THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WKDlfBSDAT MORVTNa, JtllT II, ml. THI PHOXV tAINT. Each for Blnself most do hit If utn'i work, Or at bit peril leare It all aodonej Witness tbe tbte of one who sought to ihlrk Tin Sanctuary's serrlee, yet would sba The penalty. A tu of earthly aims (So rani tbe apolojae), wbose pious ipoow Would oft remind him or the Churoh't elaimi, Still answsrsd tbui,"U tbou ud pay our rowi For IbM ud me I" Now. wbea at Peter's gal Tho twaii together bad arrived at last, -n lot tha woman la i thaw to hor data, Shutting the doar, "Thou but already patted By Vesr!"Mid theSrlot "Juit In tha way - That thou oa earth waat wont ta fast aodpray!" Anore. , , Paragraphs. Calforni names one of ber thriving "towns Cat Tbrost Depot. - Distance sometimes endears frlond Bbip, and absenoe sweetens it. Address makes opportunities j tbe want of it gives them. Moderation is tha silken string run ning through the pearl-chain of all ; virtues. Love reckons boors for months, and days for years; and very little absence is an age. There Is a church in Chicago for women only,and it ia called the Church of the Divine Maternity. Hon. Augustus Schell, of New York, was elected Chairman of the Demo cratic National Commit too. A wealthy old lady In Detroit insists od peddlingoranges through tho streots in an orange-colored satin. Clouds are the veil behind which the face of day ooquettishly bides itself, to enhance its beauty. , Betrothal parties are all tbe excite ment in New York and are so delight ful. One young lady has bad five. Over 60 Republicans of Williams port, Pa., have come out for Greoley, and organized a Liberal .Republican Club. Josh Billings uttered a great truth when he said : "lie who by bis bis would rise, must either bust or adver tise." An Iowo man refused to be present at tho death-bed of his wife tor fear iest she should pledge him not to mar ry again. Tbe whole duty of roan is embraced in tho two principles of abstinence and patience; temperance in prosperity, and oourage in adversity. Men are often capable of greater things tban they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit, apd seldom draw to their full extent. "It is forty years, my old friend John, wince we were boys togothor." "Is it V Well don't speak so loud, there's that young widow in the next room." A fellow who has actually tried it, says that, although there are three scruples in a dram, tbe more drams yon take the loss scruples you will have. There is no action of man in this life which is not the beginning of so long a chain of consequences, as that no human providence is high enough to give a prospect to the end. Apathy is one of the worst moral diseases, as it not only incapacitates us from combatting the encroachment of vice, but closes every avenue of our eonls to the approach of virtue. A curate having boon overhauled by his bishop for attending a ball, the former replied, "Sir, I woro a mask." "Ob, well' returned tbe bishop, "that 'puts a new foce on the affair." That which we acquire with the most difficulty we retain the longest; those who have earned a fortuno re usually more caroful of it than those who have inherited one. "You saved my lifo at the battlo of Malvern Hill," caid a beggar to a cap tain. "Saved your life 1 Howf" "I aerved undor you and when you ran away, I followed." A maxim is the exaot and noble ex pression of an important and indisput able truth. Sound maxims are the germs of good : strongly imprinted in tbe memory, they nourish the will. Action bangs, as it were, "dissolved" in aneech. in thoutrht. whereof nnwrh is the shadow ; and precipitates itself therefrom. Jibe kind of speech in a man betokens tbe kind of action yon will got from him. A lady tells us that when she was a poor little girl, living in the country, she used to "plant corn in her bare feet." This imparts a new idea of the origin of those troublesome things on cur toes. "Mother," said a bright little girl, "Is bell a hot plaoe ?" Being a little pa tiled what reply to mako, the moth er answered "Yes." "Then ," said the little girl, "why dont they turn tbe damper?" "Potatoes I" cried a darkey peddler 1n Richmond. "Hush datrarkot you distracts de whole noighborbood,"came from a colored woman In the door way. "You kin hear roe, kin you?" "Hear yon ! I kin hear you a mile." "Tank God for dat Ise hollowin' to be beard. Taloes t" A naughty little boy blubbering be cause bis mother wouldn't lot bim go down to tbe river on the Sabbath, upon being admonished, said, "1 didn't want to go a swimmin' with 'em ma. I only wanted to go down and see the bad little boys drown for going a swimmin' on Sunday." Aloxandor Hamilton once said loan intimate friend : Men give mo credit for genius. All the genius I have lies tust in this, when I have a subject in land I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before mo. I explore it in all its bearings. My mind bocomes pervaded with It. Then the effort which I make the people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It Is the fruit of labor and thought. A T A1ILLIONARI C-RPflAN. Mrs. William B. Astor, who died in New York on the 10th instant, in hor 73d year, leaves $10,000,000 to hor balforphan grandchild, Miss Ward, who since her raothor's death has been a favorite in the millionaire's family. This ten millions is ber mother's pri vate fortune, of which her grand mother was executrix. When, 6fty years ago, Margret R. Armstrong gave her hand to the now richest man In America, ho was poor, but soon after their marriage ber hus band's uoolo Ilcnry, the great Bowery bntoher, bequeathed 1500,000 to Wm. B.. and not many years aftorwards old John Jacob, gave him power of at torney, under which he managed the old man's colossal and enormously lucrative business. Mr. Astor's pri vate charities were many and mu iftoent, N. X- Cor Down I Down ! I THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COUR8B TIIK CHEAPEST ( A Proclamation against High Prices I TfTR ara bow opening up a lot of tha bait and VT Moat seasonable (Jooda and Waroa arar offered la tbia market, and at prion that remind ono of tba good old day. of eheap thing.. Those who lack faith upon tblt point, or aeein our alle gations superfluous, need but CALL JIT OVH STORE, Corner Front and Market street, Where they ean toe, feel, bear and know for them selves. To fall understand what are oheap goadl, thia molt be done. We do aot deem It necessary to enumerate and Itemls our stock. It ti enough for u to l late mat We have Everything that ia Needed and consumed In thia market, and at prleef that aitontih voto. oiu ana young. deeJO J OB hi' II BHAW A BOX. r. . iiuu. a. b. row.Lt. MILLER & POWELL, WIIOLESALB A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Graham's Row, Market' Bt, CLEARFIELD, PA. We would molt respectfully Inform our frlendi, oaitomerl, and tha publio generally, that we are now baok In our old quartan, which hare been remodeled and Improved, and we ara bow. pre pared to accommodate all who may favor u by calling. NEW GOODS! We bare jut received an of tba largeit itockl of all klndi of Merehandiee ever brought to Clear- leld eounty, which wa Intend ta aell at each Ig ana ai will make It an object for all person, to purchase from ua. Familiea laying la winter inppliM of Qrecerleo, Dry Qooda, Ac, ihould not fall to giro a call, aa we feel oonfldent our prices and auparlor quality of foods will amply satisfy all. Our stock of GROCERIES eoniiits of Coffee of the bcit quality, Teas, Su gars of all kinds, Molaasas, Fish, Bait, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Bplees, Provisions, Flour aid Feed, Ac, Ac Our stock of DRY GOODS Is large and varied, and w will Ju.t lay we aan apply any article ia that line, without enumer tlng. READY-MADE CLOTHING Wa bare a largo stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we'will dispose af at a Tory small adrenoe oa cost. Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, Hardware, Queentwere, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Ooodi, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall P.prrs, Window Shades, Ac, Ao "Uslng eitenslvely engaged in the Lumber builncn, we are able to offer superior luduoemonts to jobbers. MII.I.KH POWELL. Clcarllcld, Pa., Jan. I, 1872. N EV GOODSI Xcw Firm at Wnllaccton, Ta. JOHN HOLT & SONS Hare bought the entire stock of goods from P. Gallagher, and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from tha Eastern cities, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, . GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS k SHOES, HATS k CAPS, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac, Ac, To eiohange for Country Produce, Railroad Ties, Lumber or CASH. October IS, 1871. JJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTHERSBURO, PA, Dealer ia DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, IIATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 8IIOKB, Tobacco, Orooerlea and Flih, Nails, Hardware, t,ueenswere and Mlassware, Men s and Boyi' Clothing, Drug., Palnta, Oils, School Books, a large lot of Patent Uediolnes, Caadles, Nuts A Dried Frulti, Cheese and Crack. art, it oca and nine rowoer, Floor, Grain and Potatoes,' Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Bindings and 'Inroad, nboemakers' lools and Shoe Findings. Fo greater variety of goods In any store la tb eounty. Alt for sale very low for ea.h or eonntrj produce at the Cheap Corner. April 10. IHTt. 11 EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I id. auvniion ni mo Vinson, wi aan vicinity is directed to the fact that (loortfellow A ou. are ins enrol" 01 m. nira m vo.', ana nave Jait receired a half dusen oar loads of Flnur and VmmA -V.i-1. .1... -K ., .k. i 1V.I- a. ures. A large stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn la ear, Ac, Ac. Particular attention Is aalled to M. Nine A Ce.'i brand of Family Flour, wbiok li the beet la the market. Flour and Feed eaa and will be sold cheeper than It eaa be obtained elsswhere In Clearfield oouaty. Rtora oa Market street, next door to Hob. Aleiaader Irvla'a reoidenoe. tfOODFELLOW A SOW, JaalOtt; AgeatorA(.VieeeACo. SUsrilUnt-ou. rpttB XBvr ' ' SEWING M ACHINE1 The " BLEES 1" : . s . i ' i I ' I Patent Link Motion. Almost nolseteis machine. Don't (all to eianiioe It before purchas ing elsewhere. II. BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, CLEARFIELD, PA, Agent for Clearfield eounty. et-Looal Agents wanted In every town la the oounty, to wnoia liberal terms win re given. Don't fail to eiamine It and satisfy yovrself. Clcarllcld, Pa., Feb. T, W3-tf. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, FOB SALi IT augJ'TO n. F. BIOLER A CO. BOZORTII'a PATENT REFRIGERATOR, Hit grvaUat hot Mthr oafortw ver larented. Call ud tstvmin than. j3! In H, T. BIOLKH A CO. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store af R AT 8BA19p Between Shaw House A Mansloa Heuae,Clearleld. Constantly ob band a flna assortment of Navy, Congress, Cavendish, Cable, Spunroll, Michigan and Century Flno-eat Chewing Tobaoeo, Ao. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domcstlo Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe Iztursa, Tobaoeo Boies, Cigar Holders, and everything generally found la a well regulated Cigar and Tobaooo Store. Jctr Remember tbe placet Market street, be tween Shaw HottM and Mansion House, Clear tcld, Pa. pd.toJaa.t fI yOOLEN MANUFACTORY. Th n dart If nd Ukta DlMMnre la inform Int hti old eaalomra nd tb poblle gnnUI thmi h nil refltud hit Wooltn tmewry,M Hridport, with Iht addition of ntw nMhiovry. which will enable him to do all kinda of work In bia lino of tmainesa on tho thorttat aotleo. lit Intonda to mako ROLL CAKDINU a pooitkltr, darlnc tho oarding aeaaon, and haa mado arranfementa to rooeiro wool and rotorn tho rotla to tht foltowiog piaoM, Tit: RICHARD MOPSnp'8 STORE, Cloarfleid. GRAHAM'S MILLS. Ormhamtnn. Io alio intonda to tood out hia Trading Wanna aa npnol, and will pay thr'nioimaT haMbIKT Mica for WOOL and 8HKKP PELTH, in ouhoriooda to auit enatonera. Any poraona wiahing to hart their wool eardod and apnn, will b aeeoninodattd ...either tingle yarn or double. Persona wiihing their wool fpus, will delgnate tho inenoaa by placing a not of dlrootiona oa tho bundle, girlng tho number of out per pound and tho kind of gonde it ia to bo made Into. Thanking his euatomere for former fhrora, bo eolieite a oontlnuaneo of tho aamo. May 14. l8TI-3m. TJIOMAS BILL. C OOK STOVES! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQl'KIIANNA, SUPERIOR, OOV. PENN, REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, : NATIONAL RANGE, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKS, SPEAR'S REVOLVING LIGHTS AND DOUBLE nBATERS, And all kinds of Heating Stoves for sale by aog.VJI H. F. BIGLER A CO. CALCINED PLAMTKR for sals by mylt em H. F. BIGLEH A CO. if durational. SEW WASHIXGTOS ACADEMY, Clearfield County, Pa. TUB SUMMER TERM of this Institution will open on the flrit Monday of May nett (Term, Ave months.) . Tbe course of stady will ombreee a rigid aad thorough test in every branoh requisite to a prac tical and aooompllihed education. Vocal aad Instrumental music will oaeupy aa Important place in the course of itudy. Pupili will be admitted at any time during the session, and charged from time of entering to the cloae of the term. Ne deduction will be made for absence, oieept In eaeea of protracted Illness. Students desiring rooms for "clubbing1 oan bs aooemmodeted at moderate rates. . Good boarding eaa bo nrooured at threw dol lars per week at publte aad privata hooies. For particulars address UEORUK W. INN IS, Principal, Marck I, 'Tl-tf New Washington, Pa. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Claaalcal II Ifl. School. Each Department Hcparate, Ilatlnct and Complete In Itnclf. THR echolaetie year of thia Inatitntlon ta divi ded into two aeapiona f fire an on tha (twenty one week) each. The Drat aoaaion eontnenoea on tho Brat Monday in September) tho aeoond, on tho fir it Monday in February. The ooarao of Inatrnotion ombraooa orery thing neoeeaary to a thorough, praotieal and aooinpIlib ed edMoaiion of both eeiee. rupila will be admitted at any time and ebarged from date of entrance to the oloee of tho aeaeion. Mo deduction will bo mado for abeeneo. eieept la eaeea of extreme and protraeted illneaa, fitudeata from a diatanoo aaa bo aooomaodated with board at low ratea. For partieulara. aend for elroutora, or addreai Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. U.t July Ifl, 1871-tf. Prlaelpal. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eaaatantly on band. STOVE AD EARTHED-WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POTS1 CROCKSI Vlaher'i Patent Alrtlfrht Keif - Sealing fruit Canal BUTTER CROCKS, with lldi. CREAM CROCKS, MII.K CROCKS, AITLK-HUTTKn CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIS DISHES, STEW POTS, And a great many other thlngi too numerous to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY. Comer of Cherry and Third Streets,, r. Bag) A Notorious Fact I TIIRKB are more people troubled with Lung Diseases In this town than an r other nlaoe o its ilse in the Bute. One of tbe great causes of this Is, the nee of an Impure article of Coal, largely mlaed with sulphur. Now, why Dot avoid all this, and preserve your Uvea, by using aolv Humphrey's Celebrated Coal, free frees all tmpuritiel. Order left at tha stores of Richard Moseop and Jamas B. (J rah am A Sens U) moire prompt attention. AUUaHAM OVMPHKET. Clearneld, Nave. ber II, ISTt-uf. m HB DEMOCRATIC ALMANAO for I Ml JL IMI aad 1MI for enl at the) Poet OOoe. PliMtlaaaU Mailed U ajv addrats. Sratintry. I ANNOUNCEMKNT OF Till OREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY S. PORTER till AW, D. . S. IMPORTANT TRUTHS t Having succeeded In getting a lighter tariff on material, hence the Um and anHfiroie charge for partial and full lata of Teeth. I ase tba beit manufacture of teeth and other material. All operations registered and warranted to give ser vioe and satisfaction. Friends, reflect that my charges for the Inser tion of arlillclal and tho saving of the natural teeth are now the molt reaionablc in Pcnniylvanle. Preserve your teeth and you pre serve your health. Putting of tha natural teeth In a healthy, pre scrratlveand useful oondltlon is made a specially. Dlseaaes and mal format inns oommoa to the mouth, aw and associate parts, are treated and corrected with fair suooess. Kiamloations and consulta tions raai. It would be well for patients from a dlstano, lo let me know by mall a few days before eomlng to the office. It is very important that children between the ages of sii and twelve years should have their teetn eiamtnaa. Anmsthetiaa are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. Dispositions and character are Judged by all the world by the expresiieni of the face, henoe bow very disastrous may it therefore be for per sons to indulge an expression of diitorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artileial) comforts and pleasures, rcipeot and obey natural ilmpllcities and instinct. 8. PORTKH SHAW, D. D. H. Omoe In New Masonic building, Soooud street, vieerneiu, ra. rente 72 DENTALCAED. Dr. A. M. II ILLS ffTTTFWould say ta bis natlents and tbs nub ile gunerally, that, having dissolved partnership whS Dr. Knew, hs is bow doing the entire work of bis office himself, so that patients need aot fear being put under the hand, of any other operator. Clearneld, March 10, 1871-tf. J". M. STEWART, D. D. S., OOoe over Irwin's Drug Store, CDRWENSVILLB, PA. All dental operations, either la the meobanlcal or operative branch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid to the treatment of diseases of the natural tooth, gums and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artifloial teeth Inserted of the best material and warranted lo render sat- $UsrfUanfous. A Move in CunrcnsYille! J. R. IRWIN, Druggist, CURWKNSVILLK, PA. HAS removed bis Drag Store to bis sew rooms, three doors west of his old stand, aad takes thia opportunity of thanking his old customers for their liberal patronage, and hopes by cloee attention, combined with a eeleet stock of goods, to merit Its oontinaaooo a the part af all kia old euitomers, and eeeore that of many new ones, riease give aim a call. t. R. IRWIN. Carwensville, March it, mj.-eca. O OR S wmrn bays always G I YE N SATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PLEAS! 0 FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED! THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY O00DS-SUCH AS BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE I NOW OR EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. - Clearneld, Dec. 14, HTI. rpiIE CLIPPER MOWER AND REAPER! .JOSEPH II. K.IRK, Agemt, - LUTIIER8BURO, PA. This la a true eentre-draft machine, will not make your horses' necki sore. Tbe lightest draft, tha neateit and the most durable maoaine la the world. Those wiihing to buy a good mower, or mower and reaper combined, will Ind It to tbelr advaatage to eiamine tbls machine. Descriptive pamphlet sent oa application. aplZe-am T CURLEY JL GRAHAMTON, Cs Pa Aftfint ior Jkiiiei b. Marsh i "Valley Chief" Ileaper& Mower, aa4 all other Acrienltnral ImpltnenU manufac tured by him. Any informatroa In rofortmea to the ml and maauraoura eaa b obtained by ad. drciatag aa abova. mob 20. In Lothcrsburg Marble Yard! THR auhtorlbor rofpoetfulty nnon?i to thii eommanlty and tha nahllo aanorally that ha is now aitonsWsly anrKfd In tho tnanufafltura of Monumenta. Iload and root Htonci, htand. Table anil Uureaa Tops, eto. No blfr,hr tribute eaa be paid to a daooanod relative or friend than tha area. lion of an enduring slab as a witness to an born generations where they bava laid him or her. I bava engaged Mr. John W, Oahaxan aa my agent to sell, and to whose workmanship and skill many oan bear witness. Orders solicited and promptly fllled. Work delivered wherever dee t red. m. H. MUUtlK, LatheriWg, Koemher J. 1870. JAvery Ninble. ITHB aaderslgned beg leave to Inform tha pob- jl no msi ne is now mny preparea to aooomtno data all im the way of (Sirnlttntng Horses. Bua;s;ieB, Saddle and Harness, on tha shortest not toe and on reason a hie terms. KesJdenoeoa Loeast street. OKU. W. OBARIIART, Haarleld, April 11, IMT. JSAAO JOnNSON k SONS, Maanfaetnrera and Dealers la Boots and Hhocn! Udlat', Misses' and Children's Gsllere, Men's, Boys' and Women'! Heavy Boots, and Brogane, Ac, Ac. Store and shnn n. Ku.. mli . 1 lite II. F. Blglat A Co.'. Bardwanstore, ' " fl. II, 1873-lv CLBABPIJELDj PA. e.a;wd.ihyin .DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCK A ND1NE, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CURWENSVILLE, PA., ABB offering, at their new Store Hooro, a complete stock or MW UUODM, of all descriptions. Dry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, BOOTS t SHOES, CLOTEISa, te. IN LARGE VARIETT. Flour, Jileat, Oali, Corn, Always oa head aad for sale at a small advanoe. ROTE, In large quantities, sold low by soil; also, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANTIIO0K8. One hundred eaeea at ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for eel. by tb. ease at wholesale rate.. Received by ear load I HUNTIXODOX FLOUR, and Bold at email adrenoe. IIARKES8, of all kinds, HORSE COLLARS and BAMES, HORSE BLANKETS, BUFFALO R0BE8, Ac Also, ob sale trst-claa, two born WAGONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and PLF10IIS. Special Inducements offered ta those getting ont Square Timber aad Logs, as wa deal largely la Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at all time, to purchase Timber, Lege and Lember. Curwensville. November II. 1171. Clothing. How to Nave Money. TIIEtlmes are bard i yoa'd like to know How you may sare'your dollars I The way ta do it I will show. If you will read what follows. A man who lived aot far from here, Who worked held at his trade, Bet bad a household to support That sqaandsred all he made I met him onse. Bays he, "My (rl.nd, I look threadbare and rough I've tried to get myself a suit, But eaa't save up enough." Say. I, my frlead, bow much have yon t I'll tell you where to go To get a suit that's sound and ehaapt Ta REUKNBTEIN A Co. He took what little he had saved, And went to Relseastsia A Brotksrs', And there ha got a bandsom. salt, For half he paid to othera. How be Is botae, be looks ao will, And their effect Is such, That when they take their dally meal, Tkey don't eat kalf as mack. Aad aew be lads oa Satarday Bight, With all their wants sapplled, That be kaa money left to spend, Aad lo bis to lay aside. His good iacee.1, with cheerful mil., . He gladly tell, to aU. If yea'd save mosey, go and buy Tour clothes at RBIZKNSTKIN'S CLOTHING HALL Where the ebeapest, Anest and best Clothing aad good Furnishing Goods aan be bad la suit every taste aad In every style aprl 1,70 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD or all (tuna i Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ac ron siLi r II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dulera la Hardware, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. JOHN TROUTMAM, Dealer In all kinds af FURNITURE, Market Street, One door east Post Office, ug16'TI CLEARFIELD, PA. Twcnty-onc Horses Tor Sale! 'pill andereigned nlTers for sale TWENTY J ONB FIUbT-Cl.AHB MOR8KH, In good condition. Principally large, strong Horses, suit able for any hind of heavy work. Purchasers will find it to their Interest to examine them bo fere purchasing elsewhere. Inquiries answered bj addieseing Feh. 14, IM71. a tut a w ati n'it itf (Mfarflold, Pa IIL'TDII L'l ill 11 L BIGLER k CO. have for aala CARRIAGE & WAG0X WOODS, SHAFTS ANDTOLEB, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, io. Carriage aad Wagoa Maker, ihould make a Bote of this and call aad axamln. thank They will be .old at fair prices. maySMI Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all disease. Incident ta Rones, Cattle, and uamaa, req-lrlng tha ase of aa asternal application. This Embrocation wai eiteaslvelr Bled by tb. (ieverameat durlag tbe war. For aala by Uartswlok A Irwin, Clearneld Joseph R. Irwla, Cerweaivllle. Daalal Good lasdsr, L.tksrikarf. , if. 5Slljrrllanrou. R. R. R. RADWAT'S READY RELIEF , t'lJIilH TIIK WOUST PAINM In from On to Twenty MinutM. HOT ONB HOUR ikfter s"aj-tiiviivrtiwrtii.t iiM-iiaav eaa FKItK WITH VAIN. KADWAY UJCAI'T KRIJKP 1ft A CUBB fO KVICIiV I'AIIT. It wet ibe ar-t tvd Is I Th Only I'aaln llomody that Inautnttr etoit fhs BXt leietlng jltii, allsrl liirtatiuniellaib; aid oures CommMlurM, wltather of lie LutiRR, HitmiRctv, Uwwtilsv or outer clwli m urcavitsv by WMNiilkttn. lit KUdU OKI TO TWIHTT MINtlTltll, (io tttaiter bum ttoknt or ertrmcUlliii the tintn the ItllKI UATKI. Ittfil rldrtrii l.,nrm, CrfptilH, KervuittV KuQreiiita, or pitMnXtai with dias w mmy iiner, .RADWAY'S READY R(LCF TV I M. AFVOItll INSTANT KAMC. t lNri.AUUATIIlN UK Till: KHiNKYN. INKLAMMATII'N (IK TIIK BLADDIll. IKKLAMUATluN UK TIIK 1IOWKI.H. rONIIKSTION or TIIK I.IIMQ.. BOItl TII1VOAT. Mi l ItTl.T IlltEA 1 11INU, Tau'itatihV ok im likAET. IIVHTKIIU'S, CKuLT, J 1 I'll I H I- III A. ' CATAH1UI, INFLt'ENEA IIIADACIIg, TOOTH ACIIIC, MIl!ltAl.OIA, miEfUATIMI. coin rnil.l.A, aoiik iiiiii.i.h. TIm it'i'llcukun oftlt. Ready II el lef to the pert or pert. wIim. U.I psla or diolcultjr cam. wut agwnl cue end erimfurt. Twmitr crop. I. half a tnmttto of WAter will Hi frw WHtmrtiU cur CUAUI., hl'AHUN, Hol,'lt B'I'OM AI'K, ViKAHTIII'ltN, Hll'K IIRAIIArllK. IIIAItHllKA. liYKKNTKItr, Ctll.H1. WINU IN fill ItUWIOa, and All INTKItNAL 1'AINH. Tr.vt,lira .liuuld riw.y. carry Radwav. Rra.y R-rllff with tliotn. A f-w ttii.lii wiuf ill I.Mil Mckiiu. or Itel'i. (torn cli.ns. tit w.lrr. It Is heller Uuui freoeb Ur endr or UltUn aA A etlamlaeA. VBVKH AHO AUIIR. FKVETt ANU AliUR cured for flnjroHits. Therela aot A mnedlnl .Kant In tlib world that will our Fcr.r end A,u., And ell oth.r MaIaH.nia, HIIIocl HcaHH, Tr .hold, )llow. Biidoth.r I er lAldnl l, KAIiWAV'lt f'll.I.hl m quick AA ItAilWAV'K KKADV BKUtF. fUl, cuts pw UAUe. Bold V, llrAMuOA. HEALTH ! BEAUTY I ! BTIKINO AND rt'nR RICH ItltOD-INCItBAAt OK Kl.KHII AND WltiilllT-t l.KAIt hKIN AND lHUDIiri'L UUMl'LltXIONaKCUBKD TO AU. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT BAH M AUK THB MWT ATN l If I NU fM'HCT I JUl'IIi J LKltnoKi Tuia T AHK J II at IMAftlif.a IT N UK It TDK IN. ruTENcK or IHULlf woiviiKurui. ItUltiiNK, TO Every Day mn Inertjooo In Flesh and Weight lo Seen and Felt. THE OREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. fry 4mp of the HAHMAFAKIM.IAH KEh-iLV- INT 0OfitrmifilcA.t thruuih Ui Ifluud, Hfat, L'rlite, nd other flu Ida and ti W;ea tif th ty-Hrn. tht rlxor af llfi fa. rt'f n rapMri vn wiiih n me vitaj w iw m maUaarisJ Bcrofule, Hrptillla, Cufiiuniutki ltk mw aviitl enund Ulaiidulmt dlaemam rtVavalB Lh ThnkU. ilouth. TuBnira Nitd im tlM UlaiKU and otlier MrU of Uia TtUxa, Sun Kfrm. blrnnuns Ikachar:t-m Intm the lUrt, and tbe wm fortnt of (tkln d-KaAwS, Eivptltma, Vwtr Sorta, ftxahl , Ml KlrtalAV Wonib, aitd all wiakefjlrif tuid painful dLKhatcea, Kijiit nwMia, lyoaanr nrjv. mm aui iimhui uic nm Dfiittj H sre wltlilu u curaii'w rmiif ur UiM woiedw or Ho ra Vhuu.itjj. arid fa dari eaa will prurt to auf patana etttiK It fur tlthat of Utaes foriaa ef ainsai lia boldNlt paw ear A1 cure tllOI. If tba t-aUaat, dailr baoornlnr radoesd try the wtstaa and iiK!0(niaaMiia tluat la eiittnual.r uraaaln(, uo eaeda In amatlnii (heaa w7dUa, and npwrt Uif aBtna wttti aw malarial mada from haajibr and likis Um ftAKSAl'AKILLIAgl vH twd doaa eacura. jtot tm)f doaa tba ftABaAr-aULLuv KsaotTaT trrat i) kjaoani ramadlai agrcnia In Utm eura of Chronic Bcrofiv twua, Ounatltotioatal, tvud ttkia tjlaaaaai t but ltk Uwiwir DoalilT eura far t Khlney A Itladdcr CompIalnU, rrrnarr. niwl Wmnb dlaMaa, QravcL MaiXM, Dropay, wtop'iaar of Walar, 1 ncwtltiatica of rrtsc. Ilrtght'n IHa aaa, AllHitnlauna. and In all eaaaa where ware ara brtck dual dejxaalta, or tha walar la Uilcfc, chutdr, Bitned with ritraUnrra Itka tha whites of an , or thrca4 like whtta Silk, or lh.ra taa morhtd, dark. Wlltma apijesarwiK, and whlta bone-dust dc'xjalu, end when UMtra la pririluf, burnlnc apnaa,iln whto twaalna water, and pain la he Saiallnftha ct end atac Um Loloa. Prka, Sita, , WORMS.-The obIt torn aad aura iUmadr lot H ortiHJ'in, jupa, ale. Tumor of l'J 1'eora' Growth Cured by Badwar'i ReaolrenU BanA.v, Hi., i,tj I a, lata, few. eUawar l 1 mw ha4 0rWa T-aMt la tmt arwur. aav4 eiB. a, ia. Drtn laM ibajra waa m Mf InN." I thawl tha ym lUkdr H.lba awma aMta-ilM W I! ymr. TW Wawat Um m Ib Ui Irfl aAw af Ua, Um (nta. I a-rtta thlt la fmm Sw Ska fcaaa-a eiaaaa, Ta M fUlak m If ym aWaa. UAHHAN P. CKAIT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, aurfWtly tartaleta, elfAratiUy enatad wMh swrt rim, puraa, iTfTUlala, jmiily, elwanaa, and mrmpbrti, Kad (av1! Pin, for lha eiira of aJI dfvirdrrs uf the W'Tbix h, Ifff, fkiwela. Kldnrra, Itlail.lw, Nervoua Olawt-rt, laadacha, (nlraAn, 'uallenm lndtmKfia. Yefeer.esla, Bll.ouaiita, firlVtrua Terrt, InllanjriiaiKiti of Um flowrla Pllfaiid aJ) lmtittniHMotU, li.UnnJ Via arerm. WajranUtl U effwH a n.itlTur. piirfly Wjrrta kala, mntaltiiiaf ao nerrurr, mlrtarak, or aVkrue dnifa. tar" utMfrt Ui fteiiowiTif armfitoBe raauaiia Irua iHaordrra of lha Dlet)re Orgmi OtaaHrfaHlna, Inward 11 Is. FallasM af ftw tUf la Ow Hmi, AeHaVlr af Um lUtaaaril, H'tAW, HMaWra. iMf af r4, rllB-a wr Watf hi im Um ataacl., W Eiartaue,M, flail -f t ri-IUrtae at ltw P1I af Um BAawawrk, S-vtAaurtiaer wl Um Heava, H-rrMA wel IMArlt arvaUlB(, rmlwWtteff at UmIImtI, CWkiBf- "-foctllB( .-Asae, erlMa ta a l.etnsr lwMnrw, lMnliMM M VlakM. I.4a m Wita tMlWa Ua rtiarftl, fm tmi ball m Um HmmI, linarfary at raralrwAMti, TaJlnwuaaa W iW Rhta aM Ktw. rai ta Um Maa, CeVaat, liaaaa, aad aaaaam riaahai af ftiewaB aBaaiaf ha IsW n.,fc a r.. oa k it au w r rn.i m f. th. m- ten rraeiAll th. Atort-tiAiiiM itlirdria. PrloA, l etuta aerhol. Bl.l IIT IlKI.'tHIIKT. REAP TAII ANI' TKUE. Itoaa eaa kttrr. etaoioU BAI'WAT B CO.. Ki. I H.Wt. UnA. Naw. 1 un, AMortaAUue wona lanaaihui i I wul he SAAt you. It. B. TAYLOIt'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (year the Railroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PEKN'A. IEMRRACE this method of infoi-mln the publie, that I have opened up a yard fur the sale of wood or eoal-burul 1.IMK aad Anthracite COAL, In the borourh of Clearneld, and have eompleted arranremenU with eastern dealers hy which I eaa keep a full supply constantly oa hand, whieh will he di.posed of at reaaonable ratea, by the tun, bushel or ear load, to auit purchasers. Those at a distance ean address me by letter, and obuia all necessary information bv return mill. K. B. TAYLOR. Clearteld Pa., Feh. U, 18-tf fjlO LUMBERMEN! PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI The Clearfield Eieelsior Canthook will not wear out or break, being constructed with ana .olid band from clip to point It U pronounced hy all praotieal lumbermea who have eiamined It t be lha most perfect Canthook avar Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Ana Kikxabd A Co, at CI. GARFIELD, PA. "All order, promptly attended to. n!l?l DREXEL & CO., No. St South Third Street. Philadelphia U.I.VHKIIS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatioa by mail will receive prompt atlen tion, and all Information cheerfully furni.hed. Orders eolieted. April ll-U. B VRNED OUTI BUT ROT BURNED UPI BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Pea a township, Clearfield. Co., Pa. Tba snbserltwrs ara, at Rraat aipensa, rebalM lnc, and Id a fcer daje will hare eompletrd, a aT((hhorhood ntoaaaitj, In the firotion of a first class W oolen Maaufaotorjr, wilh all tha modern imprfsTfiiifnti ettaohrd, and are firvpartHl te make all kinds of Cloths, ('assimrrs, Bntinetts, Blan keta, Klannels, do. Plenty uf goods on head to siipi'l all our old and a thousand new eustotnera, whom we ask to come and examine our stock. The baslnees of CARDING AND FULLING will reelra especial attention. Oar aew mill will be rraiy by wofloardioft aeaaon, therefore there need be no hesitation on that score. Proper arrangements will be made to recelre and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten lion to Dullness we nopa 10 reanie a uoerai snare of public patronage. 10,4 MM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay tha highest market prloa for Wool and aell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods ean be bought In tho county, and whenerer we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we ean always be foand at home ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A PONS, aprllMtf Urampian Hills P. 0. C1IKAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITT. PA. Tha anderslgned announces to his old friends and natrons that he has opened a good Una of (JKOi KKIKS A PROVISIONS at tha old stand of Kirk A Ppenoer, for which he eolleita a Mheral patronage. 11. W. 8PKNCBR. Lumber City, Pa., March SO-tf. House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! TUB undersigned offer lor sale or rent, upon reasonable terms, a two story dwelling, lot and stable, In Dloomiugton, Pike township. For terms. Ao., apply to LEWIS I. BLOOM. January Id 181 If. ounilr0 and Uacttnt tbopfl. BIGLER, YOUNG 4 CO., (Successors to Borntoa A Yonsg,) FOUNDERS 4 MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street., CLEARI'IELD, PA. HAVIXd' entered In the manufacture eflrst clas. H AC II I N E R T, wa respectfully Inform the public that we are now prepared to 111 all orders as chesply and as promptly as ean he done In any of the cities. We manufacture and deal 1b Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Dead Blocks, Water Wheel,, Shafting Pulley,, Gilford s Injector, Steam Gauges, 8 team Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cnps, Oil Cups, flange Cocas, Air Cocks, Globe Valrei, Check Valrea, wrought Iron Pipes, B'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti- FnctloB Metres, 8oep Stone Packing, Oum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK) together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CA8TIH0S of aU kinda. a-0rders solicited and (lied at city pricea. All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly answered, by addree- Ing bs at Clearneld, Pa. BIGLER, TOUNO A CO. 0. L. Reed. NOTICE.! Wm. Powell. KEED A POWELL. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL II I G II T 1 TUB proprietor! respectfully Inform thecltieen, of Clearfield eounty, that they hare entirely refitted this establishment witluhe latest improTcd wood-working machinery, and an bow prepared to eiecuta all orders Ib their line of business. They will glre eipeclal attention to the inanufao- ture of material fur hoasa building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BMI.ICKET8 .WOMHM tS, OP ALL STYLI8, We always here on hand a large stock of CRT LUMBER, and will pay cask for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichauged, to auit customers. fefA-Ordere solicited, and Lumber furnished aa short aotioe ud on reasonable terms. REED A POWELL. Clearfield. March t, 1871. "iWsrrUanrrju. JOSADALIS THB TXGRKDTEXTS TIIAT C0M PD8K ROSADALIS ara published on every peokage, therefore it is wt a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. o It ts a aertaia care for Scrofula, Syphilis ia all Its forms. Rheumatism. 8kin Ihs- eases, Lirer Complaint and all disaasee of tne moon. ONE BOTTLE OF ROSADALIS will do mora good than tan bottles of the eyrnps 01 barsaparilla. THB UNDERSIGNED FHYSICIAK8 A I) A h hart need Roasdellt ta their practice for the past three years, aad freely endorse It aa a reliable Alterative and Blood Parifler. DR. T. C. Pron, of Baltimore, DR. T. J. BOYKIN, DR. R. W. CARK, DR. F, 0. DAN NELLY. DR. J. 8. FPAKK8, of KirholasTllle, Ky. i-n. u. ari An i ma, i;oiambta, 8. U. DR. A. B. N0ULKS. Edgeoomh, N. 0. rSED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall River. If aaa. r. tv. rjai in, .taekaoa, Mien. A. F. WHKKLKR, Lima, Ohio, B. HALL, Lima, Ohie. CRAVEN A CO.. tierdonsTtlle. Va, SAMIELU. He FA DD EN. iderfrewboro, lena. Oar sre will not allow of anr axtead- ed remarks ia relation to the Tirtoes of I Rosadalia. To the Medical Prufession we guarantee a Flaid Extract superior to anr they hare aver used in the treatment af 4ieas-d BlooUi and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis. and you will be restored to aeann. Roeedslls Is sold hy all Druggists prloa $1.(0 iter bottle. Address DR. CLEMENTS A CO., Aaumfuctunne Ckcmiitt, Ang. J, 171.-ly. BaLTiaoaa. Mn. For aale by A. I. Shaw, Cloarfleid, Pa. Before taking Powders. After taking Powders. SHAW'S IMPHOVEn COKPITION POWDEK8, Vseful la obstinate aaaos of Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Bots, Kairr. Custira- ness. Roughness of tha Shin, and Stoppage of Water. Urease, Swelled Legs and Influenta ean ha relieved, and sometlmea eured, by tha use of these Powders. They will not Interfere with tha daily work of the Horse, and eaa ha giren to cat tle with eoual advantage. Put up ty A. I. BUAff. Druggist and Apothe cary, Clearfield, Pa, November 8, 1871. Sold ararywhera. SAWS I 8AW8! SAW8! DISTAN'8 CROSS-CUT, MILL. DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by oet11,70 It. F. BIGLER A CO. PINK, WHIT1 A ROAN LINING SKINS fast reeelred and for tale hy April 10, UTt. II. F. JJ1ULKH CO. : ' 1 VwV -'mJl .-iel. ''-CirV. srtlfdlrftuj-. Vinegar flitters t,m not eiU riHCf Dhst mide of P.K Rum, Whukef. Proof . Spwiu R;.TJ Liquors, doctored, spiced, and swttiei Uim ihZ taate, called Toaica," M Appttiien, " UsHoren. Ac, that lead tha tiipltroa to dtenkee m r4 m, j li. " Jr" Mtd,c,nt " ft-Mti tlw Sfiiir, lw,2 wiwrnia, nit irfm an Alcoholic niuUnu. 1 hey are lh Great Wood Purifier and a L--itjfrr rnTK-iple, a Perfrct Renovator and lovieora tor o ih ByMem, carrvin off ail poiaonoua mailer and r w-wiar tl Mood lo litalihy coimIiIhmi, tiinchiei il, nfi eifciiT antl iuviKoratii. both n,ina and body. Tbay are etn ' at id. prm)ri in their aclinn, certaia IB ihm4 ret u If , wfe kikI reiMt,te in all drm tTvit. o Peraort ean take these IIHtara accord. ' tee lo direaioiia, and remain long unwell, providW their buiiea ara ttol deairoyed by mineral aonoa or other meant, and lbs viul otuiuM wiuti l..A ii ofrtrnir. lrspeMlaarIM.llrrailn. Headwhe, p,i,. ta the Shotiidera, Cw-flw, TiKlitoaM of lha Che-t, Dia i l' mtvLwow or tne stomach, Had) Taut In the Mouih, U'ltout Atucka, Plpitatioa el the Heart, Inflammation at tha Lunk-, Pam m (he refiotu 4 the Kidiieve, and a hundred other pamfnt symptoms, are llw opimi, of Dytnepaia. In time compiaion it baa o equal, aad one botile will pro a oetio, stU, aetea of ua merit than a lencihy advertiMment. For Kemala CoaplluU, tn younf or tIJ Saarrwil ne ainxlt. at ti dawn of womniinnd, ni tl tarn of life, Uhm Tw.ic Dinars display ao deudtd aa Mucecs tbat a marked inprtrvtmeat ooa eerefp. Ilbta, for Inflammatory and Chronic Rhen Mat lew ami Gout, Dtpepaia or IndiseMKm, Uiiioet, K eminent and Intermittent Fevert, Diaeawa of tbe Blood, Liver, Kidwys and Bladder, these Bittera bave beee moat euccetaful. 8uch Dim i are cauaed by Vitiated Hlood, which fi ftnerally produced by derange Kent rf ike Iiigeilive Ornn: Tliey are Oeuile Parget We as well aa a, Tonle, ewMatMina; alto the eciiliar merit of an in as a powerful afent ia relttvmi ComrMtioa or Intlan. maiioa of tue bnr sod Vucerai Ortaas, and ia iidio tt Divatct. For Skin Dlseaaes, E rapt irms. Teller, S!t. Rlieum, lllotchet, Spots, Fimples, Poaiolts, BiU,Car htinclet, Kinc worm. Scald Head, Sore E,et Krt. Bipalat, Itch, Scurfa, O .coJoratiorn of the Skin, Humor and Diaeawa of the Skin, of whatever name or nmiur. are literally dun ap and carried out of lha system in a short time by tha uaa of these Bittera. One bottle m auch cat will coavtoct the nroat iocradulous af iheir curative effects. leanee the Tlilateet Dtoorl whenever yn Ind iia imporiiiea framing through the skin in Pnpf, liruptiona, or Sorea; cleauae il when you find it . Mructed and aloggiah ia the vaina ; cieanae it whea it s foul ; your feeluiga will tell yoa when. Keep the btet4 pure, and ihe health of tlw ayateta will follow. Oraleful thoneanda proclaim VihboaB Bit Teas the aaoat woodcrful Iavifpraat that avet mi mid ha atnkine eyvttm. Pin, Taev atari ether W areas, larkinf m tbe erttern of ao a.aay iboeaaada, are df. atroyed and removed. Sara diUmguitlud phvaioU egil : There iaacarccly an individual upon th (ace of the eanh whoae body ta exempt from tha preaence of wwrrta It ia aot upon the healthy t lemon ta of the body that worma exit, but upoa tbe diaeaaad humors and aliny depoaita that breed IheM living monaiera ef dieeate. No ayatem of Medicine, ao vermifuge, ne aptbclmia itka, will free the syatsia from vwau Uka these tte Ura. Naelianleial Dleeaaaa. Pererns engaged la paitita and Mineral, aoch as Plumber, Tyue-Mtters. Gotd-beatera, and Miner, as they advance in Ifl, anil be aubfect lo uralria of the Bowela, 'l o guara againu) tht take a d'taa of Wai.kir's ViNacaa Bittuu eaca or twice a week, as a Preventive. Dillons, Remittent, and! Intermltteai Fevare, wlnctt are ae prevalent in tlte valleva of oas 5 real river throughout the United Stales, especially koae ef the MtMitMpp,, Ohio, lilitaoun, Illinois, Tra aeaeee. Cuioberland. Arkanaaa. Red. Cotorado. Braiaa Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Koaa- ans, J m.wrmm. x.n. new. vuiaie, wiih tiarti TB UIDWAi tie, ihrouglwut oar entire country dimng tba SuiauMr and Aui nmn, and remarkably ao during, eeaaooa af uausual heal and drvneaa, are ievanably accrtmpaatcd by etlanaiv derangenrenu of the atomach and liver, aad other alvjonainal viacera. There are alwava more leas ebatruction of the livar, g weakneaa end imubie ataie ef the stonaarh, and great torpor of lha bowela, being clagCd up with vttiatrd accumulations. In their trte meiit, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upoa these varloua organs, i aMentully aereaury. Titer n) ao cailtantc for tlw purpota equal to Da J. Walku's V i msg a a BtTTRB a they will apeedlly remove lbs dark-colored viectd oiatter will which the brrweU art kiaded, at live same lime at i mutating llw aecreiioaaof the liver, and generally restorina; Uta bealtby fiiiiriinns. of the dirMtve organ. ftesArofnla, or Klnffe fCvll, V)Ut Sweninga. Ulcer, ryipelas. Swelled Neck, Ooiter, Scrofuloss InAamaMtinrta, Indolent Indammaiion. MeionialA(. tecuuna, Old Sore, Cmplioii of tlie Skin, Sore Ewi, eK . etc. In these, aa m all other cnnwttuUoMj D aaaee, Wai.kbh 'a ViHaca BiTTaas Imvc hnwu ibtir great curauve powers in the aaost oustiaau sod lotrac able cav- Dr. Walker's CallfWrnla Tlnra;ar Blttsra eel on all these cases in a similar manner. Br purifying the !l nod thry nnuwt the cause, and bfrcaatving ewir the effect of I'M inflamaMtkm (tlie tubercular depoait the affected pan receive health, and a permancot cart ia efTrcied. Tba propertlea of Da. Watkri's Yiwar.Ai BiTTatf era Afierient. Diaphore:ic mid Carmmat't, NutnlKMia, Iaiative, Diuretic, Sedative, Cotuta-lni tant. Sudor tfic. Alterative, and Anti'lttlMns. The Aporteng ami mld Ijtaliva prrenlei af Da. WAt-aae's Viaeoaa HiTTaaa are ihe Waaav Kurd in all cases of arwpiiona and malignant tvven, eiff balsamic, healmf, and soothing properties protest lha humors of the fauces. Their Sedative propenm allay pain ia the nemma system, stomach, arid bostia, either froni tnltammatioa, wind, colic cramp, etc Their Counter-Irritant mthaence eilenda throughoft the ayttere. Their Dmretic properties act on the Kie eve, correcting; and regulating the flow of unite. The Ami- Bilmua properties stimulate tit liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through tlie biliarydoctlj and are aupenor to ail remedial agents, far tbe cure el Bilt"u Fever, Fever and Ague, etc Forltfy the smmIjt against dlaeeee br pari. fVint all its fluids with Vimboai Bittvks. Ko ew. demic caa take hold of a system thus farmed. The liver, the MotnacH, the bowela, the kidnaya. and the a err are rendered ihstiess Fonf hy this rti nnf orant. piraeClnna. Take of the Bitters on going m W at night from a half to oo and one-half wintegiaaaMl Eat good nouruvhmg ItmmL such as beef eteak, matua chop, venieon, roat beef, and vegetables, and take ut-donr ettrosa. They are composed of purely refl able ingredients, aad contain ao apml. IWALK.KR, Prop'r. IV H. M flDOW ALO Cw Prnginsu and Gen. Art Sea lrnaco. Cel.. and cor. of Wastiinglna and Chariton St., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June ft. mi. HATES, COULTER & CO., Successor ta W. A. Araoli, ABcrACTrjBirt. or Healers, Ranges, Low Grates, aaa MARBBl.If.RD 6LATK VANTILS. Sale afent. for tbe celebrated CIIILSON COOKINQ JRANGE.. JS8eBl for Catalo(aaa. Ko. 1304 Chertant Btreet, Jane I or. FHlLADELrntA. Presidential Campaign CAPS.CAPES A TORCHES. Seal for Illaitratrd ClreilAt and Price Urt. Cl'NNIMlA.M A HILL, Alaouractarers. No, 101 Cbnrrb Btreet, 5-4m rhiledrlpeia JEW 6TOHE AND NEVT G00P3 JOS. SHAW & S0a - Hare just opened a Nw 6toi, oo Main St.,CLinriii.D, Fa. lately oooupled l Wm. F. 1RWIK. Their .lock oonsiit. of m Hi "r" C3EXDCDIDS3 Gkocitm Of the beat qnilitr. Queenbware, Boots and Shoes, nd erery Article eeoeaaarr for ene'i oomfort. Call nd examine oor ttock before rof" ohelng elsewhere. May 9, W6-lf- JHHTICES' at lOSaTABa-f' f " Wa haea printed a lerfe aantber ef tbe." r'Kl BILL, and will oa tba receil ai i-"v (ra eewta, nail a eo.e to anr address, " BARGAINS Ia MUSICAL tf-TRLllKrJISI-Oritaas, botb W" JJ! Aroon. hand, at tbe Store, opposite ' Carniture Btore. All persons Interest"! are i." ted to call aad eiamine a new style f Org "V ob eihibitloa. Sheet Musle aad Maile P" eomtanllTOBbABd, apll"l