THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY HORNING. JULY S, 1971. Terms of Subscription. If paid l utruN,or within three months 00 If paid after three aad before tlx months-.., I 50 If paid after the aspiration of six months ... I 00 9 All articles to Insure la tart ion la thit paper should bt headed 1b early on Tuesday snort) ing, aa we go to preea at IS o'clock, (noon.) RELIUIOIM NOTICUS Methodist Episcopal Church Rot. A. P. Toeua, Pastor. Public every Babbatb M 10, A.M., and 74 P.M. Sabbath School at 0 A. M. Prayer Meeting twy Thursday, et 7) P. M. Communion Serrloc, Brit Sabbath of every month, at lt A. M. Ml. Andrwi Chart h-Ep1scopal-Rev. Gsoaaa HalIh Public Service Sunday morn in ft, at 10 o'clock, ud st T P. H. Sunday School at J P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening M T o'clock. Presbyterian Chorrh Rr. H. S. Bcrt-an. Preaching on tbt Lord's day at 10 and 7 o'clock. on day School at I p. U. Prayer Meet in on Wednesday at 7) p. m. faator't Bible Class on Raturdar at 7i p. n. t. Fraucli' Chnrrh Catholic Her. T. 9. MrMaat s. Mass at 10 o'clock A. M., oa the aeeoad and fonrth Sundays of eacb month. Lutheran Church. Re. A. J. HaersocK Preeehing every Sabbath, morning and evening, kebbath Beboel at a. m. Prayer masting evtry Wednesday evening. All tha Banks will be closed on tho -4th. Remember that, ys who bare a not falling due on that day, or want a check cashed. Tub Fourth. Those of our read org who do not receive the Kspi'smcav neit week, SB oat charge the failure to tha 4th of July. The white, or Greeley, lint, as it is vailed, If becoming popular, although the thing looki a little blue yet. The Baltimore convention may turn them white. The "Daughters of Rebecca" will hare a grand ple-nio In Clirlon on the 4th. The acme U ft little ancient, but lb daughfrt are of the modern pattern, and, ea elaewbere, lovely. fiiiw RiTfKwnr.4T.-An ntil fiirrrtAr Is Chester county rceommeods tbe .planting of back wheat this leaioB. lie cays the growing of this graia was nearly abandoned In that ooanty, surd last raH It wai quoted higher than wheat. i m Ooino Barn. At the recent con- wentloB of the managers ef the Mew York Central, Uric and Pennsylvania Railroad, aa agreement eras made to aril horealtcr no passenger tickets for political meeting! or State fairs at reduced rates. Tm Registry List. The AsBOPBora tn the aersral townships and boroughs of thif eoanty hare about completed the registration of waters for 1872, and are making returns of their work to the Commits loners' offlae. Cam Mketino. Tho Cnmp Moot ing Association of the Juniata Valley will open their first annual camp mooting, Bear Newton Hamilton, In Mifflin county, commencing on the tb and ending on the 101b of August -Theas-o-elation intends to erect two hundred tents. Convicted. l'olrick Burns, who it Will be remembered killed bis wife at Wileoa last spring, was tried last week at Smethport and con victed of murder In tbe second dogree. Ho was sentenced te twclre years imprisonment, tbat be ing the longest term allowed by law for the offence. ' The editor of tho Bollcfonlo Watch vena has diseorered that Centre county has one of the best arranged and conducted distilleries Id the State, but he doesn't tell hov ho found out tbe place. Meek, dos't be so close mouthed about Itl Then are "aoae suoh" la this eoanty, and if the weather becomes as dry this summer as last, we Stay be compelled to go somewhere else to get a risk. " . Pahs Him. -A Western exchange aayst "A scoundrel sailing himself Ira Brown, from Auburn, N. Y Is traveling around the coun try with a patent catter bar for a mower and reap er. He appoints agents In tbe townships, and snakes contracts wltb them, whiob be cuts in two, taaking ft nots of them. The farmer, of this county want to keep their eyes opened against each swindlers. They are liable to receive ft visit from some of them any day." ' ' David BucKtKQ. This gontlemun, .one of tbe County Commissioners of this county, died at his rcsldenoe in this borough, on Friday Jest, 1b the Ifllh year of bis age. II Is death causes ft recency In tbe board of Commissioner, which west be Ailed this mil by the election of some per J oft for one year. Tbe Act of Assembly regulating he question confers the appointing power upon the surviving members ef the Hoard and tbe Judges of tbe Court ef Quarter Sessions, whose .appointment holds good until the Beat election. .Mr, Back was a young man of no ordinary at rtelnmonU, was strictly honest in all his relations, nd was, therefore, an excellent eititen and an up .eight public officer, whose death is universally la mented by all wbo enjoyed his personal acquaint ance, lie enliited In the 84th regiment Pennsyl vania volunteers, during tbe lets war, and return ed borne minus bis loft arm, but bis health was . somewhat shattered at the time, from which he .sever fully recovered, and baring been attacked by small poi, his physical structure proved toe Weak to endure the fever and corroding influences of that loathsome disease, lie leaves a wife and one child to mourn bis sad death. She fans tbe mndlvlded sympathy and substantial support of all her neighbors in her effliotion. A Swindler. The Now Cnstle Ceeranl thus ventilates the doings of ft swlndlor wbe has been "doing" tbe people in that section i A scamp calling himself In some plsoes (c Bride, and tn ethers Lore, has gone through the northwestern part of this county end tbe ad ' -joining townships ef Mercer county, swindling tbe farmers by proposing to sell bags and carpet, .samples of which he carried, at astonishingly low prices less than half tbelr real value the goods not to be paid for natll they arrive, and am teen to be equal to the sample. Thislookrd like so fair ft proposition that a great many bought, and sign ed what purported to be an order for the bugs or .carpet, as the case might be. It now turns out ihat by catling both ends off this bogus order, the remainder was a promissory note at three months, ' At any rum the scoundrel chose to put In. A , large number of tbe notes were thus procured, tiled la with sums varying from te tvfl. Tbe people are warned against dcillng with any swindlers. Buy what you want ef your boats merchants er If yea want te be swindled, buy of peddlers, and pay the m rftcy down) hut nrerr Wft aoer nests. If any man wants your name, tell aim what it Is and let him write It himself. 1 e tm m Murper I Snow Shoe. A terrible affair happened at tbe deput, in Sue gbue, en Saturday evening last, whereby ft man named Al bert Rider lest bit life at tbe hands ef another man named Mickey. The particulars of tbe ee rrenoe, se far as we hare been able te teera them, asm to be as follows: Mr. Rider end Martin Marpney had been te Bellcfonte, and, oa their ar rival 1b Snow Shoe, In tbe evening, were met at the depot by Hiokey, who had a knife in bit hand. The Utter, we believe, was drank, aad addressed some Insulting remark to Mr. Rider, whlih not being noticed at trst, was repeated. Rider tbe advanced toward Iliekey, demanding to know If he meant whet ho said. At this, Iliekey itracb at him with his knife, and, In attemrSing te avoid the blow, Rider In some manner threw op his teg, receiving the fall force of tbe thn.t inhls thigh, abcat four or Ire inches above tbe knee, tbp knife awnntag is ward and upward aad serving the estarwf artery, The blood go shed out In torrents, bet before Mis g, we understand Rider, wha was ft very stung maa, reached out and caught II ickey by the threat and choked hi so until he fainted, i sWth men Ml tegvtber, but it was al evar with Rider. Dr. Ohm a did all that could have been I done for hiss, hut be died about thru e'elaek on Sunday aw re in g. tflebcy was arrested and hroagbi to jail here eft Soiarday Bight, where be bow lies awaiting hie trial at the Beat torsi of court The Late Frehiiet. The efceonsive rains In the beginning of last week did considera ble damage la tbe northern portion of the State atiu la the Juniata Valley. There wu a flue flood la the West U ran oh below tbe snouth uf Clearfleld Creek, and a good run of logs and tim ber wss had out of the latter stream. There was no rise In tho river above the mouth of Anderson Creek (Curwenarille) except what wat made by splashes. The beary rain did not eitend further up tbe river than-that point. SiunemahoaiBg, Clearfield Creek and the river below this place are nearly cleaned out of lumber , but Cbest Creek and tho river from Cnrwensville up are blockaded with timber awaiting ft rise to gat to market. A large portion of tbe lumber on Chest Creek and the river If old stock held over from last year. The river at Williams port raised nineteen feet aboro low water mark on Tuesday eight. The raiiraaa bridge at Lluden, which bad been de stroyed by Are ft few weeks before, was so far un der wey that the care were passing orer, and a large number of loaded cars were run npoa It, but tbe flood washed tbe tresstle work away, and pre cipitated ears, loading and bridge Into the river, to the consternation and loss of the railroad com pany. Tho Juniata River was higher than It has been for twenty years, doing considerable damage to buildings and crops below Huntingdon The limber sold brings remunerative prices, and tbe only draw back lo "flush times" Is the short crop. Communicated. It was tbe privilege of the writer to attend the closing exercises ef the female department of tbe Clearfield Academy, on Thursday last Tho cheer ful faces of tbe young ladies, the creditable exam ination In class studies and the more entertaining pooches, sougs and dialogues, by which the ex amination was relioved, could not fell to please. THIS acpftriinuut vt tt AJa; bmiloi tiro mm of Miss Mitchell, wbo, as regards aeooniplishments, aptness to teach, and personal address, is most am ply qualified for the positioa she fills. Coder ber direction tbe young Indies went through the sev eral parts assigned them in the programme, giving, so far as we could judge, gcnerel satisfaction. It would be pleasant te the writer, and possibly not disagreeablo to tbe ladies, to refer to them by name, and give to each the words of ootumeada llon so richly merited by personal excellence. Uut as praises are multiplied they cease to be impres sive, and U would be unjust as well as ungenerous to mention only some, when all are deaorri&g. The register of class standing would doubUeas show much of difference between them, which la not so evident In tbe commencement exercises ; but In the general Joy which inaugurates vacation, let all be equal. Tbe readings were very fine, the dialogues mirth- provoking, and the singing excellent. Uut one of the most novel and attractive features of the en tertainment was the exercise la calisthenics. This modern invention will put to flight the pale faces and delicate health which have so long haunted tbe schoolroom. Tbe graceful movements for which It provides, oall in play almost every muscle of the body, and while affording a mot agreeable relaxation from study, as a health preserver It can acareely be overestimated. Before closing this brief article, pormlt ft word lo behalf ef tho Institution Itself. The Clearfield Academy Is worthy of the patronage of this com munity. The Principal, Rev. P. L. Harmon, Is a christian gentleman and successful educator. He has dedicated himself to this work, proposing to make it the work of bis life, and parents need not fear to trust the mental or moral culture of their children to him. He is assisted by Mrs. Harrison, Miss Mitchell and Miss McAlplne, tbe last named of these aooomplihMl ladies having charge of the department of mnsie and painting. e m a m luvBKRrit, June M, 1871. Ma. BoiToni Please allow one who seldom If ever complains of tbe doings of public officers, space la yoar columns to gely eoamsaJ en some of the delnge of tho Lawrence Township School Directors. If there Is anything "moan and contemptible" In a board of pnblic offloere, in my humble opinion It it that of defrauding the printers there Is nothing half so cheap as printei i ink then why, gentlemen, did you crowd into about one square of the RtrtSLicAS the whole financial statement, for one entire year, of the great township ef Law rence, where we have If schools at an expense of near 16,000 year. Publish It again, and let as know the amount received from C. Brown, treasurer and collector for tho year coding June, 1870 j tbe amount re ceived from W. P. Head, eol lector and treasurer for the year ending 1871 ; and from T. Row let, collector and treasurer for tbe year ending June, 1873; as also lbs whole amoaat of their duplicates and the amount of exonerations allowed, and tbe amount each collector and treasurer still owes, (if any.) Let us know from what other source you get tbe S44.1.77. My neighbors say they only had four months school during the year and you say that we have IS schools, and that tho ftverago wages of the teachers Is $41.30 per month which, multiplied by 48 months, (four for each school,) would make only ll,9H2.4( being $165.00 less than yon take credit for paying the teachers. Where Is tbe $103,00 7 Show as In your account the amount of orjers cancelled during tbe year, and the amount of orders outstanding, that we may know just bow the account stands. Show us bow moeh interest you pay, If any, Ac. It Is our privilege to know, and your duty to tell us, through tbe press, and we will pay for it Now, let me whisper to you, tbat If yoa will in clude tbe $30.00 yon term miscellaneous expenses with tbe item called oontinitenoles, or with the Ac. and repairs, my neighbors tiatt not accuse yon with buying eacb member of tbe board a $0,00 Greeley bat with that fund. Hy making these changes, and remembering the printer, yon will avoid all future comments br an Hi-wan TixrarRa, .Distressing Kvent. About six week ago Mrs. llhlnehart.of Morris township, who had been suffering from Consumption, started to visit some friends In Lyoomlog county, for the benefit of her health. Finding no relief, she started to return home, as she raid to diet tnil on Monday night last, when tbe Express train stop ped at Osceola, she expired i the ears. Hr body was brought to Bigler station and delivered to her buiband, who was In wafting for her. Art K,mpty Jam. Tho moral tone of oar owmuniiy seems to be improving. The Sheriff Informs ns that tbere Is not a prlroner in jail, for the first time for many years. The out laws are either waiting to occupy tho new prison, which will be Ouiibi-d Id a iltort time, or they dread to be cold elff with the old concern, which will be knwked down to the highest and best bidder oa Balurdny next. Serioi'9 Aocidest On Monday after.ioon, while H. T Mangle, Jvwtller, was at work soldering come jewelry, a lamp containing aleohol eeploded, throwing the burning liquid all over his head and face, bttruiug him very serious ly. It was at first supposed tbat his eyes were in jured but a later Investigation proves tbat his sight has not been Impaired. We notice hy the Argus that 230 rafts passed Punxsutawocy during the freehet last week, from the upper branches of the Mahoning ; and the Clarion iHmtmt iavs that 1,100 passed out of the Clarion rlrer for Pittsburg, worth f l,0(fl Changed Ofp. Mr. Albert Irwin, for ft long time eon doe I or oa tbe Pennsylvania railroad between Philadelphia and Plltsbarg, ail) leave this week to eoatiane bis labors In a new field. He will ma from Raltimore la Week in ft oa on the Baltimore and Potomac railroad, - Mim Swab's 8ciiool. The Full term of this deservedly popular Inatlialion of learning will eommeneo on tbe first Monday Of September. Parents la quest of a school ia which, te ed oeate their daagfatore eaa lad no better than that of Miss Swan. Beckett A Sjbryrer invite the attention of Oar. penult aad Builderi to their stock of Builders' Hardwa.-e, nbivb Is fall aad complete, firmer are also invited te call and examine their stock of Farming Implements. A largo asswrtnieat of IwMiehujd Hardware, Steves( 4a. adTertlee- HprtiatM. Fly Mets aad Scrim liorso Covers a large as sortment rbr sale by Jy H.y. BioLsn A 0o, Carpenters' Benoh Planes fur tale by ' Bacbbtt A Sohbtvbb. Oral a Cradles, Scythes, and Scythe Snathe, for ale, very cheap, by SAt arrt k Scnavvxa. n. F. Bigler A Co. have bee making extensive add it tuns to their stock of Hardware tba last few days. Rvcrything new la Shelf Hardware, Sad dlerf Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Jlardwareof all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 33. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sale by U. F. Bigler A Co. Sovran! ftr-Truis ! Tip Top, Queen of tbe Meadow, Red Racer, Our Best, Clipper, and Uraia Scythes, Jel9-t lor sale by II. F. BiBbast A Co. Slatb Patars. Persons wanting paints of any color will find them prepared for use at JclO-Ot II. F. BtoLUt A Co.'a. Water Coolers at U. F. Bigler I Co.'a. I Fubm dnoDMD Plabtku. Received at Corner Store by ear load and for sale by K. A. w. V. lawn. Carwcnsville, March 13, 1873. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by H. f. Bigler A Co. Croquet Sots at II. F. Bigler A Co.'s. 8 Broan's Saw UrnuKits asd Haw tTranm We have scoured the agency for the above, and will Mil them at the manufacturer s prices. Call and examine them ; they are the best gumtners eat. June 10, lB73.-4t II . F. llioi.xa A Co. Bird Cages a large assortment at H. F. Big ler A Co.'s. Coe's Phosphate for sale by U. F. Bigler A Co. Kotick to ill l'ineos Owsiao noRsie. You are Invited to call at H. F. Bigler A Co.'s, aod examine the tiutn-Liuud Scotch Case Horse Col lar, warranted te heal all sore shoulders and galls. Also, the new patent Sine Collar Pads. I Wire Garden Tretllses, of different sixes, Hang ing Baskets and Wire Work, at II. F. Bigler A Co.'s. Nortcn to Waco avoCaiibiaub Hakrrs. We have just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also ft full tine of 0-fs and Axles, which wo offer cheap for oasb. II. F. Din i, kb A Co. Notira to vmk Disririas or Isaac Waitos. After April 10th we will have the largest assort ment of Ashing tackle ever brought west of tbe Allergenics, consisting of Rods, Baskets, Flint, Hook, Lines, Rait Boxes, Ac, Ac. All dlsciplct of Im Walton are invited to call and examine our stock. II. F. 11 la Lin A Co. March 27, Boiorth'a Patent Refrigerator! he greatest hot weather comforter ever invented. Call end exam ine them. II. F. Bra Lite A Co. A full line of llouAehnld Goods, Japanned Ware, Ac, for sale by II, F. Bigler A Co. IIKCAPITL'I.ATION. Croquet Heta. Bird Cages. Wire Oardeo Trellises, Hanging Raikcta. Wire Work. Wood and Willow War. Houichold Ooode. All kinds or Hardware. Japanned Ware. Rosarth's Patent Refrigerator, W'atcr Coolers. Paints, Oil., Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Coe's Phosphate. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. ringie ana iroume rnovai riows. ('Itivetors, Iron and Wood. Cultivator Troth and Shore) Plow Shovels. Pithing Tackle. All of the above for sate at tha mammoth Hard ware Store of H. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, CTcerflold, Pa. St Dr. F. Plattn. Eclectic Physician and Surgeon offers his services to tbe people of Clearfield and rieiniiy, ana will do in readioess to attend sii profeftional oalls, by day or night Office on kUed street, writ of the depot, Clearfield, Pa. may si, tsn-u Buy jour Dnu Good, of HKKD BROS. Uuj jour Notion. Trimming! of RKKD BROS. Bur your Parxoll of BEKD BROS. But your Bh.wl. of REED BROS. Buy your FumLhlnt: flood, of HEED BROS. Buy your I ndsrwear of ItKKU 1IIIIIS. Buy your H.l .nil of lltlill UK (IX. Buy .11 your Millinery nooibaf HEED BUUd. Buy your l.mdi.' lliaMa' ud Culhlnn'. Klio.. of RKKD BROS. Buy yonr CarpoU of BEEUBH08. Buy .11 theioodaro. 0.0 buy of REED BROS. .nd yon will anre tnoo.y. .prlT-Sob Look Tula Wat ! Full trimmed ud tinned luting, only .z.iiu it r ri.Kit Au n. rialn Morooeol.iteri,only rl.15 AT FI.EUAIB. Cloth.onre.ill.H.ri, only 1.75 AT FI.EI1AI8. .utin. hum ii.iura. only I.73AI M.UUAI.rj. Morocco (Liter., uniy l.sS AT VI,K(1 A 1,'H. Mrn'a Oaitera, el .nd op AT Fl, Ell A l.'H. Henry Kip Koota, only W.tH) AT FI.Kll A Irl. LirhtKip Hoot., only 1.50 AT FI.KUAI.f. Kronen ( lf Hoota, only i.nt EmoC.lf lloota, only 4.50 AT KLKI1AL B. On Second a tnret, Ju.t below tbe ClenrReld County Nntionnl Bank. The only way to be eonrinecd that Flrgara ihoe. are eheap, ! tn enll and aee for youraelt 000D8 SHOWN WITH Pl.EASI'llE. June 5, l7.-tf A gentleman nnltotrd with th.ehronle rheuma- ti.m any. "Nn tleeeriptlon of my eaae onn convey the vast amount of benefit I bar. received from the uae of HAaeoe'. dnotyne l.inimtnt I believe it I. the belt article in the world for rhcumntiim. If n bore, hna .rood oon.litution. and nna flnee men n food noree. no matter now old or how mueh run down he may be, be can be arutly iui proved, and In mtny rr.ttrct. made u good aa urw, uy a noerai uve oi antrtaam levatr, io. Harriet.. On June lflh, 1H7J, by . 0. lUnnaTT, Kra Mr. MANT'lN M. UAKUACK to Ml., PANMK BLOOM both of ClenrlaM oounly. jiifd. In Curwrnsvlllo, en May IP, 1S?, of Scarlit Fever,, sn of T. J, and Rosa Bloom, agd one year and 5 months. In Clearfield, on June 2th, 172, EDITH COHNKMA, drtuglirer of R. iff. Shaw, aged rears an., 2" ilars. . PartcM. Clearfield Markets. Corrected werlttyhy Rtrw.uo Mnaaon, Vnofcakt .nn Itetatl liealer in Ury Honda, Hrocrlea, Pro. rialona, de Market .treat, Clearfield, Fa. Cntnr!Ri.n, Fa., Joly S 1(71. Applee.rrren.OOta) S 00 Hoi a, dre.eed...... 0 Dried. t ft Ut llider, freen 1 Apple butler, Viral, I 00 Ham. .lift, 15 Butter- lima) Hhouldor..llC4 in Keen. 0 00(4 25 Hijr... Illl ,( Buckwheat I 15 l,ard J5($ 1. Buukwhoal flour lb. ft Meai pork.Wbbl.. 19 00 Reef, dried .. U Oata ys Heef, Trefh 8(d) III Onion. .A Boarda, M 12 00.14 On Potato.. 00(4 AO Corn, (helled 1 0 Peaehea, dried, lb.. It Corn, ar onto) 51 Floater, bbl I on Corn meal, fl eaok, I 40 live 15 Chop, fl ewtl ln(p) t 50 llara, II Clovwaud. ........ T 00 Hall, 1 aaek 120 Canee. 10 Khlnlea,la In. Ufa, 5 00 CbarrtM, ft. 10(a) 15 Kbiale(,2t inlOloj It .0 Ohlekue, drad, ft, 15 Timothy aet.. , .0 ria M T.llow... It) Flaiaeed 100 Wheat-........... 1 75 Flowr 0r,ll no Wo.1 .,... ,5 Ray U Mfetat at Wood, eord ...... 1 15 JSAAC JOHNSON A 60NS, Haonfael.rra and ! Booti and Nhoeil Ladlea', Mlaaw' nd Cblldm't O altera, Men'a, Boya' n4 Women'. H-aty Booia, ud Unuufc .4 Ae. Star, ud ako, pa Suond Mrut, newly .pp.. all. . . Bl.l A C,. kardwu, '" Pi )r'- PI.E4Br.BLD, f A. gardirarr, linirxrr, r. H. F, BIGLER & CO., UUII II . HARD WARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIAlfllLD, LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Htrn.if, diva, .te., for 1. fc, H. F. BIGLER A CO. pALMEU'S PATKNT UNLOAD. Inf Hay Fork., for oala by II. F. BIQI.ER A CO. QIL, PAINT, POTTT, GLASS, Kail., ate., for ala by U. F. BIGLER A CO. II aRNESS trimmings a SUOE riadlnga, for 1.1. by H. F. BIGLER A CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES For lalt b, H. F. BIOLER A CO. JTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND j Sliaa, for .al. by II. F. Dioiir.n nv on. rnoNM inovi iHONi ihoni L For .. by II. F. BIOLER. A CO. II ORSE SHOES & HOUSE SHOE HAILS, for .ale by II. F. BIOLER A CO ULLKY ULOCKS, ALL SIZES And aat Manufactor., for .al. by II. F. BIOLER A CO. miMBLE BKEINS AND TIPE BOXES, for . ale by U. F. BIGLER & CO. pODDER CUTTEUS for aulo by mn.1070 F. BIOLER t CO. A NEW DEPARTURE For the Benefit of Mankind ! DR. BOY IS n riLE OINTMENT This Important discovery Is one of the most re markable results of modern medical research, and The most Wonderful A Speedy Remedy ever known, Ts now presented In a scientific combination of soothing and healing agrots. And havjng thor oughly tested It tn numberless eases, triib most sati. Tactory results, do pot hesitate in oiTrring It to tbe public as Tbe mot oortain, rapid and effectual REMEDY FOR PILES, no matter of how long steading. Vs. Sold by all Druggists and Mrdicloe peal era who desire to alleviate tbe sufferings of their fellow beings. PRICK, 60 CENTS FK& BOA. T. J. B0TER, Bole Proprietor, ol 1571 Clearfield, Pa. WATCHES I . WATCHES I I have a large clook of AMERICAN and SWISS WATCHES, of tbt dlffe r en. grades, la from two to eight oanee eases. I offer these for sale LOW, and guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. JEWELRY I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladles' and Gent's Jewelry of tbe latest styles! Always getting something aew! I would ask Lumbermen, and ethers wbo la tea d purchasing Watebes te call and see my stock before going to tho cities, ss i am very sure I can sell Watches as low as thoy can be bought, besides tbe difference In distance In tbe event of the goads proving defective. All kinds of REPAIR IXQ In uy line promptly attended to at tbo sure oa Second street, oppo site the Coart Ilouee. For your liberal support the past I am very thankful. 8. I. SNYDER. April I, 1373. rjpo TUB FA UMEliS OP f - CLEARFIELD COUNTY: W. offer J WOOD'S JiEW InOJI MOW ER ol prlora ao cbeap tbat no fartner onn afford 4a be wilVot one, and warrant it to giro pcrroot erlia fartlon In CH 1aaa. BAGEn.STOWN nAT RAKS, or,' STONKR'S, of Lanoaeter. Kl.l.IS t llflFFMA!-H, a one bora, tread, whiob ia the heal in th. aonnlry. Will warrant il to tl,rch from one hundred lo three hundred burbot, of grain per day. FANNIXfl HILL., good and cheap. CIIlBB mi.LS-Hlokook and In. liuck.y..' ORAIM IIRM.LR. C0ESPI.ASTKH8. DOO J'OWEHH, for eh.rnlai. BOnKBR' nAnrqnif FOKK and kpiioitp Orapplo. and I'ullrya, In ohun that nun. Dr.d ba without Uiont. BI.'OHIRe rnr aale .Iwnya. f4TWe aim cnnllnn. the botrbrrlrg watlarf, WMI ouy or trad, for aattl. and afaoep, Olearileld, Pw.,MayIt. H, F. NAUQLE, i WATtU MAKES & JEWELLS, ud dealer la WalcLcg, Clockn, Jewelry, Silver and riatud Wftro, rj-p., I l''7 clkarfiklp, r.. T llflBHK OWMP.RrV-F. F. Conlrirt, t Cootrlnt'. Ktora, Coutrleta Mills er .t t renobTill. will bur. Hln. Una. Kj nu ana- v. for I0, for oa. I... ., ,15 (a tn. Iw WlU guruu. euro, er way. lain 1 l)t,AK COWRTABMiV MLli. '0 4f I Jl? Sarflwsrr, f istvsrr, (tit. Tsa zsozrszszs 1 . TIN AND STOYE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Phillpilmif, Oentrt County, Ti. THK nnd.r.lgnad r.ap..tfnlly nnnonMU te U. ..bit. that ba baa hud . aa- iutiy.taot.d and wall Maortaa Itoek of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bit1 stock ef Cooking Stoves consists of 7UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have ncrcr f:led to bring peace and prosperity Into families where it la ascd, Diamond State, Partner, Herald, Charm, flpears1 Valilornia uooa pwts, n pears' Anti-uast, (sas-Ilnrnlng Cooking attovea, Victor, Reliance l)nU lw.. Spears' Cooking Ranges, 1, . - do., do. fcftv.Tbe Tin and Sheet Iron were a-lrsnwitb the stoves Is mads of tbe beavleet and beat materia), and Warranted to give peifect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, better and cheaper than ever before esbibttee to tne public consisting of Spears1 Revnlrlng Light Illuminating Stove, Bpears Ani.-uusi uas uorning farinr tstove, Spears' Orbicular Oas Burning Parlor Stova, Spears' Oas-Bun lng Parlor , titove, Uvqnet, Pearl,Utn,Ida, Sun. Tropic, Nevada, Ac, do. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, G peers' Re- voirtcg i.ig at Heaters. He ts also prepared to furnish ft complete assortment oi Tin, Copper, Shoot-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, mean factored neatly and with tbe sole view to service, from tbe best terlal im tha market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-L1NRD, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly oa hand. ORDERS FOR 8P0UTIX0, IlOOFINa And ether work belonging to bis business will be promptly tiled by eipcrieaced and skUKal workmen. BRASS, COTTER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CAS II Takeft In oaohange for goods. w4r-He especially Invites the atteatloft of Merc bants wisning to parcaasc ai wnoiesaio, as they will e It t their dvaaUge to osamlae hta Stock oerore purchasing eiscwaers. Look oat for the Big Sign opposite ike rest- dence or Mrs. vr, roster. All Goons WaaaaivrBB as Riraasirrna. C. H. FLEGAL Phillpebnry, Junel, 187. ftngd fl8 MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, AatirAomnas LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS. H. B. BIIILl.INOFORD, frealdenl, OHM Foreat PlaM, No. Hi 8. 4tb t., Fhll'a. JOHN LAWSIIR, Qenml tup't. Oaonol. U ilia, ClearBeld county. Pa. ,AX AXD LIMBER COMPAH 0FFKR Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -IN OSCEOLA. Xcw Cabinet! MOfJIIANNnN LAND AND LUMBKR Cl)M PA NY rff.T for sale Tcwa Lots in the bor uuli of Osceola, Clearneld county, Ia., and also let lo salt purchaser imtside tbe limit or said borough, Oeeolu. Is situated en the Moxhannnn Crck, In the richest portion of the county of CleM-tlrM. nn the line of the Tyrone A Clearneld Railroad, where the Hoshannon and. rJeavcrton hraftrh roads intersect. It Is also In the heart ;f the Moehennen coal basin, and large bodiss of while pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber sur ma ad it. One f the largest lumber manufaetur Inc cstal-liphmcBte In the State Is located in the town, while there are many other lumber and h ngle mills around It. The town Is but seen retire old, end cantatas ft population of one thou sand inhal.itanls. J.f'ror further Information apply at the oflos of the above company. ajun , iiA r ii n. :t:70 Qeneral tiupcriolondant. NOTIt'M Having purahased the Interest of J. A. hlatlcnncraer, Esq.. lo the business heretofore carried on under tho Arm name of J. A. blattenberger A Co., tha same will be conducted ""w umlcr the ijame qt Atusbanaon I'Mfl Limber Cfimpnny, IM'i.'.) ' ' II. H. HMILLINUFOHD, JOHN LAW8I1R, myiblt President. Oenerel Sup't Lime tor Sale I TUB anderslgned, residing near tbe depot has made complete arrangements with Lime llumers east of the moan tain, wherehv be Is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large nantily of PURE L IM K I which he offers t farmers and builders at a trifle ehya onft, Those lo need of the artinle would do well to a; ire (tie a call, or address me by letter, be fVro negoiiaung .neir lima. OKrt. C. pABSMORt. ClaarAeld, Pa., Jane t, lao. DAVY k IIUXT'S GREAT WESTERN BAZAAR, llVtl, UN. Illll, UUa Marbetet.. PHILADELPHIA A Iways on hand a large aseqtrtinent of Oarrlages, Hemeea, Ac. Palllne and Rhiftina-Toi Beetles from efu) to lfti. (Jensen to was (shtfifpfl seats) from T4 to l. Rnekaways Msathai Llmmad) from $ to Hi. Dearborns, No T"p Buggies, Jagger and asineea Wagona from $ re te Single Har- nrn. frum n m -j per set. Doable ITarners from ftuISA. Blankrta, Whips, H alter, (hsets, Afghans, and eirtbit,g appertaining to tbe buMeees at equal It low prices. Our motto Is "CbMirsr thaa th Che)teet," Olvc as a earl he fore parehasing elsewhere. fob. Mm. rnnn DEhjqrr.ATio almanac fcr im J. imT ..J .Ml for Ml. .1 th. Port OCee. I'riM 1. ee.u. hleiled to .of aaarrea. . grufll and rfllrinfi. IUH (A11IT MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tbelr new building on Sound Btre.1, nearly th. .tor. of Weaver A Btte, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continne to supply thidr old and as many new customers as may ouiao, wita PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, fllesc and Putty, School 0onka,Hlailnery, Paper, Act "lM fu" I' f L"ug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries. Toilet Articles, Brashes, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Ao., all of tho best quality. PURE WISES AND LIQUORS, tat medical A sacramental purposes only. Pure White Lead, Colore of alt kinds, Raw ftnd boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpoe Une, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish 11 rushes, flavoring Extracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spice, ground ftnd ngrouna, 01 mn iidui. SMOKERS AND CHEWJ2RS Will And oar stock of Chewing and Pmuktni Toliaeee. Imported and Do mestle Cigars, Hnulf and Piue-eut to be of tbe very best broods tn tne meraeu LA MTS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, OARDKN SEHDS, MTSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Harlot1 ft long eiperlence In the businees, and an esteaaive and well selected stock of medicines, we are enabled te 111 Physicians' prescriptions at the shortest, aottee and ea tbe most reasonable terms, day and eight. IIARTRWIOK A I1UVLX. Clearfield, Pa., May II, 1871-tf. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach'i Sake and thine other iMrmitiss." St, Pauls JU. BOYEir WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pare, pleasant and health-giving Tonle strictly vegetable, aad manufactured from the most pare and choice materials la not a spirit drink nor substitute tor whisky, but a seleo title oomponnd, for the protection of the system and the cure of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, call rely free from fusil oil or other Irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. A long privets azperi cftoc has attested Its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present oax4 to tho pnblic! contains so mueh medicinal vlrtee, and yet ao safe i and pleasant to take. Its aw Is to eurs disease, and It will not create an appetite fet spirituous liquors, but will cure the effects of dissipation. To Inereaao tba Appetita, I'SK IT. To pronaoU Dlgelllon, USE IT. To tan, . USB IT. To cur. Fever and Agn., USE IT. To core BillloueMea, USE IT. To our. Conatlpatlon, USB IT. To cure Cnronl. Oiarrhota, USB IT. To enr. ITeart-bnm, USB IT. To euro PlalulenH, USB IT. To cur. Acid Erneutlona, USE IT. To cure Netvona Debility, USE T. To euro Hyddhoailrla, USB IT. Tq pure 8atlowneea of Complexion, USB IT. To our. Plnplea ud Blotehea, USB IT. For O.n.r.1 Proatratlon of th. Phy.leal pow.r ' USB IT, and tt will cur. yon. ua r' Sold everywhere, ji D tuslv'clyby A. I. S II A W, Prngglst, CLEARFIELD, BA., Who offers liberal ladnormeatf lo tho trade. Oct. v, m9.1t. jyil. B. M. SCHKUHER, HOMfEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 01.00 la Masonic Buildlag, April 4, 117S. , . Clearflrld, Pa. inn III J Ml Ml OF TIMOTHY P.:M 1JJ and 100 bushels of CLOVK nr.KD for sale at the Corner Htore, by B A A W. P IRVIN Carwcnsville, Pa,, Feb. U, 1871. AUonllon, Lumbermen! WE are new wsaufactarlBg onr IMPROVED BTBKL . HWKKt liRlVINU CANT HOOKS, saperlf-r to any ether In nse. We here also In stock a large quaotlty of Can) hooks sella be for rafting parpoeee, wbieh we are selliaa aheap fyr cash. AM) A R. KEN9( Ir'IcerDeid, ra a area is, 1B7I. Iilvery Ntnble, Tn B nnderelgned bere leare t. Infnna the pub lic that b. il now vwlly prepared to er..roo d4t. all In the w.vef faeataklM II mm h..m Saddle .nil Hemeea, on tb. ahnrteat notiee and oa reaeoneblo toraaa. tUaldMM ea Loowal atrMt, Third aad Foorlli. OK'I. W, OEAIIIART. Hearted, April II, IM7, iW. . airra. WEAVER di BETT8 CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at taa .Id atanl of O. L. Reed A Co, their .took of food, oonalatlng ef DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A S110ES, HATS A OA PS, lUBDWARB, ' QUEEN6WARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Ao., (to., At tha most reascaale rates for CASH or In aichange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ey Advances made to those engaged la get ting ont square Umber on tho most advaatageons terms. January 1, 1ST. H. ft. AftKOLD... ..w. boss aanvsaoaa, "Cheaper than tbe Cheapest T GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES Arnold & Ifnrtnliorn, (Oae door weal of Pint Notional Bank,) Cl'RW ENSVII.LE, PA. HAVINO Juat returned from th. with uaapl.t. .aaortment of Oood. HlUbl. for Spring and Surnni.r trad., w. are bow ready t fnrnl.b .11 kind, of flood. "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking enr .vatornar. for their liberal patronag. during th. put year, would Boat ,rrtwtfnl1y a.h for unliauane. of th. ana.. Our Stock .onaleu of ft enmplot. aaaortn.nt of Dry Qooda, Notlona, Bardwar., Quaonewar., Willowwara, Oroo.rief, Boot. A4 Shooa, Hat. A Cap., Clothing, Tobacco., Ae. A1.0, Floor, fi.eoft, Salt, kiih Qraln, .to. All of which will h. .old on th. mnat ruaoa. able tarn... .nd th. hlghaat natket priea p.ld for Qraln, Wool and all kind, ef Lnrabar ud Country Produc av Please glr. a ..II purehutng alaawhan. guaruu.d a. to price and quality.- ARNOLD A DARTSBORif, Corner of lf.lft and Thompaon Straeta, aprit CURWENSVILLI, PA. iBacb in eijuopbi GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLEI The bloody contest between France and Prusaia la at an end for tbe present, so far as the slaugtr taring of men and the destruction of properly Is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pride themselves and rejoice ever the result, bnt bow Instgntncanl ts tbelr wore oompared with tbe humane and christian, efforts of L. M. C0UDRIET, wbo has andertaken to supply all the el titans In tbe lower end of the county with food and raiment a exceeding low rates from i mammotn store In MULSONBL'RU. where he eaa always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply thsm with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sack as Cloths, Satlnetts, Casslmeres, Mas) Ins, Ifeiaiaes, Linea, urtmngs, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, nets and Caps all of the best njeleriel and made to-order Hose, Bocks, U lores, Mittens, Lewes, Hibboas, Ac. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Mnlasses, Hid, Bait, Pork, Liaseed Oil, Fisb Oil, Uarboa OiL Hardware, Queen aw are, Tinware, Castings. Plows aad Plow Castings, Nails, Hpikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Aiea. Perfumery, Paints, Vera tub, Olass, and a gcnerel assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, slways nn hand, and will be sold at tbo lowest possibls figures. LIQUORS, aneh as Ersnrly, Winn, Oln, Whisky, Jayne's Medtcioea, llotutteje and Hougaiiij's Hitlers. (One pounds of U'ool wanted for whiob tba highest price will be paid. Cluycrwd op band and for sale at the lowest market priea. Also, Agent for Strattonvllle aad Carwcnsville Threshing Machines. fetvCall and see for yourselves. Ton will find everything usually kept in a retail store. I.. M COUDRIET. Prenehvillc P. O., March 1, 1071. QTjRffEN'SYILLEI SfRINQ & SUMMER, 1872! -.., n iiy n.".8 Lor. 1 , f AUST & GOODWIN Are now receiving, la addition to their doe atoeh on hud,, freah aupply of KHYl U001IS Irom me a tan una lit DRVCIMIlm AND l)KUmcjfHllB Leleet (tyVaal DOLLY VAKIIENS, TRIMMlaKiS, LADIES' HATS, MOTIONS, B f ATlONKIiy, , SOOTS AXD SHOES, lini'US, TAINTS, OILS, Ae, RARDWARB, gUIENSWABI, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Qroctrici, Bamit, 8. C. Jlanu, fi$h, CKiir, ., c. Speelal alteslioa kaa hen gieea to Mr aeloa tloa o L.4I.1' Dreu Qoodi and Trlamln. t. Ilarhag pnrahneed at tb rery lowert nih prim, w ar. prwpnrai) I. oS.r indnnetneptt lo Mab .uy.r, na fe ln)l(e (fll to nil .04 ei.ui lM SJfKF tt.hwalnl alM.k.rp. Qu IhHka T .itended i. ur ajiluim far Mhtral patmag. la the nail, and we hop. tporetlt .Millaeeore, rAIIST aoopWIB. Carwen.vllle, Ritl II, ItTl tan. f 1TA NTRni-M.M No. I M-laati Ahaead V lHINULRS.rwwhlebtlwhiiaeu.MevM nrloe will be pnld. P. nALLAtttlER, nnwrvaare, eo, ia l.TI'le I. P. WBAVBSUu.. frt.!. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. if Mark A Front atreetl,) CLKAHFIKLD, PA. Tbla niagnlfloent llot.1 la entirely n.r, MM pleu ia all it. .ppointmaaU, ud convenient I. tbe Court Honao. A free Omninni runa to ud Iroaa lb. Depot the .rriv.1 .nd donartar. o( uakuain. XIK8. . 0. CLHkNT, AprU 10, 187. Proprtetreu. WASHINGTON HOUSE, K.W WAnlUNUTON, pa, Thia new ud well ftirnlrbed bona, bu bee taken by tba aaJer.i.ed. ll feel, oonndent of being able U render aalUfaellon W Iboa. who Bay favor bim wltb a oall. May , 1171. O, f, PATIB, PropY. EVERK HOUSE, BURNB1DR. PI. The subscriber having built a new Hotel, with all modern improvements, Is prepared to receive guest. The table will be supplied with the best In tbe market ) the bar with the chooiosst liquors, Oood staMing attached. apr3-ly A. II. SCHAEFFER, Prop's THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, P. THIS large and commodious new hotel ha been opened for the seoommodatloft of tbo Cublle, where the proprietor will be glad to meet is old friends, and receive a share ef public pat ronage. By strict personal attention to the do tails of bis business, he hopes to be able to render salisfaetioa so bis patrons. Tbe TABLE will always be bountifully supplied with the beet tbat can bo proeand In tba market, and the BAH will contain a full lock or LlqUORH, BEER, Ao Uood sub ling attached. CASPER LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, March I, 1169-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Second aad Market Streets, C L E A H Fl ELI), PA. THI9 old aad commodious Hotel has. during tbe past year, bean enlarged te double lis former capacity for the entertainment of stran gers and guests. The whole building has been refurnished, and the proprietor will spare no pains to rendsr his guests comfortable while, staying with him. The "Mansion Boose" 0m elans runs to and from the Depot oft tbe arrival and departure of each train. JOHN D0UOHEKTY, epro-Tv if Proprietor. LEONARD DOUSE, Near the Railroad Depot. CLEARFIELD, PEN aj'A, This bauso is large, well fun.isi.ed, and nearly new, and the Proprietor feels oonndent of render ing satisfaction to guests. N. B. Good stabling connected with tho botol. o4-U S. B. ROW, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (Opposite R. R. Depot.1 CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. The undersigned, having become proprletos of this house, is pgw ready Id entertain strangers and travelers, aad therefore solicits sojourner to give bim a oa4l. His Tele will besupplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar will cpn tain the choicest of wines and liqnots. H tensive tattling Is'attachcd.'l'hargea moderate. Jan 1071 ' JAMES McLAUOULIN. WESTERN HOTEL, th Court Ilonaa, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. AeMmmodationa Drat-claaa and charge. tnederaU. sett J0I1N.F. YOUNG, Proprietor. jyjONTOlJB IO(J BE, OppaaiU th. Court UouM, LOCK J.UTI PATSlf, PB.BB-A, HAUSRAL A KROU, Prop'a. JROCKERIIOI'K UOIIKB, DELLEF0NTB, PA., P. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor. HEBICAN UUVBB, Mala Slreet, BR00KVILLB. PENN'A. SIUXSOSAJlliBtKTT, PmpriaUira, .4-TI RAILROAP HOUSE, Mlin Street, rHILII'HUURd, PENN'A,, " The nndorafgned keeps constantly on hand tha beet of Liquors. His table Is always supplied with tbe brat tbe market affords. Tbe traveling public will do well to giro him a call novl,'. HUBERT LLOYD. SUSQUEUANNA HOUSE, Cl'RWKNSVlLLK. Clearfield county, Penn'a. This eld and well esltWilbrd Hotel, twaetifallv ituaied oa the banks of tbe Husquehanaa, la the borough of Curwenarille, has been leesrd for ft term o( years by tbe nndersigned, It has been entirely rcStted, and Is now open U pablio generally and the traveling ooiamanity la par ticular. No itains will be sitarcd to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this bouse. Ample H tabling room for the accommodation of lesvme. Charges moderate. Kept. II, IH7C-tr. KLI lllAHim. goislw unit &bttt. PAN 1 EL CONNELLY, Bool and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, FA HAS Jnst received alee lot of French 0ALF 6KINS, and ie aow prepared te mean fas ture everything in bis line at tbe lowest Agures. Ho will warrant his work lo be as represented. He respectfully solicits a oall, at his shop on, Market street, second dcor west of the petteffioe, where he will do all In his power to render satis faction. Some fine Gaiter tops on band. mjV,-7-y DANIEL G0NNRLLT. NEW BOOT AD MIOE SHOP, EDWARD MACK, Cm. MARKET A In St., CLKAUPIKLD, P., THE pr"P'l.lor ha. entered lain th. BOOT e BHOB buain.ia at tba aboe. ataad, and la deUraain.d not to b. o.tdono .ttber ia qual ity or price for bla work. Special attention will ba paid to manufacturing Sewad work. Jl baa en hand a lar.e lot of Kronen Kip and Calf Skina, of Iho very beat quality. Th. .Itl. aena ef ClearAeld .nd vicinity nr. rerpetfnlly invito, tn jrtv btna a trial, 09 onarge for call,. nnvv,' . If WiSftllnnfouj. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOJJRAGE HQMB IljDUSTUY, THE anderslgned, having established a Mm eery on the 'Pike, sbout halfway between Clearneld aad Carwensvllla, Is prepared to far also all kinds of FK1UT THK KB, ( standard and dwarf,) Evergraca, Shrnhbery, OflW' vi,V" ... .....ea, btfjvberry, and Raab.rry Via.. Air., Siberia. Crab Trwe, Quince, .nd eariy aeirl.t Hbubarb, An. Order promptly attended to. Addreaa, I. d. WRiont. eepl...y Crwenaelll., Pq fllKRII lo buy my PRY O001). film. eoriee. Llun-nmr. fllu..H 11.... . 1 V... , : . ' "'-V "vl,i wuiwuioneriee, etc., onenp tor waft. The auberrlber bega leave to InrWa bla .Id and new uatomera thnt he ba. .pened A VARIETT STUB I IM BLBlf HOPE, PA, And will cell good. l nrlce to .all the Umn. A liberal reduution will b Bade to tfaatonara bu.. ing at wboleaal. Cell and eaaniina m alnek k.A,M alaewher.. A liberal ahar. of nubile ailMnu. i. aoliclted. C. i;i. 1. EEAflT. Qle, Mona, Pa., June U, JbjKW STOKfi IN HOUT55DAL15I P. OALLAflHKR h..l.. u . th. eaat with a. tl ...L.':I.ZL, t nf Merehandiae. r... V... j Aprl" -rtlw k.i been eelwlMl with t, ml "J U pre,,. tl fur. niah the oillaena of l( aad elelally with gonda .1 nrj llikl advaae. ea Irat wet to, oaah. Ooantry Prodaee sad Shlnglea token nl market .he OaU and .aamin. my aueb kwtarq, r. ItAT.LAOHKR, Htnledale. Pa., Feb. in, l;.,e 1