Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 05, 1872, Image 2

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GEORGE J. GOODI-ANDER, m hnut, ., i .
; , CLEARFIELD, PA. , , .
, ' ' or cot.cuaia coi'itvr.
'f '"' ' port aiditor general, ' '
t or RBDrORD COl'KTT. . ' ,
URNDRICK B. WRIIIIIT, Loaorne county. ".
JH1CIIAIII) VAUX, Philadelphia.
JAUU0 II, IIOl-KIHJ, f-Uuliutgu.
Delegate! tt l arge to the Conatllutloiial
," Convention. ,
Jurenii.h 8. Blank. York. ,
j. ' George W. Woodward. Lutcrne. ' '
William Blgler, Clearfield. : ''
.,' . Frank R. Uowen, Philadelphia.
Ruber! A. Lamhertoo, Uameburg.
A. A. lNiruan, Wnyneiburg.
. .. Jamea Kllii, Potuville. : . ' ..
Uearge M. IMIbi, l'bllelibla. ,
Jobn A. Campbell, Philadvlijbia. ' '
M'illtam L. Corbett, Clarion,
William 11. Kniilh. Alle(lieny. - -Williau
J. Baer, 8omeriU ; ..j
8. C. T. Doda, Franklin. ' ( '
Bauiael II. Roynobla, Laneaeler, '
-' ' ' LUretora at Large. ;
Edgar Cowaa, Ornilan. ,
Uoorge W. bkinner, CbaiuberfUirg. ,
KelUeu Manria( Krie,
Miller. '
& Qroia Frye, Philadelphia.
w IMatrlct .Uectora.
Flrtt Distriel, Thomal J. Uargor.
2d Stephen D. Andcriun. , .
. Id John MalTet. -
4th UtvTf BernL
.'. - Uh To Im tiled.
:a laiah B. llaupt.
7th Samuel A. llyur.
Hth Jetaa O. llawlry.
lh Hiram U. Swart. , ,
lath U. Riilly.
llth Jno. Kneeht.
- 12th Fred. Vf. Ooo.lor.
ISth Darid Loudenbery,
Hth Jesre McKniKht.
16th Henry Weill. t
. , loth Henry 1. Blabla,
17th K. W. Cbriity.,
IKth William F. l.u(;n.
lUth Raiielal Ilroon.
20th Fred. M. KobinaoD.
Jlrt John 11. Wilno.
22d Philip II. Stuvenaon.
1M John U. Bard.
21th Ueorga W. Miller.
Seuatorial lele);atea at I-arge U the a
. tiuual Couventloua
Ooorge W. Caa, Plttaburg.
William A. Wallnee, Clearneld.
. Bsmael J. Randall, Philadelphia.
Philip Coitina, Kbenaburg.
Congreiaioiial nclegatea at Large.
h. A. Maekey, Look Haven,
t'. W. Carrigan, Philadelphia. : '
Wilaon, tlarriaburg.
w Ii. Q. Smith, Lancaater. x
John II. llriton, Wult Cheater.
John A. Boyle, Uuiontuwii.
DlKtrlct iKlegatci.
" lat Dlatrict, W'm. MeMnllcn, Pamu',l Joaeph.
id William MeKeilly, Thomaa 0. Fiona.
a J. a-. it...t.i u
4th Iaaao Loch, John Campbell.
5th Thomaa Yerkcl, Louia C Caaaidy,
Cth--l)r. A. Aker, . J. Albright
7th R. E. MnaiKhan.tiiwrgoll. Armatrong.
. th L. Oeta.ll.F. Bayer.
; 91k Henry Carpenter, Robert Crane,
loth Wm. M. Randall, C. l. Illoninger.
1 1th iKaae 8. Cue, Cbirlei Olaata.
12th Charles A. LamWrton, Aaa A. Bruodago.
1.1th Wm. M. Piatt, K. Piolette.
Hth Jacob Lyaenring, W. K. Wilaon.
15th John Creaflwell, Joaiah R. llunbar.
loth Aug. Puncan, A, II. CofTrlth.
17tb Jnmea Burna, R. M. Hpeer.
18th Kdward Parka, M. F.
lltth Herman Krrta, If. W. llutohimon. .
10th P J. Picrhe, W illiam llliun.
Slat W. H..PIayftrd, John Latla.
!2d Jamei P. Barr, John 11. Bailey.
231 Iarid Campbell, P. II. Winaton.
24lh Jaa. A. J. lluchiinaii, D. 8. Morrli.
National Democratic Convention.
. The National Democratic Committee, by rir
toe of the authority eonfarrad opon them by thi
Uaat National Democratic Convention, voted, ad
a naetlng held thla day la Now York, to bald
the nait eonventloa for tka purpoae of Bomlnat
ing eandidatea for Fmidcnl and Vice Pre aidant
of the United Statet, on Iht 9th day of Joly,1872,
at 1J e'oloek, M., In the city o( Ba ltlmoea.
. Tho baali of repreeentation, ai flxid by the
lait Democratio Convention, li double tho num
ber of Senator! and Repreientatlvti in Congreea
In each Plate under tha apportionment of the
etDim of 1870'
"Each Slate will tend delegate! accordingly,
-and Invito Iht aordial eo- operation of all eon
arratlva cliiiena who dcilra tbi re.torallon of
eonatitutlonal government and tha prrpetuation
of reputlican princlplei.
. . AUGUST BKLMONT, Chairman.
FaiDKnirx 0. Panel, Sccrclary.
Now York, May. 8, 1872.
dispatch to tlio nssociato press from
ftasitiu fays thnt Lieut. Frederick
J2ciit Grant was in Momow. llo 10
tntto4 tlmt tlio Cxar aliould call and
see liim. It is u great wondor llio boy
djji jiot ask tho Emperor to foot bis
biili. Fred U ovidently tbe lust snob
thQ,Hualnns Imve neon.
t''Tug GovenNMKNT" Annihilated.
-?rSonrVor Sumnor, on Saturday, as-,
unnainn'.od Grant in tho Hunnto Cliura
ibor." Ho did not murder bim, it in
true, but politically bo bkinncd bim
alivo. No public man was over so
iovorely handled in Ibnt .chamber.
Jmpcachmont would bo a rcltigo. Cut
At this is not our funeral wo shall not
woop. If the "broad and butter bri
gad,M which meets in Philadelphia
io morrow, can stand it, wo can.
Kemts from ma Labors. James
Goidan Bunnott, editor and proprietor
of tho Now York Jhrald, died in that
city on Sunday last, in tbo 72d your
of his age. Tlo as without rival
in tho ncwHpaper line. The rcpota
lion of Mr. Bennett and tho 7erti Is
world-wldo. Ilia carcov as A journal
ist Is before the world and is publie
property. His private life and por-
tional character aro tho proporly of
his family and friends.
CATiigRina Thebresd and bnt
ter" patriots have assomhlod In largo
numbers, from tho four quarters ol the
continontfiUrtiiludolphm, for the pur
pose of tightening lltuir Grant collars
n Tharhday, preparatory to a funornl
noxt November. lVcsants may At
tract parasilos bnt cannot bribe voters.
This Grant and his gifted flatterers
Will iliscovMot the right iitnp.
The Tirkrl.
At our mast hoad will bo found tho
ticket agrooc opon at Heading last
week- It Is the strongest nnd boat
evor presented lo tlio voiVs V Ten"
Hylvaiila.. . Inlelloctuully ftnd morally,
our notnlnecB uro' fiiants wlo)i otun
pared with tho robbers 'and pinchers
presented by our opponents. .Tbo
llarrisburg 1'atriot, In alluding t l'10
ticket, eays :
Fur Governor ',tho nomination ".of
Charles It. Duckulew has already been
rati Hod In the hearts of n groat ma
jority of tho Pennsylvania people.
They npprccliilo the ubility 'hiui
has marked liis piiblio career and tho
purity and sitnplieiiy .of liis-privaU
life. Whether in tlio tScnuto of his
own Stuto, or in tho Sonnto of the na
tion, or ns representative ol tho coun
try nhroad, ho has dislinguittbod him
self In every position,' Throughout
his public life ho bus enjoyed tbq con.
liileneo and respect of tho ablest mon
ot all parlies. . So man Is more lumii
iar with the affairs of the Common'
woallh. If, no ahuBO or cor.
ruption will bo permitted to ncstlo
under bis adtniiiiiilralion. There will
be no public scandal job, and no
grocdy speculations with tho tnouoy
of the Commonwealth. But tbo gov.
ernmont of tbo Stato will bo brought
oacK to me purity wiiicu uiannguiau
od tbo best administration of tbo past.
Tho Heading oonvonlion has answered
in this nomination tho earnest cry ol
tho people for reform, ' t t
For Judgo of the Sttpromo Court tho
lion. James Thompson bus received
a nomination bv acclamation. This
is a just tribute lo tho eminent abilt
tv. tmritv and worth of lliul distill'
guisued jurist. . Judge. Thompson baa
boon tried lor QRcun yours on Hie
supreme bench, and has met the high
expectations of tho people, llin ser
vices aro written in the laws of tho
Commonwealth. AgninH him tbe
Itadicals have nominalod ibo Hon.
Ulysses Mortur. Judgo .Mot our baa
hud little, experience on llio bench.
For the last six yours he has boon an
active politician, and llio unfitness ol
bis nomination m rondo rod more glar
ing in tbe fact that il was given as a
rowurd for partisan services.. There
is no danger that the people will set
aside a ripe and nolo jurist iiko Judge
Thompson to make room Cor this par
tisan who possosses not a litho of bis
experience and ability.
The fiiiluro of Governor Geary to
sign tho apportionment bill of last
settdon, and the recent purisnge of a
supplementary appoilionmctit act in
Congress giving reunHylvanm yet
another representative, have required
the election by tbe people of three
Congressmen at I urge. In too per
formance of this portion of tho work,
the Koiiiliiig convention has presented
for Congressmen at largo the names
of Itichard Vuux, James II. Hopkins
nnd Jiondiicu 13. Wright. ' All throe
of these names are well known to the
Democracy of the Stnto. Mr. Vuux,
who represents tbo Democracy of tbo
oast, held theotneoof Mayor ol jt'biln
delphia some years ago, and en
joy a groat popularity in that city.
though sometimes ultra and imprac
ticable in bis views be has always bad
a hiiih placo in tho councils of the
parly, who huvo done justice to bis
honeHty of purpose when differing
r-. l-l hn mrvet - Tha Unn ltnd
rick ii. Wright of Luzorno, reprosonts
the Democracy ot ttie north on the
ticket for (,'ongrcns at largo. .Mr
Wright formerly represented his dis
trict in Congress and itas chairman of
tho national convention at Unltimnro
which nominatod James K. I'plk for
I'residont in 1814. He is very popu
Inr throughout his portion of tho
Slate, and will rccoivo a trorr endotls
voto from tho miners of Ibe entire an
thracito region. James II. Hopkins,
Ksq., is a prominent young lawyer of
L illnburg, and is the so of tunt dis-
tinguisJiod veteran Democrat, William
Hopkins, of Washington county. In
this nomination the young Democracy
of Pounsylvania are properly recog
nir.ed. Mr. Hopkins ia an eloquent
spoakcr, and will be lieaitl -on the
stump during tbo campaign, as will
his two associates on tbo congres
sional tickot, both of whom are ex
perienced campaigners. . . '
William Hartley, ol Bedford coun
ty, who has received tho nomination
for Auditor Generul, bus norer held or
sought oflloe. He has always been
content to perform his duty as a citi-
zon wilboifl seeking the rewards of a
politician. For a nu rubor of years
past he has been extensively ongagod
io the oil business, and is woll and
most favomblv known bv all onn-nirod
t ------- j j O 13
in tbo trade for his aland against the
South Improvement monopoly last
winter. Business qualifications of tho
highest order and an Integrity of
character that Has nevor been im
peached, fit him for this responsible
position. Possessed of ample means
ho docs not seek tho emoluments ot
tho olllco, but is rendy and willing to
devolo his time and his services to the
interests of the public lie is in
every respoct tho moral antipodes of
Harrison Allon who would bo tho
mere tool of an nnncruptilous ring itt
the oflico of AuditoMioncral.
Ilarlranft't Own Hirear.
Wo clip tho following card from tho
report of the committee on tho Evans
robbery. Tho Radical candidate for
Governor swears "ihusly";
Almot ooo year before the elaima were delirnred
to AI r. Kvani, he ottered to loan me aue moacy ;
1 did not accept of it at tbo titno he made the of
fer, but eihaeincnt!y, and before the Brat of Artrll,
1 aoeepti-d a lota from him of 7,t't)0, for which 1
gave him my duo bill) 1 did not aeo him again
until Anguat, at the time he enme to mnko hia re
port. I then paid him the money with lntereat lo
that ditto. That will explain thi Irnnaaotioa
which la nd'crml to ia tho iVkn article. Tha fol
lowing la a cipy of tho receipt 1 rocoived from
Mr. hvana t
Pan.Atmf.ruiA, Anguat IS, 1871.
Received from J. F. fl.irtranfl aeren thouaartd
one hundred and lerenly-tive dollar, in foil l'r
eah borrowed, with intercnt, for which I hold
due bill,
7,!7. Uro. 0. Kvim.
Why has this duo bill nover boon
brought to light f Wo (tipposo from
tho fact nono ever was given.
Tbo 17,000 was a gift, and hail there
boon no fuss about it, ncithor due bill,
rocoipt or cash would ever have beon
heard of. A pretty candidnto for
Govornor, truly. Evans should bo on
tho ticket, loo. Mercur is an inno
vation. -"
What A Pity I The Philadelphia
Prru of the 80lh alt., thus woepsovcr
the defeat of its political bantlings I
Another vain ttfort waj made In the Ifnna'e
yeatwlsy tl lake p tho Ka Klai and Civil
liigbta billa. Tbo liomoorata aad Conaorvalivn
Itcpiiblicana have tha balanoa uf pvwor andleean
dotcrmiucd to uao it,
Tho passage of the Amnesty bill
and the defeat of tho Ku Klux and
negro alias Civil Highu bills, ia the
death blow to iiadioalism, und woll
aoe .Mr. J-orne know it, 'J
Itrmocrullc i'rimary MttlloH,
This Eleolion will bo hold in tho
soverul Districts of this county on
Saturday, tho 8lh day of Juno, 1872,
to 6pon (indeloNo'r". juoh liourts shall
bo agreed upon by u majority 01 the
Vigllanof Committeo bf oach seperute
ditttriuu, lor tlio purpose ol oxprfssing
by! ballO their choieo of candidates
for tho following offices, vi : Ono por
sun for Delognlo to Constiliitiouiil
Cblivoiition, ono person for Assembly,
ono person for Commissioner, and one
person for Auditor. Tho following
ltuls ant Regulations uro intended to
govern tho holding of suld Election,
and-are published for tho information
and inslructlou of Democrats i n, .
Itixt . No person ikall ba permitted to tote
at auoli Primary Kleotioiir oxeept thoao who hare
Votod with Ihc Pcmocriioy at tho preoedlng Gen
eral Klcetlon, or ahall lo af known Pontocrntio
itaading, and no eandidito ahall bo planed upon
the return uulcra he ahall have hii oard aa a eao-
didato inaertrd In the Pemocratio papcra during
at Ivaat Tliasa week! prcoodlng ino I'litnary
ateutlon. . - i '
Hi i a 0. The lown.hip oommitlno or the ilea
tlon board ahall doalgtialc one of their number to
act aa return judge, whoao duty it ahall be to tnke
charge of the return of votei east, aftor having
b.KU duly oerttfied to aa being oorrout , and algmd
by a utajority of tha boaril, and la curry thutn to
Clcarllcld on tho Tucaday following the election,
and produce them at I o'clock p. at , In the Court
llouao, wnon acto juugoa win oe cauou w wrucv oy
tbo Cbairniaa of tlio Couuty Coutmtttco, who
ahall nreaide. Tbe volca ahall then ho oounted
and tbe peraona rveotving the higheat numherof
votoa oaat at lata election, lliail uo ueoiarea noroi
natrd for tho roaieotive atheea fur whtoh tbey
have lieen votod fori roeWrf, aaid parenee vutml
for ahall have oompllid with the reeulrementa of
ltuloothj In cue. the aeraon having tho higheat
number of votoa hna failed to onuiply with aald
rulo. then tbo neraon hating the next higheat
outnlier of rotea ahall bo declared tbe nominee for
aald effloe. ' ! ' 1
ifoaoaaW, That hereafter it ahall lav tha duly of
evory t igilance Coinmiltee trauauiittlng thetr ro
tuma in the manner indicated, lo-depute aome ac
tive and known Democrat to entorthe County Con
vention nod act for tbetnand their diatriot; and
that a Mat of tha nuinoi uf tbo voter, mu.t in
evory eaae aocoinpany the return.
lttinhti, That heroaller, ahould any diatriot
fail lo lie repreecnted aa above Indicated, or a
gloot lo return a liat uf the nunc of tbe votere, it
ahall be aurhcicnt eauae fur the Convention to ex
clude and rcfuae to receive and count the votoa of
aaid di.trlct ao offending. '
iVeao'eed. That tho Chairman of tho County
Committee la faorehy autboriaed to publiah thia
prcaiuhlo and roaolutiona along with the"tiulea
anel iicguiattons.
I now thorcforo givo nolico that
tlio necessary papcra and tickots will
be sontout with tho otbcr Primary
Election papers, and that a voto will
be taken as directed by tho foregoing
BcrcjUTa Frederick Bhoir, T. 8. Waahburn,
tloorire 0. Hewitt. 1'oter Uiaacll, Philip Unite.
Ur.t.l. Jeaaa Weaver, llaney MoCracken, li.
w. juecal"y, J. n . .Moti lice, n a.tungton wauip
lltofia Bmilb, Adam Wobev, Jaoob Zil-
liox, Wiliora Lyons, Frank Oreutt.
IliHiCi J. L. Morgan, Parid Mcaac, B. M,
Pctcra, tlideon Hincal, burton Murritt.
lIvaeroHn Aleaander Livingston,!. P. Call-
well, William Taj lor, I. i. Uargor, Benjamin
IlaAttr Jcaae Linca, Amoa Ronaalt, Michael
HhaRcr, Jr., KMJnh Aahiiitclter, Samael tinydcr,
Thomaa J. Booth, llmry ilarl.Mt. Ji.
lll:HKlnB Othello blmeeit, Paole! Uornan,
Adum Iteck, b lward buig, .Vlntthew irvln.
CltaiT Hamilton White, CaKin Htevena, R. B
Clemaon. Anthony McOarvov, W. C. kitehen.
- ClaaiiriKtai lanael Teat, Cyrenina Howe,
Oeorgo Lcipold, lliumaa llougliurly, Clayton
Johoaon, Alexander Powell.
Covtvuvon Arnold itrhnnrra, Augu.t Rougaux,
Lewi! I'uikard, W. M. tlilhland.
CuKwr.NaviM.K T. Jcffcraon Bloom, Benjamin
nroome, John Foutl, S. F. McCloakey, F. J
Pw.iTi a J. F. Bleiner, Richard Hughel, M
K. Petera, Jacob llagar, C. M. t'a'twullader.
FxRiirao?. Oeorgc Straw, William L. Mooro,
William Hell. David heed. B. Ilullihaa.
(IIBnn iLinlel Krife. Oeorie Ureen, John F.
Jury, rrauk Tierucy, Iraucia iliilotto.
Uoaae R. II. Hhaw, Jamca K- Orahnm, A. C.
Waltera. R. 3. Kvler. Wcalev Wileoe.
ClHAMAM--John W. Turner, Amos Hatler,
Jaokaoo HiMiver, C. n . hyler, Alfred Lanalierry.
tlri-litt Jamca Flvon. John M. Jordai
Oeorre Oorven. William Conrad, II. 11. Hummel.
HnaroK Oaoar Allen, Henry Letahtield, George
Woodward, Jacob Hoacnkrana, Craton andell.
Joruak Jamea McKoeban, Pavid Johnaon, D,
W. Wlae. Haninrl Wltherow, Katnoel P. Hlraw.
KANvnAfa Martin Kup, Roland Kennedy,
Robert iirtdgena, J. C. Miohaela, John Maloea.
Ksox-II. J. filoppy, II. V. llowlaa, J. K. Pun
lop, Reaben Caldwell, Conrad Bloom.
Lawar-n a. U. M. Welch, L. C. Bloom, J. B,
Hhaw. John MoBride, Robert llocd, Witliatn T
I.uaavn Citt T. W. nile, II. T. Robtnaon, E.
Bloom, A. F. Worta, J. U. I'upplea.
Monate F. H. Jeneer Jeremiah Hoover, Sr.,
Jnmea L. Htcwart, Jca.o b'-ama, O. L. rboonover.
Nrw WaaniMOrov 0. R.trieker, W. Mabaffcy,
1'. N. Thompaon, II. Kerr, Jr., II. V. Hoao.
Om boi.a A. J. Svnher, P.. B. Ilartman, Patrick
Punn, llrnry Krouae, William Quigley. .
Fa.vx Tbomia A. Hoover, Jaraea U. Clark
Patrick Pally, J. W. BafWtr, William Smith.
fuR-W. J. Caldwell, William Palo, Perry
Browaa, Barauol Monro, J. r. HoKenrick.
Ufitox George II. Drcealer, George Buweranx,
W. W. Punlap, Pirnon Welly, John riheaacr, Jr.,
w ootiwARn William Luther, II. II. Baugnman,
A. r. &bol, William Kline, Thomaa Mai here.
t.'hairman Item. Co. Com.
Mottoes for H abtranft
The Central Hurlranft Club of Phil
adolphid, being about to hangout their
banner on Broad Strcot, tbe Age sug
gests tho following motions for it:
I paid to John F. Hartranft rariono amonnta
of money from atoek apirnlationa with money do
poaited with thia doponent by tho State Trcaauror
at tlio tnatanco ol anm llartrnntl.
"CtiAst.aa T. Yasars, Broker."
'I paid John K. Harlranh tha cum ol two tana
aand eevon hundred doHnra, wiiioh aula aaa do
rived frum profita on of loana of the
Lommnnwretin, and Bale ot tbe vame to tno .ink.
ing fund, which aule waa Bade on the twenty,
niuih of April, 1870.
"Chari.ri T. Yfrrrb, Broker."
'I borrowed aeren theaeund dollnra of G. 0,
fiver, and did not pay it hack until the matter of
trio deluloation wal notortoua,
, "Joms t. llAaiRixrr.'
Democratic Stat Convfntioh
This body which nsfOmblcd at Koad
Ing on Thursday lat, was ono of tbe
most harmonious nnd largest asgom
binges of tho kind ever assembled in
Pennsylvania, and as might bo ex
pec tod nominatod ono of tho strongest
tickets over presented to tho old Key
stone Stale. Of its olection thcro Is
no doubt. Wo will lay tho proceed
ings of tho body in full before our
renders next week. ..
In Taouiii.r.. A negro named James
Fivhor, who has boon swooping tbo
Erio post oflico sinco ho beotimo a
voter, has beon orrcsted for lobbing
tho malls, opening loiters, etc. Ho
now in prison. Tho evidenco against
him is very strong, nnd if tho case is
not properly managed on the part of
"the govornmont." Grnnt will likely
Ioho a vole hyxt November bocauso of
llio foolishness of this' "government"
Just Likr Them. Sinco the pas
sage of tho Amoosty bill Grnnt and
hit toadies claim that it Is a Child Of
their begetting; but the shoving and
hugo offort to pass another Ku Klux
bill, in order to suspend tho habeat
corpus, puis tbo lie squarely and ele
vates the dcmtigogno Tory conspicn.
ously.'' ' , ' ' ",'.
Cannot Af.rottR!f.-. Congress has
been trying lo adjourn for two weeks
past, and bad fixed on the Od, but
Suraaers speocb. on Saturday upset
the carl ngain. W hat a pity the pa
triots ennnot get homo j '
VMlndclphia OttMoutHtt:
Tho Philadelphia Vcm, forgetting
a piece of eound advlco given omo
eighteen hundred years ago about tho
propriety oi examining un ni.
delooti before sttoinpiinga euro of his
neighbors, is kind enough to devoto it
few pions pragrnph lit oiuo roocnt
OcmiiTencoa in York oo(inly
Now wo have no doairo to apoiogizo
for, or In any way extonuato, Ibo mis
deeds of York -county olllcinls. On
Iho contrary, every cllort to bring to
condign piinishmont tlto fubn tho liuvo
abused thoir trust, win uuvo our sup
port. Hut we do obioct to receiving any
ndvicccoinplaint, pr 'other auontioirr'
lroin any paper puunsnou in tno city
tti Philadelphia, mid most partinulawry
if that paper happens to no tno ruua
dolphin Press. Bulbre. wo uan listen
with any pulionoo toaitackslroui that
Quarter wo want lo see the aforesaid
papors uniting with tho people in an
honest attempt to rid the cay onco
and for ull of tho Grays, liuutis, louds,
and other scoundrel who liavo on.
sconced tbomsolves in -its offices of
honor and profit. And from Mr. John
W. Foruoy of bis i'wd we require
something more than llial. , from linn
wo demand a little piuco of personal
humiliation and repentance before ho
can be allowed to oxhort tho brethren.
When John W. arrives at kuch a frttrao
of mind that bo can refund to tho
Stalo of Pennsylvania tho 2,
recoivod from I). Q. Forney, which he
aeunowlvuAro lie gavo no comonsji
tlon for, and which aid wero
received by said D. C. Fony from
Goo. 0. Evans, who stolo it' om the
Suite, thon, and not till tboi we will
listen wilb groat salisfnclion and edi
fication lo his homilies.- York Ua;Ute.
.'. . Eye lo the future.
Scofiold, tho congressman from Ibis
district, is somewhat nolod for his
"soft soaping" qualitios. Ho has an
extraordinary faculty of rubbing bis
acquaintances down and making a
palaver over ihem. Borne time ago,
uftor ho bnd returned from a'viail to
tho congressional "refreshment room,"
ho mot ihe wcll known Judgo Black,
of this Stuto, who, besides being tho
greatest man, is ono of the pluincsl
spoaking men in America. The fol
lowing scene is reported to have oc
curred: Seofield Ah, Judgo, glad to Sco
you j how well you aro looking; you
look younger than you did fifteen years
Judgo Black A fine day, Mr. Sco
fldd. . ;
Scofiold It's a pity, Judge, that a
man of your splendid mind should not
bo in tlio public service; you aro too
grcut a mun to remain in the minority.
Tho Judgo rvspoudud with a shrug
and a grunt. ,
Scbotield Judgo, you hod better
como over to us; wo would do band
somelv bv roil. '
Judim I hnvo thought sometimes
about it, Mr. Seofield, but there ia ono
obslaclu in tho way.
Scofiold eagerly Ah, J udge, whst
can that Uo r Is it a serious one r
Can't something bo done to remove It?
You are loo great '
.. Judge (impatiently) Yes, sir, a
serious ono u vory serious one
fiei'c in a hell I f
The Vase of siokrt.
Tbo country is not a litllo surpris
ed that tho trlul of ox-Conifrenn
Stokes, of Tennomoo. tor a gross lraud
against tbo government shopld result
in tho very insufficient iicnalty of a
lino of (1,500. In sentencing this dis
tinguished convict, Judgo Cartor, ol
the district criminal court, s.nd : . "
Gen. Sloker. tha Court haa oomo lo the eoa
eluaion to impoao upon ye a penalty of $1, 5011,
and the ooat of the prottctitioa. I have boon gov
erned in my aeUon by several eon.iderationa,
among them your uniform good nharaotar, your
advanced age, and the rciiucet of nice of all partii a
in your State that yourpunUhment ahould be lixht.
It ta unneoeaaary to a person of your intclligcuce
to aay more.
Stokes is no ordinary offender. Ho
belongs lo an aristocratic clatytof rich
nabobs, who, without tho temptation
of poverty and without the excuse of
ignorance, rjbbeu the government by
the groat crime of ioigory. As soon
as suntonce was pronounced ho paid
the fino and departod, and veil he
might, for tbo sum he robbod Hie gov
ernment of was i!0,000, and tha fee he
received was $10,000. If apooratarv
ing man bnd forgod an ordor for 25
fiounds of flour, Judge Carter would
iave given him four years in tbi Pen-
itontiary. Huntington Monitor
Mrs. "Governmnnt." Tho Wash
ingion corronpondout of the Jkiston
l'ust says : "Airs. Grant used lo bo
very sociable, easy in her mi. iners,
wilh plonty of conversation .. nd a
pleasant, unaftected way of sp. iking
that was very winning, llerprfcot
simplicily and freedom from 1 uirs"
was very striking and alwnj i im-
Jircseod thoso who conversed wi. ii her
uvorobly. Now, on the contra y she
is stiff ami reticent, and wears . n ex
pression of haughtiness whiuli is at
unbecoiniugas it is out of plucf. She
was a grxiul fa fori to with a 111 who
know hor two years ago; nctr tho
chtingo in hor iiiunucr Is vory g literal
ly rotiiarkod and is oommujitetl upon,
unpleasantly. Alins iellio, tint only
daughter, is a sweet looking incident
young girl of sixteen, who, uVvefy"
quiet and rotiring. Sho - is . always
prcsotit at her mother's roception. but
i ..I 1. ,1.. I I I
luav. e jiinvu ill -liu wwvaiyutitA. , ,
-I aw e -i - ' t a
Loyal Counters. Tho Philadel
phia correspondent of the New York
.Vim, lolls of a ''counter" who was em
ployed lo count tho five cunt nickels
in' Iho U. 8. Mint, and who curried
away (3,700 worth of ilium in Irsg
than throo weeks, filling all af his
pockets each night, llo was found
out nnd discharged but never was ar
rosled. Tho reason why ho ctsouped
was that ho was a Grant man und a
good worker. Another official delimit
ed to the amount of $20,000 while
third carried off (0,000 in small
vor coins, a pocket full nt a tiino. All
these Itissesareneciiiiiiled for aa "short
ages." Tho oxleht of these "shortages''
can only bo conjrciurcd by iho public,
Tho circumstantial account given by
the correspondent of tho odd way
things aro done at Iho Mint, it worthy
a moro careful Invcatiiiation,
"Powfrfcl Governments." -Senator
Sherman oltilmn that thrniil, il.
efforts of tho Itopublican 'party "it Is
now conceded that we have one of Ihc
most powerful (iovornmonts on the
face ol tho globo." Yes, the Govern-
i i - . , , . .
mum, is poweriui, out now ahout tr.C
riooiilof llussin nnd A lutein
"powerful Governments." A "now.
riiu uovernmont, in tno sonso that
lornt Is iinmlnceil ninnna nri, il,... I.
- -. .. w ,,1,1,1, IB
arbitrary nnd irresponsiblo in its char
aclor. Shoi man'spartv has made our
Government "powerful'' by Weaken
ing tho power nnd rights of tho pooplo.
Our liovoluiionnrv tut Intra iwnul.l I, ......
none of tboso strong and "powdrfur
Voupott eVcWe'.
Bpottod fovor is fearfully futal lo
Union county, whero it has reached a
typo.'1 -.
According to tho Naahvillo elmri
can, Androw Johsop is to be a candi
dnto for Congressman ot largo, .from
Tennessee, ' ': " J .
While the old court house at llagors
town, Maryland, was being torn down
last wook the walls fell in, crushing
throo men to death.
That oomtnon aoold, Wondoll Phil
lips, is out in another loiter ubusing
ovoybody but himself. Wendell don t
admiro anybody but himself.
7 Tho'KiiglisU govern nieb,' has dotcr
minod to pardon tbo Fenians now re
maining in prison, and they will shortly
bo reloaded from custody. ,- . , , .
A Southern editorial excursion- to
tho North is to start from Richmond
on 15th of ' June. Such an excursion
cannot but result in great good.
A monster hotel ia in contemplation
at Chicago, to cover four blocks, and
cost 80,000,001), whore the prico of
board will rango lrom SI to ill a day.
A largo trout pond is being oonsluct-
oil nu tlin Mountain House trrounds at
Cresson. The hotel will be opened
for the roception of visitors on tlio 10 tb
I A learned judgo in Now York has
recently decided that thoro is no
Eiitflish law prohibiting a woman from
wuaring main altiro, so long aa she
behaves herself.
Hugh Mara and Jama. Hoopbcrty,
oonflnod in tbo reniioniiary ior. too
assault on Ilevenne Delcclive Brooks,
have been nardonod by Governor
Iowa has abolished tbe death pen
alty as a punishment for crime, sub
stitution- hard labor for lile. Pardons
aro to be c ran ted only on recommen
dation of the legislature.
Attorney Gonoral Williams is per
forniirir? the duties of his office by
slumping Uregon in uetiaii oi tno ite
publican State ticket and his own
ulootton lo the umiou ntutes senate
J. F.dgar Thompson and family,
President of the Poiinsylvania Central
railroad, sailed from New York on the
llilh met., for fcurope. tie will Do
absent about tlirco months,
Tho Radical papers are trying to
console thomtolvos for the defeat of
thoir candidate for U. 8. Senate in
Connecticut. This is praiseworthy in
them, and they bavo our sympathies.
A Quaker's advice lo his son on hi
wedding. day: "VWiOii thee wont a
conning, I told theo to keep thy eyes
wide open ; now that thou art married,
1 tell thee to keep them Ijnlt shut.
G. W. N. Yost, convicted of porjury
in tho United States Court, and sen
tenced to two years in tho Western
Penitentiary and to pay a fino of two
thousand dollars, has been pardoned
by the President,
$cuj dvfrtistiufttts.
Fourth of July !
to m: CKi.i-.nnATi'.n in
The Good Old-fashioned Way.
To bo held od the (Iron nil f tbe
A variety of amusements will bo
provided to mako tho day pass ploas
antly. A largo and spacious floor
and good band of music for all who
wish to trip tho " light funlasiio."
In tho afternoon there will bo two
trotting matched 1 ' '
r i list:, - ... $iio,
PI' USE, . , . . f
Open to all harm that bare never beat I mia.
. i' - . . i . .
.Ample arrangements hsvo been
iptjd for refrouhtncnls for ull on the
Grounds. ' . 11 ' ,
To be held for the benefit of the
Park Association. - .' n
UirVoT furthor information, in ro
gnrd to entries, Ac, address J. M.
Ada m, Secretary. . . ,
Pnoooaaora to W, A. Arnold,
, KASi rartt'ssns or
Healers, Banges, low Crates,
Fata agenti for the celebrated ,
pfti V'l fo Catalogue-.
No', ljej Choitnut Street, '
he.ej " JJlUpEVfli.'"
Srw g,dufrt.$fu.rt.ti.
1?m ALR Clll: A P. One two-tented
1 CARRIAGU. Inquire of
jot D. 0. NIYLINO, Cloaxnald..
ACTION, All persona are hereby oautloned
aiainat nurehaalne or In any way lueddhng
with tltt following property, now In poaaeoe'on of
II. V. llloora, of Uloom township : Too lerrel
huraoa. 1 now and colt 4 hoge, I plow, 1 wagon,
1 log atrd, 4 bed a and heddiug, 3 atuvee, corner
enpbuarda, f acta of chain and S elocha. Tha
above property was bought by me at Sheriff's
ale, and ia ten wun Dim on loan oniy.
Presidential Campaign
Bend for Illu.tratcd Circular
and l'rice l.iat.
" - Mannfacturcra,
No. JU4 Church titrcot.
4 4m - , rhiladclphia.
Tbe oe-partnorahip heretofore a i lat Ing be
tweon tho Underalgned in the hotel-keening buai
neaa in Poenville. haa been diaaolved thla day by
mutual ennaenU The book a are in the bande of
F. K. Haflerty, who will aettlo all the aoeonnta of
aaid eo. partnership, and continue tlie bnalneaa at
tbeoidatanu. 'jr.nnr.m n naa.vAn.
June a, IS7.3t . K. KAKFElll V.
The ot'pnrtnort.bip be ret of 'ore jurting be-
twoen tbe oodorilttncd in tbe klttoksnitb bull-
noil, in (be borough of Carwentville, bee been
diiiolved by mutual ooo tent. All thute Indebted
to teid firm ere rMeeled tu tut tie ibelr eo)ant
on or before tlie lt or ai-niemtirr next.
A. A 8. J. GATES.
K. B. Tbe buf teeu will be continiu'd el tbe old
tend by A. Uetee. June ft, 171 3l
TlUaUUC VEXDUEI Tho under.
X i(tnfd will tell at bit rcflMrnee
in Oril.ira townfhip.oe HATU KIM Y. JUNH 22.
Ittti, ttltj iMllUMluu, yu4WISl pkratlyty, a ;
Two eietobeil Uorid, 4 C-w, 1 ;oung Cattle,
Sheep, liufff, new Tbrflbing Machine, (two borne
tread power.) new two borne mnmon, Hugry, nn-
Klo and uVuMe Ilarneee, IMowi, U arrow t, Cu It ira
te r, and other farm in f ntvosila; 1 tinile barrel
n.fej alio, hoiuebolu furniture, eon ii at log of
tbura. JJritead and He'ldiuf, Uureau, btorea,
Cluck, and eituijf other article.
Bale te eetnmenee at 0 o'clock, a. of aaid
dar. when term will be made known.
Graham township, June 4, ItJJ t 2t
CAtJTlOV. All perauna are hereby warned
attain it purcbaiing ormedldllni; with a ee
taia yoke of Dun, both red with white faoea eud
about eixbt year old, ftow ia the poaaeaiiM of
Kobert lligk, of Knox townehip, a the laid oxen
belong to me and are left with bim on loan oely
ana iukjmi to my oraer. iv.i hau u Ah. Bit.
hew HtllfHirt, May 20, 1S71.-SI
ia hereby gireo tbat letter of adinioiatratioB
oo tha eatale of IlliMlV COOK, deeeaiaid, late
of Porguaoa towuahip, Clearneld oounly, Prena.,
having been duly granted to tlie nndoraignod, ell
perauna indebted lo aaid eotate will ploaae mako
payment, and thuao having claim, or demaada
will preocnt tlieut properly anthentioated for a.
May 29, 1871. -t Adminiatrator.
Jull.N LAtrsllIi.Trnuurorofthehoronch
or uaeooia, in aoeount wiia tno tunda of aaid wur
ough to May 7 lb,
1HTI carroa. .
Jao. 31. To amount received of JoK'iih
Foreman, eollector 209 61
Mar. If. To amount received or Joeeph
Foreman, eollector 138 44
Ap" 10. To amount reecired of Joecpb.
Foreman, eollectur 64 75
May 13. To 6ne collected by high eon-
ateble. I M
June S6. To amount reeeivod of Joaeph 1
Foreman, eollector 1 25
July lfl. To amount received of Joaeph
Foreman, eollector 1X4 06
July 2. To 6no , 1 60
Oot. 12. To amount reoetved ef Joaeith
Foreman, eolleetor Y 2a
Oct. IS.
To tax retained from J.Conroy 1 2
To amonet of duplicate for
IMI .' 7
l).,g tai.... X 00 Mi To
Ap I II. To am t ree d ef h. U. Lingle,
former treaanrer 6 61
l..1) 47
1871 caastron.
Jan. 21. By eaah paid erdera of Joaeph
Foreman, li0)
Jan. 80. fly oaab paid order Nu. 16
July 10. Ily eaah paid ordor No. 20......
July 111. IJy eaah paid order No.ll....
July III. Ily eaah paid order No. 26
July 10. Ily eafh paid order No. IV......
July 10. Ily oaab paid order No. 27......
July 10. Ity eaah paid ordor No. 2 1
July 10. Ily eaah paid bill J. A. Ulatten-
July li. Fly oaab paid order No. 22
July li. Ily eaah paid order No. 17
July la. Py eaub paid older No. 2&
Aug. 14. Ity eaah paid order No. 30..,.,.
Aug. 21. Ily old order (170) No.ll...,'
Oct. IS. Ily old order (1B70) No.31
Nov. 8. Uy old otder (1KII)
Nov. 18. Vf old order (lfl0 No. 23.....
N'ov. 18. Ily old order (lxeyi No. I -....
Deo. 6. Ily old order 1 1870) No. 15
Jao. li. Ity old order (1670) No. JJ...
Jan. 15. Ily old order (170) Ko.S2...
Apl 11. Ity eioneratlona on duplloate
of 1871
May T. By amount raid R. H. Bailey,
trcaauror lor Couneil 1872...
ft iV
jo eo
It 60
12 60
, 35 16
11 00
14 70
I 00
1 00
21 60
14 00
t li
2 00
325 00
12 60
26 08
60 00
. 60 00
146 00
13 76
n 3i
311 81
- 1..101 47
Amount ree'd of J.C. Foreman, eolleetor, $558 36
Amount nreeired from other aoaroea 10 4!
Amount of duplicate, 1871- 736 75
li.SM 47
Paid ordera leaned prevloua to 171 $802 00
Paid ordera iaanrd 171 and 1872 857 35
Amount paid R. B. Bailey, Tree, for 1872 312 81
Esoneraltoua on duplicate....,..,. 2V Jl
,11. SOI 47
VTa, ibe aoderaigned. Auditor, of the borough
of Oteeola, oorttly that we have oaamiaed the
above account and voocbere, and 6nd them cor
rect. Witnoaa our handa thia 8tb day of May, A.
v. mil. t. L. 1MKTT,
May t, 1871 St. Auditor..'!
fall at I.RVKR FtRGAt'8 new Store, oppoalte
nx-uorentnr mgier i reiitienre, on peoona itreet,
Clearfield, Pa., and examine hii fine atock of
Hats and Caps,. Boots and Shoes,
VtirnUhliiff Goode. &c.(
Of which be ii constantly receiving a large anort
ment of the Tory latent end best ityke, wbiob he
will diiinf oral aHoniihingly low pricee
LAD IKS, I have on hand ft largo and well
nlccted ftock of t how Mlnhrated hand-tewed
MOROCCO and LAtSlINO U A1TK1W, whioh 1
ean aafvly reouumend te be tbe beat In tho mar
ket. Call and rxnmine them.
Gent's Furnthhino Goods.
GKNTLKMKV. my ilrvrk of Famishing Goods
Is complete. I hare all tho norrltire In Bonrfe,
Ties, Cravate, llandkorehiefs, Underwear, Hoi
pendere, Coliare, Mtoree, llosirry, Ao., together
with a complete aswrlment of White nnd Cloth
Hhirts. t here on hand a large and well teleoted
stock of Hals and Cape of the rery latest si Tien.
Also, Trunk, Valtei'S, Railroad Hftjrt, Vmbrellaa,
Canes, and many other artidee, hulh nseful and
ornamental, whleh will he sold at fnir rates.
M-l ho eitlien of Clearneld and Tietnlty are
reiipeetfnlly Invited to call and examine tay goods
kafaiM niirrliilriBT al hot
I " V . a. .
Clearfield, Ta., May 21, 187
J. M. KRATZRR If Juel receiving a large nnd
attraetire itoch of Spring Qoodo,
: ? ' ,-. ' r '. ?
riearteld, March , 1872. ' ' ' ' 1
noMfEOPATnic rnvsioiAS, '
' In Moronic Building,
April ti, t'f . afleerneld, Ta.
he it n w
The "BLEES l". :
Patent Unit Motion,'- Alinoat eolacleae machine.
' Don't fall te eiauilna It before pureiiua
Ing oiaewhorc
.' 1 CLBAllFIBLD, PAj ! ' '
Ai""1 for Clearfmlil eounty, t.
pt Local Agente wanted ia every town In tbe
eounty, to wbow noerai torma win r. given.
Don't fail to eiamlno It and aatiafy yonraelf.
Ctoarflold, Fa, let. 7, 1173-tf. ,
Manufactured eepcelelly for
, t ... . ron taxi ir
-. i -i ' . '
eugVTO t . B. F. BIOLER A CO.
the greateat b.vt weather oomforter
via Invoated. '
Call and examine them. t
my22 2ra II. F. BIOLER 1 CO,
Light eqoal te One, at one-eighth the cost '
Caanrat b explo.led. No rbimne or wirk used.
Mrs desiring a profitable but incus can accuretbe
exclusive rivbt for the aale of Dyott'a Patent
CarbfMa tia Light Burners end Oil, for oounties
or tit ate. Write fur information or call on .
' M. B.DYOTT, j
No. lH Sooth Recond Ht , Phi la.. Pa,
N. B. Churches fumitbed with Chandeliers and
Lam pi of erery deaeriptiuo, 2i per eenL cheaper
than at any other establish men I In tbe eountry.
ebJ7-Jtia .
At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of ,
Between Shaw Uouae k Mansion llonae, Clearfield.
Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Kery,
Congrcs, Ctirend'tsh, Cable, Fpuoroll,
dUichigan and Century Fin -cut
Chewing Tobacco, .
AIM, a large and well lee ted eterk ef In ported
and lomet lo Cigar, Smoking Tobaccos,
' Jdeenvhavm and Briar Fipea,
Pipe fixtures, Tobaoeo
Boies, Cigar lloldcn, and ercry thing jrenerailj
foond In ft well regulated Cigar and
Tobaoco Btore.
r9bEemeubcr the placet Market street, be
tween Shaw Honse and Wan lion novae. Clear
field, Pa. pd.tojao.67J
The nndernirncd takes nleainre In Informing
his old ruelomere and the pontic generally that
he haa refitted hie woolen l1 emery, at Uridgrport,
with the adtiidoft of new maehincrr. whieh will
enaltle him to do all kinds of work In hie line of
bosineas on the ihonettt notice lie intends to
make ROl.I. CAHI'TXi a specialty, during the
carding aeaeon, and haa mad arrangrinenti to
reoeive wool and return the rolls to the following
plaree, tii:
URAHAM'H MILL8, Qrahamton.
If a Bteo lnteat IvmiiiI n him Ttadini Wactyfig
at naal, aad will par the ioikbt vaarT puick
for WOOL and SlifcKP PELTS, In eash or good
to eurt cwattwaere, - Any persona wishing lo hare
thetr wool carded and fpan, will beaoconiKodated
...eithiY tingle yam or doultle. Pereons wishing
thetr wtl epuiH will designate the vrenest by
placing a nut of dtirctittu on the bun lie, siring
the nomlxtr of cat per pound and the kind of
getfMig it u totvt made Into.
Thanking hia eat torn era for funacr fatvors, he
aolieit a eontinnaoce of the ram.
May 15, l;i .Hm. THOMAS II ILL.
Are yon lit need of a good set of Harne f
Arm yoa in need of a good Saddle or Bridle?
If eo, call at the Saddle and Heme Shop oi
Join C. IIarwics, where yoa ran got the beat ia
tbe Market. Double aad Single Harness aad La
dice' and Uetit's Saddle of superior workmanship,
always on hand or man u far tared to order. Spe
cial attention is oaltcd to ay stock of Collar and
Unmet, whieh are the best In nse. I also have an
aseortment of Saddler Hardware, which will he
disposed of at reaaonable rates. P.epairing of all
kinds promptly attended to. fefjL.loti't forget to
eall before purr haa. ng eleewhere. Shop in Old
Pent Office, Market itreet, Clearfield, Pa.
MeyS, U71-ly. JOHN C. UARWICK.
And ftU kind af Beating Stor for aale hy
augVTft v. 11. F. BKJLKR 4 CO.
CALC Ii;l PI.AWTKR-for vale by
myS3-4m . U. F. BItiLEK A CO.
Clearfield County, Pa,
rpilK SI MMER TERM of this lnslltutloa
JL will open on the first Monday of May texL
(ierm, Ave month.)
The course of atady will em brio a rigid end
thorough tret in erery branek requisite to a prae
tical and aceumpliiihed education.
Vocal and fnatmmentel mun in will occupy an
Important piece in the course of study.
Pupil wilt be admitted at any time during the
session, and charged from time of entering te tbe
cloee of the term. No deduction will be made
for absence, except In eaeo of protracted iliac.
Student dciring room for "clubbing" can be
accommodated at moderate rate. 'J'
Uood boarding oan be procured at three dol
lar per wek at public and private bouse. I
ror part leu i re aanree
UKOROK W. 1NNIS, Principal, i
March 6, T J tf New Washington, Pa.
rpilB SPRIXO TRRM of fnorteen week, ivll.
X oommenoe Monday, April 8th, 1871.
Reading, Orthography, Writing, Otdeol Lee-
eon i, I'rimary Anthmette ana rnmary
Ueoerat'hTo. 17 00
History, Local and descriptive (leography
wltn Mnp Prawtng, iframmar, Mental
and Written Arithmetle M V Off
Algebra and the Science It 00
Initructlon In Instrumental musle 10 00
Oil painting, 14 lemon II 00
Wat work I 00
For full particular send for Circular.
Clearfield, SepU 7, 18f0-1ypd. - y
A Male Female Claealenl lllKh School.
Each Department riarate IX.tlnrt nnd
complete in itaen.
TI1R oeholaalle year of thla Inatltntlon la divi
ded into two aeaalnna oI6re month, (twenty
one weekal oaeh. The flrat aeaalon oommenoe. on
the Aral Moeday In Heritnuaer) Uw eecond, on the
Arat Monday in Fehruary.
The eonrae of Inatruonoa omhraoea every thing
neeeaaary to a thonmajit praetieal and aeeenipliahv
ed edueation of both eeveo.
Fanlla will be admitled at any time and ehanred
from date of eatwnre la the eloae of.the aeaalon
Mo dodnotion will he made for aheenoe, eaeept
In eatea of estrone and protracted itinera.
militant, from a oiatanoe ocn o. aocomnoilatee
; 'h hoard al low rate.
Far iierttcoJere, aend for eireutara, er
Kov. P. L. IIAIIKIDN. A. M.,
JulyJd, !6JI-tf, )rlnelrl.
V , , ,,0 TUB 0RKAT ,
. t t t ' i -r .
UV B. PtlKTHH Ml A M, ), I),
IIavin auooeaded In felling , libtar tf
material, heno. Ik. hm and milmi, .h.. ,H
partial and full aoto of Tooth. I aaa ibTa
niannraeture of teeth and other material it
operailono relateret and warranted to n..
vioe and aatlafaetlon. '
Friend., reei that my eh.rre. for the laaaa
tlon of artificial and tlw aaiicg f n,,
tee th are now the moat reaaonalile In Peonrylv.
frnaerva yonr teeth aad yon preeorv, o,r heua
Pnltlti, of tha natural teat a ia a htalthir
eervativoand aaeful eoedition la aiaila a aaee'iahi
Ulaeaar. and malforaatioaaooniiaon tolbajaoala.
aw and aaaooiat. (jarla, are treated aoii MrrertLi
with fair auoot.a. iatniaalioni aod eoaiaiu.
Uoni raan.
It woald he well for pallania from a diatam. la
lot me know hy mail a few daya before oaaia!
to tho o6ioe.
It ia very Important that children betwee. (U
aire, of aia and twelve yean ahould have Ueb
teeth eaaaained.
Anotalbetiof are adminiatered and Teeth r.
moved without pain.
lliapoaitlona and .haraoter are Joiljad l ij
th. world hy tb. exprenal.oa of tho faee, Wm,
how very diao.troua day it therefor, be foiM.
aona to indulge ao eiprraBioa of dlatorted fcatana
oven apart from a hygirnie view. Now, teea)v
Batumi (not arti6oial) eomforta and pleaaana
reopeot and obey nateral aianpllcitiea and inen
8. POIl I hit B11AW, D. ll.l
Omo. in Now Mawnie linllding, rkeood Mrat
Clearfield, fa. MII'tP
Dr. A. il. I1ILL3 '
Vfonld ear t. hia natlenta and Ik. -i
lie generally, that, having diaaolved partnwilb
wih Dr. Shaw, he la now doing tho attire vJ
of hia otVe himaelf, ao tbat palicnta need lot m
being pot ender the handa of aoy ether operate
Clearteld, March JO, l67J-tf.
J. M. STEWAfiT, D. D. S.,
Office orer Irwin Drnj Stor.
All dental operation, either to the neebuiai
or Ofieratlre brmnebr promptly attended t t4
satislaotion guaranteed. Special atfentio pU
to th treatment of diseases of th oitaral tcttk
gum and month. Irn-gularity of the teetknl.
oessfully corrected. Teeth directed Without
by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth i&Mnt
of the Wit material and warranted to render at
Ufaction. eprilM'TI ir
A Move ill CurwensvIIle!
J. R. IRWIN, Druggist, .
HAS rcmored hi Drag Store to kU tee
room, three doox west of hit old nut,
aud takee this of'pertaoity ef Ibaakiog bit cl4
eutt oners for their liberal patronage, and kpa
by close attention, combined with a select itoet
of goods, to merit-it eoatinaance on tbeeutd
all hi old customer, aod secure that of au;
new one. Pleeae gite him a call.
CttrwenTille, March 27, lSri-fiia.
nave met with mch tXTKaonbinaar sctxmu4
are eo moch ia demand is because tbey art fotai
to possess all tho qualities we claim for tbeta.rii:
Pi bitt and HAtxttxr.M of MATiR!AL(tberefinett
liable te ncratc h) auiixiAvrr or risua, ruf
m.ta and FRanaavtue poet a, and ceaferrinc u
mount of ease aad comfort attained by Booth
lilnsoes in the world. s
They are without doubt the most perfect ta.
scientifically accurate lensea ever maaufactitt
and last many year witnoui cnange,
and dealer in '
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver
and flated Ware, sc.,
Sole Agent for thi. place.
May IS, 167J. :" "
W offer
at price ao cheap that ao fanner oan afford tw
without one, and warrant It to giro pertect w
faction In all eaae. ; ! ,
STONER'S, of Laaoaater.
hora. tread, which ia the heal ia tho eoaaoT
Will warrant it te threah from ano hunilrei 6
three hundred huahela of grain per day.
FANNIN 11 MIIW, good and cheap.
CIDER MILLS II ickock end the lWktve.
D0O I'0VKlt8, for ohnming. :
ItonKitfl' HARPOON FORK nnd PPR01T'
tirapple. and Pulieya, ao cheap that none lea
eewithottt them.
Ill'UtllKS for aale elwaya.
X-aj-We alao continue th. butchering bntiaea
and will buy or trade for oaltlo and aherp.
Clrar6eld, Ta., May 21.
rpiIE CLIPPER . , . .
dnsr.pii ii. kirk, Agent,
Ll'TlIEHPBl Rl), PA.
1. - . J. jei will 01
I aia ia t vnie muvu'Ml iiiw.-iiu,w. r --
make your horaea' neoka ,ore. Tlieliglit' ,l2
the aaateai anu ine moal uurauie meui -
world. Thoao wtaliing lo ouy a gooa bo'""-
.i . 1.1....1 .in HmA it tela1"
advantago to examine tbi, machine. D,flFUM
pamphlet aent on application.
J. . - nRAHAMTON, ri..r6,ldCo.,rti
' It.pnt ft.r Jiiaia ft. Marvh'a
"Valley Chief" Resper & MtiwjJ
and all ethw A(rlewltnral Irenlementa O'K
lured hy him. Any Information tn ""7J,1j.
ine aaie ami inanuiaei.r. van -
dreuli.l aa above. ,
have for aale
, . I ' 8HArT8 AND TOI.K9,
rl.1 ..A W.aen Maker, ahoald ''
neM ef thte aad eall and examine .'"
wlUiKlditflrrleee. y