IBPSSMSMSwsasaaapa $rg ood, (fAtxttUt, St(. THE REPUBLICAN. grutlfitrK. fttlsffUaafoiis. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST J8, 1871. Paragraphs, The tbroe stupes of Darwinian! are how said to be, positive, tail ; compar ative, tailor; uuporlativo, tailless f A countryman saw a altoloton or a donkey Id a local museum. "How odd wo look without flush I" he said. A vinegar hearted old bachelor nay he always looks under llio head of "marriuget" for the uews ol the weak. A young lady at Long Branch re ceives a now dross daily from New York, and yet does not half covor her self when in full dress. Mrs Shoddy puckered up her mouth gonteelly and told a gonllomtin friend that one of hor lovely daughters was n "bluonet" and the other a "bronze." There are one thousand young la dies in Nantucket and only one hun dred young mon. Which are most to be piliod f When a man oomcs to an end by jumping out of a third story window be may be said to have jumped to a conclusion in the most unreasoning manmer. A bride of fourteen is on exhibition at Niagara this season. She looks younger, and child-like wipes hor eyes with Lor apron when she cries. She bad ber first row with her husband last Wednesday called him nasty man, and said she wanted to soo hor mama. The intense cold of last winter prov ed so destructive to the high-bush blackberry that it Is said thore will not bo half a crop of that lucious fruit. n many localities the bnshos were al most entirely destroyed. To flatter peoplo adroitly ono must know three things: What they really are, what they think thoy are, and what they want other people to think thoy are. A boy eight years old, in ono of our publio schools, having been told thnt reptile, "is an nnimal that creeps, on boing asked to namoone, on exanv nation day, promptly and triumph' antly replied, "a baby." The adage "Where there's a will there's a way," is illustrated in a Westorn town where the swains are so retiring that the young women can only got them (the swains) to squeeze thera (the young women) by persuad ing the former to make bets on their weight and ascertain the same by colling mora. A lady correspondent of the Wash, ington Capital my that a Boston lady who recently got herself up most gor geously for a dinner at one of the groat watering place hotels, bad the misfortune to sneeze' lust as she sat down, when suddenly tho half of the waist ol her dress ripped out, and somebody bad to put a shawl around hor. No married man in Illinois can get his "tod" without the following "per mit" from bis wife: 'Tornmsion is hereby granted ty me, the lawful wife of-, and 1 declare and witness by my own signature, that my hnalianrl lias the perfect right and liberty to drink, nnd as often as ho chooses to drink, and wbnt he chooses to drink, and I hereby relinquish all the claims arising therefrom." Angel Tiurbido, a son of the ex-Emperor of Moxico, died in Mexico City the sarao day on which President Juarez expired. A curious coinoi donce, betokening perhaps tho cessa tion ot tne exlremest systoms ol gov ernment in tho neighboring couuuy, and tho near advent of an era of liberal, intelligent and porsistoct sell rulo for xhe Mexican peoplo. Tho grand-mother of litllo girl tried to break hor of tho habit of say ing peoplo lied, and instructed her to say that tbey wero mistaken. A few days after, hor grandma, to amuse her, told her a bear story, which was hard lo beliovo. ' After nhe had finished, the little grand child looked up in her face and excluimed : "Grandma, that's the big gest mistaken lover hoard." Horace Greeley has said many good and truo things in his lifolimo, but nothing bottor than this. "Incrcdiblo as It might seem, the ' fact is but too apparent that thore are men who aspire to be eallod states men, whose love of country and ro- urd for justice and truth are subor inato to their desire for political promotion and the 'loaves and fishos' of office, and who do not scroplo to put in jeopardy the peace of the world, jfthoy thereby promote thoir selfish nnd porsonal ends." A lady in Dayton, Ohio, felt rattlesnake bite her last week, and, to .save hor life, drank quart of raw whiskoy. After she becamo sober, she found that a brokon stoel in her hoop skirt had scratched hor ankle, and she had ber drank for nothing. "Unless you give me aid," said a beggar to a benevolent lady, "I am afraid 1 shall have to rosort to some thing which I should greatly dislike to do." The lady banded bim a dol lar, and compassionately asked, "What is it, poor man, that I have saved you from?" "Work," was the mournful answor. ICicxcii Mines. Located in the midst of the fino agricultural county of Lancaster, is the only nickel inino now being workod in the United States, and which yiolds the ore from which many of our small coins arc made. This mine has been doveloped to the .depth of over 200 feet, and has been worked for; seventeen years. Tho length of the lode is about 3,000 foot, tho ore-bearing portions varying in width from one to forty fuot, and pro ducing from 400 to 700 tons per month, mi)loying 175 men. Thooreistormod, technically, a nickclliforous phyrro tine, and contains a small nmount of copper. In tho metallurgical treat ment of this ore, it is roasted and subsequently smelted in small blast furnacos, producing a crudo product, which issliippod to thoroflning works t Camden, N. J. tho only works in the United States whero metallic n'lukcl is refined yielding about 8) per cent, of niekol. The refined metal ) worth about threo dollars per pound, nnd for many purposes takes tho place of silver, particularly for stool and iron , ware, lablo waroo, etc. It is fast finding a commercial demand, and whilo it Ih not ns expensive as silver, it is mooting with groat success as a general plating metal, many former , exclusively silver plators using nickel largely. Columbia Jkrald. Tho Utica Observer givos tho follow Ing mot of Con. Grant : "The ponny is mightier than the sword." Down ! Down ! I THE LAST ARRIVAL AND Of COUKSB TUB CHEAPEST) A Proclamation against High Prices I WE ere now opening np a lot ef Iha best tad moat teaaonable Qoods and Wares avor offered in thli market, and at DrioM that rami nil ona of tha good old days or cheap things. Tboaa who lack faith upon this point, or deem our alle gations superfluous, naod but CVflM, .IT Ol'R STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they eun see, feel, hoar and know for them selves. To fully understand what areokeap goad, this unit ba dona. Wa do not doom it neovsaary to enumerate and ttemtsa our atook. It if onuugh lur Ul (o eiaie toa We have Everything that ia Needed and consumed tn this market, and at prloea that uujdiiq ooiu oiu ana young;. aeuu JOSKl'II sriAW A BOX r. . iillm. a. a. rowri.L. MILLER-& POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Graham's Row, Market St, CLEARFIELD, PA. Wo would most raspeotfully Inform our friends, oustomcrs, and the publio generally, that we are now back In our old quarters, which have been remodeled and improved, and wa are now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor us by calling. NEW GOODS1 We have just received ona of tha largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise aver brought to Clear- eld onunty, which wa Intend tn sell at such Ig urea as will mike It an object fbr all persons to purchase from us. Familiea laying In winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, should net fail to giro is a call, as wa feel confident our prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Oar stock sf GROCERIES consists or Coffees of Ihe best quality, Teas, Su gars of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, fijjloea, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac, Ac Our stock of DRY GOODS is large and varied, and wa will just say wa can supply any article In that line, without one str ung. READY. MADE CLOTHING Wa have a large stock af ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which w will dispose of at a very small advance ea cost. Boots and Shore, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Quecnsware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Ooods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac, Ac reDeing extensively engaged la the Lumber business, wa are able to offer superior Inducements to jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. CleerJUtd, Pa, J.aa. l lave. N K W GOUDSI Xew Firm at Wnllaceton, Pa. JOHN HOLT k SONS I rare bought the entire stock of goods from P. Usllaghor, and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from tha Eastern citiea, such aa ' ' DRY GOODS, " CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS 4 SHOES, HATS & CArs, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, u., Ac, 4c, To exchange for Country Produce, Railroad Ties, Lumber or UAMI. Uetober I", IH71 JANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHEIt8BI'RO, PA., Dtalsr in ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIEKY & GLOVES, IUT3 A CAPS and BOOTH A SHOES, Tobaooo, Groceries and Fish, Ralls, Hardware, tcueensware and tJlasawere, Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Druga, Paints, Oils, School Books, a large lot of Patent Medicines, Candles, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack- erf, Book and ttina I'owdur, Flour, Grain and 1'olatoea, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroooos, Linings, Bindings and iureau, nnoemeuerr ioois ana Shoe Findings. o greater variety of goods In any atore In th oounty. AH for sale very low for cash or country proiiune at ma cheap uurner. April 10, 16,. It E AD THIS FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tha attan'lnn nf Ik .III...... .r t a., . i vicinity Is directed te the fact that (ioodfrllnw A Hon are Ihe agents of M. Niece A Co, and bars just rcceired a half doieo ear loads of Flour and Feed, which lacy offer at tea lowest possible i ures. A large stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn la ear, Ac, Ac. V. .n... i . . i . i i. .-ti-a i. as ui a Co.'s hrsnd of Family Flour, which la tha best In (lie market. rieirM" vmm win ue soin oneaper than It can ba obtained els.er.er. la Clcarnold oouaty. ... j v I i ... 1 i . i nmrftloea an If ..! itM.1 ... Anm i II... Alexander Irvia'e residence. 0OODFELL0W A SON, JaslOi Agents for Jf. Niece A Co. rjlHH X B w SEWING MACHINE! The " BLEES I" Patent Link Motion. Almost noiseless machine. lon't fail to alanine it before purehas. iag elsewhere. II. BRIDGE, MERCHAMT TAILOR, CLEAUFIELD, PA, Afoot for Clearlleld county. Local Agents wanted la every town In the oouniy, to wnom liberal terms will te given. Ilon'l fail to eiamine It and satisfy yourself. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. T, 1872 1f. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco end Cigar Store of n. . sir.ttr, Between Shaw House A Mansion House, Clearfield. Constantly on hand a Una assortment af Nary, Congress, Cavendish, Cable, Spunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Ac Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaeees, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe natures, Tobaooa Boxes, Cigar Holders, and erarylhing generally foand la a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store J9 Remember the place: Market street, be tween Shaw House and Mansion House, Clear Isld, Pa. pj.tojaa.i 71 POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OK 111 1. rt fev n "" W1WHJ". Greeley & Broun CAMPAIGN CAPS, Capes and Torches, TRANPARE!sll! HANNbKM. With Portraits or any devioe fur all parties. 1 Silk, Buuting and Muslin Flags of all Bisas on nana or made to order. Chinese J.enterne of all sises and styles) Paper Balloons, Fire Works, Ae. Campaign Clubs Dtted out. at the lewsst rales at WM. F. SCHE1BLES CAMPAION DEPOT, it South Third Street, Philadelphia. jylT Jm linn fob cinema. C OOK RTOVE9I SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, 6UfiJUEHANNA, SUPERIOR, QOV. PENS, REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, NATIONAL RANGE, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOES, SPEAR'S REV0LVINO LIGHTS AND DOUBLE HEATERS, And all kinds of Heating Stores for sale by aag.V7t H. F. BIGLF.R A CO. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H C A Jj 12 H , or as.t xmosj "sggaga Barrows, Warehouee T rooks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Aa. rn sue it : II. F. BIQLEtt k CO., Dealen la Hardware, mehJ0:7i If - Second Street, ClearHeld, Fa. rnrpRA rriTT cTAwniwfi ucrc . ...... vv,,r, v,r,.,w, tnLu, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, . kept constantly on hand. STOVE AM) EARTH E-WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTS I CROeKSI fisher's Patent Airtight Srjf Reallug rran a ana i BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, ArrLK HI1 I I HH UKIH;H, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIK DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great many other things too numerous to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Caraer ol Cherry and Third Streets, t l.hAKMhl.D, FA. aug IT.F BIGLER k CO. have for sale CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOODS, SHAFTS AND TOI.E8, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, &o. Carriage aad Wagoa Makers should make a aots of this aad call and eiamine them. They will ha sold at fair prices. ' may)! 71 JOIIM TROUTMAN. Dealer la all kinds af FURNITURE, Market Street, On door east Post Oflca, ogl7t CLEARFIELD, PA. A Notorious Fact I THERE arc more people troubled with Lung Diseases In this town than any tbernlaoe a its slsa in Ihe Stole. Due of the great causes of this Is, the use o! an impure article ol Coal, largely miaed with sulphur. Now, why not avoid all this, and preserve your Uvea, by using only Humphrey's Celebrated Coal, free Iron all impuritieo. Orders left at the stores of Richard Mossop and James B. Graham A Boas will rewire prompt attention. ABRAHAM IIUMPI1RET. Cleardsld, November 10, l7t-tf. 8AW8! 8AW8I SAWS 1 DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For aula bu ll. F. PIOLRR A OO. octlJ,7(l Beale's Embrocation, (UTI POWELL'S,) Far all diseases Ualdeat to Hnreas, Cattle, aad liumaa riesn, retiring tha uaa af aa esleraal appllcatioa. This Embrocation was sitansirslv ussd te the government during ths war. For sale by Hartswtek A Irwin, Clearlleld Joseph R. Irwin, Corwenstiile. Daniel Uood aadar. Luthersburg. , f. Attention, Lumbermen ! WI are now manufacturing our III PROVED STEEL BOCK ET HftlVINO CAVT HOOKS, superior ta any other In use. We have also in stock a larav quantity of Canihooks suita ble for rafting nurmwes, watch wa are aniline aheap for cash. AMtMs A H. KENMARD. Clsv(sldi Tm., Nate) ) WJ. M . 0. U OTTO ANNOUNCEMENT ' OF TUB SRRAT " ' ' REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY 8. PORTER ftlUW, O. I). 9. I IMPORTANT TRlTIISt Having iuoeMled Id gutlinf I ig liter tariff oa naUriftl, be no tb to anil mvdrati har(4i fur aruai ana tun Mil oi ?ain, i um tit a bcal manuraolura or teeth and otbtr matorlal. All operation! rcKiitaratl md warraoted lo gtvo Hr vloe and utiaUeliun. Friendi, r(tot thai my oharr Air tha Inter, ttoa of art! ft ot at and the taring of the natural teeth arc bow tfaomoitrcaaottableio P eon r Iran la. fnmmi yonr leetn ana ron prwrve your health. Putting of tho n at oral Uctb In a health, pre wrratlre and ate ftil oondltloa la aiada a epoelalty. DleoaMi and nialforiuallnaoouiiam to tbo nouih. Jaw and aieoclato parte, are treated and oorreatvd with fair luooeta. Kxaininatloni and. ooniutU tioui raaa. It would ba well fbr pet lent i from a diiUBct to let mo know by maU a fuw dari befure oouiitig to tho odioo. t It li rrrj Important that children between the agn of eii and twelre jeaxe iliuuld bar thtlr ttith eiemineda AumithMioa are adiotnliternd and Teeth re mnred whbuut pain. l if pon Hone and oharaoter are itnlved br all the world bj tho oxpreuiena of tho faoe. hence bow very dieaitroua niay It therefuro bo fur per oni to indulge an ei preaiiua of dlitorted feature!, even pun iron a nrgienie new. Fiow, to enju) natural (not artificial) eomforta and plcaaum, reepeot and obej natural ilmplieitiee and tnniioet fi. POUTKIt HIUW, D. 1. 0. Offioo In New Maaonio Building, flcoond etreeL Clearfield, Pa, febU'71 DENTALCABD. Dr. A. M. II ills Would say ta his natlenu and Ike ..k. lie genurally, that, having dissolved partnerrhip wiik Dr. Shaw, he la now doini tha antira work of his offloe hlmsoir, so that patients need not fear oemg put nn.ier tne nanus or any ether operator. Clearleld, March 20, IS7J-lf. J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., OBca over Irwin's Drug Store, ClRWKNRVn.I.R PA. All denl.l ...!... .I.L.. I. .L r W.,HV( i u in. wnnumi orcperatira branch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed. Special attentioa paid ta the treatment of diseases of the natural teeth, rum and nn.th T I i , . r .1.. . ... eesstully eorraotad. Teeth eitracted without pain hv Iha iHnf Kih. ..4 .ia.l.l . i 1 1 of the beet material aad warranted to render eat. iM,i,n. anmzn'Tl-lv ttiSffUanfous. A Move in Curwensvlllc! J. R. IRWIN, Druggist, CCRWESSVILLE, FA. HA8 removed his Drug Store to bis new rooms, three doors weet of his old aland. aad lakes this opportunity of thankina his old customers for their liberal patronage, and hopes by elasa attention, combined with a select stock of goods, to merit its continuance on the part of all his old customers, and eeeure that of many new ones, rivaee give aim a can. i. n. IRWIN. Curweasville, March 17, 1871.-m. BOOKS WHICH HAVE ALWAYS (i 1 V K N SATISFACT OH HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN SCC1I A WAY AS TO PLEASE 0 B FRIENDS AND CUS TO MEM. 'JUST EEOEIVED! THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY OOODS SUCH AS BOOKS AND OTHER - STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERBD'TO THE CITIZENS OF Til 18 PLACE I 1 i NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE TOSTOFFICE. Ctsaruetd, Dm 14, 117. Luthersburg Marble Yard ! THE subscriber reepcetfally anaounoes to Ibis eommur-tty aad tba public generally that ha is now eilensively engaged In the manufacture of Monuments, Head and Foot Btcnaa, Stand, Table aad Uurrau Tops, etc Ko higher tribute can be paid lo a deceased relative or friend than the erec tion of an enduring slab aa a witness lo unlorn generations where they have laid him or her. I have engaged Mr. Jehu W. Oehagaa as my agent to asll, and to whoee workmanship and skill many eaa bear witness. Orders solicited sad promptly I lied. Work delivered wherever deiired. R. H. MOOEH. Luthersbnrg, November ID, 1870. Islvery Hlnble. THE undersigned begs leave to Inform the pub. lie that he ia bow fully prepared to accommo date all la tha way of furnishing Hnreas, Uuggies, . ...... .... ..n. u. sooneiii noiioe ana on reasonable tonne. Resldenoe on Locust street, wiwns s hits anu rourin. UKO. W. OBARUART. Tlaardeld, April II, 1BT. JSAAC JOHNSON k SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers la Hoots nnd Mhocsi! Ladies', Mlssae' and Children's Oaltars, Man's, Boys' and Women's Uravy Boots, and llrogans, Ac, Ac, Store and shop oa Second street nearly anno. sila It. F. Illgler A Co.'t hardware store, Feb. 1, Wi ly 1 CLEARFIELD, PA. MARBLE AD ST0E YARD! U11. S. S. LIDDBLL, Having engaged la tha Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and the public that she has now and will keep aoaotantly ea hand a large aad well aelwaad stock at ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared la fnvnlth ta order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOM ng, 1 '' ?.!, ' ' ' ' MONUMENTS, , vwrus.no rosu rar uemetery Lots, wicilsw SUIa and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASli STAND Tors, Ac, Ae. . Sjm v.j b J .. ., CWarJeld, "a, E.A.&V.D.IIiYIN DEALERS IN GENERAL IIEItilliTVllIfHi:, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CCRWEN8VII.LE, PA., ARE offering, at their new Store House, a complete slock of NEW UOODS, of all dMcrlptions. Dry Goods and Groceries, HA IIP WAKE, .i ' BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTH ISO, c. IN LARGE VARIETY. flour, Steal, Mtie, Oat, Corn, Always on hand and for sale at a small advance. , ROPE, la large quantities, sold low by coil j alsa, PULLEY BL0CE8, SMALL ROPE aad CANTHOOKS. ' One buadred eaeee of ATWATEIt'S ELM IRA BOOTS, fbr aale by the eate at wholesale rate. B wired hy ear loadi HUNTIXQDOX FLOUR, and sold at small advanea, ' HARNESS, as all kinds HORSE COLLARS and nAMES, HORSE BLANEETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ae. Also, aa sale Irst-slasa twa-korse WAGONS, , TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and SLEIOII8. Special ladaoemeala offered ta those getting ant Square Timber aad Logs, aa wa deal largely la Lumberman's Sappliea, and are prepared at all times ta pnrchaaa Timber. Lars and Laanhar. Curwonsvllle, November It, 1)71. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, isrrirrunaa LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. n. II. BIIILLIN0F0RD, President, OBca Forest Place, No. 136 S. 4th St., Phil'a. ' JOHN LAW8HK, Oensral Sup'U . Oecaota Mills, Cloarteld county, Pa LAD AM) LIMBER COMPANY OFFER INDUCEJIENTN TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. New Cabinet ! MOPnANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PANT offer for sale Town lots ia Ibe hor oagh of Oernola, Clearlleld county. Pa, and also 101s 10 salt purenaaars outside tha II mite of aaid borough. Oeeeola ia situated on tha Moshaaaon Creek, In the richest portion af Ihe oounlr of Clearleld, on tha line of the Tyrone A Olearnald Railroad, where the Moshanaoa and Baavartoa breach roads tntarweei. It Is also la the heart of the Mnebannoa aoal baaia, and large bodies of whits pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber sur round IL One af the largoel lumbar saanufactur. ing establishments ia tha Stela ia located ia the town, while thera are many other lumbar and shingle mills around it. The town is bat so 'en years old, and contains a population af one thou sand inhsbitaate. 1 saey-For further Information annly at tha omoe of the abova company. JUHIH 1.AWSI1K, l:si7o Quaere! Superintendent. NOTICF Having purchased the Interest of J. A. Ulattenberger, Ken., tn the business heretofore carried aa under the firm name of J. A. Blattanberger A Co., the same will be conducted hereafter under tha name of Moahanaoa Land and Lawiher Company, (Htore.) U. H. SHILLINllFORD, JOHN LAWSHE, mrJSIf President. tteneral Bup't ItoggftTo wnKaal A w nke GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! r EVERYBODY trying lo get there nrsl, farfsai i af belag crowded oat into the oold. II you want good Shaelng dona, ga ta Baaas. If yoawaal your Sleds lroeedrlgel, goto Baaaa. U yen want good Mill Irons, go ta Baaaa If yea want yoar wsgoa Ironed la thskest style and workmanship, go to Banna. Banns makes tke best Stump Mecblne in the Slate, aad does all kladsof BLACKHMITII1NU as cheap a can be doaa la tha county for Cask. My Post Office address is Clearlleld, Pa. THOMAS BEERS. Boggs Tn Dm. II, lM7-sf. Lime for Sale I THE undersigned, residing aear tha depot has made eomplote arrangements wllh Lime Burners east of the mountain, whereby be Is ena bled to keep aoaslantly aa kand a large quantity af PUItB LIME! which ha effers ta farmers aad builder at a Iritis above cost, l oose la need of the article would do ell to give me a call, or address ras by tetter, be fore negotiating thair lima. - ,., . . HKf). 43, PASSM0RR. Clearlleld, Pa., Jane t, 18n. 1. L. naisausvam. . UKRi.nr.a. . UEIZENSTEIN L BERLINER, (Huooeanrs lo O. Oaoi A Oo.,) wkoleaala doaJera to GEMS' FIRIISlintJ UZIVSL 15, Lispanard street, between Chuck street and "pr "oeuwaj, new icri oiy. IJ31 7Jt R. R. R. RACWAY'S READY RELIEF CUKES THE WOHlrT PAIMa) In flrom On to Twanty Mlntitoo. NOT ONI HOUR sAarrMamg litis MlveniMmeiii nvauaavaas ritVrgR WITH PAIlT RADWAY't ttCAilV HKLiKr la A CURB FOB e.ii i r. lAIW. 1 1 u li.. tw .... I. The Only l'lu IlsvmeMlv ttmt luMMrirf sloi. Ol. MoM irrel.uii aalM, alleys lnAMmillms, ana euras CimeMUwid, whelbw t tit. 1.UUS1, m.ioiMti, llowsl or ihIiu alauls er urcaas, 1,7 aa. atj.pkuo t ruitk Oltg TO TWIKTT atmtTTR", IIIIKIIMATIII, Bl H.n, lrm, CrlepM, KwvomI liraislsia, ar prosmuu una uncus may surer, .RAOWAY'a READY RELIEF WIIX AfroRI) INHVANT IASK. 1 INFLAMMATION UK THK KlliNKV, INU.AMMATIii.t OK THK b LADDER. INFLAMalATloM OK Til It llUKKli condkhticin ok tut irsca. gOng TnitOAT. lHKKII'l'l.T IlltKAIIIINII PALI'ITATH OK UlfART. amtRica, cuour, uii mtiikhia. ( ATAlllili, INFLUENtA. RtADACUR, TOOTnAPIIK, NH IlAl.dlA. nilEUMATISIL COI.D riltl.l AOUK UHILI.U. Tb.si.llullea.rUM KeaSv Keller the part or naru wliera las aula or UUBoultr e&wu will alfuca ens. vs einuri.fi. Tirentr drops In hilf a tumMer of water wflt In a Sw sanmeiiU ctift ;KAMItl, KI'AKUli aot'lt hTOMAUL llKiKTIH Iiri, Mi'K IIKAUAC llli MAHIIIIKA, IiVsKNTtliY, roLIIT. WIKU IX Tlllt BOWaJJ, eiulsJI IM'KKNAL 1'AINB. 'I rm.rl. ,i ii slws). carry s tKtltla of Sadwav'a ItearlM Hrllcf witll tlivrr.. A ftwdroiiln welu will arrtruf .kautej or liklits front rh.na. jf weler. Il is bcur tuau tVettcU liiamly iu liittcra a. a Muuuisat. I'KVIEK AND ACit n. FKYKR A.NU AiiUE currU for art, cci.la. Ttierets act e remeiiliil ascut la thl wurlil lh.it will eora Kever a.Ml A(iie. en4 til otbw Mulartoaa, bUkma. Bcarlrt, Tv. Piultl, Y.lluw. and other t'.vtra laide.l by RAIiWAVH 1 1.1.1(1 so O'llck na IIAIIWAT'a KKAbt llr-Uhf. Fu acuu pw InUIs. sM lay UraaaUU. . HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! TTtoso an'o ri'itg mcj BUMr,-irtrrtitA8t OK KLKSII AND Illl IIT-Cl.lAll Bit IN AND MADTlglCcuMI'UXIOtCtl)TOAiX. DR. RM) WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT RAH M ADC THK MOHT AKTONISllIKQ TRIt 1 ! Ml'K K.d ItAIMIi AKK THK C IUNUK4 THK iW.hlT t'NI'rlt'iKEn, V rt I KR T 1 IK 1 .1 ri.lTKNi R or TUU 1EULK IVuMJiLL MaUl(JlhC, THAT Every Day tin trier In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T.nrr r of the KAKHAPAftU.I.lA N HLn,y. tCNT onto mill lOatM Ihrauih U ItloosJ, wm(, UrtM, rihI otbanr fluliU evtid JuIcm or th. trsatfUi tM lf off ef life, far H ratNaJra tha wmIn of iha boAy with Mt r4 tuutm BIAUbHM. eHcruflllaV, MrphllsB, ('fealsTlpt(MI. GssUsduteVr dlMMsi, tTloanle the ThrtMt, Huuth. T-aiur, NwUn la ii )IumU And othrr uuta of ilia ratt-at, it Krte, (irnmoua iHMharfta ttvm the ICart, aii4 the ort Tiua of ftkln dlaaaati, ktepHuoi. mt Sotm, Rca14 Ia4, 1Uu Worm, fUit Rhaum. Krrrtpal, A cm. btak KxAav Wortna in tha rlasvh, Tueuttrw, Cvtemn la the lPtMiil,and atl waAkantAi aad paJnrul dUcUarrra, NLfLit Pwetvta, Inaa of Hperrra, and All waatte of tba llfa prtnet p m within the ourtla reiifa of ttab wonder of Mud ere CaMRilatrr. aim) a few ' uaa will prova U auV pwm oin tt far etUiar of lhea futnA ef tUeeaee Ha botrnt power to care tb?a. i Um aikaL tWlr teraln r4uetd er tt vaetea and daiswnMattke Uut to oDntlnoAitr Pfofraaalng, auo awoda In Afraatiaa tbraa wAstta. and rtDAlra tM hiis wltii mw malar, J uda thttn hmhhr t'"H trn-j tbal the 0AR8APAHI1XIAM will And 4aa aacvr. Not oalr djoca the H.raapaailuai KaaoLrnr t-ftl tvJl known mnadlai Afrau In Um cure ef Chronk. rVrofu krua, (aaetltuitoati, nud 6kim sjUn-aee ; eutKto UMotU poetuve eue tor Kidney Bladder ConplaJnU, Vrlnarr. BAvtt Wooih dtatAw, OraTeL iHabetae, Vmptr, Wapa4ra of Watar, InenntlitMstef Prlna. Briht'a lna enaa, AiWjmlaum, end In nJI cam whrra than are brick dual dapoalia, or tie watar to llbek. ehmdT. tulmd wita eubalAeMUha the white of am ar Utmda Ilka whlta oilk. or tawra toe Morbid, dawt.Tmcvoa apfwWArvoa, nod wbtU botvduM depAAltA, mm! whan lawra U a nrKklDg, bomliif acnsnWVm, what, pnaalna watar, end nnin La ttt IMtaJI of iha Hack and koat Usa LOaa. Prioa, WORMS.-Th otilv kam and eve lUtaedv far U ormJm, Tap, ic Tanor of Id Yeart Growth Cured by Bad way's Reeolvenu aaBaaVT, M Aaaa., Irf M, IMA. Pa. huAWaV t f hova Iwd Ovtriai TaaauM la aW im aad aWwoaa. All tha Dariari aaai - Uawu) wm a Ulp tw k." I artad Vrj ihl-fl thai vat WiiaiaiiBliil ; mi BeaOlasj h.lfad aM. mm pw IUalTMt,aad immqtt I brMMir. Il j (( had a Aaith la li, u I hai aainfaruki tor Iwal vaara. I isaA Ms feMlM. af iha IMrML niMteid IM-r'i FIIh, HlhnM Um af jut lUadl Aaeismr , aavd lheN n a4 tin W tmmmt aa aaw ar lH, a-d 1 kW hMiw, mmurtm, aad ry nhan I hara l-wl ymanra. Tsm nanl tsunsar aat In Ih Wfl (Id. atf tha eAAMet fm aan SaM-a- H tT' aVtiw bM1 " iumr an r. IWAPT. DR. RAD WAY'S PEEFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfveU taatiliai, eMffAtdrf eaetad wtta ewwet rrn, porn, rasriiiAM, pnrr, tsemnm, Avi rnfiPTi. iud war1! pilUv. fbr tha mire ef Ail dtordtn of the Stoma b. Liter, buwahv Kkdnara, ctlAddrr, Nrrvoua IUrMra. Mincba, ('rrilpan. (,attl.traa, Inr11ralto, patsc-ala, BlItoaMisVrWA. IHaiowe Frrar, InlainMtHA ef Iha Bowrto, Plland aJI I tnrnU uf Um Intamai V , W arrAfiUtl t efls-c a psjamijr enra. Pur VtuMa jia, rotiaiiiltin; no merrurf . miMf!. or drMarrua druf. W ottacrTa tha fWWiwinf tympKoim reeiiltliia froaa ItaortWreef Uva ltffaU Utcaas: OtamipaH-a, laarwd 111m, rallaa-M l tha Maad to ttw Raad, Artelnw tl k rUaaurh, Nmaawm. Hasan km ra, lara a FaW. r.ll.at m Wa4sj.t la Mm aW irartafcaa, btakltuj r r mesarriaaw am um mar im wtsnitta, mwaBaamaaaf ajff la. M-a. I-), m Wat Urnwm iha awhl, trrm mm) 6nll IHa. m tt-t (td, IbtdkaaM af fwrmintlm, THIiw. mi eT tha Uta end Ira. Pa a tW Hato. Ckaal. Umlm. mm mmmm rWAaa ml tmm, nsawtataj m m rum A fcw drM of KkUWKTt m.U wit free the ay tern from all the Alrave-DAn,d drwnlrre, rnea, m. oanu READ "FALSE AND THUR and mm. lafnw. atarvipu RAPVAT A CO.. N. a MaWa Um. Ktw. AtWHaaWHal ujijfvi laaAaWN U1 b i ba eaal fou. R. B. TAYLOIl'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tha Railroad Depot,) CI.EARMEI.I), PFMN'A. IEMBRACB this nathod of Ufuratng the pubtie. tbat I hara oprnrd ap a yard fur Iha nla of wood or twal burnt L1MK and AotbraoiU COAL. In the bor-iuph of Clearlleld, and hara completed arrari)tmeiiti with eaUtrrn deaten by which I ran krrp a full etiiplyeonitantIr on hand, which will 1-e ditpoeed of at rvaaoiialile ratra, by tbe tun, bunhrl or ear lual, lo euit parrhaara. Thoea at a dtiiaaea ean addraea two by letter, and obtain all Decenary tDlurinultoB br return mail K. B. TAYLOli. Clr6el4 Pa.. Feb. 14, 1H6-If U LUMI1CRM ENt PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI The Clearftrlrl Eieeliior Canthook will not Wear cut or break, btlnf eonitraetrd with oot aolid band from ellp to paintr It ta prononnoad by all practical lumbermen who hara examined it to be the Boat perfret Canthovk aver Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Anon Kitixakd 4 Co al CLEARFIELD, PA. -tTA11 orderi promptly attended to. nl3'7 DREXEL & CO., Ha. SI Sonth Thlra Htraet, Philadelphia n.f.rNf.n.1, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application bf null will rceaiva prompt alien tlnn, and all information oheerfullj furnisheil, umert soiictril. aunl ll tf. B VI X ED OUT) atrt pot B U R N E D J U P! BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY. Penn townnhip, C leer field Co., Pa. Tho fubaorlbm are. at ireat citenaa. rebuild ing, and In m few daya will hara eompleted, a neighborhood eity, tn tha areotlnn ef a flrat elaae Woolen Mannfactory, with all the modern ImproTementf at tar bed, and are prepared to maka an aintie or noma, aenimerei. pail net te, HI an. keti, FlannvU, Ae. Plenty of iroodi on hand to ropply nil our old and n thonaand naw enatomera. whm wa aek to eoma nod oxamlna oar itoek. Tho bnilneei of CARDI50 AND FULLING will receive eepeclal attention. Our new mill will be ready by wool carding tea eon, therefore there need be no hesitation on that aeoro. Proper arrmnfft Oifnti will be made to reoetro and detirer Wool, to anlt enatomera. All work wnrrnnted and done upon iha thorteet notloe, and by atrlet atten tion to burin nee we hope to reelite n liberal .hare ef pnhllo patronage. IOaMK POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay the hijrhret market price for Wool nnd aell our manufactured roodiM low as limilar food i oan bo boujrht In the oounty, and whenever we fail to render reaeonable aatiifaction wo ean alwayl be foand at homo reed? to make nroner explanation, either In pereon nr by latter. priltfltf O ran pi en Ililli P. 0. CUKAP UROCKUJIW! I.DMIIKII CITV, PA. Tba undersigned anaooaoea to his old friends and pstrons that he has opened a good lina uf UHlll'KlllKS A I'llllVlrllONH at the old eland of Kirk A Spanner, for which he solicits a liberal psirrnaga. II. w, M'KM'r.H. Umber Oily, Pa., Marra JO-lf. House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! TUB wndersigued offers lor sale or rent, upon reasonable terms, a twa story dwelling, lot and stable, ia Bioomington, 1'lke township. P. terms, Ac, apply to LLW13 I. BLOOM. Jaauarv Jd 1 T If. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., lBttO0eoori to Boyntoi A Tounf,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Uanntacturera of PORTABLE & STATIONABY STEAM ENGINES Corner ar Fourth and Pine Streets, t'LEABI'lELD, PA. 1 . t i t -a Hl VINO anrrml la Iha manaractara of Irat elaaa MACIIIKKBT, w.resplfullv laform tha puhlla that wa are now prepared to 111 all orders as cheaply aad aa promptly as eaa ba dona la any or tha citiea. 7o aaanufaotara and deal In Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Bead Blocks, Watar Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oiflbrd's Injector, Steam Ounces, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Coeks, Globe Valves, Cheek Valves, wrought Iroa Pipes, 8. earn Pamps, Boiler Fead Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing. Gum Peek ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK ; together with Plows, 81ed Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STO FES, and oth.r CAETIN0S of all kinds. -0rdera solicited and 1 1 led at city prices. All letters of Inquiry with reference ta auashiaary of our manufacture promptly answered, by ad dree ing us at Clearaeld, Pa. dsJ17a-tf BIGLER, TOl'KO 4 CO. 0. L. Reed. NOTICE. -" ItEEI & POWELL. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! THK proprietors rcspectf.lly Inform tboeltisrns af CUarAeM awMtnlv tk .1 I j t . hibj aa,a vaiurw re lilted this aauUishment with tha laiMtiina.v wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to electa all orders la their lina of business. They will give arpaeial attentioa to tha a an af so rer, oi material for kouse building, such aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASn, DOORS, BLINDS, BR.tCK.ETS K jrtorEin.'rGs, OF ALL STYLES, We always bar. on hand a Urge stock of DRY LUMBER, aad will pay cash for all clear Lumber. One aod a half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customcra. fea.Ordera solicited, aad Lamber furnished oa short notice and aa reasoaabl. terms. RKKD POWELL. Clearlleld. March S. 1871. Bsfore taking toader. After taking Powders. SIMWH IMPHtTvED CONDITIO" P0WUKR8. Useful in ak.ilnal. oaace of llialeniper. Coughs, Colds, Ilota, Faroe, Coalive new, Roughnose of the Skin, and Stoppage of Water, tiroaeo. Swelled Lsag. and Influonaa caa ba relieved, and sometimes oured, by the use of tbeea Powders. They will not interfere with the daily work of tha Horse, and eaa be givaa ta cat tle with eoaal advantage. Put up by A. I. MIA W, Druggist and Apothe cary, Cleartelrl, Pa. November . ls'l. Bold everywhere. gELLINC OfP AT COITI FOR CASni Tha largest Mock af F V K N I T U II E aver eSered la CLEARFIRLD1 At Ihe STKAM CAHIVKT SllOP.enmer Market auu ruin Direvi., t LhAlirtbLl1, PA. Tbi anJrrslgned would annonnc. to Iha public that he has on hand anil la nnw w.ln .k cash, the largest stock of furniture ever in store m iia nanir, cunfiaiing oi Fiiholslend Parlor Sulls. Chamber Sells, Ejienslaa Tahlei, FccrrUrles, Cook Cam, Bedstsada, finrtnc Tleds and Ma.llr.aM. ' Loung. . aad HoMhea. J'laia Marble Top Table, a Bureau, Wushstaads, Caae Seal aad Camaaaa Chain. Backing Chain, Looking Olaaaua, Window Rhadea, Picture Framaa, , , Cords and Tsssels, An. Tla .1m .U.IuI.mi ..J . L . a.. ant Snrln. Hade. Ikm K..I tK. 1 . fhmllv abuaU k l,l,.., aku. . a a., a . ,u,m.. n.r Bias at goods not aa kaad eaa be had oa short aottoa. i, pooisi.riug ana repairing neatly executed. COFFINR. af all .1... . L. v.j i..,. hours' notice, and at tha lowest price. A doduev tioa af It per cant, made for auk. MRTAM.tr ri una u. ... w. ...... nainai auu Cherrv Cofflt,.. with 1. .. n. j . , i l i aa Ire hours aotica. Pereonal all.nt.M m.ti. a... , oocasions, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanklnf tha nubile fe m..i e - - a a.. strict personal attention to busiaesa, I hop. to receive a eonttaaanoe of tha same. Remember Ik. I. ak c. . . . . . - " wmm vaoines rnop, orner of Market and Firth Streets. March M, 7I-1. DANIEL BENNER, THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEAIiFIELt) TRADE, ro sin ir stngja'TO n. P. BIGLER A CO. Twcntj-onc Horses for Sale! flUIR umleralgnrd offers for sale TWENTV. X ONE KIRSTCLAK8 IIOR8KS, in good eoadiilea. Principally large, strong Horses, ault- !?.foI,"y " hn,y ork- Parchaawi will dud it ta their Intone, la sutamiaa them be fore purubaalag also where. Inquiries answered by eddieseiag PETER MetlEORUE, Imiw BltUr trt o( a it Wmrf Drink -of Poor Rum, Whiahaf. Proof Spirptt tnd Rra an, AiiorrA, afwead, tud wwfmfn4 tn DrilH lb,: fftnrs, onori, mncooi, and t-o4ttid in nX taU. Callad " TotilC." Atataa.... IhalMM ac that UU Um lipplfr ea t aVuiihiiiMai immI r4Av, tut art a IriM Modicina, mU from tha uttva ront and harba of California, frra fiona all AUwfcolit 8tiiUfr 1 Hay ar tbrGrtit kvooal Funftor mmd LOm-ftttS Priaciplt, a Ptftacf Ravovatar muA Imwimpnim of tho -Srattm, carrying off ail povMmaw aaattar mm! ranatiiw' Um blood to a halthctkdiltMFartchMtM raruhitar and invirorating both Mind and body. Thf trt raa aWadmttittraiion, promnl im thetr action ,crUu ai tmut raauUt, aafo aisd raliabla in all (unoo of iiittM. PoroaM talto 4bo BllUtm actwraV tng to dircciMMa, and lamam long onarall, pro-ida thur bonat ara out ekatroyed by nmta?ral faTMana) orob aaaaat, aa4 Um vital trputa araatad Ujood Um a.r f repair. UraiaoaMUwInAlkTaalUa. HeadAch. Pal la tho SrMHiWara, Coiitt4 TightsoM of tho a,ha4, Dta aiaoai, tvnar KrttctaiKtM yf ts Suxaiadi, h4 Tamo tht Mootb, UiImm Attarkav PilntUtion f th H eart, liiflamiutioa of tW Lamga, Pain in tti rogiom of ' Um Kidnora, and boivdrod otiMf fiainnjl nmptaawt. -aro tba ouaprings of bvapemta. la tkaaa cotaiiiUtaar at baa ao oqaval, aaud oao Iwtiio will nrova a bettor taar antra of ita men it than a kntrtKy aavcrtiaaoiaot. for Voataail Cattail alia tat m yoavug or old, tftamad of amim, at tUe daant of vomauluMm, or tho torn of IiM. tbeao Teoic Billora diapiayao daddbd my Mofaca tatat a Mrhad iknvtvvowt ia louo partem rar tHflamiaaatory 14 CliraMlo ftbatsV Milam and Uuat, Dyapoptiaor lodiarMrcm, biitfmo. Itemmtnt and Inunaiiicnt Fa vara, IiMaia af tha Bktod, Liwor, Ktduera and Bladfirr, thoai aViton ba ba moat aticotWul. fincb Iraeaca ar cauaad by Vitiated BtoDtt, which h geoaraiJr; prodacaa1 by raaca mnt nfllM I)iEeMi O'gant. Tlior ro tioHllo PttrtroUro m wall aa ft Ttale, poaaaaatng alto iba catiar atent af miwi a a powfI4 tat ta'rtliing Cm.gao.ion or UlfaaC nation of iha l-ref aad Viacaral Orgaaa, and ia HUiana For Ikla Dlaaaaoa. FrarwInM t.hm a.iav Rbe-aa lJirrtcha, Spot, Pimplaa, Poatbtaa, Boiso, Cat buoclta, Kirtff wonna, Scald Haad, Soto Eyca, Cry. Mptlaa, Iich, Scarfa, l)iactvaorahona of t.M Skin, Haviro and Diataaea of tha Skin, of arhatt-or namt or aatiart. ara liuraUy dag no and camod rmt of Um tytlm in a abort tmM by tho not af thaaa Bit lor. Quo boti! aach caac will coarioca iha taoat ittoaaWoaa at tatty tarativo anWit. C Uaaw iha Vltlaioal Blaavdl wlMTtr r find Ma impuriliea Imrstiog Uiroogh tho aam w PtarpW aVvNMM, or Soroa ; CMaoaa il whc yoa ftnd it ot ttrweted at4 alugriah in tho voiao ; imm k hn it ia foul ; yoor rWlin will loll yoa wImo. Kaap iha blood pora. and iha haalih of iha ayston will tnlbar. Uraiofail lltaaa.dla proclaim VmacAa Br Taaa tha moat wondarful larifbraat Utal am aaataiaoi tb atnking ayaiaia. Fl, Topo, aaaf. alhor Wmi, )nrbin h tha aytlom of to ataay ibooaaada, ar atVctnally d. Mroyed and roioowL Saya a daimtiabed tt agiati TharaUacaiTCoiy an individual poo Um tacaofiaa aanh whoao body ia camnt trom tha orcaenoa of woram i ia wr mpum um ataung OMBMnta ol Hm kody that wujbkm ajkiau, anal aruuaa ttam umw IWU alOf p,g tliMy depoaita that breed thtM living aionattra of diataaa. No ayattaa of Moatciao, ao waifagoa, no aniho;Ma iiocs. wilt fraa tba ayataat boaa aroiuu kka Lhca Itw tart Moehaiafloal IHaaadMtj. Pcraaaa Mragad ta Pamta atul Marala, aach aa Ptnmliera, TrM-aeittra, Gold btatcra, and alinora, aa ibepy adaanat m hat. al ba oabtad lo iMraljraia of iba Bowel, locuard aaiaat thia uka a doaa of WALitat a ViNa&Aa Bivtku aaea. r twrot a wock. aa a PwrontiTa. Mllowa. HoaalUoait, an! fatarmlttoar Fo rafra, which ara ao proralau m Um fatlt of oat groal river, ihrooghoot tho Umtrd Siataa. aiacialla thooa of tho alianpi, OhM, Minwuri. lliMa7lon aaaaaa, Catabcviand, Arkanaaa. fted, CcJoraclo, Braaav Rm Craada, Peait, AUbania7iol.i. Hmrmirjk. kmi oka. J-aM. a-vd mamf Mrwra. with their aal anbaoj, yioa. thralvotri Oar aatira couatry during Um Saao a4 Antumn, and rttnarkabiy ao dunrtg toaono of aaooanl boat and dryaoMi, aro inawnably acconiiand by aaionaivc der.ngemenu of tho attMucli and livor, aad Olhoa abdoramal riKera. Thrro aro alnmy aore oi Ita obatrwction of tbo liver, a wankaaat and irniabi au ef tba Monwch, ami grvat torpctr of tha btmtU, bca. daegvd ap wiih vmaied accnmuUtiona In tbaw traa. Mot, a aorgaiiva, oaAmtng a powcaful Mtnca apaa thaaa vartotia orgaoa, u caatntialiy accooaary. Tlfv a ao cathartic fm lb porpow oawal to Dm. J. Walkbi ft Viwbuab Rirrtas a ily anil apcodily lomo ika. dirkolortd viKd Matter with winch th boovh ar kudrd, at tha mhm tma attntulatiog tho acattioaaaf, tb hver, and generally raaaXaU Uta hcalUiy tuactMai of Ih drptiv organ. sVirwfWle,, or Hlta Roll, Whit KwetlitfA Ulcer, kryaipelaa, bwcltod heck, Gtnier, ScrofuMi. Inflanaoiati'in, InaWcnt iiflainmatio klrtrvnaJ At fccttoaw. Old Sore, luwntwna of tho hkia. Sort Irea. etc. etc In iheee, a m all other coraiitutionJ t)a aaaea, Wi ttaa Vikboar BiTTttna have abmea ikao okih, biii npon iuo oiaoiaoq on ma aita able caaet. Dr. WalkerS CaltrW. Tlatofrar Blliaot act aa aO the caaea ta a atnilar Mantf brporitT th Blood thsy rvmore ibe eatt, ami bvro.ving anty the effect af Um inflatnaMtM. (the tnhomiLar aVpoaw the eitrcicd paU locetv hcaitb, aad a pcirnaucut can it effected. , Tfco profrtta of Pa. Waittak Viwitua Taatei as ApeiMHt. UiBialiorvtw OId CArminaTIM, Nuintmi, Laaaiive, Diuretic, Svdiiiv. Calfr-lrsi tan. SiKlnrinc. Alterative, and Anti BiiKM. Tho AporleHt and miU letsatir nropmiM af Da. WaLKaa't ViNaoaa Rirrcae ar tha be mt rd ia all caaea af arnptioaa and laalignaat htvf, their balMmic, healing, and aolhirtg rwrtispefiiea otMt the hniaor of th taucoa. Their Sedan pioperna) allay pain ia th rvervoet eytMta. atomacb, and boora, eilber from inrlamnrntMin, wind, colic, craaiiia, e Their Connier- Irritant knlnenc oatonoa UkTeactwe. the vat em Their Diaretie pvnperttaa act on tba K aey. Oracling and rcculatint Um ioer of ana. Taa Aoti- Rtliou prnoertie atimnlate th bvor, in the atcn lion of nlo, and it diachar-e llwooch Um hliarydofal and ara noerior to all remedial attctHa, lor tha can m Btl"MM Fevev, fever and Ar", etc Votrtlfr Ilia laeHl r aajnlaaoC tilaMaaa bv ae fVtiki ail lit fiutd with Vinboao DiTraaa. Nn aeaiic caa lake bad of a art tern ihu Wanod Taa bvor, tb Motnach, tho anwoU, th kidney, and th) nerve tn raded diataae-proof by thuitat aiTif an nt. IMrooll . Tab of tha Bitter on finc to kot at night frora a half to ono and One-half win AiJail En good asMrtahinfi had, ooch aa beef ateaa, inaetaa chop, vvoMoot, roaat beet, and vogetabloa, and tatt outda3or uercia. They ar coaafnaed ol oorilj rcgaV able inrreaSentav aad aoaia:a wo ajMrit rWALKKR, Prwp'r. WLtL MoDOMALD OtX, PrwggiH and Goa. Agta, Saa Piano am, t. L. and cor. of Wafthiiaa and Chaiiteo St., NewTarK BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AISD DtiaLL Jan , UTS. HAYES, COULTER & CO., Pacssnars to W. A. AraaU. . ii ricrrasns or Ileatrrs, Ranges, Low Grates, .. aad MARBELIZED SLATS MANIBIA Bole agents for the celebrated CIIILSON COOKING 1UXGB, np-Rend for Cataloguea. No. 13 ChMta.l Street, Jaae am PU1LADRLPIIIA, Presidential Campai1 CAPS,CAPK8AT0RCnH Bed fbr Tllastralad Cimk, and Price Li at. CUNNINltAM A tll Manufacturers, Ka. ti Chare flreel jcAm Philaalelsait JEW 6TOHE A.ND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW ii SON lltf just optned Kiv BTPki, on Main St.,Ci.iArm!, Th a lalelf occupied hj Wm. F. IRWIt Their atook eoniitte of Oaocnita of the beet qoalitj, - Quf.enbwahc, Boots and Shoes, end ery article nectssarr to one', oomfo;t; Call and g$ipiM our itock before ? ol.aaing alaiavhar.. fay .ISCW ' BTRrKKNTSI Oreans, oat ".T: wuu uunq,ai vne muiuo piora. or""" '..!. ! .11 lalandrd U T j . .... i. i.aiw ' ted lo call and examiae a aew st.vle of oa eihibHloa. maeo Musis and eoasuatly oa kaad. aat"!-- VmCUM' dk COa.TABI.KH' Wa bay prlntod a Urn aabaf t iJT KM BILL, and will mm tha n-aa.tl i w"h vt A It oanu, pall ft aoji lo bpT