Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 31, 1872, Image 2

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    3t lUjniUinitt.
Democratio National Ticket.
or MURoriii.
Democratio Stato Ticket.
or coLnaau covxtt.
- or inta covjrrr.
IIENDHICK B. WRIGHT, Luicrue county.
RICIIAKI) VAVX. Philadelphia.
JAMES II. HOPKINS, Fitt.burgh.
Delegatce at I tree to the Couatltutluual
Joremltih 8. Black, York,
tleorge IV. Woodward. Luiorne.
William liiKler, CKarDolil.
Frank II. Oowau, Philadelphia.
Robert A. Lambcrton. llarriaburg.
A. A. Purman, Waynoaburg.
Jamol Ellia, 1'ottaville.
Ileorae M. lallaa, Philadelphia.
' Julm A. Canipbill, Pliilatl.ipliia.
William L. Corbett, Clarion.
William II. Ruiilli. Allegheny.
William J. Ilacr, Kumeraot.
8. C. T. Dodd, Franklin.
Bainuol II. Reynolde, Leocaater.
KnflAR Co-waw, of Werttnoreland.
Gcorqi W. SKtuyaR, of Franklin.
BRPRUElUrXTIVB. . Marviit, of Eri.
Jon 8. Millkr, of lluntingilon.
H. Unoaa Fkt, of Philadelphia.
Ditlriett. '
1. Thnmai J. Bargcr.
1. Bteph. D. Andcraon.
J. John Moffat.
4. Grorgr R. Ilerrcll.
. To be fllled.
6. Iaiuh B. lloupt.
7. Hamuel A. lyer.
8. Jcaee U. llawlcyv
P. Hiram Tl. Bwarr.
in. B. Rcilly.
II. John Kunkle.
13. Fred. W. Gunntcr.
IH. P. Lowenlierg.
14. Jeaae MoKnigbt.
15. Henry Welall.
It. Henry J. 8lahlo.
17. R. W. chrlrty.
IK. William F. Logan.
III. R. II. Hi-own.
20. F. M. Hobineon.
II. J. 11. Molten.
2J. T. II. ftcecnaon.
2.1. John II. Hani.
SI. Ueorgu W. .Miller.
Democratio County Ticket.
Tor Delegate to Conatitutional Convention,
M M. M. McCTl.I.Ol f.ll, of ClenrHeld,
6ubjeot to Uie nclioo of tba Diatriet Coufcrenoa.
JOHN I.AtVMli:, ofUaccola.
4011 N 1. TIIOMPKDX, of Curwenatllle.
(For three yeara.) :nT 8. TIIZI.II, of Cheat Towualilp
(For one year.)
JAMl'.H II. llll.r., of Lumber City.
TiikSuow. Kato Field writes from
I'mSjFranoo, to the Taris Register, re
gretting that Amorican travellers tako
such pains" to let Europeans know
what fools thoy are. But how can
tho fools help it ? Kato was present
fit an exhibition of tho Grunt Children,
who are now making a tourof Europe
All Kight. Gen. Frank Blair,
Domocrntio candidate for Vice Prcsi
dent in 1808,intorviowed lloraco Gree
ley, at his homo, last Thursday. Ho
reports the farmer ull right, and that
Jie could bail Jeff Dans again if noces-
eary to drivo tho government thieves
out of the Southern States and re es
tablish tho rights of the Slates.
A Discovery. Jeremiah Coalbath,
alias Ilonry Wilson, the Radical can
didate for Yico Presidont, in a spooch
mado at Raleigh, N. C, lust week,
said that "cvory voto cast for Greeley
tonded directly toward tho restoration
nf tho Democratio party to power."
And he should havo said a united and
Jutppy pcoplo rostorod to thoir original
rights undor tho Constitution.
LinEitAL. Tho Liberal Republicans
of Warron county havo held a conven
lion, and placed in nomination a full
ticket, composed equally of Domocrals
and Liberal Republicans. Thoy nom
inated William A. Galbruilh, of Erio,
for Congress, and Luther Green, for
Assembly. Both Democrats. Now
let Erio county do tho snmo thing, and
MrrGulbraith will occupy Scollold'i
Beat tho noxt term. .
Attempted MumiER. Hugh Marra,
Philadelphia rough, who had been
pardoned out of Lhe Penitentiary
few woeks ago by Gov. Geary, shot
William M'Mtillon, one of tho Alder
tnoti of thut city, on tho night of tho
25th. Marra has mude his oseapo. A
reward of ovor 9.1,000 is offered fur
his arrest. The shot look effect in tho
region of tho heart, but physicians
Mill havo hopes ot tho wounded man's
OvEitnoAitn. The Grunt State Com
millco mot at llarrisbiirg on tho 2 fall
and among other things withdrew
Xion. Harry White as Congressman nl
largo, and substituted "our own Sco
field." An oiTort was mado to get
- Jlsrtrnnfl and Allen off but thoy prov
cd too stubborn. Cu mcrou told them
lo "stick." W. J. Colgrovo was sub
stituted for Dr. Frccmon, as Congress
Jonol Kloclor In the 10th district.
Tho Doctor having doclarod for Groo
ley, Urown and Buckulow, sent in 1
resignation as a Grant oleetor. Poor
White I The Grant boat contained loo
, many coruptionisls and he had to be
thrown ovorboard in order to savo tho
balance. Glennl was afraid to try hi
ji:trict again, but It will mako no dif
ference with the peoplo. Ho Is bound
Jn onr-oHntor an overwhelming defeat
Oil The itiiiHpaijC.
The fust womon, einglo and marri
ed, headed by Mis Anthony, Lucy
Stone, Mm. Gugo, Mrs. Gordon (who
lectured ,tho citisem uf lliii jiUce a
short time ago) and Iho Woodhull
ClnUlin herd, after visiting the Cincin
nati, Philadelphia and Baltimore con
ventions, liTive finally iHsuod an ad-
dross, appealing to all the women of
tlio country to cooporato with tho
Grant parly. Whon alluding to Mr.
Greeley, theso eiHtcrs Bay :
Horace (Irocley hat fur yeara bean our luoat
"bitter opponent. 1Mb bf tongue and pen be haa
"braped abuac. ridicule, and mierrpreacutation
"upon our leading women, wbila the whole power
"of the rWeHNe Itai been uaod to oru.b uut our
"great reform : and now he continue! bif huatilo'
"oounr. He proaaoi the iron heel uf hia deapotiain
"upon their lltartiei, and aaya bo neither deaiica
"our help nor liellevea ua capable or firing enj"
It is a pity llioso trail sisters cannot
find somo oinploy mont outside or poli
tics, by which tlioir vaulting ambition
can be sutialed. Twico. hare the ad
vocates of Woman Suffrage gono bo
foro Congress with thoir petitions;
and there is noconconling tho fuel thut,
behind the affected courtesy of tho
majority of mombers of both Ilounos,
there was a spirit of levity and con
tempt for the whole cause and all who
were cngugod iu it, which broko out
now and then in coarso jokes, polished
inuendoes, and suggostivo sneers and
leers. However a few gonllomen
might sympathize with tho movemont,
nd a few others feci disposed to study
it as tho newest phase of social evolu
tion, thoro is no disguising the fact
that the majority regarded tho wholo
thing ns a hngo joke too absurd lo be
seriously considered, and looked upon
ts advocates us enthusiasts and mon
omaniacs to bo pitied and endurod.
whilo theircccontricitios woro luughod
over and their earnestness turned into
fun to enlivon tho tedium of commit
tee rooms and mako the habitues of the
bar rooms roar. Were tho expressions
and acts of theso women an index of
tho sentiments of thoir sex on this Con
tinent, wo should think it.impossiblo
to overestimate the gullibility of our
mothers, wives and sisters. But thoir
expressions are tho nioro babblings of
tiled ring, and reflect the viows of
ono out every nino hundred and nino-
ty-nine-not more. In tbo social sculo,
tboy bear tho same relation lo socioty
that murderers do in tho moral tbo
exceptions, not tho rule. Everybody
nows that tho "woman plank" in tbo
Philadelphia platform is mcroly the
hadow of a shaving. It wus put in
merely as a shrewd piece of political
management. It was thought by
somo of tho wily politicians that thoro
were plenty of womon speakers and
writers who would bo caught by just
such a flourish of tho rhotoricul paint
brush ; and as tho party was in a des
porato condition, they wore only too
glad to avail themselves of tho tongues
and pens of theso fust woman. Tho
chattering of all of them and tho joint
(Torts of the corrnptionists and the
bread and butter brigade" combined,
cannot sure tho Grant ship from going
to tho bottom.
The Douglass Family. Hon. John
W. Douglass, Commissioner of Intor-
nnl Revcnuo, at Washington, has ap
pointed his son, Mr. G. L. Douglass,
a dctoctivo In tho Bureau of Accounts,
at a salary of five dollars per duy.
Anolhor and younger son has bcon
appointod to a clorkship in the depart
ment at a yearly salary of .$1,000.
Douglass was formerly Collector of
Internal Revonuo for this Congression
al District. Ho is evidently learning
from Grant, in the way of billeting
his family on tho covornraont. But
who carcs,less than eight months from
this tho wholo gang will bo exiled, or
n the Poiiilontiary
Mont Liars. Senator Conklin, one
of Granl'schief tho speech
al Now York lust week said, in refer
ence to Carl Schurz's statomont that
he had boon offered patronage to sup
port the San Domingo business, that
ho would take the responsibility of
statement that the man who says that
This is Quito iiluin, but Sonators
Fowler ond Tipton support Schurs.
And more than this: Gen. Plesanlon
who was then one of tho President's
blowers and strikors," was tho iudi
viduol who mado tho offer. Who now
s tho liur f
Tub Capaion Oit.nkd. Hon. Sam
uel J. Randall, Chairman of tho Iem
ocralio Stale Control Commiltoo, has
set Iho campaign ball in motion. Tho
headquarters of the Cominltloo are at
tho Merchants' Hotol, Philadelphia, to
which all communications for the coin-
mitleo should bo addrossod. Mr. Ran-
dull toquosls Unit no be nolitied inuuo
time of Intended mooting, in ordor
that arrange mcnts for speakers may
bo mado. We expect to soo a sharp
and vigorous campaign speedily In
niigurated under tho onorgotio lond of
Mr. Randall.
Tnr. Fallen Son. Tho son of Sto-
plien A. Douglas getting up "patent
nsldes" for Grant papers in tho rural
districts, is a spectacle sufficiently
shameful to make tho dead Sonator
turn in his coffin, Young Douglas is
just now playing Prosidcnt. Ho I
seated at Grant's desk In the White
House al a salary of $3,000, wriling
odiloriuls for tho Grant nowspnpors,
and draws his pay out of tho United
States Treasury as a Private Score.
lary,awhilo his uutstor is on "a bust'
at Long Branch.
Radical CoNsisruaicY. To Domo
cruts our Radical friends say, "How
can von RtitinrirL (ireeaVv 1" "Didn't
he abuao you and call you all kind of
nntnos V To Liberal Republicans
thev say, "How can you voto for
Greeley, ho has sold out to the Domo
oratio party, and It elootod bis Ad
minintration will bo Democratic nil
over." "Didn't he bail Jeff Davis t"
What consistency. What wonder
ful interest those Grant mora seats to
lake In the wolfure of Democrats
lately, now disintorsstoil I
The Strike.
Tho lute strike in Williamsport, to
which we briefly referred last wook,
resulted far more seriously than was
anticipated. The Mayor and tho
Sheriff, finding themselves. unablo to
preserve the peace, called on Gover
nor Geary, who at once sent thorn
about 600 troops, and -issued the fol
lowing : .........
In the name and by the authority of tba Com
monwealth of Peuuaylvaniai
Jukn IT. 0ary, Gomrnor (JU Mia Common-
wtaUk A Veclueuiftear
W iikrrar, The reoent etrike and auapenalon of
work of tho employee and workmen connected
with the taw mill and lumber Intereata uf tbeeity
of Williaiaaport, baa culminated, a 1 am credibly
infurincd. in breacbea of the peaoe, and Injury to
tbo poreon aud property of the eitlaeaa of that
locality, and aaauming tho abapa of riot and mob
violence on the part uf tboae eugaged therein fur
ther Ihreetena tba Urea and property uf law-
abiding cititena, aud oalla fur prom jit and efficient
remedy. Now therefure, I, John w. Gearr, Gov
ernor of the laid Commonwealth, by virtue of the
power aud authority veated in me by Iheounelitu
tion and lawa, do hereby proclaim and declare.
riraL It ta unlawrul lor any poraoa ur aeecola
ioo of peraona, by violence, tbreata, or other eo-
eroive meana, to prevent any employee, meohaniel
or Uboreri from working when and forauuh houn
aa tbey pleaae, for whom and fur luch. wagee ai
tnoy are wining io aocepr, ana auae uniawiui ny
auou viulenoe ur mroale to deter or prevoot the
ownera of any aaw milll or other manufacturing
eetabliabmeuti from employing whuuieoever tbei
may ebooeo to employ, and at euoh wagee and auct
limci aa may be agreed upon between the employ.
or and the pereon employed.
rteonnd. That it ta unlawful at all tiroei and un
der all eiroumatanoci fur perauni to aaaembla In a
riotoua or tuiuultooui manner, and nnder grter
anova, either actual or pretendod, to oummit any
breaehra uf the pence, injure or deatroy property,
or endanger tbe lirel of utbere, and tbul eubrcrt
and nullity the lawa, and aunjoot tbe good name
I too Slate to oumtliauon ur reproacb.
Third. That reliable iufurmatiun bavlnr beed
received that theae unlawful and riotoua aiaem
blegea are too large and powerful to be dirperaed
or aupprvaaed by the looal aulburittei of tbe elty
of W iliiatnnport, and of the county of Lycoming,
and tho Mayor of laid eily aod tbe sheriff of
aid oounty baving eallcd on me fur aid, and in
voken tbauiilitary power of (be State to lUDPraei
the aforeraid hota and unlawful araemblag-e and
to protect tbe livea and property of tbe cititem
endangered thereby, 1 bereby oall upon all
tary orgtnlulloui nr the Commonwealth to bold
tlu-iuaelrel In readineai to eupport the oiril au
thoritiui whenever thereunto lawfully required.
and upon all eiril mngiatratel, olfleen and oiliiena
in tbeir leveral ipbcrci of action or influoneo to
auatuin, upbold and enforce the lawa againat ell
o&'enden In any wiae renponaible for tbe erila,
wrotigl and disturbanoea herein aet fertb.
tiiven Ubdr my band ane tbe creat eeal of the
State, at llarriaburg, Ibil twenty-aeeond day of
JUiy, in llie year ul our tord, one tbouaand eight
buntlred and aerenty-two, and or the Common
wealth tho ninety. eeventh.
JOll.N w. (IKARY, Governor.
Attcltt Secretary of Ibe Commonwealth.
Quiet soon roignod supreme after
tho troops arrived, and a lurgo num
ber of arrests woro mad by the civil
authorities. Among those arrosted
woro Jumos S. Bormingham, A. J.
Whitton, Thomas H. Groovy, T. F.
Blaku, George Crooks, Joel Paulino,
Jamos Shearer, Timothy Shannon, L.
Plaunt, Michael Corbcrt, Jacob Wolf,
Patrick Coulin, Joseph Laudurant,
James Slavington, John Brosot, Ed
win Mast and Patrick Flynn. The
mills had all stopped, but we learn
thai nearly all are now running.
The troops wcro brought from Hur
risburg, Lebanon, Milton, Middlclown,
and Danvillo, and woro under the com
mand of Maj. Gen. Morroll, and al last
accounts were encampod in the Her
dio Park.
Bloody Work. The French gov
ernment still continues to murder
Communists. Three wore exocutod
at Camp Sutory on tho 25th. A gov
ern mont has no more right to murder
ndividuals for political offences than
ono nolghbor has lo kill smother for
the purpose of acquiring the contents
of his pocket book for his own bono-
fit. And the sooner Franco quits be
heading Communists, the sooner sho
will have quiot to reign within her
Tub Yice Presidkncy. In the case
of lhe deiniso of General tho
ovent of his election, it would be im
portant to know something of the
man who is to bo nis successor.
The following will show his goneral
sentiments toward our foreign born
citizens. It is an extract trom a
speech of Wilson's made in Boston In
In tho heart of tho foreigner beats
not a tinglo noblo impulse, not one
single throb of patriotism 1 He is so
brutal and degraded that ho has no
sympathy for anything but cabbage
and lucer Deer, potatoes and cutler-
milk, or somo other outlandish dish,
fit only for hogs of the street and pon.
All IHO ouins in itio worm cunnov utnu
Somo toll mo that many foreignore
are intolliont-yes, inlolligont I ito
in tlio name ol Almighty uod can they
say it r Look at the Dutchman smoR
ing his pipe, and if you see a ray of
intelligence in that dirty, idiotic look'
inir luco of Ins, show H to me.
"Yo must change tho laws ol the
land, and prevent these ignorant, do-
eradod paupers hero Irom voting nitd
holding ofllco. Villnin and ruffians
who congrcgnto In and around vil
lages and largo cities, and live by
stealing and bogging trom Americans.
Some say they have rights. So thoy
have tho nirht lo livo under our laws
and till tho soil, and do as wo bid
They are inferior in Intolloct and in
tolligencb lo tho Americans, and thoy
must be and shall be put down and
kept down, if it has to be done at the
point or tlio bayonot and with powder
and load.
Of such are the sentiments and
statesmanship of Ilonry Wilson:
INationalised citmons must bo greater
fools than wo tako thoin to bo II they
can swallow many doses liko this
1 m m
Why I Tho editor of tho Williams-
port Standard aks s Why do thoy
keep Marcer and Yorkos confined In a
dungeon in thorhiindotptiia I cnitcntt
nry whilo their accomplices in stool
ing public funds, Uarlranfl, Alien and
liob Jlackcy, are not only allowed lo
go scot froa, but are nominated for
Governor, Auditor Goneral and Stale
Treasurer? We are glnd to say that
inoro oro irom ihirly lo liny thousand
Republicans In l enniylvonia who re
pudtnto this tickot and will not vote
to put thieves in ofllco whilo thoro are
such honest men as lsuckalew and
Hartley in nomination; and upon
whom thoy can beslow tbclr sunragos,
In Prison. Tho Hon. David San
key, formerly In lhe State Legislature,
and now editor ol a Republican pupor,
tho Lawrence County Journal, in this
Stato, is, we regret to horo, "in dura
nce vile" iu jail of tho count)'. The
"crimo" with which be is charged
is the oxposuro of a gross fraud in the
Jrlinory elections in its own party, io
une lost. It Is quite remarkable
how, nnder Radical rwlo, justioe is re
versed, lionost men aro sent to jail
and rougos run loose and prey on the
community. Buckalew'g election will
make a obango in this, and all bonost
' j-men will ooiilribute Jo it. lye.
Tlio jbuto Campaign,.'
Thus fur the political canvass has
progrossod mosi nuuniuuvuriiy tor in
friends of the national and state re
form. So fur as tlio state ol Pennsyl
vania is conoornod we are in continu
al rocoipt of tntolligouce from all
points, wbioh gives the most satisfac
tory assurances of an overwhelming
triumph in uciouor. w iiiuumi moans,
so lar as November Is concerned, is
not nocossnry (or us to say. Tho
Democracy will sweep tlio stale for
Buckulow, Hartley, and Thompson.
Hurtrnnlt's hopes of success grow faint
er and feebler daily. Tbe opposition
to him is dovoloping itself in now and
unexpected quarters, and of course, is
bcoming more and moro marked in its
character. Many ofthoBO bettor think
ing Republicans who wire halting
between duty to stale and duty to
purty have made up their minds defi
nitely. Party has boon thrown over
board entirely, and the publio good
alone consulted. This is well. This
is what wus ox peeled whsn "the Ring
and rowdy element of the Republican
parly" mude its nominations. There
could not possibly havs beon any
other result, for tho people's patience
has bcon completely exliuisieu. Y bat
ovor of good there once ixistod in tho
Republicttn party is gone, Its leader
ship, once controlled by vellmoauing
men, has fullen into tho binds of those
who havo prostrated it U thoir own
bad Durnuses. Tboy have plundered
the treusury and enrieb themselves at
tho oxnonse of tho no'Plo. Woro this
troasury robbintr lo nd hero the past
might be forgotten, tr at least forgiven;
but such is not Iko purposo of this
Ring. They hava no idea of lotting
go tho-hold upon lhe publio purso
strings. Harlrinft, who bos so re
pcatcdly munifeitod his readiness to
"put in Ins thumo and pun oui a piuny
is nevertheless, rosdy now to oonlin
uo the nilferinf systom. lUoro can
bo no doubt bit that the eager dosire
of tho Camoron faction to secure bis
olection has its prompting in the hope
that they will thereby bo able to cover
up the glaring frauds already porpo
trulod, and, inaddition, secure another
throo years louse upon the troasury
These dcsinns of this rotten con
clavo are now pretty thoroughly un
durstood. Fortunately, the internal
dissensions rtrovaling in the Ropubli
can party have developed facts which,
but tor them, the people ai large wpuiu
never have been mado familiar with ;
and thus what eivos the positive assu
rance of the complete and irreparublo
disruption of tho Radical parly will
provo a great public boon, for what ever
else may be said of Mr. Buckalew, no
man bus dared to even insinuato that
he is not porfectly honest as wolt as
entirely capable.
We thereloro bail with me mosi
heartfelt satisfaction the grand revolu
tion in publio sontimont which we ob
serve iroinir on around us. Such rev
olutions never go backwards. Iheir
courso is onward. I hey nevor take
lhe back Irark. This one will not bo
an exception.
It is fairly nnder wuy
rebutment will
provo irresialublo. llurtrunfl and his
collciigue, Allen, will bo swept aside
by the breath ol popular indignation,
and once moro Pennsylvania will bave
an experienced statesman as her Gov
ernor aod an honoat man for her Aud
itor Goneral. Juniata Regi&ter. ,
Vooriiees Concludes to Go, Too.
The St. Louis Litpatch says : A gon
lloman in this city sent word to Voor
hecs that "all his old frionds wore get
ling into Iho Greeley boat; that ho
was loo good a ioiiow io leave oeuinu,
and he bad better come along too, be
fore thoy shoved off."
Voorhccs rocoivcd the mossago, and
sent Ibis back. He was pretty much
in tbe condition, ho wrote, of the boy
at campmoeticg, whore nearly all the
pooplo bad gone forward on the anx-
' i -j l irv kl
lous uenciicu, anu no wnn icie uiuuni
ing alono. At last the minister saw
him and came up.
"My young lirolhor, snid tho preach
er, "why do you Bit hore alono r t by
not como to glory f"
"All tliem gals goin' to gioryr
askod Iho boy.
"straight as a slnngio, said luo
"?o s lichen on nor nuinini
"Through by daylight," answered
tho minister.
"Well pnrson." said the boy, "if all
thorn guls is a goin' to glory, I dont
soo as it s much use o me a wbillin
horo by myself; guess I might just as
woll go 'long too."
Gbani's Salary, Ac Every body
who will take tho trouhlo to look at
tho Bill appropriating money for tho
oxponscs of Government, will soe
that tho Prosidont costs tho people
(78,000 per anuum. True his salary
is only (25,000, but tho pirquisitet
make up tho ballunco of the sum we
have monlionod. Tho comiiound of
ignornnco and impuilcnco may squirm
us much as it plensos, but such is tho
tact. Tho uocitmonl wo roier to is oasy
of access; il is very oasy to charge us
with misrepresentation, but "the
kiud of slulT' wo quote is law
drawn op by a Radical commiltoo,
passed by a Radicul Congress and
signed by lhe "stupid malignity" him-
sell. ntwiurg rosi.
The Government. President Grant
called a Cabinot mooting for last Wed
nosday, and the magnates gathered In
tho national curiosity shop, but 'the
Prosidont failed to put in an appear
anco. Finally a tologram was sunt to
Long Branch which found His Excel
lency ongngod in the rotrcshing occu
pations of enjoying a scgar and keep
Ing cool. But he was willing to go to
vt nsningion in caso lucre was uuainesB
of importance 1 And there aro excel
lent Republicans who can't understand
why Liberals object to Grant. So
says Tilten.
. The Expenses. The Franklin Spec
tator, retorring to the ltndica! Sonttto
rial Conferenco at Stonoboro, soys:
"Tho bill ot exponsos irom Wednes
day's meeting on, has boon arrangod
satistaotoriiy betwoon tho tnreo caiiui
dalos Duncan rents tho billiard ta
bios, Braggini tho ton-pin alloy, and
McKinluy tho boats. There was no
call for Iho bulbing house. Each enn
didnle agrees to pay the whihky and
board bills of their respective dele
gates, and tho mineral springs are
ireo. i lie ooniuronco was Hi sobsioo
ovor two woeks.
Dead. A telegram from Elmirs,
Now York, announces thedonth in that
lilaco, after a protraoted illness, of
lion. Aloxander W. Randall, ox-Governor
of Wisconsin, and Poitmanter
Goneral of the Unilod State during
the greater portion of President John
son's administration.
Geo. W. Childs of the Philadelphia
ledger la trying to buy the New York
Iff raid. Price wn millions.
( DllMllll ,iVir.
Gov. Geary bus purdouod Hurry
Six thousand dollars worth, of win
dow glass is to be used in the Sherman
bouse in Uhioago.
Wo send to Ureat itritaln annually
(15,000,000 In gold for the single arti
cle of spool cotton.
Tom Thumb, Commodoro Nutt.and
tho rost of the liltlo folks are coming
home Irom England. "
Daniel Boono's slstor nannah is liv
ing in Caldwell county, North Caro
lina. Shu is 85 years old.
A son of tho Rutlege who signed
the Declaration of fndependenco lives
in Illinois, at tho age ol 1UU years
Six of the Now York Republican
Stale Committoo have resigned, and
announced thoir adliosion to the Lib
eral ouuso.
A Florida gentleman has sot out
this yoar 125 acros of orange troos,
making tho largost grove of Iho kind
on the continont.
Thore will be enough wild grapes
in Toxas this year to mako more wine
than was ever manufactured in France
in one year.
Fornoy thinks that Texas is "Tho
White Man's Country." Yot he and
his friend Grant have boon trying hard
to give it over to tbo negroes.
Gen. Rosocrans is building railroads
in Mexico. What a pity he cannot
persuade tho Mexicans to lay rails in
stosd of laying in ambush to kill each
olhor 1
Goneral Grant has received the de
gree of LL. D. from the Harvard Col
lege. What laws, unloss It be the Ku
Klux laws, be is doctor of, remains a
W. W. Sanders, a colored elector on
tho Republican Electoml tit kot of
Maryland, has written a letter with
drawing from "the ticket, and tho sup
jvot t of Gen. Grant.
In all the States men aro leaving
tho Radical Stato Committee and tak
ing Iho field for Grooloy. - It looks as
if Grant's forcos would become entire
demorulized. s
The Omaha Bee don't mean any.
thing personal, but opines that if the
Omaha post mauler would resign 'many
people would feel less anxious about
thoir money ordors."
A Radical con temporary ,that speaks
by tho card, says : Philadelphia has
about five thousand office boldors, nine
tenths of whom would not hesitate to
chest at an election of any kind."
No man docs his best except be
make nimble hands and keep the mind
free and alort. 'No misfortune is so
groat as one that sours the temper.
Till choerfulnoss is lost nothing is lost.
Sumner said: "Grant has reduced
the national debt; but not to so large
an amount as by Andrew Johnson in
tho same space of lime." Therefore,
Grant is moro dosorving of impeach-,
tnent I
Presidont Grant's daughter bought
40,000 francs worth of silks and Isces
at one store in Paris, the French pa
pors say. - It is all right. She is pre
paring to sot up the millinery businoss
in too spring.
Among the Senators whoso terms
expire next March are Spencer, of Al
abama, Pomeror, of Kansas, Kollngg,
of Louisiana, Nye, of Nevada, Conk
ling, of Now York, and Camoron, of
The Domocrals of the Sixteenth
Illinois District on Tuesday nominat
ed S. L. Bryan for Congress. The
Liberal Republican Convention of the
District ratified tho nomination and
pledged it thoir support
It has beon estimated that Niagara
Falls will wear away tho soft rock op
to Buffalo in 232,:il!0 yoars. Those
who cannot afford to visit the Falls
now should wait, and the exponso will
bo oonsidorably reduced.
Tbe Chicago Journal (Administra
tion) doesn't think it good taste for
Gov. Palmer to make slump speochos
in his own Stale, but it s all right lor
Kontweil lo leavo bis place and go
South at Government expense. N
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
has just decided that "the ue by a of publio ways is that of transit
only loungors who occupy tho publio
highway aro obstructions ol tho pub-
io right oi way, and nuisances.
Walnut slumps have becomo an ar-
ticlo of merchandise, and many of
thorn aro very valuable The curly
grain of the roots is used for veneer
ing and somo stumps are worth (150
after beingproporly worked intoshape.
Tho Democracy of tho full Assem
bly district of Philadelphia havo nom
inated lion. J. W.Uuiggle, lormeriy
of Clinton county, for the Legislature.
Though tho district is Republican tho
prospects ior his election aro said lo
bo luvorable.
A gentlomnn who has been travel
ing in conlral Alabama reports that in
the counties of Green, Dallas, Stimtor,
Marengo, Pickens and Perry, ho did
not moot with a i'n( white man, ex
cepting office holders, who was not for
urcoley and Urown.
Tho distinguished Col. Leet, tho
froat warehouseman, has sailod for
Europe. Grant and Boutwoll have
given him loiters of introduction to
the Court of St. Jamos', whoro il is
supposed (juoon V ictoria will dino him
and wine him lo his heart's content.
The friends of Greeley and Brown
in Michigan are confident that thoy
will carry the Stato. In viow of tho
fact that Grant carried tho Stato in
1808 by 81,481 majority, this seems
scarcoly possible and yet some of tbo
most roltnblo political observers con
fidonlly prodiot il.
Mr. Colfax soya ho "intends, this
year, to have a season of rost and
quiet for the first time in Iwenly years,
tree from the toil end exeiloment of
public speaking." His selection of tho
year ol a Presidential canvass for rost
and seclusion doos not argue much en
thusiasm for Grant and Wilson.
Susnn B. Anthony, and the womon
of that ilk, who aro dying to do tho
voling for the mon, havo come out in
favor of Grant. Susan has addrossod
a circular to tbe "strong minded,"
urging them lo support tlio Radical
ticket, but as they have no votes thoir
support will amount to but liltlo.
At the end of General Grant's first
year In ofllco, Grooloy found occasion
lo say something commendatory of
ui. ..ft:. ...: . it t
ma pmmiiiinviHbiuii uuu rtu vnil ior
the lilo of us coe why Grooler, Instead
of Grant, should be abused becauso
thoir has been so liltlo occasion tossy
anyuiing oi the sort since.
The Pittsburgh Post publishes a list
of some fifty of the most prominent
KepuDiioane oi that city who have de
clared for Greeley and Brown. As
their eyes have boon opened to tho
corruption of the dominant party, it
is lo be presumod that thoy will also
vote and uso thoir influence for Buck-
alow for Govornoj-.
AUTIOIV- All pereonaare hereby oautlonad
J 'againat purehaalng or In way meddling with
1 black Marei, 1 aorrel Ilorae, 4 Cowa, S head
Toung Caltle, IS Sheip, t Hogi, 1 Flow, 1 liar
row, 1 two borte Wagon, I aetta Haraeaa, 1 Wind
mill, 1 Bled, and all the lloueehold and KitehetT
Vurnlturu, now in poeeeeilon of Mary Woulhaater,
In llogga towniblp, ai tba aauie belong to ua and
are auljeot to my order.
In purauanoe or an order of tba Orpbanr
Court of Ulearfleld county, tho underalined ad
ministrator of the ealata of Jana Kuiilh, lata of
noodwaru lowuahlp, dooeaird, will aril at public
tale, on ibe pretulaea, on SATURDAY, AUUUHT
17th, 1H71, al 1 o'clock p. tn., a oerlain lot of
ground, Situate In the village of Ameiville, with
a frame houeo and otber improvement! Iheruoa
Tenia or Baiu. One-half oarh on eonlrma-
llon of aale and tho balance iu ail uuntbi, with
intereat, to be aoourcd by bond and mortgage un
tho premieci.
In f urrtmim of an order of lb Orphan1
Court of ClearAdltl oounty, (he nnd!rinneJ tro.
fe. in tha matter uf tbe al of I tie real ea-
tateof liobert AloFadden, late of Chert towniblp,
earn eouniy, aoeeaMui, will Mil at pntiie late, at
the itore bouee or William Hunter, In the villain
of Nrwl.ur,r. H )J townibip, on WKUNKsUA V.
KKrTKMltKR 4th. 1K72. at IU o'clock a, m , the
following deierlbed roal eitate, late of laid de
eeaifHl, via. All that certain lot or piece of ground
situate iu said tuwnihlu, adjoining landi of L. i.
Hurd and otberi, and containing 7 aerea and
4$ 4-10 perch , more or leu, I be property i$
el eared and under a good itale of oultiralion.
Tan hi or Bai.b. One-half the purebaae none?
eub on confirmation of tale, and tho balanee io
one jear, the latter payment with Intereit, to be
eoured by bond and mortgage on the premitei.
jjSt Tro'tee.
AN OHDINANCI Be It ordained by the
UurgrM and Town Council of the boroutrh
of Clearfield, and it II hereby ordained by the
authority of the aerae, That from and after tbe
ftnt day of August, A. I. 1872, tho Parki or
pun no gronmli ahtll be under the eioloaire eon-
trol of the Uurcew and Town Council. That tha
Burgeie ibvll annually appoint torn citlien of
me oorougn to take ebaige of tbe aame, who
men guard, proicoi ana renew the tree ai tbe
eircumitance may require. U. L. IKK NO,
Attmt: A. W, Lsk, Clerk. Burgeee.
Clearfield, July 22, lf72. JySi
I. L. uaimiTBin. hkhliukb.
(Sueceaiori to 1. tiam A Co..)
wholesale dealert In
25, Ltipenard itrrrt, between Church itreot and
Weet Broadway, New York elty. jj31'72
A N RI.Atl-Be It ordained by the
IT.. Burgess and Town Council of the borough
Clear ft rid. and ft is berebr enacted and iirdain.
ed by tbe authority of the raioe, That the property
owners along the tooth side of Locust street, from
Third Mret to Front street, be required, after
tbe usual notice, to make and maintain a pave
ment, fire fet wide, with three stringera, th out
er edge iu be ten fet from the line of tbe lots.
U. L. .ULEI. Iiurz.fS.
Attest: A. W. I.aa, Clerk.
Cl-arflcM, July 22, 1872. Jy31
SIliKVVALKH, in New Washington Boro':
jiec. I. Be il enacted and ordained b the Bur-
geps and Town Council of the borough of New
H afhincton, and It Is hereby enacted and ordain
ed by authority of the same, That It shall be and
is hereby made Uie duty of tbe iMrcet Commie
ii oner of aaid borough, after tbe firet day of Au
gust, 1872, to lay or eautt to he laid on all the
streets of said borungh, now laid out or tbat may
hereafter be laid out, as tbe Council shall direct,
sidewalk", to be made, eonrtrurtrd and laid as
hereinafter provided, before each lot fronting en
aaid streets, where there is now or may bejialler
be no sidewalks laid, of brick, stone ur plank.
Hrc. 2. That all sidewalks whk-h shntl be here
after laid In said borough shall be not !- tban
four feet wide, and shall be eon true led of brick.
stone or plank. When constructed of plank, the
same to be not lert than two inches in thickness
and eut not loi than four fret in length, and laid
across sleepers or stringers, which shall bo of
cant ling or such material as will firmly support
said plank, and be firmly "piked down. Prnruled,
That before laying such sidewalks, the Council
shall give notice tu tbe owner or owners of tbe
rcsi.cvtivc lots on said streets, or in eaae tbeown-
er cannot he found, then to the occupant of the
earns, aod if nooeeupant he thereon, -by a written
or printed notice iioFtrd np on eaid premises, that
in compliance with this ordinance id-walls re
required' to be laid before their respectiro lots, as
aforesaid, within thirty days from aaid date.
Ad prtvidtd, That tbo ownera of lota shall, at
tbeir option, lay walks of atone, brick or plank (
but where plank walks are already laid, they must
be made tn eon form with tbeafomaid provisl ns.
fine. I. That it shall be the duty of the Street
Commissioner to give ten days' notice to tbe own
er or ownera of the rerpeetiro Iota bounding aaid
streets, or in eaae the owner eannot be found, then
to the oeewpant of said premise, to repair such
sidewalks as now are or may hereafter be out of
repair, and in default of such owner or owner or
occupant of said property repairing the same, then
it shall be tbe dnty of the Ntreet Commissioner to
repair or cause it to be repaired.
tSao. 4. That it is berebr made the dutr of tha
Street Commissioner to keen a regular account of
all tbe work done by bim.orbyothmnnder him.
in laying and repairing tbe sidewalks before tba
respective lots, and of tbe kind, oust and amount
of material nsed for tho same, and make a weekly
return thereof to the office of the Hurge s, for
which work and materials be shall be paid br an
oruoron ine oorougn treasurer.
rt( a. That whsMiftvor and aa nnn ts side
walks shall be laid or repaired by the Htreet Com
missioner, in conformity with tbe provisions here
of, it shall be the duty of the Secretary forthwith
to lurmsh the owner or owners of tbo respective
Iota on which aaid work was done, or la ease no
owner ean be found, then to the occupant of the
premise, a bill or aaid work and materials, with
twenty per centum additional added thereto, no
tifying such owner or owners or occupant to pay
the same within ten days to the borouf h treasu
rer; and on default of inch payment, the aame
shall be collected in accordance with the laws in
such eaae provided. By order of the Council.
J. P. Kbata, Bee'y. tturges.
Is'ew Washington, July IB, 1672.
A In
OHIMMANCE inrelatioatotheelaar.
ns or Sidewalk! of snow ta tha Borough
of New
e leblngtoa.
6o. I. lie It eaaeted and ordained br the
Burceia and T.wa Covnell of tha Horough of
New Waahingtoa, and It la heiebj enacted and
ordained br aulborltjr ot tha aame, Tbat it la
herebe taade tha dole of the Dnrgera, whenerer
ho ahall dlreet, to eauae the aidewalki lo ha
oleared of mow, withia twentr-four hoara after
thw aame ahall hare eeaaed falling, and upon
(allure of any perion cr periona to eotnply with
the aforeeald prorlaloni, they ahall be toed In a
Bum not aieeedtng Bra dollar., to ha eolleeted
aa debt! of like amount are now recoverable by
law. By order of the Coanell.
Arraar: A. J. JACKSON, Durgeii.
J. P. Faira, See'y.
New Waahiug ton, July It, 1971.
7IOU BAl.K tHUAP. One twoeatad
CARRIAUK. Inquire of
jet D. U. N1V1.INO, Clearlleld.
LIMT OR STIIAVI-'.II. One light red Cow,
bipihot in right hip, thro, round belli an
leit leg. Any Information will be thankfully re-
(Wired by T110MA8 PAISLEY,
Uieeola, July I..II Moahannoa Minei.
tetnber Term, A. D. 1871, (4th Monday, i.ld.)
mill itinoaa.
J. W. Wrlght...Beeearlal
Wm.llell Ucll
Aaron Phlrey (loahen
J. H. M'Kiernaa..(lulieh
J. Swan, Hr........ Jordan
Hugh leeoh t,.llloom
Thoa. Rallalon H"Clt
S. Cowrter Bradford
Conrad Baker Knot
N. Clrde Lawreooe
Wm. Tat "
J. II. Illle.Xumber City
lleo. I), lieu Mnrria
Wm. Sehwem, Jr...llrady
John Lee Uurnaide
Adam llagy. Cheat
I. Johneton Clearnrld
M. C. M'1'ully....Uaceola
M. L. C. Kraolw,..Pike
J. II. Fleming. Cur'ena'le
R. Showaller Decatur
Henry Penta. I'nion
W. llcudoraoa..Vood'rd
Wm. Moore Fergueon
TnAvanaa icnoaa.
Thol. Mullen.... lleocaria
0. W. Ball...
II. A. Wright....
H. Jnrey ,
John ... "
A. J. tllagow.,
Conrad tl inter.
Henry B. M'Uhee....Rrll
S. Lanalierry.n.llradrord
II. Il.rt.frll, Hr....llr,lr
J. (. Jordan....
M. Ilagerly...
Jaa. L. Clark "
Itewis Krhnrd.-...
Heuben Caldwell.
A. J. King
N. Beck Uurnaide
Adam Heck
M. M'Klwain.... "
Jol. Johnaton Cheat
laaae Kain.jr. ...... "
P. Couleret....Colngton
Wm. rat hoe rt
ohn Parks.. ..Lawreooe
Wm. Brown,
Mat. Read....
John Bale...,
Jacob lrwln
II. M'1'haraon..Clearnelil
Peter Keinle....MorrU
I). Ilenner "
Jas. Harrier,. ..Oseeola
II. 8. HroouwCur'ene'ie
John Shoff.
J. Itnughman..... Doeatur
Wm. A. Moore,.... ..Penn
8. M'Clarren "
A. Ilangbnian..., "
J. B. Arrea...
M. Wal'her "
J. II. Forgneoa.Fergn
levl lllonm Pike
John I tMiacaiM
Jos. tfpenoer...
'ihfl Owens...
J. II. Oarriigi.
Robt. U. Hhaw.UoMien
Wm. Kline.. ..Woodward
V.har. reoalrad tha agency for the .bore end
wUl kJI them al manufacturer', prieee. Call and
e ami ue them. Tbey are the beet.
join la - n. r. Djur.n vv
Tbo subscriber hat laid oS ono hundred lots.
which be offers for Sale at reasonable rates to all
those who feel disposed to move in that direction.
The Town is beautifully situated on Handy Creek,
wttnin eignty rod or the Allegheny Valley Bail
Road, now abder completion. It la also situated
on tha publio road leading from Lut hers burg to
Brook way villa. In IhUtown, libera! inducement
are offered to mechanioe and enierpriting busineai
men, being in thickly aettled farming commu
nity. ihoM in want or lots should buy early, M
tbey are being dinposed of very rapidly.
lie also oflera for ante a lot of ten acres, ad
joining the town, with a stream of water running
through tf. mmctent to run a machine shop, card
ing mill, Ac, aod an oxoelleut ituatiou Cor a
He also wilt sell afsrm of one hundred and fifty
acre, adjoining the town, with fifty acre cleared
and tn a good state of cultivation, the remainder
being covered witn pip, neinioek and oak Umber,
with a heavy vein of coal underlying a great part
of the tract.
He will fell hit Town Hons and about one
acre of land In said town, well situated for a II o
tel, being large and commodious, and tbo necea
sary outbuildings and stabling attached.
There i a large stcatn sawmill and general
lumbering establishment now nnder construction.
by John Dubois, adjoioing the town, tbat will give
employment to not less than one hundred bauds.
There ar several springs of good water in the
wwo, anu utose w lining iu una wbiii cau ooiain
water in from ten to fifteen fifteen feet.
The town is In a healthy part of the county,
and is eaiy of nonces from Luthertburg, Halem,
West Liberty, Keynoldsviile. Kockdate nod the
l ur i. o...t
tuvtacu nuvus Duttirioiuii.
Come and see the place before purchasing else
where, or add res the nndersigned at Jefferson
Lino, Clearfield oounty.
Jy2i 2m Proprietor.
J Haid to be the best Stomach, Liver, Bladder
and Kidney Medicine ever discovered. Can be
had of br. Boyer, Clearfield, who offers unusual
inducements to tbo trade. Purely vegetable and
reliable. Call toon and secure a supply, the slock
is limited. jy24-4t
TOTItK.-Tbe Odd Fellows' Hall Asaoeta
tlon of New Washington will be incorporated
at the September Term, 1872, by the Court of
Common Pleas, if no good cans be shown to the
contrary. From tho Record.
Jezo-Jt A. O. TATB, Protb'y.
OK IM. .
Capes and Torches,
With Portrait! or any derleo for all partiea. -
Silk, Bunting and Maalin flag! of all aiiea on
head or made to order. l.anterai of all
aitea and itrlea ; Taper Balloonl. Fire Worki. As.
Campaif n Clubi (a led out at tbe lewrit rate! at
it South Third Street, Philadelphia.
JjU lm sd roa ciaci'ua.
. Dlixaai is
and manufacturers of
Tin.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware,
Bemad Street,
Carpenter! and Bullderf will do well to eiam
ioa our itoek of
DISTON'B BAWB Diiton'l CrMa-eat, Ilaad,
Hip, Tenant and Oent'a Haw a.
Smooth PlaiKI, Match Plaael,
Jack I'leneo, I'luml.a A Larcla,
Fore Planea, Steel Pquaree,
Juintera, de do.
Firmer and Framing Chieala, Corner Chiaela,
Carpentrn' rHrka, Braoel and Bitta,
Buring klaehinea, Ao.
Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures.
8mokj Flue! are effectually eured hyuing Rieh' Patent
for which wa hara tha agency. No euro, ao pay.
Philadelphia Carriaire Bnlta, Railroad Lanterna,
IVoodcn Ware, Ao.
A Ine aaaortmant of
The Time! Cook, the belt In tha market; alio,
the Monarch, Kehaace, and No. 16 Iron Bidet j
Kereer'! Portable llcator, and lloatiog, Parlor
aod HaU Store,.
VSU Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dona on
reaeuneble terma. Ail ordera will receive prompt
attention. July I, 1ST J.
Constitution of Pennsylvania.
Propoiing an amendment to tha Oonatltutlon of
B il reeoreeT hm (A. Ornate (tad Hon of F.rpro
eeefotirea of Ike CommnmoHltk of 'raatvmai. t.
(rrNeral Aeemo'y met, Tbat the lollowing amend
ment of tha Conatitution of thia Commonwealth
be pmpoeed to the people fur their adoption or
releelion. rurauant to the provlalona ol tne teem
artiole thereof, to wilt
Strike ont tha alilh motion of the alith artlola
of the Conatitution, and Inaerl in lieu thereof the
folic wint : "A State Treaanrer ahall be ehoeea by
the nualined eleotora of the State, at time.
aod for aurb term of eervtce aa ahall he prescribed
rpeaaaroi tne limiaeoi nrpreH.nuaiiToe.
. Speaker of the Senate.
Arrnovan Tha twenty-aeeond day of Mareh,
Anno Domini auo tbouaand eight hundred and
eerenly-two. JNO. W. UKARY.
Prepared and eertitled ror pubiioation punuant
la the Tenth Article of the Conalltutinn.
Hehretnry of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of tbe Commonwealth, I
llarriaburg, June 2lth, Itlil. . ( I in
Call at t.EVF.R FLRllAL'R new Store, nppoalte
Kl-t)nrernnr Bigler'a reeidence, on Second atreet,
Clearfield, Pa., and aiamlna hia flne itook of
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
t-'urnlelillig Oooda, Ac.
Of which ha II eomtanlly reoeiring a large aaaort-
mrnt of tha eery lateat aad beet itylee. which b.
will diermi. ef at aatoni.hingly low price..
LAllih'K, I bar. an hand a large and well
eeiet-ted .lock of thore eelcbratf-d hand-aewed
aan lafely ncommend to ha tha beit ia tha mar
ket. Call and examine them.
Ghmt' FURNIHlllNrt Goopg.
OKNTI.EMKN, my atock of Furnlahing Qooa
11 complete. 1 bare all ine neremee 10 ncaria,
Tlea, Crarala. llandkerehirfi, tlnileraroar, Sua-
pendera, Collar!, (Ilorea, llnelery, Ac, together
with a complete aarorttncnl of n hit. and Cloth
China. I hare oa head a large and well erleoted
atock of Hall and C.i of lhe r.ry lateet tljlra,
Alao. Tranka, Valine, Railroad Bail, JLimbrellaa,
Caaee, and many other article., both aeeful and
ornamental, which will ha lold at fair ralea.
Tha ol Clearlleld and vieinity are
reepeclfully Intiled loeall aad examine my gooda
heiora nurunaatng aiiewnere.
.Clearneld, Ta., Mai . lei).
Vf. .1 1'
Clearfield Counly Bank
riMIK Clear Held County Bank aa a. i. '
1 led ln.lit.tiea kW g.n...t nf ,,
ma lurrenaerof IU charter, on Me. , 7'
All Iu itoek li owned hy tl,. iubat,,iL.'
-III ...tin., tha BaakinJ heal.,.."'-.
plana, ai prieata Bankera, ander lbelr'
ol tha ClearHeld County Bank Ve
poniiblefor Ibe dehtiol the Bank.anJ .ni
It! aotei oa demand at the loonier. bZ1
receleed and Intereit paid wb.a money i. ui?
a lied lima. Panar diacou.i.d .. .,' ' "
aa kerelofora. Our peraonal r.apon.ibilitT
pieogeu ior an vepoaita raeclred and boiiL
trana.eted. A continuane of tbe liberal a.
ronaga of the boaibeu mea of the eceetr I,
necUully lolieiled. Al r..kf '
offioora of tre lata Cleartild Countr Bar.
, - w oi font,
fur rrlin(lnM " "a
A. X. WK1UHT, O. L. RRKD. '
WM. A. WAl.i.ira
"The hualnaai of tha Bank will be eondeetal,
John M- Adaaii., Kiq., ai Caahier.
County National Bank,
Kikim in Maeonie Building, one door noril
0. D. Wition'! Drag Btore.
l'aarage Ticketa to and from Liverpool, Qk
town, tllaaeow, London. Parle and 'ot,.w.-
Alao, Drafla for lale on the Royal Bank of Ini
and Imperial Bank of London.
W. M. SHAW, Caahier. nA.n
J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perk.
Bucocasori to Poster, Perks, A Co.,
Phlllpsburf , Centre County, pL
TTTIIKHB all the bu lines of a Baokir flj
Tl wiP oe transacted oromptlr and Dti-J
noii iBToraoio icrma. marl-t;
. . . - r -
Cheap Furniture.
"Vonx gulich
TvVSlRBS to Inform hia old friendi aiJ
If tomera, that baring anlarged hii abo.J
ii.Mn iHimm ivr BiaHuiaciariBg,
Bow prepared to maka to order inch Purniter.
may be d. aired, in good atyle and at iheagin
for CASU, lie generally haa oa hand, u .
-. ui- c-- - . . . r "1
Furniture roome,-. varied aaaortmant of ru,
maae lurauure, among waico nr.
Wardrobes and Book-Case; Centre, Sofa, IV
Breakfast and Xining Eitcsston Tables: f.
mon. Frencb-pcst.Cottare Jennr-Lind and nt.
Bedsteads i 6.faa of all hinds, Work-ituJ
naraokia nuu-iwouii nocaine and a
unairs ipnng-seai, cane-eouom, parlor,wi
mon and otber Chain; Looking-Ulaaiei of tie
desrrlption on band i and new ctasiM fM ,
frames, wbleh will be pat In on verr rvaA...
terms on shortest notice. Be also k eepi oa k J
or rnmunei to oraer, vont-nusk, Hair aai C.
ton-top HaiUMsea.
Coffins of Evert Kind
Made to order, and funerals attended wit.
Uearee whenever desired. Also, House PaisiJ
done to order, ine subscriber also (.
tores, and naa eonatanuj oa band, Clean
Patent Weening Machine, the best now
Tboee nsing this machine never need be e.
cot dean clothes 1 Me also b as FWir'i rV
Cbarn, a tuperior article, A family J
VDurn uvvur neeu 0 wiuiou. Doner 1
All the above and many otber articles m'.rl
isbed to eustomera cheap tor Caea or sxchur
for approved country produce. Cherry, Uu,
Poplar, Lin wood and otber Lumber saiubli
Cabinet work, taken in ttchange for faraitrl
ffPer-Remember the shop le on Harks. ft
Clearfield, Pa and noarly opposite the "014.
Store." JOHN tit' LICE
November 36, 1861 y
Market St., Clearflrld, fat the PostOfr
FpHg nndersigned beef leave to annostet
1 the eittseas of Clearfield and visisitj.uJ
he bus fitted up n room and baa just mini
from tbeeity with a. largo amount of mil
matter. tuUting is part of 1
Bibles and Miscellaneous Book
Blank, Account and Put Books of svsrr J
script ion t Paper and Envelopes, Frenek BrenJ
andplaiat Pens end Pencils i Blank, UtJ
Papers, Deeds, Mortgagee ; Judgment, Kitbl
tion and rromtsfory notes j white seen?
ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap. and Bill (
6beet, Music for either Piano, latter TiJ
constantly on band. Any books or itatki'l
desired that I may not havo oi hand, will W
ordered by first eipress, and sold at nbottJ
or retail to suit customers. I will alia irl
neriodieal literature, inch as Maraitnes. K
papers, e. - P. A. wACLU
VlearBeld May T, IBRB-tl
Slonc-f utler and Stone-Mw(
ITT ILL eiecoteall work
I arata prioca and In FIRI-CLASS r:
Architectural OrnameiitJ
la ALL STYLES, Eton a Draning of rH
deacription, aad all kindi of mama work 14
tracted for la oroutof tha county. An aei
wiahing to hare reapeetabla maioa woraia
lone-cutting dona, will tnd it to their latrJ
ta call epoa ma 1 would air. Inform the .
Ue that I ean dfliree any qaantltyer clan
nana aeitred, aa 1 am tba owner ef a
Ordera for work ean b. addreaaed te
artl.rt ClrarirK h
The Lightning Tamer.
F111IH inder-icned are the sole AretttiU
J. cuntv for the "North American Gel1!
LIOHTNINO RODS." Tbese are tk onh
rods new In use, and are endorsed by a
scientific men in the country.
We bereby notify the citiiens of lbs tt
tbat we will put them up a better rod. an
less money, tban la charged by the ft1
agents who annnnlly traverse tbe eoatt'
carry on our little cash, never to relori.
Thoia wlablog Lightning Rodi w
their hulldingi need hut addreei aa br iaiu'
oall ia peraoa. W. will pal them up aarH
In Ikaeounty, and warrant them. I11 '
Fiiturei eaa ha acen at any time br eelta
ouratore. H. F. BIULKR k
Clearteld, March It, M7t tf
Tha largeit itoek of
arer offered In CLEARFIELD!
a. !.. btciu ritilvvT STtnP. nornerlM
and Finh Blreeti, CLKARF1KLB, F-
The undcralgned would annnnnce te
that he haa nn hand and I. now offerint rt
caah, the largeit itoek of Furniture ltF
in thii county, eoniiiting of
Vpholalered Tarlor Built,
Chamber Belli, Eiteoelat''
BecreUrlea, Book CaeM,
Bprlng Bcdi and Maltreat.
Plain A Marhla Top Tabid "
r... Q..I and Common ChalnV
noeiuig v 11 airs, -
Window Shadea, Picture Frtf
" rn.i. .t.'I Tafieli. A
- , . .
11a alao manoHur.a aad keep! aa J
. .. ... 1 .... in Tf r , 1
ant npring ncn in. -
family ihould be without them. AT not on hand ean ha bad oa abort w
I pholateriug and repairing neatly ewo
COFFINS, of all ilaei, ean be had a
houn' notion and at the loweal prioea.
tioa of 21 per cent, made for iaeh.
. ... J.;J"
MKTA1.1.1U wan." " " lira"
ri. n..K.. .llh elaal or wood tPV
" J ... 1
... I..-..' HhliM.
wm h. "
Peraonal (J lend
with hearer, el
lieae, and earriagel furnlahed
Thanking the puniia i f" - .
.... . ... ikrer '
llrict pereonai auemiu.. w
. . ,1 nnh. aua
recci. e a wininw. w
.. 1 . O.UMtf
Armembrr the plaxe the rieae.
ornar t Market and una d.- fl
Mar.kJ9.71-l. I'AM"