1 1 mi GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, 1DITUO 1MB rsuraiSToa. , "T , cleZrfikld,' pa. ,r7 WEDXKfJDAT MORNING. SKPT. Is. W. Domocratio National Ticket. FOR PKKSIDENT, HON. HORACE . GREELEY, , or n roiic. ' , FOR Vlt'K PRKSrPKXT, 1 t B. GRATZ BROWN,. ' or mssorai. . . Democratic State Tioket. FOR UOVBRHOK, CHARLES R, BUCK A LEW, . , or COLO Mil A fOIKTT. ' FOR Bl'PKKMR Jl'DOK, JAMBS THOMPSON, or RRll COCSTT. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, WILLIAM HARTLEY, Of IBnrORS COt-XTT. ' FOR COXaRESSME.V AT LARGE, IIEVDRTCK I). WRIOIIT, I.saern. eounlj. K1CIIAKO VAUX, Fhilsdrlphia. JAMES II. HOPKINS, Pittaburgh. IHIegatea at Large to llio Constitutional Coliveutton. Jeremiah B. Ulark, Turk, (leorge V. Wooilwsrd, Luserne. William IliKltr. Onrfleld. Frank II. Ilowsn, Philxlclphia. , Robert A. Lunbrrtoa. Ilarriikarf. A. A. Puruian, Ws.rneiburg. James Ellin. PotlsTlllr. (leorge M. Uatlaa, l'hilsdelphis. Joba A. Campbell, Pbilsdvlpeia. Willises L. Curbett, Clarion. William II. Smith, Allrghenj. William J. Heer, Komerwt. 8. C. T. Dodd, Franklin. ' tiaiuuel U. Itejaolds, Lsnasiler. District Delegates. fJKORUE A. AUUnEVBAl'GU, of Clinton. JOHN U. II ALL, of Elk. FOR CONU11ESS, Crib THOMAS L, KANE. ELUCTOKH. tmAToniAU Encia Cpwa f Weitmorelsnd. tlEoaos W. Bsrssss, of Franklin. .eraEMtMTATlVE. Rsi-nrs Msavis, of Erie. John ri. Mili.kr, of Huntingdon, t). llnoss Far, or Philadrlpliia. J)!ilrirl. 1. Thomns J. Harper. 3. Rteph. I. Anderson. 1. JubR Mnflsr. 4. deor. K. Ilcrrcll. . To bo fllleil. 5. I.aiah II. Houpt 7. Samuel A. Iiyer. 8. J.iic O. llewlcy. . Hiram II. 6werr. 10. II. Reilljr. 11. J kn Konklc. 12. Fit J. U. Uun.ter. in. I. Lowtnborff. 14. Jeere McKnight. 14. llenrr Wel.li. 15. Henry J. Slblo. 17. K. W. Chriily. IS. WMILm V. Lo,riio. IS. Ilanolu llrowu. 31. p. M. Ilublawa. 11. J. R. Mollro. 21. T. II. Htovnuoo. 1.1. Joba U. Hard. 1. Ucorgo W. Millar. . Democratio County Ticket. FOR ASSEMBLY, jinn 1 nun riM.i. FOn COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN I). THOMPSON, of CurwuiiVlile. (For Ihroc Joan.) C;ILII'.RT 8. Tt).F.R, of Cheat Townalilp For one year.) , FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, JAMKS 11. HII.R. of Lumber CUT. ASS MEETING 1 ASS MEETING A nana moetlng of tha ptopla will bo bald la Hie Court Ilouso, at Clearfield, os TrE8U.IV EVENING, September 34th. " lion. T..O. PERRIV.of Ken York, ' TH08. MARSHALL, Kim, of Piltebnrgh, Pa, . tloa. H 11. A. n A LLACK, or ClearBeld, will be preaent and addreea tba Meeting. Tbe adeooatoe of Reform lo the admlnliitratioo of the OorernLient, State and Kallonul; oppo nenle of Corruption, Bribcrj, and Ring, and tbe ZJemocracj of Clrarlleld aoantr, are rc()urftcd to eomoot and lioar the Unaea dieaueeed fairtf. Turn out ! Turn out ! I Italle onoe more In be half of a good eaoiel V ordt'r of Ike Demoeratie Co. Con. I). L. KREIIS, Chairman. TueCurtin IIaiskd. The announce ment that Ex-Gov. Curtin, has de clared for Buckalew and Groeloy has thrown the loyal hosts into confusion. And his nomination by the Liberal Republican State Committoo for Dele gate at Largo to tho Constitutional Convention, still td Js to tho confusion. This step of tho Ex-Govornor smashes tho Harlranlt-Cumeron-Mnckey King all to pieces, and brings overwhelming defeat to tho State robbers. It is tho last straw by which tho Iting Camel's back is broken. This movement gives the State to Buckalew by 30,000 ma- Ta Addrksses. We Invito the at tention of our Democratic friends to tho address of tho Chairman of the Democratic- Slate Committee, and ulso to that of tho Chairman of our County : Committee. The campaign is now fairly open, and it behooves every Dem- ' ocrat to put his shoulder to tho wheel and try and got the "machine," (as old Abo Icrmod it,) back on the right track again, so thai froo government is jeop arded no longer. Democrat, don't try to see how little effort you can ' mako to help got bad men out of oflico, and ull tho whilo keep puncturing your neighbor for not pulling his shoulder to the wheel, but take hold of tho work yourselves, without any "ifi," "amis" or "butB" about it If each does his duty, the triumph will be uy, and the victory over money, cor ruption and bad men a glorious ono. O II Attn. "The Clearfield Counly 7 1 mcs U the long title of a sovon col u mn journal startod at Curwensville, ' In the Interest of "tho government" (Grant). Vol. 1 No. 1 is before ns With T. J. ltoblson as publishor and a commilteo as editor. If tbe Radicals succoed In sustaining two organs in ' this oounty, for any length of lime, and preserve thoir party inlaot, we shall be disappointed. No similar ' - f iat oan be referred to. However (tore's sucoess to tba Tims. ' aastaaaiMiafrifcajai ir. 0. a. j Wa happunod to pass by the Grant headqnai'lora on Broad tlroot, I'hiladolpliia, on the evening of the lOlli, and for a short lime listened to our lute townsman, II. Bucher Swoopo, dealing out nnndult'oruted loyal billinrfgato. ; For bold prevari cation and firat class Blunder, it wait tho host effort of liis lifo. JIo lins im proved in this diroclion wonderfully inco ho joined tlio Curuoron corrup tion ring. Ilia vulgarity caused tlio eyes of the aristocrat of the Wigwam to snup as though ' ihoy wore sprinked with red popper, while llio rabble shoul od and roared like so many wild beasts, It wus a rare mlxturo of aristocracy and vulgarity, Tho Philadelphia rrcsa of the noxt morning thus alluded to tho speech in question I "At a moctinir at tho Wigwam, Broad street, hint night, II. Buthcr Swoops mnao a sport n tietonuing jinrusnii from tho well proven charges against him. In tho course of his remarks Swoopo produced what purported to be letters Irom Charles T. Terns to llartranft, denying that he signod the affidavits convicting tho King can didate of malfoasanco in office and apologizing to him for the ox lii bit mndo by bis books. With what bwoopo said about Dr. William Ptino wo have nolhinir to do, savo to say, in pnssinir, that his remarks concerning the Doctor wcro not of a nature to cover him (Swoopo) with glory. Swoopo ulso indulged his nature and grktincd the instinct of some of his auditors by one or two personal allusions to the editor of The Press, which originated with Andrew Johnson somo yours ago when maudlin with whisky. Howover, tho United States District Attorney lor Western Pennsylvania requested that The Press should "lot up on him oasy" (his own words) with regard to his spoech lust night, and wo thervforo al low him to vent bis rowdy rhetoric without any furlhor notico. About tho atlidnvits ovor which Merry Androw bas waxed wroth, in tho absence- of any evidonco savo his assertion that they are forgeries, wo hold to their gonuiuoncss. Alder man Dougherty, before whom they were made, bas said that tbey wore genuino, and his word is to be prefer red to that ot a hired defender ot fel ons. 2cxt the porson in nnostion will bo denying that llartranft ever had any connection with Yorkcs, that ho evcrBpcculated wilb anybody's money, that he and llobert W. Mackcy igned a polilion (which boro no other signature suvo one) praying tho Governor to pardon Marecr k Yerkcs, and, in fact, that he evor held the oflico ot Auditor Goncral." OrriciAL IUsca L!TY.Tho villainy of the Grant administration is fully established when we stato that the clerks in tho Ponsion and Bounty bureaus are engaged in sending out campaign circulars with thoir official papers.' Every pensioner and appli cant for bounty or back pay is being furnished with tho prospectus ot two iuidical campaign books, entitled "iloro than 100 reasons why Grant "should be elected Presidont in Novem "ber noxt" and "More than 100 reasons "why Grocley should not bo elected." "These works aro fully endorsed by "tlio Union Lcuguo of Philadelphia." Tho enterprise of tho publisher is coin mendublo, but the rascality of the gov ernment officers engaged in this busi ness is damnable. II. G. Sicklo, of Philadelphia, is the Individual who is prostituting his official position to this low measure Can't Git In. Mora than a score of porsons have made application at tho office of Auditor General llartranft within the pnst six months, for the purpose of looking into the affairs ol tho Treasury, but tho books are not to bo seen, although they aro poblio records. Tbe lust attempt was by a correspondent of the Press who called at tbe Aaditor-Goneral'i office and endeavored to obtain a copy of the list of banks, brokers, and olbor per- sons with whom the people's money is deposited, but was refused it. He was not suffered lo make a few memo randa Irom the tell tnlo record, though tho law requires that it shall be opened for tho inspection of citiaons, and thcrcforo docs not countcnanco any attempt at socrocy Such aro the ways of our Radical agents, who see in to act as though they owned both the people and tho Treasury, Would not Bite. Ex-Gov. Curtin refuses the nomination for Congress tendered him by the Grsntites of the Eighteenth district. Tho Governor has been oficrod everything by the Grant party within the last three months, except Grant's own place. Committees hnvo followed him all ovor Europo, still ho is for Butkiilow, Grcoloy and Peace. Come to Tin Meeting. Democrats, do not fail to oome lo our Mass Moot ing, on Tucsduy, of Court week. You will hear two or three- of the IpfI speeches ever delivered In tho county. Gov. Curtin, if woll enough, will bo here, loo. Convicted. The trial of a numbor of tho members of the Workingmon's Association, at Williamsport, Inst week, for tlio July disturbances in that city, rosultod in the conviction of 22 mombors; four of whom, James S. Bcrminghnm, Thomas II. Grcovey, Androw J. Whitlon and Thomas F. Blake, wero sentenced to the peniten tiary for one year. Thore are yet a largo number of warrcnls In the hands of officers for the arrest of othors who participated in the riot, but they have not yot been found. It Is known that a part of thorn are in Canada. Lnier Intelligence is to tho effect that Gov. Geary, at the Instance of nearly 2000 petitioners has pardoned all thoso oonvlotcd.. - "The Government" la still bathing at Long Branch. After the 4th of March it can stay there, The Slate Election, An able writor and a moralist of high reputo recently remarked with his accustomed force, that lie - who coins his eonscionco to buy prosperity, has lost bis manhood for the sake of dcoorating . liia corpso with ' a more sightly shroud. i ' ' no would commend this granuiruiu to tho solemn attention or those, espe cially the younger class of voters, who aro tempted Irom any cause to voie lor a dishonest mun for Governor and for Auditor General. Wo would oom meud it the more especiully to those who wran thoinsolvcs up in their self- righteouxnoss, and claiming all the virtues for their own tiolilicul frionds kindly deliver ovor all the evil things to the other side. The man who claims that ho is lion est, who takes prido in . his asuuinod respectability and enjoy tho luxury of a conscience, must have a hnrd lime of it when communing with himself he being a aupportor of llartranft and 111... 'P.. I. ,., A..l.,t will nnlv iknia Allen. To him defeat him tho uniunfitttbluiiess of evil doing, ifc and success will muroly give him lliico years lor tho indulgenvo ol sou-re pronch. Ho will have ooiuod his con science, not to bul personal prosperity but to gain an empty triumph over bis political opponents, and at the cost of his own soil-respect and tho honor of tho Statu. Tlio young man who votos for 11 ait rank will be voluntarily sullying his own higosl privilego as a cmzon, lor tho prom ol a circle oi politicians who laugh at him while they uso him j lis w ill be coining his conscience beneath the prossuro oi nartv soul, and iinprosainir it with an imago and superscription which will haunt him, in his houest awakenings, like Iho horrible memory ol a youth, lul indiscrotion, which in his more maturo years bo would fain blot out for over. - i Loso not your manhood. Do not pormit any influenoo, howover potent, to sworvo you from all your honest instincts. liy your love of country, we implore you to give your most efficient aid to prevent tho two high est offices of tho Commonwealth from falling into the bands of two of the most woi'tu'oss and unprincipled men within its bounds. To men who profess to be honest upright Christian men, do wo appeal most earnestly not to coin Ihcir con sciences for tho sake of a triumph, which if gained, will onure only to their own disgrace and confusion. .A triumph which would put us in the power of tho man who ooined his con science to buy prosperity, by appro priating tho publio money to his own private uso; who gambled in tho slock market of Philadelphia, using tbe sur plus lund in the Treasury lo wager with who connived at the infamous Evans larceny, and whose colloague in crimo the man who checked j0,- 000 out of the Treasury to pay his own debt is now traversing the Stale from end to end, begiuig and entrant ing Ins personal Iriunds to volu lor John F. llartranft, fo mm himself from ruin. With John F. llartranft in tho Ex ecutive chair ( with Harrison Allen in the Auditor General's office ; and such a State Treasurer as a Cnnitron logis- nturo would cive as, the Mate ol Pennsylvania would be in the hands of mon not who would, but who have already coined their consciences to ouy pruP.r,ty and saorined all honesi manhood r n,n nurposo of decorat ing their corpses with more aiyuny shrouds. It is mortifying that in this ear of Uur Lord, inl'i, it becomes necessary (o entreat the people not to placo over them as rulers mon who, lorty years ago, could not have boon found outside of tho Stale's Prison. But so it is Tho infusion of Cameron-ism in the politics of the Stato has, for the lust twenty-five years, been only evil and that continually. We have bocn going down inlo still lower depths from year to year, until now a State Convention, claiming to represent the morality, tho wealth, and the intelligence of the State, asks the wxlo to choose the mun wo havo endeavored to describe, lo bo thoir Governor) and to pIsco, as the guardian of her finances, tho man who in the Sonato, voted to rob the' people ol the sacred Kinking Fund lo the amount of nine millions of dollars, and hand it over to a greedy corpor ation. If we should indeed touch that depth of degradation, God save the Common wealth. Pittsburgh Post. Hnrlranft. . Among the facts established in re gard to the record of tho ring candi date for Governor, may be enumerated the following : He ha been convicled at the bsr of public opinion of gross neglect of his official duties as Auditor (ioncrul. That In consideration of violating that duty he accepted a bribo of seven thousand dollars from Evans, the de faulter, for which ho gave, pro forma, his I. O. V. That John F. llartranft nsed his official knowlcdgo as Auditor Gcnorsl to gnmhlo in railroad stocks and lo spcoulato in tho debt of the Common, wealth. ' That John F. llartranft in his ra pacity and greed osod the money in tho hands of Major Calhoun that had been set apart for Ihe pensions of wid ows and orphans in his stock gambling operations. Hint jonn r. liaririum is me crea ture of tho Cameron ring, and that his election to the nflioo of Governor would fncilituto the intrigues of Simon Cam eron to again obtain a scut in tho Sen ate of tho United Stales, in deliuneo of tho will of the pooplo of Pennsyl vania. That tho Cameron King, tlio Treas ury Ring, tho Legislature Lobby Ring, tho Purdon Ring and tho Philadelphia Municipal Ring are using ovory cor rupt agency within their reach lo do fcal the election of an honest and up right man in tho porson of Cliarlos it. Buckalow. Toot the election of John F. llart ranft to tho office) of Governor would confirm the evil and arrogant power of theso rings that have done so much to bring dishonor and reproach on tho niimo ol Pennsylvania. Ovr.nnoAnn. Tho Volksfriend, the organ of the German Radicals of Lan caster lasl week hauled down tho Ilnrl ranft and Allen flag, and says il will not assist in electing robbers and roosters to office. Conscience is mak ing sad havoo among the Grunt sup porters and organs every day. , In 1852 Goncral John A. Ijogan, now Grant's chief fugleman in Illinois, introduced u bill Into the Legislature of that Stulo to ssll nogroas loiind thoro to tho highest bidder. General John thinks the Democrats very in. oonsistout in preferring Grooley to Grnnt. ('OHj)Oit ,Vtrs. Tim-leer, tho Radical candidate for Congress in the Huntingdon district, against Speor, was nomlnutod on the ttoo hundred and eiijhty-Mcond ballot. Only ton duys making tho nomination. Gen, John F. rurnsworin, has been solomnly requostod by serial n Illinois Grantitos to rcs'gn his sent in Con gross. Evidonlly lienorul Fumsworth has gulled tho Radical withors. fien. Wm. W. Avotill, . tho distin guished cavalry commander on tho Union side during tno late war, Is out in a lottor in opposition to urant and in fuvor of Greeley.. i Tlio Erio Observer says Tho Lib- nnil roll in this city numbers ovor a hundred, many of ihe mombors being men of Influonou and high stsnding They don l say much, but tnoy are all firm in thoir rcsolvo not lo volo for Grunt or llartranft. Charles O'Conor has peremptorily doclinod the nomination of the Louis ville Convention. Uis followers are now froo lo go whorovorthoy will and to volo lor whomsoever tney pieaso. ', The orgnns of tho Ring howl with raco over tho address oi tho lion. Sumuol J. Uundull. Tbey writhe over the o'xposuro of tho frauds that wero in process ot Incubation. Forney asserts there Is "a corrupt and thiovish gang that holds the no publican party of Pennsylvania in vir- luul thraldom. ' l orncy ought to know, ; Tho Philndetnhia Age aaj tt now certain that a lair election in Multeity will put Mr. Buckalow s Vole neck and nock with that of Gen. lloi trnnfl. Those who talk of ten thousand ma jority for tho latter mean fraud. Thai is a fixed lact. , Ilomomber that all the grave charges made auninst tho King cnndidiilo for Governor aro cither proven by official documents, or by the testimony of tho best and purest Kepukhcans in 1'enn- sylvama. They cannot bo branded as "copporhcad lies." An intelligent corrospondet of tho New York Han comes lo tho following conclusion : ' Tho situation may be then briefly summed up. The Grant party is divided in support of HurU rnnlt, and tho Uemocrals and Luberal Republicans are united in fuvor of Buckalow. "As Pennsylvania goes so goes Iho Union." A'aktd TmlhM. Bosom friends cannot always be relied upon when testifying against their own interests. Theodore Tilton, until lately, was a warm supporter of Grant. In bis Issue of the QoldcnAgr., of thea14th, in speaking of the "gov ernment," ho aays : - ; The Grant Convention in Kansas refused to rebuke venality and cor ruption, out of regard to tho feelings of Senator Pomoroy and tho President. Such consideration deserves mention It shows that there are mon who will not go buck on the man- who bought thorn. . . .. . ,-, , : ,. Galona-Jonos, who gave Gen Grant tho deed of a valuablo property for one dollar, and immediately received an appointment to a foreign mission, was also a brother-in-law, but of Min ister Washburne, whom tho President complimented with the Premiership. So it would seem that the brother-in-law dlseaso is contageous, and to sus- ,',t rolntionshin to aw of the Presidents la von too Is to catch an office. , , i 1 1 One of tho papers commoude Gon Grant's quiet, straightforward way of doing Ins duty In reuard to the civil sorvice reform. Considering that bis way consists in quietly ignonnir the whole matter, breaking the promises he hus made, and using tho offices oi the nation to pay his personul retain ers with, tho intonded compliment becomes a terrible satire. It is a pity that somebody cannot invent some thing that lien, urant can bo praised for without having the commendation turn into au accusation. FortttoOne.-Buckalew and Uart- ranft. The Pittsburgh Post offers "to name five Republicans who will voto for Grocley for ovory Democrat who will volo lor l.raut, and ten Kepubli cans who will vote for Buckalew for every Democrat who will rote for llartranft, is our chitllcniro to any rinir organ in Pittsburgh." We renew this oiler for Unuphin county. Soma tune ago tho Telegraph made a stsrt and named one Democrat agninst Greolcy, but was compelled to buck out. : Since then it hss not been heard op tho sub. jeot. Patriot. i . And we will namo. in this cilv and county, ton Republicans who will vote for. Buckalow to ono Democrat who will voto for llartranft. Heading naijie. Wo can sno that and co ten hotter For every Democrat who will voto for llartrnult in this county we can name twenty Republicans who will Vote for Buckalow) and we oonddontly believe we can safely doublo that numbor forty to one. That is tho voico- of old Lancaster tho Gibraltar of Republi canism. Lancaster intelligencer. . h ' Dr. Sciiokitf.. This Individual, having been acquitted upon, a second trial, lust week, for the murder of Miss Slomnocko, at Carlisle, has boon interviewed by a correspondent of tlio Uuliimore bun, and among other things says : "At onetime 1 was with in two duys of date on tho callows Tho 2Ud of December, 180'.), had boen appointed as tho lime for my execu tion, but on tho 21st a respito cuino from Gov. Geary. Huron Goroll, iho then 1 russian minister at Washing ton, had seon him three days before in my bohulf, and finally prevailed on lum to savo mo. Un tho IfUh of Do- combcr, five duys before tho appointed ti mo, tho measure for my coffin was taken, and ono ol tho carpenters, on leaving mo, joculurly remarked, "Woll wo'll allow two inches fur tho stretch ing of your ncok." , I mudo no reply, but felt koculy the poignancy of the words. I know nothing of Huron Gorolt's visit to Govornor Geary until 1 recoived tho respite, and I had made up my mind lo submit lo my fate. 1 hud burned all my privato papers, and n au limy propureu my niiuu. ior acalil How Ciianokil Whilo Grant's Secretary of iho Troasury, Mr. Hunt well, wus a member of Congress ho wauled lo impeach Johnson becuuso two members ol Ins Cabinet attended a political convention. Now nearly all of Grant's Cabinet travol around tho country makinif no it eal snecch cs, onrt Boulwoll does not object, but ucn uiuisuii. A Cincinnati wifo left her husband's board but took tho bod with her. H is putxled to know how to word mgiii nouoo oi wnruinij to proepcrlive creditors, llr.im.ooMB Tho editor of the Golden Age soys i Chicago is a wlckod oily, and country clorgvmen should bo wary in visiting it lest they .got caught in ono of its sells il not in one or us mis. tiasi wooh a oonuuuig clerical from the country was passing un auction-room, whon ho obsorvod a sweet youth molting in loars and so- tually liquifying because obliged to part with a watch . which had boon handed down from fulhor to son for unknown generations, lo get broad for his starving mother. His talo even madothe inolullio-mindod auctioneer ween, and touchod tho countrymnn s heart, and pocket too, to tbe amount of $16. Ho carried the heir-loom to a wntchinukor who told nun tho j'outu had just bought il of him for a dollar and a half. ' r ouruwn uouarsana miy rents was a (rood deal to pay for coe ing tho elephant, but then bo saw the wholo animal, and will not bo likely to invest iu anolhor hoir-loom right away. The struggle to boat Grant and check the tremendous corruption that now has control of tho Government is a slruiri!lo of tho people against monoy Nover before was such a mighty sum of money omployod to corrupt the pooplo and provontnn honest election. Is thore virtuo onough in tho country to resist this great powor and aecuro reform in spite or ft f 1 hat is a ques lion which can bo answerod aftor elec tion bolter tlinn now. JWw 3ili'fr1lfmnt. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immense Stork or floods ofererf aenmpttoH, Woolen (leodi, amo prieo aa before the ad ranee in wool. Muillni at reduecd priors. Prree Oooda la frralael rarietr. ilouraioi Oowte of all kinds. Black Alpaeae, at all prices. mack Silki, rerj eheap. Waterproof, Velreleem, Plaid and plain Flan neli, Rhlniaf Flannels, to. Table I.lnm and Kspklaa, Irlih Ltnona, 10-4 Sheeting and Fillow Muslin. Ottoman ttep Bhawli and Searfr, Striped Shawle at all price. Faille Bbawlt, rlnle aad double, $4 to (jfl. Dram Trimmings, Fringes, Leote, Yelret Itlb- bonr, Velveteens, Ac. Full line of Um oelebnttad "Joarphlae Beam lei" Kid (lloree, Kid Stores from l ep. UJ.iV Neck Tics, Collars, It ull in r, Hair Draide aad Bwi s aa. i - - Ladles' and Children's llertao rnder.wear, Madame Foy'e, Tbompaon'i, tlloro-Fltting, Hip Gore and other Corsets. Alw, IIoop Fllrti I'aaiers, Ac . , Large itockof Carpels and Wall Papers. Shoes aad Ushers, samo quality as heretofore, "The brrl are tbe cheapest," Balmoral and other knitting jrarns, and other articles, loo aaincroae lo mealies. Purchasers will Sod a greater variety pfgoodt then it ueuslir fouud In una afore. Usll snd essmlne. ' ' ' Ck-mrfteld, slept. IS, 1B7S. pUBLlCSALE! ItKAIi ENTATI2 AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Tb aaJcriijctcei will wll at FuMi. ), at bi rvfitloofc. at lb anoutb r SanW, In C'vir.rtua tooitnp. oa BAili 111! A T, UtTOBr.ll lit, 1ST I. tba folio ior umonal proptrtr, rut On tram of Hone and hararw, thrvm outM, light bead of young eaMia, Id nao-ji. Id bKt, on a timbr alrd, on pair log h.-t tug caaiat, ptvir f grmha , orn plow, euttinz box, ron cut taw, (rata era- til, hri by tba bubrl, rafiiag .kU, 2 good bo., aio Imli Mtl bedding, on gg ilove, on ooutuiig iiovc, aau otiiar arucii. Will alto Mil at tba aia time, tba following 4tMrtid rveU tit to, itota ta Curingtoa town hi, Ciaarlitid tmaif , I., Ijiug altog tit Hua qut-banna rivr and tdy run, adjoin ing landi ol C. llarmoj. J. 11. Kougoux, T. II. Fororjr and W. A. UalJaoe, aoutainuig HU3 Ac re a, baring bout ou aorvf cloarvu and in a good iUUoI oulit rat ton, and lb balanoa having a Lara qnnatitr i pw tintbar tbennn. Tba iiHuroviunu otmtitt cf a Trcra (Stand, 8w Mill, in running anlar, Md all th nroMinr autbailding rMtcd ibroa. Tb botfi baa a lrgtr ran of outom tha a an otltr botal beintma ClmrQcld and Look lUrvn, aai ii woll known la all watorinrn. An iollcnt rein of eoal la now aia.and nraclay and Iron or ara aim among tba minora!. Tba raiting boaob, which if on of tb inert along tba rirrr, nnti for a eotiiidorabla tun aaauall. Will aim tH'll, at the law time, anotlwr tract, o n total tig tm aoroi, adioiniDg tba abuva l'erponi deniroot f puirliing will ba abown over lb prowl by riaitiag tba uaduriignod at an tluaa bofura tba day of tale. Sal will eommanoa at o'clock a. m- of laid day. Tb terms wbtob will ba liberal, will aiad known on tha day of !, ar by applioalloa to tha andarrignrd lsAWKKNCK LOUl. Covingtua twwoiblp, KepU in, la2..4t. 10 U SALK Tho Bubsoribcr offers for aale, on reavonahl term, On Hundred and Thirteen Aoir of Land, wilb an allowance of ill ara la Hrady townehip. Clear 11 rid raunty, l'a.f and lying oa the ct brna of Btanip creek, adlotmnf land or liana Keama, inter am Yuan, Hell ana Kramer, and ti. B. Ooodlandrr. Bafd land la wH eorerra with whit pine, hm brrk and oak timber, and a rein of good eonl, fnur nd a half fit thick, nndrrliai about menty aorai f iu Tha rain la open and ready fur oper ating. 7 bar ta about tweaty-tr aere oleared and laagowt etataof aultlratloa(with a ffood frame boaeaaad log bara an In nratnleca, aad alini. nTer fnlllag aitring of gaud water. The tit la In good. Come aad tea tit property, a it li boua li gfiai went. WILLIAM Kul'P. eia-fli 01 KICVVAHITha amlenigurd will O 1 JJ pay th a bora iam lor tb ialonua- lKa that will lead ta tho detection and onnvielion of the party or partiri who, on or about Ihe 6th ol neplcinuer, broke tb giaii out or the wlodowi of th tenant boateon my preinlar. In Corlnglon townihip, aad olborwie dalaoed Ui building, aa well ai ibootiag mrougn inn iioor and wain. JOHN II. IIUIK.LIX Frfnohvlllr, Sept. 15, IrtTU.-dl lAUIlONe All penoni ara broky wnmeil J againit purrhaiing or in any way meddling wilb lb fullowlug Hronal pnipcrty, rit: Une tram of faorari, ouo aet of barneia, a two htirae wagtm, two plow i, a field of corn and a lot of oata in me barn, now in tne noiifiiinn or n tn, Linea, ol Jiiooia rownttiip, aa lb aam lielcng to m, hat ing been purrhaaed of Meriri. Arnold A II art! horn, and only left with him on Innn eutijcct la ouronirrr. juim pmitii, MAUY A. Ll.NKH, Forral, flrpt. , 1K71-.1t IHTMAYe fame tirapaming on J of C. W. Kylrr, in tlrahitm t the pirmitea (own ah in tiuptemher 101b, l7i,a IlLACK IlOHiK. fnn iioird to bo aMMit U yrara aid, with a am all atar in lh fatoe. Tho owner la rrquted to ooin for ward, prove proparty, pay ahargoa aad tak him away, or ba will b dipad l aeoording to law. pXKlimm'rl KOTII IC-Kntloe II her. J i by givra that Let tare TretamenUry baring Imtii granted to "i ubaorilNr on lh aatala oi HOURKT l.lDDKI.L, donaaaad, late of Jordan townihip, ClearnVId anuutvs 1'vnavrlranla. all prranna Indt'litod ta aaid ealala ara rrojitealed to aiaaa unmwnat par men, a nit thou baring olatmi agalnit tha aaina will prrarnt Oiem, duly autneniicairu, tor aauiemrnt. JOHN O. WILR0V, JAM 1,8 UUNTKH, . tapIS fit Karcutort, AW herehr given that letters of iwliniulnlrstlon on the eslste or IKUHIIK 1IKAM.1, Ureraaed, Isleuf Alorrialowuablp.L'losrneld oountr, Penna hsvlng boen duly xraulod lo Ilia undersigned, a poraona Indebted to esid oslsto will plrsae make pflrnienl, and those bating elsima or demands will preei-nl tbem propcrlr sathrntiesteil for aet- irmni. UAr-lnb ir..-.iin, ff"i, is, l;3, luiioialislor, Srw di'ertisfmrnts. 1 MLL RACKS or the CLEARFIELD A. PARK ASSOCIATION, Tq Im bld oft the jtvo until of tha AuuoUtlua, In iirai-iitm, on October 3d, and 4th. Prt'iiiluiiiM FIKST PVUHIi HUOt, to all. FIRST PIIKMIUM ., HKCOND PRRMI1IM a(M, THIRD PimMIUM....... shi FOUKril rKRMIUM 45 ail'.CONI) PfiHHi:. lrpr., to homes nwroriroiica IU leaotnall Hits. FIRLT FRRM1CM as. HEi ONU PREMIUM .. to THIRD PREMIUM ""' n FOl'RTU PREMIUM 30 TIIIHI) PllRMB -UMJ-Open lo hones uai uara uerer uoateu a uiluwtcs. s'llIRT PREMIUM Iho HBCOND PREMIUM M THIHD PEkMIUM 1 FOtlttTU PREMIUM.., i I'tll HTII PUHNE-rilisen.' Purae-I'or I rolling Malllou owned iu count,. FIRST PREMIUM. .... SECOND PREMIUM . ail TUIRD PREMIUM.. M FIKTII PI Hi; aso-Kor Colta 4 yesrs um mum uuoer, swsen in eouiuy TUIUD PREMIUM ............. ft SIXTH PHHSH, eis-for horses that hare never bcatea S:I5. FIRST PIIEMIl'M SECOND PIIEMIUM 1MI TU1KU PRKMII'M 10 MBl'RNTII PHRHR.Rntinlng Kaer.flSO. aipcn 10 on. FIRST PREMIUM... 1S SECOND PHEMIUM SO THIRD PREMIUM. US Entries e!e.s Stptsralsir J j, at P. M. AU Utters la b address, d to A. I. SUA W, Cor. eeorrMry. sept o. U. HKKIthLL, freeldest. jossrn s. a ssallv. dssisl w. a ci'sor. McENALLY & McCUEDY, ATTUHNKYS-AT-IiAW, I IrarUold, fa. JPIrfa! bulniKH ailPtHlrd to promptly with fltMity. tifflf oa Second atrctr, n'sorr le Kint National Itink. 911:73 Kirat Xalioaaal Hank) IW, .r. et. ai. efaae Twin, llotrort Alfiaader. J I Ml. Tb audereixnrd auliior apboiatd to diatrib ale th money a riling from tbe aale f th real eatat of aaid drfrasiant, will tnt lb parllra la trsttel, for tb purpose f bia appointment, at hi offtoe, in t learHriti, oa tb zoiit day ot t. p. trmir neii, at lo oeiork a. m. WM. M. 31 11 l.l.ULtiil, . pll St Aa lilur. CAMION. All parruna ara brrly caa tinnrd agaiait harboring ar trusting my wife, LVlilA alLlNK, ib barina; la my bad aad board without jait oaua or proracatioa, I will p-J ao d.bii of bar rontrarting. at LaaAp UKH I. KI.I.VK. Lawrence Townihip, 6Ypt. 11, 1H2 St, Segal drcrtirPfmcnts, General Election rroeltunntion. WlIKIt KAS, by an act of the Genital Araem. tit of the Commonwealth of FenniKa aia ratltlvd "Aa at to regulate tha General Klecti.o within th ia Coiamonwealtb,' tt la en joined upon lb Sheriff, of tb icwral eonnliar to gir public none or men eleetiin, the plaett where to be held, and tbe officer! to b elected. Taaaarvaa, I. Jcxti J. I'm, High Sheriff of Clearfield county, d hereby giro rublia Mo- tir to lb loctaira ef th county Clearneld, that a general eleeiioa will ba b.d oa tba fcao aaaTt'aaaAt or Ocroaaa aaxr, t bing tba Ktb dar ol tha month.) at lh aerrrai lotiua un ri4 u nM maintr. at which tlma and pUoa aa quali lid rot in will rot Foroae perauB for Oorcraor of tbe Commonwealth or reaaiylrania. For en pemon f,r Buprrme sludge of tb Com monwealth of Peaniylvania. For oa prrioa to reprrtf-nt th eountlea of Cam bria, tkarOeid, hrit, r.lk. rorrat.jrlTrroa. Me Keanaad Warrra ia the Con great of tbe I'aitrd Rtatr. For three pertoai to reprearnt tbe State at large, ia tbe Coagreee of tbe lnitrd Kutea. For fourteen pereona toreprtwent the 8tate at Targe ta the lonatttutioaal Conreatioa or tblt Com mon wrallh. For one p-rHn fir Auditor General of tb Com monwrelth of Pcnmvtvania. For three peroon to rffireaent the eonntleaof Cam arte, uearncit, Clinton and hik, la th ( oastl tut ion al Convention of thia Cummoa wealth. For one prreoa to rrireaent tb oounty of Clear field In tb lloua of ItrprtaenUthei of thia Commonwealth. For one penmn for the office nf County Commit- tioner of Clrarllrld etmnty three year', aad oae peraon for th aame office for nae year. For one peraon for the offlc of Auditor of Clear field euntr. The elector of Ihe eonnty of Clearfield will take node (but the taid general election will ba held al tbe following placet, rit t lieecarla towuihip, at the Union Hotel, In 01 Hope. llcll townaliip, at the houa of RiiWrt MehafTry. nioom townihip, at tb bona or the late J OhHim, ISr. Hngga tawmbip, at the bona of Edward Albert, H nul ford Uiwunhip, at the houae of Jacob 1'iercv, n rati y lowniiup, at the bonne or n m. ecbwrm, In IsUiurrxhurg. Humiilde townihip, at Voung'a arhool boot. Cheat tnwnablp, a the p oh lie acbtvul bona near Pi mon Rnratmugh't. Clearirld bonugb, at Ihe Court Houae. Covington townihip, at the bona of J. Mnnrer. CurwnarU!e borough, at tb boua of the late Taaafl lltoem. l)ocatar townihip, at Centre arhool home. Fergiiann townihip, at the houae of John Greg ory, formerly occupied by Tho. Hoitiiou, (Broad way.) tlirard tnwnxhip, at Congrcte Hill arhool houae, tloiheu townihip, at the public achool houae ai Pbawirille. tlrahara townihip, at the hnnae of Jacob lluhler. (lulirb townihip, at thepuMIe arhool boutc, in Janeaville. Iluiton townihip, at the bout of Jnae Wilnon. Ilouitdale borough, at tlie paMie home of Wm. I'arker, la acid borough. Jordan townihip, at the pulilie arhool houae, In Anaonville. Kartbaua townihip, at ItHden'a tchonl bona. Knx townihip, at Turkey Hill arhmil houae, Law rr nee townihip, at the Court House, in the bornuh of Clearfield. I.nmlser City borough, at the pulilie arhool home. Mnrria township, at the bona formerly oeeupiod by Thomaa Krler. New Washington liorongh, at tho puMIe school houae. Oacrola Ivomugh, at the pnhllo bmsa of Milo Ilnyt, in aaid borough. I'enn townihip, at the hotel formerly kept by W. W. Andarann. Tik townihip, at the houae of the late Iiaao It loom. In the borough of Curwenarille. VnlisB townnhip, at the bouse of I). K. llruhakcr. Woodward towuihip, at the boue of Thomas Hrnderaon. AN ACT regulntlng th tnotlc of rotlng at all electlnnt in th aeveral enuutir of thia Coin monwenltb, approved the JDlb day of Marrh, A. !., Ist.ll, vii: Hacriof I. IU il trnietnti It the Ornate and H una of Itrpreti-ntatiret of the (uniuonweallh of renniyhauia In Ucacral Aswuitily wet, and It Is bcreliy enacted by authority of the aame, Tliat the qualibed rotrrs of Ihe aeveral eouutioa of thia Commonwealth, at all grncr!, townihip, bonnigh and special election, are borcliy, hermfter author lictl and required to rote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, sev erally claiiilicd aa followi i One ticket shall eia rhrno the names of all Judges of courts rotrd for, and to he labelled, ouliide, "judiciary T one ticket aball eiuhrac Ihe nature of the elate offioera voted for, and he label M, "ilatn t" une tioket ahall em brace the names of a)l eonnty olhocrt ruteit for. Including office of ecuator, mrmlter, and mem hen of assembly, if rotrd for, and members of Congreie, if voted for. autl b labelled, "county t one ttrkct 111 la rpihrae the names of all town -hip offlfora voted lur, and lie latwiied, "lownatiipr one lira t shall ant brace the name f all bttruugh offioera rotcd for, and ba labelled, "borough " and reel, elaea ihall b demtaitcd In rcparat ballnt boiea. It v tho aet of Assembly of 1 fftw, know a as tba Ilrgiitrv Law, It is provided aa followi t I. "Election offlrtere are to open Ihe polls b twora the hours of sit and seven a. m, oa Ihe dar ofeleetlna. Itefore sii o'olook la the morning of second 1 aeiday or Uetoner tbey ara lo receive frtim th t'oanty Commtaaiouer th Kcgiatered Mat of Voter and all neeeaaary l notion bleak a, and tbey ara to permit ao man to rote whoa aaiaa la not oa aaid list, aaleas he shall make proof of his right tn rota aa follows i I. Tbe prsoa whose name 1 ant oa lh llt elalmiag th right to rot moat prod no a qualified voter of the di Uriel to twear in a writtea or print d afflilavit to the raaideno of th claimant (a tha dtt trict for at cai ten days eM proceeding said Jfgal flirtlisftufnts. leotlobp defining olearly where tba roaldenoa of tba perion waa. 1 Tha parly fllaimlag tba right to rota ahall alao make aa affldarit, aUtlng to the boat of hit knoaledga and belief where aad when ba wat born, that ba ia a aUitaa of Penaaylraoia aad of tha United Htataa, that ba baa rriidod ia th Htata on year, or, If furamly a oltiiea t heroin and reiuon-4 tburrfroin that he baa reu'dod Uivrvia aix mon tha belt preoetling aaid election, that be baa not mored into tb diatriot for tb purpoaa of rottng t her In, that ba baa paid a Btate or oounty tai witbia two yean, which waa aiaeiattd at leaat tea daya before the lection, and tb aflldarit hall ttat when and where tba tai waa aliened aad paid, and the tai reoeipt muat be produced unlia lb affldarit ahall ttat that it baa Loan loat or de stroyed, or that ba received Bone. 4. If the applicant ba a nUi rallied eltlaca, bo muit la alditoa to tka ftirogoiog proof a, atat la bia affldarit whea, where and by what court bo wai baturaliieU and produce bti oertiflcate jjf naturaliiatioa. a. Krery person claiming to ba a naturalitrd eitiien, whether on the rvgiitry liat, or producing affidavits afurvaatd, ahall be required to produv bia a atu ml nation eertilioate at tit eleetion be I or voting wbra b ku boon for tea yi-aia oomvoa lively a volar in tbe dittrlot where h offera to rut ( and on tba rote of aueb a peitua bing ra eeired, the Klotioa Offioera ar to write or atamp tha word 'voted on bia oertiOcnt with th month and year, aad no other rata aan be aaat that day In Tlrtue of aaid oertinoale, esoept wbero sons are entitled to rut. on tbe naturalisation of Ibcii father. 6. If the peraoa elalmtng to rote who la not regl tared thall make atli.Uvit that be is a aatira bora citizen of the United titatea, or, if born el a, where, shall produon oridence of hit aaturaii tloa, or that ba Is entitled to eittfeaibip by renaoa of bit father's aaturaliutioa, and further, that h Is between 31 aad it years of age, and ba resided wlthia tb Htat one year, and ia the lectioa dis trlet teri daya next preceding tha eleetion, he shall be entitled to rote though ba shall not bare paid taxes. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. At tbe aame time and plana, alao, aa eleetion will be held for delegates to tbe convention to amend tbe Ceoititutioa of lh Htate,ia conformity wlita v-, titled "An Art to provide foreall ing a convention to amend the Conattiutlou," ap proved April 1 1, 1S72. As prescribed by said act, tb following rulea and rtguUtiotti iball apply to said election, and Ihe retarni of tb sain i lit. Attbe general election to be held the aeeoad Tueaday of Oetoher next, there ahall ba eleeUd by tb quali&cd electors of thia Commonwealth, dele gates to a convention to revise and amend the Con stitution of this Htate: tbe anid eonnntion shall con ilit of one hundred and thirty-three mrmbers, to be elected fa the manner following : Twenty- eight memben thereof shall be elected in th Htate at large, at follows: Bach roterof the Htata thall rot for not more than roarteen eaniidata, aoa tb twentreiicht hi elicit In rote shall be declared elected; ninety-nine delegates thall be appointed t aad elected from tb different Senatorial dis trict of tha State, three delegate to b sleeted for each Senator therefrom; and in ebooMng all diitrlet delegates, each voter thall b entitled to a rot lur not more than two of tb member to b chosen from bi dlatrtet, and tb throe candidate bigbit ia rota tball be declared elected, except in the eoemtv of Allegheny, forming th Twenty- third Senatorial btitrici, where ao rotor ahall rot for more than tlx eandidaiea.aadtba a in bighl in rot ahall be leted, and in tb ooantias or ta- erne. Monroe and Pike, forming tha Thirteenth Senatorial Hietnet, where ao voter aba.ll rot for mora than four candidates, and tb ail bigbeat ia rot abatl b elected, and six additional dele gate ahall tMi- boten from th city of Hbilndiepbia, by a rot at larg in aaid eity, and ia their elee tion no rotor thall rote for more than three aadf datet, and tbe eix bigbeat ia role thall be deelared elected. Id. The Jadffc and Inipcctora for each elee tion diatriet shall provide two tuitabl boxes for etch poll, oa ia wbiob Udrpoait the ticket rated for Delegate! at large, and tbe other in which to deposit tba t.fketa vutod fur IMitnrt iietrgatrt: wbicb Boxes man or iaiu'a repeciireiy, -irnw galea at large" and "District Delegate f and In earh diatriet In th etrr of Fbiladelpbia an ad ditional box shall be provided for each poll, ia which to dr poult tb ttetttt rotea ior "k iiy uaie t !;" and aaid but mentioned boxes must each b labelled "CitV Delearalea.' 3d. Tbe aaid eloetion auall be held and eon duel ed hr tbe nrier electioa sffioert of th aeveral election districts of the Commonwealth, aad shall be fovcrned aad regulated tn all rvtpects by the general eleetion lawa of tb Commonwoalth, ao far a liia same eneii oa apncanM inerrro, enu noi inconaiatent with tbe proviaious or aaid act. 4th. The tickeU to be voted fur members at large of the eoaventloa shall have on the outside the words ,lc)-g-tei al large, and on the inaldo the names of tbe oan Jt darn to u roiea ior, noi x aeeiliBe fourteen in number. 6tb. Tb tickets to be roiea ror fltcmct mem bers of the convention shall hare oa tbe outiitl tbe words "District Delegates, and on tbe inside th aaat or aaiaesof th candidates rotcd fit r, not exceeding the proper numtier limited bi afurcsaidi but any licavl wiiicB anal I contain a greater aura-1 bcr of namea tnaa the number for which the voter i aball be entitled to vote, ahall be rejected; and in ease of the delegate to be choaeo at large in Phil adelphia, the word', "City Delegates,' shall be on the outside Of the tirkct. 6lb. In tbe eily of Philadelphia tbe return judge aball meet at tbe Suae Hues, at tea o'clock I b tb Thursday aext following the election, and make oat tbe rotarns for said iy,of lb vote cast tbcreia for delegates at large and eily aad district delegates, lo be member af lb convention; tbe ret am judge of lh several electioa diatriet with in aaeb eouaty of the State, excluding Philadel phia, aball moat oa Friday next following tba elec tioa, at tb usual place for the meeting of th re turn judge of their county, and make out full and accurate rrturni for tbe county, of the rote cast therein fur metnlters of the convention aad fur dis trict member of th sain; and tbe proceeding of tb return judge af tb said city af Philadelphia, aad of th ereral eoualies of the Commonwealth, In I be making of their returns, ahall be Ibe sam as those p rear rt bed for retara judge in th case of a a electioa for Uovernor except that returns trans mitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, shall be addressed to that officer alone and aot to the Speaker of tbe Senate. F. JORDAN, SrtrHary nf tkrOtmm Attn Ull. AMENDMKNT TO THE CONSTITUTION. PRM(IVI.VAMU, IS, In tbe name of the authority of tb Common wraith nf Penuiylvania, Joha W. Oeary. Oorrnor of aaid Commonwealth, to Justia J. Pie, Kaquire, of tha County of Clearfield, sends greeting : n iiKHBAS, A joint reeomtiMtt pmMitng aa amendment to the Constitution of this Common wealth, has been agreed to by a majority of the mwmber elected t each Uoaae af tha Leglilatare, at two successive sessions of tb same, which Is as follows 1 ' "joiit BRaoLvriot rnoroatve am AMaxnuKirr to tbk communes or rasjuTLVAau." "Ba it reaolred hr I ha Senate and House of Rrpraaentatiret of the Commonwealth of Peun aylranla la Ueneral Assembly met. That the fol lowing amendment of tbe Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to tbe people for their adoption or rejection, pan ti ant t the provisions of tb tenth article thereof, to wit : AMBXliMKNT. "Strike out tbe sixth seel ft af tb sixth article of the Constitution, and insert ia lira thereof the following: 'A State Treasurer ihall be choaea by the qualified electors of the State at such time and for inch term of sorvice aa ahall be prescribed by law" And wherrna. It la provided In th tenth article of the Conrtitutloa that any amendment o agreed upon shall be submitted to tbe penple In awch manner and at inch time, at lea it threw months after being so being agreed to by the two Houaet, as the I.emilatnre ahall preicrlbe; And whereas, lly an act of the General Aaaem bly of thia Commonwealth, appeared the eleventh day nf April, A. D., one thouiand eight hundred and seventy -two, It Is provided: "That for the purpose of ascertaining the ernae of the people of this Commonwealth In regard to the adoption or rejection of aaid amendment, the Uovtmor of th Commonwealth thall itiu a writ of electioa di rected to each and every sheriff of thi Common wealth, commanding them to give notico in tbe o-unl manner, and In aot leas than two newspapers in each eity and county (if so many ar puhliahed therein), and by at leaat two printed hand lulli ta ra h election diatriot ia etery city and oounty wherein no newspaper It published, that an elee tion will be held in each of the towaahipa, bor Kiighs, wrd, prcciuott and districts therein, on the second Tuesday of October, in lh year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, two, fur th purpose ot doeidiag upon the rat idea tion or rejeolino of the aaid a tneudn.au 1 1 which raid election shall be opened, bald aad oluaed upon tha day afore id, at the place and within the hours and within which the genr ml elections f tbtt Commonwealth aredireoled ie b opened, held aad closed." Now, therefore, In obedience to tha require men It of Ihe tenth article of the Constitution, and la compliance with tbe true Intent and meaning of said art of General Aaaemhly, I John W, Geary, Uorernnr of the aaid Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, do laaua this writ, commanding and requiring you the said Justin J. Pie, sheriff of the aaid oounty, to give nol.e In tha aanal manner and aa by law rer)uirvd, that an eleetion will h held ae aording to th terms of tha Constitution and tha provisions of the not of the General Assembly aforesaid, In each of th township, boroughs, wards, preeiaott and district therein, oa th sec ond Tueaday nf October, In the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, for lb parpos of deciding niton the approval aad raliAealloB or reject loa of the raid amendment. Given under my band and Ihe great seal of the Plata, at Harrlihurg oa this ftflecuth day of July, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and seventy two, and of tha Commonwealth the nloety-aerenth, lly the Governor, FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of th Commonwealth. la pursuance of the above proclamation, I here, by give notice totheqoaliflrdeleotor af Clearfield oounty that aa electioa will b hard Ib each of th towaahipa, borougba, ward, praiinaa and dis tricts t herein . on th eecond, Tueaday of October, IB the year of ear Lord one Ihowaand if hi bun- tjrM (nd, srntvtwo, for th purpose of aei5lp Jront gtflwtisfmentj. upon th approval aad ratlflcatioa ar rejaotioa f lb aaid amvadBM-nt I which aaid elest, shall ba opened, held aad closed, anon th day last afar, said, at the places and witbia the boars at wt4 within which th georral aloctioat of thia Co, moawralfh are di reeled to b opened, held tnd eloaad aad it aball ba lb tluty of thaJudM, spec tors and elarks of aaob of aaid lewmbjp, boroughs, wards, prrclntta and districts, t recura at tbe nid alert ton tickets, either written or fritt ed, or partly printed aad pertly writtea, freai ach of tbo qualified rotors of the State, who au offer the aaui, and to depcait then, ia a box a boxes to be, for the purpose, provided by the proper offioon, which tickets shttli be labilM n tba outiida "auirnduieat to th Cunatitutioa," trt4 on the ioiide "for the imeaiiurnl,M or "agairitt tbe araendntonl. Iliat the election on (he aaid pmptiied a mead, meut ilt iM, In all rcrpee'e, be conductM genernl t-l otimia of this t)inmonweattb ar . oomlocled : and It rhatl t the dory of tbe reinr. judgea of tbe repeottra oonntiee and diatriet theraor, Drat naviog earcrully aaoartaioed u nun.tr of rotes given for or against snob ameni meut, to mas. out duplicate returns thereof u. prasi-d in words at length, and aot in fifioni only; on of wbicb returns, se mad, aball b lodged in tbe prothoaotary's ofkoa f tbeaoirtif oouimoa plea of th proper oounty, and tha otur sealed and directed to tbe Heeretaj-y al tbe Coav mon wealth, and by one of the aaid judges deposit d forthwith la tbe moat convenient poatofiet, upon wbieb poiUge shall be paid at tb exptaai of the proper oounty. That tb areral duties required to ba parfb rated by lb tbariffa, aommiaaioawr, aoaatabka, judgei tnapectora, and all other offlor whatever ia aa4 about tha general elcetioni of lb it Commonwealth,, thall be performed by such office In and tboat the eleetion herein provided fort and all penow, whether officers or others, shall b liable t tka same puniabment for th neglect of any doty, ar tb eouiniaaioa of any effenoe, at, in or ebon tea said eleetioa as tbey would for tbe neglect of ,k. duty, or tbe oommtsaioB of tbe like offtac at, b or about th general elections of this Coausoa- wealth. Th Coarreailooal Retara Judge will meet h aeewrdanca with aa Aet approved Mar 1ft. lMi at the Court Hons in th borough of Warns, in in eoumy oi n anen, on mo serenib after the rlection, being Tuesday, October, ijtb, mi. , Kotlc la further hereby Hven. That all persons except Justices af tbe Fence, aball held aa office ar appointment of trait ander tb government ot tbe United Htatet, ar of tail Sum, cr af any incorporated district, whether commissioned ofnoer or otherwise, a rabordiaits o (fixer or agent, who Is or shall b employed ai der the Legirlatlr. Execotiv ar Judicial at. partmenu of tbtt State or or ibe toiled Bum. or any rlty or incorporated diatriet, aad tin that every msmber f Congress, or of tbe Bttu Leaiilature, or of the eoroinoa or select eoaaeil of any city or com m las loner of any Incorporate! districL ara by law incapable of boldin st xerciaing, at ih aame time, tb office or i. poictmnt of Judg, Inipector or Cltrk of ur j ieeliua of ibis Commonwealth. O? KLKCTION OFFICKHS. In care the eron who shall hare received... aeeond highest number of rote for itirperttkajj not aiteti't on iu uay oi election, iheo Ibe arras who shall bare received tbe second bigbett ava. her of rotes for judge at the aext preceding tat. lion, anaii aet a inaneetor in nia place : sislk eae tbe peraon wbo aball hav roceived tbe kigb- eat numoer oi voiea ior iapecur a nail aot tueat, tbe peraon elected jodje, ibill appoint aa Uapa. tor ia bit place; and in ease Ibe peraoatbciat I )jge ahall aot attend, then tbe innpeetor ubaa I aetred tbe highest nam tier ai roiea, instl ifiana I a iudre in his place ; or if any racaoey ihall as. I tinue ia the board for tbe space of one knar alto I tb lima fixed br U for the opening of thiiat tion, the qualified roters oi the township, mvi I district for which such officer thall hart bra I elected, preaewt al the plac of electioa, ikall I lect oae out oi tneir numoer to nn men rscaar?. I Alao, that where a judge, by aickneit artav I voidable accident, ta unattle ia attend such t inr of judrre, then th certificate or rr aW be taken charge of by on of the inpefiwi elrrks of the election of tbe diatriet, who rod. and perform the duties required of said ju-ift. able to attend, Tbs Retara Jadge of th respective diitnaj aforesaid ara requested to meet at thi Ctr I Hunt, in th borough of Clearfild,oa thi lit Friday next aftor tha aaid aocoad Tutadi; 4 October, tli en and there to do tttoie Uup required of them by law. G1VBN nnder my haad and seal, at ClearlrU, this lhirtnth day of September, btb I .U.S. year of our Iord oae tboersBtf ci(t I hundred and iternty two, indoithf latt I peadenca of tha United Sutet the mnety rit JUtiTlN J. PIE, f-Unl TI F.C;IMTP.R NOTICFsNntiwirlvm XK Ifiven that the following accouuti harr Wn I examined aad pa Med by me, aad irnaiatMrl record in this ofhee for the inipcctioo of arr I legatees, creditors, and all other ia anyotawi inter sled, and will be presented to the aexi w I pbans' Court ot Clearfield eonnty, to Ire kl)ntl court noose, in tne oorouga oi i.iearireri, m a meucing on tbe 4th Monday (bwitig Ihe Hi to Of September, A. 1. 171. Aopuani ot u. ii. nan, admioitrator al ia I hcl Carr, late of lAwrcnce township, deceiad. Ftanl account of L. D. Weld, guardian af JacI 11. ScM, of iJeecart township. Final account of Klijah and David Aihiiffkrl adminiatratora or Peter A i hen feller, late al sm I tow nab ip, dcoeaaeil. I Account of A ma sa and John Smith, sJat-1 t rat ore of Amaea Smith, kale of Ueecarii tin I shin, deceased. inal account of George Leilich, ailmiaiftrv of Jacob Ximmer, late of Drady towenhif.irt .l FiaU account of George W. alcCullr, adaaJ trator f John L. ilcCuily, late of Beccarii ar I ship, deeeased. I Account of Lawrence Flood and Franca h: I non, admiaistrmtora of Joha Danaon, lateeffr iocton township, deceased. Final aeeoout of Alexander Mnaia,aii latraior of Richard Atbcruft, late of Hi-j towaibin, deeenaed. Final aroount of George W. McCollr, adau l t rat or of Catharine Whiteside, 1st of tie I township, deeeased. Final account of John 6. MrKirrnaB.adBit-l trator of 1 homes Fulkcraon, late ef (iatiaaarl ship, deeeased. Account of John S. McKlemaa, gHia Thomas Falkeison, William Fulkrrsoa, hr Fulkeiatm and Susan Fulkeraon, of 0 rarlich t I Account of John Cowder, guarlian el 3s Wrtiel. t.eerg Wctael and Daniel Helfl,l rard townsbui. Final accuunt of Kllas Rlshel. guanliitd! faretle Smiley, HoaaJi Kadiker and Nil Poitlethwaite, minor ebililrea of E. il. I late of Hrady townthip, deceased. Final account of Joseph M. Spencer, gnU' er lewura 0. line, minor ebiid of iospa 6f" deeeaaes). Final account of Edmund Will jams, aJa-1 tra'or af Jesse Williams, late of IMrnna h shin, deeeasetl. Account of Geo. J, To, giiardiaa af! Eaigler, minor eaild of tvluabetb daughter of Ueorg Warr. deeiased HaiitT4TKn'B Orrlra, I A.W.I Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 1.1, IrtTI-tc. J LIST OF JLKOR9 DRAWN FOR 1 tember Term, A. D. 173, (4lh UbW ' I eaixn jtaoaa. J. W. XVrightReccarla Wm, Uell.w Ue Hugh Leech. Bloom Aaron Stiirry 6 J. 8. Al hteroasJ J.Swaa,Sr. Tbos. It al If too liocatiCourad Uaker S. Cowder Bradford N. Clvde LH w m. Schwem, jr...llradr Wm. Tate Joha Lee Uurnsidc J. II. HilcLanb-l Atiam Jlngy.w Chest Geo. D. Hf'i I. Johniton Clearfield M. C. MTulty.J J. II. Vleming.Cur'cui'lc M. L. C. Km- R. Showalter.....leoatur Henrr Pcntx..- Wm. Moore...Ferguaoa W. Hcnderaoa-W"! tba vkrsi jiaons. Tho. Mullen..,. Decoaria1 fi. w. nu fii li. A. Wright.... John Krhanl.,,, J. S. Jurev... A J IJH.sr.ia.f' Henry H. M'Ghee.M.Hel 8. IsauaberryJlradfurd, tVurad (1 inter.. J. M. Jonlsva S. Ilagcrty Irewii hrhard Krubea CaMars- II. Hartsfe1t,Sr..MUrady Jai. L. Clark A, J. King N, i k... Durnaidei Wm. Cat heart- Adam lleek M. M Klwain.... Jos. Johniton Chest laaac Rainey P. Coutcret....Corinffton aloha Parka.. Wm. Hrewa.. Mat. Bead. Joha Dale,... Jacob Irwin..- , Peter Kepph? .taa. Harrier 1 R. M'Pheraon..Clearncld D. Hen nor B. ft, Broom-Cur'ans'ie John Sh-dT. j. iiAUgnman Decatur 8. M'Clarrcn " A. Raughman.... " J. B. Avrea.w... " M. Walker J. H. Ferguson. Ferguson Robt. G. Shaw.MGoihea Wm. A. M cn Levi Hilton.. John I IU." Jos. Spenrer- John Oaeas.. ' .1. B. GarriK Wm. Klioc....1 spAUTION All persons are rT"1 vy against Begcittating for or rf aarlain n mm wan tat Ivb br rac Marine, calling for N u eel red any rala for tb aam, I aad"" 1 oa w pay is ant eempenca ej -'. Frenchrlll, Sept. II, lHTl-M I (MIT Ob Wdaiday, Sept.Vt J'J J eomiBf from M. R. Sabbaih 8f H a bracalst. eomnosed of serea P't J old, with a heert-ihavp. d loekal atu 1 oder will he rewaxdod by leering iki w theoffleeeCJ. B. Ho Ab H TOOT AJiI SHOIfi MAKING PHILIP WRAVRK.'nB Msrkrl Bi n na at. i J D. kea hilt a Sa. lul ef f rs.eh Calf Skies ",La! sat is lbs sssrket, snd I, new prtr" A afnetara .mrlnlni In all line. H " I rani sis wars 1. ks as repreaenlae. Tb. eltleena ef Cle.rielS ssi rsar.eir.lljr larlud to (Ire bis, t aslt . Vor 4oa st tb.tt notice. '