Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 16, 1872, Image 1

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rnunn ivsrj wauaasnav, it j
ESTA11L18IIF.U I Tf leT.
The Unreal Circulation oraiiy Newapaper
In North Ceutral Pciiimjlvaiila.
Terms of Subscription. -
-If paid In advenes, or within I raonlha.... OO
If paid .fler I and before months
,11 paid niter the eviration of wonllie... 3 OO
; . " Eatos ot Advertising. .
Translent edTertleeiaente, per square of 10 linn or
k .ss, I times ar less 1 JJ
I nr each eubsequent insertion....... on
VdralnHtrnto"' Eiociitnrs' notices. 1 SO
"auditors' notice. 1 Ml
iutlon nnd B.treye. 1 50
Uiisolalion nouoec
f rnleffional Cards, i Hue. or kM,l your.... t 00
Lecel arkn, nor lino to
,.M 00 I column. ....' 00
.15 00 I i column.. 4e 00
.20 00 1 oolumn 80 00
. Job Work.
t lll.ANKS.
Ingle quire $1 00 I iulres,pr.qtiirr,$l TS
f quires, pr, quire. I ttO Over 6, per quirt. 1 50
Wheel, 25 or less, 00 I ) sheet, 25 or less, 00
labial, 2i or leie, 00 1 I .hoot, IS or leu.10 on
' Over 25 of each of abore at proportionate rates.
r ' GBOltuS HAUBRTY, '
run i. riimr.
f Clearfield. Pa.
11 Legal business attended to promptly with
i.lity. t'ffloe on Seoond ilreet, above the First
alioD.l Bank. :ll:il
muss a. fiLitci. raise: nsi.oiso
j I'learUeld. Ia.
i--Legal business of all Hud. attended to
lib proinwlncsa and fidelity. OBoo in rtilili-nra
William A. Wallace. janl:-
ll.ving resigned his Judgexhip. he resumed
p practice of the law In hi old nftire at Clear,
lid, Pa. Will aiteod tlie nouns of Jefferson and
Ik counties when specially retained in connection
Ith resident counsel. 2:U:72
': - :r y .
I i '. 3
1 .
t i "I. f i
M ) A Mm a A !! i .
G00DLANDEE ds HAQEETY, Publishers. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TERMS $2 per annum in Advance.
"'"M- i mil wmnmmammw
HAVING located at Onreola. V.. olfera hie
profo.lioDi.l lorvieel to lb peoplo of that
ilaoe and nurroundipR eountrv.
.A1I ealle promptly attrnded tn. OITioe
and rei I'nce on Ciirtio ft, lormerly occupied
by Dr. Kline. ' Muy, t: ly.,
Blank Book Manufacturers,
314 Jttarlifl St., Vhiladrlphln.
tePpr Flour Bncke end HnR, PooLcup.
Letter, hole, Wrapping, Cnrlain nd Wall
Papere. t -
Jaitloe of tin Pmio8( Burvovor td Conveyancer,
Lutherbburg. la
All buclnrM Intrantod lo biio will b promfttly
ailomlr l to. Hprntni wiihing to employ 8ur
vrvur will Jo well lo sive him a call, he flutter
biinell' thit be cun run 'lor intisf-wttun. lced of
onvyno, iirdcle of ffnen('Ut, nl all Icjrftl
paper, promptly and eoatly rxeouted. t25mar7S
Prompt attenlioo given t4 all lif 1 buinc
UrutcJ to hii care in Clca r lirl J aofl l.ioining
ntif. Offi'-e on Mnrkftt at., oppuslta NhurIc'i
iwelry Store. Cleiirliold, Pi. jU'7l
A rwrw A LT E RS,
Cleai-fleld. Pa.
taj-Offlce In the Court Houm. dro-ly
.1:1:71 Clearfield. Pa.
)ee on leeoad 8U, Clearfield, Pa. nor!l,M
ATTORN k y at l a w,
I Clearfield, Pa.
jayOSee In the Court Ilnnie. fjyll.'(7
I Cleartlelrl. Pa.
fee on Market St., oer Joseph Fhoweri'
roeery (tore. Jin..t.l-;.
ti. J. a'cuLLonnn. - wv. n. n'ctiLLooon.
fv Cteai field. Pa.
Office on T.oeuat ftrlt nearly npponH the rn
poe of Dr. R. V. Wilii-n. We hare in our of
f one af Rieeck A Bro'f larcnxt fro and bur
r pmoF (. for tho pj-Hretiu f book", tteodi,
I other raluable ptreri pl4 td In our charge.
JuBlicoof the Ptuire aod Licensed Convryancer,
I.u.herHburg, ( lcariield Co.. Pa.
rCollect lone 1 rrinlttancci promptly made,
and alt kind, of legal inilruuienti executed on
hort notice. may4,70tf
J.iithemburp;, Pa.
TDK rubaoriher offer, hie urvicoi to the public
in the eapaoity of Sorivener and Surveyor
All ealle for lurreying promptly attended to, and
the mall in r of drain, deed, and other legal inetru
menti of writing, executed without delay, and
warranted to bo ourrect or no.cburge. o!2:70
Claim and Collection Office,
OSCEOLA, Clearfield Co., Pa.
It-eT-Conreyaneiiiir and all legal papen drawn
ith acouraov and tlitpaloh. liafts on and bal
ance tickcu to and from any point in Europe
proeureu. "en om
F. K. ARNOLD to Co.,
I.utheranurg, Clearfield county. Pa.
Money lonnrd at reneonblo ratia; exchange
bouiibt and aoldt depoil received, and a gen
earl bonking bulineu will be carried on at the
ahoroplaoe. 4:12:7 l:tr
Ai T rummaged through the garret,
I.iat'ning to the falling rain. ,
Ai it pnttured oo ibe ahinglei.
Ami a Kail) it the window pane,
Pc niug over ehfiti and boxra.
Whiab with duet wore) thickly ipred,
t law In the furtht it corner t
,. ... What wit oiiuauy truudle bed. - "
And I drew it frou the reoera i ' -.
Where It had remained to long.
Hearing all the while the musio
Of my mother' vole la euog-r-. M-f f
As nho miij her arwuet a4Kutf L
What I ainoe have oftfu read
" lluib my dear, lie ait ill and lumber,
Holy aiirli guard thy bed."
Aa I listened. reon'hoMoni
That I thought had been forgot
Came with all the guih of memory,
ltuihing, throngiug lo the ipot,
Ai I wandered baek to childhood, t
To tlii(e merry dnya of yore,
When I knelt bee i do my inotbtr,
By this bed apou the floor.
Then It was with bande 10 gently
Placed upon my iufnut head,
Tbat the taught iny lipi to utter,
Carefully the word ahe aaid,
Kcvor oan it be forgotten, .
Deep are tbty in tuvuory graven , ;
" Hnllowed be Thy name, O Futhur !
Father! Thou who art in Heaven."
Thti the taught me i then the tuld ma
Of ile import great and dnep
After wbit-li 1 lea-ned to nttor
Now J luy me down to ilrep." "
Th-o It was wiib bnndi upliited,
And in accent eoft and mild,
That my mulbrraaked 4Our Father 1H
"Father, do Thou blew my child.
Yean hare paaacd, and that dear mother
Long hai moulded 'neath the ltJ, ,
And I truat her aaiuted ipirit
He veil in the bime of Uod.
Hut that inene at aummar twilight
Never haa from memory fl"d
And It come with all iti freahueii
When I aee my trundle bed.
Grant the Candidate for the Rich Men.
Juttioe of the Peace and Ecrivoner,
t'urwenevUle, Pa.
,rollectiont mado and money promptly
paid oer. feh227llf
E. A. & W. D. IRVIN,
Real Estate, Square Timber, Logs
Ofbo tn nw Comer -1
norl5'7l , , -
.v butltltntf.
Curwenirille, Pa.
silo. ALBanr R!inr AMitnT... w. albebt
Manufacturer. A extcneive Dealerein
Sawed Lumber, Square Timbor, do.,
r-Orderl lolicltrd. Bill, filled on .hort notio.
and reanonable Uirmi.
Addre.l Woodland P. 0., Oleard.ld Co., Pa.
Jc2.i-ly W L1IKRT A 1IRQ8.
i Real I'Jlala Agent. Clearfield. Pa.
gieo on Third etraei, beUCberrT A Walnut.
)e-Reiipecirully olfr hi. .nrvl. e. In eelllng
( buying lands tn ClearOeld and adjoining
atiea and witi aa esperlenoo 01 over twent
re a. a aarreyor, flatten himself that be oan
tar aatiafaetion. Feb. 2S.'.l:tf,
ian Datum in
.w 3ok nnd Iiiimber,
M In Haeonn Building, Hoon No. 1. 1:24:71
, . j . jTITi n g l e ,
J? T O R N E Y - A T - L A W,
I Oaeeola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y:pd
icrnnrnviun. tie..Sc!i t'J1"'', Pa.
Keen. eonilantlT on hand a full nMortment of
Dry Hood., llardwara, tlroeariee, and everytlilng
usually ketit In a rolnil aMiro, whieb will be told,
for caiih, a. cheap aa el.ewhere in the county.
Frenchvllle, June 17, littii-iy.
1aeeliin, lenrflcld County, Pcim'a.
aAll legal bun'.neiil promptly attended to.
D. L. K REB S,
., Sucoeor lo II. U. Kwoope.
H. Oreii. C. T. Alexander.
y Brlleloilte, Pa. icpl JIJ-y
Uulleliinte. Pa.
.ractlce in Clearfield and all of the Oourt. of
ith Judicial di.lriet. Real citato buinnera
elleoLlua of olaiioi made ipecialtiea. nl'7t
Oflea oa Market Street, ClearOeld. Pa.
)afoe hour, t S to 12 a. m , and 1 to 9 p. a
a. e. irfcciiKuyElj,
OSce In Muaonle Building,
4124,1872. Clearfield, Pa.
R. w. aTmeans,
iend profe.plonal nail, promptly. aug1(l'7u
ui in
. tilt All VMTON, Pa.
Alio, exteniire manufacturer and dealer In Square
Timber and clawed Lumber of ull kinds.
jaOOrdou aolicitcd and all bill promptly
filled. 1'jylBil
charless chafer,
' Clearfield, Pa.
TT A VINO rented Mr. Entre.' rtrcwery he
II hope, by strict attention to buunc. .nd
tho uianufneture of a superior article of Hhhll
to receive the patronage of all the old nnd many
new customers. ijnuria
Market Htrect, Clearfield, Pa.
XTEtlATIVKM mode la cloudy .s well a. in
111 e!e? weather. Ooontitntly on hsnd a good
aioMirlnient of FKAMKM, HTHH KOKOOI'HS and
BTKKKOSL'OI'IU VIEWS. Frames, from any
style of moulding, mude to order. npr29 If
.VINO located at Penulleld, I'a., offers his
orofflssional services to the poople of that
ad surrounding country. All calls promptly
ocl. 14 II.
rd to.
irgeon of the :id Heglment, Pennsylvania
a lean, having returned from the Army,
hit profeaaionat ifrvloei io theeiliiefti
aarfletd tuuaty.
Profeaaioaal ealU promptly attenied to,
m Baoond a treat, (oriaerlyoeenpled by
di. (aprVflft-tl
Second Street, '.:':'
its on band, Fre.h Oy.ters, let Creaa,
, Noia, t rackers, Oalea, Cigaray Toboneo,
I Krstta, Oranges lerains, and all kinds
,n s,.'ir. '
'11II.LIARD RtMlM en twend near.
, to it'jAt'iHiKY co,
)y2.i c 1. 1: A ii f 1 1-: i. n. pa. u
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield. Penn'a.
Will execute Jobs In his line promptly and
to a workmanlike manner. .rrt,6f
Cleat Held, Peiin'a.
7he frrucoing and painting of ehureba and
other publia build in?! will reretre particular
attention, aa well aa the painting of earriugri and
alcighi. i. tiding dne in tiio mate, itylei. Alt
work warranted. Hhonon l'ourth itrtot, fttrmrly
occupied by Enquire Shugurt. oetlll 70
ptfVumpn alwnya nn hand nnd made to order
on a hurt notice, rii.ea borr d on rafltmnahte terma.
, AH work warmnti-d to render eatiifartion, and
delivered If donlred. Miy.26i.ypd
uacticaIj millyj:igiit(
Agent for the American Double Turbine Water
Wheel and Andrew A hiiibarh hed. Can (ur
nirh PnrtAhle ri 't 1 1 1 1 w on nhort nolle. J I
' ' " bint r.tis tit " ' " " '
and manufacturers of (
n ,. CLEAR FIELD,' TEHNA.' " . . T
Jlllll TKIIUTH!,'
" Dealer la all kind's of "
Market Blraet, .
One door east Pott Omen,
That nnr aj stern of government ig
slowly bill surely drifting into anarchy,
no man not blinded by avarico and
nmbilion cttn liolp to observe. A Into
number of tho Ncv York Spirit of the
Times, until nitltin your a tonkins
Grant orgnn, aounda tlio n"!6s of tilurin
in tho following urlido, wbieh tve
trnntifor to our columns and nik oar
roudcrs lo gives an attentive perusal :
"Tlicro wag a lima whon American
elections were frco. Fraud "ran al
most unknown, und tliu voter could
go the polls and onk for tho ticket lie
wanted, Vhi; 'or Democratic, with
the knowledge that ha would not bo
deceived. Many of our rcudcra who
ore not yut old cun remember that
lime when tho official vote wua an
honest expression of the will of tho
ponnlo. Tho difference betweon tho
cotiniry thou and its proaont political
condition h as Hturiling un that bu-
t.,r, a r.iiit 'n..lnl. lll
-i o - a
and I'limpvii, drugged out of Iter ashes
with bor craollioit and obsconiliog and
Wriiilon luxuries written in Cro upon
hor face. , ( , . y, ,
"Tho rapidity with which our politi
cal condition lias becomo corrupt in
appalling. Thu wur Imatoned tho do
vulopmeiil of .corruption by bnbiiuat
ing tho peoplo tn tho pardon of any
crime nomtnittcil in lliu Republican
puny," beouuae that purty'ti iucccm
was essential ti tho salbty of the nation..-:
Wo still heur men, otherwise
considered ' sane, laying, "I would
rulhur voto for the devil himsrlf than
for it Jlcmocrnl." . Tho result of tho
wur placed u military party in power,
organised corruption, took possession
of tho Government, nnd now Grunt
stands fur thus tho candidate of the
great corrupt money power, which,
by iscls of Legislatures and of Ocjn-
gross, has become "strung orongh lo
defy the peoplo lit the polls, and to
plan u perpetual rule und a permanent
occupation of tho Government.
"Tho President is avowedly theenndi-
duloof the rich men of tit ) country, and
by tho rich men wcTo not moan thoso
who by Industry, co.ouomy and ability
have acquired small fortunes aa their
list reward. Wo mean tho chronic
millionairesand spoeiiliillvo capitalists,
who, without industry, without econ
omy,but with dungoroiis ability, havo
grown enormous rich out of thu lion
est labor of olhors, und who togolhor
hnyo rticcceded in controlling even tho
i.'utioiml finances. They use not only
their own money in speculation, but
yours and ours ; the slock, the bonds,
tho fuctonus, tho mills, tho property
of tho people, tho vory money hoy
uto rises or falls in value- us these pow
erful epeeulutivo rings determine.
Thcro is not a man connected with
thoso rings who is not earnestly for
Grant, who will not spend money und
energy to elect him, and thus originate
the campaign cry that tho "financial
interests" of tho country demand and
bis administration shall bo continued.
As the cundidato of tho rich men,
Ulyssos 8. Grant is a success. - lie
bus never entered a poor mun'a house
or allowed his children to aincd be be
came rich himself. All hjs associa
tion ttnd friendships are with the
rich. Liko ull men who have wculj-U
thrust auddonly opon thorn, he at
taches o It false Importance, and the
unaccustomed luxuries of horses and
dogs fill him with vulgar delight.
But more than this, he has boon Initi
ated Into the valuo of money aa a
political power) he has aoen the high
ost honors in tho gift of tho people
purchased us deliberately as men
purchuso calllo; be has witnessed tho
snlo of State Legislatures, and Con
gress Itself bought wholesale by the
bribes of tho Credit Moblier. The
lesson so easily lesrno l is boldly prac
ticed. Thu President depends fur bis
conlinuunco in office upon money alone
in every election district in the United
Stales. It was tho unlimited expen
diture of monoy in North Carolina,
distributed under the pretense ihut it
was for tho uso of iho judiciary that
produced tho monstrous fruud and
begun' counting there. It wns money
corruptly tpouU in-HUinw thai saved
his majority In thut euro quarter from
being cut down lo alarmingly low fig
ures. It la the money that bo is now
squandering in Pennsylvania upon
which ho relics fur knock injj the Gree
ley progress on the bend in the drcud
ed election of October. . s (
"Never before was such an expen
sive campaign as this known in ibe
United States. Whenco comes the
shower of wealth f I'ruin the luxa
tion of every person employed by tho
Government, no mutter bow liumblo
his position and how small his sulary.
From the Treustiry of tho United
Slates, which makes the loan upon tho
security that it will secure Grant's re
election, nnd from tho vast specula
tive, gambling rings of Iho rich men.
w ho invest in Grant stock in tho ex
pcclion that It will return them divi
dends proportionate lo the risk. The
speculation Is like tha', of the Credit
liobilier; it depends upon tho Govern
ment aid for the proSis it could nut
gain by a legitimate transaction. All
these uion arc for Grant. Rut the in.
dustry of the counlry Is not tor him ;
the manufacturers are not for him.
His ally is the spoliation which
plunders both. Tho power which
makes tho national wealth is natural
ly with Greeley, and thut which des
irously and unscrupulously uses il,
sustains Grunt, because he is its wil
ling tool, and because iu his second
administration schemes of conquest
and aggrandizement are to bo perfect
ed which in the first would not have
beon attempted.
'If Grant is elected it will be be
cause this money power, identified and
auuluined by th .l.olo furo ttitl Influ
ence of tho Government of tho United
Stales transformed into a political
machine, bus becomo stronger than
tho peoplo. What tho inevitable re
sult will be is too obvious. The first
thing wo shall hear, if ho is elected,
will be a proposition in Congress that,
in obodience to the expressed will ol
all the pooplo, of all parlios, tho Presi
dential term shall be extended to six
er evn to tor.. ilh rcc
tation of a compromise on eight. This
will hardly surprise us after what we
bave been and beard. We arc told
now thnt the "financial interests" re
quire that Grunt shall be continued
in power; will they continue lo "re
quire" il f We aro told that the peace
of tho South can not bo muintainod
without him ; is il likoly that bo will
mako it moro peaceful? ' It is assert
ed that under him tho country bus
boen more prosperous and contented
thut il ever was before; qnd should
not this happy rule bo continued . All
lli o reasons why Grunt should be re
elected now will bo urged with double
force und plausibility in favor of the
extension of his term of office. -
"Wo already heur men lulking of
the inconvenience of Presidential elec
tions and iho Iniprriipliiiu they ruuse
to business, and urging that the term
should be mudo at least six years
Only tho other day a distinguished
und eloquent advocate of Grunt de
clared that the peoplo wanted him lo
be their President "us lung as God
and tho constitution'' would permit.
The constitution unfortunately, offers
no bur to his lo.eleeiion but wo think
it would bo us well to leave God out
of tho question. And exactly the
means which aro now used to inuko
his to-oluclion compulsory will then
be employed with still grouter potency
to effect this changa in the constitu
tion. Tho pooplo wilt have lost their'
opportunity. They will not be able
to tour down the powor which they
allowed to onlronch itself in the gov
ernment, and Hie term will be extend
ed. Then will follow the Napoleonic
eloctive presidency, justified by na
tional necessities, and nothing is then
left fur this counlry but submission
to a pormnnonlly-ostublished govern
ment or resort lo revolution. Tho
logic is not ours. It is llio )ogio of
hutnunily the logic of all history."
When you read & book crush the
words as you would grapes, and suck
their meaning out. , It is the only
way to got the puro wine of thought
from the vintage of literature. :
A Kansas paper tells about a man
who attempted lo steal a public road
which ran through bis furtn. One of
the plainest coses of highway robbery
wo ever hoard of.
A young lady studying Fronoli, and
finding that "bello" meant "fine," told
somebody in a letter tbal we bad
great deal of bell wcalhor lately.
, The Fair Vertliot.
A verdict of ucquittul this morning
terminated the most remarkable and
intorusting criminal triut that bus oc
curred In the history of California.
On the evening of the 8d of Novem
ber, J370, Mrs. Luura D. Fair shot
and killed lion, A. 1'. Criltendcn.
Ilotb tho parties to the tragedy were
widely known. Mrs. Fuir was of no
toriously bad character, and hud fig
ured conspicuously in connection wilh
sovoral terrible shooting affuirs Mr.
Cl'ifltf'ndcn was nn j-ininent luwyer
und a loading pull ticlun, although never
vyjVitS uruuo. Alio long rcaiueucu .in
the Bwte, distinguished rrputution
und higl. social standing as the bead
of a large and respected family, gave
unusul interest to tha case, and excited
publio attention in a greater degree
than was ever known before The
press lepmod with details of the crimo,
and did not scruple to lift the curtain
which hud screened the private con
duct of tho parties. Mrs. Fuir's whole
life was exposed to the publio gaze,
and tho dark and bloody incidotils ol
her strange career dwelt upon and
portrayed in strong colors. Under
theso circumstances il is not surpris
ing thut grout diflleully wns experi
enced in getting n jury of unbiased
and imrmrlial citizens. Noarly every
man of sufficient Intelligence to set tin
a jury hud lead about iho case and
formed a decided opinion. Finally,
howovor, twelvo men were found capa
ble of service in that capacity, and
the trial proceeded under ibe manage
ment of a powerful array of counsel.
Woek after week it drugged its alow
length along, but tho public interest
in tho proceedings appeared never to
flag. The nowspupcrs published ull
Iho testimony, including a mass of cor
respondence which bud belter have
beon omitted. The trial at last came
io an end, at tho expiration of thirty
days, resulting In a vordicl of guilty
of murder in tho first degree. An ap
peal was taken lo the Supremo Court,
and a new trial grunted. After a
patient investigation of twenty-two
days, the second jury brought in, this
morning, a verdict of "Not Guilty.
' Nobody, now, we think, expected
Mrs. Fair to hang, but this vordict of
"not jiniliy," in the fuco of all the evi
dence, strikes llio community wilh as
tonishment. If there over wus a de
liberate murder it was that of Critton-
dun. If Mm. Fair was insane, then
everybody who, moved by evil pas
sions, commits a wicked net, is also
insune tlioro can bo no such thing as
crime, and there should be no such
thing ns punishment. For it must bo
remembered that Mrs Fuir wus not a
nmi'len seduced nnd belrayoJ, or a
virtuous wnu wtiiwe me uuu uuttti
blasted by an unholy love. Sho was
notorious womun of the world, who,
during her yeurs of open concubinage
wilh I r victim bus diuwu from him
largo i-pma of money, and Iho provo
cation , which prompted her to tho
dood was that her paramour, who liv
ing with her Imd disgraced his wife
and didionored his children, hud mude
up bis: mind lo aguin to yield lo his
better impulses, and return to the wo
man vhom ho hud sworn to lovo, honor
und cUrieh, and who, 8 the mother
of his Children hud stronger claims lo
his love and devotion than any other
human Doing on ourlh could have
Thin the provocation which in-
ducul Irs. Fair to shoot down her
purumvir at llio moment oi uis meet
ing wiJh bis outraged family to send
him iijto eternity with crimes una-
neled, lust as the much injured wifo
had itilin tonio to him nftor an ab
sence ind living deulh of years.
And liio deliberate killinir of a man
upon Mh provocation as thid is what
the viidiet of the jury declares no
crime I We do not extenuate the
oonduel of Crittenden. lie bad pluoed
himself outside the polo of sympathy ;
but ficra were not the hands which
should be held guiltless in taking his
life. If ho was no belter than she
us, she at least wns as bud as ho.
io real victim is tho dovotcd wife
ahd hoart-broken widow.
There are many morals to this vor
diet. The first and most striking is
tlial money is the bosl defense a crim
inal can have. 1 Had Mrs. Fuir been
destitute of a bank account, she would
ere this huve been, siylinjing from a
gallows of jiuvebepn looking forward
to able of imprisonment. The next
in that tho requirement of luw, whlcbH
excludes from a jury every man ot
average intelligence, is un impediment
to justice; and llio third moral is that
in the unwritten law of the land the
man who mukos illicit connections is
na Islimuolila, against whose life any
womun's hand may be raised with Im
punity.! ' ' ''"
So strong was the J.ocjjng In regard
io Ibis, that wo think there aro vory
few in the community who would
have wished to ace Mrs. Fair bung.
The general desire was that ah should
escape through aomo blindness or
technical fault of tho law. or llio dis-
auroeinant of tho iurv. tut not that
she should be formally declared not
ifUlltV. .,.'.'! . . ..'-
This verdict wilt be considered
abroad as another evidence ot lb Isx-
"The Intelligence and Integrity of
the State."
That the honest yeomanry of tho
Slato have been overwhelmed in tho
lato contest by tho most corrupt and
unscrupulous ring of political high
waymen Ihut ever disgraced thoStnte,
we need but call Col. Forney, a staunch
Giant supporter and stumper, to the
stand. On tho morning of tho elec
tion he suid in his Prest i
"Perhaps il is too lute in tho day to
ask the peoplo of Pennsylvania tavole
against llieJJing, or to watch und do
feu t its manoeuvres at the polls. We
will not, thereforo, ask them toriao io
llioir majesty and might uguinst the
corrupt and scandalous combination
that opposes the intelligenco und in
tegrity of tho Stale. Our chief con
cern is with the men who linvo plot
ted tho pollution of tho ballot to-day,
and to euvo tho Slalo from the fright
ful dishonor of a transaction whieb in
its infamy will have no parallel in the
history of the ration not even in the
black cbnptor that records tho crimes
of Tweed and Connolly."
Again, in uu article addressed '-to
the young Kcpublicuns," ho snys
"We huve already spoken to our old
friends and companions in the Repub
lican ranks, tho men who formod and
organized tho party, the men wilh
whom wo have marched again and
aguin to victory, and now wo would
spouk a word lo the young men who
huve become voters within tho past
decade, and who, although Iiepubli
cuns, are not bound lo tho parly wiih
iho sumo strong lies thut bind their
futhers, who cun look down the vista
of past yeurs and murk and appreciate
the changes for the botler which havo
tuken place in ibe government of our
country under tbo Republican rule
'Looking at the present cumpaign
from the standpoint of the young lie-
publicans, a sluudpoiol whore is to be
found only affection for tbe parly and
a dosire to promote it best interests,
without tbul blind bigotry which com
pol uiuny of tho older men to swallow
any amount of fraud and corruption
among candidates, provided such can
didates havo been regularly (sic)
nominated -looking at tho campaign
we any, from this standpoint, we see
in stronger lights than trout any other
the necessity of cleansing and purify
ing our Stale government and of
electing to the highest offices of the
Commonwealth only such men as we
can feol well atsurrod aro fit rocipi
enls for tho honor which wo confer
upon them and tho trust which
them we reposo. Such candidates.
wilh a few honorable exceptions, wo
havo not now. - We see put in noini
nation for chief ofliuer ot Ponnsylvn,
nil! a matt wiionevuniwClcr Is S3
thut he is compelled '.j procure the
release of a criminal from tho peni
tontiury to testily to his purity nnd
honesty, and running down tho scale
of offlco-seekors, we find men who aro
prominent only by reason ol their oor-
ruplion soliciting the suffrages, of their
fellow-oilizens for the various posi.
tiona of trust and honor in their gill.
Duck of all tli is, which Is sad and bud
enough, we see the shadow of the
wicked genius tho Mephistophelos of
the play to whose influence is duo
the disgrace which bus fallen upon
tho 8tato and party.' We see him
scheming, contriving, working in
every underhand way to accomplish
his own bad ends ; wo see only too
plainly how successful ho has been for
yoars In tho accomplishment of his
evil purposes, and we know that, II
success Is allowed again to crown his
work, Slate and party will be well,
nigh ruined.
"Uoro it is thai tho young Republi
cans, tho new men who desire the
porpetuation of tbo good nnd tho
eradicating of tho bad in tho put ty,
have tho chunco to do yeoman service,
and tostriko tbo quick, liurd blqws
by which ulono tho parly coo be
saved. No young man who desires to
soo promoted llio host intorests of Ihc
Slato would deliberately give uid and
assistance lo a band of thieves engag
ed in brcuking into ihe Slato Troas-
, ..I I t. ..A......
ury. Sllll less anou in sum
man aid by his voto the endeavor of a
losperule band of depraved politicians
lo tuko possession of that Trousury
and uso iti contents for their own
privalo benefit und behoof. Itulhor
tbnn llns opening of the doors to roo,
bcrs any sacrifice of party should be
mutjo; It) prevent it any honorublo
course should bo taken. At a skillful
snrgoon never for n momonl b.esiut.cs,
whon gnngrene has set in, lo ampu
tate a limb, thut by tho removal of the
rooking sore by 'pulsating through
which tho blood becomo tuiiiled and
the wholo body corrupt ho may save
bis patient's life, so will no truo young
Ilopublican hesitate for a momonl
to himself, bis party, and his Stute
that you enter squarely into this
fight, and, liko staunch, true men, do
tho work that is cut out fur you to do
and in tho years to come, when our
party bus risen cleansed, purified, and
stroiiglliinud us it wus in its primi
live days, you can tell your children
upon whom will devolve, when vou
have passed away, iu maintenance
that in tho day of trial you were ready
and able, und that by you the party
of liberty and equal rights was saved
by merciful cruelty from death from
worse than death, from dishonor."
the coming ejection to sgbmil to
tomporary defeat in.iirder Ihut tho
powor of the King may bo broken,
and his purly. by passing through ibe
valley of humiliation, be purged of
the iniquity that bus gathered about
it, and which threatens, if not roiuov
ed at once and forever, to bring It jto
lasting disgrace aud irrevocable ruin
. .iv .- n......i.t:..nnH u .lainonrl as
- , . ! I lUUIIlt XWllUUIIUWIir", " u v... -
Krywr J .TOlVT-tywblcMofyo, OfcUomyl. , ,.U,d, 00d Hilary of
The Burning of the EscurLal.
(From to. .N. Y. llirald.
Tho magnificent structuro erected
by Philip II. of Spain to commomo-
rata his victory over tho French at
St. Qicntin has been deslrovod by
Cro. Tho scanty doluils furnished by
tho telegraphic despatches give rea
son to fear that the building bus been
reduced to n complclo ruin, und that
tho priceless treusuros of art and lit
rrature which were deposited in tho
Lscuriul are lost forever. Tho tiro is
said lo havo beon caused by lightning
and there Is something appalling in
tho rapidity wilh which the grand old
monument succumbed to tho devour
ing clement. . Among tho many land
murks, which within a few years have
been lost to posterity nono had so
deep an interest for llio thoughtful
mind as litis . lemplo-tomb of the
gloomy Spanish King. Its history is
strangely enlwinod with the glory of
Spain in tho days whon the shadow of
her haughty flag was cast over half a
conquored world. Jl wus tho crcution
of a grand, austere and gloomy age
nnd reflectod proudly the character of
its creators. How the majesty of that
stulely pile, in the midst of the deso-
lution that surrounded it on all sides
struck the beholder with ao I Evon
Iho vulgar Bight-seer, wandering with
out roverence at tho bidding of an idle
curiosity, was wont to speak in sub
ducd tones in the mysterious twiligl
of its cloisters. There was about this
noble strubture such an air of maj
tic grandeur as humbled mere human
prido. It was Impossible nqt to feel
how insignificant wero mon in pres-
enco of tho ttimbs of kings' before
whom' the world had trembled. '' But
the majestic temple frowned down on
(bo generation of the hour ns il had
done on their nncostor three ccnta
ries before. Time seemed only to in
croaso the awo which tho pilo inspired
and while all else changed und passed
away amid the shock of ages it re
mnined unshttken
Tho loss of this monument cannot
bo loo deeply regrottcd, for it was one
of the iin let, that bound us to tho past
Uliuur laa BiieuoT Ir.C HI jdcrfia Cfvilri
cull up the remembrance of a lime
when men worshipped olhor gods
thnn Mammon and soulless fashion.
However much the stern faith of the
sixteenth century may revolt the
modorn conscience, thore is an im
pressiveness in tho whole-souled bo.
lief of thut age which compels our ad
miration, ltcligion in thoso days wns
something moro limn a formality, and
the monuments tho ages of faith bave
left behind by t heir grandeur and noble
severity qf aim d warf the efforts of mod
ern genius. It is sua thut tneso ov indi
ces of tho past shou'd be doomed to
disappear One aflor another until in
the tur distant future no truce of thoso
grand monuments shall remain for the
Instruction and ilulight of tho unborn
genet ationa.i t The Toilerlos nnd tho
Hotel de Villa havo been destroyed,
nnd il is only a few months since the
venerable Cathedral of Canterbury
narrowly escaped trom the fate that
hue befallen tho E-sourial. It is evi
dent from tlieso examples that thore
is no powor in civilization capable of
preventing tho destruction of ancient
monuments, and tyo mny spoculuto on
a timo when thoro will remain no
moro trace of the art and arehitocturo
of tbo' curly Chrlslinn ages thnn we
oan discover of tho forgotton Pnojui
oian civilization. This is certainly a
sad reflection, the more so as tho
cause W dyo in chief part to tho indif-
ferenco of tho modorns, who lako np
adequate precautions lo prosorvo iho
monumontiil treasures they havo ln:
borited. Had only rensonabjo pre
cautions boon tukon to prepare yr
such an accident as hat beiil!on lb,o
Escurial, that magnificent structuro
couhf havo been s.ived for posterity.
Tho solid naturo or ihe materials from
wljich it wus constructed offered a
strong guarantee against tho ravages
of fire, and had thore been some
monns nt band to strugglo with the
flumes In ull probability Jht'y would
have boen extinguished beforo any
serious dim ago bud been dono. But
it was not so decreed. : 1 .
In a few short hours the fire fiend
reduced to a heap of sliiip!os ruins
the temple tbo all-powerful Philip had
xvutciied growing slowly for one and
twenty years).' lie vainly bopod il
would ronjaln forever to boar witness
to ibis piety and powori ' When the
light of life flickered sadly nut of his
weary heart he found a resting place
in lb ahado of Its crypts. Now hi
dust is mingled with the ashosof lb
both is at an end forever. ' The Span
iards, wilh natural pride, were fo
to cull the Escurinl the seventh won
der of tbe world, ard.lhe beaaty(
magnificence and Imposing graraeur
of tho structure went fur to justify
tho pretension. A 11 this greatness id
now at an end ; tbe stranger no more
wander awe-struck over tbja
marble pavemenl of the silent cluis-
lers or linger on ihe jusper stops io
listen to solemn inusiu reverberating
through l'ie lofty aisles. The master
piece, of Bantista do Toledo and, his,
pupil, Juan do llcrrcra, has crumbled,
lo ashes befuro iho electric flu mo, and
one of Iho grandest examples qf hu-
mun genius brought lorlh in any age.
is lost to posterity. Unfortunately
tbo loss is not confined to tho struc-,
lure. The library has suffered severe
ly, but according .to llio latost a
count hopes were entertained of sav
ing iho greuler purl of tho books and
manuscripts. It is inconceivable thut
theso literary treasures should have,
been plucvd w hero oo adequate pre:
caution aguiiiht firo existed. If there
aro oilier collections in Spain similarly
situated wo hopo this example will
have the effect of having thoni trans
ferred to places of security. This
particularly desirublo - in Spain,
which is unusually rich in valuable
niunusi ripts.
The Testimony of the Cen8u. '
A study of the details of our recent
census will show other facts quite as
satisfactory as tho increaso of popula
tion. Indeed, though ouradvnnco in
tho latter respect is extremely grnti;
fyiiig, it is not quite up tojlio enthusi
astic anticipations expressed beforo.
tho (ru h waa mado known. Many
beliovcd thnt instead of thirty -ono and
u bulf millions as iho round n urn Let at
which the census of 18G0 allowed us,
lo put our population, tho census of
1870 would give ns at least forty mil.
lions ; instead of which, we aro not
allowed lo stulu tho round figures
ubovo thirty-eight and a half millions,
or an increaso f hot quite twonty-fiva
per cent. , Hut not so our products.'
ilany of them have advanced fur be
yond any relative proportion which
wo should have expected to this iu-
crcaso of population. Among others,
this is truo of our agricultural pro-
ducts. Going back, not ton, but twen
ty years for our standard of compari
son, it is seen still more plainly.
Knowing that our increase of popula
tion within tbe twenty years hud been
but ubout sixty per cent., we believe'
no ono would have ventured to put
tho present production of so mo of our
largest staples, on whoso telative
abundance we have always prided
ourselves, at two, three, or five-fold
that of 1850. And yet, unwarranted
as this would bave seemed as nn eslU
mate, il is established as a fact by the
figures of the census. ' The Buret,; of
Statistics, in giving some of the sum
maries of returns, (ells us that in
twenty years tho Whoat crop of the
country has trebled. Barley has in- '
creased six-fold. Flux, six-fold. Fla,
seed, three fold, flops huve increased
soven-fold not so encouraging. Out
have doubled. Live slock have trebled
in estimated value, if not in numbers.
Now they nro reckoned ul tho some
what startling sum of fifteen hundred,
and twenty-five million dollars oc
nearly ttvo nuiiuiuu uouuis iwi cvory -family
in the nation. ' Slaughtered ani
mals have nearly quadrupled in yaluo,
and ara now estimated at four hundred
million dollars annually. Wool has in
creased from sixty to a hundred mil
lion pounds. Cotton, is half a million
bales above llio crop of 1S50, theugli
it has not yet returned tq tho great ,
crop of 1800 the palmy days whon
Cotton was called King. Irish pota
toes havo only increased a third, w hile,
swoet potatoes have decreased one- ,
half. Corn has increased largely
within tho period, though, il seems,
the crop of 18uG was turgor than that .
of 1ST J by sevenly-oight million bush- ,
els, or ton per cent, of tho wholo. . One ;
drawback to tho cultivation of corn, is ,;
iho fact thut the c'oat of ils tramspor-.-,
taliun fi'oiu tho region vf its most lux-
uriutit growth to tho sea board too
often takes away ull the profit of pro
duction. Tho farmer some times al
most fouls that tho more ho bos of it ,
tho poorer he is. Not so, however
wilb wool, -and wheat, and boof, and
soiijo oi tho other products lo which
tho attention of farniors is turned, aud ,
by which the oouijtiy is growing rich.
Examinuliuu would probably bhow
some similar rule of increaso in other
linos ot production. Most of tbe lead
ing manufactures bave been advanc
ing as fast, probably, or faster Ibaa
our agricultural interests; and mining
has grown up from comparative in
significance to a place in the vory front
rank in our industrial pursuits.
Doubtless Ihe Increase in the money
value of ibis production bus vastly
outstripped that of every othor. Tbo '
resources of the country are beginning
to be developed.' ' And, with our"' bet
ter Understanding of what these roally
are our better methods which ecionc
is teaching, bolter machines which in-'
volition is giving, improved facilities'
iu every respect which overy day is
multiplying, the increase of produc
tion for tho next len or iwerity yean '
will bo still groiulor. ' Another census, '
if nil signs dit' not fuil, will show a 1
much blghpr ratio of lncron In onr '
population. ' But thedispnrlty hot wcon
this and lb inorouse of production
will bo crea greater tban'tho surpris-1
ing fcno which, wo now record. A. T,
Mercantile Journal. ' 1 k ' ; ' ' '
A Johnstown servant trnntformed
quiet homo Into liubel, nnd lost ft
good homo by merely straining fonr
quarts of crab apple jolltiy through an
eighteen dollur veil. '