THE' ltEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MOltNlNll, REPT.55, W2. Is He Honest, la Ha Capable? t How dnro they ofl'ur to the jirojilo of 1'eniiHylvaiiia a corrupt, dutoctod Auditor General aa a candidate for Governor f The answer is eauy. The nomination waa niada by tho Cirunt Cameron "King" in the lull tida ol'iiv aolont confidence in their power. There had been no Cincinnati Conven tion, no Baltimore Convention. The Federal oflluo-holdurs were anxious to show their contempt for the old Demo cratic Joflersoniun test for ofllee, 'Is ho honost, in he capablof Tlioy were axious to accredit their own counter doctrino, "A thief is as good s an hoiiotit man." It has been the game of men like Cameron to discredit ail publio or private virtuo, and to sneor it and drive it out of politics. Tho administration of -the people's BiTuirs is to bo the golden harvest of knaves. When Cameron wus In tho War Department, he gave out tho contracts for the soldier's clothing and the soldier's weapon, to liudicui poli ticians, who sheared off a huge profit before tho job enmo into tho hnnds of the real manufacturer. Each shave deteriorated the quality of tho article, till the weapon burnt in the soldier's hnjid, and his coat and blanket failed to warm him. We ultor notorious, J roved, admitted fuels. Tho lion, amcs F. Simmons, ltudicul Senator from Iihodo island, being linked if ho took a nroflt otr tho contracts ho ob- tainen Irnm f;nmnrnn. nrtAwni'pil " Tri 1 tained from Cumoron, answered : "To be sure I do !" The Radical Soimtors, among them Honry Wilson, now run ning fur Yico President, sbioldod Sim mons from cither expulsion or censure 13ut the House of Representatives did pass a resolution of censure on Cum oron, and Mr. Lincoln, as Thaddeun Slovens said, "exiled him to Siberia." Now ho is back again, buying Legis luturos, buying a senutorshij), nomi nating candidates for office, and act ing as keeper of the oonscienco of President U. 8. Grant. Outraged publio senlimont In Pennsylvania ro volts at this spcctaclo. And what is the remedy f Wo propose one very simple, natural, obvious. It is to ap ply the old Democratic test of Thomas Joflbrson to ovcry candidato for oflioe, high or low. Let Buckalew, and Thompson, and Hartley, and Cirntz Brown, and Greeley be tried by this test, the truo American test, against Ilartrnnft, and Mercur, and Allen, and Wilson, and Grant. Let it bo asked of end) of them, "is ho honest, is ho capable ?" It ho is not honest, thoro the question ends. The sharper ho is in dishonesty, tho most danger, ous. But if ho bo honest, the question remains is ho capablo for tho ofilco in question. A scoundrel is unfit to audit tho accounts of publio ofliecrs; an honest man is also unfit if ho knows nothing of figures, llartrunft's con nection with tho Evans fraud convicts himononoor flie other point. IIo showed himself dishonost or incapuble, or both. His only activity in tho matter was shown in grabbing, promptly, $7,000 for himself. True disciple of Simon Cameron ; fit nomi nee of the Radical office-holders ; nice man for Governor of Pennsylvania ! General Albright, Tho Ilurrinburg Patriot gives tho following brief history of tho military career of Gen. Albright, one of tho Radical candidates for Congressman at large, to wit : Albright onlerod tho service as major of the 132d regiment, a nine months organization in ls(2, and ro turned homo as Colonol. Some time after his return be innued a circular proposing to raise one rear's regi ment in tho valley of tho Lehigh. Tho regiment was raised, and Albright took bis men to narnsbnrg. Wbila boro be met a commitloo from Banks township, Carbon county, who wcro in search of men to till up tho quota of that township under the dralt. lie otlcrou himselt to tho com mittco as a substitute, was ncccntcd, was mustered in, and received tho bounty of fivo hundred dollars. Tho records show that he was mustered in as a tirivalo in company A, 202d rcgi mont, on tlio 8d of September, 18til, in pursuance ol tins anungomont with tho com mittco, and was duly crodilcd to Kanks township, Lnrbon county. Tho next day, September 4, ljG I ho was mustered out as a private and was mustered in us a Colonel of tho rcgimont, in pursuanco of bis circular and ol his understanding with Uovor norCurtin. This record shows that wbilo bent on achieving- military renown and lispluying bis intense love of country, Genorul Albright has a frugal mind. For one day's service as a private in Camp Curtin in this city, he chargod his fellow citizens of Carbon county -fivo hundred dollars. It was in this way so much sublimated loyalty was manifested during tho war. Albright was ready to onlint at a substitute, at the expense of five hundred dollars lor ono day to his neighbors, willi the epaulets of a oolonol within his grasp. A more sordid and morconnry trans act ion has not been recorded in tho incidents of a wur which rovealed So much that was base and vonnl ninid so much that wus gallant, heroic and unselfish in sacrifice and achievement. 'J hero is in this act of Albright all tho itncanncss and dishonosly ol a piofes fiionnl bounty jumper. IIo took the bounty of five hundred dollars from bis tax-ridden neighbors of Bunks township, Carbon county, and was mustered in as a privato when ho knew that ho would bo appointed Colonel of tho regiment which ho bad rained with tho understanding that ho should command it. After pocketing tho tnnnpv. fin "lennpd thn bnnnlv'' Jho very next day. Pasts that Wat, Kkep a YtAtt.- DiKsolve a tuble-spooiif'ul of allum In n quart of warm wnrtcr, and when cold stir in as much flour ns will mako it as thick as cream mixing tho flour in a srpnrato cup so that it will not bo in lumps. Add as much powdorod rosin us will lio on a dimo : and throw in a dozon cloves to give it a pleasant odor. Put a tea cup of boilinir water into a tin dish, and pour in tho flour imxiuro. Boil for fifleon minutes; if cooked In anothor pan to boiling, it will bo less likoly to burn. Lot it drv wnu and when noci'od, dissolvoa pioco in a Fourtoon tlionsind out of ninolv . five thouHand Jtoublii:nn volui-s In 'nitli Carolina know how to reJ. It in a pity j but that is Uia wbolo number. An lutclligout parly vory. IDUMUU grjj floods, CwfrifU, tfu. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST " ARRIVAL , AKP Ol' COl'HSK TIIK CHEAPEST I " A Proclamation against High Prices I ara now opening up a lot of tha best and T must iciuonulilo tlnnris and Wares aver offered In this innrkot, and at prloos that remind una of the j(nd old duyi of clump things. Thoia who lack faith upon tills point, or daeus aar alle gations superfluous, need but Corner Front and Mnrkot stroeti, When they oan sea, feel, hear and know fur them sclres. To fully iiudorstam, what arc cheap goods, this muit be done, Wa du not deem it necessary to ooumemta and item 1m our stock. It Is enough for us to stato that , ' We have Everything that is Needed tnd consumed In this market, and at prices that Heimlich boll, old and young. dooO ' JOSb..'II FDAW k SON. ' r. o. u:llkr. a. r. powkll. MILLER & POWELL, . WHOLESALE A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Graham'i Row, Markut St., ClKtRVIELD, PA! Wo would most respsfltfullr Inform our friends, customers, and the public generally, that we are now bnok In our old quarters, which bare been remodeled and improved, and we are now pre- r,ni u tmaamoi!lt, . wn, mfJ ,, , bj Oftlhng. NEW GOODS!;..... Wo have jutt roooired ona of the largnit utocki of nil kindi of Merchnmllio ever brought to Clear fb-'ld cnuuty, which wa Intend to etll at melt tg orei at will nuke It an object for all portoni to hurchan from va. Pamillei laying in winter upilici of Urooerici, Dry Goods, Ac, should aot fail to gire ui a call, ai we feel confident our prices and superior quality of goods will amply atipfj all. Our stock of . GROCERIES eon s lit of Coffees of the best quality, Teas, 6u- Ir of all kinds, Molaaect Fieh Salt, Cheese. Dried Fruit. Spices, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac, & a. Our stock f - DRY GOODS . .V is large and rartcd, and wt will just say wa can supply any article In that lino, without cnumer ting. READY-MADE CLOTHING Wo hare a largo stock of rcndy-mide Clothing for Men and Buys' wear, which wt will dispose of at a Tory small advance on cost. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Quecnaware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Faooy Goods, Carpets, Oilolothi, Wall Tapers, Window F hades, Ao., Ao. -CfBciiig extensircly engaged in tho Lumber buiinesf, wa are able to offer superior inducements to jobbers. MIMjKR A rOWEI.L. Clearfield, Fa,, Jan. 8, 17. W (i () O I) S 1 Xcw Firm at Wallaccton, Ta. JOHN HOLT k SONS Have lSouht the entire stock of good from P. Gallagher, and are receiving a general assortment of ntw goods from the Eastern cities, such as DKY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, 7 UATS & cArs, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ao., Ac, To exchange fir Country Produoe, Railroad Tie., Lumber or (.AMI. . October IH, 1S7I. J AN I EL GOODLANDER, , ., tl'TIIERSBirRO, PA., ! I Iieeler in 'i . ' ' DRY, GOODS, NOTIONS; IIOSIEnY & GLOVES, IlATB k CAPS and B00T3 X BMOKf. Tobaeo, OrooerlfS and Fish, Kni Hardware, tajueuniiware anil (ilAfsiraro, Alias ana lions' Clutliiog, Jrti, Taiuts, Oil", ri nil I lionks. a Urge lot uf 1'atcnt Mediclnrs, . - Candicx, Nuts A Pried Fruits, Cheeee and Crack en, Hock and nine row dor, Flour. Grain and Fotatocn, Clover and Timothj Setd, Bole Leather, Moroccos, Mnings, Tllndlngs and Thread, Hhotmskrrr Tools and Shoe Findings. No grcs'rr vnriely of goods In nnr itoro In th county. All for sale rry low for cah or eonntrj produrs at the Cheap Uorner. atu 10, 18(3. AD TUISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT The attention of the citizens nf Clrarfteld n futility Is di rooted to (he fart thnt (luudfrllow P'n are the agents of M, Nire A I'o., nnd hare jast rvroUed a half clmrn oar loads of Flour and reed, which thoj ofTcr at the luwost possible fig ures. A large stock or FLOUU, COKX MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWIIKAT FLOUR, II HAN, TotaiMes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ao., Ao. rnrtlmilnr etlentUn Is al1d to M. Nlnaa Co.'s hrnnd of Famllr Flour, whilh Is tha best tht market. Floor and Feed ean and will be sold nhenpi then It oan ba obtained elsewhor In Clearflel eountj, jff-"Rur on Market street, neit door to lion. Aiexaoatir Irvio s rex.iieno. OOODFKU.nW A POX. jaomn 4g cuts for M Kiooa A Co. jEhriliwtV fflttirnrf,' (ft. . THS'IEOlTSIDfig TIN AND STOVE STORE I rG.,S. FLEGAL, rUlipsburg, Contio County, Ta. rplIK reipeetfully enno.ooea to X th. pablle tb.t h. nai on hand e om fully-ioleoud and wall aaaorl.d t took of STOVES, i JIEATEBS,,',' lUKOliS, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COFPER AND SHEET! RON "' ' 'WAKE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills stock of Cooking Stores eonslsta of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, bloh hara nerer failed to bring roaee and prosperity Into fasaillea whera it Is used, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California tuok Move, upears An(-lust, Uas-Hurning Conkinjt Stoves. Victor, Heltanee and t'nion Kn,es, Spears' Cookiog Ranges, v m u fc-B.Th. Tin nl fThret Iron war. (It.ii wllh lh Morel li md. of th. he.r'mt and bait m.lorl.l, knd warranted to jlro p.rr.ot falii. faollon. i , . , is Stock of Parlor & Hoating Stoves . . ... . . . ., It lrgr. btur and ah.ap.r than t?.r n.f.r. .inlbiMd t. to. publio eontutiai of Sptari' K.TnlTtnK Light Illumlnaltng Slor., ami-vim uH-uaraing ranor mora, Cp.ari urltleuiar .uaN-liurnlng farlur Hto.., Spear.1 tiai-Buri.inK Parlor ! fitor., fioqa.l. P.arl.G.iuda, riun, Tropie, Meiada, , . Ac, ta. , Vulcan, Elm 'and Victor lleat.ra, flpeart' Re N, vomng iiUi u.atera. lie li alio prepared to furnlih a complete Morlmtal ol , i . : 'in, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholciale or reull, nanofactured neallj and lib th. eol. Tlew to ioric. from the beat ma terial in th. mark.t. - PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BR APS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, STl'N C0MK0N IRON KETTLES, Of ettrj dcierlptlon eonitantlr on hud ORDERS FOR sroUTINO, ROOFINU And other work belonging to hi. bu.lne.i will be prompt! Oiled bj .tp.rlenoed and ikilKol workmen. BRASS, COTTER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASII Taken In .xehaog. for good.. jMrMl. .enerle'.lr ineltea th. attention o Merehanle wiehlng to parchaae at wboleeal.. aa they will dnd It to their adeantac;. to .aaoin. til (took before purcnaeiof eieewner.. Look out for the Bl Sign nppolte th. reel ' denee of Mrs. lr. Fuetcr. All Oooni WiaiAiiTiB ai BaraieimtD. 1 Phlllpibarf, June I, 1870. aog $ s ACKETT 4 SCIIRYVER, naALEtie in SHELF HARDWARE, and manufacturers of J Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLCAIIFICLI), PA. Caironters and Builders will do well to alan ine our stock or BUILDING HAEEWAUE & TOOLS D1PT0T8 PAWS DUton'i Cross cut, II Rip, Tenant and Gent's Hnws. BOYNTON'8 LIGHTNING SAWS 8 month Planes, Jack Planes, Fora Planes, Jointers, Match PI . Pluinl'S A Levels, gtrvl 8q srns, Ac, Ac. Firmer ind. Framing Chisels, Corner Chisels, carpenters bucks, n races aoa uius, Iloring Mnehlnes, Ao. Grinthtoncs and Grindstone IHxlures. Sinohy Flues are effectually cured by using Itlch ar-ls' latent . , GOTHIC im i; TOPS, for ahiuh wa have the agency. No euro, no pay, Philadelphia Cnrrliige Rnlts, Railroad Lanterns, rtontien narc, ao. A fine assortment af POCKET & TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES! STOVES! The Ttmei Cook, the beet In tlie market: alra, thn Monnrou, Kohnnn, and nit. Ml iron pidPi Keveer'l r,rtat,l. Heater, and Heating, Parlor and Haft SIotci. CL-ilonrinz, Ppnulioff and Job Worli done on rraeiinnble tarnil. All orders will receive pmmit attention. Jul 1, 1871. s TONE'S SAW GUM ME US AND SAW UPSETS. Wo ham received the agnncy for the above and will sell them at manufacturer's prices. Call and examine them. They are the hnt. jell 72 - 11. F. IIKILHR k CO. WATCHES 1 WATCHES I - I h.T. a larg.alock of AMKKICAN and BWtria WATCHES, of III. differ am (radee, In fro re two to eight tuneo fta.R, I olfer tbce. fr eal. LOW, and guarantee tbem to glv. tntir. infraction, JEWELRY ! JEWELRY I A good aiiorlroeot of Ladlei' and Oenf., or th. etjlee! Alwajri fettinf njielhlni new I I would aek Lumborm.n and otberi who In tend pnrehaelnn Watcbe. to eall and eo. rnj itoek before ."Iff to tb. .III.., I am r.rjr ore I tan tell Watehe. aa low el the. ean be bought, beeldei the difference In dirtane. In lb. .r.nt of the ,oedi proving dofeotlr. All hindeofRKPAIRINa Inmjllneproniptlj attended to at th. .tor. on Second itre.t, prne- lle th. Court n,uo. for jour liberal iiii,iort 1 tb. put I am nry tkankfuL , 8. I. SNYDER. AtrU 3( 1S7. Jfntlstrs.' ANNOUNCEMENT I OF THK G UK AT REDUCTION OF PRICES 1 IMPORTANT TRUTHS i TUvtnff suooeeded In cutting a liiflilor tariff on material, buuoa the fete and muUeraf ehnrge fur rtml and full sets or leem. i use the bust manufacture of trvlh mid other imUcrUI. All upiTtiiious rfgisttred aud warranted to give sor Vice inu aiaiiaiiuHii'ii. Frktiids. retlcot that my charges, for the Inner tton of artificial and the sarlng irf the iatural teeth are now the most ruascinai.teii. rttnui'vl vnnin, Prraerve your teeth and you preserve ymir health. Putiiuu of tue natural teuin in a uc-aitny. tr servativuantt usTul eonlition is inene a speoiuity. DiaeaeU'sauil tnallurtimll"tisooinmun luine uiuuth, nw slid associate pari", are treated aud curri'otvd witu lair lueeess. bxamtnaunus ana consults. tlons FHKft. It won Id be well for ratlcnts rrum a distnnct to let ne know hy mull a few dnys before omit inn to the oflice. It Is rorv important that childmn between the ages of six and twelve years should have their Uth examined. Auwathrttos are administered and Teeth re moved without unio. Dinpositious and character are iud-eil hv all the world by the cxprcanluiis of tho tuor, henoe how very dlsantroos may It therefore be for per sons to indulge an expression cf distorted feature, even apart I ruin a hygiinto view. 'w, to njny natural (not artificial) comforts and pleasures, respeet and oty naturnt simplicities and inaiinot. P. HIKIKIl MIAW, U. li H, Office In New Masonic Building, Jocund itreL L'learOild, Fa. fi-hl I 7i DENTAL CAKD. Dr. A. M. HILLS Would say to his patients and the nub- lie BviH tuHy, that, having dissolved rttt.inr-rt.hip with Ir. 8bnw, be Is now doing the entire work of his office himself, so that patients nerj nut fei being put under tne naml" of any olUt r nperator. DvaritaKi, juarcu J", in j.pjjeucnt J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., : CURWEX8VILLR, PA. All dental operations. eltheT iff the merhtuiicnl oroperativa branch, promptly ntt?nded to aad aatisiaoiion guaranteed. Upt-cial attrntioa pahl t the treatment of diwet of Uie natural tcvth, gains and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth sue eessiuiiy oorrecit'd. Teeib extraeted without pain by the use of Kther, and artificial teeth insnrtrd of the best. material and warranted to render sat isfacilon. . aitHIM'TI:! UsrcU;iurcu!j. A Move In Cunvensvillc! . . t J. R. IRWIN, Druggist, CCRWKXBVILLE, PA. nAR remoTcd his Drug Store to his ftp moms, three doors west of his old stand. and takes this opportunity of thanking bis old customers for their lilteml patronage, and hopes by close attention, combined with a aHeot ft'k of goods, to merit Its continuance on the part of ii ma m rnpiomere, ana eccnre inai oi many new ones. rieae give oiu a call. J. R. IRWIN Curwenrll1cr March 27, 1B7J.-Cra. Jl 0 O K S Wlllf U nAVg ALWAYS (i I K N 8ATI8FACT ON IIEBETOF jT.E, WILL EK DI8P0SED OF IS SUCH A W A Y 13 10 PLKAFK 0 R fRIENDS ASK CCS TOMKRfl. JUST RECEIVED! TUB FISBST ASSORTMSST OP IIOLIPAV GOODS BU0I1 AS BOOKS AND OTHEH STATIONERY AUTICLKS, 4 KVSU OF EUBD'IO TUB C1IUKN8 or this place i NOW ON EXHiniTION AND FOR 8AM AT Fl'BLIBHERH' A UANUFACTURKHS F1UCK3, AT TUB POST OFF ICE.. CleurflolJ, Dee. H, H?0. ! II ATS k CAPS! BOOTS & SHOES I GENT'S I'L'KNlSUUNU'CiOODS! Cll at LKVKR FLKllAL'8 new Store, oi-poult T.s tlovurnnr llielr'a rel,lene, on Wecmd flreet. Clearfli'1,1, Pa., and exeioine hie flno etork of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, l'uriillillK fioode, Ac, Of whlnb he ti oonMantly reoeiring a large Maori mrnt or the rtry lateit and brat etylee, wnich will dispone or at aetoniilnnglj low prior. LA D IKS, I bare on band a larn and well selected slook of thoae celebrated hand-sewed MUKOCCU and LAKTINU UAlTKtld, which I oan safely recommend to ha the bast in tha mar- Jtot Call and em mine thrm. l.ftHTtf Goohm. OKNTLEMKM. my atnek of Kttrnlshlnic Oneds Is com pi rle, I have all thn novel lice lu ttonrfs, Tics, Cravats. Uanrlkerohirrs. t'ndrrwcar, Sus penders, Collitrs, (Moves, Hosiery, Ac, together with a complete assortment of White and Cloth Hhiris. I hare on hand a large and well select , stock of llati and Gaps of tho very latent styles. Also, Trunks, Valises, Hnilrond I'ngs, Umbrellas, Canes, and many other articles, both useful and ornamental, which will be sold at fair rates. f..',mnir,.ll invilrrl tnnnll -ml vnmlnamv on...l. before purcbaslns; elsewhere. l.KVKR FI.fiflAL. Clearfield, Pa., May 72, 1H73. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS f STATIONARY. Mnrkrt Ht., ( learllrlit Icarllelri, (at (lie PoatOfflre.) aned bcK lcar. to announe. to i of Clearfield and .lelnlle. thai in a room and hai Juet relumed rpilR underelRi I theellliem ha bei fitted up a room and nai Juet returned from th.eliywlth a In race, amount of reading waiter, lunKiHiina; lu .ri ui Biblos and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aeeoonl and Fane Dnoki nf irerj de scription) P.p.r.nd Rneelnpee, French preeied and plain Pent and 1'enelle lllank, Leiel Pperl, Ileede, Mort(ton Judgment, Riemp Hon and I'romlnorjr notei Wklle and I'arem lent Drier, Legel Cap, H.enrd Cap, and Dill Can, Bheet, Mail, for either I'leno, rlut. vtolla eomunllj on hand. An, booki ar ilelloaerf d.elred that I mar aot her. on h.nd, will b. or. ordered bj flret eipro,, nd lold at whol.aal. or retail to lull euetoven. I will alro keep perlodloal lll.ratur., inch ai Magaaln.e, Newa. Pl" V. A. OAUL1W. Cltart.ld Mer t, jPrjj Dooflsr (Rxotttltt, die. EiA.&W.DllRVIN : J is IiEALlCllg IN r . ' i ,... i r GEN E I. A L nil L ?si:ttcn AMif4i; SQUARE' TIMBER, w LOGS k LUMBER ' : 1 1 1 J cunniMvii i i:, pa., ARE odVrlng, coniiilrle il at tlulr new P'ore lluu"., luik of NLW UOUliH, of ull Uttkurijitioui. Dry Goods and Groceries, HAIUUYA UK, BOOTS it HllOJ'S, CLQTMXa, dc, IN LARUE VAIUETT. n Flour, Mral ftyr, M Oat it, Corn, Alwe; on band and for aal. at a mall , , advance ROPR, In largo quantities, .old low byeoil; aUe, Pl'LLEY BLOCKS, PMAtL ROPE j arid CAKTHOOKS. , I ...... , .., One baodred eoci of ATWATKU'S J:LMinA BOOTS, fur lale bj the one at wholcnale ralei. ReeeWed by ear load i .. nUXTISCIDO.V FLOUR, and told at small advance. ITAUNKS?, of all kind. ITORSB COLLARP and ITAMKS. IIORiSK RLANKKTS. EVFFALO ROnr,?, Ao. Also, on sal flrst-elass two-horee WAOONfl, TWIN PLEDR, LOO ELED. and ' ' ' SLRIG1IS. - Ppealal Induermeats offered la those felt In j out Bqaara Tim her and Lojcs. as wa deal largrty la Lavuhermen'a Supplies, and an prepared M all lines to purchase Timber. Logs and Lamhcr Carwensriile. Koeemher 16, 1871. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H C A J a I' Ht OF ALL Ktxntf Srt'B Barraws, Warchous Trucks, Copying Presses, Iinprored Manrjr Drawer, tie. - - , ro ,ALB ,T II. F. DIGLEU & CO., Ilealcn lu Ilardar, ' " mch.lOi'r) If Pccond Ftreet, Clearfield, Fa. LAXD AXD LIMBER C(IPA OFFER y TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TUK1R MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA, r MOSnANNON LAXD AND LUMBER COM PANV olTer fur sale Town Lota in the Imr ough of Oreroln. Cleartield eounty, I'a., and alsu lots to suit iiorrhasers ovtside the limits of said bnronirb. Oscola It sitoated on the Mopoannon Orerk, In tho richest portion of tha eonnty of ( h'arflHd, on tha line nf the Tyrone A Ck-arneld Railroad, where tha Aloshannun and lieavoiiun bratteh roads inUrseot. It is also In the heart of the Moshannon ooal baiin. and larga bodies of white nine, hemlock, oak, and wther timber sur round It. One of the target lunibor Diatmractur hiff estllifhni,nts In tho Slate ta lonated In the town, while there ara ninny other lumber and shingle mills around It. The town Is but se 'en years old. and contains a population of one thon sand Inhnhitnnts. jr-For furthor Information apply at the office of the abort company. JOHN LAW8IIR. 1:4:70 General Superintendent, 0. 1. c. AtrilKRR to y my lRY UOOPff. ono T eerlca, Qneensware, (llasaware. Urugs and Notions, Con feet ion erics, Ac.,hanu for each. The subscriber begs leave to Inform his old and new cm torn era that he has opened A VARIETY PTORR IN ULKN IIOI'K, PA. And will sell gondif at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to ouetowcrt buy- ! wnolo'Blo Call and examine my stock before purchasing alcwhere, A liberal share of publio patronage Is solicited. C. J. KKAHY. IKT1. OIn llepe, T'a., June 14, HOT'SK AND LOT l'OIl SAT.K! The untlernlfrned nlferl hla llouee and l.tit f'''V."",'d n, '"". .between rnnrih 111 r.'n ln ,h" or...Kl. of f IrnrHrUI. ! lh' "' " o etorjr ' I, i.l.nk frame , flnl''" lh Ibe nenerrer. nutl,iiiidinr, end the lot II in a food itate of eul tieellon. i,or tennl and rin!ttt,itie npplr to or I.MrrM HKMtT HlllinMI, . augiH-Sm Cleariield, I'a. AIIMIKim ulltlU'ei KllTICR.-Nolle, il hereby aiven thnt letlrre of ailmiuiltratl'in on lb. eetete of IKOIttlK I1KA.MS, draml Int. ol Morrle townamli. Cleerlleld eoynty. I'enna., b.vlnf been duly Kr.Iited to the undcraigneil, .!l I pernoni indehleil to enid rJlkle will i parment, and Unite narlnf elalml or deinanda willprrnrnt them pmperlr anthctitlrnted fVir let tlement. klAMll, 11 HAMS, Hrpt. 18, 1871. fit Adinlnletrator, )INK, WIItTB A IIOAN LIN I Nil SKIN8- Just rcctTd and for lale by April :o, 1 70, II. r. UIULElt a CO. R R ' R 1 ! i MIDWAY'S BEADY RELIEr UltKS TUB MOUNT PAINM In from Ona to Twenty Mlnutoi. NOT ONE HOUR . , aftorri.'iMjH'ihU'viUciii-riiii'rii tn'i'ii any one f i ' hftKl f.H WITH 1-AIN. ' t HAttWAva, uEAiV ui.uvt A a etna roa! F 1S.V7IIY I'AI V, It MUlllO filial Htlll U The Only I'ulia Homorty iml liiNtnnlly It'iMi Iht mum. tirniclutlini (min. tl)a7S l.iUitiiiiiiKtloua. iid curs (JwnffeUluina. wli.iiier of tlm Liiitun, HiKiiiMti, Jiovralikur biuur aUwds vr urjfmi, by IlJ nut OTiM TO T Wit NTT atlHCTK, J no' mnMr li.'W lnlHt or nrrucinttfii ttif imtn (lie IttlKt'MATlO, W, tUUU-n. 1- ttu.i, 'f, Knvuu, Nutuulylu, ur pritMrHlud tlitwMM may mfiVr, RAOWAY'8 READY RELIEF . - IlJ.. Al'I'dltll INSTANT KSE, r, ( INFLAMMATION tub KIHNUVb. ' IXH.AMMATIliN UK TIIK ULADUKIt IXFLAUMATIUM or TIIK luinKI.H. c(iS(ii:htiiin i,k tub irNai. SOnS THROAT, I'll Mrri.r IIUKAIIIIMI I Al.l'ITATI, ,N (IK Tilt. HtAllT. IITHTEKICB, ClluUf, lill'IITIIEItlA. CATAlilUI, INFLUENZA. ' I1KADACUE, TOOTH ACIIK, , , MH'ltALOTA, BUBUMATIflK, corn pnn.Mi, Aotm rim.i.. Tlie tl'iir.ulwit of lliu Uea.y Ki'llof lo the pert or . .ml wf,i'i Ui yulu or nullum ttXM4 will atfura m will eMiifort. . Twuiir iltopc In ritlf fiml'lrr of witr will In H-w - fK.m.M. p-l'f rtlAMPa, hl'AhMH. P'ltTt H'l'lM r, I KA 111 111 UN, MI'K IIKMIAI'IIK. IHAKKIIKA, , l.y.-KN I KIIV,!. MINU W TIIK UuttUA in! .11 INT KHNAL I'AINK. l fivr..,B .1 1, itiwiiya lurrr e bottle of Radw.v'e Itennv It flh-f will, tlx in. A f"W tr,i. In uUr M III ixor'if l.:K,i,H or iMliit frm rliutice r pr, It u M,li Uimi I'riiicl, ll,nJy ur ltlturM e BtluiuUlit. I'lCVI'Jl AMI AtilK. TTTKR ASI AiH R rr,-,l for tnt iti.u. T1,ml not rmitwIiHi ecut In III. wo.14 llnti will tun l .',,1 Ar, ikiJuT) HWr M,i!iloiia. Ull'nu.. Sf.,.l.t, Tv. - ilit.l.l, VUluw, ui,ilull,r I , vt-rt (nld.d lv ItAI'U AY'H . , l'll.l.H) m q'lhk M llAIIWAVrl UKAUk 1IU.1LK S Ulr cuuta er outlie. tt,,ld tr Dtui.utt. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! BTttiiso aso rt'itF nn t iiumn-iNritKAsn r N.ll ANII WKI'IMT -CI.KAH HKIN AND litAU IU L'L CUUI'LEXlun MiCLUkaj lu ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT 1IA MADR THK MT AHTONISIHXO OrtlFfl t i gt K'K. h' ItAI'lti AUK 'INK I'ltA.M.K.l 1 HE l Hi I fiNI.t.KUOKs. TMiKIl THK 1- iiKl'IClSK, 111 AT Every Dny an Inereaso In Dosh and Weight lt Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER uiiu 111,1, Fvrry flrop f DA ItHA I'Altll.LU N ltKMLV ENT Mmitiiunleetft thrmijih tlm Jllowt, Kwpt, L'rlt.o, anil oilmr nuliltftiril lnioot'.f ll yatfiii tl.ti vifj.-f af f for It rfinUf tlm wulra of Htu UxJy wllh nt atid Pxina nmtf-rtii. Krofulu, Piillla, -..iiiuiijlLn, GUnctnlitr dlMfcK, t'loaiatn the Tliru UutiUi, Ittneura, Ntt la fit UlanrU btk) oiinf mita nt Ihu yslem, Hn ttv, Mtumous liUcliMige fnmi tb tUr, tuid th Wii4 furnvB of Hkln illMitM-t, Kmtiliunt, l-ecr Bun-a, K11 lipatl, It'-il Worm, BuK Itlifom, Kryttp!", A run, bU k Nlt. Wwiii lit Mia riuli, Tiiiiiora, Cu.cera lu Hm Wciiiti, am) all wrnkciiliig aurl iiirul lira, Nitht PwKBt, im of SKTiti, and alt wwtva tf lliu llfa nrlnct plv, art within tba cuintlv ranga of tLla woo of Mod ern CtirniUtrv, and a frW tlnva Mm will prove In aiy prpa u-'iif It ir elihar of Uioas (urats tf aieeaaa lU nt powri to cur I Urn. If tha ml lent, daJljr trtrfffl1ni rflncad ay Oie wulrl and tWeomnllloa tbal la eiiUiually iirr-rising, auo cttU la ftiii'iilluf, tlir wutca, and rtt air lie mh,c wliti riw mltUJ tiiivta frrttn healllir btuod ainl tils Um UAhttA I'A It 1 1, LI AN trill ai.d (!. MKura. Ni4 only da the SiaaAraMLUAH KnoLrairr eirel all known rtmnllal itrni In Uia curt of r,roiiic, rVr'ifu tima, t;oiitit.otfl. ami HSia tlme j built U Umimlj Kidney fc Rlnddor CompInlnM, T'nnarr. and Wmnb dlacatwe, (Irtrl IiiaUiMi, ttmt tHoiibaaTf of Walr. Iiinwitliirm-a at lrlita. Urialil' mtmf, IJIa- l IT, II riav. aii dtiat dffwurlta tht water U thlrk, cltilr, n1a4 with A i nun. inu rift, ftim in v wnrrw un an brick aMhtUi'OaS like tiae whlta of aa ru, or Uift1i line whlU ttir la a iaort.1.1, amtt, llu ftiiurftnuit Whlta botw-diiat drrxMlta, aitrt wboe thr la ft rtrkuc. burnlnc wnaaiinn whin (rwlna water, and aln la ti.e VmaJl if th Hwk aadaJotig Um LoUis. I'rioa, io. WORMS. -Tin only ktrawa and svrt Beewdy Tumor or 14 Venn Growth Cured by ttudway't KeaolvcnU Ta tiitwiT Wwvlt. All Ika iMMt'W miA " tkr m ta krip tmt tl. I WMnJ 9trj Ikliaf Ui4 iwoaiiMii! ; bat ti-Uiac llaej aw. I paw rr Kewlml, nJ lhibl I atjlal I17 H ; Cut bad fa'ltl la II. bwM I la! itSta4 fuf Itarlrs rtrr Uak ata WtllM rf tha k4vnl. and mm br.t of Ha 'i TIU, and twa U tM wf fonr KaaJr Rdtof 1 tmi lht aHI lefii W totunf i ba aaaa at fcli, aa4 I avfUr, wiatui, aud ki perr ikM. havt fu lrlva )earta, Th ji1 tanx mm la Ik lfl tk4 rt Ihm U arr. I rH. tku la jm tm Um kiarSl af etWa. Vaa am vvbUtk K tf jm aktwaa. IUMAII r. KM AFP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, (miUHT uwavma, wwcuiif oouan wni (' rnm, purra, re-iiai, (mrlfjf, cltnar, ai1 strenrthrn. ai riia, tor ll.e nir-rf ail rtl.iru nl tn ftnihrvb, Livtr. Howela, Kldnrra, Hla1W. Nrrveue Plar-aM a. Ilriiacia, rnatlark'a, Cuat l IndlfMtinn, lM'at9 la, P Ituuwiraa. Itilloiu frvrr, InftariiRinltott of th ttowi la. tlMrlaltl'rniifrrmetiUi flh Intm aJ Vb er. Warrwlad to tfffete anattlvfoura. Purl VTtav Wp, "-'iriutnltif no inemtrr, nilnTJa.('f 4tWnnnrtMica. ItW OtMorva Uia fr.lli)w1t arniWaai muiUug ttvm aurOra of tba iHftwUra Orous: OeMlrta, laevw niM. rallMM nf IKa BjMt ( Uw Rkl, AiMty af M tak, aMM, llawOwta, iHapMl i f4, tut m Wcftit la Ihi fttitinarfe. rVur Staklaf mt flvtunrat i 114 111 nf lha Sltuievrh. HwiaMntw 4 th Mead, ' Harrlexl and liHWK SVaatkiaff, t laiwrlac aa Ut llaatl, Criaaiac a SuS.--iin( Seni aatlaa wkn la a Lvitif I'wtair., IhnM af VtaW KH n Wak UfW W Mrht.' F.OT mm IHII rIB hi Ua HaaS. IXry ml Vriimi-a. TallkM U lha Skn anf rM tka LW,, ai aaMa Flaaaaaf Itaal haralMf M tha Flaak. A IVw dtwaaof BAD WAT'S) pn.!. will fWe the are ten rreaaaJl Ut atvti-tiaiTid rt'-nrtm, lnca, ctuli KKAl) -I'AI.HK Mi '1 HI K. en. one iHtrr ManauRAI'WAT a CO.. N-.a;MtMnLiiA N 1'ark. lt.faistlua werta UiuejauJe wl.i be evut eue. R. B. TAYLORS LIME AND COAL YARD, (Kear the nallroad Pfpot,J cm:ahi ii:i i, n m. IK.MT.nACE this method of Informing the pnhliCa that I hare ope no. I tip a yard lor the ante of wuotl or eonJ-burnt LI M t. an t Anthraette COAI. In the borough of Clearfield, and bare completed amtwoiMits with eastern 4tlers by whfh I ffn keep a full supply constantly on hand, which will be ltJtoird ol at rrasonalile rates, by the tun, bushel or car load, to suit purchasers. Those at a distance can address me by letter, and obtain all necessary information br return mail. R. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. J4, lSfiW-tf MMU !; R AI I-. K i PKRFHCTIOX IN C A N T H O OK S I The Clearfield Eicelnlor Canthook will not wrar TTH or break, being eonlrnolrd with one lulid band fruro clip to point. Tt il pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hav. .xamlncd ft to b. the mobt perfect Cantltook ever invrntcd. ' Amos Kennard, Patentee. Uanufaoturtd by Axol Knsian A Co., at CLEAliFIELD, rA. "All orden prompll. attended lo. nJ.VIl DREXEL & CO , No. 31 Houlh Third Hlrect, Plilla lclplila K.I.VKf.t.S And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieation by mail will rroeive prompt atten tion, and all Information .lieerfuM; furnirhed. llnlora aolicted. April ll lf. j v n N I'. i on ti I T HOT BURNED UP! HELL'S IIVN WOOLK FACTORY, 1 Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa, The siibsatibers are. at treat eitn, rebuild ing, nnd In ft few dnya will have completed, a neitrhltnrhood ntoenit.v, In the ereetinn of a ft ret class tV oolon Mnnulm'lorv, with all the modern Imrtrnvrments attached, and are pn iarcd to make all kinds of Clothe, t'assimeres, BuiinetU, Blan kets, Flnnncls, Ac. Plenty of good on hand to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom we ask to eotne ani examine our si'ma. The business of CAHIUNQ AND FPLLINt will reeetro especial attention. Our new mill will be realjr by wnol-enrtting season, therefore there need be no hesitation on that score. Proper flrrnnircmnnte wilt be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers, All work warranted and donetipnn ihe shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to hurlnefts we hope to realise a liberal share of public patronage. lO.Otm POUNDS WOOL WANTED 1 We will pay the highest marh'l piUe fur WooIj and sell our nmnuractun'd gnp as low n similar goods ean te nought In the county, ami wuencrer we fail to render reasonable sutirfaotiim we ean always be found at bums roadr ta make proper explanation, eithrr in porsnn or by letter. JAM 1.8 JOHNSON A HONS, april?Glf Uratupian Hills P.O. iUHAr UljOUKIUlXI V Ll'MHUn CITY, PA. The untieralenrd annoiinoea to hia old friends and estrone Hint he line opened a rood lin. of lllltM'KHIKM A rKoVIMONS at tli. oM atnnd or Kirk A Ppencer, for wliirh he inlielia a liWral palrensire. II. W. HPKNCKIl. I.ninlier City, Pa., Marrh 5(1 tf. Aim A INS IN JIUIsicAL 1K- 8TK1 MK.NT3! Orjnna, helh new and .oeond hand, at the Music tftore. opposite (litlieh'a Furniture 3tore, All persona inlereated are Inrl ted to call and eietnlne a new stele of Orfran now on ethihitlon. Kheet Muaie and Muslo Hooka rnnstantl, on hand. (pill 72lf ounflvy and yiarliiuf iliops. biglerT youncT&T CO. tSiKeeiion to Dojliton 4 Young,) . OUNDKRS & MACHINISTS Manufaeturcri of POETAELE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENG INl'S Corner of Fourth and Pin. Btreeti, ' ti.ruiti ini.i), r.t. HA VIXO ertjri!e4 In the insnufaelure of first elani MACMI.Vi:ity,.en..-i,rclfully Inform (lie utlie tliat we are now prepared to fill all orderi ai cbcaplj ami aa promptly' a. can be dne In anj of the eitic. Vt'c loanufcture ar.d deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla Head Dlnekt, Water Wheeli, Fhnftlr.jr rullije, Giford's Injeotor, Sleain tiauca, Puara WbiRtlcl. Oilere, Tallow Cup, Oil Cuin, Cauge Cock., Air Conke, Olnlie Valvof, Check Valree, wrought Iron Plp., 8 earn I'umpi, Boilir Teed Purnpi, Antl Friotion Molrer., oiip Ktone Tackinff. Uuu Fak Inn. and all kiuda of MILL WOllKj tojtether with I'lowi, Hl.,,1 Bolee, COOK AND rA RLOR STO VES, and ether CASTINGS of all kindi. r-9"0rderi .elicited and filled at elly priori. All letter, of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anewered, by addrea. inar at Ctearfleld, Pa. deell'70-tf BIOI.Elt, YOUNO I CO. a.L.Rwd. NOTICE. Towell it a: BO!) t POWELL. CLEARFIELD , PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpnE pmprletori rerpcctfullr Inform theeitiirnr A of Clearfield eouutjr, that they hare entirely reCtfed thla eetalilijhmcnt with the latcat improved wood-working machinery, and are now prep.rej to ciecur. .11 orden In their line of iuaini-na. They will gire eapeeial attention to the manufac ture of material fur houee building, each ai FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MlmiCKETS t VOl'LnM.rG&t OF ALL STYLES, We alwftts bare on hand a large stock of PKY LTMBKn, aud will parcah for all clear Lumber. One-and a-half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to OrJer, Or eichargM, to suit customers. 5-rdrr soliciltd, and Lumber fitmlshed on short notice and on rcasnble terms. RKKI) A POWELL. Clnnrfield, Mrch I. 1871 pdtjon"3 Ucfora taking rowdcrs. After taking Powders. SUA V I M PHO I- l COS MTIOS POWDKRS. I'scful in obstinata vases tl Distcmrier, Ootttjhs. Colds, l.ia, Karcr, Cuitiva ncas. J.otiRlinpM of the fkin, and Sioppajro of Watrr. tircase, Pwcllid Legs and Influeuaacan ba relieved, and somclimes currtt, ly the use of these Powdcra. Thet will not Interfere with the dailr wurk of the Jlurso. and ean ba f ireo to cat tle with equal adrantae. Put up (it A. I. Ml AW, Druggist and Apothe cary, Clearfield, Pa. November 8, 171. flnld eTerrwhere. e ow at conn rOR cAsm Tht largest stock of F U It X I T IT It ever offered tn CLEARFIELD I At the FTFAM f A TUX FT PnOP,eimrr Market and Finh Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. Th; undcrulffnrd would ntinonnce to the publio that he has on band and is now offcrinf cheap for oanh, the larccst stock of Furniture aver in store in this count, consisting of T. bartered Parlor Suits, Chamber Setts, Kx tension Tables, Secretaries, Book Cases, Redsteads, Spring Reds and Mattresses, Lounges and Rcnchcs, Plain k Marble Top Tablet k Rureans, Wanhstandr, Cano Seat and Common Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Looking tl lasses. Window Shades, Picture Frames, Cords and Tasaels, Ac. Tic also manufactures and keeps on hand Pat ent spring Hcds, the best ever Invented. No family should be without thctn. Any kind of roort not on band! ean be had on short notice. llpholstoring and repairing neatly exocaJed. COFFINS, of all sises, oan be had on a half hour a' notice, and at the lowest prioes. A deduc tion or 29 per cent, wade Tut path. M RTALLIC CASKS, or Rosewood, Walnnt and Cherry Coffins, with class or wood tns, furnished on are hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral occasions, and carriages furnished whon dinned, . Thankinc tha public for pat favors, and by strict personal attention tn business, I hope to receive a oontinuanoa of the taty. RrtTtpmbrr the place the Strain Cabinet Shop, earner of Market aud Fifth Streets. Marrh 29, 'Tl ljr, TAMEL RKNNEll. THE CLKAKKIKLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured espcciall for THE CLKA RFIl'I.D THA DE, to m i ir auuVJO II. F. BIHI.Kn A CO. House & Lot for Sale or Kent ! fllIK nndcrslfrncd oflVra tor sale or rent, upon X. rcannat)o tprinn, a two tiuif dwtllinK, lot and statdo. In HhMxtiiiigtun, 1MK townohlp. 1'nr terms, Aa., apply t Lr.WI.-i I. Bl.lMt.M. January 3d, ISTJ tf. 0 AI. IM l PLASTI.II -for aal. hr mvJJ 4ra H. K. I'lilLKIl A CO. "ilj an 1 1.1 ' 1 -" - ...T-i.i.-; kJ",".'1." ' " .jUillrlnd. in to dirrcuont, and remsio loii unwrj, their btniM mn ur d Wr,red by miiitral powm or fr BtcaM, and tits viul orgaas enuud beyuhd Ue imt Of rfir. DyipcpnU or I nrl ! Ion. Headache, 1,, in Hit Sliouidt r. CiMKhs I s.litne.a of the t Iwit. 1,2 li dm. Sniir kfucuuoii. tif (U biom-iK. U-d Itn in tlie Mimii biliuut Alutlt 1V.. nation ot iU Heart, liirtainnutHiii d the I.nnra, I'nii in iltr re-jr. of (lie Ki'tdcvs, aitti a liitnilied wlttr pvnfnl vnip'rirna ara the utftpringa nf l)-ifiia. In llitt compi,ij il Imti tin pqnal, and mi iK.liie will prove a Letter in., nlw-of it mrrim tln a Innr'ltv ailveru.uui.l. ,. Kr VrniRlfl 'iiiilittut. m yin or e named or mlt, at lite d-twii of aoiiiaiiliood, r ) turn of life, liicic '1 tunc liilltrt d p' iy w docidH influence dial a nuiked uii'truveiDcnt is oeo iierct'y tible. For liiflaniiiiatoif and Chronic Ittitti. IliatlBlM and (.nut, . limit, Friimtrnt and I-k,. nnttrM frvtrm, Dmitsh-i of tllfl Iiiowt, K.d.-.r, aed Bladder, lli iMtfra havt no equal, SucJi eae are raud bf Vitnted hotu, wli.cll it f,ix prfxhiCTd bv derail cement nf i!n Di'iive Oru-u.s TUry sir m (irialle 1'nrKull , e aa well as ft Tunic, potiteMing al-o the pet iiiiar ?iieiit rf act. at a porfvil a pent m lenrvinjr, Co'iretlion or Inttm; niatiuu of the Liver and ViKciai O'sts. and ta Uiwi Diteatea. , Fur ftkltl Diaenset, Err-winn. Tetter' R4it tthcum, llowcliea. Spot, Hitnplpt. PuMu et. UuilCu bttnclet, Kina-wonm. hcaid-lled, S-ve tr.. UpeU, lich, Scnrft. I 'i-n jloratimn of tltc Skiii, Huimi and Pitedtea uf the Sttin, uf whatever nanve or i.itnn, are literal) . dtv' up and c-irticd ov of tits aytlcn. in a short time tt tli uw of tlK Bitter Uratcful ThouannU piociainj VtMtBAe Btr Ta tlie mrt wondertul liivifiorim thai ever sutlaiutd the tin i f aynirin. J WALKt.K. pM..r n.ll. ndsOX LD . CO. DrutKvttt and (len. Ajrtt., Sin FranriKo, Cal.. aud cor. of WariiinRion and Cliarllon Sit , New Vnrk SOLD BY ALL DHUGUIS1 AND IjKALLRs! June 5. f'2. HAYES, COULTER & CO., Snecesaurs to W. A. Arnold, M&xt rArri ftr-na or Healers, Ranscs, Low Crates, anlMAHBEMZrO FI.ATE MANTELS. p',1e ejenll f,r tlie eeU-braieil CHILSON COOKING BAXGE" t$cnA for C itelienea. No. l:;0i Ciie.lnnt Ptreet, June 5 ftm rillLAIUXPlItA. Presidential Cirrpa:p CAPf,CAri;?iTonrii5. Rene! for lliu t raf d CireuUr and Frier I.ill. Cl:.V-M.(iA.M A 11 ILL, Mjiniiliwturrre, No. JlU ChuF-h Ftreet, jea-iB l'ejlailelpbia POLITICAL CAMPAIGN Ol.- IH1A. ,, ,n i;n st WH.SO. ;':;V Greeley & Sroin : VAXl'AIUS ,'3, V". ki CAPH, Capes and Torches. TitAXSPAHKNCII-'.H A KASXfcltS. With Purtraits or nny d'-vice fur all partirt. Silk. Hunting and Muslin Flags of all sircum hand ur made tn ordvr. Chin sc Laiitrms tt all sites nnd ntyle: Paper Ralloons, Firs Works, Ic Caiopa:ga Clubs-CttcJ out at the Irwrst rates U WM. F. SCJIEIBLE'8 OAMPAKIX DEPOT, ti Hoalh Tbird Street, I'lulsulr Ipliu. ,irl7 3m ir.en roa emmaa. Clearfield County Bank. rpiIE Cleariield Contlj Bank aa aa laeerrm Jl ted Inatitatlon b.l goD. oat of eilileerelr tbe inrreoder of Iti eb.rtr, ob M..r 13, 1WI, All lu itoek li ovoed by th. lubecrilirns .kl will contiau. th. PaekinK baaioeaa at the at rleee.aa frirate Bankeri, under Ihe flrn aaaa ol the "Cleariield County Lank." We are n apnnalblefor lb. debtiel the Bank, anj aillrar Iti notea on demand at Ihe counter. Ilrpmin reoeivtd and inlereal when inone)' la lellfer a fixed lime. Peper dieenunted at all perent. aa hrret.-fere. Our perron. I retonttilit b pledged for all ).oaite rerelred and bnrier. tram eled. A eoi.linoenea of tha Iibernl filr ronatreof the hutiiieea reea of the county iarf ipeetmllT olieied. Aa Preaidrnt, Caah.rr ul ofTieri of ihe Ule ClfaiReld County Hank, n require the notei of laid Bank to ba fremiti fur rederopilnn. JAS. T. l.KONAKD, KICHABP KHAW, WM. PORTER. JA. B. OKA11AX, A. K. WHIOIIT. O. L. ItKi:i, WM. A. WAM.ACK. ' The hnrlne.a of lh. Bank will li. eon JuftfJ John M' Adauia., Kaq., aa Caihier. ( 'H ' '' County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maeonte ltuiMinj. one door nortlal C. P. Welann'i Irut Store. PaaaaRe Tieketa to and Irona Lirerpool, QueaM town, (llarftnw, London, Paris and Copenhiurrt. Al.o, Drelie fr inlenn the Roral Bank of Inlail and Imperial Bank of London. JAM FS T. LKONARD, Tre'l. W.M. PIIAW, Ca.hier. ll i:l J. P. M'tlirk. Edward Terkl BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGlRIC & PERKS. Hucccs'ors to Foster, Perks, A Co., IMilllitahtirg, 1 cntr County, F. AY T II Kit K all tho huslnoss of a Hank inn Hft wil e tranfactnd prompll t and upen i nost favoraolc term a Biari-tf Jr.W 6T01!E AND XEW GO if JOS. SHAW & SON Hare juat oprned a Niw Stoke, od Wain St.,Ci.iArui.D, Ta, lutclr oocurlcd by Wa, F. 1RW1.V. Their atock corsiili of m U2. CkocERiu of Ibe bent quality, Quf.f.nswarc, Hoots nnd Shoes anil every article nceir fr one'i comfort. Call anil examine our block before F- cliasinn eleiwhere. Ktij 9,, A DMI lITR ATOH rVttTIt b'.-10'' i ia hrrobT (iren Hint letters of "'I"1 """?., ontheeatateof M ll.TON Mllltl lK, deeeae4. of Clearfield Ilorouah. Clearne'd County, havlnit been duly ur.nled to ,,n all person! liteil lo sain esis.r ... r , p.rment, and thote hvin claims or e will present them Lmpcrlr anlhentle. ' tlrment. ' JAM KS - AllKllsl Jl, li?J l. ora,. ff We h e. printed a large number el HiK Hll.L, and will oa Hi. receipi It. eiuia. ueil a o.iy to addriaa. 4 t , j:" mm