Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 08, 1872, Image 2

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    iltt gupn&nran.
Will he Jump Off It looks now
ns though Gon. Grant would back off
tho trnck before tho rhiliulolpniacon
vention meets.
Alarmed. It is aid thnt nAor
Rmnt heard of tho nomiimlion at
Cincinuali he telegraphed his old
n oca to 1 10 convoniion -uui us nuvo
peace !
Sn am Brut." Tho Meclianlcsburg
Journal, a Radical organ of Cumbor
land county denounces iianraniia
nomination for Governor. "Shameful
and disgraceful."
An International Ponitontiary Con
grass win assomDio at iuu city ui ijuh
don in July next, for the purposo of
exchanging notes on prisoners and
prison discipline.
Williamspobt. Tbe debt of this
Infant city Is 8714,934.71. " Popula
tion, 16,00(1; or, about 845 for ovory
soul in it. What a "nationul blessing"
they bavo down thoro, anyhow ! Its
no wondor tbey are saucy.
A short timo ago Anna Dickinson
was praised by every Radical journal
ist in the hind. Now the Grant or
gans aro unstinted in their abuse).
"Sich" is lifo. We suspect that "gon
tlo Anna" has been telling tho truth
about somobody .
e i
XuR Iron Famink. The present
liigh price of iron has produced great
esuiteniont among the dealers of thul
'Commercial commodity. Pig iron,
which not orer six months ago sold
slowly for $35 por ton, now brings
'850 to 855 per ton ; while nnlls have
advanced 81.50 to 82 per keg, and
everything manufactured out oi iron
has advanced nearly 50 per cent. It
is said that an iron ftiniino has sot in,
not nnlv in this eountrV but in Eu
rope, and that it will tuko soverul
years to settlo prices permanently.
Those therefore who aro in tho busi
ness had belter keep their eyes open.
Defeated Andrew Armstrong, a
t'rrtnRtnp" rif ilia LniriHlaturo from
Lancaster county, prosecuted the
editor of a newspaper called Father
Abraham, -for slander. Tho Intelli
gencer states that tho suit was triod
lust week and resullod in n vordict for
the defendant. In his chnrgo to the
jury, Judge Hayes took a broad and
liberal view of the rights of newspa
per publishers, holding that frco criti
cism of tho acts of public officials was
gittrranteoJ by tho bill of rights as a
sacred privilege.
If all our judge would ao interpret
tho law, editors would bo furnished
with a cudgel by which "roosters"
would be sent to the Penitentiary in
stead of the Legislature.
General Conference. All the Moth
lodietsinlho World are just now repre
tiented in tho General Confcronco,
which has boon in session In Brook
lyn, New York, tho past week. And
for the first time in tho history of
that denomination lay delegates par
ticipate in tho affairs of that body. It
Appears thnt tbo vote polled In the
several Conferences on this .question
stood, for lay representation, 4,915;
against, 1,597; more tliun two thirds.
Tho vote of the Conference was, yens,
279 ; nays, 5, vii : Dr. Curry, N. Y. ;
Drs. Dobbins and llill, X. J. ; Dr.
.Godfrey, Li.; Dr. Jacques, Maine The
liny delegation consists of 129 mem
bcrs; 7 of whom aro Ex-Governors,
7 Judges, 7 Bankers, 23 Morclinnls,
28 Luwyors, and tbo rost Vurniors
nd Mechanics and ono United States
Senator, (Harlan, of Iowa) tho hoad
'of tho Indian ring at Washington.
' Bkao it Again. ltudicula and the
rest of mankind should believe the
loaders of tho Radical party whon
they tell tho truth, espocially whon
tho:r allegations criminate themselves.
Three weeks ago wo published the
report of tho Legislative Committeo,
relating to the Evans robbery. A
majority oi thnt committeo were
Kadieals, and every man who is op
posed to boing rol bed by officials
ought to read it nnd noto carefully
this scntonco:
The SUto officii,)! knew Ihla fuel thnt Emm
collected $181,11.8.31, uid retained the whole for
three jean before It became public, nnd their no-
report me triinaactton to the l.rgiltufe
te regarded by ui at
l gro-l dorr Itrtlon of uutetal
John F. Harlranfl was ono of tl.cso
officinls, and it was his special duty to
seo that all collecting officers and
agents mado prompt settlements.
Cut during all tho llirco years heio
spoken of by tho committee ho hud
87,000 of Eruns money In his pocket
Ho never uttered a word in his re
1ort to tho Legislature, or othorwiso,
about tho defalcation, until tho news
papers oxoosed the villainy. Now he
wants to bo Govornor, probubly tha
he may pardon his good friend Evans,
'llns would bo-quito natural after
'Evans bofrlondod him for threo years
with 87,0U0.
Pithy. Tho Administration, tli
tlartford Co urn if acknowledge. Inn
committed 'errors of tho head, not
.of fche heart." Adds tho Tribune:
That's it ; let nelinve a change of head.
jL'.hango of heart Is a euro for original
iti (perhaps ft ctiotigo ol head will bo
jl i'(t(' ii ioti for political errors
.I'"'. LIIJP 1 ...J- - -
Vlrkttn are .Wiilflpu'"-
Tho Radical Rofbrmers whonsajm-
bledatCinoinnuti on tho 1st Inst , liavo
placed another tickot for President
and Vice Trosident In tho Bold mnk-
inn tho third for tho season. Two
moro may bo cxpoctcd by tho 4th of
July. Tho "brood nnd butter bri
gade"' will of course prcsont Grant
nnd somebody clso no bettor, whllo
tho Democrats will probably prcsont
iha last and of courso tho best, bo
volors cannot possibly muko a mis
tuko (hit fall In voting tho wrong
tickot, if variety is a preventive
Tho Labor Rcfuimora hnvo present
od David Davis, ono of the Judgos of
tho United States Supremo Court, and
Jool Parker, now Governor of New
Tho Tcmporanco Advocntos tubmit
tho names of Jamos Itlitck, of Lancas
ter, in this State, and Austin Blair, a
prominont Michigandor, to the friends
of total abstinence and the rest of
Tho third and last ticket presented
for consideration Is that of tho Radi
cal Ruformors, who acem to havo
pinned their faith to Horaco Greoloy,
tho groat farmer and editor of tho
Now York Tribune, and B. GrnU
Brown, of Missouri, now Gorcrnoraf
that State.
The gentleman named aro nil Radi
cals, oxcopt Mr. Pnrkor, tho associate
of Judge Davis. The general upheav
ing of tho political elements seems to
bo wholly confined to tho Radical
wigwam, which, (if those who havo
escaped from it loll tho truth,) scorns
to bo a chuldron boiling over with
corruption and iniquity.
Democrats can, under those oiroum-
stancos, afford to "ceep kwiot,"as tho
"lamcntod Covodo" used to write it,
until thoir own convention speaks
from St. Louis or sorao otbor oity at
no distant day.
Providcnco seems to bo on the eide
of tho people in tho approaching cam
paign, and it looks -now as though
ovory "ring" -or corruptionisls, Stale
and National, would burst, and restore
to the pooplo of theso once more
United Stnics a republican form of
government, so essential to our indi
vidual happiness and general prosper
ty. This all but demagogues and
men controlled by mercenary motivos
desire, but it can never be obtained
through tho agents now in power in
the State and Nation, llonro, tho
duty of patriots is plainly marked out
for them by tho corruptionisls. Tho
latal rock that lies in tho political
channel is "official corruption," and
must bo avoided, or our craft will go
to the bottom with all on board.
Com m hm Ira ltd.
Clkarfi tji, May 6, 1872.
Mr. Editor: On the 80th of this
month tho Democracy of Pennsylva
nia will assemble, through thoir chosen
representatives, to nominate a oandi
date for Governor, who shull redeem
tbo Stale from tho misrulo of the last
low veal's and establish her ancient
good credit, which has been soshumo-
ully prostituted by the reckless rini
thnt has been gorging on tho people's
money and sporting with tho people's
honor, long since regarded as a pur
chasable commodity by Simon Cam
eron and such liclors uf his as Hurt
ranft tho latter lately nominated to
do tbo corrupt work of the Cameron
ring, tor winch oven many Jtepubli-
cuns are manifesting a proper disgust.
Now, Mr. Editor, with due regard for
tho cminont fitness, patriotism and
noncsiy ot tho man named by you lor
cuudidato, in former issues of your
paper, permit mo to express what 1
believe is the preference ol every voter
who has ever gone down this river ou
a rait, aud of nearly every man who
Knows A. U. jNoyea, of Clinton county.
Col. Noyes, as he is familiarly known,
(allhouKh not an omancipntor), o-
sosscs all tbo elements requisite lor
success honosly,slcrling Democracy,
unquestioned patriotism und a sincere
regard for the honor and welfare of
tho Stale, lie is of the typo of mon
that bolons do tho old Snyder and
Shunk school, and if elected Govornor
(and it nominated no possiblo conlin
gency could defeul him) would clevnte
llio standard of tho office to tho high
position it held in tho days of Simon
Snyder nnd I rancis u. Miuiik.
If tho Reading Convention nomi
nates Noyos and it scorns to mo they
cannot well do anything else tho
victory is secured almost without
oontest. No man In this section of
tho Slato would fur a moment doubt
his oloclion, and with llarlrnnfl us his
opponent, the result cn only bo a tri
umphal election ot an honest rcpro
scnlulivo of tho pcoplo.
lours, so. buccEss.
Of.o Land Marks. Tho West flies
tor Jrff'ersonian says: Tho old Foun.
tain Inn at L'urkcsburg, is one or tho
historic land marks lelt us, and around
which cluster vivid associations of the
Revolutionary War. This building
was tho stopping pluco of General
wasinnglon,aiid thoro aro other relics
attached to bis visits to that place yet
in the possession of some of tho resi
dents, among which is nn old chair,
cups, saucers, Ao. the hotel is in a
good slato or preservation, and will,
ii mo restless nnnu oi in an spuros us
walls, long remain u monument of
thoso days, dark in our nation's his
tory, yet bright in tho momory of
those who struggled in its defence
The Tidal Wave Tho West Ches
ter Jcffursonian says, "Straws show
winch way the wind blows." ilm
adago was verified on Saturday even
ing last, in L'hivnixvilie, in tho cilort
to orirunizo a llartrunft Club for the
Gubernatorial Campaign. Largo post-
era woro conspicuously displayed call
ing tho meeting, and wo aro informed
from reliable sources thnt but three
persons aeceptod of tho invitation, and
they elected themselves officers and
adjourned. Huoh demonstrations be
ing mado nt this early stnsa of the
.contest go to show, in their unmia-
takublo way, (hat something is roll on
in Denmark, and the pcoplo know it.
A Sweet Bite. Colloclor Cnscy of
iNow Orleans, ono ol urnnl a lortunato
bralhnis iniuw, has received a moiety
of 1:12,000 for confiscated Migar. This
money really belonged to a poor widow,
but tho brother in law being nearer
tho ithrouo got tho "swii. How
ploftsnnt it is to be a brother in Inw to
, tho Presided,
Jlu Wodf or $loelnr.
"For ways that aro dark and tricks
Hint aro vain" tho Radicals are about
as peouliar as tho "henthen Chlnoo."
Not only do they present bills to the
Govornor for signnluro that novor
pnsscd the Legislature, but thoy voto
othors by not presenting thorn nftor
hnvlnrr tmssod 1 an irresponsible olork
thus as effectually vetoing an act of
tho Legislature as tho uovornor Him
self can do It! Oh, Rudical rascality 1
is nut thy name legion f Is ihero a
villainy that you do not practlcof
A few yoars ago a law nuthorlcing
tho election of an additional law Judgo
in tho Tiotra district was passed, as
thoro is not business enough thoro to
keep ono Judgo omployod, tho oxtra
becumo a nuisance a diii passcu uom
Houses at tho Into session repealing
the law authorizing an additional
Judgo, thus saving about 85,000 to
the pooplo. . But boforo this bill reach
ed the Govornor, aftor having boon
passod by tho Legislature, somo Rad.
stole it, and consequently it cannot bo
como a law I The Judgo unfavorably
HfTocted by It is our ex-Congressman
Wilson, a particular friond of a dis
tinguished citizon of W illiamsport who
is supposed to have presented a bill
to Iho Governor for signature that bad
nevor passod! It really looks as
though this Cfcsnr of ours not only
passes bills for tho Legislature but
also vetoes such as do not suit him,
by withholding them from Iho Gover
nor! Willi amaport Standard.
Xo, Sir! Will Goneral Hurtrana
withdraw f This question is being
Sissod around, so wo will nnswor it.
o, sir, ho will not. Why should ho?
If over a Govornor was fairly, square
ly and enthusiastically nominated,
General Hurtronfl is that nominee
Ho stands before tho people upon his
record. A ttood citizen beforo tho war,
a valiant soldier all through the war,
a faithful civil officer Binco tho war to
this very day, why should ho with
draw ! The duty of the ionoml is
plain, Ho is tho nomineo of tho Re
publican party for tho Governorship of
tins Slato. lie has the opposition oi
somo of tho members of that party.
Tho lattor soy if Ilarlranft runs thoy
wtil boat hiia at all hazards it they
Now if tho pnrtv is defeated in Oc
tober, the responsibility is not wilt
Uartranll, but with those tnui aro ins
implaoublo foes, and wilh thorn he
should leavo it. we writo inus do
causo we aro satisfied that tbo only
quarter in which -tbo withdrawal of
Goneral Jlarlninlt m seriously consid
ered is whore tho wish is the father of
tho thought. VhiladclpMa Post.
Don't Pay His Bills. It is said
that Wendell Phillips will not lio. If
so, what will Orunls temperance
backers say to this. Wendell says :
' Keccnliy, while on n visit to tnc
West, in tho vicinity of Grunt's form
er homo, I askod a Iriund of mine, at
whoso liouso I was stopping, what tho
pooplo there thought ot the President,
nnd ho rcpliod that they had a very
poor opinion ol him, they did not
think lio was an honest man. My
friend asked mo to ride around within
the neighborhood and bo would show
me at leuAt five grog shops where the
now President of tho United States
has yet whisky bills standing against
him, the score not having boon wipeu
Prince Fred and Princess Nellie.
Tho bold Britons are receiving tho
President's daughtor, MNs Nellie, as
if sho wore a princess. J hey decora
ted tho railway station at Leamington
(a noted wntennjr plaoe near war-
wick Castle, and arlso near blratlord,
tho birthplace of Shnkcspearc) with
American and hnirlish nuizs, and cheer
ed tho young lady as they do thoir
own luir pensioners, evidently miss
Nellie is to have a royal progress in
Europo ; and the triumphal procession
of Lieut. Fred. Giant, escortod by
Genorul Sherman, through Russia, is
about to 'begin. This is all vory nice,
but is there not rather too much of it?
Cincinnati Commercial.
Or Course I Tho HarrisburK State
Journal couples Horaco uroeluy and
John W. I' orney together, denouncing
mem ootn as enemies iu mo ju-iuuu
can party. Tho truth is thnt Iho Re
publican party in Pennsylvania has
ceased to exist for any other purposo
than to register tho decrees or Camer
on and to koop in place the rroaturcs
who composo tho Treasury Ring.
Any man who has suiticicni mnnhooa
to ai-serl his independence muet CKpcct
to oo rcaa out oi too party.
Siiuveus Sentenced. Clinton Men
ges, of Muucy, Lycoming county, son
ol the notorious John JUcngos, olcoun
terfeiting fame, has been sentenced to
tho Western rcnitcntinry for soveti
years for following in tho lootsteps of
his lather, loung Alonges boon
in tho shoving business for a number
of years and hud served a short time
in the Slate prison of Ohio for tho
crime. This notorious family has
been engaged in this nefarious busi
ness lor over lolly years.
Ciianiib or Tune Loss than throe
yenrs ago, tho entire Kudicnl press
pronounced Goorgo Wilkes ono ol tho
ablest nnd bost men of the country.
llis paper was the oraolool the party,
and ho was President Grant's most
confidential friend nnd adviser, and
his intimnto personal companion, lo
day ho is denounced as a "sport" and
tho "bottle holder to prizo fighters."
1 Ins sudden change- ol expression Is
entirely owinir to tho Tact that Air.
Wilkes is opposed lo Grant'a re clco
A Heavt Contract. Tho Pitts.
buriih (lazette suys that JJartranfl
must have 18,000 majority in 1'liila
delpliin lo get through. This will put
Mur.n, Kemhloand llunn under a heavy
contract. After tho unhappy failure
ol liophcr Kill, tho I'.ducutod llog and
the other noble upholders of tho Jto
publican inslilulnns, in tho Fourth
district election cuso, the loyal leaders
in Philadelphia have begun to despair.
Like detected conjurors thoir best
trick fins bcon exposed, and thoir gamo
is up.
A Phoiu.ku. If it only took tliroo
years for tho carpet bagger to add
two hundred millions ot dollars lo tho
funded dobl of the Southern Stales,
how long will it take them to make
tho debls greater than nil the proper
ty personal and real ? Here is an ex
cellent opportunity for tho mathema
ticians of our cotcmpornriea to dis
play thoir talents.
So, Sol Forney is still sobbing
over tho nomination of tho candidnte
of tho Evans gang for Governor, and
quotes from his files boforo the nomi
nation In whudi he says: "If utterly
reck loss politicians aro allowed to rule
in Stato and city, orey tho Grant lo
.coniuljvo will Slojl."
Pi-onlilniii Grunt was fifty years old
on tho 27th nit. H llv0 llllry'
years yot in perfect obscurity.
Tho Philadelphia and lionuing car
shops, at Rending, make ono passenger
car and ton freight enrs por wook.
Goneral Kane, of "Uucktall" fnmo,
announces himself as a candiduto for a
seat in the Constitutional Convention.
Tho "Pup Suckers" is what thoy
cull tho ollioo-holdors who are to nom
Inato Grant In Philadelphia in Juno
A Texas editor contonds thnt a
mombcr of Congress from Ihat Stale
hut. n rlirht to his fCHt I'OCIIUBO "ll
..... . -r,---
bouuht it.
Ir. wnn a Radical doleeato to HlO
Siin Convention that dubbod Hart.
Fill, I'l. 'tho Evans duo bill candiduto
for Governor."
Tho Philudulnhia Piwf cive advice
to Domocrats about supporting Ihe
Cincinnati tickot. Not a good source
to sock advice from.
Tho Easton Free Frr is the only
Ropublicnn papor in the Eleventh ton
.rruHsionul district of Ponnsylvnnit
that gives Hartranft an unqualified
Tho proporty of Emanuol schafinor,
tho Dnuiihin county wifo poisoner, vas
sold on Thursday by the Sheriff for
!5,60O. Goorgo sciianncr. was ine
purchaser. j
A man InOrOxron has Suod to recover
85,000 from his pnrcnts-in-law fur ro
proeoiitlng his wifo strong and houlthy.
wuon biio nas turned out sicmy ami
poevisb. .
Tbo "Gon. Grant" Is iho significant
namo of a boat which collided with
another boat on tho ennui near Wil
liamsburg, Blair coutty, lately, ahd
wns nearly destroyed.
Tho official vote of Connecticut civcs
Jewell', tho Republican candidnte for
Govornor, 28 mujontj over the wmo
cratie, temperance utd labor roform
candidates combined.- ''
The Charleston Xcwl says thnt the
effect of the Ku-Klux arrests in South
Caroii na has been to render 500 ploughs
idle in Laurens county ulono, and pro
vent tho cultivation of 10,000 acres.
Mrs. David R. Porter, wifo of ox
Govornor Porter, and mother of Gen
eral Horace Porter, iho President's
privsto secretary, died in Uurrisburg,
on Wodnosdity night, at an advanced
Forty six "patriots" announc them
selves in Mercer dounty as willing- to
have honors thrust upon them at the
Republican nomination, and about half
Ihe townships havo not ycl been heard
Tho Republican Stnto Convention of
Mississippi mot on Wednesday. A.a.
Morgan, a white muii having a negro
wife, presided. The delegates wore
ubout equally divided bolwoen whito
and bluck.
C. 11. Puareo, Bishop of the African
Mclhodibt Church, member of the
Florida State Senate, and u Radical
politician, has been sentenced in that
Slato to six months in tho county juil
lor bribery.
Col. Rush C. Hawkins, a mcmborof
tho Now York Legislature, bus re
signed because ho is disgusted with
lite villainous conduct of tho House.
Hot li branches aro Republican, and so
it Hawkins.
A irrcal joint stock company U lo
bo formed lo pay tho expenses of the
centennial. As everything in Phila
delphia is run by rings, it will bo sur
prising if this docs not full into tho
me control.
Of tho 357 olcctornl votes to be cast
in tho eoniinif l residential election
New Engbnd and the Middle States
will havo 100; tho Western states,
102; the Pscifio State, 12; and tho
Southorn Slates, 134.
The California delegation to tha
Philadelphia Convention have been in-
structcd lo voto for Grant and Wilson.
This is a sad disappointment lo Mr.
Colfax, who leuned trustingly upon
tho oto of tho Golden Slato.
Tho Pittsburgh Dispatch thinks that
the Cincinnati Convention is "a sweet
morsel to the starved Democracy."
It will prove a dose of strychnine to
bloated nnd diseased Radicalism so
there's Iho difference 'twixt this and
Swift justice wns Rioted out to a
man named McKulls in Philadelphia
last week. He hud committed an as
sault wilh tho intent of robbing, and
in seventeen hours thereafter lio Was
committed lo tho Penitentiary for sev
enteen 3'cars. j
Tho Florida State Senalo huR decid
ed to set as a high court of impeach
ment for tho tnul f tho carpet bag
Governor, who has robbed snd dis
graced the Slato. Should he bo con
victed, ho will, no doubt fleo tl D Slato,
-as did Uoldon, of North Carolina.
It scorns to bo conceded on all hands
thut Hon. James Thompson, the pros
ent Chief Justice of tho Penury Ivnnin
Supremo Court, will receivo l!io noiui-.
nation lor hupiomo Judge from tho
Domocratio otulo Convention at Head
ing. No better nomination could be
made. His eminent fitness for tho
place is universally acknowledged
Tbo St. Louis Chrittian Advocate si
evidently unfit for circulation In the
Fifth district.- It say i "We do not
pretend to account for Satan. . We
Can not understand Iho propriety of
his existenco any moro Ihsn wo can
thut of General Benjamin Butler: bat
both are facts in tho woild, which we
receivo iiiiiin competent testimony."
Uotton Advert iter. ,, .
Tho enlightened Radicals and Know
Nothings are again ridiculing thu Gcr
mans. If thoro bo still any of thai
nationality stupid enough to hung to
Iho Republican zebra's caudal, they
descrva no bolter treatment than Ihey
urn getting. If our German citizens
delight in eating dirl from tho Radical
spoon and onjny tho kicks they ret
at every draught, they are not to be
pitied at ull.
John P. Brown, secretary and dra
goman of tho American legntion at
Consta nliimple, who died there, on Iho
zxth ult., had been probably longer In
ofllco thnn any olhor member of tho
diplomatic service, having rooeivud
his first appointment nnder President
Jnckson's administration, in 18110, as
dragoman or interpreter. Ho was so
conversant with tho language and
stato affairs of Turkey that his ser
vices were doomed essentia! bv the
su(wive ministers. He was a nativo
oi Uhio.
On the Fence. Some of Hnrtranft'a
frionds claim that he would doclino
tho nomination tur Governor only that
ii wouiu oo ciaimod as an acknowl
etigcmcnt thnt Ihe clisrc-es against him
concerning tho ftvant business were
truo; nnd Unt he now has the en
dorsomont of his itartv and it would
bo bettor to bo defeated boforo tho poo
y'e, Ihnn to "Bfknowlcdgo his guilt."
Ilrad Out.
ki n rKiriihii-lv called meotinirof tho
pothouso politicians of Philadelphia,
hold In Spring Gurdon Hull on Mon
day evonlng last, for tho purpose of
organizing mo uauov om nmuuin im
ropoaters for service in tho approach
ing campaign, me lonuwwjs ii'
was passed i
Htwltl, That w look span till Soul dopwtum
brynnd tln Hum of tha lltipublioan parti of tha
nn'llilKal mi-rtiunarlca hoadod bjr A. K. MuCluri
Tho samo mooting vory appropri
ately endorsed Hangman llartrunft
and "Rooster" Allen as follows :
HnuM, That wa heartily emloraa tha ilckat
placed in noinluatiun bj the lata ttcpublkaa Mate
I'unveutba, aud wa will fivo II an un.rgU'n lup-
P" Wo must condolo wilh Mr. MoCluro
upon tho loss of such vuluublo politi
cal friends: and hnpo thnt tho associa
tions ho may form wilh honest citi
zens may nssuago his grief. Of courso
it was his impudent courso in expos
ing the ballot box stuffing, repotting
and perjury in the lute Hpociul Elec
tion in the Fourth Senatorial District,
that has so aroused tho virtuous indig
nation of those members of the pup
feeders' ring and cnusod Iho alionnlion.
IJYsrcrWcr Jrffcrsonian.
Epigrammatic hut Trutuful.
Hon. Cnssius M. Clay mado the fol
lowing speech upon tho Occasion of
Presidency at a mooting of the Liberal
"cpublicuna of Kentucky In Cincin
nati previous to tho Convention : "I
think thero aro two or ibroe great ele
ments upon which all, tho putriotio
nemdoof this county can' avree. That
is that . tho pooplo of the Slato shall
govern tbo Slulo; that the National
Government shall come back to its
normal state, standing upon tho Con
stitution ; thul character and honesty
and fidelity in office shall be reinstated;
lor whon ihe .treasury ol the country
can not be preserved, no form of in
stitutions can long exist. Fuiluro
must be tho conooquonco.
"Let us have Peace." Tho follow
ing resolution was voted "down with
a storm of hisses," by the "pnp feed
ers" in Iho lulo Radical Convention :
"Rrroi.vrd, That thia Convention do earneetly
rreommend onr Mrnatorl and Kt-prcarntatirei la
Cnngreei to Vote for the Ipeedy paaeejre of an net
of t'oogreu attending pardon and general araneity
to all pereoue eogafrd in the late retwllioa."
Grant cries : "let us hare peace,"
but insists upon his followers in and
out of Congress opposing amnesty or
any other measuro looking towards
peaco. Ho proclaims himself in favor
of civil service reform, but secures its
defeat in Congress.
Endorsers. It Is said that the
Ohio Radicul Stato Convenlion which
recently met in Columbus lo appoint
Grant delet;ntos to tbe Philadelphia
Convenlion, was composed entirely of
rural post masters, revenue assessor
and whisky gaugcre. Of courso they
endorsed Grunt.
"Too Thin." Tho.Chicago Evening
Post suggested thut a couplo of jack
asses be sent lo Cincinnati to givo
"tone" to tho convention. The Mem
phis Avalanche replied that this effort
of ihe cdilor of ihe Post to get an in
vitation was too thin.
gnv gtdwtisrrarntiJ.
X young nan of li yeara experience la the
above braot-h of bunineiir a r-ltuatioo. Apply to
AMOri KKNNAHI), Clearfield, I'a.
X he tooth fide of Market itreet, aaat of Third
street, now occupied by Mn. I'lendt-rgaft, la for
tlo on moderate tcrine. Apply to
Clearfield, Mar S, H7I-3t.
V T l'e man of aober habiti to run a law mill.
Muat ouuie well recommrmleil. Ctll immediately
M. M. 1 IMOI.I.NO,
ay8-4t Burniide, Clearfield Co., I'
Thil nrw and well furniihed bouro haa been
Inkrn by Ihe nnJcreiraed. He feoli confident of
beta, ehle to reader aatitfactiun to thoio who may
favor him with a eall.
Way S, I87J. O, W. DAVU, Prap'r.
YVMMOI.17TION NOTH'lv. The firm of
II Waple A llartman wai thil day dinolved by
mutual eoneent, and the booki and aeeounta of
tbe late firm will be aetlled by tbe nnacrllgned,
who will elan eontlnue tha noiinaea, and deeiree
to thank tbe ouatomen of Ihe lata firm for their
palronnre, and bopci to ttill hava their euatom.
tojrether with the ouftom tff all wlio desira good
warei at reaionabla pnoea. Brary aiertioa will
be pat forth to accommodate and plea.
Oaeeola, Pa., llay S, IS7J 31.
RI'.POHT of Ihe eendilion of Iha KlItST
NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, at tha
oloee of buiineei oa April IS, 1872 :
naaof ni-aa.
!.oanl and Diaoonnti..H.....M..M.. IS.l&l 03
Orerdrattl 3.7SS 31
V. 8. Itundi to aeeura eireulation lon.OOO DO
Pue from redeeming A reaerve ag enla S.A47 0
Due from other National llnnki 1,71 0.1
Due from olher llanki and llankeri... i,4S2 0
Koinlture and Kiiliirea l.Inn SO
Current hxpemei A-1B f)0
Taxei paid (2.1 SS
Cnr-h llcina, (including itmipi).H l.IVS 4S
Bill! of olhue Rational llanki 7U oo
Fractional Currency. (Inolud. nlokali) SM 81
Speeie.vilt eoin........ 32 70
Legal Tender Notre T.SOO 00
Total a75.Bt4 00
Cuillal iloea paid In 1100,000 00
Surplui fund 18,O0 00
l'mnt and Lou I.0M i
National Unnk eireulat'n outetanding, 8l,7il 00
Oiv i end! nnnaid ou us
Individual Xtipaiill St.KOD OS
line to National llanki a,4U 02
Due to other llanki and banker! , 631 17
...7i.0!4 00
Lotaaf reaeeefraan, rearet I
I, William II. Pill, Caohicl
Cvaele. SS t
icr of tha Fire!
National llank of Clearfield, do eolemnly iwear
that Iha above ftatement ii true t the beat of my
knowledge and belief.
WM. II. DILL, Caihier.
Hnhaerlhcd and iworn to before mn tble Sd day
of May, IS72. WM. II AIIKHACII, N. P.
Coirect Alleil: Klt llArlll MllNSOP,
P. O. NlVMNtl,
May 3, 1871. Director!.
RI-.I'OHT of the eondlllnn of the CO I' NT Y
NATIONAL DANK of ClearlMd, at tha
clou of buiincii on Friday, April III, 1072 1
Iiam and dlacounll.. JIU.59I 07
Overdralte ,
U. 8. bondi to aecara cirnulaliun
Una from redeemlne; A reserve agent!,
Pol from other NntloneJ llanki
Due from Htafe llanki and Bankeri.H
Furniture and fixlurei. ......
Curreul expeniel M
Taxei paid
Cadi tteuii, inoloding itampi.
Mill! af National Itankn.
Fractional currency, Including nickcli,
Hpecla, liilvcr)
Legal-tendor notci ,
Jj.OllO 00
0.031 li
1,107 It
4..S4J t
I, .17 as
tM 71
KOI 01
0.MI0 00
170 4
4 SO
14,07 00
Capital Hock paid In
Hurplm fund ,
Intereit ,
Profll and lou
Circnlilion oulilanding .
Iiiilivldual dcpniili
Due to National Hankl
Dua to Btete Baaka and Banker!..
..(S.IO.OJO 10
..liofi.ono oo
,. 7,000 0
13 HO
.. i,iu.i is
WH 01
,. tiMi 00
.. KMI 46
110 7K
.. 1,07 70
..2SM20 0
I, W. M. (thaw, Caahler ef Ihe Counfv National
Bank of Clearfield, do eolemnly iwear Ihit tho
above etatcment ii true to the heat or mv annul.
edre and belief. W. M. 8IIAW, Caihier.
Ptthacrlhed and iworn In before na thli Id day
or Uir, A. 1). 1H7J.
Correct Alleit i JAME8 T. LEONARD,
May , Ii;:. lireclorr.
tw dwtisftiunts.
1 A I'TIO N. A II periimi are hereby caul limed
ainnt puri-liaRlng or In any way nieddllnir
wilh two BA
IKIIISKj, now iu poaaeaelon at N.
11. Malm, of llradford lownibip, ee tha lame bo
long to no and ara luojeot to my order.
(Irahamton, May I, 1S7J SI.
Kl'.f; I T Kit' NOTH H.-Nollr.eii hereby
given that the following aooounti havo been
examined and panned by me, and remain filed of
record In thia olhee for tha Impaction of belrt,
legatee!, ereilitori, and all othera in anyolher way
hitoreitod, and will na preaented to the nest Or-
thana' Court ol Clearfield county, to ha held at tin
ourt llouiie.Jn Ihe borough of Cleurheld, ooin
menelng on Ihe lit Monday (being tho 3d day)
of June, A. 1. IS7!.
Final account of Samuel RholT, adminlatratorof
Chrlitian rjhofT, Jr., Into of Woodward lowmhlp,
Final account or William McNaul and A. C.
Tate, esecutrl of fleorge Willon, deocuKi,
T lie admioiitmlioa account of laaaa JlcNial,
adminialrator of Laneun Hoot.
KauiiTin'a Orrn i, I A. W. LKK,
Clearfield, I'a., May I, 1872 le.J ltegiiter.
pAltDO!.-Nollca li hereby given that an
I anulication will ba made to the Kxecutlve
lor tho pardon of llaaa Morrlion, who wal oon
vioted at Iba January term. IS00, snd aenlanccd
to levon yeara and lix monlhi impriaoniuent in
tha Wutcra 1'onitrnliary. may I St
of Clearfield eonnfy, Pa.
Whereaaan apphdafion hai been male (by pe
tition filed) anking laid oourt to graul a obarter
of Incorporation lo I. H. flood, J. A, Ulattenber
gcr, L. O. l.lngle, T. K. Illamly and othera. nn.lrr
tne name, ifyio and title of the "Oaeeola buildiug
and Loan Anoelation.' and if no luffleient rcaaon
il ibown lo tha ooutrary it will be graoted at the
Juna term next, in aeoortlanoe with tha Aot of
Awembly approved tha l.'tb or April, l"sv.
May 1-31. Prothonotary.
Are now receiving, in addition lo their fine itock
on band, freah mpply of NKtV UOODS from
tne t-ait. A run line in
Latcat itylell
Groceries, Bacon, S. C. Ilam, Fish,
Salt, dc, Ac.
Bpaolal attention bi baeei given to our le lec
tion ol Ladiea' Dren Oooili and Trimming!.
Having purchaaed at tha very loweit eaah
price, we ara prepared to offer Inducement! to
oaah buyen, and wa invite all to eall and exam
ine before pureuailng elaewhere.
Our thanki are exUnded to our euitomerl for
their liberal patronage In the pait, and we hope
to me.-it a oontinuanca.
FAl'ST A OOODWIN., April II, 1872 3m.
L TLEM ENT. Report of tha Auditor! of Pike
tonnibip, for A. D. IS7I :
John Bloom, Abram Bailey and John Norrii, (for
two dirtricta) Superviiori of Pika townrbip, in
account wiin i no noaa tuniti ol aaid lownibip
To ami. of tax levied, $411 50
fo J. I UliMim overwork, 4 (J
To unaeated otdar, S) 00 rec'.l l.Cnld well, 1 1 (JO
lo bal. due Jon. Hloont. as
per order on Hup. C 79
By work by ciiiir ni if lup. 432 70
Hy exuneialiom, 10 05
By r ctutnge, 0 0U
$4'.3 M $4l.1 35
To ami. fax levied. Ib71, $lf6 35
To upicaled order, 37 50
To cash ree d 1. Caldwell, U 00
Bal due Bailey, s per or
der on Supervisor, 0 03
By exonerations, 1 75
Ily work by citixena, 183 3U
By Supervisor A willing, 4100
Hy iercentago, 9 "3
Ily lax not worked and
tranaf U to next Super. 9 52
$243 KH i43 88
JOHN N0RRIA, lit D Uriel, Dn.
To ami. tax leved, 1871. J199 C5
To untested order, 47 50
To cub from 1. Caldwell, 10 80
Hy exonerations, 35
By work by eilixeni snd
Supervisor, 237 42
By per cenlage, 9 97
By oaah lo 1. Caldwell, ' 21
?2I7 95 $247 95
Id Diilricf, Da.
To ami. of tax levied. f 422 14
To uniesled order, 37 50
To ca-h from 1 Caldwell, 31 00
By work by eiliteot snd
Sup. wilh per ceniai e, 477 08
By reo'la for cnih pd. wit
neeiet on bridge at Cur
weniville, 9 16
By csih to i. Csidn-ell. 4 40
$4'.I0 1 1490 04
To caib rre'd from Co.
Treat, for bal. of uoieat-
aU lax for lKiiM and 'O'J, 233 SO
To cub J. Noiru,iup.'7l 4 01
By rrc't a. B. Swoop. SO 00
Hy refl'tJ. K. Krsixer, 25 64
Hy Bopert.a tec ii for ie7U:
A. Hborl, lfi5 IH)
J. V. Daltt, 3t C8
I). Miller, S 0:1
Levi Bloom, 4 O'J 70 23
Dy Uuperv.a' rco'U for 1871:
A, Bailey, fll 00
J. Nonii, 21 HO
J. IMooiu.jr. II 00 43 80
Dy loo t ot John Norrii, -
la ny on brulgn, CO 00
By cnelt piul lor making
duplicaiva, olllcw rani
finger boardi 0 40
Dy caib pd.T. Humphrey, 6 00
Bal. due) lowmnip, 14 IS
238 11 238 II
D. I). RITTER, Oveneer of tha I'oor for l'lke
towmhip, la acoonnt with laid townihip for
in, ii
To bal. from lail yitr, $17 80
To rmh from K. Uweni, 10 00
To bal. dua from R.Uweno
on Uit year, 9 35
To oaah from Curwenivilla
bor. for 1800, 70 7 1, 130 00
By raah paid lor auppoi l
of Nanoy Kennalt, 120 52
By overaefln' Wagea, 10 O'J
Bal. duo lowmhlp, 30 C9
$167 21 $107 21
We, tha underiiirnrd, Aaditort of Pika Iowa
ihip. hava examined Ihe aooounti of John Illoom,
Jr., Ahrant llailey and John Norrll, Pnpervimri
Iiaan Caldwell, Treaiurer, and II I). Kilter, titer,
eer of tha I'oor for aaid townihip for 1871, and
find Ihcin aa abova alated.
April 21, It;;. Auditon.
ttccilj, &t.
On Friday, April 2CI.I, 18727
Returned from Philadelphia wilh a largo and
aleiriiat aiiorlmrnt of MILLINERY and FANCY
UOUDM, aod will havo all tha ncweit
Spring and Summer Stylet
fivena i ni .n in i nun, nujij.n,
Theas Uoudi will ba lold at graatly reduced
Krlcei, and will be from tlie uiort faililouable
uuaei Iu tho lily.
JlllH. n ATSO.V,
April 11 Jt. Next door to new P. 0.
CALL at L. PLEIIAL'8 new Store, oppoilte
El-dov. Bigler'l reildrooe, on Second a treat,
Clearfield, Pa., aud examine bit fine atock of
Of which b onitantlyiveelvlng UrtMDrt
man. uf th very Utcft and bt$t Hk. which he
Will UlfptiM 61 M
Astonishingly Low Prices!
LA DIES, I htv on bund a largt Dt welt
rlet-ltul nlock of those ool.hmtfj bftnU-Mweil
MOROCCO nnd (JA1TKK.S, whirb I
oin iflr recommend to bt the in tbe mar
ket. Call aod ciuuoioe tUcm.
OEXTtKMF, in itock uf FarniTiii.g Ouodi
l oomnlele. I bare all the norrlijrs in ficnrfi
Tie i, Crarale, Jiamikrcbirf, Uoderwear, Suf
pctnleri, Cullarg. (Jlovra. lluiiery, 4o.t together
with a complete aMortroent of nbita and Cloth
Shirt. I hare on baal a lurja aoj well selected
itock or Halt and taj.i of tha
Very Latest Styles I
Alio, Trouk. Valifca, Railroad Puffe, Vmhrella,
Caoei, and many other articlri, both uieful and
ornamental, which will be fold at fair ratci.
plrTh oitiirni ef Clearfield aod vicinity are
rtetpectfullj Invited to call and ei amine my guodi
oeiure pure baaing ti amber.
Clearteld, Pa, Feb. 7, 137.
W COOllll
Xcw Firm nt WaHaccton, Pa.
Have bought the entire itoek of gnodi from P.
Oallagher, and are receiving a general aeiortnient
of new good i from tbe Eaatern citi.f, each aa
FEED, 4o., 4c, 4o.,
To rxchanjte for Coantrj Produce, Railroad Tiel,
Lumber or CA8U. October 18. 1871.
J. M. KRATZF.RIi juit raaeivinc a lar and
attractiva itock of hpring wood.
DllY CJ00DS, PRESS 000D8,
Clearfield, March , 1871.
DOWn I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices
'XYTB ara now opening up a lot of the heit and
IT mmt aeaannalkla tiiMMla and Warea ever
offrred In thil market, aod at pricea that remind
one of the good old davi of cheap thing!, Thoae
who lack faith npoa thil point, or deem our alla
gaiioni luperfluoui, need but
Cfatz. r oik sToni:,
Corner Front and Market itreeta,
Where they caa eoa, feel, hear and know for them
aelvea. Ta fully uadenitand what arecheap goada,
tbia muat ba done. Wa do no da wan tt neeeeaary
to enumerate and itemine oar itock. It la awoagh
for aa to auto that
We have Everything that is Needed
and eonmmed in thia market, and at pricea that
aatoniah both old and ronng.
doo20 JOCK I'll FIIAW A SON.
STRCMKNTS I Orgam, both new and
iceond hand, at Ihe Muile mora next door to Flrit
Nallonal Rank. All permni Inlrreited ara Invl
ted to eall and euro Ine a new llyle of Organ now
on exhibition. Khrel Muiia and Mualc Rooki
cnnilantlyon hand. aplJt TJif
Offlca In Haaonie Building,
April 14, liri. Clatrflrld, p(.
I?fTRAV COH',-8trayedrroratbepremla
jt the mhicriber, an Laurel Rnn a large
light red cow, about t or I yean old. Iha Uit
heard of her iha wai aeon at or aear Iha reeideae
of A. L. Ogden, in Lawrenoa townihip. Any In
formation of her whereabout! can ba left at thli
ofaoo, aad tha pervoa taking her vp will be anita
bly rawarded, (all 3f A.
O TUB 0RBAT ts .
nr h. ivuni H mMiv,D.i.,
Having euraeeiled In tettim a lirtitnr ur;.
material, henvo tbo torn and modern! ebar r
partial and full it of Teeth. I uie tl,J 1
maniifartura of teeth and other naterlil. All
omrailone rt-jfintw-Jd aud warranted to gWt Mr
vine end PatM'.-. fi.q.
Frlemli, retlmil that mr eharvei fur tk. u...
tlon of artiflvial and tho laving of tbe aataril
teeth are now the mont reaMinale iu PennnyUmit,
1'reflerrn your tewlb and you preoerre your health,
1'utliBH uf lb natural teeltt In a healthy, t.r
acrvativaand u-eful eonditlon ie made a (itculiy,
Dlieaitreand maUurniatl'inieuuimin to the nuath
aw and ajfooiata parte, are treated and eorreekd
iih fair auooeaa. Jkaauinationi and eoiuiu
tlons rnr.n. .
It vuuld U veil for natienti from a diftnta t.
lot me know by mail a few dayi Uur omiog
to the office.
It li wry Important that clnlJren lt:nreo the
agraof iii and twelia jearl fhonld hare their
teeth examined.
Anwiihi?tief are adiniuiitcred and Tttth rv
no rod without pain.
liipottiocii and character are judged bj all
the world bjr the expreeiiena of the face, heuee
bow verj diiaatroui mmy il therefore be for per.
on i te indulge an cipreaaioa of distorted featerei.
even apart from a bygiciuie view. Now, teeajoj
natural (not artificial) comfort and plrannrei,
reftpeot andobet natural iir.plieitiee and Initiuu
H. POKTKK HHAW, V. l. 8.
Office in New Jdaaonio building, Seeond tr)t,
Clcarfi.ld. Pa. fcbl 71
d-jt Dr. A. M. IIILL3
CZQUiy VToutd lay to Ma pafienti and the pul.
lie pnurnlly, that, having diaiolved pirtnmbie
with Ir. Hhaw, he il now doinf the eutiri work
of bit office hiimclf, 10 that patient! need not fair
being pot under the handa of any aiber operator
CItirCiU, March 3f, 1872 tf.
J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.,
tffn.- Offioa over Irwin'i Drag Btort,
All dental operation!, either In tbo mechanical
or operative branch, promptly attended te ui
fititUctiun guaranteed. Bpecial aitentioa put
to tbe troatmvnt of dieeaiei of the natural to eta,
gum i a lid mouth. Irregularity of the teeth
oeixfully eon-wveted. Twlh extruded withoat paia
by the on of Ether, and artificial teeth inerte4
of tbe beat material and warranted to render nt.
ifnefion. wpril?ft'71W
A Move In Curwcnsiillel
J. R. IRWIN, Druggist,
nA3 nmored hit Drug Store to bit lev
room i, three doora weft of hii old itani
and tahef thli opportouity of thanking fan M
eustomeri for their liberal patronage, and bopn
by stoeo attentiua. embined with a eeleet Muck
of goodf, to merit lit eontinnanca on the part if
all bit old runtotneri, and eccure tbatufautj
new odci. PIeao give him a eall.
CurwcnevilK March 27, IHTS.-om.
aek of AMKIUCA5
.nd SWISS WATCHES, of tba difar
U7.J . . .... "
aa. gradci, in iron two to mnieoita
caiea. I offer thcaa for lale LOW, aai
gaaraniaa tbem to jUa tntlra latiifactloa,
A food aiaortmeat of Ladlei' and Oitl't
Jewelry of Iha latait Itylei! Alwajl (lltiif
loatethinf new!
I wonld aik Lumbermen and athira who b
tea! porchia'rt Watehei to call and leva;
itook before goirg to Iha eitiai, ai I ant virt
ara I can aall Watebec aa low ai they can bi
bought, haildaa the differtnea in dlitanie U
tho event of tha goedi proving difietlvi.
All kmda of REPAIRING In my Una proapth
attenJcd to at tha itora oa Second itreet, eppa-
lita tha Court Home. For jour liberal nppon
la the put I ana eery thaokfuL
Are yon in need of a good act of Harem?
An von in need of a rood Saddle or BridU
If ao. eall at the Saddle and Ilarnen Sboei'l
Jons C. Uaawira, where yoa can get the brat..
the market, lronble and btngla llameai anl u
diet' and llent'a Saddle! of luporior workmairku
alwavi on baud or mannfaotared to ordrr.
eial attention ii called to my itock of Collin w
Hamti, wbieh are the beat in nee. 1 alio nirvu
anortment of Saddlere' Hardware, which mil a.
diipoicd of at raaaonalde rate!. P.epairiii, if a
kindi promptly a .tended to. S. P"C t lerfat
call before purcbaaing elaewhere. Shop ia Oa
I'oat Utnra. Market Itreet, t learlem, ra.
ilay S, 1971-lj. JOHN C. UAKW IlK-
Tbii ia a truo centre-draft mnchin, nil! ":
make your horaeV norha or. TbelhteitfltV.
the neateit an t the moat durable narniat "
world. Thoae ibing to buy a good mow. r
mower and reaper combined, will find it tot"
ad ten tare to examine thi machine, ftetcripti"
pamhlet urnt on application.
The attanllua of tha enteral of Clclllall '
vicinity il directed to the fact that Huo.lfeHe
Son are the agent! or II. Meoe t Co., ana '
juit reeeired a half doaen ear loadi of PlcirW'
toed, which they offer at Iha loweit p.wWi
arei. A large itock of
Polatoei, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, An
Particular attention la called ta M. KiW
Co.'i brand of Family Flour, which il Uil h
tha market.
Flour and Feed eaa and will be iole "
than It caa be obtained eliewhcra ia l"""
JMr-Btora oa Market Hreel, mil doer
Alrxaader Irvia't reiidenct.
Janllltr AgwitiforM.NieJli:
Dealer la
Tobacco, Grocer Im and Flah, Kalli, n"T
Quaenaware and Olaaawere, "
Uoyi' Clt,thlng, Drng., Piinrt,
Oil., flehool book.,
a large lot of Patent Mcdiclnri,
Candle.. Kuta A Dried Pmita. Chceie anJ M
en, Rock aod Rifle Powder,
Floor, Grain and Potato
Clover and Timothy Seed,
Pell Leather, Morrwcoa, Lining!, BinHH "1
Thread, Hhoemakera' Tocll a
Shoa Finding!.
Ho greater variety of good! in any itor" 1
. a u .... rM. Mah or I
product at Iha Chiap Coiner. April l"i