidii. Preserve ynr troth and you preserve yuur hvalih. Putting of the nnturul tei-tti In a hcmllhy, pr. servntirvaml nsernl condition Is made a spcuialty. Ulseaees and Hialt'oruiaiinseoiuin'B to the uioutli, few and associate pert, ae, treated and nurrcoh d with fnlr luooi'is, Jausiiiutioos aud cjiisuUvi. tions fur a. It would be well for patients from a distance tu let mo know Ly lunll a frw days It fore ooiiiing to tho othce. It Is vrry Important that ehlMrrn hetween the ages of six and tvreho yean should have tlnir teeth exnmined. Anivslhctins are adintiilstcred and Teeth re moved without pain 1 ' ' Dispoittlona and character are Judged hy ill the world hy tho exprestinna of tho luce, hta r bow very disastrous umy it thorefure ho for per. sons to Indulge an expression of distorted ft uttircs, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, tu enjoy natural (not artificial) corn forts and phauns, respect aud uhcy natural simnllcities and in(iiiot, fi. POHTKU BIIAW, i 1. t. Oflloo In New BJaiouie Building, ficcond strict, Clearlitld, Pa. (.1,1 17 J DENTALCARD. Iia. A. M. HILLS Would site tn hit tirhtlrnfi ml tUm mik. lie gcnurwlly, that, having dissolved ptirtm-rshir wiih Lr. Fbaw, he is now doing the entire work of his office himself, so thrit patients need ust fi-ar being put under tli hand" of anv olh r operutor. Clearfield, March Id, Ift?l-pd2f)mch;a J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Office over Irwin's Drug fitma, Cl'RWEKfiVILLB, PA. All dental nperatlona. either in tho meehanleal or operative branch, promptly attended to and satisliictioa guaranteed. .Special attention paid to tho tretitiuvnt of diseases of the natural tettli, gums and mouth. Irregularity of tho leetb suc cessfully ourrrcfed. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Krher, and artiholnl teeth inioricJ of tho best material and warranted to render sat- inaction. spriUi,'? tie iUISfcllancouji. A Move In CurvensiIHc! J. R. IRWIN, DruggiHt, crinrExsviLLE, ta. HAS removed his pntg fitoro to his new moms, three doors west of his old stnnd, and lake this opportunity of thankinr his old customers for their liberal patronage, and hopes by close attention, onnibined with a select atock nf goods, to merit its continuance on the part ol all bis old customers, and secure that of many new ones. i'leae give bua a call. J. R. IltWIX. Curwenptille, March 27, HT2.-flui. 15 O O K S WHICH HAVE ALWAYS G I V E N SATI8FACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OP IN St'CII . A A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND Cl'S M!t. TOUERS. JUST RECEIVED I TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLItiAY GOODS SUCH AS ( BOOKS" ! AND OTHEH STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFKRED'TO THE CITIZES? OF THIS PLACE I HOW OK EXHIBITION AND FOR (ALtinT PVDLISHERS' A MANUFACTURER PRICE8, AT THE POSTOFFICK. Clearn.ld, Dec. 14, IHO. II ATS & CAPS! BOOTS & SHOES GENT'S FURNISHING GOOl Call at LEVER FI.KDAL'S aew Store, eprfili' Kt-tiorernor Uiyler'a resilience, on riecon4 urcrt, Clearfield, Pa., and examine his fine stock of lltrtaamol Capa, Doula onij Cliven, l urlilahliiR tiooda, dtc, Of which he Is onnitantly receiving a lore;, aaeorl. mrnt uf the very latcat nnd boat style", which he will illapoae nt at estonthinr1y low prices." LADIES, I have en hand a lorae ana wen selected .took of those celebrated hand-sewed MOROCCO and LAHTINO UAlTKItrt, whteh 1 oan snfrly recumaaend to bo the beat in tho mar. ki t. Call and etamino Ihem. (ir.KT's PiiftNiHitiNa Gont. GENTLEMEN, my aloi-h of Furnlahlnn Onorlt I cotniilrlei. I have all tho novelllrs In Scarfs Ties, t'ravata, llnndkerchlcfa, Underwear, Sue pendera, Ooltara, (llovea, Hualery, Ao., toR.-thei with a conuilote aarorlment of White and t'lotr Shlrta. I have nn haad a tors; and well Si'leeti.il stock of lints and t apa or the very latest elytrr Also, Trunks, Valisi-a, Railroad Paa-a, Umtirella. Canes, and many other nrliclea, both useful am ornamental, which will be sold at fair rate. jrtl-The eltitens ol Clearfield and vicinity ar respectfulty Invited tonal! and examine my good' before purchasing; elsewhere. I.EVER FLKOAL. Clearfield, Pa., May I J, K2. READING FOR ALL I ! HOOKS k STATWXERY. 1 Markot St., Clearfield, (at tha PoatOIIIco 'I'lIK undersigned begs leave lo announces) 1. the elllaena uf Clearfield and vicinity, lh;: he has llted np n room and haa Just 'Cure ., frocs thsclty with a large amotmt of. rsadlaj Batter, conaisUng li pari of Bibles and lrji'o0e'llanooQ8 Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every d. ecrlr'inn Paper and Envelop.., Frenek proesel a .id plain l P.ns and Pencils Blank, Lcial Papers, Deeds, Mortgages Judgment, Eiesan Host aad Promissory notes Wktte and I'orek, aaeolBrlsf, Legal Cap, Record Can, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Muile for eltker Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on hand. Any hooks or stationery desired thai I may not have on hand, will be or ordered by trst eipross, and sold al wholesale or retail to ealt customer. I will also kse, periodica', literature, inch at Magaslnes, Dews papers, Ac. P, A. QAULIst. ci.e.(.id sjsy r, mm sPiU flooitj, Crorrritu, ?-tr. E.A.&W,I).IRY1N MiAl.F.ltS IN GEN ERA L ?ii;jttiiAM)i,;i:, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CltniVENHVlM.E, PA., ARK otTirlnrj, at their new Sioro Hcoe, a cumplrto ilo-k uf KEW UtIOl'S, uf n't tlii.uriptions. - 1 ; Dry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, BOOTS A- SHOES, cr.nriiiMft, rc. IN LARGE VARIETV. Hour, Meat, I or, Oaln, Com, Always on band and fer enle at a small advance,. ROPE, in large quantities, suld low by coil; aUe, PULLEY ItLOt'KR, SMALL HOPE and CANT1IOOKS. One bnndred eases of AT WATER'S ELM IRA BOOTS, for sale by the cane at wholesale rates. Received by car load : hustixodox noun, and snld nt small adranec. HARNESS, of all kinds, HOUSE COLLARS and IIAMES, HORSE P.I.ANEETS, BUFFALO ROIIUS, Ao. All', cm sale firet-clasf two hsrse AVAQ05S, TWIN Ft.KDM, LOG FLFDS, and FLEIOIIS. Ppeclsl Indtioements oflcre to thnwt foUiofT ont Square TimW an4 Ig, as we deal largely tn till in ltti turn r.ppw , a.e e v a..r.a Ml avl I times to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber, Curwcnsville. KovemVier 16, 1871. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD N A li 1 3 H , or lit. (tni Wt Barrows, Warehouse Trunks, Copylny. Pros.es, Improrcd Money Drawer, Ac. o tilt IT II. F. BIGLER & CO., Ilralcra In Hardware, mch-IO Ttl tf Second Street, Clrarnell, Pa. LWD AM) LIMBER CO'uTAM ' " " ' OFFER . ' . I X I II 13 31 K IV T N TO Purtl.ii.sers of Choice Goods AT TIIEIlt '' MAMMOTH STORE IN- 0CCE0LA. Now Cibinet I MOSIIANNON LAND AND LUMRKR COM PA NY offer for anle Ten Lots in Ilia bor outi of Osceola, Cleartinld eonnty, I'a., and also Iota to suit pun-liaaera outside tho limita nf raid borough. Osci-ola Is situated on the Mnshannon Creek, In the riebeat portion nf the eouniy ot ClrnrtlcM, on the line of the Tyrone A Cli articlil Raitronil, where the Mnshannon and llonvcrton branch roads intersect. It is also in the heart ol the Mnshannon coal basin, and large bodice of white nine, hemlock, oak, and .ither limber sur round it' One of the largest lumtr nianufactur- inff estubli.hliienls in the Mate ia located In the town, while there arc many ottior luinoer ami shingle mills amund It. The town is bat se -en years old, and contains a population of oue thon- sand inliainiants. p4T For furl her Information apply at the office nf tha attore company m tntttfiini 1:1:70 General riuprrintendriit. 0. I. c. H1ERK lo liny my 1HIY 000HS, (IRO- eerles. Qiteeiisware, lllassware. Druns and Notions, L'onfretionorlef, Ac, cheap for cash. The subscriber brs leave to Inform his old and new customers that he has opened A VARIETY STORE IN OLKN HOPE, I'A. And will sell foods at prices lo suit the times. A lilwral rMlnelioa will ho made to customers buy ing at wholesale. r Cnll and eaamlne my stixk before purchasing elsewhere. A Moral share or puolic pairon.g.' solicited. . PJ C. 1. KEAOY. Olen Hope, Pa., June 14, 1971. ir OUSK AND LOT FOR SALK! The undersigned Coers hla llotiaeand Lot for aale, situated on Loenat slrea-l, hetwien fourth and Firth .Ui',, la tlio horough of Clearlleld. The bulldi;,g ta a two story "l" )ilak frame hej'.o, wall talalwil, tigi'4iir with Ino neoessary outhulldings, and the lot Is In a good state of cul tivation. lef terms and conditions apply to or lurea HhNK KU1I.IM1, augtlo-ta Clearfield, I'a. DMIMKTH ATOR'H NOTK' l--Notlce hereby given that letters of administration on the etlsl. of )KORtlK RKAMS, deceased. late of Morris township, Clearfield county, Pe-una., having been duly granted to th. undersigned, all p.renns ladehted to said estate will please make payment, and thnae having claims or demanda will preeenl mem properly auinenncairn n,r svi Dement. DANIEL p. HAMS, Sept. li, ltri.-flr 4dmlniatraUir. 1)1 NK, WIIIT1 A IIOAN LININO SKINS- X 'est roeetrto ana r.r sate oy April It, ur. U. . JIHLfR CO, ttsrfllitufcii?. R. R. R. ns ti U'o EEADY BELIEr liMunai a tlltKS TUG HIlBeV I'AINm In from Ono to 1winy Minute) j,' . MOT ONE HOUR efter rne-ii'iif liiti .t.uuiifint ni i id atir one Hl'FI-KH WITH l'AIN HAUWAY'S IttAMV ItFl.lKK U A CUHE Foil KVKItV I'Alff. , .. . ' It k its Hit flrl nod In . i ti Tlio Only l'ulii Itonioilv Hint lliM.'tilly aUnlik il,m Itioal t kcrnct-illi, (tail,,, (il,"S l'lilHiiiiiiutlittift, U rurca ('iiiufs'pti.tiin, vli.iiii-r nf llm ,," U-Itu vAliU (vatUitlS U sVI4Wiy ' 'NTIiuJl r.vn Tu TirnsTT MiM'Tn. Iin limMrr Uuw vti.. iil or a. mu-uMhk li.e, Imh, tlifl UUl MATH), j,i ,iil,l. ..( Ii.lui.i, Citi.,hi KuvuiUb ftcui4 or ,irtiUiaii4 nti limit nw i iT- r. , RADWAY'S READY RELIEF . . xvu At Hilin Nrti'ANT KAtniC. . ; INFi.AilSIATIiN ur TUK Ml'Ni:.i. IM-I.AMMATMN UV TMK UtlUDKll IXFLAMWAIION OK TllK ItoW Fl.f. riM.Ks-iN OK THE U'XGS. Bona TiinoAT, mi kh t-i.r imikauhmi I'Al.riTA'nuN OK 'int. illAUT. IIT.STEUIC8, Cil tVl JJllMITflHtlA. t MAltUli, l.NKLL'tNZV. llRADACIIRa TOOTH Ar K. NKi'itAl.riTA. IllIEUMATIM. cor.D riiiu.a, Anvn chii.i.s. Tltc rii-lli-.tlli.ii nf lltu U.'nily IIHIrf to lie fnrt nr firt Wfli'ie Hit iulU tr UlUluuit)' leWada Will altuj tttM AUiil ri.n.fiirt. TwciUy ilrur In lnt(a I'imlilpr (if irntT will In fv. tn'itnrtilM t int JIKAKTIU'lt I'VKNTKK' i.hamim, r-l trui.i. r' m IE r I imi ,11 ll, IV Mr K JIKAhAl UK. IDAkhllkA I'KltY. COl.ir. U IMJ IS Tltli lluV.KI'i sii'lll 1NIHINAL i'AlNn. Tr-,-. mi fi-i.t.U nlay t-arry a 1ml tin of RnJwaii Jl"Bly Uellef Willi them. A f- w i1i In . .itui III tu tvr I.mo Vn i Iril-t-.lt 1. ':!. u er iiiili- frfirn rlmtifo of wuhr. 11 H ' till rtt-i.dy ur U;iiijr.i4itliiiuj;4t, ri i:h An Autv., TEVFR AM AHIJE t.n .l f"t tllly ct-htn. Tlif U f'tl tAtrturduti .sci.l In IliU wurlil tl- 't cuni gf.-vrr a nt At; tie, atift nil (itlixr M.tlu'1'iun, I til !',(. Hc.nl t, T -li.t-l'l, Vtlkw, HiMnllicr J" v,rinlft.'t byltAI'U'AVA I'll. 1, 1. 1 mi tiulck itAliWAY'rt ItKAUY HI. LI LI1, at ift uaiiU jur Mile, feolti bf Utufiuu, , HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! BTroiMi ami ri nR rtn it i:UHn-trRKtr. Ilr Kl.KMI AM" WBIiill I'-ll.KAH Ml IK M liKALTIFLL t-OWl'I.KX lOhU. LU1.1J 10 ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT IIAS MAOK TUK HiT AfTOMHIMJ ri'lll'R I h-t Qt'lrK, H' :M'II AUK 'lit K I'll ANdKS trrp)i!i'l,frif:,il'1irl't,-,t's- 1'M'HI 'IIIK IN ULUliUMi, THAT - Every Dey un Increase In Flreh ond Weight Is Seen nnd Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ery (Imp of Iht HAliSA I'A It! 1.IJ A M It Km. I, V- KN T Cmi Hlllltlrtlts tllfntlKlt tlie ltin.nl, HwcaI, I rllit Mirl ritlKT flul'l Uliil tlr- t.f Hit Vkttt-li, Ilia Vltrttf f iifc, for II rntairw ilia ru-iti nf (he txrilr with m-w r.iit Mtuitd mittiynu, Nfr-'fiilft, Kvi) AWt, ( onuunipllun, 1st iixlu.Mr dlM-if. t'lcrnlii Itifl Tlit, Moiilii, 'luiiiur. Si.uit t t tie lilaiula m.rt utln-r i-tiil t f the (ivM.m, IH"re F.vit, Hfitlii'mm IHvclnr; fimii tl K-trn, anil tlx Wt.rt f"nn- of Hklti UI t tfti, Kiti,tlo.i. Vvtrr H-n iSn.lJ bi-.it Worms tn llm I- itlt. Tt gieatj, g. in w :nir, r;i iiik 'H'i, r.ryrinj:u. lllu.sl ra ) Hi ', h rfl.t (s tiiuu-l. "tnti, n,irj mi we-tt'filni ttiifl faturui fli-tclmifi FWL-alft, Lnmiif Stsrym. uid (ril wWsdf Un- Ills' Ir, mti Itlihi tlio curullv rung of nil win,, l.t nf rn (;lirtiliy, rnJ few uvil invt lo unr pr"n uik It f.ir rlthrr uf Uusw fonua bf dbeiua its JHitrtil power to c.irw llicm. if I In ).tirtil, dally tuxjomlnf mtttetrd bf tht Vtrtr ftr,4 dtri)i.iMtltli.n that la oitillot.allv rrovrtMltif, ano Cl In rrfpti,e Hutwi wants, fttxl rri-ttfri Uf luii.e' wild tie- nmUiUt mrula fioin )nltli hi-watl iwl ixii lUa MAIINA 1' A Kll.l.l AN i)l anl ltna anur. Tiit onty Aim Ida HAWrantLLiM I' rni.TisycT rt"t-1 all known rrmffll.il avf-nia In I lie cm nf Lron.c, rVttr.-f-i-lotia, I'ooat lint iittuii, aud ftkiD dlscaaoa ; tut Uls li-sunly onltivc cura fur Kfdiify V Rladtilrr Complntnlis, Vrtnarv. an1 Womb dlaraas-a, (trarH Matt-d-a, Jtrovmy, hf n.(iair of Wlcr, Itiihlii.ercf of I'rlnf hfinht'a In-t-e, Alliumlntirif, ar.i !n all cat whrrr tbrrc art (tli k dual psltu. or Uit water la llilrk. ct"ntv. mAmi Mri S'ltiatancra Ilka tha wMte of an vgc, or tlirmika like wlttt eilk. or thrre la a mortll, dark, l-lllima Biii-renecf.aiid whlta boiie-ilti.t drfxiftlia, anil when llit-ra la a pricking, tiuriiUif e?iiaailnn when saan.jr water, and pain lu U.ti Huixli df Mm II u k aodaluiia lltu Louis. Vticc, tun, WORMS. Tha on 1 7 known and sura JUmtdy nt llurneaWiH, Tu$m etc. Tumor of li Vcnr' Growth C ured by Iludwa) ItCNOlvom. . Itaraair, M . m.. Jtr a. ia. Da. Ktvwiv -I Hav had CH tartaa Tsan.u n u-t nvsuU. ouirt tV.w, All IW U-Ttien sauj Ihrra eras, ao htip for It " I trisasl vtry ihlnc Ik ara raeoir. rrMr ; .m a44h,rf hl-el im. I aa yaar KsmoUmi, 4 thssufjhi I "Id Lrr U . k( baal ftlth la It. srtaraM.) hast aulTsrrasJ fut Iwelv vt-art. I s4 Mt bnlttM W K Hasf- Uaril a eee) ha-i t4 Kasta-a, i Pllh. and ta IIsh sT var ftnuit K'lwf i at sol ttierrw m an4 a (tarn i4 teiuh.r in to - at tilt, anel I M hwUa-r, an.arlrr, aitd tu.i t-t.-r lhaa I haa a for lvrra ) .'. Tha .-ra Initim aaa ta ll Irft u.U of I ha tnwoU, os iha fra. wriM tkl to yoa for ta ksjaaat af iban. tm uaa buUUk U " ymai . HANNAH f. KNAPF. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, prfrctiy taatrlfaa, elngantly mated ih ar anro, piirin, rrHta, pir1fr, c' nrac, ui ' atrrnclhen. Ka4 iv i Put", fir tt.f ctir of all fiortW of ilia Mriarh, I.iT. 1-jwpK K difia, ltla.l.tfT. NMrcrua tHaeaara, llsaoa"!ia. r'inMiiiUl(iii, 'iiv(awsaL InillfMiion, Ivinr ala, H IliniMifi-a, IliHoua Fovrr, trtflammat ion of the- tt.rtt. ia. r.;t--ii .ll tKratifttTtrcUtiftlsr I sttn.ajV Si erra. WarraMnt lo ( (Trot a millv;iur. I'lircly Vr-jeta. liir.rnniatni'ii no ntt-ri 'irr, rilnt,or dleHnivtjailfiira t W (n.av-rvt ih fillowtta tv mptotus nwutUaf truoi Iitntera of the li,T-tlvo Oifcana: rnnalhsalloa, Inn-ar' 11 In, Phbi of tha R steal la tat Haai, Ar.LiT nf ik- U.t.rnfli, NaasMva. Hsrl-ni. Ihs-a of riwsl, rnllneeM a Weig'.l la ta Saariark. lueir ErvrtalHriti , Slakiff eJoT Klatloriaf at tfw Pit lk SaVsisvark, v1 t4 Ut Hael, lluriasl M l.tSltill Hraalklaf. rillartncl lt llaart, Ckokiac ftHflVoaimr SmallM nthcra la a Lilnf riatottw, frlmaoaa M Viat-B ll . .rt VV .0 be-tWa Ik StTt, t"r asast Pall IVa t U Masl. ItAnrntf PrraaftratW, IoDwosmm a ta tta ai4 I so. Kain , ta fVt, Chaal, Liasba, a4 tllia riaakaaaf I Imi. Baralnf ta ta fVh. Afrwdoikranf RADWAT't FTT.tJ wtll tW tha svt tcm from all lh al-ova nan n dixdrca. lrM S scuta arTM. mti.n hy tnrimi"TH. It K A D f'Al.HK AM) Hil'tr tVnd im Vft-T. rla-ipto RAI'WAT A CO , Nf. S? M aWra Lan, New- X ui k. lkfoaaaUtHi wirta i i iXHsaaiiaa mm uasaui na It. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (IW tha Railroad IVpot,) cuaitHi:i.i, PF.NA. IKMRRATK this Bstbod of In for ml n the pnblie, that I have oaned np a yard for the anle of wood or eoal-bunt HM K and Aathraoltr COAL, In ths borough of Clearfteld, and hare ennjilrtt?d arran(rinri, with aastern dealers by rhu h I dan keep a full supply eonataiitly on hand, whirh will b disposed of at rewaaonablo rates, by the ton, bushel or ear load, to suit purchaser. Thuso at a distant can ad ii reus me by letter, and otitatn all nrcemary inforuiattnn bv return mail. H. B. TAVLUK. ClrarfiaU Ps Feb. 14. mv tf . i v m ii i: r m i: k i PEM-'KCTIOX IX CANT HOOK SI Tha (Irarfletii Kawlslor Canthook will not wear out or brink, btinft funstructrj with one solid band from clip to point. It Is pmr.fnmee.d hv all prtetieal Inmhermen who hnve emnilned U tn b the twtft perfect CanthtHk evr Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. " Manufn.ittirol by Aaoa Kk,i?ard A Co., at , ' cLKAnriKi.n, pa. r , t All unlers proaiptl; atteoded to. bU'TO '"""drexel T& co7 Ho. 31 Houtli Third Mtrctt, IMiiladelpltla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furnished, llnlors solictrd. - April 11 If. UR N Ell IIUTI ot-v woe r B U R N, E D U P I DELL'S RUN tt'OOI.KJT FACTORY-, Penn town.hip, Clearfield Co., Ta. The mihaeri Iters r, af greaf eapens, rehaild i rift, nnd In a few days will bava completed, a iinjclii'orhood n oenit v, in the erre-tion of a Arst iIaks Woolen Maniilnory, with all the modern iinprovftnenls attarbed, and are pn-parrd to mnhe all kinds of t'Nhi, i'nsantdrfrs, nt1ncttPt lllan kels, Flannels, ia. Mentjr of wnods ) hsnd to mpply all oiirnld and a ihouaand naw euntomer", whom wo to eome and examine our sti'ok, The bunines" of 1 CAHOtXQ AXD FCLViNa will receive enpoelal wtent'.n. Our new mill will be reaty by 'olce.it.iii( aeant therotora thara need b nn hesfmtion on that aeore. Proper rr".nnrni(nts will ba irttvlo to receive and deliver In tiQi, io sutl etiaiondr. aii wvi wnns.nn ii.o 'ion p"i the sbotteat nttoa, and by strict atten tion to Business w nope io mnw uuvrai mimv of pal'lie patntnnK. I(MNM POI'NDS wOOL WANTKDl We will pay the hlRhetH ninrhrt priea for Wool j and sell our maniirifcrturrn (tiis as tow as similar goods ran be bought In the county, and whenever we fall t render tonJionalila satisfaction, we oan always b found at hiu niuiy to niaka pnper aipUunUon, either In prrw a or by letter. JAM KS JOHNSON A :,i)N,(J, aprll?fltf llrai-.pi.n Hills P. 0. nUEAP GKO0EK1KSI J LliMIIKR CITY, PA. The ne.nrrslrned announces to his old friends and natrons that ho hna nnened a good line of HRIll'KltlliS A PltOVIHlONS at the old Stand of Kirk A Siicncer, fir which he solicits a liberal patrrnage. II. W. bl'ENl'Elt. I.uroner City, Pa., March Sll-tf. BATf-UAlXS IN MUSICAL IN STHl'MENTSI Organa, hoik new and eecond hand, at the Music Hioro, opposite Uulioh's Furniture Store. All persons Interested ars Invi ted to ealt and ciamlnc a new stvl. of Organ now on eshibition, Kheet Music aud Musin Hooks cnnstsntlyoahand,. aj-llt IHf oundrji nnil, jU;uJinf Jltioiiji BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., - (Puce-w is. in Uiiynmn A Voung,) FOUNDKKS ft MACHINISTS ,. . , Mnufaoturcri of , rOETAELE Si STATIONARY STEAJil ENGINES Corner of Fourth aod Pine Streets, . . - : '. - i . -. ' - 1 tl.l:AHI'll LI, PA. I- ii-'l HAVING engaeed In the manufacture of tret class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the public that we are now prepared to fi ftl orders as cheaply and aa promptly as can he done in any of tho cities. We manufacture and deal In " Llulay mid Circular Saw-Mills Iliad niooka, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, UiS.ird a Injector, Sleeta Caugce. Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Qeugo Cocks, Air Cni-ka, i.,lw Valvos, Chock Valves, wrought Iron rirxs, S.cam Punips, Boiler Peed Pumps, Anti Friction Mi-tii-s, Soup Stone Packing. Ouia Pack inS, cud all kin la of MILL WORK) together nilh Piowa, Sli d Si.lcs, CO 0 K A XII PARLOR S TO YES, and other CASTIStJS of all kinds. J-- Orders solicited and fllh d at city prices. All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery if our nianulai iiin. pruuipily anawered, by addrea ing ns at ClenrlieM, Pa. dc-irrn-tf IIKJI.Kn, TOl'NO A CO. (i. L. Reed. NOTICE. Wm. Powall. isi:i:i a PoiVKiiig. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL R I G II T I rpiIB proprleton respeolfully inform theeltiaens A- of Clearfield county, that they have entirely refitted this establishment with th latest improved wood working machinery, and arc bow prepared to eiceute all orders ia their line of botineas They will give especial attention to the manulae ture of material tat houac building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OitmiCKETH tf voi Liu.ras. OF ALL STYLUS, ' We always have on hand a large stock of PRY Ll'MIIKR, and will paycaah for all clear Lumber One ai-J a naif inch panel sloff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or uehanged, to ealt customers. ' V,0rders soliriled, aad Leather famished on short notice aad oa reasonable terms. REED A POWELL. . Clearfield. March , IS7I pdlljanTJ Before uklng rowdrrs. After toking Powders. SIIAWH IMPHTTvK.n CONDITION POWliKltS. Useful in obstinate caaec of liisteniper, Cougha, Colds, Rota, farcy, Costive neas, Kouvhnrss of the rikin. and Ktonnaa, of Water. Urease, Swelled Lege and Influenaacaa be relieved, and sometime, cured, by Ihe use of these Powders. They will not interlere with the daily work of tbe llurss, and oan be given to cat tie with equal advantage. Put up Iv A. I. tillAW, Druggist aad Apothe cary, Clearfield, Pa. November tl. Is, 1. Sold everywhere. ELllkll OFF AT ttlHTl - ' FOR CAB II I The largest stock of II It X I T V 11 E aer offared In CLEARFIELD! At the RTKAM CAP IN FT RHOP.rorner Market and Kiltb Btroets, CLKAHFIELD, PA. The undvrstaned would annonnco to tbe public that hf has on hand and is now offering cheap for cash, the largest stock of Furniture ever in store in this county, consisting or Vpholstered Parlor Suits, Chamber Setts, Kstenaloa Tahlew, Secret Hat, Book Cases, Bedsteads, Pprtng Beds and Mattress, aA Plain A Matbre Top Tebtva Bnraaae. Wathstands, Cana Seal and Common Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Looking Glauses, Window Shades, Picture Frames, . Cords and Tassels, Ao. He also manufactures nnd keeps an band Pat ent spring Hnda, the best ever invented. No family should be without them. Any kind of goods not on band can ba had on abort notice. I ii bolstering and repairing neatly executed. COFFINS, ot all sties 0a w, bad o a half- hours' notice, a:i at the lowest prices. A deduo t'.dn of per eent. made for oa-sh. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, Walnut and Cherry Coffins, with glass or wood tops, famished on five hours' notice). Personal attendance with beskveo, on funeral occasions, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanktnt the pnblio for past favors, ant, by strict personal attention to nnainoaa, I t)pe to rcccire a continuance of the same. Remember th place tbe Rteam Cabinet Shop, oorner of Market and Fifth Streets. March 19, 71 1y. DANtKL BKNNER, THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLE AMI ELD TRADE, eujI'TO H. F.RItll.KR A CO. House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! rpilK undersigned offers lor aale or rent, upon reasonable teems, a two elory dwelling, lo and alable, I. Blnoraingten. Pike township. For terms. Ac., apply to LEYtIS I. BLOOM. January 1.1, 1871 tf. CALCIXF.D eiAaTF.H for sale hv oyll-tu, i-r-ViOLER 4 CO. 1 M yifiiciiiffj. Ml .T-.s-r.ua. vMuiaas inva tUiliftra aictrtd In lo direciions, and rtmam lrm unwall, rrtuitd thair boa ara not datrnrrd by Mineral poiaon or oihit aiaana, sad lbs Vital arssna watted bsyAd the pout at repair. i aVMPI-. or ItirllvoMlian. Headache, P.ia In ths hltmildera, tooln, 1 ifflnntta af Hie Llwat, Du Siueaa, Sour KrtM'ationi of th blontub. Had laita in 1 1 is Mouth, ItilMMig Attacks, PalHutvoa nt ihe Hran. JiiflamuialHw nf Im Lunca, Pain in rtfions ot th Kidoaya, and a hundred mlitr panfal Sfntpioma, art th oflaititIM nf Jraiws. In llitM contplaiiita ll hat no equal, and 'ma bottle will prove a Letier uar aniaauf M a mama Una a laofiliy advtruxHnaot. For Feuiaila CatiuplHlule, in yout. or old, marriad or ainila, at iht driwn ot w.iipinUood, or tha turn of life, tliet Tm.lc Hit tera d-ipUf so decided aa Influsnce Otat a marked tmureestneal is soon petcau tiblf.. for lnflaimmatrw and Ch rotate Rhaat Mailt a mi aod (.out, llilioua, fttnntttnl and luur niiKrnl K vara, DiaratM of tin Blood, l.ivet, Kidnrf and Bladder. tha It.iiera kav tu, qual. buck l)i. aaaetartcauMdbe Vitiaiad Hood. wLdi it aenafailv ptoducad by ataranaaatatil of ilia DiRa4ie Otgaiuv Thew nro a Uenilo Purnatiia aa wall aa TottltH peMaaaaini site tlia pciulnr idstu mi ariina ass powarful atjtiil in mitying Ciitsttoti or luftam ntstion of lb Livtf and YiKsisl UrAna,sad ttilioas ' Uiaaaaas. Kor ftklN IMoeawaear KrivtrtWma, Tetter, 5lt Rheum, liiotclict, Sixrta. Punplrt, puatultt, Boila, tar. bunelta, Kinff-womia, Staid H tad, Sor Ke. Kry. Mpciat, Itch, Scurfa, DaulnraiMnaal tlaa Hkia, Hunma and hiarataa of M Skin, of wliatevar naiac or natara, era litatally du up aod earned nut tbe sjstaaa ta a Soon littw bv the uaa f lhe Biltars Grntcfal Thowaanits pr aim Tit. to At BtT Tttas ins mnet wwadailul IgviiorMi ttwl avar autvuiaad the aiitkioa avaiam. J W ALK tk, pmpV. n.H. HeIMW4LDaVCO.. J)ruitKts aod Oan. Agla., ftan Tranciaco, Cel.. and cor. of Wathincloii and Charlton Si a., New York. SOLD BY ALL AND DKALkKa. June b, lfT2. HAYES, COULTEB & CO., Fuoeessort to W. A. Arnold, M AR rr ACTVKERI Of Ilealcrs, Ranges, Low Crates, and MARBELIZED SLATE MAXTELS. Sole ageats for lbs celebrated CIIILSOX COOKING RANGE. t7Send for Catalogues. Nu 1.10i Che.luut Street, June Mm PHILADELPHIA. Eauks. Clearfield County Bank. ri'liK Clearfield Cour.l) bank as aa iaeorora J ted institnllon has gone oal of eiistenc. ky Hie surrenderor lis charier, on May 11,1811, All lu stock is owned by ths subscribers, wke will continue lb. Hanking busiaees at tb. tan. plam.es private Hankers nnder the In. aaras ol lh, "Clrariield Co.oty Bank." We are re sp.msihle for tbe debts ot the Bank, and will pay ita notes on demand at the counter. Deposits received and Interest paid when money is left fer a tied time. Paper diseoaated at sia per real, aa heretofore. Onr personal responsthillt, te nledrod vot all liar oslta reetv.4 ... Miai trans cted. A oootiaoaac. of tho liberal p ronage af the buainess men of tho county is re speetlally eolici-ed. As President, Cashier and nfleers of the late Clearleld County Bank, we require tbe .OSes of said Daak to bo prcoeatsd for redemption. US. T. LFOVARD, RICRARD SHAW, WM. PORTER, JAS. B. 6RABAV, A. K. WRIGHT, S. L. BRED, WM. A. WALLACE. The hesi.eaa of the Bank wtll ba eoaducted ky John M' Adams., Esq., as Cashier. ll-l It County National Bank, Of CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Maaonic Building, one door nortkef C. 1). Waleoa's Dmg enre. Paasage Tickets te aad from LiverpeoL Qoseos. town, tilaagnw, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, Drafts for aalaon the Royal Bank of Inland and Imperial Bank of London JAMES T. LK05ARD, 'Prve't. W. M. SHAWf Cashier. 11:1:71 J. P. M'Uirk. Edward Parks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McCIRK & PERKS. Buceeasnri to Foster, Perks, A Co., PlilllpMitir. Vrntrw Comity, P. TIT 11 KB B H the business of a Banking HonJS If wil oe transacted promptly and upon tat most favsraoie terma. saar'-tf I. I,. nniicKaTttN. I. SRM.ISIB. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, (Successors to D. Oaos A Co.,) wholesale dealers in GEMS' FIRMSHNG GOODS, tt, Llepeuard street, between Church street aai Wml Broadway, New York city. JySl'Tl JkEW 8TOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Uav. juat opened a Kiw Broil, od UalD8t..Cl.iAiritLD, Fa. Intclr occupied by Wm. T, IRWIN. Tbelr atock consist, of 1X)LUT CCDXCDSS) yaoctaita 01 W was. qusutiy, Quef.nswarc, Boots and hoe4, J od every- artiole neeesaary for ooe'i comfort. Call and xnmioe oor itock be for. ru'' chasing alagwhara. May 9. 18C6-tf. DAVID YOUNG, Slone-f utter nnd Stone-Mason, w ILL enecute all work In his line el rale prices aad 1. finni-K"-"- Aroliitectural OrnamenU In ALL BTTLRS, Sto.a Dressing of sr description, and all aimls er mason "-v: tracted for tn or out of ike county. "j r" , wishing tn have respeetanie mason -- - atnnc-eutt n. done, win an. n w -- . i tn call unon ma I would al.e Inform tee r I ... ., a. .las. stone desired, as I am the owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARR1 Orders for work .an he m.r:i. Cle.r.H ..-r..-a- li..... .nr,.haaed the interval 'l i i. A. HU..;,ber,r Kaq., I. h. heretofore carried OB under tn. arm ii i-. .... i a i' th. un. wilt oe d. i . Ij MiaheBBoaLeoeeH I.O.IWT.H-I.I ID. .,. Lumber Comruny. (Store.) ATf:Rl. H. H. DlllLLlMiFt.nl, """.-:! turf .t.r Mmdeat. Henerai"! Beale's Embrocation, . . w snelLl'l,) Per .11 dl.ea.es Inelde.t t. HernV C""' ,,( u..-.. a-t.sb. vea-lring tbe .see. a. eternal application. , j This F-mkroeeilon " eiieasively ike ilnv.rrm.nl during the war. ,,; For sal. by llaru.i.k '"'" ,se J...ek R. Irwin. Cnrwensvill,. Vi rf aed.r. Lulh.r.burg.