THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Fa. ' WEDNESDAY MOItNINtl. SKPT.M,U71. Terms of Subscription. - If paid Inadvfcnee.orwlthtn thro. montha...t-l If paid after throe aad beforu ail month..... M If paid after IbeelpiratloD of ill moelha... I 00 mey-All arllele. lo Ineore ia thie paper ahnuld bo handed la early on Tueed.y aernlng, uwifih preae at II o'etooh, (nooa.) RKLIUIOUr) NOTICES. ' Metbodlal Epleaopal Church Bit. A. D. Yocitm, Peator. l'ubhe Service every Sabbath el l, A. M., ead 7 P.-M. Sabbath School at A. M. Prar.r Meetioi every Thunday, at T P. M. Communion Service, irat bebbatb. of Tory ..nth, at 111, A. M. H. Afidrew'e Cliarcli npleropal Rer. tttoa&a Hah.. Publto Service Sunday morning rW o'clock, end it J P. M Sunday School el t. M 1'rayer Meeting Wcdneedey evening at T o'clock. Preabyterlan Churr"h-ReY. H. S. HnTi.en. Pneobing oa thi Lord'l do at 10) and 71 'dock. Humlay School at I p. to. Prayer Melius no Wedneelay at 7 p. as. tWor'a Rilile Claa on Hetnrdav at Tl p. m. t. francta' Chun-It alliollr,llev. T. J. MrMa!', Man at III) o'clock A. M., on too 'Beeond and fourth Suiidaye of cash month. Lutli.rau C'harr.h. Rev. A. J. mnTeooa rreeehiae ovory Sabbath, tnoruitig aud evening. Jtabhetb riohool at V a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednoaday evening. Democratic Muss Meetings. The following Is the rt.jcrtnmB art-auged by the County Committer, for meetings throughout 4ho ounty i Ulon Hup, Friday evening, September IT lb. .Speakers, Dr. T.J. Byer, Waller liarrelt, Knt. New Millport, Saturday afternoon, September 3eth. (iUitrt, nr. I. . toyer, ttauvr uar rKt. Bitq. Kvlcrtown. Saturday evening, lct,lfinber 2Hth. -Rueakvrs, W. M. Mot'ullough, Esq., 1. L. Krebs, Km., A. W. Walters, Esq. New Washington, Monday evening, September 31Mb. 8krrs, Hob. W. A. Wallace, W ui. M. MaCuUeugh, Eu. Lumber City, Tuesday evening, Out her tit Rircakers, Thomas J. McCuHongk, Emi., li. L. krls, Esq., Welter Barrett, Eq. Hnutsdale, Wednesday evening, t Mutter M tfpeskers, Win. M. McCnllough, Esq., A. W. Wei tot, Kq. Wallaeclon, W-dncadny evening, October Jd. ikrr. II. L. Hrrb, fc., u ittrmi.wH., OttwuU Mill. Thiirirtiiy veiling, Oct- 3d. Hpmkt-r. Wm.. M -'iilUuKb. K., H .... Wm, A. WaIImv, A. W. WIUttKi., T. J .V t'ui louxb, Ehi. k, Prnflvlil, tMmy Mrnlof. IVtobrr 4th lpll- n, Dr. T. J. Ilojrrr, l. I. hr-H r.(. LutbvrtburK, Hutur.Uy timing, October lb Rpeakvra. Ur. T. J. H.?w, T.J. MH ulloiikjU, Km)., . 1. U Krebi, K., Wiilrr HrrrH, Kq. farwvafvtllt, M-Hvlay rvtiinit, (tvlobrr 7th fiprtken, W. M. Mel ll.u:h. I' I.. Krub. Ki-i 1). 1,. b H K BS, I bilmM The Mketimi. Being compel ltd to go to prri tA Tuexlay nfttroin, we are anable to givo a iynupui uf the moctiug thli week. Hot tlili we know, it pnimiitca to be a grand affair. On Hand. Tlio ramplilot Lawb for I it" I hare been received at tho Prothouotary'i office, litre J aft ice of the Peace and all othore entitled to them can vail and get their eoplei. Get AasEHHKD. Noxt Saturdny is the lait dir tub oin be refriitered. The Aaaraaor of your borough or ttiwnslilp will be at your elec tleB-konae from III o'elook in the forenwin until T o'clock In the evening. IIefty, J(lin Wuis. of Fftirviow, Krlo oonnly, exhlljited a yoke of eight-year old vzeo at the Htate Fnir lat week which weighed 4,1110 pound, tw4Hlonr knudrtd and fee pommdt ewA. There will be eouie Soe exen at oar Fair next week, but Hot quite w H vty" u Mr. Weie'. In Bf.fimon. Court is In session thli week, but wo utrieretan J that all tht civil eauaei hare been adjourned, and tliat thre will be but Mtllt eivil huilnen transacted, while but fow Common wt-altli caira appear to be on band, and WedneaJay rviuiug Hill very likely clear tho term. The prinlors of Litis ullico ate Indebted to frienda Uademui;1i aud Clnrk Ilrown for donation of aoine very fine applva. Mr. Brown were of the tonl Meny kind. Judge Barrett aUo rcmewben-d the printer kindly In bit dlatribution of aoiae of hia choice farta product. PnotiiiKSHiNO. Tlie borougli antboi- ltlea are maklnj inl.ntantial improrriuenta Ihia lumorr, The grading uf all tin- itreot running east and weal abould have been douo ten yeara ago. The stone em-sing arc everlasting improve- wrnta, and the stoning or mnoaJn toiling of Market street Is a movement In the right direction. Gone. Tho Uonlli uf Mm. Thomp- aoa remove from ur midst one ef the " oldest enler. Hhe, witb her fantibnnd, removed to this eounty m 1810, aod settled In the upier end m! Lawrence township, and railed a family of tight children, sixty grand-children, seventy-live great-grand -children, and leare several great great -grand -children. 8h was the mother of Judge Thompson, our candidate fur Couuly Cuta- mlssioaer. Caube and Effect. The Fhilipfc- burg .onmAf truly remarks t " A man will get trunk and parade lbs atreeta making a public iiaplay uf himself, and kst any abonld not notice bis Intntleated condition, he will occasionally lidnlge la bestial bowls that cannot fall to attract attention, and yet not seem to feel that be Is .disgraced. But If it l mentioned in the public print that be was drunk, he Immediately think that bt ha been disgraced. Flrange, Isn't It, that tbt report of an actual occurrence should bar such an effect wbrn the occurrence Itself .does notf Names of Ahhessors. Tho follow dag Is aa efflolal liat of all tbt Ami tors In Clear- laid oounty. for mil Beecaria I'hiltp Iott,(lul.rh Jofaa Brier Htl....J. W. rampMHHuxlon -A. fleoflrld ttloom lokn Maun togga.. .Jacob Iiimeling Iluntidalo-.... I.. Fh .lunl.n, II. W. K it. ilratord-.,"- HlleMngi KarUiaut A. Ittnkln Loot D. Krhard l.awrni.....4. It. flhaw fr.. J. haraaid....J. M. Hlddu-I ,)bMt J. W..titver a'artairtoB ,4Mrtld..Jaa. L. I..,1 l'urw.a'll...K. tlonilwtn DwMttnr H. llnt;h,.l l.unibor C ..T. W. Mooro Morrl Wet. Holbrnk N.Ha.M'loa H. N.iaiaa l)mk.,i. W. Ilaraorl. I'rnn K. rbn.toa Pikr 1. Holdm r'.rjta.oa Jot. Moor. allrard..Thoa. LBard. Untun Jno. l)rra.!w 4Joaba K. K. Hhirer WiHMlw.rd..Wai. Lutb.r fjrahaa... .Uri llublarl m R. H. fhaw baa Joat rtcalrod a full ttoolt of Clfan aad Tobaooo, ahlofl b. ufara at aburraa). and rriall at rtry low nrnrra. Iltarricl fa Clcarflold, on Peptembet tth, 11, at t' ivaidenee of John lienring, bj the Ri-v. II. fl. Urrisa, Mr. JOHN II. HI KE, of Phillip.burg, lo Miss KhHKVi A u. itbuni, oi nrae- ford towiifbip. At the ireldene nf the bride's father, oa Tues day, taeptrittW M, l7:', hv Rev. Ftrnra m'Xi i. Mr. F. MILI KR and Miss MARY K. MuuRK, bolh of CUmrlicld. la Clarion, en fVtrm1er 12th, by the Rev. J. Matkku. Mr. ( I1A(I!,KH M M. lHiHKLL, nf i'lirwenat iK ( li-arflrlrt noantv. Pa., to Mies LIK IE f. VI NKI.E,ot Churrkviie,Clahoaeoualyt IVnaiylvaota. Oa the 1Mb In Mart, at the M. K. Parinage, rhiHphtirsT. by the Rev. T. rUnsnAav, Mr. JAS. W. Fl I.TON and M.ip Kl.l.A HWARTZ, both tf Morr inhale. ( ittaiAelil ormntr, PfiinilTanta, In Carrnlltoa, MttMarl, oa Anrnat 134, 1,73, AMOS Hll.h, fwa.rt; W Lntatw l it,. In Bradford t.wnilp, on rtrtitrnihcr 17th IS7I 'JII.V I'KTKHrl, Jr. aod about i rrara.' la Ctm.rn.ld. oa tho Utb iortanf. at tho rati. nW,of h-rtoa In law. R. Hard, MARV, rolirl . ot I'INATII U lUOMIW.V, and H .un, 10 aaoaiaa, 1, aov. Jobs MoBrld uja tht tht bu who iloU the itnw oat of bli oora-ltld will mm trtmbk by rcturalng It, BMdw, look ftt H. F. Bijrltr CoV drertlw- tnent of ttovft. Thy In itora tb UrgMt Mtortnottt over broug bt t Ctou-flvU eoonty. If yon wftnt fl looking Tobuoo by iho wholouk or ntail. go I R. U. 84W. CtMrnold. All iUn CtbU CbfttB t HiWLEB'i lianlwaro Stan, IHoonJ Mract. ClMrflold, Hb. ti-71 Ifyoawtattb Lb MbtbtIIIb SunbMm. Psi- Umo, AagnttB, Dolly VbtUod, OrBnd DaebM( or Flon DeMBlBBtB Cigrt, go to tho Tubwtco Storo of n. U. Saiw, CloBrlBld. WiSTio. Pboop Pelt, Calf SklniBmlallkM! of Fart, for which th blgheit eib prlot will bo pivld, CJI at tho clothing itoro of D. Stewart A Hnn. Market itrwt. Clearfield, Pb. apX&-3l JOHKPU LEHMAN. Jut roeotrett, largo lot of Lompi Bud Laatorni at 9 1&-7I U. F. BniLBB Co'r. ATTkSTiosI 8jrial attention ti amllr4 to tho adwtUetiH nt of Lawrrnoo Flood In to-day'i papor. Ho cJTwn bvd.0 valuable real cftato fur laloi farm, tavern-tUnd, aawmlU, ote. To any one wishing to make a good luveetinent a better opportunity li fcldoni offored. If yoa want Fin Cut Chewing, by tho whole sale or retail, go to B. If . Braw, Clearfleld. Axil SeTenty-flvo dozen Clearfield Wood- oboppera . ViTS. II. F. UIQLER A Co'i. List of lottera riitnnlnintf unclaimed in the Poitnl1.ce at Clearfield, for the week ending Heptember 1871; Andunon. Annie, newel, floor, Confer, Auitin, Plymptun, Liitle A. Ihinlap, lliran II. Heed, Ueorge W. f.aMiiian. lirnry, ningfr, Junn, Fmi.ti. K. II. Hnbln N. Garbrkk, U. W. , Wearer, Catharine. i'uatutanter, Saw. Dlitan'iCroae-eatSaw, Qroat AuwrVeie Saw, Buyoton's Lightning Haw, at -Ji-;2 II. F. Biblbb A Co, JUi-sa.ii. Coficanr. The celebrated Hayes' Quartette will give two Concerts la the Court House on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. October 1st and ltd. They wlU be ably assisted by Professor A. B, Reed, a very popular Kngliab muaioal and humorous vocalist. Thi Quartette has exhibited to our people before to their entire setli faction. And it is needless for ui to tay that they are eoastaatly improving in the Una of their profession, and detervo to be patronised. Tickets thirty-ft ve cents. Reserved seat fifty cents. Tickets le be had at the PostoBloa and the door. ratLADlLrMIA tkstimohial. It afford ns great pleasure to express oar hearty approval of the muaioal entertainment given by the Messrs. II at as' Brother and their accomplished ladles. In tho selection of their pieces tbey exhibit great taste and Judgment, and la their execution girt evidence of much skill and ability, while tbv i clear enunciation of each syllable renders it easy to understand every word, thus combining the charms of poesy and mrtody. Free from ostenta tion aad affectation, their Concerts are a typo of good musical atfuinuicuf, and pre-eminently worthy the patronage of tho friends of rvflnemont and art t A. Wallace, editor Mtlhoditl Jlim Journal John Wanamaker, Superintendent Bethany Sun day School j Dennis F. Dealy, A'psaing lJtrald Bchool A lllakely, Kr,ng Star It, F. Husttn, Hominy Pott ; J, K. Uould, 91.3 Chestnut street ; K.I gar M. Levy, Tartar of the Berraa Baptist Church, Philadelphia ( H. W. Thomas, Agent M. K. Book Room, 1019 Arch Street j Philip Lowry, Jr., flrand Chancellor K. of P. of Pennsylvania; T. Marihall, Corresponding Hoc rotary Young Men's Cliristiau Aaaovyitiou j M. B. Uricr, editor Prtibyttriam. FAIR! FAIR!! FAIRMt FAIR BAIttiAI.VB! FAIR PRICES ! AT LEVER FL COAL'S. I bare this week received the largest lot of Boot and Shoe over brought to tho county. Hat aad Caps, the latest styles! and a fnll line of Urnt's Furnishing Uoodi, which I mo it sell, will sell, and am determined to sell at prices which will astonlab both old and young. Tipped Lasting Uailers,onIy3,at FLEUAL'8 Plain Morocco (Jailers only $1 S3, at FLBOAL'K Congress 0 a iter, only (I, at FLKUAL'P Lasting Button Gaiters, only 2 25, at FI-EOAL'8 Men's Shoos from 1 i op at PLEOAL'S Heavy Kip Double Soled Boots, only S3, at KLEdAL'ft Light Kip Double Soled Boot only M 50 at FLEOAL'fi Fine Calf Double Poled Boots, only ftl 50 at FI.EUAL'S French Calf Double Poled Boots, only tU,at F LEO A 18 Fifty eases of band-made Look Haven Boots, warranted, received at FLKOAL'S. For sal by the ease at wholesale rates. The only way to become convinced that flboet Mr cftji is to call at FLEUAL'8, oa Second atreet, nearly opposite the Court House, and soe for yourself. Uoods shown with pleasure. To Uot-aKKKBra-Bft. All binds of Fruit Cans, innnnfacturcd of the best tin and with all the modern imp ror emeu ts, as well as putty and oa ment, for sale in .ante quant itles by uig7if II. F. A Co. II. F. Blglcr A Co. hart been makln axtcnslv additions to their stock of Hardware the last few days. Everything new la Shelf Hardware, Pad dlcra' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kind) can be seen at their store. May tS. lULr-BaicEB Hnrip roa Sals. Four half- bred Bueks are offered for sale. Farmer wanting ta improve their breed of Sheep, will 4u well to call and eo them. They are of tho Cut wold breed. CLARK BROWN, sept. 11 -4 1. Noth'I ro Wioox axa Caaauoa Mattaaa Tf ha,, joat raoalvod a goacral aasortment of Waaon and CarrlaK Wooda, alto a full Ha. ef 6pitn,t aad AaUe, whiah w, offpr .baa, ror aaab. M. r. llioi.a t Co. Arrhcy Pbaa ttlll ha, for late a tptcodij aclr boggy. Qo and tea It. Bird Cagoaa larg. aatorttnent al II. F. Rig. ft A C'a, Ciaia M.L1...-H. F. Blglar 1 Co. bav. for tel. th. boat double-geared Cidar MIIU tnaoufao Brp.tla. A full Hoe of HoHtrboldOoodl, Japanoad War,, A.., for aal. by II. F. Rlglor A Co. ' Wo would aot roeomraorid tho froquoat ot ooa- ttant uaa of aay lamli.iao. It la liupnruat to take even a good artiule judiaioual.T, Paroont P.rgallta Pill, are eafc, nnmipt and rf liable at a Raaa Rail la aodoahtrtHr good nerrlon aod capital amuamrnt, but It ortea aaeeaiaat hanged tree, orou.a aula aort buttered banda. We eaa trll ,oa that la all aaob aaaoe, If Johnaoa'a A.o dyn, l.iuimeot la reeortMt to, It will redue. the twling and atop III. pain. m a .oa , Palatt, Oil, and Varalthe, for aal. by II, F. Blgler A Ce; , Faaaa Oaorun Pt.aat.n. Reeelred al Corner Store by ear load and for e.le by K. A. A W. D. Iawta. CarwaBirltla, Marob 13, 1S71. Wood and Willow W are of all daaorlptioat far aala by II. F. Rigler A Ca. Caleiard P latter for aale by II. F. BlgUr A Ca. RECAPITULATION. Rlrd Cage,. M oed and Willow Wan. Iluuaobold Uooda. Xll kind, of Hardware, Jeaeooed Ware. . Parau, llila, VaraUbea. ralelaod Plaatet. ' Wagoa aad Carriage M akere awppllea. Al) of the .bov. for tab, al tberaamraoth riard ware .tor. of U. T. Bir A 1'... CkUKi.ld.Pk. j, tm $&ttxtlmtnt$. pALL RACKS CLEARFIELD ' PARK ASSOCIATION, To be held ow the groonda of tho Afaoelatloo. In Llearleld. en October 3d, and 4th. Premluiua VI RAT PURS IS tmS-OMa to alU FIRST PREMIUM -.........-..WH SECOND PREMIUM 104 ' THIRD PRKM I UM.m mM Ml FOURTH PKBMIUM 4ft RECOND PITRRB. ttTS-Opon ta hotwea iubi oase uavar iruuea in lean man sua. ; firlt prim i it if siaa SECOND PRKMIUkl 7 THIRD PREMIUM AO FOLETU PREMIUM 30 THIRD PURHK MOO-Open to hone luai nave never oca ton 3 aaiuutea FIRST PREMIUM $0 SECOND PREMIUM M (Ml THIHD PEEMIUM 4ii FOURTH PREMIUM HO FOURTH PURMG-Cltlieua Puns -For TmtlluK mall Ion owuod In county. FIRST PREMIUM. At SECOND PREMIUM MI THIRD PREMIUM, .M JtO PIPTH PUHsr, oPar Cwlto 4 yeara old and Kiidcr, vwuesl In county FIRST PREMIUM MM. tslO SECOND PREMIUM 1ft THIRD PREMIUM - SIXTH PURttB. m-Par horaea that hare never beaten J:lft , , FIRST PREMIUM ! SECOND PREMIUM., THIRD PREMIUM M IO SEVENTH PL'nK,Kunnhig; Race, f ISO. rpeu to au FIRST PREMIUM ,.M..Tft SECOND PREMIUM .. 541 THIRD PREMIUM lift latrU close Bsptomber lj, at I P. M. All Utters to be addressed le A. I. SHAW, Cor. Eeoretarr. etpi O, B. MERRE LL,(Prsldaai. ClearfieldMarkets. - Corrfretod o.kly hy Rtraaan Moaior, Wbolroal. and ftotall boalar la Ivy Uaoda, Urooorioa, Fro Tlaloa,, do., Markat atrnt, Olaarhrid, Pa. CLaaari.LD, Bopt. U, Pi., 1)71. Apnl.a.,ra,00(j, I 00 Itoaa, dta.aad t Uriod.yik nt llll, (rm f Anpl.batur,eal, 1 llama 00 M Butur. ooi$ no Rhould.r...,.oar it IWan 0 00(i JJ 8ia-.....M(4 Uuokwhoat. 1 ti Urd I .'(a) li Buckwheat flour lb, 6 Maa pork, bbl... 18 00 ll..f, drlod liOat, ti Uef, froih 1U untona X no Doardf, M 11 OOtolt 00 Potato. 00(3 SO Cora,aholll. 10 Poaeboa, drlnl, rb,. II Corn, .ar 0M 60 Phulor, bbl..... I 00 Corn moal,f tack, 1 at) Hy.. 1 IS Chop. V awtl 103 1 10 ll.oa, U t t Olor.rtMd f 0 Bait. taok 1 10 Rhaan. . i BhialM,lSlo.t4fo)o 00 Oh.rriaa, lb. lOrrfj li Hblni!lo.,HlnlO(j,l 00 Cblokoaa, draU, k, 1 Tlmoth, and...... t 00 g.l, lilT.llow..... . Ill fl..d... . I WhM-... 1 76 'Liar. ...... ..0 OOCtOlO 00 Wool (I.. H.T ....B0 00(4,11 00, Wood, V ard.. t at Pennsylvania Itnilroutl TVB0K8 A CLEARFIELD BRANCH f1 and after Monday, NOV "oih, IIJI, tba J PaatMigar Tralaa will run daily ( Hun. dayaj batweta Tyrone and Cl.arlleld, aa Mlowa LEAVI BOUTU. LBAVR K0RTH. Claarfleld. 1.11. r. a. Tyrsna ...... I.ll,a.., Uaoeola-. 10. sa, O.o.ol. 4.40, " Pbllip.burg...lO.Si," Tyrone a.llfl, " Ulearneld ..... I l.aa, CI.KAItl'IKl.D BXPRKSS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NOHTU. Clearfleld b.O 1. a. Tyrone 1.00 r. . rbillpaburg.. Ma ' Oareola T.OS - I Oneola .! Inleraectlon.. 1.11 ' Phillpaliurg ...l.U Tyrone Mi " ClrarOeld, ar..M0 FARE FROM CLKAKFIKLD, TO Billrfonle, Pa ... ..3 S Midilletowa ti 00 Marietta. t &0 l.anea.trr I Aft 1,'M.k Haven... Willi. m.nort. Huntin.lon . .. 1 70 .. 1 0" .. I no PHILADELPHIA T Altoona I Oft Juhnatown.. , I 10 Lewiat.iwn. 1 to . 4 i .mirT.viue ., a. llARHI.SIlllRtl... 4 TllPITTHBURO lift CIom aonne.llooa ajada by all traina at Tyrone and Ijook Haven. OEOROE U. WILKIN'S, Hoprrintendent. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. immtH8 Stork of tVoof of every aracriptton Woolen Oonds, same price as before tba ad vance la wool. Muslim at reduced prior. Dress floods in greet! variety. Mourning Goods of all kinds. Black Alpacas, at all prices. Black Silks, rry cheap. Waterproofs, Velveteens, Plaid aad plait Flan eels, Shirting Planes., to. Tnble Linen aad Napklas, Irish Linens, 10-4 Sheeting aad Pillow MuiUo. Ottoman lep Shawls aad floarls, Striped ShawU at all prices. Paisley Shawls, single aad double, ft to Ae. Dreas Trimmtogs, Fringe, Laces, Velvet Hlb- boas, Wl vet sent, As. Fall Itn ef the ecltbrated "Jotephiat Seam- less' Kid (Haves, Kid 0 loves from $1 op. Ladies' Xeck Tics, Collar, Ruffling, Hair Braid aad Switches. Ladle?' and Chtldran'a Merino Uader-wear. Madam Foy'a, Thompson's, Glove-Fllttng' Hip Q ore and other Const. Aire, Hoop Ski its, Panicrs, tie. Large stock of Csrpsil aad Wall Papers. Shoos aad U altera, same qnality as btretefure. "The best are th cheapest," Hal moral and ether kulttiag yarn, and other articles, too namrroos to mention. Purchasers will find a greater variety of good ihm is Bsuaiiy found ts) on store. ( all and examine. Clearfield, Kept, II, II7I. CAUllON. All persons are hereby warned aaalast parchasiue or ia aav war meddllnc with the following peraonal property, vis i Que toam of burses, one set of harness, a two borse wegqR, two plows, a Arid of corn aad a let of oaU ia the barn, now in the pqsseiea of Wm. Ltaea, of Bloom tDWQfbip, as the same betcus; tana, hav ing been purchased ef Meifrs. Araold A Harla bora, aod only left with him en loan auhjeet to our erurer. futi.i pmitii, MARY A. LleNKe. Forest, Sept. II, UTl.-Sl T'TR A V Cams trespaaalng en thepremlses a A ei u. v. nvier, ia itranam lAwnnTim. on ti.temher loth, IH7S,a BLACK HORhR, en,. .Haii io im iuii. i rer mm, wnn a small star la tee faeo. The owner is reauceted to ensne for ward, prove proeny, pay charges aad take htm away, or ne win oe uisposen m soeorains; ro law, V. . ga. I (,nn. Orabam towasbip, fept. II, 1171-lt IXKCVTtm N'TICR.-Notic I here. 4 by girea that Letter Testaatentory having bieit grant ud to th rnbseriber on the estate of nOiiKUT I IUUKLL. aVeeetd. keto af Jerdae towaj.p, Clearfield eounty, Pswasylvaaia, all persons Indebted to said estat ere teeeeted to make immediate pamot;t, ea4 thoae bavins: eiairn asjamn me same wtii pvawat Ucm, duly aqiuvBircaifMi, fr seiuemeni. ftiun o. wiLsoif, JAMLe HUNTKR, Mpll tM. . VacciOosa, Sirdvtxir, ItBwm, ftr. H. F. BIGLER & CO., uuaa II AHD1V ABE, Alee, Maaafactarersaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAlrllLD, FA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Baraaia, Callan, ,ta for aala H. P. BIGLER CO. )ALMER'8 PATENT UNLOAD Ug Bav Fork,, for aala by a. T. BIO I. EH i 00. QIL, P4INT, PUTTY, GLASS, K.lll, ,U., for ,ai, bj H. r. BIGLER 4 CO. II aENESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Fladlaii, for lal, by H. F. BIOLER I CO. QUNS.riSTOLS, SWORD CANES For wit bj II. F. BIGLER ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND BIim, far aal. , H. F. BIOLER I 00. J HON! IRON! IRON t IRON! For tal. by H. F. BIOLER A CO. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE HAILS, for lal. by II. F. BIOLER A CO pULLKV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bsst Manufacture, for aal by B. F. BIOLER A CO. MIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPR BOXES, for sal by H. P. BIOLER k CO. pOaDDEU CUTTEIIS for salo by mch30-70 H. F. BIOLER k CO. ? durational. tV M ASIIldT(t ACADEMY Clearfield County, Pa. rpiIK BUMMER TERM of this Institution X will open on th first Monday of May next. t'l'rrm. Ira month. I The coarse of study will embrace a rigid and thorough test ia eriry branch retiutait to a praev Ileal aud accompli. bed education. Yoenl and instrumental mu'tc win occupy an Important pi so in the course of study. Pupils will be admitted at any time during the tension, and charged from time of entering to the close of the term. Ne deduction will bo made for absence, oxernt In oases of protracted illness, Bludeut desiring rooms for "clubbing" eaa be aceemmoilated at laodareia rates. Wood boarding can be procured at three dol lars per week at public ana private bouse. For particulars add ret (IEURGE W. INNlfl, Principal, March , 71 ti New Washington, Pa. MISS H. 8. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. mill FALL TERM of IWteee weeks, will X commence Monday, Kepteniaer Zd, IST2. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography. Wrltlng.OhJectLe. obi. Primarv Arithmetic and Primary Geography IT 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography with Man Draw inf. Grammar, Mental and Written AritbmtloH ......... 00 Algebra and the 8otcnoe. 11 Instruction in Instrumental musi 10 00 Oil painting, 14 lessons It 1 Wat work a 00 For full particulars send for Circular Clearfield, Sept,!, Itt70-lypd, CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Claealcnl HI fill School. Each Depart men Keparate, Dlatluct and Complete lu it sell THE scholastic year of thi Institution ta divi ded Into two sessions of five months (twi-aty-une weeks) each. The first session eomateuaes on th first Monday In September the second, on the Bret Monday in February. The coarse of instruction embraces every thing neceMry to a tnnrough, practical and accompli a ed education of both saxes. Pupils will be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance to the close of the sen loa. No deduction will be made lor absence, except la cases ef extreme and protracted illness. Student from a distance eaa he accommodated with board at low rates. . For particulars, seud lor circulars, or address Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., July 10, 1171 -If. Principal. JECU2SSTnUCTD. DANIEL STEAVAUT & SON Having parchesed tbe Cheep Clothing House ef Isaac L. Reitenrieiw, have the large! and best assortment of Ms niacin red Uoods In the eounty ana can sen ineir READY MADE CL0TIUNQ, for Mn, Boys and Children, no reit CBNT. CUBA PICK. Than any other bouse la tbe eounty. j They will always keep oa band a large anal si egaat aaeortmeat of i gests Fuxxisuixa qood collars, 1 TIES, THUKKS, VALISES, Ac, Ac. OF THE LATEST STVLM AND PATTER!II. If yaa want to get good nad rt.H.h Cloth Ian. at low flguret, do aot fail to eall at their eet.0. tithaiant before .pending your money elaewherf, leraember tbe auiTH liANIIL STEWART A SQK. MARRLE AXD STt).E VRD ! Mra s, h. liddell, llarlng aagaged la the Marti, bn.lne.l, dfel". la laforat her rriead, aad tbe pul.ll, that the i t ae aad WlU krep oonttanlly oa bead a Lirge aaJ veil aeleeted ateab af ITALIAN AKD V KR MONT MARBLE, and le prepared le faraiab ta enter TOMBSTONES, BOS AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONIMENTS, Carba aad Port! far Coeaetery Lotl, Wiado . KIU aad Cap., alaa, tRE.r, TARt.l AND ARn STAND TOPS, Ae., la. v. Var-I.u ReeA rrert. amlk ai n, ot. kleweald, Pa. U7 7, gut CftAtr for JPaU. FR SALE OK RENT1 4 VALUABLE FARMS, IS CLEARFIELD COUNTY, CFFESED FOR SALE OR REM. The tadsralgned offer for tale or rent tbt fellowfag earned farms, si tasted In Oir&rd town kip, Clearfield county, Pa., via: e 1. Known el the "Old Coudrlet Farm, on Ruck Hub, containing about It HI Acres, aheet M acres beiag cleared and under a good state af cavitation ; the balance ia timber. Me f Known as the "Clodls Roesielei Farm," eon tain in g about KM) Aerea, about 40 aeres ef whleb are cleared and under a good state of cultivation, and the balance well tluberod. R SI Known as the "Lamb Farm,1 having aheet 1M aerea cleared and under cultivation. tU. . Known as ths "Ed. Woolrfck Farm," about 131 Acxea, a large portioa of aired and under oultiratioa, the bal e g twibcrod. i Ko. i, t and 3 bav dwellings, baras and other nnpi'ovvmeats thereon erected, aad all four havr eTcbarrla, apriiga aad streams ef ruaaleg water Krrtrxnabl Unns lo the matter cT naviMBU, mrl Trsrloa givea on April tst, l73. ror inrtoer inturmatioa oaii on or aii'irras L.M. COI'DRIET, augT-3w F reach vl He, Clcarflold Co Pa UBLIC SALE! REAL KNTATK AND , PERSONAL PROPERTY. The nndertifft ed will sell at Public sate, at bis residence, al the mouth oi Handy, in Uuvtncton township, oa SATURDAY, OCTOBER IV, ll.l, the follow ins: peraonal property, vis : Uaa team of Horses and harness, lore cows, eight head of joung cattle, 11 saeep, 1 nogs, one limber sled. uae pair leg wbee, log caaias, pair ef grabs, eon plow, tutting box, cross cut saw, gram c re nte, wneaa ny me uuai, railing tooia, gooa boats, nine beds and bedding, one egg stove, one eouking stove, and otuer article. Will also sell al the in me time, tht following detveribed real estate, sitaaia fa Covington town ship, Uterasle euualv. re., mm alone, the bue- quebanna river and Handy run, adjoining lands til v. uarmoy, i. n. nointii, i. ii. rorcey ana W. A. Wallace, containing VU9 Aerea, nartog alxiut It acres cleared aad ia a good state oleum ration, and the balance baring a large quantity Of saw timber I hereon. 1 lie improvement oonslt of a Tavera Stand, 12x30) Saw Mill, ia running order, aad all lite necessary eel building erectea thereon. The hotel has a larger rue of eeitota than any olbor hotel between Clearfield and laOvk ilaven, and ts well known to all watermen. Aa excsllent veia ef oval is wow open, and fireclay and Iron ore arc alao among tho minerals. The rafting )acb, which ia one of the fiaest aloag the nver, rents lor a considerable sua annua uev Will alao sell, at tbe same Umc. another tract, con tain ins ten acres, adloiumr the above. ferrous desirous oi purehsalug wiu be snowa over me premises ty visiting iuo unaeriigneu a any time before the day of sale. Sale will oumucne at I o clock a. m. oi said day. The terms, vblah wiH be liberal, will be made known on the day of sale, or by application to tbe undersigned UWHItM h i,UUil, Cuvingtun towuahip, Sept. Ill, lt)7lt.-4L 100 LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE TOWN OF RrMRARIJKR, IN BRADY TOWN IP, LLKAHf 1KLD CO., fA. The aubscrlber has laid og one hundred lot ehkb he uffer for sale at reasonable rates ta all those wbe feel disposed to move le that direction, The Towa Is beautifully situated oa Sandy Creek, wilbin eighty rods of the Allegheny Valley Rail Road, now ufader eompletion. It is alao situated on the public road leading from Lathersburs! to Rrnckweyville. la this town, liberal inducements are offered to meehaaie and enterprising buaines en, being in a tbtekiy settled uniting com in u nity. Those ia want of lots should buy early, as mry are oeing ejiapoaoa oi very rmpiaiy. He also oilers for sale a lot or ten acres, ad joining the town, with a stream of water runii fug through it, suOii ient to run a machine ihop.eardg iag tilVAcaod aa excellent situation for a tannery. He also will sell a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, adjoining the town, with aity acres cleared sad In a good state of cultivation, the remainder being covered with pine, brmlock and oak timber, wilb a heavy vein el eoal underlying a groat part of the tract. He will sell hit Town House and about ane acre of land in said town, well situated for a Ho tel, being large and commodions, and the neces sarv eulbnltuings and stabling attnrbed. There is a large steam sawmill and general lumbering establishment now under eonstrunliira, by John Dubois, adjoining tbe towa, that will give rmi'ioymrnt to noi less titan one hundred hands, There are several springs of good water la the towa, aud those w-ishing to sink wells can obtain water in from ten to til tern fifteen feet. The towa Is la a healthy part of the county, and ts easy of aeecss frum Lutheraburg, Salem. WeH Liberty, Reynoldsvilte, Rockdale aad tbe Deecn woods Settlements. t'iiftit aud see tbe place before purchasing else where, or old rets the undersigned at JtTeron Line, tiearnvid ceoaty. JOHN Rt'MDARGER, )tl-ta Propnetor ' down Hi Sliove) and the Hoo." IIAlkM A S 101 PLAMEB. This tagenlous machine, for which a patent bt last hern lsod. It is confidently believed will sa- :iervde all others in uce or oflered to tht public, II it eoaatrnoted so that II Inriuws, plants and lows st a time, at eifnal distance apart, both wtye, dropping four, Ave or six grains la eeek hill, as lbs Worker may determine before oommracisg. eorrriag the corn wbea droppeil. smooth mi down ita wa furrow sad leering the ground ia better 00a 'tit ion man neiore pleating. It ts la Itself a compute mlmoriimf BHirAae, rrealriag no hired assiitanoo and doing the work betisr and with greater regularity and nreeielua thao) tt euld poasil'ly be done by band, al leas thaw ons-tenth tbe Ialor. Atybody that can drive, with this Plantsr fan go ilte a field prepared for corn and furrow, drop sad cover den to ttlteen aeres daily, its rapacity belsg limited only by tbe distance a team can he steadily driven. It le to oent rested that when not ptaallag er la tern lag at tbe end of tbe fur row, by a mere touch It Is raised off tba ground, thrown 'cut of gear aad moted backward or for ward, where you may want it, without dropping the con or touching the earth. Practically It Igaores men, hoes and plows n corn p'aatlng, and mnkrs that which ha hereto, for been bard lalmr a mere pastime for a boy, er about healthy averelse f-tr a lasy maa. laspeotion of the PUater eoaatreeted hy tbe pat en tee cord inly solleltod, aad county, State or Individual rfghra for sale, at tow rate, to exprdito Address HEI BEN HACK MAN, Patentee, ettwrteM, Pa. Lime lor Sale I THE undersigned, reilding near the drpot be made eomplete arrangements with Lime Humeri east ef tbe mountain, whereby bo Is ena bled to keep ooastaatly oa band a targe quantity of r U H K LIME! which ho offers to farmers aad builder at a trlfie above cost. Those la need of tit article would do well to give me a call, or address see by Utter, be fore negotiating Ibeir lime. uiw. m. rAUOAuua, Clearfield, P., Jena I, 18119. Iron 8ALK. Tho fiuUoriberolTorn for sale, on reasonable terms. One Huadred nd Thirteen Acres ef Land, with aa allowance of sit aerea, In Brady township, Clearfleld county, Pa., and lying en the rait bunch uf ft.iWjpcree, ailjolning laud of J;rid Ilea ma. Ginle- aad iah, Ut ii and hraluar, and u. . .oouiaorir. Raid land It well covered with white pku, bein lopk and oeh timber, and a vein of good coal, tour and a half f.-et tliuk. underia about eereaty aerea of It. The vain U obrn nd risxly for oper atine. There Is olxivt twenty-firo acres cleared artdiaaguod state of cull I vatic, with a gnod frame aoeaestd log barn on tne premises, ane aiso, a a ever railing spring ef good water. Tbe title la ITd. Censo and ee tb property, a It Is Isenad to be a)d, as the fulttcribor ia goias West. sepu-it William koPP. C1 An BKWAItOt-Tbe nadersigned wlU p 1 KJJ way tbe sdure seym for tbe laforme- toa that will Mad to the eeseotien aad eenvtollen ef the party er perl ice wbe, en or aJwret the lb of eVptemlier, brwkt the giaae eat of tho windows ef the teaant hease en my premiss, in Cevlngt'Mi tswaship, and olbarwl ileiooee ae neiiaing, as well as (booting threugb the doers and walls. JOHN R. UOlt.El X. Vnaehi il'.t, frrpt. 19, iJ.I.-JC ttt sad ?tfliriaft. iaa IttRiT MOVBI t-i" THE LATEST MOVE HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DllUO STORE, To their a.w building oa Reeend Strret. .early appoaiu th. ator. of Wearer Halt,, CLEARFIELD, PA., 'UK.,-.. - ( , .... , , Where they will eon tin oe to supply their eld aad as many new cusiomen as may oume, wnn 1UIIE DRUGS! CIIEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (laoludlng all .ew renedlea,) Patent Medicine., P.lnla aad Alia, fllaaa aad Patty, School Uooka, Htatloaery, Paper, Ao alao, a full lia. ef Drug giala' Bondrtoe, Hair Toaiea, Coametiea, Perfaaaertee, Toilet Artlelee, Bruabal, Toilet Swapa, r octet aw.aa, ate, ail at tbe beat faallty. PURE WISES ASD LIQUORS, far andleal A aaeraateatal parexwaa aaly, Pare White Lead, Colore af all blade, Raw aad Boiled Liaaeed Oil, i urpea . tine, Coal Oil, Paial A Varaiah Braahea, Flavoring EatraeU, CoafeotloaerlM, Bird Seed, Spire, ground and angroaau, oi aai utuua SMOKERS AND CUEWEHS Will lad oar .lock of Cbewlag in Tohuwn. Inuerted aad Do. ateatl. Cigar, Snuff aad Fine-eat ta be af the very beet arena, to tee ataraet. LAMPS ASD CHIMNEYS, All kladl ef ULASS WARE, QARDBN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Matioal Trlajatlaga af .eery variety, H.vlae a Ion. ataorleaoa la the butlneta, aad aa .atonal v. and well eolected aloek of aaedieinee, we are aaabled ta 111 Pbyaleiaaa' preaeriptione at th. aherteat notloe and aa tba moat reaaoaable termt, day and eight. 1IARTSWICK A IRWIN, Cleariald, Pa, Mu Al. lUII-af. r. t. i. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Faul. im. Yi:itN ri'Ri WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleasant and health-giving Tonic strict ly vegetable, and manafaetered from tbe meat par and e bo lee materials U net a spirit drink nor substitute fur wbisby, but n scientific compound, for tee protection of the system and tbe ewie ef disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free front fasti el! er etber irrrta tlng propertiee, and will not disagree er offend tbe moot delicate stomach. A long privet experi ence has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Ke Bitten at present offered to tbe public contains so much medicinal virtue, aad yet se safe aad pleasant to take. lis e Is lo cure disease, and It will not create an appetite for splrituons liquors, but wlB ear the effects of dissipation. To lacrea tne Appetite, To promote Digestion, To eve Dyspepsia, To ear Paver and Ague, To ur BUHousnta, To cere Constlpatton, To cure Chronic Dtarrbcia, To sure Heart -buns, To cure Ftatuleace, To cart Acid Eructations, To cere Net voas Debility, To care nydobontlria, To tar Ballownes ef Complexion, To curt Pimple and Blotches, 181 IT. van it. l'8S IT. iSt IT. USE IT. USE IT. tPB IT. USE IT. UAE IT. USE !T. I HE IT. VBEIT. L'SS IT. VSB IT. For General Prostration ef tbe Physical powers, VBt IT, and It will tare yon. gold erery where, al $I.N per boMle, Mane factored exclusively by A. I. S II A W, Ilragglet, CLEARFIELD, PA., ' Who arm liberal ladueeateall to tbe trade. Oel. 17, I ":!'. JhEW STORE IN 1I0UTZDALE! P. (JALLAIIHEH having just returaed from tbe east witb aa entire new and complete assort ment of Merchandise, suitable for Winter and Aprtag trade, wbkh has srei seleclad with great care and bought at hw rates, is prepared to fur Bish Ibeeltiaena of 11 oat. data and vtetaily will) good at a yotr light aaranp en ftrjt ojl lot eah. Country Produce ap4 KhlnglM tikejs A market price. Call aadtitanllnemy ttosk before rnreahasiag elsewhere, P. GALUAUHH nowtadala. Pa., Pen. t, Il7t-if t. g nsiiitifSTBia, n, aaai,iwft. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, (Snocesaor to D. Oaa A Co.,) wholesale dealers In GISTS' llRMSlinO HOODS, ii, Llrpeaavd aa-t, ew4wee Cbarcb atreet aad Wut lltoadwaj, Sctr Vk ally. JyJl'!3 ..w. w. aim. WEAVER & BKTTS ; CLEARFIELD, PA., Are aferlag, a Ike aid ataai of Q. L. Reed A Co., Ibeir atoejt uf good., eoaaUtiag ef DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 6IIOBS, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEENSW ARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At the most reasonable rates for CASH or in !.: ' ! 1 i - ' ' exchange for ' ' Square Timber, Boards. Shingles, OR tOUXTRT PRODUCE. tsjFAdvanca made to those engaged la get ting 6wi equate Umber on tne most advaatageoua terms. pdtljaaTS . aaMOLn.......a. ..w, aosa aiaTsnon. "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOOPS AT REDUCED TRICES iDlff IBCBIVBB BT Arnold A IlnrtNhorii, (Oa. door wait af Flrrt Natloaal Bank,) CURWENirl'II.lB, PA. HAVING Jait returaed frora tb. eaat.llb a aompUta f aaitabl. for Spring and 8amat.r trad., w. are bow ready to ferulae all kladl af Meoaj "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" Aad after Ibaakiag aar euttomtn rar lktr llbaral aalroaaga durlag the paat year, w. woali Matt raereetfally aak for a eoatlaaaaea af the eeme. Oar Stack eoaalitj of a eoaipleta aaaortmant af Dry Qooda, Notion,, Hardware, QaeeaBWare, Willewware, Oreoetlea, Boot, 4 Bhoea, Hal, A Cape, Clothing, Tobaeaoa, Ao. Alia, Floor, BaeoB, Stlt, riib. Orel., .to. All af wblrb will b. .old oa the atoit naioa able terail. aad tba raarket prlea pall for drain, Wool aad all kind, of Lumber and Coaatry Prodnoa. e)ur-Pl.Bae gle. at . aall befor. parebulng alHwbera. Satitfactloa guaraatoad aa to prloa aad quality."., ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Coraer al Mala aad Th.aipeoa StraMa, aprlf CURWENSVILLE, PA. p E A C E IN RUIOrEt BVT GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLE I The bloody contest between Prance and Pruasia is at an end for the present, so far aa the alaiigh tering of men and the detraction of property is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pride tbemselvss and rejoice over I he result, but how insignificant Is their work when compared with the humane and christian effort of L. M. COUDRIET, who has Qmlertikon to supply all the elliiens to th lower end of the county with food and raiment at exeecling low rate from his mammoth store in MI'LfiONHliHU, where be eaa always be round ready to wait upon caller and mpply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds. Stub as Cloths, Patlnetts, Casslmeres, Muslins, Delaines, Llnea, Drilling, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laos, Reedy-made Clothing, Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cap all uf tho best material and made to order Hot, Socks, Uteres, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, A. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Biee, lloUises, FUh, Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Fisk Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qweensware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Kpikes, Corn Cultiva tor, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varnlrh, fllass, and a general aasortmrat of tiutivnery, OOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be old al tb lowest possible figures. LIQUORS, sneh aa Brandy, Wine, Oin, Whisky, J erne's Msdlclnea, Hoatctter' and Hoofland Hi Iter. Bftflfi pounds ef Wool wonted for which tbe highest prioe will be paid. Cbverseed oa bead aad for sale at tb lowest market price. . AIo, Agent for Straltonvllle aad Curwenirllic Threshing Machiuea. feaL.Call end see for yonrselve. Von will led everything nsually kept la a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenchvllte P. 0., March 1, 1871. Cheap Furnltur. JOHN GULICII DESIRES to Inform his eld frlsnda and eas terners, that bavhig enlarged bit shop and iaoreased bis facilities for mane lecturing, he Is aew prepared to make to ardor sack Puraitureas may be desired, la good style and at aheap rates for CASH. He geoerally ha oa bead, at hi furniture rooms, a varied aortmeni ef ready, made furniture, among whlob are BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Boob-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables) Com mon. French-post, Cetteg,JeBny-Lirid and ether Beditoadai Sofa ef all hinds, Work-stsnds, Nat-rack. Wasb-slandsi Rocklnn and Arm chairs) spring-seat, Mac-bottom, parlor, eom mca and ether Chairs Looking Ulaaees ef every drriptlea oa hand and new glasses for old frames, which will be put la oa very roasoaahl terms en shortest aottee. tie also keep oa band or furalshee to order, Corn-busk, Ualr and Cotton-top Mattresses. CopriRi or Every Kind Mad t order, and fuevral at leaded with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, Moase Painting dene e order. Tbe subscriber else maau fac tor, aad bas eoastaatly en bead, Clement's Patent Waeblag ataeaine, tne nest now in nsel Those oslog ibis machine never need be with out clean clothes I Ht also ha Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior nrtid. A family a stag tali Churn aever aeed be without belter I All th above aad many ether articles ar for atshsd 1 sustomers cheap for Cisn or exchanged for eppreved eountry produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Llnweod sad ether Lumber suitable fot Cabinetwork, takea la irhang for f urn iter awn-Bemember tb shop is n Hsrtef street Clearfield Pa., and nearly eppoalte the 'Mild Jew Htove." JOUN UL'LlCll. Novssiberl, Ittai y trndarkignad Ul teave to Inform the pah . lie that tic is iuw !.repri"d to oeeomme dnle all la the way of urpiiliiug Horaes, Buggies, Saddles and Harneaaton Ibe eburteat notice and on rvaecnsMe terms.. Re'idenceo lOfiii itreet, between Third and Fourth. . OK", jf, (J E A U 11 A IvTe llearfield, April II, 187. rilllK DEMOCRATIC ALMANAO for I"n X, 1M7 and lc' for sale al the Pt Ottea. pi Ce 29 oe nil. Mailed tw any eddies, SIUW HOUSHr . ; . (Cor. of Market 1 Froh't si recti,) Mtt.1. d..lflul Im ainl irdal V km. aVftffl plett in all it appolotments, and eonvenient to' ' fL a i a AVU Ismail,., ran la AVnat (lie IO Sr. lIVUaFtr, live. . . Iran the Depot 0 the arrival and departure or .... ' iuj o .b (ii t-uiiiiri. I IM.N. April It, 17I Propristreetr WASHINGTON nOUSE, NEW WASIUNUTON, PA. Tbt, a.w and well furnltbod hour, baa bean . i . i , i u. niw or ia. naeraianra. t-... beiag able to reader aatiafaoUoB to thoeo bo may May , IB7I. a. w. DA V try rrof v. f REVERB HOUSE, BUKItilDI, rt. Th. aabeariber bavlag bail! a aow Hotel, with1 all modern improv.mrate, la prepared to receive guelta. The table will be aopplled with the beat in the market) tbe barwlth the ehooioeat llquera Oood etabliag attaehed. aprl-ly A. 11. SCIIAEKFER, Prop'r. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa THIS large and enmmodlotu new hotel has been opened for tbe of tbe public, where tbe proprietor will be glad to meet hia old friends, and receive a share of public pat ronage. By strict personal aueniion vo me ae tails of hi busiaesa, be boie to be able to render , satisfaction to bis patrons. The TABLE will always be bountifully supplied with the beet that caa be procured In th market, and the BAR will contain a full .took of LlliUOHS, BEER, Ae Good stabling attached, ' iii.ii .N,nif r Clearfield, March 1, IfieiMy Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE,- Corner of Second aod Markat Rtroets, CLEAR Kl KI.D, PA, fpniS old aad eommodlon Hotel has. during I the nasi year, been enlarged to double lu former capacity for the entertainment of stran ger and guests. Th whole building has been refurnished, aod th proprietor will spare ne paint lo reader bis guest oom fort able wall staying witb him. drtbe Mansion noose" Omnibus rani to aad from tb Depot oa th arrival and departure of each tram. tivxin yw '' prfl-78 tf rropnowor. IEONARD HOUSE, J Near the Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, rum. T'.l. Inu. I. Urea, well furni.hrd. and nearly aew, efcd tb. Proprietor fceli eonfldeut of render ing aatiafaelion to gncata. N. B. Good Uabling: oooneet-d witb tbe hotel. 04-71 H. B. BOW, rropneior. . ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (Opporltr R. R. Depot.T CLKA it,l t.1,1', rntat, n The uaderaia-ned. baviag beeoioe proprietor af Chia houee, la aow ready to entertain atrengrre and trarelera, and therefore aulleitj tujoornera to glee hint a eall. Hit Table will be eupplied with tbe beat the market afforda, and ail Bar ill tea-, tain tbe ehoieeot of alnea and liquoia. Eateaaiv. etabling la attacned.7 marge, moaeraie. jaal0'7l JAMES MuLAUUIlI.IN. WESTERN HOTEL,- Oppollt. th. Court rjouea, CLEARFIELD, PINN'A. Aeeommodottoni flrtt-elaat and cbrget moderate. oatS J0IIX;P. Y0IIN0, Proprietor. M ON TOUR HO US B, Opposite tba Court House, LOCK HAVEN, PRIfS'A. joU'Tl HAVPEAL A KR0M, Props. 1)ROCki:RII01 K HOIT8B. I1ELLEPOXTE, PA,- D. JOHNSTON A BONK' ootJ57l Proprietor. RAlLltOAI) HOUSE, Main Street, PIIILIl'tMilJRO, PENN'A. The undersigned keeps oonatantty on hand the, beet of Liquors. His tarda Is always supplied with the beat tbe market affords. Th treveliatf public will do wall to give him a enll novl,'ia. ROBERT LLOYD1: SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CURWENSVILLE, Clearfield county, JVnn'a. This old and well estaldilhed Hold, leaiilirully situated on th hanks of tb tSuaqoobaiina, in the borough of Curwenm ille, has beta rael for .a term of years by tbe nndornigiieil. It has btwu entirely refitted, and I now open to the public generally end th traveling community la par ticular. No pains will be spared to render gueats comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample. Stabling room for tbe accummodutiun of tcamC Charges moderate. tt. pt, !8, ELI BLOOM. OOT ANDSIIOE MAKING. PHILIP WEAVER, oa Markrt strset, tn Phaw'a Row, Clearfleld, Ps., hss Just received a fin lot of French Calf Hhins and Kips, the beet tn th market, and is now prepared toman' ufactur everything ia his line, lit wilt war- , rant his work to be as represented. Tbe eitlicas of Clearfield and vtoVntty are respectfully Invited to give him a aal-. Work done at shortotice. 'H'1 KEWB00T ASD SHOE 8H01V EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A So Sr., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THE prop rib tor bas entered Into the BOOT SHOE business at the abor stand, an d Is determined aot to be outdone either ia quel, Ity or prlee for hi work, (Special ait nt ion will be paid to maaufatturing Hewed wnrh. Urn ha on hand a targe lot ef Ere oca. Kip aad1 Calf Bk ins, of the very best quality. The citl ten of Clearfield and vtelalty ar respoctfall invited to give him a trial. No charge fur call, aovfi,' fi-tf JSAAO JOHNSON ft SONS. Manufectorers and Driers la Boots and Nliocnl Ladles', Miss' and Children' 0 ait en, Men', Beys and Women' Heavy Boots, and Brogaas, do-, Ae. Store and shop on Secobd, t(et, jienrlf oppo site H. F. Blglcr A Co.' hardware stoNb, P.b. W, lTMy CLEARFIELD', PA. . VUsrfUaitfouj. D. J. CROW ELL Manufacturer of the D. It. Ball Suiting Marliio" and tho BIDE Cl'T SHINOLK MACHINE, to eot from II to Sfi tnehes, and licensed en dee Event's patent, Jointra, Drug Haw Ubine and Ucneral Mill Work, biuneiAiaiouin lamer on county, Pa. Repairing of Maohiues aud general Custom Work doae to order. auglsy" Cfearfield Nursery. , ENCOUAAtiK HOME KNUiTKt. THE andsrslgned, having itahllshed a riot eery en the 'Pik, about halfway between Clearfleld and CnrwsnsvUle, Is prepared to far nlsh all klad of FRUIT TR EES, (standard and dwarf,) Beer greens, Shrubbery, ttrape Vines, tdeeeeberrle, (.aw ton Blackberry, 8 ire wherry, and Rasberry Viae. Aire, fiiberlaa Crab Trees Qui ace, aad early scarlet Rhubarb, A. Orders promptly etUaded to Addr, f. B. WRIGHT. eepM Ifi-j Carweasvllle, Pa AIIINHTRATRI1 NOTirF,. Ilt1ce Is hereby given that letters of admiaistrati n oa the estate of Dvm Himk, deeesard, late of lbeburont(b ufCUarllrld, Cleat flsld county, Pa., having been duly granted to th nndereigned, all person e indebted to said eetal will please Bake immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will pre cent them properly autbsniicated for ttlment without delay. MAOUIK B. BUCK, Sept. 4, 1871 fit Admiuiatratrix. ' MOSHANNON LAND4 LUMBER C0. OSCEOLA 8TEAM MIUI, aiaaiiractuaal LUillJFJl, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. II. BUILLINOroRD,, Ooe-For..t Plaoe, No. Hi S. lib it, PbU'a. JOHN LAWS 11 It, lleaaral Sup't. QkwI. Mill.. Clearteld counly, I'.. ft I.AWK I'liajalTAar,!;-. all.ljt eiilj aaie o4 tblr lift'.,