THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. . WEDNESDAY M01.N1NO. APRIL 17, IR.'J. Terms of Subscription, Tf paid In advance, or irithiy three uionlhi ...2 00 1 f paid after threw aij before six inuuths..... 1 50 3 f paid alter the expiratiua of sis mnnlha... 1 00 tj All articles to insure lancrtioa In this papor should be handed In early oh Tuesday murniiig, at we go to press at 12 o'clock, (noun.) RELICilOUS NOTICES. Method lit Rpleeopal Church Her. A. D. Yocin, Pastor. Puhlie Horrien every Sabbath M 164 A.M., ud n P. M. Habheth School at V A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at 7 P. M. Communion Bervioe, first 8abbatb of every asnntb, at lu4 A. M. Ht Andrew' I'hurrh F!)iBenpklHRT. flnoaaa 11 ill. Pullie tiervioe morning at 10 o'clock, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at S P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. I'reftt terlan Churrh Rev. Mr.BrTi.K. Puiilio Service every Sabbath, morning tod even ing. Mt. fraticla Churrh tatliollr TIot. T. J. Mi Mi i.-Mim at 10 o'clock A. X., on the neeond and fourth Sundays of neb month. Jlruniuui lit. Itev. Bitsliop Ker- 'foot will offioiat in St. Andrew'! Kpiscopal ohurrh, -in Ik it plane, oa tbs evening or tba 23d intt. Servlcef to commence at half past ecven o'clock. Oroanizi-.d. It will bo noimeJ by aa article elsewhere, taken from tint Williainsport Standard, that llto "West Branch Lumber man ' .Exchange" baa been organised in that city. Burned. Tho largo, stoom tannery at Jersey Shore, owned by Juhn A. A U. Uamble, h destroyed by Ire on tba 3th. It had bsca In operation ever thirty year. The lota li heary. Oror $A,000 worth of bark wai consumed. TnnowN Out Wo observe by our exchanges that Clinton county la left out of the Congressional Apportionment bill, but we put It to our district anyhow, because It belongs to our family. a i in School Supkrintkndknt. The nt- tentioo of the School Directors la called to Mr. fiuyder's proclamation, in relation to the election . of a County Superintendent, on Tuesday, the 7th .day of May next. Illfill U'lNimT Vory romnrkuble high winds prevailed last week, greatly to tho de tention and injury of the lumbermen. On Wad set Jay, at Lock II area, a largt number of rafts were driven over the dam by the wind. Messrs. "Wearer A Detts had two, and Mr. 8. Mitchell and Mr. J. B. Orahnm one mob, among the drift. Amtici'LTUHAL SctNE. On Monday, the 1Mb of April, we witnessed a rare aeene. While watching the descending enow flnkcafrom the Sheriff's offloe window, we observed Kx-Qor. Bigler, making garden with bif overcoat oa. "While raking a bed he evidently became chilled and bllndrd with the mow, and straightening himself np, shrugged his shoulder, holding on to a rake in one band end with the other buttoning up his overcoat and adjusting bia mittens. In romanee, the scene might bo termed "the chilling effect of gardening in a snow storm." Liuki.ei). B L. lk'wiu, ex member of the Legislature from Blair county, has brought libel salt against the editor of the Altoona Hnn, for jest comments on the course of that Individual while a member, and particularly ou the boom bill, lie will hart to Aew-tt very closely If ho anececdl In overclouding or darkening the Sun't rays by aa attempt to gut himself a obaracter in .court, after spending two terms in the Legislature wholly in the Interest of a corrupt ring. We shall likely bear Moor of this oas before Hew itt gnts iila 'Vlilfis " Rmtomhtr, the JWa rwAWioas will ia mmr9 krih J thm m mt mm j..., wt bile shining on the face of a "ring" member of the Legislature, even in beclouded Itlalr. Mailino Newspapers. An ordor bas gone oat fur a at riot enforcement of the new regulations oa newspapers sent by mail ) and as oar reader! nay oot all be posted with reference to what they are, we son dense them at follows : Name of sender oannol be written on paper, aa was tbe old custom i no memorandum or Intelligible Inscription must be mado Inside the wrapper; no printed eard, band bill or advertisement must be enclosed ; no written notice, letter or written slip of any kind eaa be folded In ; printed slips solicit ing notices of the press putted inside newspapers or periodicals, or on the outside of the wrapper, are in violation I also cross marks to Indicate that obseriptioni bare expired. All other regulations are as formerly. A violation of any of these points object tbe matter to letter postage, and tbe per petrator to a floe. West Branch Lumbermen's Ex- -nufcuR. On Monday the Lumbermen of the West Branch met at tho Court Iloose, Wlltiameport, for the purpose nf organising under the charter of the West Branch Lumbermen's Exchange. The meeting was well attended, representatives being p rosea I from Lock Haven, Dcllefonte, Clearfield and other placet. The meeting was organized hy electing ID. M. rack, President ( F. K. Krobiok, Secretary. The obarter wai then adopted, and a committee ap pointed to draft articles of association and by-laws, rhLch having been reported were adopted. A Board of Directors were elected, eousistiug of Kdgar M anion, Henry White, D. M. Pock, J&r rett Tinsman, H. P. Harrows, Henry Drown, Win. R. Young, Wm. II. Armstrong, R. M. Foresmaa William iport ; W m. A. Rimpson, Pan) II. Merrill, A. 0. Ho(ikini-Utk Ilavcnt J. B. Wal!o Clcarflcla. Thr directors met and elected fc lfnr Uunsoit, Yr p. U. Pock, Vice Prrbint, John W. Yavearer, and V. b). Kjihlok, Secretary. ttt ewmtnitteei of arbitration and appeal f tejfteoted at the next meeting to be bold at r o'clock, aext Tuesday afternoon. Wiffr'amsperf .Jttan Jnrd. Acts or Ashemblv. Holow will bo .found two Acts paescd by the Ueaeral Aseembly, twlMlM to Mm m of (he ota prima, and reg- .ulating the wages or "apervisore. Auditors, Ortr swers of the Poor and road and bridge viewers in Clear Irld county t , Aa Ad le avthorite the eaemrf of Cletrileld to sslt lb old bildin Ht lu. fwriiw I. it tl tnwttd hg Ute 5eatfr mad Hhm . H'prrmMit of fks CommnmwrnUk nf ' .svraHta ta (Jrmtrvi Anrmblg m,t, mmd U is htr,i9 .(Nfidcff a i4 ffNfWtfj o tkr wnmt. That the .eominitiMonera of the county of ( learnt Id ahail it and tbny are hereby am hurl ted and empower ,ed to tell, at putMo outcry or vendue, at the court 'house in fkarndd, ua a day to be by them Bird, t (t'T Ight weeks' notice by adverliaement .n twu nwipapra in said ouanty, all I bos two .iwrtain lot et hmd aituate in lUm boron ih of f'lear firtd and known in the plut thereof as Ms number ninety-throe and one hundred and two, either sep arately or jointly, aa they may dt-termino, and UHtn Wch Ursns at they may Ox, not leae than one-third oah with bond and mortgnxo upon the premisM for the remainder ; and thu pare biter or pnrchwnrs thereof ehall bold, take and enjoy the ?ui, free and discharged fruai any trust or claim y the county f Clearfli-Ul and lur attch into as it postdates in said loU f land ; and the said ewm mi ti lowers shall make report of I ho sale of aaid lot to the court of common pleas of L'learfirld county, which mIk, If in due foria and in aerord anee with tbe meaning, and spirit of tbisaol, shall bo approved and entered of record therein. , vmwr.nV w ao i4 A Act te Ntereeee tfce ney of tuaervieept of reads. (Keeaeen f we Per, BHeea Vtewere ead tewa etiip Awditers kt ClearOeM emiaty. faiTioa I. Biittmtfrd,, that the dally pay .of mperviaort of roads, overseers of the pour and .towmhfp auditors In the several tnwnrhips and bnrnafrhe of CUmrweld county shall be Uo dnllart, , andall lawt tataasistent bnwitb are hereby rt hnc S. That the prtivlsleaa of an net entitled "An Act M inerea the pay ef mad and bridge viewers and surveyors, in the eoenty of Huaoue aenna," approved April tenlb, eno lk uand e(Kht hundred and titty-aina, be and the tame it hers-1 by attended, to the eoiaty of Ctearleid. (The act referred to will be frond on aage U, i ' Pamphlet Laws of M, and albnrt road anl hrfdgt vlawtri twa dollbrs per day and aorreyora j four dollars per day for every day necessarily em ployed, And la addition to their daily pay, each j viewer and surveyor shall be entitled to mileage I l tae rate of tea ft-arti for each mile aeoeasaiily traveled frombisfwaldcnea w lh nearrst point of the road r Vridgc to hc rirwed. Ka Rrprn.) Small - Tox For nearly four months a huge effort has been made by some boiy bodiua to lotroduoa this malady into gar midst, so far as ordinary gab, gossip and downright lyl. could mooted. But we are thankful that np te the preheat not a single ease baa ooeurrcd In our borough. Every ailment or disorder with which mortals are afflicted ii at once turtnred Into mnall pox. But somehow they neither kill nor come out. Some people will te greatly disappointed and will be In want of a subject to talk about, if our borough should escape. Pkimaht Election.--The period for canvassing for county offices will soon be here. From the look of things, tbe eenvaaa will be s very quiet one, so far as our local ticket la concerned. Assembly, Commissioner and Auditor, arc all tho offices wLlch are to be Oiled. Mr. Lawihe baring bvbared himself, and made an excellent member, will of course be irturnod without any serious op position. Who tho candidates will be for the otb er offices named, we cannot aonjeeture. Aa the primary election falls on tbesecond Satnrday,the eb of Ji ne, the announcement of the names of candidates will be In orderpn and after tbe 8th of May next, at which time we will with pleasure credit the several aspirants with the nsual fee in such oases made aod provided. List of letter, remaining unclaimed In the Post office at Clearfield, for the week ending nprii mm, iom Aeten, W. B. A Co. Lewis, Ceorge E. Avery, A.J. Marion, liavicr. Barnhouse, Elisabeth. Miller, W. A. Bust, Bobcrt ii. McDonald, Hannah M. rrowell, Clark. (?) Pounds, W. W. Clark, Mrs. Margaret. Peel, John. Iuvall, George, Bees, John R. Ilagney, Jhn. St ires, Henry, llendiey, John R. Toot, J. C. Itl.fTmitn. MnllUJe Tk.N.r.., JroittO M. Luce, Mrs. Mary. Worts, Miss Mary, P. A. UAULIN, P. M. Snow. Quito a snow storm viaited this region on Monday, giving things the appear ance of mid-winter, but the warm sun of yesterday toon drove It away, and spring ia"berpeir again." Specials, 1 Just received a large lot of Garden Tools at Beckett A 6ohryvers. Call and examine them. April 17-2t. Hosiery from 4 to 7i cnts per pair, at PlogtilV Waxtbh. A girl to do general housework. In a family of three, In Clearfield. Wages liberal. pr!7-3t A. M. Hills. Have yon icuo tho I'airvrsal Shirt at Flcgal's? To see it to buy. Ilonsa ron fli.n. Rev. W. A. Clfppingcr, has left his excellent family horse in my custody, for sale. For terms, Ac, apply at the First National Bank, Clrarfleld. April, 17-31. Wit. II. Diix, Rents, go and ace the Cl-KanriRLD Hat, at F legal'. Oppression after eating, hvaUaube, nervous de bility, are tbe effects of indigestion. One, or two at most, or Parson's Purgative Pills will ghe im mediate relief. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment may be adminis tered to children with perfect snoooss, in cases of croup, whooping eongh, inflncota, and almost any of the disease In which they are liable. L. F legal baa just returned from the East with a large and well selected stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters aod hlippirs. Our buyer, W. Reed, is now in Now York and Philadelphia, and about tbe 20tb of April we will be receiving our new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Call and examine. IUko Bros. Clear fluid, April 17, lb72. Gentlemen, now It tho time to buy your hats. L. Flcgal bas the largest assortment and latest styles in the county. Buy your Brest Goods of Reed Bros. Buy your Notiooa and Trimmings of Rood Bros. . Fin I-1. r u. u.. Buy your ti bawls of Heed Bros. ' Buy your Furnishing Goods of Reed Bros. Buy your Underwear of Reed Bros. Buy your Hats and Bonnets of Heed Bros. Buy all your Millinery goods tf Reed Bros. Buy yojjr Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes of Reed Bros, Buy yonr Carpeti of Reed Broa. Buy all tba goods yoa can buy of Reed Bret., and you will save money. aprl7-3a. Heavy Kip Boots, only 1,00 at Flcgal's, Light Kip Boot, only i, at Flegal'a. French Calf Boots, only 6,00 at Flegal'a. Common Oalf Boots, only S,7S at Flegsl't. Uo and sea for yourself. Just received from Philadelphia Oardenen, a fresh supply of Garden Seeds, including Onion Setts, at the Drug Store of Apr.lO-U lUaTtwiCK A Inwisr. Siui x Pol. To avitid nud aso every precau tion against this terrible disease la a duty w owe to ourselves and uur fellow men. Persons going down the river run great risk, and by all means should be provided with a preventive. The "Brooklyn Hospital Small Pox Preventive" em. bodies to a considerable extent 1 bo virtue of a j entire dislnfeotant, and no one going d'jwu the river should be without a package of it. It is put up in convenient packages, anil e-.o he carried in an Inside coat pocket. For sale, by A. 1. Shaw, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa,, at tU small sum of 2b oonts. For Wall Paper, gq to Weaver A Belts. FAnurna, Tai Nortrn. II. F. Bigler A Co. have Ir.n and Wood Single and Double Shovel Plowj, Wood and Imn Cultivators, Steel Culttva .Jr Teeth and Shovel Plow Shovels, Iron and Wood Plows, Hill tide Plows, Ac, Ac apMm. II. F. BU1LER A CO. RArruEN, Takn Notick. Ooodfellow A Son have oa hand Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, and other provisions, which will bo told to raft men at the right figures. Store on Market street, opposito the Shaw House. W cover A Butts hare just received 10,000 rolls of Wall Paper. None, rorni Diiviri.cs ov taAo, After April 10(b we will have tho largest assort ment of Bahiug tackle ever brought nest or the Alleghtnies, consisting of Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks, Lines, Bait Boxes, Ac, Ac. AU disciples of Isaao Walton art Invited to sail and examine our stock. H. f- BiftLKR A Co. Man 17, Dr. f. Platto, Keleotle Physician and "urgeon offers bia sir vices to the people of Clearfield nd vicinity, and will be In readinert to attend all professional calls, hy diy or night. Offlo on Reed street, wt-st or Lot depot, Clearfield, Pa. May 31, 11)71 tf XoTirn to GiRnnxKRs. All those In need of a good out fit of garden-making tools, should eal at II. F. Bijtler i Co.'s, wbrr they will find a large assortment of fpadrs, spado forks, sbotcls, hoes, and rakes of all kinds, apl3-m FrtMR (lnot:n l'l.Asrin.Keccived at Corner Store hy car load and for sale by K. A. A W. D. Ihwi. Curwcutvllle, Mareh 1.1, 187X. Wall Paper at any price, from 13) te SO cents a boll, at WVavrr A Petit. Near fUckton, n April fllh, f"2, by p. Pnaaa Lrt, Esq., Mr. ROBERT W. UK I II) to XI its LI DIR J. LVTl-Kbwlk of Law rone township. On April 1Kb, 173, by Rev. Ann. TrioUM, Mr. D. B. McCI'LLT, or Pbilipshnrg, to Miss SAUAH C. WI3E, af Knox tonmhib, Oa April 1st, lH.'J, (a Smiukvbnrg, Indiana eoanty, by Rev. Joist Cjtnrrnant, Mr. ADAM UriKTII, if Hell townibip, ClearfleM eoanty, to Miss R. O. ARMOVR, of Marion, Pa. Oa April Tib, Jfl72, at tha rre of tbe bride's parents, In Rpynoldsvllle, by Rev. A ami? MiLti, Mr. CHARLES H. GORDON to Mist MOLLIR M. DO V La, both of Reyaoldsvill. Tbe rtmembraaea of lb printer which atwom paaled this net lee, h trident that the happy fMl art starting right. The good) wishes and bearty ongratelatient ef tbe whole corps art ex tended to tbem, as well a bar hope for a peaceful and prosperoni Juarney down Ihj vtrran of time. Ilnntingiln) papria p)rsopy. COUGHS AND COWP9. There are fw persons who are aware of tbe Im portance of attending to a cough or a cold at its erst appearance. The thousand who die annually i)i consumption, were first attacked with au light" oourh or cold, which they thought would soon "wear" itself off, end then-fore negleeted to use the pro pur remedies aulil tbey hrcauie incurable. Every day thut a oogh, cold, or any lung dis ease is neglecUd, make tbe cUaooei of a cure more uncertain. We would recommend all aufl'er ing from any disease of the Lurifts whatever, to e IUsjmix'b CuMi'ot'xnSvntror Tar. It never fails in earing the worst eaes af cooghe, colds, hoarsenep, sore throat, oaunh and aattimav It is an io fallible remedy for Whooping Cough; be ing prcftcribed by tome of the lending physicians in tbt Northern and Southern Slates, anil being prepared under tha Immediate supervision of a graduate of the Pennsylvania Medical College. The proprietors beg leave to inform all that it Is no "yuaeV preparation, but made atrictly in ac cordance with the advanoed principles and theory of medicine. Price 40 ecntf prr bottle. RISSKLL A LAM US. Pmiirletor, Philadr). phia. Sold at jusepb R. Irwin s drug store, Cur wonsville. Pa. uicb0-3m Itlarbrts. Clearfield Markets. Correotcd weoklj by H(-RA.I MoR.op, WholftaU and Ueuil JJral.r in iity uouil., urtM.n.l, rrw- TMIooa, to., Maik.t .trcet, tir.rlild, Cl.KABrm.n, Vt.t April 10, 1871. Apple., grn,00 2 Oil linffi, dreind 0 I'ri.d, VI lb I2 Hide,, jreon t Appl.buu.r,lirl, 1 Hani, H....00C 1. Butter- 2.i 40 Htionldr......viif(9 10 ne.m 80 00(, I 2& 8ide,.H Olll.b 12 Bueltwhoal- 1 li l.ard ..Ifts IK Uuokwheat fluurtt), i Meat pork, 1 bbl.,,111 00 Beef, drled 26 Oati fl& Beef, fre.ii (4 III Onion 2 00 Board., M 12 00(u U 00 lMatoea 0ll(i US Crn.lbellod ! 00 I'raehu, dried, B It Corn, ear 00fr$ aO I'laster, 9 bbl. 140 Corn ineal.V iai k. 1 40 live ,.. 1 10 oiiwp, a nM mtqp X avniifr., m ! Clovcricod- T e fi.ll, T? lark 110 ChueM 2j Hhlnjrle.,lHin.Hf(BO 00 Cherries, tl,. 10 V) 15 Sbinxles.Zn Inl0( li 00 Cbk'bcna, dr,d, lb, IS Tinolbjr need..... 100 EUR. 25 Tallow 12) Flamed. 1 00 Wheat. 175 flour. 0 0ll((j 125 Wool... .., 55 liar 30 00 Wood, V 50 I'ciinftylvniilnltallroad TYRONE ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Momlajr, NOV. 20th, 17I, Ihe PaaTCiifrer Train, will ran daily (exnrpl Sun day.) botween Tyrone and. Clearhold, aa lollowl: OI.EARFIEl.D MAIU LEAVE SOUTH. LKAVE MOKTU. Cl.artl.lf) ,.I.10,P.H. TrroM I.15,,, Philipiburr 4.20, Oweola-. 10..H5, " O.ceola 4.40, " l'hilip.linr(.,.l0.55, ' Tyror.o. '-""'Ijlu clrd' O.M, " CI.KAIIFIHI.D KXI'KKSb! LEAVE SOl Tn. ClearOelJ 6.45 a. 1 Philiptburt;.,, 6.4& " Oieeola T.05 " Intoneetlon.. B.12 ' Tyrone 8.25 " LEAVE N0HT1I. Tyrone .7.00 p. a, lnterieelion.,.7.13 " 0crola B.20 " l'hilip.lar,....40 " llearlirld, ar...l.40 " FA UK FKOM CLGAKK1KLD, TO Bcllefont., Pa 3 05 Lock Hatch 2 70 WilllitmiirMirt........ 3 00 Huntioirdon M I HO lwiatown 90 Mary.vill- .. 4 61 Middlelown 15 00 Marietta 6 50 l.noeeiter I "5 PIllLAIIKLPlllA 7 05 Altoona I 05 lobnrtnwn 2 80 UAIllllKBI KG... 4 75ll'n Tltl'HU tit Cto,e ennnMtlona marl, by all train, at Tyrone and Look llavcn. GEor.dB C. WILKINS, nyl7-tr. Hupcriutendcnt, UisrfUnnrous. Q. L. Becd. NOTICE. Wm.Pow.ll. i:s:i a iowiii.i4. ft.ej.iiisLn PLANING MILL A L Ii BIGHT! rTMlE proprietor, mpoctfully Inform the eltiun. A of ClaarOfld eoanty, thai tn.y bar. aatiraly reniwu inu .taill.hmont with the latettlmpniTed wood workinu machinery, and are Dow prepared to eiecute all er.lcr. In their Una ef Tbey will giro cpecial attention to tha manufaa. lore ef material for boaae boildlng, auoh al FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS ft .not Lin.rtis, 0 ALL STYLES, We alwaji l.y. on h.d a UrrT etoek of DRY LUMBER, and will pay oalh for all clear Lumbar. Ono-and-a-half l&ob panel .tuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to .nit on.tomera. .0rdrf eollcited, and Lumber furnished on ahort notioe and on reasonable termi. RKBO it rOWELL. Clearleld, Marcb t, 1871. rji ii n SEWING MA CHIN El The "BLEESI" Patent Link Motion, Almost noiaelef machine. Don't fail to examine It before purchas ing eli t where. ii. urn in. i:, Mi:ncii !iT taii.oh, CLRALFIKLD, 1'A Agent for ClcarflelJ county, JM" Local Agents wanted in every town in the oounly, t whom libe ral terms will t e given. imn i inn io eaeimnn it ami satlsry yourself. Clcaraeld, Pa., Feb. T, 1H72-If. A. SEW DEPAItTUKH For the Benefit of ManKInd ! 1)R. BO V ER'I PILE OINTMENT This Important discover la ont of tbe meat re markable tesulta af uiodtra ntcdical research, and The most Wonderful & Speedy Remedy ever l;ncnt la now presented In a selenliAc aomhlnalloa nf toothing and healing agrnts. And having thor oii it My tnted It In nuiultcrlei'i cntes, with most aaiiffactory reaulta, Uo not hen 1 1 ate la offering it to ihe puMie at Tho most certain, rapid and etToolual REMEDY FOR PILES, do matter of bow lung .landing. i-C.F..M by all Ilrucciit. and Medicine llenl m whn dcaire to all.riate tbe luffering. vf Ibeir fellow being.. run', ou rrT rrn box. 1.1. VUYER, Sal. Proprietor, M25 7I Claarteld, Pa. RliV'KRB HOt'SR, ii h i 1 1) r p a. Tka tahxril..r harlng hpllt .a.w Hotel, with a'i wted-rn ImpreTemrut. I. nrrr.ared In recalra u:-'. Tit? table will be .applied wilk the heal Intbewiark.Mi Ine trrwltk taeekowleest liqnora. Hood .talillag altJ s-l. aprl ly A. H. S( IIArFl'KK. Prep'r. TlrnTirit"' ak COilHTAIII.I:1 FkUt TTa bare printed large aether of tha few l lfX BILL, and will en the r eipl af twenty. ,a anta. mall a eopTla aa. addraaa. ,lt QHAW HOUSE, to (Cor. of Market A front BtrssU,) This tnagnifioent Hotel la entirely new, com plete in ell its appoint ntvnts, and convenient to the Court TToabe. A free Uninlua rans to and from the IKpot a the arrival and departure of aiua. a. u. cukmh m, each traiu. April lu, 1S72. Proprtelrcsf. TRAVRft PETTf? hare jwst received iw.wiw rrtljt of Wen Paper, niehi 1m AVTATKKMIOW, TIIIM WAYI-Tht on W drsitn.Ml hat-tby gives notice thai he is fully prepared to anoommodate watermen at the "Foot vf Duttermilk Valla." He halereoted new snubbing posts all along the landing, thereby reo doring It an ea-y matter to land, and making rail more secure whoa landed. Two or throe free boats at all timet roady to convey men to and from the house across tbe river. INTATK OK 8AKFOKD II. WALLACE, j decfaeed.Niitict- is hereby gicrn thut letters oi ailinn.mriutuu nave bten granted to Iht uiiuer tigued on the estate of Santonl H, WalUoa, dccM, late of Uecrols, in Ihociiuotrof Clearni-ld. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make imuieillalo payment .and those having claims agninit sai l estHto will prem-nt them duly atitlu u Heated for sctllernent, to Hit undersigned, or to Walter 11 arret t, Ksfj ( his Attornev, al Cleartleld, Pa. 0. 1). M KltBKLL, April 10 6t. AdtDinlatrator. House and Lot for Sale! T1IK undersigned offers a House and Lot for talc, situated on Fourth and the junction of Cherry street, in the borough of (Jloarlleld. Pa., known aa the Htine property. Possession given on the 1st of July next. For further iiiformntion apply to WILLIAM PU ill bit. Clearfield, Pa., April 10-tf. 'IMtKAl ASUKEK'S BALK or A I)MINHTnAT(in'8 NOTICE. Nt'ac J. Is hereby given that lettrrsof administratioa oa the estate of William llr . fit RmmAJilrUi ieieoakl. rluarfleld COIintV, Pt., having beoa duly granted to tbe undersigned, all persona Indebted to taid estate will pleast srake lasmedlsta payment, and thoee having lalmt or dstnaada will present then, properly authenticated for settlement without delay. JOHN H. MOHUW, April 1A, 1871 til AdiniuUtrator. SELECT SCHOOL! A Select School, embracing Ihe grailnt of the high and Interiiiudiate schools, will be opened In Curweneville, May flth, l7J, undor the chnrgc of K. It. Hpaokman, 11. K. D, Tkrmi or XiiTioN (Pur Term of II weeks.) Common branche, with Algebra, V. 8. History, Physical (ieoijraphy and Natural Philosophy, (6. The above, with tleometry, toik Kgcping, Ety mology and Civil Government, fT. Those preiiaring to teach, will tin it the In-true tion adapted to fit them for their work, and The ory nf Teaching will bo tanglit if dr-irvd. For further information, address the above at Clear-, fitlJ, Pn. April 10, 1871 -lu ORPHANS' COUK'f SALE I In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clear Old county, the under signed tros teo, Ac, In the matter nf the real estate of Rob ert ltmney, late of Iturnside township, said coun ty, dccrafi-d, will sell at pultlio aalv, at Ihe store house of William llmilvr, In the villaae of Ntw burgh, on WKUNKSbAY, MAY 15, IsTl, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described real estate, lute the property of said diseased, vii i No. t. All that certain tract of land, situate In said township, adjoining lands of John Lee, L. J. II lira an. I others, containing about TU acres. No. 2. All the interest of ilectvlmit in that cer tain lot of land In It 11 township, aaid county, adjoining the above, containing Foar acres, inure or It aa. Tentf t or Bai.a. One half the tnouay cafh on confirmation of Siili, and the balance in ont year, lh! latter piiyinent with interest, to be SCo urn J by bond an d mortgnge on Ihe preiimi-l, bM AN I LL UILTKHKANI), April 10, 1872. Trustee. rINT OV JHHOH drawn for Juue T . j lan j ohaxu jtnona. C. J. Kcagy Beocaria,M. Watt Frrsnaon ltavid Hnll BelliM. L. tlitl lir-tm Charles Kloan Uni, Itohl. Patterson.. Jordan W. Livingiton.Ilra.tird, W.J. lloflr,...Karthau Boyd Kirk Hrady A. II. Hhaw.IMUwme i. uorniao liuruaiite' J. .Mitchell. .. J. II. iirth Cbt-ttW.M.IIenry.XumlwC. U. l'ickari.a.Htwingtua (teo. lloovtr.,w.. Morris U. U. IICOI llrartkhlil). H. t uoil Og..l. J. M. Adams.., " jtlrier Bell, Jr IVnn J. l'atlon....Curwensville llenj. Moore. Pike ii. enuua uccatur' 1. llenderaon-Woodw'nl rnavin juroiu rtn-T wars:. H. lluird, Jr. Ull J. F. Lea I . W. Lindley .1. Ilnmbargi-r Bogg Henry Mora i N. Warren J. R. Reed - ! . . Merrilt " I. Wilaon Uradford J. W ilson D. Wallhurn Brad? N. T. Urisbin J. R. Lines M C. .Marshall - Jno. HockenSerrv.. Chest J. B. Oraham-Clearflold F. ii. Miller,.., Wm. Powell.. " M. tthirh.... W. M. Hbaw... J.W.WrightJr - 8. P. Hhaw... " L. Flcgal , A. Hue Decatur leo. hyler Unaheu I. H. Htover tlulich O. Yi andall Iliintun P. Strong Jordan W. Ucirliul Karthanr 1. A. Wise Knot H. Rom Lawrencr L. 0. II loom.... U. Welch " J. M lMitt... " M. K. Uowlca.. N W. P. Keod...H J. Thompson... Harry (loss...... H- hep hart K. Uerriek .Pean F. B. lilootn. I'ik- J. Carior. Woodw'rl .f. Vestbrook " IX. Ilagerty.... " A.tloss W. Hiigcrty... ...Morris ...Otcvula TRavKMK jvaoaa -mooau wkks;. ...Ueeearla ,'.'... ,..Hell W A. C.Bhnff.... J. Ilngerty... K. tSonderlin, W. II. Orr.... Ueo. Turnor.. John Rlair... Ii. Lits Rrndford R. II. Moore Hrady A. Hmith...... Kll Lines J. Rnmharger " J. Mdlenrw J. Wetael.. llurnsidel .1. !urry Cheat i K. UHtebrand C. (lirard Covlngtnn R. MoMp Clcartlel.l H. K erne.... Cor wen sri lie A. J. tioss Pcoatur It, (Utcs... Huolun J. Wiihcrow, Jr.... Knox K. Krhard ' R. llackman... Lawrence H. ..awlicad... A. Hiillitun.,..Morri J. Waring., A. Kephart, i. runo. , 'F. A. Hiwver... W. p. Johnstun W. K. Curry pike H. W. Mc.Naul.. H. Caldwell L. Addlcmiui.. ..Osceola Pinn J. H.Nurrit..CurffonivlVCl P Hhuff...W..Twaid Notice to Taxpayers I IN accordance with an Act of the Ocnernl A. cm lily of this Coiamonwcaltli, approved Hie TM dny of March, A. i. 18T, "relating to tin Obllcot..u of tates in the cnunly of CloarReld." notice it the re Cure hcreliy givun to the taxpayers residing ia the districts Ul.w aamed, that the County Treasurer, in accordance wilh (be second section of taid Act, wilt attend at th plnoe of -njiiin in) utrnMiKn khu .uwnnaip eii-mions on thi following named days, for tho purpntn or receiving the County and JStntw taiea and Militia Fiiiot assettscd for the year lU t For ClearfleM and Lnwrenee township, Friday and Saturday, May 3d and 4th. For K art h nut, Tuesday, May 7ih. For Covington, Wednesday,' M ty 8th. For (lirard, Timraday, May tlih. For Oofhin, Friday, May 10th. For Rra'lford, Katurdav, Me) llth. For U rah am, MondayMay llth. ' For Morria, Tnesdny, May Itth. I For Hneatur, Wednesday, May &tb. For Osceola, Thurrdiv, May llth. For Houttdnle, Friday. May ITth. i , Fur Hoggs, Hatnniay, May iMth. Fr Huston, Tuesday, May SIsL For 1'nion, Wcdnrpday, Mny l'h. For Urady, Thursday, at West Liberty, May Md " Friday, at Tronttille, May Itth. Haturdny, at Lulliersl.urg, May 23th For Currcnmlle, Monday, May a 7th. For Pike, Tuck lity, M-ty 2S:i. For lilootn, Widiiesday, Mny 20th. For Putin, Thursday, May ttmb. 1 For Lumber City, Friday, May 31st. For Fergi'snn, Hatw day, Junt lit. The Treasurer will not be In the other dixtrleti until after June Court, (commencing alont lb. loth.) I pon til Ikx.s paid to th Troaanrer there will be a red get ion vf re per seat., whtlr live per tent will ho Anr-m to all unpaid taies, making a diffirence of TKN pti, eenL to prompt Uxpayere. Parties cm, from this lime forward, pay their taie at the Treasurer's oUkce. HAMCKL P. WIIAON, Treasurer. Treaonrtr't tilao. Clrarfleld, Pa , April :td, 171 4t f TOBACCO AND CIGARS". WnoLESALI AND KL'TAIL, Al tha New Tobaoeo and Cigar Store of n. n. it ii.i tr, Two deon fart ef tbe PnjtnUlce, Cl.raeld, Pa. Coortantly eb band a Ina of Hart. Longren, t'ar.ndi.h. Cable, Ppanroll, Mleblgaa aed renter, Flecat Chewing Tab. neo, Ae. Alio, a large aid well .elected .lock of Imparted ana Doenelle I'tgare, Smoking Tobaeooe, KMrrrbaam and Briar Plpea, Pipe lltarea, Tobaee Bseo, Cigar Holdere, anal etarythlng gne rally la a w.ll regal. led Cigar and Tobaee Store. r-,cwiewil the place Twa dnort Karl ef tho reu.(noe, ClearHeld, '. ,'TI UNSEATED LANDS In Clrarlleld Connie, Pa for 1-70 and l7l. Notice I, hereby glren, In puntiance of an Act of Aevciubly ppnircd the 12tbdny of June. A. U. lr4d, wntitli-il "An Act to amend aa Aot directing the mode of .tiling amen tad land.iu Clear, field oonnty," and the Kvrrnl .upplc. menli thereto, there will be rxpoard to public nlu or oatcry, at the Court lloittc, in the borough of Cfea-Ai lil .on tlic enl'WIMJ W'l."MAt, loth iUy of JVSli, . I. 1(72. the following tract. or pircea ot (OScatt il moa. lo (altl county, fur tnx't d:r anu :', iz: It-rrarlB. Vo. r. Pr. U'lirrotifc. . ( . M - Peter Miller 41 ! 1.1 - John Mailer go ' 50 Fred'k llutiley... 14 ,0 1A Jobn i it tie Prid'k Huwman 2 23 71 111 Tboe, Uillingtoa 20 14 . Mt Pbil. My.lnee;: l.i 84 150 John elyrlneop. 43 00 . "ft BO Michael Mu.aer, 21 7o i DO Michael 21 III 100 J... Mr-Murttl... 15 41) 80 Tbo..Murgatory 20 1)2 00 Magnu. Miller. 20 ,12 410 John Drady ft, 03 K Willi. m Ilrady. 10 00 M 1. A b Ulalr 1, ,: kfv John Whiljter... oa 4,1 lu Henry Wbilmer, (4 , ll William IVII.on. It 10 134 Jae b King 17 ,7 104 John Uihxoo 29 20 IJ 72 llobert jlon l aa 4.1J 163 n liltom Oray.,..l(i5 25 4:14 153 John Miller 105 25 0 Drown A Pulton, 10 12 AO 80 John Ketland.... T 32 lot no retrr lieu 20 00 04 111 J.reml'b Moabor 20 30 433 I.I Dai id Barton.... 83 83 S:io Its Martla Prams.., 41 00 2'J UiJ. Franls, Jr.... 48 50 74 82 Thomas Dlbson 21 10 800 laeob King 78 88 30 Km. 1'lur.kott.. 4 tl 174 A. Mj.onccp.,. 40 8.1 170 47 Jtro. Uo.her... 40 88 1(10 Keagy 28 40 11H I'r.d. Ileal.a.... 81 85 left 37 Thoallilllnglon 41 10 e John Urain 10 ,0 3:10 13 Martin louts... 40 40 824 M.thias Harton 52 f I 74 Tuoma, Uibson 12 .10 313 133 Krcd, Ucalca... 58 03 .128 40 J. Muuersmlth 22 07 14 Browc . Fulton 4 80 110 H. Ilaupt, a Co 1.1 80 50 Jaeob Foots 8 10 21.0 W. Whlte.ide... 22 40 118 Theme. Uroom 18 80 Spnntt -jSatfj."" fa t " . t-- Ae. Vtr. Vfamnlrtt. ST John Mol'hrmin 89 P. Hlnnchard. .,., 4:13 143 John Mueair 8 21 201) lull 81 ton 67 loll 14 114 m 6307 5.17S f4ti4 ISM I "'.'9 1)02 1011 1 Miller A Crist ,. 7S . 78 05 ,.! 30 . 00 90 . 7 01 MihalTrt Mitchell.... 82 70 John llrrnnviaanH...H. 21 9j J. i II. Ilrulh 8 64 Ford A .Sirinkle.. 31 30 William Koland 9 97 Jeph McMurray 42 l 97 Patrick Nuble. HuKh llerllry Matthias eloagh...., Covlttjrlun. f'cr. Il'drraer... Ueorge Meed. At. 804 4S3 .125 678 800 6V 613 W 13 2(0 6;l77 11(0 1003 1 IH97 I k03 13 20 ... 8 80 ...161 80 I Sand $nti. 450 84 10 (3 28 " " .... 3d 61 Morrl.ailtewarl.204 00 " " Sil on " 311 on " " 191 29 Mary Wearer... M !0 Mrri'4.'3Ccwert, 3 84 " " 41 15 Ueorge Mead.. ..128 13 Morris ifttewart 13 10 .100 14 67 127 Rmrrlck.lleller t 07 200 U. Durtclt 18 00 ISP1 2c3 Morris tritewart 64 89 llecalnr. ' Ae. 'ee. M'urrnHfee. 108 1 16 James llainilton 44 82 49 41 John tkrnn 20 8H TH Tltoions KilmuU'lion... 30 88 801 H9 Tii .nias llilUi.glon... 14.1 88 401 Onirics link 130 05 111 Patrick Moore. 43 87 100 , Thomas 38 80 250 ' Jccph Matlock 60 Itolx'rt Hultwiiuer...... 202 Mary Mi-l,analun...M. If! iM 1 0 Stacy V. Thonimon... 60 Mary M.-I.anatnm 04 137 Joari.h H bitehr,!!.., 'o Ar. P, i2SS 1000 6no .701 iinto 1020 300 noil. Waretuttet. Henry Ueck....272 " " ...,l9 99 4-'H7 511 1 9 5019 6818 6018 42X7 5708 1000 4;f8 SOU 4.'M9 3.185 5913 110 11)2 100 100 118 101 79 129 172 00 ....1.10 59 25 04 17 t2 .... 23 06 .... 31 47 .... 33 2 .... 34 25 202 Oil " " ....118 3 " " .... 98 60 118 John Nicholas.. 28 9 1 160 Nicklintliriffilh 14 99 4.19 1.15 Joseph lt.ore,...l.H 17 413 Ilctii. (Iil.b, Ui 24 5019 212 20 llcry Beck...., oi On '-'I M 97 " j, 37 ' 0 71 uo filckllnaOriffith 3 78 5707 90 23 9M Vt InO Henry Beck 2.1 90 427 400 " ....101 00 4287 203 " 63 01 IVoflDl. .Vo. At. Prr. H'otrmarc. -""4 3X8 89 Roberta A Fos .119 10 .'.V2H 11.1 l::u Nickliotllriniik 12 78 4920 !0il - 42 so 322 1. W. Rmltb 35 90 39..1 107 A. K. Wright.... 20 2K 41-20 1020 (( w. g. RoLerte... 88 00 l"ll 111 Roberts A Fox.. 1.1 60 1500 1003 16, . .1 27 -610 100 Jacob Bifgr-r...., 13 90 159 II. Irrln's ect....l.17 60 tr,. S3 itoU-i'te!.5o 5 " " 3 80 220 George Toscr.... 72 00 400 108 68 90 108 Itnltcrl Itstney Jacob Downing Thomas Strwardson. John Urlnkcr H.tuuel Kay, 248 147 Thomas Kdtnuudson. K4 40 14 06 67 07 u j 28 45 as 90 38 19 .147 10 . 38 50 . 21 40 . 37 92 . 39 1 X 63 400 Fsmuel llainbleun 104 (0 30 Joseph Kaneow , i 78 lt0 William Hoover 40 45 60 Thomas Hlewardson... T 05 200 Jonathan Ncelit..,,. 17 . Joseph Hansom..... Ji Uarid Htewart. , 100 . C.apir llnina Thoiua. 1. Cope. 1.11 10 284 Thomas F. Imuiidaon... (4 12 2X1 llilbcrt Vanght 113 32 .114 John Hamsun. 159 Kliaabelb llarrisua, 115 K. Fletcher 331 Joseph Harrison... Perguatin. Af. Per. rlVrnarrs. 2.1.1 l..Jolm H.mbrighL 70 70 43.1 16.1 Ueorge ll.i.a.. .....148 24 28 30 3 2li 3 72 88 80 (3 80 81 40 14 00 89 40 74 100 100 60 50 140 60 L'WI. .lordon Abritm Ogdvn.. Adnm lliffart Mutthl.a Hloogb.... II. Patsmore. Ilanicl Frank John Orair. (ilrard. '. Ptr. rTerraefees. , 21 OK IX 00 26 25 6 8:1 8 75 13 50 8 60 Ac. Ptr. noci-a. If if rrn litre. Joho ThnMej 19 97 78 II. H. Drinker 68 94 William McCurmiek... 60 83 Nancy Hogg. 41 Malcolm McDonald. 41 J.din liver 30 Mb heel' Conkle llarhara Hnyder,... Ueorge lloolmao... 78 Josiph Drinker Henry Fnrnrr Ocorge Arris 3) Willi. m Trouluan.. John Kcnn 27 Jobn Montgomery 23 80 01 8X 82 90 02 90 ... 57 64 ... 16 20 .. 24 8.1 ... 37 X2 ... 1 87 ... 61 81 ... 51 84 61 XI 1 00 41m 41.1 410 iJJ 420 427 1 00 133 231 70 427 427 4no 1:19 93 140 Richard Themae 17 04 49 , Iterber. Hnyder. 8 00 404 lliair MeLanalian 86 21 427 James ptcinhciscr 58 14 9 J7 Merrell A Iligler.. II 50 310 Watson A Munaon 83 9.1 II I) Joseph Hall 16 75 100 Jobu Hustrn 12 38 7 Pri. H'arroNfec. . Hugh Kly !7 84 Si John Campbell 28 67 11.11 4 llu.b 19 04 John V.ugh , 81 25 Martha Huston 10 90 Poll, Mcl.anaban ...... 71 30 Andrew Petit 17 92 5.168 11110 Ueorge Mead.... 9 1 0 1 5384 lOt'.O " .... 90 03 i:;5 751 " " .... 60 09 O.I75 10S3 .... 91 96 3.I0.1 IIIIO a .... 91 04 5373 IHIO .... 94 01 4379 Oil .... 13 40 4371 1(3 " ... 93 01 5380 110 at , 04 6068 1048 .... ,J (0 lOOt e 16 5.V.9 101)0 ' .... 84 73 48i8 1100 " .... 94 04 5383 H08 " ....201 61 6101 1100 " ....309 80 1021 211.1 Hit Morris. Stewart 7 TO 1931 849 118 " 16 48 1936 6.'8 u )( ,o 1921 408 I "8 ' 42 66 1X00 2 54 110 " " 81 IX 3047 10 1 63 1929 140 ' 11 94 4352 7H8 George Mad...l HI 79 6378 lino " " ...160 80 534H lino ...250 X0 6347 1100 ' ...260 00 X8H 110 Morrisa Stewart 8 12 IXXU 227 125 t' 1.1 37 .1618 2x3 60 " " 17 56 IW29 J3 " 1 20 IM710 131 ""it " ;2 TO 1016 328 21 ' - 65 9T 1XS7 1X7 44 M 18 1927 63 79 - 9 16 I92K 4119 B9 , 1X08 187 " 28 .18 lx8 151 ; 43 ,0 1917 140 89 12 .106(1 108 II fit ox 1X87 456 " " 77 9.1 1910 61 1 " 8 66 . 15 A. Hugneny 4 51 185 1, ,4 1924 111 Jurtin riubell. I 93 Gnell.n. r. H'oYraaree.. Ae 224 1 112 159 173 1110 417 1119 48 80 200 , no ICO 69 60 X6 85 1.12 10 .Vo. . 491 3574 820 5X1.1 6x77 4X71' 68X1 4XSB 260 32:1 1115 IJ 5 2000 11 .1592 I I Dot Matthias (Haymaker... 1.1 36 No owner 1 23 Francis West. ,. 13 80 N. Mxines I 60 .Tnarph Pi.wi'll 13 05 Pnniel 'Irehum 4 80 II. Ii. 11.11 9 14 William (irahsui, Jr... 7 81 Jntin limine... 14 60 David Ash-y..... 27 80 Andrew Petit. 2ti XII Brady. Ptr. H itrniMfe., H W. Kirkt.a'rlck, 86 31 2 34 tioUrt, A For.. 21 .14 III U.U.tloiidlatider 17 84 Conratl Lone... 47 .19 111 J. U. Bmilh 106 90 J6 llunry WroofT...MI 11 220 l::l Urn 77 850 421 400 35 (3 122 115 60 100 100 Robert Curry.,. John Dunlap... Ca.per biever... 05 03 81 05 , 10 92 . 16 71 Roberta A F01..II3 75 Christ. Lower... 73 6T Robert. A Foi .418 80 I.. Welch C. II. Preecott.. R. M. father... , Chri.t. Iiwer., Adam Weaver, J. W. Huillh.. . 4 67 , 14 61 . 76 96 . 31 T6 . 10 lx , 24 42 Jacob llllebrun, 16 75 John Pent..... , 4 36 loo llolop'rallru'a'r II 45 H'l K-lly A Cn 13 07 118 640 WnglitaDarllng 98 78 II Jacob Pants 4 15 fllirllelite). -Ve. At. Ptr. IrnrraRoje. :.il02 100 John Nnh.deun, 58 14 4l3 114 ' 196 14 6101 138 " 106 80 79 John Mailer 46 86 XI Abratn Whititier 42 19 111 Caap.HhaOer.Jr. 60 01 200 Daniel H hllmerl53 64 424 Jobn HnMcy 247 61 1 11 Mary Roher 69 07 "IT Juba Tree.lcr...2il 70 .111 t'apcr Hhfler...lT 6.1 2011 - Binder 1 Hum,, .16 en 800 J. U i!liam.on...l04 76 324 Mary ( rawfuril.179 01 111 T. X'p.ckman....2l6 60 1x8 Rolieeea llrown.210 08 luO J,.iiiard ilolli... J5 25 I he. I. At. Per. nVrnnfer. 811 14a llctij. Yimng 146 87 ija liiO Martlia M eringtoa.....tni vz 416 ;o ,lr.ica I'uge 219 10 l"0 W illiam llausmau 52 "0 lull 158 John tloed 44 (0 312 1.1 Jo.iah Wagner. ...Ill 14 4 U 14.1 Tuoma, Hamilton lot 90 2 .6 J.o. Ron 79 15 43.1 153 John Cunningham 114 Ox 60 ( hark. Wo.ia 10 98 2nO Robert Fleming :'0 Isiae Hlcliatd.oa 2"0 Jt.nalhan W alk.r...... 483 158 John l ook 431 16.1 Jneeph Kwilig... 413 13 William ('..... 4ll 161 Ami. Hooter.... 3H0 110 23T 06 171 411 131 l-aae Kirk A Co.. McCord tract Hugh Tlarllo. oftcph Piper tieerge Tage Henry Page.. James Noble I 100 101 ( brlrl. Itobx.r... 43 90 43 90 4 3 Kl ...III l ...ITI 1 ...111 1 ...141 30 ...1(9 41 .... 16 10 .. 1H 14 ... 18 19 ... T7 86 Tl 81 .... tr .... 8.1 41 6313 061 Ueorge Mead.,, 96 52 4317 IOt.9 ' " ...150 67 6318 long ' " ...161 01 j.119 lu9 " ...161 01 :i2o 11110 ,mj xn 4:121 ltlOS - ...119 IB 6323 1100 ...162 80 5814 t0 at ... 93 60 5815 1O00 a ...113 00 6310 IU00 ...113 09 682X IIIIO ' " " ...1X7 00 53.11 IIIIO " ...187 00 6324 3110 ' " ... S3 00 5:122 1100 " ...1X7 00 5.124 01.1 ...111 65 1911 luo Vorrlst Htewart 18 90 5811 ICO Wm. Hapea 16 90 1012 4.18 Morrisa btewart 40 61 100 170 91 " "9 6S jjfjjui 161 I' 61 17 5.124 1211 17 George M.-ed....1.'.l (7 81136 I H'O ...119 00 5.127 1 1 1.1 ...322 67 5:129 IIUO " ,.,319 00 5830 1100 ...Bt 00 ISI..1 .148 11. Albert 1 Bro 46 60 III2I 300 W. A. Wallace. 9 80 1921 100 Morrisa Htewart II 40 18X1) 771 77 llil'h'mallatrl'nlOT 14 19 Knob Lot 8 80 -le. Ptr. HurrnHrree. 207 Th. m.u P. Cope 47 41 198 John Hkymn 16 71 2 John Thnmaa 1 00 ll'U (liorge Mead. 17 44 110 ' Jo.ephHimon 124 40 164 lltrnard Urate... 69 98 1110 . 65 IX HI J. Henry 1 00 118 97 80 100 (halloa 11.11 .16 HO 41 J. C. AllporL II 16 114 lernelCnno. T 40 60 Cha: Ira 11.11 , I 00 Clinch. Ar. Ptr. MarrvNrrr.. 119 IllChriatlan Hlokra II 61 193 122 Mstbias Young 68 20 431 153 Christian lladar 199 4 431 161 Ueorge Murerr 190 64 2 IT 48 Thomas Yealer 108 4X 211 ll.oi.l (lltley. 90 09 211 76 Hen. ll.k. r, Jr. 91 15 4S6 145 Tioiothr Paltoa 168 63 431 168 John llurg 190 84 358 89 B Hrlger 142 19 111 llenj, Wilion 13 98 101 R. A Hearten II 24 306 48 tleurge Haber 6T 09 48 114 tleurge Moore.. 20 91 119 96 " ........141 (7 111 Phil, nioolngcr 67 01 1..8 John MeCah.n. 68 .17 4:13 153 K'lward Hand.. 46 4X I0X Ueorge Meed IX 9n 860 John Mol'ehvn 91 67 98 Uuipl lack 36 40 U0 llenj. Wilrou 17 83 II Juhn Whilmcl. I7'72 216 Plgott "haw 84 02 Kill Jol.n Whilmer. 14 70 1,0 11. Ilcudermu 10 28 60 T. M'.rllingoe 19 63 126 I'ljolt Hhaw 34 JI Ixl K iward Han i.. 19 63 1n6 llenj. Wilson......... I 40 76 11. lUnnsl..... . 1 20 Ae. 4901 iln. 809 420 1115 5071 1011 5-174 1041 56T8 1041 6061 t.'O 6067 5671 4263 4864 419 4191 4311 4221 4309 4X90 6961 5061 tl'6 4716 4X08 T1 I17T 5071 1611 llH.tOtl. Prr. Miirruafr.. 1. 0 Ki.ld.r.... .'.I to W. Wllllnk 117 T3 Dltld Caldwell 63 28 Moore U,lan)3 17 33 8.1T 31 e It 117 S3 William PowerillO to 184 T5 17 Hoorr.n.leny Hi; 64 Wll.oa 120 76 1X6 II 141 15 141 (5 III 61 - "161 11 101 (t W Wllllnk 13 oi William Pow.rs30.1 a; ft. Hhoemaker-.l 1 1 15 10 96 William Pnw.ra 61 00 James Wll.oa- Tl 15 " .114 ef - . II 4t I MorrlraD.l.ny.Ul oa I ir h 48 11 II 19J , A'n. Ar. Ptr. WarmiHtt. 1569 136 l Rnberu a roi.147 IS 10(1 1020 I K H l m 2001 1089 " .ll 16 4901 190 W, Wllllnk 17 16 .1311 901 Rob.rta Foi,26 10 I9! 4?9 II " 121 14 4271 495 James Wlleol.l 18 61 42"4 990 ' 1 41 09 41170 990 Wm. Powrrs 1 46 4200 800 Wilson; 11 80 41x1 990 "43 1.1 41X1 403 " 1 ', ' 11 02 4201 330 ' w I 8 64 41(9 .140 r r - " w.p 10 60 11X8 141 ji"' "Bep 17 60 41X1 405 .i n , j a (i 41X6 2i ( , a t 14 00 41X8 040 " " m., 15 13 4276 990 , 4.1 13 4271 496 . . w.p It 10 Jorrlait. rl'iirriteftr.. Richard Peters.... 62 16 Pi-lcr Kahn. Ilx 69 Thomas Martin., 150 72 Robert Martin.... 96 77 Philip l.oailL II 09 W'ai. Jubaenw..... 9 15 Jonathan Jones... 19 91 lticbard Mania... 11 30 .'oo.Dunwoodie... 54 18 Richard ?"ti. II 41 Paniel Health.. .. II " ... 11 16 Rlchurd Peters..., 12 10 Kartliaua. A'o. At. Ptr. H'oeronlee. 5409 1100 Ueorge Mead.. .351 87 " ...322 6 " - " ...120 87 .161 94 " " ..171 20 " .178 10 37 " - " 18 91 Moore.StewarU78 00 " 491 19 Ch.e. Wllllnk..l! 00 Wm. flmltb..... A3 .11 Ca.per W'l.ter.,343 00 ' " . 81 00 97 111 Cbaa. Wllllnk. 19 40 122 ... 23 31 100 ' ... t 12 " , "... 11 111 " ... Tl M'CI'ik'yaPot'r 19 to B- D. Hall 19 10 Ac. Ptr. 2J4 163 433 153 4.13 163 1X3 91 133 4, n- 100 -lea 431 151 100 50 100 ' 219 64ii no 4511 T47 5411 1043 64U1 1100 6414 1K0 6405 167 190 0 6011 ton I 771 1943 111 1093 14.10 57 70 6T08 1096 1 004 I OOT KI9T I09T 16X6 1666 loot 1000 1097 7 100 2.19 40.1 116 100 89 InO I..0 121 II 600 122 83 84 133 165 114 lit 60 100 11 60 127 too 68 74 42 62 Cbaa. Wllllnk. I 16 " " ... 1 IS FAKebnarrsaCo 46 1.0 Daniel Yolher. 20 97 Mury Kgao...,. 6 62 Jno. R. Vought 7 15 Cfarlat. Brown. 14 93 I. Ulll.l.nd..... 6 71 " " ....Tl 38 Ollrar Mooro 81 H y-itonlgsl. 11 16 M. K. Michaels. 1 62 II. Yolher. 17 D. B. Hall 1 35 Em'ri'kaHeil.r 17 (1 ha. M'Uaryey. 14 31 " . 1 16 11 a .6 99 Keating 1 16 1. V healing. 1 .17 lr.7 30 Jon. Mcliarr.y 33 20 146 (1 " 19 It Kuoi. Ae. Per. Warrantee,. 481 48 Renin. Ilaiuei 49 1" 435 60 Luke Morris. 49 81 433 153 Joseph Milliard 79 26 433 153 Robert Oray. 79 25 429 41 Jno. Urlnghurst 80 34 4::.! 153 Sarah Ward. 99 0.1 483 151 Ueorge K,ly 99 03 433 163 Moore Warton..H... 99 03 231 163 Ueorge Albion. 44 95 433 152 S.iij. Foollnry....,.l!l ii 133 163 Israel Mrri. 146 39 .171 163 Martin Pierce- 126 .18 4.1 153 la.bella Jordau 99'I 3 1110 llrury Trout... 26 20 331 15.1 Caleb Faulk. 128 80 254 133 Ueorge Weeoatl 98 II .151 161 Ocorge Brad. 97 71 225 109 253 73 40 164 John Boyd... Busannu W'ard tl.MM Ccrmlok.... Thomas Jordan...., Henry Trout John Pirom.. xo 80. anna Ward 433 151 William Hunter.... 314 163 Juhn Dorcey 91 John Boyd 1X0 Itrnj. Poultney..... 12 Nancy Kobisoa...,. l.awmire. 63111 1 1 00 6300 1100 63113 1 1 UO 5103 1100 6.1114 1100 6308 1100 6.108 1 109 6307 1100 63H6 I lot 6.109 1100 6.119 1100 6.111 11(0 6291 1109 5294 1100 3295 1100 3398 1100 6391 37 1 77 39 .... 17 49 ... 86 71 .... 84 .... 1 96 ....131 31 .... 11 16 .... F9 14 .... 64 45 .... IT 94 48 3T ... ' 92 ..106 71 106 72 lit T2 106 72 in! T2 106 72 .,...101 72 106 72 106 71 100 72 106 T2 .....101 tl 101 72 293 IT 298 IT 291 17 ...,29 It 31 ra 52X9 130 ss 73 ,6 1995 S3 10 Rubsrt. A Fog, 9 16 111 Hugh Jordan... 19 49 418 John Reed II 02 At lit Rudolph Litis... 3 91 1001 1020 19 Roberts at Foi, tl 86 IHII 90 lot ' 4 188 4 18 8293 226 6290 1167 5207 1311 53V0 4X8 6291 1100 1906 T4 1908 176 1917 141 1918 17 Ont Lot Ar. Ptr. 41.3 100 827 371 421 410 81 441 109 .140 20 423 300 4.13 161 4.11 153 4:11 163 313 91 99 142 Robt. Mitchell. II 12 J. W. Smith 48 1 .... I 16 W.Montgomery 11 T7 J. b. 1 86 M. W. bnyCer. I ! Isaac Conklln. 1 1 lirael Nichols.. 1 01 Uoo. Mead .Ill 19 11 504 l 524 II I 191 76 " w 4.14 60 K- Irwlo a Son. 7 84 " 11 46 ! J6 29 ! a. 8 89 alord.c.l Shirk 1 93 Morrlo. M 'arraereee. Ueorge Vetsol.,..H4 61 William Wertl 150 00 Christian Werts...lnl 36 Hand l.aucb 100 11 Jrase Yarnal 130 61 Joseph Turner 188 60 " " ....! 60 ...105 40 Or... llahrekcr....l.XI II Peter Yamel 01 10 , Clem. Hlocktr 99 III Jnhn Vaughn 99 68 Jnhnothan Neabil 99 12 Jobn Hia.l 168 34 William Kan... 48 10 Patrick Hays U 9.1 Robert lllenn 84 86 J,.hn II, .u, Ion 91 00 Blair M Lanahan. 18 10 Win. Htewart 161 32 Richard R. Btnilh 43 00 Walter Btcwart.,.,' 43 46 Ueorge dale, 10 60 Herman Urals. ... II II Canra.l Bwarlt.... 47 62 John UralT 4 18 N. Heidennar.... 11 12 Fred. 11. Her 91 00 Mathias Hluiigh.. Robert Corona. N. Heidrnour... Mttblas Hloogb... tl 66 Henry Drinker... 4 10 Josipb llublar..., 76 67 Jacob draft. 27 56 John drag. 1 60 Ullliam iliglor... II M Joseph ,'otler 14 87 Freneu Jobn.en 13 37 " 111 Rallston 1 lluurer 14 X6 Conrad Bwarta.... 11 80 Jaeob Urol It 00 Joseph T.rwer.... 40 00 Ilea. Uaybaker. Ienn. At. Ptr H'orroafeee. 60 Patrick llafrrl. 5063 041 14 Joba Nlcbol...n...192 91 ion Urernweod Hell... " " 1.16 Nie4,l.nallritti'b. 43 93 Ike. .Vo. AV Ptr. H'ocroeteee. 11 273 400 170 208 407 1.19 117 124 III 211 41 1.17 4111 4X1, 176 96 1 IllJ tf I 111 46 209 t 310 1,41 0 10a 90 111 01 1X0 3.11 III 440 490 .V . 19 60 7 16 5778 J'lO 57XJ 1U20 57X5 819 6774 tx.l 5775 P21 I no. Niekoleoa. 1 6X - 07 tl .. X3 IX .. t6 81 .. 93 82 4243 947 95 James Wi'.son. .l2.1 12 41 4269 42X3 12.0 4251 BT76 67 77 6777 4261 4038 6776 67T1 ITTI 5714 6TTT 424t sill 641 (90 990 121 947 100 411 419 11 w 471 161 3-1 419 61 II 48 (.1 79 69 40 16 60 TO 01 I 63 a. It 91 69 72 12 Jwo. NUko! 11 " Joba V. n.yu. 1 1 84 James W ileea. II 09 W. I. Haherta-. 17 IS Joseph Rally... 14 66 I MoNaul ..... IT 90 II 62 176 86 Jwe. Nlrheleea. 41 II 171 l"l 110 m lT 111 111 Caleb W ay 39 II Jno. Rickulaoo. 13 03 " . 1 to M. Henry.. 18 31 Jno. Ntrkolen. II IS Jeesee Wiioon... 16 tl Vnkooww....... 10 II I'atlols. JVo. Ae. Prr. Warrjnre. 1001 109 161 nutert.aFoill 3 .99 Ml 14 ' , " .64 61 51 -to 19 .71 p 1581 1 26 ss u ,j 1398 151 .41 17 4116 110 67 JacWIIao, ..67 IJ Woodward. . Ae. Per. Warranter, 411 41 John Cannon 25 65 470 120 Henry Drink. r.156 IX 110 Wm. Drinker.,.. 19 61 433 I5J Isaac Wheel.r..l46 06 tfl Psm'l Imlin. 35 41 111 I'.Theaaa Nell.... 11 40 69 Kll lloolmaa.... 7 14 116 150 John VaeghL.. 88 "68 169 M..., Well aj'i, 66 Denj. Johnsoa .. 89 44 411 . Ilagerty...... 161 61 401 . M. Ilartea wIi'I Ix 70 Mary Neil 49 25 311 115 John MTohrn... IS so 67 143 Mary O DD. Ily. l 18 .11 100 Koland Kvans... 21 90 334 4) Pigot Chaw 121 16 111 A bistlaa Ur.ff. 78 44 466 71 T. fcdmonaon...,156 H9 4: 0 Jor. .179 10 110 158 Jobn Musscr. Jr 78 .18 gStflJ. 121 III Hoolmao II tl 106 Mary "ai.deieh 27 6 311 Chancy Hick. Ill 17 44 If " . 13 lt Joseph Clark ... 29 IS 1O0 , Joha MoClellaa I 10 lro John Lewder.... 4 60 431 133 Philip Loast....ll 61 433 151 Jacob R. Ilowell2ll III 438 161 Wm. Johnson.. ..161 62 100 11 Oao. Bruckhaul. 41 lo 166 B.mnel Kinlia... 9 611 141 Charlea lllght... 43 60 2.17 Daniel Turner... 51 02 100 Henry Chancer. 39 60 150 , Joan bewe....... is 40 100 I'.ae Uoss 18 20 71 Roland Evans,., 7 15 170 Paler Lowdrr.... I 06 16 Charles Lowder. 1 20 44 John Ilairiaoo...l68 .12 1 mi Jo.. Clatk 14 :io 100 'Hctij. Johnson... 61 73 4.17 'Reuben llains... 19 02 431 Luke Moiri 79 10 lllfl II,.. A.btoa 13 (0 147 22'K J. Pruner..... 43 83 111 Thes. Martin.... 21 00 100 William Bheup. 71 00 83 Bnsanra Ward... 96 160 William Farker.' I 40 27 Chsrlcs Loader, 72 BAM I'LL P. WILSON, Treat arer, Qlcnrfleld, April , 1X72 91. 3 3 3. 5' n eu re ts o o 3 1- a a' o 2. S' a to 3 9 p I7- a o o -n r n M M a w ti a w Q 2 u r o c a VI el I I o H o w V) a w p a a. to a. p s- 5" fT a Cu a o O f o PS o m a tr p L o -a c s ID a. ,. W n w ri ft 1 O o w M w OS THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL .MAKKBI St., CLfiAltnCLD, Pa T II IS large and com mud ions ocw hotel bt X been opened fur tie atxniiiiaodjtioa ot the public, where the proprietor will be glad to ttM( his old friends, end receive a share of pahlic pal . tanas. By strict personal n't at luo to the de. tails 4 hit baslueoe, be iMtybvs to be able to reader eat iliac tion to his patrons. The TAHLK will always bt bonntifnll suii)ied with Uiobcft that ean be proenred ia the mariiuaiid the B.K I witlaoataln afnllMookor LiytOKa, 4 j Uood tubling attached. CloarflilJ, Ms rah t, 1st H ly Proprietor. THE" mTnSION " HfJUSE, , (Hmeraf teaondand MarLet Croats, , ( IJ.ARI'li:! D, PA. rpHIs eld and flommodj.u,t Uotel has. durior X the past year, beep 4 (.laired te doe tie lt former capacity for the tateTlainmept of stran gers and guest. Tbe whule building has been rtfurafsbrd, and tba proprietor will sparg bo pains to render hit guts is cup. fort blt while siaylog wilh him. tr-The "Mnnsloa Honse" Omelhrtf saai to aad from tbt Depot aa the arrival and departure of each train. JUHN POUUMbh TV, apr6 70 tf Prfpiictois susqueanna HOUSE, twrHeasTlile, tieartlcld comity Pa. rpllll old and well tltabliitcd Hotel, been 1 1 g IUIIJ IllUllfU WD IU v --1 banna, in the boroigb of Carwecil1e, bat beea leaeed for a ttrm ef ysare by tba anderaigatd It bas beta entirely refitted, and la now opea ft) tbepnblie generally and tba travelling eommn nity in partlenlar. Vo pains will bt spared to readme enwifnrtable while tarrying t this t4MiM. Awfle CUbllxa wnam fnf tha t4wnUSj.)i daUoa of twams. Charge! moderate. Brpt 18, 18T0 tf. ' ' J MAIN ST.. rUiUKSbUKU. PA. rtlllB anderslgaed ktept constantly on hand I .1 - I a ..r t I....... III. 4.1,1. lei alasa.a J mt H. Wl eVliimvt " " wa.-n.T- nupplicd with the b"st tbe market affirda. Tha traveling public will do wtll te give him a ealL BOTl, 09. nUDAAt KUWia" T KOSAIiD HOUSE, XJ Near tbe lUllroad Tirvoi. C I, K A R F I K Ii I), P K N N'A. This house is large, well fnrni.ihcd, and nearly new, ar-t tbe I'rvprittor I eels evnadtitt or rrnder ing satisfaction to guests. H. CtiwudttahlUig oonnected with tho hotel. 04-71 8. B. BOW, Proprietor. QT. CUAALES llOTKL. O (Opposite K. R. Urpot.l CLKAkFIKU), PajNN'A. The nndrrnigiicd, having Iwconie proprtvtor ' f this bouse, is now ready to entertain l rangers and traveler, aod theretaire sulii ilt sojourners to give him a call. Win TrMb will he supplied with the best the market afford', and Lit liar will con tain the eboieett of wines and liqwois. Kxtcneira stahl ing is attached. Chafes moderate, jaulU7S ' JAM Mi Mc LA I ti II M N- WESTERN HOTEL, Oppueite tha Court Q,'Uvr, 1 CLEARFIULD, pENN'A. Aeeommodatlona first -elasa and charges mmUraU. oeti JOIIH.P. YOl'Nd, Proprietor. M IINTOUR II l fit i:, 0 ioaltt- tho Court llonee. LOCK UAVCif, PE.NM'A. JeUtl IIAI'StiAL KnOM, Prof'a. yjB!CKi;itntii'i' noipi SLI.KPONTE,PA., I). JOIINSTOM A rSOV", oetll'tl Proprletort. NBKICAU II Oil HE, L Main Street, BttOOKVII.1.1, PKNN'A,. 6IIAKN0N A firRKSTT, 4 71 Pi,prielire DANIEL COXXEI.LY, ' Dool and Shoe Manuraicturer, CLEAItFIKLD, PA, HAH Just received a nne lot ef French CALF 8KIN-S, and is now prepared to maonfae lure everything In bis line at tha Ipwesl gores. He will warrant hit work lo bo ae repress nted. He respeotinlly tolielit a tall, at hit shop oa Market street, second dior want of the potffire, where bt will do all in bis power to render tatia faction. Soma inn (latter tops on hand. mj.flT-y DAN 1Kb CONNELLY. LW BOOT ADS1I0E MI0I KDWAIll) MACK, Coa. MARKET Sn Hra., CXKAHP1KLD, Pa. TIlR proprietor lias entered Into the IlOOTd) 8I10K business at the abova aland, aod tt determined aot ta be ootdono either ia qna. ity or prion for bia work, Bpecial aiteatioa will be paid to manufacturing Hewed work, lit bas an band a large lot of Kretteh Kip and Calf Hfcina, of the very best qnellty. Tbt till tent of Olearleld and vicinity are respectfully invited to give hlsa a trial Ifa charge for eallt. n,- n tr lUi'SrfUniKous. Clearfield Nursery. RN COURAGE HOMB INDD8TRT. TUB undersigned. ImTlng tstabllshed a War atry oa the 'Pike, about half way between Clearleld and Curwenavtlle, It preparrd to fur alsb all kinds ef PHt IT TKKKti, f standard aad dwarf,) Evergreene, Phrutbery, Grape Vtnet, Isooseberrlet, t.awtou Dtaekherry, 8 1 raw berry, aad Kaaberry Vlnea. Alio, Hiberian Grab Trees, Qui nee, and early tenlel Phuharb, do. Orden promptly attended to. Address, tj, V. WIUHHT. eep! t-y CarweaavUla, Pa New Meat Market. THR undPTflgned have opened a Meat Market tn the rHim formerly ueeuptad by Alexander Iritn, oa Alniket si test, l-leartiuld, Pa., adjoining Mounp'a, whpre tlu.y intend te keep a supp'j of All klndauf Meat, fruit and Veprtablea, And at "rnirm to triT tint Tier. Shop will be open regularly on Tuesday, Thvreday and Kat arday, aad meal delivered at any Mint. A eharo vf public patrunagv is respectfully aolirlti-d. Id. O. URt.Wrt. ; K. W. RKUWN. , r.,.linae to deal ia all kind af improved Agriculture' Itnplemcnidt. Oleartield, Aegiist Si, 170 tf. ST0E AM) KARTUFA'-VAKE tip rvehv iihvcnii'Tio.i 1 CUOCK.S: I'OTS! CROCKSI PUhcr'a Palttit Alrllfftil Keif . Ueallsif l-'rult l anal BfTTKR cmiCKri, with lid', CBF.AM CHDfKX. MII.K CAOCKS, Al'Pl.K HlltTKll CHOCKS, PICKLE CHUCKS. FLOWER POT, Till UIFIIKl, ITKW POTfl. And a great many ether things too aamaroa. an meutioa, to be bad at FRED'K. lEITZINGER'S ' STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner n Cherrv and Third fltreett, CLKAKklRUi, PA. angl Beale's Embrocation! (1 ati rowiu'i.) kTor til dlseaset Incidoal to Dni, CaUU, mi Uemaa Flesh, re a '.ring tba aaa af aa eiUraal applieatiaa. This Bmbroestteta was aateaairwlf ate4 iff ihe yeverraient durlag tba war. for salt by Hnrtewieh A Irwlc, Clearleld. Joseph R. trwfa, Carwtatvllla. Paniel Ooad. laader. l4al:bertbra, tf AlMIMTtlATOftN NtmraiJtoga Is btretiv ft rim that Mters of adminlttratina ou tae eetaie ef UKoHtlH MuVKR. daoaated. lata of Uraliam township, t'learlld County, Pa., having hen duly granc-d to the w Brit-reigned,, all pofnnt lndvhtd to said rutale will mM twaba payment, aad thoee having eJatsjat ir deeaandc will prMteat tbtta properly auiMatrd for twt tlcmtiit. KOYKR. , 1 AKii:i, flMKAli, rb. 18, l;rtU, Admlalst rater. fenit toxnAUMi ntM ;o