THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO. MAY MMf. Terms of Subscription. Tf pftld In dvaDM,or within thrs monthi J 00 If paid ftr three and bsfors iti months...,, 8 60 lli.s.d sjisr urn tiiiknuon or six nonim... vu All articles to t..sur insertion in thli (taper shuuld m hnniimt in nnj on iuoiaj uornins;, m we jrn to press tt 12 o'olimk, (nuon.) RELIC-IOUfl MOTICEf. Methodist F.nlNCopal Church Rer. A. D T or in, pMlor. Pubiio Homos eTory gsbbntb t 104 A. M.t md 71 r. m. Hsbhath Kohfml t 9 A. M. Prayer Meftiof every Thursday, at 71 P. M. Communion Service, tint Sabbath of every month, at iu) a. m. Mt. Andrew! Churrh F.oUr opal Rot Gannon Hall. Public Service Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and at T P. M. Sunday School at B P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at T o'clock. Presbyterian Church Rot. Publie Herv.oe every Sabbath, morning and even J nr. Mt. Francis Church Catholic Rot. T. 'J. M Mini s. Mast at ID) o'clock A. M., on the aeoond and fourth Sundays of each month. isii. Tbo Tyrone Jlerald anys : Tho longest train yet brought down the mountain, on the Clearfield road, came on Saturday last. It ; AUi win ted to a llttlo squad of 84 oari. TSaiut Pcacueji. Mr. Charles Hold, of Millbelm, Con tne eoanty. has a young peach tree in vie bouse, about two and a half feet high, blonomcd two months ago and developed twenty-four peaches, all of which exeept Ave bare fallen off. The Convention. Tho Irionnial con rent ion of School Directors aiiemblod In the (Court Room on Tuesday, but as we are compelled .to go to press at 12 o'clock we are unabla to give Any of tho proceeding! in this liiue or Indicate who will win the belt Assessor Appointed. William Rid- dle, the Assossor elect for Boeiarla, baring re moved from the township, the County Com mis. i.oners hare appointed Philip Dotts to fill the ra .oanoy. Mr. Dotts Is a worthy eltiiro, sound Democrat, and will make an excellent officer. Anotmrr Municipality. It Booms that the rillage of II out (dale, Woodward town ship, has been ereoted into a borough, and will hereafter be elajted among the municipal corpo rations of Clearfield oounty. The unparalleled prosperity of this section has made It necessary to lake this itrp. On Hand. Wo have before us tho Initial number of a new daily journal, itarted at Williamiport, by the proprietor of the Standard, II. L. DiefTonbaoh, Esq., entitlod the Daily Mom ing Standard. It Is s lively six column paper, - iand starts off rigorously, and will no doubt prove a luocess. A Decided Improvement. Tho Bald Kagte Valley Railroad It juitt eompleting a connection with the P. A K. R. R. to the J unci ion at Lock Ilaren, which will enable the train to run up to the depot without backing, and allow the engines to turn without reporting to tho round ta ble. A "V" Is now formed at that point, giving two points of connection with the P. A E. road. In Trouble. We notice that one of the County Commissioners and the Clerk of Indi ana county hare been arretted for em be tr lenient. It appearl that from $.10,000 to 40,000 worth of Court House bonds, and some of the County Com jnissioners' record, are mining. What a pity that the officials of that excenircly loyal county should bo disturbed by some foolish-notion d old fogiel who cannot see things as modern loyalists do. Good tow tub Brutes. It is re ported that the Pennsylvania Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals Intend shortly to appoint a resident agent for every town In our State, whoie duty it will be to report to headquar ters all oases of cruel abuse of dumb animals which may some under his notice. So look oat all of je persecutors of horseflesh and tormentors of other animals, or you may find yourselvei In the meshes of the law before you are aware of it. Accident. The l'hilipnburg Jour- ma l says a young tad named Blowers had his leg broken and his head badly cut at the Morrl'dale j mines on Wednesday. He was attempting to got ride upon tho cars which were entering the i mines, some eight or nine In number, when he missed his footing and fell between two of them, receiving the injuries above stated. The fracture of tho leg was compound, and the scalp was cut to the scull from ear to ear, acrots the back part of his head. It was fortunate that he escaped, ren, with no more dangerous wounds. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Postoflioe at Clearfield, for the week ending May 6th, 1872: "Tub Little Game1 We ulip the following from a lata number of the Uarrisburg Stmt Journal i Judge Mayer, during the eourt now In session at VVilliauisport, gave the attorneys praotioing be fore blm a merited rebuke the other day, for the loose and inegular manner in which they push suits entrusted to their care. Ho ea lied over the trial hit and announced bis determination no longer to tolerate the di'lays In coming to trial, In which so many attorneys indulged, and declared that ha would non-suit all who iurthur thus em bar raised the court. It Is about time all Judaes announced a similar intention, as the practice on the part of attorneys to uviay sum ts only apteoeor (be utile gsme of pottilogging by which clients art robbed and innocent parlies hamufully iujured. A little special kg illation for the regulation and control ol the legal fratornity Is much needed. If erer "special legislation" was required it Is upon this point. But as the lawyors "run" the Legislature, their it item of not trying tuitt will likely go on an! mi the Judges of our oourts hart "backbone enough to break up this method of delaying and embarrasslug tho business of our oourts. Meiioantilb License. The County Treasurer! Mr. Wilton, requests as to state that all mercantile Hoonses in the appraisement list, are now ready, and applicants are requested to eall and lift them. If not paid on or before the first of July, they will be put In the binds of tho propor authority for collection, when additional charges will be added for collection. Communicated. La wait if ex, May 7th, 1872. Ma. Editon; In your valuable paper of 27th March, our bumble servant!, the Supervisors, Overseers and Auditors, gare us a tabular state ment of our flnanees for the year 1871, which was alt right and proper, and perfectly in accordance , with the Act of Assembly in such oase mode and i provided. In the next Issneof your paper "Many Lawrence Ttvapavyers" make an, Inquiry, which was also right and proper. But as yet our ser vants have not attempted to explain themselves. Not one of the many questions asked has been an swercd. Now let ma say to them, in kiiidnest, that an aggrieved tax-paying people will not submit to such squandering of their money. Our sorvants must accept the situation j must solve the prob lem must show their hand. Come, gentlemen, where was the $167.40 of the people's money transfered to? Where was the $K6.31 worth of cash tax worked? Where the road, and what Is it, that P. MaUeorge got 60 of our money forf And where is the$15.16 allowed the Captain gone? Answer, and thus satisfy J r STic. Parltftj. ClearfieldMarkets. Corrected weekly by Richard Moss or, Wholesale and Retail Ueeler In Dry Moods, t.rooeries. Pro. visions, co., Aiarket street, Clearfield, Pa. Ci.nAnriuLD, Pa., May T. 1872, Apples, green, 00($ 00 Hogs, dressed Dried, lh 12 Hides, green... App1ebuUer,$Ksl, Oil Ham 00(3 ' Butter- 26(9 40 Shoulders. ..00(4 10 Hrana W 0U(g) 15 Hides... Otrfru 134 Buckwheat 1 16 Lard 16$ 18 Buckwheat flour lb, Mess bbl... 18 00 Ilocr, dried 22 Oats.. 66 Uoef, fresh BCci) 10 Onions 2 00 Boards, M 12 00(0,4 00 Potatoes M 00$ 00 Corn, shelled.- 1 00 Poaches, dried, lb., U Corn, ear 00(4 Plaster, bbl S 40 Corn meal.fkiuk, 1 40 Ry 1 10 Chop, towl2 10 I 60 rU, W lb Cloverseed. T 00'Halt, ft saek 2 26 Cheese 2rt Hhinglcs,IH tn.lfn)A 00 Cherries, th. 10 fi 15Shlngles,2fl InlOlft 00 Chickens, drsd, tb, l.V Timothy seed 6 00 Eggs lftlTallow 121 Flaxseed. 2 00 Wheat................ 176 Flour 0 00ft 8 76 Wool .H 76 liar 80 00(436 00 Wond, 11 cord-.... I 60 tfflurationnL Spec lata. Sdaw's Coma t hi LmuBST. That this Ltul ment will do all that U Is recommended to do. thore is no doubt, as many horse owners will tes tify who hara used It. Thore are innumerable quack remedies being adrcrtised by foreign par ties, which are worth about as much to the horse as that much water, but the Comanche Liniment Is prepared by a responsible druggiiit, who war rants it to do just what it is recommended to do. For sprains, bruises, splint, ringbone, scratches, rheumatism, stiff joints, and almost all other dis eases of the horse, It Is really invaluable, and needs but a trial to convince any one of Its worth Farmers and horse owners are invited to give It a trial. For sale by A. I, Shaw, who is thfl sole proprietor, Clearfield, Va, Ladles, go and soo tho Dolly Varden Walking Shoes at Flrgal's. Son Watkr, Coin ad 8iARiata. fibaw's Fountain Is In full blast, and Is to the thirsty den- isens of Clearfield as the aprings of aa oasis are to the woary travelers of the desert cooling, sooth ing and invigorating. All are Invited to partake thereof. New Goons. Messrs. Kratser A Lytic will open next week a very large stock of all kinds of Uoods suitable for the season, which they will Mil at prices that will be an Inducement to consume n to purchase of them. A. I. Shaw, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa., deals in Paints, Oils, Varniihes, and everything else In that line, and sells at right figures, Large stock always on hand, and special inducements offered to consumers. The Timtt says Dr. Walpole has lost his beauti ful chestnut mare. She died suddenly in harness, it Is supposed from bots or pin worms. If the Doctor bad need Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders, he would no doubt bave bad his mare to-day they are death on worms. Chapped hands are very common with those who hare their hands much in water. A few drops of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment rubbed orer the hands two or three times a day, will keep them soft and white. Fishermen, sailors and others will do well to remember this. Arnold A Miller. Ashby, W. T. Boyle, Maurice. Baily, Mary. Butler, George. Gormcly, John. Hagney, John. Hurley, T. Hunsinger, George. (2) Jones, Mrs. Susan. Johnson, Lisxio C Kline, Miss Mary. Kovier, Cortas it. hiddle, Mr. A. Mvore, John. Neyior, Frank P. rJyiupLon, Miss Swarts, W. II. Scott, William. Showers, George. Wolf, Miss 8. K. (2) P. A. OAI LIN, P. M. Emma. ' Tub "Queer." The vendors of this .tarticle have opened their summer campaign. There arc other methods of cheating and defraud ing people than by "saw dust" alone. The testi mony of the Bollefunte WafrAmaa Is to this effect: "The photograph man and the paper collar indi vidual, each offering fortunes to the eager gud 'eons who patronised them, wort In town this eek and last Some drew prises and some didn't, aid these latter, a few of whom we bare seen, Itrow their honest belief that tho whole thing was a fraod. Shouldn't wonder." The editor might Wra added "dollar stores" to his catalogue. icb Neighbors. We notice that ar down-stream Williamsport neighbors bare I length obtained a settlement with their oity au orlties. The auditors' report foots up the enor s sum of 742,367.00 over fir quarttrt of a Men of dollar $t We notice that th sum of 4,000 was raised from bonds Issued, and the anoe from taxation. The account shows the Buy your Dress Goods of REED BROS. Buy your Notions A Trimmings of R K E D BROS. Buy your Parasols of REKD BROS. Buy your Shawls or REKD BROS. Buy your Furnishing Goods of REED BROS. Buy your Underwear of REED BROS. Buy your Hats aod Bonnets of REED RROS. Buy all your Millinery goods of REED BROS. Buy your Ladies Misses and Children's Shoes of REED BROS. Buy your Carpets of REED BROS. Buy all the goods yon can buy of REED BROS, and yon will save money. aprl7-3ia. Visit A. I. Shaw and try his cold and sparkling Soda Water. Nothing better these warm days. Of-Read and be eon vi need : Lastlnc Button Oalters. onlr 2.25. at Ftearal's. French Morocco Button Gaiters, only 2.86, at Fie gal's. Full Trimmed and Tipped Lasting Gaiters, only vx.uu, mi t legni s. Plain Morocco Gaiters, only 1 26. at Flegal's. Cloth Congress Gaiters, only 1.76, at Flegal's. Gents Gaiters, from 2.00 up, at Flegal's. Heavy Kip Boots, only 3.00, at Flegal's. Light Kip Boots, only fct.76, at Flegal's. French Calf Roots, only 6.00, at FlegsJ's. Fine Calf Boots, only 4.60, at Flegal's. On Second street, where you can get everything yon want in the lfuot,rhoe,Mat, tap and turntfh ing Goods line, for less money than any other place in the oounty. Go and see for yourselves. apl34-tf. JfoTirx tothb DiMiri.Ra or Iraao Waltox. After April 10th we will have the largest assort ment of finning tackle aver brought west of the Alleghenies, consisting of Rods, Baskets, rlies, Hooks, Lines, Bait Boies, Ac, Ac. All disciples of Isaao Walton are invited to eall and examine onr stock. II. F. Diqxbr A Co. March 27, lP72.lf Dr. F. Platte, Eclectic Phyrictan and Surgeon 1 also, oat too mavoi'. J,cr Ucrdio, Esq., C?rr? his services to the people of Clearfield and hTOO worth ofCnd. and credited I i ? oZ o 2 j Tirmurjr ltb H0S,M(l; twin, diKoont of t5&,000, or about 3 par aent. Vo osdcr oannol ba brought down. Tba WHHaaa. 4ara blow on a Tar, oico vbiftla, but th.y bar. for it roundly. Tba oity delt la $7 1 4,03 l.T I . Unitaby Advick. The editor of Altoona Tritium thui warm Iba Major of I altjr, wbo aiwDii to aultivala uluma in tba aitjr of bit offloo t t itb all dua def.rcnoa wa would aatl tba attan t of the aity aatboritiei to tha filth j oondltion aa allry and guttar onpoilta tha Major'! ofllc. h that arlaaa tharofrooi ii tarrihla in tba ana, and if th. unitary eomlttinn of th. plaoe rrad to I. not itrdily lookad aflar and eftooln fmrdird, tha fearful upon iipguitlng aondition of tba local it j will liokon aotire eommuntty. It ia an ererr da; ooour- for ladira and gentlemen to walk thraa and r squama out of tbelr way t. avoid pasting i flltbj tpot. hero ara soma alloys and gutter! in our bor , wbiob lad whitewashing badly. m a Tn School Teh v. T1i Dirootors ba seroral school dillriell will no doubt banr la I tba faat that tha Legislator last wloter ad a not attending tba aebool term one lb. Hereafter (ba schools matt be kept open vetoed of four monthi In the year. It will fore lake to per aent mora lal than bereto- keep them open the proper length of time, allowing la tba net Inereeilng the aebool t mo 1. D, ll,.;, ,,, That tha word eall ba inserted in the pleee of the word four itioi. twenty -eight net of May, one thousand t hundred and lifty-faur, and eohool dime lbs II keraafter hoop tha schools of re Ira districts in operation tie montbi in the t I'runiUd, That the length of terra may ra i as at preaent.ln districts where themaiitnniu mt of ta( allowed by law to ba levied for .1 purposes shall o. found Inefficient to keep - "i" t.i.( nrpfa wi iiufe, nrnflr.iiKl m11. hv ftftV Af BIBu.. OmcS On Reed street, west of the depot. Clearfield, Pa. May 81, 1871-tf Kotvb vo GABnaKaiia. All those in need of a good out fit of garden-snaking tools, should eal at H. F. Bigler A Co.'s, where they will find a large assortment of spades, spado forks, shovels, hoes, and rnkes of all kinds. ap)3 m FitKSH GnonxD Pi.astkb. Received at Corner Store by ear load and for sale by K. A. A W. D. lawn. Curwensrille, March 13, 1872. COUGHS AND COLDS. There are few persons who are awara of the Im portance of attending to a cough or a cold at its first appearance. The thousands who die annually of connumplion, wore first attacked with a "slight ' cough or eohl, whirh thoy thought would soon "wear" its. If off, and thercfire neglected to use the proper remedies until they became IncuraMo. Every day that a eough, cold, or any lung dis ease Is neglected, makes the obanees of a cure more uncertain. We would recommend all suffer ing from any disease of the Lungs whatever, to use Bassos' Con for n Starr or Tab. It never fails In curing the worst caes of coughs, oolds, hoarsrneM, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. It hi aa Infallible remedy for Whooping Cengh j be ing prescribed by some of the leading physicians In the Northern and Southern States, and being prepared under the Immediate supervision of a graduate of the Pennsylvania Medical College, The proprietors beg leave to Inform all that It Is ao "Quack" preparation, but made strictly In ao oordance with the advanced principles and theory of medicine. Price 6ft cents per bottle, . Rl'HSKLL A LAMMS, Proprietors, Fhiladcl. phla. Sold at Joseph R. Irwin s dcug store, Cur- wensvllle. Pa. turbo-3m gil. In Lawrence township, on May 4th, 1872, MARTHA IRWIN, relict of Joaara Inwta, In the 74th year of bar age. Oo April 17th, 17J, CORTES B., soo of 1). 8. and Si'taaxa, Mi:Chiisiv, of Ferguson town ihip, aged 20 yean, 9 monthi and 17 ways. SEW WASHIXCT0X ACADEMY, Clearfield County, Pa, rpilR BUMMER TERM of this Institution X will open on tha first Monday of May next (Term, five months.. The course of study will embrace a rigid and in o rough test in every branch requisite to a prac tical and accomplished education. Vocal and instrumental music will occupy an imnortknt Discs in tho Miurms of alitilv. Pupils will be admitted at anr time durlns? tha session, and cbarged from time of entering to the qlose of the term. No deduetlon will be made for absence, except in Casc of protracted Illness Hiudents desiring rooms for "clubbing" can be aeeramodated at moderate rates. Good boarding can be procured at three dol lars per week at public and private nouses. For particulars address GEORGE W. INNIS, Principal, March 6, '72-tf New Washington, Pa, MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rrUIB SI'KINO TERM of fourteen weeks, will H uvuiimiib oi vihik j, i rru 0111, ia. TERMS OF TUITION. Roadlng, Orthography. Writing, Object Les sons. Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography.. 7 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic H 00 Algebra and the Sciences , 12 00 Instruction In instrumental music , Oil painting, 24 lessons Wax work For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd, 10 00 12 00 00 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Classical High School. F.ach Department Kf pa rate. Distinct and Complete lu Itnelfc. THE scholastic year of this Institution Is divL ded into two sen ions of fire months (twenty- oue weeks) each. The first session commences on the first Monday In September; tho second, on the fir ft &l outlay in February. 1 he course of instruction embraces every thing neoeiisary to a thorough, practical and accomplish ed education of both sexes. Pupils will be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance te the close of the session. Mo deduction will he made for absence, except in eaues of extreme and protracted illness. ntudents from a distance can be accommodated with board at low rales. For particulars, send for circular, or address Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M., July 20, 187Mf. Principal. grg ffioodjj, (Sroffrirs, tf. r. a. MILLER. a. rowr.i.L. MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE RETAIL MERCHANTS, Oraham't Row, Market St., CLEARFIELD, PA. We would moat rerptotfully Inform our friends, customers, and the public generally, that we are now back In onr old quarters, which have been remodeled and improved, and we are now pre pared to amommodate all who may favor at by oalling. NEW GOODSI We bave juit received one of the largest stocks of all k inds of Merchandise aver brought to Clear. Held county, wblcb we Intend to sell at such (g ores at will make It aa object for all persons to purchase from us. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, le., should not fall to give ns a oall, as wa feel oonlhlent aur prices and superior quality of goodt will amply tatitfy all. Our alock of GROCERIES consists of Coffees of the best quality, Teas, Su gars of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac, Ae. Our stock of DRY GOODS Is large and varied, and ws will Just say wa can supply any article in that Hoe, without en unlet ting. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING We hare a large slock of ready-made Clothing for Men aod Boys' wear, which wawill dispose of at a very imalt advance on eost. Boots and Shoes, JIats and Caps, Hardware, Queenswara, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Fapers, Window Shades, Ac, 4c tDelng eitensircly engaged Is the Lumber uuj!n"7 vt n t "cr suflrir Inducements to Jobbers. . . MILLER . TOWEL!. Cloarnald, Fa., Jan. 3, 1871. S HAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market a Front itreetl,) . Thlt magniflaent Hotel is entirely new, com plete in all Itl appolntmanta, and eonvenlent to th. Pnurt floute. A free Omnibus runt to and Irom tha Depot an the arrival and departure of each train. JlllB. . U. I'LEMHn jr, April 10, 187a. I'roprletreat. REVERE HOUSE, BDRNSIDH, PA. ' Tha tubsorlbar having built antw Hotel, with all modern improvemente, It prepared to receive guests. The table will be supplied with the best In the market thebarwilh the ehooioetl liquors. Uood stahling attaohed. apr-ly A. II. SC1I A EFFER, Prop'r. ISTltA Y. Came tronpRnaing on tlio J premise! of the subscriber, rosldlng In Fer guson township, on or about the lit of last July, a Had Bull, with white face. The owner la re quested to oorae forward, prove property, pay charges and take bin away, or he will he disposed of according to law. WILLI AM U t AD, Hit. May 1, 1772.-31' AlMINIHTHATORH NOTICE. Kotloe is hereby given that letters of administration on the eelate of L. W. OWENti, deocared, lata of Goshen township, Clearfield county, Penn'a., having boen duly granted to the nnderiigned, all persons indebted to said estate will pleaso make immediate payment, and those having claims or dsmanilawilt present them properly authsnticatod for settlement without delay. Mlt. AMANDA OWENS, DANIEL CYl'IIERrl, April 24-0t. Administrators. rJ,ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, i'u. Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on band. ' jEW STORE IN IIOUTZDALE! P. GAU.AOnEU having Just returned from the east with as entire new and complete assort ment of Mereawndise, soluble for Winter and Hpring trsde, wbleh hsi bees selected with great nare and bought at low rates, is prepared to fur nish the eltlsens of Ilouttdale mad vicinity with goods at a rery light advenes oa first cost for cssh. Country Produee and 8b ingles taken at market prioe. Cnll and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, F. GALLAGHER. Ilontidalc, Pa., Feb. 2, 1872 ly ALIAS .NOT.CE.In tbo mutter of partition and rslnatiou af the tsteta of John Bergander, late of UurQslde township, de ceased. To (he heirs and legal represenUtives of John Dergnnder, deceased: You and eaeh of you sre hereby notified to ba and appear at an Orphsns' Conrt to he- held at Clearfield, In and for Clear field eoanty, oa Mowday, June Id. A. D. I 72, to aeoept or refuse to aeeept tba real eststo of John Hurgundee, sleeeasiHl, at tha appraised raluatlon or show sauce wby the same should not be sold. Mr the Court, C, A.MAVKH, President Judge. A. W. Lra, Clerk Urphans' Court myl Jrhima FaTTitatoji 1 . 47i Ml JaWiL;n.,.f.l,,,,-",'' Notice is berehy given to thosa Interested that tha flnsl aooount of the Trustees la tba ahora stated ease has been duly filed In my office. A. C. TAT?, May 1st 1873. Protaoaotery. THE COURT OH COMMON P1KA9 Clearfield county, Pa. IMA Pattrriox ) w- U.a.k T ista Attaehmentt STOVE AD EARTH E-HARE OF BVERV DESCBIPTION! CHOCKS! POTS I CROCKS! Fisher's Patent Airtight Self . Sealiuf fruit Canal BUTTER CHOCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE-BUTTER CKOCKH, PICKLE CROCKH. FLOWER POTS, FIB DISUFS, STEW riJTN, And a great many other things too numerous to mention, 10 do nao at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY; Corner ol Oherrv and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. augl pARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! H. F. BIGLER & CO. i OFFER FOR SALS SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS, WOOD A IRON CULHVATOHS, Steel Cultivator Teeth, Shovel Plow Shovels, IRON & WOOD PLOWS, , HILL SIDE PLOWS," Ac, It. ' " Clearneld, Pa., April S-Jm. , : ORPHANS' COURT SALE! In pursuance of a order of the Orphans' Court of ClesrDeid county, tue unuersignea trus tee. Ae.. In ths matter of the real estate of Rob ert Ralney, late of Durnside township, said soon ty, deeea"ei, will sell at pubiio sate, at the store house of William Hunter, in the villsse of New burgh, on WKDNKSDAY, HAY 15, I87S, at 10 o clock, a- m., tne following uesenoeu real estate, lute the property of said deceased, rs t lNo. I. All thai certain tract or land, sttuata in said township, adjoining lands of John Leo. L. J. Ilurd and others, containing about 70 acres. No. I. All the interest of deoeont in tbat cer tain lot of land In Bell township, said county, adjoining the above, containing Four acres, more or less. Tanus or Ball One half the pnirhasc money cash oa oonftrmatioa of sale, and the balance In one year, the latter payment with Interest, to be secured by bond ami mortgage on tbo p renin as. I-..MA. t tils illlVl ttlKAND, April 10, 1872. Trustea. A NEW DEPARTURE For (lie Benefit of Mankind ! DR. BOY ER'fl PILE OINTMENT This Important dlseorery is one of tha most re markable results of modern medioal research, and The most Wonderful A Speedy Remedy ever known, Is bow presented in a scientific eomhlnatlon of soothing and healing agents. And having thor oughly tested it in numberless esses, with most satisfactory results, do not hesitate iu ottering it to the public as The most certain, rnpid and effectual REMEDY FOR PILES, no natter of bow long tlandlnf. v U.Pold by all Druggists and Medicine Peal ars who desire to alleviate the suflcrings of their follow beings. ; PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOX. ., T. J. BOTER, Sols Proprietor, ' oetlJ'71 Clearneld, l'a., T,,E HEW SEWING MACHINE!; ' I The "BLEESI" Patent Link Motion, Almost noiseless machine. Iton't fail to esamlna it before purchae. . Ing elsewhere. II. IIHIDCiK, MURCKAKT TAILOR, ' CLEARFIELD, PA Agent for Clearneld count;. ptf Local Agents wanted I rrerT town In the eountr, to whom liberal terms will I e giren. Don't fall to eietnlne It and tatlifj jrourtolf. ClearDcId, Pa., Fob. 7, Wi lt. TOBACCO ANDCIGARSI WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, Al tha Now Tobaooo and Cigar Store of Mt. 11. Hll.lfT, Hot weeo Shaw House A Mansion llauee.Cloarleld. Censtaatl, a bant a line assortment of Na'T. Congraaa, Cavendish, Cable, Fpnnroll, Mlohlgaaj and Cantor, Finant Chewing Tobacco, Aa. Also, a large and well selseted stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Bmokiag Tobaccos, Mecrsehanra and Briar Plpaa, Pipe natures, Tobacco Boiet, Cigar Holders, and everything generally found In a well regntated Cigar raid Tobeeoe Store. rRMnemb.r the placet Market atrart, be tween Shaw Hones and Mention House, Cleat islel, Pa. pd.tojan.i 13 rpREASURER'S SALE of UNSEATED LANDS In Clearneld County, Pa., for 1870 and 1871. Notice It hereby given, In pursuance of an Act of Aaaeuibly approved the 12th day of June. A. D. IMo, entitled "An Act to amend an Act directing tho modeof selling unseated lands in Clesr field oounlr." and the aereral suniite. monts thereto, there will be eiposed to pubiio sale or outcry, at the Court House, in tlie boron irh of Clenrlteld. on the HKCOND MONDAY, 1 0th dny of i UKK, A. D. 1871, tne following tracts or plecea ol unseated lands in said oounty, for totes due and unpaid, vii : llfccsrla. A'e, Ai. Ptr. Wnrmnlu, ) H Peter Miller 41 (3 John Mailer..... 1.1 en 00 Fred's Hubley 14 10 111 Jobn uauiman.. f 14 ft Fred'k Hownai 11 21 71 IIS Thot. Bllllngtoa 10 14 111 Phil. Myilaoone ei 84 ISO Jobn Myeineope 41 60 10 0 Michael Musser, 24 78 St SO Michael Muaeer, 14 111 100 Jas. HcMurtrle- 15 40 SO Tboa.Murgatorjr 20 12 SO Magnus Miller.. 1, ,2 410 John Brady 82 2.1 - 100 William Brady. 10 00 til J. A K. Blair 141 S3 SVI) John Whitaer... 05 45 144 ' Henry Whitmer, 84 4,1 , tat . William Wilson.. 84 10 f I Be Jaci'b King ,7 ,r 104 John Gibson...., 20 20 lit 71 Robsrt Wilson... SI OS 4.1S 1S3 William Gray. ...1 06 is -. 433 lit John Miller.. ... .105 J5 , 1 30 Brown 41 Till ton, 10 12 c' I0 BO John K.tland.... 7 51 il( '. 1st' US Peter Oeti 10 SO V. ! 04 ! J.reml'h Mosher 20 IS ' 433 UJ David Barton.... S3 31 330 151 Martin Franta... 41 00 2VS l'2i J. Frants, Jr.... S 58 74 12 Thomas Olbson 21 10 3S0 Jacob King 76 SS SO ' Win. 4 2 174 ' A. Mysoneope. 40 S3 175 47 Jera. Mosbsr... 40 SS 100 Kesgy 28 40 IIS Fred. Beate SI Si 18S 37 TbosBllliogton 41 70 SO John Bsem IB Oil 130 US Martin Fonts... 40 40 324 Mstblas Barton 51 fl 74 Thomas Gibson II 30 Sit ISS Fred, Beatea... iS S3 12S 40 J. Mussersmlth ! 07 14 Brown a Fulton 4 SS 230 , i. Haunt, 4 Co 13 SO 50 Jacob Fonts..... S 00 150 W. Wbitasides.. 12 40 110 Thomas Groom It 00 Ball. No. Af. Ptr. H'orraares. 42SS 1000 Henry Beck. 5ii'.'0 alio.. " 574 1000 5H20 500 5019 51111 5SIS 5018 4287 110 102 100 100 11s 101 70 5764 1000 42S tS 120 4280 S5n! MIS tllO .171 00 .180 Oil .271 00 .1.10 50 . 25 04 . 17 2 . 2.1 5 . 31 47 . 32 2 . 34 25 .202 00 .14S S8 on so 11 IIS John Nicholas.. 28 150 Nicklinttlrimth 14 00 430 1.15 Joseph Boom.,..1.12 67 4.13 llrnj. Uibbs 14i 24 5SI0 242 20 lleury Book... 95 SS 4287 03 W7 " ' .... 21 37 6tli 31 128 McklimUrimlb t 78 51107 00 " 23 08 428S 100 Henry Beck.... 23 06 4287 4110 " " ...I0 80 42S7 203 .... M 04 llioom. .Vo. Af. Pr. Warrant: 20114 38S 60 Robert! A F01..IIO 10 08 133 Nioklinttlrimih 12 7H Ac. Ptr. Warmatees. : ) 117 ' Jobn Mol'b.rron. 80 ' P. Ulsnoherd 4.13 163 John Muster. 206 311 1117 11120 III 0O26 3026 5051 4121) Mil .1600 1005 150 .1610 100 250 S3 1090 75 50 220 J. W. fmith... A.K. Wright,... 60 W. S. Rlrrts... Roberts A Pol.. 42 Ml 35 t 20 28 36 00 13 50 " " . 0.1 17 Jacob Bllger..... 12 00 1). Irvln't out... .137 iO John P. Dale.... 10 30 Si Roberta A Foi 20 OA 3 60 73 00 fleorge Toter, Ilugge. Ptr. Warrant!. John Thomas 10 07 76 U. 8. Drinker 58 04 William McCurmick.... 66 63 Nancy Bogjrs 64 68 41 Maloolta McDonald..... 62 V6 41 John Brers 61 06 SO Michael Conk I. 57 64 Barbara finyder It 20 tloorge Hootman. 24 S3 70 Joseph Drinker........ 37 82 Henry Farnor 0 67 tleorge Ay rts. tl 81 31 William Troutman... 51 84 John Keau 51 SI 27 John Montgomery 25 80 It Richard Thomas. 17 84 Barbara Hnydcr ' 6 00 Blair Mc-Lanahan Si 21 Jainrl Steinhelser 56 14 06 157 Merrell A iliglcr.. It & 216 Watson A Munsun Si V3 I11O Joseph Ilsll It 75 100 John llutten. 12 30 Ilradford. Ae. Ptr. iramtatc. 124 Hugh Kly 17 64 III Si Jobn Campbell. 28 57 150 Hall A Buck 10 04 17S John Vaughn 61 26 100 I Martha Huston 10 00 417 17 Poll) MeLanahan 71 30 100 Andrew Petit 27 02 48 Maltbiat tilaymaker... 13 36 30 No owner 8 2.1 200 Franeit Wctt 23 80 106 N. Mainea. 8 60 100 Joaeph Powell 1.1 05 60 Dnnlellraham.....' 4 30 10 II. L. Hall. 0 II 85 William Uraham, Jr... 7 31 Hi John llanna. 14 66 131 David Askry 17 80 80 Andrew Petit 28 80 llrady, A'o. e. Ptr. H'srrntlH. 401 308 101 341 62rM 2IS 1801 5877 687l 5881 688f. 2511 .12: id: 10.. 200.' II Sif IDS .1 l I 611 W. Kirkpatrlok, 66 34 SI Roberta A Fot.. II 84 O.B.Uoodlandsr 17 84 Conrad Long 47 30 J. B. Binith 105 06 J 110 IIS Mt nenry Wycoir...20t 31 120- Robert Curry.... Si S3 331 . John Dunlap.... HI 05 100 , Carper fitter.. . 20 02 77 '. - " ... 15 71 650 ' Robert! A Fo..ll.1 75 421 Cbrltt. Lower,.. 73 67 400 ' Roberts A Fo(..4l 80 SS 1.6. Welch 4 07 f.5 1 O.II. Presoott..,.14 tl 322 R. f. Colbert.... 70 05 lit Chrllt. Lower... SI 75 50 Adam Weaver.. 10 38 100 J. W. Smith 24 42 100 Jacob llilebrun, It 76 75 John Pciilt 4 25 10O llolop'rallru'a'r 14 45 1116 Kelly A Co 13 07 S60 ' Wright! Darling OA 78 75 Jacob I'.olt ..... 4 15 Ilurntide. ,Vo. Ae. Ptr. Wnrmnttt. 5002 100 John Nicholson, 58 II AiinSi 114 It'S 14 5601 S36 " " 165 86 70 John Malltr 45 86 HI Abram Whitmer 42 10 lit t'ai-phaner,Jr. AA 61 JllO Daniel Whltmerl'2 65 424 Jobn llnbloy....247 51 inj Mary Rohrrtt... 60 07 847 John Trestler...2lil 76 821 Carper Hhtffer...lH7 i.1 I11O ."oidcr A Barns, 36 00 Auv j. W illiamson... 10 75 824 MryCrawrord..l7 ui 311 T. Hpaekman....SI8 60 208 Rebeoes Hniwn..l0 08 100 Leonard Hollis.. Si 25 I host. Ae. Ptr. B'oreoafsf. 311 15.1 Hen), Young 150 37 133 153 Martha Weringioa 104 02 416 30 .Inn Psge 210 10 loo William llausman 53 70 100 153 John llovd 43 00 812 l.'i.l Jo.mb Wagner 161 14 43.1 163 Thomas Hamilton 161 00 .... 78 li ....lit SS .... 10 08 .... 43 00 .... 41 00 .... 43 00 ....171 18 ...171 28 ....171 18 ....161 SO ....ISO 41 .... 35 I .... 18 14 .... 28 t .... 77 88 .... 73 31 .... 77 0 .... 8.1 41 2.'6 James Ross.. 43.1 Its .loha Canningbam. (0 Charles liotin.,., 2l0 Robert Fleming.... 2U0 linac 10 Jonathan Walker.. 433 153 Jobn Cook 4.1.1 16.1 Joseph lining. .. 43.1 153 William Cook... 4'I3 163 Alet. Hunter.... 380 no 167 86 371 2.0 22 200 loo til 600 t7 150 74 lit 433 A'o! s:iht 6378 6404 1808 I8l0 1002 1012 imio 1041 1801 5377 UvO 1003 1S07 1803 S00 127 2IIS 1801 283 Miller A frl.t., 71 2t 65 80 80 80 00 7 81 tl 70 11 Oi S 64 SI tO 07 41 li 13 10 66 MehnlTy a Mitchell. John ltrenurinan.... J. A II. llrelh ,. Ford A rprliiklo William Roland , Joseph McMurray.... 07 Patrick Nohlo. ......, Hurb Hartley Matthlaa Hlongh.. 151 SO t'ovlnglon. Ptr. Wurranttt. Oeorgo Mead.... St 16 " " .... t6 10 " .... 36 81 Morrlaar3tewart,204 00 ' 311 00 314 00 u u Jul 20 Mary Weaver... It 10 MorristSlowart, 3 64 . " 41 16 George Mead...,12a IS Morris aStewart 33 SO At 804 483 325 378 800 880 645 60 li 200 450 ltae Kirk A Co.. Mct.'ord tract Hugh Barlle. Joseph Piper fleorge Page...... 411 Henry 231 James I JO 161 Chrllt. Bohucr.. to::::::: - 14 67 KmcriokaRelter t 07 II. ilurgett. 16 00 Morris arJtewart 64 60 Decatur. Ao. Ptr. WarraMtt. 106 Hi Jamea Hamilton.. , 40 41 John rikrron ., 73 Tbolnat Kdmundton.. 801 150 Tbouias Billlogton 404 t'barloa Risk. Ill Pslrluk Moore. , 100 Thomas rjlewardson. 250 Joseph Matlock to Robert llaltiiuier.... 202 Mary MeLanaban... 404 Ann Slcl.anahan.... 1 Stacy W. Tbompton 60 Mary Mel.anahnn 38 00 84 137 Joseph Whitehall 36 10 400 Robert Rainay. 147 10 10S Jaoob Downing 36 to 80 Tbomae Stcwardaon... 21 40 44 62 20 t8 80 66 143 86 ISO Ot 43 87 36 80 84 40 14 Oi t7 07 05 47 28 45 00 Jobn Drinker. too Hsmuel Kay. 34A 147 Thomas Kdmundson. Ssmuol Ilambleton. Joseph Baueorn. , William Hoover Thomas Btcwardton Jonathan Nosbit...... Joseph Hansom. , David FtewarU Casper Hains. Thomas P. Cope...... Thomas Kdmundson. tlilbert VaughL . S7 02 . 30 15 .. 83 t.1 ,.105 80 , S 76 . 40 46 ,. 7 05 . 28 20 ,. S 20 . 18 71 . 36 80 .131 10 4 11 IS 32 John Harrieon. 6i HO Klitabctk Harrison.... 31 40 K. Fletcher 24 00 Joseph Harrison.. 60 40 Kerg-ueon. Ae. Ptr. Warranttt. 233 l.'.OJohu lUmbnght. 70 70 4.13 163 tleorge Hon 140 14 74 100 100 to 60 140 to Lewie Jordan..., Abram Ogdea........... Adam Rigart Matthiat Slough. II. Pastmore. Daniel Frank Jobn tlralf. Cilrard. 21 68 18 00 It li t 63 t 75 23 iO t iO .Vo. Ae. Ptr. Warranlttt. M56 1100 George Mead.... 04 04 5364 1006 " .. 00 63 i.)6i 752 " . " .... CO 60 5374 1081 .... 01 OA i::r3 1100 " " .... 04 04 6372 1100 " .... 04 04 i.17 611 " .... ii 48 i371 108.1 .... 01 64 MOO 1100 " .... 04 04 5.158 1048 " .... 03 66 6364 1008 " .... 80 It 5350 1000 - .... 84 75 53,5 1100 " .... 04 04 5361 1108 " ....201 61 5361 1100 " ' ....200 00 lull 203 108 Morrita. Stewart 7 70 1031 t0 116 " " 36 43 IDiti 6.18 " ,14 70 1024 408 li t ' 42 56 I8V0 264 110 " " 84 18 3A47 10 - " "1 iil 1020 140 " 23 04 6362 708 George Mead...lVt 70 5376 1100 " " ...250 80 5.158 1I0O .150 80 5357 1100 " " ...250 80 1868 120 Morrita Stewart S l 1880 227 125 ' . 1 XI 3648 282 66 " "17 66 1020 31 I 16 1020 30 22 " " 6 13 1030 131 - " 21 76 1016 328 51 " 65 07 1887 S7 44 " Mil 1027 43 70 " ft 1028 400 ' 60 A' 1800 187 " " 28 Sb 1888 158 - 45 00 1017 846 ' iO 12 3660 106 " " 18 08 1887 456 " " 77 03 1016 t " 8 ti 31 A. llugaeny.... 4 61 lOi 19 05 121 lit Juttin Plub.ll. S 03 Sand alt Mo. At. Ptr. WerrooUt. 368V S6S S3 RuberU t Fog. .547 43 1000 1020 (li tl tool ioo a;n 75 4001 100 W.WUlink 17 St Roberts A Pol,20 10 SS " 128 04 Jsmtt vTilson.llt 88 " " 41 00 Wat. Power 161 46 Jamea Wilton, 28 SO " 43 SS 3501 1083 4171 4264 6070 4200 4181 4181 4200 4188 4188 4181 4188 4188 4276 4271 000 420 496 V00 090 600 090 4 U6 S3I 140 251 491 llll 350 090 491 IS 02 nr.) S 64 w.p 10 80 ep 17 10 w. IS 01 e. i 14 00 aa., 15 88 m., 4 S3 w.p 16 00 Jordan. Ae. Ptr. Warrantttt. 124 16S HlrbardPettre..,.. tl 18 433 16.1 Peter Kuhn 128 68 433 1S3 Thomas Martin...l60 73 183 Robort Martin.... 08 77 1 ICS i Philip Lottf. II 00 4 Wa. Johnson 4 ib 100 Jonathan Juiilt... It 01 100 Richard Martin... ID to 433 113 Jno.Dunwoodle... 14 68 100 Richard Martin... 13 40 60 ' Daniel Smith 13 II 100 II It 200 Richard Peters.... 22 It etarthaua. No. At. Ptr. Warranttt. 1400 1100 George Mead, ..351 67 5411 1100 " " .322 67 4111 747 ' " ...12C 87 1418 1043 - ' ..168 84 6406 1100 ..171 Jo 1414 1100 " ..178 20 17 " 16 01 100 100 f0 3110 360 640S 1900 1001 1043 1093 1430 1720 5702 loot loot 1007 1007 1007 1681 166i 1007 J ,,, 1006 J 1097 21 600 122 83 65 133 til 144 111 60 100 . II 60 127 700 68 74 41 62 lf.7 141 3512 MooreiSUwartS78 00 490 10 " " 310 27 Chat. Wllllnk.llS 00 Was. Smllh..... 33 SI Casper Witter. JtJ 00 " - 81 00 97 116 Cues. Wllllnk. IS 40 122 " ' ... 23 31 " " ... 1 32 " , " ... 11 01 " " ... I 71 M'CI'ik'yaPot'r SO 70 B- D. U.ll. st SO Chaa. Wllllnk. S 86 " " ... I 13 FASchnarrstOo 45 00 Daniel Yotben 20 07 Mary Brant.... t 62 Jno. R. V ought 7 li Chritt. Brown. 14 08 J. Gilltland..... 171 " " .-.71 28 Oliver Moore- B H.McOonlgal. 12 11 M.R Michaels, t 61 II. Yotbers 27 D. B. Hsll I 35 Em'rl'ktReiter 17 SI 4. M'Uarvev. 14 31 " " - I Si . g 00 Keating t It W. V kTrating. S 37 it Jno. MoUarva 33 20 80 Kuox. Ae. Ptr. Varrumtttt. 437 48 Reuben Hainet , 43S 10 Luke Morris. 43.1 163 Joseph Milliard 433 153 Robert Gray 420 41 Jno. Uringhurst 433 153 Sarah Ward. 433 163 (ieorgc K,ly. 43.1 13 Monro Wartoo. i:i3 158 lleurgr Athlon. 433 153 Beoj. Poultney 433 153 Ixrael Morrit 373 153 Martin Pierce 4.3 163 ltabella Jordan... 100 Henry Trout 333 163 Caleb Faula. 264 163 Ueorge Wetcntt.. 351 153 George Sean". 30 26 221 100 351 71 40 364 Ht 43.1 Jobn Boyd hutanna Ward.... flaMM'Cormick... Thomas Jordan.. Henry Trout , John Piromm Fusanna Ward. 53 William Hunter 40 t 40 81 70 25 70 15 80 34 00 0.1 00 0.1 00 03 ..... 44 06 121 62 I4i 30 ....125 33 .... 00 03 .... 21 20 ....128 80 .... 03 31 .... 07 73 .... 77 39 .... 37 40 Si 71 84 t 06 121 31 II 20 80 14 14 46 17 04 48 37 2 A'o, Ae. Ptr. 5313 65S 6317 1060 1318 100 1310 IOVO 6.120 1100 6:i2l 1008 5.12.1 II 00 5.114 760 5316 1000 . 5316 1000 6.128 1100 6331 1100 6325 100 1321 1100 6325 633 100 SOO 4.18 17 91 lis 6324 1218 1326 IICS 1327 IMS 1310 1100 5330 1100 1023 368 1 02 1 2011 300 771 It ISII 5314 1012 1008 1022 18b6 fioahen. H'arraareet. George Mead... OS 12 '. ...156 67 " ...ini ni " ...161 01 ...162 80 " " ...140 18 " ...162 80 " ... 0.1 10 " " ...IIS 00 " " ..113 00 ' " ...187 00 " - ...187 00 " ' " . .Ii 60 " " ...187 00 " ...111 Si Morrita Stewart 18 00 Wm. Mtpee 31 00 Morrita Stewart 40 62 i " " 0 68 " SS 27 67 George Mead.. .351 67 " ...310 09 " - ...323 67 " " ....110 00 ...310 00 O, Albert t Bro 46 60 W. A. Wallace. 0 80 Morrita Stewart II 40 77 tlil'h'miUarri'nlOf 14 Knob Lot.. Or ham. Ptr. n'aminrert, Thomas P. Cope.... John Skyron......... John Tbomas.. tleorge Mead. Jureph Simons Bernard Grats.w.... M M J. Henry. 8 SO . 47 41 . 26 72 . 1 00 . 17 41 .114 40 . 60 03 . ii 18 . I 60 . 07 10 . 86 00 . 12 76 . 7 40 . t 00 Charles Hall J. 0. AllporL.... Israel Cnpo. Charles Hall Ciullrh. Ac. Ptr. H'arpaNrees. 110 121 Christian Stokes 11 61 103 131 Matbiae Young 88 111 483 163 Christian llsder 100 64 433 163 Oeorge Murscr. 190 61 237 48 Thomas Ycalcr 103 48 310 Dsniel Offley 00 r,o 211 71 11 co. Baker, Jr. 03 11 436 141 Timothy Paxton 188 H.1 4.13 163 John Burg .150 60 K. Hrtgerl lit IlenJ. W ll.oa lot R.AIberton 301 48 George Baker 48 114 Georgo Moore...., Sll OS 134 l'hll. Olonlnger... lot John Mct'thtn 433 163 Kdwerd Hand..... 108 100 03 126 116 138 IO0 170 80 126 13 1 06 7 Ae. 4001 6671 1074 5671 1066 6007 6671 4263 4104 4IV0 4190 41.16 4111 4.190 4890 t06t tots 412t 4336 4.108 6676 1677 567 tleorge Mead, Jobn McCahen. Lampblack llcnj. Wilton John Whitmer. Pigott Fhaw Jobn Whinner...... R. Henderson T. Morthague Pigott Sh.w.., Kdward Hand.. BrnJ. Wilton X. Runnel,. .,.,... Huston. Ptr. H'urmiifet, J.Q 190 64 141 tO 35 01 21 21 67 60 20 01 161 07 17 01 88 87 41 48 18 00 OS 87 81 40 27 8.1 17 72 34 02 ..... 14 70 10 26 10 13 84 01 I it I 40 .... I SS Ac. too 420 101 1011 1041 1041 too S7I 847 DOS 000 401 401 400 740 870 174 090 871 101 toa 160 tot us 147 147 1011 Kldd.r .... il 00 W. Wllllnk 1 1f 7.1 David Caldwell 63 28 Moore tDtltn) 8.17 S3 ' 837 S3 " 337 S3 William PowortlJO 76 184 71 27 MoorraDelany 107 14 Jamea Wilson 820 76 " " 186 11 - - us o 143 i III SI ' 181 IS " IH 67 W. Wllllnk 81 St William Poweratos 41 I. r)hoemaker..H4 05 ' 30 08 William Pewara 13 01 Jamet Wlltoa. 71 ti " .144 tl ' - . SI 47 I MorrlraDel.ny.l3t 80 SI ' 40 03 II " 205 10 .114 153 John Dorse 04 Jobn Hovd , 186 llenl. Poaltney.. 13 Nancy Robistin. l.awreuee). Ao. Ae. Ptr. H'arraatee. 6209 litis U so. Mead 106 72 1300 1100 " " 1116 72 1300 1100 - " 101 71 5302 1110 " 106 72 1303 lluO ' lot 72 il 4 1101 106 72 1301 1100 lot 72 5306 1101 106 73 5307 1100 106 73 6.108 1100 " 106 73 6309 1100 - " lot 73 5316 1100 " - lilt 78 1311 1110 ' ...... 104 71 1203 1100 " .....298 37 1204 1100 " 208 17 1201 1100 - 208 37 1208 1100 208 37 1201 374 t. 3 73 1280 330 " 73 7t 1095 38 SO Rob.rtl A Fox, 36 321 Hugh Jordan... 10 49 4IS John Reed 81 02 52 lit Rudolph I. in.... 3 01 2003 1020 60 ltuhrllt Fox, 78 66 1014 00 100 4 281 46 26 10 1203 721 1206 1167 1307 1113 5301 488 1201 1100 I90i 74 1008 176 1917 341 1913 37 Out Lot Ae. Ptr. 407 306 327 373 421 440 65 440 100 .140 30 423 .100 433 153 43.1 133 433 15.1 311 01 00 142 10 272 400 170 293 407 130 217 123 113 213 tO 10 17 137 400 38 481 IS Robt. Mitchell, II 12 J. W. Smith I 48 .... 3 li W. Montgomery 88 17 J. b. Garriton. S 36 M. W. t-nyoer. 1 01 lues Conklin. 1.1 Itrael Nithola.. I 01 Geo. Mead 314 10 " 104 1 il4 61 tt ml 76 " 484 10 K. Irwin a Bona 7 84 " 18 4S 25 20 M U HO Mordecal Shirk 1 OS Morrla. H'nrra arret, tleorg. Wettel..-204 61 William WerU....15l 06 Chrittian 38 David Lonch 300 32 Jeaee Yarnal 130 II Joseph Turner 130 10 130 10 " ....101 40 Geo. Ilahecker....l3l 11 Peter Yernel 03 00 Clein.Stockfr 00 tl Jobn Vaughn 00 61 Jnbnathan Netbil 00 62 Jobn Rend 118 S4 William Kvans.... 48 10 Patrlek Hay 10 03 Robert Glenn 84 65 Jobn Houston 03 00 Rlair M Lanahan. 18 30 Wm. Stewart 151 31 Richard K. Smith 43 00 Walter Stewart 45 46 Oeorge tlatet 10 80 llerratn Grat II 31 Canrad Swarts 47 61 John tlriiff 4 18 N. Relilenour II 12 Fred. Hol ler 02 00 Miithias Klougb.... 6 67 Robert Carson. I r...J l-S 15 117 1 N. lteldenour. 371 Malhias Slough... 71 86 21 Henry Drinker.... 4 10 260 01 Joseph Hubler.... 76 17 210 143 Jncob Graft. 27 15 6 John flrafT. 1 10 100 William Hitler.... II SO 08 ' ' Joseph Potter 14 87 1.16 Fransla Johnson.. IS 27 62 " .- 8 20 180 Rallalon a Hoover 14 Hi 3.13 Conrad Swarta..... 33 86 ISO Jacob 11 raff 17 00 440 Joseph Turner 40 00 490 Geo. Haybnker CO SO Pen ll. .Vo. At. Ptr M'oera.teee. SO Patrick Hagert.... 7 25 1002 643 14 John Nicholson. ..192 01 168 Greenwood Bell... 10 40 l.V, Nli'klin tUrlBib. 43 S3 I'lka. .Vo. At. Ptr. H'orroalret. 5778 300 Ino. Nickolton. 9 68 578S 1020 SI " " - 87 72 178i 819 41 " .. 83 S8 64 " .. 71 81 64 " ' . 01 S3 (1 Jamea Wilton...l33 13 1774 1771 4253 4360 4250 4203 4260 4211 5776 1777 4777 4361 4030 1778 1778 1776 177 1777 4350 ll.l 683 821 9i7 143 too 000 823 057 100 411 410 21 too 47 256 19 460 475 17 to I 100 88 187 176 I4i SI 48 13 .. 70 10 -.108 40 .. It 1" 70 01 1 S 11 Jno.N'inkolson.. 87 l 11 .. 10 71 John P. lloyU II 84 Jamea Wilson.. 30 00 W. B. Roberta.. 17 IS Joseph Bally.... 14 60 t. MoNaul 17 h i to 82 80 Jno. Nicholson. 41 80 Caleb Way 1 II Jno. Nickolton. S3 03 " ".17 M. Ifenrv 13 31 Jno, Niekolson. (J 68 Janrea W ilson.., 18 71 Unknown SO 4 gaud $atf. Union. A'o. Ae, Ptr. Warrantee. 1603 90 111 RobertafFolSI' SI1 3609 606 66 " .14 14 3683 7l'9 SO ..71 91 8581 1 25 " .43 71 8598 !.-. . r .41 7 411181 67 Jns.WII.oa... 17 S3 Woodward. Ae. Ptr. Warrant. 413 41 John Caannn..ljl 15 420 110 Henry 66 14 Wm. Drinker..,.. 89 63 481 113 Itaae Wbeeler..l4i OS 30 Soin'l Kmlln..... 25 4 Sit i Thomas Neil.... 20 40 60 Rll Hootmae..... 7 14 21 ISOlJoha Vaugbt.... 8S 88 169 Mary Neil 83 14 1 BenJ, Johnson.. 89 44 479 Hagarty Ill 61 401 M. Bsrton lot 68 70 Mary 40 15 311 145 John M'Caben... 38 80 17 143 Mary 0 nnelly.118 83 100 Roland Event... tl oo 334 43 Pigot Shaw 121 16 31 S.b.itlsn Gran".. 78 41 438 73 T. Edmonson.... I. .8 89 4: 6 Jor. Ashl ridge .179 IP 310 163 Jobn Musssr, Jr 78 38 121 Ell lTootnitB.,.. 21 ;; 100 Mary "andwlcb 27 12 218 Chancy Rieketta 37 44 U . " . 91 164 Joseph Clark.... 29 73 10 John McCl.llan 4 80 HIS John Lowd.r. 4 80 438 153 Philip Limit 181 12 43.1 153 Jacob R. Ilow.1121.1 SO 433 113 Win. Johnson... .161 62 100 (3 Geo. Bruckham. 40 SO 268 Bamuel Kinlln... 60 241 Cbarlel llight... 4.1 60 237 Daniel Turner... 12 02 100 Henry Shallner. 29 60 150 John Lowe IS 40 100 I .sac Gott IS 20 72 Roland Evans... 7 15 170 Peter Lowder.... OS IS . Cbarlee Lowder. 1 20 444 John Harrison.., 168 s 100 Jos. Clark 25 30 100 BenJ. Johnson.. 64 78 437 Reuben llsint... 70 02 433 Luke Morrit. .... 70 30 100 Geo. Athton.. 15 (0 147 23 K J, Pruner..... 43 62 li ,Thoe. Martin ... 31 00 200 William Shour. 12 00 38 Bntanna Ward.. 96 160 William Parker. 1 40 27 Cbarlee Lowder. 72 SAMUEL P. WILSON, Trcaturer. Clearfield, April 3, 1872 91. is d ji'f? r ra t- s fL m ! i CD si -"Si fS. 1 i f - . t m. m r an r f 8 D aa tES. a- o a O 3 ?r l t 28" 5 -a 3 C as 1 n-3 - P B t eSl S- o 2 . ! 8 - e e M o CO O -t o PS w o tt? to o V. CO iUi" SfiTg ..... a fi. T1 g J 5:m r H I I PtI 2. sr H ill a. 3 a to g i pr 4-fl 3 rf ; 3 sr. S 3 a? SEf.Ma e I" . B a C-o 4 s i ? 2 e -t rp B aJ SS-f ta D If h it si i -o v m s a. I 1 S 9 it ""i ?s '"I Hi ni it r? T3 to CD -i T3 & CD t Hi3?a !r s "o ty a- U mj I S3 as m in on js b Km 3 a-I-S s 5a tr y I k ,'. r1! i 1 .1131 S Mai S S 2' 1 w C. - ?I 3 1Z r s. t e-v. L. EC. te." r Ml 'SIS, t ll S Wi ll ni? JOB HtlNTINOt Blnnkn, IjOttor HeatlB, Kill 1 lends, jStateirtontfl, Envelopes, LnrtlH, I'osters, and all other of Job Printing, promptly tlooatrd at Ihii oKce, THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL, MARKET Br., CLEARFIELD, Pa. TniS lar)t and eommoillous new hold b.l been opened fur the aooomuiodnt!on ol the Eublio, where the proprietor will be arlnut to meet ia old friends, and rwolee ( there r public pal ronnge. By ttriot persenal atteutioh to the de tails of his easiness, he hopes to be able to render satisfaction to hit patrons. The will aiwara be bonntifullv auunlled with the best thsl osa ba procured la the market, and tba BAU will contain a full stock of LIUl'URS, BEER, 4m Qood itabllnf attached. . lABI KK LliJI'lH.UT, Clearfield, March 3, U09 ly , Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornerof Heoond and Market Streets, CLUAItriULI), PA. Till) old and commodious Hotel baa. during tha past year, been tnlorgod to double Its former capacity for tha entertainment of etran. icrt and aetata. Tha whole bultiint baa keen .refurnished, and tha proprietor will spare ne peine to render hit (uttta eoulorlablo white staying with him. wTlhe "Mansion H.nsa" Omnibos rant la ana from the Depot oa the arrival and departure of eeehlrela. JVUN DOUUHKKTY, aprS-70 If Proprietor. T EON'AliD IIOUSK, lj Near the Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Thil house Is large, well furnished, and nearly new, and the Propriotor feels confident of render ing satisfaction to ruusts. N. B. Good stabling oonnected with the hotel. 04-71 S. B. ROW, Proprietor. s T. CHARLES HOTEL, (Opposite R. R. Depot.) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. The nnderiigned, having beooino proprietor of Ibil bouse, is now ready to entertaiu strangers and travelers, and therefore to lie lit tolournert to give bim e oall. His Table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar will con tain the cbuicest of wines aud liquoia. Eitensit stabling ll attached. ' Charges moderate. JanlO'73 JAMKS McLACGHLIN. WESTERN HOTEL, Oppotite the Conrt House, "' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A; Aceouimodations first-class and charges moderate, oett . . JOIIN.F. YOL'NO, Proprietor. ON TO UK HOUSE, Opposite the Conrt Home, LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A. jel4'71 HAl'SEAL A KItOil, Prop's. B ROCKERHOIP HOUSE, oot35'7l BKLLKFO.NTK, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Propfietora. A MBBICAN UOIIIE, Main Street, BI10OK VilI.E, PENN'A. 471 SHANNON A Bl'RKETT, Proprietor. UAILKOAD HOUSE, . Mrtia Stro.(, PlilLII'SnUKG, PEXH'A. Th DdtrsiirutHl keeps ooDstntlr on band th) bout of Liquurs. His tbls is sIwajs supplied wlih lbs best lbs msikct tTmls. l bs tntvoliof public will do well to rive him s ssll .... v. .n t-ii -rt ttirii SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CTRWENSVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a. Thil old and well ettablilhed Hotel, beautifully situated on tb. banks of tba Susquehanna, in the borough of Curwtnsvllle, bas been leased for a terra ol years by the undersigned. It baa been entirely rod I led. nnd it now open to the pubiio generally and tbo traveling community in par licul.r. No peine will be tpared to render guetta comfortable while tarrying at tbie bouse. Arapl. Stabling room for tba aocommodatioa of tcaml. Lbafwet moderate. Sept. 28, 1870 If. ELI BLOOM. DANIEL CONNELLY, Bool and Shoe Manofacturer. CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS just rceelred a Sne lot of French CALF SKINS, and is now prepared to tnaonfae- ture everything in his lins at the loweat figures. He W4I1 warrant his work to be as representee. He respectfully solicit! a eall, at hie ahop oa Market strset, second dr or watt of the poitolEca, where he will do all in his power te render satis faction. Some fine Ueiter tops on band. mj9,'47-y DANIEL CONNELLY. EW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOT. EDWARD MACK. Coa. MARKET A So St.., CLEARFIELD, Pa. rpiIB proprietor has entered Into Iba BOOT a X 6 11 UK businett at tbe above etand, and tt determined not to be outdone either in qual ity or price for bit work, Special attention will be peid to manufacturing riewed worn, no hat on band a large lot of Erench Kip and r.irfik!.. nr l p tia.l no. III. Th. eiti. sens of Clearfield and vicinity ara respectfully invited to give him a trial. No charge for sails. lovo. ntr ytisrcllaurous. DISSOLUTION NOTICE I The nrm of Jamea Dickey Jt Co. was dis solved on February M, 1S72, by mutual consent, and W illiam S. Inekey bas astootatcd wttb mm his son. Jamea Dichev. under the name and firm of William 8. Dickey A Hon, in tbe business of general merchandising and dealing in law logs, square timber, and all kinds of sawed lumber, shingles, Ac. at tllan Hope, ClcaiSeld oounty. and at St. Lawrcuse Church, Cambria county, Pa jamas Dickey will give the log aod timber buil- nsss his personal attention, tie will oe touna as the old stsnd al Ulen Hope, where goodt will be told at the lowest prices potttble, and the bctt flgurei paid for logt and timber. Dr. F. S. Nev ling will be found at M. Lawrence, ready to wail on hit friendl. The Doctor ie a clever fellow : go and tee him. All the account, of Jamea Diok.y A Co. will be tetlled by William S. Dickey A Hon. We thsnk our numerous friends for their kind and liberal patronatre and ark a continuance of the eama. W ILLIAM S. DICKEY A SON. Ul.n Hope, Pa., Feb. II, 1872 3m. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE II011E INDUSTRY. THE andorslgned, having established a Nut teryoa the 'Pike, abont halfway between Cl.ar6.ld and Carwensvtlle. Is prepared to fur nish allklnds of FRl'lT TR EES, (ataadereVana dnarf,) Evergreen!, Shrubbery, Grape Vines, Gooseberries, Lawtoa Blackberry, Strawberry, and Raaberry Vines. Aim, Siberlen Crab Trees, Quinee, and early tcirlet nnubarb, ae. vruers promptly attended to. Addreti, J. D. WRIGHT. tsp2I S8-y Curwrnevllle, Pa o. i. c. "r HERE to buy my DRT GOOD9, OR0 71 neriea, ttieensware, Glassware, Drugt aad Notions, Confeotioncries, Ac, sheep for eath. The tnbMriber begs leave to Inform his old aod new customers that he baa opcood A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN HOPE, FA. And will sell goods et prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will ie mode te enetomeri buy ing at wbolrsals. Cnll and examine my stock before purohsitng elsewhere, A lilicral that, of public patronage la tolicitcd. C. i. KEAGT. Glen Hope, Ta., Jans 14, 1871. AIMtl MMTR ATOtVH NOTH P Notice It btreby given tbat iettfrtnfadmtnlttritioa oo the estate of William Haycock, dee'd, lata af Burntlda lowntblp, CleaiSeld eoanty, Pa., having been duly granted to the nnderiigned, all persona Indshted to said rstata will please stake leamadtate payment, and thota having alalmt ar demands will present them properly aathsatlcated for aeultment without delay. JOHN R. M0RG4N, April IS, 1873 St ' Administrator. I) CURLEY, GRAHAXITON, ClearSeld Co., Pa Agent for Jamea S. Marab'l "Valloy Chief " Kinncr& Mower, and all albrr Af rleultaral Implements manafaa toreJ by him. AuT Information in reference t tbe eale and manulacters can ba obtained by ad. dressln al above. ehSI-Sea