THE REPUBLICAN. ,J3 ' ' CLEARFIELD, P. v WKDNKSDAT HORNINO, MAT I, W. ",'." la Fortune's garden growl a tree,' u , Aad ell would fain Its fruit possess . , All mpt, watch It loaglngly i ' The fnilt It bnn ti ealled Bate. . , ' Tin path to some It roof h aad iteep, The tree Itself with thorns ! thick I ' Through tangled brashwood some moat creep, .. Bom climb II aeeyg elhr quiok, , j It blossoms bright, II blossoms fair, It'i brilllul bloom th tight athralls Some fail to reich't for all they dart, ' ' ' , full rip. to tome It easy falls. ' Attracted by iti golden hue,1 ' Attracted by Iti (old and (litter, ' All obstacle! nmi straggle through, To lad lha fruit alas but lltMr I Bat molt who ImU Iti fairy flavor, And to their Hps it fondly press, , Say Bathing oau surpass tha laror 1 ' vffbs freshly-gathered fruit, Suooessl. AN OLD MAFS ROMANCE. Joka Tytar Iwtari.tiwp Himlwlloaaoal ky Haary A. ' Wiaa-Aa Old Mia'i Love-Match That Tamed Oat :. Hiapily. . It isironorally beld that thero is very little ot. the romantic clement in the American Presidency, and not without roason- lor men to enter the I'rendon tial office 10 late in life that thev hare become at matter-of fuct as soap suds ana auieraiuo; out oxuovornor wise, of Virginia, in his recently publisded and very clever volume, "Seven Do cades of the Union" which well de serves reading gives an account of i ivsiuoii. jjiurw ovi'vnu uiurriuru that Is Very entortaining. Mr. Tyler became a widower whilo he was l'l-os-idont, losing a wifo who was a vory noble woman, a member of tbo well known family of Christian, in the Old Dominion, lie was a domestio man, and a pure man, and n second mar riage is tlio most natural thing in the world when a man has boon happy in a first marriage ; but then it is thought that a widower should a marry a lady of experience not unlike bis own. Mr. Wise snys that he was in Mr. Tyler's coach, taking a drive with him, In March, 1844, when he soon discovered that his friend would talk only of lovo and ladies. "We had always heard," said Mr. Wise, "that on old fool is the worst of fools in love sickness, and be showed tho usual signs of its contor tions into hideous shapos of seeming. Ho got it out at last, that bo thought of marriage, and wanted to know our opinion on the subject. "Wo!!, of course, you nave sought out and tound out some honored dame of dignity, who can bring graoo to the White Homo and add to your domestio com fort V 'Oh, no dame, but u sweol damsel.' 'Who, pray, of damsol de gree could or should an old President win?' lie told as; and we uttered our astonishment by asking, 'Have you really won her?' He replied, 'yos, and why should I not?' We answered that be was too far advanc ed in life to be imprudent in a love scrape. 'How imprudent ?' be asked. 'Easily j you are not only post the middle ago,' (he was thon filly four ), 'but you are President of tho United States, and that is a dazzling dignity, which may charm a beautiful damsol more than tho man she marries.' 'Pooh !' i.w cried, cnuckhng mofrily, 'Why, my dear sir, 1 am just full In my primo !' 'Ah, but has John Y. Muson never told you about an old friend of bis, on the South side of the James, rich and full of acres, calling bis African waiter, Toney, into coun cil under the tendur topio of marrying amiss in bor teens? Toney shook bis head and said, 'Massn, you think you can stand dat?' 'Yes, Toney j why not? She is so swoot, so beauti ful, that she would make mo riso from bed of illneBS and weakness to woo her for a bride; but I am yet strong, and I can now, as well as ever I could, make her happy!' 'Yes; but, masxa.' said Toney, 'you is now in your primo, ditt's true ; but when she is in her prime, where den, massa, will your prime be?' He loughod heartily at Toney's pbilosophicalobscrvation, but afterward, in seriousness, said tbat be longed for the renewal of his domestio life, and had been fairly caught by tho flame of Miss Gardiner. We remon strated that bit life wai renewed in bis children ; that be bad daughters, full of grace, fit to do the honors of the White House, and some of thorn were the elders of his intended. What if family disnent should make domes tic jars, and his latter dart be troubled? He had, bo said, always been too len der to the pledget of his past love for them ever to withhold from him their filial confidence, or deny to him bis parental authority to judge and act tor his own happiness I We saw the game was tip, and then said : 'We see you are bent upon your Inst love, with or without counsel, and you have ever been too lucky for us now to doubt or distrust your fa to. You are going lo marry the damsel, and we are not foolish enotiL'h to make two enemies by opposing the passion of the wooor and the won.'" Tho mnrriago took place oo the 2Gtb of Jane, 1844, Prctti ' dent Tylor being thon In bis Olty-fillh year, and the brido, Mibs Julia Uardi ner, about twenty, and whom we re member being much spoken of as a bountiful girl, und a Washington belle of. those long-gone days. Slio was a New l'ork lady, of good family, as tho phrase is, and descended, we havo heard, from old Lyon Gardinor, who flourished in the colonial age, and who gave his namo to Gardiner's Hay and Gardiner's Island, on and in Long Island Sound. The tnarriugo proved a very happy one, and Mrs. Tylor, who has survived her husband more than ton years, is not yet old. Mr. Tyler, somo years after I ho marringo, taid to Mr. Wiso, whon the latter noted that his friend kept "a double seated, four-wbooled wicker carriago for small children." "Yes, you see how right I was; it was no vain boast when I told you I was in my primo. I have ft houscfull of goodly babies budding around mo, and if you will go up with me to Shorwood, 1 will show you how bountifully and rapidly I have bcon blossod. They are all so near in ago that thoy aro liko stair steps, and tho two youngest aro so much babies nliko that oaoh requires lha nurso's coach, and wo havo to have one with two scuts I" Ho that mnrringo turned out, Woll,dcspito tho fact that thegonllomnn old enough to bo tho liuly grand fiHuor, and we &i glad ol it, lor Mr. Tylor hud so much Injustice dona him as a public man that ho was entitled to compensation in bis privalo life. If wo save Iho moments of tlmo, wo will have enough for every needful work Jloinents are the material of which ilnyt and year are mado. If theso bo well Improved, we will have years "-otcd to profitable rttploymrtil. .--""""la,, V ,.w. w. sum, WEAVER A BETTtt , , CLEARFIELD, PA., ' Art offering, it tht fid .Und of 0. L. Reed A Co., r their stock of g oodi, oooiiiting of- DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SII0K8, IIAT8 A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEBNSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., &o., At lha moit raaionabla ratal for CA8H or la oxohange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY TRODUM. , jpAdvoiMoi mede to .host ODftged In get ting but iqniu-o timber on iho nioit odnuiUttoiio terme. tlftnnorT 5. 1870, . b. aimold... ,.W. nO10 -U1TIBQU. 'Cheaper than the Cheapest T GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES JDIT aiCIITlD IT Arnold & Ilarlnliorii, (Oni door wail ot Flnt National Bank,) CUR 13l H I E, PA. HAVING raturnai from tat aait with oouplata ailortmtnt of Gooda laltabla for Sprlog and Bummar trada, wa ara Bow raadj to furnlih all klodi of Qoodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And afUr thantlnf anr eaitoman for tkelr liberal patroaafa during tka put yiar, wi would Bolt .reipaetfullj aik for a eontlnuanoi of tka lama. Oar Stock aoniliU of s eomplita aiiortmint of Dry Qoodi, Notlona, Hardwara, Qaaaniwara, Wlllowwara, Grosarlaa, Boot. Bkoaa, Bali A Capa, Clotking, Tobaoaoi, Aa. Alio, Flour, Bieoa, Salt, Fiib. Grain, ito. All of whltk will ba iold oa tka noil riuoa. akla tirmi, and tbl blgkut naikit prloa paid for Oraln, Wool and all klnda of Lnmbar and Country Produoa. "Pleaaa giro ui a eall bafora Bnnkaaing alunbara. Satlifaatlon guaranttad at to priea and qnallty.-S ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Conor of Mala and Tkompaoa Strait, aprJO CURWENSVILLB, FA. ACE IK EIISOPBI avt GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCH VILLE I Tht blood r oontest botweco Fraoet ond PrafiU li ot an nd for tLo nroipnt. to far m the tiurh- teriDg of men and tho deitraetioo of prttjwrt If eoneerned. Tbo Royal Jaftglori no doubt pride themsflvee and rejoleo over tho remit, bat bow infignifiasnt li thoir work when compared with ui numaot ana enruuao enorta oi L, M. COUDRIET, who hu nndertaken to tunplr all tho oitlseni in tho lower end of the county with food aod raiment at exceeding low ratei from hie mamoioth itoro In MUL6UNHURQ, wbera bo eon alwate bo feu rid ready to wott upon oatlere and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Suck ai Clotki, Batlnatti, Caulnana, Muilini, ifoiatnei, utnan, Urtuingi, latiaoaa, Triraminga, Kibboni, Laea, Ready-made Clothing, Booti and flhofl, ITati and Capa all uf tha boat material and mada to ordcir Uoaa, Booki, tiloraa, Alittaoi, Laoai, Kibboni, Aa. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Ooffaa, Tea, Sugar, Rica, Molaaaai, Fiih, Sail, ran, litmaad oil, rim Oil, L'arboi OiU Ilardwara, Quarniwara, Tinwara, Caitlnal, Plowi and Plow Caitlngi, Naill, 8nik, Corn Cultira ton. Cider PniMi, and all klodi of Aiai. Parfumary, Palnta, Varnlih, Gla, and a g-oenl aiiortmant or stationary, GOOD FLOUR. Of different brandi, alwayi on band, and will ba old at tbl lowcit panlbla Sgurai. LIQUORS, inch ai Brandy, Wine, Oin, Whiiky, uajna i aiaiiieinei, iioiu iter ana lloofland'l Uilten. 6000 paundl of Wool wanted for wkiok lha biffheit priea will ba paid. Cloreroaed on hand aod for lata at tbo lowait markit priea. Alen. Agent fur Strattonrllli aad Curwcnivllle Tbreiliing Maebinei. 4.CII and tee for ynuraelrpi. Ton will Ind arorj thing aiually kept in a retail Hon. L. M. COUDRIET. Franchrllle V. 0., March 1, 1871. H. F, N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKES. orrollrl taa tffar, niaair itriit POST OFFICE -Jtla53lOLEARFIELD TUB inbraribar raipaiUallj Inform hli old patroai and tba puhlio generally, that ki kaa oa kind, (and ll oonitantly raoalrlng mw additlani thereto, ) large atook of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. - VI keep Jowalry In all Iti form! and of dlfirint raluei, either by tka pleea ar let. WATCHES A fall araortnent of either Gold or Silrer, mada by tba beat Awarloaa and for eign Enanufaoiureri, Inoladlnga flna lot of gold and lilrer bunting oa.e, lull jiwalad, Pateat Liven. k CLOCKS-Of all dailgni, aomlitlng ofalghl. day and thlrty-konr, of either wilgkt, ipriag or levari, and kotk itrlke and alarm. REPAIRING. All kiada of Wafckal and Cloeki Repaired, and warranted. In addltioa to what I kare anamarated, t keep a full nnortmantor SPECTACLES, aolored and Slain glaii. Alio, GOLD PRNSind PENCILS. POONS, FORK, BUTTER KNIVES, and In faol eerj thing In lha Jewelry line. If I fall to here on hand jnit wbal a eu.tom.r may need, I will order per flnt eipran, without e-itra eharga. unaraiinara ai puoue patronigr ti loiinted. May T, lttl y H.F. NA1IULK. Idlvery Ntnblc. IKE undrr.lgned beg. leara to Inform the pub . lie thnt he ii new fullr nrattarnl to amtomma- date all In the way of furnishing llnreee, Iluggiri, 6al,llci and llarneee, on lha inorleit nl on reaaonnltle terini. He.iilM oa Loouet itraat, between Third and Pourlh. UKO. IV. QKAHUART. :icarfi.M, April II, 18(17. AIMIMIMTHATOH'M NOTICR...Notiea il hereby glrvn thnt Irltere nf elinini.tratioa on the retataof PHILIP HRANIFK, dee'd, late f Rtooarla town. hip, t'ldarfild eonnty, Penna., baring bftei, duly grantnl to tba anrlnrelgned, all pereinn InUehlwl tu laid aetata will pleaea make payment, and tboea having elalml or deraancli will prwit litem properly aethentirated tnr lei Dement. itlL'UAEL IIRANIFV, Marak IT, I87l..t Admialitrator. "WTAIX PAPRR at any nrl?, from 111 la to 1 f rent. hull at "? wr-ivrn 4 BtTw. it y, wiavia..., .SSweeeeeeeaawnnwawwa , ' l' . .. .. m oee Iu atiu. I ' J ' ! !,. ' IHB LATIIT MOVBI THE LATEST MOVE I HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STOKE, To their new kalldlng on Seeond Street, Saarly oppeilta tha itora of Wearer k Belli, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where tkey will centlaue to lupply their old asd u many new enitemeri ai may oome, wtia PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! . , PHARMACEUTICAL PRKPARATIOaXS, ' (IneUJing all new remedlea,) Patent Medicine., Pelnti and Olli, Gla and . Putty, Behool Books, Stationery. Poper, ste. alro, a full line of Drug giiU' Sundriee, Hair Tonic I, Coimetiee. PerfutnerleP, Toilet Article!, Bruihec, OllVI DP rUC VwVIl, Of . tho beet qoallty. TURE WiyES AND LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purpoaea only. . Pare White Lead, Color nf all kind., Raw and Boiled Llneeed Oil, Varnl.kea, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish, Flavoring . Kttraeti, CoofeotloBerlei, Bird Seed, Spice, ground and angrouod, of all ktndi. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will Ind oar itock of Chewing and Rmokinc Tobaoeo, Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Snuff and Fine-out lo be af the Tory bast brands la the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kind! of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Mu.lcal Trimming! of seery rarlety. Having a long einerienee In the kaeineii, and an aitensire and well selected stook of mtnlioinee. we are euablrd to all Physieianr preaoriptioni at the iborle.i notice aad oa tba most rcaaonable torms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Mir 11, 1871-tf. r. t. i. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. I11. BOYEll'B WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A aafe, pure, pleasant and health-girlng Tonie XL itrietly Tegetahle, and manufactured frei the mast pare and ehoiee materiale Is net a ipirlt drink nor substitute for whisky, kut a aelentlle aompoand, for tka proteotlon of tha system and the euro of disease, mada from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other Irrita ting properties, and will nat disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. A long private experi ence has attested It! Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten at t offered to tha pablle eonteini so much mediolnal virtue, and yet so safe nd pleasant lo lake. Its ate Is to cure disease, and it will not create an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will core the effects of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, USE IT. To promote Digestion, USB IT. To eari Dyspepsia, ' USB IT. To sure Fever and Ague, I'SB IT. To can Billiouinesi, USB IT. To en re Constipation, USE IT. To earn Chronic Diarrhea, USE IT. To cure Heart-barn, USB IT. To cure Flatulence, U8I IT. To cure Acid Eructations, I'SB IT. To aura Kervoas Debility, USE IT. To ears Uydoohondria, USB IT. To cure Sallownoss af Complexion, I RE IT. To oure Pimplei and Blotckea, USB IT. For General Prostration of tba Physical powen, USB IT, and It will euro yon. Sold everywhere, at l.0 per bottle, Manu factured delusively by A. I. SHAW, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers liberal Inducements lo the trade. Oct. 17, M:tf. Luthfrsburg Marble Yard! rTMlI3 tubwrlUer reennetrully onnminoee to thie X eomniunlty and the pultlie generally that he fa now oiteiMlroly enffARed In the manufflctnre of Noanmrnte, Head end root Ptonee, Stand, Table aod llurean Tone, ete. ho Mghmt tribute ean be paid toadeertied roletire or friend than theerre lion of an enduring ilab at a wltneu to inborn gen era t lone where they have Inld bin or her. I hare engage! Mr. Jchn W. Uahefan ai bit aRnt to eel), and to whoeo worhmanihi nd kill many ean bear witneee. ""Icre iulirlted aod proiniitly filled. Wgrk delivered wherei rrdenired. i. ai. nvvn , Lutberebnrg, jVotjmbtr 10, 1870. A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! Pmf Ku CroU's FRENCH COMPOUND, MDl'RTAl'IIK I the greet Hair Grower, will pro. WIIIHKKKH duee a luiurlsnl Moustaehe or MOI KT U'IIK Whiskers oa Iba smoothest f.. W1II8KEI18 Pleasant to use. Fcnt to anv address oa rreeipt of 60 eenti. II. T. DON I), Chemist, N. E. eor. Tenth and Chestnut rltnwls, f.bl7My Pbila.lclphla. IHO ailMEI OF TIMOTHY SEED llJ aad 101 hu.heU ml i l.nV L II yLi .. fur tale at tha Corner Hlnre, by K. A. A W. D. IRVI!f, I iirnrn.vllli-, p., Fh. 11, 1 Srg Gnto, Cxttult t, tr. E.A.&W.D.IIIYIN .'- ' '' ' ' 'V"" A") "!'' DEALERS IN J 1 ; I ' " ! ; GENERA h :f; SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CURHENSVIM.E, PAH ARE offering, nt their new Store llonee, a complete slock ef MEW GOODS, of all descriptions. i Dry Goods and Groceries, II A Iti) WAKE, BOOTS A SHOES, ' .' 1 , , CLOTH ISO, tte. i ; is Large tariktt. Hour. Jttettt, Itye, Oal$, Corn, Alwayi on hand and for lata at a small adranee. ROPE, in large quantities, sold low by noil also, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANTIIOOKS. One hand red eases af ATWATER'8 ELMIRA BOOTS, for aula by the case at wkolesale rates. Received by ear load : HUNTING DON FLOUR, aad told at small advance. HARNESS, nf all kinds, HORSE COLLARS and IIAMES, HORSE BLANKETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Aa. Also, en aala Irst-ctaM twe-koree WAGONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and SLEIGHS. Special Inducements otered te those getting out Square Timber and Logs, ai wa deal largely in Lambermen'i Supplies, and are prepared at all times te purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber. Curwensville, November 15, 1871. tTlothiufl. How to Nave fIon?y, T II K times are hard; you'd Ilk. to kaow How yon may save'your dollars j The way to do It I will show, If you will read what follows. A Riaa who lived not far from kare, Wko worked bald at his trade, But had a kousehold to support That squandered all ha made. I met him once. Says he, "My friend, I look threadbare and rough) I've tried to get myself a salt, Bat can't lava up enough." 8ayi I, my friend, hew mack have yoa 7 I'll tell yon where te ge ; To gel a eult that's sound aad ! Te REIZENSTBIN A Co. I Be took what little ka kad saved, Aad went te Relsemtein A Brolken'4 And there at get a laaaaeme suit, Far half ke paid to ether. New ha li koine, bt looks la well, Aad their eff.ot Is laeh, That whan they take tkelr daily meal, They don't eat half as mack. And now ke ends on Satardsy night, With all their wants supplied. That ha has money left te spend, And some to lay aside. Ills good lueceil, with cheerful imlli, He gladly tells to all, If you'd save money, ge and buy lour clothes at RKIZBNSTEIN'S CLOTIUNQ BALL Where the cheepest, Cne.t and bet Clotling aad good Furnishing (ioods ean ha had to Suit very lasts and In every style. apr) 1,70 MARBLE AD ST0E YARD! Mrs. 8. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged In the Marble busloru, desires to Inform her friends and the public that she has now and will keep eenelantlyon bead a large and well selected stook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, aod is prepared to furnisk to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WAS1I STAND TOPS, Ac, A a. , Yard on Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, ClearDeld, Pa. Je7,7l FAIRBANKS' STANDARD gk. H(!A L E S, Dggsgo Darrcwi, Warchnnsa Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Aa. roa ... ar II. F. BICJLER & CO., Dealera In Hardware, mch.10.-7f If Pecond Street, ClearDeld, Pa. JtMIN TnoUTNAN, Dealer In all kinds of FURNITURE, Market Street, One dour east Post Office, "f''l CLEARFIELD, TA. Twcntj-one Horses for Sale! TUB undersigned offer, for sale TWENTY QhB FIRST-CLASS 1IOHKES, T good oonJIII.n. Principally large strong Horaes.iaii will and it to their Interest lo eiamlae them bo Fere jiareha.iag elsewhere. laoairiei answered hv addlM.ia 1-w-rsM, W-n.t... .. .. I, eifii D,iJni. r,f en. )., !, i, Tjrjrgcld, Pa. 6 m; TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. 8. FLEGAL, - Pillipiburg, Cmtri Oouty, Fa. TltE nndorslgnsd respectfully aoncances to tha public that ha has en hand a carl- rully-seleotid aad well assorted itoek of STOVES, HEATERS, HANGES, HOLLOW WARE I TIN, COPPER AND 8I1EET IRON WAREI AVOOi) AND WILLOW WARE 1 Hli itoek of Cooking Stores loniiits af THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Wkl.k kare never failed to bring peace and prosperity lute tamtnii wnire It li need, Diamond State, Farmer, Hsrald. Charm, Spears' California cool move, opean- Antt-Dast, Uas Burning Cooking Stoves, Victor, ', R.llaace and Helen Raagai, t Spears' Cooking Ranges, Ac, etc. toeLTbe Tin and Bkeet Iran ware alv.u with the Store! It made of tke heaviest aad best material, and warranted lo girt perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Il larger, better and aheaper than ever before iblnltea 10 tae pnotia consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Store, gpean' Antl-Duil Oaa-Baraing Parlor Steve, . gpearr uraiouiar .uas. naming rariwr Stove, Spears' Oa.-Burning Parlor Btovs, Doquet, Pearl, 0 am, Ida, Sun, Tropin, Nevada, Ac, Ac. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters. Spears' Re rolviog Light lleaten. Ba li also prepared to furnish a complete oi Tin, Copper, Sheot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the solo view to service, from tha nest ma terial la tke market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KITTLES, Of .very description constantly en kand. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And otbsr work belonging to bis ku.lnesi will be promptly tiled by eiperle.eed aad ikillfal workmen. BRASS, COrPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASIi Taken la axekaage for goodi. pm'fl especially Invites tha attention of Merchants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as thsy will kad it to their advantage to examia. bis itoek before purchasing elsewhere. Look out (or the Big Sign apposite the reel donee of Mrs. Dr. Foster. All Ooodi WjimTit as RaraiiTio. G. 8. FLF.GAI.. Pklllpakarg, Juat A, 1T. augd 6t MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, unurictunna LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS. n. B. SniLLINOFORD, President, OBce Forest plaea, No. IIS S. 4th st, Phil'a. JOHN LAWSIIF, General Snp't. OsomU Mills, CloarBeld oonaly, Pa, LAM) AD LIMBER COMPAW 'i' ,.- ' 1 . orrsa t , " INDUCEME JfTN TO- rurchasers or Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. New Cabinet! MORHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PAIHV offer for Mle Town Lola Id tht bor oil Kb of OMcolft, Clrflelii vonnty, Ya and alio lot to fulljpurohMrs oulnliU tbo llmlrf of Mid borough. Ofcrolii ti rltuMcrl on tht Moihtnnon Crvnlt, in tho rlohttt portion uf tht county of CkarMd, on tht line of tht Tyrant A CleirfleM Hrailrond, whert tbo Mothannon and Beararton branch rondi intertwt. It it aim in tht heart of tha Motbaitnon eoal bat in. and Inrgt boditt of whitt ttint. httnlock, oak, and other timber tnr round iL One of tha laryent lumber nanufaotnr Ing tttabliihmenta in tht 8tatt It located In tbt town, whilt thero ara many other lumber and thing) mill around U, Tht lowo It bat M'tn year old, and eontalm a population of ont thon. an I Inhabittnti. 0Yar farther Information tpplj it tht oflVot of tlm abort company, JOHN LAWSHR, :4:T0 Otntral fluparla ton dent. TOTICK, lUrinn pnroha-ad tht Inttreit of ll J. A. .Mattes bar gar, Km)., in tht bviineti hrriofort earrird om nndar tbt firm nana of J, A. Blatttnberfr A Co., tbo tarn will bt eondurled bnrrAfter nndtr tht nam of Moshanaua Land aad Lumber Company, (Htort.) li. H. HIIILLINUFOHl), J01IX LAWRnB, m.t'&lf Preiidtnt. Utnoral Hup't Lime tor Sale! THE undersigned, residing near the depot hat mada complete arrangements with Lini. Ilurners rast of the mountain, whereby be Is ena bled to keep oonstanlly on kand a large quantity ol PUKE LIME! ntru he ofon le farmers and builders at a trifle abot e eost. Those In need of the article would do well te git. me a eall, or addrees me by I.I tor, be fore negotiating their lime. , ,, . UKO. C.PASSMOKB. Clrarfleld, Pa., June , IMS. GREAT WESTERN BAZAAR, I .tOU, 1311, 1113. I.1IJ Market St., PIIH.AUEI.PIIIA. . - - ---"s .it.wss. is, new mm rennn-band tfarrlntfpit, Drarboruf. HaraMi. In. at nriraU and hnKie m. FAxliinff and hh.ri...TA H...tu oa a - - - ii "ii. c" g 17&. Ocruiantoani liliilllng nmlt) from 7f to , .,.v. ir-..ig-i iiiuiinfHi; irom ofMP 10 i:tfl. Df-nrhorni. No-Top bnigira. Jiigirer and hiw- imn jv 10 fi.,1, ningif liar- f?0(ol24. Blanket. Whlpn, llaltert, 8heet, - -Trr.nirg oppenatning to th. husln..a at equally low prices. Our Motto Is "'huii.r lia Ik- fk... 1 H , ,1 . . lore parehasiaa alM.wl-firu. - fr-emo. aeemng lloreee, tlules, Carriages, Weg eas, As, will study their intirr.t by n.tronillng thla well t.Ubll.hcd l)a,Ar. Hones kept by the d.v or month. ' 1AVV A HUNT, Irb, 7 "ntj 'roftletera. THE Z80ZTIXDSB ."B'X),0,Kf7S'; WHICH BA VI ALWAYS G I Y E.N 8ATIBFA0T ON UBRETtie'ORE, WILL BE DISPOSED 01 IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PLEASE 0 K FRIENDS AND CVS - ! ' T0MER8. JUST REOEIVEDI TBI FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY eOODS-SVOH AS BOOKS 1 " " 't -.1. i STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO TBI CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE I NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALI AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Clearl.ld, Deo. 14, H7. s ELIIIU OFF AT COST! ' ' FOR CA8HI , , . The largest stock of F II It X I T IJ It E ever offered In CLEARFIELD ! At lha 8TRAM CABINET R HOP. corner Market aod Fifth Stratta, CLEAUFIEL1), PA. Tho nndenif ncd wonld annonnne to tht public that he bai on band and ii now offering eheap for oaiin, tbt larfeat ttoek or rornitura over in itoro in this eonnty. eoniitting of rpholftercd Parlor Suitt, Chamber Sett. - ExtcnkioD Tablet, Secretariat, Book Caacf. Bedtteadt, Fpring Bed- and MattresarS, Loungri aad Benohcf, riaia A Marble Top Tablet A Burcaoa, fanhitanda, Can Seat and Common Chin, Rocking Cbaira, Looking Olaaioa, Window Shadci, Piotara Framtt. . Cordi and Taiaalf, Ao. lit alto manufactarat and keepi on hand Pat ent Spring BpiU, tha bett arer inrented. No family nhould bt without them. Any kind of gooi.i not on nana can be bad on short notice. t'pboltttring and repairing neatly ex eon ted. COFFINS, of all tltet, oan be had on a half, hoart' notice, and at the low eat prloea, A deduc tion of 29 per oent. made for fa h. METALLIC CASKS, or Roirwood, Walnot and Cherry Coffin with gtatt or wood topi, furnithed on Art hours' notice. Personal attendant with hearse, on funeral Oeoailuus, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanking tha pablie for past farora, and by strict personal attention to business, I hop to receive a continuance of tht tame. Hem ember lha place tht Steajo Cabinet Shop, corner of Market and Fifth Street. March 19, 7 My. DANIEL BEXNKR. R. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tke Railroad Depot,) CLEARFIELD, PENS' A. IEMDRACE this method of Informing tke ttublie, that I have opened nti a yard for the sale of wood or eoal-burnt LIM K and Anthracite COAL, la the borough of Cloarueld, and have enmpleted arrangements with eastern dealers hy wkiek I ean keep a full supply eonstantly on kand, whieh will be disposed of at reasonable rates, by the tua, bushel or ear load, to suit purchasers. Thoe. at a distanee ean address me ky letter, and obtain all oeoessery information by return mail. K. H. TA 1 LOR. Clearueld Pa., Fek. 14, ISA. -If LTJMBERMENI PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS1 The Clrarfleld Kioelsior Canlhook will tot wear ont or break, bring constructed wltk one lolid band from ellp to poinL It li pronounced by all praetioal lumbermen wko kare eiamlued it to be the most perfect Centhook ever Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. . I Manufactured by Auoa Kkksabd A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. ow-Att orden promptly attended lo. nSS'TD DREXEL & CO., No. SI Mouth Third Htroet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Atillentlon by mail will receive nromnt atten. tioa, and all information cheerfully furnished. Orders eolleted. April ll-lf. ir ED OlITI lt nor BURNED UP! DELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Trnn lown.hip, ClearDeld Co., Pa. The enhsorilHTS are. at rrrat evnenae. rl.,ll,l. Ing, and in a lew dayi will hart completed, a neighborhood nroessily, In the erection of a Drst. clan Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern improvements attsckrd, and are prepared to mak all kind, of Uliths, 1'as.imeres, Satinetts, Ulan kels. Flannels, An, Plenty of foods oa kand to supply all our olil and a thousand new eu.tomnrs, niinin we us. to eome anit caniiu. our stook. . lie ou.iness Ol CARDING AND FULLING will receive esuertal attention. Our new mill will ba reaty by wool e.nling season, therefore thore need be no hesitation en that score. Proper arrangements will be made to receive aud deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranto! and done upon tke shortest notloe, and hy strict stien tioa le business we hnpe to realls. a liberal share af public patronage. IIMMH3 POUNPS WOOL WANTED I We will pay tha hiehest market nrlce for Wool nd tell our inamifaelured goods as low as similar goods can be bought In the county, and whenever we tan in renaer reasonable satisholtu we ean always be hand at homo read, to make nroner explanation, either In person or hv lette-. . Aa JUIintlUH A HONS, prlUHtf tlrampian Hills P. 0. WAMTEIM-M),0O No. I M Inch Shaved SHINnLKA. rMwklnl,, price will ba paid. P. OALI AflUER, HMitsdate, leb,Z, IJ?J.r BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., ' " (Bnoeesson to Vuynton A Townf,) ' ' ' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ' ' '" ' ' Muiufacturcri of ' , POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. r ! - -''" : -,r. . .f HA VINO engaged In the manufacture of 8r.t class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform tho publie that we art now prepared to III all ordera as cheaply and as promptly as ean be done In any of Iba cities. Wa manufacture and deal In Malay and Circular Saw-Milli ' Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Bteara Oauges, Steam Whiitlss, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Qaugc Cocks, Air Cocks, Olobe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Sonp Stone Tacking, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of WILL WORK ; tngelher with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND TA RLOIt STO VES, and other CASTINGS ef all kinds. 90rdera solicited and filled ai eity prices. All letters of inquiry with refsrenee to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addm Ing ni at ClearDeld, Pa. doell'70 tf DIQLER, TOUXO A CO. G. L. Reed. NOTICE. Wa. Towel!. iu:ei & POWELL. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL EIGHT! rpiIE proprietors respectfully inform tkeeitiicns of ClearDeld county, that they kare entirely refilled this establishment with the latest improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business. They will give eeperial attention to the manufac ture of materia for house building, inch aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, im.ickets k .noi, OF ALL STTLBS, We always have on hand a laree stn-k of DRY LUMBER, and will pay rash for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, lo suit customers. fcfA. Orders solicited, and Lumber furnished on short notloe and on reasonable terms. REED A POWELL. ClearDeld. March I, 1871. $Usrfltaurous. IOSADALIS TtlB INGREDIENTS THAT COM POSE ROSA1MI.IS are nubli.hed en every package, therefore it is not a secret 0 preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. It Is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis ia all its forms. Rheumatism. Skin Ilis. eases. Liver Complaint aad all disease! of tne oiooo. ONE BOTTLE OF ROSADALIS will do more guod than tea bottles of the oiupe i carsaparuia. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rorsdalls in their practice for in ,. uirwo years, ana ireely enonrse It a. a rename Alterative and Ulood I'nriDcr, DR. T. C. Prnn, of Daltimore. PR. T. J. BOYKIN, " DR. R. W. CARR, !R. F. 0. DANNKI.LT, DR. J. 8. SPARKS, of Nichol.sville, Ky. DR. 3. L. MAV.TilA, Columhia, C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, E igecoiob, N. C. VSED AND ENDORSED BY D J. B. FRENCH A SOXS.F.II Rivoi, Ma.s. r . . n.i , ii, tfNCKSOB, JHICn. A. F. WIIEKI.KH, Lima, Ohio. Ii n. Mw.1,, Lima, tibio. CRAVKN A 10., Hordon.vllle, Va. SAMI ELO. MoFAHDEN, Murftcesboro, Tcnn. Our siiace will not allow of anr extend ed remarks In relation to the virtues of I tfoaadalis. To tbe Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Eitracl superior to snv I Ihey have ever need in the trr.tment of : nitra.eoi nicoit t and to the sfflieti d wes.y : try Rosadalls, and yuu will be restored to ncMim. Rnsad.lis Is sold by all Druggists price fl.6 per bottle. Address DR. CLEMENTS A CO.. AaNMuctun'Hg t'seeii.r.. Aug. J, ISTI.-ly. BtLvmoan, Mn. s For sale by A. I. Shaw, ClearDeld, Pa. Before taking rowdete. Aflrr taking Powders. SHAWH IHPKOVED ('OMIT(w POWUKRS. Useful In nbstlnate cases or Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Hols, Farcv, Costive Bess, Itoughnrsa of the fkin, and of Water. Urease, Hwellrd Legs end InDuensa can bf relieved, and sometimes cured, hy the nse of these Powders. They will not interfere with the daily work of the llurio, and can be giraa t. cat tle with rnual advantage. Put np hy A. I. SHAW, Dmggl.t and Apothe cary, ClearDeld, Pa. November A, 1SJ1. Sold everywhere. 8AWSI 8AW8! 8AWS1 DISTAN'8 CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAQ AKD CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATEST PERFORATED A ELECTRIC 8AW8, For salp bj oetlJ, H. f. RIOI.KR A CO. 2 "' .s?. . i 1)INK, WniTl A R0A1 IIKINO SKIN8 Jsl reeelrsd aad for'sal. ny 4r'" . I: tf. H. F. SIQLEH A Cfj. Clearfield County Bank rpu. Cl.erD.ld County Bank as ., X led In.lltntlon kae oneontof.,1.,7!7, tha surrender of Iti charter, aa Mav ii All IU stock I) ownid by the lubie'ib,' will continue tbo Bsnklng builn. si si ik? ' plae.,as private Bankers, nndsr thi of tbe "ClearDeld County Bank." ,,," sponsible for tbe debts ol ths Bank, ind e;i)n' it not.s demand at ths eountir. f, 'J' received and paid when money i, 1??"' a Dxsd time, psper discounted at ,1, r.,,', si heretofore. Our pericnil ruponiihun-'i pledged for all Do;oslts reeclr.d snd ban. translated. A continuance or tb liberal (17 ronag. of the boslness m.n ef th. reantj sp.otfully lollcl'ed. Ai Prssldent, Cs.h!,tj nfl.1,1 a1 if. lata ClearDeld rnnt.e,v r.quir. tbe notei of laid Bank te bi trsiiiu for redemption. ' ' JAS. T. LEONARD, BICBARD KITA WM. PORTER, JAS. B. ORAIlAlt A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. The business of th. Bank will ke sondurtaii. John M- Adams., Esq., as Casbiir, , County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD. PA. ROOM In Masonie Building, one doer aorta at C. D. Wslson's Drug Store. Foseag. Tickets to snd from Liverpool, Qietu. I own fll..ow tnA..m Pnri. .h.l r k. , m " - - vuirunin Also, Drefts fur sale on tbe Royal Bank of In Wj . . 1 r , du .inperiai nana ni Lungon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pm't W. M. SHAW, Cs.hicr. e,i:,.,, I. D. U Glrk. E.lwird Pu BAlfZINOdt COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Successors to Foster, P.rka, A Co. PMIIpsburr, Centre Conutr. Pa. "ITT1IF.I1E all the bmlneea of Itmbl.. ti wil' tfancted prumjtl torj uoi tt 'iiUsrcUnBroiis. IloggiTownMhiiAwnke GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! JVERrBODY trying tffel thMeflrittfe j ot beiDj erowdri out Into tbt eotd. It joa want good 6hoiDf don, go u Diit l( 700 want jroor SUdi .roa4 right, go lo Biiki, If yoa want good Hill Iron, to to Buti, If ou trint joar wtgon lrooJ in thibfit itylo and workmanfhip. go to Butt Ctina makoi the bt Btntnp Machine in lU Stato, anddooa all kindiof ULACKHM ITIIINi) ai eboap ai ean b dona lo tht eoanty for Cui any roat umoe aaarcu it uionriuia. Pi. THOMAS BKERS. Dog Tp., Vte. 19, I3S7-tf. Cheap Furniture. joiin gulich DVS1HBS to inform hit old friend, and eu. tomora. that bating anlari-ad hit ibop an. inoroaiod hia faciliHea for maoaiaetnting, h it now prepared to naka to order neb FrnitrN muy b dent red, ia good at; la and at to tap rata; for CASH. 11 generally haa on hand, at hit Farnitor rooma, a varied ajaortment of read;, nadt foraitaro, among which aro BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobe and Book-Caeei; Centre. Sofa, Par), Breakfaat aod IHning Kxteneion Tablet; Ccj. moo. French-pott.Cotiage,Jenn7-Lind and otaii Bedsteads j fiffaa of all klndt, Work-iiioei, Hat-raeka, Waah-atandat Booking and Arw Ckaira aprlngeat, eaoe-Vottom, parlor, cow in on and other Chaira j Looking-U laaaea of ererj doerrlption on hand j and new glaaaoa for old fmmee, which will be pot In oa rtry roaaonakli torm on ahorteat notlee. He alio keepa on haal or furnifhea to order, Coro-hnik, Uair Dtj q. ton-top Ma'Ueiioi. "'ipnTaJO YTe.' err. ear V u . Mada to order, and fan trail attended with a He arte whenever deaircd. Alao. Honae Paintta done to order. Tbo eubicriber aire aaanafae. tnrei, ard haa eoniUntly on hand, Clement't Patent Waahing Machine, the beat now in nrel Thoee oiinr tb ie marhise never need h with. out clean elotbeel He nlio haa Flyer Patent Churn, a u per lor article. A family niing Uti Churn never need be without batter 1 All the above and many other article are far nlihed to customer ekeap for Cab or excha>d for approved eonntry prodnca. Cherry, Maple, Pnplar, Lin wood and other Lumber aultable fer Cabinet work, taken la 1 1 change for furnitare fRemember the ibop la oa Marker street, Clearfield, Pa and noarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." J011.N vTLICH. .November IS, 1Sr3 y READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS & STATIONER Y. Market St., Clearfield, (at tlio Poat Office.) rIIR undersigned begs lrave toannoanr.t. X the ritieen. of Clearfield and Tlcinltv, that he has ttted ap room aad haa Jest retaraed froea the eitr with a large amount of readisg matter, renslsting in part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Rlank, Aeeoant aad Pass Book, ef aver; ds aertptioa i Paper and Envelopes, Frenck pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils Bleak, Leisl P.pers, Deeds, Mortgagee; Judgment, Eirmp tlon end Promissory notei t Wkite .nd P.rrki ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cap, Bkeet, Musis for either Plana, Flute or Viclia aonstanllr oa kaad. Any keoki or ststlnnerj desired Ikat I may net hare on hand, will k. sr. ordered ky (rat oxpresa, and sold at wkeleralt or retell ta salt customers. I will else keep periodical literature, such as Magasin.s, Krws papers, Ae. P. A. QAUL1JI. Ulearteld May T, IJCS-tf DAVID YOUNG, Sloitc Cutlcr and Stone-Mason, WILL execute all work In his lie. at mod ernta prices and in FIRST-CLASS sljls Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Stono Dressing of evert description, and all kinds of ma so a work ceo traded for ia oroutof tke eoanty. Any persers wlsking to have respectable mason work and tone-cutting deae, will Ind it ta their latere.! te call upon me I would aire Inform the pub lic thst I ean drllver any quantity or class c( stone desired, as I am the owner of m FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAURY. Orders for work oan ba addressed le DAVID YOUNO. artJ.TO Clrarteld Pa.. JkEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SCXNj Hare juit opened a N'iw Stoi, on Main St.,CLurtiLD, Pi,, lalelr occuplcJ l.j Win. T. IUWI.V. Their (took conatala of QLQT r?r CD CD LE) Gaortt:i nf Ilia best quality, Ql'F.KNSWARF., UoOtS 811(1 SIlOC tnd ..fory krtiela cecrwary for onn'i fomforl. Call ind axnarin our (lock before, pur- diving elisvlierc. May 9, 18fi(l-lf. The Lightning Tamer. rpilK undersigned ara the sola Agents la this X eMuatv for the "North American Ualv.aisrd UdUINlNts RODS." Tuaso are tke only aafe rods low il ise. aad are eadorud he all tke' sciential men in the eeantry. " e n.reoy uutnr tne eltuen. er the eonniy that we will rut them no a better red. and for Icsa money, thai Is ehargeA ky the foreign agent who aaaaally trareree the eoanty ., oarry el our little rash, a.v.r to retura. KNCOURAOJ? UOMB LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Kodi erected en their baildingi need bat address ky letter, eall II lereoi. Wo will put them np anynksre la tkeeeuaty, aid warrant them. The Hvdsand in tares aaa ka se.a at aey time by ealltng at enrelara. II. F. BlULkR CO. Cl.arleld, M.rckt, lK7 tt ' rnilFi DKMOCftATIC ALMANAC for ld X ISI,I and Isitit for sale at the Post OBce. Prtee 15 eenti. al ailed to ear addreaa. 170R WALL PAPER, E mch'7 In WEAVFK A BUTTS. , I . f