Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 17, 1872, Image 2

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BDITUB AMI) MiornirToft,
'.z-'xt: ri;:
Poor Clubh. It socrns tho "Gen.
Unrry Wliito Clubs'' did not ninouui
lo much in tlio Radicul Stuto Convou.
tion. Hurry did not got ono yoto for
Govornor. Pet-Imps tho negro Purvis
captured Iinrry's honors.
. Steamboat llomion. Tho boiler on
tho Steamer Oeennus oxplodod on tho
Mississippi rirer, about thirty miles
nbovo Cairo, III , on the nftornoon
of tho 12lb, killing or.j drowning
nooui eighty out of one hundred pus
. doncers on board.
Ix Mourning. Our Jfudicnl frionds
in thin county nro mourniii tho detent
ol tlicir choice for Governor. Wo told
thorn nt the time that Ihoy would find
"Jordan" a hnrd road to travel. For.
ney is weeping, too; but wo suspvei
ho is using onions lo make iho toars
The Pour Aces It is said that
Simon Cumeroei.StatoTronsurerMatk
ey, Mntt. Ouny, of Beavor. and Shop
iff Leodn, of Philadelphia, nominated
tlio candidates set up by the Radicul
Slato Convention. The victuals wero
roady chewed for tho delegates, who
swnllowed them without making even
wry laces.
Just tub Mas. Wm. J. Ovens, the
murderer of Col. Riddle, in Philadel
phia, a fow years ngo, was the door
Keeper of tho Radical State Convun
tion. It is no wonder thnt thot body
nominated Jlrs. Jaurratt s hanirmnn
Ilartranft. It is a law of nature that
liko produces liko. It was however a
"ring" that brought about a similar
into ol things on tho 10th.
Mixing. Robert Purvis, a Rucks
county negro, is ono of tlio dolegntcs
trjm thmbtato to tho Radiiul Nation
al Convention. Victoria Woodliull
should also be selected. Then "tho
blending of tlio races" miilit bo set
down from that timo. Hob., Vie.,
Gen. Harry White and tlio
- cr, Allen, would muko a gny team of
Ilow lis Did It. Geo. O. Evans
paid D. C. Forney, $5,000. loaned Gen
Ilartranft $7,000, mado a prpmt at
- S2..i(m tn Dp rinr.
agreed to print a $:JO,000 life or Gov.
Geary, (book not out yet), gave Wil
son in one or tho Doiiartinenu nt
Washington $20,000, being a debt of
honor and kept tho balance, $200,000
If there is honor in paying a $20,000
debt how about tho chunk duo the
Grant Awakk. It appear "the
government" is not always nsleop.
Grant tctood a bill tho other day
which Congress passed, allowing a
man named Baker $0,000 for services
as Consul at Rio Janeiro. Ho avers
that Baker never hold the position.
This is certainly n substantial reason
for vetoing tho bill. It is however
well that tho sum was not sixty thou
sand, or it would have boeu pigncd,
the money drawn and porhaps loaned
to Gen. Ilartranft, orass!gned to Geo.
O. Evans.
Loyai, Rrtrenchkrs Tho Radical
leaders, harlot like, proclaim their
own virtues. To listen to their blub,
ono would suppofe them lo bo great
reformers and rctrcnchcrs. Tho Pitts
burg Post puts ono point in this way :
'Wo havo alceady mentioned the hoi that a
earpet.baggcr named Xor,i, tril t ouit from
'?.V,.""?TM Mr """'"'T, the Rfpr.irnt.liv.
of In. 1 District of Alabama, who wm legally
.ectc, bjr 3,1 j ,j,ilv. orrl. founded hi.
Plain to th. scat on Ih. .round that If
It had Dot been for intimidation enough rote,
would have been east f, bi,n to secure hi. elr..
tion, hut tailed to pro, a single in.lanee of th.
ntiaidation which was alleged, th., go.
Ing to .how, on th. contrary, that an unusually
heavy tot. was polled. II. did not get th. eovet-
i u '.I n tbr"l"T " Administration m.
Jorlty In Congress voted him tj.f M fr prrin,
hi. onlrageom, pr.poal.rnu. claim. This I. the
way ih. Administration narabon of Congrm.
engender th. people's monn and enoouragc. ear.
J-ot bnggorjr and fraud."
Tur. Abriiiamites. The PiltburKli
negroes bavo organizod themselves
into bonoficiul society, called "The
Hons and daughters of Abraham Lin
coin." "Old Abo" never was in tho
habit of blushing, but wo think ho
would wriggle a littlo if ho could look
upon his negro offspring. As these
"sons and daughters" will most likely
have public parades, and therefore
necessarily banners, tho rott furnishes
tho following Lincoln quotations as
mottoes for Ihein :
r "' "J" rAT0 "" riTur.,nip."
"Ir tu8tti op iLi.iania had tnar powsn,
I amp. a ciim. a a,,,) I mini i n an orii.a
an to rna Man,-,,. , ,t.-4Ki, . .)9 D
oaat iawl't of.orile.
Tho mottoes from tho lips of Mr.
Lincoln would look well, if in gilt let
ters, and of a si.o sumciently largo to
bo road from tho sido walks as tho
procession passed along.
Tho following extract from Mr.
Lincoln's speech nt Qulnoy (III.) would
be too long fr banner, but would
Answer admirably as an inscription
Tcr tho chair of tho presiding officer
pf tho Sons and Daughters.
l ,.., ..Wo ,. ,...f ,,.,
'k'"mj'Jt','"l. ' (rohnU, Jm,r thx
Iktir IM, ly,(,p ,A. fat o.r.. ,,.
V. cad it btrom.t m .mm'i. iAq
lar. muM a d:r,nmct, I a u pavos hp thi
mm to vian ItaLons airtxa tii tti-iniou
Tl4 moant paid unsuooossful oon
toilanu of scats In last Contrross was
f 11 3,000. p
Thtlr Candidate:
Tho Radical ' ring inastors" mol at
Ilari ibburg, on Wednesday Inst, niul
by ihe.acqiiieseonco oi'lliuir long-faced
oountry cozens, set up Gen. John F.
Ilartranft, for Governor, TJIj bscs S.
Mercur, for Supremo Jndgo, and Gen.
Harrison Allon, for Auditor Gencrul.
Ilartmnft Is tho prosont Auditor Gen
eral, and partner ot tho Stato robber,
Goorgo O. Evnns. Ho is tho man who
borromd 87,000 from Evnns, twoyer,r
ngo, and paid it buck ".lion tho nows-
papors mado a fuit about Iho robbery
but novor lifted tho Me. Mercur is
in Congress from tlio Bradford district
Ho has been clcolcd threo times. Hit
first majority was 1,800, his second
lers than DUO, and hid third less than
400. It will bu ioen thnt ho is run
ning down hill. His popularity like
Ids moral integrity is heavily on the
decline, nr.d could never bo restored,
oven if ho wns elected to tho Supreme
Allen is a Warren county Cornplan
tor, and was raised to what ho
is by the innebago C hief, and
is thcrctnro . more of an Indian
than an honest man. II o has spent
two years in tho Assombly and throe
year in Iho SAnntft. ami la N 1
"rinu rooster." Thcro will bo some
moro Evans affairs, if General II A ft
RISOX Allen, gets into tho Auditor
General's olllco. Suoh a brnco of cor-
ruptionists as Ilurtranfl and Allen was
uover thrust before tho pooplo. These
two political buzzards were nominated
two months ago by the Philadelphia
and Pittsburg corruption rings, who
want to secure the Governorship for
another term, uud put tho rooster
Allen into tho Auditor's offico to settle
tho ring accounts. Thus, Ilartranft,
if oloctcd, would step nut of tho Audi
tor General's olllco into tho Guberna
torial Chair, and Allon from tho Sen
ate to tho former position, so that no
link will drop out of the robbers' chain.
If theso men succeed in cajoling tho
people of tho State into electing them,
tho robbers will havo everything, and
tho taxpayers muy as well mnko an
assignment of all thoy havo. What
Philadelphia and New York has un
dergone, this Slate will havo to endure
if these political harlots succeed in
reaching their positions. Of this we
havo littlo fear, howover. Because
tho people, unliko them,yot possess a
urge share of moral integrity and will
therefore never elect those notorious
corruptionists. Tho ring is too weak
to corrupt tho Slato and however well
it may have succeeded in Philadelphia
and Allegheny horoloforo, it will oven
bo broken thoro, in October next.
The Sixteenth.
It is reported that Gov. Geary will
veto tho Congressional Apportionment
bill. This wo prosumo is only a "feel
er, lie evidently thinks thcro is
"aomathing in tt," and giving out that
-r -l, iim muitiuu ul
"pinching" in this caso. But if no ono
is foolish enough to offer him anything,
ho will sign it nevertheless. However,
if somo ono pays him for vetoing it,
he may do so. It is the kind of bill
which prcsonts two sides, and liko
property at a vendue, "the highest
biddor" is generally tho buyer. Tho
following tublo is tho real mnko up of
our district :
, J.'.,; 2 1
1 1,1.31
2. Kill
tnion 140,512 I3.H.-.9 12,087
!nioeratio major) lu tli. li.triol, 1,752.
Tho nbovo is the vote polled for
Auditor General, in 1871. Tho vote
cast for President, in 1S0S, In the
snmo counties, was for Seymour
Dom., 11,815; Grant, Rud , 13,879.
Seymour's majority 900. Democratic
loss Since 18(58, 1000; Radical loss
1,782. The population set forth in
tho first column is takon from the
census of 1870.
Listen ! Tho Philadelphia- Press
gets off the following truthful romark.
bother it is an accident or not, wo
cannot any; but it is tho truth any.
how, nnd may appear slrnngo to tho
readers of that journal. Hero is tho
Democratic sentiment alluded to :
Our not groal .truggl. i. to b. a war with cor
ruption a orurada agiin.t the bribnry In eur
Irgi.lallr. hall., th. of official., and
Ih. ba.-KRtcra in politic. Tlica innoenc.. ar.
mora dangorou. than waa th. ri-bollinn of the
laprboldrr.. Thpy ara .apping Ih. .pring of
morality among th. naopl., porvvrting lb. forin
and purpo.. of our ilorcrnini-nt at houi. an-1 mak
ing of It a thing of ridinui. and o ntmpt abroad.
V hat party has fed und fattened
"dishonest ofllcials" nnd political huck
sters f Who lias dried up "tho springs
of morality'? Who wo ask again ?
Was it dono by tho party in power at
Washington und llarrisburg for 12
yonrs past f A party professing to bo
"controlled by grand moral idoas"(! i
and proclaiming itself "loyal" above all
others. Woare pleased to loai n Hint fif
teen yonrs of political harlotry hns not
quito robbed tho editor of tho Press of
lis conscience and political virluo. In
tho langungo of Iho poet wo say that :
"While Ih. Inrap hold, out lo burn
Th. ytk-it .inner may return."
The National Committ: tp.
August Rolinont, Chairman of tho
Domocrntio National Commitleo has
issuod the following i-ii-culm. in il...
different members of thnt body t
.ion are to attend a mcnliug of the
National lmncratio Coininitle. on Wt-dnclar,
th. Sth of Mm nnvt. ! 9 n m ! il.. ..
of th. Chairman, l-S Fifth menus, New York.
Although this nolo does not contain
a formal statement of tho objects for
which tho Committee nssmliles, it is
distlhCllv Undul'stmul It. la tnr llin nup.
poso of fixing tho dnto and placo of
tho National Convention of iho Dem
ocracy. By tho 8th of May the action of the
Cincinnati Convention will bo before
tho country, and if it carries with it
any political influence, tho Domocrnlic
loaders will be in a position to make
tho best possible uso of existing clr
cumstances. Thcro is little, If any
thing more m bo said in this comic;
lion until afUr tho meeting of the
-National Committee.
.1 tJrant Example.
Tho Now York Sun sayss "Tho
Washington correspondent of tho Bos
ton Advertiser, an ardent Administra
tion papor, says that during tho inves
tigation of the charges nguinsl Comp
troller Hulburd by tho flanking and
Curn mcy Committoo, on Tuesday lust,
Mr. fluitof Richmond testified that,
being tho owner in grent part of two
or threo national bunks, and wishing
to hnv'o a friend nt oourl. ho appoint-
O'J six years ngo as cashier of ono td
his banks a brother of tho Comptroller.
Shortly afterward ho discovered thnt
tho now cashior was using tho funds
of tho bank for nrivalo speculations,
and forced him lo resign, whon it was
ascertained that ho was n defaulter to
tho amount of $.18,000, which has never
been repaid. Hulburd, with a lull
knowledge of this dishonosty on the
pint of his brother, soon allerwunl
nppointod his delimiting rolativo to
the responsioic position ui uu-m uaiiiii
iner in Philadelphia, which ho still
holds. On tho snmo day a clerk In
Iho currency bureau testified thnt a
nephew of flulburd's bad been paid a
year s salary lor ooing nu umuunv ui
work thnt could havo been done in a
few weeks. It Ih not probable that
tho supporters of tho Administration
will seo anything wrong In nil this.
Thoy will prohnbly arguo that no im
proper mollvo has boon shown on tho
pnrt of the Comptroller in placing n
defaulter .in. a position of such.a trust
as thiil ol a bunK examiner. Air. llul
burd has tho example of Gon. Grant
to sustain him in the practice of pro
viding for liis relations lit tho public
oxpense, nnd it would scorn to be an
impossibility for him toqiinrteron the
public moro worlliiet'S reunions than
Grant has. It is no wonder that the
Advertiser cxprossos tho opinion that
'.lieso investigations are getting lo be
All Wrono. An exchango says:
"A bill has passod both Houses of the
Legislature which provides that in
case of the death of the Auditor or
Surveyor General, between his elec
tion and tho beginning of his lerm,
tho Governor shall appoint till tho
first Tuesday of iho following Decem
ber tho election of tho now officers
to tako pi a co nt tho next October
election. Tho bill continues Gonerul
Ilartranft in ofllco until next Decem
ber. Wo nro opposed to tlio plan of
continuing n man in olllco by nn act
of tho Legislature, which is mischief--ous
in its tendency. Tho Constitu
tion prescribes tho term ot otlico ol
tlio Auditor General, and tho Legisla
ture has no business lo increase it.
There must bo some private reason for
this unprccedent act. Tho bill in
question having been neither signed
nor returned by Gov. (ieary within
tho ton days allowod him, it becomes
n law without his signature. An
election for this position will conse
quently bo in order in October next,
and candidates for Auditor General
can how present their claims' for nom
Sbnsihlr Akvick. Tho Doylcstown
Democrat, in alluding to tho lartro
number of circulars which nro flyinit
about the country, addressed lo lie in
oerats, advising ihem to tako pnrt in
tho Lincinnuli Convention, says it is
a trick of the administration, which
wants to mix Democrats up with that
Convent inn an ai to prejtnlico it in the
--....:. I i ...... I-1 : . tir .
adviso Democrats to keep their hands
off of it. It is not our affair, but ono
that belong exclusively to tho Itonub
lican household. Grunt's (Wends would
liko to uso us to pull their chestnuts
out of tho Ore, which are in a fair way
to get burned, but Domocrats are a
little too smart for that. Let them
luko euro of their own "funeral," and
nunu their own business.
Medical Coli.eoe Charters Rk
Voked. Bills repealing tho charter of
the "Kcloctio Medical College of Penn
sylvania" and the "Philadelphia L'ni
versity of Medicine" havo been passed
by both houses of tho Pennsylvania
Legislature, on account of the sale ol
bogus diplomas by thnso institutions
to persons not qualified torecuive them.
The charges wero investigated by a
committee of Stuto Senators, who found
that a number of ignorant and incom
petent persons nro now practicing as
physicians by authority of those bogus
diplomns, some of which were sold for
$50 each.
Dr. Urown.of the Bullefonlo Ilepub
lican, is therefore likely to loto his di
ploma. Hoi.n On, Steadily I Depend upon
It, saysa prominent Demoorntio paper,
this is not tho timo for Democrats to
iioist tho white toother. Tho moder
nto Republicans nro becoming Demo
crats in all urliclesof faith which hnvo
now nny politicul lifo, and they will
come to us. They oro now as bittur
ly opposed to tho lafiludinurianiKin of
Mr. Sumner as wo aro, and may do as
much lo re establish the good old prin
ciples of Andrew Jackson as wo. In
other words, they will return to tho
party from which they departed.
Why, Dion, should Domocrats surren
der whon good drilled reinforcements
lire coming up t
Mork or Tiikm. It still koops
thundering in tho West. A call has
been issued by Hon. J. B. Gritmcll,
I'ilr. Henry Warren, Jacob liutlcr,
Gcorgo W. Field, J. II. Williamson,
and n number of other prominent Re
publicans of tho State of Iowa, for a
mnsa convention nt Davenport on
Tuesday. A m il 25. to ntmoinL ilnln.
gntes to tho National Liberal Repub
lican ( 'nuvntil Irn nl ti ni.i m. I ! 'IM.
call is addressed to nil ciliznna whn
nro opposed lo corruption and milita
ry rule. Iowa contains no bolter mon
within Iho ranks of I'uo Radical party
than Ihcso mo.
A Fanatic Waller T. Miller, of
Now York city, who had boon sum
moned ns a petit juror in tho Unitod
States District Court, sent nn nppea!
to Judgo lilatchford, Wednesday morn
ing, asking to bo excused on tho ground
that ho is a member of tho Reloruied
Presbyterian Church, which maintains
lhat il is wrong for its members lo in
corporate with tho government of tho
United Slates under its present Con
stitution inasmuch ns that Constlliu
.i i ... i . . . .
nun uoc noi ncKnowiougo uuu as
Iho author of nnliontil existence.
Tho excuso was grunted.
Tin Prick Tho cost of tho com
milteo investigations into t lm MpTIm.
Gray frauds, is tho snug sum of 114,.
onn. .-i.i.i. -1 f: i
.nu mm wiiiuii 11)0 WIIOIO pcoplo 01
tho Stato nro to bo laxod for tho ras
calilios of tho Radical rounders nnd
ropeaters in tho interest of the Grant
administration, and his chances for
renomination lo the Prosidonoy. This
Is but a drop m tho bucket, so far as
Radioul pill'erings, ombosislomontsnnd
defalcations are concerned. thoro
need of reform ?
Coupon Virs.
California Mindorwont tho tortures
nf nn carlhquako last week.
. A breach of promise Tho breach In
tho Rudical party.
Tho Logan House, Altoona, will be
robuilt on it grander and moro impos
ing scale,
Bedford county has just glvon n
contract for building n 10,000 poor
Il is stntod thnt only six of tho 110
Gorman papers In tho United States
support Grant. '
Tho President lias slgnod nn net
grouting Iho pro-cmption right to
settlors in California.1 -
Dologates to Iho Liberal Republican
Convention nt Cincinnati will bo chos
en in Philadelphia on the -Olli inst.
Gov. Geary has signed tho bill to
provont the selling of liquors on elec
tion days during tho lime tho polls are
A wiso man looks upon mon as ho
docs on horses; nil their caparisons ol
litlo, weulth and placo ho considers
but harness. . . i
All the royal officials at Berlin havo
boon ordered to lay burs their arms
and bo vaccinated in defence of the
iinporial household.
Thirty four horses wero burned up
in Philadelphia on tho 4th, insl., in a
stablo belonging lo the Kniekerbockor
Ice Cumuanv.
Tho Philadelphia Press is opposed
to Ilartranft for Govornor. Th Gen
eral gol $7,000 from Kvans nnd the
Colonel only 2,000.
Tho Radical government cf the city
of Washington is only ehrrged with
stoalinfe $111,000,000; but then it has
only been in existence a few months.
Since the adjournment of tho Logis
lalure, Goo. O. Kvans, who was an
nounccd to bo "sick n'gU unto death,"
has rccovorod entirely.
Three mon and two women are in
Williamspnrt jail, charged with rob
bing tho Muncy I nsuranco Company,
two weeks ngo. .
Jenny Llnd's daughter, aged four
teen years, is said to give great vocal
promiso, a prospect of great joy ond
satisfaction lo tho Swoedish Nightin
gale A Kansas scat in tho Senate of the
United States cost $00,000. Ono Cald
well was the purchaser. This is a
littlo under the last Pennsylvania
A deficiency of $5,000 lias been dis
covered in tho post oflieo nt Fort
Wayno, Indiana. The postmaster ad
mils tho deficiency, but says ho "can
not account for il.
Nino spans nf iho Northern Central
Railroad liridgo at Dauphin were des
troyed by firo on Wcduesduy night of
two weeks ngo. A spark from an
cngino caused tho firo.
It is said that tho brains of iho Rad
ical parly w ill make up tho Cincin
nati ('(invention. Tho Evanses nnd
tho olllco holders will coin poso tho
Philadelphia Convention.
A convention of iron manufacturers
met in Pittsburgh last week and raised
iron f of a cent per pound and nails
25 cents per keg. Tho tariff wo sup
pore is too low.
An Illinois paper relievos tho minds
of ull the supporters of Jndgo Davis
by staling that that goutloman has
lint, niji hmlliop i.. . - - -
are all capable of canng for thorn
Delegates to tho Liberal Republican
Convention nt Cincinnati, will bo chos
on nt Philadelphia on tho 20th of the
month. Met lu ro is just tho man lo
head tho delegation and run Iho ma
chine. The New Yoik Sun thinks thnt
while tho Administration is boasting
of muking payments on tho public
debt, it might improve on the matter
and tell uliout paying somo of the
claims two or threo times.
Though tho verdict of tho Coroner's
jury fully exonerates Vio. Woodliull
Ironi ull complicity in tho death ot nor
first husband, Dr. Woodliull, it is still
tolerably certain that liko, Lady Mao
belli, alio has Blood on her huniU.
Political Economy, according to the
Radical definition, is to lux tho people
as high as possible, and then cither
squander the revenues on usole ex
penditures, or permit dishonest 1 flici
als to steal themselves rich.
Rov. Dr. Dushiell, President of )ick
inson College nl Carlisle, has res rnod
tho Presidency of that insu tilth' i, lo
tako effect in Juno next, to cnubf hi in
to tako chargo of iho Presiding 11 dcr
ship of tho Jersey city disliict.
Tho Ohio Legislature has pa-;d a
bill to compel Lifo Insurance Co; ipa
nies of other States doing busimss in
Ohio lo file with tho Statu Audi or a
waiver of the right lo transfer any
caso from tho Slato to tho Ft- oral
Tho Boston Pout says: Afbr a
Southern Stato has been cheated,1 rob
bed nnd oppressed until tho cfrpet
bag scoundrels oro obliged to ( run
nwar, then their victims nro tnlled
Ku-Kliix, and placed undor martial
law. Truth.
An Iowa woman lost her thimble
last November, nnd on Palm Sunday
found it in her stocking. Sho would
nut havo found il then had sho not
mistaken tho day, nnd under tho lm
prosslon it was Kastor made her annu
al chungo of hoso.
At Now Oilcans, Monday morning,
Iho runner of tho Cilir.cns Bunk was
robbed of $07,01)0 nt tho Canal Rank.
Ho h'td placed his bonk on tho counter
when his uttcnlion being distracted
another book was substituted. No
arrests havo been made.
Tho Village. Record says, tho first
colored applicant for the position of
teacher in Chester county, is Susie
Goodwin, of Keiinotl Square. Sho
was examined by the Cuunly Super
intendent at Tough koiiamon, oii'Thurs
dny last, and passed a very crcditahlo
Dr. Schceppo, tho Carlisle murder
er, writes a letter to tho Philadelphia
Bulletin in which ho states that his
reported riches are ontiroly mythical.
Ho says "1 am so poor that 1 cnnnol
procure tho most ordinnry noccssaries
oflifo. I neod ory much at present,,
somo shirts nnd a coat, but hnvo no
money lo buy thoeo articles."
Rather So. Tho Now York Timet
says : "Tho rnto at which this country
bus reduced both its debt and its tax
ation is simply Incomprehensible to
foroign financiers." To which the
Louisvillo Ledger rejoins ; "Tho rato
nt which debt and taxation accumulat
ed in this country has boen inoompro
honsihlo to native financiers and iho
debt, after oil tho boastod roduction,
is still incomprehensible, and tho
thiovlng of Radical ofllco holders is
incoinprehonsiblo. Wo can givo for
eigners any amount of Radioul incoin.
prrhviuiblos if thr-y want them,"
.1 Hllrtit Itebuke.
Tho Krio Observer says s "Wo are
glad to know that tho systematic
blackmailing of men for techuicul vio
lations of the U. S. laws, inaugurated
sinco tho administration of District
Attorney Swoopo, and carried on by
his millions, is ul lust to reecivo a
chock. A letter is published from
Geo. II. Williams, Attorney General
of tho United States, addressed to Mr.
Swoopo, in which ho Informs the lat
ter oliicer lhat complaints havo roacii
him that citizens "aro Indicted in tho
United Slates District Court, upon In
stilllcient grounds, for alleged violation
of Internal Revenue laws, snd at tho
insliinco of informers, jn consoquenco
of which thoy nro compolled to pay
considerable sums of money lo com
promise tho proceedings in order to
avoid tho Irouolo and expenso ot at
tending court at u remote distance
from whero thoy reside The Altor
noy General "respectfully suggests"
lo Air. Swoopo that ho must not hero
after "allow indictments to bo found
against persons for what appear lo bo
mere technical violations of tho Inter
nal Revenue Law, without in tho first
placo conferring with tho assessor or
collector, or both, ol tlio districts in
which il is alleged such offenses aro
committed." After this mild hint,
wo hope lo hear of no moro cases liko
some that havo been brought before
tho Court in tho lastycnr, which hnvo
Wii denounced without an exception
by every person ucniiaii.l-.l vitU t lu
Transfer or Political Power.
Nothing illustrates tho wonderful
transfer of political power from tho
East to tho West, in tho United Stales,
as well as tho following figures show
ing iho representation in Congress of
two grout western in conoction with
Iho greatest eastern stato, in 1840,
contrasted with 1872; Illinois and
Missouri had in 1810, togothor, five
Congressmen; iNow rorlt had forty
Congressmen. In 1872 Illinois and
Missouri havo thirty-two Congress
mon ; Now York has thirty two Con
gressmen. Thus thirty years ago
Now York bad oighl times the number
of Congressmen of theso two western
Bound to Havr It. Tho delega
tion from tho District of Columbia to
tho Philadelphia Convention omo
whito mon and somo black men havo
been instructed to go for Grant and
Colfax and Mr. Sumner's Civil Rights
bill that is, "equal rights for colored
folks with whito folks," in public
schools, railway cars, slciimboats, &o.
Tho Republicans may dodge this
thing with tho amnesty question in
Congress, but they will havo to face
it at Philadelphia, or seven hundred
thousand colored voters "will no iho
reason why." jV. '. Herald.
A Loyal TnusiiEiinoi.T. Cassius
M. Clay, tho pioneer abolitionist of
Kentucky, hns been invited to speak
at Sunford, in lhat Slate. Mr. Clay
savs, in his loiter of acceptance, thai
'us faction, another nemo for the mad
ness of party, has been the ruin of nil
republics, 1 shall attempt to speak for
the wholo people, to rovivo a national
patriotism, and lo rebuild tho shat
tered temple of our liberties upon the
solid hard pan of Iho Constitution,
sisterhood of all Iho States, and tho
oni...i:.- nnil frutrrnitv nf all llioir
"Wont Take." Conirress has nnss.
od an act prohihiiing tho employes of
iho departments from acting as agents
or attorneys for tho prosecution of
claims within two years nfler leaving
offico. But will the law be enforced
under tho present administration f .
uoubltul ! hen tho head of all the
departments will uceept presents and
. i . . . . i.i
men appoint, some ol tho givers to
othco, it cannot bo expected that the
other branches of tho public service
will bo guarded and purified by a
watchful and supervising care. This
is casting pearls boforo swino.
Where did it Go? Tho Federal
administration wants $0,000,000 on
the deficiency account. This is to
pny Iho expenses of Iho present year,
in addition to tho sum appropriated
by Iho last Congress. Tho Quarter
master General has already spent all
of tho appropriation of $1,000,000 for
building nnd repairs of barracks, etc.,
and wants $750,000 moro to get along
until July. Thcro is, as the despatch
es say, either gross extravagance in
some Quarters, or the esLiniatos are
ignoraully mado up,
$ftv gidmtisrmrntj.
LiYction of Co. Superliitendent
KIK1.1) COl'.M'Y.
flKSTl.nvl'S t In purriiince nf Ih. forty-third
Motion of lit. Aot of Sth Mnr, ISM, Jrou are here
by tiotided In meet In oonTpntiun, at the Court
Muum. la Clearfield, on Ih. KIHST Tt KSDAY
In NAY, A.I). ls;i, bein Ih. 7th day of the
month, at I o'oluek in th. allrrnoon, and at-lrcl
rim aoee, bv a majority of th. whole number of
Director, present, on. p.runn of literary and aoi
rntitio acquirement., and or .kill and eiperienc.
in the ait of leaoliinr, a Counly Superintendent
lor tho threo .urn-ceding year.i di-termiua the
amount of eotnien.ntion lor the cnina, and certify
th. re.ult to th. lat. Superintendent at Harris
burg, a. rUU,r-d by th. thirty ninth and fortieth
Mel ion. or .aid aot. (1 1'.O. W. r.N V II V. II,
I'leatSeld, April 17, l;i.-3t Co. Siipt.
Al) M I N I T M A 11 (II B Al, K OK V A I. U .
A ltl.K RRAL KHTATK.-lly rlrtne or an
irdcr of th. Orphan.' Court of Clearfield eonntr,
he andcr.l;ned will .ell at nubile rale, at the
!-itiil of .lolin Pond, in th. bnrotiKh of Curwcna-
illo, on BATH l DAY, May 4th. 1SU, at ! o'clock
m , tho follow inr property: A d'-ilral.l. farm
illnn Ihrcfiiurtha of a mil. of Curwcn.Tille,
ll. Ih. properly of David lllnom,, eon
liinint II Arrra and 47 S III perch... Th.
-perly 1. handaotnely .itii.te.1, In good condi
tion, with a Triune hou... log barn, orchard and
I'lher Improvement, therenm
i Tuaua op Hai,. On. Ihird ca.h no .onSrma
lon of .ale, and bnlnns. in two eqiinl annual pay
ittrnt., with Inlon-at to ho scoured by bond and
iiiorleBgo in th. prrmiao. JOHN W. UK A I), Admini.trator of Darld Bloom dee.
i .
Stool Cultivotor Teeth,
. Sliovcl Plow SIioyoIs,
llll.L-SIHE n,ovs, Ac, Ac,
Clcsrfl. IJ, l'a., April i lm.
gfiv dvrrti5t'mfnfs.
List or Retail Dealers
N foreign and Dometts Merehaudii. la Oltar
I Bold gountr f"f tUe yoar 173 1
Clan. i.
1( Wm. 8. Diokcjr... $.
M C. J. Kinxjr 7
13 J. (1. Illntjow.... 10
Clan. Litt.
10 F.l.lvorlgbtaCo.
14 Jiime. Dunn
14 .Mathia. .Mayer...
14 J. 8. W, Ilium.
14 V. Onllaghcr
14 John M. L'basc...
14 sho.. Henderson.
14 James Comely....
14 riamut-l Hugei-fy..
14 Win. C'arletol)
U T. 11. Met.
II Blmon MnKurlauo 1.1
It J. K. Dillon
SKI. I..
14 Ilorahaugh i Co.
14 David Hell 7
14 Itul.t. MihafTry... 7
14 J. U. Kill. 7
IS I. L. IteiacnsU'in 10
13 J. H. Hbowers.... 10
12 Itied llro ,..121
14 It. II. Hhaw 7
13 Juhn Holt Son. Ill
14 K. II. William.... 7
13 Albert Droa.aCo. 10
II .Miller A 1'owull.
1.1 A. I. fihuw
U II. P. Mangle.
6 Hichnrd Mu..op
10 Jo., t-baw A Hon.
U T. K. Wa.too...
14 1'. A. Uaulin
11 J. A. Ptadler
14 C.D.Watson
14 Lever Klegal
II Wendell Kudrcs..
14 J. 11. Jl- Combi-r.
U iiart.wlck. Irwin
It Packet! aHchrrvcr
14 UobL Lan.barry. 1
13 8. II, Carlial...... 1(1
13 C.aU.Sohwrlntoo III
13 H.n l Uoodlandor Id
II R. U.Moore 7
14 John tk'hcrich... 7
14 J. W. CarllleM... 7
14 Kuuti Co 7
14 Jno. lloborlmg... 7
13 J. A. Tcrpc If
13 Ilorace I'alchin. 10
13 Jnekson l'alohia. 10
7 Weaver Hott. . 40
T Kralier A Lylle. 40
13 Wrljht t llro.... 10
S ll.F. Uigl.rACo. 90
14 D. McOaughry... 7
10 J. hi. Krlior... It
10 Hubert Mitchell. 10
13 Ilambcrgsr A Co.134
14 Kck-o A c. 7
14 K. U. lull T
rt na-KdsviLLi.
14 Fhming A Noel.. 7
14 W. U. Ali-uinOer. 7
H John C. Coiner... 7
14 A. W. l'atohio.... 7
14 McK.ce Co 7
14 Knae A MeCune.. 7
14 Wiu. Hunter 7
14 O. P. 1'ioree 7
13 Franci. Cotidrk-t. 10
'4 Juftin 1'luhell 7
13 i:M,VXx-'?
14 Uillilnnd Co.... 7
13 Fau.t A Uoodwin 10
14 Kced llro. .. 7
13 Hoover 4 II ro 10 14 I). H. I I .Iner....
13 W in. J. Ja k.on.. Ill
14 J. It. Irwin.. 7
II Arnold. Ilart.h'n 15
13 Thomp.on A Co..l2i
II Catharine (Irulf... 7
14 ltobecca F.tiler... 7
10 K A. aW D.Irwin 20
It Johnlrvin I2J
14 L. V. II. Hr,.t-. 1
14 II. 8. Stewart.
13 Aug. Lcoonto....,
14 E. Irwin ,
13 T. II. Forcey
Ot H.
10 P. t A. Flynn...
14 T. A. 1'rid.aux..
1 13 Wm. McUride.... 10
2:14 Jacob Bilger 7
14 A. A J.O.Ira 7
Li-aacn ctrr.
14 U. W. 8encer.... 7
14 Nutter.DavisaC'o. t
13 Ferguson A ttoea. 10
13 I). L. Ferguson... 10
10 Me.Murray Co. 20
13 Worrell A lack. 'n. II',
oar tot..
11 W. J. Kelly 12J
14 Patrick Dunn 7
14 Mrs. 8. Buckle... 7
14 Henry Wallace... T
14 Michael Barry.... 7
10 Mcllrath A Co.... 3"
15 I.. Clabaugh 20
10 T. C. 20
14 T. rl. A J. 1). Lett 7
0 Mo.hanoon Land
A Lumber Co... 60
14 tleurg. U.Jones. T
11 II. It. Uood 7
14 J. II. Brown 7
It WapleA lUrlra'n 7
14 Anna Boalich 7
10 Henry Alk-raan... jioj
14 Cbaa. M-.Fxldrn. f
14 II. W. Brown..
13 Coryell A Co..
12 Henry tiwan...
. t
, 10
fURTH tra.
II Win. J. Hotter....
13 John W. Fetter.
14 J. 0. MoClonkey,
14 D. J. fcrhard 7
14 James Thompson T
14 J. me. .Mn 7
II Leonard Kvlcr.... 10
14 Thomas Kil.r.... 7
10 1). W. Uoli a Hon 20
13 John B. itaterfy. 10
14 D. K. A J. II
Drubaker. 7
14 Arnold a Brown- 7
Clan. Lint.
13 Fcler Gamier, Covington 10
1.1 Char tea Hbaffer, ClearSeld 10
13 Capar Lripoldl, do M M 10
ClearSeld County Ilank.... SO
F. Arnold, Lnlbrr.lurg ...12
An appeal will be held at the CoiomiMioeer.'
Offior un r-iAtur.liy, the 4lh day of May next, wberj
all who feci aggrieved ean attend.
April IS, 172.-41. Mercantile Appraiser.
? durational.
t ltOOI. l-'OIl f;llll.ja,
Fpiing tcna eommenees May 8, 1572.
nicb2;i WELCH.
NUW WASIinuiO tC.lDfc.Tll,
Clearfield County, Pa.
TiiK SUMMER TEEM of thU ti.atitu!lr.a
will open en Ihe trst Monday of Mny next.
(Term, five month..)
The eonrae of study will embrace a rigid and
thorough test tn every branch ren,ui.lte Iai a prac
tical and accompli.hcd education.
Vocal and In.fnimental snuno will occupy an
Important In Ihe eouree of .tudy.
('nil. will be admitted at any time dnrine the
sceiun, and charged from time of enlennr to ih.
elope of the terra. Nn dcdu.iion will be made
tor aliprnoc, eioept in caw. of protracted illnr.a.
8tudenta desiriug rooms for "clubbing ean be
aoommouaieu e,i moderate ratra.
Oood boarding can be procured at three dol-
(ar. per week at pnblie and -private bouses.
.ui paiiivuiar. aotirem
IIKOKUE W. INM.O. Principal
March S. 72 If New Washington, l'a.
CLKAnriTan, ta.
rilllg SITttNn TERM of fourtcn weeks, will
A commenoe aiomlay, April sth, l S7f .
Reading. Orthography, Writing. Ol ject Lel-
aona, I'rtmary Anllimetio and Primary
(leograi.hy T 00
iii.iory, Local ana ili-scnpttre Urography
wnn .nap urawing, iiraiamar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic S nt
Algebra and Ihe Sciences M on
In. traction tn Instrumental 10 08
Oil painting, 24 lessons 13 (lo
wax work a CO
For full particulars send for Circular.
ClearSeld, Sept, 7, 1S70 Ijpd.
A Mala and Female t'la.lral Illth School,
Kph Drpartmciit Mrparate. Dlatlnrt and
wuipicie m staciu
rpilE aehotastie year of this Institution is dlvl
L ded into two sea.ion. of live month, n.miv.
one week.) each. The Or.t .r..ion commence, on
Ihe tr.t Monday In September j the second, on the
flr.1 Mondoy In February.
The coarse of instruction embraces every thing
necessary to a thorough, practical e J accomplish
ed education of both soxoe.
Pupils will be admitted at any lime and charged
from dale of entrance te the eluso of the ae..ion.
Mo deduction will be made for absence, excepl
In ea.ea of extreme and protracted illnr.a.
rltiidente from a distance oaa be accommodated
with board at low rale.
For particulars, .end for circular., or addreel
Her. P. L. HARBISON, A. M.,
Jnly 2(1, lSJI-tf. Principal.
Male and Female College I
rtHlfl popular Inttitutlnn will open for the
X Hummer see. ion on the find Monday of Mav,
ST1 un,lr lha l.i ...... I i. ... f. .
teachers, In the college building, in the pleasant
- a w nerrviree, intiiana eoi".;y, ; a.
Course of In.lrueti tk.-....k ai.i. .
, MvivMgii. muiic, vocal
and tn.trtvmrnl.!, mcluled. Oood boarding fur
nl.hcd .i rrcm 2.M te per week.
ror runner particular, apply to cither or the
nnder.lgncd liirector., or ad Irc.i them al Urant
P, O., Indiana eountv, Pa.
Hon. R. II. M .-COR MICK,
11, II. KINPOHTS, Cat).,
l'a. K. IlltAI.I.IER,
Feb. T. IS72 Dm. Dircctora.
O. I. (3.
"ItfHKttR to knjr my DRY OOODS, GRO
NriM, (jMocnnwaro, (llMware, lruf and
Notion, Conrefltionorlet! fte,, aheap for caob.
Tho fuhoerlbor ben leavo to Inform hit old and
tew outlotntri lhat bo hat opened
And will -! I oil at nrlcci to tult tho tttnoR. A
liberal reduction will uo mado to euitomon buj-
g ii wua.P"oie,
Call ond oiamlno ni
.ijr itock bofort probain
hart of public patroaaft t
oUewhera. A liboral
ol lolled.
Giro Hope, r., June H, IftTf,
IaIOR WAM PAriOl, o,o
R A It KI T.
(BoottJ, &t.
' ; A SUKB'
CI ALL at h. FLHdAL'H no titon, oPpoi!tc
J Ks Uov, Uilfr' niaidenov, on 8000ml it net,
t'ltmrfield, aui xmint bii Sn itock of
IJOOT3 k SI10K8,
JIATS & CArs, r
Gent's Furnihiiinq Goods,
VALISES, 4c., .
Of which he Is constar.lly receiving a large a.sort-
meni or tne rery latest and Seat sty I.., which he
will di.pose of at
Astonishingly low Prices!
LADIES, t here on hand a large and well
eeie-iieil .lock of those ee!.bral-d hand-eewod
MOKOCCO and I.AS 1 INU UAITKIlS. which 1
oan .afely recommend lo be Ihe hot in the mar
ket. Call and examine them.
flEXTI.EMEN, my stock of Furnl.hlng flood.
complete. 1 hare all Ifae'neveltlis In Koarfa
Tie., Cravat., Han-lk.rcbirfs, Underwear, Sui
pen lers, Collar., fjhm-., lluiii-rv, io., together
with a complete a.rortroent nf White and Cloth
Hhirta. I have on band a large and well selected
stouk at Hats and Caps of the
Very Latest Styles I
Al, Trunks, Velilce, Railroad Tags, Umbrella.,
Canes, and many other articles, both useful and
ornamental, which will he sold at fair rates.
pjsr-TK ii i nl r-i.. .A !.! . .l vt.i-:. ...
re.peelfully invited to cell and examine my foods
before purchasing elwwhcre.
Clcard.ld, Pa., Feb. 7, 1S72.
Xcw Firm at Wallacetou, Pa.
Haro bonjrht tho ?nlire ttock of goedi from P.
OttlUitlier, nnd re recrirlng a fenorml i mo rime d I
of ow f roJi froia tho Eutcrn oitiot, tuoh dj
FEED, 4c, 4o., 4c,
To Mohan for Country Produoo, Tlailroftl Tien,
Lumber or CAHU. Ootvbrr IH, 1871.
J. M. KRATZER i. jo.t receiving a large aud
attractive atuck ol spring tiuods.
DRY (10003, DRES3 GOODS,
Cleai dold, March , 1S71.
Down I Down 1 1
A Proclamation against High Prices 1
"XVTB tn now ofvfinInK op a lot of tho brtt oni
mort tnuHinnhlo Umh1i nnd Wftirt oror
o(Trri In ihtt nirkt, tnd ot priro lhat rttnind
on of Ihe jrHj ohl dun of tthoap thinpi. Thone
who lock faith upon thio pnint, or drrtu onr atlo
gatiom upcrflouus, nootl but
CtLL aT Of rt STOiiE,
Corner Front and .Market atreeti,
Whero thry can , fool, hear and know for thim
rlvco. To fully undrrt.nd whot are ch rap oda.
this wuit b done. W do not deom it nowMarr
lo ono me rato and our lock. It It ouough
for i to ttato that
We have Everything that is Needed
and eon m i tnr J In thU market, and at prices (hat
a ton lo both old and tout..
The allenllnn of Ilia elllsrna of rioarneld and
vl.-lullv la dlm-trd lo Ihe fact that (ioodlrlli.w A
Son are the arenta of ,M. Niece A Co., and hare
Jo.t received a half dosen ear load, of Klour and
Kced, which Ihcy offer at the lowest po.iibl. tf
ore.. A large .look of
Potatoes, Shelled Coin, Corn In car, Ac, Je.
Parlleular attention la called lo XI. Niece A
Co.'i hrand of Faniilv Flour, w'iieli It ilia best ip
tho market.
Flonr and Fel oan and will he sold cheaper
than It oan bo ollaiurd, el.tnhcro In Clearfi.ld
"Store on Market si reel, ncil di)Or to lloq.
Aleaandcr lrvin'i reaidenee.
ooonrri.i.ow a ton.
Janldif Aenlfur MUleoeACo.
"ttTAIX PAPRR al any ptioe, front U( to to
1 rents a boll at
okI.37 I in " r WK.WKR 1IETT.
II V n. IMIIITI.ll HIAW, It. I,..,
llavliit succeeded In felting a lir'Her i.rit .
material, henoo tho Ivm and mocltrai, tbuu I
pr.rl.Hl and full .ot. of Toelh. I n.e thi wll
manufacture of teeth ami other naierl.i. TJ
oi.crullona rel.itered and witrranled to r, .
vlco and sati.f.-iotion.
Friend., redeot that air chnree. for the law
lion of arlifliiial aud the eat ing of the
leeth are now the most reasonable in Pennitltuj.
Preserve vonr teeth and you preserve your kmik
Pulling of tba natural teetb In a healthy, an),
aervative and useful condition Is made a sneci.lii.
Disease, and mal format ion. ouoiinon toiheeioiidi
aw arid associate fiarta, aro treated and eorrettet
with fair suooees. ixauiinalions and e'luiulu.
lions rnai.
It would be w elt for patients from a dlitsnei u
lot mo know It mail a lew days before muiu
to the office. -
Il Is very Imporlnnl tliat children helween ll.
agi-l of sii and tirclto year, should bars their
teeth examine I.
Ana-etlictira are administered and Tretk ml
moved wilboat piin
ui.po.inona and eiiarsettr are Ju.lfed lj ill
the world by Ihe eipres.iena of the face, hiae
bow very disastrous may It therefore be for ret.
sons to indul;o an expression of distorted fraiurei,
oven apart from a bygienie view. N'ow. te tnjo;
natural (not artificial) eomforte and pleaturej,
rcicot and obey nalnrol simplirilie. and iniiiaet.
8. l'UUTKK SI1AW, I). 1. .
OOlce in Kew llnsoute Uuilding, Secood .trrst,
Clearlield. Pa. febM'71
Dr. A. il. niLL3
Would tny to bii natienti and tho nuL
tw rcih ranj. inni, nraTin niPaviTea ptrtnerrbtf
with I'r. Hbw, he tt now doinc tbe entire 2
of bii office hi in If, to that patirnti need not ffv
ocing put ttnir mo nnnin ol any ether operator
X'll.e! IISJI.I. MBflU . AOa.-l,
J. M. STEWART, D. D. S.,
OOoo over Irwin's Dmj Store,
All dental onerationi, either is Ihe mecli.ninl
oroperiAiir. uranct , promptly attended to a.4
satisfaction gnaranlcAd. b'pecial attention pit
to the treatment of diseases of t.Se natural tutk.
gams and moulli. Irregularity of the teeth iet
eesifnlly oorrected. Tcelb extracted wllhvul pi
by Ihe use of Klbor, and artiucinl teeth insert.
oi ine oesi maicrul ana warranted to render m.
"'acllon. . .pril2ll'71:ly
Wall Paper I Wall Paper
Tbe Urgent and mot eump'ele ftock of Will
Paper ever ofTvn l in tliij acctijn, has jmt Uts
rvcvivcu i rum .cw 1 urn.
Thnne npedinf Wall Taper will iio well to call
nu examine ixijre buung.
mch27 Sin
A .Move In Curensvllle!
J. R. IK WIN, DruggLst,
HAS n-nrnvo-l hi Drujj F'ore to bit iff
nomt, ibrre tionr wc-t of bit old itud,
ami takej (hit opportunity of thanking fail U
emtoinerfl for their liberal pAtrunnge, and bopt
by clow attention, exmibiud with a acleet etock
uf jf"d, lo merit Its eontinnanre on the part of
an un ou etiaiouiere, ana eeenre that ot muj
new oms. j ;t&c give nun a call.
Curwenvllle, Mreh lS:5.-Ctn.
X UUAIIAMTON nearfitldCp-P.
Afritl for Jnuirl B. Mnnh'a
VValloy CtJiet " K4.,uper& Mower,
anil all othor Afrieultnral Implemente manufte
tared by bim. Any Itifurmation In reference t
the Mle and manufaoture ean be obtained hr at
drrfflng ii abfire. ueli?U Sa
Attention, Lumbermen!
VTE are now mnnnlnetnrlng onr IMPfiOVED
llOUlvS, tuuciior to any other io use. We bin
ati-o in iitKk a l&rge quantity of Cant hook t tutt
bto fur raiting purpoeri, which we are nl!iu
cump rur Mill. AJIUfl A II. k t.VNAtili,
t'learfield. Pa.. Slarch 13, U72.
I bare a large atocb cf AMKlUCAX
A- Jul ' " -
and 8VYk'34 WATiMtRq nt it. A9.
W 1 ... : . i . .
lituci, in iron iwu ig cigtil otimn
I offer theee for eale LGW.ui
guarantee then lo give entire satisfaction.
A food arsjrtutjnt of Ladl?s' and Oitli
Jewelry of the lateat nyles! Always g.uis
something new !
I would ask Lowbermen and e-theri who !
tend purchasing Watchea to eatl and ses
took before goirg to tho eitiea, as I ant ttrj
sure t ean Bell Watchea ao tow as they eaa W
bought, bosidM the difference in distanee is
the event of the goods proving defective..
All bio ta of REPAIRINtl in my line promptly
attended to at tho atore on Second street, epte
stte the Conrt llonee. For your liberal sorport
in the fail I am rery thankful.
8. I. SSTDEIl.
April 3, 1972.
JbT E W STOllli
P. GALLAGHER bavin imt returned fira.
me ouai wttD an entlt new and eoaipirte auen
tnent of MerohttndiiM, Uti1 ft Wi iit
Hprlng trade, which hai hern iclected with great
ere and bought al hw rater, ii prepnred to far-
uiru iuv viiikvho) ui iiuuiziinie ana icinii
goodi at a rery light ad van re on flril eoit f
cafh. Country PhmIoto and Fhinglee Ultra A
market price. Call and examine my itock brfen
purubaaing et it where.
P. (1 AM-AUlinft.
lloatiJnlp. Pa., Feb. J 1872 l
Y O U II A T T 13 ft T I O H t
Jiet FOR A
Are you In need of a good, aet of II arum f
Are you tn neod of a good Saddle or Bridle?
If an. call at Iba inlill nd Ilamert SbPr
Jon V. Hahwk a, where you ean get the bit
the markM. U-ohlf and Hingte Hrnf an4 U
diet' and Uent'a Kaddlea of mperl'ir workmaatti
alwaya qd hand or manufactured to erdrr. trj
rial attention if onlled to my atoek or (MUn im
Homea, which ere the heat lr uae. I aim bareM
ortment of Haddlrm' Hani ware, wliioh ail!
dlspoaed of at renw.nable ratra. P.rpairing of "
kinda prom pi ly arteaded to. fefjuDoi't T1
eall before purchaing eleewbere. hhop
rnn urn re, Market itreet, i learoeui, i
May S, l7l-ly. JOHN C. HAKn-
I 1 Tk. K.m. J.... A I'O. WS
wived on Kehruer? 1.1, l7J. bv enniu.l eceeP'1
and William ft. IHckey ba, asmiated wilb M
his eon. Jainet Dicker. o"dr the name and bt
nf William H. Diokej A Hon. iw Ihe '''"''"
general merchandising and dealing la : 't:'
eqaare timbir. and ail kind, ol eaed ,
shingles, Ae,. al (Ilea Hope, t'learneld coiidiJ.'
al Si. Lnwrene. Chaeeh, t'antbri aoanl.Vi
Jaaiee llieker will give the log and lim1 ""
neea his peraonal attenlion. He will oe
tbe old sland al (lion Hope, where gml "'
sold al Ih lowe.t prieee poMible, alij l
fleures ) for b'gs and liuiber. lir. r- - .
ling will bo found at Ct. Lawrence, eeadv
on bis friends. The Doctor I. a .lever le";'
and see him. All (lie aroounls of Jm" '''"j
A Co. will bo settled by William 8. luck'' .
We thank our numerous friends for their i
!lllfrl rr,lrjMi.go and a.k H,"''?""".'i .
same. n Wll.l.l A M It. I.U'K KV A
(Urn Ui Pa., fob. l. W2
rllK l.KMornATIO A1.MANA0 Jof 'Jj
imiland ISA" for .nle al Iho Prrt 11
I'ii no ! rnitti
M ilh-J to any addri-