THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. TKDNESPAY MORNING, JCLY4,U7j. Terms of Subscription. '4 in ftdvenm.or within throe month! ...M i after three aad before ii month. oo 4 after th. expiration of ill month! " fAll article! to imur. Insertion In this f should b. hna.d in early on Tuesday ng, as wo go " press at Ho ohMk, (noon.) RELIGIOUS NOTICES, v.ji.t i?..iuntl Church .Ber. A. D. thcae fur . vutor. uublio Servloe every Sabbath A.M., end, P.M. Mth School et 9 A. M. vcr Meeting every Thuraday, t 7, P. M. imunion Bervioo, Brit Sabbath of every . .t nil A. M ilxty road. Andrew' t'hiirrh--Epleeopl .Iler. Hall. Pnblio Service Sunday morning clock, and at T P. M. Sunday School at i. Prayer Moating Wednesday evening ilock. kyterian Chnrch ReT.H. S.Botlm. king on the Lord'l day at 11 and 7) the terest, older port in ay Sohool at S p. m. er Mooting on Wedneiday at 7 p. m. Vl Hiblol'lesl on Saturday at 71 P- n. i-nrl hurrti I atliollr Kcv. T. new aion and ". Mum at lot o'olook A. M on the fourth Similar, of each month. erau -t'liurcli. Rev. A. J. IIahtsook to verv Sabbath, niorninc and evening. Hobool at a. m. Prayer meeting every uted lay evening. DioATEs. S. R. Toolo and Goo, In id , Kiq... are eandidatci In Clinton for to the Constitutional Convention. to to Death. Mr. Goorgo Row, township, Indiana oounly, who laitweck erely stung while Mapping beei, died afternoon. Ho wal in the loventy-iixtb kit age. 'Cbibe. Tho 1'rotipoctuH of the rg Patriot will be found In ourtt auvnr innni. Those of our reader, who dc.ire tad live campaign papor, .hould at onoe for that Journal. !)iffkbence The Commission- intnn eountv have as.essed a ten mill. I for 1871. Clearfield assesses ice mm.. aounty tax of the former iatM,000 and of f!4,000, while the population la nearly TrRag, RalurnoJ raftmon in- at a gigantic "break-loose" ooourred at vtm on Monday forenoon. Hafts and lllenously piled up, and gorged on the What amount of damage wal done we I it learned. Jan Do It. Tbo Clinton Demo "Ills Honor Juilie Mayor, we notice formed Ihntngv, has been eelected to ae annual addrcis before the Alumni of ' and Marshall College (his Alma Mater) iter, Ta., In June, 1S73." oick Trip. Jumes L. Leavy place after dinner on Wednesday last, tft, delivered it to the owner on Thursday , at Lock Haven, and waa back borne at eek on the same evening, and started with raft Friday morning, aud returned on ... th. J evening. That ii tne way to get lumoer n. r at WiLLiAMspoRT. The quar tan the mill owner, and the working men ad in a riot on Monday, and considerable al been done to persons and property. The has ordered troops from Lock Haven. Lewisburg and llarrisburg, on the requi f Sheriff Van Iluskirk and Mayor Stark V Tbo mills have all shut down. OiAL Tax. On and after tlio July, 1872, every person who sells or offers manufactured tobacco, except importers articles who loll only their own products I dace of production, will be required to pay J tax at the rate of lire dollars por annum, t regard to the amount of his annual sales emptioo of person, whose annual sales do wed 100 is repealed by the new law IE Flood. Tho rains on Sunday I H,, nH.J.,n.J . ftn rf1tn. flood Vrer on Monday. Thi. together with four - 4 running last week, we thould think, ln th itreaiui of lumber. Thi jird- railing period in July ! eomcthing unnau- t people, end provei rerj advaatageout to river friend i, who hare a two jean' itock er on handi. But It will not prove 10 1 to tboae who have wheat, rve and grasa 1 Concert. An previously nn t, the Clearfield Orcbostra gave a muiioal la the Court Homo, on Friday evening, to .lied houie. The exhibition wai fully up r concert! In the citiei, where talent li stored for th?oeoafion. We wore gratified ing the fact that all the members of the acquitted thotuiolvos croditablv. Not nreakdown ooourred during the entire even ' exhibitions of the kind will not be out ilopino. The constr uction of ' grade railroad across the western end of aty is already adding largely to the value irty in that lection. Bcsidea a numbor of tng villages are being built up along Sandy reek. An advertisement elsewhere tndi- sat the proprietor of tbo site of the village iVarger, about midway between Reynolds 4 the tunnel at the Summit, bas dedicated (arm to town lota. Those who buy first ebeap lot. and desirable locations. Dable. Vico and Immorality be .oppressed in that lively city Lock All the resldeut clergymen have oom I a regular organised band for tho purpose, set of the movement is to ooncentrote tho and moral lofluenecl of the different de. Uom, and of the publio, through tho co- effort! of the Ministers, In . movement I check and suppress aa far as possible th, tlements of sooioty in Look Haven, maul 'ntemporanee, prostitution, profanity, and breaking. . Tho Bollufonto Watchman the Holland-China breed of hogs to which i ealled attention heretofore, appears to be if general notice We have alluded to the 4 Mr. Nelson Askey, of Howard, Is propa- that breed, and now Mr. John Rlshel, of Itll, writes us that he, too, has It, and is eased with the auimali. He informs us tigs are now one year old, aud although ft weighod it, he Judge! that the boar will iree hundred pounds. These hogs grow I and take no more feed, says Mr. ltlshel, i Chester White, or any other good breed, eel also itatei that those hogs are large for good winter meat In from six to eight , and that It Is not necessary to keep stock vr winter, which i. a great saving of labor L" DLD BlIRIlLARY. TllioVCfi usuul- the night as the most favorable time for ni in the house-breaking line, but somo ber entered the house of good ftiend Da- hart, who lire, about ft mile and a half ra, on Monday morning about the time y was at brrakfa.t and stole f DO belong rs. Oearhart The money consisted of a Isee, $& and tl gold pieces, a $50 groon I ft $20 greenback. Mrs. Gcerbart had ty In wallet which the kept in trunk eeplng apartment, the key of the lame the look. Just before breakfast Mr. went out to assist his bind man to get , hi! wife Mining oat of the room about time and leaving the window closed. fat Mr. Oearhart had oeeaalon to go 4ft, but found the door looked, and on ad the house found the window open, rpea, the door key and pockctbook gooe. im and some money in Mr. Q's olothlng taken, though wlthis reach of the bur wsj ii a suspicion tbet the robbery waa by some one acqaalnted with the faml- Ir habits. pMh'jiibitiy Jvitrnnl, Baiibath SonooL Labors. Rev. R. Crittenden, Bunday Sebool Ml.ilonary for Central Pennsvlrnulft, tend, ui the following report of labor, in Centra and adjoining eonntiea, for th quarter ending June SOtb, 1878. Mr. 0. promise! another communication loon, eoneerning worn un dertaken In Clcardold eounty under the auspices of the ClearSeld County Sunday Schoul Association- have soil aeroer. In tho organisation of new schools II Other schools addressed and otherwise aldod... 4.1 Total 62 (01 44 4 K4 10.1 1.4S2 Amount in book, and papere given away. Copie. of the Scripture, distributed Heruion. and aildrcssos delirured Pniniliel vi.ilod Mile, traveled on Quid Kiguroa very Inadequately express tho ro'ulut of efforta. The detail! cannot be gircn. Take, example, one particular In the can of one of the new achool. formed for the Ursl time I lie pres ent .c.ion. In order to en.ure success, the inli ionary thrice vi.lted tho neighborhood, traveling - lix milea from tho nearcat point on the rail The achool houae la too atnall to accomodate attendance at thi. school. Other now echoole. organiied thia season, In point of eonduot and In will favorably oouipare with many other achool.. It forma a part of our work to aid In the .up- and Improvement of existing achool., which, many eaaee, ia a. neec.aary a. the planting of onei. In a word, the grand object 1. a diffu. of Scripture knowledge among the people, old young, with a view to their eternal aalvation Again I wi.h to express my grateful obligation. mini.tor. of Ino go.pcl aud othor ohn.tian workerl, whoae co-operation baa largely contrib to the ucceaa of what we have undertaken behalf of the youth In Central Pennaylvania. R. CnrrrixnaH, Missionary A. S. B. I'uion. BuLLnrmn, Pa. July 1, 1U72. Mors Impbovkment. In compli ance with apreviou. oall of the Prc.idcnt, Dr. D. Houtl, the Stockholder, and iubacribera of "Ma dera Coat and Improvement Company held a meeting in "lirl.biu'. Hall," at lloutidale, on the lfltb in.t. On motion, Wm. 8. Dickey, Esq., of Ulen Hope, wa. called to me cnair, ana uco. .u. uneuio, , Osceola, wa. appointed Secretary. Dr. llouti .aid that thia meeting had been called for the purpose of arranging for a general meeting of all concerned in the enterprise, so that -organisation might be effected. The term. of the pre.cnt officer! had expirod, but, by a pro- l.inn ct the Coiniiaiiv. the present onioerl ne.u oter unt jheir suoocssorl were elected. He hoped that an early day might be appointed for said election, and that all who were oonocrncu in the extension of the Branch R. K. to Ulen llupe and beyond, would attend the meeting, and give all the cneouragcruont they could. On motion, it was then Rtiolved, That the President of the "Madera Coal and Improvement Company call a reacting of the Stockholders and Subscriber! of said "Ma dera Coal and Improvement Company," to be held n llriali n s Mall, in Llorouiru 01 uuuisiiuio, flcld county, for the purpose, of electing officer! of said Company, on the 10th day of September, next, and make all other arrangements lor tue futherance of the same, whioh he might deem necessary in hi. official capacity. On motion the meeting then adjourned until September 10th- it ia evident from the proceedings and the name! of the goutlomcn who figure In the prooood- iug. that thi. movement meaas busine... And if properly .upportrd by the land owneri along tbo route, a railroad will aeon tap Clearfield Creek at mniiih nf ltuo. Ibenoo to Glen Huite ana uuany iuio v mun. uuu.i.j, ...uft ....VB- one of the richest eoal basins in the State. A card in oor advertising eolutnni will give the reader still moro Information on this question. In Trouble. TIio County Commis sioner, of Mifflin oounty have got Into trouble. While the Supreme Court wa. sitting at Ilarril burg, they granted a mandamus agaiust the Corr missionors of that oounty, directing them to erect a bridge across the river at Newton Hamilton. This order they neglected to obey, and an attaeb- ment for contempt was Issued agaiust them, re turnable In Philadelphia. Last week tbey were produoexl In Court by the Sheriff of Mifflin, and failing to justify their conduct were eacu nuca tjOO, being allowed until October 1st in which to pay It or show good cause why it should be remit ted, the Chief Justice remarking that, al they were donbtlese considered as good oitlaens, they would always find it more to their advaulage to yield implicit obedience to the law than by seeking all ' ihift.bywhlchto Mhiht be Imitated. Tho riiilip. burg Journal layi I O. W. Daley, P. M., baa for lome time been In correspondence with the De. pertinent in order to effect an arrangement by which an evening mall from I'biladelpnia may ne reoeived on the expresa train. At last acoounts the Philadelphia postmaster informed him that bis request would be complied with, and on the strength of thil assurance we may reasonably ex poet soon to reoeive mall matter on the day that It ll mailed at Philadelphia. TDIl will pe an ao oommodation to business men and all who wish to rocelvo daily paper, from the metropoli. on the day of Issue. Mr. Daley has exhibited a dc.iro to accommodate the publio by thu. assuming duties not raonired bv the deiiartmcnt- We bop. r. M.'i along the line will Imitate Mr. Daley. List of lottors reinnininp: unclaimod in the Poslofflce at Clearfield, for tho week ending July !2d, 1872 : Chmpbcll, Vincent. Cussidy, W. K. Choney, Robert. Hepburn, Mattle. HiirlrTi It, Charles. Hues, John. Kelly, John. Keefe, Patrick. Motiinlcy, Joseph. McDonald, Dclphene. Ouinn, Jacob. P. A. GAL" LIN, P.M. Dougborty, 1. J. Praner, C. VY. Pranta, Misi Mary. (J) Hanson, Caroline. Hunter, Ueorge. Specials. Loir. On Friday, July 19, 1878, between Lum ber City and Patterson school house, In Jordan township, ft email morocoo Pocket Book, contain ing between one hundred and twcnty-flro and one hundred and thirty dollar!. Any person finding the money and returning it lo tho subscriber will be liberally rewarded. J. W. LEONARD, Ansonville, Clearfield Co., Pa. The relaxing power of Johnson'! Anodyne Liu- iment Is truly won Jcrful. Cases aro already nu merous where bent and stiffened limbs have been limbered and stra'.glitonod by It. When used for this purpose, the part should bo washed and rub bed thoroughly. Apply the liniment cold and rub it in with the hand. A crowd of "horso men" and other! dally throng the itoroi in oountrj and town for Sheridan 'l Car lry Condition Powders. They understand that horses cannot be kept In good condition without them, and with them can be on a much less quan tlty of grain. Fly Net! and Scrim Horn Covers a largo as sortment for sale by jy-3 ' II. r. litoLtn u, II. F. Biglor A Co. have been making oxteusivc addition! to their itock of Hardware the last few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad dlen' Hardware, Farmorl' Hardware, Jluilders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can bo seen at their store. May JJ. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sale by 11. F. Blgler A Co. ScvTnra! Hctthei ! Tip Top, Vucen of the Moadow, Red Racer, Our Host, Clipper, and Uraiu Hoytbes, r Jcld-ot For sale by II. F. A Co. Rlt ramra. Perioni wanting paints of any color will Rud them prepared for use at jelMt H. F. Biulrr A Co.'i, Water Coolere at U. F. Uiglor A Co.'i. Parsi Gnot'an Pi aivaa. Reoeived at Corner Store by car load and for sale by " E. A. A W. D. Iuwii. Cnrwensville, March 1.1, 173. Wood ftnd Willow W of all description! for ale by II. F. Bigler A Co Calcined Plaster for sale by H. F. Blgler A Co. Croquet Fell-t II. F. Blgler A Co.'i. ' I NoTit-a to All Pmiausi Owamo lluniia. You are Invited to oall at 11. P. Uiglor A Co.'i, and examine the Gum-Llued Scotch Cue Doraa Col lar, warranted to heal all aore ibouldori aud galta. Alio, the new patent Zlno Collar Pada S Sronn'i Saw OtiuuiM ad Saw Unm.-We secured the agency for tba above, and will thutn at the manufacturer', prinei. Call aud examine them ; thoy are the boat guinmera out. June 10, 1872.-U II. F. lliuLtit A Co. Ilird Cagoa a largo assortment at II, F. Uig lor A Co.'e. Coo'i Phosphate for sale by II, F. Blgler A Co. Wlro (larJon Trellises, of different slses, llmig ing Baskets and Wire Work, at II. Y. Uiglor A Co.'.. Notici to Wagon axd CAnnuuis MAKKna. Wo have Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Bpiings aud Axles, which we offer cheap for eash. II. V. DiOLxn A Co. 1 'Norms to Tin DiwiiPLmar Ikaao Wai.toh. After April loth we will have the largest assort ment or fishing tackle evor brought weal of the Alleghonlee, consisting of Rod., llasketa, Fliet, Hooks, Lines, Halt llojes, (, Ao. All dlnciplo! of Isaac Waltou are invited to oall and examine our itoek. H. V. IIiulir i Co. March 27, 1372. If TJoiorth'i Patent Refrigerator the groatost hot weather comforter over inventod. Call and oxam ine them. II. F- Dim an A Co. II A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Aa., for sale by II. F. Dlgler A Co. RECAPITULATION. Croquet Sell. Uird Cage. Wire Harden Trelliscl. Hanging Uaskets. Wire Work. Wood and Willow Ware. Household (Joods. All kinds of Hardware. Jiitiaiined Ware, llosarlu l raiow neingeraiur. Water Coolers. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. CalcineJ Plaster. Coo's l'bosiibMe. Wagon and farringe Makell' supplicl. Single and Double rihovel Plows. Cultivators, Iron and Wood. Cultivator Toclh and Shovol Plow Shovcll. Fishing Tackle. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F. Biglcr A Co., Secoud street, Clearfield, Pa. Dr. F. Platto, Kolrctlc Pliyrflcien and Surgeon offers his services to tho people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will be in rcaillneas to attend all profosaional calls, by doy or night. Offioo on Reed street, west of the depot, Clearfield, Pa. May 31, l.H7l-tf Buy your Dress Uoods of REKD IIR0S. Buy your Notions i Trimmings of REKD BROS. Buy your Parasols of REKD BROS. Tt... .oor Shawls of HKF.D BROS. But vour Furnishing Ooodl of RKKI) BROS. It,,. 1 nil,.rw.r of RKKDBltllrt. Buy your Hals and Bunnell of REKD BROS. Buy all your Millinery good! of 1IEUD BROS. Buy your Ladies' Missee' aud Children I Stinel 01 iw.r,u n". Buy your Carpets of KKKDIIlmS, Buy all the goods you can buy of REKD BROS, and you will save money. aprl7-am. Look Tim War I Full trimmed and tinned laatinf 'Haitera, only H.i'tl ji riMMie. Plain Morocco tlaitors, only tl.Ji AT FI.KllAI8. Cloth eonirressOailers, only 1.7 AT FI.EOAL'S. m m bnt'n I ters.on V I.Z.1 A I r i.r.n .-. i. n, Morocco Uaitcrs, only i.Hi Alt I.M4 A I. . Men's llailers. 2 and UD AT FI.KliAL S. Heavy Kip Hoots, only tf-LOO AT FI.KHAIS. Light Kip Hoots, only AT FLKUAL'rl. French Calf Boots, only 6.00 AT li.KHAL'S. Fine Calf Boots.only 4.50 AT FLKUAL'tl. On Second street, Just below the Clearfield County National Bank. The only way to be convinced that Flegal's shoes are cheap, la to call and aoe for yourself. GOODS SHOWN WITH PLEASURE. .Tunc 1. ts72.-tf ajlarrlca. On June 25d. 1872. at the Prefbvterisn Mau, hv Hev. H. H. Bi ri.aa, Mr. WILLIAM Mi K M to Miss CLAltA CHA.MIILIIS, both of Pen field. On July 19th, 1875, at the Presbyterian Manse, by Rev. 11. S., Mr. ISAAC (IHAIIAM, of Hrarttonl lowuimp, 10 miss i . v PLL3, of Lawreuco township. On Julv 15th, 1S72. at tho residence of Newton In West Clearfield, br tor. A. t;. lorm Mr. HILAS II. LKVKXHAI.Ull, to rl. 8ILLA II ALK, both of Clearfield. Tn Phlllnaburl. on June Hth, l75,by J. F 8onr, Ksq- Mr. LOT MKK1MA.H lo i CATHAlUMi WALK Ell, uotnol tlearncm, ri On .l..n nth. 1871. hr J. F. flloor, Esq., Mr. M. KK1.VKY to Misi JOHANNA FI.EUAL, both of Clcirfield county. Al the residence of tho brldo'l parenls, In Roy noldsvllle, on July lh, 1S7J, by Hev. ratuer Winkxk, Mr. JOAN CLAKK, of Clrarllolcl, to Miss JULIA M. ULHUUU.i. In Indiana county, on June 53 1, 1173, I. ll O. Onnuin. Km.. Mr. CLINTON Mil BACK of Bell !ownliip, Clearfield county, Pa., to Miss 8. A. BltlCKKl., of Banks townsutp, louiani oounty, Pa. On Julv Sd. I). (1. (lonA, Esq., M: W. W. CESSNA, of Banks townihln, to Miss MAttTHA COY, of Covode, both of Indiana eoun ty. I'a. On Julv 3d. 1072. bv P. 0. Ooiihas, Esq., M JOSEPH COY, of Covode, to Mi.. ELIZA CESS NA, of Indiana oounty, Pa. On June Jllth, 172, bv Dawifti. Mooar, Esq.. Mr. II IKY CUNAWAY to Miss MAUY ELLEN KANE, both of Karthaui township, Clearfield, Pa. sua. On July Iih, 1S7J, HANNAH 8., wife of O. W. Ooiie , agod 25 yean and U days. Pu ldenlv. on Julv S2d. 1872. WILLIAM PAT- TKHSON, inf.nt child of the Bov. Ha-inT 8.,-and MAnu J. KrTi.RR, ageul 8 monltis. SUarttts. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by lllrninn Mossor, Wholesale and Retail Denier in Dry tioodt, oroeerles, Pro vision., An., Mmket street, Clearllrld, Pa. ;Ci.nAnriai.n, Pa., July S3 1372. Apples. grrrn,00(n, I Oil Hogs, dressed 0 Dri.-.l, p n 12J Hides, green , 7 Apple butter, " uai, 1 l Hams Ml,1) 15 Butter. ti'K 2.'i Hhouldors.....(ni('il In H. ii $0 Ot)(,u t 55 Sides (Ilii-o ,121 Buckwheat 1 J- Lard l.'W.i) 15 Buckwheat Sour lb, b Mess pork.f bbl...l8 (10 Hoef, dried 22 Out 75 lloef. fresh ft on HI Onions S (III Boards, M 13 00(ui 14 00 Potatoes OlK.jJ (10 Corn, shelled.- 1 90 Peaches, dncd, tti.. li Corn, ear 00(d) 60 Plaster, fs bbl 00 Corn monl, sack, 1 SO Rye. 1 li Chop, fl ewtt 10(3 2 SO Rags, J lb 3 Oloverseed 7 0,saek 1 20 Cheese 20 Hblngles.lH In.ltl'dii (0 Cherries, th. Il(i$ 15 81iiiinles,2(l inlOOftla 00 Chlckcnr, drsJ, lb, 1 5 Timothy seed 6 00 Fires u... JO Tallow 21 Flaxseed 1 00 Wheat.. 1 75 Klour 0 00(4110 60 Wool .. (16 line 30 OIHiM 00 Wood, oord I 66 "I 'HTH A V. Came trespassing on the premises a of -thu subscriber, In Lawrence lownsnip, on the Sd day of July, 1872, one Bay Mare, sup posed to be about four years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay clmrgcs and take her away, or she will be dis posed of aooording to law. r PETER McOEORGB. CloarflolJ, July 17, 1H72.-31. IS TIIK COURT l)K COMMON PLKAS of Clearfield County, Pa. W illiam Carson 1 No. 01, June Term, 1S72. vs. Hannah Carson ) Subpo na sur divorce. Notice is hereby given to Hannah Cnrson, re spondent In the above case, to bo aiul appear at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Clearfield, on Hie 4th Monday of Feptouiber next, to fttiswer to tho said complaint. JUSTIN J. PIE, Sheriff. July 17, l72.-t. Itl NINTH A H Ht'H NOTIt'lCNoMco Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of JOHN BLOOM, Sr., deeeased, late of Pike township, Clearfield oounty, Penna., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, end those having claims or demands w i il present them proporly authenticated for let. tlement. UEOROK BLOOM, July 17, ml.-t Administratis. INOR ftAI.13. A BAIltlAIN. A House and 1 Lot In Wallarelon, with Household Goods, ready for occupancy. Lot IflOaBO dwelling new and comfortable! garden made. Apply to or ad dress Mrs, L. TURNER. JylT-Jt Wallaceton, Pa. f"- AUiiOle -All person. are hereby oautioned i ai'iinst harhoriiic or trusting uiy wife. THEHKMHA LAdl.K, on my aeeount, a. ihe having left my bed and board without Just cause or provocation, 1 Will pay no dehta ol nev con. trading. UKORUli LAULB. CleaiBeld Julv 17 1972. -S) Jftnrdti'art, Eltttvnri, Af. II. F. BIGLER & CO., DBALIUI II II All DWAllE, Also, Manufacturer, of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD. PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collar., etc., for .ale by II. F. BIQLER ct CO. )ALMER'S TATKNT UNLOAD lng Hay Forks, for lali by II. F. BIGLEU It CO. OIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for sals hj II. F. BIQLER & CO. ARN ESS TRIMMINGS i SHOE Findings, for sale by II. F. BIGLER k CO. Q.raS,PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For sale by If. F. BIGLER ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sises, for sals by II. F. BIGLER CO, RON ! IRON 1 IliON I IKON ! For sale by II. F. BIGLEIt 4 CO. II OllSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE by II. F. BIQLER A CO JULLEV ULOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for aale by II. F. BIGLER & CO. RUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sale by II. F. BIO LEU & CO. JODDER CUTTERS for nalo by .u30 70 II. F. BIGLER CU. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpiIB FALL TEUM of fourteen weeks, wil X commence Monday, Sepuuibor 2d, 17S. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Wrlting.Objeol Lei. lleoirah... ' 7 00 P.nnnrv A rl! ntlkflLlll IDU I rilllirT History, Local and descriptive Geography with Mnp Urawing, urainmar, memai and Written Arithmetic ( 0(1 12 00 10 0 12 OH 8 (10 Alirohra and the Seit-nees Instruction in Instrumental music Oil painting, 24 lessons Wax worn For full particulars send for t'lrcular. Clearfield, Hept. 7, l70-l.vpd. rooLEN MANUFACTORY. The nndersig-nod takes pleasure in informing his old customers and the public generally that he baa refilled his Woolen Factory, al llridgeport. rith the addition of new Inaeliitii-ry, wlncti will .liable him to do all kinds of work In his line of business on the shortest notice. He intends to make Kul.L CAIUU.MJ a specially, during luo oarding soasun, and hits mado arrangements lo rieeive wool and return me rons to lue loiiuwmg nlaees, vie! -.. ILH.HAKI ai'l.-"3lI o p i wnii, twiuw.u. (JltAHAM'8 MILLS, Oraliainton. He also intends to send out his Trading Wagons as usual, and will por the mnnsisr mark kt ruii-a for WOOL and Pit HEP PELTS, In cash or goods to suit customers. Any peraons wishing to have their wool carded and span, will be accommodated ...cither single yarn or double. Persons wishing their wool spun, will designate tho fineness by placing a note of directions ou the bundle, giving the number of cuts per pound and the kind of goods it I. to be made into. Thanking his customer! for former favors, he solicit! a continuance of the same, May 15, 18713m. THOMAS HILL. WATCHES I W ATCHES I I bare large it eek of AMERICAN rvVrl iuo SWISS WATCHES, of the ditto t en. grades. In from two to eight ounce cues. I offer these fur site LOW, end guarantee them lo give entire satisfaction. JEWELRY I JEWELRY I A good assortment nf Ladles' and Oent'i Jewelry of the latest styles! Always getting omething new! I would ask Lumbermen and others who In tend purchasing Walcbei to call and lee my lock before going to the eitlei, as I am very sure I can aell Wafchci as low ai Ihey can be bought, besldei the differ.'njic In distance In the event of the goods proving defective. All kinds of REPAIRING in my line promptly attended to at the store on Second street, oppo site the Court House. For your liberal support n the past I am very thankful. 8. I. SNTDER. April tl, nn. rjx) THE FAliMEItS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY: tWe offor Hooirm m:v inoN mower at prlnm 10 elionp tbnt no fortnnr on atTurd t lo without 0011, unci wttrraot It to give per (cot ibUi- fuCtlOU ID ftlJ CMi'l, HAGKRSTO'WN HAY HAKE, or, STONER'S, of Lancaster. ELLIS A HOFFMAN'S THRESHER, ono- horse tread, which le the best in the country, Will warrant it to thresh from one huudrt'l to three bundled bushels of grain per day, FANNING MILLS, good and cheap. CIDER MII.LS-Hlckock and the Buckeye. GRAIN DRILLS. CORNI'LANTERS, DOG aVOWEKS, for churning. ROGERS' HARPOON FORK and SPROUT'S Grapples and Pulleys, eo cheap that none need be without tnom, BUGGIES for sale always. -4rWe also continue the butchering bullae.., and win ouy or traue lor oujue and .tieep. M. G. BROWN A BHO. ClenrMd, Pa., May li. Attoiilloii,' Lumticrinrn ! "llfE re now manufnetnrlng onr IMPHOVEP H'i'EEL - SOCK KT DRIVING I'AOl HOOKS, superior to any other In use. We he elso In stork ft large quantity nf CanthonkS suita ble for ratling purposes, which wa are selling cheap for cash. ' AMOS A It. KENNAHD. Clearfield, Pa., Marck) IS, 17I. V.S)"i('jLl- ' ll.'- ori.i- ins ihoitsides TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, riiilipsTjurj, Coatro County, Pa. flAHK undersigned respectfully annoanoei to I the nuh ie that na uai ou nana a ear fully. lolooted and well assorted (took of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WAR E I WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Till stock of Cooking Stoves consist! of TUE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed lo bring peace and! prosperity into familioft where it is used, Diamond 8tate, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Sp.ars' California Cook Clove, epeara' jinu-vuii, Uas Burning Cooking Stoves, Victor, . Reliance and Union Kanei, Spears' Cooking Ranges, ' Ac, ate im Tki Tin and Sheet Iron ware given with the Stoves li made of the heaviest and best material, and warranted to glre penect latis- faotlon. His Stock of Parlor & floating Stoves It larger, better and cheaper than ever before exhibited to tne puonc eonsisiing oi Spears' Revolving Llghl Illuminating Stovft, r. .. .-.- I,..--1 C--t.. bpears Anu-nusi was-nuiwiua. nr tipears uroieuiar us,-uuibi ioui btove, Spears' Uea-Dun.tng Parlor Stove, Boqnet, Pearl, Oem, Ida, Sou, Tropio, Nevada, Ao., Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, ("peers' Re volving blgui uvaiers He ll also prepared to furnish ft complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the aole view to aerviee, rrom tne oesj ma- terlal In the maraeu V PLOWS A PLOW POIKTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on band. OtiDERS FJU SPOUTIM3. ROOFINU lA other work belonging to his business will be promptly ailed by experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COr PER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASII Taken In exchange for gooda. g--He especially Invites the attention of Merchants wlrbing So parehase they will find it to their advantage to examine all lioca oeiorv suibumiui Look out for the Big Sign opposite the rest- dence of Mrs. Dr. roster. Am. Qoodi WaiU!itd ai RirixKto. FLEGAL. Phlllpsbnrg, June 8, H7(l. augt 88 MOSHANNON LAND it LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, KAsmriCTinii - LUMBER, LATH, AND riuiiiiia II II K 1111. 1.1 Nil KORD. President. Offico-Forest Place, No. 124 8.4th st, Phil a. JOHN LAWSIIH, Ocneral Kup't, Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. L.VD AD LIMBER C0MPAXY OFFER TO rurrhascrs of Cholfc Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOHE IN OSCEOLA. ' , HVew Cabinet! 1 rosltANNON LAND AND U(l3l- ,1 1 PAN V offer for sole Town Lots in the bor ouih of Osoeole, I'lcartleld county, Pa., and also Ms to suit purchasers outside uio ninns oi smu hrnn.h. Osceola ia situated on the Moshannon Cteik, in the richest portion of the county of ( i nrfli ld, on the line of Ihe Tyrone A Clearfield iistlroud. where the MoMhanuon and uoavorton bAneli roads Intersect. Il is also in the heart oi me Moshannon eoal basin, and large nouies oi wlilte pine hemlock, oak, and other timber sur round Il One of the largest lumb r menufeclur ihg establishment! In the State ie located In the town, while there are ninny other lumber ftnd shingle mills around It. The town is but se'en years old, and contains a population'of one thou sand inhabitants. .-Fnr further Information apply at tne omoe of the above company. J U II .11 liAWClllH, l:4:7l) General Superintendent. "TOTIC I Having purchased the Interest ol M J. A. Hlattenlierger, Esq., in the bu.lncse heretofore carried Oft under the firm name of J. A. Blatlenlierger A Co., the same will be ronduotcd hereafter under the nnmo of Moshannon Land and .umber Company, (Store.) . . 11. U. SlULLINGFtiHD. JOHN LAWH1IK, v25lf President. uenerai cup . Lime for Sale ! rpilR undersigned, residing nor the depot nas made complete arrangements with Lime llurnere east of tbo mountain, whereby he is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large quantity of V U It E L IMKI which he offers to farmers and builder! at ft trifle above cost. Those In need or the article woum uo well lo give me a call, or addrew me by letter, be- for. negotiating their lime .,.- Clearfield, P., June 9, 1MU. DAVY k HUNTS GREAT WESTERN BAZAAR, 1:100, 1.111. HIS. I 'l Mnrkol St., PHILADELPHIA. A I ways on hand a large assortment of Cnrrlagcs, Hnrncss, Ao. Falling and Shifting Top Bugglel from to Aim. Germantowns (shining lean) from . Ic fJIdO. Roohayrayl (leather trimmed) from to l:ij. Deitorns, No-Top Iluigles, Jnggcr and Businesa Wagons from o0 lo tl'ID. Single Har ness from t to 76 per eet. Double Harness from '.'0tol26. Blankets, Whips, Halters, Sheets, a i..i,.. mnA Mvarvihine ai.nertaiuing to the hn.lneaa at eauallv low nrieos. Our motto la ''Cheaper lltan the CboapesL" Give us a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. Fob. f-m. rpo IIOHKH-: OWM'.ltt.-F. F. Coutriet, X at Coutriet'l Store, Contrlet l Alius, or ai !.'. i.. in. miii l..,m Uin Ituiie and Boue rta- vlo for till, for one leg, er $16 for two legs. Will guarantee t eure er no pav. y 1 1. THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, noarly opposite the .tore of Weaver A Belts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whnro Dipt will eon tin up to lutiply their old nd m muij now uitomri-M inuj uome, wun rUHK DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedies,) Patent Medicinei, Paint! nnd Oili, Olasi and Putty, Sohool ilooks, Matlonery, raper, Ac.) also, a full line of Diug giits' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Article!, Brashes, Toilet toaps. Pocket Bonis, sc., an oi the best quality. TV RE WISES ASD LIQVOJtSA for medical A sacramental purpose, only. Pure While Load, Colon of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, varnlsnei, turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Extract!, Confectionerlei, Bird Seed, Splee, ground nd ungrounu, oi an aiuus. SMOKERS AND CUEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing ..! K,n..ltin Tohaeeo. Itnoorted and Do mestic Cirers. .Snuff and Fine-cut to be of the very best brand! in the mareet. LAMrS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. llavlne a lone exncrieooo In the business, and an extensive and well selected stock of mediclnee. we are enabled to nil Physicians' prescriptions al the shortest notice and an the moat reasonable terms, day and algal- IIARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Maj 11, 1871-tf. rTYaiT "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St, Paul. IIt. JMIYKll-H PURB UAEST BRANCH BITTERS. A lafe, pnre, pleasant and health giving Tonus V strictly vegetable, and manufactured from the molt pure and choiee materials le not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a lelentiflo compound, for the protection of the system ftnd the cure of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or ether Irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. A long private eiperl- enoe has attusted It! Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies'. No Bitten at rreeent offered to the public contains so much medicinal virtue, and yet so safe and pleasant to take. Its use is to cure disease, and It will not create an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will cure the effect! of dissipation. To lncreaae the Appetite, USE IT. To nromote pleestion, U8R IT. To cure Dyspepsia, USE IT. To cure Fever and Ague, USE IT. To cure Billiousnesi. USE IT. To euro Constipation, USE IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhoa, USE IT. To cure Heart bum, USB IT. To cure Flatulence, USE IT. To cure Auid Eructations, . . USE IT. To cure Netrous Debility, USE IT. To cure HVdoehondrle, USB IT. To cure Sallowncii of Completion, USE IT. To cure Pimiilei and Blotchea, USE IT, For Genoral Proitration of tho Physical powers, USE IT, an J it will cure you. Sold evervwhent. at II.00 Per bottle, Manu factured eicluslvcly by A. I. SUA W, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers liberal luduoeiuonta to the trade. Oct. 27, lS01l:tf. uu HI 111.1.9 OF TIMOTHY 8KKD 1UU and 100 bushels of CLOVKR t'KKU t..r aula at id. f!iirnnr Klore. Iiv R. A. W. P IRVIN Curwensville, fa., Fob. 14, 1ST J. 1.1 wry Htnble. milR nnderslirned bets leave to Inform the pnh. X Ho that he ll now fully prepared to accommo date all In the way of furnishing Horses, lliiKKio!, Baddies and Harness, on the ihortrst notice and on reasonable terms. Hrsidenee on Locust street, between Third and Fourth. UKO. W. OBARIIART. Ilearfleld, April 11, 1867. JSAAC JOUNSON k BONS, Uanufaoturers and Dealer! Ift Ilootn mid NHocmJ Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gallon, Men , lloys' and Women'! Heavy Voota, and Broganl, Ac, Ao, , Blore and shop en Bacond llred, nearly oppo. nre and shop c II. r. lligler A cue i. r. ingiur si vo. namware store. r.b. a, 1872-1. f LEAKflfilP, PA. ii LATEST MOVB1 5rj 5oo&s, Creairj, (tit. S r. WsUTIR... ,.W. W, ftlTTi, CLEARFIELD, TA., Are offering, at the old stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their itock of goods, oon.istlng ef DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, B00T3 A SHOES, HATS A CArS, HARDWARE, QUEKNSWAItE, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., t- I At the most reasonable rales for CASII or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jtair Advance! made to those engaged In get ting out iquare timber on the most advantageous terms, January 5, 1P70. . B. AftKOLD... ..W. COS! BAnTH0. "Cheaper lhau tfic Cheapest!" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES just aacaivaD ir Arnold A Ifnrtslioni, (One door well of First National Bank,) CUHvYF.XSVILLE, PA. nAVINQ just returned from the east with a complete assortment of Ooodl suitable for Spring and Enmmer trade, we are bow ready to furnish all kinds of Qoodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our customers for their Uboral patronage during the put year, we would molt respectfully ask for ft continuance of the same. Our Stock consist! of a complete assortment of Dry Qoodi, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Wlllowware, Oroceiiri, Boots t Shoei, Data A Capi, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ao. Alio, Flour, Bacon, Salt, Fish, Grain, etc All of which will hi sold on the most reason. able terms, and the highest maiket price paid for Oraln, Wool and all kinds of Lumber and Country Produca. TO-Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satlsfaetioft guaranteed as to price and quality. "S ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Thompson EtrccU, pr20 CURWENSVILLR, PA. , Il A C Ii IN ElHOPfcl GREAT EXCITEMENT FRENCHVILLE I IN The bloodv eon test between France and Prussia is at an end for the present, ao far ai Ihe eleugh- tering of men and the destruction of property il concerned. The Royal Juggler! no doubt pride themselves and rejoice over the result, hut how insigiiinoant is their work when compared with the humane and ouristian courts oi L. M. COUDRIET, who fan un.lertakeD to tnpplr til the cttiirm In tha lower end of the oounty with food ftnd raiment M f xoerdinjc low ratM from hii miimmotb in Ml'LhUMiUKU. whore he can lwayi be found retly to wait upon olten and uj'p'j them with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Bnoh Cli.dn, pRttnctti, rMimfrft. MuliD DoUinci, Linen, Itrillinfri, Calieoei, Trim mingi. Kibbone, Lc, RMdv-made Cloth. na, Doats and Short. llaU nnd Cpf all of the bait material and made to order Hole, dock, uiovee, muirnn, umevi, iuuuuui.o. GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Pupar, Rtr, Molanw, rith, Saltf Pork. Linseed Oil, Fiih Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qaeeniiware, Tinware, Caitinr, Plow and 1'low Caitinfrs, Naili, tptkei, Cora tori,Cidrr Prciif,auJ all kindi of Axei. Perfumery, PtlnU, Vamlch, GIbm, and a general Uetortment of istaiionery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand', alwari on hand, and will be old at the lowest poattuie ngurei. LIQUORS, inch at flraody, Wlnts, Gin, Wbliky, J ay net Medicine, iiosicuori ana llooflaud'a Bitterp. 6000 pound of Wool wanted for which the hichr't price will be paid. Clovenoed on band and for aale at the lowest market price. A Ino. Ajrent for Btrattonvitlc and Curweniville ThrcihinR Macninei. fc-o,rll and tee for 7 on reel ret. Ton will find everything usually kept in a retail atoae. L. M. COUDRIET Frencbville P. 0., March 1, W71. C UttWENSVILLE! SPRING & SUMMER, 1872 FAUST & GOODWIN Are now receiving. In addition to their fine etoek on hand, a fresh supply of NKW UOUDS from the test. A toll lino la DRY GOODS AND !KI.SS GOODS I Latest itvloi! DOLLY V AMIENS, TBl.MMINOS, LADIES' HATS, NOTIONS, STATIONERY, BOOTS ASD SHOES, DMHIS, PAINTS, OILS, Ac, HARDWARE, QVKKNS WARB, WOOD AND WILLOW WARK, Groceries, Bacon, S. C. ham, Fish halt, fr., if. Special attention ha, been given to our scloo tion ol Ladtos Dreei Good! and Trimminga. Having purchased ftt the very lowest cash prices, we arc prepared to offer Inducements to cash buyers, and we Invite all to call and ciam Ine before purchasing elsewhere. Oar thanks aro extended to enr oustomeri for their liberal pstronage In the peat, and we hope to meiu ft coniiunanoc, FAl'FT A 000DWIN. Curwensville, April il, 17J .Ira. lirANTI'.li -tno.two No. 1 J6 ineh 8havod IT flll.NULKH, for which the hiirliest market price will br paid. r. HALI.AU11KH Hotttrdale, t eb, !, Ie73 I v v SottU. nAW HOUSE, ' (Cor. of Market Pront streets,)' Ol.AAnrinui'i rm Thli magnificent Hotel ll entirely new, eemV plete Id all Hi appointment!, nd eonvenient Uf the Court House. A free Ouiulbui rum lo and in. il,. Dcnot on the arrival and departure sf each train. JnHrJ. K. O. C'LKMKhTo, April 10, Proprlelrest, WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASIIINUTOjf, PA, Thil new nd will furnished house has been taken by the undersigned. He feels eonfident of beiug able te render aatlsfaotlon to those who may favor him with a call. ' May 8, 1872. 0. V. DAVIS, Prop V. T)EVERE HOUSE, li BURNSIDE, PA. The subscriber having built anew Hotel, wills' all modern improvements', li prepared to reooivv guests, 'ino table will ne suopneu wun me vesv In the market the bar with tte chooloest linuors. Uood llahling attached. apM-iy A. ll. r.n, rropr, THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Sr., CLEARFIELD, Pa. TniS largo and commodious new hotel Knr beun onened for the acooinmodatlon of the" Kublie, where the proprietor will be glad te meet il old friends, and receive a share ef public pat ronage. DJ llrlot personal aneniiuu lo me ess tails of hii busineii, be hopes to he aide to render" satisfaction lo bis patrons. The TAB LB will -iv. I,, hountifullv sunulied with the beat that can be procured in the market, and the BAB . - ..... l t,..i!.d neve a. will eontaln ft lull since oi wHwveu, esuej are Uood itabling attached. - CASPER lEIPOLfcf, Clearfield, March 8, 18C9-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornor of Second and Market Streets, CLI.Anl'IKLI), PA. ri'nU old aid commodious Hotel has, durlag X the pait year, been enlarged te double lift former eapaoll for t strliament of atrars gen and guests. Thl whole building ha! been refurnished, and the proprietor will spare a paini to render hii guests oomfortable while staying with him. -The "Maniion Ilouse- Omnlhni mns I and from the Depot oft the arrival and departure of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, ftpro-70 tf Propriotoa. LEONARD HOUSE, Ncnr the Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, PEN N'A. ' This house is large, well furnished, and nearly new, and the Proprietor feels confident of render ing satisfaction to guests. K. B. Uood stabling connected with the hotel. o4-71 S. B. ROW, Proprietor. S' T. CHARLES HOTEL, (Oimorii R. R. Drrot.l CLEARFIELD. PEN N'A. The undersigned, having beoome proprietor of this house, il now ready lo entertain strangers' and travelers, and therefore lulieltl sojourners to give him a call. His Table will be supplied with the best the market affords, end til Bar will con lain the cboiceit of wines and liqnorl. Extensive itabling is'ettacbed.- Charges moderate. janlO'fJ JAMES McLAUOULIH, WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite the Court Bouse, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. Accommodations firit-claii and charges moderate; oett JOHN.F. TOTJNO, Proprietor. M ON TOUR HOUSE, Opposite the Court Uouse, LOCK IIAYEN, P E.NK'A, JcH'71 i HAUEEAL A KR0M, Propl ROCKERIIOI'P 110L814, BF.LLEFONTE, PA, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprletora. octJ57I A MEHICAJi HOUSE, Main Street, BH00KVILLK, PENN'A- SHANNON A BPRKETf, Proprietor., o tl A I LUO AD HOUSE, Main Street, PIIILIPHUUHU. PEN!? 'A. The nndervincd keepa constantly on band tha bert of Liquora. Hit table it alwitja auppliea with ihe bent the market effordi. The traveling public will do well to give him a call j)ovl,03. nuiiniu uuviv! SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 5 ClUtWENSVIl.LE, Clearfield eountv, Penn'ft, This old and well establilhed Hotel, beautifully situated on the banks of the Susqnehannft, In th. borough of Curwensville, has been leased lor term ol yi-ari by the undersigned. It baa been, entirely refitted, and il now open to the public generally and the traveling community In par ticular. No naini will be spared to render guest! comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stablina room for tho accommodation ol teams. Charges raodernte. BepU 28, l7-tr. tlil iiiav.w. ,oots nuil Allocs. DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS just received a One lot of French CALF SKINS, and is now prepared to manufeo- ture everything in hii line at the loweet ngurei. lie will warrant nil won to ne ft! reprssemeq, He respectfully solicits a call, at hii ihop on Market strett. second dror west of the postoBoe, where he will de all in his power to render satis faction. Some line Uaiter topi on hand. niy,'7-y DANIKL CONNbLLT. XEW LOOT AJD SHOE SHOP EDWARD MACK, Cor. MARKET A 3d Sti., CLEARFIELD, Pi THE proprldor has entered iota the BOOT SHOE business at the cbov. slaud, and is determined not to be outdone either ift qnftlo Ity or price for hii work. Special attention will be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. He haa on hand a large lot of Brench Kip and Calf Skins, of the very be si quality. The rlllw ens of Cleerleld and vicinity are respectful) Invited to give him ft trial, Bo charge Ipr call. novo.' o tf I1 ft $U5ffUUfOU. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTBY, fTMIK undersigned, having esUblished ft Koi I eerr on the 'Pike, about halfway betweeft Clearfield and Curwensville, is prepared to fur nish all kinds of UK I' IT THEKS, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vinsa, Gooacberriel, La. ton Ulackberry, Strawberry, and flasberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Tree!, guinea, and early soiriet Hnnbarn, l. uiuei, promptly attonded to. Addren, 4. II. VI KlUJIT cepIt-fiS-y Curwensville, P O. I, c, y eeriea, Queomware, Glastware, lniffi and Nutiopi, Conftotiouorief, Ao,, cheap for oaah. The luhanrtber befti laave lo in fine hit eld end, new euatomera thiU be baa opened A VARIETY ST0RH IN flLEN IlOrjI, PA, And will tell r odd at priori to tnlt the timet. A liberal reduction will ue made to euetomert buT ing ai wholenale. Call and eiamine mj itock before purebaitnj elaewhpre. A liberal aharo of pubhe palronage i tulicitod. O. J. KKAOY. Olen Hope, Pa., June H. lTI. JEW 8TOKE IN IIOUTZDAJEI P. GALLAOHKR having jnat rflnrnrj from the eaat with an entire new and eomplcte aiaort ment of Merrhandiae, anitable for Winter and Hjirinjr trado, which hat been aeleoted with (rreat eirt nnd boo fill I at low rate, it prepared to fur niih tbeeiiuetif of lloutidale and vioinilj wit gcuida at a very light advance on flrit coat foj nni, Coontr Prod nre and taken at markat prioe. Cah and aanmin my ttoek before iiurubaainf clit-whcre. 1 p. fuTsLAoiinn. M,.utidlc( Pa., Fib..', IS72 1