lis If I i' i t t fj 1 t i1 . (! . "It: rv, K1 (Mi She Jltjntblian. GEORGE B. GOODLANDEK, nmm asd prupmirtor. CLEAItFIKLU. PA. WEDNESDAY MOllNINO, OCT. 16, 171 Democratic National Ticket. FOR PKR.HDENT, HON. HORACE GREELEY, or saw voss.. FOR VICE PRF.SIDKXT, B. GRATJ5 BROWN, or m.aui si. ELECTORS. ciatoiiml. Bnii Cows., of Wsstuaoreleud. Usonns W. gaixxtn, uf Franklin, . . MrWMTlTIVC. flume. Manns, of F.rit. JoB 8. MlLLBH. of Huntingdon, - 8. Qkow Fir, of Philadelphia. iiefri'cr.. 1. Thomas J. Bargar. .13. P. Iiowenhorg. I. mepn. II. Anderson. U. JraseMeKnight. 14. Henry Welab. 111. Henry J. Stable. IT. It. W. Christy. 1.1. William K. Logan. 11). Ilesselat Drown. 3. John Moffat. 4. Ucorge K. llerrell. I. To be Sllml. 8. Isaiah B. Jloupt. T. Samuel A. Dyer. R. Jeaso 0. Ilswley. . II i rata II. Swarr. 10. H. Rellty. 11. John Kunkle. 12. Fred. W. Uunitor. 20. F. M. KoMnaon. SI. J.'fl. Million. 21. T. 11. Stevenson. 33. John D. Ilanl. 24. Ocorgo W. Millar. No Diffebence. A party at our elbow fools indignant over tlio fuel that the Iindiinl Chairman went about town siliciting coiuriliuliona from Democrats for the purposs of topping up "wear and taro" on tlio night of tboir jubilco. Not a bit more out of tlio way than to auk a christian to voto for men for office who should bo io the penitentiary. The harmony in the two acts nrc splendidly blended. Wboeror can do tlio ono will do tho other. ' , Attention. We have been request ed to elate that tho display column in lat week's Journal vai not intondod for circue adrerligomont, as some of the readers of that journal supposed it to be, but merely to call thier at tention to tho fact that the candidate who wont into tho penitentiary for coriificatos of good character was elected. Thai's all. We advise those "intelligent" colored members of the party to got interpreters beroaltor, befuro thoy announce that "anodor circus is comin' to town." D D Isiri'DENCi. Tlrnt corruptesl of all living men, Simon Cameron, has just dono what Yerkeg did the da After Goary and Swoopo got him out of the penitentiary, cerlifiod to the good charaoicr of John P. llartranft. Now, send to Now York for Tweed nd Connolly. They will do the same thing. . Wby not hvo ibo characlor of our new Governor duplicilcd by ibeio notorious State thieves f Tho men who voted for llartranft may not feel so, but the State is disgraced. The elevation of this mnn to tho high position or Governor is a disgrace to while men and negroes. , Two Apostles Two votes were polled in Burnsido township at the . - . r . c . n rn. . t. m9, tut k. I IUWII U. V tj n ..V , ( uw Temperance candidate for Governor. Those two seorn to have been tho only real tcmporanco men in tho county at tlio time. Tho State organi zation should look uftcp ihore two uposllus and voto thorn a medal and otherwise encotirsge them. As every body will havo an opportunity to vote on tho License, or Liquor, question next Decombor, it would bo well enough for those two gentlemen to look around for holp, ao that they may be able to get tho question fairly before the people. Outlawry. Tho Radical "muss" entitled a jubilco in this borough on Friday night, was an outrage upon decency and a disgrace to the county, in a moral point of view, however creditable it may hare bocn individu ally to the participants. Tho Sheriff was compelled to get out of his bod after midnight and go into tho strode and disperse tho drunken mob, and while doing so he roccived a severe cat on bis head from either a stone or billy. After putting soveral to prison tho bftlanoe left for other quarters, nd peaco was aguln restored. It was a mero accident that we did not have first elans riot on tho night in question, and if wo believod that it would improve tho morals of. some very nice individuals, we would pub lish their names, so that their wives and parents would know bow they behave occasionally. Ota. MAJoniTr. Tho majority of one thousand four hundred and thirty. sovun (1,437) for Charles It. Ducka lew, speaks well for the inorul and political iulogrily of Clearfield county. This is a littlo more than we claimed, and the largest ever given by our county. Tho msjority for Gon. ilc CVollnn. ia 1864, was 1,301 on the home vole, but was reducod by the army voto to 1,289. A number of Republicans dropped llartranft and Alien, knowing tbem to bo dishonest and totally unfit for any position ex cept the penitentiary, while others voted for Mr. Buokalow to defeat tho ling candidate and thus save thoir party from disgrace. To adjust our majority properly in this county, we should adopt the vote cast for Supreme Judge. Both candi dates stood high for ability and in tegrity, and commanded the respect of thoir party. Tho majority of 1,845 for Judge Thomison, should thorefore b adopted as the pemorratie standard. Tht tilmte EtttUo. The battle has been fought and lost, aud to-day Tenasylvaula bos for Gov ernor elect a man whose charaoter for honosty and Integrity has no other endorsement than that of a penltonti ary convict and a partner in tho criml nul nso of tho Stato funds. If the vilisons of this Statu can glory In the triumph of such a man, olocted by mcuns of fraud, perjury, money and treachery over Charles It fiuckulo one of tho ablest and most upright statesmen in tlio Union, wo can only say that ihey bnvo reached a depth 0 moral dogredation only oqunllod by the worst cnrpct-bug governments of the Southern States. Wo confess that wo have been dis appointed , in the result. e hud hoped for the overthrow of tho Cam eron dynasty, und tlio destruction of tho llurrisburg ring of Treasury thieves; we had hoped to sco John F Oarirnuft, It. W. Mackry, and other members of the ring, nmdgnod before the criminal courts to answer for tho high crimes with which they havo been charged; we hud hopod for a thorough examination and report of tho cqudition of tho Slute Treasury ; instead of this, the election on Tues day last, has given Simon Cameron a now leaso of power and insured his ro uleetion to the United Stules Sen- atoj it 1ms approved of the lliioving and plundering of tho Treasury and given the ring fresh licouso to pursue thoir iniquitous course without four ol punishment, and it has closed the doors of tho Slate Treasury against unythit.g like a fair aud honeat ex amination into its condition. Wo fuel proud over tho moral and political sentiments of CloarOeld coun ty, as expressed through tho ballot box on the 8lh by the unprecedented majority of 1,437, but we aro humili ated and disgraced by the genoral ro sult. That such political harlots and notorious State robbers as Cameron, Evans, Yurkcs and Mnckcy should bo continued In power, dcvelopes a very low standard of political rectitude In the Quaker Commonwealth. Boss Tweed would bo an improvement on this bund of thieves. He did give the poor of Now York 830,000 of his stealings, but these fellows keep all, and aro backed by a party "controlled by grand moral ideas." We are not nslonished ul tho ring, but wo ate at tho backers. If their conduct is that of patriots, we woro educated in the wrong school ; that's all. Our Tubular hlattmtnt. For u dulailod statomunl of the vote of the county wo refer our readers to the tabular statement clsowhero. Iu tho vote fur Delegates at Largo to the Constitutional Convention we only publish tho vote cast forjudge Black and Mr. Moredilh, who headed '.ho ticket of their rospectivo parlies. The voto for all was nearly the samo, except that Gov. Curlin had nine voles more than the rest of the Dem ocratic ticket and Hurry While six teen less than his colluugucs. It will bo observed that wo gained handsomely in Beccaria, Boggs, Brad ford, Clearfield, Curwcnsrillo, Girard, Gulich, Karthaus, Knox, Osceola and Pike, and in Woodward, too, if we iocludo the lloutzdale ; vote ; while our lossos wvro confined to Covington, Deeatur, Golion and New Washing tonin ihe latter and Decatur lioavil v. i Our gains in Clesrfiold, Curwcns ville, Gulich, Kurlhaus and Pike are particularly gratifying, because it comes from Republicans who wcro too conscientious to vole for men who Bhould bo in the penitentiary instoud of aspiring to be Governor and Audi lor General. Patriotism and moral integrily provailed over partisan dis cipline and party tactics, and mem bers of tho opposition party boldly voted for tho right. This is commends- bio and worthy of imitation, and if thero wcro only more of that class in tho ranks of tho Radical party, the State Treasury would not now bo a don of thieves and tho Executive Chamber a sink of iniquity, where pardons and charters aro sold as freely as shad in tho market houso in Mny Tho idoa that men who claim to be christians can voto for candidates who havo been proven guilty of per jury and misdemeanors of tho hlghost grade, is shocking Is tho moral sensi bility of ovcry man not blinded with avarice and ambilion. The four Jntki, , The Grant party of Pennsylvania holds a strong hand, llartranft, Al len, Ycrkcs and ilui ccr. . Theso men have lor years gambled with tho pub lic money In tho State and in the City Treasury of Philadelphia. , Tho two latter were arrestod and tried in a Philadelphia Court and sontencud to two yean and tiiuo months imprison ment in tho ponltoiitiary, besides being heavily fined. Their confeder ates, llartranft, and Allen, have not bocn arrested, but In lieu of that havo been elevated to honorable positions in tho Stato by a party which declares that It is "controlled by grand moral idoas." If rascals are promo'.od and Stato robbers taken by the hand and em braced by mon who pass for h on out men and patriots, what is thero to dolor any ono from committing crime and becoming open violators of the law? ' Hai'I'Y Fellow. The success of the Poniienliary ticket turned the Journal into a piotorial Inst week, highly em bellished with birds and beasts of prey. IJathfbStvep. Twenty-five dollars was the price paid for votes by tbe Ca morons in Lewisburg on election day. In Dauphin and Labanon they paid only five dollars per capita. , In Philadelphia they bought them by lbs ward tit various prices. , OFFICIAL VOTE OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, OCTOBER 8, 1872. DIHTIUCT8. Dooflruia..,, ,,, IM. 11 loom Hp UK llrailltirU Bridj Uarniitie. , Cbott , Coviti((ton, , (UiiiUld Curwpuivillo , Owutur , FfrRUtun , Ulntril , Mdhn i (irnhmn Uultob Ilnnudalo... HuitoD , Jurilau t Krlhui Knui Lftwrrnce I.nmbar Cit,v Murrii Now WtulilngtoUti Ocoftila Prim Pitt Union - W owl ward H ToUl MaWUtf-ii Tht tlggrtgnlt Vole. Wo like to dwell upon and Invosti- gnlo our domestic prosperity. What ever other counties mny do, Clearfield has an abiding progrcsBivo faith in tho doctrino of the "old Union Sav ors, tins is demonstrated by the annual increase of her Democratic majorities and a largo increased vote at tho sumo timo. Tho voto cast for Governor thrco yenrs ago was for I'ackor 8,020, Geary 1,700 making a tolnl of 4,820, und our majority whs 1,222. In the lato contest, Uuckalow had 8,432, llartranft 1,095 being a total of 5,427, with a majority of 1,437 for the Democrats. Tho nggregsto increase over 1809 was out, or wiuen mo unmocrois gained 411 and the Radicals 190. Wo lost on the vote of 1809 in Brady, Cov ington, Goshen, Lumbor City", Now Washington, Penn and Woodward. Tho Ttadicul Toss was in Brady, Gi rard, Graham, Gulich, Kailhaus, Knox, Ponn, Pike and Woodward. It will be observed that both parlies lost in Brady, Ponn and Woodward. Tho loss in tho latter is explained by the voto of lloutcdulo, that portion of the township having been erected into a borough sineo tho last election, whilo the voters simply remained at homo in the othor two districts. Liberal UtpnbUtanUm. This organization has made its mark in our Slate, and is doing a good work in its ondoavora to rid the State and the municipal dopartmonU of our government of unworthy and corrupt officials. Tho potency of the organi zation, although not eight months old, is visiblo in every county of tho Com monwealth. ' In Philadelphia it embraces not less than 15,000 of the best men of that great metropolis, while throughout Lancnstor, Chester, Crawford, Brad ford und othor xpulou counties of tlio State, its inoinbers aro numbered by thousands. Thoir efforts in our own county are quite visiblo. Tho larger portion of tho parly is compos ed of young men, who aro an honor to any party, and are as vchomenlly op posed to corruption in viuoa . aro to horso stealing, and will lave no stono unturned until corruption in high pluoos shall bo the exception and not tho rule. . Their efforts in Cleurfield, Curwons viile, Girard, Guliuh, Karihnus and Pike, is quite visible, when tho elec tion returns from those districts aro compared with former years. Liboral Republicanism cannot bo crushed out, because the views of its members nro broad and national, sound in morals and eminently proper as political economists. Tho numo itself, and tho large numhor of cinlnont statosmcn who havo joined the organization al ready, are guarantees that the party will work no harm to tho State nor jeopardize sound morals. Their "de parture" by the aid of the Democrats, who cannot bo purchased by Simon Cnmoion und his ring, will rid the departments and legislative halls of rogues, roosters, and political vaga bonds by the time anotbor Stato elec tion comes off. , Murk tho prediction, Mr. lUdical 1 Ohio asd Indiana Thoso two States acted nobly on tho 8th. The Democrats and Liberals carried the hitter State by a small mnjority, and made heavy gains In tho formor. Cin cinnati wheeled clear round. Instead of giving from four to fivo thousand majority for tho Radicals, the Demo crats and Liberals carry tho city by ve thousand, making a change of ovor 9,000. Tho gains throughout Ohio aro honvy, particularly In Clove- land, Columbus, Toledo and other largo cities ol the Stato. Tho eloclion of such a slntosmnn as Thomas A. Hendricks, Governor of Indiana, is a victory of which the Democrats and Liberals may well be proud, after such a huge effort on the part of tho National administration to defeat him. ' It is vory evldonl from the change made in these two Statos that Grocley will carry thorn In No vembcr. ' Tho Michiganders and Illi- noisans must then stuy at home to vote, in order to carry their own Statos, instead of going to Ohio and Indiana, as thoy did on lh 8ih. A a mot Um.Tlia four great clash ing cavalry loaders during the war luipalriok, Avenll, Pleasanlon and Cartis ar all against Grant. Why are they all against bimr Because they know from personal knowledgo that be is unfit for tbe position to which he nspiros. ; i ', i ,, , , : ItltiV. Ml, t m A III I j i x ji L mo no in in Ill 6S IM flV 7 M Ill 43 1!M W IM lit 17 71 328 87 SI St 101 Km IS- K VII 10 III) 7 I!. S7. V io m in i2l 44 ?4 i M 113 72 1 113 01 SW W M ....... 461 4.'l 4h 2 U l:l 4:i J4 105 III! lol 3D 00 41 Sit! .l 107 3I 70 7-f i 73 41 1 4l 41 311 TO l IIIS 12 US Jl 3i4 1UII 27tl! Ill S0l Jl 371...... iso y, 1 U7 rot 4J 8S 17 1)11 SI1 13 ' S ill 0 ' 12S I lllll 137 ssl 411 4 7 Si 44 11 42 r01l ITUU 3431 1'JU j lS2 MI437I I !lTTn!!fiHiiin?!Tr;!f LLILLLILLLLLLlLlllLILlLLLL III 113 IITO 1, ICS IN lS I0H 10sl 114 111 111 VI 1)5 101 107 111 )os 111 103 lit 104 Hit III tOS 13 134 0 1:14 i 133 133 133 SH s SH 133 H 133 133 B ;i,1 68 131 67 133 133 6 IW7 3li 3K 311 SI ID 37 V 3 3V 27 17 17 3V 37 40 8i 3(1 HV IV 83 28 3V ilt i AS l.'ll 4V 3U ,(11 (I) l.ll 131 131 4U 4V 4V 18(1 id 131 181 to 1X1 4V I2 3d 123 128 tl 17.1 178 Jl 174 7S1 173 f8 173 170 I7S 73 IS 73 173 73 17S 178 73 ;s 73 170 71 177 177 71 I3S 322 S3 SIV1 81,1 Iti SI! 333 313 323 SO SO 30 322 SI 332 323 SI 23i SI IIS S3 30V JIIV V0 38,1 l.'.V 11 1 1U IV2 111 9ll IftW H'V lliS 1J 132 192 110 10 110 10V 1VJ liv' 132 110 101 107 107 101 2V7 103 VU 111! Vl 03 117 102 lull 102 V7 V7 W7 102 07 102 30 07 102' 37 101 V8j V ' V8 103 87 V7 S3 . 17 87 37 87 37 87 27 27 27 37 17 S7 87 27 87 17 S 281 1(1 fdj 17 111 Ml 137 23?! II -I 287 148i 131 283 3:14 144 144 148 Illi 130 132 13! 14? 232 146 213 1.', :I2 3321 lH .11 h 01 84 311 j S3 SO' CO 04 60 Sj 711 Si 60 86 63 30 30 AO 81 61 SI tl (8 01 1 33, UK n: iiK 1)2 us in in ii no in in in no in no no in n nil m 112I 111 112 ml 123 .. 110 3d I'S' 40 60 tl Oil 0V CU tl tl il CV al AO CO tl CV 31 0i S 1 1 07 07 4(1 1 1 !.... 47 3i 471 :v.' il fl 40 4V 40 32 12 32 40 3! IV 40 J'.'! 43 Sil 4 31' 48 4x 33, 81 4.1 24 431 24 4-1 Jl 43 43 43 24 34 31 43 24 48 42 11 4.1 24 43 111 42 4'.' 22l 82 lid IV 107 ll'i 107 III, Id 7 107 107 10 III 10 107 III 107 107 10 )07 lol 100 tl 107 107 0 117 43 SO 4.1 8V 41 8U: 13 4! 4.1 t 111 SO 43 IV 48 43 8V 43 Sul 44 87' 44 41 38 III 107 13; 107 3.1 1U7 S3: 107 107 111? 33 13 33 10C 33 107 H7 S3, 107 83 107 M, 1ST 107 3 1.13 88 HO 80 87 VV tO 00 10 lis hV 8V SO f'J SV 00 III 80 03 30 00 8V 0 V0 hW 17S 70 41 TjI 41 U 42 73 76 75 41 42 4! 76 42 73 13 4? 731 42 73 42 74 Tl 42! lot, 7t S3 6,i 84 Al 31' 01 61 04 83 36 8A 63 .10! 6 1 63 30 61 30 61 38 6U SH 8f; 100 113 21 11 X' !(" 7 li' 117 117 117 1(1 20 in 117 In 117 IIS 2u 117 to 117 2o 117 117 10, l.16 ITtfi 111 177! IN.1 277 II'' I'' 277 lit lit lit liv 127 174 170 120 277 lit 264 11:. S(U tan M41 8Ji I 20 27 2ij 17 IS I7 20 23 111 27 37 37: 20 27 13; 2(1 17 It ift 13 17 IS 23 17 til U0 71 108 87 103 At" 108 108 108 AS 08 6.1 17 01- 107 107 OK 107 08 10.1 7. IV' IUUi 681 lit; 34 17 83i 17. 81 li! 31 31 31 10 17 10 ,11 1; 31 17 31 17 30 17 2V tl IK, 41 1 138 SOi li II'! 13t Sl'i 1"'' '81 131 70 80 30 146 t7 131 134 81 131 80 137 81 134 13. 7i II. 31 t.1' 8i 63 HI 33' 83 Ht S3 33 33 631 SI 6r 861 83 t.1 H4 88l H- 33' 83 8.' t3 137 134' S3, 1331 1:1 I3S 8 132 135 131 00 80 00 131 SI 12V, 128 SI 2V Oil 13l l 120 1 131 VI 213 40: til 48 tii 4S 67 48 48 48 62 32 it 48 31' 4S 48 tl 4.1 t? 47l til 41 A3 St,' VC 72 41 73 8s;, T.I 4 1 j 18 T3j 78 4lj 41 41 Tl 30 73 73 41 78 4lj 73j 4lj Tt; 7.' 31, oS 3400 200il .1377'20.",l! iKI::b 33V0MI8 3300 2031 102'lf'34 8338 204f S3SA S;ltil:?0t7 i3SH0 2030, ,1.".37:2042.:3.130 .1331 !04l"ilA 18 I4U41 Hl.1441 !3i! I 13.'.f,:l.172 ll.'.S1 1 1 i2V(l I3C6 1 Il.llli! l7il H?V:I32ii Ill178 The Jlonilrotii Doctrine. Last week, at tho Radical Rerulli oan muoting, where Air. TaylorT ltudi cnl candidate lor Congress ad a cer tain Col. Paine, of Pittsburgh, gave vent to tho doctrines held by lliuir party, mote boldly than others, the declaration was mude "that il would bo a God-sond to the country if State lines were obliterated;" the centralism to which the progressive party is hastening with all the speed the twin brothers, tho d I and Cameron will permit. State lines obliterated con. tralism and despotism will bo coin plele. Monstrous doctrine! Tho very lifo of freedom deponds upon the well dofinod and unadulterated rights of the Slates, and tho protection ot lifo and proporty by tho Slates. Monstrous doctrine ! but not too horrible for the poltroons of personal government. Wo know this is not the doctrine of the intelligent Republicans of this county, but let thorn bewure of the leaders that givo utterance to sucb fatalities to liberty. Abandon them, whilo yet you run, and hurl defiance at thrm, and treat them with merited scorn. 'Jnensburg Democrat. Breaking it Gently. Our amiublo friod and aclivo ro-laboror of tho llar- risburg Patriot, thus introduces the election returns Irom Pennsylvania t , We give all tho the returns received up lo the hour of going to press. i uejr aru not neaviiy uuurgcu wuu coinlorl to the Domocraey and Liber als in Pennsylvania. Tho indications are that we have boon effectually routed, and il remains for us lo retire in as good order as practicable, huv ing duo regard for our wounded. Tho Cherry Hill certificate Of good charac ter bus been endorsed by tlio voles as couoted, and the incoming Governor is at liberty to cull into his cabinet ma iormor creditor, bvans, as bocro tary of the Commonwealth, and "Dear Vorkes" as bis confidential adviser. Tho freemen, who aro jeulous for the uonor ol I enusylvania, aud wbo gain, erod around the upright statesman, Charles K. Rnckalnw. hnva ten over borne by iboso who prolorrtd party to purity, aidod by repeators and negroes imported from adjoiuing Slates. Phil- adulpuia, under llio skilllul niunipuii lion and unscrupulous munagomuut of a corrupt ring, lias rolled in upon us from the cast wi'.h a Radical msjority of almost twenty thousand, whilst Allegheny answers from tlio west with aliuokl half as much. A few uf our old staunch Democratic counlica, whn, never falleriug but true as steel, send! us rays of light which shine tt,ivn. Ii I lia rfarknMM which unrrviimda us. Just now wo hare littlo heart to speak of tho future. We would think it only a shower that fell yestoduy, but it has tho look of a flood. Dxmockatio Dklawark The late voto for I'ical ofllcors in Delaaro shows the Democratic parly is anil in the ascendant in that steady and cal- laul little State. Under the loud of such men as Bayard, tho Suulsburys, Ponder, Brown and others, tbe plrty has breusted all adverse currcme in tho past, and kept the Statu fast to its Constitutional moorings. Delaware never deserted tho old flag! She kept it flying at the masthead during tlio storm of pasKion and predjudice atten dant upon the war, and since that lime it has not been lowerod ono iich. And now, on the cvo of a Presidential eloclion, tho people givo token by thoir votes of the part they monii to play in ihst struggle Delaware will be true to her traditional record. ' Her Voto will be cusl for tho uominros of tho Democratic parly , for President and Vice-President, as it always has bcon and her voice added lo tho Domo cralio party of tho nation in favdr of peace, reconciliation, pure mail und honest administration of public agsirs. The Thieves ENPORsEn! Tho Lan caster Intelligencer says "The last struggle with the rings that ouu ever be in ado at the ballot-box, lias resuU ed in roaster to the people. , A besot ted and boHiul muj irity has given its endorsement to tho nominees of tho ring in this Stato. ' llartranft and Allen, to tho siirnriso of everybody, nro elected, and by a largo majority. This is amazing, but wonders ( will novcr coaso. , There is nothing left for tho honest men of tho country bill to go quiotly to tbe polls in Novombcr and cuter their protest airainst tho abominations of tho presont udministrntion. ll will not do lo retrain irom voting al luo Presidential election. Silonco gives consent to the maladministration and corruption of Ulysses S. Grant. Every true patriot will iro to the eloclion and deposit his ballot for lloraoo Grcoloy, an honest ard Incorruptible man." Gome-Hon. William 11. Seward, Socrctary of Stato under President Lincoln, died suddenly at his homo In Auburn, . Y-. on Thursday lost '.io will nevov jingle that "littlo boll" again, which was renderod so infam ous ibo world over. , . i '- - m m Just the Man. Hon. Cyrqi L. Pershing, of Johnstown, wai electod President Judgo of tho Schuylkill dis trict, on the 8th. Why that soction pf the Steto must comp up in the mountains for a judge, wo oannot say, but we oan assuro tbem that we have the very boat material in the State up horo, and can furnish them with a few luoie. if necfsnarv. 2Uw (ivrrtijtiurntis. AUIIITOIVa NOTICIWThe uDdrrtirn.J auditor, aiH!nltl lo dialrlbuu III. balaaos Is tha kanila of Ucorxa W. AloCullaj, a'liululitra tor, Ao., ul Julia 1.. iloC'alU'.r, lato o llaaaarla tuwufhip, ClaarfiulJ eouut.v, docaaiad, to sod aiaoDK ilia partita li'K.illj tnlilled thereto, will al laod lo tha dalles of Oil appololuianl, at hi. of flea in the boruuKh of C'leartiald, oa Friday, Kor. I.I, IS7J, .1 l.VI-V . sail 3 3t I). W. McClRDY, Auditor. AUDITOR'S! NOTICE Tha underlined auditor, appointed ar tha Orphan.' Court of 1'l.arflcld eouDln ;-j distribute tha talaaas of tha funds of lha catata of John barmo among tha parties entitled to rcoeira tha .sine, will bold an audit, for that purpote, at hi. office, io Clearfield. Ha, on WVIm.dar, Uatuhar 30th, 1873, at I p. m., where all parlii-a tntereated ara iurilad to at tend. 10:10 J.NO. II. FL'LFOBD, Auditor. DIMKlLtniON OF PAMTNEKHHIP. Tha psrturrihip heretofura axiiting be tween Harratt and rMinger, in Lutborabarx, clear fleWeounly, Pa., la Ilia Tio, Store and Hardware buaioaei, eras diesultetl b; mutual oonsaat on lha !Vlh day of October, 1872. Tha baaiseaa wUI be aontioued by J. llarrey Kdinier, ona of tha lato firm. Tbs booae socT aeeounta of tha firm will re main for settlement at lha aid alore. Kilnar af the partner, of tha old firm ara anthoriicd to act tla aud resells moner. tl. R. BARRETT. 10:10.31 J. HAKVEY KIll.VUKrt. IN TUK OltPIIAKS' COPKT OF CLKAR Reld county. In the mailer of the aetata of lilchanl A.horaft, lata of Bnrnaida townibip, deo'd. Tba nmleraijraed auditor, appointed by lha mart ta aiaks dietribution of tbe balanca remain ing in tha bands of tha admialatrator of .aaid as. tale, to and among tha naraon. legally antitlad thereto, gives notion that be will attend to tha du ties of tha appointment, at hit r(ftc in Clearfield, Pa., on Thursday, tba tlh day of November, 1872, al which tima and plaoa partis, iatomtecl may attroa ii tnvy soe pmner. (KlIO 31 CI nL L'S fJORUOX, Auditor. AOMINIaiTH ATOM'S) HA MiIn punu anrw of an order of tha Orphans' Court of Ciearfterd avuaty, lbs undareignad, adminialrator of the estate of Wm. Lumadue, daoraaed. will fell at pubtts ealo, at tba Court llouae, In Clearfield, on tATUKUAY, November Id, 1873, at 1 a 'clock ri. m., lha following described real estate, ailuatc a lloggs towniliip, Clearfield ooanty, Pa., begin ning at etono oorner in lioa of Jamoa Wilsonerwfl, thenno hy land of A. Croae' estate, its several eosrars and dlataneas, 178 4-IS porches; tbsnes by IsD'l of John Coulter S3 perches t tlienoe by land of U. Adama 80 perabea to turnpike ; tbence ' east by pika S74 parches ; theoos wssl by land of 31 ra. Cross 3 3-13 porches; tbenss east by sirs. Cross S S-18 perches tbenoa north ita several and distances by land of Mra. CroasSI 3-10 perehes to stones in lias of James Wiiionemft ; ' w ty aauia a-lo pwu w rlca ol btgia ning, oonuining 41 acres and 18 perehea sod al. towsaoe, and having about 33 acres eleared. a frame house, fratns barn snd Urge baariag orchard thereon. lias, os Sals On..hlrd In hand, balsses ui two equsl annual payments, with interest, lo be ftuored by bond snd mortgage oo tbs premises, notlfi-lt , A. C. 1 Ail!, Administrator. I)UBL1C SALE! X Tha nderiirratd will toll at Pnblie fialv, at tliolr naidewoo in Morrii townahip, at 10 v'oJock. a. on Hatnrday, Novcnber Of tbo following poroonal pmparty 1 1 kmvt 1 eolt, li farad young rank, I oowi, tlt-rk ofibrfn, boga, 1 wagon, buggy, harnoM, 1 akighi, buBaJo rv-, ttaai.flM ssjeuaa. t IWS1 mtWH, pitrwVUSJt, OOUtO 0I1 a inn, whifflelna, tbroahing nahino, windmill, IM) buabola ryo luO buBuola whoat. TO haibola bui kwbi at, oOO or too butbt'la , 40 or & loaia straw, 4 ton bay, butbcli corn In ear. 400 biK!a flora fod dor, Id buabola Iwona, 1 10 buabola patatnra aim, all of the booaobuld furniture. Will alao artt at tho an ma timo liHI avrrri of Und in Morna towaahip and 61) awroa in Hogga tona-h;p-bing timbered and uuderlaid wiib CoaU For farther hilormttion call on the undoTfignod. UAVJl) DALK. oct-U 4f-pd 1TMAMEK DAl.B. T 10 TUB LADIES 1 NEW FALL STYLES! I hara Just reairr4 from Philadelphia all tho new Fall stylo French patters Hats, Sonnets, Oilrick Plume., Flower., Ribbons,, Ao, and am also prepared tu offer antra Indueeenents lo tha Millinery trade, a, I buy goods for cash only, and saa get np bettor qnality of goods and batter snd mors fuihlonabls stylss tha any osa In market. Mltf. T. B. VATfON. CIsarMa, Fa., October U-"t IIKT UK PI TIT JtlHORH DRAWN FOB J November Term, A. U. lS72,(2d Monday.) rinsr Pater Rl.iel Deoearlai J. A. Howies. .. Ferguson io,. Campbell Hall Francis Invngia ..Oirard II. A. rihimmet....Ilog?;i1tYin. H. tlroen-.tlrabam II. L. Hall...... Bradford !. 8ianocla... Jot. Hhuc.rU Ursdy Jot. II Kirk " John Hcutt... Unlioh ,.Knox Al.ia. Wslkrr, Pred Koblsr " . J. Hnolh. " H. f. Potmaa " .lotm Wagonor.llarn.ide 11. Calhoart " Zenna tgd.n...I.awrcnoa W. T. Hchryr.r Newton llcodfc. T. MiTlicreon.. joun Kiug .I.mea Davit ChaatlJaa. Hughes. ...... Mortis Hsu. Ribllog...Closrnrdil laaiab lloovar.... W'm. Hsrd.HCurwenav'l John Ilamarly....Otceola Charlaa Cleavar....lann Husli Mullen. I'iko H. 6. Humphrey ... 11 U. Jlartihora, Jr " David does Ureal w Henry lloe. " Wm. Ay.rl " ' r . alcCraokea..Ksrguson - arcusB sets Wm. Uotton Ileccaria , M. Tale. ..lloehen ticorga f e.iuor....Hn!l R. Williami Uradford K. Fraroo " Wm. Uoovor " ' f- Arnold, Brady Dan'l Rlfhel ' W. T. llamlltoa.. . O.J. Westarar..lluroside Jas, Dowler.,... ' 'I I. . Kllll.q.. ,,.,.,. ('heal E. II. l lemaon " J. T. Loonard...Clrarf'ld W. K.W'rigl.y W. W. B.ti,... II. B. Thompwa...Cur'llo II. A. lturkelt.,.leoetur And. Kephart... " T. Read J. A. Muny...., " J. P. Til,,', in (lulich .Too. Mi'llowell..tlrahaia II. Spankmaa ,., " Hiram Htraw..,f...Jordut J. R. Johnttoa.. n J. (iillilod.1...Kar(ham The.. tThltf... " A. HnmphreyLawnaoa M. tl. Drown- " W. Ppaekman lletiry Hoover.. ..Uorrl. A. P. llloom Fika N. Farwall J. F. Rllter " Henry Valley Colon tsirk wscs. W.8. Dlckey.Deoc.ria Kd. Cooper.., ..Clrsrfleld H. W. Psrk... D. Reese. Decatur J.8.WllllamsFsrgaso I. L. Ward Graham T. H. Force. - W. II. H. Ceaewsy R. Oweat. .Lawleeua 4. i oopcr " 5. Byera. Wm. Lord Geo. Cu3msa Red A. H. Cms Hogga It. W. N.inea..Uradlorti J, n'oolrldga,,, " A. Oc.rh.rt.... i. W. Lankhart...Drady Jot. Walsoa... P, Sotiday " A. Moyer, Jr Morris J. C. Barrett J. Baam,.. " J. M. Dillon " 1. 8ummarvilla..llnrnsid I. II. dnrcnooU.Covl!,t n D. R. Fullerloa..Claar'ld R. N. bhaw - A. Keea..,...,..Owiala P. Dallay Pa Thomas WalL ' Jna. Oaleh " Ja. Ianlap..,..M..Piae J, L. Lr-y.,.. 1. Utotkbsuk (l'iou 3fiv (Irfrtisrmfntj. V, Cirri trtpMfli.( o ihpnin(Mg j tf Hie auli-crilirr, rii4tsr la BntU town b pp. on ur ftbu.1 lh lit of sSqitrtntier la, ft Urtfti t'uw, whit i,iJ r4 ffpollud. iuiiot. tu b U ur 17 jreart vll. Kite hn on a iirrfffl ttl. Tb uwnrr H n'MUraiUj tu eitm (ortvunl, bruva tiroo rty und take bvr awn, or flir Kill W diipnvad uf acouriliti i law. v A. HKAUii. Ui I. 0. liT2.-"t CAUHO, All pvrauna Aro brrrhjr narnod aKaln't 'urt-kiAtoiii or tu way ineddlinx with two largt UAV MAKKi, now in tlio iijMion of Tliowat KUrr, u( IU(irri tuWHuIiip, tho amfl belonf to Me and are Itlt with him on Ivan onlv, anhjret to my ordrr. ootS-ai - IT.TEB !OVKR. 1)MIIT TOKH Xtmi lV Xutici uo the oftato wf M AH A. I.KHIH. docraatd hiring b-n dutjr n runt if I to thr un.lrrttt;n(Mlr all parnan iudrlitrd Iti nidot'tatr will ptminf make paymeut, and tboao kavinj, el Aim a rr drraaudi will prcariit tboni pn.perly ao'hetttiratel fur pU tlrtncut ritbrr to 1U0 ntidtriightU ur to O. R. Birratt, rin., In (turmy. hj;i i:kx lswh, Oct. w, Zt. v.lutm Kirni-.r. IfXVA Ut'ORM KOTICI-Wbrna-. Ut j Icrf T-ilamrt'arr n tht tr9te of JuH X.A. KDMONDd, drivaitad. lato of t'ltarflold Lur oajjlt, Clrnrfifld otxinty, )fniiiilasta. haviiif; bci-a granted to thr nodrr-iicnrd. ao l ail prwiiia indcMd tu aaid Mtale wilt plrafp utkr wont, and llist? having tlaiina ur tlfiimnda will prt'mjnt h"in pr(t;rrly amhctitieitt d I'tr alllcu.Lht Auy a.-a-'Uiita aca.nt tUe atu.o it. le at-1 tied with ii. K. Ilarrott, l.stii ., my t'rflT. li. I. KHMOeVI'M. 0t $, isrs.nfpd. . . :.c.utn. Di m i ,u tio w w p a it T x r : n s 1 1 1 p. 1 h partnrrrhfii h-Trlufurr a.iniu llwoaa J II. Mi Murray and tiatttiot Mitaii. ll, doioK bo. iiiffi tttid r ihf hriu umv uf McMurtnv si ld.lcli;i and J. It. MuMiinay A i tliia'day dip'oUrd ty mutual ouiiarnt. Tha book 4 and pa peri in tha banJi ol J. H. ML-.Vtirray fur t'lo rrtt. J. U. M -MX KliAY A CO. Nw Waaliinj'oo. Oc'. lit, Wi. Th huiinoti will br fondutd at thooMafaod and in f-triucr Binaur bv lha undrriiguml. oeto.3t " J. It. .MiilL UHAY. 'HARM KOU SALK. Tlio under. X aignrd oiTnra fur rata hia Faiintaiiutrd efjut diKfani btwfin 4'lrartteld and Curwruivillr, tor aa!o. It euntaiua aliaiul tb9 A am. aud li nearly all clrart-d and nuder cultivation, with good buildingn. t will bo ould v iraaoaabla irmi. If nt f"ld conn, I will let U on tho aharra to a gfiod (cd ant. A l-o, a pair uf good, young, wctl. tnalahod Draft Uurac fur ', ti. R. BARRETT. Cloarflatd, Oct. I, 1973. St OKPHANS' COUKT SALK In pnrsuance of an order uf the Orphans' Court of Cleartji-ld county, the nodersignad guar dian, Ac, of Jacob Mitchell, minor child of Con stance C. Mitt-lull, lata of Buraaide townibip, de.a.e4l,will aril al public saloon too premieea.oa Thursday, November 1th, 1812, . at t o'clock p. M., the nndiridrd one-half part of that eortaia trait of land aitoato io Hurnaide townabip, aforeieaid, bounded by lands of Samuel MeCuno and others, containing 137 aorce, 113 perches and allowance, lata tho estate of tha aaid Constance klitihell, euhjeet bewsvor to tha sop part of Catharine Mitchell, widow of aaid ds oeased, as charged in his will. Tanas or Sals. Una-half aaeh an oonlrtaa. tloa ol sale and tha balance la one year, with In terest, ta bo secured by bond snd aiortfragaoa the preml.oa. II. L. II KXDKHSO.V, stl-3t Uaardian. J. W. I) Al l, of files llnpr, Pcnua la mr authorissd Aernt fur the sale of noloolt s 1'aia l aiut, tha only maunt ndicf and permanent euro or all kinda of Pain. Alio Hoi oott't Annibilatur for the radical cure of Catarrh and cold, in tho head. 11. L. VVOI.C0TT. c2 3na IHI Ch.lham 5quara, N.w York. H. F. IM AUGLE, WATCH MAKES & JEWELED, ad doakr la ITT . 1 v i m v au-iies, mocks, jewelry, biivcr and Plated Ware, &c, J.11I71 CLKARFIRLD, PA., Attention, Lumbermen! TJt ara now ni.nulactnring nur IMPROVED STKUL - HOCKKT DRIVING CANT- IIDIIKS. superior to any other in aac. no havo alao in stock a large quuntity of Csnibooka auita- bio for rafting purposes, which wa era selling caeap lor eaan. snilfl t n. Sfc.AttAKV, ClrorlMd. Pa., March 13, 1871. llEC ECOKSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & SON TIaring pnrrhMard tho Cheap Clothing llouao of laaae u. Kaitamtatn, novo llio largvat and boat ftMorimont of Maoufactnml Uvoda la tuocotvaty. ana oan aril tnrir 11 KA I) Y MA DE CLO TII1XO, for Mt-n, Poyi and Childrtn. so ( KM, CIIRAPER ' Than any other houao tn the county, Ta-y will alwayt krop oo band k largo and U cgunt aiortutent of ( ., . QF.XTi? FURSISMXa GOODS, COLLARS, , , TIK.1, TBl'XKS, ' ' '" VAL.ISPJ, 1 i . Ac, Ac. OF Tllli LATFbT STYLES AND PATTERNS. If yon wast lo get good and ttylUk Clothing, at low figures, do not lail to mill at their eatab liahment before spending your money elsewhere. Remember the place. aug'72 DANIEL STEWART A SON. A Notorious Fact I rrillRRB are more people Iroubl.d wtlh Lung X Disease In this town than any otherpleoe o ita slat In Ihe Stale, Oae of the great causes of tbla la, ths uss of an Impure article of Coal, l,rgely mi led tilth aolphsr. Now, why not avoid all l hia. and preserve your lire,, by naing only Hwtnpnrcy's Celebrated t'esl, flee from all impurities. Orders left at the store, ef Richard Mosson and Jama, H. Graham A Son, will receive prompt ettealloa. ABRAHAM HUMPHREY. Clsarleld, November 10, 1370 If. Tt'TlCka ah CONSTAHLEtV ft US 1 1 We have printed s large anmher of the new FBI PILL, and will ea the awoelpt ef rweeitv. Ire eenlt, s copy to ssr sddrats, , myll 5ry tBoodjfl, c 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. InimriiM Blotk of Oood$ otetery dtnerlpUoH, Woolen (ioods, tarns price as before Ike ad vance in wool. Muslins at reduced prise,. Dress Ooodt (a greatest variety, i ' Mourning Ooodt of all kinds. Black Alpacas, at all priest. Black Silks, very ebrap. Waterproof!, Vslvetcsna, Plaid and plain Flan nstt, Shining Flannels, As. Table Linen and Napkins, Irish Linens, 18-4 Shooting end Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Rep Bhawle and Searfa, Stripsd Shawls at all prlees. Paisley Shawls, tingle tad doable, 3 to $i0. Praia Trimmings, Frlnjet, Leoes, Velvet Rib. bona, Vslvstssns, As. Fall 11ns of His celebrated "Josephine Seam, less" Kid 0 lores, Kid Gloves from 11 ap. Ladles' Neck Ties. Colters, Ruining, Hair Braids and Switches. Ladles' and Children's Marine Cadcr-wtar. Madame Foy'e, Thompson's, Olove-Fitllng liip Uere and other CorssU. Alto, lieop Skirts, Paniera, Ac, Irge stock of Carpets and Wall Papers. Show, and Oait.r., aamo Reality as heretofore. "The best are the cheapest,' Bslmoral and ether koiltlnj yams, snd eihsr srticlcs, too namsrous to mcstioa. Purchasers will 8nd a greater variety of goods than is usually found Is una store. Call and csamine. Clearfield, Sept. IS, 1171 WM.. REED, Successor lo Reed Bros, MARRKT STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., "11 7 ILL opoa thli wok m taaowaai ftoek of 1 T all dMeriptloflt ot DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, FURS, LADIES', ' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S , ; ' ' SUOES, &c, ic, Ac, cVc. Buying my goods Id New York, the Aenef of Ihc market j keeping a reliable class of goode; sell ing goods at close cash figures, and oonducling buaincss la a thorough businsss manner, I hope to merit the eonldenee ef CASII Bl'YERS throughout the county. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Cell snd ctamlne any stock and be convinced of tbe truth ef my assertions. scpt!i WM. RERD. lUBAUU AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco sad Cigar Stare uf ' A. If. SII.1 W, Between Shaw HoutcA Mention noute,C1earteld. Conatanity o band a Sne aasortmcat of Nary, Congress, Cov.ndiah, Cable, Fpunroll, . Mlabigaa aad Centary Fine-eut Chawing Tobacco, Ac, Alto, a large and well selected stock of Imported aad Domeallo Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum aad Briar Pipes, Pipe Ciluroi, Tobacco Boies, Cigar Holders, and everything generally found tn a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. JreykRcmemher the placet Market street, be tween Shaw llouae and Mansion House, Clear Acid, Pa. pd.tojan.4 72 SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAS S cr.OSS.CCT, MILL, DRAO. AND , CIRCULAR PAWS. Boynton'8 Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, . ' i PATF.KT PERFORATED A KI.RCTRIC SAWS, For sale by oct 13,70 II. F. BItlLRR A CO. rjlHK IBtt . . : .' J :i I f Y . i 'A :i H SEWING MACHINE! The "BLEESI" Pata nt Link Motion, Alaiott aaltrlcw tnftnhino. Don't fail to osamiao U bofaro purehat lug olMefhai-f. II. llHIIICwIa, MFKt HAST TAILOR, CLEARFIELD. PA Agont for CI oar Arid oottoty. rIwal Aernta wanted la OTor (own In tho county, to whom liboral lormi will to giron. i'ou mil to aiamino it nnn lattfiy yoortfir. Clrarflrld, Fa., Ktb. T, IMi-U. J F. BIG LEU & CO. bar for aula CARRIAGE $ VAG0 WOODS, . siurrs ,kd roi.EH, t HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, to. Oarrlags ed Wago, Maker, shopld saah, a el, ef hl. and sell and eianrie thena. They will he aals al fair prleee. i i taaylt Tl LOwT.Ob or eooet the last ef June, a right red Cow, about .l:ht ar sine reare eld. baring almoot straight horns, Aay Iniuraeetlea ia relation to Ihe ahere Cew will ha thensfally reoelrad by Ihe anderslgned, residing ai Moata dale, Clearteld ooaaty, Peaasrleanla. "'I- IfEI FILIT. Xml &tettti$mMt.' Presidential Election ProclamatiJ vanla and Ibo aavoral aufjplnt,oa thartiVl!', proTluod that tho olaoton of tbo Mvarai - ' 1 of tha CoinaioJtWonlth qnttllffed to oU fot J J ban of lha Uonorai AMmbly, ahall bold a..!l lion, at the aaino plaocs al nlilob tba ita, fc J btr fliall hato bran vol ad fur tt th i,rM 1 loot lo on lb flnt Tuaiday noil alter tbe I Uonday ol Ncivtotbrr. Iu tbo tear of . i.n oao thou Mud iKlil hundred and forty, i mo earn any in oary rnana fear tbtrtaft il (he. M V . 1. . ' 'I .... r't'-. iniiwn wi i raaioaui atJ Vieo I'rraidi-m o.' tbe IfniUd titataa., I, JL'BTIN J. l'IK, II, Rh 8Wi of CUnrfeld oi unfy, In parauauai,f ibduJ joined on ine hy ib Aot alH.ra rvfrrred (oiDiui '; V """"I stj mi, 0 .j olamaltvn, ruln notivo tu tba rttcturi r.r.J oouiiiv ol. i Wurlifld, ejuallliod to wtofor kieatwl ui mo uonerai Aieruii'iT, io tnetti ot tair fM. elootlon UiiirUta on TL'KBDAY, tbe flfta Ut , Novrtobor next, then tad tbort. but ween ih !... uf fix oVIuck in tbo lorninc at.d wren e'ckvl in inn vw)iiing iii aaiuuny, io Eloetore of a Freaideut and Vi'Prtideit af tt. United Btatat. And that tho luvoral Judu(l, nietoji and Clerki, oho shall have attends , the preoodinf (f-noral alottion, aro rtMiniredlefc trt'd and perlorm Ibo alike dulioe ana be lobja to alike penalllai for nfjleot of doty or miaMi duot aa they ahall be llabl at laid Giimi Aioeuva, The eloctori of the eountr of Clearfiold will i,. aotloe that tha laid eioeaoa will bo bold at 4 loiiomnf piaoai, la B fee tin a towninipt at tba Union Hotel, la 0 Bmie. lit II towDjkip, at tha booae of Robert UeWn Illuoa tuwbihip, al tbo boaao of tho late Jity Bloom, Br. hnfift townahlp, at tho honie of Edward AlUr flradfonl townabip, at the aoaaeof JaoobPitrt, Brady township, at the honjo of Hoi. Sohttt id ljuthersborK. , Bam aide township, at Toonc'i evhool heaea Cbtst township, at tbe pablia sobooi boHaaJ oitnon noratianga s. t'loarftcld borons, at ta Cowrt Hoaae. Curintrton townabiD, at tbo bone af J. Utwt Curwcnifilte boaoof b, at tho hone of tiikl isaae iuomb. . Ioctvtar towoshln, at Contra school boos. Ferguson township, at the houee of John (1am oty, l.riucrly oornplrd bj TUoi. ctobUon. (Brts. way.) Wlrard twnfhfp.oi Cottrree fflll fehoof Goshen township, at tho pabli oebooi boiai t rnawsTiiie. Oraham township, nt tho hnnor of Jacob HcUs Uulieb township, a tbo publio aebool boBa,a sianrsTiuo. Huston to-wahip, nt the hon of Jess WjlHl Hva tKfaflt borough, at the publi boqseof Ws Put I tr, in euld boroajrb. Jnviia.f toiinhip, ot tho public school husis,,, Aiiaouriite. Karth.tus tonmhip, at RridreV ebol sot Knox townibip, nt Turkey II ill nbool honm Lawn nee tonnsliip, at tbe Court Uouse, iitb boronD ol laartieiu. LuiutK-r t';tj boroazb, a tbo publio school krna, Mmrii townnhip, at tbe houao funnerly oosspm by Thoirnu Kylor. Xcw W ajbmgton borough, at th pitblUKsa. noma. Oeot-oU Loroogh, at tba pnblie boon ef MLS TJoyt, ia aaid borough. Pann township, nt tbo hotel formerly kntli W. W. Anderses. Pike towusbrp, at tbo house of tb let Ink Bloow, In toe borougb ol turweusTille. I'd ion township, nt tbobouae of D. E. Brebtii Woodward townships at tbo bouse of Thank Uendereoac Motlca ta further hereW rhea. Tar 11 psrsoni ifpt JusMro of th Pre, shall bold an olfieo or appointment of trait nU tba gorernxeut of tbo Vntted Biates, or ef thi Stato. cr of aay ineorporaud diatrlct. wkfikin eottmiiwloaed otfcer or otherwise, a suboreW offiter or agent, who I or shall be employ. . dor th LeRislatiro, Kxecutlro or Jodirisl it partinenta of this Stato or of th United Sum or any city or Incorporated district, nad u. tbat arory tastabor of Cowgr, or of tat Itu Legislature, or of tb eommon or lelect emir, of any city, or eonminloner of any ii corvrti district, are by law Incapable of boldiai v 3rcMlog, at tn samo lima, u one or a) poictment of Judge, Inspector or CUrk ef nj election oi mit votninonweniin. By the nn of Anenblj of Vnews u tb IlrrWtrv La, tt Is provided a iiilloas : 1. "Kir ton o (B ears ar to open Ui polli b tweea th hours of six and seven a. at-, on tbs or? of election. Before six o'clock in tbe u)ornisif ccooa lucasy oi vciooor uwy ar to reauii from tho County Comtuisstonart tbe KtxirtirW List of Voters and all noecssary election ektb and (hay ore to parmlt no man to vote vhv nam is not oa said list, ualesa he shall mm proof of his right to voto as follows: t. Tbe person whose name is Dot en. tbifw claiming too right to rvte must pnrduocae,tAld voter ol ibe dittriet tn ewoar in a writte ar tna ed aflidavit to tbe restdenoo of tbe claimant a tb district fur at least ten days naxt prooeediD tut aiccima, autintng clear I j wuere lb resMssei the person was. i. Tb party elaimiog the right to vote to also make ao affidavit, suting lo tbe best af tu knoaledgo ana belief wber and when bt m born, tbat ha is a cttiten of Pennsrlrania ss.i! tbo I'm tod States, thai bo baa resided to) tb SUts tyfio year, or, 11 formerly a cititea Ibmn and removed therefrom tfaul . has reid-d tbtrts six months nexrt preceding said election, thai b bal Dot moved into the Hietrict for theporponif voting therein, that b has paid aBtateoresar tax wlthia two years, which wa assessed at kv tea days before tbe election, aad tha affidavit Us. suto abt aad where tba tax wai aa.iHsl a. paid, and tbo lax receipt must bo produced m ibe affidavit shall state that it has beca lostera strive ft, or that bo voceevoel aoao. ' ' 4. If tbo applioaat bo a aatarallted eltlm.V must la addition to tbo foregoing proofs, ititti his affidavit whea, whor and by what eosrtb wns neturalitrd aad prodaeo bis eertifttatt i naturalitattoa. o. Itrery aertoa claiming to bo a nalmnat cltisen, whether on the rcgiatry list, or prbdwu; atnaavH atoresata, shall bo require to ymwt hi naturalisation oertiftoat at the election Uim voting whor be has beoa for tew years eaioo tlvely a voter ia th district where be riant rute t and on tbe vote of awofa a Wet eon beiai ceived, tbo Kleetioa Officer ar to write er tu tba word 'voted' oo hi c-artiacapta With the Brt and voar, and no other voto eaa bo oast tan a? in virtue of said eeiiifieato, except where sown eittitiM to vote oa tn oatoraiisaiioa t Uf father. 6. If tho person claiming to roe wbeiia registered shall make affidavit that be is satW bora citiirn of tbe United states, or, It bere where, shall produce ertdcuce of bis natsrslia tion, or that he la entitled to cititrnihip bymto of bis father's naturatitatioa, and furthor, thai t is between 21 and t2 year af age, and baiiwat: within the Mate one year, and ia the elacuesia triot Kb dnys next preceding the electim. k shall he eotitlrd to rote though be shall 1101 paid taxei. OF ELECTION OFFICERS, In ease the peroen ho shall bare reeelveiw second highest number of rote for inipector.aa not attend on the day of election, tbea tht per who fttnll niive receiver trie second nighinai ber of votes for jodge at th next precedir.f d lion, shall act as inapector in his place,' ease the person who shall hare received thr est number of rote foe inspector shall not slu tbo person elected judro, shall appoint iT tor in his placet and lc ease the pct-soi W' judge shall not attend, then the inspector sr ocived tbo high ret number of votes, ahall ifwe a judge ia his plnee ; or if any vaceacy thsii tinue in the Ward for tba space of ea b-ir at the time fixed by law for tho opening ef tbe te tlon, the Qualified voters of the town-Hp. district for which sweb aflcer thai! bct k' elected, proaeut al tb place of election, abalt loot one out of tbrlr number to fill such faraefT. Also, tbat where a judge, by sicklies ' voidable accident, is unable to attend laciao ing of judges, thea tbe Certificate ar ret an d be takva "'.large of bw ftue of the tntawiw. . j and perform the duties required of idJ-Yr auie 10 attend. The Return Judge of th respective di1'1 aforesaid ar requested ta meet st ! C' Hon, in the borough of Clearfield, oa tbe I" Friday aext aftsr lli pa() first Tuedayf 'r rem her, then and ther to 4fi tt" required or tom by law. U1VKN under my band and seal, at CI'' PeBBea this aiatb day of Oeteber.h1'1 L.fl. yar of our .Lord oa tbovsa' fi hundred and seventy two, and if tkf I pendenoe of tb I'm ted (States tb ninetv fil JPHT1N J. PIB,Prl VUMIKIMTN ATORH riOTICF.-!'" It herelir given thut loteraof artiaiaini on tha citato ef MARY ICRUARP, '" Kno, townabip, Clearleld eonnty, I'S , desesw born duly granted lo the o,lfriiMi' a.rrona In.leln.d to sold eatata will pleaat " Imaiediate parment, and thoas baring dewanda will prrsrnt them properly aui3fsn;k lor eettlrment withuat delar. LKU 13 KRHARD. eetl lr ) ' S . Adolaieii IXKCl'T)R'll UOTUT-Notla. Its- i hy glren that leiter, t.iament.ry " been granteol to th. tubaoriber oa ths erja" ROUT. JOUN8TON, Jr,dereeed. late el Ji""' township, Olearlsld eeualy, Pannayitaala n.n.n. IhSaklul .a . A u , t n a r r0 1,1"' aha laiaiediate parment, and th"et lar claims against tbe seats will present lis aulheslieated for wttlemaai. ntlHKHT S iuaJiii"", DAVID JOHNSTON. Qetohor , 137l:St:pd. I.eest w n n. .v. ii.. 1Mb af Jul., 1 ' IA propissery aele, dated May W, Is.lil by . C Dnalap la J. W. Carina, eallit fst sues af 2.e. All perseas ere berehr oeel'" against parrhaalag er aegollallng for sss as parmrnt ol the same hse been tinpp eriJ.Jie R J. UrHlTP''