THE REPUBLICAN. . . -.1 1 S SKii ,, CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY 'MOHN.Na. JUNK aujt. Terms of SubscriDtion. Tf paid In advance, or wtlliln three month ,.,$2 00 Ifpald JW throe nail before six tnoatb.H., 3 &0 If paid after the expiration of six month ... I 00 ' f-lt All article! to Insure Insertion in thii papi'r should b handed i& early o Tuesday morning, u wi u li press at 12 u'olook. (noun.) RfcLlt.IOU NOTICi:. Methodist npUenpnl ChurchRev, A. D Yorrw, Pastor.- Pub tin Service every Sabbath M A. M., end 7J P. M. Sabbath He boo I it A. U. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, et tl P. M. - Communion Service, first Sabbath of every month, at Ht A. M. - SU Andrew' l'hurrhRplMoplRT. 'Oro-kim IUll. Public Sunday morning at 10 n'eWk, and at T P. M Sunday School at P. M. -Prayer Mooting Wednesday evening .at 7 o'clofli. Presbyterian C'hurrh Rr. H. ft. Bptim. Pre iwhing on tht Lord's day at 10 end 7i -o'clock. Sunday School at I p. m. - Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 74 p. n. Pastor's Hi Me Cltu on Saturday at Hp. m. Ht. Praitela' ( tiurcli ( Htiiwllr ILv. T. J. Mt Ma, Mass al o'clock A. M.,ca the aeoond and fourth riandav of each month. 'SA Faitajre Tho Bloom township tiese sensation baa eiploded. A critical esina illa tion establish tha fact tbai tbe bones belonged to the beef, muttun and pork tribe. PlO-NlO AT KttKNCllVlLLI. -It Will be noticed by an advertisement in this week's pu tr that the annual Frvncbvllie Pie-Nie wiH be bold this year on ttie 27th of tliff month. Lots of Inn may bo expected. ia S mm Around. The Tribune says that Joile Mansfield, of the Fiik-Stokes notoriety, u 4b Altoooa during the ty af Tony Pastor troupe, Bbe i traveling as a companion of Klla Wesner, atd attracted oonilderable attention from the knowing ours. JIatuku Lonu. The Stlinirroro ITim makes the remarkable statement that, after a lapse of eighty-Ire day sine the fire there, -tome of tho rublifh in the odlnr at Hioftanda eorner was to but to burn the lands of those who were removing it, I)o You Hub It Tho Lock Havon JlrpMbliran nvit "If we do not bare a flood, ell (be mil) will be ob.igfd to f but down by the first of July. The remainder of the logs witl be rafted from the boom this week." Move your mills up here and we will give yon ell the log you ceo sew. The Slab City. Tho Lcwiuburg Chronich seyi that Willinionport U about four mili'l long, and about ai wlrio as a piece of hem lock slab. It con (a i 10,000 Inhabitant, about half ae many mortgages, a handsome permanent debt and an editor who tries to talk a little Dutch. Two "Ilupm" Juriks. Our court last week seemed to be troubled with juries that ould not, or would not, agree. In two eases, af ter starring each other for a day nod anight, they returned Into eoort, reporting that tbey eon Id not agree, and wcro discharged. Why not alter the law so that three-fourths make a verdict t Away Vkit. Tho Sulem, Kebras-i ka imdmpniUitt aays: "Her. Mr. Croenmillor, for- I merly of Clearfield, Pa., gave us a eall Satnrday last. Mr. Croenmillur is of lbs Lutheran periua-1 Ion and has charge of a congregation la this county. Ho re rived pleaiant scenes, ae we bail from the same country, lie Is quite a gentleman aud we hope he will eall often." - - - i The Park Ashociation. The Ex- entire Committee of the Park Association are u& tiring In their efforts to make the eomiog July meeting of Ike Association t suoeoss In every par ticular. Very fair premiums are offered, which will no doubt attract a number of competitors. We bare one of tho beet courses In the State of Pennsylvania, and it will be put a splendid con dition prior to the day of the races. United Statics Courts. Tho sum mer session of the Circuit and District Courts of the United Htatea, for the Western District of; .Pennsylvania, will commence on Monday, tho 17th of June, In the city or Willlatnsport It will be em lea pert ant term, at which many Interesting leases will be tried, and prore a protracted session. Judgea MoCandlcss, McKeunen and Btrong will be preMut and occupy the bench. turn. IUrk ry Wkiout. At a mooting of Vark buyers, bold at Corning, New York, It was on motion of II. F. Willis, Eiq., resolred that In fiurehasina; hemlock bark 2,200 pound should be considered a standard cord, the bark to be dry enough to be ground ; and It was furthermore re eoked that the parties la attendanee agree to buy all bark delfrered by weight. Some twenty-six leading establishments in Pennsylvania and New York were represented. 8uppoflKD Suicide. On Saturday, June 1st, a party of men fonnd a man named Em lor, a Gorman, hanging In ihl woods at Contrt ville, this county, about fifty rods from Koeh's ho tel and but short distance from the turnpike. Prom Indications, It Is supposed that the deceased had been hanging for some time, probably one or two weeks, and had oome to hie death by his own hand. We aro unable to giro farther particulars this woek. Efk Adromtt. Uat oftcttcrs remaining unclaimed In the 1'ostofBee at Clearfield, for the week ending June HUta.lHTl! Rumgardiior, Maggie. (2) Mtllitw, Amiedie. Barrett, llnnn'in. Null, Jubil, Donahue, John P. Lunc, Mrs. Mil. Leonard, Miu Mary. Miller, John (1. MrCurdr, John. 7Vnfly( 1-aMck. Mwlon, Nnpoleon, Morrill, Mis. L. INieell, Joseph. Parks, John. Kichn-l-n, H. C. () Hevey, John, Hid Hi., Capt. All. Pfhermerhorn. Charles. Wt-aver, Miss H. WiIpoo, Ttirophloas. P. A. tlAliUN, P. M. Educational." tfiato Superintend ent Wiiikerrham says t County Hnperintendent J. W. Allen says In his late report! "During the past ftrwa'y jrir, no (iirltuous liquors hare been sold by lieeaae in Putter eooaljr," No, bal they sell without license, tkn defrauding ,tke Commonwealth out of thousands of dollars of revenue, and at the same time drink Just as much ,ot-gut whiskey as tbey do In any ether county where the census shows a decrease of population. If trafficking In liquor without license doorcases population, It is well enough that Potter is the ,unly eeunty In the ft ate where It la done. m i - Brriourlt Injured. James C hoos- Man, flagman en our freight train, was very seri ously Injured at Phllipsbnrg, en Monday morning last, while eouplingoars. If was caught between 4 be bumpers and dragged a considerable distance before be was discovered. By his own request be war brought bark to the Leonard House, where he baa been boarding, and every attention Is given him. The burning of the railroad bridge at Lin den, on the P. A R. road, In consequence of which the trains on that road are compelled to come np the Valley road to the Central, has caused lively ,Umns along the whole line, and tbia burry may account for tbia accident happening te an cipe eienced and naturally careful railroader. Primary Election. The Democr- ey of this county held tbelr p si wary election on Saturday last, for the pnrpo of nominating can didates for the respective offices to be filled at the October election. The return Judges not meeting Until yesterday, we are "Unable te lay the result before onr readere this week la a tabular form, but believe tk 01 lowing to be the aggregate vote polled for each candidate. ntLMiTU to oaerujrrion, Mwe.... M- M Mat'ulleugb ,., 1 oonuranoirnn. Bloom tn3 1 bompst . 427 Hearing ........... ... ., r TW aaeRuatT, John Lawibe...... Ill avutroa. Jamei H nih MW M4 Brick Wonka.Jt Ik now.fulln.fitt. tied that we are to hare fire elay manufactured la our borough. Mr A It Alutw baa pcrsun ent leasee clay aad ground whcreeoHaereet buildings for the man a future of fire elay brick. Mr. Henry Wile, of Philadelphia, ens) Mr. H. A. Rlobards, of Pinegrove, Bchuylkilt county, are the enterprising gentlemen who bare 'determined to lead off. They endorstaod the bullae, having been engagtd in It for years, and posaecs the re quired capital, out of wbloh they will make a for tune. Tbey have entered Into a contract with Mr. Ale to erect a building 76 by 10 feet, aad Intend to nee n sixty horse power engine to Jrive the aa sblnery, besides giving ejnpleyaaat to hrge number T lafcurxrv, equie of whom are already a! work developing the elay, digging, etc. The pro prlctora design to purchase a plot of ground some. where) In the vicinity, with a view of erecting twenty or thirty bouse for Ute benefit of tbelr employee. Now, let onr eltisens lend tbelr moral aod sub- subetnatial aid to these gentlemen, who come among us to der elope our minerals. Let ns not bear on every eorner that "it won't pay they will break np," ete but aid and asslet ibein Instead. To onr mind onr capitalist and business men, when abroad, spend too little time in calling tho attention of fbntlgn capital) its to the many "gold en placers" located In our county, such as eoal, lire elay. Iron ore, eto. They either want to keep it a secret, or do not deem It worth debating with capitalists In the east, who era daily looking around for Investments In something of the kind. We feel like delivering a leetare to onr reader on this point, and may do eo at some future period, tf we oan gather a few more substantia) facts. Dot for Mr. haw and Mr. Jamea . Watson, ft 1 doubtful whether the gentlemen in question would over hare turned up bea to look after ear fire elay. Gentlemen, capitalists, debate eol mmd Are elay, along with timber, when at home er abroad. Grumrlkks at Nkwhpapem. Tho Uloomaburg Uofnmbiam says i "It Is strange bow closely men read the newspapers. We never say anything that anybody don't like but we soon hear of It, and everybody Is sure to tell na of It. If however once In a while we happen to aay a good thing, we never bear of that; nobody seems to notice that We pa some man a hundrod com pliments, and give him a down puffr, and he takes It all ac a tribute to bis greatness, and be never thinks of it : never thinks it dues bim any good. Out If we happen to aay tbinga this man don't like, or aomething be Imagine la a reflection on him or his character, ere how quickly he flares up and gets mad about It. All our n7 are duly charged to na, but we noj-er apparently get any credit for what jof we do." Hueh Is In part the life of nn editor. Ills mistakes are charged up against bim In regular 'ledger form, while his credit Is withheld, aod kiuka and cuffs awarded instead in many instance. Decoration Day. Wo notice by ei changes that this annual period was pretty gen erally celebrated. But the day and circumstance are so overburtbeaod with etiquette and neelew expenses that at the close of the day thorn seems to be more jealousy and til feeling than the oppo site. As an illustration, the Belli font WnUkmnr says t "Our colored fellow cittxena were very much mortified at the refusal of the member of the (1. A. K. U allow them to participate In the parade on Decoration Day. Since the Radical party ban advanced them to a condition of political and so cial equality, they consider It very hard treatment to shut them out from the privilege of manifesting their respect for the fallen braves who shed tbelr blood that the colored man might be free. What have the U. A. B. in this place te say to thin charge t WiU they be able to olear their akirte in such a manner as to correspond with the provisions of the civil rights bill t We pause for a reply." Undfrhtands It. The local of tho B rook v tile Jrffertonian, although not very long In the harness, eeems to understand seme things. He says: "Some men are born meant tome men achieve meanness; and some men have meanness thrust upon them. The first take tbelr county paper without Intending to pay fur It; the second class get it a year for nothing, aod then refuse to take it out of the office, and the third class won't subscribe for it because generous neighbors loan them copies." Pay-triotic. Thirloen Morcer Co. Radical are candidate fur H her iff; nine for Pro- thonotary, and thirty-two for Ihe balanoe of the county office. Hpecinta Paean QnoL-xn Pi, rr an. Received nt Corner Store by oar load and for sale by n, a. n . v. iftwu. Curwensville, March 13, 17 !i. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Calcined Planter for sale by 11. F. Bigler A Co. Croqnet Pets --at II. V. Bigler A Co.'a. I Bird Cages a large assortment at H. F. Big ler A Co.'a. Coe's Pborphate for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Korirs to all Pmboxb Owxikb Horn ns. You are Invited to call at II. F. Bigler A Co.'a, and examine the Gam-Lined Scotch Case Horse Col lar, warranted to heal all sore shoulders and gal la. Also, the new patent Zinc Collar Pads. I e Wire Garden Trellises, of different sisea, Hang ing Baskets and Wire Work, at II. F. Bigler A Co.'i. None a to Waoox ax CAitniAat Makkrr. We have just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also n full line of Springs aod Axles, which we offer cheap for cash. II. V. BioLtn A Co. II. F. Bigler A Co. hare been making extensive additions to their slock of Hardware the last few day. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, oan be seen at their store. May 23. Palnte, Oils and Varnlsbea for sal by II. F. Bigler A Co; Buy your Dress (loo-Is of RKKD BROS. Buy ypur Notions A Trimmings ofliEKD Bit 08. Buy your Parawlsof HEED BKOS. Buy your Shawls of BKKD BROS. Buy your Furnishing Goods of HKKD IIKOH. 7-m v4mmmm vt nrtrtn Bftoa. Buy your Hats and Bonnets of HKKD BltoS. Buy all your Millinery goods of HERD BROS. Buy your Ladies' Misses' and Children' Shoe of HKKD BROS. Buy yoor Carpet of RKKD BKOS. Buy all the good! you eaa buy of REED BROS. and yon will aare money. aprl7-3m. Bosorth'a Patent Refrigerator the greatest. hot weather comforter ever invented. Call and exam ine them. II. F. Biotm A Co. A fnll line of Household Orals, Japanned Ware, Ac for safe by 11. F. Bigler A Co. RECAPITULATION. Croquet Bute. Bird Cagee. WireOarden Trellises. Hangina; Baskets. Wire Work. Wood and Willow War. Household Uon-K All kinds nf Hardware, Japanned Ware, Boaarth's Patent Refrigerator, Water Coolers. Paints. Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Coe's Phosphate. Wagna and Carriage Makers suppUea. Single and Donhle Hborel Plow. 4'ultiTator', lro and Wood. Cultivator Teetk aod Shovel Plow Shovel. Fishing Tackle. All of U above for sate at the mammoth Hard- war Store of H. Jf, Bigler A Co., Second street, vwarneia, re. i rtnnon re tsi or Isaac Wai.tov, After April intb w will bar the largest assert ment ef flshiog tackle ever brought weet of the Alleghenle, on lilting of Rods, BsikeU, File, Hooka, Lines, Bait Bnxee, Ac., Ae. AH dieelplot of leaae Walton are invited te eall and examine our stock. II. f. UlOLnn A Co. Marek 27, l7l.lf Dr. F. Plalto, KcWtt Physician and Surgeon offer him service te the people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will be In readlnee to attend Ml proreeeinuel eall, by day or night. Offinn p iWd etrewt, weet of the depot, Clearfield, Pi sa ay ICTI-4I Loon Tnm Wvl . ujw Full trimmed And tipped huihirf ' Halters, onlr U.uu AT ri-HAl. Plain Morocco Unite rs, nnly l .U AT Kb)AL'H. ClotbenngreMtiaiiers.stdy l.WT FLBOAL'H, Lasting but'u flattera, only AT W.F) AL H. Morooco (letters, only I.W AT PLKGAL'e). Mnu eueiters, Klandwp . AT rl.KUAL'n. Hoary Kip Boots, only fU0 r . AT FI.KO AL'H. Light Kip Boots, only a.W ' 'Jtf FLKUAI8. French Calf Boots, only A. HO ; AT PLP.OAL'0, Fine Calf Boots, only .j AT FLKUAL'8. On Second streaLJust beltur the yarflft,J .County National BankL'Tho ony wayfo bnfvDeed that Flegal's ahoea are cheap, la to eall and ace for yourself. GOODS 81IOWN WITH PLKAHUHK. Jnne A, 187Z.-tf. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment may be used U mdvantaage where anjr pain killer ! desirable. In eases of severe cramps and pains In the atom neb, It li nndonbtedly the best article that oan be d, v J . Habitual constipation leads to the following ra-, suits t Inflammation of the kidneys, sick and ner vous headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, Indigestion, pilot, lea of appetite and strength, all if which may be avoided by belog regular In your habit, and taking, aay one of Parson's Purgative Pills, nightly, for four or six weeks. Annual Mketdio. Tholflth annual meeting of tha Clearfield Baptist Association will be held with the Curwensville Baptist church, commencing on Friday, Jnne lath, IB7, at 19 k. .,and oontlnne June .-It Cor. (eo. Wcter Cool. re at 11. V. Bigler A Co.'. ; 1 At Watlacetoa, on Juaa 6th, 187 J, by Her. J. 8. Miixuu, Mr. JOHN TURVEY to Mia ANNIE M. 61IIMKL, both of Clearfield county. At V. allaeetoo, on June 5tb, 177, by Rev. J. 8. iu-m., tin SAM KS W. MoALARNKY to Mis AXNIK A. WAPLH, both of Clearfield county. ' On June 4tb, 1872, by Her. 8. Caorr, Mr. J. MTARTNEY to Miss ANNA A. BCUNAHK8. both of Kartbaua township. On June 8th, by Rer. W, M. BuncnrinLn, Mr. JOHN HIPS, of Chest Creek, to Mi is ADA M. HILE, of Lumber City. . girl i -r On the 1 Mh of May, 1R72, at the residence of A. Smitten, In North Mahoning township, Indiana eounty,JAME3 M. KELLY, In the S4th year of bis agn. ' In Kertbaus township, en May lttb, 1872, HI is SARAH J. GRANT, agod 15 yoars, 6 months aod Oday.' it. , , ' ; I ; In Covington township, on June 2d, 1872, Mr. JOAB RIDER, aged ftl years, 8 months and 18 days. - ' Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Rh-harr Moasor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry floods, Mroneries, Pro visions, Ac, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Cl.RARriBi.n, P., June H 1972. Apples. green,00( 2 00 Hogs, dressed 0 Dried, y lb 124 Hides, green... T Applebutter,ftgAl, 1 Hams 00$ 15 Butter Hi Shoulders 0V(A in loans M 00(a) I 26 Sides OOfto 121 Buckwheat 1 2VLrd l.'.fj) H Buckwheat Hour m, ft; Mess pork, bbl... 18 00 tieer, ariea ' 'els .,..., ,.., Jo Beef, fresh 8(3 1 Onions J n Hoards, M 12 OOfcyM Oft Potatoes 0)1 to Corn, shelled 1 On. Peaches, dried, 0).. 1ft Corn, ear 00e) Ml Plaster, V bbl I 00 Cora mcal.sark, 1 4J Ry MM 1 1 Chop, cwtj 10 2 30 RM, p n 2 Cloverced f 00 Salt, Tp sack 9 20 Cheese - M Hhingles,IHln.4(a)i 00 Cherries, lb. 10() 1ft Hhingles,2n inlO Ift 00 Chicken, drsd, B, Ift Timothy seed...... ft 00 Fllgs 14 Tallow 12) Flaxseed 2 001 Wheat..... 1 7ft Flour 0 OOfall MiWool 76 Hay H9 00(u.:ift 00; Wood, 1 cord...... I ftft TRKE LKCTUKE! CHU1STIAN- L 1TV AND CIVILIZATION.-Mr. B. V. UnnnnwooD, who ho been for many years en gaged In tha study fChriitUnlty and CI filia tion, will deliver several lecture en the above sulijeets, in the Court Hons, on Tuesday and Yt sduesday evemnxs, June leth and Ifttb. Mr. Underwood Is perfectly familier with these sub jects, and cordially in rite all who feel an Inter est in tnem to eomo ana near nim. Lectures commence at Ti oVlnek. p. m. Admlulon free. Clearfield, June 12, 172-21 iminithatokm'n Is hereby riven that letters of administ ration on the estate of K. B. WR'I ZKL, deceaved, late of Hell township, Clearneld county, renn a., having been duly aranted to the unilersiined, all pennns Indebted to said estate will please make imme'iiarc payment, ana mow naving claims or drmands will presrnt them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. II. L. HENDERSON, ' T, R. WKTZKL, June 12-fit. Adiuioiitrators. AlMININTRATOK'l NOTITFm Notice Is hereby gieon Ibat liltr of adminietratiou on the estate of JOAB RIDER, deceased, late of Covington township, Cluerfield eouuty, Pa., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persou ludibted to said estate will plea make payment, and those having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for settlement without dular. M. K. WHIG LEY, Jnne 13 . t Administrator, ti.B.S.,V.T.A. AIMINIHTRATORft NOTH F Notice te hereby given that letters nt administration on the estate of'JANB SMITH, deeeaeod, late of Woodward township, Clearfield County, I'a., having been duly granted to the undoreirned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims or demands will present them pmperly authenticated for set tlement. JlLl'U J. IBW ALT, , June 12, 1872-Ot. Admlnistrntor.- 4 IlltllNIHTR ATtlR'll NOTICF.. Nulls 1 1 Is hereby f ven that letters of administration on the estate of Koarar II. Uamkt, dee d, late or ifurniiae towminp, Uiearnelo county, baring been duly granted to the underiiened. all persona Indebted to said estate will picas mak Immediate payment, and those having oiaima or oemanus win present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. K. HILTEI1KAND, June 12, 1R72 fit Administrator. A DMINIHTR ATllll'S NOTICIV-Nntic 71 ii hereby givm that letters of edmioiit ration on the estate of HKNRY COOK, deceased, late of Ferguoa townilitp, Clearfifld county, Penna., having bcon dnly gran tod to the iwdendgned, all pftrsona indebted to said estate will pleaoo make payment, and thne having claims of demands will present them properly authenticated for set- May 28, 1871.-0t Administrator. rjHE ANNUAL rRENTUVILLE PICMC will be held Ibis yoar on THIIR-OAV, AiriVB STttl Arrangemenla hare been made to have this pie nla auriiaia any heretofore held, Tho enttn Clearfield Cornet Band will be In attendance, t enliven the oecoaion. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all to attend. Jel2 2t Trustoc's Sale of Kcal Estate! I.ATK THE rROERTT OF JOHN Bl ROl'K. OKK, DlirKAKKD. T) Y virtuo of an order nf the Orphan's Court of jf warn flu twenty, the undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at the Court Dense ia Clearfield, on SATURDAY, JUNK 2Vtn, 171, at I o'clock P. M. the following deeoribed real estate i All that certain farm situate in Burnside town ship, bounded on the north by land of J. Ht iheo see, en the east by leads allotted to the widow of said J oh a Bergunder and by lands of J. Stephen son, en the south by J. Stephenson, aad on the wmi ny lanos ni 4.onyor and nrners, containing ONR III NDRED A 1WKSTY TWO ACRES and fiTpercbe! having about N acre cleared, with frame bouse, barn, orchard and other im nntv amenta. This land la of good Quality, situated In U good neighborhood, nod well adapted to forming or grating purpose, aod ha n quantity of valuable newer inprton, TERMS. Fifteen per cent, of purchase money te be paid when the property Is sold ; ewe-third nt tn pore base money te remain In In land dnr. lug she lifetime or the widow er enid John Bur guader the interest to be paid to her annually) one-third ef the bafanee In one year, and the ene Ihire In two years, with Interest, te b aeenrod by oouu ana mortgage ea ipe premise. JOHN M.ADAM, June II 4L Tmstet, BLANK. I'OftMTABlLE HALEf 10 onto at tbia en. II AH I WARE, AIm, HttaheMrm t Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLlAfcFIKL D,' P A. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, f ; Uarieie, Ceflayn, ttt, ff m hf H. P. BIGLER k CO. pALMEirS PATBNT TJNLOAD- tng ny Fork, for sal by II. F, BIGLER 4 CO. IIV PAINT PUTTY, GLASS, Nulla, U., for aaU by ,.t i k. f. bigler t co. JJaRNESS TIUMMINGS k SHOE FlDdtBfft, for tl. bj i II. F. BIGLER i CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS, SWORD CANES U. F. BIGLER k CO. CTOVES. OF ALL SORTS AH1 Bli.i, for nl . s H. F. BIGLER CO, TKONI IRON I IRON I IRON I For tftl. Vj H. F. BIGLER I CO. JJORSE SHOES & IIORSE SHOE BAILS, for nil by ,v s II. F. BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aai bait UanafMtor., for ttl. bj ' 5 II. F. BIGLER t CO. "JHIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for l.l. bj U. F. BIGLER CO. JiOPPER CUTTERS for alo by cn30-70 , U. F, BIGLER t CO. CKETT SCIIKYVER, RlILDIXti HARDWARE, Alio, muiuftoturorl of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, , Soaood Street, 'I ' ni 'i ; ; : i CLISARFIELD, PA Carpenter nnd Builder will find ft to their advantage to examine our stock before purobaslng elsewhere STOVES! STOVES! IT. mro now .plllnff th. ept.hrMH TIMR8 COOK ud RRLIANCB, lh. tliupwl Mi bM to.M In tb. auk.t. Brery ftor. fultj wftrraoUd. ' ;r 'also, , ' " PARLOR, , BEATIKO, id RAFTING STOVES! wbleh will b. Mid u ob.p u mj In tb eountjr. Btrlot .tt.ntioi ptld ordorin. artlolci for ii.r- M.t vbo doairt tt. MRooflnir. Spoatlof and job work don. on terai. ri..rll.H. f. April 1, T7I. A NEW DEPAHTURE For the Benefit of Mankind ! DR. BOY E R'S riLE OINTMENT This Important discovery la one of the most re markable result of modern medical research, and 7he most Wonderful fr Speedy Remedy ever known, la no presented In a scientific combination of soothing and healing agents. And having thor oughly tested it in numberless eases, with most satisfactory results, do not hesitate in offering It to the public ae Tlie in ob t corUiti, rapid and olToctual REMEDY FOR TILES, no milter of bow Ion, il.nding. fc.8old bjr nil rru,lt. nnd MrdlHn. T).a. or. who lo nll.Tial. tb. mooring! uf tlieir fellow bring. PIIICC, 60 CF.NTK PIR BOX. T. 1. DOTE lit Sole rrnr.rl.tor, elMTI Clm.rH.ld, P WATCHES I WATCHES I I b.r. . Urge itneb of AMKRICAM ud SWISS WATCHES, .f tb. differ " ! from two u elgbl onne. 'mi I ofer tb.M for nle LOW, ud t narutee tbent t. fir. entire tntlahetloa, JEWELRY I JEWELBY I A food iiMrtBent of Udloi' ud Oent'i Jewelrjof lb. lt, Alw.ii feltln, foethlng newt 1 Would nik Lnmbirm.i and dtben who la tend warebaalag Wntebea U anil ud M. took before going t. Ike eillee, ai I am eer, aire I eaa nil Walebea ai low ai th., eaa be bo.ght, beeldet Ike dllf.r.nee la dliUnee la tk .rent ef th go4l proving defeetlv. All kind, of RE PAIR 110 In a, llnepremptl, nlleaded u nt tb atort oa Smad treet, oppo. elt Ik. Coarl Donee. Fat joor liberal enpport a Ik niiM I am Tr, ibaekraL I. I. BKl'DKR.' April 1, 1171. Luthmburg Marble Yard! rpHB eubwrihermpMrtfiilly announce to this Is bow extenstvily en gftd in the manfnrtureof onumeni. nean anu font atone. Stand, Teld and Burean Tops, etc. K higher tribute eau be pia in n aeeeesee relative at rrieod than the rtee lioa of an enduring slab as a witness to unbpu generation where they bare laid him OfieV. I have engaged Mr. ?ubn W. (lab inn a my agent to ti, aod te wheat workmanship and skill many ran bear1 wi totes. Order ctloiUd and promptly filled. Work delivered wherever desired. ... - MOOMsl LitberiVarg, lfoamber Ifi, l$T. Sarfliwi,, f Intrarr, (Sit. TEB IE0BIDB8 TINjAND STOVE STORE! - - - t iJ.llxil. ..... 1 . 'i (i , ' 1! fr i rmi'i a i.i G. S. FJjEGAL, THR nnderalgeed repetrnll, annoaneea to tb annlle that b haa on hand . ... rnllj-aeleeted and well aeeorted itoek ef STOVES, HEATERS, - RANGES, HOLLOW WARE I . i i TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON , WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bis itock of Cooking Stoves eonaliti of TUB CELEBRATED IKONSIDKS, nyh bring peace and proepomy into lassiues wnere it i need, Dlamonl State, Farmer, llarald. Charm, Spear1 vaiiiorvia uooa dwti, npeare Aatt-lJuat,-Qaa-Barning Cooking Stoves, Viator. Bllaaee and Union Haa, Spears' Cooking ftangss, , Ae., Ac um.Tb Tin and Shoot Iron war riven with the Stovea I mad ef Ik heaviest and best material, ana warren wa it giro perfect sli faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores la larger, batter nnd ebeeptr than vr brre wklkltul In ik. neikli. Spear' slsvolvlug Light Illuminating Stove, epearc An.i-iesi uae- narning rarior Htove, Spear' Orbicular .(las-Burning Parlor . Stove, Spears' Qas-Burning Pirlor Store, Boquet, Fearl, Uem, Ida, Sun, Tropin, Nevada, A., Ae. Vulcan, Etta and Victor Heaters, Spears R reiving ijigni ueaiers. n It also prepared to furnish a com nit te assorunen oi Tin, Copper. Sheet-Iron. Wooden and Willow Ware. &o.r Wholesale or retail, manufactured nsatlj and with the sol vtw to srvio, from th beat ma Uriel in tb market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUH A I , j. COMMON BON KETTLES, Of ary deaeriptloa toostantly nn hand. ORDERS 1MB SfOUTINO, ROOFING And ether work belonging tb Ma bnalnes will be promptly filled by experienced nnd aallllul wornmew.- BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH 1 Taken In etchangu for good. fir-H pellly Invite the attention ef Merchant wtsbing to purcnas at wholesale, a thsy will find It to their advantage to examine hi stock before purchasing elsewhere. Look tut for the Big Sign opposite the real asnee nt Mrs. vt. roster. All Good WannAirnn as Rnrniinirrnv. G, 8, FLEGAL. Phtlipeburg, Jon I, UT0. nugf 18 MOSHANNON LAND Si LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, ANitrACTunna LUMBER, LATn, AND TICKETS. II. 11. 8IIILLIN0F0RD, Preildent, Place, No. lit S. 4lk it., Phll'n. JOHN LAW8IIP, Oenernl 8up't Oeeeola Mills Clearneld Mnnty, Pi. fISII AAXOX LAM) AU LIMBER (OMr.WV OFFER INWIJCEMKJJTN TO r Purrliascrs of Choice Goods AT THEIR 1 MOT II STORE IN OSCEOLA. MA DVow Cabinet 1 MOST NNON LAND AND LtTMBKR COM PA iV offer for sale Town lots in the bor oti((h of Meola, Clearfield county, Pa., and also lots to si. : purchasers outside the limits nf said borough. Osceola I situated en the Mosbannon ('reek, ii the richest portion of the county or Clear tS el nn the line of the Tyrone A Clearneld Hailroad, where the Moxbannon and Brnverton branch r ads Intersect. It Is also in the brrtrt of the Mo-nan non eoal basin, and Inrjr bodies of while pth. hemlock, oak, and other timber sur round iL One of the largest lumber manufactur tN eitabriahmMita in tb Htale Is located ta Ihe town, while there are many other lumber and ebingr mills around It, The town Is but ee 'en yean old, and eon takes a population of one thou ant Inhahitnnts. pttYor further Information apply at the offlo of th above company. JOHN LAWS1IK, l:4:r Qeneral Superintendent. (ITICR-Having pnrehaMd the Intercut of i. 4. A. malteneerger, Kae.., tn tbe nustness heretofore carried on under tbe firm nam of J. A. Hlsttenberger tk Co., the same will be eoariurfed hereafter under tha name of Moshanaon Land and Lumber Coin pan v. (Htore.) li-H. SHlLUN'uruRD, J0UN LAWRHK, liji-tl President. Qeneral Sup't ) Lime lor Sale I TUB anderslgitT, residing near tbe depot ha mado eemplet arrangement with Lint Kurnerseaet of the mountain, whereby be I ena bled to kuep constantly en band a large quant ity of PURE L I II EI whleb k offer. I. farmers ud bolldcf at a trifle aboreeaai. Thoee in ne of th. nrtiele would d. wrll to W me a oil), er addroe. at. b, letter, n fvr nvg.tUUng lime. OEO.C. PAPRMOIIE. Clearleld, Pa., Jane I, 1M. DAVY k UUNT'8 GREAT WESTERN BAZAAR, n, l.iii, ima, taiit Marbot St., Pit I l.ADKt.TlllA. Alwarann band a larf aMorUnent of Carrt.r., Hftmw, ... Fallin, and Sblftinf-Ton BurniM from fBft lo ri... i.rmiHtown. unilttn, m.u) irom .'o w Hocaa.e... (Iwlhw trimml) from ff to .n.rnonia, i.o-. " '".( Uealneia W ...... rrom ajO to !. Bio.le It.r n.w from to $7ft ft eel. Ltea.l. Hame. from ,.!. l: J., Whlna, ll.ltrn, Kbeals, ATirhani, and ..errtblng nfweruiainfl te In. uMnMe at inall, low p rte. oar aoue ie 'Ch.a(w Ibaa tbe CbMpeet." Qlre n eall be fore r.rekula, eloowaern. Fab. PHI DHKVOHAT10 ALMAMAC tor lM 1 1"7 mm 1MI fee eaa at la. Pt OBe. FTiai I !, Malmd n al addreea, JlrugJ and iUtdiiiufj. fJIHE LATEST MOVEI,,,,, THE LATEST M0VF! HARTSWICK A IRWIN'S '-" ;.'DItU(J STORK, To their nw building on Second Street, nearly opposite the store of Weaver A Bctte, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where tbey will continue to supply thlr old and as many new customers as may com, wiln PURE DHU.2S! 0 II B M I C A Ii S ! PHARMACKUTIOAL PREPARATIONS.' (Including all new rctnodloa,) Patent Mndleines, Paints and Oils, flies and Potty, School Rooks, Stationery, Paper, Ac; also, a full line of Dug giiti Sundries, Hair Tunics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, TolM Articles, Brushes To i lot Soapa, I'ochot Book is c, all or the best quality. PVBE WMES ASD LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purpose only, Pure White Lend, Colors of all kind. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnish, Turpen- tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Kxtrncts, Confectioner., Bird Seed, Sploo, ground nnd SMOKERS AND CIIKWKKS Will find our stock of Chewing and Sinokinr Tobacco. Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Snuff nnd Fine-out to be of the very boat brand tn the market. ' LAMPS AND CHIMNLVS, . ' I AU kinds ef GLASS WARE, GARDEN BE EDS, ; ' , MT8ICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimming of every variety. Having a long experience tn the butlne, and an a1ennive and wi-ll solocteU stock of medicines. we are enabled to fill Physicians' prescriptions at ine snonen nonce anu on me must reasonauio terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May 81, lff7I4f. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. DIt. S runs WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleasant and health-giving Tonic strictly vegetable, and mannfaetured from the most pur and choice materials is not n spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a eoitmtlfla compound, for the protection of the aystetp and the cur" of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other tirl lif ting properties, nnd will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach, A long prlrate experi ence has attested Itf Superiority ovor all Ordinary Remedios. No Bitters at present offered to the publle contains so much medicinal virtue, and yet to safe and pleasant to take. Its nte ia to cure disease, and It will nnt create an apprtlte for spirituous liquors, but will cure tb effocta of dlsrlpation. To increase the Appetite, rTt IT. To promote Digestion, USB IT. To euro Dyspepsia, TJSK IT. To sure Perer and Ague, I'SU IT. To cure Rtllloufcneas, t'SK IT. To cure ConMlpatlon, VSK IT. To curt Chronic Diarrhoea, L'SE IT. To cur Heart-burn, VSB IT. To our Flatulenoe, VSR IT. To cure Aald Broetatloaa, UrtM XT. To cure Neirous Debility, I'SB IT. To eur Hydoehondrla, VSR IT. To cure Sallownoa of Complexion, LSK IT. To cure Pimples and Blotches, USE IT. For Oeneral Prostration of tha Physlral powers, VSR IT, and It will euro you. Sold sverywhere, nt H per bottle, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. SHAW, I'n.l.t, , ' CLKARFIKLD, FA., TTho offer, liberal Indooemenle la ihe trade. Oct. 17, lo:tf. JtRRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HAXCilSU VASbS, Stove Lining nnd Fire Urick, kept eoa.taatljr on hand. STOXE AD EARTUSS-WARE OP EVERT DKSCEIPTIOMI CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! PUber'a Patent lrtl(tht Self )eallll( aruii i auei HVTTrk CHUCKS, wlih 114a. CREAM rHlCKS, Mll.b CROCKS, At'i'l'K- rll TTKr. CKIIC.D, PIL'KLE CUOCkH, HAFER 1018, PII HIH11KS, STEW POTS, And n great awnv .iner thtnte U. aairoae I amtiH, e a. ana at FRED'K. LEITZIfiGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Cornw ml Cberr. and Third Srreetl, 1 CLEARFIHLD, PA. (l $r poji, C.rwMt, fir., t. T. wiAia,Iy.).,Q..,..j.j.,v.w,j, am,. MjnyT"j ;mit M i: A ItKTTS ?'n1 CLEARHELD, TA'K ' ' Are offering, at tbe eld stand of 0. L. Reed A 0o their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, ' GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, . ' HATS CAPS, IUrtDWAHK, QIJE8NSVPARK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Sto., &o,, At tb most reasonable ratea for CASH or In i , exchange for ' Square Timber, Boards, Shingles. OR COL'KTRT PRODL'CH. nr-Advanees mad to those engaged In get ting out q ear timber n tno most advantageous terms. January 3, 1870. n. a. AUUOLD..M.. w. noaa uxmnnaun, "Cheaper than the Cheaimf ! GOODS AT, KEDUUED PKICES ivtr nxcniriD ir Arnold A .llarlshoni, (On door wst of First National Bank,) CTRWKNKVIIXR, PA. HAVIN0 just returned from tb east with n complete assortment of Oood suitable for Spring and Summer trad, we nr now ready to furnish all kind of Goods "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And alter thanking onr customers tor tbelr liberal patronage during th put year, we would most respectfully ask fur n continuance of th anm. ' ' Our Stock consist of n com plot assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queencware, Willow ware, Groceries, Boolr Shoes, Hat A Caps, Clothing, Tobacco, Ae, Also, Flour, Bacon, Suit, Pi-h, Grain, eto. - AU of which will be sold on th most reason able terms, and th highest maiket price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds uf Lumber nnd Country Produce. ir Pleas giro ua n eall before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed a to price axd quality,' - ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner ef Main and Thompson Street, aprSO Cl'RWENSVILLR, PA. J)EACE IN EUROPEI BUT GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLE I The bloodv conteet between France and Prussia is at an end for the present, so for as the slaugh tering of men and the destruction of nror.erlv Is conoerned. Th II oval Juglfrs no doubt pride tnemecive anu rejoice ovr th result, but bow insignificant is their work whan compared with in nunauo anu onruiian eirort ui L. M. COUDRIET, who has nnderlakon to surnlv all th eltltens In the lower oud of the county with food and raiment at exrerdmg low rntes from his m it m moth store in Ml LSllMll ttl). where be ean always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply thm with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Snch as Cloths, Satinet:, OsmI meres, Muslins, ue ii net, Linen, linillngs, t'ahooes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoe. Hat and Caps all of Ihe best material and made lo ord'r nose, Bocks, moves, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, Ac GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugnr, Bice, Molassc, Floh, Salt, rorK, Litnseod utl, Msft OH, tarbon Uil. Hardware, Qoeenswarc. Tinware. Casllnrs. Plow and Plow Castings, blatls, Splkee, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, I'eint, VarnUli, Glaes, nnd a general ortinoiit of Matloneiy, OOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, si ways on hand, and will be old at the lowest possible Qgurea. LIQUORS, suh as Brandy, Wine, flln, Wblsky, jarnos jnetufinen, n-'-iriier a ana liioflanil' Bitters. 6000 nounds of Wool wanb-d for u'liob tbe blhi-ft prloe will be paid. Cl"vrreed on hand and for sule al the lowest market price. Also, Airont for Slrattonvllle and Curwensville Threshing Maebinea. fcejuCatl and see for yourselrrs. Ton will find everything usually kept in n retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. . Frenohvllle P. 0., March 1, 1?71. c URWENSVILLE! SPRING & SUMMER, 1872! FAUST & GOODWIN Are now reeeMna. in addition to tbelr fine atoHi on hand, a fre-h supply of NBW UOUDS Ixom tho KasU A full line in "l)HY MM)H ANU IIRKtUfl OIM1DS1 Latest styles! DOLLY VARDSNS, TRIMMINGS, LADIES' HATS, NOTION'S, STATIONERY, HOOTS ASD SHOES, DHCas, PAINTS, OILS, Ac, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARR, Groceries, Jtaron, S. C. Ham, Fish, &t(tt dC, AC Special attention ha been given lo onr neleo- tlon ot Ladies' Dress Uood and Trimmings. Having purchased at th very lowest tank price, we an prepared to offer Inducement to oash buyer, and w Invite all to eall and exam ine before purebnetng lewhr. Onr thank are extended tn our nostemers for their liberal pstronsg In th pant, nnd w hope to merit a aoatinuanoa. FATUT A 9O0DWIN, Curwensville, April 11, 1871 8m. Tl nTICW en COWHTAHI.FJI Vtt-A We havs printed n large numlier of the new rKK HILL, aad will an tbe receipt Of twenty, fir eeata, mail a nowy to aav addr. mylfi SUAW HOUSR, (Cor. of Market A Front ttrti,) CLKARKIRLD, PA. Tbia magnificent Hotel li untiruly new, plet tn all it apfwlntmenta, and eonrenient to. the Court House. A free Omnibus runs to and from the Depot on th arrival and departure of each train. Milij. I, 0. CLKMKNTS, ApriMO, 1872. Proprietress;. WASUINGTOIf UOUsiT. NEW WASiHf.'OTON, PA.' Thll nc nnd well furnished bouse ha been taken by the undersigned. He feels confident of being able to render sotisfaeiien U those who may , fat or hi in witfe a palL -M? O. W, DAVIS, Prop'r. RBVEAB UOUSE, BUENSIDB, FA. Tbe aubserlber having built a new Hotel, with all modern Improvements, Is prepared to receive guest. Tbe table will be supplied with th best tn the market) the bar with tb oaoelsext liouer Oood itnbJlng attached, aprf-ly A. U. SCI1AKFFER, PropV. .' THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, MARKET Sr., CLEARFLULD, Pa. THIS large and twmmodloue new hotel bar been opened for tbe accommodation of the public, whore the proprietor will be glad to mee bis old friend, and receive a share ef public pat run age. Hv ilrlot porsonnl attention te tho de tails of bis business, be hope to be able to render satisfaction te his patrons. Tbe TAD Lit will always be bountifully supplied with the best that can be procured In the market, and the BAB will contain a full stock of LWUOltb, 1IKEK, Aq Oood stabling attached. CASPER LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, March I, lfifiV-ly Proprtetoa. THE MANSION HOUSE, - Corner of Second and Market Streets, tLEARfltLD, PA. Tni9 old and commodious Hotel baa. during th past year, been enlarged t double it former capacity for tbe enlertalnmeut of stron- .... n J -....I. Th. tl..U hull.lln hu i.n.n refurnished, nnd the proprietor will spar no pain to render hi gueati eomlortable wbllj ttmyiag bim. JMT-Th "Mansion noN Omnlkv.1 runs to and from tbe Depot on the arrival and departure) of each trctn. dOUN DOUUHHItTY, aprfi-70 tf Proprietor. T EON A I. D nOUSfi, 1 J Near Ihe Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, PEN N'A. This house Is large, well funillifd, aad nearly new, and the Proprietor ferU confident of render ilig satiffection to gurils. N. II. Uood stabling oonnted with tbv hotel. o4-71 d. B. ROW, Proprietor. s T. CHARLES HOTEL, fOnti'i-H K. H. Ilrnnt.. CLEAR FIELD, PEN N'A. Tbe undersigned, having become 'proprletag of this house, is now ready to entertain strangers and travelers, and therefore solicit sojourners to give him a call. Hi Table will be supplied with tit best th market affords, end bis Bar will eon tain the choicest of wines and liquors. Extensive stabling is 'attached. I'bfirgcs moderate. Jen I O'TS J A M KS M l-LA DU HI.tN. WESTERN HOTEL, Op)oeite the Court Boole, CLEARFIELD, P EN N'A. AceominoJetlona flr.t-.1aae and eharfee moderate, eeli JOIIN.F. TOUNO, Proprietor. -aya-O H T O U R HOUIE, Oj.poitte the Coort Iloaae, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NK'A. ''Tt ITACBEAL A RROM, Pto,'l B HOCki:miFF HOI'BE,. EKLI.KF0NTS, PA., D. JO11NST0N SONS, . Proprietor. A MUHICAN HOUSE, Mall Street, BROOKVILI.E, PENS'A,. SHANNON A BUKKETT, e4 Tl Proprietor. 11AILKOAD HOUSE, Xj Main Street, PHILll'HIIlHO, PENH 'A. The undorsisned keens constant Iv nn band the best of Liquors. His table la always euppli-4 with th best tbe market affords. The traveling public will do well to give him a oall novi, oa. Lbutu. SUSQUEHANNA HOVSfl. C1IRWRNSVILLR, C'learneld eouuty, I'enn a. This old and well estahlilbi'd Hot-1, beautifullj situated oo th banks of the nusqnehanna, In tha borough of Curwensville, has been leased for n term ol year by the undersigned. It ha been entirely rvfltled, and is now open to the public generally end th traveling community in par liealer. No pains will be spared to render gueit comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling mom for the aocwnmodaUoi of teams Cb irgi's moderate. Spt. 28, iHTO-tf. ELI BLOOM. oot$ ana Jetton DANIEL CONNELLY, Bool and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA HAS just received a fine lot of Frenob CALF BKINH, and Is now prepared to manufac ture everything in bis line nt tbe lowest figures. He will warrant hi work te be a represented. He respeeUully ollelu a eall, at hi shop en Market street, second dtor went of the posteffiee, where he will do all in bl power to render satis faction. Some la Gaiter tops on band. myb,'7-y DANIEL CONNELLY. SEW BOOT AD SHOE SUOP. EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A So St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. npilK proprietor has entered Into th BOOT X SHOE business at tbe ehovn stand, nnd is determined not to be outdone eflber In quel. Ity or price for bis work, Special attention will be paid to manufacturing Hewed Work. He ba on band a large lot of Erench Rip and CalfSklns, of ihe vary best quality. The elti sens of Clearfield and vicinity nr respectfully invited to give bim n trial. No charge for calls. nv,' n tr Clearfield Nursery. ENUGUHAGE 1IOMM INDUSTRY. THR undersigned, having established a Nut sery on th 'Pik, about half way between Clearfield and Curwensville, Is prepared to fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TREKS, (standard and. awmn,) skvergreens, nnrwiinery, urape vine. Oo9brrte. Lwtoa Bluokbcrrv. Strawberrx. and Rasher ry Vine. Also, Siberian Crab Treet, yutnee, and ar;y scarlet it hu barb, e. order promptly attended to. Address, . it. wniunr, epSfi-fifi-y CarrnaflMo, Pn I, C. XITHRRR to buy my DRT OODS, tSRO It eeries, Queenswar, Glassware, Drus and Notion, Confectioneries, Ac, -cheap for own. Tbe snbecriber bera ev to Inform hit eld nnd new customers that be has opened A VARIETY STORi IN OLEN HOPE, PA. And will setl goods at price to suit th times. A liberal reduction will be mad to customer buy ing at wboleeale. Call and examine rev stork befbre purchasing oleewhere, A liberal share of public patronage i solicited. p. J. ERAOT. Glen Hope, Pa., June 14, 1871. jKW STORK IN IIOUTZDALEI P. OALLAflHRR having just returned frem the east with an entire new and enasplvte assort moot of Merchandise, tuitald for Winter ud Spring trade, which ha been selected with great care and bought at low rts, Is prepared to fur aisb tbe el tit mis of Heaisdale and vicinity with goods at n pery light atf rena en first coot for easb. Country Produce and Shjngle token at market mix. CaU aud examine my stock befert purchasing elsewhere, ' p. flALLAOUER, nontsdalo, Pa., Feb. !, 1171 !