...... , THB , ISIEFIELD EEPCELICiH," , roiuuiii itmt wtBxiiMT, ir ; lOODlAWDBft HAOERTY, ' CLEARFIELD, PA. ' ' IT1III(BBD III 1S)T. , larfeet t'lrcalaUoa of say newspaper , la MorUt CHtnl Pennsylvania. v. Term of SubBoription. ..a t. .... h within I montas....)tt OO dd after I ud before e moaths......... 0 .i after thi expiration of aonthi... a OO Rate, ol Advertising. itent advertisements, per square of 10 Itnea or a, 1 limes or Mil. - uu lor each eubtequent insertion.. Ma 88 iaiitretors' ud Bxeoutors' notioea. 1 SO tufa' aotleee.....u... ....... mm I 80 ions tad Bstraye..,..... ......... 1 80 tlalioa notices. - - - t M atonal Cards, I lines or less,l !,... J 00 i notloee, per Una.... 10 ... YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. ..$8 00 I I column... ......S8 M res., tra it column..... ooluniu... 4ft 00 90 00 . Job -.1 CLANKS. mIn. tl I airM.ar.anln.tl Tt rM,pr,falra, 1 00 Out 0, pr qdra, 1 00 1IAKDDILL3. , Jiof Uu,tl 00 I ihMt, J5 or leu,5 00 4,1 J or lou, I 00 1 hMt.li or lou,10 00 ( li of woh of tbott ti proportioU ntM. - - alOKOI B. OOODLARDIR. OEORGB HAQBRTY, a l. 1'uiur, ' a!i. w. m'ooodt. !IoENALLY & MoCUEDY, , . ArrORN EY3-AT-LAW, riurttald. Pa. M baiinm atuoded U promptly with j. Ofloo oa Boooad strxl, no re tba Flrtt aal Bank. 0:11:71 . walucs. ' ' raAaa rii ALL ACE & FIELDING, ATrORN KV8 AT LAW, . :iaarield. Pa. fltfi butiaeM of all klnda attended to aronptaou and 6dllt. Offloa la rcfideaoa Iliaia A. Wallaoa. Jan 1:71 G. R. BARRETT, TORNIT AND COUNKKLOR AT LAW, 5 CLEARFIELD. PA. flnt rMigntd bit Jndgaihlp, hi returned raetioo of the law In hit old olllea at Clear Fa. Will attend the oonrti of Jeffereon and aaatiea when ipeeial) retained ia eonneetion jaaident eonntei. a:i:u T. H, M'U RR A Y,' )I0RNEI AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. fompt attention glren ts all legal baiinen alted to bit eara ia Clearteld and adjoining ittaa. OIBee oa Market ., oppotite Nangle'l wirr Ktora, uearneia, ra. jeie ii A. W. WALTERS, " ' ATtOKNEY AT LAW, ''; ' ; CJaajflald, Pa. -.Offloa in tha Court Dome. ' ' JeoS ly i H. W. SMITH, 1TTORNET-AT-LAW, -.1:71 Clearfield, Pa. . . WALTER BARRETT, ATTORN BY AT LAW. , aa aa Second Bu, ClearOeld, Pa. noTll.OO ISRAEL TEST, i,:'.' ATTORN RY AT LAW .r Clearfield, Pa. WOfloa la tha Court tlouia. Jyi'w JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - - - Clearfield. Pa. ice aa Market St., orer Joseph Showers' Arocery store. Jen. 3, 1871. aa. i. a'cttLLouaa. w. a. 'ci i.i.ouob. ., J, mCUUlilAUUU OL XJXVU AlAUXV, T ar.nTTTTflTTriTT a. DTJftl'TTTTJ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JJ' '- Clearfield, Pa. Office on Locust street, nearly opposite tho raa- aca of Dr. R. V. Wilson, we naro in our oi- one nt RleeecK A tiro's larsost Ore and bnr- ar proof safes, for the protection of books, deeds, other valuable papers piaccu in oar onarge. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 4 ReU Katate Areat. Clearfield, Pa. . Once an Third street, bat Cherry a Walnut. . JaaT-Reepeetrall affera his serrtcesja selling 4 baylag laads la ClearOeld aad adjoining aatiea aad with aa eiperlenoe af orer twaatv aan as a aurreyor, Saltan himself that be aaa .daraatufaati... Feb. ifcsirtf. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, ' i C'Y, , A HUM W aw IiOgA and Idumbor, e CLEARFIELD, PA. "doe la MaionU Building, Room No. 1. 1:15:71 ..... J . J. L INGLE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, M0 Oeceola. Clearfield Co., Pa. y:pd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. Wallareton, Clearfield County, Penn'a. VavAII legal business promptly attended to. D. L. K REB S, Auaaeeenr to H. B. Seroone. . T iw ir fVlT I VfTtrtW IJFPirR. Pdtl.l'tl ' CLEARFIELD, PA. v ,,hlr ., . , . i L - lob a H. Orrti. C. T. AUitvnder. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, - ' ' ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Flelleruiite, Pa. scpll,'St-y J. 3. BARN HART, ATTuawsv - AT - 11, liellefoHte. Pa. .Will practice la ClearOeld aad all of tha Courts of ,tna Zotn Judicial aiitnev. naai esiaia oueini-ee .and eollMtion of elaims made toeelaltlea. aril . DR. T. J. BOYER, jPUYSiCIAN ANDSDRQEON, OBoa oa Market Street, CUarlela, Pa. aP-OSes hours: 8 to 11 a. at., aad I lo I p. aa. jyi. E. II. SCIIEURER, HOMtKOPATllIC PUYBIC1AN, OBoa ia Masonic Building, April 14, 1871. Clearfield, Pa. DA. W. A. MEANS, .PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, LDTnKRSDlIRQ, PA. JTill attend professional calls promplly. augl0'70 J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAVINO located at PonnSeld, Pa., offers his professional serriees to the people af that J5 and surrounding opuntry. Anaaiis promptly .ttended to. oct. 18 if. rtta a- Biiaurici n brn. w r, BwawnrjLWi Late Surgeoa ef the B3d ligUpent.eaaiylTaaia 4 Valuateers, having returned irem tba Array, affsrs kit professioaal irvlcet te Okaeitlaaas . ot OtewHield aoaaty. y-Prufeiilooslealle promptly attende fit . gm.d ,u.. iaWapiy b, Dr. Weeds. aerd, Ot-tf "2 M tfj AUGHBV CCs'i JIEST AUBANT, ..... 'i gasoad Street, eiCARPtBLD, PBSS'A. . Alwara aa hand. Frasb Ovitave. loa Cri Caadiea. Nuta. Craekera. Cakae. Claare, Tobaooo, Canned Frutta, Oraages, Lsmona, aad all kinds at trait in seaaoa. :. Jar BILLIARD ROOM ea seeend loot. lallTI (. McOAtlflllETA CO. CLE Q00DLANDEB 6c HAGERTY, Publishers. .UM:'. , , ;;; ", PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. i',,' ".'i .,' ; ' . TERMS-$2 per annum in Adyance. VOL. 46-WHOLE NO 2289. : CLEARFIELD, PA!, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1872. ! L NEW SERIES-VOL 13, NO. 39. eaBBBBBaBaUBBBWawaaa ffarfls. JEFFERSON LITZ, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TT AVIRO located at O.ceola. Pa., affera hit XjL profettioaal terricee la tba people of that plaoe and turron'adlng aountry. . I teavAU oallt promptly attended lo. OOoe and raildenoa oa CurUa it., formerly oeeapltd by Dr. Kline. IMay, l:iy. j. aoLLowai-ta ...... a. davii carbt. H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, SIS .Vrnrktt St., Philadelphia Flour Sacki and Baca, Foolecap, Latter. Note. Wrapping. Curtain aad Wall ftpera. iane.i i jpa GEORGE C. KIRK," Jiutloe of tba Peace, Burreyor aad Conreyanear, Lutheriburg, Pa. All burlneu Intrutted to bin) will ba promptly .ii.n.l.1 to. Pereone wlihina to amploy a hi n. will do weU to aire aim a can. aa so nature kimielf that ba aaa reader aatiifaetian. Deedl of eoaeeyanee, artielae of agraenent, and all legal pepera, promptly and anally cxeouieu. -uomana JAMES 0. BARRETT, Juttioa of tba Peaoa aad Licenaed Conreyanear, Latherabarr, Clearfield Co., Pa. 'Colleetlont A remittanoei promptly made, and all kinds of legal inttrumenta aaeeutad on hort notice. maye.ivu DAVID REAMS, SCRIVENER & SURVEYOR, Luthenbnrfr, Pa. milB inbeeribar offen hia eerrioci to the public X in the aapaolty of Scrirener ana norreyor. All ulle for eurrerinz promptly atUinded to, and the making of drafts, deedt and other legal inttru menta of writing, exeouica wunout ei7, warranted to ba oorreel or no onarge. ntn J. A. BUTTENBERGER, . Claim and Collection Office, OSCEOLA, ClearOeld Co, Pa. marCoararaaeiag aad all legal papara drawa I na unannr aad dispatch. Drafts on aad paa-1 saaa tickets lo and from any point in Kurope procured. oaU 70-0m F.'K. ARNOLD Sl Co. BANKERS, Latheraburc. Clearfield ceuuty, Pa. llnnaT loaned at reasonable rates) exchange Un.l.t and Bold i denoiita raeeiTed- and a gea- aarl banking bailneea will ba carried aa at the abora place. :H:7I" JOHN D.THOMPSON, Jostisa of tha Peace and Scrirener, Carwenarllle, Pa. Collectlonl made, and money promptly paid orer. fehimtf E. A. tL W. D. IRVIN, paALBaa l Ttfin.1 Estate, Square Timber, LogB AND LUMBER. ABim In n.w Cnrmt Store bnildintf. Borlt'71 lorwensrillo, ra. ..w. ai bsbtI 10. ALBSRT BBT 1I.SIMIT.. W. ALBERT 4. BROS., Manufaetarara A eitaniire Dealers is Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &0.J WOODLAND, PEN N A. -Orders solicited. Bills Slled oa ihort notice I anv Rwntun muih Address Woodland P. 0., ClcarScld Co., Pa. JrJi.lj W ALBERT BROS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, Prenehrille, Clearfield Coanty, Pa. Keeps eonitantly an hand a full anortannt af Dn Onodi. Hardware. Urooaries, and arerythlng atually kept in a retail itora, which will be sold, for cash, as eneap as aiiewnera m am muii,. rranekville, June 17, inoi-iy. THOMAS H. F O R C E E, , v GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CRAHANTOM, Pa. Alas, aiteaalra manufactorar and daahr la Square Timber and Hawed L,amnaroi ail amas. SfOrderi tolleited and all bills promptly Iliad. l-jyion CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER RREWER, ClearfleM. Pa. TTAVINtl rented Mr. Entres' Brewery he 11 konea br Itriet attantioa to bnelness and the mannfaetare of a superior article af BRKR to reeeire tba patronage af all tha old and many new customers. -maugu J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market Street, Cleerneld, Pa. ror-CROM08 MADE A 8PECIALTV.-xt VTKOATIVES made la elnady as well as In ill elear wealher. Conelantlr on band a good Miortment of FRAMKS, 6TERE0SC0PK8 and STERKOBCOriO VIBWS. .framet, irom any ttyla of moulding, made to order. sprJS tl JAMES CLEARY, BARBER & HAIR DRESSER,' SECOND STREET, lylll CLEARFIELD, PA. It REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper . Hanger, i Clearfield, Penn'a. w. Will eaecntajobi la hit Una promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arrt,ai HENRY. RIBLING, HOtlSt, SIGN A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER ClearfleM, Penn'a. All, nnl.lU t...:iin will m1 uriUnl.r ibb ireeooiog aaa painting oi onarcaet anr attention, as well as the painting of aarrlagas and sleighs. Uilding done in the neatest stylea. All work warranted. Shop on Fourth street, formerly occupied by Require bnugarU octIO 10 G. H. HALL, TRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. afPaml always en hand aad made to order on short aotica. Pipes bored an reasonable terms. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered If detired. myledynd T7LI HARHAS. i KALHUALi MILLWRIGHT, . ' LCTHERPDL'KQ, PA. - - t A tent Sar the A wioaa DaaMe Turblaa Water Wheel aad Aaerwws a Balkaafe .Wheel. Can fur alsu Paranoia tJrirtKUIe aa short aotiee. Jyll'll E. A. BIGLER L CO., ' SALaas nt 5 QUAK.E TJLMBER, t aad maaafaetarara ef AIX BUNDfi OV SAWED IX'MBER, -m - CLEARFIELD, PENN'A, . Stealer la ail kinds eg ' FURNITURE, Market Street, ' ' One im east Post Onee, Mjirti , .., cHAariitr, fa. A.11F IE HE MEW SEWING MACHINE! The " BLEES I" Ptot Link Holloa. Almoit nolwlen miobino. Doa't fail to eiamino it bofor panaw lag tliowbere. II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, "' CLEARFfELD, PA, " Agtnt for Cloarfiold count. Mr-Local Ainti wantod la err town in Iho oouDty, to wnoui UDrrai toroii win ro ritou. Dob I rati to exantloo it and aauil jroanril. Cloaraeid, Pa, Fta. T, Mll-tf. . i . TOBACCO AND CIGARS II . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobaooo aad Cigar Store uf . A. Ml. SHAW, ' Between Shaw Iloun A Manilon House, Clearteld. Conttantly on hand a One assortment of Kary, I Congress, Carsndish, Cable, Bpnnroll, Michigan aad Century Fine-eut Chewing Tobaooo, do. Also, a large aad wall selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipa flxturaa, Tobacco Boies, Cigar Holders, and arerythlng generally found In a well regulated Cigar and Tobaaoa Store. ay-Remember tha place i Market tract, ba. Iween Shaw Home aad Alaasioa Iloun, Clear Oeld, Pa. '- ' pd.tojan.VTi Lime for Sale I rTMlE undersigned, residing near tba rpot kas j made aomptoti arrangemaata with Llma ournere eon w .ue njoaown, wu.i.j mm w mmm- aiaa to kaepooBstaniiyan nana aiargaquaauqr or I . which he offers to farmers and builders at a trifle abovaaosi.. Inoae ia aaed of tha artiala woald da well to giro me a oali, or aujroae me tiy tatwr, oa- fora neaotiatinc their lime. unti. v. rAauiti. Clcarflold, Pa., Jan , 18. T unnn vv i in jiniewuis i oolui HANG IX a VASES, ... ' Stove Lining anil Fire Brick, . kept aanstaatly on bead ST0E AD EARTH E WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 u H(j IJ Iva ! POTS 1 - CROCKS Kl.her'e Patent Airtight Melf Bealliia; Krult Canal BUTT Kit CROCKS, with (Ida, CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPi.H-IIUTTKK CHOCKN, bif ul e runrl'. FLOWER POTS, PIE DfSfTKS, iua.ua i.vs. ni'. pTFW POTS, ' kmA tt mat mtnw other Ihinvi Uia BDrtityrOui in Bvnl.oa. to Im hud ! FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ot Cherry .nd Third Street-. CLEARFIELD, PA. ag5 He F. BIGLER & CO. bars for sale fARRI AGE & WAG0X HOODS, , ' 8IIAFT8 AND FOLEB, HU BS, SPOR ES, FELLOES, Ao. Carriage aad Wsgoa Makers should makes note of this and call and alanine them. They will ba sold at fair prices. mayll 71 A Notorious Fact I THERE are mora people troubled with Luag Diseasee Ib this tiiwa tbaaaoy otberplaoa a ill slas ia tba State. Una of tba great causes of thli is, the ueo of an impure article of Coal, largely miacd with sulphur. Now, why not aroid all thle, and proeerre your lives, by using ealy llumphrei'a Celebrated Coal, free from all impurities. Orders left at tha elorea of Riehard moseop and James 1 urabam afioas wuiraoalre prompt attantioa. ABHAiiAM ii u at ru its x, Clearfleld, Norember 80, 1879-tf. , , SAW8I SAWS I SAW81 DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAO AND ,' ; ' CIRCVLAB SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, ' PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC 8AWB, For sals by oetll.70 ' ' . H. F. BIOLER A CO. Beale's Embrocation, . . a a. an ur a 1 r ' Far all disease. Incident to Horse, Cattle; s.d lluman Flub, reir-lring tba ata of aa asternal appliestlca. ThU Embrocation was eitensireiy sssd by HI ov.w. . . n ieat durlaa thl tas war. ' For sale by llartswlek A Irwin, ClaarSsId la. ClaarSild Joseph R. Irwla, Coraensrilla, aader. Lathenbarg. Daniel Good- Attention, Lumbermen! ".ITS ara now manulacturing onr IMPROVED IT STICK!,. HIH KET URIVINU CANT- else In stock a large quantity af Cantbooks Bulla- lllinKH ainM ., In ... rih I. h. V. t,.. Die ror ratting purpoeee, wnien we ara celling eneap tor eaen. Aiunn a it. sua Alto. Claerfletd, re., March II, 1871, DAYID YOUNG, ,, Slonc Cutter nod Stone-Mason, YiriLL exaeate all work In bis Una at mode f f crate prices aad In FIRST-CLASS style, ' Arohiteotural Ornamenta In ALL STTLEB, Stone Dressing of description, aad all kiada of mason work aen- Iractodfor la or oat of iheeoaaty. Any peraeae wishing te have resectable maaoa work aad stoae-anttlaf done, will Snd It te their latoreet to call saon ate I would aire laform the pak- lie that I aaa deliver any qoeatlty at aasas af tons desired, aa A any toe. eweer at a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Aedeee foa waeb mmm mm mAArmmtmt im' - DAVID fOVNfl, " aaarll,70 '. ClearOeld Pa. aTOTlCK-llaviag panbaaad tha en tenets ll J. A. Dlataaaaargar, Esq., la the baileee I beretofere earned aa aadar tha Ores aaaaa of J. A Blatlenbarger A Co, tba same will ha eondeoted heraafler anitar the aama af Moshanaoa Lead and Lumbar Company, (ntorei) .. . U. B. 8RILLlN(IFOaJs. iOMM LAWSUS. lijsyUtf . :-' J eyranomii, --r , i ,, t - ii i ii ., , , , , , . , ... -. 'i 1 r-n 1,1 1 ' ii ...... , - '" JnuiBBv''' "' ' ' "' ' ' ''""'".:"!'-'" .), ,' i,-,..!' ,,.!.' !,.- "!;.;- -i- :: " .'r..,.. . THE REPUBLICAN. . CLEARFIELD, PA. ,, WEDNERDAY M0RN1NQ.COT. S, 1871. ANDREW G. CURTIN. "The War OoTernpr" Speakst He Calls for Regeneration and Honest Government, and deolares Jor , Buckalew, - 7QE BINO BItOKEN I - ' : Saratooa, Sept. 21, 1872.' f v TiafAD Rrn Vftnt flurnt nP tlin 11th instant, informing me of my nomination by tho Liberal Repablicao State Committee as candidate for Dolcgate-at-lurge to tho Constitutional Convention, and inclosing an atldross to the people of theState recommend ing my election, came duly to hand, but' extreme illness prevonted my roading the lettor Of Considering the subject until now. iv , ., I am still quito feeble, and enable td writo without the aid of aa umun- uonsls, but the uoar approach of the election, and tho gravity of the issues immediately nffocting tho honor and prosperity : of Pennsylvania to be decided in Octobor, compel me to answer when my rest mould be unbroken. ' A nomination, mndo by so many of the purest and best old representa tive Republicans in the btate, and , . . .,t. .. ,!. printed tO the BOplo upon groundg wUlCn BlAIia OIH In DravO COIliraHl . , . , .. . ... . eirnment now SA ladle nrerntnnt la an I 6 1 ' Uppoul I Cnnnot rcfUOO tO renpoct I therefore accept the nomination, and if it shall be ratified by the pooplo, and my health permits, I will discharge its duties with fidelity. I had confidently expected Imme diately upon my return home to famil iarize myself fully with the details of what 1 well understood in all gen eral aspects touching the misrule in our Commonwealth under its present political control, and to apeak my convictions at the earliest possible moment. While I cannot evur be indifforent in a residential contest, I fool that tbe " . REGENERATION . OF MY NATIVE STATE in the October election was of para- ... . . ,, , OlOUDt HHOrOBl 10 IDO peoptO, in WUOflO I i.tirini nasi nm rrPAntnABl T am AnlialAfl I 6 by every consideration of gratitude and patriotism. - Tbe bad rule that has wholly com passed tbe channels of political admin istrative authority in PennsylvaLia is not of recent creation. It was the tiroloss, but impotent power that embarrassed the action of tho Gov- ernment, State and National, during tho dark days of civil war, and sUad- ily struggled to gather advancement and gain from . THE BITTER" SORROWS OF THE PEOPLE Six years ago it attained oontrol in ourStuto. , How it was achieved is remembered with humiliation by alL Vby it was sought and won our subsequent history painfully demon I Stales, The Republican organisation has made its name Illustrious in maintain- ng the unity of the States and re deeming ft continent to frcodora. ' It was soised in contempt of tbe will of tho poople and its victories perverted to ... . , , . , LICENSED WRONO. I need not recite bow, nndor an honored name and Aug, it has created wide-spread, Indocd, almost universal distrust of authority, and made honest men despair of integrity in legislation in elections, in conferring legislative honors, and evea in the administration of publio justico. Those torrible and steadily growing evils In onr political rule have mado tbe people demand the right to resume I vueir auvurvigiuj', iu iimati now nuiu- R" tor themselves ) but if the pr I posod OonventlOD IS to effoot thorough I . .. rciorm it mnsiDeaiaea, noi ninaerca, I bv tba vast nower of the Executive and other Important Stato officials, If Mr. Buckalew shall be defeated. and new loase of authority thut CODICTrca upon I a . a TH DESPOTIC CnNTftrtf. that baa long misruled tllO CommOll' : wealth, it will be marvellous, Indeed, if tbe convention, chosen in tbe par tisan strife of a national contest, ess afford any substantial reliof or pro tection to the people. If Pennsylvania is td be restored to purity, tho Gov ernment in all its departments, as well as the convention, must harmonize fully and earnestly In tho ; , ', . WORK OF RaOEN ERATION. Mr. Rackalew's oohfessed Intogrity and oomwieteot devotion to reform during many years of official oervioe giv the best possible guarantees of honest administration and complete restraints .upon corrupt or reckless aataoHty, .and hit eleotion seems to be demanded bj every consideration Of. ..... ... .,..; ,. ,! t . INDIVIDUAL MANHOOD and fidelity to the honor and advance ment cf twl fot K as jalaiujed by donperate loaders in Pennsylvania, to rcgonorate our State in October Wilt afluct tho oational contest, a cause thus to be ondangored must be want ing in the moot ossontial attributes of popular confidence. Actuated sololy by a so nso of duty to a pooplo whose dovotlon in time past furnishes the most grateful memories of my life, I halt vote in October ' ' '. j FOR I10NEST GOVERNMENT Is our Commonwealth, and meet the Presidential isauo when it comes before the pooplo in. accordance with my long - sollled convictions. I cannot nfTord to sacrifice a great contest for constitutional, legialative, and admin istrative reform because a Presidential olootlon Is pending. To yield the qiiostion would give ' FBESQ VICTORIES FOR MI8RULS . and mako tho effort fur just funda mental roBlraints oillior measurably or wholly abortive t. Very respectfully, your obodiont servantv . A. G. Curtin. lion. A. iv. : McClurs, Chairman Liberal Republioan State Committee of Pennsylvania.'' ' " (For tba Republieaa ) TAKE WARNING, MY C0UN-; TRYMENI ' Thero.ttro a few quenliops l would propoKO to tho pcoplo of this country (specially . to thut portion of them claiming to be Libornl Republicans, for I bolievo them in the main to be honest In their political convictions and not only to litem, but to every voter and to every man living in this broad land that loves his country lores its laws and loves the safeguards of his liberty, hsnded down to him from his forefulhors confided to .his trust and guardianship, and to be handod down by him to his posterity in tho same purity in which he re ceived them.. Now, I would ask you, in a spirit of fairness and sincerity, making overy allowance for honest and varied opin ion, have you boon trtio to the trust that was most sacredly reposed in you by Tour ancestors 1 or, to-day if you were called to acoount to those from whom you received this rich logaoy to be vigilantly watched and guarded by you, would tho political actions of the last ton years of your life warrant you in answering in tho ullii mative f I think not. Have you givon tho political situation of this great country of yours that careful and unbiased thought and re flection which it demands f Have you considered well the great political changes that havo recently taken place f or have you investigated the cause or causes of these changes f Ii not, you have boon recreant to your trust. Have you watched with care the' political drift of politicul parties and the wholo body politic? If you have, and ifyoo are an honest, liberty loving citizen, you cannot be satisfied with its course ; you cannot fail to see very plainly that it Is drifting toward centralisation or power, ana mat you liberties aro quietly passing away. Thoso great wrongs aro being done gradually they aro not usually done in a hurried manner but stoatliily they go on, It is trno, 'you do not perceptibly fool thoir loss just at thi tlmo. You do not moot coercion ; tbe times are not ripe for that yet. Thoso in power grasp and relax as they see apiiroAuhing dungor. The enemios of liberty aro liko other reptilos slim thoir prey beforo tboy swallow it . You, my fcllow-cilicons,are standing to day on a bridge of sighs connecting tho palace with tho prison, carelessly wstcbing with admiration tho ingo ing's and outgoing of the guests of the royal abode. ; It . has every sign of grandeur and wealth. ' It is beautiful to behold. You are almost enchanted with tbe scene before yon. ' You look with blind admiration npon the beau tiful grounds surrounding this royal place. Yob soe costly equipages going in and out' from this splondid abode coaches hihl y adorned with golden monograms, all emblems of royalty carrying your masters. Too see scat tered through the gronnds mon cloth. ed in bright uniforms. A little furth ' on you see me Dngnt oayoneis oi to" soldiery gloaming in the sunlight, ready at all titoos to uo inoir master bidding. Puy a little atlontion and you will soe men in groat numbers entering, loadod with wealth, and lay ing iv down lit the feet oi meirroyai master. Those are the tax -gutnor? this money belongs lo yon and your countrymen. Watoh and you win see men of a different type coming out also carrying largo amounts of wealth You. will nolioe groat respect is paid to those mon. - You see the liveried eotvants lay their bats to their sides and tho soldiory presont their arms as they are passed. Bear in mind these men aland very high In tbe royal household and close to their royal master f are intrusted with his crets, and are' going on errands 'of htirh trust i nothinu more nor. loss than to bur and sell their country men.' And JOB, my friends, are fur nishing your share of the, money, Errands of this kind were oonsidorad 7 dangerous in timo on by, but now have become absolutely noccssary to perpetuate this royal establish ment, and to bold yon, my friends, and ' your children, In bondage I would invite you to cntor into this royal pluce bad I tho power myself to enter therein. Bnl, alas '. my card of tho wrong color J and should yours havo the word liberty a word once highly esteemed and hold . In groat revoronce In this very place- written upon it, we would both bo turnod awsy, If not punished for our importinonce. Men claiming D0 iso meet in secret conclave within tho walls of this royal house, and thero lay deep,' dark and dangerous plots bgainst your liborties and prop. eriy. It also has Its Stur Chamber, hero, within tho memory of tho school boys of to-day, tho ringing of small bell caused many of your countrymon to be dragged from their beds, carried in shackles and incar cerated in military dungoons, without nowing of the accusations against them or meeting thoir accusers. Turn with me to tho other end of the bridge and bohold what is thoro There you soe the sombro walls of that dark prison, hoar the bitter Wail of woo that comes up from its dark ungoons. Thore you will find mil- ions of down-trodden but liborty lov ing people, groaning in the political chains of their masters of tho royal bouse.- .:''.. -t 'ir ' My fellow-citixeno, on your north side you have . tbe palace, on your south side you have tho prison, and Pennsylvania is the bridge. And who cao stand upon this bridge without ghingforbiscountry, when bethinks of what it onuo was governed for the benefit of tbe whole people ) now only for the few, namely, the bond holder and . monopolist, . together making and growing into an aristoc racy that are fust sapping and under mining the foundations of your liber ties. And if they progress at the same rate for the next ton years that thoy have for tho last, you will have very liltlo of your rights to contond for. If you hsve given any attonlion to the legislation of your country for the last ten years, you cannot but see very plainly that it has boon entirely in the interest of the bond holders and bankers, and rich corporations ; nnd then como the rings, the greatest evil of all, where they do tho direct stealing of your bard earnings. If you will tuke notice you will see a great change in socioly betwoen now and a few years ago. lou will see men and families who,twcnty yoars ago or even ton years ago, hud then no pre- tontions lo greatness. How do you find them to-duy f Altogether different They aro holding their hoads awsy above yours, teaching their families not to associate with yours, for tho simple reason that you happen to bo a farmer or mochanio, and earning an honest iving iiisloud of plundering it from tho public, and wishing to hand down to your immediate descendants an honest name, and preferring not to have thero. told you were a thief. Thoso mon and thoir fsmilios are ben oath you in everything save their stolen wealth. , You send them to your high places and direct thorn to act in your interests, and they barter away your rights and your libertios for filthy gain, and come back to you and attompt to steal away your man hood, and to degrude you and your families. And in the fseo of all these deplorable facts what do you doT The larger part nothing, politically, except what these very men bid you. " The hard Working farmer, the mochanio, and all others that labor, have mado this great country what it is, and it belongs to you. You main tain its honor and its credit, and yon pay overy dollar of its debts. Without you tho Government bonds woulJ not be worth the paper they are printed upon. In the hour of danger you fight its battles ; you spill your blood and lay down your livos upon the altar of your country. Your daring deeds of bravory have caused the flag of your country to be respected throughout the civilixed world. And in addition to all this, you food and support in idleness and luxury a thieving lot of politieans and oftlce-sockors, and you most disgracofully permit yourselves to be lod by these worthless mon in any direction they may see proper, and, should you happen to have oour age enough to refuse, they threaten yon with the party lash, and carry you with them against your own con victions. Now, my friends, all these evils aro fairly upon us, and the remedy is at hand. Do you propose to apply it I You soe the approach of a dangerous aristocracy, and yon watch the depart. are of your liberties, aad apparently without concern. How Is this f Has the Goddess of Liborty entiroly for silken you 7 I think not. She yet lingers in the dislanoo, with saddened countenance, anxiously watching the return of your former manhood and oonraco, tor she. only remains with tbe brave. She will only return-with yonr courage, and that courage you have a fair chance of displaying la the elections that will soon take place 1 in your country. If your hlghtjlhe Auditor General, and, through the object Is to , advance your party Interests thon thore is little hope. But, on tho othor hand, if you have the courago to break tho parly chains that havo held you slave-bound for tho last ton years, all will bo well who you and your country. Thore aro two political parlies that are asking to-day your support. The one eomes lo you in a spirit of revenge appealing to all the brutal passions of tho human heart, stirring up a feeling of hatred and malice among thoi countrymen, constantly recurring to seen os of blood and murder, asking you to make broader and deeper the bloody chasm of war between yon and your fullow-cilizons. God knows it has been mado broad enough, and deep enough, and red enough, with fraternal blood to satisfy the most depraved of human hearts. And through these base means they ask you to porpotuato thoir power. Tho othor party como to you In quito different spirit. They como to you in a spirit of lovo and chari ity ; in a spirit of peaco and good. ill toward lollow-cilizens ot every section of the oonotry,and appealing, not to your brute passions, but to the higher and nobler feelings of tbe human heart, asking you to bury forever out of sight the bloody chasm that has been, kept open too long. how, my follow-oilizcns tbe day almost at band whon yon are decide ' npon these great question Tbe first con lost will be in Pennsyl vania, in which the political destiny of your Stato for tho next three years is to be deoided. . - 1 ' Htrlranft represen's and is the standard-bearer of tho party advocat ing alt tbe evils mentioned. ' ' ' Charles R. Buckalew is the Stan ard-bearer of the other party, who aro advocating quite different things, snd if you enter into this contest free from tho trammels of party, justice will assert its rights. AN AMERICAN. arinq BOOMERANG." The Philadelphia Press of Iho 10th says t Yesterday Treasurer Mackey was pertniltod to be henrd in defence of himsulf and tho Cumerons in the column " of iho Tress."" To-day wo make room for another documont which has been put forth in behalf of the Uarrisburg Ring. This is a com munication signed by Messrs. Edwin M. Lewis and W. L. Schaffer of this oity, and purporting to give the re sults of an examination of "the cash account of the Treasury Department," and certain specified bonds of the Sinking Fund Department. Such ex amination, ' it appears, was mode in compliance with a letter addrossed by R. V. Mackey to E. M. Lewis, Esq., undor dute ot June 29, wherein he wrolo : "On Monday lust a long com munication appeared in the Press of your city,muking very serious charges against tho management of the Treas ury of the Stato, and alleging, among other things, that tbe securities be longing to tho Sinking Fund of the Slate wore being used for the benefit of individuals, and that an examina tion would provo thut thore was a largo defioncy of tho publio funds." Mr. Lewis was therefore asked, in connection with three other bankers, lo moot Mackey in Uarrisburg "to examine tho affairs of Iho Treasury of the Sinking Fund." We proposo now to show, first, thut Mr. Mackey has not only evaded the main points at is sue, but falsely stalod the charges mado by a correspondent of tho Press, and, second, that the communication of Mossrs. Lowio and Schaflor in nowise weakens Iho case against the Ring, but on the contrary sustains diroclly and by implication somo of tho princi pal chargos ngainst them. " Ordinary thieves wilt always lie to conceal thoir guilt. Extraordinary official roc ueo and swindlers are equally roady to dony thoir malversa lions. , Indood, we havo noverfor one moment expeoled Iho leading mom ber of tho Uarrisburg cabal to come forward and confess. But we did suppose thoy wero too orafty lo mako so weak and clumsy a defence. But lo tho work. Tbe communica tion in the Press referred to by Mack- ey in the above note did not charge "that the securities belonging to the Sinking Fund of the Stato wore being uoed for the benefit of individuals, and that an examination would prove tbsl there was a large deficiency of the publio funds.", .No such statement was mado. , It was charged, howevor, in that communication, that the pub lio money for which the Treasurer is responsible is deposited in certain fa- vorite banks, a large portion of it being loa with certain banks at Uar risburg, Miftlinburg, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Lancaster, &o., which are either owned in whole or in part by some' of the Camerons, or controlled by them j that these Cameron banks had at that timo deposit of such mon ey, aggregating half a million of dol lars, whieh'was nsed in note-shaving and other speculation ; that tbe Cam eron therefore reaped an immense profit from owning the State Treat- urer, and that tboy desired to oontrol Governor, h$ SeortUry of Stat In order to bare subservient to ttMbr oor rupt purposes tbe entire board of the Sinking Fund Commissioners. Anoth er specific charge In the same comas.). nication. was that about one hundred thousand dollars of the Slate money was in the hands of the broker Yerkea when be defaulted, and that Treasurer Maokey, who was responsible for tits loss, did not make it good, but d epos- led in tbe Treasury vaults a cbeclt (or tho amount on a Pittsburg bank - with which be had no such credit, be ing a poor man, and that, therefore, such check, like numerous others in tbe vaults, was worthless pper Tbe Cameron", whether directly or indirectly, being Mackcy's ' buckers, would, of course, be oslled on to make up this cool hundred thousand, with, how much more ot similsr losses the outside publio did not know, nnless thoy could maintain their grip upon. tbe Treasury until through, luckle speculation with the people' money they could recover tbe amount. ' Those wero lbs charge mad by our Uarrisburg correspondent In that particular communication, and most of them ar abundantly confirmed by Messrs. Lewi and Sobaffer's report of their examination. They say tbsl they fouod by the cash account that "Mnckey was responsible July 0 for $2,129,1 18.68, and that $2,063,159.74 of thit amount, or all but torn sixty odd Ihouiand, wai in the potteuion of fifty- four banks and banker in various stc Hons of the State." Does not thi directly sustain tho charge that tbe publio money are parcelled out to favorite bank and shaving shops f The name of the banks and bankers, ' unforlunslelyt are not given, or it oould be shown by the same excellent authority bow large. par1, of this money is bandied by tbe Cameron family in it various branches. . The annual inlerost on 12,000,000 at only six per cent, is $120,000, buV m tbe hands of shrewd brokors that large sum can be made to yield a far greater dividend. Here, then, is one fruitful . source of income to the, Troosury ring, clearly revealed by tb riDg's own -witnesses, r No wonder Messrs. Mackey and Hartranft wero so anxious to obtain $5,000,000 more by new loans I It must ba remembem ed, loo, that the law not only pro hibits such speculation . with State moneys, but requires that this u.nex. ponded balanoe shall be applied as fast as possible to the extinguishment oX the over-due loans. "Why is not this dono, and tbe Slate thereby saved art annual outlay fur interest of over' $100,000 f Instead, the Treasurer and Auditor General become silent partners with banks and with rcspoft-" siblo note-shavers and stock-specula- k tor liko Yerkcs, thus imperilling the people's money and doubly violating the lutv. Of course thero was ample lime' between June 4, the date of our first exposure, and July 10, when the ex amination was mado, to fix op that cheek of Mackey for $100,000 and tho other suppositious paper in the vault. Any one of thoso favorite fifty-fbur' bank would in common gratitude ad-( vanco for a few days, or till all ox pooled examinations were over, tho mount required to balanoe tha so- count, or, what would ba still easier, accept for tbe time being those worth less checks and account for them a Slate money on deposit. So Messrs. Lewis and SchsfTer naturally have nothing , to say about these little mat tors. Do u III eos they found the cash' account apparently square. They could not question the bank report. . They also certify to having exam ined certain specified bonds in the Sinking Fund Department, amounting in all to $0,400,000. These tally a far as they go, with the report of the' Auditor Goneral for 1871, but tho 1st-, tor contains In sdditlon a statement of slocks held by tho Commonwealth' in various corporations, amounting in the aggregate to $1,754,32102. The exsminers appointed by Msckey do- not mention llicso, nor Include tlioov in thoir aggregate of the securities belonging to the State, This is at- least a singular omission. Let it be understood, however, that wo have not charged that these secu rities (slocks, bonds, etc.) have boon converted to an improper uso. There has been no such count in our indict ment guinst the Ring, though the foar tins been express od that if that. corrupt body oblained control of all' tho execulivo departments, with their woll-known fucility for buying up the Legislature, those securities would bo rn grout danger. So far as this point is concerned, then, Mackey has boon, demolishing his own man of straw. And it is the only thing he bas de molished. All the charges wo have, mado remain thus fur unrefutodt There are' two ways, wrong, of doing a thing. right and In census- taking ut aro wrong bocouso we ul low. the enumeration to extend over days and weeks, and John Bull is right, because bo hns the counting dono all in one day. In conscqnonco of our bad system, Now York got credited with 150,000 people over her actual Snhabitsnls in I860, and with 200,000 moro than her right in 1879, Philadelphia on each occasion being considerably undercoonted. On Sat urday the general oenaus of the Bra zilian Empire was taken, not on tbe American but on tbe English plan. Tbe simultaneous returns on Sunday showed the actual number of person in Brazil on the preceding night, and inoludel sex, age, color, State, birth place, nationality, profession or oocu. pation, religion, instruction (reading and writing), and atlondanco at school. It also specifies those who are deaf, dumb, blind, deformed, or mentally Infirm. Thus taken, at one coup as it were, a census eu acarurjly fail to be correct.