THE REPUBLICAN. f CLEARFIELD, Tk. WEDNESDAY MOUNINO. SEPT. 25, WJ. Terms of Subscription. -; id In advanoo.or within throe monlhi ...M OH Ud after three aad lit Tore ill mouth.,... 1 0 Ud afttjrlhoeJplratlon ut ll month... . I 00 0-"AIIrilelM to Insuro Insertion In this ir should be hnuded In early on Taeeduy alag. as we ko to press t H o'clock, (noon.) RELKilOlfl NOTICES. ' athodlst Eplntopal Cliureli Rev. A. D. a Pastor. l'ublie Seme, ever; 4. A. M and 7, P."M. oballi School at A. M. myn Meeting every Thursday, . M. .oamunion Service, trlt Sabbath of .very th, at 111) A. M. U Andrew'! niurch F-placopalRov. t0 Hah.. Public Servian Sunday morning t 'clock, and it T P. M. Sunday School at V M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening ' a'elock. , w.b terlnn rhnrrh Mcv. H. S. aching on tho Lord's day at 10) end 7) k. day School at S p. m. yer Mating on Wednesday at 7) p. m. : tur'l Bible rit'i on Saturday at I) p. m. Francis' CUuroli Catholic Itev. T. Mlrs Man at III) o'clock A. M on the I and fourth Sundays of each month. bcrau Church. Kov. A. J. IIaiitsoos; tiiug evory Sabbath, morning and evening, th School at S a. m. Prayer meeting every onday evening;. aoerallc Mass Meetings following Is the programtno arranged by anty Committee, fur meetings throughout anty l a Hupo, Friday evening, Svptruibrr 27th. ers, Dr. T.J. Koyir, Walter Uurrett, Km). V Millport, Saturday afternoon, Si-pti-mljor Speakers, Dr. T. J. lioyer, Walter llar- X). rtown. Saturday evening, September ifth. re, W. M. MoCullough, Esq., D. L. Krrbs, t. W. Walters, Kaq. Washington, Monday evening, September guoakrra. Hon. W. A. Wallace, Win. M. ugli, Eau,. er Cltv. Tueadav evrnlnK, October lal, -a. Tliomae J. MoCullough, Ku., D. L. llaq., Walter Hariri t, Kaq. .dale. Wednesday awning, October 2d ra, Wm. M. McCullough, Ksii., A. W. Wal- q. urton. Wmlncadnv eveninff. October 2d. t, D. I.. Krebe, Kaq., Walter Barrett, Eaq., flcMlug, r.sq. 4a Milla. Thursday evening, October 3d. a, Wm.cM. Met'ullouirh. r.q., Hon. nm. ace, A. W. Walters, Kaq., T. J. Mct'ul- S.q. Id, Friday evening, Octoler 4th Spcak- . T. J. lioyer, II. u. IvrtOa, airahurir, Saturday evening. October otb. ts, Dr. T. J. Hover, T.J. McCullough, Kaq., areba, Kaq., Waiter llarrett, Kaq. seasville. Monilav evening, October 7th, its, W. M. Mut'ullou;li, 1). L. Kreba, Kaqs. 1). I,. KltKBS, Ibainnan. .1 Mketimi. Being compelled lo tress on Tuesday afternoon, wo are unable a a synopsis of the meeting this week. Hut know, it promisee to he a gruud affair. I Hand. Tho l'umptilol Laws .1 have been reoilvrd at tho Prothouotary's , where Justices of the Pcaec and all othcra 4 to them can call and get their eopiea. T Assksskd. Nuxt SulurJay is it day you enn be registered. The Aaaeaaor ir borough or towneliip will be at your olee- aoae from 10 o'clock in the forenoon until sk in the oveuing. ,tty. John Wcis, of Fairviow, wmnty, exhibited a yoke of eight-year old 4 tho State Fair laat week which weighed munda, ftaeufyoiir knndrtd and fin pound There will be some fine oxen at our Fair lock, but not ooile so hrfty" as Mr. Weis. ' Skhsion. Court is In session eek, but wo understand that all the civil have boon adjourned, and that th-ro will little civil btisineiM Iranaaoted, while but '-emtuonwcalth caaes appear to be on hand, 'ednoadny evening will very likely clear tho is printers or tins olllce are d to friends Hadebauh aud Clark llruwn ationa of some very ftuo applea. Mr, il were of the real weojr kind. Judge tt also remembered the printera kindly in lltributlon of sottc of his cholco furin ita. OOBKSHlNtl. Tho borougli uuthoi' ro making silliatantial ilnprovetileuls this tr. The gra'ling of all the streets running id weat ahould have been done ten yenra The atone crossings arc irvcrlasting improve- ,and the stoningor macadamising of Market Is a movement in the Hunt direction. Ki!. Tho death of Mrs. Thomp tnorcs from our midst one of Ihe " oldest e." She, with her hualmnd, removed to inty la 1810, aij settled in the upper end arence town.hip, and ralsod a family of jltlldrrn, sixty grand-children, seventy-five vrand-ehildren, and leaves several great rrand-childrrn. She was tho mother of Thompson, our candidnte for Couuly Com' U8E AND KFFKCT. The l'llilil rorW truly remarka : " A man will get . and parade ahe atrcets making a public f of himself, and lest any ahould not notice Itoxicated condition, he will occasionally la beatlal bowla that cannot fail to attract an, and yet not seem to feel that he la ted. Hot If it la mentioned in the public hat ho waa drunk, he Immediately think has been disgraced. Strange, lan't it, to report of an actual occurrence should eh an effect when the occurrence Itself mm ok Ahhkhhors. Tlio follow- a omclal list of all the Aaaeasors In Clear inty, for W2 1 t rbilip Dotta J. W. Cainpliell h John Sinltli .Jacob liimeling Illlching J. Poatlethwaite ...J. M. Kiddle mm.. J. Woatover (lulieh John tiyler lluaton .A. fleofleld lloutzdale.....J. L. Fhaw Jordan D. W. Wiac Karthaus A. Ilankln l.nox 0. Krhard Ijawrenee J. 11. Shaw l.umlier C ..T. W. Moore Morrl Wm. ltothrook N.M aahi'ton. H. Neiman 0orola...J. W. Ilamrrly d..Jaa. L. Iavv 1W...F.. Unndwin ' l M. Iliiihral Pcnn K. .hthnaton Joa. Moom' Pike... J. Holden .MTbna. Leonard. Tnion.. Jno. Drea.ler K. hhirev Woodward..Wm. Luther ..Levi lluhlcr . Bhaw haa juat received a full stock of and Tobaoco, which he uffurs at isbulesaje tt at very low figures. rtantea. tsrflold, on Septemlier 10th, lKTi, at llui ja of Jrdtu l,eienring, by the Itev. II. S. a, Mr. JOHN II. Ill KH, of I'liillinalmrg, a KKIIKCCA L. LA.NSIIKHKY, ot ilrad wnahip. im residence of the hride'a father, on Tucs leptei,it,er Hd, l'll, by llev. FavHra vs. Mr. '. II. MII.I.KIl and Miaa MAKY II H, both or Cleurllcld. Wrion, on Sei,teTiilr 12th, by the Itev, J. I, Sir. ClIAItl.HH II. MiImWKLL, of ville. Clearneld eounty, Pa., to Miss LIZ f)l' N K l,K, of Chureltville, Clarion county, vauia. w 1 t h Inalaiil, at the M. E. Paraonage, nrg. by Hie Kev. T. llAneT, M. JAH. .T"N and Miaa KI.LA SWAltTZ, both iMtale. (:eatneld oofinty, Pennsylvania, 5led." " "" rr,,llmn, Missouri, on August 2.1d, 117;, HLK, formerly of Lumber City, dffird tiwn.hip, on Sejitenilicr 27th, 172, K'i'h'HH, Jr., aged about &0 years. rflrM, on Ihe l.'lth In.tant, at the resl her ...n In law, Hnq Keed. MARY.rellet TICS lUoMPtiUN, aged 84 ycara, 10 15 dava. HpttinU. John MoBrlda lay. that the man who stole the it raw cut of hla oom-leld will aare trouble hy returning It. Reader, look at II. P. Blgler A Co'a. adrortleo- tsent of stoves. They have In store the largeat aasorluiont over brought to Clearfield county, If you want Smoking Tubacoo by tha wholesale or retail, go to R. II. SlUW, Clearfield. All alset Cable Chain at Biklkr'! Hardware Store, Second street, Cleartold, Pa. -15-7 J If you want the La Maravllla Sunbeam, Pas time, Augusta, Polly Vardon, Grand Duchess, or Flora DeMatanaa Cigars, go to tha Tobacco Stun of R. II. Slaw, Clearfield. Wi!tTD. Sheep Pelts, Calf Skins and all kinds of Furs, fur which the highest eash price will be paid. Call at tha clothing store of D. Stewart Son, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. scpJJ-.1t JOSEPH LEHMAN. Just received, a large lot of non-eiploslv. Lamp, and Lanterns at 25-73 II. F. Em ti a Co'a. Attkxtioj ! Special attention Is called to the advertisement of Lawrence Flood lu to-days paper. Ho offers somo valuable real eatat for aalo) farm, tavornetand, sawmill, etc To any one wishing to make a good luveatwcnt a better opportunity la seldom offered. If you want Fine Cut Chewing, by the whole sale or retail, go to R. II. Saaw, Clearfield. Axis. 8ovonly-flvo dotcn Clearfield Wood- choppers , , :iJ:TJ. II. F. BIQLER A Co s. List of letters romnlnlni uneUImod In the Postofflce at Clearfield, for the week ending September 23d, 1871: Anderson. Annie, N'ewol, George. Plymptou, LixaieA. Reed, Ueorgo W. Singer, Johu, Sabin N. Weaver, Catharine. P. A. UAl:.IN, Postmaster. Confarc, Austin, Drnilep. Hiram II. r.aMliinll. Henry, Fronts. K. II. tlarbriek, D. W. . 8a a. Plstao'a Croaa-eut Saw, Groat Auwrloin Saw, lloynton's Lightning Saw, at 1.25-73 H. F. HioLta A Co a. Mtali Al. CocHT. The celebrated Hayes' Qnartetto will give two Conoerts in the Court House on Tuesday and Wednceday aveninga, October lat and 2d. They will be ably assisted by Professor A. 11. Reed, a very popular English aiualoal and humorous rocaliat. This Quartette hae exhibited to our people before to their autire aatiafaetion. And it is needless for us to say that they ara constantly Improving in tho line of their profession, and deserve to be patronised. Tickets thirty-five cents. Reserved seats fifty cents, Tickets to be had at the Postofflce and tho door. mil.AlKl.FHU TKBTinoXllLI. It affords us great pleasure to express our hearty approval of the muaical entertainments given by the Meaars. lUrxs' Brothers and their accomplished ladies. In tho selection of their pieces they exhibit great taste and judgment, and In their execution ive evidence of much skill and ability, while the clear auuuciation of eaeh syllable renders it easy to understand every word, thus omnbining the charms of poesy and melody. Free from ostenta tion and affectation, their Concerts are a type of good musical attainment, and pre-eminently worthy the patronage of the friends of rollnemont and art i A. Wallaca, editor Mtlliodiit JJomo Journal; John Weuamsker, Superintendent Bethany Sun day School; Dennis F. Dealy, A'eeaing Herald; School A Itlakrly, Etining Star ; R. F. Muatin, JforwiHy Pott ; J. K. Gould, 023 I'hcatnut street ; Kdgar M. Levy, Pastor of the Barren Baptiat Church, Philadelphia S. W. Tbomaa, Agent M. K. Book KiHiin, 101S Arch Street i Thllip l.owry, Jr.. tfrnnd i. Iianeellur K. or r. of I'enuavlvame T. Marshall, Currceponding Seerotary Young Men's Christian AsaocL-ition M. 11. Gricr, editor Preibyttrian. FAIR! FAIR!! FAIR!!! FAIR BARGAIN'S! FAIR PRICKS! AT LKVKK FLKGAL'S, I have this week received the largest lot of Boots and Shoes ever brought to tha eounty. Half and Caps, the latest styles, and a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods, which I muat sell, will aell, and am determined to Sell at prices which will aatoniah both old and young. Tipped Laating Gaiters, only 12, at FLKGAL'S Plain Morocco Gaiters only tl 33, at FLKGAL'S Congress Gaiters, only (1, at FLKGAL'S Lasting Button Gaiters, only ti 25, nt FLKGAL'S Men's Shoos from tl ti up at FLKGAL'S Heavy Kip Doublo Soled Boots, only 3, at FLKGAL'S Light Kip Double Soled Boots only f;l 50 at FLEQAL'S Fine Calf Double Soled Boots, only f I 50 at FLKGAL'S French Calf Double Soled llools,only 5, at FLEGAL'S Fifty eases of hand-made Lock Haven Boots, warranted, rcoelved at FLKGAL'S, For sale by the oasa at wholesale rates. The only way to beeome oonvloeed that Shoes nr cheap Is to call at FLEGAL'S, on Second street, nearly opposite tho Court House, and see for yourself. Goods shown with pleasure. To Hotixarx. All kinds of F'ruit Cans, manufactured of the beat tin and with all the modern improvemonta, as well as putty and oo mrnt, for sale In large quantities by augTlf II. F. A Co. II. F. Biglcr A Co. have been making exteuaire additions to their stock of Hardware the last few days. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlcrs Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Buildors' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds oan be seen at their store. May 23. IIi.r-I!Krr.o Hur.xp rou Salr. Four half- bred Bucka are offered for aale. Faruiera wanting to improve their breed of Sheep, will do well to call and seo thciu. They are of the Cotswold bracd. CLARK IlltOW.V sept. 11 -41. Korici to Wiooa aid CaanMoa Maxans. We have Just reoelvod a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full lino of Bptlngs and Axles, which we ofTeroheap for aash. II. F. Dim.r.a i Co. Archcy Fhaw still has for sale a splendiJ new buggy. Oo And see It. Bird Cages a large assortment at II. t. Big jer A Co.'s. Cinen Mir : . If. F. Blgler A Co. hava for sale tho host douMe-genrcd Cider Mills manufac tured.. Sop. 4.1m A full line of Household Doods, Japanned Ware, a . . . . ... , . ' c.r lor aaie ny 11. r. mgior si to. Wo would not recommend tha frequent or con stant uao of euy iifediuine. It is imporUut In lake even a good article judiciously. Pereoua1 Purgative Pilla are safe, promil and reliable aa a iaxanve ovcan.artic. Ttaae Ball Is uniloubleilly good rverelae and capital amusement, bnt II often ooeasuae banged eyes, skin and tillstered hands. IV. can tell yon that in all auch eases. If Johnson's Ano dyne Liniment Is re. or ted to, It will reduce Ihe swelling anil Slop llie pain. Paints, Oils and Varni.bei for aala by It. F. Illgler A Coj Frmh Onot'jin Pi.ASTa. Received at Corner Btora ny car load and for aale by K. A. A W. D. Iawix. Curwenirille, March 13, 1872, Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for saia ny ll. t. uigier at to. Calcined platter for sale by II. P. Blgler A Co, HECAPITULATIO.V. Bird Cages, Wood and Willow Ware. Ilousohold floods, All kinds of Hardware, Jeftuned Ware. . N Vaints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster, ' Wagon and Carriage Makers' Supplies. All of the above for sals at the mammoth Hard ware Store of li. f, Bijler A Co., fcecvud si reel, CkwfMd. Pa. , m. $fw dwtisrrarn. lALL RACES Of THK CLEARFIELD : PARK ASSOCIATION, To be hflj on the Kronndt of the AmooUUod. Id LietuDfljU! on October 3d, and 4th. Premium $1,250 FIHRT PURsjp, M2-Opa to nil. FIRST PREMIUM.... ......!W SECOND PREMIUM... KM) THIRD PREMIUM. M HO FOURTH PREMIUM 4S UECOND PURSE, liS-Open to horaea mat unto never trotted lu leaa than xus. FIRLT PREMIUM tins SECOND PHEMIUM TO THIRD PREMIUM 0 FOUUTli PREMIUM SO TIIIH1) rirnSU WIO Opeu to hone that have never beaten. 3 minutee. FIRST PREMIUM two SECOND PREMIUM MI T11IHD PREMIUM 40 FOURTH PRBMIUM SO FOURTH PURHB Clllxeii.' Puree-For Trotting Htalllou ewued lu county. FIRST PREMIUM. SO SECOND PREMIUM HO THIRD PREMIUM.... KO FIFTH PUHSF, MO-Fsr Colta 4 yenra old and under, owned lu couuly. FIRST PREMIUM 3( SECOND PKEM1UM - IS THIRD PREMIUM 8 SIXTH PURSE, wIS-For horaea that have never beateu 3: IS. FIRST PREMIUM I4 SECOND PHEMIUM THIRD PREMIUM 0 SEVENTH PUltKK, Running Raec.tlSO. i.peu to an. FIRST PREMIUM .. SECOND PREMIUM ... SO THIRD PREMIUM. SS Entries eloie September 35, at t P. M. All letters to be addressed to A. I. SHAW, Cor. Secretary, sept O. B. MKRRELL.IPresldent. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Ru nn Moasor, Wboleaala aud Uelall Dealer in vtj uooaa, uracariea, rro visions, do., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CLaanriRLn, Sept. 24, Pa., 197!. Applea. green, OOj 1 00 Hogs, dressed 0 Dried, V 11) Hides, green , T Apple butur,gal, 1 to Hams 00 St Butter. 00 HO Choulders ...OOfij) 10 Uean 0(u) I IS 8ldea.. 00(4 110 Buckwheat 1 ii Lard l..(4 1 Buckwheat Buur lb, Mess pork, bhl.,.18 00 Beef, dried K Oats 75 Beef, fresh (o) 10 Unions J 0 Boards. M 12 00(i 14 00 Potatoe 00 (a to Cora, shelled.. 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. II Corn, ear 0o(u) 00 Plaster, V bbl...... S 00 Corn meal, each, 1 Kye 1 l Chop, ewtl 10( 2 40 Itaga, ft H 2 Cloveraeed. ......... I 00 Salt, ! aack 210 Ckeeaa. 20 Khingles,l in.4(o)4 00 Cherries, lb. lOfo) li Sblnglea,2 inl0(g) 14 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, 15 Timothy seed 00 Kggs lilTallow . Ut Flaaseed 190 Wheat........... 1 76 Flour 00ff0 1 0 00 Wool lj Hay 00 00 to, IS 00 , Wood, V rd...- I ti Pcniiioy 1 vnnla Itailroau TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH. OX and after Monday, NOV. 0tb, 1871, the Passenger Trains will run daily (eicept Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearneld, as follows CI.K AHKIKLD NAIL. LKAVg BOUT1I. LEAVE KOBTH. Clearneld. 2.15. r.n. Tyrone .... .la,A., Philinsburg 4.lj, " OsoeoU 10.84, " Oaceula 4.41), " Pbl!ipalmrg...lO.i, " Tyrone 0.00, Clearneld 11.05. " CI.KARFIKI.0 KXI'RKSS. I.EAVK SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield..... S.45 k. n. I1.44 " Tyrone Intersection Osceola ..t.00 r. . Phtlipshurg. Osceola ..7.1.1 1 ...20 ..0.40 ' 7.04 " Intersection. ft. 1 2 Philipaburg Tyrone.. ft. 24 " Clearfield, ar.,40 PARK FROM CLKAKI-'IBLD, TO Rrltcfnnte, Pa . ,3 05 Middletown ti 00 Marietta. t 50 Lancaster ft (15 PHILADELPHIA 7 05 Altoona 1 05 Johnstown.. 2 80 Lock Haven Williamsnort Huntingdon ....... Lewiatuwn. , Maryaville 2 70 a on 1 an 2 00 4 40 4 75 UAIllllISBlJHd. PITTSBUItO 5 IS Clo oonneatlons made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. OEOltUE C. WILKINS, my!7-tf. Ruierintcndent. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immense Stork of Uood of every aecription Wuolcit Oond, ram price ai before tho ad- rance in wool. Muilini at rrduecd prte I. Vrcu Ooodi in grrataet variety. Mourning Oeodi of all klndi. Slack Alpaca, at all prioei. Ulack Silkn. rarj eboap. Waterproofp, Velreteeni, Tlald and plain Flan uati, Shirting Flanneli, 4o. Table Unen and Napkin., Iriih Llneni, 10-4 Sbeetio and Pillow Munllu. Ottoman Rep Shaw li and Bcarfr, Striped SLavti at all prices. Faille ehawli, ilngla and donblt, $8 to (40. Dre Trinnlnjie, Fringe, I-aoti. Valval Rib bon, Velvetaana, do. Full line of the celebrated "Joaiplane Seam lefi" Kid (IIotpi, Kid fllovee from $1 p. U.IWV Xeek Tics, Cullara, Kuffling, JUIr BralJi and Swituhrf. Ladli'i' and Children'! Merino I'nder-wear. Mailauo Fuv'a, TlioDipioo'i, (1lora-Fitting II lp (tore and othor Corti. Alro, Hoop Hkliti, Papieri, Ae. Large atuckof Carpeti and Wall Faprn. fibone and Ualtrin, lama qnalit ai herttofure. "The brat are the chjteat," JUIdi oral and other knitting yarna, end other article!, too namcroui to mention. purcbaeeri will find ft greater Varlet of good 111411 ii neuaii louqa m oni iiuro. (all and examine. Clearfield, Sept ll, 1871. COALITION AH poretpni are herob warned J agalnit purvhafiitg or In any way meddling with Ilia following peronal property, fiat Ou tram ut horee, oue ert of karneei. a two huree wgQp, two plowr, a field of c.grq and lot of oat in tlie barn, ngw in tb pqiMsnlun of Wm. Line, of liloom towqMiip. a the aim belciift to nt, bat in If been purcbaM of Mfr. Arnuld 4 flart burn, and only left with otm on loon et)ljjci.t 0 ourordrer. JOHN PM1TM, MAKY A. LhNKH. Forert, Sept. 11, IS72.-31 1THAY Came treflpaMlng on tbeprentlee 'j of C. W. Kylcr, lu (Irahiim township, on Ht)trmlier luth, 1872. a Hl.ACK HUHhK, op. fiowd to ba altout 14 yoart oil, with a email itar n the fftoe. The ownor U trqueited to eon for ward, proro pro-ertyt pay eliarge and take him a way. vr ha will be diipoecd ot aooordirn to law. C, W. KVlfKH. Graham townihip, 8apt. 10, 1171-at XKl'UTOItM OTICIi-Notic 1 here. J by giren that Letter TrilamanUry having btn grant lid to tb" eubeeribrr on lb eatate of ROUKUT UbiiUUU decauod. lata of Jerdfttt towneliip, Clnarfifld eounty, Fenaiylvania, all person (ndehtml to laid eilai ara reqneeted to niake imumliaie r.avmer.t. w4 thoM harlot olel'toi affain pt the inmo will prettnt tboin, duly ftiltbeoticated, fm aeltlrment. JOHN O. WII.80W, jAJIkti UUZtTKIl, eepU 6tr . avicoiOsOfa. gardtwr, liniwf, &r. H. F. BIGLER & CO., BIALIH in HARDWARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARMILD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collars, eta., for sale by U. F. BIQLER 4 CO. )ALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD- log Hay Forks, for sale by II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Halls, ate., for sals by ' II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. JJaENESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE findings, for sals by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. QUNS.PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For ale b H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sliea, for sale if H. F. BIQLER 4 CO. JRON I IKON I IKON I IRON! For sale by II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. TTORSE SUOKS & IIORSB SHOE HAIL8, for sale by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for aala by II, F. BIGLER 4 CO. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for Caleb H. F. BIOLER A CO. RODDER CUTTEUS for salo by MCB30-70 H. F. BIGLER k CO, mr WASIIUGTOX ACADE.HY, Clearfield County, Pa. rfflllK SL'MMKR TKRM of thl Initltntioa X wilt open 00 tha A rut Monday of May neat flVrtn, fir montbe.) Tbeeonreoof etndy will em brace a rigid and thorough ten in evny branch rrquiatte to a prao tioal aud aeoomilUbed education. Vooal and instrumental mufio will occupy an Important place in the couree of itudy. PuDila will be admitted at any time during the epion, and charged from time of entering to the eloae of tho term. No deduction will be made for abavnee, except In caaei of protracted illnri. Htadenti deeirini room for "clubbing" can be aocmmotlatrd at moderate rate. Mood boarding ean be procured nt three did lara per week at public and private bouiei. For particular addn-M tlKOKOK W. INN IS. Principal. March 6, 'TI tf New Washington, Fa, MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Till FALL TERM of fourtora weeks, will l - I - - iUhtLu 1.1 IN79. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orlho(rr.tiby. Wrltlng.OIJeel Les. eona, Primary Arimuieue ana i runary U)f;rapby Hlatnry, Local and deaeriptiva Uaograjiby 17 00 with Mn Drawina. Uramtnar, Menial and Whiten Arithm.tle 00 Algebra and th. Soienoe H 00 Instrnetioa la instrumental inusia 10 00 Oil aeiatlnf, 14 Uawn 1 00 Waa work (. 00 For full particulars sand for Circular. Cloarfteld, Sept. 7, H70 Ijpd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male aud Female Clanalcal II Igh School Each Department Keparate, I Hat dirt and Complete lu Itaelt ItHBicbolaatie yearofthi InMitutlon 1 divt ded Into two wtom of Are montbe (twi-nty- oua week) each. The flrtt eeailon eommenoea on th tint Monday In September; tha ccond,on the Bret Monday in February. The eoar of i nit met ion em bra or eeery thing neoexiary to a tbornofcb, practical and accomplish, ed ed neat ion of both ease. Pupila will bo admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance to the elute ot toe irMion. No deduction will be aiado for abeenee, execpl la eaaea of extreme and protracted illnea. Student from a divtanoa ean be accommodated with board at low rate. . For particular, eeud for ciroulur. or addrva Ker. V. L. HAnillKON.A. M., July n, 187 Mf. Principal. COSSTUUCTKD. DANIEL STEAVAUT & SON Having pttrchaeed the Cbeap Clothing Hone of I una 1j, ji a lien Mitt ft, Bare in largeat ana belt aaeortment of Manufactured Uooda ia the county, ana can aell tneir READY MADE CLOTHING, for Mvn, Boya and Children, no pen cent, ciiba rim Than any other houee In the eounty. They will always keep on hand a large and tl rgant a.ortuirm or GEXTiT FURXISlllXa QOOD.i coll Arte, TIKH, THINKS, VALI8K8, Ae, Ad. OF THE LATEST STYLES AND J'ATTEIINS. If yea want to got good and etvllih Clothing, at low figures, do not fall to eall at their li.hment befure .pending your money elaewhrrc, Hemember the place. aug7'71 DANIEL (TEWAItT A 6UX. MRtLK AM) ST0K YAKD! Mrs, 8, H. LIDDELL, Having engaged in th. Marlils bunrai, dcijrrs to Inform her friends aud Ihe publie that she has now and will keep constantly on hand a large asd well nleeted sleek of ITALIAN AKD VERMONT MARI1LE, and la prepared to furnish to arder TOMBSTONES, IIOX AND CRADLE T0.MD8, MONl'MEKTS, Carbs and Postl for Cemetery Lois, Window . Sills and Caps, also, RfREAr, TAIILR AND Ann STAND' TOPS, Ac, Aa. Vw -Yard nu Heed- alel. mu tkn ll It rtii .il. fltafHeld, pa. u.;,;j fat ttMt tot Mult. P 'OR SALE Olt KENT I 4 VALUABLE FARMS, IS CLEARFIELD COUNTY, OFFERED FOR SALE OR REM. Tha laderslrnsd offers for sale or rent the following named farms, situated la Olrard town hip, Clearneld eounty, Pa., vis: No. I. Known s tha "Old Coudrlet Farm," on Hack Run, containing about IOO Acres, aboal &0 aeres beiag eleared and under a good state of cultivation ; the balance in timber. Xo.. Known m tha Clod fa Roniaolot Firm." ooDUiniDi about 1(H) Acren, about 40 Mm f wbieb ftr oleareil and undor a good itate of cultivation, and the tialano well Umber tl. Nob 3 ; Known m tha "La tub Farm," having tt IH aoraa clrarad and undareultiratlon. . 4 Known si tU l4Kd. Woolrlch Farm' about 130 Acres, a large (.urllun of . - . jMred md under cultivation, tUo bal- Boe f timbered. ; Kota l, aad 3 hava dwellings, barm and other pmtvmenta thcraon ereeird, and all four bavt tnharda. apringa and it mini of running water jHrntnaabl tenna In the matter af tiavmanti. unA pmttQ given on ApHI let, Hli. - for furtuvr lniaruiation oaii on or ati'irma L. M. COl'DHIKT, aug7-3u Freicbvitle, Clear Held Co., I'a )UBLIC SALE! RAIa KSTATIi AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Th anJcraiffted will aell at Publie ale, at hla roiidenee. at the mouth of Wnmlr, In Corinrton WwDihtp, on BATUUUAY, OCTUBKlt 19, 187S, tb followiuc personal property, rii t One team of Uuraeaand naraca, three oowa, eight head of young eat tie, lo aaeep, Id boga, one timber ilod, caa pair log wbeeia, log chains, pair of grab, corn plow, cutting box, era cut aaw, grain ora J1, wheat by tb buhel, raiting tools, 1 good toata, nine bed i ana bedding, one egg stove, on oookiog store, and oiuer arucies. Wilt alto aell at the tame tine, tha futlowing deeertbtil real estate, situate fn t urmgton town hin. Clearfield aoualy, 1'a., lyiuw attma the Hue- (juebanna river and Mandy run, adjoining lands hi u. uarmoT, . . nouaeut, i. ji. rorcvy ana W. A. Wallace, containing 'J3 A ere a, heiing about AS acres eleared and in a good state of culti vation, and tbe balauee baring a large quantity of aaw timiter thereon, ihe improvement oonsisi of a Tarern Stand, aJxHO) (aw Mill, la running order, and all Hie necessary outbuildings erected tbcrcon. Tbe hotel has a larger run of ewatom ibtia any other hotel bet w eon Clearfield and lck Haven, and 1 well known to all watarmen. An excellent rein of oust ia now open, and ft ra clay and Iron ore are alao among the mineral. Tbe rafting beach, wbicb is one of tbe fioeat along lb river, rent for a eonaidcrable sum annually. Will also aell, at tbe same time, anothrr tract, containing tvo acres, adjotuing tbe above. lnous desirous of purchasing will ba shown orer tbe premises by visiting tb undersigned at any time before tbe day of aale. Hale wilt ooiuutcnoe at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day. Tba teraaa, which will be liberal, will be made known on the day of sale, or br application to the underaigued IA WKKNt'K M)(U. Covington township, Kept. 18, 1S72.-4U 100 LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE TOWN OK RCMHARU Kit, IX URAD1 TOWNSHIP, CLKAKF1ELU CO., PA. Tbe eubeerlher haa laid 08 on hundred lots whhh ho uflVra for sale at reasonable rate to all those who feel disposed to move la that direction. The Town is beautifully situated on Handy Creek, within eiffhty rods of th Allegheny Valley Kail Hoad, now uhder oumpletion. It is also situated on the publie road leading from Lutherebnrg to llrock way vllle. In this town, liberal inducements era offered to meehanie and enterprising business men, being in a thickly settled Uniting com ina nity. Those In want of lots should buy early, aa toey are namg aiapoeeu 01 vary rapmiy. II also oft era for sal a lot of ten acrra, ad joining tb town, with a stream of water runn ing through it, BiidU'ieiit to run a machine sbop,cardg ing mill,-Ac, and an excellent situatiou fur a tannery. lis also will aril a farm of one hundred and fifty acn-s, adjoining th town, with fifty acre cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the remainder being covered with pine, bemtoek and oak timber, Willi a heavy vein ol eoJ undi-rlj ing a great part of tlie tract. lie will sell hit Town House and about ene aere of Und in laid town, well situated for a Ho tel, being larg and com mod ions, and tba neces aarr outbuildings and stahline attached. - Ttiero i a Urge strain sawmill and general lumbering establishment now nndcreonstruetioa, by John iUubois, adjoining the town, that will glre rm loyment to not Iras than one hundred hands. 1 hero are scl eral springs or good water in the town, and those wishing to aiuk well can obtaia wet it in from ten to lit tern flneeo feet. 1 he town I la a healthy part of the eounty. and I easy of aeecss from Luthersburg, Halem, Weft I.ibartr, Heyooldsrille, ltockJale and the limb Woods nettleinent. t'imo and see the place befure purchasing else where, or addrrs th undersigned at JtTeru Linea Clearfield owouty. JOIIN RI'MRARGKR, ytl-tm Proprietor "l ay down tho Shovel and tho iloo." HAIKMAVS COM PLAXTER. This Ingenious machine, for which a patent haa jnai bea issued. It I confidently brllered will sn iretl all others la unp or oflered to th publie. II l eoaslructmi so trial ll ruriows, plant and snwiat a time, at einal distances apart, both way, dropping four, five or six grains in each hill, a the Worker tuay deterulaa beloro oommeacing, eorrring (be oorn wbra dropped, smoothing dwa its wo furrow and leaving tho ground ia better oiib littoo than tierore plsntmg. Il I la Itaelf a eomplete elwortt'mf atari , renalriag ao hired aasistaao and doing tb work belter and with greater regnlarlty aad preeisloa that It ciMild possibly be dB0 by head, at lea tuaanue-taaia me latHsr. Atyhody that can drlre, with thl Planter eaa go iito a field prepared for oorn and furrow, drop and cover si en to fifteen acre daily, it eapacity beiag limited only by the distance a team can be ateadily driven. It 1 so eoaatruetrd that when nut planting or la turning at the end of tb fur row, by a mere touch It I raised off th ground, Ihrown'ont of gear and moved backward or for ward, where you may want it, without dropping thr corn or touching the rarth. Practically It Ignores men, hoe and plow la corn planting, and makra that which hnshareto for been hard labor a mere pa film for a about healthy eierelne for a laiy man. Inspection of the Planter constructed hy the pat entee eordialy solicited, and eounty, Stat or lmlirMuel rights for aala, at low ratoa, to cxpidito Its Introduction. Add reus HKIUKX IIACEMAX, Patentee, augatft..tia Clearfield, Pa. Lime for Sale I TIIK undersigned, residing near tlio drpot haa mad oouiplcto arrangement with Lira llurner east of tlie mountain, whereby ho la ena bled to keep ooastantly on band a large quantity of rUHE LIME! whioh h offera to fartuer and builder at a trifle nbova ooat. Those ia need of Um art id would do well to give me a call, or addrm mm b; Mter, be fore aegutlating their lime. II KO. C. PASSMOILB. Clrarflald, Pa., June 9, iKtiD. 1 70U SAIjK. Tho atubsoriher olTors A fur sole, on reasonalile lenna, On. Ilundr.d and Thirtr-en Anres nf Lsnd, with an allowance of all atr.., in llradj township, Clearneld eounly, Pa., 'and llog on tbe east branch uf S;uMPonfS adjoining lands of J),vid Uesma, tlmter and Voah, lli-ll and Knihior, and U. II. (Inodlandvr. Said land Is wall covered with white pine, bsi, lopk aad oak timber, and. vein of good opal, four and a hull f'ft tlilvk. pn(risa about seveaty norea of it. The ia nuru ,nd n ad for oper ating. Tli.r. la .iMiiit tavnij-ar. aerce eleared and in agrHMl atatr of oulllvalion.wllh a gM)d fraoae boaaaand log born oa tha prrmisrs, and alao, a nrrer faillug spring of good watr. Th. title Is gtrl. ('oiu. and ae. th. property, as II is bound Ui b. sold, as the suliavribor ia giias West, scpll-lt WILLIAM HOI'I'. C1 KUWAKIVr-The anderslgned will 1 xjyj vis, the above sum for tbe informa tion that will lead ta Ibe detection and oonvlelloa of th. parly or part lie wba, an at about tha ilh of HrpUulnr, brok. tbe .ut of tlio windows of tb. tenant boas, on my preinlaea, la Covington lownebip, aad oth.rwle. defend th. Imilding, aa well as shooting through lin donra and walla. JOHN n. ItOltiECX. I ronhi ll'.t, iirf I. I", li, t.-W Srvtjs and &iMu(t. IHE iATEiT MOVBt THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSW1CK & IRWIN'S DltUO STOUE, T o their aew building on Second Street, nearly apposite the store at Heaver o.tis, CLEARFIELD, PA.," ''-.. .... . Msaaa.a,M.lvrisWjiai' " Where they will eontlnue to supply their old and aa many new ouatomer. as may eome, wita rUHK DRUGS! C II C III C A LSI PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all Dew remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints aad Oils, fllaae and Patty, School llooks, titaiionery, raper, Ae. alao, a full line of Drug gists' 8nndries, llalr . -Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brashes, Toilet, fooket nooas, eta, all 01 tb. best ejaallty. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for medical A aaaramaatal purpose only, Para Whit. Lead, Colors of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Lineed fill, Varnl.n.s, Tnrpea. . Una, Coal Oil, Paint A Vanish Brashes, Flavoring Extracts, Coafeotloaerles, Bird Seed, Spire, ground and angroana, 01 ail aioua. SMOKERS AND CIIEWEHS Will (nd our stock of Chewing and ftmokln. Tobaeeo. Imnertrd and Io- eati. Cigars, Snuff and Pine-ent to b. of th. very hast trends la tn. snaran. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of OLACS WARE, QARUK.S SEEDS, Ul'SICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Musical Trimmings af ev.ry variety, Havlag a long .xperiea. la tb. bu.lna. and an aztansiv. and writ selected slock of medicines. w. are enabled ta nil Physicians' prescriptions at tha shortest notic and oa Ihe most reasonable terms, day and night. 11ARTSWICK A IRWIN. Cle.rd.IJ, Pa, May 1, 1871-U. r. t. 1. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. IMC. JIOYKIl'M Pl'RR WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pare, pleasant and beallh giving Tonlo strictly vegetable, and manufactured from tba mast par. and .hobM material. la not a spirit drink aor substitute fur whisky, but a tcicntino oompound, for tb. proteatlon of the system and tha awra of disea.., mad. from ehemically pun spirits, entirely fre from fusil oil or other I rrit Sk iing properties, and will Dot disagree or offend th. oet drlicat. alomack. A long private txp.ri enea baa all rat rd ill Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten at prcacnt offered to tha publio contains ao much medicinal virtue, and yet so nf. and pleasant to take. Its an is ta euro disease, and It will lot oreale an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will our. th. .fleets of dissipation. To increase tha Appetite, To promote Digestion, To euro Dyspepsia, T. ear. Fiver and Ague, To ear. Billlousness, To .ara Constipation, To cure Chronic Dlarrheaa, To car. lira rt born, To cure Flatulence, To cure Acid Eructations, To our. Nervous Debility, To cur. Ifydoehondria, I'M IT. USE IT. I'SK IT. I 8E IT. USE IT. IKE IT. VSE IT. t'SE IT. USE IT. USB IT. I'SB IT. t'SE IT. To euro of Complexion, I'SK IT. To cure Plmplvs and Blotches, t'SK IT. For Oenaral 1" roll ration of Iba Phyalcal powers, L'SE IT, and It will .nr. yoa. Sold every where, at $l.'0 per bottle, Maoa faetured ricluslvrly by A. I. SUA w, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers liberal Inducements to lha trade. Oet. t7, lM:tf. JkEW STORE IN IIOUTZDAIjE! P. QALLillllKrl having Just returned from the east with an entire new and complete aaaort ment of Marcbendlw, suitable for Winter and eVprlag trade, suhfrh has beep selecied wilh great care and bought at low rales, is prepared to for. aiah th. eillariis of lloulrdale and vielnily with good, at a very light advance on llrft eo;t fo; eaah. Connlry Produce apd Hblnlea tilm al maraev nrie van ..u .x.ujin. mj iiwa noior. parohaaing elsewhere. P. (IAI.IjAUHKB. Hi.ut.dale, Pa., Frh. ID, 171. I. naisKjraTBi!,. ej, aaaLiMca. REIZENSTEIN U BERLINER, (Puccewori to D. (lant A Co.,) wboleaala dealcra In GEMS' HRlSllI(i GOODS, Sj, Llsvenard street., between Charch street and cat Uru.dwaj, Aew Voik cat. JyJl'3 giry 0o4. GmtUt, (Ett. r. waiTita. ,.w. w. aavi.. t j j : : . . . WEAVER A Iti:TTS CLEAHFIELD, PA., Ara offering, at th. aid stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their stoek of goods, (oasfatlag f DRY-GOODS, CROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At th. most reasonable rates fur CASH or in -' ' ' eohunge for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. tsAdvanoes made to tkosa .ngnged In get ting out square timber on the most advantageous tarns, pdlljao73 a. a. aaxoi-o.. w. boss aanTsnona. "Cheaper than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES ivn aictirsD ir Arnold A JIarthorii, (On. door of First National Bank,) IUBWF.M4V1I.LK, PA. HA VINO Juat nturn.d from tb. eaal with a aompleta of Goods s.itakl. for Spring and Snmm.r trad., wa ara aow raady to furnish all kinds t Q.ods "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" Aad after thanking oar for their liberal patroaag. during tho past year, sr. would taut respectfully ask for a continuance of tha same. Oar Stock consists of a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Qneenswara, Wlllewware, Groceries, Boots er Shoes, Hal. A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ac Also, Flour, Baeoa, Salt, Fish, Grain, .to. All of whltb will ba sold oa th. most reason abl. t.rma. and th. highest market price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds of Lumbar and Country Product. sr-Plas.a give aa a aall before purchasing ls.wh.ra. Satl. faction guaranteed aa lo prlo. aad quality, 1h ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Mala and Thompson Streets, apr20 CVRWKNSVILLK, PA. pKAl'E I If BV HOP El atr GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE 1 The blood r eon teat between France and Prutaia li at an end for tl.e prcaent, 10 lar aa the eiaugn terlnr of mm and the dntrnetlon of property li eonoerned. The Royal Jugglra no duuht pride thMnwlvea and rrjoice over the roeult, but how larijcntftcant ia their work when compared with the humane and chriatian cOorU or L. M. COUDRIET, who haa nnderlnkcn to mpply all the eititena In tha lower end of the county with food and raiment at eirteedinr low ratva from hla mammoth etore in Atri.ONlll KH, where ha ean alwara be found read to watt upon eallori and supply them with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such aa Clothi, Fatlnctta, Caaalmerea, Mnallna, Delainea, l.iuen, Urtlliiiga, taheoci, Trim to in ga, Uibbona, Laoe, Readjp-made Clothing, Boota and Bhoea, Ilata and Cape all of tho beat material and made to order Hoae, Rock a, tileree, Mittena, Lacee, Ribbons, Ae. fjROCKUIES Of ALL KIKDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molnaaea, Fiah, Salt, fork, Linaoed U.I, f iab OU, I'aruon Uil. llanlware, Qneenaware, Tinware, CaMinge, Flowa and flow Caatinge, Naila, Bpikea, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Preaaea, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, VamUh, (llaaa, and a grnemJ aijiortmcnt ot cutivnery. OO OD FLOUR, Of diffrrcnt brands, always nn hand, and will be sold ai tbe lowest possible Of urea. LIQUORS, such aa Brandy, M'ine, flin, Whtskr, Jeyue l Mdltclnea, lloatetters nnd Uovflfand's Ilittera. ftOOt) pound nf Wool wanted for which the hlgheat prloa will be paid. Ctovcrserd on band and tor saw M the loweal mamei price. Alan, Agent for Btraitonvllle and Curwenaville Tnreabing Mocnuirs. twjuCall and see for ronrselres. Ton will And vartbinf usual! kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. FrenchTHle P. O., Vareb 1, 1871. Cheap Furniture, JOHN GULICU pVtSlRKS ta Inform his eld friends and aua- J tom era, that baring enlarged his shop and inereaaed hia faeilltles for manutaeturlnar. he ir now prepared ta make to arder snob Furniture as may be desired, In good atyle and at eheap rater for CAB ll. tie generally nas oa nana, at hit rum iters rooms, a farted assortmsat of read. made inrnunre, among wnicn are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobes and Book. Cases; Centra, Sofa, Par!or, Break rait and Dining Eltesalon Tablest Com mon.,Cottage,Jenny-Llnd and oth.i Bedsteads Sofa, of all kinds, Work stands, llat-racks, vVash-.taadsi Hocking and Arm Chairs t spring-seat, ean.-bottom, parlor, eom moa and other Chairs ; Looking-tllaaaes of ev.ry d.arriptioa oa hand l and n.w glaaaaa for old frames, which will ba put la on very reasonable terras oa ebortest notice, lie also keeps on bans: er furnishes to order, Cora-busk, llalr and Cot- loa-top Mattresses. CorriNs or Evfrt Kind Mad. lo ord.r, and fun.rals attended with Hearse whenever desired. Aleo, Hons. Palatln dona ta order. Tho .ahseriber alao enaoufao tare., aad has anaetantly aa hand. Clement Patent Washing Maehlna, tha best aow la asa Those asing this aachina never need ba with out ele.a eloiheat II. also baa Flyer's Patent rharn, a superior article. A family asiag this Count never aeed be without butler I All th. above and many ether articles are fur al.ked to customers cheap for Caen or eichanged for approved oountry produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Linweod aad other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taaen in among, wi wuiir. juar-Heinainber Ih. shop Is on Msrkor street, Clearneld, Pa., and nearly opposite the "old Jew Stove," jvun uiuiu November , 18U T Jilvory IStitble. f P li R anderaignad Less h ave to Inform the pub 1 lie lhat lie li t,uw lully preponnl lo erwomnio- J.ileall In tbe w) of luruliliiui Horaea, lluggii'S, Saddlvs and llaruewi, on Hi. .hurlrat nnleo and on retisonal'le terme.. Rraid.rtcaoa IiOUI itrwet, between Third and Fourth. . tIKi. V. oeXrhXrt. Hearlleld, April 11, mar. milK DKMOCRATIO ALMANAC for I Ml X l"7 and IbftK br sal. at th. Po.l Otno pr Ce t ca alt. Mailed to any addrwa. Sott!.' SHAW 1IOUSK,- ' . (Cor. of Market A fronl slreelt,) ULKAttrini,!', ra. ivli. u..HlaHl llnlkl I. antirelv new. Mffl." pletelnall It. appointment.; and convenient to' the Court llona.. A fre. Omnibus runs lo ancV. from the Deoot oo tne arrival and departnra or each train. MRS. E. 0. CLEMENTS, April 10, Wl rrnpnwrwa..- AtrASIIIlS'GTOX HOUSE, . V NEW WASHINGTON, PA.- This new and well furnished bouse has been taken by the undersigned. He fe.1. eorrfldenl of beint abl. to render aatlsfactioa lo those bo nay favor him with a eall. . May , 1871. O. W. PAV1W, t 'fj. REVERE UOUSR, B U R It S I D E, P A. . Tha subserlbor havlag bwilt a aew Hotel, with" all modern improvements, Is prepared to receive' guests, 'i ne table will ne suppitea wtm rne neat in the market) tho bar with tha chooteeal liquors. Uood stabling aliaohed. apr3-iy A. 11. KCHAErt nil, rrop r. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL- MARKET Sr., CLEARFIELD, I'A. THIS largt and eommodloni new hotel hai been opened for tbe aaootnmodallua of th. nubile, when the aroprietor will b. glad to inect his old friends, and reeeiv. a share of public pal ronage. By strict personal attention to the de tails of hla busiaess, he hopes tn b abl. to rendel , satisfaction to his patrons. The TAI1LK will b. bounllfullv sunidied with the best that can be procured In tb. market, and the BAR .r . m .. . t I. lit. ..It, I.DL'll Lm' will oontaln a lunsiooaoi jjuvwo, unci., Uood ttabling attached. -.. Clearneld, March 8, l-ly Proprlelof. THE MANSION HOUSE,' Corner of SeoondandMarketSlroets, . , CLEARFIELD, PA. rMI3 old aad aommodlons Hotel has. during' I th. nast Mar, bean mlarged to double its former eapaolty for th. .ntertainm.nt of stran-, gsra and guests. Th. whol. building haa been refurnished, and tha proprietor will spar, no pains to render hit guests oomfortabl. while staying with him. "Tn. "ManatOB Jions. - r.oa w and from tha D.pot on Ih. arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, apra.70 tf i-ropneior. T EOXARD HOUSE, 1J Near the Railroad Drpot. CLEARFIELD, PENNA. Tl,; V...u ! well furni.hed. and nearl, new, and tba Proprietor feels confident of render ing satisfaction to guests. N. B. Uood aUblini; oonnectcd with the hotel. 0,-71 B. B. BOW, l-ropneror. . ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (Oppoaite R. R. Depot, T CLEAHf tfcLI), rHJJA. Th. anderslaned, having become proprietor of this house, is now ready to entertain strangers and travelers, and therefore solicits sojourners to gin him a eall. Ills Table will b. supplied with the best tb. market affords, and bis Bar will Co', tain the choicest of wines and liquois. Eitrasiva stabling is etlached.T Ch.rgea moderate. Janlo'Il JAMES McLAUUllLIN. WESTERN HOTEL,' Opposite tba Court Ilousa, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Aeeommodations flrst-clnas and charges moderate1. oalS JOIIN.F. YOUNG, Proprietor. M UN TOUR 1IOUSU, Oppo.ile tba Court Bouse, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. JcW'U 1IAISEAL A KROM, Prop's. B UOCKKRIIOl'l' HOl'rE, BELLEl'OSTE, PA.K D. JOHNSTON A SUNK' Proprietors. oolii'71 RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIl'SliUKU, I EMI A. Tl.a itnNinMl kerrta nnn.tantlv on hand lha bx-at of Liquors. Ilia labia is alwavs snpplio with tha belt the market affords, lha travelia public will do well to give bim a call . ... tt tvnvttl w,viy. SUSQUEHANXA nOUSE, CURWENSVILLE, Clearneld county, Penn'a. This old and well eslablillicd llotrl, beaulirully aituated oa Ihe banka nf tbe SusfiUL-lianna, in tb. borough of Curwenaville, has been Irnard for .a term ol years by tha ondoraiglted. It has been entirely relltled, and Is now open to tbe put. he generally and tb. traveling eotnniunity ia par ticular. No pains will be ipurrd lo rendtT guests eonifurUble while tarrying at thia house. Ample. Srabling room for tho accommodation of tcamsr Charges moderate, o.pU SS, l70-tf. ELI BLOOM. oots aud Allocs. JJOOT ASD SHOE MAKING. 1-niLIP WRAVKlt, oa Marlrrt street. In Shaw's Row, Cle.rfleld. Ps., hss juat received a Una lot of French Calf Skins aad Kips, tha beat in the market, and ia now nrepared tn man- afaoture everything in his line, lie will war- . rant nis worn to ne as rrproaenten. Tha eltlaeas ef (Nearfleld aad vteSilty ara r.epectfully invited to glva him a oall. Work done at shortollco. 0:ll'72y XnrBOOT AXD SUOE SH01V EDWAIID MACK, Coa. MARKET A So Sri., CLEARFIELD, Fa. milK proprl.tor h.s entered Int. tb. BOOTaf X SHOS at tha abov. stand, and Isd.termined not to b. outdon. .iib.r in qual ity or price for hla work, Speeial auentinn will ba paid to maaufacturiag Sewed work. He' has on hand a large lot of Krench Kip and1 Calf Skins, of th. v.ry beat quality. The citl lens of Clearneld and vicinity ara respectfully Invited to giva him a trial. No charge fur aatla. aov,' l-tf JSAAC JOHNSON SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers la ISootft and NIiophI Ladles', Misses' and Children's Gaiters, Men's, Boys' and Women'a Heavy Boots, and Brogans, Ac, Ao, Stora and shop on 8ooond aire,!, )eart oppo alto V. F. Blgler A Co.'s hardware store, Feb. , l7My CLEARFIELD', PA. , isrtU;uuou5. D. J. CROW ELL Manuraclurrr of the D. II. Ball Bolting Machine" and tho SIDR Ct'T S1I1M11.K MAC 11 INK', to out from 18 lo 2(1 incbea.'and lloehaad nmlea Kveral's patent. Jointers, Drag Saw al-iuhinee and Ueneral Mill Work, Slliueuiabuuinj, Caluel on county, Pa. Hepairing of Machines aud general Custom Work done to order. auglsy Clearfield Nursery. .. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY THE andsralgned, having established a Hut eery oa Ihe 'Pik., aboat half way betweea Clearneld and Cnrwensvtlle, is prepared to fur aish all kinds of FRUIT TRKKS,(atandardand dwarf,) Hvergreens, Sbrubbsry, tirap. Vines, Uooaeberries, Lawloa Blaekh.rry, Strawberry, and Kaab.rry Vine.. Alio, Siberlaa Crab Trees Qulace, and early scarlet Rhubarb, Ao. Ordera promptly attended to. Address, J. D. WRIOIIT. , sep!I.M-y Curwens.ill., Pa ADMIMMTR ATtlltH NDTM P. Ifodce" Is hereby given that letters of adminislrati.'ik on tha estate of Davin llria, deceaiw-tl, lata of theborongliof Clturflrld. Clearfield connly, Pa bavlag beea duly granted to the andersigned, all persona Indebted lo said estate will please Kaka imui.di.M, and those having olaims or demands will present them proper!) authenticated for aeillemenl withoirt delay. MAOtllK B, HI t'K, . Sept. t, IS7I (t Adininlatratriv. ' MOSHANNON LAND L LUMBER CO.) OSCEOLA STEAM MIfJ.i; siaairArvuaK, LUMRKIt, LATH, AND riCKKTS. II. II. 8UILLIN0P0RD, President, OKca-Fore.t Place, No. 155 6. 4th at., Pbil'a. JOHN LAWSHK, (loneral Sup'U Qtcoola Mill,, Clearflrld county, Pa. BLANK iiT4lr,;' xAi.l.n uK sal. al lUr vlS.C,