Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 28, 1872, Image 2

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    il jJ'i.'A1 --- -. - ", .. ....
She f pttfcliaii.
' uniToi i i-micBitTon,
Demooratio National Tickets
' FOR PltEHlIiENT, . . . .!
, ' " or Mir touic. ' j "
DemocratioState Ticket,'
W 1 I. L I A M 11 A R T L 12 V,
or .Borons rotJTr.
1IKNMIICK It. YVIUOIIT, I.uiorn, countjr.
RirilARD VA1IX. Philadelphia.
JAMES 11. HOl'KINK, Pittaburgh.
lie lcgatei at large to the Conatjtutloual
Jeremiah 8. BlaoV., Vurk.
tlaorgo VY. Woodward, l.userne.
William Uir,lw, CUarlkld.
Frank D. Uowan, Philadelphia.
Robert A. Lamticrlon. llarriiburg,
A. A. Purman, Waynciburf.
Jame. Kills, rottrvllle.
j Ueorge M. Dallas, Philadelphia,
John A. Campbell, Philadelphia.
William L. t'orbctt, Clarion.
William II. Smith, AltfKtienjr.
William J. Barr, SomeracU .
8. C. T. bodd, Franklin,
bainutl 11. Itejnold,, Lancaster.
Jonathan Evans, of Tod township.
Huntingdon county, raided 112 pounds
of white gcheman oats from one pound
So says the Globe.
Taos. Tom Marshall says that
Gen. Ilurtrunft is cither inoompotcnt
to till tbo place he now occutiiuft, or ho
is rascal. If either, he is unfit for
The DiKFEnESCK. Greeley, Brown,
Buckalow, Reconciliation, Reform,
l'cace and Union. ,. ,
Grant, Wilson and Ilarlrmft, Hate,
Strifo Plunder, War and Din-onion.
Govornor Buckalow and Hon. Hicstcr
C'lymcr addressed tho people of Lock
Haven on Monday night and Hello
fonto' on TuBiJay r.ight. a 'f he
lags wero tho largest ever hold In
those places. , .',
"Straws, etc." Tbe oflicial relarns
ehour that Gov. Culdwoll, of North
Carolina, got only 10 out of 221 white
irotes in his own township. Rut ho
got 281 nogro votes to 3 for General
Morrlman. flow is that for black and
white."'! ; ' ' ' i '
Ihtklxhient. The Daily Mountain
Voice, says: "A lively Johnstown
maidon wept groat floods of tours,
when she beard. how the race horso
Longfellow bad cut bis pastern so as
to ruin him for life, slto was to fond of
his poetry." ' .' . ." t 1
. Tiitia Ticket. Tho National La
tiorKoform Convention roaosoinblod in
Philadelphia on. the 20th and nomi
nated Charles 0'Conner, of Now York
for President and Ell Saulcsbcrry, of, for Vico President, in the
room of Judge Davis and Gov. Parker,
vho hai dnolinil.: . ,,,;:
. Dreadful Work. At Olney, III.,
lust Sulurday, Henry lloullt was iihot
dead by JcfTorson While, and Mrs.
Uoullz was so shoekod by tho boroavo
ment that she died on Monday night,
after prematurely giving birth todeud
twinst ' On .Tuesduy. morning l 1
o'clook a mob broke opon the jail, look
ottt bile, and hung him on I trco in
Jlio court yard.
"Loyal" Sarcasm. A Washington
clergyman has written a loltor to the
Springfield (Mass.) Jtepublienn, relat
ing to Prosidont Grant's drinking hab
its. , Tho President of the Congress
ional prayermceting, (Henry Wilson,
(Grant nominee for V. P ,) comos to
(the rescue Of tho "government,"' in
ttii. manner: "Your statement Is un
qualifiedly fulso!" Now, who is lying
the politician, Wilson, or tho clergy
man, Ilov. C. W. Doniiisnn. ,. r
"TiT for Tat." The editor of tho
Huntingdon Journal, ono of the toil
.organs of that county, last week said:
"It is fiiid that Spoor, bought tho
fllobe." To which tho editor of that
journal replies this week "thusly:''
; '''If he did, hti' did not, bny it with
tbo widow's pension money you forgot
to pay over." ,"Dad" Lew is evidently
.knows something about I)urburrow,u
well a about farming, n .,i , i-,
(JEofRATro MEirriNfis We ondor
tiund ' that' tlio 'County Committee
has ngifoj upon,, the following pro
gramme for inocling in this county
previous to tho Ootobefclection, via t
falt l lrk MinlayoTrnlnir Bi pWitor. llh.
PniDittville lucidnr attcrnoon 17th. . i
K.ilurtoo ftTfiiiiix. 1 7Lh.
. ,, UlRlrt Klalil.B Wr.luf jHij tnlti lAlb.
lllen lop FrMar, iTrniux Biplrmber 17.' ,
1 ,An.iontlll Halnrdty tanliif Huptombor l.
',N Wathlii(to,,i,u, W.1
: .llmm, Mm4ar avanini, Hapitmbo JU. , ,
l.wal.rr City, Tuoday, Oclahcr I, ,
fim-Mla, Wtndt. O.-tolirr 1 "
' 'priwHVM, FrMaf.'Oi'lahar 4. , t
.ti iLotkwlMnt, fainrita,T, Oolohtr t. ...
( ur imomlle, Mndj, jlciobtr 7. ,
, Tharo will, uo doubt bo other oiest
jhgs tmnounced, if requested by the
Joeol comtnWiUes. Ablo spoakort will
prearnt nf till nf Ihpsp mxitlnpn.
The straight Temperance mtn havo
been debating and ranvasslng Presi
dent Grant's drinking habits ralber
sevoroly for tbo past month. And
they huvo cooked tho oaso up . to tho
point that no real Temporunoo man
can votq for him. . That hi intemper
ate habits nro notorious to all who fro
quotit tho Whlto Home, nnd that bo
kept awny IViiin tho Capitul on pur
poso to cover up this irejkiwss. And
yot; his backers have tho audacity to
State that 11. Gratis Brown, tho pern,
ocratio nominoo for Vico President,
driks. Thai a hypociito always poa-
seasos more inipudeneo than tho Devil
himself, has been verified a million of
times. Wo arc told that "the religious
press is nlnioft a unit tor lirant.
Well; According to gonuino loyal
authorities, he needs reforming and
wo hope that agency, "tho press,
will Slice-cod, because all others bavu
failed, according to (ho same nnlhori
ty. Anything to mako agood c:lizon
out of him, bceuuso ho has been the
worst President ever olootod.
LiuiiT in a dark Place. Tbo
Wellsboro Democrat of last week says:
It seems as if tho substantial part of
tho Republicans in this county go for
Grooley and . lirown. Hon. li. G.
Wliilo e.r. president judgo, lion. Abel
Humphrey, cx judge, Hon. S. B. El
liott, ex member of the legislature and
lalo assistant revenuo collector, Prof.
Allen of tho soldiers' orphan school,
Prof, Verrill of tho normal school at
Mansfield, Ex Treasurer O. F. Taylor,
Prof. Winters of llio Wellsboro graded
school, Rev. Mr. Karchcr of St. Paul's
church Doctors Shoror, Thompson and
Webb of this plaoe, Captain V. A. El-
Holt membor of tho bar, of this coun
ty, and a host of other gcutlcmcn con
spicuous for their inlelligcuco and
business ability. Tbo men who are
supporting Grcelry and Brown In this
county n 10 tho activo, Intelligent,
working men who havo guided and
controlled tho republican parly here
tofore in this county, and without their
aid tho Grant parly must make a sorry
fight. And tho host of It is that they
will all voto for Buckalow Hartley
and the Dcinocrrtict nominee for Con
gress. Wsi. M. M'CuLLouau, Esq. This
gentleman is tho Democratic nomineo
of our county, for monitor of tbo Con
stitutional Convention and it would
bo very gratifying to the Democrats
of Clearfield to learn that tho District
Conferenco has put him in nomination
for that position. Mr. Aughetibnugh
is tho choice of Clinton county, and
wo believo neither Cambria not Elk
counties presented any candidates
through their respectivo counly Con
ventions, nnd it looks now as though
Mmara. M'Cullouub and Aucbeiibaugb
would havo the field to themselves,
and as two nro to bo nominated, there
sccmes to bo little for the conferenco
to do when it mocU. Wa hope Mr.
M'Collough will bo accepted by the
conference. Ho is peculiarly will qual
ified for tho position and his nomina
tion would bo an honor to tho district.
What Banks Thinks. A reporter
of lha Now York Sun interviewed
General '. P. Banks tbe othor duy
We niake the following extract from
tho conversation'; ' ' t
Reporter In what light do you ro
gmd tho election in North Carolina.
Gen. Banks I look upon it as a
complete victory. Had the Admistra
tion carried it hy ten or twenty thou
sand majority, they might havo bad
soma bopo ; but as it is all up with
them. They might as well give it up.
' Roportor Thon you urn sanguine
of Mr. Greeley's election. .-
Gon. Banks Undoubtedly I am.
Tliero is nothing to provont and every
thing to make it certain. I do not
entertain tho slightest doubt of Mr.
Groelcy's triumphant eloction. 1 1 '
How Different. Radical contem
poraries In. ipecinl instances placo groat
stross upon what Mr. Buckalow, our
candidate for. Govornor says; whilo
generally tbo "ringV portion donounce
blm is a rery bad man. Tbe follow
ing in ono of the tpeeial cases. "' '
"f hen Oeacral Harlranfl waf oooilaattr!, Chai.
R. llnrkalrw raid that ha "knw him ttoll. both aa
Auditor ticneml, ht had ahown himH-lf a moil
fulthfal,nprigM.cffl''icnt, anil nceoto printing ufflcor,
and would mako ao axoollont Uovornor."
, Gentlemen, we aro compellod to in
form you that you lio under a mis
tnko. Mr. Ruckalow never uttered
that sentiment.. Ho is not in tho
habit of praifing rlaghono and spav
ined politicians of cither, party, aud
thoso ei'iljo I'jtiQoroi) corruplioo ring
never.: ...i . ,.. ,
I iV . .. , . .
A Goon Nominatiom. The Dcuio
craU of Berks county have nominated
lion- Hiostor Clymer for Congress.
Mr. Clymer desoived lliisrocognition,
besides tbe councils of tho nation aro
much in need of Such men. His ac
knowledged ability and personal In
tegrity will bovuluabloat Washing.
Ion in looking alter the interest of tho
peoplo, while assailed by political
vagrants of whom too may go thoro
for the purpose of replenishing thou
own coffers, and totally ignoro the in
toroslstif the Suto. Personal gain
and personal government is the bano
of tho age.'' Ho is a thorough Ponn
sylvanian, educated In a liberal school
of politics, Air.. Clymer cannot iml lo
tuko a front rank at onoo in the coun
oils of the nntlorti 1 :
Bollofonlo has organized a "oolored"
Grcoloy'iind Buckalow club of 11 mem
bers., ,Ies than thrco week ugo the
Brown Iitpubtican said thero was not
a Greeley Republican In that borough,
and now, we leant thoro ore elevdn
"colorod brolhorn'and ovef four times
tlut, iany wliiles, who are going lo
vote fir Buoknlow and Greoloy. Tbe
next elimtlon will plaoe that ancient
Jtadical strong hold on the Union sidn.
Taxes ahp Costs. The campaign
in Maine has dovoloped tho following
extraordinary facts :
In tho 2nd Congressional district
thoy pay 115,290.40 tax, of which $9,
000 goes to pay the revonuo oflioers. .
In tho 3d District . tbe collections
amount to 13,029.22 ; cost of oollool-
llon 88,000.
In tho 4th District, collections (10,
006.61, tbo cost of collecting, 18,000.
In tho 6lh District, collodions S3,'
G92 80, collecting exponsos (8,000.
, Totul collections in the four Districts
863,022.84; of this tho government
gets 820, 022.83, and Grant's office
holders 833,000. .....
Common! is unnecessary. No
wonder tho U nin tiles die hard.
Judoe Wo aro gratifiod
to notice tbut tho Workingmun'ts
Convention, of Schuylkill county, havo
nominated the lion C. L. Pershing, of
Johnston, for President Judge of their
District. This nomination was made
unanimous. It expresses tho Bcrili
mont of tho Democratio Convention.
Thoso two organixntions havo boon
united, nnd will continue so. With a
mnjority of over 1,500 in their favor,
this nomination it no empty honor.
Tho Mountain Voice, in alluding to
this nomination says :
While w muit axprtil earnait rrartt for an?
ooDtiDgonor notch would laka from ua a prom,
iuaot, uiol'ul eitiien, to whom we foul ao uuah
pridf, we eanoot but feel that our lose will ba their
gain, and the people of Bohuykill will have a
Judge learned la the law, upright and honorable
tn aliaraeler, and apoUeai in reputation.
Patbiots Aiiroad. Wo obsorve by
tbe Salom (Neb.) Intlrprndtnt, that
Clearfield has several patriots in that
fur off Stato, whoso bowolcs of com
passion aro In sympathy with "the
government," as witness tho following.
"Alltmtion, Oranl Utm." lloo'l. 8. A. Fulton
and M. A. Krauk will addrrai the (1 rati t ao d Wil-
on Club on 6aturday.
Mr. Fulton is a young man, hut
Michnol is "an old toldior." He is the
only man that ovor practically enforc
ed tho Fugalivo Slavo law in this
county, and has riddon every bobby
that passed along.
Huntingdon. Tho (Hole, one ol
tho "loiT'orgnnj of Huntingdon coun
ty last week remarked t "Many Re
publicans were in town last week at
tending Court nnd their Convention,
and wo learned what we did not know
before, that honeot old lloraco would
receive a heavy Republican voto in
this county. The Democratic volo
will bo solid for Greeley. There may
bo a dozen in tho wholo county who
will refuso to voto for Greeley but
not half that number, will voto for
Grant." '
The RlNfl. Lato developments
mado by an investigation of the book
of fetkes, the Philadelphia banker,
who is now in tbo ponitentiary for
doing just what John F. Harlranfl
did shows that the "due biii" candi
date for Governor,' while Auditor
General, carried one million of dollars
worth of slocks with Stato fund. .If
Ilartranfl bad bis just duos ho would
bo in company with Yorkcs and Mar
ccr, the city Treasurer of ' Philadel
phia, in the Penitentiary, instead of
being tbo Radical cadiilato for Govor
nor. - ' ' '' 'ii
"Clakpino Hands." It looks now
as though "the ban nor county," which
gave Grant 10,000 majority in 1809,
would be lost to tho Cameron ring in
October. On tho 20th, three county
Conventions assembled in Allegheny
county, and put a joint ticket in tho
Held. Tho regular Democratic, ttio
Liberal Republicans, and the German
Reform, have put a tickot in tbo Quid
that for ability has never bad its equal
in that county, and It looks now as
if tho Grnntiles would be thrashed.
Rioiit. Tho nominaton of John II.
Orvis, Esq., for Assombly by tho Dem
ocrats of Centre counly, is eminently
proper.; Fill our Legislature . wilb
gonilomcn of his ability, and corrup
tion and special legislation will soon
bo the excoption and not tho rnlo.
Wo will be very much mistaken if Mr.
Orvi s ability will not place him in tho
front rank In the House, and after one
term the leader, unless bolter material
is selected for members of that body
than lias heretofore graced it from a
mnjority of the counties.
Bustler. That Anoiejinir man
Woodruff, of tho Johnstown Democrat,
is a bustling individual anyhow; he put
bis "foot in it" thus lust week : "Tho
other day whilo standitigoa the loni
villa BridgM, we noticed a lady from
tho First Ward, go by that had made
use of ft small flour suck for a bustle.
You could . road , tho loltors "whito
wheat flower" through hor light awiss
nearly as well as if it hadn't been con
cealed atull." . '
Read Tium. Wo dedicate our first
pngo this week lo a lotlor from ,Ex
Gov. Big!cr, to Chairman Itntidull, of
the Stato Cnmmitloo, and a speech of
Smalor Walliioa, Thcso' aro ablo
document, and drserve tho careful
perusal of every man who loves Lib
erty, and Union, and prefers honesty
to rascality in the administration of
pililio and privato ufTuirsi . Tbo Gov
ernor is pAcUllnVly happy in his meth
od of stating what 'Mr. Greeley will
noil do If oleclod. ", ; , ,' ,' 'I'
' Leakino Out. Thomas M.' Mar.
shall, until hilcly the chief orator of
tbe Allegheny county Radicals, doliv
(std an able Greeley and BuukalsW
speech at Washington, Pa., last weok.
II o' almost confiscated the Cameron-Hnrtranft-Allen
ring. He slatej that
John W. Geary wa defeated, thrco
years' ago but was counted in by lb
corhtplidniats. 1 This is What the
Democrats )vty asserted, 'but Vae
just often donied by tbe Udienls.
Noil' since Mr. Marshall has .feeWiroe
disgusted with the corruplioniruso
tolls what hs koows about hetn. .
Tbo now trial of Dr. Suhcoppe, will
ooinmonce in Carlisle to day.
Tboproposod tunnul under the Mis.
sissippi at Memphis costs 85,000,000.
Gon." Shorman left Frod Grant be
cause Fred wanted to mako a valet of
Mm. So they suy.
A sixty thousand dollar bank rob
bery occurred in Baltimore, on the
night of the 10th.
Moaby goes fr Grant, therefore
Muaby's sins in killing Union soldiors
on Ibo aly aro paruonuu.
A man' lovalty to tbo Administra
lion is measured by tho amount bo
will give to corrupt voters.
Tbe Courier-Journal believes tbut
Dr. Mary Walker is unquestionably
tho most thorough pantulooimtio of
llio aire.
"Thero is not a Greoloyilo among
the colored mono! Jyrono. Herald.
That is certainly no discredit to Mr.
Thoro nro tiVenty-fivo Republican
papers in Pennsylvania opposing the
election ot llio Human cunuiuuto lor
Johnstown rejoices in a regular lady
Doctor Esther W. Murbourg. Those
young men t ion tiled with tho heart
disease all send lor lier.
Tbo Phihtdolphians launched a
Stoam Ship, of theLivorpool line.over
wuicu tlicy nuu a oig joinucaiion.
Thoy aro going to build throe inoro.
A Lcavonworth (Kansas) pupcr
speaks ot Kansas city as a "right old
fungus whoso teritory Is carpeted with
thrco ply mortgages." ' ; i
Tho New York Evening Post pre
dicts a Republican defeat in Pennsyl
vania on account of the revolt of the
party against Hartrantl.
Buckalow and Hartley are admitted
by Republicans lo bo honest men.
llartrauft and Allen are denounced by
Republicans as corrupt and unworthy.
Tho character of Ilartranfl Is to be
endorsed by a cerlificato signed by-
Simon Cameron and others, slating
that he comos fully tip to their stand
ard of honesty.
Jrrca. Bales, ol Iitusvillo, says; "If
Greeley is lo bo electod, 1 will toll my
property and inovo to Canada." If
Mr. Bales is as good as his word, Ti
tusviiio wiii lose ono of iter citizens.
George Kiugsland, n book-keeper of
the lluilMon Uounly National llatik.ol
Jorscy City, bus decamped to Europo,
being a ilclitulter lor .'U,UUU, Wine
and women are said to bo tho cause.
Tho high and narrow military heels
lor ladies, boots are no longer fashion
able in Paris, but aro being replaced
by heels about hull tbe height of the
old ones.
Connecticut, "the land of steady
habits" and of "blue laws." has given
up her attempt to prevent the auto of
liquors, and pasted a stringent license
law in the stead of the repoalod pro
hibitory act.
Tho son of Gov. Blair, of Michigan,
hns been turned out of his mail agonry,
for "violatini; tho rules of the posttil
service. 1 hat is to say, ho refused
to give $j9 to tbo Grant campaign
Thoro aro 25.000 Greater Konubli
cans in this Stale, every one of whom
will vote tho Democratio State and
Congress tickets in October, In order
to make suro of tbo Stale for Groclcy
in November. . ..
' Tho Lafayclto(,Ind.) Journdf (Grant
paper) gives notice that Grant mon of
other states must not look to Indiana
for any help in the canvass. "The
situation hero," it says, "is sullieii tilly
grave to excite our most lively np
Il is said Goo. Grant has not said
''Let us Have I'eucu" once, sineo tbo
Philadelphia Convention. Pcrhapa
his man Uoulwetl shut him up when
ho said in North Carolina, "I protest
agaiust slrcli'hing bunds across the
bloody chasm." ;, " .
Tho Rov. Brolhcr in Law Cramer
has boon beard from again, lie ro
fused to present the American Consul
at Copenhagen, Mr. G. W. Griffin, and
bis accomplished wifo .o Court, bo
causo they belonged to too low a grndo
of diplomatic rank to cntillo them to
that honor, , ' "
When ; negroes' in South Carolina
voto tho Conservative ticket, or show
a leaning in that direction, they aro at
once arrested and nut in prison, If not
impaled On Federal bayonets This Is
what Grant, Morton and Couklln call
"gtiarnnicoing a Republican form of
W V fl I , lit u II If. ,
Hon. James Watson Webb writos a
letter from England, dated Juno 2S,
in which lie caustically reviews Gram's
administration and avows hi decided
preference for Greeley. Spoaking of
lii-uol lie says ; "lie is as ignorant to
day of llio wants of the country and
of the first principles of statesman
ship aa when dueled to the (Vcbiilen
cy. His sole idea of tho duties of his
high station appear! to be concentra
ted in making provisions from llio
publio treasury for his immediate lain
ily and its connections, nnd in prosti
tuting the publio patronage to secure
a re election.
Kltf;lTI-.K'tt MITICI V-No leoil hereby
given that (ho following aceotinil Imre been
aaaniinod aod pnMnd hr wte, and manin Sled of
rooord la tnn ulnae Tor the iuipeetito of heirs,
legatees, creditor, and all other, in auvolher wny
lnt'rrnted, and wilt be presented to trie Mat Or
phan!' I.'ourft of Cloerflold eonntj, to ba held at the
toart HouM, In the borough nf CUiarheld, u
menuing on tbi 4)i Mmdnv (being the t'ii day)
of Heptemher, 4. . ISM. ' '
seeoantorti. 11. Hon, admlnlstratnr ar Asa.
hel Carr, lato of ,awrenee townatiip, deeeawd.
Finul arc'imit of L, D. Weld, guardian of John
H. Weld, of nvnrla tiwn,hip.
Final areaunt of Klliah and lUtld Aslif nf'lter,
admlnnicalors of Peter Antienleluif, lataof ttrady
townsiop, dooened. ,
Areount of Amnsa and Jtibn ftrntth, cdintQli
fretnre of Amasa Hintth, h.ta of Doooarta Uiwa-
allip, nViwafeil. ! i .- -'. ;
rinnl seanent ot ueorge botnon, aurQinidratur
of.lneolt Zlmtoer, la'e ol llrndy toannlilp, d.-e'd.
Piniil eeeount of llaortra W. kM'ullr, adminls.
trahir of John L. McCully, lato of lleoearia town-
tdiip, d'-eenred.
Aeeount of Lawrenee Flood and Franoe, Ran-
non, administrators of John llanooo, lata of Cor.
toftton lowuanip, deceased. ,.
Final aernunt of Alexander M' tlwain. almin-
Istralor of Rirtisrd Asncroft, lato of Rarnside
townstiip, deonaiM. ( . :'-
Final aooounl of Ororgo W. M-Celly, adminis
trator of Uatliaiine Wliltciido, Into of Ouellch
towr.ship, deooased.
1 Final aeeotint af John ft. MeKtrraan, adtalnls.
tratar n( ihoiwaa Vaikerioa, lata of Uueliek Iowa-
ltl, deeeared.
Aeoounr of Joltn B. Mr-Klamen, fuardiaS of
Thuaai Folksnon, William Fulkemoa, Edrla
Falkoaaon and tiaaan Fulkoraea, af Uaeliok p.
Anaoant of Juhu Cowder, g aerdian of Mry A.
Wetiol, lienrga Wetiel and Daniel Wotiel. of III.
trard township.- ' '
- I litnisran'a Orrlrs, I A. W. LEE,
C'.-arfteld, I'a., Ai.g.H, isrl lc.; . lUi-iater.
IH Till. MATTTR tiftiie WTATK OF
Darid Haland, lata of Cheat townelilp, t'lrar
lieid oounty, Pa., rieaeaard, the application of
Eliialieth Roland, widow of denea'rd, to have re
port of the appraisers of tbo rraltjr approved and
the real Mtate ailotiad to hrr audi Act ef As
sembly of November f, 1S8J. wu preuatrii,at
June oourt, IH,3, whereupon the t'urt ordered
that all parsons Interested Is laid aetata ehonld
take aotloa that the report the sppratears will
be approved, nd Hie aaid real omu allotted to
said widow, under the provisions af lha A at of
Novnmhrr ill, A. I). isni, arorajwid, union autn
elent eaasa to the eontrary ba shvwa by tha first
day ffrleptomber term nesu Ily the Court. ,
, . , AUasti A. W. LfoYi ,
ojjN St l' ' Clerk of Orphani' Court.
grit? g(lffrtistiuutis.
Clearfield Co. Agricultural Sooioty
To be hold near Clearfield on MONDAY, TUES
DAY and WEDNESDAY, ftupleuiberilOlu, and
Oolobor 1st and 2d. i
Designing tha coming fair lo ba ona pe
ouliurlv In the Intermit ol homo produoors, numer
ouo ohangos in the usual rulos and regulations
will appear, as also In tbe amount and application
of premiuine. The farmers, mechanics, manufac
turers and business won uf this aud adjoining
oountlos are earnestly invited to take a part in
this good work, and lo aid tho Society in getting
up sa exhibition of the growth and ptuuuuta of
this section or me tnaio mat fiiatl uo gratifying-
to all eonoernvd.
Rules and Regulations.
Family Tlakets, admitting parents and their
children under eighteen years of age, will be fur
nished as heretofore at $t each. These can be
purchased at any time at the office of the Booioty
in Clcarfleld,or at tho offlee near the gate at tho
opening of the Fair. .
Ticket, of lika etfect will ba issued to life mem
bers. Tbe only other means of adiniiiion will be in tho
shape of tickets at its oonts each, and good for a
single aumtMion oniy.
These will ba sold at the office near the gate and
at the' principal hotels and the I'ustofloo in town.
Hursee tt) eents each.
Certificates of membership will be furnished by
the President or Secretary at one dollar eaoli. and
for ona dollar additional a family tiokct will ba
No admission ohargo will ha inado for ehildron
uuder ten years of agu, nor will they ba admitted
at all nnleu acoompauied by a parent or guardian.
Eihibitore will be eareful to have their own
amrs, with a proper draorliitloa af the articlea or
animals to be ellnbitrd, entered an tbe books of
the tHcretary, aud obtain cards to attaoh to suoh
articles or animals, showing tho number of the en
try and tha olaes to which tbey respeoiivaiy be
long. This work should ba luiibed oo tha first
day of tbe fair, aod can be done in advance of tbe
fair by eihibitors furnlablng their names and do
arriptlva llite of tha things to be eahibiled to (he
Freeidonl and Heeretary, and wa earnestly tneiat
upon ma prentice of makiog entries and getting
oards in advauoe.
All artiulca or animate for eshlbition, eicepl
borons that are lo ba exhibited on tha track, sousl
be brought with (a the fair gronnd beforo to&b'olock
on the second day of the fair.
' A n ample police fore will ba on the ground to pre
serve order and protect property, aod to this ead
aU lha otflcari will use due diligenoof but tha So
ciety win not be responsible lur any damage Uiat
msy ooenr.
- Tha officers, maaagcrs and polios will wear pro.
par badger, so ihat tlie publio may know to whom
to apply for information.
Articles of merit placed oa exhibition, though
But enumerated tn any of tbe elassce. will ba fa
vorably notioed by the Eieoutire CommiUoo.
Tbe payment of preiniuuie will oonimenca the
first Monday after the fair and oontinoo for sixty
days, after which all unclaimed premiums will be
trcatad as a donation to lha bocicty.
Clam 1 Opn ( all brttd
Bt bull flO; Uciteow 9
Class 7Orarle oaltU otcntd in lk amxtf.
Bt oow $Ht Ilit heifer, Bynold.ii
btit el( aoUer f.gbl nouibi M I
Clau I 0n.
BmI tlt oib... M
Clam 4 'm Vault. ,
Drtt fut fcullock, eow or huiler rftitrd and fo
unts! iu lite eonoljr MH
Clani hSfierp mnd H'oW.
Boit buck mny brerd.,,,., K .....$
Brit tw, ny brcf
Beat lamb, may brrrd... t
Beit fltoce oX wul. , 2
Clam opt to all,
Beit buu, ao breed
Best brce-itug luw, iiy brwd 6
Bmt hog aver lit month.- , 3
Bt pig tt Jor U Biiotbi.H M M.. 1
. ClaAtt T Pmuhiy.
BmI blf dotm ipring fhickcni.w....M .$2 00
Bcil Jii'tsjr of cbiciem, out kit tbtui 1 Uuc.3 U0
Beit iiiila ol turkeji, not ! tbao 4........ 2 AO
Clais Tkorovykhrtd lrr vptu f mil.
Bert italMon, anr brnrd fb
Bait mar aod olt, auj breed, onoad in Co. 10
' Cosaaa ramiry, rmffH mnd fmrms Urart,
Butt linptU) fantl.v bono.
Beat MaicbeJ trria( brte.WH....MM..,M.a 4
Beit ipan draught burica H ......... M. t &
Beit cult nt OTcr two year. ,..M.M . 4
Beat oolt not orer tfarao ytan.,.,... 6
tint oolt under two jiri-,..(. 4
Clam ItiTrwttipg Hurt;
Boat trolling bona raiiMl and owned In Co..,. .4 2
Brit walking bono owtn-d in coantr ...
Belt trot ling eult owned tn the toonty, out orer
4 ere ojd. H.m..H 10
Xba bnrava la Uie above olaaa will b lei ted on
tbe track, (brra ruundi eaeb. tbo ownen Oudicg
tbo arireri, and In deciding ufKin tbo qua 1 1 tin ui
bo boTiea tha Jadgaa wUI uko idU oooiidtraiion
tbo iiyle of (bo waJkiag or Irvtiiog aa tvll at tbo
Clam 11-OHAIXfl.
Boat aero of winter wbuat,..,., ..'..,
Beit act of ryr 8
Beit aoro of oati..M.,M,.,.,.n,..tMM..4.M, 0
Heat acre of orB....i.M.Mf..M.. 0
Beit aero of eluver aeod.....;.. A
Unit bOflU'l of wheat 4
Beit half tuihel of Uatelh oaod 3
Beat buaho. ra...... .w..i....rt..a.,..,t,. S
Beit btubel of eoro in tha oar. 3
Ailioanti for pretuiuini oa Held ero. muit
Hlro avtlco to tho seeattro ootatnitlaeat looit ton
daya im adrapoo 14 tbo fair, ao that tha ground
wajr bo mtaiared and the yield aacortaincX
For the groateit varietj, beit qaulltjrand larg
est di-jilay of graint. Including eloTer and 1
Hoiatbr aoed, and alio garden aid Hold va
get ab lei, inoludiog eeeta, oniona, puinukina,
aquaibei, and iruUi of all kindi raiaud oa
ami fa km it riir iaur famhrr $40
Tha gam and aordi to bo exhibited in not lose
qaaolilit thau half bushel, with fair ij'erimupi
l ll( tbo oifcur articles. ( i , j
. , . , . ' CLAaa 1J " '
Tbe greatest variety and best breed of hnriea ,
and other animali, In tied in twfoe and ibrp ' '
owned and eabibttod by the sane farmer $30
' Artiulra oraaimali eotird in clasiea It or U
will aut be aUuaed to compete in auy other olaaa.
Vi:.i:taiii . 1
, Class liltvott mnd Veyttabh: (
But display of rutabago turulpi. nutleis than
one doten .,.,..$ I 90
Boat hair bnihel fat turnips 60
lteot half bushel swaet p(Utooaw...,M 1 00
Bcjit display ot celery... ....,.. v M
Bent dii la of table beets . , 1 tO
llat display of Hold beef , , ... 1 00
Beat d if play of oalioasjo. nut leas than 4 hdi. 1 00
Heat diplay of cauhlluwer 1 00
Beit difplay of oulloiii ond squnrhut 50
Beit iqussh 1 00
Boat variety and display of pumpkins, not
than a balf duien X 00
Bert dinplay ol fjor plants 60
Clam IS fttur and Kjg:
Bct flrhln of butter, not Iras than la lbs 1,5 00
Heat fib butter, not lel than 6 lbs , 4 00
Crst cheese wada In tbe oounty 2 00
Clam 18 Ffour.
licet 50 poundl wheat flour..... - $3 00
Brst ftO pnunds rye flour , . t 00
Boat 60 pounds buckwheat fleur , 3 00
Best 40 poantls oorv mtnli 1 60
, i ,ajw 17 iieowtefie ArfitUi, t. , ,
Best box or jar of bocj-.. $1 00
lit at lOpimudi umple sugar , 2 00
Beit poanhtis, put up air tight. 1 00
Bust tomatoes, put up air light, iHploma. ;
Host blackberrion, ait tigbi Ihploiua.
Hnal fancy jar uf ntrkU-s, t Ihploma. '
Host ciirrd liitn, ilipUuna ant 1 00
Beat dried beef, with mndo of onring 1 00
Class Ifl flr-arl and Cermt t'a.-L
llmt loaf of wheat bnd. $1 CO
l J loaf of ryo broad 1 t'O
Itnit lunf of o-rn bread 1 00
H it sponge eake , J0
Beit etly oake., tO
Hot pound cake,,,,.. M,,., ihploma.
Beit fruit oak..M.. rt .Itptoroa. J
tnt roffra oake Dit.lnma. -
Rest lady enkM. ,t k....v..llpbima '
Beit nake of any kind, diploma Mil,,,.,...,, 1 00
Bolt prrserrei, diploma and..................... ; 50
Bait Jelly, diploma and iS
Bit dliplny Of provarves and Jolly, ... I 00
Boat looerwm..4 a. 1 00
Class 19 AgrirmUmml JwpUmiU, I
Boat plow fur stubble or (ward.-. -. 00
Boit rub-toil plow 3 00
Hot clod cruinor and roller oombtned 0 00
Boit grain drill ...,. ..... fll0
Best throablnif marhlue, diploma and..,.,. 5 00
II pit thresh. on machine, diploma and.,.. 0 01
Hett enrn plsatrr..i,,,. ..t.lliloia
Bait hnrso rnkfl.i. ....... ..,m Diploma and 0 00
Bast hay pitching niachine, ,,.,,,1ii. Intnl.
Beit horse pnwrr iMptomd Ona 0 W
Boat original In vent run of agnouhural ImplH n"
tie it harrow ............a......... ....... I 00
Beat fanning -IU-,-..,....,.,..., 4 00
Boit eultienl'ir It 0
Beit im he I Iff '9 0
- All arlinlfi In thUolaiimtt matiufiouiml in tha
ouatyjanll be awarded no monlrd premium, but
moT tfulre a diplamn. , : ,
tCpLASa 20 Afi'srefonaovi FaminQ ymptrnfK '
Best boe biro 1., ;...:....;:....;..'..$ 00
Brtt stamp marhin t.. i lt
Bast grain oradle ; I 00
Best bit of garden tools 2 00
Best dlptuy of farming utensils owned by
oihibitor 6 00
This clans mbject tu tbo rule la olais J6.
Claim lZnifi'e JanwucHrai.
Best 10 yardi flannol 93 00
Beit 10 yardi satinetts 2 00
Bit 16 yard ww.leo sarpot 2 00
Best 10 yardi olotb 2 00
Boit 10 yards rng carpet (wool obaiit) H 2 00
Best pair blankets 2 00
Boit wool fringed mitts iJiplotur aud 60
Best woo I in oorerlct 3 00
Beit inectmen of knotting, kuiltingor noodle
work by M lis under 1 1 years old I 00
Boit pound I men towing thread 1 00
Best pound nocking yarn 1 60
Bust foot mat fcO
Best tidy mat w 60
Clam 22-A7efi7, Shell, H nxMort, Etc,
Best spool me nt of net dW-wnrk H AO
Best spociuico flowuri in worsted 60
Beit ipcciinen sewing on machine 60
Bust spooiiuon rmbruidory iu wonted.. f.O
Brst ipeciiuen enibrniilury In lain 60
Hcit ipwimon embroidery In muslin 50
Best specimen U-sthcr work M 60
Best specimen wax flowers 60
Beit speoiuco feather work 60
Beit ipeoimen ornamental work 60
Brit rliirt made by Mias under 12yn , 1 00
Beit bod quilt, eat I mated for work m 1 00
CLAM 2 Millinery ami I)rtmdkiy.
Beit millinery work , t2 00
Best dress making 2 00
Class 24Ard,tic Work.
Best photograph taken on the ground. ,, Diploma
Best landacafio painting , .,,,, ..Diploma
Beit penmanship , , Ihploma
Beit arcbitoclutal drawing Diploma
Best oil painting Ihploma
Beit portrait paintiog Diploma
Best eattle painting , Diploma
Best painting in water colors. Diploma
flout ornamental painting ol any atud ihploma
Best farming sovue
Clam 26 Itfi-jmt,
Brs. design for farm houvo and stable 95 00
Best design for dairy bonne 2 00
Best design for fruit bouse m 2 tO
Clars 26 Metallic Fulriot d Machinery.
Best cooking stove 00
Best parlor itore 3 00
Best specimen iron ftmee M 2 00
Beit duplay of tinware 6 00
Best specimen blaoksmltbing.... 2 00
Best specimen of gunraitbing... Diploma
Beit ipocimen of work in Iron 2 00
Best plate casting M 2 00
Best shower bntb 2 00
Bait original invention In county 6 00
lleit dir. American poo kit and table cutlery 6 00
Best display of edge tools M S 00
Beit di'play of farming and Held tools.,,.... 6 00
Beit display of iron machinery. S 00
Class 27 Vtkitlet ( Kiu-U.
Brst familr carriage $4 00
But buggy.. 4 00
Bust fur m wagon 4 00
Host sleigh 1 . 4 00
II. it lumber ibd 2 00
Beit borae cart 1 00
Best wbvclbarrow M 2 00
Tbe premiums in thsclss are iutemUd only
for srtuilrs inanufwatuicJ iu Ihc voun'y. Ji.plo.
mm may Le awartled to urti- hs nut nmIe in the
court? il Jctun fn; of notice. This rule aim ap
plntf to Class -fi.
Clams UK Ct!nttmir mad im Cuaary.
Best drefiring bureau , ,. -$i 00
Hlrt CUt k-IlOO tftbli' ea 2 00
Bfst variety uf chair 3 00
II -ft bcliu-ad - 2 00
Btit wah itan t a. 1 00
Btsi dittUy of eabnttt rc 6 00
Bft s t pai'bir fu.nitwrv 5 00
Bfit rrlulcjjiri 2 00
Hi st sofa 6 00
U. it o uUe Ub.e ... i 00
11, it oiiagv - 2 00
Best cfliee chair - 2 flM
Brit rustie ebuir 2 00
' Clais W (Wnetiity, V.trptmiviuy, A'lc.
Brst pins ware, tubs, tnda, AO 00
Beit set w( fj..tin inujurci 'I 00
B Sl NllKKi. lii.lliU .1 00
lUst lot (if buckets 1 00
Best ipeiinca of ausb 1 00
lies: paiiol dour H 2 00
Beit pump of any kind & 00
Cl.AHS 30 Carriers, S'ulille rt ttnt Shoemaker, "
B'll gentlemen's boot and rboes $2 00
lb-st ludiri' boots and shoes - 2 00
Beit d Up la j of boots and ilioes M 6 00
IK si nduig saddle fur 2 00
Beit riding bridle and martingale 1 00
Best nd! Hnifhrd baruoes leather 1 00
VtiX rjb; -ir -.ikiurMM.H.H, I 00
Best carrngo harness S no
Brst sidfcle bamesi , 3 00
Best dipUy of raddlety 6 00
Beet side kip Vaiber....M " 60
Best side sole leather..,.. ..,. ,.., ... 60
Best tug h aro -is , 2 00
Best gentleman's saddle t 00
Beat traveling trunk H.M 1 00
Bfilralfskin to
Beit side upper leather...., 60
. Class 31 Ttifori and ('pholHertrt Tl'eiJc.
Best suit uf clothes made hy band 94 00
Best pants and rest made by a lady ,
Best ooat made hy a lady H
Bast husk witrs..,. ...,. ,...i
Best hair mattress
Best straw mattress
Class 22 Jrimtig fa Vtmnty.
Beet newspaper
Boat blank
Best bsj.ibill......-.
I to
, 1 so
, I on
. 2 0(1
1 00
1 (S
1 00
, I 00
Bestoard 1 00
Best specimen of ornamental printing 6 00
Class 83 aSroweieur.
Bert assortment and quality ,,...$5 0J
' Clam 84 Chtmieat 4t Cmieal Aitiam. ',
Best available manure at moderate seat. .....93 00
Best available manure for farm produot,
Bes fiurgar with mode bf making.,,.,..
Best specimen of Soap
Class 34 Wood nd 8io,
Beit d re sett stone..
Best baiter bowl...,,..,.,....,.,..
Best kit of shinnies "vl -ban 60
Best turned article M
Beit floor boards, worked
Beet washing machine. .......
1 00
1 00
1 10
.. 00
. 1 01
1 00
. 1 00
.. t 00
- 1 to
Beit butter tadle. ,
1 00
Beit weather boards worked. ,.....
, Class IbHatmrml )Iintrat$.
Beit suit of useful minerals of Clrarfleld
County. Inclnding coal l 90 ,
Best flatter's olay... 60
Btrst eolkMitton of fuails..... ..4r. .... 1 00
Best specimen of ooal.,,.( , .., J 00
But cattinet of jojlnfrals of Chard eld and ' t
adjoining fuantiee, te bt) the property of ''
the Society 6 90
Best limestone................. , K 00
Best fire clay 60
. ' Cum 39 Frit. ' ' 'Mil j
Brst dis. and greatest variety of grafted fmlt6 00
Best display of pears ,H..H 2 60
Best quinoes 1 00
Uest spcciinon ot apples, I peek , 1 vo
Beit specimen of American grnpi-i I 00
Beet mtnral grapes rmined iu oounty M. 1 00
Best domestic grape wine 2 00
Host currant iriuu,. ,. ,.... 1 00
Best blackberry wine 1 00
CLAM) 37 Hortrmanwhip.
To tbo la ly who manngea hor horse beat and
sits moit graovtuuy , ihiiiomt
To the gvutieinrn nho mauagea bis horse ;
best and sill most gracefully., wlhimna
Besidrlviig on ib track by a iadj..M..tldnma
Clahi 38 AeaerrVs
Best onriere frnntalnlng tbe greirtest rarlely
1 of fruits and -fehruba, oultivated ia tbe .
most approved snnnoer, the snplloaat lo
furnish written description, with variety
and tnodo of culture , 9 00
' Class 30 CiVatml jif. ' ' '
Best dliplny fetid grealrnt variety of fltwer97 00
Bet display and grrnteat- variety of plants 2 OO
Beit display of floral ornament,,....,,., 2 00
Heat bavkimt bvquet with kaudle, ,.,. .Diploma
Best hand bnqnet...,., Diploma
Tho KxtvuMre Comtnlttrn deem H nrormr to
Mate that In mting Ibo frroaud thoy eonaooted to
tbo ue of lb track, by tbe l'ark Asiocialiwii, fr
an hour or morn, on the afternoon nf the 2d
and Sd dftys of the fulr, to train or test horses for
tbe trot tbe day lolluwing.
. WILLIAM IUU1, Kit, President.
Natramikl Biani.L, Bosk 4ul'Hr.Ksi!,
Hwretary. Treasurer,
ft r.nrivsj r'nvtitTTrE Jubn Vrliauirltev. V
O. Miller, Isaac Caldwell, Joseph Uwona.U, llall.
Cnvntrrrn or ARR4ninnstn f rae BnilH-
ihoi A. M. HilU. Martin Mabols, Rllislrwiu,
Anrnn Tate, Airs, a., A. lrwtn, Mrs. Mngtrie uwens,
Mrs. Will tun Biglfr, Mr. John Mclirid.
On f fjroanri. Tlns Bloom. Henry Korns,
Barnuel Caldwell Morris VTnUaoe. . .1 ,
August 2K, Hjg,' ,, . j
?7m:c tion for oyncKHs
onl & ImproTciiient fompany.
All whm It mnv concern, 1V. noltce, that an
ateotion will bo bold at RrlaMn'e llnll. in the har-
ooihof Jl.iiiadal oa I "Hi dav
of rtKI'TK.MIIbll, IH7 2, to elect a Hoard ot Oft
oers, President and lJirccturs oT tlie Italern Coal
and Improvement Courmny. 1), IlullTS, .
. auiy as, io,a..,ii. . . praaiocna.
CI .UTIOBi. All prwiDs.rcficretty onufloned
) agninsi purehasp.g Or in any way meddling
with H illiatn llyan', sbanty goods, cansisttng of
H bods, cooking utensil, and crockery want alo.
one cow and si. hog,, as the ssme belong to in
ana nara ooeu ien in nis csro, mio,eci 10 niv or
der. - I'KTRn HIAY.
Ilnstob township, Aug. I ft. Ih;I.-3i
sal, at thte ofAc., . . - 1. . , . , - 1
TOHT. On the 23d of August, botwtwn Boek
J ton and Heynoldst-ilia, a black oilcloth trav
eling bag, containing the following at tie lee, vii t
A vnit, a plau of a bridge, a collection of miner
als, a book, Ao. Tbe find it will be liberally re
warded by sanding tha same to the Hupi'banna
House, t'urwonsvtllo, J'a. U. JJOOVKIt.
r p e a c 1 1 r, iTli-ii7 ak tT; i n TliTlia7dof
X School Directors of Union township wish to
employ two ouuipotent taaobers fur tbe onming
term. Appltcanti for schools enn meat the Board
of Diruetors at Hovkton Hohoel U ut, on Halur
day, tbo 21st day of Hepte-uiher, at I o'clock p. m,
Ituoklon, Aug 2H, lM72 4t W. WKLTY.
CAlillON. All persons aro hereby warned
J against purchasing or In any way meddling
with Ibo following personal property, vis t 2
horses, 2 oows, 4 bogs, I tun bay, of 0 acres of
oats, of 4 aoree uf corn, of 6 acres of bunk
wheat, 1 sled, now in the possession of Jacob L.
Uearhart, of Bloom townnhip, as the same were
pure based by meat SherilTi sale, aud are left
with him on loan, subject to my order.
Curwensville, Aag. 28-3t
The undersigned offers bis House and Lot
lor sale, situated on Locust street, between Fourth
and t ilth streets, iu (he borough ot ciearheid.
Tbo building Is a two story ''L" plank frame
house, wvll finished, together with tbe neoeisary
outbuildings, and tbe lot is in a good stale ol cul
tivation. Fur tonus and condition! apply to or
addreii liKNKV 1UHL1NO,
auRl'H Sin Clearflcld, I'a.
8TK A V Came trespassing oo tbe premises
J of the undersigned, in I.awrrnee township,
tiuarfleld eounty, on or about the first week in
June, a red and white boiler, sop posed to be about
two and n half yean old, nnd a black and white
teer, luppoisd to be about one year and a half
old. Tbe ownrr Is notified to come forward, prove
property, pay obarges and take them away, or
tbey will be disposed of according to law.
-' 3t JOHN B1IAYV, Jr.
"Lny down tho Shove! and tho Hoe."
This Ingenious machine, for which a patent has
Just been issued, it is confidently believed will su
persede all others in nro or offered to the public.
It Is constructed so that it furrows, plants and
sows at a time, at equal distances apart, both ways,
dropping four, Ave or six grains in each bill, as
tltp wotker may dt I ermine before eommeselng,
covering tbe corn when dropped, smoothing down
its own furrow aod leaving the ground in better
condition than before planting.
it Is in itself a complete tlf working machine,
requiring no hired aasistanoe and doing tbe work
better and wilh greater regularity and precision
than It could possibly be done by band, at less
than oua-tenth tbe labor.
Anybody that can drive, with this Planter oan
go into a field prepared for corn and furrow, drop
and cover ten to fifteen acres daily. Its capacity
being limited only hy tbe dittanoe a team oan be
steadily driven. It Is so eonitmotM that when
not planting or in turning at tbeend of tbe fur
row, by a mere taueh It is raised off the ground,
thrown out of gear and moved backward or for
ward, where you may want it, without dropping
the oorn or touching the earth.
Practically it ignores men, hoes and plows In
corn planting, and makes that which has hereto
fore been hard labor a mere pastime for a boy, or
about healthy exercise for a laiy man.
Inspection of tbe I'Unt.T onitruetcd bv the
patentee eordially solicited, and county. State or
tnuiviuufwi riKuia tor aaie, ai tow rates, to expedite
its Introduction.
Adlrce BE I' BEN II AC KM AN, Patentee,
ang'.-3ui Clearfield. Pa.
1)t:itSOXAL. Frodoriek Koch, or
his heirs are requealed to send thoir address
to the undersigned, to It-nrn something to their
adisnla.;. A-idrt l ll.AS. II. MbVKR.
6:21-t Oerman. Consul, Philadelphia, Pa.
Utt, MAItMl AL'SI OH'IC i:,
a Western .Unmet of Pennsylvania.
PiTTftfirRdn, Auguit 15, ls2.
This Is to glee notice that on tbe l-th day of
A anil it, A. D. 172, a Warrar.t in Bankruptcy
was iuoed against the eitatoof R. B. 51 IT 1,1, Y,
of Uulich tonnsbip, in the couuty of CUarfifld
and Htate of J'enns Ivauia, whs has been ad
judged bankrupt, on bis own petition ; that tbe
pniueut ot any debts and delivery of any pmp.
erty belonging to such bankrupt tu him orfurhii
u, and tbe trao-ier of any property by him are
forbidden by law; ihat a meet in of tbe creditor!
of eaid bankrupt, to prove their d.bli, jid to
cnoose one or more aiguccs ot bis entate, will be
held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at
Clrarfleld, la tbe county of Clearfield tn the f?tate
zt Prxnaviranit, jD the offiee of the Prothonotary
uf the Court of Common ricas, iwiuron. K. nv
rnfl, Ksq., Register, on the 18th day of October,
A. I. 1572, at IU u 'clock a, ra.
aug?l 4t C. 8. Marshal, as Messenger.
TfRIT UV PAItriTIOS.-To tbe heirs
1? aud legal r prcMnUtivei of Harsh Rosi,
late of Rra itord township, Clearfield eoanty,
drwascd :
lKutioe is ben hy given that In accordance wilh
a writ of partition, issued out of tbe Orphans'
tVort of Clearfield county, and to me directed, ao
inquisition and epf,reis.nient will ba held en tbe
premises, In Urudturd township, on Friduv, the
i:ith day of rVpteiaWr nest, at V o'clock a. en of
said day. and all parties interested will please lake
iwtice. JOTIN J. PIL, Sheriff.
Cbaifieldg August 21, IS2.
T1AV VOt'R TAX. -The citiieni of Law-
X renoe township are hereby notified that the
bo boo 1 Directors ot said district have placed the
duplicate oi scootfT tai tn my hsn Tor collect too.
Tbose who know thomt-lves Indebted for county
and Plate tat fur 172, will also take lofiee that
said tax U due. I will be at tbe Court House
every r-aturdav, and the balance of the werk 1 will
be found at home. TAYLOR ROWLF.S,
aug21-3t Constable.
is hereby given that letters nf administration
oa the estate of J Art. ZFJULKK, derefd, late
of Brady township, Clearfield county, Peon a ,
having been daly graou-d to the undersigned, all
persons indebted lo said estate will tilcaie make
immediate payment, and Ibuae earing claims or
ucinanus win present Lnrm properly auUienticatcd
for settlement without delav.
Ang. W-t ' w . v Admlniitrators.
A I) MI NlttTR ATOH4 NtmC'tKotice
iL ii hereby given that lotters of administration
on the estate of M ILToN M'BRID K, deceaaed , iale
or llearneld lloroiigb, Clearfield County, I'a ,
having been duly granted to tbo undersigned
all persons indebted to aaid eatate w ill plea make
pavtnent, and those having claims or demands
will present them properly auihenticitie I for seU
uemvnt. JAM ho Kh.l.hi ,
AuRnit Jl, Atlmintrator.
Tlie ru! r.r Lis bid .fl one hundred lute.
uliLh he -tlfi roi i. If a: rv isutmldt' rat. to all
those who tn I Jij d t move in r hat direction,
The Town ts beart':til 'y 0 iitt-l un !? lOtly Creek
witbm t i'ity ru l the Al!b or Valley Hail
Road, now nil I.-;- o i.i!.t ia. It i; )ttua;d
on the public ivud hading fium LuihtTsturg to
BiiH'kwwv ville. Iu thittown, liberal inducement
r tv toerliifjiiloa aiii rtjttptUlug buiiliesl
men, being in a thickly settled turmaig commu
nity. Those In wunt of lota should buy early, as
tbey are boiug disposed of vory rapidly.
He alto oilers fur. sale let vl tin aofef. a.l.
Joining the town, with a stream of water rutyi big
t.iroujrti ii, auuieitm to tun a meohtne shop, cardg
ing mill, Ac, and an excelleut lituation for a
tannery. ' '
Me also will sell a farm of one hundred and fifty
eorca, aljoinliit the town, with ftlty sores elvared
and In a good suite of eultlvat ion, the reraajudcr
bring covered with pine, hemlock and oak timber,
with a henvy rein of coal underlying n greet part
of the trust, v
lio will sell bU Town House and alK.ut ane
sere of land in said t'wn, well siluattd lor a Ho
tel, being large and commodious, and the ncces
tarv antbuililuigs and stablinft attrvhod.
'ibtre is a lutgo steam saw mill and general
tuiiitMring eitubiibirnt now nnderoomiruetinn,
by John Dubois, adjoining tlmlown, (hat will g)c
employment te not lets than etio hundred fcindi.
There are several tprintr of god water In tbe
town, and those wishing to sink wells eau obtain
waiif In firm ten to fill eon fifteen feet, ,
The Ktwn ts inn healthy pmt of tho fount y,
and is easy of uooom from Lulbersburg, Paleiii,
West l.ibrrtv, lleyuoldsville, Rock Jala and tbe
Iter nb W oods 8ottlomtnts,
Cnrne and see the place bcf,.re pnrchaflng else
where, or addrrat Ihe imdersigned at tiefferton
Line, Clearfield eoontv.
JOHN BrU.lAr.ftKR,
J?2I 3 in - Proprietor. 1
CleaiAeld (loualy Agiicultural Sooiety will
bold a Fair, on tbe giounds of tbo Psrk Aueia
tiop, bigiiining ou the JUih of StptrinWr and
coutimmig through the lt and Sd das of Octu-
her., Tbo agTiouliurifta, manulaHaivre and me
ohanics of tho on only arc raruntly riarLed to
aid I he tNtotety in potting up such an exhibition
of the products nf Utr funty na shall bogistifr
Injg to all emeernoii.i Tbeirwuluia list asd the
rvftulationt will appeur in due lime, ,
v.-.., WM. PHILKR, President,
-O AliTlt'Wr Allisorsonsare hereby anutlonnd'
itf-unil nuroknstug or in any way meddling !
with 2 Bay 1 torsos one two-horse Wagon and one j
set nf double 11 a mess, now In possession of Ben-
jam in JeBok, as U same are owned by m nd 1
hare baen UA B hit earn subjoot In my order. j
aiigli 3t ..... .r VtM, L DKB1CK.
Clearfield County BaniP
T1IIK Olearf.rld County Bank as an Incort.
, t d Institution has gone out of ei,MfB
the rurrenderof Its ebartor, en .Ma 12 iP
All Ita Kck Is owned by the iub.criC IV'
will continue the Hanking business at the si
place, as pilvau Bankers, under thsr-rI!?
of the "Clearfield County Bank." W tr,
sponslbli for the debts ol tbe Hank, anj wi
its notes on demand at the eonnter. Bspen?
received and intertel paid when money U
a fixed time. Paper discounted at sii p-rfJt?
as heretofore. Our mruinil
pledged for .11 Uofoiits rrcelved end loil.j!
trans cted. A of lb. lib,,,
Sieuliulty sulici'.i'd. As i'rcldent, Cbi,rM,
require the ciln of mid Us ok to I, prti,,
JA8. T. l.KO.N'AKD, BICDAllD fillAtf
wu a wu i ins
Tfaa tiiillnaaaa nf Ik. Ti-.L ..II I.. .J..i.i,
- ' naua eiii u, . vji.uur'ajr y.
John M' Adami.. Ksq as Cashier. , il.ijj
County National Bank,
ROOM In Mnnonie Building, one door nortU
C. D. Watson's Drug Store.
Puifage Tickets to and from Liverpool, Que-
town, iiii-gow, ionuon, rani ant Uopenhsp,
Alro, Drafti for salo on the KoyaJ Bank of Irtu
im luipcriki hkiir tn ijODuoa.
W. M. SIIAW, Cashier. e i
J. I). M'Oirk. EJwird Perki
Pooccison to Foster, Perks, A Co
Phlllpsburp, tent re Couuty, Pg.
itr.nn. an ina nusineaa oi a inkms n .
Ual ffstatf for Jalr.
"What I Know about Farmin.
mi: t-!ii:ii:
This licantifutlr located farm eiid dfij
home, is situated In the most fertile asd fcsiJ
tered portion of I'nion township, C!earftUa
ty. Pa . with good modi lea tiDg to ans fml
in all direction. It is two and a bill ntri
tbe flourishing vtlliige of Rockten, ins isi i
miles from the destined city OI "Kunitsrrr
thrjine of Bennett's Branch eit' nfli
Allechenv Valley Railroad," which will hi
plete l and running trains In h-r than n,
months, i be r arm eonuins
150 Acres of Land,
over IOO A C H of which are elrsaj
under a high stato of cuJUtatioi, wiu u
Ort'hard of SCO Apple Tn
carefully selected and bearing the ehoieer i
planted eight years ago, wilb a fair prwd
yielding at least forty bubcis this sea"i
A ytsuujt and thrifty GR AphltY is a .
a eeitl ami tasty style. he leueei are si
bosl ujid tiuu, being what Is ku- wa i 1
aud bua leuer, built of iheItiut ri' t,
long, five tails high. The dwelling
Two-slory Plank HcJ
built according to the most modern in J in j
title of are hi lecture, (lately repainted). I
iitied insMie and out in tbe most eo i
workmanlike manner. The cellar is
tbe elear, dreased stone walls, two feet iM
cemented floor. Attached to the
builiiina. SO feet Ion if. eontaininir
Bath Room and W ater Tank. W md Uf
ble for three horses and Carrisge, sll "1
roof and as a nod as new. Near bjt'H
IL-use, 3 Corn Cribs, a Pig Sly and 11 J
A stream of pure cold wniar Hows inteit-l
noom, ana ia lorocu irom mere ot i
into tbe kitchen. Couvenit-ntly ni'irth"
i a bandsome and unique O ttio a, ( ! 1
ivhea and painted tn oompiete at vie.
U ereoUd at a proper distance from 1st
with a culUr under the entire buil-bcr"'
br a stone wall tww feet thuk. lm'L
i2'jQ feet, is ura!skr(ln tlmt itvlesf
and durability oharaolvriilto of the eess !
is also
on the fVm. lSUN feet. I, siort.s Mil 1
nuslt "1." ailni heil, and a 'iail ,tt"'M
ttii-n-to. TUe liuu.v i, plaslvn.l an J r;1
irri.lit. a urai and eolnfiirtati' a) r'l
ing a .'I 1ihi cll, aito a stuns piiaip i
ot witter at 111. itmir. ANu a 1
Ivn.uiir lo tlx T.n.ul llousv. aitk " I
aiore ehnifa fruit trM.. TBtr, arr a '
Ulirtre, KiriliR of ((O'mI sUt oa Ik'l'.-ciialraoici i--" i
150,000,000 Feet of Lb'
the rutlin. nff .r enllluniDtloD St v"
toti rvaJr martrel for all piwlua n"-
U..nn Va. l,M.n l.viililv rtprli
iui tlia"Orai l'lal" aroun.i Ihf J""
... .. ....r..ll -.l..ti.l. 1 S
- ua.B le WMiviuiij .un. -
or.aaienlal tr'ecs, everitrem hru" '
hiel Bowera. Tbo darintilt ' I '"'
the rave nf Uie ran lis a row ol ",.,
intrrrwlia wiwitxae.'-'-j,
ralr all aromill It, mallia it s rss"J
Tiling r.lrral, suoh at one r ,
tlie enrlrnii. of a eily. A aonvel rrf
i - . h. rra
nr view o, me Iran,. " i
wrt curnr-r of tb. rp of irar J
There is alwava prrena a. '""',1
snow any one wa iw i-.---narrlmu.
a.i.l live them aov InMrv
giird to the farm ttirv snsr oVnr..
roi- i.rm. and ef
, ,, ,, , P.H. HI,AM 'T
, A. W, WAII1.
Tunis...!- e
W. haiiirintrillarrs ""'" i
ibK III 1.1.,
h.l alii on i". "
in rem,, a wv le ao s;W.
" una " ,!,ri
Ja.tteoelr.Janj"'''"' . a, A