THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WHDSESDAT MORHINO.OCt.M.Wtl. - - Terms of Subscription. If paid la advance, or within three months ...II If pall eftv thru ni before all months 1 0 If paid after the miration of ill months... I 00 . . KELIUIOUI KOTICEaW.. MetkjeaUe. EpIoeopmTchyreh ev. A. B. Yecetl,. Peetor. Publlo Berries every IJeboetb 110 A. !!, P.M. .-,.. Raehelb (wheel at A. M. '.., ," Preyer Meeting every Thursday, M II P. Comuaunioa Scrrioe, tnt Sabbath, of every oath, at 10, A. M. ' tjt. Andrew'! Church EplecopalRev. Oionai Hall. Pnhlle Servloe Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and at 7 P. M Sunday School at I p. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening ml T o'olock. . Prcehvterlan Church Rer. II. B. DtiTt.aa Preaching on tho Lord't day at 10J and U e clock. . , Sunday Rohool at t p. m. i Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7, P- - Pastor's Bible Cleea on Saturday at 71 p. a. Ml. Frauds' Church Catholic Rer. T. I. McsLanue. Maaa at lot o'clock A. M., on the eooud and fourth Bundaya of each month. Lutheran Church. Rer. A J. Hanftoes; Veaehlnt every Bahbeth, morning and evening. eubeth school at t a. m. Prayer meeting every gednesiiay evening. Coi'RT. Itemcmbepeoart boning on s second. Monday of November, and trill eootln 4 three woeht. J : Th local of tha Ilollidaygbutx 5tin- eret eayi that Martinsburg married ladiai hare faulted a, "Come Homo Husband" elub. The iuoipei argument li In the ehape of a broom - Pull Rioosd. A noigliboring ex change aayi t "Our girls hare oouiinencod to fling the fall fathlont. One of them full rigged eaenta a' gorgeoue light." Enough to break A orltter down. From what we oan Kr, we wald tuppoae the hoariest strata would bo on the irental purse, An Affliction. Wo nmieo by our tehangea that Mr. Edward Uariland, tho arch! at of onr new prison, hai met with a lad be treutent In the death of hil wife, whieh occurred At week, at their home, In York, Pa. Mr. Hav and haa been very ill, too, for sometime, but la iproriug. We sympathise with him in hti he- f Stamps. The new law concerning tavmpi went Intoopcrationonthelst. Nostsunps re required on auy promiiMry notel, time drafta, ainds, eertifieateo, eontreell, Custom lluuea pe ers, or any other Instrument mentioued in sched de B of tha old law, except "the stamps of two seats on ohecks, drafta or ordere." ' List of letter remuining uncluimcd n the Poatofflce at Clearfield, for the week ending i)otober llat, 1872: abby, W. T. diaaon, faadore. Baker, Terrah. Iravn, Dr. Crawford, (1. B. Conuelly, Thomaa. Palaterne, Henry. Lor, Prof. M. Mt'tohellj Jackaon. Morgan, Miea Jennie. Uark, Clinton. McDowell, Juatua. Powera, II. II. Hubereon, John. Kogera. John L. Tulia, Kiigene L. Wilaon, Ifarid. Wood, Martha V. P. A. OAILI.V, P. M. . 'Two Mori Gon. Death lias ro- Bored from our mldat two old and respectable aitlienl duriog Che paat week. Godfrey Zillioz rapired at hie quiet borne in Brady township, in no f8th year of hie age, surrounded by a Tory large circle of relatives. He jras a natire of tier Many and emigrated l this oounty In 1936, and tattled near where he died, . : Arthur Bell died at hie homoattad, in Hell town. hip, in tho 62d year of his age. He waa a native I the eonnty, and waa elected County Trcaeurer a 1819. He loarea a large elrcle of frienda aud ,t latiroa In tho neighborhood where be expired. f A Bvo Hhniikuhon Our eateem- al friend la In troutde again. It ia but a abort ime ainoc he made a happy escape from the iutchea of the Lowrry outlawa in Xurth Carolina. t few weeks ago he and hia family aailod for Cuba for the benefit of their health. But it ap pears that be was spotted by the Spanish detec Urea aa a spy aa aeon aa he lauded, and waa ar rested In a few daya and lucked np in a Spanish vrieon. The Cuban authorities charge blm with Ming a natiTa Spaniard and with being in the anploy of tha rebels on that Island. Taking it ill In all, the affair ia rather a joVe on our Court leportor, and he had better baatle about or he will aot make these shores by sTovember term. - Parental Dihtrksd. The acts of ''tfg'idly obildren aro worse than poisoned arrows hot Into the parental heart. Two eases in point c fito-kes, tha talbtr-off of Fill, and Fouler, the Ir-hoiik murderer, who ,eeenpy- relit upon the use floor, and within twenty feet of each other, A the Tumbe, In Kew York. A eorreapondent jrileet "Twe men new stricken In years, and th crushed by miafortuno, now visit the prieon veral Uiuea a week. Each has a sua Imprisoned at murder. One of then men ia the father of foster, tho other if the father of Stokoa. What l peetacle to see the old men meeting in the eorri tor, oaoh to search of a blood-stained child.' Vbo ean fathom the depth and puignanoy of their ef, "bjeanse of the transgressions of their Alldren. . -- i e i ii , f?i!nRY Trbe Academy. A corrotv xndent o, the Cambria Freiman, who waa proa at at the eloaing excrcisoa of the anumer term 'this Institution of oarulirg, says: Our aummer term of srbsol aloa. d last Thursday ternoon, with public examiuations in the aoltoot ems. The doling eicrc.Ses were will attcniled t the citiaens of the place, and Ofpeciully hv the irenta of the pnpila. The eaanJuations retleet 1 oredit on both teachers and acbolare, and aM Inga paaaed oi (juiscly aad pleaaantly to all par e eoncerned. In tbe ercninr the Cherry Tree Solly Varden ea Club aud Cherry Tree Jimmy Varden String d gave a free eonoert In tho Preabyterian roe. of this plaee. To aay it Waa well sltendrd Id give bat a faint idea of the number present. charch was crowded litoraUy packed pews, i gallery and steps aU full aud overflowing. I I will say this, Sir. Jvdiior, never waa better -or kept in an audience of that sise before and no better way ooul.l their ajipreeiiion of the ftiUnasiit hara Im exprreeel. Time and TO lotbid mo notjcijimrethaa a few of the er by the non-eppcaranoe of ita r, Mr. it, H. Uardiuer. Tho leadership waa ( represented, howerer, in the person of Mr. Y. Hay, assisted by Prof. A. M. Creerv, both awa art fjratlata violinistt, and .Miss Kate oore aa Pianist, whose music suust be beard appreciated. Tu, oneert waa opened by . J, W. ilendrraon with , rarer, after which jreeliui Ulce hv the Club and Ilollv V.rri.. ai;4 chorui wore aung with good thVet, The teal euiertamment was lntrrsiersf 1 wijlt a few ary gema, among whieh "Rnia'e Manfaiv" by I. Camp, anl the "Bridal Feast," by Mm if.v r, Deserve special noiiee, Tennyson a "Sonis e Bnk," a solo, was song by Miss Kate K. a witn splendid elect, the piano aceatniHuii i elng a world of miisle in itself. A quar tatitled "All Around Is Hushed," and sung liss Kate F. Moore, .Miss M. k. Vail, U. B. arts and R. 8. Lovelace, was decidrdly Ihe f the avsning as far as qnastettee were eon d. Several other picoes, aaupug Uiem "Rain he Roof," solo and chorua "Beautiful Hills," 'e, and "ilsrinld Evening Soug," trio, particular mention, but space forbide The music olsss. throuih ilr It. a ! .,.- 0 a neat and appropriate speech, presented eacher, Miss hate F. Moure! with a splendid ;t of I,ongfrlloW't Poema. The gin was en- anexpected, hut hone the leas appreciated redpionl. At the clone of tho eternise a f thenka tendered hv the entire aodl- the Glee Club aad String Baud for their lament, , hrsja us pleasure to chronicle the debut, so wily made, of our towns-lady, Miss Moore, milled to another elevor Im or abort at "y be, for her energy In Ihe line vulog. ' tail to read the advertisement of Ed. W, In this Issue, lie has just opened a large f all kinds of goods at Ihe "Keystone, " esieely In square timber and lauber, edrsaee stippHral tn jobbers. Jarife rolling mill ( t,o Cobv Company, at Johnstown, was barncd f morning a week, Lost, ahemt $;ioo,uo. i JfeadiriK lUllrond Company it the f atsnieea nail Mail for Wi roan HaarrM. Oa Octolor 17th, 1872, by Rer. C. II. Phctcorr, Mr. CHARLES U. GOODLANDER to Mill EL- MIRA SOLLIDAY, both of Brady township. Oa Ootober 4th, 1871, by Rot. J. H. Banonirr, Mr. ALEXANDER PEARCU to Mln AMANDA ETLER, both of Bradford townthlp. On Ootober 17th, 1871, by Dot. J, B. Samest, Mr. GEORGE BIURET to Mn. MARGARET DUCHAKAN, both of Olrard township. In Altoona, on Ootober 6th, 182, by Rer. R. B. Waeon, Mr. JAMES JOHNSON to Mill SA RAH E. WESLEY, all of Phlllpeburg, Pa. On Ootober 2d, 1872, by Rev W. T. Waioit, Mr. JOHN WESLEY SMITH to Mini ELLEN SMITH, both of Buraildo. On September ith, 1872, by Rer. T. Van Scoroc, Mr. ROBERT H. MOORS to Mite BATTIK P. STRAW, both or Ferguson. On September 91b, 1872, by Rer. T. Vak Scotoc, Mr. EASTON LEWI8 to Mlu MAOQIE CUR RY, both of Jordan. At hie residence In Punxsutawuaji, on October 2d, 1872, BEN BY JENNINGS, in tho 52 year of hli age, Special t. noalcry, Glorca aad Underwear, at Wat. RttD't. Flaanela and Woolen goods vsry ohcan, at W. ltxaii'a. Shawls that neommend themselrra, at W. Rrtn's. Eyre A Landall, Fourth and Arch streets, Phil adelphia, are now offering a full lino of Fall Dry Goode to purohaaera, aa will bo seen by advertise ment In another eoluuin. KEW INVENTION I GREAT IMPROVEMENT! HALL'S SEAMLESS BOOTS I No more rip ping of side-scams no uiore galling of ankles perfectly smooth Inside no liability to rip heavy hoota as easy aa ealf will wear longer aud keep their ahape better than any other Boot and in fact the moat perfect thick Boot ever made. For sale at Levin Flkoal. octli-Jt. All sites Cablo Chain at UioLtn's Hiinlware Store, Second street, Clearnold, Pa. 1125. 72 Juat received, a large lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanlarna at 24-72 II. F. Biolcr A Co's. Arehey Shaw still haa fur aale a splendid now ouggy. uo and sea it. ' FREE OIM:HARQE. Call at C. D. Watson's Drugstore, in Clrnrfleld, and get a sample bottle of Dr. A. Doscbee's tier man Hvrlin, i'rae of Vknrtit. It has lately been introduced in this oountry from Germany, and for any person suffering with a severe oouk.Ii, heavy eold settled on the breast, eoiiruuiption or any disease of the throat and lungs it has no equal in the world. Out regular site bottles 7A cents. In all cases money will be promptly returned if per fect satisfaction is not given. Two doses will ro. lieve any oase. Try it, L. M. Unaa, Propria tor, Woodbnry, N. J. ocUIJ-Oin Cramps and paina in the stomach are the result of iinperfeut digestion, aud may be immediately relieved by a doae of Johnson's Anodvne Lini ment. A teaspoonful in a little sweetened water rs a dose. Heavy oats are good fur horses; none will deny thatg but oats can't mako a horse's coot look smooth and glossy when he Is out of eooditlon. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders will do this when all else fails. FAIR! FAIR 1 1 FAIR!!! FAIR BARGAINS! FAIR PRICES! AT LEVER FLEUAL'B. I have this woek received the largest lot of Boots and Shoes aver brought to tho oounty. Hats and Caps, tha lateat stylet, and a full line of Gent's Furniahing Goods, - which I must tell, will tell, and am determined to tell at prleet which will astonish both old and yoong. Tipped Lasting Gaiters, only ti, t FLEGAL'S Plain Morocco Gaiters only tl 25, at FLEUAL'8 Congress Gsiters, only (1, at FLEGAL'8 Lasting BuUon Gaiters, only $2 26, at FLBGAL'S aa ws ft wi e jr . . At-' Heavy Kip Double Soled Boots, only A3, at FLEGAL'8 Light Kip Double Soled Boots only K 60 at FLKGAL'S Fine Calf Double Soled Boots, only U 40 at FI.EQAL'S French Calf Double Boled Boots, only , t ' FLBGAL'B Fifty easel of hand-mails Lock Haven Boots, warranted, received at 1 LEGAL'S. For tale by the oasa at wholesale rates. The eoly way to beaoine eonvlnced that Shoes tr An Is to tail at PLEGAifl, on Seevnd atreet, nearly opposite the Court Ilouse, aud see tor yourself. Goods novo witn pleasure. Ried's SraciAM. flood Waterproof, per yard only Turker Red Table Linen Good Black Silk, only Good Bleached Muslin, Good Ginghams White Flaonels , tl.H0 I. Oil 1.50 12) cents 1") cents 25 cents Red Flannele 25 to 30 cents Drees Goods and Rhawls very oheap. A full line of Ladles' and Misses' Hosiery, Gloves, Un derwear, Velreteens for trimming, Balmoral and Hoop Hkirts, Ladies' trimmed Hats, Ladies' and Children's Hlines, of a superior qualitv. it will pay yon well to eallnn me h)rnre buying, as I sell for oath and no one undersells uic. Wsr. llr.en. ectltlm Market street, Clearfield, Pa, Aire. Seventy-tlve doion Clearfield Wood choppers Axes at :26:72. H. F. BIGLER I Co's. BAW H.Dislan's Cross-cut 8sw, Great American new, novnton s Lightning raw, at V-2J-72 II. F. llioLta A Co'a, Frksr GnotTNn Plaster. Reeeired at Corner Store by oar load and for sate by E. A. A W. D. Inwt.t Curwensville, March 18, 1872. Wood and Willow Waro of all detcriptioni for , vj u. r. uigier m 1,0. To IIotiinxis. All kinds of Fruit Cant, mannreqtnred of the best tin and with 111 the mooem improvements, as well as putty and co ment, for tale in large quantities by Bg7tf U. t. Biolxr A Co. Paints, Oilt and Varnishes for sals by II. F. uigier co. A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, so, ior aaie oy n. r, uigier to. II. r. Uigier A Co. have boon making ev iot lO fneir stone ol Hardware Too eat few days. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad- uiore naroware, rarmrra' Hardware, Duilders' Hardware, and Hardware of ail kinds, ean bo seen at weir store. ifar 22. Bird Cages a large assortment at H. F. ler A Co.'a. NoTicaro Waooa AaoCAantAoi Maasaa W. hare Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage WnodJ, also a full line of ".mines j and Ajlss, jvhlrb, wt oiler cheap for Mpn, I H, R. A Co. Calcined rhatter for aale by II. F. Bigler A Co. RECAPITULATION. Bird Caget. , Wood and Willow Ware. Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. . Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the ahnre for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of H, F. Uigier A Co, Second street, Clearllsld, Pa. . gt COUGHS AND COLDS. There aro few persons who are ewers of the im portance of attending to a eough or a sold at its ilrst eppearaaee. The thousand who die annually of consumption, were Ilrst attacked with a "alight" eongb er eold. which they thought would soon "wear" Itself off, and therefore neglected to as the proper remedies until they became (nourable. Erery day that eough, eold, or aay lung dis ease is neglected, makes tbe ebanoes of a euro more uncertain. We would recommeod all eff... )ng from anydieeasoof tbe Lungs whatever, to use jiAsso a fcnarnrwn nrapp or iar. itnever falls ia euring the worst ca-ea of eoughs, eolds, hoaraaese, sore throat oatarrh and asthma. It Is an infallible remedy for Wbooping Cough be ing prescribed by some ol tno leading physicians us tbs Northern and Southern States, and being prepared under tha Immediate aaporvlslon ef a graduate of the Fenasylrauia Medical College. The proprietors bee leare to inform all that It la So "Quack" preparation, hot made strictly in a. onrdanoe wilh the ad ran cod prlnoiples and; theory wi ,ne,n-ine. rnes cu eenis per ootiie. RDdBKlX k LANIflrt. Pronriaton. Pklltufs.! paia. kom bv Kold bj A. I,gUf, Clueld. IV. aid by all Brnggitt. octlO-lm 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Intmrntt Slock of flood oft very atMcrtpitoH. Woolen Goods, same prion at before the ad vance In wool. , Muslim at reduced prlecs, ' Dress Goods In greatest variety. Mourning Goods of all kinds. Black Alpacas, at all prices. Black Silks, rsry cheap. Waterproofs, Velveteens, Plaid and plain Flan nels, Shirting Flannels, Ao. Table Linen and Napkins, Irish Linens, 10 4 Sheeting and Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Rep Shawls and Scarfs, Striped Shawls at all prioes. Pslsley Rhawls, single and douhlt, IS to $50. Drast Trimmings, Fringes, Laces, Velvet Rib bons, Velveteens, Ac. Full lint of ths oolelireted "Josephine Seam- leas" Kid Gloves, Kid Gloves from tl up. Lalies' Nsck Ties, Collars, Runtlng, Hair Braids and SVuohcs. Ladies' and Children's Merino Vndor.wear. Madame Foy'a, Thompson's, Glore-Fitting Hip Goro and other Corsets. Also, Hoop Skirts, Pauiers, Ac Largo stock of Carpets and Wall Papers. Sheet aad Gl-. i " b.reioiore. "The belt are the ohoapeat," Balmoral and other knitting yarna, and other articlva, too nnmeruut to mention. Purchasers will And a greater variety of goods than it usually found in one store. Call and examine. Clearfield, Sept IS, 1872. AVM. HEED, Fueeessor to Reed Bros. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, I'A., AY 7" I IX open thif work an liniaoniifl itock tf &11 UvroripliUDS of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, FUfiS, LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S - SIIOLS, " &c, ic, A.C., Ac. Buying my goodt in New York, the Aseoi of the erarrer; Keeping a reliable mass or gooaa; aen- ing goodt at elote cash tlgurca, and conducting buainses in a thorough business manner, I hope to merit the conOdeuoe of CASH BUYERS throughout tho oounty. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Call and examine my stock and bo oonvliieed of the truth of my assertions, soplli WM. REED TOBACCO AND CIGARS I W'ilOl.LSALK AND RKTAIL, At t!.o New Tubnocu aud Ciftr Stun uf OetvotnShaw I lout & Maniioo Home, Clearfield. Cunt-tunUj on hand fine annortoirnt of Navy Cwiigtma, CtiTcmliih, Cablo, Hninroll, Al.chff'ftn and Ccnturj Fio-ut Cbewinx Tubacoo, tto. Alto, a larfe and wlfpctud atock of Imported anu Domrtile Cigiri, Pmoking TobMcoi, Mcvrpchaum and Uriar ribd, J'ipa flxturos, Tobuooo Boxes. Cigar lloldcri, and errrything gonarallj foun'j tn a well rcgulatd! Cigar and Tobaro Store. ttflrlictuember tlio plnno: Market itrrp, la twoco Shaw Hajuho jini Ili.i.sion Houe, Clar flctd, Pa. pd.tojan.6 73 SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN S CRO88-0UT, M1LI, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, - A L8 0, PATERT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For talo by ostH,70 ' 1 If. F. BIGLER A CO. fIHE HEW SEWING MACHINE! The " BLEES I" ' Patent Iipk Motion. Almofl poispjecs machine. i"s i ii so eaanur.s it Deters pur,cnfs in elsewhere. H. llrllOr-K, MKIICIIANT TAII.OH, CLEARFIELD, PA, Agent for Clearfield oounly, T.nal Im.Ii k . n . .1 ! , I- oounty, to whom lilieral terms will la given. uvu , m, HsniDe u ami aaiiBiy yourseil. Clearhcld, Pa., Fob. 7, ISIMf. n.7i,ircrrar M ATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer in Watchou, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Tinted Ware, sc, JelO'si CLEARFIELD, PA., JXKCIITOHat' JttmtHWberraa. U( i tors Testararnlary on ths estate of JullN A. liMONDB , doeeafcd, late of Clearfield bor ough, Clearneld county, Pcnnarlvania, having been granted to Ihe undersigned, end all personl indebted to laid aetata will please make pavmsnt, and those having claims or demands will present ken properly authenticated for settlement. Aery snonnnta against the estate ean he settled with G, It. Berran, Esq., say attorney. ' II. I. stDMOKDS, Oct. , IITMlpd. Bxerutars. 1872. jfiimtwarf, Htuivnrf, kt. H. F. BIGLER & CO., dualisi in ii v ni w a it i:, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collart, etc., for salt by H. T. BIOLER 4 CO. pALMER'S TATENT UNLOAD- lng II sy Forks, for salt by ' i 'll. F, BIG I. Ell & CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Mailt, etc., for tale by II. F. BIOLER & CO. II ARN ESS TRIMMINGS li SHOE Findings, for sale by II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. rUNS, PISTOLS, S W ORA D CNES For tale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. CTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bitot, for tale by it. f. nioim A. V. T RON I IRON I IRON! IRON! For talc by U. F. BIGLER A CO. II ORSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE NAILS, for tale by K. F BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, -ALL SIZES And belt Manufacture, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for sulo by mcii30-70 - II. F. BIGLER A CO. durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpilR FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will X commence Monday, September Sd, 1S72. TERMS OF TUITION. Roading, Orthography. Writing, Object Les sons. Primary Atithtnctie aud Primary (leograpby $7 00 History, Local and descriptive Uaograpliy with Man Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic 0 00 Algebra and the Scienoea IS 1)0 Instruetion in instrumental mnsie 10 00 Oil painting, 14 lesson 13 00 Waa work g 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearneld, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY, A Male and female Claalral lllgh rV-bool ICach Department finrate. Distinct and complete Hi Itaell. TIIK ii'lif.laitic rrr of tba In-titutlnrt I- Htn. ucd into Iwa it.-it'in ol live itiunthi (tni'Qt)' oita wet-ltd) each. The first icieton cnmmrnori on the flrt .Monfiny In Reptember; the aeeondaOD tbe flrnt Monday in rebruary. Theooarse of iottnintion em lira or erery tliiiif nenectary to a Inurough, pmetioal ana acooiujiib ed education of botb iviof. Pupilf will be admitti'd at any time and vLargrd frm date uf rntrance to tbe clone of the ennoo. Ho deduction will be niadn fir abHcnoe, except In eun of extreme nnj prut r tto td illneea. Studonli from a dttunoc can be accommodated with board at low rale. For particular, ernd for, or addreu Her. P. It. IIAIIKISOK. A. AI-, July J6, IRTI-tf. 1 I'rincipul. HIE LA ltd EST ASSORTMENT OF HTOYKH I KT VluS I ever hronght to Ihe county, sre being received at me llarawarehttablislimentot II I', lilt. 1. 1, It oa CO., eouiprising tbe following Cook rltoves : SPEAR'S CALORIFIC. " . SU.MJUKIIANNA. REGULATOR. JJOPLE EXCELSKiR. TlilUMril. GOV. TENN. .'."'.I,- ' ' , ; i 1EA l)ING, ' NATIONAL RANUE, AC. AC. Also, tbe following Healing Stoves: Sf EAR'S AXTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S AN'I I DUST. -fl'BAR'SORPIOL'LAR, STEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, " GIPSEY, VL'LCAN, SUNBEAM, ItUHV DAIT'IIIS EOO, CHESTER EGG, VOLC'A NO, A UUAillA, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE . Ruil.M STOVKM, AC. Clearneld, Sept. !;,, 1P7S. rpERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, ' J Stove Lining mul Fire Brick, kept oonstantly on hand. STOXE AMI EARTHED -WARE OF KVERY DESCRII'TIONI n u r- i" if ti i ' t II U O K f) I CItOCKSt POTS 1 Fisher's Patent Airtlclit Heir Heallij I'm It Cane I MUTTER CROCKS, with lids. CpHAM t'ROCKH, MII.K CROCKS, A I I i.r. it I I i r.ll 1 Itl'VliS, TICKLE Willi :h'S. FLOWER l-OTjj, rE DISHES, STEW POM, , . And a groat many oiluir tilings too numerous to mention, to fc tad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S . STONE . WARE POTTERY. : Corner ol Cherry and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. augl Lime for. Sale I ,. , THE nnderslgnsd, residing near the depot bat mad complete arrangements with Lluit Humeri east of the mountain. ahl,. k. i bled to keep oonstantly on hand a large quanl(y o PURE L I 11 E I which he offers to farmers and hell. I.e. . ,-ia- abors oost, 1 hose I t need of the article would de well to give mo a eall, or addre,, me by Icllar. be fore negotiating their lime. ' Oeardeld, Pa., June , 8(l". Unl (Estate for Wt. ?OR SALE Oil HENT! 4 VALUABLE FARMS, IN CLRARF1K1.D CODHTY, OFFERED FOR SALE OR REM. Tha uaderiljrned offera for aale or rent the following named farmi, viruated la tiirard town ekip, Olearfleld oountn Pa , rii i So 1, Rnnwa ai tbe "Old CoudHet Fartn," on buck Itua, eontnining aboot lOO Acre, a Imo t 60 aorea being cleared and under a good tate of onltlvatiou.; the balunoe la timber. Known at tho "Clodii Ronaielot Farm," conliiining about lOO Acrea, about 40 acrca of which are olfarcd aud under a good itate uf cultivation, and tbe balance well Umbered. So 3 Known aa tbe "Lamb Farm,' having about 100 aura cleared aad under oultivatioa. No 4. Known at the "KJ. Woolrlch Farm." containing about I HO Acrea, a largo portion uf win on ti clreretl aau under euitivauon, tne nai anoe beinjf tiiudered. - - Noi. 1, 1 and S hove dwollinf'i, harniand othrr improvement! thereon erected, aud all four buve orchard., uprlngi and tree tnt of running water on mem. lUnponable tcrtna in the matter of pay men tn, and poMCMton givt-n oa April iH73. Jrur further iuforumtioa call on or a-Mrf-M L.M. COL DHIKT, uk? 3ui VrksUU, Cl-rao)J Cts, Pa "Ittbrfllautous. lloggHTowiLsIiIp Awake GREAT EXCITEMBN'T AT THOMAS BEERS'SI VERYBODY trying to get there Brat, forfeai j of being crowded out Into tbe eold, It voa want good hhoeing done, gn ta Bbbm. If you want your Blerfi ironed right, goto Bat me. If yon want good Mill Irona, go to . Baaat If yon want your wagon Ironed la then vet atyle and work mam hip. go to Baaaa. liaaaa makea tbe beat btump Marhlne In the State, and doea all kinda of JJLACKH.MIT11INQ U cheup aa ean be done in the oounty for Gaels. My Poet Office addreta U Clearfield, Pa. THOMAS liKKRS. Bo itk i Tp,, Dan. 10, 19(t7-tf. "Ly down Uio Sl.ovu. anJ tho IIoo." IIACRMA S C0RX PLAMER. Tbli litgraioua aiachint. fur ahlch a patent baa juMt turn iauptl, it ia conlidrntly brlicvtMi will aa perafde all ulhcra in ii"1 or oflercd to the public. It ia eontitmoted lo that it lunowa, plaoti and own at a time, t ro,ual divinnocf opirt, both wiyi, dropping four, livt) or iii grnini in each hill, aa the worker uiht drtrrmine lyefore oommcnolitg. eovcria't the of.rn when dropped, amootbinr down iti awn furrow and leaving tbe ground la belter oon'tttioB than tctore planting. It I In ttuclf a eoinplttc wtrling mack in; requiring ao hired aud'tance and doing the work hcttrr and with grvater rcgulariiT aad preciaioB than it oould poi-nihly be di'De by bond, at luis than n U -tenth the labor. Anybody that can drive, with thii Plantar oaa go into a field prepnrrd fur ooro and furrow, drop aad cover t-n to ilrican arm daily, fta oapaoity being limited only by tbe di'tu nee a ten to oan be ateadity driven. It la ao conitruetrd Ibat wbra not planting or in turning at tbeend of tbe fur row, by a mens touch it ia raiitd off the ground, thrown out of gear and moved backward or for ward, whrre you may want it, without dropping the corn or tonnhint Ihe earth. Practically it ignores mcB, hori and ptowa la corn pleating, and makta that which baa hereto fore tires hard labor a mere nartime fur a bov, er aboii l bruit liv exnrcine for a lary man. Inspection of the IMantor eonitructed by the nat cntce enrdialy olinitod, and oounty. Htate or individual rtghta tor fate, at low rates, to eapedite ita tntro(iticiin. Addrca IlKlaUKX UACKMAX, Patentee, aug'il-Sm Ckarflold, Pa. rniaD, act;. THE nCCCAHIA v FLOURING MILLS. j lie u'liieraignea wouu respectfully gtra Do tiee to theeitiicni of Iloccaria tuwntMp and iur rouDilint country, that he haa purchased tbe Hec. tr la Flouring Mills and put evrrvtliing in comj U-te order, and la maiiufiioturiiig a flrftclaii rjualiyr of Flour. CUSTOM WOH1C DONE. I and iHT in quantity coniUntlyoo band for pale, CHf'F, COKN MEAL. BRAN. 1C( AC. on band and for tale wholeiale or rvtail. Oa"' INfii sinx(ii.i;n VANTt-:n.- v"J 1 ill eacliatige Flour and Chop furjtl inh -sliinles, or will pnr part money, II deaiied. lOStf HAIINAn. ARMSTRONll. MAlBLE AX1) ST0.E YAHD ! II r b. S. S. L I D 1) E L li, llnrl engaged la the Msrl.le business, desires to lot Ita her friends snd the puhlio that she has new all will keep eraialantly on hand a large and well t l-elcd stcok of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MAR 1,E, and Is prepared to furnish to urder TOM I 'TONErl, BOX AND C1IADI.K TOMRf, I MONUMENTS, Curls and l'osts for Cemetery Lots, Window Hills sod Caps, alto, EITIEAC, TAKI.E AND WASH STAND TOI'.H, Ae Ao. asrv am ou Reed street, near the R. R. Tteitnr ' JeT,,I The Lightning Tamer. fPHR undersigned are Ike sole Agents In this I I 0"untv for Ihe "North Ainerleon Ualvanited alUIITNINtf RllDS." T iese are Ike enlv safe rda now in nee, and are endorsed by ail the -tenune men in ine eeuntry. no nereny notify tbe ellissns or the oounly Mat we will put them np a better rod, and for I'ss uonsy, than Is eharged hy tha forelga sgsats who snnnally traverae the eounty aad rry of our little cash, never to return. tEA'COUJUGE HOME LABOR. IThose wlshlnc Liihtnlni Rods trooted en : f aa, kr bnildinea need but addreaa ua bv latter, or ""J '"r""n' ' Pul ",,n "V snywhsrs :l thecounly, and warrant them. The Rods and statural eun be sssa at any time hy railing ai Kr store. II. V. R1ULEK A O. Clearneld, March 30, IK70.H Luthorsburg Marble Yard! TUX stiliturilifr rtipwtrullf atinouaeoo to tliii eommuniiy and tha public generally that he inow eitenaitrly PPgnfti'd in the maiiufnoture of Mhiuhm htn, llt-nd and tot Htonea, Inland, Table ht lliirrnu Topr-, elfl. No hlnliwr tribute ean be paid to it ilpcmM'd relativonrfrli-nd than tbceiro tian of an oiidurlirff alnb aa a wltnose to an bom li orations when they have laid him or her. X bare engaged Mr. .I tin W. (.Hlmgaii aa my afent to sell, and to whore workmanship and thill inftiiy ean hear wltnftasa. Ordera adleittd and iromjitly fined. Work Jelivcro! wli"revcrdrfired. . ' II. Hi MUOHKt tntherahnrg, KoymlwrS0, 1 87. , . I Miss E. A. P. Rynder, ' aaaee Ins Ollckerln,',, Dtelnwat 's and Emerson't Plsnos) Bmita s, Mason A llatnlin , apd I'sloubet'i urgent and Melodeant, sci) drover Baksr't Sewing Maohins,. also raacata of Plana, QnlUf. Organ, Harmony aad Veegl Wt). lo, Ho pupli takea for leat then half a term. flt'lUosns opposlt nnHeh'i Furniture Store. ClseiB.ld, tf. , lltlg-tf, . . Jtrugn ttnd Urflirlurs. T II K 1ATIIIT MOVBi. ! ; THE LATEST MOVE! HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tliclr new building on Beiund Street, nearly opposite tha itore ol Weaver A ttetta. CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will eoatlBne U aupply their old and aa man uow cuftomcri aa may come, with PURE DRUGS! -i . .. i .j ' ei '' V C lfE M I C A L S ! . PHARMACEUTICAL PUKPAIIATI0N3, (Including all new rcmediea,) Patont Medieinea, Painti aad Oita, tllaaa aud Putty, School Bonka, Htationery, Paper, tto.; alio, a full line of Drug gilts' Bundriea. Unix Tooiea, Coimeticl, Prrfumerieft, Toilet Articles, Bmnhea, Toilet Boaps, Pocket Books. Ac, all of tba best quality. PURE WIXES AXD LIQUORS, for medical k aacraiuental purpoaei only, Para White I.tad, Color of nil kindff, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varuuhf, lurpfn. . tlno, Coal Oil, Paint A Vanilla. Brushes, Flavoring 1 x tractf, Confeetionerlea, Bird ficed, Ppine, ground and ungrouod, ol all Hiuaa. SMOKKRS AND CUEWKRS Will flod our atock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and De maslie Cigars, tin off and Fine-eut to be of the very boat braudi ia tbe market. LAMPS AND CIUUNKYS, All kinda ef GLA.3 WARB, GARDEN 6BED8, ' MUSICAL IN'STRt-MBNTf! and Musical Trimmings of ovary variety. Having a long etportence In the buidnefi. and an extensive and well selected stonk of ml.artsea, w are enabled to fill Physicians' preorriptiona at tbe abortest notice and oa tbe most roaaonable term, day aud uigltt. HART.WICK A IRWIN, Clcarfitld, Pa., .May II, UTl-tf. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach'i Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. it. noYi:its pinB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Asafe, pure, pleassnt and health giving Tonio strictly vrgetahle, and manofactured from the most pure and choice materials is not a spirit drink nor sahstitute for whisky, but a scientific oompound, fur tbe protection of the system and the core ef disease, male fro is chemically pure spirits, ontirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. A' long private experi ence has attested Us Mi , : , Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Ko Bitters at present offered to the public contains so mueh madiolnal virtue, and yet so aafs and pleasant to take. Its net Is to cure disease, and It will not create an appetite for spirituous liquors, hot will cure the effects of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, I'RB IT. To promote Digestion, , . , tSE IT. To cure Dyspepsia, . I'BE IT. To onr. Fever aud Ague, . I'SB IT, To oure Billiousness, I'BE IT. To cure Constipation, VSR IT. To euro Chronic Dlarrhore, ' VPK IT. To oure Heart-burn, , I'SK IT. To cure Klatulcnco, VSK IT. To cure A-id Rrnctatlont, I'SH IT. To cure Neironl Debility, IRE IT. To cure Hydoehoodila, I'SB IT. To oure Sallowueas of Complexion, VRK IT. To cure Pimples and Ulotclies, CUE IT. ' Per General Prostration ef the Physical powers, t and It will cure you. VSB IT, Bold everywhere, at 11.00 per hotlle, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. SUA W, ' ".. ' i .'; . CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers lihernl Iiidneementa to the trade Oct. 27, TKff STOKE IN IIOUTZDALE! P. QALLAUHKR. havlnaj lust returned from tiio ,ast with an entire new and complete assort, ment of Merchandise, suitable lor Winter and fipring trade, which haa been seloolcd with great care and bought at low rates, is prepared lo fur. nieh the oilisnoa of Jlouladare anil biulmly with goo, Is it a very I II b I advance ou a rat oost to. cash. Country Produce and rililnrles tnlien at market price. Call and examine tny stock before pwrehesiug elsewhere. IF, OAU,AGUEIL Houtsdale, Pa,, Peh. !S, 18,2-tye ,, CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against pareheslng or ia aay way meddling with the following property, vial 1 eow, a lot of potatoes, t beds, cupboard, set of ehaire, trunk, v.iv., ,i , aro.BS, . OOCB, S lOrHS, I ISOK now In the handa ef Christian Nelf, of Chest tonn- shtp, as the same belt my otdcr. lO.Mt ship, as the same belong te me and are lublecl tp AimiM cuniu. ,.w, w. setts. vi:,iTi:it & itiaTTN , CLKARKJELH, IM., Are offering, at tbo old stand of O . L. Reed A Co., their ttook of goods, eonslstlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, HOOTS A 6II0EB, IIATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QlKEKSeTARK, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, dec, &o., At the aawet reasonable rates for CASH or in , i . . ' eiehange for Square Timbor, Boards, Sluuglos, OR COUNTRY I'RODICE. Advanees aaada to those engsgod in got ting out square tinhsr on the most advantageous terms. pdtlJenTJ n. a. Aaaoi o... .w. nost nBTsnon. "Cheaper than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT REDUCED TRICES just nscaivin ar Arnold & Hartshorn, (On. door wsst of First National Dank,) CVRWCXSVILLK, PA. H A VINO Just returned from the east with a complete assortment ef Goods suitable for Spring aad 8ummer trade, ws are now ready te furnish all kinds of Qooda "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thinking onr eustomsrt for their liberal patronage during the past year, we would most rssiectfully ask for a eontlnuanes of the same. Our Stock eonsisU of a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Qosenswsrs, Witlowware, Qroeeiiea, Boots Shoes, Hats A Csps, Clothing, Tobaceos, Ae. Alto, Flour, Bscon. Sail, Fish, Urala, ete. All of whUh will be told on ths most rsasen. sble terms, and the highest maikot price paid for drain, Wool aad all kinds of Lumber end Country Produce. ieT-Pleais glre us a sell before purchasing elsewhere. Battsfaotlon guaranteed as to prise and quality." ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Mala and Thompson Streets, spr20 CURWENRVILLB, PA. I) : A C B IN liVIIIPEI GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLEl The bloody oentett between France and Pruisia It at an end for the present, to far as the alaugh. taring of men and the destruction of property is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pride themselves end rejoioe orer Ihe result, but bow insignificant ll llieir r-ken compared with ine ouroane aua ourisiian euortl or L. M. COUDRIET, who baa undertieken to eupply all tbe tit liens in the lower end of tbe county with food and raiment at rxcptiilinj low rates Troru bis inHDimoth attire in Mt'IaSUMil'IKI. wbvro be ean alwsva be found ready to wait upon call era and aupply lb em with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such M Clotbi, Pfttiuctls, faatiracrei. Muslin. Delaines, linen, Prilling., Calieoce, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lave, .Ttrady-matle Clolhiog, Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps all uf the beat material and made to order Hose, Sock i, (1 lores, Mittena, Laces, Kibbons, 4o. onornniKs ok all kikhs. ColTee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molnffes, Pish. Salt, rora, Linseea uil, ri.U Uil, varbon Oil. Hardwire, Qiii-rnnwarr, Tinware, Catting, Plowi and Plow Tastings, Nulls, Hi.ilces, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider 1'reiaea, and all kind of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, YarnUh, (.laoa, and a genera) assortment ol btationerv, GOOD FLOUR. Of different brands, always on hand, and will b. sold at the lowest posriblo figures. LIQUORS, such as Drandr, Wine, Gin, Whisky, Jtynai sieillclnes, llostitteri and HootlanJ'e llittors. 6000 pounds ol Word wanted for which the hifchest pries will bo paid. Cloverseed on hand and for sale at the lowest markot price. Alse, Agent for Etrattonvllle aad Curwensville Threshing Machines. t-Call and aee for yoartelret. Ton will Ind everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET, Frenchtllle P. 0., March 1, 1S71. I'lu-ap Furniture. JOHN GUL1CU r31RIC8 to Inform bis old friends and cos 1 torneri, that having enlarged hia shop and Increased ate facllltlei for manuiaeturing, he Is now prepared to mike to order such Furniture may he desired, in good ttyls and at cheap rates .orvADii. lie generally nee on nana, at his furniture rooms, a varied assortmsnt of ready, mads furaiture, among whloh are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobesand Rook-Oasesi Csnlrs, Sofa, Parlor, HrraVfasi and Dining Ritension Tables; Com mon, French post, Cottage,Jenny-Lind and olhsr neutieaus e, tea or all kinds, Work stands, roeas, wasa-sianan nocsing and Arm V'halr i snrlng-seat, none bottom, parlor, com iiioli and other Chairs Looking. Ulasses of svsry desetiptien en hand t and sew glasses for old fremss, which will bo put In on very reasonahla tornis on shortest notice. He also keeps on hand or lurnisnea so oroer, uora au.t, llalr and Co. ton top Mattresses. CorriMB or bvimv Kind .Mail, to order, and funerals attended with a nearss whenever desired. All the ahove and many other articles are fur nlshed to cntlomere cheap ler Clin or exchanged for approved country prednne. Cherry, Maple, fnpiar, Linwood ann ototr Lumber luitable fos Caldnet work, taken tn xrhenge for furnituee jter-ltametubor the ahon It on Mnrkei .treat Clearneld, Pa., and marly opposite ths "Old J.e Store." JOHN UL'LICll. November 2d( Iti wry .Stable. rPIIR undersigned begs lesvs tn inform tha pub 1. lie that be is now fully prepared to accommo date all la Ihe way of furnishing Horses, lluggies, Saddles and Harness, on Ihe shortest notice and on reasonable teriol, Hesldauaooa Loouit Itroet. between Third and Fourth. USD. W. UKAHHAPT. Ilearneld. April 11, 1HI17... t fll?!TS WArT.l7wra"7t7e i omployment for all, either let, at JJ a dar, ar 11,(100 or more a rear. New worka hv Mrs. II B. STOWB, and otherl. Sttperh Premium given away. Money made rapirtlv and eatilv at work form. Vf rile and aee. Panlealare free. ' WOHTUINUTON, Ill'STIN A Co., pij:rim HartforJ, Conneelloait. fPlll! DBMOCRATfO ALMANAC for 1(IS X 197 md IDK. for aale at Ike Post Office, pr Ca 2s te uil. MailsJ to aay tddiiis, I. r. ar,avr.a....... i S1IAW HOUSE, (Cer. of A! ark at A Fronl streets,) t:i.,Alirir,Lis, ra. This snagnlioent Hotel as entirely new, plcte in all its ainolotmrnts, and oouveneeol t tlieCoort 'loiuo. A free Ounihns rnnt to aoi Irons the Deeol on tne srrivsi ana aepanoreui eseh train. SIRS. B. 0. CLlMaiNTS, April 10, IKJ. j sototref. WASHINGTON HOUSE, " EW WA8HIN0TOX, PA. This new and well furnished heua haa hem taken by the uudoreigne.1. He feels annhdent of beiog able to render satisfaction to those who nay favor him with a eall. May . IHT3. V. DAVIB, Prep'r. :. REVERE HOUSE, n V It N 8 I I) E, I A. The suhierllier liarlng built anew Hotel, with all modern improvements, is prepared te reeelve giiests, Tbe u,Me will ho supplied with ths beet m tue naraeii ine barwilu ILecnooloost liquors, Uood atahling attnehed, aprJ ty A. II. KCIfAEITER, PropV. ' THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Bt., CLEARFIELD, Pa. IM1I3 large and oomasodioua new hotel baa X beta opened fur the accommodation ol tbo Cublif, where the proprirtor will bo glad to meet ia old frienda, and roeeiro a share ol pablle pat runnge. By strict perional attention to tha de tail of Lis buiioese, be hopes to bo able to rendet satitfaction to bis patroni. Tho TAIlLE wlH atwnvi ba bountifully sunidied with the best that can be procured in tbo market, and tha BAR will contain a full atock of Ll(L OHti Utl-Ji, do Uood i tabling attached. Clearfield, March , 18C-ly . Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Hoeondand Markot Stroeta, ClsBAHFIICLU, I'A. Tni3 old aad eammodioua Hotel baa. during the past year, beeo .nlarged to douhla Ita former capacity for the euterUinmcDt of itran gen and gueita. Tha who building has been refurnished, and tba proprietor will eparo no patna to render hia guests oomfortubla wbilo staying with htm. HCTThe 'Mnntlon ITouie" Omnibus runs to. and fmm tba Pepotoa fhe arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DUUUHEHTY, apr0-70 tf Proprietor. LEONARD house;, VtAt tbe Itnilroad Itepol, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. This bouse it large, well furnifhi-d, and nrly new, and tba Pioprii-lor feels eunfident of rtuibj ing satisafactioD to gupsts. i. U. Good stabling connected with the hotel. o4-71 8. P. ROW, Proprietor, ST. C1IAKLKS HOTEL, (Opposite K. R. Diot,, CLEAKF1ELD, PEN S'A. Tba undfri?iied, having become proprietor of this bouse, is now ready to entertain ttrangor and travelers, and therefore S"Ii lis sojournera to give bim a eall. His Table will bemppiied with tbe best tbe wnrkot tffurds, and I is Bar will con tain throhoioeet of winvand liquois. Extenslrf stabling Is attached. Charges moderate. janlu'79 ' JAM 1.8 McLAL'UHLIN. WESTERN HOTEL Opposite the Court House, , , CLEAItFIELD, PENN'A. Aeoommodatlons first-class and chargos moderate, oeti JOHN F. YOUNG, Proprietor. jyj-oifToun uoiiie, Opposite ths Court House, LOCK UAVEN, PBNK'A. .. Jell 71 nAlSEAL A KROM, Prop's. B rocki:kikifi- iioutio. BELLEFONTE, PA., D. J0HX6T0X A &0X Proprietors, eclJVU 1 AILROAD HOUSE, , XV Main Street, PHILIPSl'l'Ktl, PKNN'A. The undersigned keeps eouslantly oa band th. best of Liquors, His talile Is aleays luppliuii wilh tbe In-st the rcaiket affords. The traveling public will do well to give him e eall novl.'oi. ,, . liOBKKT LLOYD. CUSQUEHAXNA IIOUSP; ej CURWENSVILLE, Clearneld county, Penn'a. Thit old and well eatahlilh' d Hotel, beautifully situated on the banks of the Susquehanna, in the horougb of Curweoerilia, has been lenstl lor a term ol yrsrs by the undersigned. It haa been entirely refitted, aud is now open to the puhlia generally and tbo traveling community In par. ticular. No pains will hs spared to render guesta eoniforUble while tarrying at lhs houss. Ample Stabling room for lbs acvominodation of teams. Cbsrges mmleiate, S.j.t. 5. l" ' ELI CLOOM. oots anil liors. JOOT AXD SIIOK MAKIXG. PHILIP WRtVEll.'on 'Markit itroet. In chew's Row, Clearneld. Pa . has Ju.t received a One lot er Freneh Calf eklos and Kips, the best In the market, and' Is now prspared tuman atarture everything in his line. He wiU watr rant his work le be as represented. The ei'iteni of Clearneld and vicinity are reepeetfully Invited to give him a call. Work done at short aotica. 9:H'71y BOOT AD SHOE SH01a EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A 3d Sre., CLEARP1ELD, Pa.. rpilK proprhtor has entered Into the BOOT d X SHOE buainest at the ahove itatid, and ia determined not to be outdone either in quel. Uy or price for bii work, Special attention will be paid to manufacturing Pewed work. He has on hand a large lot of Kreneh Kip and Calf Skins, of the very best quality. The chi tons of ClenrGeld and vicinity are respectfully inrlted to glre blai a trial. No eharga for calls, novo,' tf JSAAC JOHNSON 4 SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers la Boots nit d Nliocst Ladles', Misses' and Children's Gaiters, ' Men's, Boys' and Wnmea't Heavy Beats, aad Brogans, Ao., Ae. Store and shop on Second street, nearly oppo site H. F. Uigier A Co.'s hardware store, Feb. IS, 187My CLEARFIELD, PA. IHisrfUanrous. D. J. CROWELI, Manufacturer of the D. II. Ball Bolting Machine and the SIDE-CUT SI1IXULU MACUINK, to cut front It to JH inches, and licensed unites Kvernl'e patent. Jointers, nres? flew Ma-binca and (lent re I Mill Work, rJinnemahoning, Camer on ronniv, ia, Repairiog of Machinee aud general Caslom vTork done to order. augUya Clearfield Nurserv. ENCOUBAGR HOME IXDLT1TKY. 'piIR underilgnrd, hsvlng establlshsd a Nut 1 sery on the 'pike, about halfway betwee. Clearneld and Curwsnsvllla. la nlah all kinda of Fit I IT TKEK3, (auedard aad dwarf,) Evergreens, 8hruhbery, Qrepe Vlnet, Oooseberries, l.awtoa Blackherrv, Ftrswbsrry, and Raaberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees, Quince, and early eearlel Hhuherh, Ae, Orders promptly etttnded to. Address, J. I. W RI01IT. Corwenavllli, Pa MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA ETEAM MILL, suit racTt'n;a LUMUEi:, LATH, AND l'lCKETS. It. H. (-IIILMNorORO, rresilenl, , Office Forest Place, No. IJ4 F. lib it,, Phll'a. . JOHN LAVVeHr, Ccneral Bup't. Oaccola Mills, Ilearneld county, I'a, A IIMIMwTHATonw NOTIC K. Not co !V Is hereby gi en thai letters of administration eo Iheeataleof I.AtMA llAnrLrtannn, deed, late of Hell township, Cloartirld county. Prim a., having bceu duly granted lo the undersigned, all persons indented lo sold estale will please make iniuiediftte payment, anil those having elalms or demands will present them properly authsulicated fur settlement without delar. ADAM RRFTII, neJ2-i. Administrator. BI,KC'OS.TAitr I el ! : (r0n .air 41 ii," i iii. e.