THE REPUBLICAN. gry good, mtttnUt, SU. , Jrutistry. irtf oo(Js, Gtuttltt, tt. , CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO, OCT. I, Wit. kJ-iUttU ...J.UIJB ? COPBTESY. Nowhere is well-bred eoarteay, or the lack of it, more observable than In traveling. On the steamboat and in tho cars the quiot obsorvor easily do ted those wbo hare boon educated under refloat influoncos, or those wbo without speoial cultivation, are pos sessed of native politeooM. It is not education alone, nor wealth, nor high social position, nor costly ; trappings tbat make one a pleasant traveling companion. There roust exist a kind ness of feeling toward strangers ; a general recognition of equal rights in the comforts and conveniences pro Tided for the public, and a quick dis cernment of the noeds of others. The gentleman wbo spreads out bis lug gage on a couple of Boats in the cars, and persistently reads his newspaper, determinate unconscious lhalotbors who have paid as muob as he has are looking in vain for a Beat, is as truly ill-bred as the country girl wbo noisily ata her pint of peanuts, scattering shells on seat and floor, utterly ro gardloss of the annoyance she gives her neighbors. In this democratic country we travol in publio convey ances too much ai if they wore our cwn private carriages. How often the eloventh and twelfth passengers in a city omnibus, who know they have full claim to a seat, aro discomforted by the out-spread garments, the. im movable attitudes, and the blank faces of those wbo happen to Lave entered the stage before thorn. Commou civil ity demands tbat a movement be made to give room until the whole complement is filled out; afterward courtesy and generosity will oAon prompt to attentions which justice may not require. It is surprising how much the comfort and pleasure of any journey, whether long or short, is en hanced by those little nameless cour tesies, wbich are offered instinctively and onoSiciously to strangors by re fined, well-bred travelers and by per sons in whom native tact and delicacy almost make up for lack of the edu cating and refining influences of good society. Summer journeying in crowd ed boats and cars is a lost both of pa tience and politeness. Thrice bnppy tboy who pass nobly through it, for their own sake, for the comfort of companions, and for the reputation of poor human nature in gonoral. Wheri Ben Butler Fought. Al though the negro debate at Cooper Institute, the other night, was a scurry affair, we are indobted to the administration champion Rev. II. II. Garaett, for one entirely new and startling fuat in oar history a fuot we venture to ssy as novel and inter esting to President Grant as to any body. It has boon among the "histo rical problems" of the war. Where rliH ftnnnrnt Rntlai. fll,l Wn. ; .1 .Baltimore or at Big Bethel f Or at New Orleans, after its capture for him by Farragut f Or was it on tho James, whore the distinguished General-in-Cbiof of our armies roports him to havo boon "bottled up I" So, it was at noi.o of these famous points that Garnett's piercing ray detected bira in the active dofonce of Lis country. Of -course not. Even his dusky auditors would have known bottor. But be alluded to our hero as "Bon Butlor, wbo fought among the clouds 1" There 50a have it, future MoCauley of your country. Ben Butlor fought among tho clouds. There is in our earlier history one other General who fongbt among the clouds, but didn't stay there. We believe bis name was Lu cifer. Springfield Republican. Tia Tbitb An a.w.knn,a. ..... . e" J - ' Br. Scboeppe, who has been tried the second timo for the murder of Miss Steinocke, at Carlisle, Pa., has been acquitted. He came as near hanging .as any man who has escaped, and ''very largely, in consequence of the testimony of medical and chemical ex ports, whose inferences were hastily drawn from examinations carelessly ni ado. Thoso who wore best acquaint ed , with nil tho fuels of tbe cao bo- Jieved in the innocence of the accused, and finally secured his socond trial, which has revorsed tbe decision of the first, and demonstrated tho ultor worlhlossnoss of tho testimony of those experts who contradict each other and hold the life of a human be ing as of fur loss aocount than tho f drugs tbey dabble in and tho theories they are hirod to maintain or oppose Thoro may bo a science of medicine; tout if anybody Imagines we have ouna 11 out, lie nas only 10 attend a . Jlrst-clttss murder-trial in which tnedi cai experts play a part, to, rocovor from thnl delusion. . . ..A Smart Business Man. When the President wrote a letter ta Colleo- tor Giiunoll, recommending Col. Loot , lor appointment as "gcncral-ordor' man in the New York Custom House, on the ground that the Colonel was ' timart "bntlnoss man," his exoolloncy i amo pretty near the mark; It ap ( T'tars from this gentleman's own evi dence thnt his sharp businoss talent has enabled him to make a very .."'good thing" out of his offlao, and it ooma from evidence collected from various New York merohants, that the general order business has y icldod from 250 to 800 per cent, more than the law allows, ' This'buslnesa man" tun beat the politicians at official t tiancierlng. Bailie Adams, a Newport belle, bas eliaoharged her lover for a month so 'iat she may eat onions. Down I Down II THE LAST, ARRIVAL AND OP C0UR8B TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I Wl an sow opening up a lot of tho boil ud most oeaaoneble Ooodt end Weret ever offered In this nukit. sad t arloes that remind one of tho rnod old deye of cheap things. Those who lack faith upon this point, or doom oar mill, gationt superfluous, need hut c.i li jit ovk stoke, ' Corner Front and Market slrools, Where thev ean see, feel, hear and know for them- eelvea. To full; understand what are cheap goods, this must be done, we ao nui aeon u neoessar to enumerate and Itemise our stock. It Is euougl fur us to state that We have Everything that 1b Needed and oonsumed In this market, and at prioei tbat eseonten nota oiu ana ynnng. deoJO JOKKI'II BIIAW A SON r. I. VILLUS!. A. a. rotruLL. MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAIL ' M E R C II A N T S, Graham 't How, Market St., C L R A R r 1 EL , PA. We would moot respeotfully Inform our friends, ouslomere, and the public generally, that we are sow book In our old quarters, which hare been remodeled and Improved, and wo aro sow pre pared to aecommodate all wbo may favor us by tailing. NEW GOODS1 We have just received one of tbe largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Cleats Sold county, which wo Intend to sell at such fig ores at will make It aa objeot for all persons to purchase from us. Families laving la winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, should eot fall to give us a oall, as wo feel oonldent our prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Our stock of GROCERIES oonilst of Coffees of the best quality, Teas, Su gars of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Bait, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spinet, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ao., to. Our stock of DRY GOODS it large and varied, and we will just lay wo can supply any article la that line, without eoomer tlng.' ready-made clothing Wo havo a largo stock of ready-mails Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very small advanoe oa cost. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queeaeware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Ooode, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac, Ac pG Being extensively engaged In tho Lumber buslnoee, wt are able to offer superior Inducements to Jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. ClearSeld, V., Jan. 1, 1971. N EW GOODS! Sew Firm at Wullaccton, Pa. JOHN HOLT & SONS Hart bought tb tntJro ttock of ffoodi from P. Gallagher, tnd tro receiving a general1 aitortment of utw gooiU from tbt Eastern aitlea, mob a ,DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS SHOES, HATS k CArs, ' BACOIt", FISH, BALT, FLOUR, FEED, ko., Ao., Ac, To exchange for Country Produce, Railroad Ties, Lumber or UAMl. uetober is, mil. JQANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHERSBIRO, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY k GLOVES, , HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES Tobaooo, Grooerlrs and Fish, Nails, Hardware, 4uocnewaro ana uiesswere, inen s and Boys' Clothing, Drog, Paints, Oils, Hchool Books, 1 a large lot of Patent Medicines, Candles, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack ers, Hock and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, . Clover and Timothy Seed, . Sola Leather, Moroeooa, Llnlnrs, Bindings and jnrtaa, Bnoomaaerr loots and Show Vlndings. Ko greater variety of goods la any store In tb coanty, AH for sal very low for easb or oonntrr proauoo at tae ineap corner. April 10, 1S7I. R E AD THIS! FLOUR, & FEED DEPOT ! The attention of tha eitlerai of Clearfield and vicinity Is directed to the felt that Ooodfellow A Son are the ee-eots of M. Nleea A Co,, and have Jest reeeired a half doten oar loads of Plour and reed, whioh they offer at the lowest pnnlbls Bg sies, A large stock of i. ' .. FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BOCKWRBAT FLOUR, BRAN, PoUtoee, Shelled Cora, Cora la tar, Ao., Ae. ' Parthmlar attention It called ta 11. Nleaa A Co.'e brand of Faaaily Floar, which k) too Aeet la kooj aaaaUas 1 Wonr aed FoaA aaa aal wtn be told cheaper than it eaa bo avtaauA elsewhere ta CiearSeld eowny. Sr"lora ot Market street, aest loot loa. arvia e rwsioenoo. OO0DFILL0W I0R, ' Areata fur At. Mian A Co JanlOtf ins XS0XTSZSS8 TIN AND STOYE STORE I G. S. FLEGALV1 i rfcilipstarf, Centre Couaty, Fa. rTlUK undersigned respoetfully announees to X too pubito tbat no nas on band a aare-fully-teleetcd aid well assorted (took of , r. i , t j i c : 1 1 , 1 1 STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, IIOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COrrER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bis stock of Cooking Stoves eonslsta of HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to bring peaoa and prosperity into lamiuei wnero It Is used, Diamond State, Parmer, Iteratd. Charm, Spears' California cool rtovo, spears' Anti-Dust, Uas-llurning Cooking Stoves, Viotor, Heliense and Union Keoes, , . Spears' Cooking Ranges, ' ' Ac, ore. tat-Tho Tin and Sheet Iron war xlvea with tho Moves Is mads of tha heaviest and best materiel, ana war ran lea to give perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, better and cheeper than aver before axnlblted to the publio consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, rJpeers ann-uusi uaa-uurning Parlor stove. Spears' Orbiaular.Uas. Burning Parlor titovo, Spears' Oas. Burr ing Parlor Stove, Boquet, Pearl, Qom, Ida, Sun, Troplo, Nevada, Ao., Ac Vulcaa, Elm and Victor JTeeteri, Spears' Re. roiving Ligni ueaters. He la also proparsd to furnish a oomplste assortment oi Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tha sole view to aorvloe, from tho best ma terial in tha market. . PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COrPKR, BRASS, PORCRLAIN, TIN-LINED, 8PCN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description eonitantly o hand. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And other work belonging to hit business will be promptly llled by eiperieaoed and skillful workmea. . BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken la exchange for goods. pVYi especially Invites tha attention of Merchants wishtnt to parohase at wholesale, as they will Snd It to their advantage ta examine kla stock before purchasing elsewhere. Look out for tha Big Sign opposlt tht resi dence of Mrs. Dr. roster. All Goods Wismarso as Rarausaavin. O. H. IXKCAl. Phllipsburg, June 1, 18 JO. augt 08 s ACKETT k SCURYVER, PBAL1M I SHELF HARDWARE, . . ; ' and manufacturers of l ..! , , Tin,Copper& Sheet Iron Ware, Sooood Stmt, CLEARFIELD. PA. Carpenter, and Builder will do wall to aiam- loo our flock or BT7ILSINQ HAEDWAEE 4 TOOLS. DIflTON'g BAWS Dlston't Cross-out, Band, Kip, Tenant and Uent s news. IiOYNTON'8 LIQIlTeNINQ SAWS Pmoolh Planfi. Matea PImm, Jack PImca Phitabii A Lovel, . Kora Plana. , , j. Btaol fiquaraa, Joinlora. . lo. Ao. Fir but and Framing Cbluls, Cornar Chltali. tarpantara Nicki, llraoei and BitU, Btiriuf Machine!, sic Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures. Smoky Fluaa ara affaotnalljr cured by ating Kloh ardi' Pataat GOTHIC FLUE TOPH. . for which wa hava fha agency. No oura, no pay, Philadelphia CnrrUra BolU. Rallrocd Lantaraa, Wooden Wara, . A Una aisortmant of 1 POCKET k TABLE CUTLERY STOVES CTsTOVES , The Times Coob, the beat In the market; also. the Monarch, Henanoe, ana no. in iron fides; Kayser't Portable Jlnster, and Heating, Parlor ana Ban etovea. VRoofinr, Spouting and Job Work done on reasonable terms. All orders will racelva prompt aiicniiuu. . ( , duly S, 1571, OTOJJB'3 SAW GUMMER3 AND S A VI V P S K T 8 . Wa have received the esnecy for the above and will tell them at manufactorer's prioes. Call and examine inota. l ney are tlx best, JelS-TI II. V. 1IKJLBR A CO, WATCHES I WATCHES I I have a large slock of A MR MCA II VVi and SWISS WATC1IKS, of tbs dll.r tat grades, In from two to eight ouoos oaae I I offer these for sale LOW, and guaraatee them to give entire satisfaction, JEWELS! I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladles' and (Seat's jewelry or tha latest stylot 1 Always letting somtuing aewi j - I would aak Lusakerataa and tbe re who tn tead aurehaabit Watshaa en aall stock before going to tha tltlss, as I am very euro a eaa tell watches as lew ae they can be bought, besides tbt difference la dlstanet It the uveal of tht goals proving dsfectlve. j ; An Itnasef RKPAIRIKO Inmy HneprooepUy atlMded to at tht ttors ta Second street, appo site tht Court Boats.' Far you liberal rapport a the fwt I aa very thankful ArrttM'sa ANNOUNCEMENT OF Till GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES 1 1 ' t BY PORTER PIIAW, I). I. g. IMPORTANT TRUTHS i 1 Having avooaadad la gttliag a tifthtar tariff on attirlal. henoa the low and wotVerura oharr f..r nrtial and full taU of Toatb. I naa tbe boat nannfacture of tcath and other material. All operation-1 rttfiintered aud warrantod to giro ter- V1PJ aUlU IIMIMtlUn i FrWnda, mil pot thnt my oharfraa for tho Inwr tlon of arttfloial and tho rlDg of tha natural teeth ara now the roit reasonable in Pennsylvania. Praaenra yourUvetli and von prewta yimr health. Putting of tha natural taatti In a healthy, pre ervative and uicful aondltion It Usule a fpaoulty. Dlioaaai and nalforniatlomoomuion to Uio nuuln, aw and Miooiata parti, aro treated and oorraoted wllh fair aaooaia. lixemlnaiiwiii nod aouiulta Uunt rnaa. . It wuuld be well for patient! from a dlitanci to lei ma know by mail a few dji bi'foro coining to tho oflioo. . It U rcry Important that chlKlron hotwoen the iftra of i and twelve jroari should have their teelh examfnede u Anrithrtln ara admtniitored and Teeth ra moved without pain. Diaoitioni and character ara judged ly all tli a world by the axprwaiani of tha face, honor how very diem trout inav it therefor ha for nar- foni lo iudulgean aapRHivn of dletorted ftiaturva. van apart from a hygienic view. Now, to eujoj aamrai (nui artinoiai) eowiorta ana pteasurct. reipeot and obey natural limpliciticM and iiuiiiiot. 8. PORT Kit Bit AW, l. h, ti. Office In New Maionio Builtilur, Scvni utreat. ClearMd, Pa. fubli'Tl DENTALCAED. Dr. A. M. II ILLS Would IMV tf hll nfittiUltai -ltd lliaa tnk- lic gunoratty. that, baring diawlvcd partnerihip arllb Ir. Khw. ha la nnm rlnlatt Ik. .mIm A of hif offloe bimielf, ao that paiianU need not fear oeing pui nnner tna nantli or any other operator. J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., Offlo. over Irwin's Drug Slors, CtRWENSVILLR, PA. All dental operations, either la the mechanical oroporativa branch, promptly attended to ud satisfaction guaranteed. Kueoial allautioa rjairi to the treatment of diseaeee of the natural leth, gums eaa mourn, irregularity ol tbe toetn suc cessfully corrected. Teelh eatreoted without pain by the use of Ktoer. and artiOoiel teeth Inserted of the best material and warranted to render sat- isfaotlon. aprill'7l:ly UsffUaiirotts. A Move in CurwcnsvlIIc! J. It. IRWIN, Druggist, CtRWENHVILLB, PA. HAS removed bis Drug Store to bis new rooms, three doors weet of his old stund, and takes this opportunity of thanking bis eld customers for their liberal patronage, and hnpee by close attention, combined with a select stock of gooils, to merit its oontinoanoa on tbe part ol all bis old customers, and secure that ot many new once, rieaeo give aim a oall. J. R. IRWIN. Curwensville, March 17, lflll.-ein. BO O K S ' ' WHICH HAVi ALWAYS , . I ' I , . i i 0 I V K N 6ATI8FACT ON UEHRTOFORK, WILL BE , , ,.di8posbd or in sucn A W AY AS tO PLIASK 0 R PRIBNDS AD CCS I0MERS. JUST REOEIVEDI TUB flNKSX ASSORTMENT Of HOLIDAY OOOD9-8UC1I AS I BOOKS AND OTHER I STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERBD'TO Till CITIZENS '' OP THIS PLAC1I ' ( NOW ON IXniBITION AND TOR BALI AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTUB8R8' PRICES, AT TBI POSTOFFICE.! Clear. Id, Dm. II, HTI. II ATS k CAPS! BOOTS & SHOES! GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS I Call at I.KVKR FLEIIAL'S new fttora.orpoolte El-doreronr iligler's residence, on HeooM street, Clearfield, Ta and exemine his Ine stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Paralshliig Goods, Vc Of wblrh he Is anetantly raneivlng a large ensort uent of the very latest and beat etylea, a hick at will diepoeeaf at astonishingly low prices. J LAlilKH, I bar. aa hand a large and wll aeleeted stock of those oelebreted haad-eewol MOHOUt'U and LAHT1NU UAITKRH, wbick I aaa safely reoommend ta be tha best la tha msr ket. Call and examine them. i HUT'S FURNINIlINn Gooi. I OENTLEMEN, my stock of FarnlsMng (toeils is complete. I have all the noveltlea In Beorfs, Tlee, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, llnderweer, Sne endera, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Ao., togeiber with a eomplot. assortment of Whit, and Cloth Shins. I havo on hand a large and well selected stock of lists and Caps of the very latest steles. Also, Trunks, Valises, Railroad lls-i, 1)mhrr!',t Canes, and many other article), both aseful and' ornamental, which will l;t ioM at fair rates. ftWTbe elllsoas M Clearfield and vicinity sfe ruepeetlully Invited to cell and tumlae my m4s before purchasing elsewhere. t ' , ' LKVKR FLEQAL. Clearfield, Pa May It, 171. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfield, fat tht PaatOfflra.) fpilB undersigned begs leave la aanounceto A theaitiseasof Clearteld and vicinity, tbat ha baa Sited up a room and has Just returned from tha olty with a large amount of leading matter, consisting la part of Bibles and Miflcollanooui Socks, Blank, Aeeowal end Pan Books of tvery dt sorlptloa Paper aad Envelopes, French pressed and plain Pent and Penellt, Blaak, Leeal Papers, Deeds, Mortgageti Judgmaat, KaeaVp vloa and Promissory aotat White and Parcki meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cap, Nheot, Muslo tor either Plaao, Flat at Vlolia aon.untly on hand. Any book, or .utloaery desired that I may ant havt ta haul, will he or III.??iV ,rA '' Ml at vtets 5 V,."14 I will abo kMp porlodloal lltaratart. tack M htegasiu.s, l E.A.&W.D.IRYIN ' .DEALERS IK v:'..' r.-r,j ;.-:i:' ;.: O EN Eli AL ' t JIEKCIMMUSi:, 1 . ! SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS &LUMI3EK CUniVGNMVILLE. PA ARK otTrrlng. at their new fltore llua, a coinplcto itock of NEW OOUHH, of all dvjcnptioni - Dry , Goods and Groceries, ,u nn w ' it E, ' " BOOTS & SHOK8, CLOTH iy O, dc. IN LARGE VARIETY. Flour, Jlttal, Oali, Com, . Alwayt on band and for sals at t small advance. ROI'H, In large o,uantitlet, loll low by coll ; aire, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANTIIOOKS. One hundred aaee. of ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for aala by the case at wholesale rate.. Received by ear load t JIUSTlXGDOy FLOUR, ' and told at small advaaea. HARNESS, tf all kinds, HOUSE COLLARS and TIAMES, nORK BLASEET3, . BUFFALO ROBES, Ac. Also, an aala Iret-elats two-horaa WAQONS, TWIN SLEDS, 1,00 SLEDS, and 8LEIOI1S. , Specie! lndaesments offered ta those getting eat Square Timber and Logs, at wa deal largely ta Lumbermen's Supplies, aad are prepared at all timet to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber. Curwensrille, November Ik, tTl. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD , H V A L i: N, Of ALL EI XT) 1( B'a'a' Barrowa, WarahouM Tructa, Copying rrfffiia! IroproTtd Money P rawer, tlo. I J roiaaLiaf ; i I' i . II. F. BIOLEIt & CO., Iealen la Hardware, 6eeond Street, Clearield, Pa. FlOSIf ANXOX UXD AXD LIMBER COMPAXY OFFER ODUCKMEXTN TO rnrfhnsrrs of Choice Goods AT TilBIR MAMMOTH ST011E IK " OBCEOLA. New Cabinet ! Ti f08H ANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM 111. PANY offer for talo Twa Loti In tha bor oofth of Oaoaola, ClaarflrM county. Pa., and alio lota to inlt parcbaaerf otjuma tha limits of aatd borouch. Oaotola la illuatcd on tha iMothannon Crh, la tha rteboit portion of tha oottnty of v ifra!fi, on na una or ino lymna t uirarltoiti Railroad, whara tho Mwhannon and fipavartua braaeh nada tntaraaei. It ti aiao lo tho heart of tha Ja.ohannon onal baalo, and larpra hodiaa of whtto pin hemlock, oak and other timber lur rouad It. Ona of tha larjreir lumber manufactur ing aaUhliihinenta In tha Stata la located In tha town, whila thara ara tnanj other lumber and ahinala mllli aroond it. Tho town la but ien yeara old, aad contain! a population of ona tho. and innanitanti. "For further Infornutlon apntv at tha offioa of tba above eoaipany. JUlin IsAWMIK, 1:4:7ft Oenaral SuperialMidant. O. I. c. "tlfHERE to boy my DRY OOODS, 0RO t aerlee, Quoeniware, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Conrcetionsriea, Ae aheap for oasu. Tha subecrlber begs leave to Inform M. .m ..a new oustomert that be hat opened, A VARIETY EIQRS in olkn norR, PA. And Will Bet) enmtl ef t.rla Sa tk- ll . A liberal reiliiplinn will he nt.1. tn i-m ing at wholesale. Call and anialna me etiw.fc hg.tnrm nnML.u elsewhere. A liberal share af nnhlle httMh... ia Mlitltrd. . 1 . C. J. KKAUT. Olen Hope, r., June 14, 1871. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE I Tha undersigned offi-re his House and Lot for eele, situated on Loruet street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. In the borough of Clcerflrld. i no bulltltng Is a two awry " 1 plank frame house, well inished, together with the ncocssarv outbuildings, and tbs lot Is in a good state ofeul tivatlon. For serial and conditions apply to or address , , . . HENRY H1III.IMI. . ang.a-Sm Clsarfleld, Pa, . AIMININTRATOR't MOTK'E.-Notle. la liauk. .1... IL.. 1.11 a - 1 .- : . . . ... . aa. - i,mniwmi,n,i nnniiaiS(raIOU on tht estaU of tKORUR BEAMS, deceased, lata orMorrtstownrhlp.Cleerteld count v, Penna., bavin kaa, a.. I- ...L.a a. .1 J-T J ., n - .,.a w ma a 11 .1 o, r i k a .1 penons Indebted to said aetata will pleaee make will preaeat them properly authenticated for tet- Wacnu DAKltL BEAMS, Sept. IS, nn.-t AdmlnletratOTa PISK, WHITI A ROAN Mil ISO BBIAtS Just reeelvad aad for tale v -" R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUUEM TIIK W0U9T PAIN In from On to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR anarnatlinj.itiUmikfri.Mini'fa nrud any oaa JuKKKH V.'IIM PAIN. StADWAT? BKAHY KtUKV IS A CURE YOU II wutim Itrat ttitt li Tli Only Juln ItMnncly tnl Itmnntly gtofta lh muet imioltUltif iiilrw, TUra tlmnHtlfn wd n.rea ConfMlWiu. wbatlwr oC IM Luuf t, Hitmntcb, JluweUt or vlUr lMida or otgaua, hf lVf KlKjlt OTt TO TWtfTTT WHCTTTIM, no iRKtler Uuw Tldtlfiii or eimiQMliig Uo aln tba JtHEI MATlU, Ii rltl'lin, 1 fl-m, Criptrt), Wroi ivurls., m (irualnMud wild dttarmtMi mmf twCor, r RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WIIJ, AKFdKII IN8TA NT KAhlS. t, XT tut M. MAI KIN cik TIIK KIliNrVH. w IM XAMUATluN OK TIIR it LADDER son throat, liiKriti'i.T hi-.eaihin!. TPAUI'ITATIIiR (IK 11U. UlUBT. HTXTEniCI,Cllul!l', Ull-lll IIS-.ltlA. CATAltUII. INFLUXXtA. UEADACIII, TOOTtTAfllK, . ' Nr.IIKAl.niA, RHEUMATISM. COI.D CTIIUA Adl'K rllll.1.4. TIh, srilkalluii nrtiie lleadtr Belief to the part er Eru whre uie pela or uulkiut eusu nui ailwu turn d cimfnrt. Twenty Sicm In half a tumMar of wtrr will le a fjw monin.u core CKAMI'H. M'AKMH, fuUK ST'IMACII, iKAIlTMI'ltS, HlrK IHADAI IU' IIIAItltllK.A, tiYNKM EIIV, C01.IC. WIND IN Till! UuiVKLS, anSell INIIItNAL I'AINB. Travali'ta alx.ulit ejwaya cerry e bfittla of fteAwav. Ready Hellef with Ihoro. A f w Or(,i In atct III bit'.u( kit ktuiw or pnlns fmtn clianxa ir w-alar. It Ll baiter LUali French Ifreiidy ur BUtvraaaeelkUiulaut. I'KWR AMD AUI'R. FIC'FR ANO AliUK sural fnr My cants. There Is on e remain! aevi.t lu this eirlt lliat will cere r'cvirr S'Kt Aaiia, Slid ell otliar Mahutoua, IllldlO.-. anerlal Ty i.IidI'1, Villyw, and irthar I'aurt (sliltil oy HA iWAV(H t'll.IJt) so qukk ss UAIltVAY'rl KIT A UK KtUif. i'UIX eeata btr UilUe. sloU by Drugs U04. HEALTH llEAUTY I! B,rno(l and rvm men Bi.oon-TNrnAeit OK KLtslI AMI WKlilllT-t'LltAB HKIN AND liEACTiri'L COMI'LEXION nlX UltED TO AU. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAHF. TH MHT ARTONlHMtHU (THM 1 . UlIIiK. liAl'in AKt 111 IS C11ARUM TIIK B-t l'KiK(!OKM. PKUICK TIIK IN. KH'KN, E Or TUW TBtilf WOJiUfcUFLL MEDKJINK, THAT Evory Day an lnt9roaao In Flesh and Weight la Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD (PURIFIER. TvfrT Arof of tbt PA KMA HA 1111,1,1 AS HE.I,V INT oflimntmt thntufrh tht lllood, Hwiwt, L'tint, stid othar fluids uid Julom of lite lyttpni Uit vlfor of lift, fur It rtMlra Xhm wtatta of tht body with new and miuiA aittwtihl, Bcmfult, Hrphllka, 4'rmMinjiltoo, OiuiduUr tllMua, Vkmn ta tat Thiml, MomUl, Tuwort, NcdtM la ttm (iluidt tud olber itrU of Uit tflUtn, ftoft Rvf fttiamcu Iilachtrgft fjort Ut lUn, ai.4 tht wurtt urmt of Hkln dlMuuftt, Eruptlom, Tr ftom, B-tui JfWl, ttt'if Worm, bll lOiaua, LrrtdpcUt, Acuc. Hik blitU, Uurnt ta tht flovb, TuTtrirt, ( mrm Ui ti Womb, titd til wekfnlB( wtd fMbnful dtaehtiM, Nlgtil BwmU, IxMof ttpwrm. Mid til wiMM of U lift prir.c.. pi, trt wtlli In Uio tmntlrt rmnpi of tltU wonder of M4 em :tivmlstr. and a fw dy' M will prut to my pmnam asing It for tttbtr of tbtat furut of I tmn Ua JhiOi.I (Kwcr to eurt lltciD. If tht pttttnt. ttellf iMoonlna rttod by tfit vaitta and daeoniMfttlflii tKtt It conluiitll; prttmnming, tut. tMdl In vtmin( tbttt wttlft, tnd raptfrt ii mm with kaw matttitl nwlt fVmi bMlthv btood mtti (Lit tba KA RKA HA IUILI A N will tbd OoM teeurt. Kot only drxM tha B AMAPari.LiAa KwoimT tTftt alt known nnidUt rnti In U curt of i Lioutc, fkrofu tout, Oonatltutluaal, and BUa dUtatM ( bat tt 1 tba oalr poalUvt turt for , Kidney Ac Bladder CompIalnU, rrlnarr, tnd Wnnb dftetiwa, OrtL iHrnbttft, Iroprf( aet.fir of Wtttrr, lnc.ritlnpr.j of lMn Krlfht't In taut, Alt'Umtnuna. atd lo til osscs hm totr r brick dufll deiHtwift, or tbt wtlcr U thick, cloud r, nilxrd wltb tibtttncM like tbt btitaan w, orUirtttli Ukt whltt Mlk. or tbtr tot nortilrl, dnrb. Likllout tupwvKf, ud wbttt bout dtit dtinlu, and when Utcra U t prtcfclog, . bqmtnf Mftamlrnn when fttwln wttvr, wtit ptln la tbt ftuttll at tha llMrk and tkn UmXoLu. i'riotv ti-a. WORM 3. -Tbt only kaowa aa4 turt Ranadv for h ir J in. Tup, tc. Tumor or 19 Yean' Growth Cured by Bad way's Reolrenu Rt'imcr, Mam,, JIt tt, tttt. Pt. SslrWAT t btm bad n-rttrtMi Tw Ik Um VrarVaa tmi btrwtto. All Um Dtn m4 ' U wm m bttf. fer II." I trM rw Urate IttU ta nrimiWinM ( teal ftntttilic Kelpt4 M, aar 'trar Htak.l-Mt.M4 lbirll I wmUItt li: b kasl m fcltb la II, kaaws I Im4 safer tut iwU jnan, I Im Ma IxHtltx f Um HstvktlrMl, wtsl m bna af IU4av'i fllb, m4 Iw bat iks af 7w lUsarlr fUltrt i md Isan It mU a W toaanr la W M at hit, i4 1 fa-l Mtar, Mtarta, 4 btvrpwr lUa I kavi fa aaava rawtv Tlw waart Ma waa h Ifca Ml 4a W Ua bowala, Uta gmta. I arrlu Uts to m lat tka taatdt f tlban. IwaaM yaMfb If y abotsa. UAWTf AH f. IWAIT. DR. RADWAYS PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. ptrfttUy twAtl, tlcesl cotltd wtth I'ttt fm, aur, rrailalAV, pnfr. fltnaa, arfl ttmtflhm. tiA Vr Mk f ti mr tf til dtairvUrt ( f th !4iiwii. Llvar, Ituwrtt, Kl'lnrra, Blfttliitr, Mtrroua I'tatomatrt, ri 'vae i m i its, i 'i u ! iv u, m i v m s saw i rrn irpi trjn, rrapa.salt, ItilloMnatt. Pdlout Fiw, nflan, ion of tba ikswalt. pilt.Md til rcivfiwtita tif Uta Intrmti Vtf tra. Warranto! lo HlVrt t poaitlvacart. PirlyViratae Wt, rxmUlnvna ne wrptry, m luanUt. tr dttattnow dniftw W Ulcrva tha . No wing trmuotoa Ittultlin trvm tHaordtn of Ibt Illtaattvt Org&iia: rawsOtaHM. I"r4 pttaa, raltMaa f A Mm4 It (ba Rand, frUlir W tttt fHwart, Hum. tie-art Wa, IImI af Vim4l "Um" a WatfWl la iW atavtMrb. rWr ItnctMtuM. alahlttc r rivUavrtaf M llta niaf th ahMtyrlt, ftortwtastitf W tha Kms4, HarrM a4 D.wH rMfclH , rtattortttg U Iha Haart, Ostiai ar HafiMf ft-naasUloM (, la a Lyinf PbsUm, IsiMitaw ac Tlam, IM a Wat aafcra lha RWhl, tww mm TH Ka.a lo UM HM, I'ltrtftw mt lMXrruI.a, TlUfa mf U Mta a4 Ijm. fate to tht ftiAa, OMai, Lwkbi, d Htubat af kwrMaf tt lha IWh. A b doaa of BAD WATS fTTXS wtll frtt tba wr. tem frocu a.1 ti aboTt'Oarntd dlvmlra. frtoa. K otblt iK t.nTiT Mtuiniism HEan "ru.-K AM) T It r E Paw ona Vtttf ttamptoHAIWAT CO., tin. tj tfaWIca Una, tin Sock. litriKvutUoa wortb UwutUiia will l mi you. R. B. TAYLOR'S ' LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tha Rallroarl Drpot.) CLISARFIEI.I), PI-.NN'A. T E.MUKACE tbia matbod of iufortoinx tha X ptxbho, thX I hava opantx) ap a yard for tha tit of wood ar aoal-karnl L1MK and Anthracite COAL, in tho boron prh of Clearfield, and hara eomplttril arrange menu with aattern dcaJcn hy whim loan iwp a lull tapply ooattutlyon hand, which will ha ditpoad of at raaatmabla ratoa, by tha tun, huthel or e&r toad, to anit puirhattra. That at a dutanoa ean ad drew mo by let tor, and obtain ail aaoattary information br rttam ntiL k. B. TAVLUH, Oluwrftald PaFtb.ll, 13Gi-tX ... l u m n r. k m i: m i PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS1 The ClearAeM Eieeltlor Canthook wilt not wear ont or break, belnf eonstraoted with one solid band from elip to point. It it prononnoed by all practical Inmbomea who have aiatnined It to be tha most parfeot Canthook aver Invonted. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Uaaufaelured hj Aoa KaamaB A Co., at CI.KARFIRLD, PA. A1I orders promptly attended to. nlJTO DREXEL & CO., No. 31 ftouth Third Ktrcet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reeeir. prompt atten. tinn, and nil Information cheerful I r fnrnithadi Orders toileted. April II-tf. NED ODTI ai-f nor B U R N ED U PI BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Penn township, Clearfleld Co., Pa. The t.haerllier. g, and ta a few dart will hava aom'pleled, a .leignnornooo nroeesiiy, in in. erection or a Irtt elses Woolen Maairfaeiory, with all th. modern improvement, attaehed, and are prepared to make en atmis oi noins, t assimeres, Pettnetts, Ulan, knts, Flannels, An, Plenty of (oods oa hsn " supply sll our old and a thousand new ru-"'"iert, whom we ask lo eome and .lamina a" stook. Tho bnalness of CARDINO AND rUI.LINtl will reeelv. espsoial atleutlon. for now mill will be realy by wool-eonlin( aaaeoa, therefora thee need be no heattetioa on that eeoro. Trop.r arraniejaeots will be made to reeelva and deliver a eel. Uisult reatomers. All work warranted and done upon ine shortest hotlea, and by st riot atten tion ! Oosineet we bop. to realise a liberal .bare of pnhlle patninayv. 10,(HK) P01KD8 V00L WASTKDI Wa will nay the highest market nriee for Wool and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar Roods oaa h. nought in the oounty, and whenever wa fall ta render reasonable satisfaction we oan alwayt ba foand at home ready to make nroier explanelioa, either in person or by letter. , 4ASI&B juttAhun a Ntmst, aprllMlf Urawpiaa Hills P. 0. CHEAP UKOCEItlESl ' . i"USEn cm. TA. Tha andersianad aonoue.a 1,1. ai.i t.t..j. KOrKllI I.H A f llOVIbloViS at the old stand n.r. . -pew.,, ft)r wul. h, h.h, , llheral Lumber City p.., Mwofc TjAKOAINS IN MUSICAL IN- Xt BTkl MKNTSI-Or.aat. both new and eeoond hand, at lha Muslo Slore, opposite Ualloh'i f arnitnr Store. All pareoat interested are invi ted to call aad aaamine a new style of Organ now n aibihition. kheal Alutlt aad Alosio Rookt .wrnstantly oa hand. anllt Titf BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Suooessort to llornlon A Toang,) FOUNDEKS & MACHINISTS Hanufaaturers of PORTABLE & STATIONAKY STEAM ENGINES Cornar of Fourth and Pint fit ret tt ' CIEARFIELU. PA. HTWIW "W ' n A VINO enjrtijrcd In the manufaetnrt of flrat clast MACllINERr.warespeotrullyinfona the publio that wa ara cow prepared to III all orders aa eheeply and as promptly as eaa ba dene in any of tht oitiet. W. manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills IToad lilockt, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oiliord'l Injector, 8 teem Qaugea, ftteam Whistles. Ollsrt, Tallow Cups, Oil Cup., Oauga Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Chock Valvae, wrought lrva Pipes, B eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Passpe, Anll Frietlon Metres, Soap Btone Packing, Oam Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK together with Plows, Bled golee, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and athttr CASTIXOS of all kinds. sT-Orders solicited and Iliad at ally prlaea. AH letters of Inquiry wllh reference to machinery of our manufaetara promptly aaawered, by addret ing as at Clearfleld, Pa. ' deetlTO-tf BIGLER, tOUKO A CO. 0. L. Reed. j NOTICE. Wm. Pow.ll iti:i:i jl powell CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT!- rpilE proprl.torsrespsetfull i.fora tbaaltiaeas A of Clearteld oounty, that they her. entirely refitted this aetabllshment with the latest improved wood working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order, la their lino of business. They will giro especial attention to tha maaafao- tnra or material tor boose building, sueh as FLOORING, WEATHER. BOARDING SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Bii.iCKETa it JiotLni.rcs, Or ALL 8TTLB8, W always have oa hand a large stock of DRY Ll'MBKK, and will navcash for all ala I.nm)-r une-anl a-balf inch panel stuff prefrrrod. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to nit customers. W-OrJrrs solicited, and Lumber furnished on snort notice aad oa reasonable terms. RKKD A POWELL. Clearneld. March 8. lSJl-pdlljenTS Before taking fowJcrt. After taking Powdrrt. CH'S IMPHIIVEII t'OWnlTION U l'UU DKRH lerfol in obstinate eaaoi of liiilemper, Couirht, Colds, Hots, Farey, Costive aees, Uonghneae of the Fkin, and Stoppage af Weter. Urease, 8w.lled Lees and lalunum be relieved, and aometimee oared, by the use of iocso rowdere. i ney will not Interfere with the oeny wort or tne Horse, and oaa ba given to cat tle with enual advantage. Pat np by A. I. 811AW. Drutiist and Anotha. wij, .irBru"iu, 1 a. ftovembet 8. 1871. Pold everywhere. s BLLINtj Off AT COsTI FOR OASni Tha largest stork af aver offered la CLSARFIELDI Al tho STEAM CABINET RI10P, corner Market ana ruts Meets, CLEARFIELD, PA. Th undersigned would nnnonnee to the nuMI that he has on hand and Is now offering cheap for an, is. lercea. aiooa oi r uroltor. ever ia store la tht. aounty, oon.isting of rpholstercd Parlor Salts, Chamber Sella, Extension Tables. aeorstartea. Book Cases, Bedsteads, Pprlng Beds aad Mattraalea, lounge u,d Benches, i tain a alarms Top Tables A Bureaus, Washstands, Cana Scat and Common Chain. Rocking Chain, Looking Glasste, " indow rJhadei, Plctnra Frames, Cordi aa4 Tasnli, Aa. ITe also manniactwrat asd keeps a hand Pat ent Rpring Beds, the beat aver Invented. No family should be without there. Any kind of goods not on aann ean no nan en enort nntive. . I pholrte-iug and repairlag neatly executed. ffiiFPINS, of all aises. can ba had ,,o a h.lf. hours' notice, and at the lowest prioes. A dedno tioa of ID per oent. made for eaeb. METALLIC CASKS, or Rosewood. ..4 Cherry CulHna, with glass or wood tops, furnished oa Art hourt' aotioa. Peracmal altrndaaca with beeree. e '.-.! oecasiooa, and earrlagca famished when desired. Thanking tha nuhlle for neat fern.. ...I v. strict personal attention to business, I hope to receive a continuance af the seme. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet RKnr, eomer of Market and Fifth Street.. ' March n, 71. Iy. DANIEL BENNER. TnE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD MADE, rpaatLajr A't H. F. BIOLER A CO. House & Lot for Sale or Kent ! m It B a . ....... "ajvi. rar ww ran If 1 TtMetonttrtU termi, it tv itvry dvlhi and Kanl. 1. DIM.l. Mil. . . anaa lot .v .iuvHMiiiva, naa lowninin. For wua.M mi, 10I..U, , ;l C AlriNRD M.AaTHR.,,..,.k. aa... . a. . . . ' J . I na i r fit -i hm Hereon ean take these II 1 1 tare JjZ. Ing to diiacooofc ,d ,,m,i their boo.- sr. m rWuroyad by mineral poison or eoe, S'wp. r "' WU k"4 hs m l ?W,"tarl,vJ tsdsrl,p,, ia the ShniMers, Coughs TichleeM of the Clr.l 1,7 Sleets, S"ar tmctalamt of the Slomert,, pa. a ' '.I "".Moa. ih"s Allschs, Wliaieiaia M ,Tl Mean. Iiiammaliesi ol tli. Lusts, Psie la ihe nrtZ of lh. Kidneys, end a bundled ethei paielul eynip,? ar. Ihs erTaieiiHra ot Dysecpeia, In Iran, oorcnlsinj It bs. rut squel, snd ons bnttl. will prove e teller raaT. He mertis thin a lenxlbv silvsrliaanmiu 1 for Kernel. Cauplalale, in vooee er eU msrner) or tiesle, St Hie d.iwe of wunianbood or tk. lure of life, liwae Tonic Billtra dieplay so decree intlucDce tlisl . msrked improyemael a soea DBro. tlble. for Inflammatory awd Chranl. Rhew. swatlena end (aoul, b,)Hlu Kereiurat IMt llMf nniiFnt i mit. Ijieeitet of ll.. Blood, l.irsr. Kidn.n snd Ulsoclfr, the.. Ililiars h.vs no sqnsl. 8ech llit. um. ore csoMd bv Viusud llleod. Is Reesrillv preduced by dersnrement of Ihe bif oalive Ort-i. They sr U.sitla fiirgetlv. a. wsllu a Teaie,, slao tha pccuiist mtnt of ame, OS . pewerial scent ill rr"evins Crmsmioa or lnfln.! msiion of ihe Liver and Vtscsrs! Ofaos, sad st fkiism UIWWS Vmr flktal ttlaeaaea. VrandeK. Tat tar a.h Rheum, Blotcliee, Spots, Pimptea, pueiules, Hula, Cee bundes, klne-worms, bCald-Hsed, hors Eyes, iry sipelta, Itr.a, Scurts, Iliecolorstionsof Ihs Ski., HeMea and Diaeaiet of the Shin, of whatever earns er eslwa ara literally due up aed carried eM ef liw eyshw h S Oratafwl Tkawesieide proclaim Vrnwaiui lie. tbbs the aiosi wonderful lavigoraol ihsl ever MiKaual tbs ainlung mm. J WAl.K.aK,rrop'r. is. St. mrTKlHALD A Cf) Dnaspste sno c-e. AfU, Ssa rraaaaot, Cel. ' and tor oi Weetiinftoa end Charlton Sis , New YoA. OLD BY Alt, DHUGtilS'ia AND liKALUJ, June a, 171. HAYES, COTJLTEB & CO., Sncoaasora to W. A. Arnold, nisi rxcTi srnt or Heaters, Ranges, Low Gratn,! and MARBELIZED SLATB MANTILa, h Sola agent, fur the celebrated CHILSON COOKING RANCH c-Scnd fur Catalogues. No. ISM Chestnut Street, J.nehoia. , PHILADELPHIA. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF !. - i a' 1 e. n I CAMPAIQ5 C A P S, Capes and Torek aa ttA a KLU Wilb Portraits or anv devloa fur all nartm Silk, Bunting and Muslin Flags of ail luacl bend or made to crdcr. Chinese I.sntrrsl if ij suet end sir lee; Paper Balloons, Fire ninni-l campaign Ulnba tiled out at the lowest tin i WM. F. SCIIEIBLES CAMPAIGN KEPOT, 49 South Third Street, Philadelphia. JyK 3m roa ciart'iaa. Clearfield Counly Bank, THE Clearteld County Bank as an lite-" ted Institution bas gone out ofriiiUvfi: no turrenaerot lit charter, oa Maylt,) All Its stack -is awned by tha eobecriben,e wuiwatiuua ta. Banking butineat at Una place, as private Hankers, ander thslraa ot the "CiearSeld Counly Bank." Tin (or toe debts ol th. Hank, as. r lu aotet on demand at tha eouater. I received aad Interest paid when tsoaey li a lied time. Paper dieeewnted at six wt". at heretofore. Our pereoaal rtrpeenklrj pieagea tor all aJepotits roeeivsdsnss tran.jcted. A oontiauaaca of the 1 roaaga of tha bnsinaes men of th. epeotfully solicited. At President, C oncers af tha lata Clearield County I require ua aotat ar tald Beak la bt f for radeaptioa . JA8. T. LEONARD. RICHARD fHt WM. f URTBR, J AS. B. ORthUI A. K. WRIGHT, . L. RKID, WV. A. WALLACI. ' The businaet of tba Baak will he oeastratf John M- Adams EaqM as Cashier. H County National Bank. OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Masonic Building, one deer C. D. Watson's Drag Store, rsssaire Tickets to and from Liverpool, town, Olesgow, London, Paris and Cirpfssn Alee, Ural!, for aala aa the Royal Kent off". and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, N W. M. SHAW, Cashier. l' J. D. M'Oirk. Edward Psi BANKING & COLLECTION HO" or McGirk 4 perks. SuowMon to Foa(r, Pvrki, 4 C, Phillibur(f, Centra CouHly, Pi WlfKHE ll th KtiPicem of ft BanUi' will o Innuoted provptlj Mi T'' moi t fkroriU Uruift. ' I. L. tmrnvrfTti. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, (8uownort to D. Quit k O-,) vtiolonlt rlwtfirt it CEXTS' FIRXISHIXG GOO?, IS, Llspenard street, between Charck tw vicst uroadway, Rew tork city, IJj' EW STOUR tVSD NEW GiX1' JOS. SHAW & SON Hva jutt o)Dfd a Nw RToai, on Main 8lCLi"' lately occupied b Wm. F. IK Their itock contitti rr Hi CELVCDCDlfl Okoce:u of tba brat qnaliU1. QuEHNswARCt Roots and S and every article (o"" ene'a comfort. Cell and examine our itock I"! cl.asing elaterhere. MayJJ1 re. . ia ItsVA-AAin The andrr'', O 1 UU p.v tha above earn for tinn that will lead to the deloctwe ecse" of tha party or parties who, oa or see r i A. Ik. .laaa out ef U , w. K"'u'", ...a . . (.,, of the tenant hoaeeon my i-iti. jownsblp. and oiherwlss dsfsced the ts ,i -. .V..., ,i k il.. Jners se' rranehvllla, 8epl. II,H7-.4t TtreTirK sa tOSTBir'!1 J We hava printed a large hs"" J FEB BILL, and will on the refMp J y..-ea p. f. Biottfl CO, ire eeattj mail a oner to aav adurr-r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers