Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 02, 1872, Image 3
the republican; ' er-t m a V Jf--4t.r 5 CLEARFIELD, Pa,"' 1 1 ;, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DCt 5 Mil J Terms' of Subscription. If paid In .VlTnuoe.or within throe month. 00 li pata iim lore uu wuoro If paid after tbe enpi ration of lis nontba S 60 I 00 jf- All wtiMM lit I mure ineertlon In thti paper1 ihfluU be handed In early on TneidaT noralt M we go to pre at 11 o'clock (fton.) V. i RELIGIOUS NOTICEi v lfethftdlet Eplacopnl Chnreh Rct. A. D. 'Yoctm, pMtor. Publio Serrloo erery eabbcth a 10. A.M.,andTjP.M. ' M,V , , ,'' gabbath School at 9 A. M. ' . -Praver Meeting evory ThunJay, at 7 P, M. Communion fee-rlee, Ant Sabbath of arary month, at 10i A. M. m ' BU Andrew' Churrh KpUcopaI-HoT. Gaouoi Malw Public Sarvloe Sunday morning nt lOVetoek, and at 1 P. M. Sunday Subool at S P. M. Prayor Meeting Wednesday treeing at 7 o'clock. Preabyterlau Church Rev. IT. S.TJrn.ra. Preaching on the Lord daj at 10 and 71 (-v vivva. I Sunday School at 8 n. m. Prayer Meeting on WedneiJaY at 7) p. m. Paitor'i Bible Clam on Saturday at 7) p. m. St. Prancla' Chnrrh Catlioilc K. T. J, McMaaTB. Masi at Mi o'clock A. M., en the oooad and fourth Sundays of each month. : Lutheran Church. IUr. A. J. Uartbock ' Preaching erery Sabbath tnoruiug and evening. Sabbath bohool at t a. Prayer meeting erery 'Wndaeaday evening. - k Tt lhe Democracy of Clearfield County i , Hare you fuily -f rupared for the ooutoat of next "Xueiday f- If not, then low net a nomeo., bat go tw work at enoe No Umo must be lost; no effort pared. "" Oar enemies, driven to th wall, are fighting With the energy of despair. They are on the tieft.' Ke arti known to their uuearupuloiu lead ii will be kft unuud. ' " ' "'V1 fluard the polli on the day of ileetienj chal lenge every doubtful vote oauao every one offering tf tote to ihowhlsrlghf -before hit ballot ii taken. - Aa attempt will bo made in icvccal. diitricU to lit on-yo illegal votee, nnd I oauUoa you to Men them ctoaely, - . i Cleae up your ranki; prrtrnt niolid front to the nemy poll every roto let not one be left at home. i Ansa SMsatnisasi ( Mrlain . Her nniti'il HilinHlliel . irtioa, from now until the day of election, we can aake it overwhelming. Will yoi do the work? M the an i wor be m a ui foiled In the returns from war district. By order of tho Committee.' ! ' - , D. L. KllEBtJ, Chairman, J J.. AlcKa.fDaicK, flee. i j t . - I Tin Faiu Thin ia fnii week, and am the ajipearaneo of things on Tuesday tnorn ig, (Ue agricultural diiplay Will exceed all pre vious attempts in farm produots and stock. "' And now Mr. John Shaw 1ms fu- fered the printers with some Clearfield county ehes, and they compare very favorably with AO much celebrated Deliware peaches. For all which he bae the thinks of the boys. ' , Postponkd. Tbo case of Edward iaga tod Morris lturdick, who were arrested swd imprisoned for robbing a man of bis pockot hook on the public highway, between Luthcrsbnrg nd Brookrilie, was postponed nntilJanuary term. Adjourned Court. Court will bo 3a session on Saturday next for the purpose of 1flng an opportunity to those who desire to ob- da their natural! tat ion papers, and such other ' leiness as may be brought before the honorable jdges at that time. Smash. Tho Andes InsurunoeCom- my of Cinotnaatl, has gone by the board. Tbe saeern has obeatcd tho people oat of hundreds f thousands of dollars. It was a humbug con fa from the beginning. The officers of tha con tt wasted Its capital in riotous living. Information Wanted. The rola- fM of John Lake, aged about 70 yean, would ta to learn of bis whereabouts. He left his bm in Indiana county ou the ISth of September, 4 hai not been heard of sinoe. Address J. C. ike, Suinmerhill P. 0., Cambria eounty, Pa. Promoted. Isaac i'ionoer, a white an, who was mean enough to ileep with a negro d then rob him of a wntch and tome money, was iged In the Peoitontiary, on Friday last, by tariff Pie, fur one year, according to the sentence I the court. Tha eourt might at well barn fir on si attother year for his familiarity with his "col- ' ad brother." " -e- ' ' Attention, Votbiis. According to t order of Court, tho oitixens of Clearfield bor lh are authorised to bold an election on Satur p next for the purpose of electing two members the town council to fill the vacancies eauied by resignation of Thomas Dougherty and Isaac Keiienstcin, the la it named having removed Wow York. -j . - hm Pabk AasociATioN. Tho Clcar- d Park Asioeiation has got out a splendid pro mm4 and premium. Hit. Just $1,425 to be to away od tha flt,dth and 6th. All who to tea Aac horses, (and who does not), will m ft rare opportunity to gratify their desires. O printed programme tells the whole story, h eon be bad of any of the offleen Wi KxpnAfN. Wo bavo received keroui oommanlcatfoni from our friends In dik tat sections of the county, giving lengthy itate tts about tha corruption ring meotings held In f' respective localities, but wo are unable to room, knowing full well that Tuesday's vote settle the qu:tlon f and to the entire saU Also our friouJa. Tho d us bill candidate Oever be heard of aifaia. ) Glon Ilopo correspondent Informs tat the Democratic meetiug held at tltat place Mday evening and addreiifd by Dr. Boyer Mr. Bants, was a luccoti In numbces and ex it speucboa. Quito a contrast to tho sort ip ling meetiug of the week previous. aadeffitaud that oxplrilvd uieellng came off m WJHportou SUtirday alght, oddreised by oyvr, tl altcf Brrett, Esq., and Meiiri. Mo )eh and Badt..' Mtoearia, Jordan and Knox rldently aw-tke, and Ul do thoir whole duty tSlh- ua Mauuia'ib KKf.ArioN Tbo age niaoia seems, to have broken out ?0ong fcerHT fmtornity this fall. But O few we auaouaoed th Ueing np of ExKherIn r and Uiis week we are authorised to an- the tuarr1n4r Sheriff Pi. Jtappoarshe oflioe on Friday hut and proceeded to IIoI burg, and there arretted a lady, took her to 4irgh, and had her bound unto himself. We W whether ho pill charge oiihago for this and what kind of an endorsement ho wilj i e4 bit Writ whon he returns h'fOie, wohil m Si pUmbor JCtb, 1s72,Iij Bw, 1. 1 BlLl, Mr. KDWAIID TKHTt of MqiIi.o- lo Mln LKAII MKI.CHKn, of port I Centre ooun'-, !". ,' "Wptcii.ber 1 9th, 11)72, bjr Her. J. M. Mmu IV BIMKO.V KKAIltt to Mlfi 8I ?AJINA i, both of llrftil township. Mptcmbr ?Jtli, l the residence of J. well, Knj., In Lumber City, by Rer, W. 8. ,Mr. (. a. IllWIS, of Clenr6cld, to Mill JSIIIl'TUN, of llllHlDOuonty. ,lo eonnty pipm plrue eopy.' ' ' ritUborg, on erpleniber I9lb, IR7J, by Rt, lUbop Ii.kijk, Mr. JI'STIX J. PIE.gber 1rcld eeenty, to Mln MART HKKVK, U0Jburj. Ilwlff hi eirouted uu atlacHnnl In till not prorldcd ft In the lee bill. , llenoe ; be compelled to eerve II for nothing. t - . i ltrliclJ, on Saturday ereniug, September W72, VHAX UUCIC, eon of Avulnvi wd tlininitrii, aged 4 yean, ( montln and 21 I, Urarftrld, w aliulay, S.i.limber 3Sth, Ir. A. 1. Sia TIIAHI', In the 4Mb year r PRociniNoi ' or tnt CuAitfiiLD Cocair Kiaatri Bcnooi. Aiiociatiu. Purul ent to prerloui announoement the Cloarflold Coun ty 8. S. Auoolatlon, mot In Conrenllon In the Curweniville Proabyterlad Church, ea Uio 17th., Init., at two o'clock, P. M. Ten Babkath Suhooli were rrpreiented by tbe following delegate!, tIi M. K. 8. 8. of Curwenirlllei II. 1). Tbompaun, J. II. t'letnltigi and J. M. Stewart. ' Lutheran 8. 8. of Cluarfleld: Rev. P. L. llarrl on, A. M. Row, and Frank Snyder Preekyterlan S. 8. of Curwt nivllle i CoL E. A. Ireln, Dr. 1). 0. Crouch, and MIm Bell Welch. Proibyletlan8.a.of Cloarleuli Dr. A. SI. llllli, C. C. Park, and Mill RcWa Shaw. Friindihlp Tnlon 8. S, of Furguaon Tp.t John Ilenry, Henry Owcna, aud Frampton McCrackon. Bible Sohoul, of Lick run i Miu Mary A. Irwin United Preibyterlan 8. 8. of Lumber City t D. L. Fiirguion, Wm. M. Ilenry. UnlonS. 8. of New Millport i Wm. A. Bloom, David Krhard, and Enoch Krbard. Union 8. 8. of Btonovilloi Samuel Lambert, Wilbur Picklci, and John Blair. M. E. 8. B.of Centre i Philip Antee, S. M. Bailey, and Mill Lltiie Bailey. The llinlnlcra prcecnt, were Ror'de D. W. Cam eron, R. Crittenden, A. W. Uilimo, Abel Thompson, Wm. M. BurchUfld, A. D. Yocum, II. 8. Butler, A. J. Ilartaock. . Tbe PrtiiJrut, Dr. A. M. II ills, being abnnt, Rer. R. Crittenden, by rote of the Convention, conducted tbe Devotional eaerciiea of the Semlon, altor wbieh, the eleetion of offlcerl for the ensuing year being in order, Dr. A. M. Hills was re-elected President j J. M. Stewart, Booretary, and A. I. Shaw, re-elected Treasurer. After musio by tbe Choir, Rev. Mr. Crittenden, delivered the open ing address, subject, "Tho Suoccsifol Sabbath School Teacher. Discussions on the subject of the address followed and was participated In by Rev'ds Abol Thompson, A. W. Uibion, Win. M. Burchteld, Dr. A. M Hills, and D. W. Cameron. A recess of a few minutes was then taken, while the roll of delegates was being made out. . Convention being again called to order, Miss Mary A. Irwin road an Interesting paper which was, on motion of Mr. Crittenden, requested for publication. Tbe following questions were hand ed in for diseussion, by members of tbe Conven tion, via t How shall we secure tbo Parents' inter est in the Sibbath Sahool 7 Are there not, aa a general thing, loo many classes in each Sabbath Subool? What is tbe rolation of tbe Cburvh mem ber to the Sabbath School 7 Ia it not the duty of erh Pastor to seo that his members attend Sub. btth School 7 What can tbe Subbath School do for tbo oauso of Temperanoe in Tobacco as well as strung drink 7 After oalling tho roll of delegates, the Con vuntion adjonrned, to meet at 74 o'olook, P. M KVEN1NU SKSSiON, 7i P. M. Convention opened with ainging by tbe choir and prayer by tho Prrsidont, Dr. A. M. 11 ill's. Tb. time allotted to devotional exercises was oe eupied in reciting verses of Scripture. Tbe open ing address was made by A. D. locum, subject, "The relation Parents sustain to the Sabbath School," after which the discussion of the subject of tbe address being in order, was responded to by Hcv. R. Crittenden, Dr. A. M. llitll, and Itov A. W. Gibson, In short and pertinent speeches. Rev. Mr. Crittenden, gave an interesting report of Sunday School statistics, collected by himself and Mr. A. J. Mtnatii, InClearDeld County, exhibit ing a map of the county in process of preparation, showing the number of Sabbath Schools, their location, the denomination they belong to Ac, ftir the use of the Couoty Association. The questions handed In for diseussiou at tbe elose of the after noon session, were now taken up and four of them discussed, the remaining one held over until the morning session. Convention closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Burchfleld aud Bcnodiction by. Iter. Mr. Yocum. SECOND DAY, MORNIXO SESSION. Convention opened, at 10, A. M., with prayer by Rot. A. W. Gibson, after which the opening address was delivered by Rev. II. S. Butler, sub ject, "Tbe relation of the Pastor to tho Subbath School, and tbe Superintendents' work." Tbe fl towinqueition, "Our difficulties in tbe Sunday School work, and how to meet them 7" being pre eentod was discussed in connection with tbe sub ject in haul. Mr. Butler, was followed by Rev. Crittenden, Dr. Drourh, Dr. A. M. Hills, Rev. A. W. Uibson, and Col. E. A. Irvin, with appropriate remarks. The question, "What is tbs best method of teaching an infant class V was discussed by Rer. II. 8. Butler, Rer. H. Crlttendon, and A. W. Gibson. Tbe question, "What can the S. S. do to promote tbs cause of Temperance, both in the use of Tobacco and strong drink 7" was here taken up and rentilated by Revd'l Abel Thompson and Crittenden. Ronisrks were made by Dr. A. M. Hills, on "Wonld you recommend the use of Sun. day School papers instead of Library books 7" after which the Convention adjourned with prayer aud benediction, to meet tu the M. K. Church at two o'clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION J P. M. ' This tbe last session of tbe Convention was des ignated "tbe Children's session," and the inter est taken by them wits manifested by tbo large nnmber of children present. The time for devo tional exercises was occupied in singing, sciiptura reading and prayer. Addresses were made by several jrentlnncn, which, notwithstanding the crowded condition of tbe house, were listoncd to with marked attention by all.. The following reso lution was offered and unanimously adopted ! Rfohtd, That the Clearfield County Sunday School Association tender its grateful thanks to tbe churchos and fomili.vs of Curwonsville, for the cordial reception and libival hospitality they hare extended to the members and delegates attending this convention ; also to tbo meiuliers of the ehoirs for leading tho mulle which largely contributed to tbe success of the Convention. After singing "Homeward Bound," and prayer by Mr. Crlttendon and benediction by Rev, Mr. Butler, tho convention adjourned, feeling satisfied that this effort for Uu promotion, of the Sabbath School camo was a grand enteoss, . A. M. Hll.LH, Pres't, Jas. M. SrawAnr, See'y. 8ptlal. For Salk. A Spear's Anti-Dust Parlor Store, as good as new, is offered for sale very chenp, Applv to F. Looai. oct'2 2t. ' Konoit. The undersigned wishing to recover the gun taken from the stable of D. W. Moore, will pity a liberal reward to any person leaving it at this office, or giving suoa information aa will lead to the rvoovery of said gun. It Is a double- barrelled, smooth and twist cnt bores, and having piece of at the end ef the stock, elose to the shoulder guard, doei not revolve, and baa double primers. O. L. MOORE. Two or three doses of Sheridan's Cavalry Con dition Ppwdcrs will cure a horse of any oough or eold, and ftc very worst oases may be eured In a few weel. We know this from experience. There Is no dliea."e Desi Is heir to mora trouble- some to manage than rh.'umatu'. It eomes when you least expect it, and gene, ally ,-imains till It gets ready to go away. The met oou,-;lcuoui remedy for this eomplaint Is Johnson's AnodjTJe Liniment. All sisel Cablo Chain at'l Hardware 9 25-72 Store, Seoond street, Clearfield, Pa. WixtKn. -boop Pelts, Call Skins and all kinds of Furs, for which tbe big hcet cash price) will be paid. Call at the clothing store ef D. btewart t Son, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Mp2i-St JOSEl'U LEHMAN. Just received, a large lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanterns at I -74-73 i II. F. Biona A Co s. Aim. Seventy-five doten Clearfield Wood oBopporf Axes at .2:7I. H. f. BIGLER A Cos. 8s wa. Dlitan's Cross-cut Saw, O real American Saw, Boynton's Lightning Saw, at 24-72 II. F. BioLaa e Co'a. RECAPITULATION, nird Cagee. Wood aud Willow Wart. . Household floods, , ., . . All kinds of Hardware. ' 1 Japanned Ware. " 1 ' Palnu, Oils, Vamlshcf. Calcined Plaster. ' Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the almve for eale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. Blgler k Co., Second street, Clearleld, Pa. . - , i ' . j, FAIKI FAIRII FAIR II I - FAIH BARGAINS I , FAIR PRICES! AT LEVER FLEQAL'S. I bara this week received tie largest lot of Boots ad Shews aver brought to the aonnty. Hats and Caps, the latest styles, sod a full line af Gent's Furnishing Goods, , ', . whioh I must sell, -, will sell, , - . and aw determined to sell at prleoa whluh will astonish both old and young. Tipped Lasting Gaiters, only t2, at FLEOAL'S Plain Morocco Gaiters only M 21, at FLKUAL'8 Congress Gaiters, only 1, at FLKUAL'8 Lasting Button Gaiters, oaly U 11, atFLEGAL'S Men's Shots from $1 Oi up at FLEOAL'S Heavy Elp Doable Eolod Boots, only $3, at FLEQAL'S Light Kip Double Soled Boots only rMoO at I FLEOAL'S Fine Calf Double Soled Hoots, only ti 40 at ' FLEOAL'S French Calf Double Soled Boots, only tt,at FLEOAL'S Fifty eases of hand-made Look llaron Boots, warranted, received at FLEUAL'S. For tale by tbo ease at wholosale rates. ' Tbe only way to become oonrineed that Bhoes ore eieap is to cell at FLEUAL'S, on Seoond etreet, nearly opposite tbo Court House, aud see for yourself. Uoods shown with pleasure. To UoutiKaaraaa. All kinds of Fruit Cans, manufactured of tha best tin aod with all the modorn Improvements, as well as putty and ce ment, for sale In large quantlllet by ' augltf i 1L F. DluLa it Co. II. F. Bigler A Co. have boon making extensive additions to tboir stook of Hardware tho last few days. Everything new In Bhelf Hardware, Sad dlers Hardware, Farmers Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be teen at tbelr store. May 22. Hai.r-Bitr.itD Sinter- rou Bali. Four half bred Ducks are offered for salo. Farmers wanting to improve their brood of Sheep, will do well to call and loo them. They are of the Cotswold brood. CLARK BROWN, srpt.ll-tt. 1 .' Notici to Wacox aid OAnniAQit Makmi. We bare Just received a geaeral assortment of Wagou and Carriago Woods, also a full line of Spilugs and Axles, which we oflor oheap for cash. . ' 11. P. BiOLitn A Co. Arohey Shaw still has for sale a splendid new buggy. Qo and see It - Bird Cages a large assortment at II. F. Blg Or A Coa. Cinaa Mn.i-a. H. F. Bigler A Co. have for sale tba heat double-geared Cider Mills manufac tured. . Bep.4-lm. A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Jo., for sate by II. F. Bigler A Co. Wo would uut recommend tbe froqueut or con stant use of any medicine. It ie important to take even a good article judiciously. Parsons' Purgative Pills ere sola, prompt and reliable as a laxative or eftthartie. " Ruse Ball Is undoubtedly good exercise and capital amusement, but it ot'tou oecpsious bunged eyes, broken skin and blistered hands. We can tell you that in ail suuh oases, if Johoson's Ano dyne Liniment is resorted to, it will reduce the swelling and slop the pain. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. ' . . ' ' FaasR Ononxa I'LArraa. Keeeivcd at Oerner Store by oar load and for tale by E. A. A W. D. Iawiw. Curwensville, March 13, IftTf. Wood and Willow Wart of all descriptions for salo by 11. F. Bigler A Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by RiruAnn Mossor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in lry uoous, uroeertes, Pro visions, Ac, Market etreet, Clearfield, Pa. Ci.BAnriKi.D, Sept. (4, Pa., 1972. Annies. Breen.OOfa 2 UOillogs, dressed 0 llrl,..! a tn I 21 Hides, green.-. - T Applebutter,gal, I 0 Hams 00(4 0 80 Sboulders...00(io 10 24 Hides.. 00(a) 120 it l.atj ., Ii(g U 4 Messpork,$bbl...l8 00 22 Oats 24 111 Onion 1 00 nuiier.. Bean $0 OOfet I Buckwheat... ... I Buckwheat flour tb, lleer, dried. II f frash DM Boards, M 11 00(4 U Corn, shelled.... 1 Corn, ear tlilfa) Corn meal, 1 lack, 1 Chop, tewt2 10(d) t Clovorseed 7 fhAAM ....... 00' Potatoes 00 DO 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. 12 0 Fluster, V bbi 80 Ryt 40 Hags, V tb . I 00 1 14 2 00 Salt, V sack "2 30 til Hhingles.ltHn. 4($4 00 14 Sliinglet,26tnl0(inl4 00 14 Timothy teed 4 00 Cherries, lb. 0(H Cbickons, drsd, m, Wt - . Vluvined X IS Tallow 24 00 Wheat. 1 74 Floor 0 notalO Oft Wool ... 64 144 Hay 00 00(4 ID HO, Wood, V aord.... IVuiiMylviiiiia Ilnllroml TYRONE CLEARFIELD BRANCH, 0 and after Monday, KOV, Jtlth, 1871, the P.ssengor Traius will run daily (except Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows! LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 1.14. r. a. Tyrone .I4,A. I'll, lipiburg..... 4.15, Orteols 10.44, " Osceola..,. 4.40, " Pbillpsburg...l0.45, " Tyrone 0.00, " 'Clearfield 11.44," " CLEARFiKLirEXPRKSrl. LEAVE SOt'Tn. j LEAVE NORTH, Clearfield 4.44 A. Philipsburg.. 8 15 Osceola. 7.04 ' Intersection.. S.12 " Tyrone t.24 " Tyrone..... ..7.00 . (I, Intersection. ..7. 13 ' Osceola 8.20 " Phillpblirg...8.40 " Clearfield, ar...t.40 FA UK FIIOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa (3 Oi Middletown .,,,,,...$4 00 Lock Haven. .ti.i. i 70 Williamsoort 8 CO Uuntinedon 1 80 Marietta , 4 40 Lancaster 4 84 I'lIILADEl.rillA 7 05 Lwistown 1 00 Alloona I 84 Mn-ysville , 4 40 .Tohnstnwn 180 DAKIIISBUUO... 4 7jl'rrT81IUR0 4 14 Close1 o'innections mado by all trains at Tyrone and L.OCK 4iven. s .GEORGE V WILKINS, myl7-tf. . Superintendent, 15osKH,lL4Hii)liIiiA.vaIie GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S I1 J.tVERVBODY tryVg to got there first, for feal J of being crowded o.' ! II yon want good Shoeing none, go to vmmmm II TUIRUI I U.I niTUI II.... - 'n m tt - . j uni f. ma La Baaaa. If yon want your wt got Iroatd In tht ktst ti .v ,1.. k.. , 'm.r, v.eMnt In the State, and does all kinds af BLACKSMiTHINO aa aheap as oan be dent ia the eounty lor teen. My Pott Office addrtst It L'learneia, rs. THOMAS BEERS, Boggt Tp., Dee. 19, 1887-U. J.iitlifrsbiirg Marble Yard! I a. nmnnMr and the publw lenerally that he irli -naivi'v enmifed in the manufacture af Monument"., hd t.-l Foot Stones, Stand, Table and Bureau Tope, B,h,f ltb"" ! ''" b' paid lo a deooased rolati : i ", "" lion af aa enduring slab a. a ' " MfiarotioDS wbera Ih.v have laij hiC Or her. 1 Dave engaged air. jduo v. uav" - -rent teatll. and ta wbott workmanship .Bd - ltl,. manr can bear witness, uruert soltottea ana promptly filled. Work delivered whereverdulrea. n. n. suusa Xuthersburg, Nowmbcr 80, 1870. ' The Lightning Tamer. TBI anderslgned art tht tola Agtntt In this eounty for the "North American Oalvaalsed LlOHTNinu nous." Toeos are is only safe ,dt now In let, and are endorsed by all tha leitDi.'8o th ttantry. a,, v.-hv notify tht cltlsens af Ha aooaty that wt wiii.; ;p ;' lest money, than ll '"f F h tgeatt who annnaiiy tr. earr ef our IllUt cash, ntf or to ntarn. ENCOURAQB HOl'i' I'ABOB. Tbost wishing Llihlnlno Bods trtetti ' innir onuoings neeu out aoorsss us ty loner, r eall la person. Wt will put them up aaywbert In thteounty, tori warrant thtm. Tht Hods and Fix tores eaa ke seta at any limt by tilling at ... - . . i. n,nt I Ml a r74 n twv. ,,. r, .,guOO W Pltarltld, March J.'", H. F. BIGLER & CO., II Alt 1 WARE, Alto, Hanniaotartrtof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collars, tie., for lata by ; ' i; 'U. f. BIGLER A CO. tALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD- Ing Bay Forks, for aalt by n. F, BIGLER & CO. QIL,' TAINT,' rUTTY, GLASS, Nails, ttc, for salt by j It. F, BIGLER k CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Flndlcgt, for lalt by " II. F. BIGLER eV CO. QUNS,PISTOLS,SWORADCNES For salt by H. F. BIGLER t CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bliss, for sale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. JRON! IRON! IRON! IRON! For aale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for sale by II. F. ISIQLER ft CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for salt by ...... . II. F. BIGLER ft CO. T HIMBLE SKEINS AND PirE BOXES, for eale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. pODDER CUTTERS for salo by acn.JU-70 ll. f . liiULttt to. (filufntiotial. SEW WASHIXGTO ACADEMY, Clearfield County,Pa. TIIK BUMMER TERM af tblt inttltulloa a ill open on the firit Monday of May next. (Term, five months.) Tbe course of study will embrace a rigid and thorough test In every branch requisite to a prac tical and accomplished education. Vocal and instrumental musie will occupy an Important plane in the eoaree of stAidy. Pupils will be admitted at any time during tbe session, and eherged from time of entering to tbe olose of the term. No deduction will be made for absence, except In eases of protracted illaeee. Students desiring rooms for "clubbing" oan be aeoeiujnodatrd at moderate rales. Good boarding oan be p roe a red at three dol lars per week at public and private houses. ror particulars address UEOBOK W. INNI8, Principal, March t, '72-tf New Washington, Pa. MISS E. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Tm FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will ommenee Monday, September Id, 1872. TERMS OF TUITION. . Reading, Orthography, Writing.ObJeet Les sons, Primary Ariluueeue ana A'runary Oeoraohv 17 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, urammar, menial and Written Arithmetit 00 Algebra and the Seienoee II 00 Instruction In Instrumental moiio 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lessons II 00 Wax work 00 For full particulars send fur Ciroular. Clearfield, Sept, J, 070-lypd. . CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Malt aud Female Claifcal High School. Hach Department Separate, Dlstluct and Complete la lclf. THR echoUttle year of thil Ini-UioMon In divi ded lot two PM.otii of Ave montbi (twenty one weeki ) each. The Ant Mlen eeuaneacei ea the ftrrt Monday In Heytenberf the woond, efi the nrn Monday In febrivary. Tbeooarje of (nUnietipi! embrmoei every thing neoeMary to a tboruufli. prwtical iid acoouiplub ed education of both nexei. . J . & 1' up ila will be almUted at any time and charged from data of entrance to the clone of the ieaion. No deduction will be made for abrwnre, cicijtt in oaaoi of extremo and p rot roe ted lllneea. tudenti from a diitanoe oan be aooominoJated with board at low ratei. For particulars, irnri for elrcularp, or aiMreii f Rev. P. h. HAIUUSON, A. i July M, lfl7l-tf. '. Priaoipal. R ECOXSTKUCTED. : 5 .-tV ... r ' , J( DANIEL STEWART & BON llarinc purehaeed the Cheap Clothing Home of liaao L. Heiienitein, have the larnest aod be it aaeortiaent of Manofactured Uoodi In theeooJity, aod oaa aell their ' HEADY MADE CLOTHING, for Men, Doyi and Children, M PF.It CENT, CHEAPER Than any other house la tbe eonfity. ' Tbey will always keep on band a large and el egant assortment of j a r . .i . gents FURyismxa aOODS, COLLARS, TIES, 'I - ' .! .i ' j ' ' TRUNKS,, "... .. .. VALISE8, " ' Ac, Ad. OF THE LATESf STYLES AND PATTERNS. If you want to get good and stylish Clothing, at low figures, do aot fail to call at their e.lsh. Itihaient before spending your money elsewhere. Remember the place. aug7'72 DANIEL STEWART A BON. MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD! jrjg. J. S. LIDDKLL, Having -g.ged in the fc0 kneln derlret to Inform her Mends and tho ."Hid ,)u kM now and will keep constantly on ha.d u'5 ni weO telected ttoek of ITALIAN AND VEIlv'ON 7 MARBLE, and la prepared ta furnish lo order TOMBSTONES, " ' ' ' ' ' J BOX AND C 14 ADM TOMBS, ' MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts fat Cemetery Lew, Window Bills and Cape, also, i BUREAU, TABLE AND- WASH STAND - TOPS, At., Aa. - - - - - V Ysrd el Beet) ttrtet, near tht R, X. D ot, wm. - '" JtT.TJ gral ?tatt for jtU. F OR SALE OU KENT I i' 4 VALUABLE FARMS, IN CLEARFIELD COUNTV, OFFERED FOR SALE OR REM. The anderslgned offers for sale or rent tba following named farms, situatsd la tilrard town hip, Clearfield eounty, Pa , rial No. I. Known aa tht "Old Coudrlet Farm," on Back Run, containing about! MM! Acrca, about to tores beiag eloared aaa uader a goad state of oultivatlon ; tbe balanoe in timber. No, . Known ai the 'Clodii Roamlot Farm' nontatoinir about KM) Acrei, about 40 torn of wbioh are cleared and under a good itate of euttlvatiun, and the balanee well Umbered. No. 3. Known ai the "Lamb Farm," haring about 110 acrci eleared and under eultivatitio. No. f. Known ai tha "Ed. Wool rich Farm' otainine; about ViO Acrea, a large portion of allien ia cleared and nnder oultivatiun, the bei anoe twing timbered. Not . 1, 3 and S hare dwelling, barai and other irtirovementi thereon ereeted, and all foar have orenarda. inrlnn aad itreami of running water oa them. Heaioaabte terms In the matter of paymenti. ao'l ponteiiiun given on April let, 1873. Fur further information call on or addrevi L.M. COrDKIKT, au(7-3m Frcachville, Clearfield Co., I'a. I PUBLIC SALE! ICKAfi K.STATK AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. The UDilrniRLed will acll at Publie lale, at lit rui'lencc, at the mouth of Sandy, in Corington towmhip, on BATUHDAY, OCTUIIHU 19, 1872. tbe (ollowlnr nerttonal nronertr. vit One train of llunrea and narnff, three cow, eight head of yooageattla, la ahcep, 1t bogs, on timber iled, one pair log wbeeii, log cbaint, pair of grabs, oo ro plow, cutting box, eron oat iaw, grain era die, wheat by the buih-l, rafting too 1st, I good hoiti, nine bedi and bedding, one egg atove. otje eookinj stove, and other article!. Will alio iell at the mat time, the following drierihed real titate, lit tint e in Covington town ahip. Cleat livltl eounty, I'a.. lying along the Sue-qui-banna river and HituJy run, adjniuiog ndi of ('. Harmoy, J . 11. Rongvux, T. II. Foroey and W.A. Wallace, oontaiuing tffl.l Acrea, baring about i0 aTf cleared and in a good etateuf culti- ration, and tbe bilaaee having a large cjuantity of taw t turner tnerron. I no itnprovfineiiu eontist of a Tavern (Stand, iSi.tO; Saw Will, in running orJr, and all the nciary outbuibllngi ereeted thereon. Tbe hotri hai a larger rnn of ouitom than any otber hotel Itetwoen ClfmrAeld and Lock Haven, and la well known to all watermen. An cxwlli-nt vein of eoal it now open, and Are eley and iron ore are el no among the mineral. Tbe ran ing beach, which ia one ef tbe Uncut along the river, reuta lor a ooun. titrable lutu annually. Will alio aril, at the tame time, another tract, containing ten acre. nhoining tbe above. Pereoni dcniroui of nurchaiing will be ehowa over tha pmniti-i by v lilting tba uuderiigned at any time nriore ine day of tale. Pale will commence at 9 o'clock a. m. of laid day. Tbe termi, whioh will be liberal, will be made known oa the day of lain, or by arpncatloa lo (be uimeraigucd HK.M'rS tUWl). Covington townahlp, Ncpt. 18, lhja.-tt. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immente Stork of tioodn of every menrrijHtoH. Woolen Ooods, same prlaa as before the ,d raaoa In wool. Muslins at reduoed prleet. Drrtt Goods In greatest variety. Monrnlag Ooods of all kiada Blarik Alpaca., at all prices. Black Silks, vary oheap. Waterproofs, Velveteeni. Plaid and. plait) Flan nels, Shirting Flannels, Ao. Table Linen and Napkins, Irish Linens, 10-4 Sheeting aad Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Rep Shawls and Scarfs, Striped Shawls at all prices. Paisley Shawls, single aad double, tS to liO. Dren Trimmings, Fringes, Laaee, Velvet Rib bone, Vslveteeus, Ac Full line .f tbe eelebrated "Josephine Seam less" K.l Glores, Kid Gloves from tl ap. Ladi.l' Nock Ties, Collars, Ruffling, Hair Braids aad Switchos. Ladbi' and Children's Xerino Under-wear. Mndsma Foy'a, Thauiptoa't, Ultvt-Fitting Hip Gore tnd othor Corseta. Also, Uoop Skirts, Panicrii.Ao. . . Large ktock of Carpets and Wall Papers.' Shoei and Uaitej-B, same quality as heretofore. "The kit are the ehespsst," , Balujral aad.opier koiulng yarns, and othsr articles, too namorous lo mention. Purrhssers will find a greater variety of foods than is usually found In ont store. Call ltd examine. Clearorld, Sept. II, 1871. "I.ny down Ibo Shovel end tha Hoe.'' 1U(KMA S 10RX PLAXTER. This iLgrnious maehine, for whteb a patontaat just bei, issued, It is contidently believed will su perscde an otiirrs in u.c or onerca to toe puono. It it copsUaetrd to that ilj funowe, rdnnts and sows at tlltoe, at equal distances npart, both ways, dropplrg foor, five er six grains in each hill, as tba wodier may determine before commencing, oorerin the corn when dropped, euioolliing down its eww furrow and leaving tbe ground in better eon'lrimn than before planting. It In la itself a complete sef etorHno aiacai'ae, renir ng ao hired ssiiitanee and doing the work better and with greater regularity and preeisioa Uuin it eould possibly he dne by hand, at less tjaaene.ioatk tbe labor. 1 ; Anybody that can drive, with this Planter eat ehto a field prepared for oorn and farrow, drop end. cover ten to fifteen seres daily, lu aepaetty teing limited only by th. dartaao. a team eaa ke 4 eaddy driven. It is te Metros ted that when dot planting or in turning at ihoend af tba fur itiw, by a mere touch It ia raised of the ground, aSrown'out of gear and a'oved backward or for ward, where) yoa may want It, without dropping tne corn or tuuoniag me earia. i . Praotieally it Ignoree men, knee and plewa la otra plaatiag, and makes that which hoe hereto fore beea bard labor a mare pastiins for a boy, or about healthy axereise for a lasy aun. , . laspaotloa of the Planter eenstructed by the p4eatce terditly solicited, and eounty, State or intividaal rights for salt, at low rales, to expedite lit introdenlioB. . Address UEI UkN IIACEMAN, Ptlentet, . ag2S-3ia . . Clearfield, Pa. FOR SALE. Tho iiibscrlbep offert fair sale, on reasonable terms, Oa. Hundred ad Thirteen Aoree of Lend, with an allowance of eil aorta, la Brady township, Clearfield eounty, I'a., and lying on the east branch or ntauip creek, edjoloing landa of David Heame, U Hilar and Yoah, Hell aud Kramer, and 4i, It, Ueoduader. Paid kuid is well covered with white plae, hem lock and oak timber, and a rein of good eoal, four sad a half feet thick, underlies about seventy seres of It, The vein Is open and ready foropes sling. Thar, is about twenty-five acres eleared and in agnod state of cultivation, with a good frame tittle and log barn on tho premiers, and alto, a a,rtr falling spring of good water. The title Is food. Oome and see the property, at It la bound to be sold, aa the subscriber is oini West. seplO-St WILLIAM K0PP. : 'rjmiWJTIOK. or PARIfBRMUIP.'. I I l.hd Partnership heretofore axlstiag est wees r.-' Roliert Hoed,doiog husinees nadcr IT'tnT,. ei W Bros, Utbls day dissolved of Rbert Head, peraon.' IrJ'Jcbd to the said Ana will eall aad make Immadia. "B,lBK,.nna Bettamher 14, loll. , . ."J William Reed will eonti.oe the dry food I bi tlatttattht.ld ttand, where yoa will Jent bull attt sesiduotrd more aetitely than before. ISae - i . i ,i.i. i WM. TtEirD. Clisrlekl. 5eil,Jl. I7J.' ...f. .e ., J gnifli and gprdiriiui. T HE tlTEIT NOrBI .. ... i : A THE (LATESI1 MOyU ! HARTSWICK& IRWIN'S DRUG STOKE, To their tew building on Seoond Street, nearly opposite Jit store ot wearer iieitt. CLEARFIELD, PA., Where ther will continue to lupply their old and aa many new cue ton en aa may come, with PUKE DRUGS! ... , , ; CHEMICALS,!,'.' PHARMACEUTICAL PBKPAnATIOXS, . (Including all new remedies,) . i Patent Medicines, Paint, and Oil, niast and Putty, School Books, CWttooery, Paper, Ao.j also, a full line of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonios, ' ' Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Ao., all of the best quality. PURE WISES AXD LIQUORS, tot medieal A aacramtntal purposes only, Purt Whltt Lead, Colore of all kinds. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishee, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish : Drnshss, Flavoring Extracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spice, ground and angroanu, qi ati awns. . SMQ&ER3 AND C11BWERS Will find our stock of Chewing and Rmokine Tobaoeo. Itnoorted and Do mestic Cigars, Snuff and Fine-cut lo be of the very best brands ia tne aarnet LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARR, OARDI55I BKF.DS, "' ' ' ' ' "' i, ... ' Ml-SICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Musical Trimmiags af every variety. Hevlag a long axperleace la the nasiaese, and an extensive and well eeleoted etoek of medicines, we are enabled ta fill Physicians' prescriptions at the shortest aotiee aad on tbe most reasonable terms, day aad night. riARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Mar 31, 1071-tf. 1 T. I. ''For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Jiinrniities." St. Paul. pit. HOYiirs WEST BRANCH BITTERS, -f- A safe, pure, pleasant and heailh giving Tonic strictly rrgeuble, and manufactured from the molt pure end choree materia!. Is not a spirit drink nor sahstltuta for whisky, but a teientifio compound, for tbe protection of th. Bystem and the core of dlseese, made from chemically pure tpirt, entirely free from fusil oil o, other irrita ting properties, and will aot disagree or offend tbe most delicate stomach. A long private experi ence has attested its i a Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present offered ta the pablie contains so much medicinal virtue, nnd yet so safs and plrasant ta take. Its ate Is to cure disease, and it will not create aa appetite for splrilaoas liquors, but will cure U), tff'M of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, f To promote Digestion.,, , rM. To euro Dyspepsia, I To cure Fever and Ague, ' To aura Billioueness, ' '" "' " To cure Constipation, ( ' To euro Cbronie Diarrheia, . To eore Heart burn, t To euro Flatulence, - -To cure Aeid Mructatioas, ' VS IT. UB IT. USB IT. V8B IT. USE IT. USK IT. I'SB IT. VHB IT. HSJS IT. I SK IT. USB IT. USB IT. 7. T. cure Noivous Debllitr, , Ta aura Hylotkoodria, a To euro Sallovqr,, of Complexion, t'Sbt IT.' To tare Pimples aad Blotches, , .. tb'B II. I For General Prostration of IJie , Phyiloal power,,, -,, ,, f -, t'SBIT, ' and It will curt yon. ' sJ( Sold avarylrlurra, at f.0O )rtr , pottle, Mauo- fsclured exclusively l)y .r. . "'" A. I. SHAW, ' . UrugglaL , - 1 1 , .- CLKARFIBLD, f A., Who offers liberal Inducements to tha trade. Oct. 7, UOOitf. ( A.- - , ,' Jl JbjBVV , STOKE, . HOUTZDALE1' P. ftALI.AOHBB hatlag lust relnrned from tbe east with an enllrt new and complete assort ment of Merchandise, tuUablt for Winter and Sprli Ing tnulo, whioh baa been seleoted with great care aish ana nougnt at tew rum, se j.'rrpi. w i.e tl i.i... j.t llnnl.riftl. m.tiA vletoilv with goo ids at a very light advance on Irtt eort fui CO. a. vouniry rriMiue. um,h,v. . market tirVea. Call aad eiaaslae tay stook before Country rrouuoo ana Doingies ween a. .. - . - - I - 1 I..-L L-f. cnrrJ' P ll A t.l.AllllKtL BouUdP'''''''".""-'. ward. d. prove prop.rty, pay ebargee aad u . ,, or be will be disposed of awording "T awa; - 'u.vr.s.e mw . a townahip, BepL U, t flrabast rnaTIiaV r.. .-eera,,l thepremlees noLd t. ba about 14 y.rt .14, wlKv amK" ''' In the taa. Ia. .... It reatad W fl J. r. watbb W. larrt. f WKAYI'.It AUKTTS CLEARFIELD, PA., i i Are offering, at Ikt eld stand of 0. L. Reed k Co, i ' - ' "'' " ' ' ' tbelr slock of goods, ooml.tlng of ' ' . ... . 'i DRY - GOODS, ' GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8U0K3,' 1 ' "' , HATS A CAPS, HARDWARB, . QUEENSWARB, ' FLOTJE, FEED, SALT, &o.r ttc, At tb. most retsonabla ratal for CASH or In axohange for , ( , ,-.'.!.. i! I ! r Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. , f -Advanoee mode to those engaged In get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terms. ' pdtljenTJ a. a. aokolp w. aoss nAnrtnoaa. "Cheaper than the Cheapest T GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES . ' .'i o . just axcsivao tr ' i ( . I , ....... Arnold & Ilartsliorn, (One door weat of First National Bank,) CUnV KNHVII.LB, PA. TTAVINO just returned from tbt east with a XX complete aetortment af Goods suitable for Spring and Summer trade, wa are now ready to furnish all kinds of Ooods i t , . "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our customera for their liberal patroaage during the pat year, we wonld most respeotfully aik for a continuance of the tins, ' Our Stock eon, felt of a complete assortment ef Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queeneware, Wlltowware, Urooetles, Boots eTr Shoes, Hals A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, At. Alio, Flour, Bscon, Salt, Fun. Grain, etc ' . . All of whlrk will be told en tbe most retson abla terms, and tha blgheet market price paid for Orale, Wool aad all kinds of Lumber and Country Produot. ' jet-Pleat, girt at it tall before amrekaslag elttwbtrt. SatitfaetioB guaranteed as to price aad quality. H ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Come, of Main and Tkempaoa Streets, apr:o CURWEti'SyiLLB, PA. I 12 A C 13 IN KCROPEI 'I .1 ,1 I! UT ORBAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE I The blood jr eonteit between France and PronU ii at an end for the preieot, ao far ai the laujfh teriDf of men and tho deitruction of property ia concerned. The Royal Jofcglere no doubt pride thrmaelrea and rejoloe ovr tho mult, but bow ini(rniftcnt ii their work when oo us pared with the humane and cbrittlan efforta of L. M. COUDRIET, who haa nndrrtrthen to auppl.r aJI tbe clUsena In tha lowor cad pf the onant with food aad raiment at exrfct!inr low ratrtt from hie mam moth itore In Hl'LSONItrHO, where be can nlwara be found read to wait upon eallerf and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such aa Clothn, Batinrtt, raBimere, Muilins, Ielaine, Linen Drilling., I'alicoei, Trluimingn. Kibboua, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Mooti and Shoea, II m t and Copt all of the bolt teaterinl and taadc tu order Uom, 5ooki. Ulovea, Mittem, Lacei, Hi boons, Ao. OKOCKUlUfl OF A1.L KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rica, Muliutee, Finh, Salt. Pork Lineoed Oil, Fivh Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qti-Drnawarr, Tiuwarc, Caftinfr, Plow and Plow Cm tine, Nail, Pplkei, Com Cultiva tor!, Cider Proaee, and all kindi of Ax, Perfumery, Paint , Vnrnib, tllwi, and a jcnoral aaaurtmeut of tftatiotiurjp GOOD , FLOUR, Of different brands, elways on hand, end will be Bold at the lowost jiossiblo figures. LIQUORS, such at Brandy, Wiuo, (iln. Whisky, Joyne'a Medicines, Ifostetter't and , Hooflaad's Ijlltor,. -S000 pound, of Wool wanted for which tbe highest prioe will be paid.. Clovorseed on hand and for aalt at tbe lowest market price. Also, Agent for Strattonville aad Curwenaville Tbrsihinjr Mavhiues. ii,,., F&avCall sjid sec for yoursolres. Von will Dnd everything usually kopt ia a retail stare. . , L. M. COCDIIltrf. ; Frenchville P. O., starch 1, 1871. Clicnp iii nihil re. 'JOHN GULIC1I ' " DESIRES to Inform his old friends and cue tomere, that having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities lor niunuieoturing, he Is now prspsred to make to order such Furniture as may be desired, In good style and at cheap ratal for CASH. He generally hat on hand, at hli Furniture rooms, a varied assorlmsnt ef ready, made furniture, among which are tU'RKAUS AND HIDE-BOARDS. ' i , Wardrobesand Book-Cases; Contra, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast aad Dining Bxteatloa Tabltt: Com mon, Frenob-post,Coltage,Jenny-Lind and other Bediteads, Sofa, of ail kinds. Work-stands, list-racks. Wasb-tteoidA i Koakiac aud Arm chairs spring-seat, eane-beltom, perlor, com mon and other Cbalre, Looking-Ulasses of erery detrrlptioa on hand and new glasses foe old frames, which will be put In on rery reasonable terms on shortest notice. Ue alsolieepsoa hand or furnishes to order, Corn-husk, llalr and Cot- toa-top Mattresses , , w '1 , s CoFriNS of Evert Kind j Made to order, tnd funtrolt atteaded with a Hearse whenever deaied. Also, House Painting done to order. The subseriber also manufac tures, and hat eonsianO on bond, Clement's Patent Washing Machitj, lUJ he .e la ass Tboet arlng this taaekin. never ne tir with, out clean clothes! He also hat Flyer't Patent Cbura, a superior article. A family using tUi Churn norer need be without butter I All tht above and maay other article! are fur- alsbed la tnstomtrt oheap for Can or iichenged fir approved aeuntry produoe. Cherry, staple, Poplar, Llnwood and olaer Lumber tultablt for, Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furniture aajrReia.aber the shop Is .a Market street, Clearleld, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHN Ul'LlOli. November lo, loi y . , 1 Idlvery Mtukle. j T1IH undersign begs leave te Inform tbt pub He that he is now fully prepared toaeoommn dale all la the way ef famishing lionet, llugglee, Saddle, aad Harnttt, eu tht tiitrtatt aetlce aad oa reaeonahl. tonne. Resldeno. on Locust street, between Third aod Fourth. . UKO. W, UKAUUAftT. Ilearoeld, April ll, 17. THE DEMOCRATIC ALMA5A0 for 1 UOT and HA for lale at the Post, pr ce Si ee tts. Mulled lo tay address. '' , , Soul. SHAW HOUSE, ) 1 - A . HI (Cor. of Market A Front ttrteU,) . . ULKAnrir.i.L', inv i i. ii n tl i. Mtiralr new. teas. . ui. "a - - plete la all Its appolntmenU, and aonveuieal aa. the CouK Houee. A free Omnlbni rona t. aad. Iron tb. Depot ea tb arrrrat anw OTjrr..uf each train. - JlIlS, B. O. CLEMLATS, April 10. 18)1. , . , rropneireee. WASHINGTON" HOUSE,' . KIW'WA81IINUT0N, PA. t 1. 1 . ,.Ht.uJ Kniu. has bewa ..i. i. .1. I li. r.l. Mafident of being able to render satisCaolloa to those who may favor him witn a call. - - May 0, m. ' O.W.PAVIM, rropr. . REVERE HOUSfl, , - -B V K N S I D K, P A. The subieriber having built anew Hotel, wllh all modern improvements, is prepared t. retfeiTW J gussts. The table will be aupplied with the best , in the market! tne bar with tbe oaooieesi iiquora, Good stabling attached. : j - ' . . - . aprs-iy , . A. it. BtJUAKt rr-rl, irnpt THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. ! . MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. ' TniS large and tommodiont new hotel baa been opened fur tbe accommodation at tba ' public, where the proprietor will be glad ta meet hie old friends, and receive a share of publie pat, ' ronage. By strut persoaal attention to tba (Jar all. of his holiness, be bones to be able to rendu eattsfaotlou lo bis patrons. Tbe TABLB will always be bountifully supplied with the beet Ueat , oan be procured ia tbe market, and the BAR will contain a rullstoetor tuu vno, saas, mm Good stabling attached. ' j LAr-riin i.r.u'ui.01, Clearfield, March I, l-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE) Corner of Seoond and Market Streets , , CLEAnKIEXD, PA. ,' Tni3 old aad eommedlont Hotel bat. during tba past year, bten tnlarged to daubla ila . furmsr caDaclir for tht tnteruinment of siren- gers and gueitt. Tbe whole building bat been, refurniehod, and the proprietor will spar, na, pains to render his gussts oomfortabt Bteyiog with htm; p The "Mansion Beusa" Omnibus rune ta and from tht Depot ea the arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, .. apra-70 tf :. . , Proprietor. IEONARD IIOUSI3, -v '.,t.1; J , Hear the Railroad Depot, , -, ,j . CLE AB FIELD, PEN K'A. ' . This bouse le larirr. well forniihed, and nearly new. and the Proorielor feela ounfidont of render ing loliifadlon to guests. N. B. Good stabling connected witil the hotel. ot-7l . -. B. B. BOW, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ' -: ' ' (Opeoilte K. R. Depot,! ! CLEARFIELD, PENNA. The Undersigned, bsvlng beeoro. : proprietor of this bouse, is now ready to entertain strangert, aod travelers, and therefore tolieitt sojourners to give blio a call. Ills Table will besnpplied wltn 1.. I .1 .1 ..l.i -. 1. .1 1 t. ll .. . Mill m.. tain the choicest of wines and liquois. Bltenslrt stabling it attarned. Cnargee moderate. JanlU72 JAMKS McLAL'UULI5. WESTERN HOTEL, - Opposite tbe Court House, - CLEARFIELD, PEKITA. ' Aetomiodauoas first -class and obargos modoratt. . oett JOIIS.F. YOTJfiO, Proprietor. jyj- O N T O V R HOUSE, ( . Opposite tbe Court Hoasa, . LOCK II A V E N, P SSII'A. Jolt'Tl ' ' HAl'HEAL A KBOM, Prop KOCKERIIOFle HOI SB, UBLLKFOKTK, TA.,,., , . , , Jf. .JOHNSTON A B0N8, . oot!i';i Proprietors. TJAILKOAD HOUSE, . '7 -.' PMLlPHHUHt, PKNK'A.. : Tbe undenig ued kef-pi conntaotiy wn hand tba . bent of Liqnore. Hi table la alwra anpplied wit b the bHl the niarket afforda. Tha traveling publie will dq well to give him a eall norlde. - KubfcKT LLOVD. SUSQUEHAaVXA IIOUSK; w t n Cl RWENSVILLfc. " : Clearfield count r, Penn'a. ' ' 7 ' Tbil old and well eetablilbfd UHd, beautifully iltualed on the banki of tbe uiquehaona, in tha borough of CitrweniTtlla, haa been loaaed for a term o( yrart by th nndereigned. It haa been entlrrly refltted, and li now open to Ibo public generally and tha trurcliag eounnuoity In par ticular. No paim will be iparrd roudrrgucita eomfortabla while tarrying at Cile bouvn. Ampla Stabling room for tha aCajminodaUon of tcama Charj;i'i modcrar". 8rpu 21. lin-tl. KU BLOOM. ' OOT AND SHOE MAKING. PHILIP WEAVER, oa Market etreet, in Shaw's Row, Clearfield. Pa., hat Just received a Ana lot of French Calf (kins and Kips, tha , best in tke snsrket, and ia ao prepared u man ufacture erevythlng in hia line, lie will war rent his work lo he aa represented. i i . '.- The clriiooe of bleartield aad vicinity art rtereetrully invited to give bin a call Work doae at abort n.lioo. , t;'7,y. SEW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP. .' i -EDWARD. MACKVi lu Con. MARKk'T A In Sra, C'LBARFLELD, Pa. fpilK proprietor has entered into the BOOT X, SHOE buiioe.s at the above stand, end lsdetorminod not to b. outdon. either In qnal ity or prioe for bis work, bpeoi.l atleation will be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. Ue has on hand a large lot of Krench Kip and Calfskins, ef the eery beet quality. The eltl seas of Clpoifiold and vicinity art rospeotfully invited to give biai a trial. No eharge for eallt. - aov,' -tf ' . i i:,; r SAAC JoilMSON A'KONS, 1 ' , Maaufactureri and Dealers lo il ..r- ..1 . lie. ft;.- II O O t H llll il NIlOCMt i f; .ij J, Hi .'.' ; ;,( I .i . . ; " LaJi', Uiuai' nud CbiUren'a Oailvri, Mcn'if Iloyi' and WtuiK-n't Ilrnry Uootn, and ', Ac, Ao. -Htare and ibop n Hocand Itreet. uearly oppo ulte 1', V. Iii(lc po.'i hardware Urs , t Frb. J, im-lv CLKARFIKM. PA. djcrowell Mauuraelurrr of the I). H. Hall Bultiug ilatbine nnd tbo HIDKfUT SIIINfll.H MACH1N8, ' ta out from IS te 10 incite 4 nnd Hoenned uader Kveritt'a netent, J"lntrn. Iirnr Hiw Maohinoa and (leneral Mill Work. Hinnmabuning, Camar- . On eounty, Pa. - . . Krpairing of Machines and general Cutt-Ma Wain done ta artier. ) 1 ., .. anfU .. Clearfield Nursery. milR nnd.r.lffn.A l,.-l- ..1.V.K.I..J . OT.. . . ' --...- - X sery on tne fine, about hair way between Ulearfield and Curwansvllla, ta prepared to fur nlsk all kinds af FRC1T THtaES, (standard aad dwarf,) Evsrgreene, Bhrubbary. Grape Viae., Gooseberries, Low ion Blackberry, Strawberry, and Rasberry V inee. A Wo, Siberian Crab Trees, Qolnoe, and early ee-irlet Rbuberb, At, Ordart promptly attend.d to. .Add rose, , , 1. D. WRIGHT. , 'eep(IJ.y "' ' t Carweoevllle, Pa VyMIilTHAT)ll'l KOTICIWKoflea la hereby given that letters af administration on tht tttttt of Darin llria, deooased, lata . of tho borough of Clear Held, Clearfield county, Pa., having been duly grouted te the undersigned, all tersona Indebted to sold estate will please make Immediate payment, and thute having authenticated for aettiem.nt without delay. j MAGGIE H. 1IUCK, ' Sept. i, 1171 (t , , . ; i Admlulitratrix." M0SHANN0N LAND & LUMBER 1 ' OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS,' ' ' sni'rirtrini ' LTJMBEIJ, LATH, ASD plckKTS.'' , U. II. 8HILLINOF0&D, President, , 0fSo- Fon..t Plaoa, No. 2 S. 4th it., Phil'a.' ' ' JOHN LAWSHl!, 'General Sup't. ' Osceola MilJi Cloarfleld eoanty, Pa.' I,1H ;0!eSTAII'.li!,l'..l.rCII 'pw, SAie ay tuis on" ... i i , , , , vioainoio, e. - ' " ."- . ,, i a