GEORGE B. GOODLANPER, , BD1TO 1 morutTD. . . CLKARFJKLD,' PA. ' WEDNESDAY MOBMISQ, MAY 1. 1871. Still Unwbu,. The lluriiiburg papers report Gov. Uoary n sick. JIs hns been unwell ever since the Evuns- Ilartrsr.h expose occurred' lust eum mor. CoNQHKsg. This body is still fight iug over lea and cofleo, and trying to fix a day of adjournment. . The 30th day of May was voted down by i large majority. ' ' JJui Muciily. Tho Pittaburg Com menial says s Penniylvanla must be carried la October It flrant U to be elected a fact thai may well be accepted bow. No, you don't, honoj Hurtranft cud no more tarry tho old Quukoi State than ho can breathe tho breath of life into Mrs. Surrnlt. whom ho murdered.' No Go. Tho Hudical reformers nro domanding the withdrawal of Hur tranft and Allen from tho Kudicul Stule tickot. If they do not know they will find out that the "ring" will rather die in the Inst ditch than to ntvap horses now. It in a death strug glo, ana tlio blato robbers aro going to dio gamo. PoUTlCAt JtooLEBY. Tho liar. trntift newspapers and politicians are making a huge effort to disconnect thvir candidate from tho rubber Evans, although ho gnro Evans all tho Vouchors wi'.h which ho obtained the money, and then 'borrowed' $7,000 from hiui and novcr called upon him to Bclllo. Hefty. A squad of Radical politi cians wont over to Washington on Friday last to get Grant to appoint Allen, the Undionl nominee for Auditor (J oiioi al, Minister to Kutssiu, so that llioy could got biin off their bands, knowing full well that, with him on tho ticket, defeat stares the party in the faco. What tho smoker will, do in tho premises hns not yet transpired, but we guess Allon will "stick." Full Again. Every ecnt in the United States Snnnte is now filled fur tho first timo sinco May, 18G1. Gen. Ransom, of Norlh Carolina, was admitted to his scat on tho 23d ult. by a vote ot 41 to 10. Tho ton want 'cd tho carpel baggor Abbott admit ted, who was novcr tic tiled. General Hansom is n Democrat of the old school, and is thorelbro an honor to the party and thoconntry. Td Triasolk Loyalist. That Radical humbug, Harry While, still lias bis name flying at Ibo head of our Radical exchanges, as candidate at large for Congress and delcgato to tho Constitutional Convention, and is at i ho samo timo a State Senator ; all in compatible ofilccs. Il is a pity the i ing did not put him up for Governor, tool Is Harry a fool? or, is some body only "trying him on ?" Vitality. Corruption is eo boldly practiced at. Washington that Con ,,'rcsi js aotually debating n now rulo, to thooffeot that hereafter all cx-mem er shall like other pooplo be exclud ed from tho privileges of tho Hall while in session, unless the party ap plying lor admission make an oath i hat he is not lobbying or pressing omo claim against the Treasury Who or w.hut breeds this gonerul cor ruption 7 Who can tell 7 Ouoo Umcjora! Who KritJ-Mr, Greeley is irouri out moutgomcry Jllalr, and tin lot !..m alio on I lie ruad to Cincinnati. Ho wa turn- - 1 out of Lincoln's Cabinet for treason ta the I'oiOB and tbo Republican party, and of oourso ha ' a nt eamnaate lor Cincinnati, Now trot out Jeff. Itavii, Hampton, Htrpbens, Forrest and Cau dal!, ine butcbere of llama prisoners, and put hem oa I be traok to Cincinnati, alio. Jrf.Venfa Why not? Are Ihcy not as good men as Longntraet, Ackorman & Co., ;.lfO "butchers of Union prisoners," whom Grant has taken to his bosom 7 . Vi a matter of principle, Greeley is ii-r uhend of Q rant. linroRM Dti.KOAres. Wo learn that Hon. Alexander Irvln, formorly mom- r of Congress from this district and iiftcrwarJs United States Marshal of :!ioWwsIotd District, and S. B. Row, Ksq , formerly editor of tho Journal, ' iro the accrtstUod delegates from this i nuiily to the Cincinnati Convention. They are both old stagers, and know b.vuctly what tlKy aro about. That llioy are difgnstott with Grant's con. iuot is well understood, and I hoy nke .no effort to conceal it, And iilco ifittble lo they wUlti'ivp to ussist ii defeating htm.. . Js StssioN. As we are working off r ur ediLtoB a great National Convcn i ion is silting at Cincinnati, composed uiiefly of tho leaders of tho honest t. ing of the Radical party, nd by tomorrow will no doubt put tundi W iles for President and Vico Prcsj lj?,n t in the field, who will most effectual:!- lay out tho "rnsent takor'! and the "Smllcr." The cream or the "r.dicai fiarly (n Missouri, Jl'inols, 'own, Wisconsin and Indiana of .'he (m.l Jforthwst nro Jo this movo mout, and will so reconstruct that , nrty that every "ring" will ' bo ' oL-on, at home and at WashiogUn. ilon. Ale.tandor lrvin and & B. Ruw, i'..q.,' aro the delegate from this . . "tlnty d the jf'yftVfrlti'iii.' :r-'-Jjl0t the , if ait. It is seldom that the Radical load ers testify against thouiselvos or thoir party frionds. Rut Col. Fornoy, on tho 0th of April, previous to his nomi nation for Governor, in alluding to Gen. Hnrtriinft, suld ;. f-; Wa hope mora than oae voice will ba raised in favor or a oauitiuata who la oompawnfc in all re pccts to 111 tha hiirh oflive of Uuvarnor of fana- ivlvania. We do not boliera Uan. llartranfl li that naan, - .. - This is not all. Tho day after the nomination the editor of tha Press said : ' - General John P. Ilnrtranft la Ilia Hf-publlota nominee for tlovornor fur, I'cnmvlrania. We be lieve tt to be a moat Inauinioioai aolrotien : a pad opening of what pnimlni to be a molt cxi-iling and difnoult oauipaign. This Is literally truo, every word of it although it eomes from a strango sourco and the Oulubor election ro turns will reveal tho fact that Col. Forney has, afior it fourteen years' vacation,' returned to his former vo cation of tolling tho truth. , Ho has ovidontly becorao tired of the "loyal" busks upon which ho has been feeding. Thoro is qnito n "siring" of Rudicul editors who, liko Forney, havo taken a "now .dopai'turo," and aro telling the naked truth about the i-in" candidates and professional Slato robbers.1 " ' Loosnsa Ur. dipt. William Mc Clellnud, now a Democrutio Congress man from iho Denver, Green, Law- ronco (inU . Washington district, is coming to tho suifuco as a candidate for Governor. We sro personally ac quainted with Iho gentleman and know him to bo one of tho soundest Democrats in tho Slato, and would mnko a popular cnndidalo. As an instnnco of his popularity wo need but refer to tho fact that Iho dis trict which he represents in Congress elected J. 13. Donley, Republican, to Iho rorty first Congress by a majority of 1,123 Grant's uiajoriiy in tho dis trict wa 1,858. " Thu splendid record and groal popularity of Cuptnio Mc Clelland ovorcatne not only this nm jority, but ho beat Donley by 772 votes in 1870, only two years later. If ho fails to receive tho nomination for Governor, and Geary vetoos tho new apportionment bill, be will thrash some Radical most gloriously in the old district again. , Senatorial Conference. Tho pe riod id approaching when the Democ racy of this Senatorial district will be culled upon to select a delegate- to tho approaching Slata Convention. Tim Clititon Democrat, in referring lo the question, suys : In refcrune ta the Sunatorial Delerate. the Chairman f our County Coraiuillee iuforini ua that Cambria hni inlruelel for Mr, 1'hihp Col line of that eotintr, and that Klk aod Clearfield bevo decided to aupport him. Clinton ruooia uiendod A. J. Quigler of Aorth 1'uint. The no tion of tbo other couutlci nreeludel Clinton cot- ting tho Delegate, and fet lei the matter belure going Into eonterenee, waking attendance upon the oouference a mere matter of form. Whether ill, Quigle will feel deposed to lend eonferecl nndor tbii itato of tbingi we are not Informed. ret we think it would he better for eonferuei to attond and look after the eountr'i intcroi t in die- trict matlori, aod to laj and do what inaj appear linat for thnt Dnrn afla hMrifi- n4 mvoing what maj he laid aud done there. No advice haa been reeeired bj the Chairman al to when or where the senatorial Confcreaoe will moot. A Fuut.ic Outbaue. The National Treasury annually suffer a loss of at least one hundred thousand dollars by tho raids of professional contestants for a seat In Congress to which they never were elected. Mr. Forney, of tho Philadelphia Press, who well un dorstands this outrage, snys : The practice of contcatlnjr Coua-renlonal irati has grown intoaa abuse, hut wedunitt thewndom orjustioe of tho bill of 31r. Hpr-er. of the seven- tctnlb diitriotof tbli State, which proridn that no perioa nniuccciiful (n eodfHit lhall rt-ceire any allowance, ooaniel feel, eoite, Ac. A better plan weald be to leave the fronting of tha anco to tha diicretiua of the iluuro and to take a Tote upon It in every Imtnnce. The other rule would work aralnit honest arm who made the eonteat from coniclcutioui motive, but who might fail to oitabliih tlu-ir oaie. Boiuclhing, buwever, ought to be dne to keep the miserable wretcbei from tho BoutS from living in Washing ton every wintor at Uorerainenl expense, under pretence oi oontestiug tbo leuti ol menibvra, , Not All Given. Tho Radical journals ore publishing what they term "Gon. Hartranfl's campaign speeches," consisting of a catnloguo of the actions bo was engaged in during tho war from Bull Run to tho closo. His victory at Washington over Mrs. Surrntt is not among the "speeches." Why hor murder is omitted wo cannot oonjecturo, becauco it was pronounced at tho lime " n great victory" by tho "loyal millions" who inhaled hnman goro as complaconlly as "?ighl Blooming Ccrcus." "What Ails the Pitts ?" This is now n standm'r nnestion with tho major portion of our Radical exchang es. Tor ttie 111 o ol us we cannot see any diffcronco In tho Press, except that tho editor, liko Domocratio edit ors, tells the truth about the Radical nominees fur Governor and Auditor Gonerul. This being of such ruro oo- currenoo on tho part of tho editors of that parly, Col. Forney's courso as tonibhes thai portion of the crow who havo started out on tho lying lino as hcrotoforo. mho Stole Them? Congrers has jiut discovered that all the records and papers uxed in tho trial and eourt- mnrtiul of Gon. Duel bsvo been stolen out of tho War Department, nnd a committee has been appointed to hunt thorn up. Whut humbitggory 1 Un loss tho people make a chango noxl November thero will not bo govern ment property and records onoiigh lo.'X In Ibo War or any other Depart ment to fill an ordinary wardrobe. WW a Stimulant. Tho nogroo in thoir convention at New Orleans), suggesli d to tho President, by a resi). Union, that ho should "stimulate" them by some reMinition of federal patronage. All the "sliiiiulunla" iho darkeys got out of Grant's bottlo will bo but few and fur between, He ncods his "Hlim nlnnu" for himself, nnd keeps them to himself, . Tho Boston Tost anys: Arrango ments have boem nenrly completed lor promptly toleginphinw tbo purohaae of gloves and Inns whle.h Nellie (irnnt snakes In rnris, the (lumber of flirts tJoos sho hns "tip tbo Illiioa," how of. ten it,'.1 'oh my'.i" tbo tfvierj. etc. Cow, ton .tYir. . The population of Johnstown and adjacent borough la 14,005. Tho Labor Roformors hold thoir State Convention nt WiHiamsport ;n tho 7th Instant. i f I Hon. ' J. Gluncy, Jonoa, lormorly member of Congress irom tho Berks district, baa removed to riilladoip&ia. - A V. Seward, brothor of ex-Secretary Seward, died on tho 23d, of ap poloxy, at his home In Florida, Now York. Don't speak nil at nnco. There lives a blooming loss at Zanosvollo, O., who will give (88,000 to any man who will marry hor. A man who has travolcd through Now Jersey says ho saw some laud there so poor tlial you coulUu t ralso u disturbttneo on it. Things begin to look so squally for Grunt and hid present makers tliut the filtccnth nmeiiumunta aro going back on liicm uowo bouiu. . , i It is announced in dispatches from Washington that Grant regrets that no ever becamo a candidate, llo lias evidently got his eyes open. Both tho Academy of Music and Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia, have been souurod for tho sessions of tho National .Republican Convention Chicago printers waiting for thoir typo ordered trom Sow York the week ol Iho lire, Kent itn their spirits by singing t'ooina tiiotl font of ovury bloa Tho constitutional Convention will meet in Hnrrisburg on the second Tuesday of November. Il will prob ably remain in session for several months. A Dubuquo woman, who claimed that a married man in Omaha was hor husdnnd, withdrow hnr claim in favor of wifo No. 2 In consideration of 8100, and went home. Tho printed Kit Klux lostimony re ported by Senator Scott devotes 1210 pages to Georgia, 147U pngos to 31 is sissippi, and about 1200 pngos to Ala bama nnd Florida. A Mrs. Diinlup, rcsidingat Maplcton was committed to tho jail of Hunting don county tho other da', charged with tho murder of her husband's mother by poison. Pnran Stevens, iho well known hotel proprietor, and tho principal owner of tlio i'lUh Avcnuo Jlotcl, IScw York diod on Thursday night at his resi donee in that city. General J. B. M'Fcrrin, chiof quar termaster in tho department of tho south, died very stiddonly on tho 25th ot nppolcy, at bis headquarters In Lomsville, Kentucky. ' Iho apportionment bill, passed bi lbo Ohio House of Representatives, al lows the Democrats fire and tho Re publicans fifteen districts. Generous Republicans, nint they f bonnior Uumoron has engagoa a private parlor headquarters during tho KaUical Convention at the Girurd Llo tel. General llartranfl and Slato Treasurer Jlackoy will also stop there Paul Sclurppe, who was convictod al Curlislo some two years atjo of murder, has been at length granted a new trial. 1 be twenty-ninth of Au gust bus been fixed for its commence ment. A man must not keon his hat on at a placo of uniUHomont becauso it will inconvenience those behind hi in J but a lady can pile tho lowor of Babylon on her head, if she chooses, and no ono dares lo object. Tho Radicals have districted tho State of Michigun so as to givo the Democrats 1 and the Radicals 8 Mem bers of Congress. A fair distribution would have given the Democrats 4 and (ho Radicals 5. At a meeting of tho Methodist Book Concern un tho 22d, tho expert ap pointed lo exnmlno tho accounts of thu Book Concern, mado a report which, it is statoil, tends to bear out tho alio gations of fraud in tho binding depart ment. ' Thnddcus Stevens left a valuable library of 1,200 volumes lo a nephow, u,". "onuition that ho did not get Urunn in fivo vCrs. Tho nephew iot drunk as a fool, and the executors of tho ostate sold tho library 0D the 12th Inst for (3,000. . . Tho Wiliiamsporl Bulletin says, tho river is so low that il is impossible to run rails. A largo number ol rulia aro tied up above tho schute. The stock of lit rubor in tbo yards is less at tins timo than it has been lor a num ber of years. ' Adolph E. Borie, ono of Grant's rich gilt-niukors and his first Secretary of INuvy, heads tho Iteptibhcan 1'residen lial Elcctoriul tickot in Pennsylvania Nothing more appropriate. He is now on a tour through Europe exhib iting Miss jNollie Grant. A "rebel" exchango says: Grant ought to bo willing not only to pardon tho men who lire I tho Mrs I shot on Snmpler, but to cive thorn a (rood office lo boot, for it was a lucky shot for him. But for it ho would still be tanning leather at Galena. It is n significant circumstance that St. I.otiis, which in 1808 gavo Grunt a largo majority, at tho lato municipal election went Democratic bv 8,722 majority. Only ono Republican out of tho twelve aldermen was chosen, and ho is an anil Grant man. A Mrs. Ann EUsn Messcratl. of liandolpb township, Crawford count v. on April 1st, gnve birth to thrco littlo girls, weighing respectively 4J, f), nnd 7 pounds. Wo leurn that mother and babies aro doinc well. Wo ensued somebody was fooled that day. A new Grant paper hns boon started In Iowa. Jl is called tho Gimlet, nnd tho editor hopes to bo able eventually to boro bis way into tho publio Treas ury. A hotter name for n Grant or gan could not have boon selected un ions it had been christened tlio Auger. Tbo Now York legislature elected on tho rolorm isatio has boon in session over tho ono bundrod dnys for which tho members can druw pay and not yet passed n single reform measure This is the body that Radical papers tout ns was going to work wonders As was to bo expected, it has provod a failure, The Committoo on Foreign Affairs roccived a lottor from tho Secretary of mute, suggesting that, in view of ponding correspondence, il is not ad visable for Congress to mnko tiny dec laration on the subject of tho Alabama claims, as proposed by Representative Peters' resolution. As Covodo used lo say, "Coep K wiet," Tho West Virginia Constitutional Convention, by a voto of 08 to 7, has passed an umnrsly section. Il pro vides that no person oiiunced on cilhor sido in tho Into war shall bo held lis bio, cither criminally or uivally, or nuvo his property luxed under oxecit- linn or niherwiaa for any act dono in aocordnneo will) Hie OMiges of civilised nv - tiiliue, ,,... ... , ; , Highly Impm t.tnl ttrvelopmtnU Tbo HarrisburL Patriot of Wediics- day last contains u resurrected letter from tho pon ol Morrow II; f.uwry written- to certain of his constituents iri tho lirio. Senatorial district, and dated 6th October, 18C7. The leitor is long, but highly interesting through ont. Wo hnvo only room, however, for the following brief extracts s Now, briefly' as to my "obtuining the roloaso of tho twonty sovon Ponn sylvaninns which wero bold by mili tary authority nt Harrishurg In the winter of 1805." What I dono lo procuro tho relcaso ol thoso mon, I done becauso I was. nnd not becauso I was not, a Republican.. The lottor of which you complain, which I wroto "on tho 6th of March, 1805," will livo longer than any other net of my life. Mr. Lincoln endorsed it ns "creditable to both head and heart," and 1 nm In formod by the highest authority that on tho buck of tliut loiter a general ordor was mado to dischurgo the twonty-scven Ponnsylvniiians, and all others similarly imprisoned, -or to hand them over to the civil authority for trial. This delivered nioro than a thousand mon from military bondngo Of those twonty -sovort Ponnsylvuni. nns, the discharge of which somo of my constituents complain of, thoro was not ono among them that these young lieutenants who were holding courts martial upon but what was ns justly entitled to his liberty at tho hour as 1 was to mino. The greatest crime tliut any ot them was guilty of was tnai ni being, and the greatest offenso nnd violution of the publio decency or law was that one of thorn presided over n Democratic meeting in Clearfield county. , Bad and wicked men ii'om motives of re vengo nnd plunder and to mako ovi. dence of their own loyalty excited the public mind against those unfurlunato men. At tlio tamo timo the political nu m mors huu the orders actually is sued commanding Marshal Campbell to lock up Kx-Govornor Biglor, und Senator Wullnco in n fort. I was ac- tivo in preventing this being done, and I shall dio believing that in pro- venting this ouirago l saved us Irom revolution at Jlarrisbnrg in the dark est hour of our martyrdom. I plead guilty to all any Republicau enn cnargo mo wun relative to my great sorrow lor mo execution ol .31 rs. Surratl. Tho execution of that wo man was tho most wanton State jnur- dor upon record. 1 washed my hands of her I lood. I appealed for her life. I thank God I havo no relish for any political execution. MrCi.t'itr. o.m Gkant. In a reply- to nn editorial of the Philadelphia Kvoning' Bulletin commenting upon his nasent to tno unit innnti movement, A. K. MeCliirn says in reference lo tho frauds at tho lalo election in his district, "while a few of us wero labor ing day and night, ufu-r tho election, to preparo the cvidonco of fraud in form for Iho consideration of tho Sen uto, tho command caino from tho Pics nlent that thero must bo no investina lion." What hnvo Radicals to say of Ibis moddling in State affair f Furth er, he touches tip the President's spurious civil service reform (Wil li is a enne ol hand that wo commend to Kadicnls for consideration. Hoar htm It was proven from day to day how tho Custom House, the l'lmtOmVo, tlio IMavy yard, tho Arsenal and the Rovcnuo ofilccs bad vomited forth their repoators, their perjured election olllcers, their loaders of gangs ol rounders, their scienced ballot-box Bluffers nnd tlio'r expert forgers of re turns, uno ny one, tiy name and of ficial position, they were pointed out. by sworn testimony that no effort was mado to impeach, und circumstantially convicted of their crimes. Notwith standing President Grant's profuse professions and publio proclamations in lavor of civil service reform, not one of these well knotcn criminals have been removal, except two or threo who havo been promoted in their respective departments. Cheap axd Pi.xntt. Tho editor of the V arrcn Ledger Bya : "Since Grant was elected President, almont every town and hnmlol has cither n candidate fur that ollice or the Vice Presidency ; but there aio hardly i ny who think themselves of so littlo im portance lis lo bo snubbed witli.iio offer of the'er office. This vms not so once. Then; ws a timo when nono but triilt' representative nin wore talked of for the high positioned tho head of this government. 'Jpo onos mentioned fir tho place stood r prominently from tho masses, ns ite- casionally tall oaks or pircs stand Ilie moiiarchs ol the forests. Hut nowfa mnn who is not fitted for iho Presi dency le. considered a poor stick, t is oven said that members of ir lown council oltcn hcsilato abnut voting fororngainsl certain measure, fearing their notion may openko BgaiiiNt thorn in somo future contf t itir tne 1 resiliency, .tiorc than lb s nlmost every member of our Stnlo Legislature, even, hns un cyo or, tho rrcsidency, for ho snys"I-n't Grant I'resiuentr And 1 know 1 am a greater man than ho." 'And in, miscruble body of men, tho most ol them reason cnrnoxtly on that noint Tho elevation of Grant was fatal to grentness. What wonder then, Hint cvory four corners has n candidate for the Presidency, nnd every school dis trict a cundidnlo for ConsrcHS, and every township n candidate for Gov ernor." lICTIKIMf rir.NATORS.-Tho follow ing is a list of tho Senators whoo terms oicpiro the 8th of October noxli Jlobcrt 1'. llechart, Hem., I'hiladel. phia : II Joiiom lirook, Hep., Delawaro countyj A. (J. llrodhoitd, Dein., Car bon j (J. li. Biiekalew, Hem .Coluinliiii; David Alumina, Hep., Dauphin) K llil. lingfolt, Hep., und J. H. Warlul, Jlop., Lancaster) llinim Kindly, Horn., Ful ton j A. A. Purman, Dem., Groene; James S. Ilittnn, Hep., Beaver j Har rison Allen, Hop., Wurron. . 'iho Hennle an at present constituted, has ll) Demoorats, 10 Hepublicans and i jioorai. i-ivo Domoaals and six Hepublicans will retire, but, the prob. nbilily is, they will bo relumed tho samo politically us thoy rotire, the Domocratagainingono in Montgomery nnd losing ono in Bedford, lllair, Ful. ton and riomorset ) this boing caused by tho apportionment of Inst year. As Good as His MASTKR.Willinm 51. Jlnnn, the loader of Iho Hadioal rowtliosol l'liiladclphin, peremptorily declines to reliro from tho delegation which was solccled to cast lh voto of IVnnsylvania for Grant Uelng asked to wilhdraw ho prcmptorily lodo so, saying to thoso who inter, viowed biin i "Guntlcinon, I am as good as tho man 1 have boon lustrum od to vnlo lor." Tliut ended the ton. veraatlon. Maantims it remains to be iuvii whut 1'oniry A tv. vi! t.ifibyuili. CTawaaaarawiiwTai-i-. i w3gnKg8 .1 Sloe It Vamhltr, Urer since bis dor-lion to the offlco of Auditor General, Hurtranft hits boon affoctod with a mania lo becomo sud denly I'tcu. Goaded by this (ever ho has engaged wildly in slock gambling. Instead ol protecting the mterssis oi Iho 'public, ho lias usou IDS oinci oi Auditor . General to advance hit own nersonal Interest. Charlos T. Ycrkoa, jr., testifies that on the 20th of Decom- 1 I., il 1.1 U-ir.HtKHI.ft Skn Dcr, no jmiu tiuiiu a inn ii .nu "sum of two thousand seven hundred 'dollars, which sum was derived from "profits on purchases of loans of the "Commonwealth) and sale of the same to "the sinking fund, ivbivhsulo wu mado "on tho 2Ulh of April) 1870." .'! . I Tho samo witness testifies that ho also "paid to John l' liartrunft vitrt "ous amounts of money for profits oris "ing from stock speculations with money "deposited with this deponent ly the "State 'lYeasurer nt the instance aj said ' llartranfl." . f j As Auditor Gonoral, and ex ojflcio commissioner of tho sinking fund, General Hurtranft found hisopprtuni ly to speculuto with tho money of tho poople of Pennsylvania. Tho funds which were employed by hi in in stock operations belonged lo the common wealth. These funds aro what Is known as tho "nncxponded balance" In the chair of Governor of Pennsyl vnniu John F. Uurtranft would havo still more extensive opportunities of jtVJulglng in his luvorito pur.nnt. iho pooplo ol' l'crtsmylvuiiia havo bocn justly jealous of the ollieo of Governor. They hnvo always sought in its in cumbent an example ol tho homely and sturdy virtues which bnve so long distinguished tho cil'rens of this coin-' moowenllh. Tho question llioy are now asking themselves Is w hether a stock gambler wbo carries on bis du bious operations with tlio public money shall receive the highest office in their cxclnsivo gilt. JNo amount of service in tho field, if it were as brilliant us that of a Princo Ktigcno or a Marlbor ough, can gild this sordid speculation of a public servant with thefundsof the commonwealth. JlarrMurg Patriot. ' a) Boil.lNO Ovkb The Washington correspondent of tho Philadelphia Mercury says : On Thursday last there was a littlo pieco performed at the Whito House in Iho presence of a fow persons, but tho principal actors on tho occasion wero Gonoral Ulysses S. Grant, representing himself, and Col. A. Fullor, of Fnyetto county, Pcnn sylvania, representing the honest Re publicans of that section of tho Slato. Tho performance was commoneod by Fuller, who gavo his Excellency to understand that in Iho nppointmont of a collector in the Twenty-first dis trict of your State, ho had violated his word in -sending to tho Senate, for that office, (ho ntimo of o man thai the Republicans of that Congressional Dis trict wero ' unanimously against. Tho President replied that ho did this at tho request of Senator Scott, Of Pennsylvania. Fuller replied that Senator Scott represented neither the Republican parly no; anybody elso In that Slato. He gave the President to understand that he would no longer sub mit to such treatment, and that lienor- forth ho would be against lum anil his Adminstrntinn, and that this act of duplicity of his would cause hundreds more to forcsakc him. 1 he President throughout the performance sat ns muto ns a mouse, and the only ovi. denco that he still lived was tho vol umes of cigar smoko that issued from his month. Strenotii of Guam's Otposition. Tho Albnny Krpress, an nnti adminis tration Hopuhlicati Journal, signifl cantly soys : In our own Slato it is safe to asstitno that at least 15(1,0(10 He publican voters nro opposeil lo Grant's reiiotniimtion. In fuel wo believe a still larger num ber would bail with satisfaction Me candidacy of some statesman who could better command the support of the party. Hut, in ordor to socm moderate in our claims, wo put tho number at 150,000. Of course, al IobhI 100,000 will accept tho action of the Philadelphia conven tion ns final, cnucltisiro and binding upon them. The remaining 60,000 wilt hold the balance of the power, and will, practically, determine for whom Ibo thirty lhrco electoral votes of thu Stnlo shall bo cast. Il is also safe to say that n majority of tho people of Now Humpshiro aro opposed to Grant, yet his corruption fund tarried the Stato for him. ' Hound to Go Undkr. That the Hudical Stato ticket sits heavr on tho slomnchs of somo of the loyal lenders, is being manifested every day. Colonel Forney does not liko tho dictatorial tone which is assumed by tho Harris burg Ttlegraph, and other organs of the Treasury Hing. He say-, "ihoro is an air of nutlioi ity hero which keen ly recalls tlio arroganco of tbo Buch anan dictatorship." That oxpresMOn shows bow deeply tho wound rankles in Jorneys chulo bosom. Ho pre dicts that disaster will inevitably ful. low n retinal lo reconstruct the Slato ticket, and tdirioks out this warning: "i tno ui'croet is ex cathcilra u it pro coeds from Mr. Husscll ISrrclt, as Ch-iii-maii of tho Hepiiblicnn Stnte Comniiltoo, wo simply entor upon tlio grout csmpuign of 1S7J wlih our right broken." Such being tho caso, both Forney and tho Hrpubliean parly would bo proper objects of pity, if llulr pnst conduct hud not placed them beyond tho pale of compassion. COMMISSION It KTl1 PINUP. Colonel D. I). Morrison, of Illinois, forwarded on Tuinduy to Jtiffororin Davis tho origi. nal commission of the latter ns Colonel In iho United States army, signed by Andrew Jackson, Presidoiil.nnd Lewis Cu-, Secrelnry of Slato. - The docu ment cunio into tho possession of the Illinois troops after tho cnpliiro of Jackson, Mississippi, and was returned to Davis, accompanied by u cordial loiter from Col. Morrison, his old com panion In the Mexican campaign, tor initialing ut Huonn Vista TsiAt. PosTroNKn Thosncond trial of Mrs. Whurton, beforo the Court nt Annapolis, Ima been postponed until October next, in consequence, of the illness of that lad-, as cortiflcd lo by hor physiciiin. Tho opinion is ex pressed that it is extremely doubtful whelhor she would over recover from tho fcoblo health and great debility produced by tho exoiloment through which she hns passed.- Mrs. Wharlon is desirous that tho Citso shard, I mil coed, but hor physician protests against it, aim mo mates-Attorney and At torney General do not feel disposed to press it under the circumstances. There nro in tho UnTtod States two hundred and sixty ono soldiers who have lost both eyes, bno hundred and eighteen who lost both legs, clj'.w.t who lout both feet, fivo who lost Loth hands, thirtv-two who Ir, v m a h Ijixlcvi! who Jool it) iiii,'t(,,aulog RfiH Tun RiNti Nominiim. From all parts of the Commonwealth still como up loud and deep denunciations of tho ring nominations on tho radical Slato tickety Wftrron tounty,;tbo lunno'of Harrison Allen, tho ring candidate for Attditor-Gsnoral. Is in open " revolt against his election, f Tho bust iio publicans iif the neighboring county of J'lrfo dvolsro thill they will not sup port him. No nomination could bo moro distasteful to the pooplo of the oil regions, wbo point to bis record as proof that ho lias always been hostile to their best into rents. Grunt's nntion is tho straw that will broak tho camel's back. .. 95w. 3.flwrtl5rmrot5.-,.,v. rHE' CniCAGO :' '': , )) j, novelty: 'a .li ART, EXHIBITION, AND DOLLAR,, STORE!,. r: i Open ever diiy and evening, neat door to the Kevitone ritore, on Hooonil atreeU Tha larffret itoek of CIIOIl'B J'R'U'HM eror plfered far ale in Clearfield I . BBAUTiri't. cunoitosi i, . i ,i....-,.a , FINE OIL .'AlNTlNOilt only to be seen l be admired. A cardial luvitallon II ealended lo Ibo ladlet and gentlemen of Clearfield to make us a visit PA II DON. Notice li hercl.r given that an ajipllcation will be made to the Kxoeutive (or the iiardon of Isaac Slorrisou, ivlio waa eon- vlctedat the January term, ISflV, and eentvticr'l to leveii vean and liz month! imprisonment in tno Western 1'enltentiary, mayl-t ISTRAY. Caino trcspamiingon tho J premises of the luhacrlher, resiiling In Fer guson lonrnship, on or about the 1 at of last July, a Hed Bull, with white fooe. - The owner Is re. quested to come furward, prove property, py eberges anil take biin awav.orha will he disposed or aecwling to law. M1LL1A.H UtAU, n . May I, t7T2.-3t ' . A LIAS MOIICK. In tlio matter of purl I (ion autl riluttiuo of tli titat of lunn uerga iur. into ai jjurofiao lownnuip, OMl'J. To tlt hert and U'tfnl rrnreftrntativrt of John BergtmiJrr, drernietl : Von and each of yon are hfjrauv noliSt J l and in pear at an Onihanr Court to bo lie)i at Clfarfleld, In and for Clear field oonoty, on Monday, J una 3d, A. D. 1572, to ancrpt or refine to awpt tbe roai tilata of John UurKnnder dcecard, at the appraitwd raloation or iliow eauae why the tame sfanald not be lold. n v the loiin, r, A. MAVKIt, Hmident J A. W. Lr.R. Clrrk Orpbani' Court. my I TS THU I'OUHTOI' COM Mil S PI.EAM J. of I'k-arnehl county, 1'a. " I No. 47. Man-b Term, IST0. Jv Wri.o. r rt7. ) 'l AttaehmenU ! Notiee ia berehy given lo those Interested that the Snal aoeount of the Trosleee in the above stated ease uas been duly Bled in my nmee. A. C. TATK, May 1st 1.H72. Prolhonotary I Jl THE I'lll'RTIIK CUM HUM Pl.V.A of riearftuld eounlr, IN Whereas an aniliclin hsl been mJc (by rl- titlon filed) osl.iiig ssid eourt to giant a charter of Inforporation to !. It. Kod, J. A. Hlnttinbcr gi r, L. 11. I.lngle, T. It. HUn It and ot ion, andar the nnnie, style and title of the "Osceola fluilding and Loan Assneiatina.M and if no sufficient reason ii ibunn to the ountrarr it will be wanted at the June term neat, in aoeordanee with tha Aot of Assentity epp otal ihe 12th of A nil, lfj. A. C. TATK, Jlay I Jt. Prolhonotary. ' TOWNSHIP AUDITOHS' SKT .1 TI.KMKNT. Report of the Auditora of Pike towosbip, for A. D. 1S7I : John Illooin, Ahrala llalley and John Norris, (fur iwo unmet; ruperviHn or rike township, In account with the Hoad funds of Mid township. JOHN BLOOM, Ha To ami. of tax levied, $411 56 It) J. 1. lllonin overwork, 4 IK) to unseated order, , 3) 00 To cah rec'tl 1. Caldwell, ! 11 00 To bal. tljejni). I' per order on 8up. 0 79 Cn. By work by ci'ii-nif-iup. 4.12 70 Ry eioneiationa, 10 Oj By per ciNitnge, , M 00 II $40.1 3.1 $1(1.1 35 A11RA.M HAII.KV, 1). Tosml. Inx levied, 1S7I, To un lea led order, To caah ree'd I. Caldwell, Bal due Bailey, ns per or- ! ' der on Supervisor, Cn. $186 35 37 SO 11 IKI 9 03 By exonerations., fly work by ciliiena, Uy Supervisor A inttling, Hy percentage. Hy lax not woikd aud trnnif 'd to nenl Super. 1 75 1M 30 44 00 !) 25 S 52 $243 8 $243 88 JOIIS NORRI3, 1st D strict, D. To ami. Inx leved, 1871, $199 05 37 50 10 80 1 0 umealerl order, Tucmh fiotrt I. Caldwell, Ca. My exon eraliona, lly Koik by ciiuona and Supervisor, Hy per cetitage. Hy cssli lo I. t'nldwell, 35 237 0 42 7 21 $247 05 $247 05 Id Diitrlet, lit. To ami. of lax lovied. $122 14 To unieated order, 3T 60 To ca h from 1 Caldwrll, 3100 Cn. By a oik by oiliieua and Sup. iriiii Mr centals, 477 08 lly rer'ta for emit pil. it ue.sra on bridge at Cur waniville, g (j Hy casta lo I- tuhlwell, 4 -40 ! ; $l! CI ?4H0 C4 ISAAC, Du. To emh le-o'd Irom Co. Treaa. for Iml. ol unseat ed tax for IrllW anil 'til), $T:33 50 To caili J. Notrn,up.'7 1 : 4 01 Ca. Hy ree't il. D. Swoope, , 60 00 by ree l J, t. Krn,r, 25 6J l!y Stipett V reo'is for 1H70: . A. Slum, f'J5 00 .1. V. I'.ile, 34 0t 11. Miller, l(j Levi Ulocni, 4 02 " 70 23 By Suierv.a' reo'ta lor 181 : A, llalley, $U UO J. Nun is, 21 hd J. Hlooui.jr. 11 DO 4,1 po Hy roc't ol Jcliu Noirli, to py on brulgn, - 20 00 ! ' Hy caitli paid for making luplienitia, ollloe rent It niijjer boat (Is By casta tid T. Humphrey, bal. due ton nslitp, $238 11 $2.18 II D. 1). HITTER, Overseer of the Poor for Pike "r"'"''' c,gunt Mll township for Da. . To bal. from lat year, ( , $J7 80 To misli fioiu 11. Uwen. 10 00 To bal. due (rota ll.Uwens on last yr, 0 35 Tocnili from Curtvenavill bor. fr im, '70 rt- '71, ' ' 130 00 : C. - Hy ensli paid for anppnit ' of Nancy lWrlmt, 120 52 By errptV wspmr,"' - JO 01"' Bal.-dt) tQraibip, ; stl t'i $167 21 $107 21 We. tt a.rtlgnea, Antlitora of Pikr, towu. hip, have examine d Ihe anonnnii ol John lllnnm. Jr., Abratfl Dal ley and John Nortli, Pupervlsorii .a vmuweii, Arensurer, ana is. u. Kilter, over, iver of the Ppnr rnr laid township for 1871, and flud them a. anovw stated. JAMKS T. BLflOM, ' ' ' ' M. 1.. C. KVAHM. ,t,;t, h Jhaav,Dwei.i Aulilor:, On Friday, Ajiril mix, 1872, Ilot mm ' from HilUdc-liihla wlrh k larit and eleini a.s.mment r.Mll.l.INiiitY and rA.M'V UOUJet, and win uava all tne iewoex ' Spfing and Summrf Stylci OP BONNETS, HATH, FI.OWKII8, ItrilllONS, - DKBrlS TMIMMINtlH, NOTIOXH, JKWKI.HV, Ao. These douds will be told si greatly mluetd nrlee, and will be from the most hitilonalikt houiei in the eily April 24 3t. Al ItS. WATSON, Kent door lo now P. O. hts:&;caps, BOOTS & SHOES, o ... J in :' : . GEMS' IIRMSHIG GOODS. CAM. at 1.. t'I.KHAL'8 new Blurs, opposite Ki-llov. lligler'a reiiilenee.on beoond street, Clearfield, Pa., and viauiine bit Ana atock of HOOTS & SHOES, ' . , HATS & CAPS, Gunt's Fun.Nisni.NU Goons, TKUNKS, VALI3RS, 4c;-r. r.. I , . Of which h Ii unnntlx wuirinn lutf nrl m nit uf tlio varjr Jftlci. mi belt Hy'., K tilth he will tlir'ioM gftvt . ; . Astonishingly Low Prices! LA DIE. I hve on hand ft larf-e n wtl) rlrcted itock ut ihof ef,br''' hand w wrd KIOHUCCO nl LAoiiNU (JAITKItS, which 1 un mfrly rMoiotiiPni in he the in the mar ket. Call and riataioa tbem. (IKXTT.FMKX, ny itnrk of riftifsdln- Ocr.da it eomnWe. I have nil th nerfltin in Pcnrfi Tloi, CraTttti, lUnilorcfiiffi, Underwear, Mm pfivlerr, Collan, Uiovra, Jloiierv, Ac., torrhrr with a rtnplet aiporttnent of White and Cloth Bhtru. I haron hand a lit-; and wr ttUcttd itoek of Hatr and Capi uf the i . . : t - i ':' Very Latest Styles! Alio, TmnVi, VallaM, Itnilrnad Par. CmWHaa, Canet, ami manr oihrr riletrt( Imth orfnl and ornamental, which will le rold at fair rate. afThs citiatnc f Claarnald and Tieinitjr art reKttctfuli.T Invited to rail and examine my joodr hoforo yarchanug iHnrwhctP. LUVKR FLEGAL. Clcartsld, Ta, Feb. 7, 1872. , N T K W GOOD SI - Xew Firm nt Wallnccton, F. JOHN HOLT k KOXS Havo bou-ht the entire vtiek of forida from P. Onllafher, and are receiving a general assortment of new guodi from lbs Kaaleru situs, iucb al Y GOODS, ' CLOTHING, GKOCKKIES, QUEKXSWAHK, llAUDWAPK, ' HOOTS SHOES, '. HATS k CAPS, , BACON, FISH, . . SALT, FJ.oun, FKED, Ac, ki '., To e xebanira for Tounlry Prudnee, Railroad Tire, Lumber or CASH. October IS, 1S7I. 1872. 1072. SPRING GOODS I J. M. KRAT2E11 la just receiving a large and attractive Block of Spring Oouds, IRV 11000H, DBRS OOODS, 61IAWJ.F, CARPETS, I.ADIKH' A CUH.DllKX o FIIOLK, WALL TAPtltS, Ac. . . Clearllcld, March (, 1S71. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COIT.SB THE CHEAPEST! Proclamation against High Trices! WB are now opening tip a lot of the bcit and most lenlonahle Uuudl nnd lVam ever olTired in this market, and it irlees that nmlml one of the good old dnrs of cheap things. Those who luck faith upon this pnint, or dct-m our alle gations superfluous, nevil but CVff.I, .IT OIH STOItt:, Cumer Front anil Market ilraeta, Where thev rnn see-, feel, bear and know fur them ndvoa. To fully understand what are cheap goada, this must be done. Wa do not deem It acseaearv to onniaerate and Item Ire our itock. ll is enough fnr us to state that We have Everything that is Necdod and consumed In this market, and at lirlcei that .lnkl.k .11 1 wis viu snu vnung. '" .-wDSKPII SHAW A SON. EAIUiAISS IX MUSICAL IN-8TRl.VK.NTS!-Orgsm, both new and srennd hand, at the Musio Store next donr lol irst Nalioual Hank. All per lens inlercMed are Invl ted lo call and eiamiiie a new el vie nf Organ now on eikibiiinn. Phut Music and Musio lloeki fimitanllt on baud. a).':! tltf Ji'l E. M. SCHEUREH, . HOildOPATHlC PBTSI01A.V, J Office in Uasoulo Iluildlog, Aprll!4.1a7J. ' ccerlleH, Pd. ITR A V tOW.!ry.d fion thapremlioi Jof the subioriher, an Laurel Hu i large light red cow, about or year. eld. Tha last ?. .' ,,,, " n lb raeidenea f A. L. Ugden, in Lawraaoe townaelp. Any la. formation of her whoroahoiite eaa bo left M thu t fflce, and Ibe pereon taking bar ap will be snlta l l.v rtwatJid. (all an A. JOL fl.ntiutru. 1 ' " ANNOUNCEMENT ,,T , :-' t.. . - , REDUCTION OF' PRICES! .li I ;.!.! . . , II V N. lOrlTl.R ll A IV, I), I),,, I' , IMPORTANT Tltt'Tn?: . Having lueeeeded In getting a liglilcr liriffoi roaterinl, benee the ton aad-wa'Artti. eharri for partial and full lets of Teeth. I mi th, nusnnfactura of teeth awl other material, aij ftpemt lum registered and warranted to glre sir. vioe and Httitaetlon. ieudi, rrllect that iny aharges for tbi Inset, tion of ertiltcial and lb laving of the aatani teeth are now the moetreaeanebleln PenaiTlvants, Preicrvo vbur tcctb aud yon preserve bealtki Pulling of the natural teem in healthy, art. eervative and netful eondition ia made a specialty. l)lsaases and mal formal ions autumon loth, moatk! aw and avsoeiale parts, are treated aod correct! with fulr luooeii. xaioiualiuni and eonsuita lloni rnai. It would be well for palicirls from a distance le let ma know hy mail a lew dayi belure eomigg to the oOlee. Il is very Important thai children between tt. Hi s of ils and twelve) years should have tb.ii teeib examined. Ana-ithetlca are adiulnlitentl and Teeth n; mnved without paio. liispositiotii and eharactrr aro judged by ill the world by the expreliioul of Ibo face, hunts bow very ilirastroui miy if therefore be fur per. roni to Ind-iTge an eviirrnion of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (nt artificial) eamforti and plrasurci, icipecl aud uliry natural limplicitiu and in it iml. rl. PUBTKH rJHAW, 1). D. H. Office In N'cw Mns-mic Jluilding, Second itre.1, Clearfiild. P.i. . febl47 DENTAL CARD. Du. A. il- IIILI.3 2lTTD,",,Id .v t liti aticnti nd tba pub lio Kt iii.rt.lljr. tlial, Lurinit diitolrpd piiinrhl wi'h lir. Mihw, Um U uow (Win tk utir work of hi office biuvwlf, n thnt pfltirrrtf nffd not fear bcinjt put anJ'T llm bnndt ot an; ih opertitt ClcarCrM, Xurh 2, n72-tf. J. M, STEWART, D. D. S.f Office urer Irwin'f Drug Store, UiP CI RWEXSVILI.E. PA. All dental operatione, either in tbe roochantal oroparuliva bmnrl , promptly attended to ml l.tishuitiun riiiranteid. Fpti-ial al'rnlion pai lo the treatment of duieasei of the nntura! tcetk gumi and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth im! ccssfully corrected. Teeth eilraeted without mla l ytlieumof Kllii r, and artificial teetb inserted of the lievt material and warranted to render nt. Itfaetinn. anrll3li'7llv .isrflliuitous. A Move in CunvensiUlc! J; R. IRWIN, Druggist, CIT.WE.NSVII.LE, TA. HAS removod bil Prtig Ftora to bil acw rooms, tbrea doon west of bis old rand, aod takes this orpmtunity of tk-iulung his ola onstomorl fur llieir liberal pa-runage, and bopei hy cloaa alteatiun, combined with a acloct itnek or goods, to merit Its coutiuuiiucc no tbe part ef all hia old eo.lotaers, and lecir that of msay new ouei. Pice b-ire bim a cull. ,- ' j. n. ilwix. Cnrwriut'.ue, M.rcb il, I S 7 5 C ui . WATCHES! WATCHES. I bare a We liocb of AMHKICAH 'i'-J'A and SWIS? WATlHlKS. of tho dif.r im rradm. In from two to iht aunt cmh T fft r trica for ral LOW, and (uaraolf tbem lo glre nitre 3t)ifctloii. JZWELEY! JEWILRY I A good ftuirtntnt of Ladlea' and Oeoi't .rwalr; vt th latnt fyUi! Alwajt CttiD voeoathlaf nt ! - - I wuulJ ak LuuitMen and nlhart who ta ttaJ porrbab'ng call and tec bj tock bitfttr guir f lo tha citiea, ai I aa viry ar I caa all Watchu aa low aa tbty eaa a boult, bakUaa Iht diffarcaea la dlitanea la tbe stent of tha goodi proving dtfaotira. ATI kinilaof UEPAIRINQ In my Una promptly al travail to at ifaa atora oa Eacond trct, oppo ita tha Court tIotb For your l.baral npport in tha put I aia vary thaokluL. 8. I. FSfDRfl. y " "A TTliJITlON! JT8T FOR A MOMENT I Art yon ia nrrd of a gnrd art of 17 am cm ? Arc yutt in aH af a mtU Bdllaar Bridle f If m, aaM at tha Sa-LDe nrj llnrnosi Shop af JiiBS V, Ha1i i, wdere yoa eon Kt lha licit ia the anarkiU loubkiod .Sinla llaror-i and U- ilira'oad ieL' Stlillruf apriur varkntaathip, always ou imnd r monafaolnrrd to ord-r. Pp" tl at;ention it oa-ikii to ny tiovk ot Oliart on4 lliunci, aich ora tbo bcit ir ura. I atau harraa Mirtmeot of Pa J Jim' iUrdwarv. wbich will bt U)Hseij uf at rcuMiiMf rtv$. Frpairinj of all kirx U pruniplly attendrd to. L"D't fur(ett pall btlure pun liano oltrnbcro. , Simp in 014 Pwt OiTi. Marbat atr. rJfurDal. Pa. May , 1971-ly. JUI1N C. HAKW ICK. - AJ K W STOKE IN HOUTZDALK! P. (1 Al.t.AlIlIUR l.iiing just returned froat (he east with aa entire new and oomph te assort ment of MercV-.iidis", suitable for Winter and Spring trade, which hal been selected wilb grelt rare mid bouftlil at l.iw ralea, is pnpared to fur nish (tic cilut-ns of Iloutritalo aud vicinity witk goiMls at a vory light advance on fint eoil for ensh. t'ouutiy Pniduca end Shingles taken at inniket pri'M. Call and cjutmlne nay stock before putvhu.iiig elM wbcre. P. OALL.Ulllht1.. lluntldnle, Pa., Feb. SS, lSV.'-ll" t Ii v CLiri'F.R -MOWER AND REAPER! Mrsr-PM II. KIHX, Agttt. Ll'TllliKs-BlK'l, PA. , Tbii U a true centre-draft machine, will l trake your horsei' neoki tore. The lighten drift, the neatest an I the most durable machine in lb. world. Thou wishing lo buy a good mower, er; trover and reaper eeiuMncd, will hud it to their advanii-ra ta examine tbii machine. Itescriptiva trtuphhl et on atiolleiillMi. apl!l-3ni CI U riOX. Allriwsonsaro bereliy eaali.nM. J aif.ilnst pur-Uniiiig or In any way meddling with tha lulloivliig property, now In the posses sion of John M. lent, ol O. -eole, aa the aane be longs to mo, end ii left with biin on loan enlt, ubjeet to my orderi : One roan bona one gray mora, 1 isti nf barnesa. aplrl-ma a B. JIYT0N. It K A 1 T II I S ! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The atlenltun of Ilia ciliaeus of Clearfleld and vicinity li Ulrcol. 1 lo Ilia tli.t Uuu Ifrllnw A Son are the agmla af M. Nieea A Co., and have luet rvcnlred a half doaen ear ioada of Flour sad Feed, which ihey vfler at the lowest poesihle fig ares. A lug. itojk of ' - ' ' 1 FLO IK, CORN MEAL, CUOr, liLCKWnEAT TLOfR, BRAN, Potatoes, Sl.olled Corn, Cora in ear, Ac, le. Particular allanUe la raited l M. Nice A Co.'i brm.1 of 1'au.lly Flour, which ii the belt in tha market. ( wl ; . - - : FMrwbl rVtilein and will In (old chair" than It can be c'jtalned in I'leeriihl enunly. StT-f lrt nn Market it reel, lot 4oo ! I'M. Alexander lrria'i reiidenee. COODFEII OW PO, iul:f A. uttf"rM. M'ceAC I