THE REPUBLICAN. VH!)NF.SDAY MORNING, OCT. f , 171 -'" Terms of Subscription." If paid III adreaocor within three months.. .11 00 irpala nnerwreeeuu oeiore six If paid after the eiolretion of aix mouths t 60 I 00 RBLIGIOU NOTICE. Matbodla. Kplecopel ChurthBer. A. It. Yoreu, Parlor. Public Service every Sabbeth at 1H A. M., aad Tt P. M. .- - B.bbelh Sohooi at A. M. Prayer Meeliag every Thursday, t H P. M. Oaminanlou Service, first Sabbath nf avory anenlh.allliiA. M. . eJL. Audrew'a Church Episcopal Rev. . Gaoaoa llitt. Public Service Buadey morning at 10 o'clock, and at T P. M. Sunday School at 1 P. M. Prajrar Maatlnf Wednesday owning at 1 o'clock. Presbyterian CUureltRev. H. 8. BnTi.nn. Preaching oa tka Lord's da; at 10, and 7J V oiooa. Sunduy Robool nt 3 p. m. Ph p Mnjtlln an Watlnaaila el 71 It. m. fatiur null! avians un dwiiub; n i p . St. frincla Church Catllolle ller. T. J. McMasi'i. Maaa at 101 o'clock A. M., on tha eeeond and fourth Snadaji of each month. Lutheran Church. Rtr. A. J. 1Iatock Preaching every Sahbath, morning and evening. Sabbath School at t a. aa. Prayer meeting every 'Wedoeeday evening. Pastor'l Bible Class on Saturday at 7i p. m. . yoalerdny election duj1 passed off aiuietly, Tha new liquor law, pruuiuiting tne eeii ing of Intoxicating liquora until after the closing of the polls, waa In foroe, and proved Itself to be a morement in tha right dircetion. Mr. Stowart Rood, of Lawronco ). township, aent aa half a buahel of the finest nr plu wo boy fijnolinenoil Ibii year .vol. Unfortu nately for the hungry "Devils," however, they are winter apples, and a little loo hard to be palata ble just yet. HtAVT fob Swkkt. A corrcuriond- at inform nt that Henry Soxman, residing near Luthorsburg, aueeeeded in raiting a flue erop of aweet potatoei Ibii leaaon, some of which weighed three pounds. Why aend to New Jersey and Del aware If inch ean be produced at home. Promoted. Gravenatluo Kintzig, teller In the Firet National Bank of Lock llaran, haa been promoted to the position of Co-hier of that Bank, made racant by the death of Mr. Abra. ham QraAui, and D. II. Moure Frederick! ha! been appointed to the poaitiou made racant by -, Mr. K.'i promotion. i I ii 11a I'' 'V A IiAKOi Yield. This year, no ev ; trybody knuwa, hai been a bountiful one to tho agricultural, In everything except thjr potato crop, i which le far ahort of last year and the potatoea ' much imaller. Yet there are exception!. Mr. 1 Robeit Plcgcl, of Uothcn townahlp, exhibiled to j aa a aampleof Chili potatoei, grown by him thin t Bummer, many weighing ai much ai a pound and A a half and aoma over two poundt. And the yield on a little over half an acre of ground wai 112 boahel!. Tbla wa think ii an exception thli year. J1 Sudden Dfatii Abrnlm'm Graflus Esq., Caibior of Ihe Firit National Dank, died euddoolf lait Thuriday morning, at about Ave o'clock, at hit reiidence, lnlbiiolty. M.r.Urafiui, we are informed, retired lait evening in hii naual '! aealth. This morning, about twenty ininutec be fore hi death, he awoke 31 ra. (Iraflus, and being hi a apeecklcil condition, placed a hand on hli Scad, taileatiag the aeat of hii suffering. The aouiekold waa immediately aroused, but before da son-in-law. Dr. Wataon, whoso rcsidenoe ia ad oining, could reach his bedside, Mr. (Traflul had rxpired. The furut of the diseaaa is supposed to tare been apK)plexy. Clinton Dtmotmt. Fruit Stealino. The Mountain reiM Justly aaye : There is no greater nulianee to waera of fruit than that which they auffer (rum W drpredationa of young men and hoys, who rowl around, making It their busiuesa to hunt nrough the ereaenls of tlieir nelghbora, and wbo irry off and destroy the produce with as much ipuolty as though they were tha owners of It. f there ia one thing more annoying than another I il having your premises invaded and your beat rieiiee ta' i ml U.'.cu, j-J. f. h" yon are tehing its development and tha ripening pro as. It Is an Injury you do nut eare to forgive, hoac who are guilty of fruit stealing may regard lightly, but it ii time they were made to nnder ud that 11 Is Just ai much nf a wrong as house aaking or poekot picking, and tbt tbey are aa tah amenable to the law aa the horde thirf or wayman. Thk Park Hacks. Tho second an il mMlinf of the Clorfidii I'ark Ansociatioo w off on TburwdHV, Fridnjr and Saturday of woek. Tlit wcatbar wu flno and tho allvnd t 'wat large and vvorjr.hing went off in an leablp manner. In all about thirty honn ptod for the Uifftreot purwn, half of which nrncd In tho eouaty. following ! a brief ilatemcnt of the rtnult lie rat'i a : aoo Xu. 1 open Ui all was won hj grmy t, Pol I j, owned by Jaiaoi Clark, Willlamiport. , 1:4.11. voe No. S for 145 horRM waa woo by bay , Roiej, ownod by N. U. Kdvlbhtto. Urook i. Time, 2:49). e No. S for I mlnuto horaei wan won hy y. Time, 1:561. a Xo. i for trotting itailloai owned in the f wm won by gray it.llionr I'entlWd Ituy, 4 by 11. Woodward. Peo field. Time, 2:40. M No. 6 oolt race waa won by jrray atal Gray bk-k, owned by Pbtlip O, Blanehnnt, lld. Time, ZMk. ft No. ft for 3:lo hortei In county wa .y roan atalllon, Charley, owned hy Alex. Penfleld. Time, .1.2!. No. 7 running race wan won by bay f, None Such, owned by ThoninJ Tarler, niport. t.15. I No. 8 running race wai won by None Time, half mile, 66 Moond. Tnll Meeting of the Amoelation haa been re -ttoreM, and c may look fr future p tp Iriorcaio in lnterrt. t'ndcr the jirca iaent lf0 Aisneintlon han bcoome a istttation, nnd no d.iubt the fdaiidard of eh la thia eooaty will advancu materially ojnrnce of lu influeDee. bath Sciidbts in Clearfield 1'p to the pit icnt time 13 townahipi eanvaRsed and eompMe rtatinlie of all tb soIhioIs collected, exhiUthig th fol etolts: In these 13 townihips there nre 4a, ha i t.g ft foUl mevnberiihip of 3,163. holers, 770 ; scholars who arc church mem i. Of the 40 sehonls 27 are anion. 22 do onnlt ere continued throughout the nre open ft pftrt of the yonr, averaging osonths. 41 of the 49 have no uniform The sfx new schools opened. q thfe town alt In snocwful npprnlion at the present i ft proof of prorcas wo would point to ttcnUnce of adult evbolars, The lid nliilts Indicates a decided gain In Ante of parents and older persons A of of pntgrrns is seen In the fact that m In 4v Sko')lc are regelarly SHinne444 ebarehf and a third proof Is a marked snt In (he observance of the liArtte slay le erhooti are properly sustained. Some ants mlht lie made, among which we eit that iuntcad of ndhering to tha old ring a different Won to each separate "more exeelleut way" of having a nni I for ell should be more generally adopt vest en tho eontlnnaneo of sebools dnr- ronth, while It Isd' nttl s lietlet Close, there are others amot.g the it suspended Jn winter which should the yens round. Jn obediened to the motion, "add to knowledge temier- t plble ar.huQla ihquM ."Oiuntly im- their m the duty of leading a iparnto lifr. Them to mU ner4 of d direct effort to gathee ia large nam and young whoa-rc yol ontfidc of the kool. X report oovering the wiwle he rendy In ft few weeks. R. CiTTr?iMt, ! Mlrslt-tiary Am. P. H. t nlep Kpeeiali, - v . !. . .':' Bee advertisement of UarnabM Armstrong. Ha prapeaet to furulih the eJlieona of Oooeaiia aad lurroondlog tewniklpi with irat-elaee Sear. . Lint of lotteri rematninrr unclaimed In the Poitoffloe at Clearheld, for the waok ending Ootober ilh, l7i , . i , lllngftnutn, Laviua.' Kelley. John. i ' ' Clapp, K. J. Lauder, Mill M. C. Cnllinl, Ike. i . , Worpan, Jamal. Cloair, Andrew, MeClure, Anaon. Doling, Patrick. (2) MeUae Margerr. Iiavia, William. !! " Piper Curtla. ' ' tj llannan, Mra. Frank. Haitiera, Charlel C. ' lleidelberger, Charlei. Shimel, Mill Kuaah. 11111, Perry, . , . r Veang, Charira. () ,-, ''it ' f f A. UACU.Nj P, M. Foa Bin-A Spaar'a Antl-Duat Parlor Htove, aa good ai new, ii offered for aala very cheap. Apply to . r. Looah. OOt.I It. . r ' i ' Norica. Tha nndcnlaned wlabint to reeevor the gnn taken from the atable of I). W. Moore, will pay a liberal reward to any peraoa leaving It at tali vAoe, or giving auoh information aa will lead to tho reeovery of laid gun. It la a double barrelled, emooth and twiit out borea, and having a pieea off at the end of the atook, rkiea to th abonlder guard, doci not revolve, and baa donb e prlmera. U. L. All liira Cabla Chain at IIiolxu'i Uardware Store, Eecoud Irect, Clcarflcld, Pa. (-21-72 WxsTtn. Sheep Pelta, Calf Skina and all klndi of Fun, fur which tha higheit eaah priea will be paid. Call at tha clothing atoro of D. Stewart A Son, Market itreel, Cleardeld, Pa. aep2i-3t . JOSEPH LEHMAN. Jmt received, a largo lot of non-exploaira Latnpl and Laiiterna at i v2i-72 II. P. DioLta A Co'e. Arehey 8baw still haa for lata a rplendid naw buggy. Oo and aeo it. J ' AXKi.-ocrenty-llve duxoa Clearfield Wood- choppers Axes at 0:26:72. , H. F. IlIULEa A Co l. PMl. Tilitan'i Cron.eut Saw, Great American Saw, llornton'i Lightning Baw, at ( 25 72 II. P. Bioixn A Co'i. Fnaaa Qnot'nn pLAHvaa, Received at Corner Store by ear luad and for aala by K. A. A W. D. lawix. Curweniville, March 13, 1.172. Wood nnd Willow Ware of nil deecriptloni for iivle by II. F. Digler A Co. FAIR! FAIR!! FAIR!!! FAIR BARGAINS! FAIR miCES! AT I,EVKR FLKOAL'S. I hare thli week reeeired tho largeet lot of Boots nod Bboea ever brought to tho county, llftti and Cup, the lotcit itylep, aoJ ft full line of Cent's Fnrniihing Qood-, ? ,. - i . which I muit aril, ; will ioll, and am determined to avll at ttrloee whieh will utoniih both old nnd young, Tipped Lasting Gattcro, only I?, at FLEO AL'3 rialn Morocco Gatterl only $1 25, nt FLBQAL'S Congreu Gaiters, only $1, at FLEQAL'8 Lasting Button Gaiters, only $? !j, at FLKGAL'S Men's Shoes frutn $1 tl up at FLEUAL'S Ileary Kip louble Soled Boots, emfj . v - 3,nt ( I f FLEQAL'8 Light Kip Double Soled Boots only mo at : FLEGAL'S Fine Calf Doable Soled Bootr. only fitSGet FLEGAL'S French Calf Double flilcd Boots, only $5, at KI.EUAIj'fl Fifty oases of hnnd-made Lock JJaren Boots, warranted, received at FLKGAL'S. For sale by the ease at wholesale rates. The only way to become convinced that Shoes nr cheap it to nail at FLEGAL'S, on Seoond street, nearly opposite the Court House, and too for yourself. Geods shown with pleasure. To liorssnrci'Bns. All kinds of Fruit Cans, manufactured of the best tin and with all the modern improvements, as well aa putty and ce ment, for sale In large qnantitirt by ' nugTif , . IL Fe Biotnn 4 Co. Patntr, Oils and Varn.ahn Air SRlo by H. r. BiglerACo. ,'".!" Manr valuable horses die from the effeets of eolle. The best thing to do in n enseuf this kind Is to ponrn bottle of Johnson's Anodyne Liui ment into n long necked junk bottle, and half pint of molasses and water, then pour the whole down the horse's throat. In ten minutes the borne will begin to cat. . . P&rtun's Purgative Pills wilt greatly relieve, If not entirely en re, dyipepsia, wheu everything else fails. They have been tried in some desperate eases, and have given more relief than any other medicine. - e t i r A full line of Household Goods, Jspnnned Wnre, tot sale by H. F. Bigler A Co. II. F. Bigler i Co. have been makiog estenslve additions to their stock of Hardware the last few dnys. Everything new In Shelf Uardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, nnd Hardwire of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 22, Bird Coses n Urge aaeortmtnt at II. F. Big lor A Co. 'a. Notice to Waooh A sit CAnmsoc Marrrs. W hnveynit reeolred a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs and Axles, which wo offer cheap for eash. P' "l0,-K Calcined Blaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. 1 Wood and Willow Ware. House bold Goods. '' All kinds of llardwarf. Japaniied Waro. I'niuts, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon aud Carriage. Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale nt the mammoth Hard ware Store of H. F. Bigler A Co., ttecood street, uearorid, l a. .it Harried. On OcloWr ith, 172, nt the M. E. Paraonige, near Clearfield, by Bev. M. L. (-AV.r., Mr. ISAAC M. STAGE to MIks MAdOIK II. NOJtHlH, both of Clearfield county. igtcd. In Morris township, on fteptember 21st, 1K72, JAMES tDWAKU, son of Kowaop and Baiun Wisk, aged a uionths aod t days. On September 21 at, 1H7I, CARItlK, daughter of Tit ton Hnwi.aa, Jr., and Klka Hnwi.ri, agel 2 weeks and 3 daya.- ' On Satnrdny, BrplembeT lth, Wit, al tho real denee of Michael Hhowera, In Clearlleld, JOI7N . KIlMONDft, aged T tears, monthi and ?d larttts. Clearfield Markets. Oorreeled weiUy hy Hi( nn Moaaor, Wholesale anu lietatl dealer la Ury Uooils, Mrocenea, Pro. rialom, Market street, l.learllrld, Pa. OLaanriai.n, P Osl.O, U71. '! Apples. green, OOfiL j lrled.ttlh lit H"jt, dressed Hides, green.. Hans IMa Applehntler,flgal, H Butter... O0(8 JJ n.ane...0 t 21 Huoliwheat 1 00 Hhoolders.....00('rt) 12. Diues.,.M,..,nnfn) If 1IU Uucknhaat flour lb, a Beef, dried 22 Beer, fresh ($ 10 Boards, M HOOyUso Corn, shelled 1 ! Cora, aar.. 011(a) It Corn meal, 'ek, 1 .11 Chop, V ""J 1 0 y 111 Clor.rie.d -...... 10 Cheese. Cherriea, II. lore) ' Chickens, drsd, tb, 15 Kggs .,.,.,. 14 Flaiaaad Il rloar...0 It (ft It Da porn,a um.i 20 10 'ail to .Onions 3 o rntaloea ...... (10( to Peaehea, dried, lb.. It fleeter, l bbl.,.. I oa y 1 l , lb I Salt, sack I 40 Hhinglea,lain.tU(n) oe HhieelM.fAlninrMia aa Timothy seed...... I an Tallow........... I W beatH.,MM .. 1 7i WimI . a Hay..,, u OOti It 0 I Wood, V eord..M I at STRAY. Came trespa-rlag on the pram ieoa J of the subscriber, raaiding In braoy town ship, an or about tha let of September lent, a large Cow, ,it. and red spotted, ennpaeed to he I or 17 years old. She haa on a large lell, Tha owner is requested to Some forward, aura nrop- rty and take kaf apay, or be will he disposed of JTr..tviii., Oc, ln7J..jj t ' ) ru Cooij, fit. WM. REED, ., ti MABRET BTREKT, ., - i i . . i a t CLEARFIELD, PA., TITII'L epan thla week aa immense atook of I T all desaripliona of DRY GOODS, j NOTIONS, ' ' TRIMMINGS, i MILLINERY and ' ', FANCY GOODS, FURS, '"'.? MISSES' and' 1: 7 ' 'CHILDREN'S " ' SHOES, . io , ic, 4c.,' Ac. . Buying my goodi in Kew York, (lie ami of At artel; keeping a reliable elaas of goods) acll ing goeda at eloso eaih Hguret, and conducting buslneaa in a thorough baolnoas manner, X hope to merit the conOdcnee or CASH Bl'TEHS throughout the eonoly NO TROUBLE TO SUOW GOODS. Call nnd ex s mine my stock and be eonvtneed of the truth of my assertions. ; sept25 WAf. REED. 1872. 1872. s ( FALL & WINTER GOODS '. AT J, M. KRATZER'S. ; immemte Stock of flood of every aeseripnon. Woolen Goods, same price as befare. tha ad- raaee ia wool. Mualina at reduced priera. Drese Qoodj in grcateet rarlety.--- - Mourning Quods of all klnda. ' Black A'lpaeaa, at all prices. Illaelf Silks; Ttry cheap. 1 Waterproofs, Talreteens, Plaid aad plaia lan- nels, Shirting Flannels, io. Table Linen and A'apklaa, Irish Linaaa, 10-4 Sheeting and Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Itep Shewliand Scarfs, Striped Shawls at all prima. 1 Paisley Shawlikilngla ."and double, t to )60. Drasa Trianaalags, Frlngea, Lacea, Talret Rib bons, Velroteena, ae. Full line of the celebrated "Joarphiae Seam- laaa" Kid (itarea, Kid Qloroa froaa tl an. LaeW Neek Ties, Collars, Runllag, Ilalr Dralda aad Saitahea. lilies' and Children's Ueriae Cndcr.wear. Mlaue Foy's, Thompson'a, Ulere-Fltting It Ip Gore and other Corsets.' Alio, Hoop lkirts, Panierf, Ac large itoek of Carpets and Wall Papere. Shoes and Gaiters, lame quality aa heretofore. "The beat are tha ebiapast," Balmoral and other knitting yarns, and other articles, loo numerous to mention. Viirrhaeera will And a greater rarletj of goods thnn ia usually found ia una store. Call and examine. - -Clearlleld, Sept. IK, l.rt. 11 It ECONSTHUOTED. DANIEL STIiWART & SON flsrlitr piirehstird the Chonp Cloth ion IIoquo of Ifoso L. Hoirenpleiii, hsvo Jlit lrrait and best ainortmtDt of MuurMturoduoods In tb county, sod cso soli tbeir READY MADE CLOTHING, tnr Mto. Dos snd Children, SO Civ NT, CHEAPER Than any other buunc In Ihr coonty. Thoy will alwayi kwp on hand a large and sl sgant ajsortmnt of GESTir FUJixismya goods, COLLARS, TIES, . , TIUWKS," "( i . . f ! I. VALISES, . . ,., ' " ' r " 4r, Ac. OF THK LATEST STTLIIS AJID PATTKRN. If you want to get good and etllh Clothing, at low figure, do not lail to call at their etteb llihment before spending your money elsewhere. Itelaeutbaar the pUee. ' - I eurT7J liANIKL STFWART t SOX. t MVKItLE AM) ST0E YARD! Mrs. B. 8. LIDDULL, Havtn engaged la tha Marlile business, desires to Inform her friends nnd the public that aha baa now and will keep constantly on hand a large and wall aeleeled stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARRIiE, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AN'P CRADLE TOMDS, MONIMENT8, Curbs aad Peata for Cemetery Lais, Window Sills and Cape, alee, BURKAU, TATII.I AND WASH STAND TOPS, e, Aa. tea. Terd nn Reed street, Bear tha R, n. Depot, uearaclit, 1'a. ; J7,7I Luthcrsburg Marble Yard ! THK sabsorlbor rsnotfully announces u this aosnmnnity aad the public fenrall that ha Is now oilaaslrrly n fused In the saanufMtnre of Monuments, Head aoJ Iroot 6Uaa Htand, Table and Buirasi Tops, aU. No hljhnr IHbata aaa bo paid to a deaeased relet If or friend thaa tho eree tioa of aa aadurinc slab as a wiineaa o a a bora yentratioas wbsre Oiay bete laid him or her. . 1 baye fOf-fd Mr Jphq W, Uahataa as y a rut to ll. and tp wtfTi; Fqrkmspihin and skill many tan arar ltc Prderi uIUiftd and promptly, filled. Wot Jjsptored wnerp rr d plrsd. Latbersbarg, Vf)hsr It, U7. ' J i yr. pVIM, afOloa Bopa, Pgaija a la my actborised Agent fo the fale of rroieoTi a fain rami, laaoniy iasun reiier ana nanaaaeat aura of all kinds af Paia. Also WoL. eott'e Aaalpltator for the radical core or Catarrh aaa oli in, fi Head. R. b. WOI.COTT. ftj 3 III Chtlhaai fqaaratRawTerk. garflwsrt, tiswart, it. Hr Ft BUGLER & CO., n a nis w a he, Alee, Maaafaaturarsaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAtriILP, PA, LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Banana, OoUara, sta., for aala by - H. F. BIQLER A Ql. pALMER S PATENT UNLCiAD- Ing Hay Forks, for aala hy j U. T. BIQI.ER CD. 1 e QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Halls, ata., tor aala by ' ' it. r. PIOLER & CO. JJARNES3 TRIMMINGS k SIIOE - Findings, fur sale Vy ' II. F. BIQLER i CO. 1 QUNS, PI8TOLS, S WORAD CNES. ' . .'For aala by 1 -i ;'l ... II. F. BIQLER A CO gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Slaaa, for aala hy u. r. BlULER 4 CO. ' JUON! IRON! IRON! IRON! For (ale by U. F. BIGLER al CO. ORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE RAILS, for sale by II. F. BIQLER 4 CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad best Maaafactara, for aala by '-' II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. MIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aala by U. F. BIQLER & CO. RODDER CUTTERS for aalo by rn30 70 II. F. BIQLER ft CO. (durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR; GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Till FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will eommenoo Monday, September 2d, U72. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Wrltlng.Objeol Les sons, Primary Arilhmetie and Primary Geography- $7 VO History, Local and dnaeriplWo Ueograpby with Map Drawing, urammar, Montal and Written Arithmetic ......... ff oa Algebra and the Beieneei 19 00 Instruction In Instrumental mnsia 10 ot Oil painting, 14 lessoaa 11 10 Wai work I CO For full partieulara aend for Circular. -Clearlleld, Sept. 7, 1870 ljpd. ' CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and FesnaU Claw lea I lllgb Bcbool. IUfh Department Separate. Dtatlact aad Com pi eta In Itaelf. THK srholastlo year of this Iaxtitutlon Is di vi ae 0 imo two mnuoi oi nv months (twrnty. oat woths) each. Tho first session Mnnrnors oa the first Monday In 8optambr tha sosond.on the flrft Monday la Vsbruary. . Th eottrsa of Luairuouoa onbraoas m tLtsg naerwary to a thorough, araetical and aocnmplish td sducaUoa of both soxos. Pupil will bo admitted at anytime and shargod from datt af entrant t tbs clone of the sctrtnD. Mo dedoetion will bo mad for absence, rxoopt la easos of rxtxaue and protracted iUnere. Htndrnts from a distance, can be aooummodated with board at low rata. For particulars, send for eimnlarn, or aiMrens Her. P. L. 1IAUKIHON, A. M.. July 36, IflTI-tf. Prinelpal. II E LA KG EST A3.SOUTMK.NT OF , . .i ' erer brought to the eouoty, are being received at thnllardwaraEaUblisbmenlofll. f. IIICLER ah CO., comprising the following Cook Stores : DEAR'S CALORIFIC SUSQUEHANNA.' ' . REGULATOR. N0PLE EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH. ; . ;) ' GOV. PEXN. MEAUiNO, ' ' NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC' ' Also, tho following Heating Stores! SPEAR'S AN Tl CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. 8PEAR-8 ORBICULAR. SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, , 'i . MORNINO LIGHT, BlN TON, ' GirSEV, , VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' " riAuraiN ego, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, rUOENIX. HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE 1UXIM STOV&S, AC. Cleardeld, Sept. ii, H7J. PLOUlf, FEED, TcT TUB BBUCAHIA FLOURING MILLS, The andersined would respectfully glra no tloe to thecitlaena of Beeearia township and sur rounding country, that he haa purchased the Beeearia Flooring Mills 'and put CTerjtklag la oompleW arde aad la mannfeotarlag a (rat-olaes quality of Flour. ' CUSTOM WORK PONE, , and Floor la qnaatity eonstaatly oa hand fur sale, CHOP, CORN MEAL, P.RAN, AC, kc. always oa hand and tor aala wholesale or retail an "Ir-cii Hittr.i.Ka wanted.- w lit eseDMige eionr ana L.oop lor 10' lack Shingles, or will pay part money, If dialled 10:1-11 BARNABAS ARMSTRONOj' ADMIHIKTIIATONH' OTICK.oUee la hereby g ivea that leUara af admialatratioa e aetata of Laviaa HAaTi.iaooa, dee'd, lata of Ut4j leanship, Clearoeld eeenly, I'ene'e,, baring been duly granted U the aadersigned, all persona Indebted to imid eilate will please make Immediate payment, and thoee baring dalma or demands will p resell them pfop.rly naUenUeatod -V. 4' Admlaistnstor, " Ret! if staff (or $U. SALE OR RENT t 4; VALUABLE FARMS, IN CLEARFIELD COCHTT, OFFERED FOR SALE OR REM. The aadiralgnad offers for sale ar rant the following named farms, situated la Ulrard town ship, Olaarlald county, Pa , rls 1 ' Jj I. Kaoaa aa tha "Old Coudrlet Farm," a Back Uua, ooalaluing about KM) Acrea, about bO aerea being cleared and under a good state of eultiratioa 1 the balance la Umber. . No.S. Knowa as the "Clodla Roussalut Farm," eontalning about KM) Aerea, about 40 acres of which are cleared and under a good state of ealiirutlon, and the balance well Umbered. Ko, 3. Known aa tha "Lamb Farm," baring about 1C0 aores alearad and under cultivation. No, 4. Known as tha "lid. Woolrlch Farm," containing about 13U Acrea. a large portion of which la cleared and under oultiratioa, the bal a nee being timbered. Koa. I. S and 3 hare dwellinea, barns and other improvemanla thereon erected, aad all fuur hare orebarda, springs and streams of running water on them. Reasonable trrme la tha matter of paymeala, and possossioa given oa April 1st, lo7J. tar further Information call on or andrese . . L.M. COLUHIKT, augl Sm ' Frcnchrllle, Cleardeld Co., Pa. 1 PUBLIC SALK! HEAIi ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. TheaadcrslfTrd will sell at Public sale, at his residence, at tha mouth of Saadv. In Co ri or ton t)wah.p(oa SATURDAY, OCTOBKR 19, 1873, tho folio wi D nersoaal proper. r. tin One team of Horses and aarntss, three cows, cifht head of young came, 10 sneep. 10 hoff, on timber Sled, tsie pair lof whoeis, log ehaias, pair ofjrrabs, crn plow, outline; 001, eross out saw, grain era Ule, abeat by tha baihil, raflinf tool, t food boats, aina beds and brddinf, one egj store, one owning store, aaa otner articles. Will alio sell at tho same time, the fullowlna dffshbrd real rstate, ritnats In Corinfton lown- ibip, Clearheld eunnty, ra.Jjinf along the Sua qorbanna river and Hody run, adjoining binds uf C. Barmoy, J. U. Rougrar, T. 11, Forney and W. A. Wallace, etrntaioing 3113 Acrea, hating bout bt) nerea cleared and in a good late or culti ration, and the batanoe baviug a targe quantity of w titnoor thororn. i ne iiiinrovrmeuts eonsiit ol a Tavern 8tand, &2iM0 Paw Mill, la running omcr, and all ine neecesary outbuildings erected thereon. The hutel haa a larger run of euitom than any otter bote) bclweun Clearfield and Iock Uaien, anu is well known to all watermen. An siotl lent rein of coil U now open, and Are oiay and irt'n ore are aho anioug tlw minerals. The railing neacn, is out or tbo nnost along the liter, rents fur a considerable sura annually. Will alio sell, at the sama time, another tract. containing tea acres, adjoining the above. Persons desirous of purchasing will bo shown over tha premiaes by timing tha undersigned at any lima beforo tho day of sale. nale will enmmenoa at V o oloch a. as. of said day. The terms, which will be liberal, will bo made knowa oa tbo day of sale, or by anr-niatloa 10 ue unaarstguca ia n n RiM B FLVVU, Corlngtua townabip, Kept. 18, 1S7J.-4U BoggmTownshlp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'Sl E riRTBODT trying to get there (rat, for feat '1 of beiag crowded oat lata the cold. It yoi want good Shoeing done, go to Banna If yoaeant yonr Sleda ironed right, goto Baana If yea want good Mill Irons, go to Baaat If you rant your wagon ironed ia lot beat strlmnd workmanship, ga to Banna Unto mabea the beet Stump Machine In the Stile, and doea all klnda of ULACKMM ITIIINU aa ebip aa ean be dene la tho county for Cash. aiy root UBoe aadreaa la Diearnild, Pa. THOMAS BBKRS. Bortf Tp., t.e. II, llT-tf. "Lay down tlio Shovul und tlie Hoc." 11UKMA S 10RX ri.WTER. Thii Ingenious thaebine, for wblnh a rateatbas just berti Uxuedt ii is confidently believed will ia- nerKds all otbers ia ss or oHrred 10 tbo pnblto. It is lonstructrd so tbat it furrows, ulauts and sows 11 a lima, at equal distances apart, both ways, dmppitg four, fivo or six graina ia each hill, as tho wirker way determine before oamtncciTios;, oorcrir the oura when dropped, smoothing down its ewi furrow and leaving the ground ia better conrliti thaa beforo planting. It if la tltelf a eosnplete se worl Uf mnthim, rrtjalrof Bo hired anietaoca and doing tho work better aJ with greater regularity aad preeiaioa than I aould possibly La dona by baad, at less tbaaoia-tonth tba Ulur. AoyVoily tbat caa drive, with this Planter can go latoa Bold prepared for corn aad furrow, drop aad C"?r tea to flfleea acrvs daily, its capacity being I saiteJ only by the dibtanea a leaia can be steadil'tdrivea. tt is eoastruoted tbat when But pltiating or in turning at the end of tha fur row, bia mere touch It is raised off Ihe ground, (brownout of grar and moved backward or fur ward,varre yuu may want it, w I: bout dropping the oon or tcuvbing (be earth. Praaiaally il ignores men, hors and Mows la com p at ting, and anak?s that whU-li has hereto, fora btfa hard labor a mora tiaitlme fur a boy, or about k'tlthy o.terciic fur a laxy man. IniMtun of tho Pltntrr con-tructcJ by the pat entrlflordialy solicited, and county, Ktata or tndividiJ fights for aula, at low rates, to expedite its inti atiA.iiifl. AillnSj 11 K I Ii KN UACKMAN.ratrBtet, Hii Itn Clearfield, I. Thb Lightning Tamer. I THI abdcrilgoed ara the sola Agents la thli caff for tbeNrth Amsrlaon tialvanlied LiailT.-flNG RODS." Tbana ara the only safe rods Dow ia use. and ara endorsed by all ths ctentifMrneo in tho country. Wa laraby aottry tao oHUene or tna county that wewlll put them np a bettor rod, and foi less ttiacy, than Is charged by tho foreign agents who annually traverse tha county aad carry our Itttlo rash, never to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. V thoH wishing llehtnina Rodi erected aa tbeir batldinga need hut addreae at hy letter, ar call la perraa. Wa will pal them up anywhere liHkeeeunty, aad warrant them. The Hods aad Ym lures aaa ho seen at nap time by calling al ost store. H P. BIULKR CO. ClearBeld, March It, 'Miss E. A. P. Rynder, i aaaiT roa i - CblcksHag's, Btalnway's and Emersca's Pisa as mtu s, Mason a Hamltn's and I' el ou bet's i 'Orgaas and Melodtoas, and Urorar 4 Baker's Hewing Machines. I also taacaaa ar DIUIA. anlt U...aa. anj Veuaal if.. sir.' No pupil taken for loss thaa half a term. tKoomp uppoiit (lulich's 'urnltaro More. Clsarleid. M-y A, lantr-tf. H, F. N AUOLE,. MATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer In Vfttchos, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver I find IMatod Waro, &c, ' jlin. CLEARFIELD, PA., IIHIWIMJT1tiN Off PARNKHSHIP. f Tlie partnership heretofore exiiting between a. Reed and Unbert Heed, doing bulinell nnder thr Orm name nf Reed Bene., la this day diisoleed or mntoal onneent. The honks being ip the bands oi Robert Rent, persons Indebted to Ihe laid One .ill call and make Immediate settlement. September II, 1871. Rhh'D BROS, William Reed will continue the dry goods ha at the old stand, where yea will Sod busl- nrss conducted nvire actively than before. Bee aJrcrtisemeut In this iuiie. WM. HEED, Cleerteld, Sept. 1), 1S71. " 1 C.BHT WASTBn.rsVa inaraatee I empiojmeat For all, aih,er aea, at H aar it It.Otul or au. a taaa. l!ew Works by Mrs. H B oiy at, aaa othan. vnpafh rremiumsieai away. Money aiade rapidly nd 'flty at work ear aa. IT rite and eea ' Pnelleelere free. VQr?T'nrT0N, OUHTIII Co ,rpt5.Bi . . flartford, Connecticut, frttji sad 'Stdlrisri. 1MB IitTBIT MOVBI THE LATEST MOVE ! tr. , HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DflUG STORK, To their new building oa Second Ptrect, nearly opposite tha store or weaver veils, - CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to supply Uirlr old aad as many new customers as may come, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL FREPARATIOK8, (Including all new remedies,) ' Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, fllais aad ratty, Hcnool Books, stationery, Paper, Ac; also, a full line of Drug gists' Sundries! Hair Tonics, . Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toll-t Artlcl-, Brother, Toilet beeps, rocket Boons, ., all or tho beet quality f PURE WMES AXD ZlQVOItS, " lot medical A aaoramoatal purpoeea only. Pure White 1-ead, Colors nf all hinds. Raw and Boilid Linseed Oil, Varnlshoa, forpen tlne, Coal Oil, Paint A Varntiu Brushes, Flavoring ' Eitracta, Confcetlencrlcs, Bird Seed, Pploe, ground aad UDgrouMU, ui u aiuM. . SMOKERS AND CIIEWEUS ' ' ' ' i J'f I, Will ft ad oar stock of Chewiag aad Smoking Tobaooo, Imported and Do mestic Cigars, a'auff aad Kioe-eat to be of the very bait brands la the market. LAMPS AND CIIIMNEY3, AD kiads of GLASS WARB, GARDEN 8ERDS, , : aUL'BICAL IKBTRUJIUKT8 aad Musical Trimmings of ovary variety. Hating a long sxpcrlcaoo In the but! nets, aad an astanalv and arell aaleoted stock of medicines. wa ara enebted to 111 Physicians' prescriptions at tne shortest notice aaa oa tae most reasonable terms, day and night. HARTSWICK 4 IRWIN. Clearfield. Pa.. May SI, U7 1 -If. . P. T. 1. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. I)It. ItOYEIt.S PiR. ! ' v' WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, plcaaant and health gmng Tonic atrlctly trgetahle, and maaafactured from the most pure and choice matcrlale la not a spirit drink aor anbstltuta for whisky, but a sclcntiHe compound, for tho protection of th system aad tha enre of allseaee, made from chemically pure rplrlta, entirely free from all or other Irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delieato etotnach. A loog private caperi ence haa attested Ita Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bittera at preernt offered to the public contains so lunch medioinal virtue, and yet eo safe aad plcaaant In take, lis me ii to aura dlaeaaa, and It will net crmttc aa appetite for apirituons liquors, but will cure the effeoti of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, VFE IT. ' To promote Digestion, TSB IT. To cure Dyspepsia, ; . , , , I'SE IT. To cure Ferer and Ague, I'SX IT. To cure Itilllou.noai, VHlt IT. To cure Constipation, I' PR IT. To cure Chronic Dlarrhora, . I SE IT. . To cure Heart burn, ' t'SE IT. To cure Flatuleneo, I'SE IT. To euro A.ld Kructatlons, I'SE IT. Ta aura Ketrnua Debility, l'"B IT. To aura llydocheodria, U8E IT. To cure Sallowncaa of Completion, I'BB IT. Ta intra Pimples and Blotches, I'SE IT. For General Proitratlon f ihe , Physical powera, ' CSfi IT.' and It will aura yon. f , Bold arery where, at $1.09 per bottle, Manu factured eiclasircly by A. I. SHAW, .. .. , Prngglsl, . . 1( , f . 1 - ' CLEARFIELD, PA., ' ' " ' Who offers liberal Inducements to Ihe trade. Oct. 17, l:tf. pTEW S T O 11 K v IN 1IOUTZDALE! P. OALLAnilRR having lust relumed from the eaat wilb an entire new and complete assort ment of Merchandise, snilable lor Vlutcr and rlprlng trade, which haa been eewoted with great eare and bought al low rates, Is prepared to fur nish tha oitiaens or uoutsuiuo and vtciniiy wiia gondi al a rary light advance op flrat cost fnt eash. Country Produce and Bhinglet taken al market price. Call and examine my clock aehra p, rehealog eleewaere. 'P. SALLAQJ1BR. . HoaUJale, Pa., Feb. J8, lBTS-lj CAtmotl. All psreens are hereby aautioa ad agalasl purehaaing oa in way meddling with oao eoek atova, one patch of potato, oe. gua and I hogs, now lu the possession of Christe peer 0. Neff, aa the aama were purohesrd hy me, at eoaetablee aala, aad are lofl with laid Maf ap loan only, eubjent ta my aeder. . . JACOB II.BEPI, Chest tawathlp, tept, ti, U7l,-te , , . . $rf Cojfls, aSrsrrirs, tt. i. r. waaraau w. w. acrra. I ' 7 ! '' .' T, ' I 'Hi WEAVER A BKTTft I' 'CLEARFIELD, TA., -,S Are alferiag, at the aid stand of O. L. Reed Co, their stock of goods, consisting of " DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, ; BOOTS SIIOE8, IIAT8 k CAT9, HARDWARE, QCEBN8WARE, iilivwii Ajjuif uAaiXf uau., iavu. At the most reasonable rates for CASH or In j exchange tot. j ' ' 1 ' ' F Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR C0UKTRT PRODUCE. f ' aT-Adranoea made to thoee engaged In get. ting out square Umber ea tha moat advantageous terms. pdtllanT a. a. aaxoto w. aoaa n.aranoaii. "Cheaper than the Cheapest T COODS AT REDUCED TKICES just aacairan ar Arnold A Iarthorii, (Ona door wast of First National Bank,) Cl'HWESII.VIl.LE, PA. HA VINO Just returned from tha aaat with a aomplala aseortmaal of Oooda suitable for Spring aad Summer trade, wa are now ready to furalah all kinds of Oooda "Cheaper than the Cheanestl'l And after thenMng aar aastosaere for their liberal patronage during tha past year, wa would moat resjectfullj aak for a eoatlaoaaee of tha aama. Our Stock eonsists of a complete acaortment of Dry Oooda, Notions, Hardware, Queoaaware, Willowwara, Orocailes, Boot, ar Shoaa, Hall A Capa, Clothing, Tobaeeoe, Aa. ' Also, Flour, Bacon, Bali, Flak, Qraia, ata. All af whlh will ha reld oa tha most reaeea- able terms, aad the highaat mai ket price paid for Oraln, Wool and all klnda of Lumber aad Ceantry P reduce. afPlease give ar a call before purehaaing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaraatcad aa ta price and a.nality."nha ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Mala aad Tbompeoa Streeta, apria CURWENBTILLR, PA. ptBACU IN EIIEOFEI , . atr 1 ORBAT EXCITEMEXT IN FRENCHYILLE I Tha bloody otpt(. Knlwra? Fronoo snd rrussls is st au ontj for (bo prwmt, so rr as tbo slough toriog of nen aad too dost root ion of proport is rued. Tho Roal Jagft'rs no doubt prids thrmtelvias and rrjoteo over tho rosnlt, hot how insignifteftol is tbsir work when eoapatod Srith tot ouraous anu onnitiaa enors oi L. M. COUDRIET, who has andertakea to supply all tho tltlsons ia ths lowtrr sad of tho eowntj with fbod and raiment at f xrjtHint low ratn fraa his nasaoaoih storo In Ml'LHOMH H(), when ho ean always bo fonad readj to wait npon callers and lupplj tbsia with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sash as Cloths, Sstinetts, CassWts, Muslins, aVolatnos, Linon, urllllngs, Calicoes. Trimmings, Ribbons, Laco, Readj-ioade Cloth ing. Doots and Shoes, Hats and Cai.s all of tho best material and mado to orda Uoso, Books, Uloros, Mittens, Lacos, Ribbons, Ae. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffse, Toa, Sugar, Itino, Uulaasss, Fish, Salt, 1'orfc, unsoed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Uil. Hardware, Quoonswaro, Tin waro, Castlurs. Plows and flow Caitingi, .Nails, buikas, Uorn Caltira- w, viuui ivmmtWf auav aMI KlalUsl W dnh AWa Ptrfomery, Patnts. VarnUh, Glass, and a general aaiortmcnt ot b la Mailt ry, GOOD FLOUR, Of dilfiTent brands, always on hand, and will be aold at tba loweat possible figures. LIQUORS, such as Brandy, Wine, Oin, Whisky, Jayne'a Medicines, HosUtter'a and lloofland's Hitlers. MI00 pounds of Wool wanted for whloh the hlgbeal price will be paid. I'lorerseed oa hand and for aaie at tne lowest market price. Also, Agent for StrattonilUe and Cnrwensrllla Threshing Marhinea. feevCall and h. for youraalves. Toa will lad everytamg asuaiiy kept in a retail store. t 1.. M. COUDRIET. Frenchvllla P. 0., March 1, 1871. Cheap JFurnltnrt?. . JOHN GUL1CU rvlSlRES to Inform kls old Meads and ens U tomiri, that having enlarged hit shop aad Increased hla facilities for anenuiacrartng, ha Is now prepared to make to order aneh Furniture as may be d. sired, la good atyl and at .heap ratal ror CAHH. lie generally aaa oa need, at his Furniture noma, a varied assortment of ready. BUREAUS AND 81 DE-BOARDS. Wardrobe. end fleck-Cases) Centre, Sofa, Parlor, preeeiaai ana aiming aateaaion raniaai Cam. mon, Frenok pot, College, Jenny. Llnd and ethil Dedtleedsi Br.faa af all klada, Werklanda, llat-racka, waaa-isaaaat nockiac ana Arm' Chaire t enrlng-saet, oaaa hoUom. aarler. com' menandotherChairai Looking. Ulassae af everv deerripttoa ea hand aad new glaaaaa for aid fremee, which will ba pal la oa very reaaoaakla terms on shnrteal notion. Ha also keeps oa hand or furnishea to ordir, Corn-kn.k, Ilalr and Oct. toatop Mai tresses. Coffins of Every Kind Mad. to order, and fhaerala alteaded wltk a H.arie wkeaeverdeetred. Alee, Hoaae Palnllna dona la order. Tka aahaarlber also maaafae. tares, and haa eeaataatly aa head, Clement's relent waaning mamma, tha neat new ia aaa I rho.e aalng thla machine never need ta wltk. out clean clothe. I II, alio haa Flyer'a Patent mora, a superior article. A family aslng thli nam never neea oe wttnout auuar Ail tho a be re aad maay other articles are far alshad to customer, cheap for Case ar egohaaged rer approved eoantry produea. (.harry, maple, Poplar, Llawood and clear Lumber sellable for Cabiaat work, lakea ia nehaaga for faraltar. Mr-Remember the shop la aa Market street. Cleerleld, Fa and aaarly opposite tho "Old Jew Store." JOHN Vl'LICH. November In, 1H1 y . i 1 1 i i 1 1 . lalvrry Ntnblc. THE undersigned begs leave ta Inform the pah lie that he la now f allv a.eeiaia tneeeomBM- daleall ia the way of fnnil.htng Heroea, Baggiee. Baddlea ana Jlemees, oa tho ahorteat sntleo aaa nn reaaainahle termi. Reaidaaoa ea Loouil a treat. Iwlwaea miva ana roana. OHO. W. ORARUART. lleerfield, April 11. 1807. rpRR DRMOCRATIO ALMANAO for IM X ' and 18SI for aala at tka Post OBIea. pr ce u oa nls. Mailed to aay address. SstfU. SHAW noTJSB, (Cor. of Market A Front streets,) Cl.KAKriLl, r. Thla maa-nileeat Hotel la entirely a.w, eeaa plate ia all ita appalatamU, aad aoaTowieat to the Court Hoaao. A free Ometbee raaa to aad rem tha Depot aa tho arriral and departure af aeohteoin. hlRK. E. 0. OLKalBMrt, April 10. If,!. . . . yroprieueas,. WASHINGTON 110USK. NEW WASOINQTON, PA', Thia as aad well famished hoaea haa been tahea hy the anieraigned. Ha feela eonldeat of being able to reader eatiefaottoa to thoee who may ' lavor aim with a ceil. -M.7 , 1B7J. O. W. DAVIS, PropY, 1 REVERE HOUSE, B URN8IDK, FA. ' " '" The aahoerihar baring balK a new Hotel, with : all modem impraeemeata, as ptipaiad to naeieo gueiU. The table will he supplied with tha boat in the anarketi the bar with the chooioMt liaj aasa. Good stabling nttacbed. apr5-ly A. H. SCHAEFFEB, PraaV. ' THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL: ! MARSBT Sr., CLKAHFIKLD, Ta. flHIS large and oommodioua new hotel hal X. been opened for the aceommodatioa af tha public, where the proprietor will he glad to meet ' hie eld frietida, aad melee a abaro of public pat , runagc. By atrict pereonal attention to the do ' tails of his bueiacae, ho hopes to bo able to rendel aatisfactioa to his patrons. Tho TABLE will alwaya be bountifully aupplied with the beat that ean ha procured ia tha market, und tho BAB will oontaln a full nock of LIQUORS, BEB, Ac , Uood stabling attached. - , . CARPER LEIPOLDT, Clcartrld, March I, 18C-ly Proprietof. THE MANSION HOUSE, CaraarefSeoaad aad Market Streeta, ' C1.EAB FIELD, PA, ! Till 3 old aad commodious Hotel baa. during, tho pact yeer, hoaa tnlarged ta doable lu former capacity for tka eatertaiemene of etraa. gera and guests. Tha whole building haa been, reforniahed, nnd tha proprietor will .pare aa peine ta render hla gui.U aoaafortabU while ataylag with him. Mr The "Mea.loa Hoe.." Omaihoa rana to., aad from tha Depot oa Ihe arrival and departure; of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, . apra-Ta tf . : Froprtatorr T EONAKD nOUSE, ' ' , J Near the Railroad Depot, ' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. I This house is large, well furnirbed, nnd pearly new, nnd the Proprietor foils confident of render ing satisfaction to gnosis. N. B. Good stabling couueoted with the hotel. o4-71 . 6. B. BOW, Proprietor. ST. CIIAIILES HOTEL, ' . (Opposite R. R. Depot,) ' '' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. . , The undersigned, having become 'f ropriotor of thia house, la now ready to entertain etrangwra aaa travalera, and therefore loltrita aojonrnera lo gin him a call. Ilia Table will be supplied with the beet the market alforda, and his Bar will aoew tain tho choicest of winea and liquota. Kxtoneivr atabling ia attached.' Charrea moderate. Jaal0'72 - JAMES McLAUflflLIN. , WESTERN HOTEL Opposite tha Coart Ilouao, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A.' Aoeomaodetlone first-lass and charrea moderate, oet 1 JOHN.F. VOCNO, Praprletoa. JONTOUIt HOUIB., , - Opposite the Conrt Hoaae). - 1 -LOCK HATES, PK.NN'A." JeU'Tl OAl'SEAC A KROM, Prop's. JROCKERHOFF HOUSE, , BELI.EFONTE, PA., ' "D. JOHNSTON ai 80NS,'f oet25'71 ' ' j Proprietor.. RA1LEOAD HOUSE, . , Meln Street, " " PHILIPSBURO, PENN'A. The andersignad keeps aonstantly aa head tha beet of Liquora. 11 is table la alwava aapplkedi with tha best tha market aterda. The) traiaiiaai p.blU will do wall ta give aim a Mil aovl.'OS. KOBART LLOTD. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, , ; . CURWESSVILLR, , , ' 1 Clearfield county, Penn 'a. " Thia old aad wall aatablilhed Motel, beautifully -situated ou the banke of the Sueqncbauna, in the borough of Cnrwenarille, haa been leaeed for a term ol year, by Uw undersigned. Jt haa bona entirely refitted, and la now open to the public generally and tho traveling community in par ucaiar. No paina will b. spared to render gucsta comfortable while tarrying at thia houea. Ampin Stabliog roam for the accommodation of teaaie, Charges muderate. Sept. s, iart-tr. 1 eli bloom. TOOT AJSD SHOE MAKING. JJ - PHILIP WEAVER, 'nn 'Market atet. la Shaw'a Row, Claarteid. Pa., haa jnat received a Ina lot of French Calf Sties aad Kips, tha best la the market, and la new prepared ta aaaa, afaetaro everything la bia Una. lie wilhwaa-. rant hla work to be aa represented. Tha of Clearfield aad vicinity as respectfully invited to give kirn a anil. VYerk doae al ahort aotiee. :ll'rJy ' SEW , BOOT AXD SHOE SUOr. ' EDWARD MACK. ' Coa. MARKET A Sd Sri, CLEARFIELD, Pi. TUB proprietor haa entered lain tha BOOT at 8HOB businaea at the above etand, and s determined not ta no aatdoae eilkerla qaal ity ar price for bia work. Special' atleaiioa will ba paid to maaufaernring Sewed' work. Ho baa on hand a largo let of Breneb Rip nnd Calfskins, of tka vary heal quality. Tbeelil. tens of Clearfield nnd vicinity era raorjeotlully Invited to give him a trial. No-charge ful ealla. aevt,' -tf : . , "I SAAC JOHNSON & SONS J. : . ' - i us ! u t Mannfacturera and Dealera in- . Boots and Mho col Ladles', Mi. us' and Children's 0 a iters. Men's, Boys' and AVomea'a Tleavy Boota, anal Brognaa, Ac, Ac. Store and .bop oa Ber-and ttreet, nearly oppo site II. F. Bigler A Co.'a hardware store, Feb. JS, 1872-ly CLEARFIELD, PA. D. J. CROWELtV Mannfaetnrer of tka D IT. Ball Bolting Mactia. and tha SIDE CLI 8HINGLE MACHINE, la cut from II to t inches, and HeeaeHl ander Rverat'a patent, Jolntara, Drag-Saw Maehlnaa and Oenaral Mill Work, Siuaemahoalnj, Cauorw on enunly. Pa. Repairing of MaahiBM and general Caitnay Work doae to ordeiaaa- . Clearfield Nursery. 1-as'UOUl.AGE HOME INPUSTRT TUB aadsrslgaed, having establlshsd a NaT aery aa the 'Pike, about halfway aetweeap Clearfield and Curwanavllla, Ii prepared ta far. aiih all klndi nf FRUIT TUEKS, (standard and dwarf,) Bvargrwna, 8krbbery. Urape Vlaee, Oooaehorrlea, Lawtoa U lark bear v. Strawhom. aad Raeberry Vlaee. A l.e, Siberian Crab Treaa, Quiaee. aad early scarlet Rhubarb. A a, 0data promptly alteaded ta. Addraaa, 4. Pa WRItMT. aap..y . . Carwenivilli, Pa VDMI NISTR ATtlH'R NOTIC F-Na.llea is hereby given tbat letteraef admlniatrntion on th. .state of David Hrre, deeeesrd, lata af the borough of Clearlleld, Clearfield oonaty, Pn.r having beea duly granted to tho aadereigaad, all paraonn Indebted to aald estate will plonaa wake immediate payment, aad tbaaa having alaimi or demand, will PTient them properly aatkanlioaud for laulemaul wlUieut delay. MAllUlB n. BlJth. 1 ' Bept. 4, U71 at ' Admialaaaatvis. OSCK0LA STEAM MILLS, LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. . , H. H. BniLLtNUfDUB, Draaitlent, 0Ow-Forest Plaoa, No. lit B. 41b at, PkU'a, JOHN LAVfBIir., Oeaeral Sup't, , Oseaola Mills, Claarteid aaanty, Pa, LANK COMTAIlFfCft POR salt at inin nnirfi. . , ,