THE REPUBLICAN. -. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WKDK8BDAT MOKNINO. A VOVBT It, Wl. WOMAN. While Adam slept, Qod from hli took A bona and, M un omen - 1U mad It Ilka a termph look. And thus created woman. Bo took this boo not frum hif pftte, To ehnw her power auiiei Dor frum hit feel, to deelgnate That ho on ker nil no I trample I But 'arath hif arm, to olearly ahow lie ehould protect her And near hia heart, to lot him know, How amen ho abonld reepeot her. He took this bono, crooked enongh, Moat e rooked of the human, To ibow him how much orooked stuff - He'd always lad in woman. " Paragraphs. ; - A Udy Id Indiana liu boon granted a divorce on the plea that her btmband had refused to assist bor on washing daya. A conple was married at Lafarotte, lnd., the other day in a balloon, one mile above the earth ; a wedding in high lifo. A paper tn New Hampshire reports "that twenty persons and a negro" were baptiiod lit its neighborhood on Sunday. Mrs. Partington says she does wish they would hurry up and pass the silver service bill in Washington. She wants one. -' A colored brother in Ilileboro, N. C, was turned out of his church for telling on two other brethren who bad been stealing a bog. Loving wife at Brighton "The borrid surf makes me keep my mouth shut." Sarcastic husband-"Tako some home with you." . . Everything pays well in Iowa. A widow out there bas already realized $50,000 from insurance policies on the lives of two lamented husbands. "Come here and tell me what the four seasons are f" Young prodigy answers "Pepper, mustard, salt and vinegar: them s what mothor season's with." A minister not long ago preached from the text, "Be ye, therefore, steadfast!" But the printer made him expound from, "Be ye there for breakfast." Sound the hewgag I Beat the hurdy-gurdy 1 Clash tbo cymbals I for one hundred girls in the Si. Louis normal school wear calico druses and no chignon I The highest office within the gift of the government is the superintendence of the weather signal station on Tike s Peak, which is 14,000 feet abovo the sea level. A Torre Haute, lnd., paper speaks thus: "This is a bountiful yoar. The small fruit crop Is immense, the wheat crop is huge, the oats crop is promis ing, and too baby crop is unparallel ed." "Go it, old fellow," said two idle scapegraces to an honest laborer at work. "Work away while we play; sow, and we'll reap. "Very likely, my lads," said the old nan, coolly, "I am sowing hemp." Humanitarianism has cropped out in a new form in Boston. Among the latest institutions of that city of jubi lees is a mending and repairing society composed of women, who undertake to sew on buttons, darn stockings, and perform other kindly services lor unprovidod bachelors. Fourteen years ago an Indianian left hia lady love for tbo land of gold. During all those years the faithful pair bave each written and recoived two letters every week, till a week or two ago, when the swain returned to claim his bride. They have a pile of two thousand nine hundred and twelve Jove letters to bogin housekeeping with. "Shall we Laugh in Heaven V is the title of an article in the Independ ent, contributed by Kev. Dr. 11. M. Scuddor. Various Scriptural citations are presented, giving a generally af firmative answer to the question. The Lynchburg News snggosts that it would be better for the Independent people to ascertain whether they are going to Heaven before tbey speculate on tho question whether they will laugh when they got there. Cincinnati has a hospital which buries its smallpox patients in the ash pile to save trouble. Persons passing the premises have been at any time liable to inhale the noxious vapors arising from these corpses and to be inoculated with tho terrible scourge. Much indignation is excited by the discovery. Alaska FAsnioitg. Now that Al aska with all its treasures is ours, the fashions followed by the female natives ought to be of interest to our ladies. According to a British Columbia pa per, our sisters at Sitka wear a body dross of oqual proportion of furs and dirt, arranged to suit the tsste of weares. The marleb ladies nil wear laces ; lot the love of admiration be come the controlling passion ; and by and by all the tenderness of that young creature passes away ; bor thoughts concentrate upon herself what figure she is cutting, who her admirers are, what conquests she can make ; and by and by the youthful, beautiful modesty is gone, and the way is open for vice that in tho be ginning would not have been dreamed of, or if thought of, put away as ut terly impossible. m em a I'll Princihs Charlotti. The poor woman who was once tbo Em press Charlotte has arrived noar the final catastrophe of her tragic lifo. For the last six months, she has lost all consciousness. Her prostration has been oomploto, romaining insensi ble for two or three days at a time, wben it was impossible to make her take any food. It is a singular cir cumstance, too, that amid the most horriblo montal suffering of this poor soul, nature bas lont itsolf to a piece of gross irony In that her body bas grown frightfully fat. Thus has this poor woman, culpable in too much ambition, who led the unfortunate Maximilian this fact is known into bis troubles, hat been punished in everything that she held doar. run I shed in ber love of bor husband, the best and most honest ol men ) punish ed in her fortuno, one of tho hlghost of which a human boing could dream ; punished in her intellect, which was one of the quickest and brightest in II that was good and great ; punished even In ber beauty, which was radi antthus loaving her nothing, abso lutely nothing, or all that makes the creature tho image of the Maker. It in the heavy weight of grief that bas thns reduoea one of the loveliest wo men of the world to the level ol tbe brat. gry Cood, tittitnUt, ft(. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND Or COURBB THJt CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I XTTB are now aliening np a tut of the beet and TV moat eoaautiabls floods and Ware oror offered in tills market, and at prices that remind one or the jcwm1 old tlaye or ehoap tnlnge. local who lark Faith upon this point, or deem our alio, gatlons superfluous, need but . -f l1LL ,ir Ol It STORE, Corner Front and Mavrktt itraet, When thr can tee, fel, htr and know for them- Ml-. To fully andflmtand what araehaap tftadi, this tautt b done. Wa do not deeia it naoeMary to numerata and iUmlu our ttook. It it anough for ui to itata tbal We have Everything that ia Needed and oniarn4 In thin market, and at pride that a ion ti d bom oia ana young. e JUBJ-fH BHAW 1 BUIV, r. o. mil Lit a. A. R. POW ILL. MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE a MTAIL M E R C II ANTS, Graham's Row, Market St, CLEARFIELD, PA. Wo woald moit reept olfully Inform oar friends, customers, an'd (ha pablle generally, that wo are now back la oar old quarters, which barn beoa remodeled and Improved, and wo art now pro pared (o aeeommodate all who ma faror si by calling. '1 ' ". NEW GOODS! Wo haro Just received ono of tho Isrgcst atocka of all kinda of Merebsndlse over brougnt to Clear field county, which wo Intend to aell at inch If area aa will make It an object for all perooni to purchase from as. ' Families laying la winter applies of Grooerlef, Dry Goods, Ae., ehould sot fail to fire us a call, as we feel confident our prions and superior quality of fooda will amply satisfy alL Oar stock of GROCERIES eooeiiU of Coffees of the brat quality, Teas, So lars of all kinda, Molasses, fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Bpieea, Provisions, Flour and Feed, As., Ac Oar stock of DRY GOODS is Urge and varied, and we will Just say we saa supply any article In thai line, without enumer ting. READY. MADE CLOTHING We bare a Urge stock of ready made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which ws'will dispose of at n very small adranoe on fruit. Boots and Shoes, lists and Caps, Hardware, Qneuaware, Wood and Willow Ware, Motions, Fancy Ooods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ao., As. srBeing extensively engaged In the Lumber baetnese, ws are able to oflar superior inducements to jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. , 1871. . NE W OOODtl Xcw Firm at Wallaceton, Pa. JOHN HOLT & SONS Hare bought the entire stock of goods from P. Oallagher, and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from the Eastern silica, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, . QUEEXSWARE, . HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CArS, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac, Ac, To esehange for Country Produce, Railroad Ties, Lumber or CASH. October IS. 1871. JANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTIIERSBLRO, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY 4 GLOVES, II ATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tubaooo, Groceries and Flab, Nalla, Hardware, Queenewaru and llleaaware, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Drug., Paints, Oils, School Hooka, n large lot of Patent Mediolnes, Candies, Note A Dried Fruits, Cheese sad Crack era, Rock and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timotby Seed, Sols Leather, Morooeoa, Lining, Bindings and Thread, Shoemakers' Tools and Shoe Findings. He greater variety of gooda In any store In tk county. All for sale very low for eaah or country produce at ths Cheap Corner. April I, 1)71. It BAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eltlsens of Clearfield and vicinity is directed to the fact that Goodfellow A Son are ths agents or M. Nleos A Co., snd asre Jast received a half dosen ear loads of Flonr snd reed, which tbey oner at ins loweei poaeiois ng ares. A large stook of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT Fl.0l'R, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, As., As. Particular attention Is sailed to M. Nlaoa A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which Is the best In the market. Flour and Feed saw and will he sold cheaper than it sea be obtained elsewhere in Clearfield eounty. oT-fltore en Market street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin's real demos. 800DFILL0W A SON, jaalfitf Agents for M. Nieeo w, HltaVtmm, rjtUE HEW SEWING MACHINE! The "BLEESr Mi Patent Link Motion. Almost nolaeleas machine. Don't fail to examine it before purchas ing elsewhere, II. HRIIKJE, MERCHANT TAILOR, CLRA11FIELD, PA, Agent for Clearfield eounty. X-I.ooel Agenta wanted In every tows In ths oounty, to whom liberal tonus win te given. Don't fsil to .lamina It snd satiafy yourself. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. , 1873-tf. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At ths New Tobacco and Cigar Store of it. II. 8IMW, , Between Shaw House A Msnalon House, Clearfield. Constantly on used s Inn assortment of Navy, Congrsss, Cavendish, Cable, Rpunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Aa. Also, n large and well seleoted stook of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Bmoklng Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pips liturss, Tobacco Boxes,' Cigar Holders, and everything generally found in t well regulated Cigar and Tobaoos Store. Pet-Remember the place: Market street, be tween Shaw House and Mansion Houss, Clear laid, Pa. p.Ltojia.5 Yl POLITICAL CAMPAIGN UP IH7. A GRANT WILSON. Greeley & Brown CAMPAIQX CAPS, es and Torches, THANRPARENCIKS HA IS Stun. With Portraits or sny device for all parties. Silk, Bunting and Muslin Flags of all anoaen hand or made to order. Chinese Lanterns of all alios and aty lest Paper Balloons, Fire Works, Ae. Campaign Clubs fitted out at tho lowest rales at WM. F. SCHEIBLE'S CAMPAIGN DEPOT, 49 South Third Street, Philadelphia. JylT-lm tsnn ron cinci'ne. c OOK STOVES! SPEAR'8 CALORIFIC, SUFQIEIIANNA, , SCPEHIOR. OOV. PKNJf, REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, RATIONAL RANGE, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKS, SPEAR'S REVOLVING LIGHTS '. AND DOUBLE HEATERS, And all klndl of Beating 8lovee for aals by nugV7S II. F. BIGLER A CO. ' fsr FAIRBANKS' W STANDARD NCAL K H, or au siKDSi Beggags Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. ron sals ir II. F. BICILETt & CO., Dealer III Hardware, aiehSI If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on kand. STOSE AD EARTHENWARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS1 Fisher's Patent Airtight Self Stallnf fruit (anal BITTER CROCKS, with llda, CREAM CHUt'KH, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great many other things toe numerous to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Comer ol Cherry and Third Streets, CLEAHF1KLD, FA. augl He F. BIGLER A CO. bars for sals CARRIAGE & WAG0J WOODS, SHAFTS ANDFOLE8, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. Carriage and Wagon Makers should make s sou of this snd call and esamlns them. They will be sold st fair prices. mejJi It JOHN THO UTMAN, Dealer Is all kinds of FURNITURE, Market Street, One door east Post Oflce, nugll'71 CLEARFIELD, PA. A Notorious Fact I THERE are mors peopls troubled with Lung Diseaaes In this town thsn any other plane e lie stae in the Slate. One of the great eauaes of this is, the use of an Impure artiste of Coal, largely snised with sulphur. Now, why not svoid all thla, and pressrvs year lives, by saing only Humphreys i.eieuruseei t.oi, iroo iron an Imparities. Ordera left at lha stores of Hiehsrd Moasop and Jamas B. u rehire sons win receive prompt attention. AHHAIIAM UUMI'Iinr-l. Clsarflsld, November it, ISTO-lf. 8AW3! 8AW3! 8AW3! DISTAN S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'i Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by oetll.rt II. F. BIGLER A CO. Beale's Embrocation, (L A T R POWELL'S,) For sll diseases Incident te Horses, Csttte, and Uusun Flesh, requiring the use el ns eiternal annlication. This Embrocation was eilenalvely uasd ky ths Government during the war. For ssle kr Hartswlek A Irwin. Clesrfield Joseph R. Irwin, Curwenavllls. Daniel Good- under, Lutkersburg. U. Attention, Lumbermen! WE are now manulaeturing onr IM PROVED STEEL SOCKET lllllVINt CANT. HOOKS, superior te any other In ase. We hsvs alio in stock n large quantity of Cauthooks "lia ble for rafting purposes, which as are selling ....... . !.. cheap rorceen. snua a n,. BknnfiAv Clearfield, I'a., Nsrcb l, l7t Tan JftitlJtrp. ANNOUNCEMENT ' ' '.; ( r Of TBI AREAt ; . , (, ,, . REDUCTION OF PRICES I BV . POBTKR U AW, P. I). ., - IMPORTANT TRUTHS, Ilavlne aucoaeded lu (citing a llt-hler tarln on material, hence tbo (sis and meuerors eharge for partial and lull sets ol loom, a uee uie Deal manufacture of teeth and ether material. All operations rrglatcrsd and warranted te give ser vloe snd satitlaotion. Frienda, rellcot that my charges for tbe Inser tion of artificial and the aaving of tbe nataral teeth are now Ilia moil reasonable In Pennsylvania. Preaerve yuar teeth and yuu preserve your health. Putting or the natural teem in a nsailliy, pre servative and useful condition Is mads a specialty. Dlesaaes and mairoriaatinnaooiuiooa tuthe month, aw and ureoaiete parts, srs treated and corrected with fair euooesa. Eiaruiaatlons and consults tlons rasa. It would bo well for pallents from a dlatanrs lo lei me snow ny man a lew uaye oeiure oeming to the office. It la verv imnortant that children between tbe sges or sis and twelve years snouia nave their teeth esaujlned. 1 ' . . , , Anivatbetios are admlnlatered and Teeth ro oted without paia. Dispositions and character are indeed by all tbe world by the eipresaiens of tbs face, benos bow very disastrous may It therefore be for tier- sons te indulge an sxpresaioa of diatorted fcslures, even spaii from a hygieoio view. Kow, to rnjny natural (aot artificial) oomforls sad pleasures, reepeot and obey natural almplicitioe and inetinot , b. rum EK BUAW, V. o. . Office In Kew Masonie Buildinc Sooond street. Clearfield. Pa. . febli'Tt ' DHNTALCAED. Drt. A. AI. HILLS W on 1 4 h? I hit BRtivaU Mil th pub- lie rnun.llr that hetriog diMlrd partnvnblp villi lr. Hbaw, be ii now doing tba antlrt wort f hit pfflea biniNlf, ao tbsU patiaoU ) nt frar bcinK put under tba ban da of anj tlbtr oparator. J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., OOoa orar Irwtn'i Drnf Btor, CURWKNBVILLE, PA. All dental operation!, either la the nerbaaical oroperatira branch, prt)ptly attended to and aatlvfMtsoa irnaranteotf. hpectal attenttoa paid to tba treat a eat of dianaaee of the natural tretb. gani and month. Irregularity of the teeth roa eeMfally ooireeted. Teeth attracted without pala br tbe nee of r.lber. and artinoial teeth tneertrd of tbe beet nateritU and warranted to render eat itreHinn, apriUft'TIrlT A Move In CunensvIIIc! J. R. IRWIN, Druggist, . Ct RWBXSVILLB, PA. HAS retnoTed hU Drag Store to hii atw raoni, three doore weet of hie old ttaod. and tahee thii opportonitj of thaahing hit old euitnntert fr their liberal pafronage, and bnpee by elor-e attention, eoaihined with a teleet itk of god, to anertt tti oontlnuaatfo on the part of all hie old runt oiu ere, and neeure that ol many newonee. riemo giro him a oaiL J. K. Corwenirillo. March J7, IRTS.-la. BOO K S WHICH HAVE ALWATS 0 I V EN SATISFACT OK HERETOFORE, WILL BE disposed or ir sucn A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CIS- . TOMERS. .JUST EEOEIVED I : i 1 !''! ':.'!;' THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF BOLIDAT OOODS SUCH A8 BOOKS AND OTHER , ' i : STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFEREDTO TBE CIT1IBNS OF TUIS PLACE ! i NOW ON EXHIBITION AND TOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Do. 14, H7t. Luthcrsburg Marble Yard! TUB iuheeribor reepeetfufly annonrw to this oomtnnuity and tho public general- that he ! now extensively engaged in the mane etnre of Monumrnte. Head and Fool H to nee, htai, Table and Uurenu Tups, ate. No higher tribuw) eaa ho paid to a deceased relatlro or frleod than Ihe ereo tion of an enduring ilah ae a witneif li anbora generation! where they have laid him other. I haro engaged Mr. eJcho W, Oaeagal ae my ageat to eel I, and to whoae worhmanikip and thill many raa bear wtineM. Ordire eo' Milled aad promptly Iliad. Work delivered wheremdeelrcd. n. n. auvne Lutberebarg, Ko ember M, H7. I.Ivory Ntable. THE undersigned begs lesve to Inform ths pib rie that he is now fully prepared to accommo date ell in Ihe way of rurnlahlng Horace, iiuggira, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice anil en reasonable terms. Residenee on Loouat street, between Third nnd Fourth. UKO. W. OEARIIART. Ilearfield, April 11.1SS7. JSAAC JOHNSON k SONS, Manufactursrs nnd Dealers In Ilootn nnd IHltocn! Lsdlee', Mlases' nnd Children's Ostlers, I Msn's, Boys' nnd Women's Hoary Boots, snd llrogans, As., As. Store and shop on Second street, nearly oppo site H. F. Bigler A Co.'s hardware store, Feb. , 1871-ly CLEARFIELD, PA. MARBLE AD STlABir! Mrs. & S. LIDDELL, Having engaged la the Marble builnree, desires to Inform ker friends and ths public that ahs sss now and will keep eonatantly on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and Is prepared to furnish lo order TOMBSTONES, BOS ASP CRADLE TOMBS, " HOMl'MEN". Curbs and Posts far Cemetery Lota, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, As, Jo. t-Terd en Rsed street, near the R, R. pepot, vifursoiq, r, y,? grj &to&t, 5rorifJ, (Sit. e.a.&w.d:iiiyin ... . .. . . .. .! ' .DEALERS lH V; fir.-.j J'-iorlf? fii" GENERAL ..'?; -' i '!.' '-'.-j y!.. i MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CURWEN8VILIE, 1A., A RE offerlDg, terlpg. tt their new Btore HouMp a eomplete itock of NKW (JOODS. of all deecrlptioni. Dry Goods and Groceries, :::. hakdwaue,: ,, BOOTH t SHOES, , , t CL0TI1IXQ, dc, i IN LARUE VARIETT. .' . . i- ,.s .; ;,v" ': ' 'i r o'!-. .: :.nj i j Ftonr, Meat, I ' ' nv, i : ; :.r? a . Oal$, . , Com, Always on band and for sals at a small advanea. . .1 . ; ' ROPE, In large quantities, sold low by noil ; alss, FCLLET BLOCRS, SMALL ROPE nnd CANTHOOKS. , . , . , One buodred cases of ATWATER'S elmira boots, for sals by tbs ease at wholesale rales. f .... :' Reeelvod by ear load t ' IWSTiyGDOy FLOUR, and sold at small advance. HARNESS, nf all kinds, HORSE COLLARS aad RAMES, HORSE BLANKETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ae. Alss, on sale (rat-elaas two bores WAOONfl, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, aad SLEW IIS. -,'', Snsolsl IndncemenU ofered te tbose getting out Square Timber and Logs, aa we deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, aad are prepared at all times lo purchase Timber, Legs aad Lumber. Curwenavillo, Novemlier la. 1871. MOSHANNON LAND it LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, snrrAcrrnsa LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS. H. H. SHILLINOFORD, President, Once-Forest Place, No. 1J5 S. 4th it., Phll'a. JOHN LAWSHK, General Sup'U Osceola Mills, Clearfield eounty, Pa. MOftllAXXOX LAD AU LIMBER COMPANY OFFER ' INDUCEMENTS -TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IX OSCEOLA. New tab I not! MOSHANNON LAND AND LI MBER COM PANY offer for aale Town Lots In the bor ough of Osceola, Clearfield eounty, Pa-, and also lots to suit purrhaeers ouuide lae limits or sale borough. Osceola is situated en tbe Moshaanon Creek, In tbe richest portion of lbs eounty of Clearfield, on tbe line of tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad, where the Moahannon and Bearertoa branch roe da intersect. It Is also ia the heart of the Moabannen eoal basin, and largs bodiss ef white nine, hemlock, oak, and other timber sur round IL One ef the largest lumber manufactur ing eetahliehmcuta in the State Is located la tbe town, while there are many ether lumber aad shingle mills around it. The town Is but soren veers old, and sontains a population of ons thou aand Inbabitanta. X7For further Information apply at ths ofl&oe of the above eompany. 4UIIPI lMWHIIB, ; 1-4:70 Oeneral Superieleei4mt. "VTOTIC I-- Having purchased lbs Interest of i. J. A. Vlallenbergar, r-eq., in me Business heretofore carried en under ths firm name of J. A. Blatteobereer A Co., tho Sams will be conducted hereafter under the name of Mosbannon Lund and Luaiher Company, (Flore.) H. H. SII1LLLNUFORD, JOHN LAWSRE, my5tf President. tiensral Kup't HoggnTownNlilpAwnkc GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'Sl ITtTERTBODT trylag legal there first, for fees J ef being crowded out Into lbs sold. If you want good Shoeing done, go to Bauuo. If you want your Sleds Ironed right, goto Bnana. If you waul food Mill Irons, go to basse If you want your wsgon Ironed in thsbsst styls and workmaaahip, go tn usuua. Banns makes tbs bssl Hturon Machine In Ihs Slate, aad does all hinds ef HLACKHMITHINU as ebsap as eaa be doae ia the eounty for Caab. My Post Office address Is uiearneio, ra. THOMAS BEERS, Boggs Tp., Doe. It, ItfiT-lf. Lime for Sale I mm undsrais-ned. reeldins- near the drnot bss X made eompleu arrangements with Lime Burners east of the mountain, wbereliy ho la ena bled lo keep oonsunlly on hand a large quantity ol PUKELIMEI which be offers te farmer, and builders at n trifle above cost. Thoae In need of the article would do well te give ms a sail, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. UKO. 0. PASSMORS. Clearfield, Pa., June (, 18(. AIlMINItlTRATf'R'fl NOTICR-Notiee it hereby given that letters of administration au ths aetata of JOHN BLOOM, SrH deceased, late ef Pike township, Clearfield eounty, Penna., kavlnl been dulv (ranted to ths undersigned, sll persons Indebted te said estate will pleaae make payment, and Iboae having claims or dsmands will preeeni enans properly auincmicBitMi ior eev Uemeut, UEijRtlR HI.OOM, d7 IT Wl- t Administrator. R. R. R. RADWAT'S READY RELIEF I'lRUM TUB WOUHT PAIM In from On to Twenty Minute. NOT ONI HOUR 1 efUrreeeiihitMisvrtvrriiew-mt'iit m -f4 anr om hfrKKH Willi l'AIN. RADWATt RJUIy KKLItlr U A CUBS FOB I'A IN, It wislhr In tvtud la 1 1 ' Tho Only Juln it-mfdy I hat lnsMslr moi ute own. cnvaUu eVfleTt itgeuiimM lont, MitJ eu r tti Cwtvatluiia, wTirthcr ot ttx .uu, mismtvcti, lewvela, er viLw gltvMe er ergtwe, kf eue ut'ilcftiioo. Iff Kill ill AWR Tn fWVHTv WnftTTVM an mill lef how rlolMt nr rseruriallnit the tftin Ute linni maim;,, inarm, t ripftteii, ttmnma. .RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF . w WILL AFFIUII) ISKTANT Kit&W. ( IKPLAUUATlU.t UK THK kl.NKVs. lilM.AMMATInN T Tllk bLADDIB rONOMIIllN UK Tim 1.VK01. . .ORE "RPAT4..mrrLT nrsTKBic.tHuur. VtISWckza. flKADACSR, TO0TnAr..Aoi umvUkTl' cot,i rmuJ, aoiik rm 1.1.1. Thcti'piicNiisjnofthe BraJy ICHIef lAthaertr pmu whrre tat ala er dalwuiii uasu mUl eflwit ewe , T -JVSy'dwtM la fcelf ft tnml'W f Ifl In fr ' ntMt.ts-0. CBAM IH, M'AnUii. tV'LK HTOMAClI. HtAllTMI l(V, M K JlkAl.ArllL, IMAItltHKA, IVKNTEI(Y. POLIf?, WIND IN THJt UoVSJJJi, antlell IN1KKNAL TAINB. Tr-vti)f si'iui-) elw-T eanr wtil r Raltav Radv KfHrf lth ,hrtn- n"t Crvsjut ftichucM er 11 frorri clswir vt wlr, J( U -, m Umu, rrMli iKmisdf er Huttrt mm a AtLa.uuot, rrVKR Al AllUE ciireil for BKy c;..ia. TWrell a4 rrioedul uetn lo thla worlo tht iU cure l-w S'Ml A(ue, and I.I, Wilow. anil trvm laldeC ''tAli 'A V' (II.lJll m ea UAIlWAV'S KHAJV JltULK. S in eeuef e vouae. ewe ur vnngieiai , , t i HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! imtosu anu rt'mf st' M HiMin-iwrmiASE nr ri.r-n ad wkii.iit-oi.Iuar kkin anu . UkAU l U l'l.ttHH'U:iilu SKCCKIUJIOAU. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT' BAH W Alt K TUB HOST ASTONIhlllHO nilM, t gl I'ltLW) ICAI'ITl AKK THE CHaMsLs r THE IWHtf VMlJr.KtlUKS. 1TNUKH TH K ri.i iM K or Tuia iHi'LY HoNiuirti MlUiCUCK, Til AT Evry Day mn inensm In Pleth and Weight Is Sen and Fell. THC GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kry ej of lae KAKaHAPAKIIXIAN RKLV. KNT nfmunktel thnsuch tbi RIwnJ, S-zr-AU, tr1rn, and ettrsw ftutdikiid jaloM.iTth tntt-m IM ifir of Ml for h maUete. iMn f U bodjr wlUi new auei nwistl U1sJ. rkrt)fulsV, (lhWsA( ('tjrMimtktn, OUtMlutmJ dimrM. rWra Id the Throet, Mmitlj, Tuniirt, Kudrt ta tne (tltwHte sum. aumt wrte of Ute rnUiB, Bore Krte. punmuiMi Letx-rtr f a tt tm the end Uie n4 fumus of ft kin dlEBMoe, Entptlortt, Kver S"rr, (Vntlo HtAwJ. Iflni Worm, IWt Khuw, 1t1sUa, Arm, huvk fciK't. Wtmnsi im Uie Klrfth. Tumut, ( neur In ita WftKib, and tvll vrtvkrmlnf svud fstJurul dlmcluucre, Nlrtit Bf?klv ! it p-m, atssl mM wbmmU the I If psiitl pi, er Uhln Ui curmilr rjir of ll.U wotrfmr ti Mod era ChMnltetrr, ensi a hw Ai- will prov ta aaf Mana a-iiif H tot attaar of Umm lunm id Atmm He uttiBl power taeare tlirn. If tho paUenL dallr LsMm1nir T-daead Vf the vitee aad oacsmijsattloa Ihat la aatitinyjly tmnmUit, ut csmmU In arrattt( tbosM wartea, and rtinin th ajun wtth nr BtaiMlai raswlt (run htllhr bluod aud Ikle Uie BA R8A I'A HI LLIAN will and dwee aarura. Not Mil 6ra lha (lAaar4BiLUA Knotntr rrra) all ftauwn rsMSPdlai at-iiu In U rtir of t firutilc, Hcrtyfu. louv rnfrtrtltntiooal, aud bkia tUacaeae , tnH H te Uieaal Iosjjuef(of , , t Kldncf Ac Bladder Complaint, ITrtnarr. and Womb araee, Ora-L IHalsrtM, Utumt, tkipsf of WaUr, Inctitltinca of rrln. IWiht' IMa eaat. AiksamlNviia. end In all eeara wbatv ikart Mn krirft durt depgwjtu, or Ute walar la Ifckk, uVundr. nlavd lta enbsuisrs Ilka tbe wblt of an rgc. nr tbrradi Uha while ail a, or Ibert be wvortjlfl, dart, WlWoa pprne, and whilst boHa dusvl datMlla. aitd wba User. U a, tiuriiknc aanMtrne whtn iinwaina watet. and paUi ta (be ftsnaJi nfb FWrk and aloa Um Loiisa. Frtoa, $txm. WORMS. The enlr koaern ea4 eve BcnHf far M iNm. J-ut, Tap, 4c Tnmor of 19 Venrt' Growth Cared by Radwajr's Reolvrnt aarr Uataf taal wm rsnsnnwmslil ; kuM mwkim Wlaai mm. I aa w KsMl.aat. mm4 Hvusfl I wvwU try U : (ml kmai fclth la M, I Ust Mra lot l-yl )rw. I tnsk ttt WMIltM enf tW HsuufIsmL wsv4 ws. fcsua W lUsJ - ' e"T I at, SMnst tstve) ksaV Awa nf ensnnr Asnslj fUiM i mm4 tassra KMi .tfa suf usm ta ha aM tf, m4 I ht Wttssy. asusstrtsw, asnsl Mi-aisr IksM I fctt-a iW turaira ruura, Tmt areiral ta tut wrmt Is ih. Mt 4 suf taa awmla, sn-s- mm ff4a. I arrlta VH la m Jar tba aaaatal r atAsnta. aa mm aaMlafc U M mm. ' ' HA WW am m. tHkIT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, ssvTfVrtir tAkaa, ptfeantlr tMwArd with ewtwt grMa, pura, refill. la, jrtJrtfT, tnaa, e1 Mn-nrtbrn. liad- If t. ivriwaatv r. im fumnawr, patrrsptu he ranlaena. I 'onat liaiAWs. I 'ustlvea, nl iriko. rara la, llhrvanraA. nktua KfTw, tHhuriii aJsrsft of ta Ktiwoai, nirtubd all !-rtanrMatairih' Intrmal Via arrtv. ? arrant! u HI a piUejctire. Iurrly Vrrata b,wwitali.lnf ao earrwry, niiM-aVe, or drMs-rwiutrlrtirw. ttw O'Ktfrra tha r-Uowl'n avniAoaai iwmUUm (rues Xiswrera of tba tLftMUre OipMi rusmtWy tl ia. asAta l-llsm, Pallasaa mt tba BUad kg aV Rswst, A!; af ta. bAasentvb, Waataa. HsnrtWra, IMsnjuMl mt rm, Pallssaat at Wht ta tba Puosnskra. ftsssjr stfwfM4aaa, femisnn sur ClejNst at lies fit s tbt tkmhrV IWt-nsrlr 4 mm Hm ssrvW ami ItaWH aVaaibiac. riaikwt-c at ta. lisjart. 4'bottaa; m fWtVntskUH rVwsssaltesa. ksya la a LilM INaitwrv, TetinMn f VkMsua. Ossts lur mrnmrn tba Kiril, 4 iVu rao m a ie4. MrhniiT W rvtvAraA-sa. H.aaw af the Uta aM t Pwa ta taa tbsta, .Wt, Uak, aatt mmmm tXmmm af Kssat, berrttUf la aba FVtb. A frw 4mt of RADWAT'S PI1.UI wffl ftae Ke er teat froaa all the eUr tan-a1 dtnbrte. trMim, K aatiLt READ "rA!3K AND TKC K. (brad aasa iKtot. tautle KAPWAT A CO.. Nr.. j HakUa Lata, bra Vurk. lidnrwamlMjm eortb tb.ijMiiaii alii U aaAtl jbVA. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near Ihe Reilroad Depot,) clearhi:l1), pkxs'a. IEMRRACB this method or Informing the public, that I bave opened up a yard for the sals of wood er eoal-burat LIMK and Anthracite COAL, la Ihe borough of ClearAeld, and bars eompleted arrangements with eastern deslsrs by whirb I can seep a full supply eonatantly on hand, which will he dtaprjeed ol at reasonable rates, by ths tun, bun.el or ear load, so anil purcheoors. Thoee at a distance eaa eddrees me by letter, and obtain nil neoessary information br return mail. R. B. TAYLOR. Clsarteld Pa.,Peb. 14, I6U.U IO LUMBEHMKNl PBETKCTION IX GANTHOOKSI The ClearfleU Bxoeleior Cent hook will lot wear vet ar break, Wing eontralri with on olid band freai clip lo paint. It U (troaovnoetl by all praeiieal lonberraea wh bar ei am I aed It to be tho moet perfect C anlhook trer InTeottxJ, Amos Kennard, Patentee. I(amraetre4 b Aot KaxAao A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. MAI1 en) rt promptly aUendM lo. ftSS'71 DREXEL & CO., No. 3t South Third Ulreet, PhtlaJelphla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully furniebed. Orderi eolieted. - . April ll-tf. it is r. n otiTi il'T UOT BURNED UPI BELL'S Rl'N WOOLEJt FACT0RT, Pcnn townahip, Clearteld Cs, Pa. Ths aohacribers ars, at great expense, rebuild ing, nnd in a few dnys will bars completed, a neighborhood nrreseily. In the errellon of a flrft clsas Woolen Manufartory, with all tbe modern Improvements allacbed, and are prepared lo make all kinda of Cloths, Oasaimerea, f atlnrtts, lllan kets, -Plaonels, Ao. Plenty of gooda on hand te supply all ourold and a thousand new ouetotnere, wh'itu wa ark lo come aad sxamlns our stock. The boeiness of CARDING AND FULLING will receive wpeclal attention. Our new mill will be realy by wool-carding season, therefore there need he no healtation on that score. Proper srrangeinrnle will be made to receive snd deliver Wool, to suit customers. A II work wsrranted and done upon the shortest notice, nnd by atrial allsn tlnn lo buiioras we hops to realiae a liberal ahare ef public patronage. NMKMt POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Ws will pay lbs bighsat market price for Wool and sell our manufactured gooda aa low ae similar gooda can bo bought In tbe county, and whenever we fall to render reaeonaMe entirfaetlon ws can always be found at borne ready to make proper ciplsnstlon, sither in pereon or by letter. JAMKH JOHNrlON A rlONH, tprtltlltf Ursmpisn Hills P. 0. CUEAP UltOCERliM! Lli.MDKR CI TV, PA. Ths undersigned announces to hia eld frlenda and patrons that be has opened a good Una of Oltnl-KRIKS A PHnVlflONK at tho old Mend of Kirk A Spencer, for which be enltelte a liberal patrrnage. ' II. W. BPKNCKR. Lumber City, Pa., March itl-tf. House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! 11118 undersigned offers lor sals or rent, span . reaeonuhle lerme, a two alory dwelling, lot and stable, In Rloomington, like town. hip. For terms, Ac, spply to LKVYJ3 L BLOOM. January Id, ldTI tf, BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Suoosasors tn Boyaton A Tuung,) ' ' ' . :'.'!. FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS . . '.. .'. ' ,.M . ' ,.., ltaaafacturers of . , , PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAI ENGINES Corner of Fourth snd Pins Streets, ' CLEAIU'ir-I-rt, PA. ' 1" l.'':-H "tit', -t .. '-;: tttkU H A VINO engaged (n ths manufacture of Sret elsss MACIIINERT, ws respectfully inform the publie that we are now prepared to 111 all orders as cheaply and as promptly as sun be dene In any of the cities. Ws manufacture and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-MillB Mead Blocks, Water Wheels, Fhaftlog Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whlatles, Oilers, Tsllow Cups, Oil Cops, Gsugc Cocks, Air Cocke, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Antl Frietion Hetres, Soap glons Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of HILL WORK ; together with Plowa, Sled Soles, COOK A XD PARLOR STOVES, nnd other CASTINGS of all kinds. sj-0rdcrs solicited and tiled at elty priera. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by sddres. Ing us at Clearteld, Pa. decll'Tt-tf BIGLER, TOUNG A CO. NOTICE.! 0. L. Reed. Wm. PowelL ki:i:i a powell. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL "... . A L L ft I G II T ! rPHE propriebirs respectfully Inform theeiliisna of Clearfield eounty, that tbey bave entirely retttod tela establiahmoa! with tbe latest improved wood-working machinery, aad are sow prepared to uccote all ordera ia their line of bu.inees. Tbey will give eepeeial attention te tbe naanufae- ture ef material for keusn building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER. BOARDING, SASU, D00HS, BLINDS, OF AIL STYLES, Ws always nave oa hand a large stock of PRT Ll'j!lJER,ead will pay eaah for all clear Lumber. Ona-aud-e-hilf inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. ' V a-0rders solicited, nnd Lumber furnished en short notice aad on rsasonalds terms. - REED A POWELL. Clearteld. March I, 1871. Before taking Towders. After taking Powders. Sll A WSJ IMPKOVED COKDITIO! I'OVVDEHS. laeful in obatinate eases of JJiateaiper, Cough., Colds, Bote, Fsrey, Costive ne.a, Koughnees of the rkln, and Stoppage of Water. Greaee, Swelled Legs and Influenaa can be relieved, nnd sometimes cured, by ths use of theae Powders. They will aot interfere with ths daily work of the Horse, and can be gives to cat tle with equal advantage. rat an by A. I. fcUAW, Drussiet nnd Apothe cary, Clearteld, Pa. Kovember I, ls;. Sold everywhere. riX THE FABMEKS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: Weo . WtMin'SJ KEW RO!( MOWER at prices so cheap that no farmer eau afford lo be wiibout one, and warrant It to give porfeot satis faction in all eases. HAGEKSTOWN IIAY RAKE, or, STONKR'S, ef Laacaeter. : ELLIS A HOFFMAN.. THRESIIFR, . one hnrae treed, which is the beat in Ihe enunlry. Will warrant it la ihrveh from one hundred to three hundred bu. hols of grsin per day. FANNING MILLS, good and cheap. CIDER MILLS llickock and the Buckeye. GRAIN DRILLS. C0RNPLANTERS. DOG POWERS, for churning. ROOERS' HARPOON FORK and SPROtT'S Grapples and Pulleya, so cheap that none nerd be without them. . , Bl'UGIES for sals alwsys. ' " -We alan continue the bulcherlne hneloeee. and will buy ur trade for eatUs and sheep. M. G. BROWN A PRO. Clearteld, Pa., May St. . , , , TUB CLEAUFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEl Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, ton an a it nugrtt II. F. BIGLER A CO. Twenty-one Horses for Sale! ritlli nndenlgned offers for ante TWENTY X ONI FIRST-CLASS HORSES, In good oonillllon. Principally large, strong Horses, auit- ,. mr uny aina ei neavy work. Purchsaera will lnd II to their interest to examine them be. fere tiunib.ain ilual.... T.-. - - by addiessing PKTBR McG E0RUK, 'b. 14. WJ, Clenrtsld, fa. -3csseemuness:r .awies yiitegar nillere ars not a wis rncv n-i vU o It -He, Wh.akev. Proof Spirila anS Ktl iia., t.e'Ier4ce4, ai.A aeeelen 10 euyle Lm 1 ete.Mh. I I..UJ, enlleS Took.," Appeuenh' nc, Irut lead tt,. iim'leran 10 liukHMiinj aolwei' i l"! M",IC"' SMde from lha naiire r I mTLc Tr,T ,"!l"il ..... ... .... ...... , . vki r.rmer ana B Pnor.,le,s Petfan R.c.ior a, leviror,, 5,7 1 tvotem. carrvin nlT il m.m.,. . the blood 10 a Im.IiI, cnndilum.enncliine ii refitO1! nod ivigeralio luHh mind aad Mr. TlievareoJI . o(,iiiii.m, l in ni.iranii,eeri.,BiBiiZl re..,l( ul. and r.L.l.le ie all foron w ,r." " " I e Peraoiae.ia l.ketlieae lllltere serM I let M d,reci.,, ad e,.....a I.,, milt "J I llieir ln.,1 are ,h dcftlreyed bf ,.,n ,,r -Tl, ad ilia VilaJ ugana rMled be) end ll ,1 Dyepetvelaen-lncllreellm,,, ,, I la Ihe Mv.uWctv Coevha. I (l,i... of iw (.14 1 . 1 aine.1, Smir ImiicliIhmmi of ll atomach, H.dT.I - ,iMrl1'' ''" Aiucka. pj,i;i;M v il the Krdn-n. fi 1 hnndied l n.,...i " are Ihe erfco,,, of Urepepe... lo Ito-tmlZ;! H ha. 00 eial, aad one lemle nil ocon a WuuL. I - IT J? UV" s lencilir adennen,eul I K.r Female Coi,.,,l.lH,, , young of di I msrmd or ainajc, SI the dan of womanl,oid, e. II , Jura of We. Ikue Took Il.ti.,. diM,,r M ijZ.l Vble. 1-".. eeeo.Per? Z!':l.r"..,1"!r:!.'r,.t;?B,, t:-; -II been miHI aticceuful. Sued Ilieeatwa are taMldLl V.-i.led lllood. ia seimilr isudaoul u ,w, I meni of iIm Lieiive 0'an.. I Thevars aUeialle Pnr(alfve aa vrrll.,1 1 eulc, inetmoig alao Ike l.i, Mn, u m I - I--"' f - "'" yooreHua . , a aniiKm of ihe Liver and Vucersl Orfuo, aot ia bue.1 For Nklei, ErcpiioM, Ti, ... I RLeuio, llKMclie Siot.. I'rnipl. J'uatnlce lVj.:, (fc Wnclea, K"iro... Said-Hud, Sere. i; Sipeiat, Iicji. SVutf IlLculuraliofla.itl.. m.' u . Slid Uittiice of Ike Sain, of Imerer n.m. J M. I v--v ifmony UHP Vfe mm Seiiviuu inn av liier S yglr-fg . ih'trt tirat W I tie im of thtt Hitters. . bwi . "" tewwssMuj ntug mum, iMrwitiwti tt m. cutaiitfff(-ct. " 4 Umh 1h VllUfcdl Blsktwt m fnd ill impuiitm bunimi through tht iltnig I Krorxior.1, or Sorn: thxnm it yom Mr-KMtt twd .lust ia th ; tMJlM it I IiniI ; your frcmrt will tell you when. Krr pun, a rvH ihe hralih of the yuen ( I .r-..s.. lHtllllt pmrtm VlRtGAlk"! " T -.... X'U.SUII UW ICU telAVhn- the inkittf tjvvtem. Hln, Tpo, 4 mthmr Wmrmt, hri , tmt trttem tf 1st mwf thtMtMndt, n tiUa rmt4 and removed. San d otittrtrntb-ti pfcr-a Eitf 1 Titer ittcarce an individual ut.. iW. u.. C.nb whstM Ixxlr 11 eemrrt hum m prMnft mn, I II ii nut optMt th heaUlty elrnietiiti f ihe, I worme ciii, Lmi mvnm the deatd hunton ksa tl uksm t'.'-i ptoiiiier. ef rJ, n " ii wwihie, .o mttmt I iim, (U dm Um Y9Um horn wotttu u ia I 1 patma and Mifterala, ittcii m Pkmdwi, Tm Csold healenL and Hitwri. at ths xir, L , t. . be etihiect lo parara f ihf B'wli f 'mnm llm take a doae mi Wai.iu i Vuaui Lnuu Zl or iwte a weeks ai a Frrvtutire. 1 Rilln-a, lUintllenl, nt InlermltltJ ST use urusse mim ma pfujrart,( IH .v VA em mt 1 frseat neett. iltrtf;houl tl Uniied Siaiu, txmj IIiom mi til Misai-txrvtit. OMa lt.ovxm ii3, ttMwe. CmitlstatMi, AtUntai kri, Cotora ji "see viransose, a mi, dSfdUMma, aiotml &Tantih iu ske, Jarits, and martf ther,uiih thr vam Tit-, iiiriw-ntMH iwjr ennre t (run 1 17 dnrntK Isht aod AutniBtt, and rernaikAli j ao tt Uw.uiHJ lieat and drrnrnsL ae itirtruhi rr by drtaic-rcu of lha tU'sm.vr.1 tj ) tniier a;-i(smiiui ttucra. i ir ait a wam mw, obifrucii'sn of the tirer. tteJkrtni mnr imtar.. ff lb aiotnatrh, ard treat torpor of lUe Uwca Closed mp taiiIi iinatfi arrtimttfatsoni. Ir, iin Ksnit, a puKtie, exerting a rfrwatfl ufluwci lltvac arlMi kc., i tsAcnitanv irfen r. to caihatiK fur tde ptirpo tMAl 10 Da J Wut. VlrttU.Att lUTTKsts HIT.U rtvWsst tUrit colnrH Trhar d mir irh lscti Hut mm iMfrM, ml tht WM Iim at.iituisU.tig li.e . lte h-er. and gtnttm'.'.y rcMwiasg Hit Itc. of the difti frrmn. Scrofula, or KlHff'a Ft-11. it W UsCtJrt, l.rytpeUa, S-ct.l Nfth, Oottcr. Snaa ir.Batnmat.ev.1, inooiettl litBaamaiiotri, Utmaa tKitona, U 4 e, dtistrvtusiia of t!t Sim, etc. etc In ihf. aa m a)( hsr cnrttiistt. ne, Waik' ViMaota lltrraaa haeik.m great curative puen 111 Ut mil w. a We . Dr. WalkerftClirteralaTlneRrltlttti an n an mei rtsrt m a mi,ai timw. Kr f-r-the H'dod tKetf rmtsvrrf he dut. anil hi rtn tSe elerta r4 ih tir1aminiifwi (ilrr tnbmiitarto in efClr-J Tha prfrUa of Pt. WatKtt't TivcJ Hit ran are Aerical. Uia;.itsKC c am iiravnt NutntiiHT, .uatisu, mretc S-t!.t!:Ts, Ca tant. Sadonftc. Alterative, and Ant' iM-uwa Th Aperient ad m J,at'ra ifior-i' JJt WaI KIRI viwicai .rTTai are ike ban fTAftrd ia atl oaeca of rtihtiuni arsd ai nti k llteir baiaameC, iseaimt, ad ooiii'nc jsr.sttii tba hanKtrs of h laitoes- 'Ihetr SrisUivt all-T paia w tit Mtrwn lyUvm. HifiiUi, am wiJ ethr ItrMra inn mrn iiion, wnd, tK. rrtnx Their Cualrrlrritirt itiflaenc etletvii tarar 1 Vac tntum. Tlieir liaretr btnteffiict art f 1 aera. cwrertins. aivd re-rilatmf ihe fl"iw tf wrm f Ami- H'iMsua prtsparttei Hiatnlaie lle itret. 1 ae j tKfi ol twM, attd 1 Lt a.aiarKCt tniotit;n it ot "H and ar aupertar 14 all remedial acenta, iattvcvj hilirmmt Frssr Pet-ee and Aru etc VTtlfy tha boHjr aainat dtarK-aJ fvintj all its Herd with vipirga nmrtt demtccaa take Hold of a men ihu fcrwaat liver, lb atdtmarh. ih bore, the im. a aerves arc rendered diaeaae proof bytaafna-i TMlt. lHrMllaaa.-Tak of lW Hhim m r at nifht frtvaa a half lo cm and oe-W Kal fond aoarialMac totxL aacO j 0- w,' rK,w ttMiwasa naaAt bdtef. and veetMitssa. ul-door eiemaa. They ar omapneed olievmi Die ttrtTMioatsV MM xmta:a ao H-mt I WALKtR, Prop'r. R. M MeDOXAlO1 Prvfxiata and O-n. Acta- Saa nvanx ta mnrtmr sal Warmhineitvn aad Cftartloa M, r SOU BY ALL IjKUIXIISI ANDI)U4 . HAYES, COULTER 4 & f uoeessors to W. A. ArsoU, ssursctrssss or Heaters, Ranses, Low Si and MARBELIZED BLATE SA1 Eole agenU for the celebraua CIIILSON COOKIXG BAN sy-Retid for Cstalogses. No. 130t Chert 'I'M June t (Im PIllLAPtll Presidential CaH CAPa,CAPriPn r. llloatrale. I and Prw'-'l Cl'XMM'"" I Manstartr'l No. li't W'"1 js-4ia N JOS. SHAW & 'j Hit just orencit Stoti, onMninSI-CuiM .,1 1-1 1.. 1 ho Wm. f.i I 1st lOly OWVM1HC". Tbelrttock coi"i1"' Oaochih of the bst t Poots anil QUCENSWARC, nnd mmt Article Bert" one't comfort. ....1 CtH nd xernine our a If rl.aains slsswlier. VI j rotsnd. Farnif :THrMKNTS!-"'"",..'1 tj ,h. lii.ieM"r ''r.,it UM.aua--- - UjiilJ lure More. All I"""" urfi' More. Allpers--.'.! and esamlne a sf ) , l ted to on x oall bin iliuu. !hret '" ' v I mt ilvon hand. " -I TI We hasepriMedalsrpv, 14 e-e . . 4 KER 1U I.U and will "jjrtsvr In eents, maileeoprto""- . fuunManunmmaeaWaautMtn I I I 'III I ia 111 inf 1 1 n