..... . TUB ,, . CLEARFIELD REPUBL1CAV hOSUISIO ITER WUIlBir, IT . COUULANUEn di IUGCRTY, ' '. ' " CLBARFIELD, PA, , ;, '' ' U S T A II L I S 11 1'. D IH 18ST. Tbe largest Circulation of my Newspaper la North Central Pennsylvania. - Terms of Subscription. If paid In advauoe, or within 8 months.....'' If paid after J and before monlbs SO If pail after the expiration of 1 months... 3 OU , . i Kates ot Advertising..- Transient advertisements, per square of lOlineior less, I times or lose $1 S' . For each subsequent insertion 6ft Administrators' and Executors' notioes...,.,,. 2 50 Auditor!' notices 2 SO Cautions and Kstrnys .'. 1 60 Dissolution notices..... 2 00 professional Card, a linos or less,l year..... b 00 X.ocal notices, por lino ..... 20 YEARLT ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 square. (9 00 I J ooluiuu........".1 00 Z squares lo I t eoiuinu........... 3 uu A squares- 20 00 1 culuuiil....A.. eO OU Job Work. ' BLANKS. O'tngle quire $2 60 I fi quires, pr. quire,! 75 3 quires, pr, quire, 2 00 Over 0, pur quire, 1 60 HANDBILLS. ,. ' i ; , 4 sheet, IS or Iras, 2 00 I i sheet, 25 or less.ti 00 sheet, 25 er less, II U 1 shu.-t.3i or less, ID 00 eO w 25 of eaih of nliove at proportionate rates OEHROR It. OOOM.ANDKR,"' tJUOUUK UAUEUTY, 1 ' Publishers. 'oiei'I a. 'ALi.r. DA.1IKL W. H CL'RDT. I McENALLY & McCUBDY, ATTO UN KYS-AT-LA W, Clearneld, la. ' pfrlttprd business attended to promptly with fidelity. Office on Second street, above the First National Dank. ' 0:11:72 wai.l in t. wlinrl. rniNK rin.nnra. WALLACE & FIELDING, t ATTORN EYS - AT LA W, flcarflplil, Pa. V -9" Legal business of all kin Is attended to with promptness and fidelity. Olilco in rrwidencs of William A. Wallace. jnnl:72 i- G. R. BARRETT, Attorn ay and Counselor at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. .4. Having resigned his Judge.hip, has resumed . the praoticn of the Inw in bis old office at Clear. flelL Fa. Will attend the ourts of deOorson and ...KIs counties whon specially retained in cunueotion . -'with resident oouusul. 2:14:72 'Hi .? T. H. M URRAV, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention given to all legal business . j entrusted to hia ears in Clenrliold and adjoining ..eounliee. Offioe on Market St., opposito Nannie's Jewelry Store, Clcarlicld, Pa. Jclt 71 A. W. WALTERS, ATTOItN'FA' AT LAW, ' Ctrerfleld, Pa. VsUOfSce in the Court House. fdrc3-1y H. W. SMITH - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tl:l:72 Cllearlle.il, Pa. WALTER BARRET 7 ' ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Office on Seoond St., Clearfield, Pa. nnv21,6n ISRAEL TEST, ATTOKN BY AT LAW, (learllrM, Pa. ' 4r0(Boe In His Court I.,uso, ? JOHN H. FULFORD, . ATTfiRSEY AT LAW, ' Clrarliclil. l'. Iffico on Market St., over Juseph Rhowers' i, Orocery store. Jan.3,Ui72. tioH. j. a ci'Li-otxn. vrv. u. u ct'i.Lornn. X. J. McCULLOUGH & BROTHER, ATTOUNKYS W LAW, I'lcarrtcld, Pa. rlOffi OD 1OCtIPt ftrfnt, ncftrlr nppoiilB tbc frim 4inoa of Dr. h, V. WiUon. We Imro in our of 4oe one of Kicucolt 4 lire's turgcit fire ni bur iUr proof imicR, for the jiroh-ct ii of Itnokp, (IpciIb. uil other TaJiiabla puju rf pUmd in our charge, - JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. d Real 1'j.tate As;eiit. ClearllrM. Pa. . Offles on Third street, bet. Cherrj A Walnnt, rRespootfuily ofT.TB his services in selling ttd buying lands In Clearfield and adjoining awntiei t and with aa experience ot over twenty ears as a urvoyor, flatten blmsolf that he ran inder satisfaction. - Feb. 2a:f3:tf, I. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATfi BROKER, A.tD blCALKR IV uw I-soe anil Tuiubor, CLEARFIELD, PA. C Bee In Maaonie Building, Room No. 1. 1 : 2 .'. : T I J. J. LINGLE, iTTOJtNEY-AT -LA Vf, I:l( (Hceola. Clearfield Co., Pa. y:pd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, 'allnretiui, Clcnrfleld County, Pcnn'i trakAII leal basiness promptly attended to. . L. KREBS, Euooessor to II. B. Swoope, Law akd Collection Office, 4I,1'72 CLEARFIELD, l'A. . m II. Orris. C. T. Alexander. RVIS &. ALEXANDER. , ATTORNEYS AT LA II', I llcllulbule, Pa. srpl3,'t6-y J. S. BARN HART, ' ATTORNEY . AT LAW, llellrtimte. Pa. 1 praetloe in t ic nrfield and all of the Courts of loth J official dlatrlet. Keal eslsta business olleetloa of claims made specialties, n 17 1 DR. T. J. BOYER," iYSJCIAN ANDSUUOE0N, , 4)fflca on Market Street, Cloarllvld, Ta. . Omee hours: S to 12 a. m , and 1 to 8 p. ra. yR. E. I. 8CJIKUUER, "( ( nOMiUOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, ' i Offloe in Masonic Building, rll 24, 1872. Clearfield, Ta. DR. W. A. MEANS, ITSICIAN & SURG ECTN, ' " LDTIIERSBCRO, PA. sttenM professional calls promptly. au(10'70 J. H. KLINE, M. D TSICIA2J & SURGEON, 4VINO lonntoj tt PfinrtflfM, V., of1r hi roiffflkflonftl nfrTii-c lo tli noople of (hat nil tarroundinff oountry. All call promptly M to. ort. 18 tf. . J. P. BURCHFIELD, rgton of the s:!d Regiment, Pennsylvania ers, oavmg reiomea rrom tba Army, a bis nrufessiunal servioei to tbeeltlsens earfleld eounly. Professional calls promptly alien led to. n Seeond street, formerlyoccnpled by d,-.. apr4,M-U aAUOllliY CO.'S 1ESTAURANT, Seeond Street, ! (CLEARFIELD, TENiTA. v on band, Fresh Oysters, lea Cream, , KuU, Crackers, Cakes, Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, Oranges, Leiaous, and all kinds 'a season. i ., ilLLIARD ROOM on second nnr. D, MotJ AIUIHRY A CO. GOODLAKEIR & HAGERTY, Publishers. V0L: 4G-WH0LEN0 2288, CartW.;. JEFFERSON LITZ,,.; PITYSICIA & SURGEON, nAVINti located at Osceola, Pa., offers his professional services to tba people of that place and stirruunding country, , . - ttuAll rails promptly attended to. Office and residorfea on Uurtto at., lorinerly ocoupied by Dr. Kline, May, lOily. 1. non.osuH a. pavi uuar H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, j ,,v1i;ooKSELLEns,.r,::' Blank ;. BoQk vJIaniifacturcrs, ,.'!. . .AI) ST. at roil. btcIi,;; ' " 21H Market St., VhlladetpUia. teftPnper Flour Sacks and Baen, Foolscap, Letter, Note, Wrapping, Curtain and 'Wall Papers fel.24.7-lvpd GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of tha Ptiwo, Furrojror and Convojanoer, l-uthorhhur, Pa ' . All buf.ncsi intru-ttptl to him will bo promptly iittomtrd to. PomoiiH winhing to eiupluy a bur vcvur will tin well to vivo him a uaO, aa ho flatton bimrii If tlnvt lie run remler iutl?fnction. Dnrdi of conveyance, articlei of afcrocment, anI all ljral pa ptrs, prouiptljr anj neatly executed. t2imar72 JAMES 0. BARRETT, ... Justice of tho 1'eeoe and Mcnied Convoyanoor, Luthcrsbur, Clearfield Co., Pa, jrffr-ColleflUoni A mmitUnoci iroDptly mado. and all kindi of logai initrumouU Jtetsutrd on ihort notice. may4,70tf DAVID RTAM S SCaRlVEN EE & SURVEYOE, - I,u the mb urg, Pa. TUB ruiSscrlhcr ofTcru hia lorviovH to trie pnMlo In the cnpiwlty of Porirener and Purveyor. All eaili fr surveying promptly attended to, and the making of draft, deeds and other legal instru ments of writing, executed without (May, and warranted to be correct or no charge. o!2:70 J.X BLATTENBERGER Claim and Collection Office, OSCKOLA, ClearBcld Co., Pa. JConvnyanoing and all legal papers drawn witb aecurauy and divpatcb. DiafU on and paa nue tinkuli to and iron, any puiut in Europe procured, oct5't0 fiui F. K, ARNOLD &. Co., BANKERS, Lulberaburg, Clearfleld county, Pa. Money loaned at reaaonahlo rates j exchange bought and sidd; deposits received, and a gen earl banking business will be oarriod on at tho ahors place. :l2:71:tf JOHN D. THOMPSON, Justice of the roaee and Sorivcncr, . f'urwciuvlllc, Pa. Collections made and money promptly paid over. feh227Hf E. A. &. W. D. IRVIN, Peal Estate, Square Timber, .Logs AND LUMBER. Olhce in new Corner Siore boiliinjr nov 13 71 uurweneivuie, ri. OHO. ALDBRT aMHT AI.ISnT.-.. W. ALBKRT W. ALBERT &, BROS., Manufacturers A extcosiro Dealers in Sawed Lumber, Square Timbor, &c, WOODLAND, PESN'A. Ny-Ordors solicited. Bills filled on shpt notice and reasonable Unas. Address Woodland P. O., Clearfield Co., Pa. jt'j.Vly y ALBERT A llllUS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT, Freliclnlllc, I leal field County, Pa. Keeps constantly on band a full assortment of- ury noons, iiaruware, iiroecrips, now .wrjuinis usually kept in a retail store, wbioti will be sold, for cash, as cheo, as elsewhere in the eoanty. Frenebville, June 27, IHoMy.., THOMAS H. FORCEE, DIALKR l GENERAL MEUC1I ANtlSE, f.llAHAMTO-V, Pa. Also, extensive manufacturer and dealer in Square Timber and Hawod Lumberof all kinds. C40rdcrs solicited and all bills promptly filled. jjl'73 CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER R RE WE R, Clearfield, Pa. TTAVINC1 rented Mr. Kiitres' Brewery be 1. A. hopes by stnot allention to business anil tile manufacture of a superior article of BEER to reooive the patronage of all the old and many near customers. tzaug,4 " J. KrBOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market Street, Clearfield, I's. CROMOS MADE A SPECIALTY. AT Ed ATI V EH made In cloudy aa well as In 1.1 clear wonther. Constanllv on hand a good a.rrtmrnt of FRAMES, STEREUHCOl'Kt) and HTEREDSCOI'IO VIEWS. Frames, from any. style of moulding, made to order. ' aprS tf JAMES CLEARY, BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND STREET, JyM t'l.EAHI'IEI.I), PA. ti REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penu'a. -Will execute Jolie In his line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. arr4,fl7 HENRY RIBLING, BOUBfi, SIUN A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Clearfield, Penn'a. Tho frescoing and painting of clinches and other public, buiMinft-s will receive particular Mention, as well as the painting of carriages and sleighs. (Hiding done in the neatest styles. All work warranted. Shun on Fourth strert, formerly ooeupied by Esquire rlhngart. Octl0'70 G. H. HALL, , PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Pumps always on band and made to order en short notice. All work waiT! Pities hored on reasonaiile terms. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered If desired. my25.lypd 4UI IIAKMAK, Practical millwright, LCTllEItSUntU, PA. , Agent fnr Ihs African Do. I, la Turbine Water Wheel and Andrews Kalbach Wheel. Can fur nish Portable b rlit Mills on short aotiea. Jyli'71 E. A. BIGLER &. CO., Dt 41.1: aa i. SQUARE TIMBER, , and manufacturers of AtX KINDS OF SAiVI.D M MItl'.n, 771 CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. J II li T t O IJT MA1.' "t Dealer l aft kinds of FURNlVUR'E, liarkci 6treot, One door east Post Office, . . aoglfi'71 ( LEARJ'IELD, PA. V(UijirrUanft)ji, T HE NEW SEWING MACHINE! i The ,." BLEES 1" Patent Link Motion, Almost noiseless raaoblne. Don't fail to examine it before purchas- ; lag elsewhere,. J . J J II. II It I DC i:, ML.UCIIATTAI1.()I1,' CLEARFIELD, PA., I ( i ' i ! ' 'Agent for Clearfield oounty, j 1 r-Local Agents WAntod In every town In the county, to whom liberal terms will le given. Don't fail to examine it and satisfy yourself. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 7, lN73 lf. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I . WHOLESALE AND It t TAIL. . ' At tba Now Tobacco and Cigar Store of Between Shaw HouisA Mansion House, Clearfield. Constantly on band a fine assortment of Navy, Congress, Curendich, Cable, Rpunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut . Chewing Tobaeoo, 4o Alio, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigari, Smoking Tobaccos,. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, ' , ' Pipe fixture. Tobaooo - t Boies, Cigar Holders, and everything generally , . found in a well regulated Cigar and m Tobaooo Store. - Remember tbe plaoei Market treet, be tween Eliaw Houw and Mansioa Huuse, Clear field, Pa. ' prl.to.ian.fitS C ooit tuvi:i SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, SCPERIOR, OOV.PENN, .' . ' REQtLATOR, NOBLE COOK. '. NATIONAL RANUK, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKS, " SPEAR'S nEVOLVINO LKinTS " : ' . . AND DOUBLE IIEATERF, And all kinds of lleatiug Slaves for sale by aug3'7D -, II. F. IiliiLKR A CO. ; UAKGIISa VASES, '-'-'j , Stove Lining and Fire Brick, " kept comtantly on band.' ' STOVE KM) EAUTIIEX-M ARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I . CROCKSI- POTSI CROCKSI . L , 4 I'lsber'e Patent Alrtlylit Self . goallug l'rn 1 1 Canal BTTTER CROCKS, with ltd", CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE BUTTER CROCKS, PICK LB CROCKS, FLOWER, TOTS, TIE PIRIIES, STEW POTS, And a groat many other things too numerous to mention, tu be had at ( FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S , STONE WARE TOTTERY, 1 Comer of Cherry and Third StreeU. . CLKAKFiiai), PA augS He F. BIG LEU & CO. kav for aaU CARRIAGE & WAG0S WOODS, -'PIIATO AND rOLKia, -": IIUH3, SPOKE3, FELLOES, Ac. Carriage and Wagon Makers should make e not. of this end call and examine them. " They will bo sold at fair prices. may 72 72 A Notorious Fact I- riMtKKK are more people troubled with Lung I IMncnfrs In this town than any otherptace o its stxe In the Htnte. One of the great eaitoes of thiiti.tne use o an ltnpnre artiale of Coal, lnrrelr tnited with lulphur. Now, why not avoid ail this, and preserve your livos, by tiffing only Humphro)a Celebrated Coal, free from all impurities. Orders left at tho store of Kichard Mm-sop and .fames H. tJrnhani A Hons will receive prompt attention. AU RAH AM HtTMIMIRKt Clearfield, November 80, lH70-tf. SAWS1 SAWS! SAWS! DIbTAN'S CROSSCUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, P ATKST PERFORATED A ELECTRIC 9A WS, For sale by ocil3,70 ' ' II. F. I1IUI.ER A CO. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATC POWELL'S,) For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This Embrocation was extensively ascd by the unrerriment luring tne war. For sals by Hsrtswlek A trwlr, Clearfield Josipb R. Irwin, Cnrwcnsville. Denial Uood. andor, Lnthcrsburg. . tf " Attention, Lumlicrmcn! fE are now nianiilaeturlng our IMI'ROVKD STEEL -SOCKET UR1VINU CANT HuoKS, superior to any other in use. We bare also In sloek a large quantity of Cauthovka suita ble for rafting purposes, which we ore selling uncap lor casn. saon . ii. It da MAUI'. CliiarQeld, Pa., March ID, 1H7S. DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutter mul Stone-Mason, WILL execute all work In his line at mode erate prloes and la F1KM-CLAS8 style, Architectural Ornamonts In ALL STYLES, Stone Dressing or every description, and all kinds of mason work con tracted for In or out of Ibe eoanty. Any persons wishing to have respeotAble mason work and stone-oultlng done, will find it to their Interest to call upon Be I would aim Inform tbe pub lie that I ean deliver any quantity or elaas ol stone desired, as I am the owner ef a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Orders for work oan be addressed to ' ' , DAVID YOUWO, mar:,T ; ; Clearllsld Pa. "(ITICF Having purchased the Interest of XI . n. jirarienoerger, a-n,., In ttte bnilness heretofore carried oa under the firm name of J. A. BlatlenliergeY A Co., the same will he conducted hereafter under the name of Moshannon Land and linmher t'otrpanv, tHtorc.) II. II. SIIILLINIIFORD. JOH f.AWSHR. my2.'ilf lent. General Sup't PRINCIPLES, CLEAKFIELP;, PA.; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER! 25, THE -REPUBLICAN. ..ii -" CLEARFIELD PA.' WEDNESDAY MORNINO.BEPT. 21, 172. PENNSYLVANIA'S SHAME The Secrets of the Cameron Ring ..J M .J .. . - . . . .... I " The Evideneo of a Trustworthy and Fully Inrormed V. itness. Psnnsylvsnln legislators Bau'uht and Ccli'Ltta 6haepHow the Ststa Funds are Missppropri atsd Gtsrtling Ssvelstion of Omcisl Malfsasaaee. A eorroHpondoiil of the Xew York Sun . lately sought out tiuncriil Irwin, Into Rtitto Treasurer, at his home near liriyhton, In Uonvoi', county, and re cites the followintr un tbe tea nil of tin interview with him.' Spcnkln ot the eloelion fur United Stales .Senator in tho spring of Irjti'J, ho sitys : . gknlral' iuwin's cxpeuii:nce.) "Just before tho I.Pglslntnro assem bled sonio tiuio during tho holiduys, 1 was iu iiurrinbui'if. und wbilo ttt tho depot a moBscngcr from General Cum cron found mo, and nuid I wus wuntcd tip in the rail mini ollico very much. I went op to Don Cameron's rooms, over the depot, and there found Simon and Don. The old man opened tho conversation by snrlnu; that they wanted to make some arrangement with mo about tho Sluts moneys. . If I would dismirin Mr. 'Inaaurl, my cashier, and tako a man he would nume, and give his tbreo banks con trol of tho money in tho Treasury, they would not oppose my rc-ukclion. They had a suoaloiiul fight on baud, and they would rather be on good terms with mo, if it was possible I replied that 1 had ultvuys Ireatud them as i had other cilir.ens of lite (Vim- monwcalth; that their bunks had re ceived all tliut 1 considered them on- titled to. I was not dinposed to dis miss Mr. Taggart, who proved him self a capable und honest man, to take ono ot his creatures, nnd I thought he was demanding rather too much for hia friendnhip. , Cameron replied that they could use a great dottl of money in their railroad una tlteir iron works ; that they always had that accommo dation from the Tr.nt.urcr, and thov must1 have it in tho future. They could mako mo more money in one year, than i coultl out ot the irenn- uryship in ten. If 1 was Honsihlo and wouM tuuo bis advice I would nave nothing lo four. Thov would ulveave stand by mo Itnd my friends. To all this I replied, Ihul, I did not iiftend to clmngo my policy to suit their conve niences, unl lo go on ns l commenced. I was tho servant of tho people, and had no right to make uny sut li ur- dunning Don Cameron lor tho money rnngement with them. "All right," promised, but nono bad been forlh snidCumorou, "then you don't intend toming. Some arrangement must bo to aecommodute your (rionds." I re- made, because bis word was pledged, plied that I could not boo whero the and liltlu os ha would scruplo to for iriendship enme in. I was elected in yjt ibis pledgu n .ordinary transuc 1H(W, when they had dono every thing .lions, ho couldn't nlford to do it in a they could 'do to ' defeat' md, im1 I cnM of this kind, because tho Cam know it' was for no particular lovo ron ring is always wanting fuvors that they entertained toward mo that; induced them to mnko this proposi- h0 control tho Stato Treasury. The lion.;. This ended tho interview.. I know they would bare a tight tli Icnnw whul T hnd to exneet. hut 1 erit.,..Hi .....k. wtd. .....I ir ii...;n. ... knew what I had lo expect, but I got Bcxt year with me, and if their ur rntlier moro than 1 bargained lor. rani'iuoiits , Wcro not fulfilled there "They then had' to. tako up BoliiVVOu;d be trouble In the camp. Tom Mttckoy, Vice President of tho Alio- Sooll, wus firm in bis refusal 10 como gbeny National Httnlc ot I'ittHburg, a down, the Norlheru Central couldn't ninn ot no reputation wlintcver; who wasn't known throughout the State) who had served Cameron be fore, and is wilhul' a sharp, shrewd fullow, unscrupulous, nnd just tho kind of man the Camerons Want as a ser vant. Wilh such ft rann Stato Trras- nror they knew they ;ould cull,, upon L,,j although I knew he bad sold me lire. : Treasury for all "ihey wanted. 0ut lime and ngain, 1 hud novcr al At the samo timo, aa I snid before, a.l0wti either him or the Cumorons to United Slu'es Senator was to bo elecled. ... .. Till NOTORIOUS DILL KEMULR, who hnd preceded mo as Stato Treas urer and nmtifcsed a great forluuo by manipulating the surplus fund nnd in engineering tho new Stnto lonn, was a candidate for United Stales Senator llo openly declared that Simon Cam eron had bought his way to tho United Status tionnlo twioo, nnd, by God, ho. could do tho sumo 1 The Camerons had picked upon James L Graham, of Allegheny county, as their candidate ' , . "Graham is a roncgndo Metliodist preacher, a unooth, oily, unscrupu lous fellow, who hud always served them well while in tho Slato Se'tiato. Mr. Cumeron, Sr., n short time beforo hnd mndo a pilgrimaun to Philadel phia lo confer wilh Mr. Thompson president of tho Pennsylvania Contra! rnilrnnd. His object wits to obtain jibing. I said 1 could hardly beliovo the support of that corporation to aid such a story it was too roinarkiiblo. Inllie election of Graham, Jbut Mr. "Oh," said Quay, "I toll you that I Thompson wouldn't como into tho nr - camo from Don Cameron with nuthor rangeiiunt. lie wns in favor ol Johnjity to negoliuto wilh yoti. I tell you 8cott, of iluiilingdon, who bad long plainly that ho is in a d d tight been tho solicitor of tho Pennsylvania place." railroad and served them well and j '"How is that V 1 asked, faithfully, and nspirod to senatorial,, '"Well, by G -d, Tom Scolt has honors. Jf tho road wns to nso its in- gono back on him ' fluenco, which was well knowi) to bo' "'Why how is that?' said 1 in fcign ia 11 poworful, they would uso it for od antonishmciit. . ' Scott. Cameron knew very well il " 'Well, llio understanding was that was no use to ullompl to run Gruhum Scott was lo foot tliu bills to put John against Scolt, when tho hitler was Scolt through. Hut now bo swears backed by the Pennsylvania Central. I ho hud no understanding and hud Ho thercforo deturminod to drop his nothing to do wilh itfind isn't going man and go for Scott. Hut beforo I to give a cent. The fellows hero have leuving Philadelphia 6 called upon had no money and they are raising Thomas A. Scott, vlco president of tho j hull, and are lifter Don ovory Jay, and roud, and told him that ho hail hnd a 1,0 can't gel "ul of tho aurapo unless conferonco Willi Thompson, who was ho hns some help.' .'. inclined lo go for John Scott, but ho "'How much money does Lo want ?' thought that they (meaning Scott and I asked. himself) ought lo tuke bold ol Grahan, "'Wcli, It flout f25S,000 to heal you and put hi in through. Scolt replied J put Scott through, but Hill Kem: that bo was not going to bo in the bio puid up 87,000. Don says that fight at nil j that bis pteferenco wasihcCaii whistle for his money ; that if for S. K. Moorhend, of Pitlnburg, but , bo could got Jltl.OUO it will fix him Mr. Thomas was friendly to Scott and."1' right. Now ho wants you to ruiso wanted to seo him elected, nnd thero him 820(1,000 in currency, and he foro ho wns not going to do anything, must have it by next Tliuroday.' ; ut all. Cameron replied thut he was j "1 replied j 'That's ft good dottl of satisfied to take Scott, but something i money to raise. o haven't got that wouiu nave to oe oono in order lo put, mm tnrougn. jsiii Koinlilo wns a csndidalo, and hnd ulcntv of monev and was going to use It. and unless NOT MEN, tiicy did Romelliing the damned little RCoundrol would buy his wny in. He wantud Mr. Scott to send Sum Moon or some otlmr man i to llurritsburjj; to onirinoer , tlie , tiling, , Suoll replied Hint lie wouldn't do anything of the kind didn't tuko nny intureat in it, nnd if It noodud engineering,' Don Oiiincron could uttond to that. ' This Simon Intn'rproted to monn thnt Don oould mnko urronfromcnts ubtjnt the nectwnry voiaa, und tho I'onnsylvu nla hiilroud would fnot Iho bills. It was just (he thing be wnnled, beenuao lon ooiild put both Scolt ond Marker tlirrttigh on llie l'otiiiylvunia ril- ' ronci's money AUDITION, DIVISION AND SILENCE. "TlieiLogUlnture unsumblud and tho fight bogun . iicmblo thought thut he bad secured tho Philadelphia delega tion, and had olloiud tlmni tivo thou sand a piceo. lie had already bought fuur tnombcrs from Litncaster county, and the money had been put up in tho liandsofSlehinaii and Clarksou. Three thuufeand dollars apiece .bad been paid, and the members woro to vote, fur Kemble, or the mutt ho nhould namo, Tho Philadelphia delegation gnt wind of Cameron's movements, and thought there was a chunca lo inaka moro money lhaii Komblo of fi rod. Eight of the delegates therc firo formed a ring, anif refused to ciimo infb Komblc'o orrangemont un less ho would put up more stuff. Ttm Cameron secured them with the promise of six thousand dollars apioco. l'his, of cnuree, destroyed Kemlilu's chances; fur if lie could not control h' own delegation ut fiva thousand dollars a head, them was little vhnuco to manage the members from other portions of the Stato. He bud a bad reputation, nnd any man wilh a spark of decency didn't like to vole for him fur any sum, because the mere Tact of his having Voted forlfemblo would bo at ofice set down n a corrupt trans action, lieriihlo hail already put tip his money for the fuur Lancaster enmity men, und wanted to gut out. lid therefore ngrced to turn over these fuur men and unothor whom ho could secure to Don Cameron, provided be would rt fund the money bo had til ready puid. ' This Cameron readily agreed to do. "It cost tho Ctinierons 1 25S,000 lo do this picco of work. But unfortu nately for the members Don hadn't put tip any money, llo calculated on tho l'ennsyhani.i Central to foot the bills, and this relianco afterward coat him A great deal ol trouble, ' Tom Scott utterly- repudiated any aaratigo mcnt with bis fa lb or. The story of tho trouble this repudiation cost the Camerons and tho Way they finally got out of tho scrape is a very singu lar one. li is as iuiiows : AN INTERESTING 8TORV. "Tbe session of tho Logisluturo was drawing to a close, tho mombers who had been bought bud been continually from tho Legitime ; always wanting ey tlui bu used, and the Camerons never liked lo pay out llieir own money. In this dilemma ouo of Cumeron's fuglemen it. ri, tuay, oi nearer county, and a very shrewd fellow, applied to me to uiuUu) mailers ull right. Ho ulways pretended to be n great friend of mil. e, suspjet that I know it. So ono duy, towalds tho close of tho session, Quay qiiit ijy wullced into the treasury build ing, eated bimsolf in my ollico and begnS a common pluce conversation. In ll.o course of it ho very quietly re marked that tho Camerons wero d d sorrvj that limy had mado any fight agaiiisl mo. They saw their mistuko now, land wero very sorry for?it ; but everyiliiugcould be made right; there was no reason why I should harbor ill will ; they were anxious to ho on (riuiiily terms with mo, and ull I had to tlb wus lo ucccpt their advances and I should bu re elected after .Muck ey'b ono year hud expired. 1 was a tit L 1 j incredulous, and was not inclined to accept this story. Put Quay ns ciiiTcd mo Unit ho emtio from Don Cameron, nnd was milhori.cd to make Iho statement. They wanted to have inn understanding and Gx up everv- much in tlio Treasury in currency. !,' replied Uuuy, 'you can easily raiso it, and it will bo a great ncuoin- modation lo the Camerons. I tell 1 1872. NEW you they will novor forget it. It will make thorn yom1 fast Iriends for life. Tboro Is nothing Hint you could ask for that you won't get.' ' i "'Well, what kind of security will thuy give mo for this money ?' i , " 'I will tell you how they propose to orruugo thnt. 1 Don Cameron will give you a check on the Middlctown bank, and mark it good os cashier. You know ha is cashier of tho Middletown bonk, and tho urrangoincnts are. all mado wilh Mnckey, und ho will tako this chock as cash and carry It during his term, until arrangements can bo mado to tuko h np.' "After ho 'bad shown his band, said t 'Ijet Don Cameron como und seo mo about this.',, e . -."'Now,' roplied Quay, 'you know bo don't like lo do this af'ler bis fight with you. I am authorized lo fix up this orrangemont, I tell you you had better como inlo It.' -; : "'Well,' said I, 'let Cameron come and seo mo himself. I won't do any thing until 1 seo him.' "'Well,' said Quay, 'I am going awny ot twelvo o'clock lo Philadel phia, nnd won't aoo hi in.'.' You had better let mo fix this mailer. I have got his chock here, and it cuu bo uc rangctl.' . , "'No,' said I, 'I won't davo thnt at all. It doesn't matter if you can't see Cameron ; Sum Horr, his" man Friday, is here and you oan lell Mm. He will see Cumoron in the morning.' 'Very well said Quay, a lililo chagrined, ! will do that,' and left. I didn't boo bim again until Thursday morning, and Cameron nevur cuniu nonr. On Thursday morning Quay came into my room and asked me if I was wil ling to do thnt lo furnish the money. 'No I replied, 'Cameron didn't come to seo mo.' 'Well,' said Quay, 'you ought lo have done that. I lull you it was a great mistake.' ! "Tho Legislature adjourned and tho members didn't get their money, nnd I heard nothing moro of it for some timo. There was ANOTHER LITTLE ARRAN0MENT which Don Cameron ond Quay bad fixed np which if it hud worked nil right would have afforded them the means of getting out of this scrapo. It was this: A bill had been prepared in room 42,Girard huuse, Philudephia, by Hob Mackey, M. S. Quay, Don Cameron ond Sam Moon. It was to filuco a Stale tax of ono cent per gul on on every gallon of oil produced in tho Stato ol Pennsylvania, and aut hor iso tho Stato Treasurer and Auditor Geucral to appoint inspectors nnd col lectors, and thus ed Iho rnntrol ol the revenue to bo dorived from this sourco in the lunula of two of t.'amer on s creatures. iho snake in this Oil) came In u certain clause ulilcn allowed a drawback of three-quarters of a cent on nil oil shipped from Phil adelphia. Tito ring intended to buy up all the oil in lbs Stulo nnd ship it to Philadelphia first, und Ihcnco ship it lo uny point whore it could bo sold. This would allow thorn, of courso, three-quarters of a cent margin on on every gallon, and -would havo raised them a million and three-quarters ovory yenr. Sam Moon was engineer ing tho thing through, and Tom Scott, who was then in the west, was but superficially advised of the naluro of tho bill, ond was of courso in favor of it, ns tho Pennsylvania. Central mon opolies the 'oil carrying trade. ; A friend of Tom Scott's, who wns ad vised of tho naluro of the bill, und thought it Wns hardly possiblo that that shrewd, far seeing man knew its nature exactly, determined to wait upon him and advise him. llo accord ingly went to Philadelphia. on Sultir- day ntgbt, and bad n long conversa tion wilh tho great railroad mni;nate, and told bim thnt this bill hnd ul ready passed Uio House, and that -Moon hud everything set up in tho Senato to put it through on Tuesday. Uu ulso I'll J bun thai if this bill passed the in feieneo would bo that it originated with Scolt himself. It was so trans parent a fraud on tho people that it would raiso a cry ol indignation throughout tho oil regions, und ho couldn't afford to bo piado u party lo any such transaction. Scott readily admitted thut he knew hut little ubout tho thing; ho had no Idea it was such a fraud, and said the thing must bo stopped at onco. Jlo therefore gave Iho gontloniiin a note to Sam Moon, ordering bim to hold up. The gm- tlomnn camo lo llarrisliurg on .Jondny morning nnd gavo Mr. Moon Colonel Scott's nolo. Samuel at onco saw his men and told them tho juj was up; they could vote ns they pleased. So that night there was grief in tho Cam eron camp. 1 heir only hope was to nialfe n compromise wilh me, and so Quay tried his powers of persuasion us uiiViuiy described, tail in vain. I told him that I had found out nil I wished to know, and Don Cameron and his friends might go to a warmer climate lor ull i cured. lienig disap pointed in billi of these little games Ilia Cuinurons bethought themselves ol nqw nicy migiil tlx A LITTLE PISCIIER, ns Sam Moon would term it, fur Col onel Thomas A. S.eolt. An act hail been passed during the Inst session known ns tho low grade bill, which authorised Iho Allegheny Valley rail, reatl company lo take out of llie treas ury tho bonds of the Philadelphia nnd Erie railroad company and replace them with tho builds ol their own company, guaranteed by Iho Pennsylvania nnd Northern Central railroad companies. Tho object was lo nso tho Philadel phia and Erie bonds lo extend and improvo Iho Allegheny Valley rontl. Tho bonus had not vol been prepared, and it was claimed by some I lint the act was unconstitutional, nnd ns 1 would go out of llitf ollico und Mr. Mackey coma in on tho first tiny of May, but a short timo remained In which to mako tin's transfer, If it was to bu dono during my term. Tho ob ject of tho C'cnjcrona was to prevent this transfer, if possible, by mo, for if it wasn't mado until after Mr. Muckuy can." into oRioo, they would bo en abled to control it, and beforo Mr. Scott could obtain the bonds ho would havo to como down for tho 25f,,(Kiil, which Iho Cuincrons needed to badly TERMS $2 por annum in Advance,. SERIES - VOL. 13, NO. 38. lo foot tho bills incurred in tbe elec tion of John Scott and Muckoy. If they bad kept tho mutter entirely to themselves it is allognthor probuhle that neither 1 nor Colonel Scott would havo suspoctcd tho little gamo thoy wero going to play, Jiut bo cni'or was uon cumoron lo "pinch ' Golonol Scott thnt ho dispatched bis fujjloman Quay tomanngomo. Itseemsstronge that they had learned nothing by their two failures in that direction, but Quay is a Ranguino individual, and im agines ho can play the most diillcult rults without any dangor Of detection whatever, ile accordingly failed upon mo a, few days nftcr the .adjournment of the legislature, and opened the con versation in uouut tins wuv : . "You 'refused to lake my advice on Iwo occasions lately, and yob will find out in the end thut you havo mado n groat mistake. Xhero id no use of your being on unfriendly terms wilh uio titmerons. I hoy are anxious to buiy the hatchet and if you arosonsi- tne yon win agree lo a treaty of peaco, Now you remember. there wos an act puescd during tho hustncNiion allowing the Allegheny Valley railroad lo make un rxebungo of bonds of that road for a like number of tho bonds of the Philadelphia and Erie road. This net is : unconstitutional. . Tbe Attorney General say Bo, and bo has made a decision to that effect. Now, whut I want you to do is just to h avo these bonds alono keep clear of Iho matter entirely. Lot Mackey tako tho re- sonsibili(y of making Iho trnnsfor, if any transfer is to be made. ,. lou know very well that if the Attorney Genorul decides thnt the act is unconstitutional after you havo made the transfer thore will bo a great dcul of litigation, and you will be put to groat incotivenionco and be annoyed running hero or to Philadelphia for several years.' "'I don't soe what connection this has wilh yoor talk just now of the treaty of peaco between the Camerons and myself,' I roplied... 'What have you to do with those bonds what is your object?' . . HOW THE LITTLE PINCH ER WAS TO IINCU. , "'Well,' said Quay, 'I tell vou frank ly just whut wo want. You know that Tom Scott has gono back on Don Cumeron in two things lately.' IIo has repudiated bis engagements in re gard lo tho money it look to put John Scolt through, and then ho told Sam Moon to let our oil las bill drop, nnd now wo linvo delcrmincd to gel even with him. You just do ns I want you to do. Let tho transfer of these bonds alone, and when Muckey comes in und Mr. Scolt wants to get bis bonds, lie will havo lo como down for S2aS,000 beloro ho lays eyes on them. 'I replied Ihitt I didn't want lo tuko any riK, ana mm I certainly would not inuke tho transfer unless tho At torney General gave a favorable opin ion in regard to '.ho constitutionality of tho net authorizing it. Quay loll, feeling that he bud i li'oclod bis object, and so reported lo Don Cumeron, and Iho ring felt perfectly certain thut they would soon havo Colonel Scott between their thumb nnd fingers. Cut I thought I would have a finger in that pio just for tho fun of llie thing. "Colonel Scott ond I havo always oeen on ll.o most incnuiy terms, nnd 1 did not intend to seo him bled by lliCKO sharks. I accordingly sent a dispatch to Colonel Scott and one also to Mr. William Phillips, tho President of tho Allegheny Valley railroad, tel ling them thnt if they winhed to tret llieir bonds they hud better look alter them immediately. Tho result Was Mr. Phillips posted to Philadelphia.. A dispatch was sont lo mo requesting me to meet that gentleman and Col or.c.1 Scott ut the ollico of tho l'enns 1 vania railroad company.. Hen Brews ter, tho Attorney Gcnoral, was also brought hero by a dispatch from Col onel Scott, nnd in a few days prepared no opinion utlirming tlio cmisiiiulion alily of the act authorizing the trans fer of iho bonds. Everything worked to a chnrm, and a week ( r ten days beforo tho expiration of my term us treasurer evory thing bad been arrang ed and the Hoods were trauslerred in duo form lo tlio Allegheny Valley rail road. It wus all dono so quietly and so neatly that neither Quay nor the Camcr jiis suspected what was going on, although Don Cameron wus Presi dent ot the Northern Ceutrul ruilroad and was required to sign a guurantee oi the nor.ds. A PROFANE CAMERONI AN. "On the morning of tho 1st of May, when the trensnry was lo bo handed ovr to Mr. Mackey, Quay camo into my ollico und entered inlo conversa tion with Mr. Taggurt, tho cashier. After tulljing n few moments, ho said: 'lly the way, Taggnrt, bus anything oeen nono ubout tlieso Allegheny rail road bonds ' . 'O, yos,' said Tuggarl. What has been dono?' anxiouslv queried Quay. 'They havo been truus- lorroov 1 ho Ii I they havo r cx claimed Quay. 'When was it dono?' 'About ten days ago.' 'Well, I'll be d d 1' said Quuy, 'if Irwin isn't tho biggest lunkhead I ever saw. Don Cameron Would havo given him ffiO, 0UU if ho had let that little job alone, und I told him fo. He never will learn sense,' and rushed out of tho building nnd posted down to tho Northern Central railro.nl olliee to tell Don Cameron this last greu mi-ifortunc which had befallen them and destroyed all their hopes. "Just how Cameron nunlo a rniso or how they arranged it wilh tho cheated legislators is not exactly known, but as lliey hud a fight the next spring with mo tboro is good reason for be lieving that tho mailer wus fixed up somewhat utter Ibis milliner. It is Well known that Mackey was defeated in 1S70 by a coalition of billing Re publican with the Democrats. I bad scoured the organiitilion of bolh branches of the legislature und had a majority of the members pledged to my support. Hut the Camerons, nl thoiigb they hnd all the old members whom they hnd failed lo pay for their voles tho spring besom on hand lo fight them, mnungod lo ruiso the money to buy them up ngain, ns Well as enough of the new members to knock my aluto all to pieces. This muney was raised by Mackey, and was undoubtedly part of the Stato funds, bo being treasurer at tho timo. Of courso, when tho honost ItcpublU cutis bolted, ond tho Democrats camo - to thoir assistance ond put me through it lell tho ring in a tighter pluco than ovor. i hcv bud to nut up the money to make good any deficit they bad ooused before I took possession. How thoy ourriod this load during 1870 I do not know, but when Maukor was re-elect ed in 1ST I they wore enabled to lighton up. J no correspondent of tbo t'bila dolphia frets alleges that there is ii tho Treasury ' A PERSONAL CHECK !t '.(.. of Muckoy's for ?IOO,000 on the Alio, ghony Nntionnl Hank, which is carried as oash, and is accepted as such by Auditor General Hartranft evory month, I have reason to know that tho correspondent of iho Press at Uur risburg 1ms fueilitios of obtuining ac curals information, ond bonce I con clude that this story is true. Indood," I havo no doubt that' this check for $ lUU.UUO is part of tho money thai was required to make up the $250,000 they wanted so badly from mo. , . "How about this investigation Mack,, cy is blowing so much about ?" "That wus very easily arranged. It was only for a few days, and the Cam erons and Muckey could vory readily ruiso tho money to make everything square for thnt investigation. ' I have no doubt it was dono that way. Hut just wuil until the Republican candi dates aro def'eutcd this fall, and we got an -honest ' administration in 'power, and Mr. Muckey will find thut tho Camerons will not come to bis assis tance when ho needs them."' Radicalism in South Carolina A Frightful State of Things. Ourdesputches from Colurabia.Sonth Carolina, show thut the Stato is in us bad a condition politically us it is financially, if not in a worse. It bus been plundered in the most barefaced way. by the curpcl-bag rascals and their negro allies, and a debt has been piled up that staggers tho people by its weight. ' There is nothing com parable in the history of this county lo tne flagrant rouiiory and ubnso ot, power by the Radical authorities there. And now, when llie timo bad come thut tho respectable portion of tho community hoped to find a remedy for the evil through the regular Conven tion of tho dominant party and a chango of rulers, Iho robbers havo overwhelmed tho reformers. Hy pis tols, bribery and vociferous clamor they nominated a most unscrupulous butch of plunderers for nil tho highest offices in the Stato. So outrageous was tho conduct of tho Convention and such terrorism was exhibited that the best men of tho Radical Republi can parly wero glad to escape from tho Statu . House to tave themselves from serious personal injury. Revol vers wero drawn, chairs wero raised over tho shoulders of members, ready to strike, and bo. Ham sjemed to bo let loose. Il is really a wonder there was not a general riot and much bloodshed. James L. Orr, United Stales Senator Sawyer, District Attorney Corbin, and others finally called a separate Con vention ; Hut they represent only a minority or faction of the party. The majority appear to go w ith tho carpet hag plunderers. This is tho old story of negro government. History is re pealed. Whenever llio i.cgiT.es havo attained tho ascendancy or tho balance rt fioirr in artj, ,t,i,y I l,en nvory- ihing has gono to chaos at d ruin, it was so in ilayti, in San Domingo, in Venezuela, and in all other countries w here the blacks having political pow er havo out-numbered Iho whiles, or where n few knavish whites have used the blacks lo ride into power. This Bhpuld bo a solemn lesson for ns, but it seems our politicians will not heed tho teaching ot biBtory. Unless tho Radical Republican purty be split asun der nnd a pnrt of tho negroes should have tlio good senso lo go with tho Conservative and moro rcspectitblo portion in South Carolina, tho Stato must remain in a most hopeless con dition. l'rw York Herald. R.TnEs . Scared. Tho Chicago Tribune fays ; "A Grant paper an nounces thut tho leading spirits of tbo recent Soldiers' and Sailors' meeting at Portland wcro,"thoso battle-sea rrej hOroes, General Benjamin R Butler and General Henry Wilson, who showed bow fields wero won." We wero swnro that Butler got badly scarred nt Big Bethel, Dutch Gap and Fort Fisher, but where did Wilson get bis scars? On what fields of bat tle did bo flash his maiden sword? Wo wero aware that bo got badly scarred In his recent till with tho Rev. Mr. Dcnnison on iho Temper-, nuco question, and by Albert Pike in, the mailer of Know Nolhingism ; but, theso conflicts took plaeo uftcr tho war of tho Rebellion. Will not sumo Grant paper infirm ns whero Wilson raised thuso battle scars. Liiieral Doctrine Mr. Tilden, said, nt tho Pemucralio Convention nt Syracuse, on the 4th instant: "Xlio aiitugonism which civil war has fro nted between tho kindred population of our country must lie closed up now and forever.'' That is tbo truth, stntod as plainly and barely as ono needs wish it. This is tho key noli of tho campaign, lirsl started by Mr. Gree ley's ndmiral lo loiter of acceptance, Il is "moat" equally for our Presiden tial and Gubernatorial elections. Washington, Jefiersou, HamiLou, ai.i) Monroe, and llieir generation would havo suid amen to thoappeal at onco. Our own generation is more etitf-nock-ed ; but truth will como homo to the m when lliey got to understand it thor oughly. And they will bo ready lo do that beforo November. Which! Tho Ui.lhn Age (Radical) says: Gen. Giant's stable is the hand somest building in Washington. It was built with money appropriated for another purpose, and without cb taining consent from Congress or tho Com mil lee on Public Buildings. Tho General eared more lor bis Mares hat) for his Members, and there was no ono who binl tbo courage lo breathe even a Nigh to bis designs. The question between Grant and Greeley is whether horsemanship is belter than alutoi. manshipns a qualification for the presi dency. A Bust it. Last week an attempt was mndo to organise a Radical Club in Columbia, lint the nff.iir broke tip in confusion. Tho causa of this was an attempt lo christen theorgnnisntion "Tho Granl, Wilson find Jlartranft Club." A number of tbo most earnest (.rati t men refused to train under tho banner ol tho gubernatorial fnndhlalo of tho infamous Treasury Ring. Hnrt- I rnnft stock declined about twenty per cent, in consequence of this attempt jlo lush honest Republicans li.'O bis i support. J