THE REPUBLICAN. : V CLEARFIELD, Pa. ; WEDNESDAY MORNING, JDLY 31, 1971. Terms of Subscription. If paid In advance, or within Ibres month ...fl If paid after three and before six ranntlis..,.. 3 &0 Ile.d after the expiration of six months . 00 J J-AH article tn Insure Insertion 1b this paper timid be banded In early on Tuesday aorning, u we go to preas at 11 o'cloek, (noon.) HKUCIOUS NOTIt ICS. Methodl EpIacopal-eVhurcii--Re. A. I). Yooi'M, Ciurtor. I'nl'lio Hervic every Sabbath at l"i A. M.,and T P.M. flalibath Rotaool at 9 A. M. Prajw Meeting every Thursday, ?i P M. Communion Herf lee, Brit Hal bath of every month, at 10 A. M. HU Andrew'! Churfh-T.plcopaI--Rev. Qaona Hall. Public Herviee Sunday morning t 10 o'clock, and at T P. M. Sunday School al 8 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at T o'clock. Presbyterian Cburrft Rer.II. Preaching oa the Lord's day at 10J and 7i aVelock. , Monday Reboot at 8 p. m. 1'rayer Mutating on Wednesday at Ti p. m. Pastor's Uible Olm on Saturday at 71 p. m. Wt. Frulicle CliurrhCathollr Iter. T. 4T . Mi-Mani's. Mass at I "4 o'oloek A. M., on the ieoond and fourth .Sundays of each month. .Lutheran C'burch.Kor. A.J. lUnTsnesr eraehing every (Sabbath, morning and evening, flahbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting evtry Wednesday evening. . Attention. Lot no Domocrata who are entitled to natural iiatlon forget to attend to it at the next term. of Court. nm t-m. New Pohtofpici. A new Pontofllce .has been established at Rmerloks-llle, In Pineerek -township, 6 mi lei aaJt 0 flrookville, and Mr, Emanuel Wtlser appointed Postmaster. ' The Mountain Voice. Johnstown m art just now sporting a daily newspaper with the above title, and edited by James P. Campbell, formerly of the Altoona Sun, Woy the Koto be read by the whole mountain region, and all lire lo a green old age. Soldiers' IMhcharoes. J. McPer- hint, writing from Washington to the Harriahorg Tlrgrap, states that an affidavit giving a reason able aeoount of the low of a soldier's discharge, is a I way aoeepted in lira of the diicharge. Under b laat bounty aot be ! daily filing new affidaviti to aeoount for the accidental Iota of 3ichargci or giving other reaeonifor not producing the dls. charge. Cleaned Out. The July floods bave effectually cleaned out I he rafting it ream i In tbia oounty, let the mult be what It may. No Old stock on band thii year. Pitch In for a whole new outfit next spring. The River, Clcarflnld Creek, Cheat Creek, Klnnemahonlng, Sandy Lick, And Mahoning creaks all elrar of raft i and lugs. We feel good over It, yet not a stick or log did we wn. . ' ' 1 Fatal Accident Tlio Bellofonto Watchman of Friday says t The bunting of a grindstone at Mann'a axe factory, in Sprlog town hip, oil Wednesday, killed one man and wounded another. The name of the deed man It John Apt and that of the wounded one, Patrick Pearl. Mr. Apt wn killed Instantly, and leaves n family to mourn his lots. Mr. Pearl was badly hurt, but will probably recover. Additional Uounties. Tho .Now Cattle Gautf bat received the following from Hon. Wn. McClelland: "For tho Information of tfaote who have spoken and written to me on the lubjeet, please notice in your paper that by ro' -oent decision of the second Comptroller of the Treasury, reversing a former decision of Auditor Trench, member of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps are entitled to tho additional $1U0 granted three years soldiers, as per bill approved April MA, ISTl. Yours respectfully, Wn. McClsllasl. Tuaouuji Line. Tito Northorn Central railway, by the completion of tbe Haiti, more and fotomao railroad, baa a through eoo- neetion from tbe west to Washington. Pariengcrs going to Washington from all parts of the wett and north can now avoid the delay formerly tub Jeeted to at Baltimore, and can also bare their baggage checked through. This Is a great eon venienoo, which tbe traveling pub lie will eppre elate. Nor Is the through con Dee t ion the only ad- vantage te be gained. Tioketi for Wajhington from Baltimore via tbe Baltimore and Potomac Tailroad eost one dollar, or twenty cents less than by the Baltimore and Ohio. a- Amotiikr Wail. Wo learn that Postmaster Uaulin has been tn eorrcupondeooe with the Pottoffiee Department for several month with reference to tbe granting of another dally mall over tbe Tyrone and ClearBeld Railroad, and that hie negotiations are likely to succeed, and Ahat another mall will be delivered by tbe Eipreii Arain tn the evening, on or about the 1st of Auguat. 'Tbia will be' very convenient for the patrons of the office In this place, from the fact that the Philadelphia and New Yoik dally newipapers will reach here the earn day they are published ( bat It will add muoh to the labor of tbe Poitmaster. Bound For New York. Mr. Isnao L. Keiseniteib, who for eleven years past has been agaged in the cloth Ids; business in this pUw, old his stock and will leave in a short time with bis family fur New York elly, where he designs to eater in a larger field of trade. We regret this. Mr. Keisenslein Is one of our beet substantial b tnesa men, and a very useful oltiten, and Clear- fleld can Illy afford to lose him. May suoeeaa at tend htm In bis new enterprise. The card of his firm will be found in our advertlsingnolumns. "Relay, at he was familiarly called, will be aniseed, not only by the Gorman population, but by all. Ho was an upright, conscientious buslneas man, whose word won Just as good as his note. ' Wind Storm. On Thursday last quite a sersre tornado paesed over tbe eastern jjpertlon of Ibis county, near Reynoldirille, doing eontiderable damage." The stump of a tree tome ten rods from Mr. William Best's barn, was taken wp and thrown en Its roof, breaking Its way throng') ( and a splendid orchard, belonging U the same gentleman, was torn up and demolinhed. A new home belonging to Mr. William Boy let, on the road at this end of the long woods, was turned over, aU the family mother and five children being In It at the time j but mlracutouaty, not one awae Injured, a bedstead propping the floors off them. The roofs of Mr. Ml-tire', saw mill and etable were blown off, and the growing erops in Its course literally demolished. Tbe eoarse of the hurricane was eastward, and was a quarter of a mile In width. BrtkwilU ffMOfiean, Deatu from Coal Oil. It bocomoa anr painful doty to chronicle auother of those heart-rending ooenrrenoof, which of late yean so frequently shock the eommunMy. On Thursday afternoon, the ISlhlnsL,, Rath aged about twelve years, daughter of Mr. George A., and Mrs. Margaret Mills, of Thompson to wo, thii oounty, In attempting to kindle ftre in n eoek log stove, poured some eoal ell out of n ean oca talcing about half a gnllon of the Inflammable stuff en the smouldering embers, when the liquid ignited, bursting tbe ean nnd scattering the flam tng ell tn every direction, completely enveloping the poor child In flame. Her alothee were baraed tn an Incredibly ohort speoe of time, but short It was her body was eoTered from the crown of iter head to the soles of her feet with deep tern. She survived her injuries about one hoar and a half, remaining rational to tbe end. Junintm i a o Lit of lottera remnlning unclaimed In the Pftstnfte m Clearfield, for the week endina tfuly Wth, l71i Arnold, A. Hmd-reo, Charles H. Black, Mrs. Mary. rraf"r,orre B. Creakean, Alkan. ' DauKbeahauxh, Kate. Deling Patrick. Puhfr. K II. Graham, A. W. .llrrUrt. Thoaaaa. Hiehy.Joau. Halt. Rtriiben. Kelley, Jeraee P. I.wi, Louisa. ' MM'altum, W. . II. Norrls, Oewrge W. (S) Oweas, Mies JCete. Qui nn, Jeeoh. Mfrtdg, M, 8mtta, Am. VmIo, frtd. I Weed, Isabella. P A.tMI'LlN.r.M.j Communioated. Ma. Euitob -Please allow me, through the medium of your pnper, to explain la behalf of the BehooVPIrevtors of Lawrence township, the quae tions asked by "Humble Taxpayer" la the Ri rtaLicA of July Id. In publlshingthe financial statement la an nbrcvlaled form, we eomplled with tbe law and requirement! of the School Department, as we un derstood it. As for publishing tbe aeoount again, the old board has not the power, nnd as I am not a ikembor of the new board, I onnnot say what tbey will do. Tbe amount due from Taylor RowlesJone 1st, 18T2, upon tbe settlement of his aoeoant, wee $1,149.14. Amount dun from W P. Read IC5S.47, Included la tbe above batanoe due from Bowles. W. P. Read hat paid since June I tt, 1172.88, leaving a balance doe from him at the present time of (182.89. Clark Drown. Treasurer for the year ending June 1st, 1809, paid tbe balance due from him on January 15th. 1S72, In full, and bis account was squared, and I presume Read and Rowles would have done the same If the "humble taxpayers" would have ".forked over" their taxet at the proper time. Tho amount reeeived from other sources are at follows: Of Q.&, Read (being balance due on school boose and lot commonly called "Bed Bug College," $423.77 j old storo old, $5.00 j old school house (Crooked Run) $1&.00; total $113.77. "My neigh bors say tbey only had four mouths school during tbe year." Mount lion sub -district bad five months school, one month being due acid district from previous year. Mount Calm inb-district bad seven months, three months being due from previous year, and all tbe other tnb district had four months, making a total ef fifty-two months taught In all tbe schools slnee June 1st, 1871 which multiplied by $41.3010-13 (which Is the ex aot average per month for teachers' salary) will make $2,148.00, as stated, for teachers wages That is what went with the 6o.60. Now H ble Taxpayer," you sent some scholars during the last named three 'months, then why did you not admit that there was more thaa four tuontha school taught in each sab-district Orders out aUnding June 1st, lb71, $1,001.89. Tbe treainry has redeemed order since that date to the amoui of $1,100.00. 8. C. Bloom. SptHals A Cabb. We desire to say to our clients, who have favored us with their business In the past as well as those who desire to do so In the futurci that we have removod our Law and Colleotion office from Market to Locust street, directly west from the residence of Hon. W. A. Wallaie and Dr. R. V. Wilson. Our office la but one square and m half from tbe Court House, and only half a square from Second street, which Is tbe main business street of the town,. We have In our office one of Heislok A Bro.'s largest fire end burglar proof aa fee for tbe safe keeping of books, deedai notes and other valuable papers, that may be plecd tn our charge. Thankful to those who Have entrusted ct with their business in the past, we hope by a striot at tention to business to merit and receive our full share of legal business la ifao future. Tuos. J. McCulloi-oh A Bro., AUorites-at-I.aW, Clearfield, Pa. Fon Balk. A. I.Rhaw offers for satoe first class buggy, and an excellent road wagon. Persons in want of inch articles will consult their interests by calling on him. jy31tf, Fruit Cans made from tbe best Charaoal Tin and soldered on the out aide. Also Cement and Putty at Backbit A ScaaTvca'a. Fivi Town Lova ron al at Low FiotraKs. The undersigned has got five town lets to sell, oheap and on reasonable terms. J. Q. Ben ar van. Clearfield, Pa., July 81, 1872-4 L Notice. Having closed out my business in this place, I hereby giro no ties to all customers Indebted to me, to come forward at once and settle their respective accounts. My son Charles Is au thorised to settle, collect and receipt for money in my abseooe. Ibaac L. RiiieHSTCia, Clearfield, July Sl-St. Chahow.- Daniel Stewart A Ron, having pur chased the tlook of clothing formerly In the bands of I. L. Roisensleio, would Inform the pub lic that they oan be found at tho old ttand, in the Mansion House building, ready to elotbe nil cus tomers with tho best, at tbe lowest prices. Give them a call. We have often wondered whether there is a per. f jn In all New England, who does not appreciate the value of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment at a family medicine F It Is adapted to most all pur poses, and Is the best pain killer that oan be uood. Farmer nnd stock raisers have frequently told ua that tbey have seen very good reaults from giv ing Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders to sows and swine before and after tbey drop their young, The powders put them in good condition, and give them strength to care and provide for the rack lings, ftCTTfJFff! PcTTHEa! Tip Top, Queen of the Meadow, Red Racer, Our Heat, Clipper, and Grata rVytbes, JelO-fit For sale by n. F. Bio Li a A Co. Blatb Paut. Persons wanting paints of any color will find them prepared for uae at Je19-6t H. F. HirJLnn A Co.'t. Water Coolers at II, F. Bigler A Co.'s, I Fly Nets and Scrim Horse Covert large as sort men t for sal by JyA II. F. Bio li a A Co, II. F. Bigter A Co. have been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the laat few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Ped dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, ean be Ken at their store. May 21. Paints, Oils nod Varnlshitj for sale bj II. F Bigler A Co. Fa aim Gaorirn Plastbu. Roestred at Corner Store by ear load and for sale by K. A. A W. D. Irwi. Cnrwensville, March IS, 1672. Wood and Willow Ware ef all descriptions tor at a U. 9. iW ifl. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Croquet Pets at H. F. Bigler A Co.' $ Aovica to all Panauas OwfliRe) 11 on abb, You are Invited to eatl at H. F. Bigler A Coe, and examine the Gum-Lined Beotah Caee Horee Col lar, warranted to heal all sore shoulders and gall. Also, the new patent Zine Collar Pads. I Bird Cage- -a large assortment at H. F. Big- Wr A Co. 'a. Coe's Phorphate for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Wire Garden Trellises, of different site. Hang ing Baskets and Wire Work, at 11. F. Bigler A Co.'s. Novira to Wasob abo Cabriaqb Makshi. We have Just reeeived a geanrnl assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Pp rings nd Axles, which we offer cheap for cash. II. F. Biolri A Co. NoviCB T TUB Dlftrm.mna in Wn m After April (Hh we will have the largest asenrt ment oi fishing tarkle ever brought wmt r the Allegbeoire, fonlsling of Rods. Uaeketa, Flies, Hunks, Lines. Hnil Bote. A. Ail Aii of 1mo Walton are invited to call nnd examine our H. W. H 10 li a A Co. Msrch 27, A fall Ma. f H".bold llw.d,, Jtpt.a Win. - for uh b, if. r. BiKlvr A C. Look Ttrti Wat I F.II thmmml Mid llnp WUMig ll.Hm, only !.() Plain M.nM.Unlli, only $I.J5 AT FKKUAI.'II rin'J,n(rrMIJnil.n,.nl, I.T4AT KI.RlMI.K Iutinn bar. Lit AT KLKHA! S. Mnrooco llailrr., l, J 8 j AT 1'I.KUAIK Mm'. Uultot., 2 utt m AT FI.KHAI.'B llnr, Kl, llool ol ATPLKDALH. I.tihlKip Hoirt., oeljr I X AT FI.K,1AI.' Pr.nrh 0lf Bg.l ml, I H AT PLBHAI.'S Kin. Calf IImIi,hI; 4..0 ATFLbXIALS. On 8xmd UnM, Jatl btttw Ik. Ckmrtald Cnnl, aauonnl llank. Th. only way w k aoBTlnnd Ikat Flcg', ahcM. nraobra,. U toeall Mid Ma for yoaraair. noonp I(1WH WITH TLKASI RB. Jim I, RECAPITULATION, Croquet Beta. Bird Cages. Wire Uardeu Trellleea, ; - Hanging Baskets. ,' ' Wire Work. - Wood nnd Willow Ware. ' Household Goods. 1 4 All klnda of Hardware. .1. Japanned War. Boaartb't Patent Refrigerator Water Coolers. Painta, Oils, Vernlabea. Calcined Plaster. ,k Coe's Phosphate. " Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. Ringle and Doubl Shovel Plows, Cultivators, Iron and Wood. Cultivator Teeth and Shovel Plow Shovels. Vixhlng Tackle. All of the above for rate at the mammoth Hard ware Hi ore of 11. V. Jiigler A Co., Second street. isicarnoia, re, m Boaorth'a Patent Refrigerator tbe greatest hot weather comforter ever invented. Call and exam Ine them. H. F. Biai.rn J) Co. On tbe morning of July 2Mb, 1872. In Clear field, of disease of tbe lungs, Miaa FAN MR UAKKKTT, third daughter of Hon. Uu, R, Dak nnrr, aged 21 years. Tbe peculiar circumstances surrounding the sickness and death of this young lady, and tbe man) estimable traits ol character she possessed, entitle her to more than a pasting notioe. The writer of these lines knew her from childhood, ana being many years her senior, had freuuant op- nrtunities to observe her many excellent qualities th of uiiud and of heart. She was young, beau tiful and intelligent, and when in health, her amiable disposition, evenneae of temper and kind ness of heart endeared her te all who knew her She drew around her, fay tbe power of love, scores of friends, both young and old, whose saddened looks and tearful eyea,ae they gated upon her for the last lime, told in language plainer than words that not only was her family bereaved, but that tbey, too, bad sustained an Irreparable loss. She bad been long confined to her room before her death, a helpless sufferer, and yet she was pa tient, thoughtful and resigned. Not a murmur or complaint ever escaped her lips. The same love ly traits of eharaoter doveloped In her life, shone out with increased lustre in her sickness. There were many reatona why she might have desired to live. Her home, her position, her youth, her cir cumstances were all calculated to endear hor to life, and yet sbe could continually aav, "1 am ready to die I am not afraid of death." She seemed to have been admonished of her approach ing dissolution long before her friends were alarm ed about her recovery. In view of it, she busied herself in her preparation. Her Bible, which had been her dally companion for years, shows by her notes upon It how oiose a student of it sb had nnen. uer selcotious in It were of the moat com forting and cheering eharaoter to the dvinc ehria tian, and pointed with unerring certainly to tho death she died and lbs heaven aha oblelued. Her Prayer Book lay upon bur bed, and ooeuiiied every spare moment. Sue freely talked of hor death. and gave tbe moat comforting assarancee to those around her of her hope in Christ, Bbe was a trulv Kious, ehhntien young lady, and from the day of er confirmation in tbe Episcopal church until the time 01 ner aeaio, ane never neglected a obrlatian auty. . Hur death was as peaceful as It was beautiful, For several days she rested comfort ably, and en joyed during the nights almost undisturbed sleep. On the night the died, she slept calmly until about 12 o'clock, when her father was called to wnteh by hor, and she again full Into a peaceful slumber, only to nwako lo a brighter life. For three hours sbe slept on, and without a etrugle, or moan, or heavy breath, her spirit took its flight. She went to sleep In death. So peaceful and silent was tbe parting, that abe diiturbed not bcr father, who welched by tbe side of hit dying child, and knew It not, until the shadow fell and death bad sealed ner tor his own. And thus she died "As fades n summer cloud away, As sinks tbe gale when storms are o'er, As gently shuts the ere of day, v At dies a wave along the shore." , . 1 On July 16lb, 171, at Lutbersbarg, JAMKS ten nr. iv, ageq wt year, z months and 16 days, On July 2.1il, 1871, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of u. m, n ATtoa, agod u years, 4 months and ft aays. On Saturday, July 13th. 1872. of whoonln ""K". v m n., in mo 1 aun i uq &MILV nonTiiABo, aged X3 days. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by then a no Mosaop, Wholesale anti neiaii ueaier in Ury uooda, tlroeeries, Pro visions, an., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CLBAariBLB, Pa., July 30, 1972.,00 1 00 Hogs, dressed 0 Dried, $ lb 12, 11 Met, green- Applebulter.ygal, 1 90 Hams 00 18 "uuer uifiaj jo nnouiur..uu((S 16 Beans $0 00 1 16 8ides.....u.,.,.e0fq) 120 Buckwheat 2d Lard t.bO 11 Buckwheat flour B, A Mess pork, 11 bbl..,18 00 Beef, dried- 22, Oats 74 Beef, fresh A 11) Onions 2 90 Boards, M 12 00(14 00 Potatoes M 0O(V (10 Corn.shelled 1 90 Peaches, dried, R.. 12 Corn, ear 00($ 89 Piaster, ft bbl 190 Corn meal, aack, 1 30 Rye , 1 b Chop, V cwtl 1 (A 7 40 Rags, ft I C1overaeed 7 00 8alt.isaek 2 Cheese 20 Hhinglet.l H In. $4(55 00 Cherries, b Wd) 14 Hhingles.20 In 1 0(1 6 00 Chicken, drsd, fb, li Timothy seed t 00 Kgff ZI'TMIflW 12 Flaxseed t 00 Wheat.. 173 Flour 0 OOfullfl 00 Wool . 11 r 00 Ofli.ilfi 00 Wood, eorJ.. g 16 T?BTR A Y Came trespassing on tbe premises li 01 ine sunaarioer, in Lawrenoe townahln. on the 3d day of July, 1872, one Day Mare, aun- posed to be about four years old. Th owner la requested to com forward, prove property, pay obarges and take her away, er sb will be die- poseu 01 aooording to law. I'rSJXK UcQKORGB. Clearfield, July IT, 1872.-3L TN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS X "f Clearfield County, Pa. V) illlam Carton ) No. 91, June Term, 1872. vs. V Hannah Carson 1 Rubncena aur divorce. Notioe la hereby given to Hanuah Carson, re spondent In tbe above ease, to he and appear at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Clearfield, en the 4th Monday of September next, w aiiBwvi w ui Bait boiuiiimiui. JLbTlN J. PIE, Pberiff. July 17, 1872.-3L ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Notice Is herebv riven thul letter of administraHnn ou the estate of JOHN BLOOM, Sr.. deeesed. late of Pike township, Clearfield county, Penna., having been duly grantid to the nnderfligned, all persons Indebted to said estate will p!ee make payment, and those having eleime or demands will present them properly authenticated for set- ucmeui. UhUHliK IILUOM. Jnly 17, 187t.-6t Administrator. 1.1t)R KAI.IV-A BARGAIN. A House and Lot In Wallaeeton. with floutrhnld GuoJs. ready for neeupanay. Lot 1 AOiflO 1 dwelling new and comfortable; garden made. Apply to or ad dress Mrs. L. TIJRNKK, J)"'-"" Wallaeeton, Pa. (CAUTION. All persona are herehy cautioned J ea-eiaat berlwfriiig or trusting my wife, TIIKHKA LAGLK, on my account, ae abe having left my bed and board without just ceueo or provocation, I will pay no dMs of her con tract In t. UKOKUM LAULB. Clearfield, July 17, 1S71. 3t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIf E,Notioe I berelie riven thai letters of admlnletrtl.,n on the eeUte of WILLIAM LUMADUR, Ui. of Roggs township, Clearfield eownly, Pn., deerased, having hem duly granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said eitat will pleas make immediate rmvmeal. and those harin nlaima drmaada will present them properly authenticated miHinicBi wunout aciay. A. V. TATH, Je'a'' Administrator. 7 LECTIO I'OH OFFICERS J OP MARKhA loal & Improvement Company. All whnwi II mft, onMni, Ck. notlM, thai .B .ImiIo. w.ll b. h.!J u Hrl.hin'i lll. I. lb. bor oujh of )loi,,r, TI KSUAV, lb. 10th d.r ol PKPTKMItUR, 1!J, (, , . B.Mof OB Mr,, .oil DirMten 1 Ih. Mlvrm CoJ Mid ImcroT.inBt Cotnp.oj. P. IIOIIIZ, Tll rEN JS kJIOHTIKR TUAJT TUB PiVOKD THE IMTItlOT FOR TtlR CAMPAII1NI IN trin I. .laa. Wilkin Ik, raah f nil aa . poaitinn of Iba p.mocratla Prlnrlika and LabaraJ I,l tavght to b. .itablliihl hy tha aan. port.r, of (IRKKI.KT ANU MHHWN, and to anrvad na at oa,ltl, (b, lmali.hl mrata for th. dntlon of tha Pamoamtl. Auta itcnn p,nnd la th. imoH nt JJn. C. R. BIVK AI.KW nnd tha nlhar .Mldtdau. on thai liokat, Cannlrn dllln .f Ih. VI iani.r Vimn will b. u.4 kaflanin, JULT 14. jM following On. oowy. ,..., 10 tafiiM jt. on. nddrwn, " at,. ,.J4 S ,. i M ..IT (HI h - Th. aunay matt In ail mm. M.mnu.. . ordrr. ' . r frt fuf bw Lnfomalion addr., hPATHIOT," JH-i ilanlibvil, P.. gardirarr, tinwarr, Ar. H.;F.;BIGLER & CO., .niLnm in II ABB WAS E, Also, Maaufaetarsrsof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CHABl-IILD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Hnrn.ia, Oollnn, for tU k H. F. BIGLER k CO.' pALMEK'8 PATENT TJULOAD- log Ra, Porkf, for ! b, . U. t. BIQLER I CO.. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, CLASS, Kalla, .to., for Mia k It. F. BI0LER I CO. JJaRNESS TRIMMINGS A SHOE Xlndlof i, for anlt hy II. F. BIGLER t CO. Q.tJNS,riSTOLS,SWORD CANES Tor tatt k, H. F. BIGLER t CO. gTOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sim, for ml. kj II. F. BIGLER I CO. RON I IRON I IRON! IRON I For inl. by , . II. F. BIQLER i CO. JJORSB SHOES & HORSE SUOE RAILS, f Mia by II. F. BIGLER CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And boat BUnofMlart, for Ml, by II. F. BIGLER A CO. 'JMIIMBLE- SKEINS AND PIPE bOXKS, for Mlo by B. F. BIGLER ft CO. J70DDER CUTTERS for talo by co30-70 .n. F. BIGLER ft CO. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLKARFIBLD, PA. Till FALL TKRM of fourteen weeks, will eommena Monday, September 3d, 1872. TERMS OP TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Objeet Let eons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography $7 00 History, Local and deteriptlv Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, MentaJ and Written Arithmetic 00 Algebra and tbe Seleneea , It 00 Inatrnetlon In Instrumental mnale. ..,.... 19 99 Oil painting, U leasoaa IS 90 Wat work 00 for full particulars aend for Circular uearneld, (Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. WATCHES! WATCHES X have a large stock of AMKRICAN and SWISS WATCH IS, of the differ a; grades, In from two t eight onnee ease. I offer the for sal LOW, and guarantee them to give entire satUfatloaa JEWELEYl JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladies' and Osat's Jewelry of th latest stylssl Always getting tod thing awl I would ask Lumbermen and other who In tend purchasing Watch to anil and mi mock netor going te tn stliss, as I am very or I ean sell Watches as low as tosy ean be bought, besides the difference In dlstanee In th vnt ef th goeds proving defective. . All kinds of REPAIRING la my Una promptly nttadd te at tbt store on Seoond street, oppo site th Court Hons. For yenr liberal support a th past I aa Tory thankful. 8. L BNTDBR. AprU 1, 1871. rjH TOB F ABM BBS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: 4. 4 W, oA.r WOOD'S NEW MOM MOWER nl prlca ao ebMp that no fnrtaor can alford iq ba wiinnut on., nn. warrant It In glra pvrfoBt Mlia- 1BV.IUB lu BU .MM IIAGERSTOWN HAY RAKE, or, 8TONKR H, of Unoaalcr. EU.IS A IIOFFMAN H TIIRK8IIKR. a on horaa trrad, wbloh I, th, bait in Ih. rw.untry Will warrant it lo Ihn rh from ona biindrW l inrM nuntlwd bn.hela uf grain par day. FANNING MILLS, good and obnp. CIDER MILLS Illckmk and lb. Bmk.j.. GRAIN DRILLS. CORN PLANTERS. D0O POWERS, fwohwrnlng. ROUHRS' HAIlPOflN FORK and SPROUTS tirappk, aad 1'all.ys, nn abeap lha nun. nd ka withuat them. BVOfllKS for inla alwaya. A4TW. alM OOntinno Ik. kabharlna LhIuh and will buy or trad, for oatlia nnd aba. o, - . M- - 0WN A BRO. C1a.rt.ld, Pa., May 21. HoggTowiiNl.l Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEItS'S! IjVERTBODT trying lof.lth.r.lm.forf.u J .f kalng .rawd.d oat Int. tha .old. II yon want good Hkoalng dona, go I. BnnM. io.r Slarf. lron.drl.hL. . 11 If yon Ml good Mill Iron,, go an Baail Ifyonwa.lyonr w,g.n Ironad la Ih. km atyla nnd workmnnahip, go I. BxlRf- Bnnna aink.a tk. kaal Btamp Marklna In :hl Slau, a.ddaw .11 kind, of a. akaap aa ona k. doa. la Ik. Mnaty foi Ca .k. My foM OiH addrM. la, P.. THOMAS BEERS. Bgi T,., (m II, lr U. Attention, Lumbermen! WE nra now manalatarlng onr IMPROVED HTKKL.SOl'kJKT UR1VIMJ CANT HU0K8, wparior t. any aihar in m, W. h.r. In in atr-rk n Inrg. nantlty of Cantbooka nilra hla for mrtlog porpi.-... whUk w. nr. .oiling okaap for M.k. AMOS A H. k-iSXAhl). Clwlald. Pk, If u.k II, W. 100 H(JtllKIl OF TJM0T1IT RKKD nnd lOe) batlhaU Ja ri lll'DB BVIVll fcr sal at lb (Wwer 8 to re, by TSS IE0NSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Pilllpatiurp, Catrt County, Tk. TI1K qnd.rilgn.d raap.etfully nnfionoo.! I. Ik, pabllo tbnt b. km on band . tnra (nlly MlHl.d and wall nuorud Hook of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WAREI WOOD AND WILLOW WARRI Bis stock of Cooking Stoves eon slats of aUB CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Whiflh hare never failed to bring pea aad prosperity into lamtitea wnr it is used, Dtemoad But, Farmer, Harald. Charm, Spears' Qalifornla Oook Btove, Spears' AntLDuit Uas-Rurolng Cooking Stoves, Vlotor, Reliance and L'nion Ran!, Spears Cooking Ranges, Ae., ate. tauTbe Tin nnd Sht Iron war riven with th Htoves Is made of th heaviest and best materiel, aad warranted, to give perfect-satis faction, i HiB Stock of Parlor k Heating Stoves If larger, bitter an-i eh caper than ever befer i&ioiMa to tn pnoite eonsisting of Spears' Revolving Light Tltimloatlng Stov( Spears' Anti-Dust Qaa Rurnlng Parlor Stove, Spears' Orbieuler .Una-Burning Parlor ttove, Spears' ( Parlor Stove, Boqust, Pearl, Uem, Ida, Sun, Tropic, Nevada, . Ao, Ao. Vulcan, Bin nnd Tletor Heater, Ppoera' R. volrlng Light lleatar. B li also prepared to furnish a complete assorunni oi Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woollen and Willow Ware, &o., ' Wholesale or rtall, menu feet nred aaily and with th nolo view te servloe, from the heat ma terial in the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCSLAIN, TIN-LINED, SPIN k COMMON IRON KETTLE ' Of vry dsseriptiea aoastantlj on hand. ORDERS FOR BP0UTIJ.G. ROOFINO And other work belonging to hie business will be promptly filled by eaperienced and skillful won men. BRASS. COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken la Mchaag for goods. ar-H especially lavites the attention of Herenanu wtsblng te pure base at wholesale, a they will Sad It to their advantage lo examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.1 Look eat for th Big Sign opposite tha reel dsno of Mrs. Dr. Foster. All Ooodi WannAirTBD a Riraasiavao. C3, R. FLKGAL. Phlllpsbnrg, Jun 1, 1X76. augfl B MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., i OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, ARuracrrjaai LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. 6IIILLIK0F0RD, Prr.ld.nt, 0nr-vonlt PlaM, No. US S. 4th at., PkU'a. JOHN LAWfllH, Oanaral Sop'l. Oanola Milla, Claarlald Manty, Ba. MOSHAIOrON LWD AND LI M BLR (OIIPAW OFFER INDUCE JIENTN -TO' Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. I 'Sew Cabinet t MOPHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PANY offer for sale Town Lota In the bor ougl sf Oeeeole, CleartoM eounty, Pa., and alao iomio ami puronaaera outaiiie toe limits or aiq boruugh. Oteeola is tlluuifd on the Mmrtiannon Crank, la tbe rrchest portion of the county of uicwofni, on ine noe oi ine Tyrone a u.earnelit Radroad, where the Moshannnn and Rnaverton braaek road lotorsaet. It i also in th heart of the Mesbannon eoal basin, aud large bodice of wbit pine. aetuHMk, oak, and ether tf utter aur rnuud It. One ef the lanreel lumber manufactur ing establishment in tbe Htate is looated in tbe a, while there are merit- other lumber and ahlagle mills around iL Tbe town t but aeen years old, Jid eon tains n ajopulatiou of en thou and inh'.bltanta. MTI or further information annlr at the oOee oi we a' tore company. JUHN LAWSHR, 1 7C) General Superintendent. NOTICI-V-Having purr based the Interest of J. A. Blattenherrer. Km.. In the businou nemoiore carried on umler tbe Arm name or J. A. Blattanberger A Co., tbe earn will be eondneted herearur under the name of Moshannoa Land and Lumber Comnanv. fator.i H. H. SH1LL1NUPORD, JOHN LAWSBR, it. -If Preeidenl. Uearal Sup't Lime for Sale I THE undersigned, residing near the depot has made complete arrangement with Lim Horner east of the mountain, whereby he la ena bled to keep constantly on hand n large quantity of PURE. LIME! whleh no offrr to fWrtoer and builders at n trifle ebon eosU Tboe lu aeed of the artlele wonld do well to gire me a call, or addrras m by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. MKU. C rApBMORI. CUarfleld, Pa., June t, IR69. DAVY A HUNT'S GREAT WESTERN BAZAiE, im, lit 1. 1SI, I .Mi Market SV riiiLAuaiirHia. Always on haad a large aeeertsaeat of Carriage, Harness, i. Palling and PblAing Top Boggle IWm to jj U em ea towns (shifting seat) from 9Tt lo Roekaways (leather trimmed from to Dearborns, No-Tnn Rucciea Jarewr and Beun Wif.m from to ii2i. Sinsrle Use. nns from M to per eet. Doable Harness from '-'Sl$U. Rlankets, Whips, 11 alters, H beets. Afghan a, aad everything appertaining to the ''in at equally Jew prlees. Owr motto I "C beeper thftA the UhiiiaeLM Aim ae a mil h. fore pnrebastng eleewherei. pea. f-ftm. 'PO HORMR OWRF-RKw-r. P Contrlst, J Ol Caatrimfm HteM Pn.tptdat'a UltU Pvenebvilln. still hen III oat Ram and RM Rntv. ta far tie, for one leg, er lift for two leg. Will rjy U B LATEST XOVE :. : ;t v. : ') ; !.' I ' i V; . , THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK A IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, nearly opposite th store ef Weaver A BtU, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to supply their old and a many new customers aa may oome, wita PURE DUUOS! CIIEMICALSI , r ' . PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including nil new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oil, Olasa nnd Putty, School Books, Stationery, Paper, Ao.j ao, n full line of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tunioe, Coametie, Perfumeries, Toilet Artletea, Brushes, lutiet soap a, rocKci ueois, ao., ail oi the best quality. PUtlE' WISES AXD LIQUORS, for medical A saeramental purpose only, Pure Whit Lead, Colors of all kind, Raw and .bulled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, lorpoo tine, Coal Oil, Patnt A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Ri tracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Sploe, ground and aoground, oi all ainoa SMOKERS AND CHEWER8 . . Will And our stock of Chewing and 8 m ok in a Tobaeeo, Imported and Do- mastic Cigars, Snnff and Fine-cut to be ef the very beat nra nils la in market. LAMPS AND C II I M KEY 8, AU kind of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings ef vry variety. Having n long experience In the burincsa, and an ei tensive and well selected slock of medicines, we are enabled to nil Physicians' prescriptions at th shortest notioe and en the most reasonable terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Ma 11, 1871 -If. IV T. I. "For thy Stomach's Soke and thine other Infirmities.'' St. Paul. DR. ItOYEIt H WEST BRANCH BITTERS, A af,pnr,plaantand health-giving Tonle- J. A. strictly vegetable, and manufactured ftom the most pare and choice materials is not n spirit drink nor suhetitute for whisky, but a selentifto compound, tor tho protection of tbe system and the cure of disease, made from chemically purt spirits, entirely Are from fusil oil or other txriti ting properties, aad will not disagree er offend th moat delicate stomach. A long private experi ence has attested R Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitter at present offered to the public contains so much medicinal virtue, and jet eo safe aad pleasant to take. Its ue Is to euro dieeasa, and It will aot ereate an appetite for spirituous liquors, nut will euro the eaoota of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite. Vfl IT. To promote Digestion, UflR IT. Te our Dyspepsia, TJ8H IT. To ear Perer and Ague, t'SR IT. To cur BilUomnesi, USE IT. To cure Constipation, I7SR IT. To cure Chronh Dlarrhssa. USB IT. To euro Heart -burn, V9t IT. To eare Platulenea, USB IT. To care Add Eructations, V R IT. To euro Netvon Debility, VRK IT. To cure Hydoehondria, USR IT. To cure Sallown ef CompUilon, U8B IT To eare Pimple and Blotches, USE IT. Pot Oeneral Prostration of th Physical powers, . USE IT, nod It will care yon. Sold everywhere, nl $I.N per hot lie, Manu factured tBclustvoly hy A. I. SIIAW, CLEARFIKLD, PA., Who offera likeral Indaaanmla la tb. tnd.. Oct 17, lSHMf. MARBLE AI) STOVE YARD! Mrs. B. 8. MDDKLL, Uariag engaged la the Marble business, desires t,o Intorm her friends and the publle that ah ha now nt.d will keep eenstantly en hand n Inrg and wall selected atock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT M ARBB, aad I prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES BOX AND CRADT.p T0UB& .MONUMENT, ejbs nad Post tor Oemejery Lots, Window Bill aad, nlat), BUREAU, TABLi AND VAfrB STAND TOPS, 'c.,' Ae.' ' h VevTard on Reed atra.L near the R. R, DrnoL ,aarl Pa. je7,7t $rg tooois, resrlrs, Vtt. A v. waxrnju. W. W. ilVT. WEAVEll A BKTTS CI.EARF1EL1), PA'., '. ' '",' An offeriDf, at Ika aid atnnd of Q, L. Raad A Oo., tholr alosk of goodi, waalitlng f DR"? : GOODS, ' GROCERIES, 1 .-BOOTS 8B0E8, HATS CATS, ' UABDWAUK, QUBENSWAnB, ' FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c, 4o,, At th most reasonable rates for CASH er la ! . i i i achang tor Square Timber) Boards, Shingles, . OR COUNTRY PRODUCl. ' Ad ranees made to those engaged tn get ting out square limber on the most- advantageous term. January ft, 1870. a. a. Arnold..,. ...W. B0l ARTSBOBIf. 'Cheaper than the Cheapest T GOOD3 AT REDUCED PRICES ' wit aacatraa ir Arnold A Hartshorn, (0a door west of Pint National Rank,) CURWBNHVILLE, PA. HA VINO just returned from th test with a otnpUt assortment of Good suitable for Sprlog and Summer trade, w art new ready eo furnish all klada of Goods "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thanking onr customer for their liberal patron eg during th past year, we wonld meet Respectfully ak for a aontlaoaoea of th sam. Our Stock aonslst af a aomplt assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Qneenswars, Willow ware, Groeerle, Boots sr Shoos, Hats A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, A. Also, Plonr, Daeon, Salt, fish. Grain, ate. AU of whlh will b sold na th most reason able terms, and tbe highest matket prloe paid for Grain, Wool and all klada ef Lnmber aad Country Produce. afWPleas glv a call befor purchasing lwhera. Sat Is faction guaranued a to price and qnalltj.'VbX ARNOLD A HARTSnORN, Corner ef Mala and Thompson Street, aprit CURWENSVILLI, PA. pEACI ID EUROPBI or ' ' ORBAT EXCITEMKNT IN .FRENCHVILLEI The bloody eonteet between Prance and Prussia Is at an and for tbe nirsrnt, so far as tb slaugh tering of men and the destruction of nronertr Is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pride laeiDBcire ana rejoice over tuc result, but how insignificant is their work when compared with the humane and christian effort of L. M. COUDRIET, who ha undertaken to aupply all the eltlsens In the lower end of the county with food and raiment at exceeding lew rates from bis mammoth store In MUL80N1JIIRU, where he can always be found ready to wait upon call or nnd supply tbem witb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snob ns Cloths, Salinstts, Cualmeres, Muslins, iciaines, uiaeu, minings, uaueoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boot and Phoes, Hats and Caps all of the beet material and made to order Uoae, books, Gloves, Mittens, Lac, Ribbons, Ac GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. Coffre, Ten, Sugar, Rice, Molassee, Pish, Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queenswnre, Tinware, Castings, Plnwa and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tore, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Parfumery, Paints, Varnish. Glass, nnd a general assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on band, and will be sold at tb lowest possible Bguraa, LIQUORS, such ns Brandy, Win. Gin, Whisky, Jayna's Medirlnec, Host titer' and HfM'fland's Dltters. 4000 pounds of Wool wanted for whleh th highest prls will he paid. Clarereeed on hand aod for sal at th lowest marki price. Also, Agent for Rtrattoavltle aad Cnrwensville Threshing Machine. j few-Cat) and see for ynursclvrs. You will And uTaryiaing nsusJiy aept lav retail store. L. M. COUDRIET, Prencfavllle P. 0., March 1,1871. QUIENSVILLE! SrRIXG & SUMMER, J872! FAUST & GOODWIN Are bow r-eolrinc, la addition to their Una eloeb on hand, a freak aoppl, of NKW IJ001JS from lb. hut. A fall line ia DRV GOOD AND DRIvUS UOOIMI Lataaf b!;Im I DOLLY VARDSN9, TRIMMINOS, I. A DIES' HATS, NOTIONS, STATIONERY, SOOTS AAD SHOES, DRUGS, PAINTS, 01I.S, Ae., HARDWARE, QUKRNSVf ARB, WOOD AND WILLOW WARS, (irocerin, Sacon, S. C. llamt, Fuh, anil, it;., rj. PpMiaJ attention bad Vmb gtrwa I. our celM Ilea at Ladiaa' Dnaa UMda ud Triaiatlnffl. tta.lnf aareheMd at tba rr lj.a.l nab priM., w. ar. prvpand ta offer UdaeraieBta lo a.ah bwjm, and w. larlu all u Mil and eeav in. mora yurebaaln, elaawhera. Ow Unanki are .itead lo Mr aaatoaier. for liberal natron.,, la tba put, aad we bop. t. aiartt a ,o&Uaaaa. V FAUST atOODWLN. OarwrnarUla, April J., JJMm. WANTP.I)) llio.oo. Na. I M-in.b Bkaerf SUINKLKD.forwkleb Ike hiahm nu fjsUls. SOAW HOUSE, (Oor. ot Mark Tm-uttt,y CLKARPIRLD, PA. Tail magalaoent Hotel is entirely I plate in all it anuolntmeuta, nnd convenient etc ine wouri iiouee. A tree uuinmua runa to oiiq Iroia, the Dwput- on the arrival and departure ol eacbtiain. MRS. CLKMKNTH. AprU 10, 1171 Proprietress WASHINGTON IIOUSH, NKW WAS1IINDT0K, PA. Tbia naw and well funjrlird koa,. kaa boon , Ukea kr th. nndiir,i,nrMt 11. fralt ennlldant of brio, ablo to rendar ulilfnclloa lo th lito ntajf faror bim wilk a aall. ' MajCl.Tl, 0. VT. DAVIS, frcfV. REVEI?E HOUSE, V U R N 8 I D B, P A. Tb. anbwibtr bar la, bull! a aaw lloul, wit all atadrra Unrir.v.raontf, 1. prMU.d to rocivn ,oaaU. Tba tkbl, will ka inpll.d wilb lb. naa( In lb. marbeti lb, bar wilb lb. obotuiwl liuuon, Good itablin, altMhnd. aprt-l, A. 11. SCllAEFEliR, are,'. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, MARKET St., CLRARFIKLD, P. THIS large and eotamodiotu new hole! has been opened for tbe accommodation of the public, where tb proprietor will be glad te meet hie old friends, and receive a share ef public pat ronage. By strict personal attention to the de tails of hla business, be hope to be nble to render satisfaction to bis patrons. The TAUI.K will alwaya be bountifully supplied with the best that ean be procured la the market, and the HAR will contain a fulletockof LIQUORS, DRKR, Ao Good stabling altachf-d. CARPER LKIPOLDTi Clearfield, March I, Uflkt-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, ., Corner of tieeondand MerketStrects, CLEARPIia.I, PA. 1 ' THIS old aad commodious Hotel has. during the past year, been nlargd lo double lt former oapaoity for th entertainment of stf an gers and gueats. The wbule building has been refurnished, nnd the proprietor will spare a pains to rendar his gussU oomfortabl while suyiog rith bim. JMrTb "Manalon Hous Omnibus runs te and from th Depot en tb arrival nod departure of eaeh train. . JOHN DUUGIILRTY, 1 aprC-70 if ProprietOf. LEONARD UGURB. Near the Railroad Depot, CLKARPIRLD, PhfcN'A. Toll bouse is large, well furnished, and nearly new, and tbe Proprietor feels confident of render ing satis fael ion to guests. N. B. Good stabling connected with tha hotel. 04-71 S. B. ROW, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (Opposite R. R. Depot.) CLEARFIELD, PENNA. The nndcrcigiiod, having become 'prtiprietoi of this house, is now ready to entertain t rangers and travelers, and therefore solicit sojourners tq give bim a call. His Table will be supplied with the heat the market affords, and bis Bar wilUon- tain the eboieest of wines nod 1 10,001. fx tea sir stabling Unattached." Charges tuoderate. IU 12 JAMKS W. LAI U1II.IV. WESTERN HOTEL, Or-poait. tb. Coart BnnM, CLX.ARrtELD, PBNtTA. ' Aoeommodationi flrat-claai and oharKM modern!.. oat ' JOIIN;P. TOIINO, Proprietor. jJ-ONTOUB HOUSE, Opposite the Court QqoiOg LOCK UATEN, PLNN'A. Joint' BAT6EAL A KROM. Prop'a. ROCKEIIIIUI'P MOUtili, UELI.EP0NTE, PA, ' ' D. JOHNSTON A 80XP, weUS'Jl Proprlelon. MERICAN HUH HE, L ' llala Slraet, IIIIOOKVILLK, PENN'A. SHANNON A Bl'RKETT, frroprietor. ' 0471 RAILROAD HOUSE, . 1 Slain ftxecf, 'E ' PHILIPHDURG, PKNS'A. N The nnderoigued keep eonitantly oa band tho best of Liquors. Mia utile la alnnva supplied with Llbdi Kaal Ik natrk STn. ' 1'k. t. ik. : public will do well to gire bin a eall SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CttnWBNHVILLH, ' ' i Clearfield county, 1'enn'a. This old and well esiablilhed Uotrl, beautifully situated en tbe banks of tb Susquehanna, in the borough ef Cnrwensville, has been leased for a term ol years by the underaiened. It baa been entirety nlitled, and is now upon te the publie generally and the traveling community In par uvular. No pain will be spared to render guests oom forte ble wbile tarrying at this house. Ample S fabling room for the accommodation of teams. Charges moderate. ftrpLatt., ELI BLOOM. DAXIEL CONKEW.Y, Boot nnd Shoe Manufacturer, CLP.ARFIKLD. PA HAS Jml reeelT a (ae lot of fraaek CALF SKINS, and la Bow prepared te maanlee tura aer,thln, in bia line at tba loweat ligurM. He will warraal bla work lo ka a, represented. He reapeetrnll. tolleita a kla akon AJarkat,ieeond dcor weal of Ike poatoSM, where k. will do all lo kia power to render eali. faetioa. Soma In. Oaltar topa on band. 7,.J- 1MN1KL CONNhLLx. SEW BOOT AID SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK. Coa. HARKXT A 3a Sri., CLKARPIRLD, Pi. THR proprlllor ha, entered Into Iba ROOT a) SHOK katlnaaa al tk. abo.e etaad, aad ia daUrninad not to be watdon. .itbar in anal. it, er prle. for kla work. Special atuotioa' will ke paid lenanufaetnriggwed work. He ka. oa kand a larire let of Krenek Kir. and Cairsbina, of tha far, beat qnaliljt. Tba eitl. aane of Olenrfi.ld nnd ricinlt, nr. rerpMtfnl!, la.ited te tire kin a trial, No eharia for .all,. ov,' . if ni$r(Uanrou. Clearfield Nursery. EN'COUIUGH HOME IJs'DUSTHY. flnK andenlfard, karlag aaubllabed a Nar X terr oa Ih. 'I'l.., about half wae keljreta ClearfleM and rnrwenellle, i, prepared to far. nlak .11 klnda of FRUIT TK KH8, (ataadard d dwarf,) Krergreena, Sbrbb.r,, Orape Vine', Uooaehorriea, Lawtoa Ulackberr,, Hlrawkerrr and U.ib.rre Vlnet. Alio, Rlberi.a Crab Treaa, Qaloce, aad ar!, .e.rlet Rhaharb, Ae. Ordera prompt atu,dyd Ae. Addreu, i. b. WRIGHT. wpHU-, Cor.....lll, P, O. I. c. TITIIKRH t. buy at, DPY Or)OIa. OBl 11 eeriea, Qureoawar., (liaM.M., Drnaw and Notiona, Confealioneriaa, Ae cbcap fo, eatab. Tha aabwriber b.ea lear. to Infona kla eld aod aew Mitonarf thai he ka. opened A VARIETY ST0RR , IH ttLKN B0PR, PA. And will aell rood, al to nit tbe llmee. A liberal reduotlna will U mad. te euloewr. kar lag al whol.a.1 Call and .lamln. ait atoeb before pnrebaalng alM-where. A libaral abaro of pnbii. uairoaaf. la solicited. 7 0. J. bEAOY. Olea llope, Pa., Jane 14, IJTI. , ' JBff 8IORB . IN HQUTZDALEI P. OALLAOHKR Mm l. .t. hM th east with aa entire new and complete assert), ment of Merchandise, suitable for Winter and flpring trade, which has been selertrd with gnat eare and bought at bw nlewls prepared to far. alah the eitiseus of HoutadaJe aad vieielty will giodsat a very Hglit advance en flrt jt foi eswh. Country Produce nnd Shingles Ukea at market prion. Call aad amin my stock bet pnrehasiag elsewhere. ' ... A. W. 9 CtrweasvlUe. Pa., Feb. 14, 1871. BLAMK rova-TABLR HALM P0R aaH at thU . -l - bwsmt a nra, er pay. " Jolt r. GALLAGHER, . HeliJ:, ph. S, 1171 ly mraiMiaM, ria ia, ifTS-J; ft will b. paid. P- tlALLAUHJiH,