GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, antron 1 noriiio. CLKAKKIKL1), PA. WEDNESDAY HORNING, JULY IT, 1871. Democratic National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, HON. HORACE GREELEY, or aa ro. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, B. GRATZ BROWN, or nisyorat. Democratic State Ticket. FOR GOVERNOR, CHARLES It. BUCKALEW, OF COLOMIU COllSTT. FOR SUPREME Jl'DUF., JAMES THOMPSON. or III! COUXTT. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, WILLIAM HARTLEY, or aanroaa covktt. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT LARGE, IIENDRICK B. WRIQIIT, Lusern. county. RICHARD VAUX, Philadelphia. JAMES U. HOPKINS, Pittsburgh. Delegates at large to the Constitutional louveiuiou. Jeremiah 8. Black. York. Uwt. W. Woodward, Lmerne. William Blgler, Clearteld. Frank B. Uowan, Philadelphia. Robert A. Lamberton. llarrisburg. A. A. Purmao, Weynesburg. James Ellis, Pottsville. Oeorge M. Dallai, Philadelphia. John A. Campbell, Philadelphia. William L. Corbett, Clarion. William II. Smith, Allegheny. William J. Bacr, Somerset. B. C. T. Dodd, Franklia. Samuel II. Reynolds, Lancaster. ELECTORS. SMATOalAU Eeana Cowti, of Westmoreland. Uauaaa W. Siuan, of Franklin. airnisruTiTiva. dun Miami, of Erie. Joan 8. MlLLia, of Huntingdon. B. Uaoas Far, of Philadelphia. DiHneft. 1. Thomas J. Barger. 1. Btepk. D. Aaderioa. . Joha Moffat. 4. George R. BerrcIL . To be tiled. . Isaiah B. Houpt. T. Samuel A. Deer. . Jesse G. Hauler. . Hiram B. Bwarr. 1. It. Reilly. II. Joha Kunkle. 1!. Fred. W. Gnniter. IS. D. Lowenberg. 14. Jease McEnight. It. Hear Welsh. 1. Henry J. Stable. IT. R. W. Christy. 18. William F. Logan. 19. R. B. Brown. 10. F. M. Robinson. 11. J. R. Molten. 21. T. II. Stevwneoa. 1.1. Joha B. Hard. 24. George W. Miller. Democratic County Ticket. For Delegate to Conrtitntlonal Contention, W M. M. McC ULLOUGH, of ClearBeld, Subject to the aetioa of the Diitriot Conference. FOR ASSEMBLY, JOHN LA Wall E, of Osceola. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN I. THOMPSON, of Curweuavllle. (ror Hum ,., ) GILBERTS. TtlZKH, of Cheat Township ,ror one year.) FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, J AM EM H. HII.R, af Lnmber City. A Heavy Loss. Gillmore, tho pro jocter of the) great Boston Musical Jo Wee, ha jtint balanced his books nnd finds thnt his account Is "short" $150, J0O. No music in that, certainly. At Work Hon. A. K. McCluro, Chairman of the Liberal .Republican State Commitleo, lias issued a stirring address to the people of Pennsylva nia, lie handles rogues without gloves. Old Su nihj r y. Tlio ancient borough ofSunbarjelebratd Hi onehundreth auivorsary on the 4th. Just as at tikia place, a heavy shower took all tVie starch out of white dresses and pants and melted many sweet things. Fatal A r mat. On tho 26th of June, two men named McGowan and Tarker, citizens of Lock Haven, had quarrel, the former striking tho lat ter on the eye, producing gangrene erysipelas, causing the death of Purker on the 4th. McGowan Is undor ar rest. Tin Work Ukoum. On their re turn from tho Baltimore Convention, lion. Kdgar Cowan, Senator Wallace and Col. James K. Kerr, of Pittsburg, were detained at Uarrisburg for the fiurjioso of addressing a grand rutifl catiwi meeting, which they did as aaal, ably and eloquontly. We will gltie Mr. Wallace's speech in full neat week. Nominated. We notice that tho Democrats of Indiana county have nominated that storling Domocrat, J. M. Hartor, of Cherry tree borough, for Sheriff. This is dosorved com pliment to an honest, upright citizen, lie deeorves to be electod, but we pre sume ignoranco and superstition will a heretofore carry the day in that benighted and plundered county. Fun Ahead. It is staled upon fnrotty good authority thnt Ex Gov. Hurtin and Hon. E. O. Porrine, of 51 ow York, will addross tho people of ttlne oukBty bokiro tho October elec tion. Whoa tbrse culubralod stump speakers wore here bcioro, they nd dressed different mcclings. On this occasion they will "peak from tho same stand. Tho Winnebago Indians bad boiler pack their traps. Progressing. The rail road from Ijewiaburg, Uuion county, to Tyrone, Blair, county, it now all under con tract. The dialaneo from Tyrone to Iiewisburg is 80 miles, and from Clear field 127, by the new route, making the distance 25 miles shorter than by Jjock Haven and Wllliamaport. The Jirojjw iinme of Una road is the "Low. sba Centre and jSprnee Creek Kail road," nnd was originally designed to tap the Pennsylvania fail road at the alter place, but Tyrone haa literally jobbed Kpruco Creek of the honor and roni9 of Vhc depot or the now line, j The tjmestlbn BellleeJ. Tho Demooratlo National Conven tion assembled at Baltimore on tho 0th, and nominated Hon. Horace Greeley, of New York, for Tresidont, and B. Grata Brown, of Missouri, (now Gov ornor of that State), for Vlco President. This to as, personally, is a "bitter pill," but boing a disciplinarian, and the proceedings of tho Convention bo ing harmonious and honorablo, we ac cept "the situation," with tho hopo of electing our noblo standard boarora In Octobor. Suvo tho States, and tho General Government will not bo long in the hands of froobooters and corrup tion rings. Domocrulio Governors and Dcmocratio Legislators in threo foiirths of the Statos, will soon re-establish the grand ok' diielrines of our party evorywhoro throughout the Union. Giro the "Old Union Savers" the Stutes, and it will not bo long un til America will be free, and the Con stitution respected and restored. Personal opinions und ambition, tntiHt bo given up for the common good, und parilzans give pluco to Patriots, so that Blatosmon can bo put into tho positions now filled by demagogues and corruptionisls. Tho question presented to our road ors is a plain one t Greoloy, or Grant.' In voting for the furtnor, wo vote for a man of acknowledged ability and unimpoachable integrity, whilo tho poor thing now bathing, smoking, drinking and uorscriicing nt Liong Branch, New Jersey, poiesses nollher trait. Intellectually and morally Mr Grocley is as high above Gen. Grant the stars are abovo tbo earth. Horace Greeley will bo tho next Pres ident, strange as it may scorn to many. The singular unaminity by which Mr. Greeley was nominntod is very strik ing. No section can boast over an other, because all seemed to act from patriotic motives. The opposition was the most insignificant, in numbers, ever offered against any nominee. The first ballot resulted as follow. noraee GreeleT of New York Mil Jamee A. BeTerd of Delaware. It Jeremiah 8. Black of Pennsylvania 11 '. 8. U roe. beck or Ohio I Blank ' For Vice President thore was slill more unanimity : Brown, 713 Ste venson, 6: Blank, 13. Tho vote by States was as follows : Smth. Hormf Oppo. 67resr. eifiea. Alabama , Arkaoaaaa California. Coaneotieutw 20 It 11 11 "i IS 41 HI) 21 IV 14 18 14 IS 2 21 10 IS so s 10 To la 44 t SI s 14 14 IS IS 11 s Delaware.. Florida. , Georgia. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa.. ... Kanf K unlucky........... Louisiana. ........ Maine. Mar; land. Maj.acau.eua.... Michigan Minneeola..... Mississippi Nebraska.. Nevada. New Hampshire.. New Jersey.. New York North Carolina... Missouri Ohio- , Oregon.. Pennsylvania...... Rhode Island South Carolina..., Tennessee Teiai Vermont.. .MH Virginia , West Virginia...., 1 Total . Ms Of the voles for tho opposition) Pennsylvania cast 21 for Jeremiah S. Black, Now Jersey 9 nnd Dclawaro 6 for James A. Bayard, and West Vir ginia 2 for William S. Groosbock. Thoro were 8 blanks Pennsylvania 2, Georgia 4, and Florida 2. Tbo voto of Pennsylvania, 63 in numbor, was divided 85 for Grooloy, 21 for J udgo Black, and 2 blank. The blank votes were Messrs. Casbiday and Roilly, of Philadelphia. Tho voles for Judtje Black wore Messrs. Wallace, of Clearfield; Mack- ey, of Clinton ; Smith, of Lancaster; Boyer and Acker, of Montgomery; Brinlon and Monaghan, of Chester; Got-and Boyor, of Borks; Albright, of Lehigh ; Armstrong, of Dclawaro Loisonring.of Northumberland ; Play- ford, of Fayette; Latta, of Wosttnore land; Bstiey, of Allegheny : Carrigan, McMullcn, Ladner and Fox, of Phila delphia; Wilson, of Dauphin, and Yorkes. of Berks. All the remninder of tho dolegalion namely : Messrs. Cass, Barr, Camp bell, and Winston.of Allegheny; Ran dall, Josephs, Piorco, Locch, and Lex, of Philadelphia; Collins, of Cambria; Wilson, of Beaver, Carpontor and Crano, of Lancaster; Handiill, of Schuylkill; Gloningor, of Lebanon; Case, of Monroe; Paulli, of Northamp ton ; Lamberton and Brundage, of Lu aorne ; Piolott, of Bradford ; Piatt, of Wyoming ; Creswell, of Cumberland ; Dunbar, of Perry; Duncan, of Frank- lin; Cofiroth, of Somerset; Burns, of Mifflni Spccr, of Huntingdon; Perks, of Centre; Elliott, of Tioga; Hutch- ineon, of Krlo ; Krolz, of Elk ; Ticrco, of Mcrcor; Husson, of Vonnngo ; Buchanan, of Greono, and Clendonin, of Lawronco ; thirty five in Dumber voted for Mr. Greeley. Dkad. David Paul Brown, an eml" nont Philadelphia lawyer, diod in that city on the 10th Inst., aged 78 year. He continued, until quite a recent period, tho professional labors in which he had boon engaged tor more than half a century. A brilliant ora tor, with fine and variod powers, he was distinguished in ovory sphore he entered. As a lecturer, a publio speakor, a dramatic poet,' as woll as an advocate, he onjoyod groat and do served celebrity. Not Through Yet. The County Auditors of Indiana county, who have been settling over since the 21st of January, adjourned on the fid insl., to moot again on the ISXh of August. We wonder whothor tiioy will find the stolen bonds. What doypakjiow about (1, Sanoom r The 11tr$orKx-Hrtrelarv irrllt. Hon. Gidoon Wells, of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy under Mr. Lin coin, haa wrltton a lottor defining bis position on the Presidential question. Like our humble self, he was a good deal disappointed with tbo result of the Cincinnati Convention. Mr. Wells says: It would hava been difficult to hava found a more disagreeable, objectionable eandnto to three fuurtlis of the men who must vote fur him, if he Is to be clrotei. than Horace Groeloi. But. while I have for a lifetime been oposrd to (Irerley on most subjects, I think him Infinitely preferable to II rant. The question Is not a personal one, and ought not to be so oonsidored. The Republican pane haa performed Its mission. Its organisation Is kept up and prolonged, not to promote essential nrtnel plee, not for the Interest of the oountry, tiut to subserve the selfish purpose of a few Individuals who have their own ends to acoompllsh. Under these elreumstauoes aehnngo of administration is absolutely necessary. We mnst get rid of Great, urauusm ana ine neteiui policy wbica lor several years haa been pursaed, or oar federative system of the United Hlalee will be entirely subverted. Let the government baoome consolidated, and dis ruplion will soon follow. Wo shall be brokea up into seotions and warring factions. Grant has evidently ao eomnrehonslon of our governmental system, nor does he on re much fur it. To oom mand aud obey are his Ideas of government. He knows nothing of eonsltutional restraint. The place he ocouptcs he considers his right, a per quisite he has earned. We must get rid of -his man ana nit evil surroundings, ureeley Is not the man I would liaro selected, but bit election would be an advance, an improvement on the present state or inings. A orooaea sues use oc made available to beat a mad dor. It Is nccrsssry that wo should dismiss minor differences and conoentrate on one candidate. ' If wa cannot hare our first oholce Ictus have tho best we can get. ir we can eleot a new Chief Magis trate we oan eleot a new and better Congress, and we shall rescue the government from unconstitu tional hands and Irons military rule. Borne of tae ostretne and impracticable free traders, as they call thomeelvee, propose a new ticket. This. if it can do anything, will aid II rant and enlsttng evils. Why talk of free trade and revenue while the government itself It In peril t I am for rescu ing the government and preserving free institu tions before contending on mere matU'rt of ex pediency. Urent baa not a single quahOoatloa ror Chief Magistrate. Ureeley has some. Grant hat tome vulgar cunning and is extremely selfish and avaricious t Greeley hat intellect and a-ener- oat and patriotio Instincts. If he It elected be will have a new and different Congre.a, and all Presidents aro more or less influenced by their irienas. This extract covers the whole ground, and are just the sontiments which should spring from every Patriol,who loves his counlry as dourly as be doos his own offspring. How truthful the remark : " Vhy talk of free trade and revenue while the Government itself it in perilV Save tho Nation first, and debuto the policy quostion afterwards. Again : What would be said about two parents who could stand and do- bato about the kind and style of cloth ing their boys should wear, or the profession thoy should adopt, while the boys wore at the bottom of a woll drowning? Had they net bettor res cuo the boys first; and debate tho clothing mattor afterwards? We say, strain every nerve to got a statesman into tho Presidential chair, and thon arrango tho policy of tho country af terwards. Every freoman should labor to re move Ihoblochoad and his robber ring who have rnado merchandize out of everything they como in contact with, and turned the Whito House and the Cupitai into brokers, rooms for tho sale of officos, and tho publio lands for their own use and behoof, and if not turned out will sell and betray the Nation into the hands of somo Despot, as so much merchandize. Voto for "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." Savo your Liberties; and it will be an easy matter to protect your parson and property ,and regulate Pres idents, Governors, Congress and State Legislatures. County Commissioner. Tho death of Mr. Buck having created a vacancy in the Commissioners' offico, it be came the duty of tho County Com mittoo to nominite a candidate to be voted for this full, who will bold the office for ono year. We understand that the Chairman of tho Commitleo, Mr.' Krobs, vory properly addressed a letter to Mr. G. S. Tozer, inquiring whether he would accept the nomination for ono yonr, if tendered by the Committee ; and that he bas answered in the affirmative. This we prosume will sotllo tho ques tion, and Mr. Tozer will be tho nonil nco, and will bo electod this fall for one year. Having run next to Judge Thompson, nt the primary election, it was simple jtistico in tho Committee to tender him the nomination. Tho tickets for Commissioner will be print ed, viz t John D. Thompson, 8 years . Oilbert S. Tozor, 1 yonr. This wo bcliove is tho first timo since tho or ganization of tho county that a va. cancy has occurred in this offico, ex cept in 1803, by the death of Mr. Mcrrcll, who died several months previous to tho expiration of his term. Astonished. Woodchopper Groo- ley made a pop visit to Boston on tho 4lh, and on bis return home stopped ofT nt Newport, where the fushionablo and snobby people are now assombled to wash themselves. A Bohemian informs tbo publio thnt upon loarning that tho next President was approach. Ing Newport, all rushed to the dopot, to seo him. Whon tho train stoppod, tho Chappnqua farmer stopped to tho baggugo car, claiming somo baggago, and picking up an old scabby vnliso, proccodod with a friend to tho hotel, currying his own lnggngo, to tho as- lonishmcnt of all tho snobs present. Tbo iviua of a man carrying his own baggago is vory humiliating to Now- port patrons, and to many who never saw Newport. -a as OniTUAnr. Hon. Win. Parsons, ono of Lock Haven's most esteemed and publio spirited citizons, and woll known to many of our citizons, diod In that city on tho 30th of Juno, agod 00 years. Loss than two months ago we enjoyod a pleasant chat with him while passing over tho railroad from Tyrone to Pittsburg, in the enjoy inont of excellent health. Goorgo Livingston, an old and worthy citizen of Bollofonle, diod on the 29th, aged 69 years. He was en gaged in the book and stationery bu siness In that borough for many years. Tin Amiress. On or first page will be found tho address of tho Dom ocratio State CotnnuHoe, which wo hope will fc universally road. Christian Liars If tho Dovil loves ono abovo anothor, it is tho professing Christian who betrays his Saviour and libols bis neighbor, Tho editors of the Harrisburg Telegraph, Bcllofonto Re publican, and Bailsman's Journal, are loud profossing Christians(f) Tho following libel upon Mr. Hartloy, tho Democratic nominee for Auditor Gen. oral, they havo bocn re tiding for somo timo through tho columns of their re spective papers t "Harlly, the Democratic nominee for Auditor General, was so bilter a copperhead during the war, that he left the Methodist church becauM tbo minister prayed that suoeeis might crown the Union arms, and the Government bo preserved from dissolution." Tho Bloody Run Press, published at tho home of Mr. Hartley, manfully da fends him against the assaults of these Christian editors, as follows : "In regard to the church diflerearei, though Mr. Hartley was positive In his views, vet henev. er engendered strife. He was actually driven from the church of bis eholoe by the persecutions of that fanotical scapegrace and hypoorltloal dema gogue, K. W. Kirby, at that time pastor in ehsrge of the Bedford congregation. The cbar,es of the Jimrnnl reftTred tu, are anfslr, and we consider it our duty to refute them. Our aim is to elect lion. Allen, Auditor-Urnral, but we cannot see what is to be gained la that direction by villlfying and traducing bis opponent " So much for tho Slanderers. Now as to Kit by. Our readers aro no doubt awaro that ho was expelled from tho ministry, at tho Isst session of tho Conferonoo, at Lock llavon, for oom milting adultery with a sister of Irfs congregation, nftor he was convicted of the crimo in the Court of Franklin county. Thore roador, you have an outline of tho character of Mr. Hartley and Rov. Kirby. That of the formor is estalished by his opponent, while the formor is condemned by the Court and tho Church, and is now in exile, a dis grace to mankind, and will romnln so; unless tho Chrislian(l) editors in ques tion can reconstruct him. Grant ed itors should bo the last men to assail any ono. Accidental Loss The Standard says: A counlry cousin who often visits Williamport, went to a house for "lady boarders," in this vicinity, on Monday evening, and came away minus (520, which ho could not account for. A strict search of tho house af terwards succeded in showing that the money had been spiritually transferred from bis pocket to a lodging place be tween the back of a bureau and the wall in the tho room of ono of tho aforesaid "lady boarders." . No arrests. Weld Said Col. McCIure makes this practical point on his old party friends : The Democrats of New York having overthrown thoir corrupt Tammany ring, it now becomes tho duly of Pennsylvania to overthrow the corrupt Cameron ring, which is not only robbing the city of Philadcl phia, but the Slate and the nation. Tammany was only guilty of petty larcony, but tho Cameronians are guilty of grand larcony, and must bo overthrown. ' Congress. The G run tiles of Erio county have nominated Carloton B. Curtis for Congress in this district. At be is a Warren county man, be will no donbt receive tbe nomination of the "bread and butter brigado," provided : Scofiold says so. Just twenty years ago, we assisted to nominate him at Brookvillo, fur the same position, but we cannot as sist him this timo. Ho keeps bad company. The Testimony ofhla otrii llouie hotU. Tho F.aston Argus soys, Censure from a friend is very likely to be do served ; and it goes to the bono. Well for hint who cun afford to take it in f;ood pnrt. Thon, it is liko bitter lorbs disagreeable to lako,but whole some in its ctfect. Il is medicine which Gon. Grant cannot eiuluro. Hodoosn't tnko bis bitters in that way. Yet somo of the tersest nnd some of the most searching characterizations of (.rant, as a inagistrulo and a man, have been uttered by thoso who were, or had been, his near friends. Thoy know him woll. ''He is not fit to govern this coun try," were Stanton's dying words. "Grant has no more capability than a borso," says fighting Jce Hooker. "He Is a bad man and unfit for the Presidential office," says Senator Sum ner. "Thoro are sixtocn woighty reasons why Grant should novcrbo President," wroto Colfax in 1808. "Ho bas no more soul than a doir," said Bon Butler, less than a year ago. ill. t- . ..... 111 L . 1 ,! aio in nut, uuiiirunuu vy me eoneii. lutionnl law, but by political rings" said Trumbull. "I can have no more to do with such a man, says Alexander I. Stewart. "His San Domingo business stamps him ns a first-class conspirator," says Gov. Palmor. "Ho Is a man without sufficient knowledge to proside ovor a caucus," said Lognn in 1808." "Ho is making money out of his po sition, and that's nil ho cares about it," said Senator Carpenter to a Herald correspondent. ' A Good Name. Thomns JolTorson Batidolph, of Virginia, the late tem porary Cb airman of tho Baltimore Convention, is a grandson of Thomas JofTerson and a blood relation of John Jtnndolph. Ho is a vory old man, boing nearly eighty years of ngo, but Is still in the possession of all his fac ulties unimpaired. Ho is over six feot in flight, of strong, robust framo, the perfect typo of an old Virginia gonllomnn. Ho was tho fuvoiiio grandson of Mr. JofTerson, and, was left his executor nnd given the control of all his publio and private napors, and ho has published, since Mr. Jelf orson's death, over bis own namo, four volumes of his works. He re aide some tea) failes froas Charlottes, villa, in Albeitasvi-ta Cawnty, Virginia, in one of the loveliest spots ia tho Albomarlo Valley, and, although ho is straitoncd in circumstances, still lives in one of tho finest ootintry rosidotvecs in that valley, and possessos ond of tho finest places in Virginia. Uo has been much ia State p oJokal life, but bas never scoentod any uoaition out of State ltulLLios. He it a man of bright iUJeut, atuljovos the ntiint of rwwnenioi ins nome more man Ine strong field of public life. On Thetr Jtluiele. The attempt of tho Cameron King to squelch tho Independent ltepub lican press who refusos to wear tho clan collar, has put thoso journals on thoir moltlo, and they are dealing boavy blows, which thoir assailants vainly endeavor to parry. Tbo Scran ton Jleimblican counters on the Mi ner's Journal In this stylo : . We do not euro a feather's -weight what any paper that woant tho ring collar says about tbo Republican. Whut wo do regret is that tho good name of the Republican party is con tinually being disgusiod by such pa pers as the Miner s Journal. If thoro Is a scamp in tho party who betrays tho cottfidonco reposed in him the Journal cries: "Don't say anything about ill" If a thief in office robs the people, the Journal editor whiripors Hush!". When political scoundrels aro exposed, and thoir punishment de manded, tho Journal pleads for thorn, and trios to cover up thoir rascalities. Whon a political ring of unscrupulous office seekers and party leeches lack a convention and oulrugo two-thirds of tbe honest votes of the party in the Stato, the Journal bows tho knoo ol tho sycophant and moeltly exclaims: "It is bolter sol" It is no wondor thnt swindlers llko Geo. O. Kvanb, nnd corrupt and un faithful officials, like Mackef, can flourish when journals claiming to be sound in the Republican tuitli, like our I'oUvillo co temporary, fly to thoir de fence when tbo more honest and in dependent newspapers of Ibo parly ex pose thorn. it is such as the Miner's Journal that brings disgrace on our honored organization; it is they make it pos sible for rings to rule, and destroy tho confidence of tho peoplo or tho party. We heartily dospiso a ring politician, but wo despise a truculent ring organ like the Miner's Journal ton-told more intensely. In a New Koi.k Tho Itov.ox Sona tor Harlan, upon bis reliracy from publio honors, in obedience to tbe fiat ot his lows constituonts, is to assume tbe place of chiof oigan grindor of tho Orant administration, having pur chased tbe ono half inlrost of John M. Morris, in the Washington' Chronical, which is to bo brought into closer re- lations with the Administration. No better man could bo selected for tho place. Jamet Harlan Is a bright and shining example ofGranlism. Fif teen years ago he wat a Methodist circuit-ruler in Iowa, with an annual salary of loss than five bundrod dol lars. He was then elocted to tbe U. S. Senate, where be has remained ever since, with the exception of the brier period he ocupted a soat in Jt'ros idont Lincoln's Cubinont. During that time bis salary has been 15,000 a your whon Hen a tor, and 19,000 when Secretary of tho Interior. Yet by the exercise of industry and economy ho has managed to live at '.he rate of (30,000 or (40,000 a year, and at the same time accumulate a lortuneto reach into tho millions. Hurlan is tho propor organ-grindor'for Grant. ile knows how it U tiimsell. L,ancas ter Intelligencer. Births, Marriages and Deaths. At tbo convention of the Pennsylvania Stale Medical .Society held at Frank lin, Pa., June 12, a report was adopted, covering the uratv ot a bill to be sub- mitted to the Lee-ialature, providing that in futuro it shall be' tbo duly of ine assessor oi the various wards, bor oughs and townships to return each year to tbe commissioners of tbo coun ty the number of births, marriages and deaths. Those reports are to om- brace in tbe case of birth full namo of the father, name of other members of tbe family, name of mother previous to marriage, and placo ot birth eto And of marriage and deaths similar information and statistics aro to be obtained. Starvation Clerks. An editorial in tbo Now York Tribune states that "one of tho largest merchants in Philadelphia, a man etninant lit all benevolent enterprises and Young Men's Christian Association, refuses to pay his assistant bookkeepers more than S3 per week, asserting that ho turns away applicants daily who would bo glad to tako that priuo, and that any boy who for the sake of gent ility, prefers to starve keeping books, when be could earn five limes the am ount as a journeyman mechanic, it a fool." $ru flvfrtisniudts. QRAND CONCERT, TO MB GIN' EN AT THE COURT HOUSE, IX ii.i: iitrii;i,i, . ox FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19th, 1872, r ! BT TIIK Clearfield Orchestra. AU arc cordially invited to be , Present. ,TR A Ye Came IreupMiing on tb prrmiirt i of thu labtcr (tier, In La wren no townAin, on tlx Id dj of Julys I (173, one buy Maro, mp poped to b about four yn old. Tho ownor li n-qarited to ooma forward, pruvt property, pajr el.arrefl and tnkt hr away, or iho will b dis puted of aooording to law. i ni r.n fflcufiunuDi Clearfield, July 17, WJ. -.It. 191 Til B COURT Ol' COMMON PLEAS of Clearfield County, Pa. illiam Canon ) No. VI, Juno Term. 1873. V H nn ni.h Canon ) Rutipfrna tur dlrnrre. Not loo la hereby liven to Hannah Carnu, ro- pnndent In the aboro oaae, to be and appear at ilia next Court of Cninmoo J'leat, to be belt! at Clearfield, on tho 4th UomUv f Kept ember next, to annwer to tho ni I e miphitnt. 1 I aj'l I VI f TT W Dl 1ST July 17, 1S;J..M. VPMlNIftTRATOK'M NOTICIV.Vntlco ! hereby ciTenthat let tern of adtnlnintretlnn on tho oeuto of JOHN llLOOM, Hr., deeofd. late or l'lke townnhlp, Cloarleld Bounty, 1'enna., having been duly (ranted to the underpinned, all prrwai Indebted to laid eeUU will pleaee nake pturmont, and thee having olalnta or demanda It .1 I I .1 a.. I a... a Win 'i mwm ihih jiruimnj aiiinrniirmm i"r rn- tlemenU UKOHtlK III.OOM, jese IT, lJI.-6t Administrator. I V) II DARtlAIN. A House and 4 Il la Wallaeetun, with Household (loads, ready for oonnnaney. Lot lodsAOl dwelling aew and eonfortablet gardee made. A,plj to or ad dress, Mrs. I,. Tl UNKR, JylT-Ht Wallaoeton, Pa. (Al'TIO N. A II persons are hereby eautloned J against herhorine; or trusting aijr wife, TIIKKKHNA 1.AIII.K, en my eromint, as she taring left my bed and hoard altho.t Just eauas or preeoeation, 1 will pay no dclita of ber eoa tracing. (1KUKUB LAOLK. l learfleld, Jul; 17, 1S7I.-;U POLITICAL CAMPAIGN UK iMI'i. S CHANT At WILHOH. Greeley & Brown CAMPAIQN C A 1 H , Capos and Torches, TRANttPARHNCIi: IIANNKHH. With Portraits or ane devie. fur all parties. Silk, Hunting aod Muslin Flags of all slaes on hand or made to ordor. Chiuese Lanterns of all sisei and styles i Paper Balloons. Pira Works, Ae. Campaign Clubs fitted out at the lewest rates at WM. F. SC11EIULE'3 CAMPAION DEPOT, it South Third Street, Philadelphia. JjlT 8ta aaas roa ci act La a. gACKETT A SCIIRYVER, naiLtu IB SHELF HARDWARE, ud manulWuren of Tln,Copper& Sheet Iron Ware, Bcoood Street, CLEARI'IBLD. PA. Carpenter! and Builder will do well to exam ine our nock or BUILDING HARDWARE & TOOLS DISTOV'S B A WH Dillon's Crosscut, Hand, Kip, Tenant and Oeut s Hawa. BOYNTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS. Smooth Planee, Mteh Planes, Jftk PUne. lMurabi k Level-, For Pianos. Steel Squarea, Jointcra, Ao., te. Firmer and Framing CMiel. Corner Chieeli, Carpenter tSllrka, llraoea and imU, iluriiig Machine, Ao. Grimktoncs and Grind ft one. Fixtures, PCYTHK, SHOVELS, Snatui, lit i, Hay Hakea, Hpale. Garden Hakri, Fork, Ao , Ae. Philadelphia Carriage BolU, Kail road L an term, Wooden Ware, Ad. A lino aaiurtiaent of rOCKET A TABLE CUTI.EKY. STOVES ! STOVES ! The Time Cook, the beat to the market; alto, the Monarch, Ilelianee, aud N'o. 10 Iron Sidei; Kejaer't INirUblo Hester, and Heating, Parlor and Hal. B to Tea. Hoof in ft. Snouting and Job Work done on reasonable tcrtva. All urdert will receive prompt attentma. iuijt a, m.z. flOH MATH 1 HKAi. Oao two-eetd l1 CAlUlIAtilC. Inquire f jci V. U. MVLIXO. Clearfield. )KOPOSKD AMENDMENT TO TUB Constitution or IVnnsjIvaitla. JOINT P.KSOLCTION Proposing aa amen linent to the Conititutlon of rer 071 rani a. B ft rfoftvti hjf f Stmnle mn4 ' of fltprt eufnltees of the Vommontomlth of 'eMeaeraiviat in titmtmt Amb'y awl. That tbe fulluwint; amend ment of tbe Cotiatitutlon of thia Cnmmunweallb be iiropoied to tho people fur their adoption or rejeettuo. pureuani to me prmiaione ol tbe ten lb article thereof, 10 wit: AMENDMENT Strike out the ilith tertloa of the etxth art idle of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof tae following. "A etate Treasurer shall beeboeea by the qualified electors of tho State, at sorb times and lur each term of fervie as shall he proscribed bylaw." WILLIAM KLLltjTT, Speaker of the H nnae of Rep reeen tali ret, JAM Kri 8. KITAN, Speaker of the Senate. ArrnoranTho twentr-eroond Amy ot Uaroh. Anno liomini one thousand eight hundred and serenty two. JNO. W. UKAHY. Prepared and certified for pablieatioa pursuant to ine icnta Article or tne 1 onatttution. FRANt'Id JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office See ret ry of tho Commonwealth. I llarriaburg, June 30th. 171. 1 3m II ATS Si CATS! BOOTS & S1IOESI GENT'S FURN1S1IIS6 GOODS 1 Call at I. K YE It FLKH A VS new Slnro, opposite Ki'troTernor UigleT rosidenne, on reennd street, Clearfield, Pa., and exam i no bis line stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, I'urnUhliijf Goods, Ac, Of whleh he ii eonstantly reoelrlng a large asinrt ment of tbe very latest and best styles, which he will diflnoee of at astonishingly low prices. LAKIKM, I have on hand a large and well selected stock of those celebrated hand-sewed MOROCCO and LASTING QAITKR8, which I oan safely recommend to be the best in the mar ket. Call and examine thera. (.f.nt's Fchnihhino Goods. GRNTLKMKN, y stock of Furnishing Goods is eomplete. I hare all the nereides in Sesrfs, Ties, Crarats, Ilamlkerehlefa, Underwear, Sus penders, Collars, tl lores. Hosiery, Ao., together with a eomplete assortment or n bite and Cloth Shirts. I hare oa hand a Urge and well selected stock of Hats and Caps of the very latest styles. Also, Iron as, altars, Kail road Jfags, I m brail as. Canes, and many other articles, both useful and ornamental, which will he sold at fair rates. JN6rThe eitisens ol Clearfield and vioinity are respectfully tneiled toeall and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield, Pa., May 11, 1H71. (1 ELLINti OFK AT COITI run V A D 111 The largest stock af FlTItNITUltE crer offered In CLEARFIELD I At the KTKAM CABINET Snnp.eorner Market and Fiflh Streets, CLKAHr 1KLU, I'A. The anderslsned weald nnnnnnee to the nahlle that he haa on hand and Is now offering ehenp for eash, the largest stork of Furniture ever in store ia this count, ennsliting of t'pholstercd Tartar Bulla, Chamber Setts, Kitensioa Tables, Secretaries, Rook Cases, Dedateadl, .Pprinf Deds and Mattressra, Lounges and llrnchre, l'lsin A Marble Top Tables A Bureaus, Washstands, Cars Beat and Common Chairs, Rocking Chain, Looking Olanea, Window Bhadcs, Plctars Frames, Cords and Tassels, Ao. He also manufacturer and keens oa hand Pat ent Hpring Beils, tbe test ever Inrented. No famll, should o. Wlinoai laeen. nay aiaa m goods not on hand oan be had on short notiee, I'pholstering and repairing neatljr ueonled. COFFINS, of all alses, eaa b. had un a half. hoars' notice, and at the lowest prises. A dedao. tton of Sa per eent. made for eash. METALLIC CASKS, or Rosewood. and Cherr; Collins, with glass or wood lops, furnished on nr. hours' notice. Persona attendane. with hearee. on fnneral ooeaslons, and oarriagrs Cymlshed whea desired. Thanking th. puMie fnr past farora, and he strict personal aAentton to businesif 1 hop. t receive a auutlnuanc of the sama. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet Hbop, aorner of Market and Fifth 8treota. March It, 711. DANIEL BENDER. ray W.eaPttV' Clearfield Counly Bank. rpilg Clesideld Counte Dank as aa laeorpora JL ted Institution haa gout out of existence be the surrenderor Its .barter, oa May 1), loat, All Its stock Is owned bjr th. snbseribers, who will continue lira Ranking business at th. same place, a. riirate Bankers, under the tru name of the "ClearBeld Counte Bank." We ar. re sponsible for lb. debts ol the Bank, and will pay its notes on demand at lb. eounter. Deposits recelred and Interest paid whea money Is left for a lied lime. Paper discounted at sli per eent, as heretofore. Our personal reiponiibllilj is pledged for all Deposits reoclred end business trans icted. A conuouanc. or tne tinerai put ronsae of the business men of the eounle Is r. spectlully solicited. As President, Cashlsr and oncers of tre late Clears. Id County Bank, we require lb. eotes of laid liana to a. presented for redemption. JA8. T. LEONARD, RICHARD RTIAW, WM. PORTKR, J AS. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIOHT, O. L. REKD, WM. A. WALLACE. 'The business of the Bank will be conducted by Joha M- Adams., Esq., as Cashier. ll-l 71 County National Bank, OE CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Building, one door north ol C. li. Watson's Drug HI, .re. Passage Tickets to and from Liverpool, Queen. town, fllasgow, Londun, Paris and Copenhagen. Alto, Drufu for sole on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pres't. W. M. FIIAYV, Cashirr. ll:l:7 J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McCIRK & PERKS. Successors to Foster, Perks, t Co., Phtllpsburf, Centre County, Pa. WilKUK all the business of a Banking Ilonsi wil oe transacted proinplly aud upon tht most faroraole terms. tnarT-tf Clienp I'll mi In re. JOHN GULICII rvESIRES to Inform kls old friends and ens- J turners, that baring enlarged his shop and Inoreaeed his facilities for aianutaeturing, be Is bow prepared to mak. to order such Furniture as may be desired, la good sty Is and at cheap rate, for CA81I. lie generally has .a band, at fair Furniture rooms, a Tart.d assortment of ready, made furaitar., among which ar. BUREAUS. AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobesand Book-Cases; Centre, Bofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining eitession Tables Com moo. French-post, Cottage,Jenny-Llnd and othst Bedsteads Sofas of all kinds, Work-stands, Hat-racks, Wash-stands i Rocking and Arm Chairs t spring-seat. eaa. .bottom, parlor, .oav moa aod other Cbatre i Loukiog-Qlaaees f .Tor deerriptioa .a band i aad new (leases for old framee, which will b. put la .a eery reasanable terms oa shortest ootloe. He also keeps oa hand or furnlehe. to order, Cora-Busk, llalr aad Cut- tea-top Metlr eases. Coffiii of Evert Kind Mad. to order, and funerals atteeded with a Hears. when.T.r desired. Alio, House Painting don. to order. Th. subscriber also mauufae tures, and bat constantly .a haad, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, lha best now ia as. I Those using this machine never need b with out clean elothesl He also haa Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using ibis Churn never need a. wtinout nutter I All tbe abor. and many other articles ar, for nished to eustomers eheap for Casb orezchanged for approved country produce. Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Licwood aod otser Lnmber suitabl. for Cabinet work, taken la nchang. ror lurnitn'. Mr Remember the shop Is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and aoarly opposite tbe "Old Jew Stern." JUlin Ul'Mlli. November It, 1863 j READING FOR ALL I J BOOKS & ST A TIOSER Y. Market fit., t leal field, (at the Poet Office.) fMIK undersigned begs leave to announce t. X th. eitisens of ClearAeld and vicinity, that he he. fitted up a rom aad bas Just returned from tb. ally with a large amount. f reading matter, routining in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Decks of .very de ecriptioa Paper aad Envelopes, French pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils Blank, Legal Pperc, Deeds, liortgegeef Judgment, Eiemp tioa aad Promiamry notes I White aad Parch; mem Brier, Lfal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Muaia for either Piano, Flat, ar Violin eonatantly an hand. Any bocks or stationery desired thai I may ant have oa hand, will be or- rder.d by first eipress, and sold at wholesale er retail to suit eustomers. I will also keep periodical liberator., snob as Magaslnes, New.. papere, Ae. p. A. tiALLlN Clearfield May T, ISOS tl DAVID YOUNG, Slono-Cutler nnd Stone-Mason, WILL .cut. all work la his line at mod .rat. prices and In FIRST-CLASS style Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Eton. Dressing of .very description, and all kinds of mason work eoa traeted for la oroatof the eonnty. Any persorv wtsning to neve respectable mason work and stone-cutting don., will find il to their Interest to eall upon me I would air. Inform the pub lic tbet I can deliver any quantity or .last cl ston. desired, as I am tbe owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Orders for work eaa be addressed to DAVID iOCNO, marii.TO Clrarfield Pa. The Lightning Tamer. THE undersigned ar, the sole Agents in this oo.ntr for the "North American Oaleanised LltlHTh lNul RODS." These ere the only safe rods now la use, and ar. endorsed by all th. scientific mea la th, country. n. nereny antirv the eitisens af th. counte that w. will rut them un a better rod. and for ice, money, than Is charged by th, foreign agent, who annnally traverse th. county and carry off our littl. cash, never lo return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Llihtnint Rods erected .a their baildings need but address as by letter, or call la pereoa. W. will put them up anynb.r In th.counly, and warrant them. Th, Rodsaad natures eaa be seen at any time by .ailing at our (lore. II. F. BIULER A CO. Clearfield, March M, 1ST If ItHnTowiiihln -Anke GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! E VERTBODT trying t. gel there first, for feat j of being crowded out into tb. ould. If yon want good 8hoetng done, go is Beans. If you want your 8leds ironed right, go to Bssaa. If yoa want good Mill Irons, go to Bssaa If yoa want your wagon ironed la thebsst style and workmanship, go to itataa. linens makes the best Mump Machine in tbe Stale, aad does all kinds of 1ILACKSMIT1IINO as cheep ae can b. don. In tbe county for Cash. My Post UOc. address le Clearfield, I'a. TIIOMAH BEERS. Doggi Tp., De.. 1, ISBT-tf. MARBLE AM) STOVE YARD! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged In the Marble business, drelree to Inform her friends and the publio that she has now and will keep euastanllyoa hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT M ARDLR, and Is prepared t. furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX 4K0 CRAbT.R TOMBS, J10NIMKNT8, Curbs and Poste far Cemetery Lots, Window Bills and Caps, also, ' pi'RJCAU, TARLA1 AND WArlll STAND TOPS, Ac, Ae. V. Yard pa toed street, near the R, Tv. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. JT,J1 gTONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We hare race. red the aitrncj fnr the above un. will sell theta at manutaoturer's nrioee. Call and eiamlne them. Thee are the host. IbIQ.TU U V 111.11 CO A aft-i e-" ' M 47. WKIAia.,1 a VVe. Qtvc flvcrtlifrar-ntj. THE GREATEST IX Till. WOULD? Hull, All Hall the Coming; KLECKNER & C0S . jiOASTKit enters. MUSEUM, CARAVAN, 31 KNAG EH IE. IN I'OUR SEPARATE TESTS.' One Ticket Admits to All. First visit to the Btate of Pennsylranla of the. larjrfft eonsoli dated Cireut, Mttsenm, Cars ran and Wenaferie arer organised. WILL EXHIBIT AT CLEARFIEL D ,. ON WEDNESDAY, JVLT 24, WJ,. rOR OXB DA T OSL Y. Afternoon entertainment at t o'clock. Erening entertainment at 8 o'clock. Doors open one boar previous. ADMISSION ... SO CEN18, Children under 10 year SS Cents. On, Hundred Animals, One Hundred and Fifty Birds, Serpents, Reptiles and small Animalr, Exhibit under Three Monster Water Proof Pavilions, capable of Seat ing Five Thousand Persons. GRAND PROCESSION, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Led by Trof. Swann's Comet Bnml, mounted in the gold- ' cn Car of Cleopatra. EACH TEXT IS XPILLIASTLV LIGHTED iriTU GAS. 4 Grand Free Exhibft,y)n. Will be given at th, grounds nt 1 o'clock, Just before the openiug of the doors for tbe 4 afternoon performance, when 1 " Al'lle Carrie Cordon, will mak. A GRAXD ASrEXSNN ITM i SINGLE HIKE! Three hundred and alsty feet long, from the ground to th. lop of tb. centre pole of the pa vilion, wina ana wcatner permuting. DOS' T FAIL TO YITXKSS TUB FREE EXHIBITION. v n ii....i. T. n.iai le - the Circns Performance, which commences si i and I o'clock r. a. The Great Mastodoa will exhibit al CENTRE HALL, FRIDAY. JI'l.T lih. HKI.I.KKONTK. HATI'KDA V, JI'I.Y KNOW RH"R, MONDAY, JC1-Y ?d. I'll 1 1. 1 1'H II I H It. Tt K81IAY, dt'lil Cl.EARKIKLD, WEDNESDAY, JI'I.Y flth. CMHER CITY, THURSDAY, SVhl Ia. Rapirmber lb. Day and Data. VHANK IV'.R lieaeral IMrerlMj JylMl gW? 1 ns. ' r--aJT-wt strrrKrt'imsiiaaisa