Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 04, 1872, Image 2

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. VV ..... ii. .
km Tot Awn pRoriiiiswii.
Domocratio National Ticket.
ron ntKsiDGNT,
or i ron.
or masornr.
Dcmooratio State Tickot.
or BKTtronn covstt.
1IEXDRICK H. WRMHT, I.uierno oounly.
RICIIAKI) VAl'X. I'ila.lelhia.
JAMES 11. UuFklXS, l'ill-burfih.
Delegate, at larjre to (be Con.f Hutlonal
. Cuuveuiluii.
Jertnilali S. Black, York.
Jleor;-. V. Woodward, l.uifrne.
Will in u lliflrr. OatSrlil.
Frank H. lliiwan, FiiiL.I:!ilila.
Hubert A. Laailirrton, llarriaburg.
A. A. l'unuan, IVajneaburg.
Jainci Kllia, I'ottavillc.
Ueorgc M. Pallna, rhilaiL-lpliia.
John A. Cauipboll, l'hild.lhift.
- IVillUra L. Uorb-tt, Clarion.
William U. Viuith, Alleghany.
William J. Ilncr, Suincratt.
P. C. T. limit), Franklin.
aiuu,l 11. ItejuoMa, Lancaster.
' Dlatrlrt Oclegatra.
JOHN U. HALL, of Klk.
Something W'kono. Rndicitt Con
grcsBiiian still continuo to'frunk' Blan
ton Duncan's cull for o tniilit Demo
emtio Convention at Louisville. How
disinterested llicso Grant ringntort
Jamas V. Burr, Esq., editor of llie
I'ittrihtirg Post, hits, been nominntcd
'by llie Demouruts and Libcrat Repair
'lionns of Allcjiony county for the
Assembly. Tbin id an excollunt bcIoo
iion, nnd it looks now as though "tho
bannor county" would defeat tho
whole Grant ticket.
Con. John A. Dix, ol "epot him on
tho shoot" notoriety, who is now tho
Grant candidate for Governor ot New
York, has been an ofiice-hunter all his
life and of com so a dennigoguo of the
first water. IIo was for lluclinnnn,
Lincoln, Johnson and Grant, mid linn
mmingej to hold ollieo under all of
Snidueo. A correspondent of tho
Philadelphia Press walked into Au
ditor General Ilartranft's ofliec, in
Ilarrisburg, on Thursday lint, for the
purposo of copying soma public rco
ords in rclution to tho sinking fund
.account. But tho clerks would not to io done. The Auditor,
.as usual, was absent. Wo euppoo he
wusoffsellingand buying faney stocks
with Slate funds.
Thcro is a very good reason why
Grant's office holders refuse to clasp
hands noio's the bloody chasm. They
havo their hands so deep in tho poo
pics pockets and tho Treasury that il
is not convenient for thorn to clas)
tiands with anybody just now. They
aro afraid, if they withdraw their
hands for that purposo, they will lose
all opportunities fur u grab at tho
public funds.
U.ndemaiile Proof. Some expert
has obtained an insido view of Ycrku's,
bank books, whero Auditor General
llurtriinfl kept his account, before
Yorkes was sent to tho Penitcntiury.
Tho account (uols up six hundred and
thirty one thousand dollars in a period
of seven months, In tho buying and
selling of fancy storks. This is pretty
heavy business for a gentlemen on a
$2,000 salary. A greater fraud than
llarlr.-iuft was never billeted on tho
State Treasury. And yot, they want
to niako him Governor.
A Stunner. A smart Radical mot
fln old Democrat on tho street the
other day, remarking : "How canyon
voto for Horace Greeley, your lifo long
opponent?" Tho Democrat counter
cd on him io regular Yankeo stylo, in
this manner : "How con you vote for
such renegade copperheads as Grant,
llorlrnnft, Allen, Mereur,8cofield, and
Curtis? Thoso men have "all been
yonr "lifo long opponents," and have
fJK'11 from grace, wliiio Mr. Greeley,
has been converted, and in tho fuluro
"" ill lead a consistent nnd upright lifo.
ZU'sides, he never was A rascal."
Dfvockatic Mr.niNas Wo under
stand t' ilu County Coinmittco
has agreed upon the following pro-Hi-ammo
(or meetings in this county
previous to tho October election, vir. :
Qn'l, M in'trtf e.-nlnjr. f?fpti?nr.r loth.
I niicliville, 1 iivmUv alicinoon, ITIu.
K, lcrtuwti, Tuf -tlay -veiling, Krpt. 1 7 h.
' r.:.V Flalion, Weillteailiif evening', lSlli.
(.Im llnpi, 1'inlar evening, Hupli J7.
Anxinirilla, HaturJar annnig. H. pli-mlinr S.
XfW WaahiiiKlon. Mon.lar mninu, Hpl., 30.
llurnijr, Mon'liy rvoniiiar, Si-plrmlwr St'.
l.utiilit'r Cily, Tutailay, l'rlotir 1.
)eln, VlVilrrB'lnT, 0 lnlM-r 2.
I'inniirll, Fridav, OuMr 4.
l.utbrraLtirr, Hjilnrilaj, 0totKr ft.
f iirtti'nfvillr, Munla?, Oatnbpr 7.
"Thcro will iio doubt be other meet
ings announced, it requested by tho
local committees. Able spoil k era will
priwnnt a s!l of These mnftings.
ii iUM, ,B r;-i ifcim ihgi
t'ou're .Itiother.
Henry Wilson, Grant's left bower,
through letteis and on tho stump, do
mes that he over belonged to the
Know Nothings. But Albert TiUo,
tho poet, oi "tor and statesniau, Wo
was a member of tho Grand Council,
thus punctures Henry's "loil" fulso
hood. In a letter to tho Tribune he
says :
Km: ''Was Henry Wilson a Know.
Nothing?" You say that you aro
constantly receiving letters asking an
answer to this question.
1 will answor it. I was a dtlegato
to and member of the Nutional Conn
cil of the Know Nothing Party, in tho
summer of 1855, nt Philadelphia, and
one of the seven delegates from a
Southern Stalo. 1 found the present
Senator Henry Wilson in that body
when I entered it, anil ho sat In it
during tho whole session, and helped
settle the platform being ono of tho
scvon delegates of Massachusetts.
To be there, ho had to havo the
sign, word, und grip; nnd necessarily
had taken t lie saiuooath which we all
had taken on entering the order, I. o ,
uoltoHssist in any way in elevating to
any ollieo of trust or profit any person
of foreign birth, or any Roman Calh
olio. 'J'ho oath Is us binding on him
now as it was then.
J! v name will nssuro von that 1
know that of which 1 speuk I object
to Mr. Wilson's sneaking out of (ho
scrape, by both tho supyressio veri
ntusugjetiofalsi. Alhekt Pike.
As the would, bo Yieo . President
owns a Iront pew in a very religious
church in Boston, and stands at tho
head of tho Congressional prayer
meoting nnd Temperunco society, he
should quit bis common way of lying,
and resort to souio other, moro digni
fied niodo of deception. Tho five
pointers will not bolievo him after a
while, much loss his christian col
leagues. Wilson's voracity, liko unto
Grant's, is very much on tho decline,
since ho has boon put on tbo ticket
with him.
"oiHtt t'aprusfs.
The corruption ring editors and
stumpers have been magnifying tho
expenses and cost of the Gray-McClure
Senatorial contest last winter, an ex
pouso of which tho ring itself was tho
causo. Col. McClure,lhrough tho Phil
adelphia Press, expopes the fctrategy
nnd falshoods of tho corruplionUts in
tho following letter :
To the Editor of the Press :
Siu : In answer to the inquiry of
one ol your correspondents relative u
the expenses of tho McCluro Gruv elec
tion contest, I woulj say ibul tlio ex
penses of that investigation were less
than that of any other similar contest
within my recollection, considering
tho vast amoutof labor performed.
The Wall-Diamond Committee sub
pcenaed 510 witnesses and examined
less than 200. Tho expenses of that
coinmittco, as approved by the Senate
and paid, amounted to $JU,3'j T3.
Tho McCluro Gray Gommilleo sub
pU'liacd over five thousand, and ex
amiiicd nearly two thousand, and its
expenses, as footed up in tho Ring
journals, umount to 80,0Gli!
In making up llie expenses ol tho
McCluro Gray CoinmiUeo, tlio Rini
editors embrace tho Senatorial salaries
of both Colonel Gray and myself, and
an item of over $1,700 for printing
pnid to J. Ii. Lippineolt & Co. The
Watt-Diamond printing was done by
iho State printer, paid in liii bill, and
docs not appear in tho expenses of that
contest; ami as both Wnlll aod Dia
mond wcro paid Senatorial salaries,
iboso Hems should appear in tho ex.
peiises of that ton lest to mako tho
comparison Just.
I repeat, that in no previous election
contest was bo much dono nt so little
cobt as in the McCluro Uray case.
A. K. McCi.lhe.
Piiii.aiiki.I'Iiia, August 24, ;ul.
Parnbwoktu on Gbant. Hon. J.
l' Purnsworth, of Illinois, bus long
been recognized as ono of the ablest
leaders of iho Republican party. He
abandons Grant lor the very best of
reasons, llo says :
I have been a member of Congress
thirtocn years, and truth compels mn
to soy that during that poriod the
most wustcful and extravagant uso of
tho publio money, nnd tho least nc
countability of thoso w ho havo dis
bursed, have boon during tho present
administration. Thcro can and will
bo no genuino civil servico reform
under this administration. Tho feeblo
and apparent efforts which have boon
mado in thai direction aro a Mantling
joko in Washington among the chiel
friends' of tho administration, nnd
have only increased the methods of
"how not to do it." Indeed, when
they declaro that tho administration
is in favor of this much needed reform,
it is dono with a wink of ono eyo nt
tho grimness of the joko. There
should bo n clinngqof administration
in order to nrrcsl tho tendency to
federalism on I centralization, w hither
this ono is rapidly hnstoning,
CoNKhlU-RATK RfcColinB.wTho New
York Jhrald says i "This Confoderato
archicves job is a gross outrage upon
tho people, a burning disgrace lo tlio
administration which
Theso papers havo been in tho inarkol
for years. General Rawlins would not
buy thorn without examination. Mr.
Seward would not have thorn at all.
Their authenticity is soriouly denied.
In spito of all this Mr. Boutwoll pays
Pickett 675,000 for itoring them, and
after their purchase they seem to bo
only used for party purposes, and
valueless nt that, Common honesty
demands thut tho Republican parly
pny for thoso trunks of rubbish, and
iho good name of President Grant
demands that tho Federal government
and that party should havo sepcruto
organizations, und each carry on its
own business.
Dead Letters. Nearly threo mil
lion letters went to tho Dead Lclter
Ollieo last year. They aro partly
classified jis follows : 53,000 haters
had no county or Stslo dircctioiynore
than 400,000 lacked stamps and l),000
wcro posted without any address nt
all. 1 ho sum of S!2,000 in cnh, nnd
more than 515,000,000 in drafls, checks,
A.C., were found in theso letters. It
appears that on an average ovory let
ter that is misdirected or that goes to
tho Dead Letter Ollieo from any oatiso
oontainH til.
More Roi.iiif.iw. Tho call for the
Soldier's Convention nt Portland Me.,)
is signed by a Register in Bankruptcy,
two Collectors of Cnstomes, a Private
in the Homo Gunrd, a Colonel who
rosigned boforo his regiment left the
Slate, Paymaster, and two Pension
Agents. iva h humbug.
if ;
VoHgrtmitonnl Convention.
Tho mooting was called lo order by
tho selection of Dr. C. R. Karley of
Elk County to the chair. On motion
C. L. Barrett of JelVurson eounly, was
etiosen Sufirciary. Tho following del
egates answered to their names,
I'lnrarlil Frank FIvMInf, Ii, L. Krob, A. W.
I'ouioron-J. II, Karl, Saui'l Smith, M. I. Mlo
r,l. Krla llrnrv Tol'er, II. A. linker.
Klk Dr. 0. II. turl.-.T, 0. II. Omul, w, H. Ilnm
Ulrn. Fnroal Nut rrproaehlrd.
Ji'tlVrion ('. L. Ikrrelt, Julin ll. Wllaon, Hulo.
mm Kaufman.
MoKcnji Of n. T. L. Kana.
WniriMi M, Watri, (i. N. Pariulca.
It was moved and seconded that
counties not fully represented bo en
titled lo three votes. It wns moved
thai tho temporary organization of
this convention be made, permanent.
ll was moved by D. L. Krebs of
Clearfield, that tho nomination of a
camlidateforCongrexs be now in order.
Mr. Waters of Warren, nominated
Gun. Thumas L. Kane, of McKcan
It was moved nnd seconded that
Judgo .Marvin of Erie, be admitted a
delegate in place of Hon. Win. C.
On motion of D. L. Krebs of Clear
fluid, tho nomination of Gen. Kano was
made nnaiiiioions.
It was moved hut the chair appoint
a committee ol three lo wait upon Gen.
Kano nnd Intorm hnu ot his nomina
tion. Thu chair appointed Mr. l'nrin
leo of Warren, Mr. Earl of Cameron,
Mr. Fielding of Cloarliold. Tho com
uiittuo returned, bringing Gun. Kane
with them, who accepted iho nomina
tion in n low well timed remarks.
Tho Convention was addressed by
Judgo Marvin of Erie, D. L. Krebs of
Clearfleld, Mr. ntson of Warren, Mr.
Karl of Cameron, Mr. Wilson of Jef-
erson, Mr. Grant of Elk, Mr. Teller of
Dr. C.R. Early tho Prosidonl.thank
cd tho Convention for Iho honor con
ferred upon him in calling him to pro-
side over its deliberations.
On motion adjourned.
C. II. KARLEY, Pres't.
.C. L. Barrett, Scc'y.
Coupon .Vir..
To voto for Huttranfl is lo endorse
ofllcial rascality.
Peaches .sold at Carlisle, Wednes
day, for fifty cents per bushel.
Tlio PoslmasUr at Wilton, Iowa, is
"out" for Grant lo the extont of somo
?o,000 in his ollicial accounts.
Maginnis, Democrat, has been elect
ed delegato to Congress from Montana
by 401 majority.
Tlio Central Pennsylvania Synod,
Lutheran church, will meet ut Lewis
town, September 25lh.
And now they say that Iluckalow is
a gilt. taker. Let il be remembered
that ho has no ofllcos to give in return.
A lady in Washington has bet n $5,
000 dwelling house against 81,000 cash
that Greoley will bo elected.
Gen. Uartranft has made no attempt
to refute tho charges thai he used the
State funds for his private purposes.
Dr. Cyrus Dorsey Gloningcr, a prom
inont physician and Democratio noli
ticion, died suddenly at his residenco,
Lieoanon, l'a., on Friday.
Ono good turn deserves another.
Grunt supports the Camoron ring in
Pennsylvania and Cameron supports
tlio Grant ring at Washington.
Tho Philadelphia Press insists that
"if tlio fortunes of Grant anil Hart
run ft be indissoluble linked together,
both in u-t fall in spile of lato und tho
Cameron taction,
Tho Siamese twins nie living in llie
wci-tci'n part of North Carolinn,nnd one
ol Ihem is dangerously ill; tins did
not prevent them both from voting the
libers! ticket nt tho I econt election
That old Union hater Garrison,
wants Greeley to "stop his senseless
talk" about "clasping hands over the
bloody chasm." Garrison is for Grant
and "piling up the halo."
In Potter county iho arrest of
mun for stealing a cross cut saw, lead
to the arrest ol another who had slo
U ii a rifle, nnd this led to tho appro
hension of a burgler who had broken
open a btoro.
Il is staled that a rcconnoisaanco In
competent engineers shows tho Mis
souii river lo bo navigable nboro the
t ails, "lor a good class ot sloumors,
I to usance of 276 niiWs beyond Fort
Benton, tho present'J "1 pavign
O'Brien who "gnvo the Tamir.unv
records to the New. York Times, is
reported to havo said that Judgo Me
Cuun could have been acquitted if he
had been willing lo spend $20,000.
Ho is a nice rcformor.
An Indiana woman just divorced,
has written a letter o1' advice lo her
sex in which bIio says : "I would say to
young girls not to marry young, and
when you nre married, livo nt least
fifty miles from your husband's rela
tives." Tho Rev. James Roosevelt Bnyley,
Cutholio Bishop of tho Diocese ol
Newark, New Jersey, has received
from Pope Pious IX a bull announcing
his appointment as Archbishop of Bal
limore, to succeed Archbishop Spuuld
irig, lately deceased,
Senator Schurz is of tho opinion that
tii a ill's despotism dors not riso to tho
dignity of CVsarism. His personal
government "is not inspired by any
grand, lofty and long headed ambition,
it is absolutely barren of ideas and
originality baro of striking nchiuvo
incuts, void of noble sentiments and
inspiring example. It is simply dull
ami heavy, stupid' and subborn in its
Tho Springfield liepxMiean's Con
cord correspondent writes : It is idle
to talk of Now Uiimpshiro DvmocrntB
supporting Grant. A few of them will
rotuso to voto for Greeley, but that is
all. Edmund Buiko, tho veteran
Df niocrnt cd' Newport, who has been
a leader of his party for mom than
thirty years, offered lo bet $1,000 Iho
other day that not filly Democrats in
tho whole Stato would vole for Grant,
nnd nobody would lako tho wnger
On the other hand, ho reports in Now
port, Unily, Plainficld and other towns
in bis vicinity, a suflleient number of
Greeley Republicans to carry the Stato
by 4,000 majority if the oilier towns
dons much. Colonel Tnppnn reports
the samo thing in tho towns about
Brad lord, and tho en mo story conies
Irom in in y all parts of ihcStsto.
A Lie Not W r.i.t, SrurK To. Noth
ing moro is saiil of tho groat conspir
acy between Horaco Greeley and Gov.
Seymour. The papers, which publish
cd tho Bingliiinipton Republican lab
ricntion ns n fact, and gloated over It
ns a triumphant proof of Greeley's
mondflcity have not hnd tho dcceiicy
nor manhood lo say that it was lie.
No ono of Ihem has acted honorably
in this matter, nor is ono of them like
ly lo do it,
ShorifTs Sale.
BY rlrtiitofwrluof V'diiini AVonot, Inued
out of lut Court of tiomiuuB flu uf CUr
AI4 cnunly, and to mt (Jlrvoutl, n,r will
bt ipoHil to pulille titU, at tho Court lluiuc
In tlit biiwniih of I'loarfUM, on Monday, tin
2; I J dr.; of HiiiUu.inr, 1H72, ml o'clock, p ut i
tbo Jollunlng diivrlbetl rim I mititr. to it :
All ill at fturtitlu traot of Itud tliunlr in Mnrrtt
towi.niiij), Clrnrlleld cutiiiiy, iVmmv IvruIu, ,i'iu
uiiiffnt a wtiilo unk eornrr of l'ir YamoN,
the loo 1)T mine nurl Ii 57 tl'-tfn'oi wont ierla
to tt, ihouoo .un til 4.1 fiKi-ci onat VO orc.ivi
to a niHilvt tlionco iinrth 71 rirgrcoi tut MO
nnrflhei lo HUM ile n bftlik of MonliaiihaD orfltk.
tl.rnooly Ufiij. Mitrtin, louth 7UJ dXri'ri emt
VX. .' to wnyU", llicnne -until 17 ,- tirrrn
ent IU' Mrrh" to bluck onk, tlnnuc imth JO do-jCroL-i
will f orol'i to wliitB oitk, llu tioo uulh
VI) Ut'tcrvca wmL Ili I irultci lo ptucu of lu ft;
oouttuiiiiiK 1-J mirua nud hIIuwiiiht, lining Hie
mmii tmol urvr,vd 011 Aarrnnt to Jt-io Ynicll.
Ntfiird, taktn in rtHiutn and lo bo iu)d m tb
irMvit ol (lie l)otit turn torn u nr.
Ato, tiuo 01 In1 r tmt'l Hi Morna tovrinliip, mir-
reVtM. un worrmt tu Jutill Vll fimn. bcirtiininir lit
a p(jit on tlio wol nd.i of tln Kile T nrti.iko, tlicnov
by ri'pi.lm- of trnot Wiu. 1'otlor tioriti 41) di tfrvra
wit V.14-5 piubna to Kit, thetiuobf tftmi yt Wiu.
M -t li llnn-1. north 'I-1: 'U'rvou cunt .;i) ft .snhtiii
to ixiat, llii'tio- north W drrpu Wu.t U mti-Iioi
to lino Wiu. I'ottttr, tliniioo by kukI irnd nuitli 4tt
d. nreci wi tt IDlt iiurt'bca to old Utrli cunit-r in nr
i.tiMO i.oinoaiti, in i' mo vj uuiih j.fai nmui 7J
ilvirrroa ciwl 'J I iirritbcB to old nili, tiiriffi bv aur
vojr of Fat. IUvi, nortU 6t) diKruia ohsI '210 wr-
obv a to old hickory aluutp, tlu-tioo by tbo iuiiip
uortli 4U Ui'urw'n rail n prroiui (U old u'ui
biroh. tliMOoa nortb M) UcRrcfi eon I. 3ft jieridica tu
toai un liHliK Ol iaiiiMimiiuuy crri-K, UiCIk'O Jf
itobvrt Illrun. north AO di-iirce rn-l OH t mm lie to
old homloi'k. tbonoe by Jnuob Wlditnun, pou'h 40
di'rnu nival Ub jierobMB to a poat in line of Jacob
Myortruor, tiivuue by ama iraoi ami Jobn Mvor
trnot, loulb &0 drrci'a weal ;I0 .fn-l a to pout,
tli pima by tbo Krio Turniiiko, aoutb Ril ib jfrvr'a
wuat & purchoa north 05 ui'ruci Meat ii in.!it'r
north Jidrgrcci weal V porohca aoytli tbrrta
wri'at I'll piTubua aouih 07 dt'ruoa 21 pfrolina
to iMiat ontl plaea of b'iriiiri 1114 f a :iii,nif 416
no.tmn aud 16 pore boa and illonaiio. Hvland, ta
ken mfieuuitun anu to 00 aou aj to? (irjisr(y or
tho L'urby CmI Company.
Alan, una otbor trnot in M rrii townnliip, itir
VBVcJ'tm wai rant to Jacob Iti'th, tfigimiiir at a no it
ournor raal nt the now Turupiko, ihonco by traot
ut Cbriituu Muaarr aim Audrvw UrafT, aouih bi
dt'grofii weat SOU pcrohui Ut pot on John Wide
man, tbonoa by aajue, north 40 di'girva wcat Ut
perchra to a wiit, thrnoo by Jraao Yarnall'a traot,
north 71 degrvoa oaat VO peroboa to an old white
oak, thonuo by aninn, north II dcjjrwi eaat H7
porohfi to a poit, tbotioo by iimn, north 17 dt-grcra
weat 100 parcheato old wnno oau, inctioo by Uiiij.
Martiu traot. north 00 dnirrcfi enat I6i ik-rubra to
old obvrry on bunk of crct-k, tlu-nco aoutb 4" du
a;rea eat perchea to th place of bcinninjt ;
aoulaining.lO aura and 22 perchea and alJowiio(
uxccptitig anu reserving bcvortm-li'sa out ur thia
propt'Ul uront tbo right of John Truck and Juarpb
B. 1'arker, jr., their belra and aaaina to uia, 00
otipy and enjy freoof expenae, oigbl acrea of the
aurt'aoe of the Ucn. Martin tract, bcizod, takan iu
extx'utioa and lo bo Bold aa the property of tho
U'Tty toat tympany.
Also, a ocnain tract 0; pte of la:i t situate in
l coat or tovrnbip, Clerlild county, li'oti'a, bo
ginning at a pont comer of (leo. ijuh a 111 the
turadow beb w the coal bank, tbonoa by land ot H.
iriat, nortb It. t degruca wrat 77 porohoa t poat,
tbeuue by residue of Jnarpb Whitcbitil traut, aouib
0;il drgraea w it 104 pvrohes tu put, Iheuco by
the aaine, aoutb 1(1 i dcgraci raat 77 pnruhea tu
pust in '.co. nouiia un, ineneo uy iann oi Rtmitt,
anrtb 6'ik drg.-eea oaat 104 pare hoi to tilnee of bo
ginning; containing 4V acrcaaud 110 perclita aod
warranted to Joseph W hitehall. Hcu d, tnkau in
ekeeution and to bo luld aa tbo propiriy of thu
Urrny coal company.
Also, a certain other piece of land liluata in
ftcatur township, Vlcarhrld county, and bcini
part of the Joaepb W bitehnll, beginning at a poat
10 the aoutb weat corner of the tract, ihcnce by
land of Lloyd, north 2t. dc grace west t2j pvrnbua
to a post, 1 1-puce by land ot raine, north O-H do
grcea taat 1 04 perchea to post in an 0 Id line, thenoe
by land of 1'bihpB and leaf a, aoutb 264 degrcce
eaat 6-i parches tu birch aappling on tho .jurat
tract, inence oy aaid tract aiuin tti'i dtgrcej weat
104 perchea to the plaM of beginning! con lam
ing .1 acres and 20 porebaa. hi-liad. takrn in
elocution anj to b eold aa tho prpcriy at lb a
ueruy 1 on vooiuan j.
Als one other pirea of land situate in Decatur
township, Ugmning at a poat and corner bitwon
iiaiuntuu ami .eigior and Ueu. bbniix, and run
Ding by line of bulti aud ti. Teat, aouib 2 1 de-
grreaeaatl peubea to post, tbi-nci) ly oiher
iHiiua 01 aaia fuui'a, noriUTU d-ni.., wtt
04-iuuprrcboi to a gate pout in a road. Incur
by hoe of t'uulti, Hamilton and Zvakr. auutb
oi degrnea ran Zt ZX-IUU parobea to tba pi una of
begiuning; containing 1 acre and aiaty-two prcb
aa iuoraor leaf, beio a part of auney by land
cot.vrvid by liar dm un I'hillpa, aod bophia, hit
wile to lieo. riliulit, by deed, dated 10 Aug., flt,
aod rweorded at 1' It-at field, in leed ll-ak "V,"
prtgea 4tJ A , Hoiked, taken in execution and
tu iw aold aa the properly ol tit lcrty Coal Co.
AlB'j, all Iqjbo two cert to piecoa or tracts ot
laud adjoining earh utber, aitute fn l'rcalur
township, Cieartlold county, 1'uun'a, together
boundtd and denrribed aa tuiluwa : Itrgm.nug at
a -t t eoruerof lands ot Ivm and tieo. huiti,
and on a line between tba and pnrtici and larvl
ol Morau, Utile A Co., and running norlli Kti
de.cca weal Hi 8-1U perchea to poal, thrnoe by
oiin.r lauds of the aaid 'lei!, louth 4 di-rrea
Mil 4 IS It'tl perchea to pusr, thenee amth 4'i de
grtwaeastO perchea to poat, thence avuth 70J de-grei-s
el auout 20 poruhua to poat on the lino of
Stephen Teat and M'trgun, ll:ilr? A d., thence
tomb II J degrera el atumt 24 4 liiper henioilin
place of begiouiog ; thoae two ccr.u.n pieces or
i;aoiat coo taming I acre and 62 pun lira, be the
sumo mora or lea, and having bt'vn hcretotora
conveyed by Win. II. fcuigter and wile. Ui the d
Ltirb) Coal Coutpan. heiied, taki n in executitm
and to be told as the prope.ty of lot liarby Cunl
AiS'i, one olhr trnot attunte parity in flueh
lortrunliip, Ceutre oouuly, and partly in Slorrir
township, Clurlieid ooumy, t'eun a, ad; .ning a id
hounda.i by traoii urvc)t)d un warranli to Jwob
VVidrina'j, l.otM-it (iJctm, lUvid haui-b and tieo.
HiiOaoHar ; conuintng .TilrWica, ninteor lcai,and
auoanaatbe 1'etcr i arnU tract, tieisj, lit tin n
in esut'ulion and to be e;ld as l lie ptopnty ot tho
im tiy Cuai Company.
Alsa, one otber tract ait unto prii-' pully in
Kuah township, Centre emittiy, aud L .wanee in
AJoma town tup, Ckaiiiold county, P un'a, be
A!''ntug at the maple corner of Jeaat Yarnell,
tbi-nce uf lam'1, ponfa 70J d greet east iv;i
perciJ '0 maple on the batik of .1W.i-,'nii')8 creek,
luence down Ibe ituu, 7'4 perches o a poat,
t bunco by land of Jacob Keh, touii f dreea
west 1U2 perciict to the place of begum ng ; coo 4-'i aerea, more or Icm, and uH)cl on
warrant to tbn Martiu. huiaed, taken a riecu
tion and to be sold aa iho property of t m lierby
Coal Company.
Alan, ail that certain traot of land Situ .to in the
Tillage ot JanciTtlle, Hiinhrb liiwiiahlp, OInattleld
ooumy, I'enii'a, lot being t0 Iret Iroul end run
ning ba k fwt, and bounded not h by an
alloy, eat by lot No. 3Ht aoutb by At:ir strrft
and went by Walnut atrtwt, and bnvingt frame
siatde and t large two story tiawe hou-e thereon,
aud occupied ara hotel, huued. lakeu i ctecu
tion and iu be told aa tbo property of U feu aod
Also, all that certain tract of land t. an ate in
Wallaoeton liogga lp., Clearlleld Co., I'n), begin
ning at pint comer of lot fW. 04, Ihuilu along
line Ot Cnarlleld afreet 20 ftf t to a pnt j tbcuue
weat till Pt lo post, thence aouth 4U Jr. I tu poat
at alky, tbeiee along aaid alby wit I I Wtt to
poat 011 line ol Tyrone aud CJcnrtield It. lttmnce
by amne, nuitli 00 l-et (0 port, thence h line ot
lot No. tii east ISO feet to pince of b-glnukig, be
ing part of lot No. C4 in aaid rillag. Ali all
ilioau twocertain lota or gpound liluatutD WHimee
lon, l!vgB townabip, Clenrltald eeutay, i'eian'a,
boundtu taat by Clearfleld atreel, weal py Una ol
Tyrone and Clearlleld K. It., north by laud f
Jm. II. Turner, and touih by an alley, aud hat
ing two frame dwelling houses tbereou rreuted.
Sailed, takeo in esecuuoii and to bo told aa the
properly of lleurlvtta fnruer.
Alao, all thut certain t-aot of land ailuate io
aMorria towni.hip, Ckartldd .mtity, l'a,, bounded
on the ennt b) land of Jacob W agoner, on lbr
south by Innd of latbatine Nebell.oii the west bv
land of Just-ph llayuioud, and on the north ly
laud of Mictmol Hadurt euiitaining 2.10 acres, ejid
having almut tlfleen acrea oliared, a franie buuM)
and log barn thereon. He mid. taken in cxrcutim
aud to be aold as the property of W ro. Ktinuiermaa.
Alao, all that certain traot of lund situate i
Mirria township, Clearfield county, Pa., bound oil
and described aa foltowat On the eaat by land ot
deo. Ilouror, aouth by laud ot John Hoover, wt-ni
and north by lwuhip road ; containing luu acref
inoie or lesi, and having about GO acrea e.tainl,
frnmo liouno and barn, a Urge bearing nrciiai i
and saw will thereon, ri cited, takon 111 e.xeutioi'
and to be sold as I he properly of Kob'l JJougiiort.v.
Also, all that certain trnols of Und siluiile in
Lawn me township, Clearlleld mutiny. Ph., No, I,
be ginning at north emt corner ot Itced's land,
tbenco wnsl 40 rod a to eliike anil atoura, tliencr
north about 64 rods more ur li-aa tu mull white
pine, thi-nce south 27 d gnea eaat or (UiealioutF
10 suko and tone, then aouib aUutit 4i rods t
beginning) containing II aerea, and H denied,
hiiu.'n and bom thrreun. No. 2, bounded by Iteml,
0g1rn, Witlon and others ) containing linj aire,
and having 10 a err a elraml and a log bcuae an 1
bat 11 Ibereun erected, beiitd, taken iu eaefution
and to be sold n the . rcj crty ot Joitpti Woodl
and l'a id H. Wuods.
Also, all that certntn traot of Innd situate (p
lloutxdiila Itorotigb, Cieat llr ld county, IVnn'A.and
known tn Ibe plot of said borough nn lot No. 13,
and lying north lUunnh airier, and fronting
tlieirfn, running north l.iO fert to lleavijr allcr
and having a largn two story plank ard
barn thereon, heiaed, taken in execution at.d to
he aold at the property ot John f1 mi lev
Alio, alt Hint certalu tract uf land ailnal tn
Oavenln hrtroiijjh, Clrnrflaid connty, '.t bou i.lrd
tniHh bf H i!e ureet, writ hy Mngit street, nftrtb
by lot of Kerin and rat hy alky, fronting flrtv
leet on Litiglc etrcct and 1M feat on Hale ttrret
and having a two-atory plank house tbareun rteit!
ed, Heited, tskro In execntku aud tn be a d aa
Iho pio'eM,v of John and Maltrda Lewin, ' '
Jerjat iprntljicmfuts.
Alao, all that eortain tract of Innd situate In
lleoottria township, Clearlleld county, Pa., bound
ed oa the boo U hy land ul MtiFnrlaiid aod Dillon,
wtBt by laud of Ham. Ilage rty, north by land or L.
l. Weld and east by laud ot J. I). Dilleu, contain
ing tighty-tUe acres, mora or )o, having 00 or
TU ftona ol cured, with a log house, log barn and
hi r go oiohard thereon, Hoiacd,lakn in execution
und to be sold as tin properly of Matthew Cmwen.
A I o, nil thnt certain tract of land situate in
Morris townabip, Cleat (ltd d count), l'a., bounded
and ducr ibid us follows t JiiMfinuing at a white
ptiiv, thence oust 120 perches to bhu k oak, thenoe
south 10(1 port) lius to white onk, thenoe west 120
pcrclma tu aurvlsbarry, tbenco north IlHi perches
to phco uf beginning 1 containing 1 40 ticrtis, and
having about 60 anrcs clcnretl and a log bouse
tli moil. Hclied, lakvn iu exerutlon and to be
aold aa Ibe properly of Nelaou A Hrennor.
Alao, all that certain tmct of land sito ito In Po
ontur towtn hip, Clenrfitdd county, l'a., bounded
west by Andrew Toy lor, north by township road,
soulb by land of John Crnne and enat by William
Ttiylor, containing abuut ono fourth of an acre
nod having a Iraiue houie t bet tion erected. Dciaed,
taken iu exM ulinn nnd to be told aa the prupnrly
of Lewis riuljcll and Urluifbaw Taylor,
Aim, nil that certain tinotof Innd situate in
!Ucii'iu liiwimhii), Clenrfl'dd ou:tutv, l'a., bounded
cast by bind of Harney Anunliong and Cree,
oulh by Aiiia'a Hinitb. Jr., went by lliiruey Arm
strong and north by (J, V. Caldwell, contnluing
aixiul ncri'fl, witb thirty aures cleared and hav
ing a two-story plunk dwelling buf. frame barn
aud tnunoiv tmreou erertt-1. Hied, Inben in
exeintiun and to be Bold aa the property of Joiepb
H . lUII.
Tan us or Balm. The price or Bum at whlrk
the property shall be struck oil nmat be paid at
Cie tlu e uf aala, ur aurh other arrangement
made aa will be approved, otherwuethe proper
ty will be linuietlmivly put up and Bold eguin at
the expne and rkk of the person lo whom It
waB struck off, and who, in eae cf dcflctenoy'at
auoh re sale. aim. I make good tba aame. and In
n"i tnxtanee will the Ueed be preaentod In Court
tor connrruntiun uulesa the tnnnoy ta actually
paid in tne nerlu. JChll J. riK,
biiKiurr 1 Urrit'N, I ebeiilr.
Clearfield, Pa., flept. 4, lflTl J
SherilT's Sale.
1)Y virtue of writs ot 7ri Facial, !soed
I ) out of the Court of Common Mont cf Clear-
livid count, and to me directed, tbero will be
exposed lo PUHI.IO PAI.K, at (he Court House,
in the bop ugh of Clearfield, on Monday, the uay or ccpienioer, lN7J,at 1 o clock, p (jj ,
tho following Ileal K late, to wit t
All I bat eerlnin town lot in the villi. go of;
Iturnaide, Cleat field county, l'a., Iwunded aod de-1
aoribed as fulkwt; Fronting on Main street hi)
feet and extending bnek along a street or public
mad down the river l''o fret, having a two-story
dwelling bouse nnd niablclbcrtson ererlrd. H cited,
tnk'-n iu extviitiojt nnd to be aold as tho properly
of Matthew liuiu.
A'fn, tlmt plere or parcel of land situated in the
village of New Waid.inton, Clearfield eonnty, Pa.,
bounded ami described aa loliowsi On the north
by McKoe Foster, by alley, south by alreot
and weat by slrcol, ctitmning ono town lot,
having a two-story frame houaeand stable thereon
erected. So Und, tukrn In execution syid to be
aold aa the prwpcrly of William U. Thomson,
Alao, the following pi mo or parcel of land, sit
uated iu Hcccaria township, Clearfield county,
Pa., bounded and dcaribcd a follow : Beginning
at a post corner, tbeooe north by the Innd of L. 1).
Wold J ilcgrecB cnl 7fl perches to a pout, thenoe
south by U;nl of Jtft W iliiami eat 106 perchea
to a poat, thence south by lands of Heierfy 2 de
grees west 76 perchea to poat, thence by lands of
1.. 1). Weld weal luti perchea to place of beginning ;
eontsiDitig iii acres and 50 perches, having a new
log house thrreoa erected. Helied, taken tn exe
cution and to be mid aa the property of W ill mm
ti. Worrell.
Also, all the right, title ad Interest of the de
fendant in and tu all thoae two cert :i in trade of
land aituatcd In Prcatur township, Clearfield
county, l'a,, one thereof beginning at a bireh In
northweat corner, thence by land late of Hard man
Philips woat l:il prrclu-s to port, (bruce by lands
Inte of llardman Philips aouib 22 degrees weal 1 28
perches to it hemlock corner of Cmwell inrvey,
tbenee couth 17 perchce to a poat by a maple of
A. Usa enrvey, thence by same aouth 43 degrees
eaat ISO perches to a poat by a maple by aaid Uoee
survey, I hence by A. Una' new aurvey north
degreea eaat 110 perchea le a poat, thence by the
aaine south 40 degreea east 27 perch ee to a p aton
wctt aide of Moxhannen ertk thence dowo the
fame north ft d'-greea east 00 parches to a poat,
t lien no nnth Art dtgit-ea ea.t 4 I perches to John
Hliimmcl a upper comer on tba creek, thence In
in tne weat 77 pcvha to a atone henp, tbenee by
ame north l -'.l perches to the place of beginnirg,
oontaining 2 9 arrs and 24 perch a, more or t$,
and treiog p.rt nf two ktrgnr tra-ta of land aur-
revrd in tbw natnra 01" Thomas Kuinuniison on ft
John 6tiy ron. llie olher'l c,inning at a hemlock
sapling close tn a white oak in the line of Thomas
i(ellin;con eurvey, 'thence by Innd of A. lioae nrh
60 drgrrea cast 1:0 peiebea to ft poat by a sini'l
run, Ibenow aonth 40 degreea e.iat l-V pnrcbe to a
poit in Ibe die, liog liu..f ike traeta of AfMrew
Albion a;.d Jobu Libby, thi-nceaouth 60 degrees
wrM P0 perches to a small beech on Ibe wet branch
of MoMiannon er"ek. thn?e nirih fit J degreea
wct ITS perchea to the place of beginning ; cn
tnining lou am a and 71 perclief, more or ka, aivd
being pari of twn utirreys In thu nnine of Thomas
K liout) l'n and J'.lm I.ibbcy. Heiicd, M ru in
eaie'itiou and to be aIJ aa ll.e propertv of k..
W. II ale. 1 '
Tanaa op Ft The rr'ce or antn at which
the pro erty shall be struck elf saust be paid at
Ibe time or Bala, or tucb 0 her arrangments
made as will be si nrored, otherwise the nronertT
wi4 be Irntoodiatety put up and aold again at
the rxpcne an 1 rlk of ibe peram to whom it
wit atruck 1, ft, nnd who, la ease of dcflciencr at
nch re title, ihall mxke good the same, and in
no infiTtire wilt the Ieed be preaented in Court
lor coniirruaiuri unlets the mnnev Is actuuliy
paid to the ."heriT. JUHTIN'j. PIK.
f iiRiurf a tlrrtre, I tshcriff.
Clnarfivld, Pa., f pl. 4, 1TJ. j
TY vlrlue of wr'ta of Lttar Fteinnt a-
I J aued out of the Court of Cowmen Plena of
Ciearfiebl eonnty, end t mo directed, there
will be expoocd to I'l i!l,I0 HAI.I., at the Comt
Douse la the borough of Ckarfl.)d, on Mon
day, theS.t 1 day of Scptc -iber, 1S71!, at 1 o'clock,
p. m., the following lical K!nt to wit:
f All l bat certain three tory fj-ame dwelling hone.
jm.h not, and hack building attached, about 21
by In feet, lo-ritur ana the curtillage appurte
nant theroto, til note about one half mile north
eal of Ckarheld borough, In Lawrence township,
' tcarucij counir, 11., on norm siac ot itoaii tend
ing to M unt Zi.nn Hchool House, Petted, taken
csreutiua and to bt as the property of A.
Alro, a certain twoi!orr frnine rl till tig house
20x;io fei t In atie, situa'e In Houttdalc, Ciew.fielu
ecunty, Pa., on tot No, 6tt, on the sflu!he,vt corner
Mf tluod and (.'lira streets, rteived, taken in exe
cution and to I sold as the properly of II. U Nell.
Tai'KB or 6am The price or aum at which
the property shall be a'ruek o(T must be pal I at
the time nf sale, or tuoh other arrangementi
made as will bo approved, otherwise the prop
erly will be Immediately put up and told a it an
at tho expena and risk of the person to whom
It wa struck off, and who, In ease ofdeflelency,
at such re.fnle, shall make good the Baine, and
In no Instance will the Itaed be preaented In
Court for confirmation an'eaa the money Is ac
tually paid the hheriff. JUSTIN J. P1&,
HiiKOir-r'a Ufru n MjeritT.
Clorfleld, Pa., Sept. 4, 172. j
Ul ;;lTl;il' SOTl r I'.,-Notioe is hereby
given thnt I he following accounts have been
eiMiiiincd ant) pnotcd by nits and rem am tiled ot
record in (bit uttic for the inspection of heirs,
legatera, creditors, and all others in anyolher we
intereated, and will he presented (a the next Or".
phanB Court of Clearfield county, to le held at the
Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com
mencing on tht 4th Monday (being the 2.(d day)
of rlepteniber, A. D. 1ST J.
Account of U. II. Hall, administrator of Av
brl Carr, late of Lawrence township, deceased.
Finn I account of L. 1). Weld, guatdian of John
II. Wold, of lleeeari township.
Final account of F.lijah aud Havid Aahenfoltrr,
adminlatrntora of Peter Asbcnlcltcr, late of lirady
lownsliip, deitra'ed.
Account of Amasannd John 8mith, adminlB
Iratora of Atnaaa Hmitb. lato of Hccoaria town
ship, deceased.
l-innl aoeount of Oeorge Leilicb. a IminlBlrntor
of Jacob dimmer, lale of Drady towntlnp, dee'd.
Finiil nocount of Oeorge W.'WcCully, adminia.
t rat or or John L. HoCully. late of peouaila town
ship, dcoeaacd.
Account of Lawrence Flood and Franoea Ilan.
nin, irs of John Launon, late of Cov.
Iritr'on township, debated.
Final account of AkxHinler Mcllwain, ndmin
iatrnior of Kiclmrl Ashsrull, late of HmtiMdo
lowtmhtp, dftcensed.
Final a'cnnit of (leorge W. M-ifully, a lioinM
traior of Catliariite Wtntiaidc, lato ol Ouelich
townabip, decerned.
F.anl a'-eoiurt of John P. McKiernan, ndmints.
t rat or of ho m at Fuikcrson, late of tluelich town
ship, decerned.
A c .unl of John fl. Mr Kiernnn, guinlion of
To 'Mn.a I'u'k.r.'in, William I nlk laoii, l.ilria
Kulkri.on and f'naan Kiilkwraun, nrtlurltoli lp.
Ai-riiunt of Ji.lin Cow.l.r, ftaarlian of Mar? A.
n.lld, Uti.Tgo V rlul and Daili.l olii l, ol III.
' rani Inwnahip.
1 t'trinl a-.(-'nit nf Klina P. laliol, (ritar.hrtn of I,a
I fj.trlla HiaiOpy, llinalia lln.lik.r and ijarah A.
1 Toatlrlliwal'., minor chillr.n of U. Jk. finili,
la, of llrafly It.anlii, d'Ti-:!.!--!.
I t'laal ai-cfiiin of Juvrph M. Kpior, tiiartl.n
1 of l.anra H. llile, nloor euil.l of Joapli tpem-ar,
1 dn--aail.
Kinnl aconiint nf K'lnino'l U'illiapia, a lminii
I tralcir of Jna.o William., lata of Ikrcaria lown
j ablp,
HaiiiirKii'a Ornrp, ) A. W. l.KK,
, I'lfnrliald, l'a., Aiig.Ss, lJ li. J llnlainr.
j) E ftSO N" A Ii I'Vml niir Km-iiTor
fcla h.ira are rrqunatptl lo land ad lrraa
1 10 lha un.t.r.;ftn-d, In Ir.rn tunnliina lo Ihair
a.rim.(i. Ad.lrrn C U Art. II. M LY Kit
J ISI-ll Hi Consul, I'lrl.iil.lpliia, P..
Hi. 11 1 11
OF tub
To be held on the grounds of the Association, In
Uiurtleld, on '
October 3d, and 4lh.
lrcmiuaiM . $1,250
1-IHf.T PIU1MH 1ita-Oiicn to all.
iiinu r ii r. .vi 1 11 .1 m
KOL'ltril l'HKKIUM it
M'.I'OMI I'l II MI'., (.lA-Opeu olii.rc
that liaio iitur Imttud In lt-m than ii; I A.
TIIIHII l'l liwr. $Kiii(iicii to hurac
that hare never bculcu 3 inlnulca. riiKMiu.M ,o
rouitru i KhMiuM in
I'll) K i ll I'I IIM;( IllPi,,' I'u r.e-l or
'IrultliiK Malllou owned Iu cuunlv,
F1H9T PHK.MIU.M t.lft
mccosd 1'ita.Miuvt an
1II1HD PHKMll'M 80
lll'lll I'flMi; i.-.a-r()r Ci.lta I yeara
old and uuder.oMued In rouuly.
riRBT PKKMIUM t;..30
1'lllKD I'HKrllUM ft
MM II I'l II HI'., HS-Ior horaca that
have iieier beaten J:lfi.
Kl. HM'II l-l'KSI'., Ituniilng Hac -,I50.
upcu lo ail.
Kntrli.a cloi 3itamUr 25. at 5 P. M.
All latter, la b. aiidr.Miil to A. t. Ml AW,
Cor. rum tar.
lap! 0. D. MF.RhlM.L, Tr.aUUi.t.
X. Public Kxainlitations of Tiaebcra for tho
present acliod year will be held for the reipcotive
districts as follows;
Jb'gits, 5(.o lay, fl.ptnubor 11. at '."all.uet jn.
Morris, 'j oesdav, tb plei bcr. IT, nt l.ybi: town.
(inihaiR, n red for d and HrjlTi-rd Iolrio.-di.uL
Wedneadey, rpteiuter I i, at dlituii;rrof e.
J rati an I l mun,, M. pttuiS-.r , nt
Lull crcl'tir;.
Uolber, .Vonday, Pt ptf mbrr 2, nt Shwvpo.
('irard, Xuod.t, Scot, tnber 4, at Jin Id jlilla.
t'o in'tt.n a- d barlhaus, Weiinea-i-iy, Mrptcm
ber , at lir il i Milan V s'.rre, in Cnrir n.
Huston, rbttur4ay, Kt ptetnbrr I'M, nt P itVd.
IS pec a! 4ixaiuiiu( ."'rar 1 w, Uc.riter & and
12, ut Cbarticl I.
K tainii.ntii'nt to oomminca nt 9 o':l.vk a.'m.
litrcctura are rerjuratrd !0 l-e present, (hot they
may veU-ct Uudr tf-tcbera on the day of examina
tio.-i. J. A. (KhiiJU V, Co. 'upt.
C;uur.eU, jtejit. 4. lo."2.
rilKUKH, Hoc. C. A. M YfcR, President
if Jutge of the Court nf Couima Pleas of
the Twwtty-flfth Judicial Ulstriet, n-tnf.oicd of
the ounttea of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
aid lion. Willi a a C. Folkt and Hon. Jon. a J.
ka,n, Associate Jodgea of Clrarflctd countv
have issued iheir precept, tu me direct d, for the
balding ot a Court of tuBttnn Picas. Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Pcaatona, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of tlenerat Jail deliv
ery, Bt the Court House at Clear ft. Id, to and rt the
ein,tyof Clearfield, eommening on tiin foil l (It
Monday. Kid day uf Koptcaibcr, I -1 Z, an J Ui
e ntinue one week.
KOTIfR 1.4, thrrefire, terely given, to the
Corucer. Jutloa of the Peace, and CouiUUci.
In and ftr said county of Clearfield, to appear in
ttrric proper persona, with their Records, U-U,
Iiio,uiitioi., Fxaminationa, and other Kemem
bntneos, to do tboae th'nrs which lo their offices,
and In their behalf, pert to be J -no.
UIVES enrlcr my band at Clearfield, ttir-lth
day of September, in the yor of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and oven'y two.
JI SIIN J. PIK. Sheriff
It hereby given that letters nf administration
on tho estate of Davio IIvvk, dcoeaacd, late
of thcboroiighorf IraiGeld, Claa-feld county. Pa.,
hiring been dulj granted to the undersigned,
all paraona Indebted to raid rrtutc will ph-ait
n-ake immadiite payment, end those haeitg
claims or demands wtll present thirn properly
authen lira ted fr ftettlemeot without delay.
MAUU1K K. li( CK,
Fept. 4, 1172 fit Administratrix.
STAT 15 KA1U Tho Annual Kxlii
bitirn of the P nmylranta Plate Apricol.
mral horlety wit) be held at FlUK, 8ipt. 17, 11
IV and yo, IS, 2. Competition li co extensive
with the Cnited and the I'rovincea, and the cit
itons of other States and the Dominion are cor.
diaiiy invited to compete for our priiea. No
Fotry Fee la rborgrd. Excursion licketa wii
be inued ty all the railroads ard aeuck aod ar
ticle carried at tba loweit rates.
Jacob r. Knr,
P. W.FMi.rn, Rec. Pee. Presideut.
ti.iitii'ua tMcCoaasjTa Cor. fto
i I A number or good beavy horsri, tuita
ble lor ltmbcilng, Apply fmrnrdiately.
1'tTliH A!c(i KitlUJ M,
sept Im ileiifivld, Pa.
"Lny down tho Shovel aim tho Hoc."
lumnyscoitt it,ater.
Tliis Ingenious machine, for w!il -ti a patent has
juft bet ft issued, It if confidently bolived will an-
i ucricde all otl. erf In usp or offered to the public
ia eob'UCtcJ bo that ll tunow, riant and
bows at a ile, atei,:' dlftanca apart, both wa,
dropping lour, five ui ai gra!r n cavli hill, as
the worker may determine beio.? cmmeti !"
covering the Oorn when droiipod. smoothing uv.n I
ita own furrow and leaving the ground id belter
condition than before planting.
It is in iteell a complete etlf uxii liny mid in,
n quiring no hired attistance and doing tba woik
better and with greater regularity and precision
innn ii con i (i pnMirwy ue uoue oy tiaDil, at b-eaj
umn uiia-irnin inn inuur.
Anybody thnt can drive, with this Planter enn
go into a field prepared for oorn and furrow, drop
and cover tin lo tilt con acres daily, ita capacity
being limited only by the distance a team can be
Bleaddy driven. Il it so eonsiruolod Hut when
not planting or In turning al the end of Lite fur
row, by a mere touch ll it raised off the giound.
thrown out of gear and moved backward or f'r
wanl, whrra you may want It, withuut dropping
the corn or touching the earth.
Practically it ignore men, hoea and plows in
oorn Unnting, and makes that which has hereto
fore been hard labor a mere pastime for a boy, or
about healthy exercise for a luiy man.
Inspection of the Planter onlruotrd by the
patentee cordially solicited, and county, Slate or
individual right for sale, at low raU, to expedite
Ii introi Inciion.'
AddrrtB KKl'UKN IIACKMAJJ, Patentee,
augi-am Clearlleld, Pa.
ISTIIAV.-Catae trenpaaaing on the premises
j of Ibe undersigned, in Lawrence township,
Clearfield county, on or about tho tint Week in
June, a red and white heifer, suppniod to be about
two and a half yearf old, and n black and white
Bteer, sitppoaed to be about one year an I a half
old. The owner tnnii)cd lo come forward, prove
properly, pay charges and take them away, or
I hey wilt be di"joid of according to law.
"g'i JOHN KM AW, Jr.
IUVr. On the 22d or August, helwren Hock
J Ion and llcvnnldfvillc, a black oilcloth trav
eling bag. containing the following articles, via
A teat, a plan of a bridge, a collection of miner
nls, a book, Ao. Tba rlnd-r will be librrnlly re
warded by tending the same to Ibe Humj lehiiiuia
llu.ise, CurweiiBV.lIc, Pa. II. HoiJVI.H.
r 1 m , ( 1 1 k h m nVvi i: i .l Tbo
Hoard of
I H.diool Directors oT t'ninn I
townehlp wish to
i io ploy two competent Icacbcrf for the coming
term. Appl to it fir echo In can meet the Ibmrd
of Hirrciorsai Hockton Kbool House, on Hatur
day, ibe 21st day of .September, al I aYloek p. tn.
Koekmn, Aug 2ft, l?;2-4t W, fil.TY.
VII1K1!'I R ATllH'H MtTU'l; Notice
ia hcrcliv given that Ic'icr nf adtniniflratitm
on Ibeeainleol ll,T"N M Hit I Hi:,d.veased,Ute
of Clearlield Borough, t.'lenrflcld Couuly, l'a-,
having been duty grantrl tu the undersigned,
all pcis'tiit iudebled to aaid ewtatn will plcae aar
pavinetit, and thoae having claims nr demands
will present them proper!? au'hentlcaiol for act.
llement. J AM KS W Kin I.RV,
AugjBt 21, 1872 (11. Administrator.
House & I.o? for Rule or Rent!
r II II K nnderslgned oireri lor sale or rrnt, upon
-JL reasonable terms, a two tlory dweliinjr, let
and stable, in nioomington, Pike township. For
l-rms, Ao., apply to I.KWM I. HI.)tM.
January .Id, l7j tf,
gnv (it'citisfttuuts.
or TI1H '
Cloarfiold Co. Agrioliltural Society
To bo helil CI. arfl. lil on MONDAY, Tt'EH.
DAY and WHDN Kr DA V, Si-tciulicr 20ili, aud
Ootubur lat anil ?!.
Ib-Btgiiing the coming fair to be one pe
culiarly in the inlen.H ul homo producers, nutner
otio olmtigus in tbo uaunl rules arid regulations
will iipponr, aa nlno in the atuomil and application
of premiums. Tbo farmers, mochuuica, tnnnufrio
turers and businesB men of Ibis and adjoiuing
countiea are tarm slly Invited to take a part iu
this good work, and lo aid llie Society in gelling
up an inhibition ol I bo growth and prod mil a of
this Motion of the Blato that shall be gratifying
to all concerned.
Rules and Regulations.
Family Tickets, admitting parents and their
children under eighteen years of age, will be fur
nished as h ictoore at f '' t-ech. Tlicen run be
pun'tnTd ot any tune at the oQioii of tbo hociety
in Cleiirlletd, or nt I lie oft'ic near the ga'e at tho
opening of the r nir.
'J iokeU uf Hue i licit will be Ifsutd lo lifo mem
The only oilier means of almtaiou will be in the
shape of licki-ta at 'lit ont each, and good for a
aingie auiiiiisioii only.
Those will be sdd at the office near the gite and
at the principal boiclt and the t'ostoflice iu town.
11 or Hi S ?(J rents auli.
C'crtiiicntea of in (tuber ablp will be furnished by
tho President or H-cretary ul one dollar encti, and
for one dollnr addiiionul a family t. will bo
ful rushed.
No adm Union etmrgo will be ma le for children
under ten yeara ufugc, nor will they be admitted
at nil an left accompanied by a parent or guardian.
KxhibitorB will be caretul to have their own
naiiira, with a proper deacription of thoariiclea or
animals to bo exhibited, entered on tbo books of
the hecreiary, and obtain enrds to attach to such
articles or atmuula, i huwing the number of Ibe en
try aud tbo clone to which tb-y respectively be
long, 'i bis work should be fnmht'd on llie first
day of Ibe fair, and can tie done id advance of the
foir by eiliibitors formtbing their names and de- I
scripti.e litis of the things lo bo exbibitcl to llie '
President nnd Secretary, aod wo earticatl.v in:itt
ujon the practice ol mak ing entries aud getting
cards In advance.
All articles or aninmls fnr exhibition, except
horteB that are t l exhibited on the trnck.niuxl
bo brought within the fnirgrnund before ten o'clwt k
no the Becoud dnr of the tuir.
An ample police force will be od the ground to pre.
serve order an! prole-t property, aod to this end
all Ibe otlWrt wilt use duo diligence phut the Ho.
eiety will not bo responsible lor any damage that
inav ocur.
Tba officer, managers atxl police will wear pro
per badgcB, ao that ll.e public may know to whom
lo apply lor information.
Articles or merit placen en exhibition, though
not enumerated in any or the clasKea. will bo fa
Tornbly noticed by the Kxecutive Committee.
The payment of premiums will commence the
ft ml Aluiidny after the fair and eoutinue for sixty
days, after which all unclaimed premiums wilt be
trc.iUi as a flooation to the bociety.
A M M W.
f t ABB 1 Thi rtHjhbud f.'nU'e oaraei in roHMfv.
Ileal bull $12; Hut cow 410
Ct.AHft 2Gratlt cattle otcntd im the eunty.
Itc.rcow $H; U-, heifer, 3 yrtold.Jj
licit call undT eight months M S
Ci.aai S 0t.
Best yoke oxen
i'LAn 4 .it CattU.
Best fat bullock, cow or heifer railed and fat
tened in tbc county-... $fl
Cl AMI bShtrp and Wool.
Beit buck any breed (6
Heat ewe, any breed
Heat lamb, auy breed 2
He it fleece of wool 2
Ci Aa fi-.Vtriwa, oiien to alt.
Heat boar, any breed .h
Beat breeding eow, any breed
Drt b -g aieer six montba.. A
licit pig under six months u 2
Curb 7 Poultry.
De it half doactt spring chicken... (2 00
l.rnl display of chickens, not kss than 1 dot.. 2 00
iiest diM.iuy ut tuikcys, not teat tl an 4 2 All
JIOttM K. fl Thorough St d irsei rprn to alt.
Host stallion, ant Uuod ll
liesl uia.e"and colt, any bn-ed, owned in Co... Iu
C L A l a 9 nmiy, draught ani furm inrtit.
Beat tingle family horse, , ,
Heat maicbet carriage horses n
Heat span draught boreca
Httt O'.dt not ovr imo years
Heal eo't rot orer Ibrvo jeers
Ucit cult under two yiara.H
Cl.AB l)Trotting ryrs.
P'cst trotting hore raised aoi owned in Co,
Inut walking horse onued in county H
licit t ut. ing oti 1 1 owned iu the C-iuutv, not over
4 yeara old 10
llie boil- iu l-e i.(V0 claaa Wiil b ltt; J on
the track, three ruii la eucii, the ownera thidui
the oriiera, and ta d idiLg t'pn the (jiiahtica tii
l Iio Lor net Ibe jud-ea will ink a into cuumtlcrut ion
the stylo of tbc waUicg or tr-i: ing as w H aa the
Clam 11 ;i(AINS,
Pest acre of winter wheal 10
Hell a-'le t-l rye 8
Hct acio ot ottte....; C
Het a -to of cin r
Heat acce ol clover 1 1 6
Hest 1 u'hel of wbt at... 4
Hvt hall buabel of timolby seed 2
l'ctt bushel rye 2
lcit bubel bt coin in Ibe uar 3
Applicants lor prcunuma on field cropt must
give notice lo the viccutne committee at h'nt ti n
days in advauco of the lair, ao that tbo gruoud
may be dm astir d and tft" yieol ascertained. 12 i II AMM VOkX FAHMt;KM,
Fur tbc greatest vnrioty, b-.'t qnility and larg
est di'pbiy of grains, including rlover and
liinothy seed, aiid nlto garden and t.v'1-1 Vc
(fctftbtcs, including beet, oui'iu. piu pk ins,
a-ti iehc, and Iruila cf all ktcus rais. I on
son raim cr rur kavb rAWinii $ it'
T.'ic am aud tenia to be tbilittd in t.ot Uj
quniititiet than a halt buihel, with lair speciuicur
ot all tbo other articles.
Clam 13
Th greatest raritdy and beit breed of horwt
and other an iinaifjiudnd ing swine and l beep
owned ami exhibited by the same farmer $ .10
A it n-Ict oranumiii entered ta classes 12 or
will cot be allowed to compete in any other clans.
Class 11 fttt and IVroV.'..
disp'ay of rul''0 t"" V ! tliin
cne doten....,
Hett ball bushel tint turnip r
Heal tiall bushel sweet ut
Heat display of celery
Ilest display of lablo be-tt
Heat displny ol field beets
Hett dirplay of cibtxige. not Irs. than 6 lids
Heat dirp!ay of c;tl tl wer .;
Host display ot tuuilona and I'i'.iashr
Hlt KlUHftl.
... 50
1 no
1 OU
1 HI)
1 Ut)
licit variety ai.d display ol pmrph ins. not
ram mill Uttit UUKCU...
Uest display ol eg plants
1 00
O.tM 14 y7eflrr rt f'yyi.
P.esl flrkln of Imtter. not lesa than It) ll a (: 00
Het Iresti tin iter, not le than 6 Ibl... 4 00
Cst cheese made in the county t OU
Clash lo t'tvur.
Peat AO piuinits wheat Hoar..
... 2 00
. 2 CO
... 1 40
...?! 00
... 2 00
Heat w pouiot rye flour
licit Ml pouiids buckwheat flour
Heat 6t pounds oorn oice.1 ,
Clahs 17 Mn(i AchWat.
Heat box or jar of honey.., ,
Heat ID pounds tn tple sugar
Heat peaches, put up air light
Pest tomaloea, pnt up air light, Diploma.
Heal blackberries, air tight, Diploma.
Hoit fancy jar of pick lea, Diploma.
Heal cured bain, diploma and ,
lict dried beef, Wilh mode or curing (
Clah 1 3 Bread mnd (Vreuf Fwd.
t 00
I uo
Uest loaf of whrat bread...
Uol loaf of rye bread
Heat loaf of euro bread.,..
Heat spuhge eake...,,
Kcl jeiiy cake
Heat pound Cake ,,
Pest fruit oak
1ct eotlce cake ,
Heit lailv cake... 00
. I IM)
... I OA
... 60
,.. Diploma.
... Diploma.
,..lh, loin.
Pst cake ol any kind, diploma aed..,...
t 00
ie-i preairve, mipima and....,
Hest jelly, diplotua aud
Heat display uf preserve aud jelly.,,
Jit si let vrrnm ,
SM( 111 NUt V.
Ct.AM 10 Bncairarof ImpUmenti.
Heat plow for stuM.te or sward
licit sub lot) plow
Hest clod cruslmr and roller combined.,
I to I grain drill
Heat threshing machine, diploma and..
Heal I h rehitig machine, diploma atid..
Heat corn pl.inter
.. oo
2 ffi
.. 6 t
. & 00
.10 00
Hest horse take. , Diploma and a 00
I' l hay pitching machine. Diploma
Hest horse power , Diploma and & (0
Hest oi ittin al iiivenlidii ol agrieiiiiucal impl'l a 00
I'csi imrmw b mi
lic-t lanniug mul , , 4 t'O
lU-t lultiviitor Jl no
Heat oorn shellor , 2 00
Alt ..H..I... 1 il. i. .i.... .... f. i i. ..
Mm... i. k.ii i.-.---.i-.i . :-.i . i.
" j wi.nM.nii. uu iuuii im im oi.uui.
' . , . 1
' """"".
Cl. SO Ji.f.a. frij -.ti'rir..
11fl h. hlr. ? ra
Dili aliiirp ma. hin. s
itmMMJ m.MMummi i m,i ihijjlij,
IflV lU'fltiS(IIUllt3.
Float grain eradla t.ii( ,
llt-at lut of gardmi tool. " ?
Iloat diipluji of furuiing ulutiaila on.d t.
.Khibiiiir k . M
TLia olnaa auljot to lb. rul. In olaaa I j."
C'l A.N 21 uana.l i'e JoMifitrlar...
Ilcst lo yards flannel
Hunt Hi ) unli lattnette ..,
Meat lb yards wook-o carpel
llf.l tu yui tn olotl
Host Id jHrd rug parjoi (wool vbain),
Heat pair blmkeis
1 M
Itest wool tritii-'l initta..
Ilait wookn overb-t......
..l-pl'itnr and H
l!ct hcciiiieii of knotting, knitl ing itr lite ,!
wi k by M l?l under 1 1 yeart old
lift pou'i'l lin:u 4wiug tlmad n j
Hat oun 1 a'k ki.ig jurt t j
l!eat f 't H
Beat tidy ).i a I j
C:.Aa :2-X
td ft.
Shell, 'VusKvrk, fjt,
Itcat rpecl meot of needlework ,
Meat 'pu' hnen flowers in worstetl
Hoat fpecimen sewing on inahine
Ibt spt-eiiinn rmbroidery in worsted
lJ"t upccinun embroidery In lane
Ileal specimen euiliruidery in muslin
llr-at aiecitnm leulber work..., , w
lict anceiii.on wax (lowers w
Ileal ('.men (tat her work
Ibft ifpiiimcii oitiatneotnl work
H'-at sbii f made by M inn und r 12 yrB
lictt bid quilt, is;ima!ed fur work
ClasJI 2.1 MHUntru and hmnaki.
Itcst milllti'-ry wuik
Ikat drtss-maluiig... , J y
CLAh ZlAt'tiitio Wort.
Ibfl pb-jl'iaph taken ou the ground lint
Il'-st laudvMoit painting li!.
Hint (ctiiraimbip l):!
I! st an bitceiurnl drawing L'iHtai
Uust oiU painting ......Ahyl
Heat portrait painting 1'iion
Host ratlle pmuimg '; l';yki
Heat patiitltig in water colors L'lftWt
Hciit urn iniciital painting of any kiod.....l' .iBa
Hcit far ji ing eocne ,..Dipj(JB4
Ci.Aia 55 Ihtlgn:
P-st d tn for farm houre and atable........ m
It'nl d n-u for dairy hoimc...
Ucst dcmfMi for fruit home ,
Cl ina 2u Jt'oiic Fit brio A Machinery,
Hrst ootiing rtove. '.
Ilest (atlor vtore ,
Heat p'fiiuru iron ferine
H-et display of tinwarr... ,
Hi at fp'-cimcn blacksutilhin
1 w
lUut spieimen of gunmi'tiiug...
Ii i ft apecimen of work in Iruu...
Heat plate rnSing
lPst abowcr bnth
lioat orlginul invention in county
iteat dix. Ain-ricm pocket aud table cutlery i h
V,vl dot'lnv uf eilge tools 1 ) B
Heat deploy of fmining and fied tools ( n
Htst uifplay ol iron uacainery ,
Ct i si 27 Vth it'f a nf alt Kind;
Boat family carriage
Kent bit pr fry
Heft farm wngon
Hent sle'gh
..-4 It
.... i ft
... 4 W
4 ft
11, r-t slid I H
H' Bt liorr1 curt 1 H
Lrsi whtelliarrow Jg
The premiums in this clas are intended t,
for articles uiairifBctured in tho county. Ii,p.
mas may le a'.Tiit.lcd to articles not male in tat
county if den-nlng of uoticc. Tbis rule k; ay.
plica to Clan wfl.
C'LAXa 2i Cabt'nttware mndt in Count f.
Hcst drc? ii (( btnrau ?i H
liest avlcntHi tnl le J a.
lt-t vari"iy of chairs I If
lit ct bo.lsli ud 3 ft
ll- ft wash kluu 1 1 N
Ileal ditplny of cabinet ware i
Heat att parlor furniture i
11- at ict of chairs 2
Pest sofa M
Hrvt c- litre tabic 3 N
H at l(urte n
Ileal oiliou thair - 1 w
Lttt rustic clo. ir ) a
Clash 29 Coopering, Carpentering, Etc,
Best pine ware, tubs, stands, ao.,
Heat set ol grain measures.,
Htal window bliudi
Heat lot ot buckets
Heft tpecimen of
Hest panel door
But puiup or any kind ....
: it
1 s)
Cl-AHS SO Currier. Saddler and ShotMoken.
Hi st gciitb xen'a hoots and shoes ft
Hest Udif-a' boots and shoes H 1 M
H t di.-pluj oT boots and shoes i It
Hest ruimg sti idic lor lady - 2 w
licit ri liug bndie and uiartingale - I p
hest nrf nni'hra hnmcae iraiiitr 1 Ii
Hest sleigh rt'hr made by exhibitor 1 s)
tit st entfiae harnetB I II
Pes l Ti f'e lliiiirss I ft
Cist d.-piiynf taidlcry I w
hest i.ue kip leatber M
Hut iohj lea! her ft
Hest lug hrtrnta 2ft
Uest g'-r tb-inan's aaddle 1ft
Beat travelii'g trunk 1 It
Uest side u pur bather-
Cuss 31 TwiVora wed f pA.fiewi' ITofi
Hct suit of e' jtbea made rry band U N
licet ants ami teat made by a lady I ft
Het coat made by a lady 2 st
Ht t burk uia'tiess 1 ft
lic.-i liair mattn ai 2
licet ttraw mattress 1 ft
Class .12 Printing im County.
B:st uewr-ptpir -lift
Jit at li'nik 1
Heat bandi t!! 1
Heat .-ard I
lUol m eairjcu ol on am n'al rrinting - i f
CLA 3." SKueuare,
Pr.t asr.irlme:.t and quality !v ft
Claw ?! Chemical d CAemi'coi Artio.
Pest aaiU' le muuure at moderate cost
Ii s t avatU'de maouie Ux farm nrodua If
He vine? ir e ith mode of making - 1
Hest sp ;i:ud of -.ap 1
Clasj C4 H'ooa and Stn,
Post dn -sard trnc .11 tf
peat butter bow) ll!
Hest tut of siiii.lcs not Icac than 60 1 1
H-. st tin nc.1 nr .e e - 1 tf
!:. H .; 1 oil -d, w-rked.... . Itf
-. ctviM't lr;L, H" ltf
1 c-t .i.itirr -a Ir K
Ii t U, it,,. 1 I ords wo k i 1
t I u. .Vultt'd Ji'aerefi.
B t .c't if u:c ul miivcrali of Cltrcll
Cntia y, coal tf
F st p it ei 'i e'av
P:t c ol Ivfi.r I
Hi ;i f p; v n 1 1. of eon) 1 tf
Ht '; -iu I ui niiuerala ul Cl-a.L.-ld and
a:j itii.'g c unties, to be the vroi crlv cf
Iheftm-ie'r '
Beat lmutt i.t U
Heat iirc c!wy 4 ,
Class 30 Fruit.
Best dis. an I grratest variety of grafted frnitii tf
Post display of pears
rl, Quincvs
Hest p.lf ni ppl". P ' "
Utat apecuuen o ni;:i grapes J
1.-.. J l - ... av otv I "
H'-st doiiusiiu giape Wine,...,...ittr"
licit curriini wme
let btkberry w it.c.. ,
Ci.asd Z7-lIorrmnnhipx
To Ihc la It who manntrca her ho rec best end
ails most ifiactully l hotogranh of 11cm
B'ltl Hi ler.
To tbo b iitletnrn win manairwi Vi horse
bst ant sit" moat gracefully Pbct g.-tpki!
Horse n I Itidcr
Bent driing on the track by a lady Pipk
Class ?8 Aersenee.
Pest nursery containing tho greatest variety
of fruits and shrubs, cultivated in to
most approved miuiocr, the appdeant U
furnish writtfii deauriniion. Willi tarii.i
and mo le id culture P
ft.AM SO terrtf Xtaf.
Pest disp'ay and great est Tarietj of flwrr4
Pct display and greatest variety of pla:.ti I "
Hct di-pliy of floral ornaments 1
Hest ha-dtuot bt.qiie with handle Pieksi
Uesl liatMl t" qm l Uiw
Ihn Eicutive Commits drew ii ircpr
state that in noting the ground they cor.s.iteja
the use of the irack, ly the Park Avoeiati
au hour or more, on the nf.ernoon of tk
and 81 days of Ibe fair, to tram or test horse)
Ihc trot the dat lolVwing.
M1.1.IAM MtlLKR, PrerJeit
Nathaniel Riam (., Hun IsLPprn
KminiliM Tn'SflureT-
F vr.'i -ivk r.iMviTi VriUiitfhfT, F.
U. .Miller. l-ac t al lwell, Jo.(.h Oe.avU
CouHtiTvr or Arraiokmr .r ot rU
in, A. M. 11 11", .Vartin Nichols. Kllis lr
A iron I te, Mr. Y, A. Irwin Mr. MeejieO''
kip. U li...,. lt,r-'..- W .IIm Xf. llr Is.
Oa thu tironufU. -Un Bloom. lKnrT K t1
Samuel C'dwel Morris Wallace,
August ilS, l'i;2.
.fl At 1 Hl. -Ml r,raona are heiebt '
against purchasing or in any ny snedah .
oo r :r i -I.
oat. nf 4 acre ol corn, of ft acre cf
i.. . i , . .. .u. . ...... nf Jace L
mum, i eii'u, now id hit
ii.... i.. -i in...... it. tain a
punba-ed bt meat dhonfl s aale, and H'
w.ih hi to on loan, subjcot to my order.
Corwtniville, Aug. 2 -St
'it.A Ar..H hla llouai'aa'l1
l..r al-. uliiiilnl on "Locum allvrl, Ml'i"' r " ,
and nrrH airprta. iu la. lioroMifii or
.!lho bjil.ltna ia
laa .Ion "Ii ' rl.I'a
null. ,. ' , . .
hniinr. wrll liiiitiinl. tn4tlbcr Vila
aim tnr .-"
.... ,. ,.' ;. , . .Ml .I.I.C
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OA ( aiiji Mn
Clcarllfl". 1