4 fc o trr'ej'Milii!'l WL-.ttr.Trr-ro -ra ,-.-1 T-n.r r.i.rtrrx!.lr;t-tfr '; CLKARFIELD, Pa. ' K1)NKS6AY MOKNIXO. MAY 1, 1ST. 4T " - Terms of Subscription! ".' yf paid In advaaoe.or wlthlu throe months .. .$2 00 'f paid aftor threo aad before eli inontha J 50 if paid after tba eiplratlon of aia nmnthe... t 00 X" All arllolea to Inauro Insertion Id thii apor ehonld ba banded Is early on Tuoaduj torulng, aa wa go to proai at 12 e'etook, (nuuu.) RELIGIOUS NOTICES. MothoflUt Episcopal Cliurch Rr. A. I). oci'M, Pnttor.Publio Bwrlei every Sabbntb 1 10) A. M.,and 7 P. M. Babbetb School at 9 A. M. i Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at TJ P. IVf. Communion Barrios, first Sabbath of ovory m. Andrew' Church r,)lwcop.--W nonun llAtt. Publlr Horvioe (Sunday morning t 10 o'clock, anil at 7 P. M.--tSunday School at P. M. Frayor Meeting Wednesdiiy evening 7 o'clock. Prenbyterlan Chnrcti Hr. Mr.BrTLrn. bho bcrvico every Sabbath, morning and even tt. Krancin' Church Catholic Tier. T. tft'MAXrn. Mans at I1 o'clock A. M., on the ond and fourth bun days of each month. M'xsr M. K Walters will open loot School at Kootn No. 7, on Monday, the 6th Tof Mny, 187J. , i Hot Summer. Farmer Greeley it TYifciHc, predicts a hot lumnier, and he may torrect If tlio last few days are to bo taken dex. . i ?bkaciiino. Rov. Ilurtsock wiO wh tn too Lutheran obaroh, to this plaoe, on hath next, May Mb, at 11 o'cloik a. m. and TJ ek p. in. All are invited. ")o next Tut'flday the School Direo f thii county will assemble in tho Court a Id this place, to clcot a Superintendent of ion schools fur tho next three years. . F. Jit'itzingcr left in our office, rdays ngo, a vory pretty hanging vase, made elay. Mr. LoiUinger is an excellent ine o. and makes a specialty of articlrt of this ,v Rend his advertisement. KfiCMKO Work Wo nolieo that infractor, Mr. Thorn, lias opened heavily on tw prison. A largo force of hands are en- I upon tho building, and It looks now as k the institution would be completed by the f August or September, at tho farthest. IRK. Wo learn lhat llio dwelling t of David llenscl, of Woodward township, destroyed by fire, one night last week. Near 'ery thing was destroyed, the family barely lng with their Hrot, It Is supposed that the trigiuated from tho stove pipe communicating tho floor. eturni'd Home Colonol Kit Sli. tho has been absent In fcuropo fur nearly a . returned homo lost evening, rather unex dly to most of bis fri-odi. Tho Colonel is 'ly improved in health, and expresses biumlf ing as well a he ever was iu bin life. This agreeable news to bis mnoy fi lend through -ae country. Ltwithury Journal. roved Fatal The rhilipaburg nalvt the 27th says. Mr. Richard Albertoo ai bis residence yesterday morning, from the ts of (be assault upon biu. by J. A. Lukcns, ueadiiy, the llilh .ait., of which wc spoke last E. Tnit if the most melancholy alYair tbat happened, considered in all its bearing, since lave known Pbilipsbnrg. Mr. Atbcrton was y-haired old man. sixty-throe years of ace. joinu Ann.U) Wo notice by our Ira eounty exchanges that the railroad from le'iurg, via lidlinborg, Hart k ton, Aarons- Millhcim, etc., to Tyrone, oatled the Lewis b Centre A Spruce Creek Railroad, Is to be pat ir contract at once. Tho road Is already fn dog order nine miles out from Lowisburg, to luburg, and woi k Is to commcneo at both end front and MifUioburg. The completion of line will add mnch to the facilities of onrlum cn. as It will make an effectual ".-hort cut" th a took in lumber and eonl depot. Almost a Fiuk. On Saturday oven- f nt, about 7 o'clock, an alarm of fire was rd, and ft gent ml rurb was made in the diree I from which It came. Jt proved to bo in the re of Mr. R. Moatp, where a lamp had been t Till by bis little son. who wns in tho act of kting oue of tho side lamps. The lamp bunted d covered the by with oil. which took fire. Jlc ft iuto tiie street, and but for timely asjiitanee ght have bt-en seriously burned. Tba burstod sap set fire to the shelves and the articles Hi c ro ta but was extinguished by the aid of a few sokets of water. Thc loss is estimated at about h hundred and twenty-five dollars. Bad o.m Nkwpapeu Bouuowkks. si exchange warnfl people In regnrd to the dan ir of borrowing newspapers and not subscribing I them. It aisurof its readers that borrowing tetr neighbors' newipnpors Is not safe, and adds tat it once knew a poor bnt bonest man who bor wed a paper Innoceutly but inadvertently from wholesale neighbor. Fatal act! That terrible ntagion, (ho small pox, was convey ed Insidious t tuto tho fibres of the sheet. Of that extensive ad interesting famiIy--a doting father, a fond lfe, sereral iolelligeut and hcroio sun thirteen ively daughters, two popular mothers-in-law and dree beautiful aunts not one remains to tell the ale. A Grain op Corn in the Windpipe. A daughter of Mr. Cturles lJavis, of Wayncs mro', aged II months, whilst playing with some iorn. on tho Vlh tut., got ft grain of tt in its wind )lpc. After remaining In the air pnMAgei 4$ oars, and all hopes of its being oongncd upabAn oned, and grave eonilitutlonnl symptcims taking race, the Btenrd says tbat Pr. E. A. Hcring and .her physicians in attendance "made an artificial pening into the windpipe a little above the breast e, when by a fit of eongbing the little cufferer tpelled the grain throngb this opening. It flying it on the floor. The wound was carefully closed ad the child Is rapidly convalescing, there being rery hope of ft rapid recovery." Vhambtrslnrg W'y Spirit. K Child IIu.no. Tho HunovcrV Ork county, .fyecfator of last week states that on 10 Friday tftTnoon previous, a little child, fl lotHlit aid, of Mr. Kmanael Ml tic It, residing at is Junolioa of the Hanover 1) ranch and pitch lan Valley Railroad, oame to Its death In the fol lowing ilngu'ar an J distressing tonunor: The inthcr, it appears, having some work to do in the ;arden, left tb child sleeping on tba bed, and rould oocaslonally go to lha win low to kam If he child was crying, and Dot hearing it, she cn crcd the room and found the child suspended by bo neck between the bed and the wall. It had dipped from the bed, and the ba -k of the bead was sgainst the wall and the chin resting on the bed post; tba foet did ot quite touch tho floor. Jd this position it was found dead. I s - Sad Cahk op Diiownino. TIio Get ,tsburg CompiUr ef the HHh has tho followiug : On Saturday Ust, Mr. Harrison Ucuder, a rest, dent of Reading township, cat mil east of Kant Hcrlin, met wlb a lad and unexpected death. Airs. Sumter icnt to town in (bo morning to spend bedaj'Mr. Bender remaining at borne Intend ing to plow. ' They wft without children. Tn the evening, when Mrf. B, returned, she noticed ne of the hor geared, liod to tba fenoa, and iipeeted to find her husband " 'h nousa, lint w not belag tk-ero, alio went U the barn, and Hill iled to see anything of biu Be onilng; uuoasy, c Informed one of the nsighhori of Mr. Ileoder's nsecouotabU absenoc. Sstrcb, was initituted la ifforent parii of tha premlsM. which rejultrd in le flndlnj of bis lifcfcrt body In It well. The PpoiHjQi if HitJ ba wnt to the .oll for ft I water, and whilst lq I be net of pampiug, the hit suddenly gave way, (by the breaking of the Jrsi limbers), precipitating blm to the bottom, k large cut la his head wM probably caused by ft soiree of UwUr UUmg upon II. The wel ! twenty-soven feel deep, an J It if iiinujin F drsth was'produonl by the fall. lr Hen-ier was an upright man, and generally rejected. Jl" r.rtonl In nrcd of Milliner; Good, will notlr. tbat ra bav tr.llaM Milliner froiuVllladd phia, and tbat wa bar. on band a full Una of all tba nowoat iy lot r Hati aad Boaoata, at reaaon abla priect. HEED 111108. '-0-Loreri af 1'ktaro. and flak abotld liiaka call at lha I'lclura Btora, unit door to Kaj.lona Store, and eiamloe tba largo ilwk of One t'hro raoi and Oil r.iullngi there on eihlblllon. 8a advorllacmcnt , ,r. , , , . Ilu; your Drou (I00J1 of HF.Ivl) BROS. . Hu.r jour Nutlooi A Trimming, of UKEU UltOB. r Bnjr ;onr Pamapli of KliKI) I1ROH. llujr jonr Bhawla of IlIIKU IlllOS. Ciij ;our rurui.bing UooJa of , HEED DUOS. Dujr jour Underwear of HEED IlltOS. Buj jonr Hat. and DonuoU of HEED ItUOS. Huj all Juur Millitirrj good, of REED 1IROS. Diij your I.adici' Mliici' and , Children'. Shoo.of . 11KKI) IIROS. Day your Carpet, of REED BROS. . Buy all t!'e good yon can buy of REED BROS. and you will av money. prl7 3m. Wo nhould nut hcailate to recommend to auy friend of oura, Paraon'a Purgatira Pill.; they are aclentifloally prepared, aod are adapted to all the puepoie. of a good purgative niedioine. l)ocidorily the bc.t rrmedy tbat baa ever beod diaoov.rcd fur i-houuidtlatn, iwollen or llin" Jointu, nih wound,, apruini, bruiaef, out. and burn,, i. Johnson. Anodyne Liniment. Wa 010 it and ul way. recommend it to our friend,. Clearfield County, Pa. milR RUMMKR TKKM f tbit'lnstltulloi X. will open on tho first Monday of May next, (Term, five months.) The course of study will embrace a rigid and thorough test lovery braach requisite to ft prac tical and accomplished education. $ I Voonl and instrumental music will occupy an important place In the course of study. l'upils will be admitted at any time during tfas session, and eharged from time of entorlng to the eluso of the term. No deduction will be made fur absence, oxcopt In eases of protracted Illness. Students desiring rooms for "clubbing" can be eccemmodAtcd at moderate rates. Uood boarding can be prooured at throe dol lars por week at public and private houses. - i'or particulars address U ICO HUE tf. TNNIfl, rrinelpnl, March fi, '73-tf New Vt'ahlugton, IV Horsi ron pAi.t. Hcv. W. A. Clippluger, baa left bis excellent family horse In my custody, fur sale. Forteims, Ac, apply at the First National Dank, Cleitrfield. ; April, I7-3t. War. II. Pill, ' F.inutiis, Taksi Nom a. H. F. Uigler A Co. have Iron and Wood Single and Double Bborol Flows, Wood and Iron Cultivators, Steel Cultiva tor Toeth and -Shovel Flow Shovels, Iron and Wood Plows, Hill-aide Flows, Ae., Ae. ' ap31m. H.F. HKJLb'tt A CO. JU'cur ran Balk. The inbsortber has a "Cul lins Maker" buggy fur sale very cheap. ft?12.-n. DR. R.V.WILSON. -Read aud be convinced : asting Button Gaiters, onlv t2 ti. at Flrars. Frennh Morocco Futton Uaitcre, only ti.Si, at r tefrnrs. Full Trimmed and Tipped Lasting Uaitrs,ooly $3.00. at Flefftil's. Flnin Morocco I) niters, only $t 25. at FlegnPa. Cloth Congress Uiiiterr, only $1.7S, at Flegal's. dents (Jailors, from $2.00 up. at Flciar. Heavy Kip Boots, only $.1.(10, at Flegal's. Light Kip Boot, only $:i.Vi, at Final's, French Calf Bouts, oaly ?i.ltu, ; Flegil's. Fine Calf li jots, only fcl.ii', at Flegal's, On Second street, where vou can act evervtliiuir you want in toe Utot,iioe,llat, lap sua iuraiU ing Ooods line, for let's money thau any other place In the eounty. (Jo and sec for yourselves. apisi-tf. . . Notice totiii Dm-iriTit or Ihaac Wai.tos. After April 10th wt will have the largest atsort oieot of fishing tackle ever brought west of the Alleghenlcs, consisting of Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks, Liucs, Bait Boxes, Ac, Ae. All disciplos of Isaao Walton are invited to call and examine our stock. H. F. Bicleh A Co. March 27, 1872.tf ; . .. . Just received from Fhilndelphia Cardcners, a fresh supply r Oardcft Bee. Is, including Onion Sett, at the Drug Store of Apr.lP t , , lUnTS-.ricK A Iittvix. Dr. F. Plat to, Eclectic Pbviiclnn and Purcrcon offers his services to the people of Clearfield and victmiy, and win im in rcaiiness to aitmd all Irofemional call, by day or nipht. Office on teed Street, wopI tf the depot, Clearfield, I'a. Alliy all, lt?4 i ll Notice to Oahmoikiis. All tho?e In need of a good nut fit of gsntpn-mtikin g toot?, fIiouM eal at II. F. Hitler A C. 'a, wbrre they will find a large Btfortmcnt of spades, spade forks, Miovels, hoe, and ruhm of all kind. apl.'l-in Fr.Mn flitoricn Vi inrrn. Received at Corner Htore by car load and for sale by h. a. a n. ii. mwi. Curwcasville. March 13, 1872. , COUGHS AND COLDS. There are few nersons who are aware of the Im. port n tice of attending to a cough or a cold at its first appearance. The thousand who die annually of coniti nipt ion, were first attacked with a "plight" eoujfh or oold, whioh they thought would soon wear itself oil, ana therefor neglectrl to te the proper reinvdies until tiicy became inourahk-. r.very day trial a eougu, cold, or any lung uis- eaite ts negleotrd, makes the chances or a cure more uncertain. Wc would rromtnend all suffer ing from any disease of tho Lungs whatever, o use llaasoVa CovroirxnSvnrror Tar. It never falls in curing tho worat caws of coughs, Oolds, hoarseucp, euro throat, catarrh aod aslbuisw It is anJnfallible remedy for Whooping Cough ; be ing prrscribed by souio of the leuJing pKnicians in tho Northern and rio it thorn (States, ni.d being prepared under tbe Immediate supervision of a gra-iujto of lite Pennsylvania Medical College The proprietors beg leave to iufurra all that it Is ne "ijnack" pvparnlion, but made strictly In ac cordance with ttio advanced principle and theory of medicine. Price .rt cents per but lb. Rl'tSSKI.L A LAN DIP, Fronrictors, FUiladel pbla. Pohl at Joseph It. Irrrtu s drug store, Cur wcnsville, Fa. mchO-.ltn Inrrlrd. At Lutber.burg M. K. Paraon.gr, on April Jfilh, 1HT2, by Rev. L. 11. Maamu., Mr. JA.MKS A. MILE3 to Miia SAI1A1I C. COIt.N.MAV, both of riearfiold eouuly. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weelly by Ricnann Mo.aup, Whoieiale and Retail Dealer in Dry Uood,, Uroe.riep, Pro Tilionf, Ac, Mnrket .tract, Clearneld, Pa. Ci.KAMriai n, P., April 3(1 1S7J. Applo.grrcn,00 2 nQ Hog,, dressed...... 0 Dricl, fi lb....... 121 llido,, grcon.. 7 Applebuttorgnl, 1 OH Ham, 00 1J Uultcr. 4" SlioulJor, ener) In I!onn $0 00 fa) 1 2b Sidrr.. 011( 0 131 Runhnbcat I 2i l.ard l..fu, 1 Buckwheat Dour lb, i Mcs, pork.lgl bbl..'.18 00 Beef, dried- 22 Oalt 6 Buof, frcth (4 10 Onioni 3 00 Board", M 12 00(u;l4 00 Potatoe, 00(7$ 00 Corn, .helled 1 00 Poaehof, dried, U.. It Corn, anr 10 (S ftO Plaatcr, $ bbl 3 40 Corn meal, ft, ack, 1 40 Rye 1 10 Chop, ft owtl lliy 1 i0 Rag,, J lb ., Clororroed 7 00 Halt, W rack J SO Clierpr... IS Hhingle,,18 in. 6 00 Oherrlea, lb. Ilifla) 14 Shingloa,2 InlOj 14 00 Cbieken,, drsil, lb, 1 Timothy aeed. ...... t 00 Kgga .. 15, Tallow 12) Vlairoed 1 00 Wheat 1 Ii Flour 0 OOfa) 8 75 Wool 74 Hay ...30 00(u)34 00, Wood, eord.... I 40 QURWKNSVILLE! SPRING H SUMMER, 1S72! FAUST & GOODWIN Are now receiving, in addition to their Una Muck on baud, a frrnh .unply of KEW UUUDd from tha Kaat. A full line la IrtY GOOD AND URKriS ;t)!)I)4 I.l'cat alyloal D0I.LV VAUD2NS, TRIMUISuS,' LADIES 1UTS, NO'IIO.NS, BTATIOKEIIY, BOOTS AND SHOES, Dncas, PAISTit, Ol 1.8, Ac., HARDWARE, (Jl'KKNBW ARE, WOOD ASD WILLOW WARR, Groceries, Bacon, fi. C. llanu, 1'Uh, Salt, rfr., tt'tf. Fpegial altrnlion baa boan giren to our aelea. lion ol Ladlol' Dreaa Qooda and Triinminga. Ilarlng purebaaed at tbe rery lowral cah prloea, wear, propared to olTer Inducemanta to eaah Huy,ra, and it. Invite all to call and noiu Ine bofore purehaiing elavnfaere. , Our tbatika aro extended 0 our cnatomrra for Ibelr HUr.l patronage la the peat, and we hop, to Merit a eoatinuane. l'utrcnarllle, April! 1,1.;: im TAVtt k ooonwix. MISSH. S. SWAN'S ' -SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. f ItllE fil'RINfl TERM of foortem wccki, will eommcnoe Mondny, April 6th, 1873. TERMS OP TUITION. Reading, Orthography. Writing.Object Lei anna, . Primary Ari'thinctlc and Primary aor.t,!:T......-..........v...;i $7 00 History, Losnl kpd deacriptlvo Ueography with Mop Ura.-lrif. Krnmn.ar, Aicniai and Written Arithelaile., Algebra and the Kcienoea..,., In.truotion In Inatrumental naaiCM. Oil painting, 34 leaaona Wa work For full partlanlara aead far Circular. Clearneld, Sept, 7, I870-I;pd. a 00 12 00 10 00 to I 00 SHAJJ'UIOIJStEC'TI i"TT.V (Cor, of Market A Front itre.ti,) CLKAIIPIEI.D, PA. Thla magtiinoent Hotel la entirely new, eom pleb In all llaJapbohTtirtt'tar, and' twfonl.wti ta thefoitri Ilonae. - A' frM'Onnibaa ran. to and from tho Di'pot on tho arrival and departure of each train, 31I1IJ. B. o. t'l.KMKNTH, ! ArilI0, 1ST3. Proprletreaa. R EVEUR JiOUSE,- ... , x I II U K K 8 I D K. P A. f Tha tnbaarlbar baring built a new Hotel, with all modern ioiiiroramonta, la prepared to receive gueata. The table will bo aupplied with tha beat luiae iaaia.li in. uarwun we etuwlucat llijuera. Uood atahiiug attached. apr3-(y A. 11. SCIIAEFFER, Prup'r. House and Lot for Sale! rilHK undersigned otTrs a lli-uae aod Lot for X Bole, situated on Fourth and (be Junction of inerry street, in mo borough or Cleurtluld, Ft., known as the Kline property. Foisession given on tli 1st of July neit. For further 1 n form ut Ion apply ta - WILLIAM FOHTKR. Clearfield, Fa., April 10 If. AsMIlTHATUIl lioTICli Notkie is hereby given that letters of administration ou the estate of L, W. OV. KNH, dooosed. late of Ooshen township, Clearfield county, l'cnn'a., having been duly granted to (lie underrigned, all portions indebted to said estato will pleato make immediate payment, and those having olaitus or damandswill present thoin properly authenticated for settlement without delny. MRS. AMANDA OWEK3, DANIEL rVPlIKHrt, April 24 flt. Administrators. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and I'cmale t'lasilcal High School Each Depariment Hf pa rate, Dlstlnrt and Complete in I Ik 1 1, rrillR leholastle year of this Institution Is divl J, ded into two sesions of five months (twenty one weeks) each. The first session commences on the first M on ilny In September; the second, on the nrst monaay la February. The course of instruction embraces every thing ncwitary to a thorough, practical and accoroplish- eu rouoauon oi co'ti scies, Fupils will be admitted at any time and charged from date of cntruaeo to the cb.se of the session. No deduction will be niado for absence, exoept In eases of extreme and pro t ran ted illness. Btudcnts from a diRUnco can ba accommodated with board at low rates. . e ' , For particulars, send for eireulars.or address Rev. P. L. UAHKLSON, A. M., July 26, 1871-tf. Frineipal. Jru fioodK, CrorrrUs, ?tr. r. a. mi i. tic a. A. a. r OK' ELL. MILLER & POWELL, WMOLESALK A RETAIL M E R C II A N T S, Urslmm's Row, Market St., CLPtARKIELD, PA, We would most respectfully Inform our friends, customers, and tbe public generally, that we are now back in our old quarters, which have been remodeled and Improved, aad wc aro now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor us by culling. NEW GOODS! We have just received one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Clear field county, which wo Intend to sell at iacb fig ores as will make it an object fir all perrons to purchase from us. Families laying iu winter supplies of Groceries, Dry (ioods, Ac, should not j fail to give us a call, as we feel confident cur prices and superior quality of goods wilt amply satisfy all. Our stock of i GROCERIES J consists of Coffees of the best quality. Teas, Pa gars of all kinds, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, tipiecs, Provisions, Flour and Feed, Ac., Ac. Our stock of . ' ! C D 11 Y GOODS ia largo and rarird, and we will juat aay we can aupply any article in lhat Hue, without counter ing. ' READY-MADE CLOTHING Wo have a large atock of ready-made Clothing for Mca aod Boya' wear, wbioh waVill diapoeoof at a rery ainall advance on coat. Boot, and Ehoca, Ilata and Capa, Hardware, Qaeenaware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notion,, Fancy Oooda, Carpet,, Oilclutha, Wall Pnperr, Window Bbadca, Ac, Ac. JT-O-Bcing extenalvely engaged In tha Lumber bualueaa, we are able toolTerauperlorinduoementa to Jobber,. ' MILLER A POWELL, , Ck-arflebl, Pa., Jan. J, 1872. 1 )1IILADELP1IIA. 1JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, t ., II ANGIXG, VASES, ;( Stove LiuinV and ' Firo' Brick, ' " '-M : kept conjl'n;'y on band. -" " i ST0XE Ai EARTHEi -yARK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! i'SaiAJidf f.!:: CROCKS! PQTS I CROCKS! Mealing .SPRING, 1 872. FENT0N, THOMPSON ' & CO., OIT CIIESTNl'T STREET, ' ! - llav. now In Ptore, mil opening daily, a large dloek, bought aiainly direot from )!nnufacturcra at - HOME AND ABROAD . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dress Fabrics, Silks, Shawls and Scarfs, White Goods, Linens, KMIIllOIDKlllDS AMD LACES, Embracing all tba Kovctllea of tU Saaaon, ofTored to the Trade by tha piece or package at the lowest market price. fabll-ftm JJANIEL GOODLANDER, . Ll'TIIERSBl Rtl, PA. Di tier In Dlty GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY L GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaoco, flrooere, and Fiah, Nalla, Hardware Qiieemware and (HaMware, Wen a and llija' Clothing, Drug., l'ainia, (lil. H.-I.ool Jluoka, a large lot of Patent Mtdiclnea, Cundlea, Nuta A Dri.d frulta, Ckeree and Cnwk. era, Rook and Rifle Powder, Flour, qrotn nnd Polfttoei, Cloror and Tlaiolby Seed, Sole Leather, Uorooooa, Llnlnga, Btndluge aad . Thread, riboemakera; loula and i , . aihoa Pindinga. Ko greater earlety af gooda In an atore in the eounty. All for aala rer low for e.l, or ikum,. i prodmc at lha Cheap Cjiucr. April I", 1(,'3. I'laher'a Patent Airtight Helf Frult Canal BUTTER CROCKS, with lida, CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, Al'l'I.K - HI TTKIl CIIMCHe), PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, BTEW POTS. And a great many other thioge too nninerona ta ... mention, to be bad ax FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ot Cherrr and Third Streets, .. CLKAHF1KLU, FA. . angS F ARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! H. F. BIGLER &. CO. , r 0PFKR FOR SALE SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS, WOOD it IRON CULUVATONS, Steel Cultivator Teeth, n Sliovel Tlow Shovels, IRON k WOOD PLOWS, II ILL SIDE PLOWS, Ac, Aa. Ck-ei Held, Pa., April M a. "AHPIIAXS' COURT SALE! J In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' vuuri ui v irni iivm cuunir, alio unucnigoeu trus tee, tie., In tbe mntter of tbe real estate of Rob ert Hainey, late of Hurnside township, snid eoun ty, dcceat'd, will sell at public salr, at 1 1 10 store home of William Hunter, In tbo village of New burgh, on U'LDNKSbAV, MAY li, 1172, at 10 o'clock, a m., the following described real estate, late the property of said deceased, vis : No. I. All tbat certain tract of land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of John Lee, L. itura an others, containing airout fu acres. No. S. All the interest of decedent In that cer tain lot of land In 1M1 township, eaid county, adjoining the above, containing Four acres, more or less. - , Taatts or Sai.bj.- One half the purchnse money eah on confirmation of sale, ami tho ImUnec In otic yeur, the latter pnymcnt with Interest, to be secured by bond and morlgnge nn the premises. April 10, 1872. Trustee, A SEW DEPAHTURR For the Benefit of Mankind ! DR. BOYHR'fl . i ... - -. t . . . i i PILE OINTMENT RER'S SALE . UNSEATED LANDS In Cloarfleld Coantr, Ta., for 1U7II and 1871. Notice la hereby glren.tn parauanc, of an Aat of Aaaomhly approvod the 13th day of June, A. D. 1K44, entitled "An Act to emend an Act directing tbe niodroraellingunaeiilrdlandaln Clear neld eoaiily,' and the een-ral aiippuj uicnt. thereto, tl.ora will be expoaed to publie aole or outcry, at tha Court Houae, in the borough of Cloarfleld, on the KF.l'II.M) HONDA V, 101b tiny or JUNE, A. D. 1,72, the following traota or piroea of unaeatcd landa in aafd oouuty, for tnxea due and unpaid, via : Hercarla. Ao.: Am pv.-. It'eirmaree, -j , i , , 6H, ' j Peter Miller...;,; , 0 41 (3 John Mailer.... M (i 60 Fred'k llubley 14 ID 2lt Jnbn Baoamaa.H 7 24 VII Fred'k llowinaa So W 71 113 Thoa. Billington 20 It Phil. Myeinoopa ii 14 John Myainoope 42 AO SO Michael Muenor, 24 7. 90 Michael Mnaaer. t4 III Jaa. MrMurtrle.. th 40 Thoa. alurgatory 20 82 Mngnua Miller.H 20 32 Juhn Urady a 93 WiJIIain Brady., go 00 J. A B. I)lair...l4l i.1 r. John WhiUaer... ti n Henry Wliitmer, )4 4.1 William Wilaon. H 10 Jaei b King ,7 07 . John Sibaoo..., jo 20 72 Robert Wilaon... Ol nn m 1M M'illlam Oray....li)3 Jj 433 liS John Miller. ,I0S 26 .1 Brown A Fulton, 10 12 t0 BO John Ketland.... f it lot II Peter Oeti 0 4 01 Jeremi'h Moaher 20 in 43S HI Darid Barton.... 03 15 3.10 'jJ Mania Fraal..,. 41 $0 juj viiJ rranla, Jr.... 41 S9 ti Il-.nmee Uibaon 21 10 laoob Ki;.... C ! . Plunkett.. i ' liO 7 0J 1011 80 hi) 410 . ll'.O t'J2 iilll 34t 1S1 134 104 51i A. Myaoneope. 40 83 47 Jere. Moeher.V, 40 80 74 3C0 SO 174 170 1(10 Keagy 28 40 118 Fred. Beat 31 la mil 37 ThoaBillinglon 41 70 BO Juhn Beam..,.,. Ill til 3:10 153 Martin Funta... 40 40 324 Natalaa Barton 61 fl 74 Thomaa Oibaoo II 80 ' Sit 15J Fred, B.ataa... til 03 U' 40 J. Muaaeramitb 20 f7 A.. r. Warrantr... . ., , ibn.....r 0'7 17 fohn MoPheribn .k 1. Illanchard 433 ltd John Muaiier. 2A8 It 200 1 110 01 0VU i7 1MI 74 113 4:13 t;' Ao. n.w 6378 t4l'4 18118 IH'.'D 1M2 1012 Miller A Criai,, : 0 ...Ib go ... 0 00 ,.. r si ,.. SJ 70 ... tl 4 ,.. 64 .. 31 60 07 MthalTy a Mitchell, John llrenavman... J. A H. Broth Ford A rlprinkle..., Willi. en (lol.nd Juarph MoMurray 42 16 7 Patrick Noble 13 2(1 Hugh IlorUJ',,I.A ' j (I aiaumaa aiuuga.. Otl IV : COTlllgtOII, Ae. 'cr. Warrattln. 8114 George Mead.... 84 10 4C3 .... 60 20 824 " .10 81 678 ' MorrlatHtewart.204 00 800 " 314 00 Mil ' ' " 814 00 646 : " Jul 90 6 , Mary Wearer... 15 20 MorriaaStewarl, 8 04 "... i: . 41 24 UoorgaMoa4....! 14 IMI 26 1 Mil 2110 6.177 1 100 ! IUH3 l7 1MI3 460 Morrla .Stewart 33 80 800 " " 14 07 127 Kinerlckalteiter 6 07 2(10 ' II. ilurgelt 10 00 2F.1 i MorrlaaSlewart 64 "' Decatur, Ae, V4r. Harroaf... 100 116 Jnuiea Hamilton 4 82 40 41 John tikyrnn 20 68 7:1 'J liouaua dinuii.laua. 30 (XI 101 I6V Th.imiu llillin.ti.n 143 80 t lmrlea lllik. .,..!, 06 . Patrick .Moore 4.1 87 . Thouiaa Ht.wirdron 80 80 J"ti.h Matlock 84 40 Kcd.crt ll.ltiliaer v 14 06 Mary Mol.an.lui....,. 67 117 Aim McLanahnn 05 47 l-'iaoy W. Thompaon.... 28 45 Mary Mcl.analian 38 1)0 84 137 Joacpb WiiilrLall. ...... 30 111 400 Kobirt llainey........147 20 108 Jaoob Downiog 30 60 60 Thomaa Htewardaon... 21 40 00 John Drinker 37 02 ISM 4 t III. till) 1 i:,o 60 202 4114 I 0 ,60 u 2:10 250 118 -V. At. Pel 42X8 IO00 am ttio 6704 1000 Mil) 600 42H7 6ll 6018 .'Hi 1 8 42S7 y,M 42F4 61113 5(10 4J.7 jVHS 6507 4!0 4:7 4287 Brewr a Fulton 4 80 II. Il.upt, a Co 13 80 Jaoob Fuula 0 10 W. Wbileiidee.. 12 40 Thtmaa Oroom It 00 ale II. H'orroate.. Henry lloek....173 00 " ' ...,10 00 " " ...J72 00 " ...1;(0 tt) .... 25 01 17 82 2.1 05 .... 31 47 .... 32 82 34 26 ...212 00 I48 8H 03 00 23 00 IMI 102 100 " ' 100 ' 110 101 70 120 ' I(i0 1. '1 : iiifl 5U0 ' 101 118 John Kichoh 1A0 Niekein.lirilhlh 14 430 135 Joacpb lloo....I.U 67 413 I1..I.J. (I.l.b. 145 24 313 20 Ueury Ucek . 04 00 VI 7 " . 21 37 31 123 N'ickliiuiirimth 6 78 V0 100 400 203 Henry Bock.. 2.1 08 . 23 Of) .104 80 .. 63 01 , 80 14 . 83 63 .104 80 . 3 71 . 40 45 . 7 06 . 23 20 . 3 2C . :. . 80 80 131 10 amuel ItalnMeton.. Joaeph Ban aula , WtHioia Hoover Thomaa Htowardron, ; Jonain Neabit Joacpb Hjuaom..,,,..., Hand Htewarl Carper Haina. Thomaa P. Cune....... Thomaa Kduiuadaon... 04 12 (iilb.rt Vaught 113 3 John ll.rri.un , Rliaitbeth Harriaon. K. Fletcher....- Joaeph Harriaon. eVcrfrueont v Per. n'nmntrt. 150 John HambrigkL. .. 163 Oeorge Boaa..,,. I, ewia Jordan a, Abram Ogdtaw Adam Higert , Matthlaa rtlough...., II. Paaamore Daniel Frank Joha Oraff. Clrard. efio jrJatrj.-, A'o.,Ae, Prr, 36811 ' 0M 13 (to 2000 1020 1001 1080 4V03 8501 1083 4371 4284 6070 4200 4181 4181 4201 418 1 4188 4181 4188 4188 4276 4271 100 000 410 405 000 otto r,t OHO 405 130 140 260 406 300 350 ouo 404 qrr.Hfr.. bene a Fei..l47 43 " , " 312 63 1 " 8S3 Tt W.WIBlnk 17 03 Roberta A Foi,:no 10 83 " 1 !3 04 Jnmoa Vltaan jio 81 " ' " 48 00 Wm. Powra..,..25l 40 Jamaa Wilaoa, 28 80 aa aa " 13 02 " w. I 84 " W.n 10 80 " aep 17 60 " W.J II til " a i 14 00 " m., 13 83 " in., 43 81 w.p VO 00 ' f T ei'p 1 I Ae. Ptr. 224 163 433 153 4.13 163 8J ... m iu 40 100 100 4.13 153 100 so ,' too 201 Jordan. rl'onro.raaa. Itiehard P.Ura..... 62 1 Peter Kuhn. 128 08 Thomaa Martin... 150 71 Hubert Martin.,.. 08 77 I Philip Lo.ui. 21 00 Wm. Johneon 9 36 Jonathan Jonea... 10 01 Itiehard Martin... 10 60 Juo.Dunwoodie... 54 88 , Itiehard Mart ' ; Iianiel Bmltb, nichnrd Petero... Karthaua, AVi. Ae. Ptr. Ir'aiToa)... 23 40 13 II 31 35 12 10 6400 1100 (411 1100 4612 747 5413 1013 5401 1100 6414 11(0 6405 KIT 1900, 000 ' Will 778 27 1013 1003 1430 6770 6708 1005 1005 1007 1007 1007 . 1085 1805 1047 I 1008 J 10V7 607 200 2K tieorge Mead. ..351 67 " : " ...322 7 " , ...120 87 - , " ..108 34 " i " ..178 1(1 " ..178 21 " " " 1 01 MoorrStewart87 00 " " :.400 10 " no 37 Cbaa. W(lllak.l3 00 m. Bailib.... 33 31 Carper Wiater..3t3 00 " . 81 00 Willi. k.. II 40 " " ... 23 31 " ... 7 81 t" , " ... 11 03 " " 71 M'CI'.k'yaPot'r 10 70 B- D. Hall 3D So 05 80 31 40 24 00 39 40 70 70 14 24 21 08 28 00 23 25 0.1 7t 23 60 6 60 Illooim Xn. Ae. Per. Warrantee. M4 00 Roberta A Fov.110 10 08 133 McklintUriUlth 12 78 Thii important diaeorerr la one of the moat re. tnarkable reaulta of modern medical reaearcb, and The most Wonderful dc Speedy Remedy ever Known, la now prraented in a aclentitle combination of eoothlng and liralinc aaenta. Aad Immr thor oughly ti-at.d it in nuiulrlcaa caaoa, with moat aatiaf'aotory reaulta, do not beaitate in ottering it to the puldio aa Tlio most certain, rnpid and cITcctuiil REMEDY FOR PILES, ao matter of bow long atanding. VouFol.1 by all Drngglata and Medicine Deal era who daira to alienate the euleringa of their fellow beinga. PBICH, 60 CKNT8 PKB 1IOX. T. J. DOVKR, Sole Proprietor, oolli'71 ClearOeld, Pa. rp 11 k NEW SEWING MACHINE! The "BLEESI" Patent Link Motloa. Aliaoat nolaoleaa maebine Don't fail to eiamine It before purohaa- Ing ol.ewh.ire, . . liniDfilJ, MKIICIIANT TAIl.OR, f LKA1IFIKI.D, PA., Agent for Clear Hi Id couu'y. ' . 7iT'l.ouol Agenta wantod In rrery Iowa in Ibe eounty, to whom liberal tertna will te givon. Don t foil to ciatnlno it and aatiafy youraelf. Clcu.2'1'1, Pa., Feb. 7, 1872 If. ToiACCOANDARS"! WIIOI.RMAI.8 AKD RHTAIt,, AI the Kt r) Tubaoco and Cigar Store ut . is. su.tir, Between rfhaw HoujaA Maiulon Houae, ClearOeld. Conalanlly nn hand a Ine aeeortiucnt of Nary, Congreaa, Carendlah, Cable, Fpnnroll, Mlchlgaa and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobaoco, Aa. Alao, a large and well aelroted atoik of Imported and Doineatto Cigara, Sn)nl!ng Tobaocoa, Mcerackauia and Briar Piper, Pipe tliturea, Tobaoee Boiee, Cigar Iloldera, and arerylblng genar.Hy Icon In a wall rcgntated Cigar and - ' Tobacco Btore. fr Remember the place 1 Mai bet atreel, be- Iween 8haw ln.e and Maniloa Hom, Clear- 1 1.1 filial, Ta. iOl'O 5-j: 4051 4010 3i.ll .t.,'.lO 9I 21)8 322 J. W. Pinilb 107 A.K.Wright... 1010 00 W. . Hubert.., Ill ltoberl. AFox 1003 159 100 260 83 .-- r 60 220 42 80 33 VI) 20 28 .10 I'll 13 30 " . 03 27 Jacob Bilger 12 00 11. Iitii'i eat. ...137 60 Joha P. ll.le.. 3i H..u.rt A Fox, 10 30 20 00 3 80 72 00 George Toarr.. lingua. Per. Wetrrnmee. Joha Thomaa 10 07 78 H. rl. Drinker 68 04 William McCormirk.,.. 68 03 Nancy Bopg.. (14 88 41 Malcolm McDonald... ., 03 Oil 41 John Byera 83 00 10 Mirba.1 Conkle... 67 54 Ae. It8 408 41 410 m 4?0 IJ7 100 132 2.14 70 I'J 417 4u0 I'.O 05 140 llichard Thotn.a. 40 llarl.ara ftnydvr 404 lilair 3lrl,anahan... 427 .'amea Kteinheiarr.. 0(1 157 Merrill A liiglcr..... Barbara Hnyd.r...M Ororgn llooluian.... 78 Jueeph Drinker. ... Henry Farner tieorge Ayrra ... 31 Vt ilhain irouluiau.. John Kean 15 20 24 83 37 82 I 07 61 81 61 84 31 81 27 John .Monlgomery 25 SO 17 84 3 00 S3 21 68 14 14 59 34 03 13 75 13 : 27 111 23 4 218 Wat.ua A Mju.un lull .loacph Ball 100 John Ilua'rn lira d ford. Aa. Per. Warrantee. , 124 UugbKly III! 33 Juhn Campbell.... r ail A lluok 10 01 ohn V.ogbn.......... II 26 artba llu.loa... 10 00 'oil) Mel.anaban 71 30 ndrew Petit 57 e dnttbiaa flaymaker... 18 88 o ownor aneia Weat . Miiinea necph Powell iniiiel Ornham..,...,, I. L. Hall iVtllinra Orahaui, Jr. Jobn llana, David Aaker ndrew Petit. 3 23 3.1 80 8 00 13 05 4 30 0 II 7 31 II 03 27 80 23 80 Brndv. Per, H'drrnarer, JJ W. Kirknalrlck, 88 31 81 Roberta A Foi.. 21 34 O.U.IIoml lander 17 34 Conrad Long 47 30 J. B. Smith 193 08 Henry Wyco...!01 31 Rolwrt Ciirrr.... (SJ 13 John Dunla'p.,.. 81 03 Caeper rlimer... 20 02 " ... 13 74 ltoli.it. A F01..II.I 76 Chriat. Lower... 73 07 BoWrti A Foi..4l 80 Z.S.Welch 4 87 ' 6) ( Ml. Prtacotl... 14 61 ' 322 It. H. Cathara..., 70 05 110 113 Chriat. Lower... !ll 76 60 Adam Wearer.. 10 34 100 J. W. Hmllh 21 42 100 Jacob llllebriia, 16 76 76 John l'.nti 4 23 100 Hulop'rallru'a'r II 45 101 Kelly A flu 12 0; 318 660 Wr.ghttDarllng 08 78 76 Jacob Pentl 4 25 Durnalde. .Vo. Ae, Per. ll'ormMlea. 3u0 0 John Nlcbi.laon, 38 15 3008 114 " " 198 14 58111 838 " 165 88 Johl Malk-r...., 45 88 Ahrnm Whltincr 42 10 Cap.r!brTcr,Jr. 08 01 Daniel Whitmrrl.'il 06 Joha Ilubley....3l7 61 Mary Robertas 50 07 Jubn Trenlcr... 301 78 Coaper f lmffor...ls7 63 FnliW A Burur, 38 00 J. Villieuiaon...l05 76 Mary Crowford.170 01 X'. fpnokmnn....3l8 to Itioevuu H-"wn..Jlfl 0" i,--d Hollla.. 4 3j Cheat. ' Ae. Per. Warrantee, ' "II 153 HellJ. Young 158 47 i i.i 163 Martba Worington I'M vi HO 30 .Iiimrf I'ogo 210 10 100 Willinin ilauauiao 62 70 100 l;,3 Jhn llord 41 00 312 l.,3 Jo.iah Vi.gnrr 101 14 431 lot Tlicmna Hamilton 161 00 258 Jmnea Uoaa , 7V 25 431 153 John Cuiinlngbai Ill 08 60 Charlra lli.l.in 10 0" 300 Hubert Fleming........ 43 00 200 lanao IliohnrdMin 43 00 lot) Jonathan Walker 41 00 4.1.1 1.13 John l'"k lil J" 438 153 Joeei.h Lwlna 171 28 4H 15.1 William Cook I7l 28 ' 153 Alea. Hunter 151 It .383 no 857 8N 271 411 7 : 81 114 280 424 103 817 321 2110 300 324 jj'.ift 100 !.. Kirk AC. ...Wf 41 McCnrd Iraet., Ilu-b llarlle.... Joaeph Piper.., Ileurge Pag.,.., Henry Page.... .'aiiiea ntle. rd.loJu.J7, 101 U,M- "h" . 83 20 23 14 21 70 77 88 73 31 77 07 83 II A'o. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 6351 1100 , Ueorge Mead..;, tt t l 6381 10(18 . ,. (It II 5385 752 ' ... 0 00 5374 102 " .... Ut IHt 5301 1100 " .... 04 04 6.172 MOO - .... 04 04 5370 04 1 i a 4S ,a 5371 1U83 ' .... 02 (I 53(i0 11110 " " .... 04 04 6.'I38 1048 - . 86 5364 1003 " " .... 80 10 6350 1000 ' 84 75 51.6 1100 , ' .... 04 04 6.182 1'08 " ..201 tt 5361. 1100 - ' " ..,.200 00 1021 20.1 1118 Morrin PI, w.rt 7 70 1931 640 110 " 3 48 1036 638 " - 34 70 102 1 408 104 " 42 68 I8'.'0 254 120 " 81 28 3847 10 " 1 63 1020 140 ' 23 04 5153 708 George Mead... 101 70 6178 1100 ' ' ...160 80 3363 11 ; - -w ...360 80 6.67 1100 " " ...360 80 184 130 Morriaa Stewart 8 13 1880 227 123 " 13 87 3848 282 60 " - 17 68 1020 83 " 1 18 101MI 80 21 " J 13 10.10 13 . m 11 78 1018 82.1 22 " ' - 64 07 1837 .7 44 ' ' 86 18 1027 63 70 " " ( 6 1023 400 H 80 ISO0 187 " 28 38 1888 158 " 44 00 1017 348 " 60 12 3030 108 " " 18 08 1887 468 77 03 1018 61 - 8 66 .15 " A. Hugneoy 4 51 105 " . , 10 05 1071 110 Juetin PlubcU. 8 3 3662 07 128 Cbaa. 122 ' , 100 in : 80 300 860 123 , Cbaa. Willlnk. 8 88 23 ... 1 3 tl'O FASchoarraaCo 46 to 112 Daniel Yotbert 20 07 ti Mary Ef.na..., 6 82 45 Jno. r. Yooght f IS 133 Chriat. Brawn.. 14 3 256 J. Gilliland , i 71 " " ..?! 28 111 Ollrer Miore. 81 tit II 6! cU on I gal.. 12 5 1110 M. E Miehaeb. 6 82 It II. Yothera 27 50 D. B. Hell 1 85 127 . Km'ri'ki Keller 17 01 700 F.J. M Uarrey.. 14 31 68 .. r , 74 . oy 41 Keating...! 2 18 83 W. V Keatinr.. 8 37 187 28 Jno. MeU.rr.y 23 10 t " 20 It .V. Ae. Per. 3.113 353 6817 1030 6318 1090 6310 1 099 6820 1100 5321 1003 5.123 1100 5.114 700 131 j 1000 6318 moo 53J8 1100 6331 II HO 6826 300 6312 1)00 5326 833 1011 ins 5314 O0 1013 438 1008 178 04 6324 1213 i.'20 1100 5327 1113 3330 1 100 6.130 1 1 00 1 023 358 200 300 771 79 Gneheii. It'.rraalee.. George Mend... 03 52 " " ...158 87 " '...ll 01 M ' ...101 01 " " ...102 80 " ...110 18 " " ...182 fO " - a. 3 50 .! '"", J " . 1134)0 " " ...113 00 " " ...187 00 " " ...187 00 " " ... 35 00 " ...187 00 " " ...111 85 Morriaa Stewart 18 Oil Wm. M.pea 85 n Morriaa riarwart 40 02 1021 1922 1388 68 27 87 Genrge Mead. ..331 87 " ' .3I0 00. " " ...322 87 " " ...310 00 " " ...319 00 I). Alherl 4 II TO 48 80 W. A. Wallace. 0 Morriaa Stewart II 40 77 tlll'h'ma(larri'nl07 14 I 80 Knob Lot....... (;rahau. Per. Hurraar..., Thomaa P. Cope.., Jobn Hkyron , Julia Thomaa tieorge Mead Joeepb Hiniona... ... Binurd Urata.M, J. nenry..., 47 41 28 72 2 00 17 41 124 40 80 01 56 J" 1 81) 07 20 38 00 12 74 7 40 t 00 Chnrlrt Hall J. U. A llport. Irraal Cone. Chaiiea Hall ' cuncii. 1 Ae. Per. HnrraNleaa. 110 UlChriaiianSiokra 61 81 10.1 122 Mnthiaa Young 88 20 483 153 Chrlatian Itedor 190 f 4 433 153 (leorge Mn.itr. 100 04 237 48 Thomaa Yealer. 103 48 110 Iianiel Oftley 90 Cf 316 76 tiro. Baker, Jr. 08 IS 488 146 Timothr I'a ton., 433 153 John Burg 858 09 K. Rclirerl 315 llrnj. Wilron loo llsAibrrlon 303 43 tieorge linker 48 114 Uoorge Moor...,. 310 08 131 n.il. flloolngor.. ii8 JohnMeCahen 413 151 KiUard Hand. 103 280 9H . 12(1 118 338 IOI) 170 80 128 I--1 1 00 75 Ororire Mead John McCahcn Lampblaea .,, BeliJ. IV'llaon,,,..., John Wliitmer Plgolt 8hw John Whllmer..... H. Henilnraon,.,.., T. Morthagne l'lgott Hhaw IMward Hand BrnJ. Wllaon It. Runnel 188 83 190 84 142 60 33 8 21 14 87 CO 20 01 161 07 67 01 88 37 43 48 18 90 03 87 .3 40 27 3.1 17 72 84 01 14 70 10 28 It M l 01 1 63 40 I Jfi 4. Iluatoll. Vo. e. Per, Harranre., 300 , i. 0. Kidder,... 61 to 42 W.-WIIIInk I!.' '3 ins S;it oiail "J 587.1 1041 Moore Dei.;J7 6074 1041 " " 8.17 33 68) 1011 . ' 337 8.1 6IHI3 OuO : , William PowanSIO 70 5087 879 " " 281 75 6872 847 27 MonrrlDolony lof 64 jnmea niiaua.-'u in in it tt , Knoj. Ae. Ptr. Warrantee. 437 48 Renhen Haiuea...., 438 ' 60 Luke Morria 433 163 Joaeph Milliard 483 163 ltoberl Gray 420 41 Jno. Ilringhurat 433 153 Sarah Ward 433 163 George E ly 433 163 Muore Wnrton 2.13 158 George A.hton.,4., 4;M 153 Heuj. Poultniy.. 413 133 Kraal Morria.... 373 163 Martin Pieroa.... 433 163 Iaabolla Jordan. 100 Honry Trout..... 333 153 Caleb Faulk-.... 254 133 George Wraeutl. 351 153 George nVau. 40 I 49 81 7 16 70 16 80 84 , 99 03 f'9 03 09 03 ... 44 05 J23 61 145 39 124 33 00 113 .... 15 10 ....128 ro 98 31 07 73 77 39 37 40 fU 71 8 84 t 90 .....126 II ..... 11 10 89 14 64 46 17 91 48 37 92 23. Joha Boyd 109 Huaanna Ward... 264 (iaMM'Cormick. 71 Thomaa Jurdan.. 40 Henry Trout. 3d I Joha Pimm. 80 Puaanne Ward..,. 43.1 153 William Hunter .114 153 John Dnraor..... 0.4 John Boyd.?....., 1 18 Hen). Ponltney 13 Nancy Kobteon I.anrcuce. A'.. Ao. Ptr, H'n.Tnalee, 6200 I H O Geo. Mead 108 71 t.lll 1100 " 108 72 6300 1100 ' (l8 71 5.101 1100 108 72 6303 1100 " ' 108 71 5304 1100 , ' 108 72 68116 1109 4 108 72 5308 1100 108 Tl 6307 1100 " " 108 71 6308 IIH0 108 72 43O0 1100 . " ...... III 72 6310 1100 -' " 100 72 C3II 1100 ' ......108 72 6291 1100 ......298 37 6294 1100 " , 208 37 3295 1100 " 298 37 5294 1100 ' "9(1 37 4293 874 38 Ii 6210 380 " 73 75 1993 S3 80 Roberta A Fux, 18 221 Hugh Jordan... 19 49 413 Jobn Reed 31 02 63 Ut Rudolph Lille... 3 91 1003 1010 80 Roberta Foi, 78 88 Ulit. Mitchell, 31 12 1911 0 100 4 306 ao 31 10 629.1 721 5398 11117 6297 1213 5190 488 5:91 1101 1906 ft 1903 173 1017 141 1013 37 Out Lot Ae. Per. 401 108 817 872 421 410 83 410 109 340 20 42.1 3110 4.13 153 4.13 151 433 143 313 91 00 142 10 372 18 400 170 298 407 139 217 125 112 213 40 19 17 137 . 400 38 434 03 I 371 15 209 91 219 143 8 100 .90 . I.8 01 180 3.11 180 440 90 J. W. Sirlth 48 I II W.Montgomery 88 77 J. b. Garriaon.. 8 38 M. W. roye'er.. I 01 I.aae Conklia- 1 1 Ierael Nichola. 1 04 Geo. Mead 311 19 ' ' 604 ! ''' 514 81 .. aa - aa oj 434 60 B. Irwin aSone 7 84 18 48 25 29 aa m 8 60 Mor.leeaiFhirk 1 93 Morria. . 11'arr.nrtee. (leorge Wetael...24 81 William Werta 160 08 Cbriatiaa Werta... 101 38 Darid Lauch 200 31 Jceae Yarnal 1.10 61 Joaeph Turner 138 60 " " ....138 60 105 40 Geo. Ilabeeker....l3l 11 Peter Yarn.l 03 00 Clem. KUiektr, 99 61 John Yanghn 90 81 Johualhail Neabit 90 82 Juhn Real 158 34 William Krana.... 4S 10 Patrick llaya 20 93 Robert Glenn 84 05 Jobnllonilon 91 00 Blair M Lanahan. 18 10 Wm. Stewart lit 32 Richard R. Smith 43 00 Walter Stewart 43 48 George Galea 10 80 Herman Grata.... II 31 Canrad earli..,.. 47 (2 John Gruff 4 21 N. Heidenour.... 21 22 Fred, llulilcr. 02 00 Mathiaa8lough.. 8 17 Robert Caraoti. j N. Ruidenour... J 3Tathiaa Hnilgn. Henry Dt inker... Joetph llulilcr..., Jacob Graff...., John Graff. William Blgler.. . Joaeph Potter.... Franeia Johneon, 1 121 45 71 88 4 10 78 67 27 66 1 60 II 00 14 87 18 27 8 28 14 86 33 80 17 00 40 00 89 80 4281 4204 4199 4109 41.13 4223 4399 4890 3083 '5083 4226 428 4393 5871 (677 990 900 4 U6 403 4911 740 370 124 0'.)1 8tt ' 10) ' 108 160 Ma III t47 147 tori toll I 1 13 03 " ' " 1 13 03 lit 01 " 181 18 " 103 87 ' W. Willlnk M 81 William Powore103 43 i It. Hhoemakor.,1 1 1 95 ' " " 80 91 W11lom Puweri 63 00 Jamaa Wtlion.. 71 13 " ..114 ' .. 81 47 II Morrl47!,-.ny.lS8 80 81 " ' 40 91 fl 2115 69 Rallaton a II outer Conrad Strarla Jaoob Grafl .loaiph Turner..,.. Geo. Ilnybaker.,.. Prim. Ao. Ae. Per H'nmtareea. . 1.0 Fatrl.-k Hairrt.... 5'llU l.4l 14 John Nirkola.n...192 91 108 Greenwood II. n... ao an 136 NicH na(lriiih 42 01 Pike. ,Vu. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 6778 200. Ino. Nickolaon. 4788 1020 II " " .. 6786 810 41 " " ... Hit 81 " 03 Jauica Wilaoa 68 " " It II , 6774 774 4 Jo. 42511 423 4202 4250 423 57,8 5777 6777 4281 4030 3774) 6770 5778 5771 5?77 4210 i!5l 613 090 9b0 323 967 100 410 419 24 090 47(1 260 C9 4f9 476 174 201 100 83 187 173 810 7 26 0 0" 87 73 83 38 71 81 91 82 12.1 12 ' 63 f 84 i 12 Jn.Nkho:on.. r. 1 1.8 40 15 8 70 81 3 03 7 Ot 1J 40 73 John P. Ilort.. II 81 Jumca Wilaoa... 30 00 W. H. Roberta... 17 13 i,eph Bally.... 14 ro . McN.ul 17 00 29 82 (hi Jno. ltkolaun. 43 89 , Caleb Way SO II 1 In. Hiekulaon. 83 03 ' 31. Henry'......." li S3 Jno. Nli'ilaon.. 13 tl Jamea Wllaon. . tl 71 Yiiknewn... 80 48 Union. Ao. Ae, Per. Warrantee. ' i 3803 0o9 161 Robc.rte4F.H8l 81 8599 803 80 " .54 (4 3681 t0 80 - 71 8681 125 " .4.1 J, 36011 3. 0 a. .7 4I morr Iaa.Wf,aaif u Woodward. Ae. Per. H'arrriMlM, 41 . 41 JobnCenr.ea.35l 55 420 120 nenry Drlnt.r..l60 80 240 Wm. Drinker.... 89 53 4.13 153 Ieaae Wheeler..l5 08 J'. - Sam'l Emhn. It 40 116 5 Thomaa Neil.... 20 40 III .' Eli Haotmao. ... 7 J4 218 150'Joha Vanght ... 88 88 HO Mary Nail aj j, 60. B.rii. duhneoa... 39 44 479 Hagerty 102 53 401 M. Barton .10 oft 70 Mary Nell 40 u 311 143 John M'Cahen... 88 30 67 143 Mary O nnelly..ll8 83 100 Roland Biena... ye 8.14 41 Pigot Shaw 121 18 ll R.baeltaa Oraff.. 78 45 433 73 T. Edmonan....l58 89 4,:8 Jnr. Aahl ridge .170 10 218 161 Jobn Mueaer.Jr 78 38 121 ; Fit Uootlnan.... 21 71 100 Mary Sandwich 27 62 218 Cheney Rleketta 37 44 l ' " . ot IM ' Joaeph Clark.... ;t 73 100 . Jobn Meclellan 4 80 100 ' John Lowder 4 60 431 153 Philip Loaat. 181 63 4.13 143 Jacob R.Uwell2l3 84 438 163 Wm. Johneon.. .,!! 61 100 Vi Geo. Druckbam. 49 30 Famnel Fmlln... 0 80 Cbarlee Hight... 43 00 Daniel Turner... 63 02 Henry BhaBner. 80 80 ., Joha Lewo.... 18 40 laaaa Goaa 18 20 Roland Erana... 7 15 Peter Lowder.... I 08 Charlee Lowder. 1 20 John Ilerriaoa...l88 32 Joe. Clark 25 30 Benj. Johneon.. 64 73 Reuben llalna... 79 03 Luke Moiria 79 20 ' Geo. Aahtoa... 15 (0 22. F. J. Pruner..... 43 12 tThoa. Martiu ... 21 to William Shour..72 re cutanea Ward... . . tan 288 34 237 loO 160 . 100 71 170 16 444 100 100 437 433 .11)0 ' ' 147 liO 200 88 160 27 William faiker. 3 40 Cbarlea Lender. 72 SAMILL P. WILSOS. Trearurer. CImi0.I1, April 3. 1-72 91. tji" S ? i: 2s 3 - 0 m "5 m j. a. 5 5 " g- ttiZ s; . n 2 a. l " Sa.fi" tali. 4 t a m n cr f o t- o a 3 to i 4 trS I- i 3 - win W o 2 sh, r 6 s K s 5 e 9 2, o 7 i 2 3 3 ft i 3t U! O 'A ff bj Si 3 i" I S 1 1 2-5 i cs s Sad lit-;.- ei ? 1 act V O 5 0 "J 5. a. e Jr ei tr" P 2 r- t I Si te c-3 o 1 y v n s r o CD 0 t ' a 4 i S ! S.g ii 3 4 4 i. n so a to H 4 it 8 I w- or e . 134 CD 3 CO n rle;: s.s f-5 2. o M O . A r r "ai 3'L -si'ii r.le? ii 3 I . X I .! C31 v.r. a "a a :a.H a I a ?0 B 4 re anra-gv. ?8 R ft s:e- Pg T ajan". JOli l'RINTIXG! Rlnnks, lacttcr loads, ni'ii Iliula, , Statements, En vt'lopcs, Curdri, Posters, . , and all other kliidi of i Job Printing, ptiimptly ra.ieure'l at thlr oQic?. .HA.oi.u'rSrt'wi -unr THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. atJABKET 6t CLEAEFIELaD, r. TIIIH I strip efid Ma nodical ftew tiotcl bee boon orteiMd fur tbe iwooniinodrt.oo of lb publie. where tbe proprietor will W gltwl to sseot iu old Criecds. smd rcoeirc s. fcbnrs i paLlie pcj roniife. Br strict fersooel tent ion to the oV ttils of his basinesf, be bopee to be atile to retvtef sMlsftwUoD to bis pftlronc. Tbe TAULE wtft -wts lc bountlfulij smjipVled with the beet the! cud be procarrd Id the merltft, end tbe BAH will -writs In s full stock of LlyL'OKS, BKEft, 4e Uotd tUbliog etUwlfd. CAgrEB iEiPour, CIcRrflcld, Movob I, UC Ijr . . Prciirietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, CornerofciMondandMarketfiiraetf, tlKABaviKI U, PA. TIIU old auv' eommodlcsi Hotel baa. during lha paat year, been enlarged to double lie former eapaoity for ti.0 entertainment of llraa gcra and gueate. The whole buildt.g baa laeeaj rcfurniabed, and tba proprietor will anara aa pains to render hie gneate comfortable wfcila auyiog with bim. 3Mr The "Maneioa Honee" Omnlbes rnna to and from tba Depot aa the arrlral and departure of each train. JOHM DQUOHKRTY, aprd-70 If .1 Proprietor. T 150XARD HOUSE, r . : 1J ' Near the Ruilioed Depot, ' ' . CLEARFIELD, PUNN'A.--Tbia bouao ia large, well furuiehed, and nearly ntw, and tha Proprietor fcilr ounfidenl of render ing satiafaetion to gueata. 2i. B. Good atabllnf connected with the hotel. .01-71 , . B. . ROW, Proprietor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, . (Oiipoalte It. R. Depot,) . CLEARFIELD, PENNA. ; The anderaigned, having brcomo proprietor of tbia houae, ia now ready te eot.rtain atrangeri and trarelere, and therefore rolii ita eujoumore ta give bim a rail. Ilia Tal.lo will I.e aupplird with tbe beat the market afford., and lla liar will eon. tain Iheehoieeal of wineeaaiil liqnoea. Eatenalta atabling te altaabed.. Chargea moderate. - , JaniO'72. ' JA.MliS MlLAIGHLIX. WESTERN HOTELi 1 Oppualle tht Court Hoiiae, , CLEARFIELD, FF.NN A., Aoeommodatlona flrst-eleaa and ebaftgea aioaUrat. i oel5 ! JOIIH F. YOrNO, Preiirletor. ; JJJITl)f0B HOVIGi ; i Oppoaite the Court IIcuic, ' .LOCK UAV.EK, PBN'N'A.. . Jel4'7l ; ' IIACSKA1, A KROM, Pmp'a. ' KOtKKRiioi iiousr:, Bl-I.I.EFOyTR, PA., P. JOIIJiSTOS A 80.NS, oet:5'7t Proprietor.. MEHICAN HOL'fllw ) ' Mala Street, ... '. BROOKVII.Lt, PENN'A. o4 71 BUAN.VOX A BFRaETr, Proprietora. RAILI.OAD JIOUSE, ' ' Mnin 8trerff ' 1 ' PniUPSUfttG. VESS'A. ? The underrigDed kei-ps cunstaally n band tbo best of Liquor. Ii is table Is 1wii,ts sujiplird with the IrffWt tbe iBHrket KrTnrds. '1 he travel ids; public will do well to riio bim ft call novltia. : . K0I1KUT LLOYD. , , SUSQUEUANNA llOUK, ClikWENSVIM.K. 1 r Cleftrfxeld cDutr. Pmn'a, ' This old and well eita'jjilh-d ilutil, beautifully . situated ou the banks of the BuKjitcbanna, in tho buruKb of Curwensvllle. has bn Irasnj for Unit of 7rs by the jnderis;ued, Il has been cut i rely rcfittrd, and is now open to the ublio penrrttlly And the traveling community in par-. !icul.r. No pains will be scared to reotsrr guat couilurtablo while larrjrinf at ibis fauuse. Aupl tatllng room lor awowwwutiwtai of kaut Cbircds modvratA. H.yt. 2$, IS70 tf. ' ' ELI ULOOM. ' DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIBLD, PA. HAS just received a fine lot of French CALff 6KINS, and is now prepared to uanafao ture everrthlnp; iu bis line at the lowest figures. He wilt warrant bis work to be as represeotcoi. lie respectfully solicits ft oall, at bia shop tsa Market street, second dcor wot ef tbe potttjfliov where he will do all In his pnwrr to rendoraalla faction. 8outt Coe Uaiter tpc on bxnd Jit,'67 J iAKIKL CONKBLLY. ' XEW BOOT AXD &II0E SHGI edwaiiLTmack. : ; Con. MAKKT A 3d Sts., CLAKFiKLl, Pa. rpilE proprietor bat entered Into Ihe BOOT 4 X BUOii busioers at tbe mbovo stand, and is determined not to be outdone either to qua4. ity or price for bis work, Special ai tent inn will be paid to msnufact urine Fewed work. He has on band ft largo lot of Krench Kip apt) Calf Skins, of tbe very best quality. Tii ettl, tens of Clearfield and vicinity arc rerpeetfally invited to give biu a trial. Ko charge for eal la. nftTu n tr .-jt-'.u-L .... ! . - . . . j mmm-Fm DISaSOLUTION NOTICFa The firm of James Dicker A Co. wa dt- mired on Fcbrnnr? . 1R72, by mutual consent, and William ft. Dinkey has nsaooiatd with hiA his son. JamtMt Dtckej, nnder the name and Iris of William S. lickr A Son, in the businesi nf general mch-hamtiiirg and dealing in 1 aw logs. q it are timber, and all kinds ol tawed lumbar, shingles. Ac, at t.lcn Hope, Clearfield county, aud at Si. Lrtwrenoe Churoh, Cambria ooduty, r. -Jamee Dickey will gire the log and timber bust neu his pen'tial aiu utien. lie will be found at tbe old stand at Ulcn Hope, wh-re goods will be sold at th lowmt prices possible, aod tho best, figures paid for logs and timber. Dr. F. 8. Ner. tin il will be found at H. Lawreqeo. rendv to wait on bit friends. The Doctor is fcalvr fwWowj go, aid sihi biia. AM tha accnuits of Jain pickay A Co. wilt be stttled by William fl. Pickrvr A (Son. W Ibauk our Buaomm friendr for thrir kind and liberal patronage and ak ft eontiouanoe of the satuif. Ilalil AM oS. IHt Kb A fiOn. tllm Ilnpr. Pa.. Feb. 21, 1873 9a. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGK IIOMK INDUST KY. 1HH nndrrstgnrd. having established ft Bar ' if.f s th 'Wke. about half way Hot wees Clearneld nnd Carwertsvtlle, Is prepared to fut adb altktoda of FRI IT THKUB, (stattdftrd ai.4 dwarf,) Rvergreens, K'hrntberj, Grape Vines, tinMWrrio)? l.awton Blackberry, Strawberry, and Hasberry Vines. Alro. fiberlaft Crab Treea, Quince, and early eoulet Mi a barb, tie, Oidvra promptly attended to. Address, ti V. Tl si H n T. aap36 lay Curwsntvills. Fm O. I. Co "r II F It E to bnr .r PRV (1OOD0, OBO. IT oeriea, Qunenawa.e, Mlaaaware, Drug. at4. Noliona, Confcetioneriia, Ac, cheap for eaah. Th. eubaeriber beg. tear to inform hit old and new euatoroera that ha haa opened a TARinir cTorti! IN 0LF.X HOPE., PA. And will evil g indi at tirlore to anlt Ihe timer, A lihoral rrduelioa will be made to ouatomere bkf ing at wbelraala. Call and aa.tnln. me .tore before nurehaaitie eleewbcrc, A librrol aiiaru of publie patronage ia aullcitad. C. 1. KKAQT. Clen Hope, Pa., June U, I' ?!. 1 DMIKlMTHATtlR'M Nf ITtCEVNotira l la hereby glren that letter, of adaaialatretlr-n nl'.i fetal, of Viilia" Uan-cca. deed, lata of Burnnu. lonnah'p. Clt Held eenntr, Pr-, ba.lng been dulj granted tc me ntiieraignen, .ill peraona Indebted ta raid ittal. will pleaae naka linmofliaie paini.nt, and tbeaa having tlaime or demand, will vrrarrt them rri'ierljf anthcntlcated for telilement wltboiil drier. JOllli 11. MOKlUrf, Aptll 10. If.JJ .. ., . , Admlnlalralor. II ' CUIU.KY, 1 X. II HA II AM TOM. Clearfleld Co., Pa, Agent for Jainee S, Marab e VhIId.v Chief" Roni;r & Mower, i.rall.Uiar Agrlenltnral Imi.lemrata reacafaa- lured be biui.. Any Information In reference la Die anie ami manniatuoro can w - diii-lng aa ali"ic. mchSOaue