Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 23, 1872, Image 2

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' BDiron ad i-tioriiir.ti.B.
Democratio National Ticiot.
FOR Fittt.SlIlENT,
or new von.
or viiimoi'ii.
i IMEXAroltUt
Elifl.n C0W.1M, of Wellmorelaml. TV. cmnim, of Franklin.
Hn b Matms, of Krie.
.luiia d. aliiian, of llontiugdon.
ft. (Jltoaa Fur, of Pliilajelphla.
1. Thorns, J. Bargor. .11. I. LowcnWg,
7. tltcua. D. Anderson,
II, John MolTwt.
. Ooorye U. llorrcll.
1 1. Joese McKntgbt.
IS. Henry Welsh.
It. Honr'y J. Buhl.
W. t. W. Chrlstv.
18. William F. Logan.
19, Itn.selaa Brown.
21). F. M. Robinson.
SI. .. R. Molt.
22. T. II. Stevenson.
S.I. John II. Hard.
24. Ueorga W. Ml!ler.
o. To bo ttllc.l.
n. iiah n. lioupt.
7. Samuel A. liver.
8. Jrsae tl. Ilawley.
. Hiram 1). Bwarr.
10. 1). Keilly.
11. J . do Kunkle.
U. Fred. W. Uunitrr.
Tlio Vermont Legislature last week
ve-elcetcd J. S. Morrill United States
.Senator fur fix j enrs from the 4th of
March next.
S .as.
One Gano. Twenty-seven mulo
rumpcr wcro taken from the Dela
ware county poor hoiine and marched
up to the polls and ordered to drposit
their ballots for tho due-bill candidnto.
Strands Taste. Cumbria county,
which gavo Buck-tie nourly 700,
end-s Suintiol Henry, a Cameron Radi
cal, to tho Legislature. That is cer
tainly bad for the "frosty sons of
Catncronisin is now to the State-jurit
what smullpox U to tho eorporoul
t-ody, except its moro popular and
docs not kill so tunny, though just as
loathsomo to those who prefer honest
men to roguos for public officers.
I'poclamation. Tho Long Branch
government, having returned to
Washington again, has ixued a
Thanksgiving Proclamation, fixing
Thursduy, November 28th, as a day
ofgouoral prayer and pruUo.
Out of llij.OOO votos polled in Phil
ndotphia for Governor only 22,000
woro on the amendment to tho Con
titution making tho Slato Treasurer
elective. The corruption ring do not
like this amendment, but it was too
cowardly to Bght it.
JL VLAor-iiEMfcn. That notorious
kepliu w bo docs up tho "civilization"
writing for Harpers Weekly, says that
"God wills the re-election of Grant."
We always supposed llo prefered
nobor men for office, if Geo. W. Curtis
docs not. .
Let every Democrat stand bravely
to his colors. Wo fought for roform,
for honest government, and wo will
continue in tho ranks. . Tho enemy
may out-number ns, or rather out
count us, but they ear-not conquer us.
Our cause is just nnd must, cro long,
The Kef-eaters. If thoro'are any
weak-kneed Democrats or itopubli-
aiis who do not yet beliuvo that
.'riimin Cu-noron carried tho lute olec
ion by tho grossost frauds ever per
petrated in Pennsylvania, let thorn
rend an article taken from tho Phila
delphia Pnss, which reveals tho way
I ho roughs voted for the Market
etrcot merchants on the ?tb.
' A liiidicnl exclmngo statos that
(4ileb Cushing, ono of tlio Geneva
treaty board, pronounces tho treaty a
Ljreut success for tho United Slates.
It must be, because wo oscnpcd pay
inn; sixleon millions, wliicb nt ono
period seemed probable when tho con
nequential humbug plea for damages
iras put in by our "government."
Caleb would be a queer urbitrator if
iho did not blow Ms own job up "iij;bt
Watch TtitM. Thousands of I'ajni
ocrals wcro clioatod out of thoir votes
nt tlio Into election by ticket dealers
at tlio election polls who wore bought
by Cuineron's tools Jor this very pnr
poso. JDomocrats ill tho next election
.-dioiild carefully examino their tickets
before voting. "Bownro of wolves in
sheep' clothing " Chill ies It. Uucka
low lost thousands of votos in this
way. Thero is no end to tho fraudu
lent menus used by tlio Cameron ring.
A Lahor Kielu A "gnvornincnt
detective" bus brought suit against
ibe ortlcers of the First National
lisnlc of Marshnlltown, Iowa, for
charging too much interest or dis
I'ount, and charging tho officers with
' tmving committed perjury. This is
just what nine-tenths of these govern
ment pets aro doing evory day. Tho
detective has a luro fi.ilj to npernlo
in nnd can reap a rich harvest. Tho
' iiank has agreed to go into liquida
tion, rather than bo prosecuted under
ibe non-usury -claim of tho NntioiTuI
1 "unking Law.
Another feature developed by this
'.iivo.Hllgalion is, Hint tho hank has an
nually declared from 20 to 25 per
,ant- dividends, nnd mado a small
ling very rich in a short tinio, whilo
, (ho trading interests of the village tiro
nearly ruined, nnd nctivo business
men are worth less lo day than they
I IV ewl.l Vc'IT'.
f J lid trln I Outrage.
On our first pago will be found
statement In dotail of a judicial trans
action which occurred nt llarrisburg
lust week. Wo allude to tho caso of
Shaflner, who, according to the laws
of tho Stato, should bo hung, but
through tho jugglery of tho fiourt goes
to the ponitculiary.
A similar transaction occurred in
our Court tweuty-two years ago. A
jury funnd u man guilty of murder in
the hrst degree, but iho offender was
afterwards sent to tho penitontinry
for twelvo yenrs for murdering hit
We are opposed to capital punish
ment. We would hang no ono, but
would Bend all such offenders to ihu
penitentiary during their lifetime
If socio ty is rendered safe by this
niodfl, no member of it has tho right
to demand more. To this tho advo
cate of judicial murder of courbo ob
jects. Ho wants to hang all murder
ers. But docs he do itf No. Out
of ton murders committed, if he hsngs
one ho will do very well, whilo tho
other nine will bo out of tho penilon-
tiary in a lew years, ready lor a now
victim. Is this protecting Bocioty 1
Is litis executing llie law according lo
the oaths of the officers, jurors, etc ?
We held thut courts have no
moro right to violate law than the
highwaymen, and if they do they
should be punuhod or at least de
nounced. We want tho advocatos of
capital punishment to enforce their
bloody law, so that society may bo
protected and perjury avoided, or give
us oui' system, and wo will guarantee
both or abandon our views und sys
tem very soon.
Judicial jugglery is horrible 1 And
yet what else is it when only ono
culprit in'ton gels his dues Twelve
years in tho penitentiary for murder
is a burlesque upon civilization; and
right at the Cupilol of iho Stuto, too !
To adjust a high social crimo ou a
financial basis may be first-class econ
omy, but it is iiornnlo morals and
woiso patriotism. Nevertheless, lo
our mind it is a true index of the
avarice and mercenary motives of tho
men who now .control public affairs,
and sounds like tho "(loath rattle" to
liberty and pure morals in the body
The Itallot-Itox Hlutrtrn.
That tho luto election was carried
by the most outrageous frauds ever
attempted since tho days of the P.itner
Stuvens dynasty, is hilly established
by the testimony of honest liepubli
canj, who can no longer keep their
mouths or eves closed lo tho wrongs
prepetratod by the corrupt leuders of
their own party. In tho city of Phil
adelphia, that highly "loil" nnd Chris
tian tlty, scores of respcctablo citizens
went to tho election polls and were
not allow ed to vote because somo thiol
or repeater had already voted in their
name. And among Ibom somo of the
oldest Market street mercharts. To
prove what wo say, (and we ask every
one of our readers to peruse it care
fully.) wo now quota from an editorial
clipped fiom tho Philadelphia I'reu
of tlio 13th, in which the editor says:
"Gradually our peoplo begin to com.
prebend the atrocities on the ballot
box on Tuesday, tho 8th of October.
Tho rovclalions already made, nnd
daily being mado, indicate something
of tho scheme by which llie peojda of
this lair city nuvo teen once more
placed under tho feel of desperate nnd
designing men, and n o arc not with
out hopo that iho w hole plot will be
finally dis.l.:si'd. However disrepula-
blo to civilization and coniniotuous
of law, und howovvr unparalleled in
tho annul of political Iraud, we brmly
boliero that when all tho facts are
laid belorc tho publio the reaction will
inexorably consign the authors of this
deliberate couspirucy 1-) the doom
conspiracy tj llie doom
they deserve. Happily tho conveu-
lion to n foi 111 iho
btiito cousin ulion
meet within a few weeks, and the
proofs of the manner in which tho
right of suflrago has been trampled
into tho dust by parly managers, und
iho unblushing corruptions ut the polls
in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and else
where throughout the Stato, will set
as a spur, if uny wero neoded, to tho
good men who compose that body,
and who, we buliuvo, will end an evil
which, persistod in, will place us on
an equably with the reckless crimi
nals of New York. This convention
will be ono of tho highest of our rep
resentative bodies. Kur above tho
Lr;;iBluluro iii authority and dignity,
Its opi'i'iitinus cun be conducted inde
pendent of the pnrtisnn majority fraud
ulently sent to llarrisburg to enforce
the one-man role. Hundreds of re
pulablo citizens of Philadelphia have
culled at our editorial rooms 10 pro
sect cases of repented nnd open per
sonation at thoir rospectivo precincts.
We refrain giving names for obvious
reasons, but most of thorn we havo
lona nnd favorably known. Ono of
tho oldest merchants on Market street
slates that when ho readied tho polls
he found thai bis rmmo had been voted.
Tho officers refused lo tako his bollot,
upon which ho proceeded lo tho court
and secured mi order constraining
them to receive it, and on his return
ho found Hint nnnlher person had in
tho raonnliine voted upon his name.
T o of the s ins of u well-known journ
alist wero vev'onnlod in their wards.
as we learn from their father, and txio
of thetiT was actually informed, by u I
respcctablo voter at his precinct, that
ho was Iho twenty-sixth citizen wboj
had beon personated that morning I
In one case a repeater attempted to I
personate a well-known gentleman
whilo the gonlleinun himself was on
tho ground, and tho voto was only re
jerlcd when ho denounced tho rulllan.
An eminent physician, upon present
ing hie vote, was actually informed
thut ho hud already voted, upon which
he remarked, "I huvo two eons at
homo 1 please let 1110 know whether
somebody has voted for them in
which case I will save them tho trouble
of coining hero." Tho reply was that
they hud both voted, nnd ho led with
11 duo sensibility of tho glorious piivi-lce-es
of American eitixonship. These
! nro only 11 few of very many cases in
IdicatiiiL' tho nublicitv nnd tho ennr-
mily of tho schemo set on foot untler
tho auspices ol Lameron nnu juioi
Knelt. What shall wo think of re
speclnblo men who huvo lent their
sanction lo theso proceedings, nnd of
nnieials. receivinu salaries
four times larger than tho salnry of
the President, who nppiauutu nnu
pushed forward organised crlmo, nnd
whul would bo thought of tho nows
paper which, cognizant of them, did
not In the nnnio of decency nnd law,
and in tho nnmo of a plundered pooplo,
! cry (, ninst an':h shameless prnc
Legislative tit form,
Thogroateatovil which soems to af
fect tho ltepublio just now is Congres
sional and Legialnlivo corruption. If
thero ia no euro for this evil 'pairoU
may as woll hang their harps upon
tho willows, because tho govornmont
of the groat central Statos is just now
in tho hands of thievos and unscrupu
lous men, and if no remedy can be
applied through our Constitutional
Convention, which will asaeniblo next
month, it will tuke less than hulf a
scoro of years until wo will land eilhor
in a monarchal or despolio govern
ment, so far as our own Slato is con
cerned. The following wholesome ad
vice upon tho question under consid
eration we tako from tho Fuss, and
it uieols our ideas exactly :
"Tho root of evil in tho public af
fairs of Pennsylvania is tho Legisla
ture Tho corruption that has be
come systematic, reaching even to the
olectors themselves, originated in this
body. Its reform is the question that,
itiuat engago must of tho attention ol
Iho Constitutional Convention. Wo
may amend the Constitution in the
interest of good govcrmont, put all
mani.or of chinks upon tho luw-mak-ing
power, and erect every safeguard
against corruption that human inge
nuity may suggest, and yet with a
xuiuil Legislaturo and one evil genius
at its back, all this work will be so
much bouuKl labor lost. This ia, afler
all, tho gravest subject beforo the peo
ple. If, as was rotonlly romui-ked of
a neighboring Commonwealth if cor
rupt men cau oonlinuo to control our
Slato Legislature, their domination
must remain unbridled, and in an
amazingly short spaco of lime tho
whole country may bo mortgaged to
publio creditors. But tho evil will
not slop with tho robbery of tho Tub
lie Treasury. Its natural sequel
would be tho corruption of the people
themselves. With our present syslum
of elections and apportionment we do
not beliovo it possible to seenre an
honest Assmbly. The Assembly as at
present formed we beliovo entirely too
small. It is unrepresentative, and,
unlike a Domocraey, not near enough
to the pcoplo. Tho first step towards
reform, wo believe, will bo to restore
its original popularity by enlarging
its membership, Moro representa
tives and smaller districts will admit
of scrutiny into tho charucter of can
didates, ahd of an opportunity for the
exercise of tho unbiassed judgment
now so seldom displayed In tho exer
cise of the suffrage.
"The Legislature of Pennsylvania
consists now, as it has consirilvd (or
three-quarters of a century, of thirty
three Senators and one hundred As
semblymen. Tho population of the
State in 1870 was 3,52 1, "III one Sen
ator for every 100.7H0, and one As
semblyman for every 35,217. In the
MasMM'huHotte Legislnturo thero are
forty Senators and two hundred and
forty Assemblymen, and the popula
tion of the Slate in 170 was 1.401,
361, or one Senator for every 30,433
of tho population and ono Assembly
man for every 0,072 of the population.
In New Hampshire, with only 818,
300 population, tho Legislature num
bers 341 members. In Vermont, Con.
neclicut, Ithode Island, and olhor New
Knglund S'.ates, the Legislatures are
equally popular, nnd in all of them
pure. It is only in Pennsylvania nnd
New York, where the tendency has
been to remove tho luw-nisking power
lurllier and lurllicr Irom tlio people,
that the Stale cupitals aro compared
to shambles and where charges ve
nality nnd bribery aro openly mado.
"Tho first step toward reforming
the legislature will, we think, there.
fore, be to increase its- numerical
strength and to rot-ium as near as pos
sihle its original rate of represents-
lion. Tho first Legislature In "r
history was based upon the cousus of
171)0, when tho population of Iho Slato
....... .! i o-o .....i I .
l " . ' .
i ono ' ,u,r ,,,r cver 1,'' ,71 ! i i
."-;""" "-"--j
was the nearest approximation to
Iiomoeracy pure and simple ever wit
nessed in the government of Pennsyl
"The restoration of those rates wnuld
of course uiako too cumbrous a body,
but. wo can at loast revive in n measure
the influeiico of the people in the ad
ministration of affairs. One Senator
for every 35,217 of tho population, and
ono Assembly man for every 111,000,
would bo a good basis on which to
Iloi.n On, CiF.NTi.r.MKN. There has
been much cackling in tho ring news
papers about Uartranft's vote in
Montgomery county. But the official
returns show that whilo the ltepubli
can ticket is olcclod Mr. But kale w
has a smull mi.jorily In Montgomery.
A timely pardon by Govornor Geary
a few duys before the election holped
Iliirlrnnft to two or three hundred
votes, nnd tho Democratic divisions
concerning a member of Congress
contributed further lo his strength.
Ills personal popularity had nothing
Ut do with it, as tlio voles show. Dr.
Acker, Iho present Congressman, sold
every ollico in tho county to tho Cam
ernu ring. Acker is about the best
phiyod-out dcinagogiio in tho Stn'.o.
It was his treuchery which reduced
tho Democratic majority in Montgom
ery county) and not the personal pop
ularity of the duo-bill candidate, Hurl
ranlt. -
Ciiowu In The Pittsburg negroes
have raised a muss with tho school
boards of that "loil" city; Tho darks
want to sond their children to school
with tho while children, and somo of
tho refined white loyalists aro turning
up their noses uboul it. But this docs
not doler Iho Africans from urging
the ninlter to a focus. Tho "colored
brothron" want tho respective school
boards to settlo tho niatUr before the
election, whilo the directors wan', lo
postpono the matter nntil after that
critical period shall havo been passed
They want tho votes of the b'umbos
bcfoio thoy decido ngiiinst them.
It' is now pretty generally conced
ed thut It B. Elliot, ono of tho negro
Congressmen from South Carolina,
will bo elected United States Senator
by the negro and lurpot-bag fraternity
in that Slate.
Tho Domocriitio and Liberal Stale
Committees havo a meeting at Iho
Merchants Hotel in Philadelphia to
day to tako Into onnsidoralion tho
hugo frauds pcrpotrulod by tho itndi
Puttc robbers on the Hh.
IViiMsylrMHia Official.
Tho following Is the official voto
cast for Governor on October 8lb I
' So
llrilfurtlM ,
I In t lor ....
2477 1
2 1173
94 III
61 1 J
Ontrv ,
20 is:
(Mu-ilor M
Citlutnliia. mm.
Crawturil , ,
ldii'hln.... ...,..,..
Erie........ ...,..
Porvnt ,
Franklin ,.
1 19.1
7417 1271
4C:i I
' 4I
4404 .,
7 07..
.'I .Mil:
80T ..
3 IL'O .
6.144 .
1214 1 1
1024 .
U7S ..
4l0 ..
27,2 .,
0l'2IS ..
Sis ..
-S3 1 J
4 .in'
i7 1 1
sl .,
Slot I
n mi
UrHUOi..tN, ,
lluutintflun ,
I.iuv-i be
. JS.'.u!
M n.i'iui., ,
Monro m
Nort haimiton
Ferrjf ...,
2.1 1,
J1T7C0 :ii.1 .87
I fM'.l
Oitee More to the Breath, titar
frlfiute, Our Jflore.
Tho following which wo clip from
the Danville Intelligencer, whoso odilor
has just been elected lo tho Stato
Senate, fits our idoas so completely
that we transfer it to our columns,
and ask our friends lo adopt the ad
vice therein contained :
"There is a disposition in tome per
sons whenever they experience defeat
or disappointment to despond, give
way, and almost resolve not to muke
anothor effort. We find u few Demo
cruts in this frame of mind siuco they
have learned of our delist in the
Stute, brought about by drilling and
manipulating the negro voto by eor
rupiion und fraud, and by a number
of Democrats staying at homo and
neglecting to voto. At first glance
tho condition of things is calculated to
mako the patriot despond. But a
freeman has no right to givo tip hopo.
lie has a duty to perforin to the great
republic of which he is a ciiizen, a
duty ho da 10 not lay aside, forego or
forget. Once let him become careless
or noglii;ont about tho ballot nnd the
tiina will oon COino when ilr wilt
bo no ballot to care lor. History
tcaehes that power is always gradual
ly slipping from the musses into the
hands of the few. This has boon tbu
result in 01 her countries, it is so in
ours. Wo havo tho bullet, but Iho
bullet of to-day is not us potent in
protecting tho lights of tho people us
111 years past.. I'unnir iuiu hiiii-u mv
la'.e war snd as the money power in
creases, Iho ballot has breomo cor
rupted. Tho must striking instance
of it occurred nt tho cieeiiuii lust
week. The voto in tho largo cities
tells tho tale Jofl'erson in his day
dresded the ultimate influence ol the
largo cities in breeding corruption in
polities. Had Jefferson hten being
to-day, bo could havo wilnessuj whul
ho feared und predicted. The nv ney
power went into Homo of tho D.nio.
cralio wards in Philadelphia, br bed
tho leaders, and thus llarlranfl se
cured thousands of voles. It im) be
auid that tho brioo should not liave
been uectptcd., True, but hii'San
naluro is weulc. And then who is the
vilest, tho tempter or tho tcmp'ed f
Tho former, although iu tlio end I'flh
may bo guilty. But tho fact rem tins
to confront us thut vieo lins Irmii pli
ed, l'ruud is rampant. Jlartvan i is
indebted to it for ids nomination, and
still more for his success at tho p Ha.
Willi these facts patent to l , no
Democrat, unless a craven cowrd,
dure leave the Geld of conflict, iMlli
rr, us ho ponies over iho story of1 bi
own nnd his country's wrongs, ah julil
it nervo him to perform his duty.
Our opponents cssl all on tho buuird
ol tho die at tho iale election. Tliey
dreaded Democratic success, as dicy
knew it would bo followod up b un
unearthing of tho Bing framM (hat
hud beon perpetrated for years liist.
llenco thoy scattered their money liko
wuier; and the contest in this Siule,'
Ohio nnd Indiana cost them millions.
They hoped by insuiiii!: success al
these slnto elections lo envato tin,.
iiondeiicv in tho Democracy, bo thaf,
thoir tnumpli in novvmuor woimi uo
.iilv iron Let them be disitmioillt-
' . . . ,11
n,l lelliiw DnmoRrnla. (Jive them to
understand that they will havo to con.
tent (he Presidential election Ro.
.A.UnM i.l Ik. .wimlni rtliletlnn Ltin
army of colonUists will have to re-
main at homo, und that Radical money
can't be concentrated on ono or two
stales then, but must bo scattered
broadcast over thd Union to mako it
availitblo. Tha rnaohh cull t Uf) this
Wltlioul lilullintf tho blitlotn UUllur OUt
of tbo Uliitou iSttttuH Tl 't'dnury. So
vnu kh, Di'mocrats, lliat roliiliTply
ilio oiiiiosition tnnntit confront un an
atrotiirlv with tliuir frniul iml nornip-
tion Hi tlio next -"A'titlon no. they ditl
ut tbo lust. Tliort'liiro tlm iironprct
liriirli tt t-iit. Vo are mill in tbu iniclst;
of iho but tit, alifjlitly milflaiilivtl, bin,
our fcntrc tn tirm , our riuiKH unstitiKon
mI tin movo lurwniil with uiibrokoii
front in .November, Tho trouuborous1
hotliiiln (hat boll'HVrtl IH Wfl lire now!
rid of. Ullll llolio but tlio tried n.
truo rumiiiu. Our ruiiRO la nst. Wo
contend lor peace, reeonciliution and
the rights of alula and iiiilivitluiila.
Witb thii on our bunner, lei na move
forwurtl in unwavering lino in Novi in.
bcr, and victory will yet Lo ourti.
Tbo Democrat", and Liberal ltepub
lipnnn of MnNanehtiaoH havu nominat
ed Frank V. Ituird fop Governor.
Tlio mnjority fur tho duc-MII cantli-
dale Iu i
'inventor in nfV.O'JT
1 ,
C 1j 15 A
Wo desiro to cull tlio attention of tlio citizens of Clearfiulil county to tlio fact that wo
J ' ' ;.;; Iiovo opened a . , , .. .
Where wo intend lo constantly keep on hand n full supply of '
- i---.
! Wc nro prepnrcd at nil times to furnish nny of iho cheaper nmkes of Pianos to order on tlio most
favorable terms as to prices and terms of payment.
Our stojt of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular
HYNDER ORGAN, (with livntler's Kneo Tiemolo and downward Octave Coupler.)
Hesidcs these wo furnish to order Organs from any I'iietory desired.
Wc sell on every plan known to the trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the
porui.AR and easv LEASE PLAN.
Ou our easy terms every one can have a instrument, nnd no other investment of like
amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY.
K7Wc shall lie glad to havo you call nnd sec tHwheihcrJyou desire to purchase or not.
ocl?3-'72-y2 ItVmSK'N M1TNIC STORE.
duo amo Indiana. A regular po
litical brcuk-looso has set in in these
two Stales since the late election.
The Democratic triumph in tho latter
Stato has so completely demoralised
llie enemy lliul ho docs not know
where to strike ; while llin lurr- gains
made) in the forinor Stiitc bussoliiiitiud
every element opposed lo llie lirnnt
Deni family, And one of the most vig
orous ouuipaigiis over curried on in
llist State is K"'nH on now. All the
old war hnises bitvo tlio harness ou
und lire working night nnd duy. l'en
dluion, I'uh, iM'Conk, Morgun and
their friends aro ably assisted by a
bust of Liberal Republicans, who ex
press no doubt of currying these two
Suites in November lor tiruoley, by
luro m:ijiiiitios. By carrying iheso
twu. Suites Mr. Orcelfy's election is
sofiired beyond a doubt, without l'cnn
sylvunin. Simon Cameron neod not
bo consulted.
lira drfitisfmcnti.
, ju,t opelttll) t KEYHTOXK 6T0IIK, a
otnplet slock uf
.' It O It
of rrarj dtKrlpllon.
ci.oruixo, dc.,.fv.,
Tlfcfh t'l I7 t!i enr Inml, and U at a mull
A lUi'p'J of KOJ'K oorutsmlljr on band. ,
Bioclal Intlnorwenta otfaml to I lit ha gfltiiift Out
Tuul or atM hogr, a deal largi 1
In LumUrmeii'i BuplUi, and ar jire
Tmrnl at ill timri to purcliuaa tim
ber and lunlior.
I. I) . U . OR All AM,
Bfteund 8(rct
Oft JJ, IS7J.
'imnn-fl n. n, d. mrtiii l.l.i, nana.
rupt. Notio. if hcrvliy a''1 10 " r-arllet
Koti'-rrnp' . I
Am,,m iB ,h b,, ,Rj win t. at th.
i.iHi-f ol I). I.. Krobi. In Hi. Imrvuih of Claarnrlil,
'v..nirnp'l. that the uoflt-rignrtl na uirn apjioini
Wln...tay, Nowmbar 20th, to aitroa loth.
iiallat of Ilia a.p.iiDlnicnl
' o.lI.'-St.
Oil Fllllaj, Ol'lobcr 25tll, 1872,
Will rrtttro frnai I'litln Itlpliia with a largo and
veil aclederl atoak of Mllllnury (laotla In t'att.rn,
Bonnets, Hate, Flames, Illbhona, Flowrra, Vcl-
rt, 0. !,, Noliona, Fanor Uoodt, ale. All
t,f which will bo of tntett winter styica aod will be
sold for very low prlocs fur enh.
orl22 3l. ' MI1K. WATSiiN.
Tha un.lrrtiirned utfvr, at nrirala tale tho fol-
lowing real astute i
A I.nt of f.'rnuiiat, Hunto in the -rtllaga of
ml1 "nwborg, Cbcr.t township, eoalalnmg ono and
hnlf iirr.'B. and liavinir. a laiao two suh v House
and gnl atal.l, erected tharuon. This property !
la tollable for a Hotel or Dwelling.
ALSO, A I'arro, of 40 acres, adjoining the
town of Ncwharg, having ovor l.'i aoraa cleared
and under cultivation, witb a good log bouse and
barn and bearlug orchard of ehnina fruit Iharaoo.
A ruin of excellent coal underlies the tract.
At.Hn, HM) Acrca of l and, on Wilaon Run,
In f h.-at townthip. within two and a half miles of
thesl free h. ll ia well tlmbrl with Fin., Oah
aud llrmlook, and underlaid with ooal.
Partlea wishing ay further Information will
oal. on M..;lTAM vnR "
o.-t.Mlf ' ' ' i. Ij.arli.-W, r.
ARKET ;s T H K ,E T,
. 1
It F I K I4 I, ! K
Our slock of PIANOS will consist of
2Uu.' (lvcitiscnifurs.
Tiie uii'lerMgiir I ufui fur tio Im Iwo
atnir fritmft drtliij( li-xiM anrl M, lttm on
Fitdith Blrt-rf, ti CiturfU-'l, V. Tltr t t l odx
2(il mi, n,tb a Uo-ttui.v irn'c-.-tin vliiu t.JUie
retfii ihf-rwm, '.Qxltt In-, ia I a onr-tr kitt'i
tn utf.iurJ, null a $ ,J uc.l u' v :-r t tsr.t.
For tn it. ut rulo oil I vii al no. li. J ir t, r'f
or lifj iit JriniifU.
or. 2 1 it ,I0-KI'I1 TKVKNtfO.V,
SU;iS FUlt SAMCJ-SU pair Log
hi iub ruLO't' ix run.
Will l.r tMl l A Lurjf list. In J 11 ire tl
rotntu and aiuii i titers, ruivA,
are a fluff ilocs of
For. the Fall of 1372, coniifliujf of
AVn, nt Wcr.ns I1I.ACK MLki.
FhiktlothiB, Oct S.f, IH.'S.-Ot -
The rttrlnfrbip bfrrtttforiitlnn txtwen
J Li. MrMurrny and PNiourl Uitoticll, doinc; ba
flincM nadcr the firm natnn of McMurmjr a
Mitclifil and J. 11. MrMurrajr k Co., li tin dv
iiiPtt-Ued iy inutuitl ronarnt. The booka mad pi
pe ri In tli lianJi of J. R. MnMnrrav fur tilt
M.fTt. J. R. McM I'KKA Y t VQ,
ht 'a.ltlnj'OD, Oat. lt, 1R72.
Th builnrn will be eonlutri) nt Uia old ntnnd
ard tn f rinor uanntr br the nndt-raijcnnl.
oetO 3t J. R. McMLRRAT.
I Tlia utmlrrnpiied will itfl nt l'tiMie 8jl, at
their rraidrnr1 iu Morrii towDilii, at 10 o'clock,
a. w., on
Saturday, Kovciubcr O, 1hT2
tbi following prrjtnI niariy : 3 horrn, 1 colt,
U brad young cat tip, J aunt, fluoli ol hetn, U
hf 1 wnjcoD, b'ljry, hanif, 3 iltiUf, bunulo
r!, J Hiniwr tnl, 1 lot; alrd, apTadon.S eiblv
cliaiu, wlntlli'lrrra, Ikrntlnng niactiiue, windiiiill,
Hi butliola rv i0 buxbcla Khrtf, 70 l.mliHi
bo. kwbat, 60 or 600 linnlirla oat, 4U or 60 lout
Iruw, 4 ton hj, "09 buthl ooiu in rr, 4i'U
borka oorntotl.liT, So buholi bonne, Ifli) busbla
pfltftiii aim, all ot tba bmiaehuM funutan.
til lino acll at tht mine time luv acrra or land
In Morn a township and '0 aom in Roret town-
ihip bcinK timbered and undmlaid wiih Cual.
for niniirr miorutai:un chm on in un i-rtjruea.
l'AVJ 1 I Ml. I..
oot-li-4t pd. ilUAMfciK DAlK.
I live Just rocaivca1 from Philadelphia all Die
Dow Fall aljlo Fnnob. pattarn II all, Uounata,
Oalrich rinm, Klixrra, Rllibmis,, c,
ana aro alao prtparad to ofar a tr iodancmaola
to Ih. Milliner? tra, aa t bujr gooda for caih
ont.r, and oaa get op batter qtiatttj of goodf and
I..H.. ..4 ... nblw-un
ia market.
, October la-31.
CliarSeld, Pa.
. i .1. rk- riA.i.(H. nnr Mr
Having pnrchaad th Chop Clothing llonaa of
h. Ri,e..ateio,haTth and bt
aaanrtmeat of MaautVturad Uoudi iff tbecannty,
tliKitlai in tLateauni V.
and oao aril their
for Men, Bojt and Children,
SO nH t KlaT. t llCAPI U
Thiiu any other house in tbe county.
They will always keep on hand a large and el
egant assortment of
Till' Mt .4,
, VA.HKt',
' Ac, Ac.
tf yon want lo gel gn.d and atyllsh Clothing,
al low llgun s, do not fall lo oall at Ihelr eetah.
Ilsbment before spending your money tlsewhera.
lltrnrraher tha plaoo.
,..rj';: itANiri. rtrwAitT t cn.
N M.
griv drrrtiscincnts.
CI lUl ION. All pfri-nii ar hrrlr wtrn-I
J Rat n itf purr rintini; or In way inetMling witb
ln Urga JtA MAlita, now in tb poiKnti'in
of Tlmtnu Kjltr, of JUorri towncbip, m tht
faint helurg to anj art IW1 witb btm on Jond
ouljr, sabjeol to mjr ordfr.
UitS All praoD aro berebj cautioned
J affaiutt purcbaaioi; or ia any nay nmddlinjt
witb tb rollowinf named property, wit: 1 eow, I
bvtftr, 1 bugs;?. I ftt chain, It atorea, a lot of
notaioa, 3, now In tb poaMaaion of 8mnel
K. Kr.WcT, of C'brpt towoabip, aa the aaate Iwloog
to mo and are auoject to my onlrr.
ocit-3t AI STIX CCRRT.
ISTH 41, Camt traapaafina; on ibe prrmiaos
J of tbo aubicnber, rtaidina; tn llrady town
Up, on or about ibo Ut of September la it, a
Urs;tt Cot, wbite and red ipotlfd, aupposed to be
16 or 17 year old. fcbe baa on a lure ball. The
owner rtifuoftt-d to owe forward, prore prop
erty and take her away, ar alio will b dirpniwd of
owirdtn-c to law, WM. WKAVER.
TroHtvilk, tK-t. 9, H72.-St
A tIUTt)R'J MH'ICK.-Tbo und-raifcnml
2 auditor, appointed by tbe Orihan' Court of
CUai Geld rouul to diatniut Ibe balance of tbe
funda of tb taut of J olio lUrtuoy atn-'ng tbe
partita tnlilled to reoeiv tb aami will hold an
audit, for that porpoise, at bia office, in Clttartield,
Pa, on Wtdnaday October 30tb, IhJJ, at 3 p.
wberoall -art tea tntereatod aro invited to at
tend. 10:16 J NO. 11. KL'LlUUD, Auditor.
4 I OITOH'H UTI('l-a.lhnnderaifftied
auditor appointed to diatriut tbe balanu
in Ida bauda of Ueorar U-4 :.lias, -.4-s.-.
tor, ao., of John Is. JMcOuHey, lata of Ueoearla
townrbi CiearAeld roentr. doraaed. to and
aanona; the partiee lejrally entittrd thereto, will at
tend to thedutieaof bit appotnttnent, at hia f
fic in tbe boron jrb of C If r be Id, oo Friday, Nor.
lt, 172, it 2 w clock p. in.
octlft-St 1). W. MrCrROy, Auditor.
A IrMIMnTKAlMt'S NOTK U.-.V-jtiu
2. ia hervtrjrgiren that letter of l:uiuitrmtton
ou tb oatata of MARY A. Uccat-d,
bariiia; been duly jrrautcd to tbe nnJcni (;(..
all mni indrbtrd la ti4 eaiate will plran wakf
payment, and thoa bavlna; rlaima or deinanda
will present tbfnt pmporly authrntiefd for aet
tleoTaent ettbrff la tb ruidctaigueti r to U. R.
Barrett, Kan., bia attornev.
Oct. t, 18r2-t, AdminiittnitGr.
I" A RMnOlt" fc) ALE" Tl7ouTc7
ailtii.d otVera f,r aala bia Farm, aituatrd eijut
dtlant botao-n Clearfi.ld and Curavemvilla. fur
aala. It euntiiliia a'l.iut 1H0 Aorra, and is nearly
all cleared nnd under collitatiun, with good
tiuildHiigt. It will ha aa:d uo reaauuable toima.
If net Jd aoon, 1 will let it oo tba rharaa to a
good tanaut Also, a pair of giod, young, well
watctied Draft Uoic-s for aalv.
(1. It. BAItr.ETT.
Cl.r!ield. Oet. t, l;J.-t
1l;CHTHR'. MITK I'.-Nollre ia here
j bv giveo tb:tt Laitara Te-.amanury baring
tiv-en g.niitrd t.i Ilia rul.ecntier on the. eatate ol
KollKKf 1.IUUKI.L, decaaaad. lata of Jordan
Inwnabip, Clt-arucM eounl,r, 1'ennRrlt-ania, all
penina indt-l.ted to .aid erlata are requeued to
make itntm-diaia paymer.t, and thnie baving
olniiNi againit tbe aame will praaent them, duly
authenticated, for aetthmnt.
aepl(l-St Kieeulora.
D !(, i.iino.- uv paktm umiiii'.
The parlni-r.hip heratofore esi'ting o
laeeu Harra-ll and Kdinger, ia Lutliaraliurg, Clear,
field oouuty. I'a., in tbe Tio, b'tove and llar4wi,r.
Ii.iainoaa, waa dinpohrd by niutuat eonleol on (he
loth day of tVtoter, 172. The liusinr.a will La
ooutinui-.l by J. llarrry Kdirigor, one of the lata
firm. The hooka and account of the Arm wilt ra-
maf.1 for Battlement at tba old Biore. Ki'her of
tba partnera of tha old firm ara authorired to tat
tle aud rectiie uionev.
0. ft. niRBKTT.
10.10-31" J. llAKVl'.V tlH.NtiKR.
flold O'unty. Iu tbe maitor of the eatat of
Hichard Anbciali, lateol Itumaide townabip, dre'd.
Th iiiKli'rniiriis-il rni.t tor. aiiDOintrd br tbe
eowrt to taak dialTibiitien of tb balance KU.a.u-
tug In the bands of the adiuiulstrator of saM aa
fate, to and among Ilia persona legally entitled
. n- a.i L. ' " -. ---
tire of the appoiututeiil. i bis offlcc In t'lrerfleld,
I'a., on tbe Ith day of November, 1C72,
at S o'eloek p. aa., at which time and plaoa par
Ilea inteaested tnav attend if thee aee proper,
octlri St CVRL8 (lUHliUN, Auditor.
I'O U HT S A lil'f-
yj In
rnratinnce of an order of ih Orphan'
C urt of I'learfiHd county, th vndoraigned guar
dian. Ac, of Jacob Mituhell, minor obi Id of Cou
aiatio t'. Miubell, late uf Burn aid towuahip,
doocaecd.will tell at publio iale an the pmiaiaea, on
Thuraday. MoTcmber tth, lVt '
at 1 o'clock p. in., the undivided one half fart of
that certain tract of land ail unto in Durnaide
townahip, aforoeatd, bounded bv lan la of Hamucl
wc. tine ana omen, containing i-Ji noret, n
...... i... .i.. 2.,... ne .. id
, I . MilAl, 'Hm( kn..v.r m th,
' ' ' J - . . '
port of Catharine Mitchell, widow of laid ua-
ocaed. at obamed to bia will.
Tbhmb or K i a. One half cash on oontirma.
tion of sale aod the balance in one year, wiih in
terest, lo he seem ed by bond and mortgage on the
preinii.a. 11. L. HKXDURhoN.
octD-lit JL?lijn!i,u"
I1MI "lilTH ATOH'rt HALF. In pnrsu
t'lcArfield emnly, the undersigned, adtntnlstrator
of tb estate of tVm. l.umaduc, d.s.ased, will sell
at publio aale. at the Court House, in Clearfield,
on SATl'ltllAY, Noreulier Id, lx',i, at I o'clock
ri. m., Iho following described real estate, tiluftte
n Hoggs townthip, Clrarncld eonoty. I'a., begin
ning al atone peiucr It. una ol jataet n iiaouei.n,
, .-M,,.- ....... - - - -
thenea by land of A. Trots' rtlale. ill several
ooorsca and dltaneea, 17a 4-lfi perchet tbenca
by land i f Joha Coultrr H.i peroh.a : taenca oy
land of I. Adams an percbaa lo turnplVet tbenca
east by pike 07, perebea. tbenoo west by land of
Mra. Cross & S-ltl perchet; east by Mrs.
Cross I H I! p-n-acs! thence north It, several
eoursra aod ilislances by land of Mrs. Cross o I I-10
perch.s In'tlAuaa In lino of Jetnca Wilsoncrcfti
Ihenia by tma 10 110 perchet to p" of begin,
ninj. containing 40 enrol and V0 perchet and at
lowaooo, and baving about S.v acraa aU-ared, a
frame houae, fiatnebarn and large boaring orchard
."" ' ...
Itnwa or 8Ai. Ona-tblrd in band, kaiana
In two equal annual naytaenla, witb Interest, to
lecored by lond and mortgage on tha prrmleea.
oeiltl "t .' A. P, T VT, Adminialrsi-r
VIlMIMftTHATOH'H HALF. In pnrsu-' Itnme.liale paviocnt, ann mo. -ance
of an order of th. tlrphana' Court of d.-n.aii.ts will pre.. ut tbcm propeilj suinrs
gCfijal avfrtlscmrnts.
PrcBidntial Election ProclamatimT
Air HbllltAK. by .. aoi ,.f lk,
I in.l, ut tha Coimiioiiwoalik of p.. "
aasia and lb-t aeaaral mppkneutt thawa -
of tb'i Ciiinnioitweallb riu.tlifird to vuim f,,l,t',
bars of Hi- General 1 ,l,.n L , ' "'
Hod. at the aaina nluun ut wht.h .k. ..
bw almll bara In en rotad for at th, nraaTn'
aleetion on tli Bret T.tearhiy out aflai uT,
Monday ,n Mv; inbrr. in tba yoar of oaTuJ
tba ,otu- dny in i-iery lourth y,, xlmifi??!
the finrt-OM .f tlrellng KiratOr, f J'Twid,..
Vlea I r. .1.1. i,l ol ll.e Unit..! Mi,.,, """M
Tr:Bio:r.,r. I, Jl'STIN J. I'll:, Hi,, 81
of rirurfrbl anniy, In paiBuaueoof lhe4,t, J
Joined on u. by the at ahora nfirra.1 laaoju.
said Bi j p'i n. nn llmvln, rlu lui ,1.1 B, ", j,-ivliix not i tv ,w10 'J
aoonl i- ul l l.'.nlin.l, iualiued fl) vuli- for uiaialm
of toa tumoral Anat, lo tn-t at their eaitTi
aleetion di.lrlcle on TUESDAY, tba tfih d,,5 najt, then and Ihora, balwoea tbthj,!,
of .lx o'clock tn tbo morning and smn ,'el 7
in Ibe eraningof .aid day. lo vole for laoty-i,I
Elector, of a I'raai'lenl and Visa Preaidrtt af a.
I nila.l Ntatea. And that tba aetaral Jadaar T
nectorl and Clcrkr, who ahall have attendee ti
the preoedmg aleoti'jn, ara taqairedtou
tei.d and perforin tho alike duliea ana! be lobuJ
to alike penalties for neglent of duty or miam.
duet at they ahall be liable at aail
Klaalion. --
Tha elect on of the county of Clearfield ill ui,
notleo that tha said aleetion will bo held at tk!
following plaoaa, Til :
B.ieoana townrbip, at tho I'nion Hotel, la Oka
rill township, at tbe house of Robert Meatier
Bloom township, at tba house of tba lata Ju.1.
Bloom, Sr.
B.iKgt towntUlp. at Hie hours of Edward Albert.
llradtord township, at tha bouse of Jacob Pissh
Brady township, at tha bouse of Wm. 6th,
In l.utbcrsburg.
Burnsida townsbip, at Toong's school boast.
Hirst towntblp, al lb. pablio school houH asu
Simon Rorabaugh's.
Cienrfield buroub, at tha Conrt llooja.
, l..u. i.n.,lr- . k. U-rmn f J, ,1
Curwt:uHvilla borough, al tha home of tha late
Istia? llloom.
DoCRtur towntblp, at Centra achool honaa,
Ferguson townthip, at the houte of John Grt.
ory, foruiorly occupied by Tbos. Robtroa, (brati!
ana ItK.n.aoil ,( ImJmI .i ....
Girard township, at Convreaa Hill aebool Udi.
GmkLfo towuibiu, at the public aebool ho an
(Ir&ham towneblp, at th honae of Jacob Unbar,
Uuiicb towuahip, at lit public aebool Louta,
Jnn' anil.
littsum towmltip. at tbo boiuc of Jec Wilm.
llou'r lal hsirouf'ii, at the public bouse of Wa.
Patkt'r, ia asid bortiugb.
JonJir, t jrblnp, at tbo public Khuol boun it
Keiib.itt toa-Dabip. at l!ridi;n'a achool boue.
Knit tufkniibijt, ut Turkey Hill arh-ul b'mie.
Lavvn urt towu-thip, t the Court ilouae, ia tka
borouis-h of ( Ir-f fiuld.
lan'isWr t-'ity borough, at tbo puMic arhool botie.
Mom i townsbip. at the bit formerly ovcapitj
by TL iDAa Kyler.
New Wawbington borongb. at the public fcbcic.
Uaorola borough, at tbe public houae of Mil
iloyt, in aaid borough.
lVun towtuhip, at tb hotel formerly kept bj
W. W. Auderaon.
I'ike townahip, at the house of the late Iim
Bloom, in tbe Iton-ueh of Curw-ntille.
I'nion towulip, at tbu houae of I). B. D ni Inker.
Woodwax tooeb-pt tb bum of Hiuum
Nutire U furllier licrrby glv-eii, Tint
all prana entpt Jua'lcra of tb 1'eaet, ha
ahall bold ao afiir or appointment of Uaatan4r
the gorernanent of th United Ptetar, or of tin
tate. cr of any incorporated dlatrict, briber a
cotamiliond officer or other iae, a lubordisata
officer or agent, who 1 or rball be rmpl'-Ted aa
der tb Letriflatir. Kiecotive or Jadirial
partmenta of .hi Stat or of tha United 6 late,
or any oily r incorporated dietrlct, and im
that eVbry mimber of Conrea, or of tba (Matt
IfCifialatnrey or of th eommoa or aUet enaaei)
of any eity or eommiaainaor of any h eorvonta
diatrict. v fay law incapable of h'dditif ar
xerciaina;, at ib aame tioit, th offic or aa
poirtmant of Jula:e, Intpector or Citrk of at;
lection of :hii CommonwaUh,
By lb act of Aartmbly of I860, known at tlw
Ri girtry Law, it ia prondfd aa follow a :
1. "l.leettoa offioira aro to open the polls fe
twern Lb hunra of aia and aereu , tn. on lot dtt
of eicttn. Ilvlore aix o'clock in Ibe uotni&ft if
aoooad 'J'asday of October tbvy are to rrcem
frost the Connty Comtutaionera the KcgiMrrt.
liat of Votera and all neceetarjr election bliuki,
and they are to p no man to rott wttutt
name ia not on taid lift, nnleaa b abtvll ajaiu
proof of bia right to rote a follow:
S. The iiernm whoa nam ia not oo the liat
flamix-jr tb right to roteaoai pndaeao;ualit,
tuler ol tbe diatrict to twear in a whiten or (mat
ed ft, Javit to tbe reeid-niM iK- -l-i . L
tiiiinti lor et icjfci uu aayancst urooerdioj mi
ek-cti n, dr fin in j clearly bei tbo irndtLea of
tbe prmon waa,
i. Tbo party rlaimina; tbo right to Tot iUH
a!to uiiikv ao sirdar it, etstipj to the beat uf au
koa)df and bclit-f where and abro ha u
barn, (bat be ia a cltifcn of PenofTlTania and f
the lotted STatta, bo baa n-aidtd la tkt
Htaite one year, or, if formerly a eitiai-a thrna
and p movrd tbeiefruin that b bsaroaided tben-i
aix tnonthi next preceding jaid election, thr.t br
hut not moved iuto tho diatrict for the purjxvaa tt
voting therein, that b baa paid a Stat or tvaat?
tax wiibio twtt'peara, wbai. waa aaaeoaed at Iwt
ten day brfore th -rleotior , and th amdaTit than
atate when and wbera tbe us waa aaart ai-d ui
paid, and the lax receipt mart be produced uaifi
tue atTiuBTi. !'.! stitr .bt ' Wn hut wit
atryed, or that h roired non.
4. If tbe applicant b a laturaliaed
mutt in addition to lb forvgoing prooli, ata'p U
bia affidavit whn, where and b; what eoart b
waa Biaturlicd and product, bia cerlttcaU 4
a. trery peraoo claiming to b a natBraliKtl
citiacn, w lirt tier on the rrgiotry liat, or products j
affidavit afortraid, rhall b required Ui proaoce
hit uuturahaaiiirn certificate at tb tctioo brIVre
voting wber be baa been for ten y?ar eoi-wra
tiicly a voter in tbe diatrict w tier be offer tc
vnte; and on tbe tote of anoh a petaon bring n
ceired, Mia K lection Officer are to write oritattn
th word Vtud' on hia eortitirai with the bd i
and year, and no other rot ean b east that v
in virtue ol aaid oerti&oat, except where loni an
entitU-J to vole on tbo naturaliiaUon of torir
0. If the pcrmm claiming to Tola who ia xat
reglaten-d ibull make that he ia a Bit"
burs citiie of tbe (Imted ISiatra, or, if bora Ik
where, at.all produoi! evi-li-no of hia naluraltu
tinn. or thnl he i entitled to eitiar-nahip by reewa
of bia father' n4turhiiion. and further, thai to
it between ?! and 12 yeara ft ag. and bu
whhio thv Htnte nneyear, and In tbo elcctioi olh
trijt Un daye next preceding tha eleeiioa, W
ahall b en l it led to rote Ibongh he ahall not IR
paid taxea.
In ca- the penoa wh ahall have aeeelred tht
tfcond higbeet number of totea for inspector, tbfcil
not attrnd on tbe day of election, then the ntrwt
who thalt have received tb aecond highet -br
of Totra for judjt at th next preoetling at
tion, ahall act aa inspector in hia plar: and it
eae the perann who ahall hav received the bit
cat numb. tf l ote for iuapector ihail not altari
tbe prrnoo eloctcd jntlge, ahall appoint an
tr in hia plare; and in cane tbo peraon elw.
jo-lgf ahall not attend, then the im-pecter
oeivrd the highott rum her of votfi. an all ar-p"-'
a judge in hie pbvt or if any vacancy thai 1 de
tinue ia the hoard fir tb apace of one hmrat"f
the time fxrd by Uw fur tht ope ning of iber
tion, tbe tiualiflcd voteta of the towmbip. wanlr ol Ihelr numlier to till such varaas.i.
Alao, that where judge, by sickens or sra.
voidable accident, la anabla to aUaod torh "
lag of jailgi-t, then the certificate or cetera .
be laVi-n charge of by one of tbe imperii"
clerks of the election of tbo district, who shall
and perforin the duties required of said ju.l'
ante to attend.
Tbe Return Ju.lget of tba respectlre dlin'"
aforesaid aro requested to meet et the
lli.nso. In the borou;h of Clearfield. on lbs W
Friday next alter Iba saitl first Taeidayef
amber, then and there to do Itue, li'P
required of ihrto by law. .
GIVEN under m? hand and aeal, al Olesrir
I'enn., t ti tat ninth day of October, la l
L.8. ear of aar Lord on thoawed p"
Ounuren ana seventy two,
mJnit of Iba United ttl tha alnety
J16T1N J. 1'IK, fbsr
VUMlMstTH ATdBK tOTlCB.-''''1"
It beraliT given thut letter of arlmienltt "
.... the estate of MARY K K II All 1. .
ri...l,l countv. Fa , drerf"-
k... j... .j .h..n.lrtical
person, indeliied to said estate will P'"' " a
Immediate psv'ocnl, and those harlt. ',,
I-iXKCirTOR'S M1TIC !.-!" '
J bv given that lettera testararntBry '
. .k i iu. . the etfs"
ue,-u graniru in ina su"i"" -- t .
: homy .JOHNSTON, Jr., deceased, lateow'
11 in in. " "--,' ., j,-!l
township. Clearfield aonnty, Fenotytv.o.
person. tndehtl to aald eslala re !'""
make immedialo payment, and teoas
elaima againtt tba tamo will present them
authenticated for trtilen ent. ....,.,!
Oetobor 5, lTS:l pd.
W. DA VI. orClwu Hon. Pol';
Is my anthorlled Agenl lor tf(
Woteotf, Win Faint, tba only Instant
pcnnaneni ... ... ; , c, ,
be eott'a Annlhllator for tne "ijuri
anii coins in toe o'wi. ...v,-.
tp? .m 1"! rhattiatn firr, r--