THE REPUBLICAN. r tVf .-i CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1S7J, ' The local option act. The following is a copy of the long debated "Locul Option" law, which lias cnuscu so much dc-bnte through out the Stnto for lha past tlirco years, 'I ha bill has boon signed by tlio Gov crnor nnd is thoroloro a law. The Toto on "liconso" or "no liconso" will bo tnken in this county at tlio borough nnd township elections next Docom Dor : An act 1 permit tlx of thia Commonweelth to vole .very theee yeare on tho question of granting Suction 1. Be it enacted, Ac, That on me tuna rnUuy In March, 1H73, in evory city ana tins Com monwoullh, ana at tlio nnnual mu nicipal election cverv third rear thoro ul'ter. in every such city mid county. it shall he the duly of the inspectors and judges of elections in tlio citios and counties to receivo tickets, oithor written or printed, from tho legal votors of said citios and counties, labelled on tho outside license, and on the inside for liconso, or against liconso, and to deposit suid lickotti in a box providoa tor that purpose by said in spectors and judgos as is required by law iu tho ciiso of other tickets receiv ed at said election ; nnd tho tickets so rccoived shall bo counted and a return of tho same mudo to the clerk of tho Court of Quarter Sessions of the peace of tho proper county, duly cvrtilicd as is requirod by law, which coi tificutos shall bo luid boforo tho judges of tho said court at the first meotinir of said court nflcr said election shall bo held ; ana Mian Do mod with the othor re cords of suid court ; nd it shall bo tlio duty of tho mayors of cities and the shoriffs of counties, or of any other ollieers whoso duly it moy bo to per form such sorvice, to givo duo public notice of such special olection abovo provided for throe weeks previous to mo iimo oi Holding uio same, and also throo wcoks boloresuch election every third year thoreaftor. Provided, that una act shull not bo construed to re peal or affect uny special law prohibit ing tho sale of intoxicating liquors or prohibiting the grunting of liccnsos. rrovtueu, Hint when the mumcipsl and township elections in any coun ty or city do not occur on the third J'riduy in .March, tho election provided tor in this section shull bo hold on the day fixed for tlio munici put elections in said county ; and pro vided further, that ull licenses granted ufter the first day of January, 1873, shall CCH90, determine and beeomo void on tho first day of Aunl, 1873. if the district for which llicy shall be grunted determines airttinst the grant ing of licenses, and tho treasurer of the proper county shall then refund to the holder of such license tho monies so paid therefor, for which the said treasurer shull bo entitled to credit in his accounts with tho Commonwealth section z. ilmt in receiving, counting ana making returns of tlio volos cust, tho inspectors and judges -ana oierxs oi suia election shall be .governed by the laws of tho Common wealth rcguluting general elections, and ull tho penalties of suid election slaws are hereby extended to and shull apply to the voters, inspectors, judges -and clerks voting and in attendance upon tho election held under the pro visions of this act. Section 3. Whoaever by tho re turns of elections in any city or county aforesaid it Bhall appear that there is a majority against license, it shall not be lawful fur any court or board of license commissioners to is siio a liccnso fur the sale of spirituous, vinous, mult, or other intoxienting liquors, or any admixture thereof, in said county at any lime thereafter un til, at an election as above provided, a majority shall vole in fuvor of li cense; provided lliat nothing contain ed in the provisions of this act shall .prevent tho issuing of licenses to druggists for the sale of liquors for medicinal and manufacturing purpo ses; provided that tho citizens of tho borough of Lebanon shall voto upon tho question on the third Friday of March, 1873, on tho samo day and when tho townships of tho county of Lobunon hold their spring elections. Holinoa on Women. In the fourth instalment of The Poet at tho .breakfast Tablo in tho April number of tho Atlantic, Dr. Holmes says a good many witty and wise things about women, which might bo read with pleasure and profit at tho conventions over which Mrs. Julia Ward Howe delights to preside For instnneo : "A woman, notwithstanding eho is tho left of listonors, knows her bui noss, and it is a woman's business to please. 1 don't sny that it is not her business to vote, but 1 do say that tho woman who docs not plouso, U a false nolo in the harmonics of nature, She may not have youth or beauty, or even manners ; but sho must have something In her voice or expression, or both, which it makes you fuel bet tor disposed toward your roco to look ut or liston to. Blio knows that as well as we do; and her first question after you have been talking your soul into her consciousness is, did I plouso f A woman never forgets her sex. Sho would rather talk with a man than un ungel nny day." And agoin : "Tho less thero is of rox about a woman, tho more she is to bo dreaded, lint tulto a real woman nt her best moment well dressed enough to bo pleased with herself, not so resplen dent as to be a show and a sensation, with tho varied outsido influences that set vibrating the harmonic notes of her naturo stirring in tho air about hor and what hus social lifo to com pnro with ono of thuso vital inter, changes of thought and fueling with her that make an hour memorable. What can equal her tacl, her delicacy her suhllcly of apprehension, her qukkness to feel the chnnges of tern poralure as tho warm and cool cur rents of talk blow by turns f At one moment sho is microscopically intel lectual, critical, scrupulous iu judg ment as an analyst's Lulu nee, and the noxt as sympathetic as lha opon rose that sweetens the wind from whntovcr Jnnrlor it finds Its way to hor bosom, t is in tho hospitable soul soul of a woman that a man forgets ho is a stranger, and so boenmes nntiirul nnd trnlliful, nt tho same timo that ho is mesmerized by nil those divino differ ences which matte her a mystery and u bewilderment, When Is a blow from a lady wcl , tome Vien she strikes you n"reo- r : Sheriff's Sale : BY vlrtueof writs of I'.miVlioiii AVnouae, leaned oat of tbo Conn of Common Pleaa of Clear Hold oounty, tod to mo direoted, thoro will bo exposed to public into, at tbo Court Homo, in Ibo borough of Clearfield, on Tharoday, tho urn aay oi April, 1071, at 1 o clock, p, tbo following doooribod roal eatata, to wits A certain traot of land illoato In Woodward township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and ucaortlied to nil : Bonto. by land er William Una; arty, by Clearfield (.'reek, north br Iba vil Inge of Madura, and enat by land of John Mooro and olhera, containing 1.1 aeree, wore or less, and navtng a two-story plank home and .table Ihureon erectotl. Scisod, tnken in execution and to bo eold aa tho property of Robert Aloxandcr. -ffDiddcra will tnke notloo that 15 ner cent. of the puruhaao money nuit bo paid whon tho property la knooked down or It will bo put vp again lor aaio. juoiia j. ria, Simnirr't) Orrieit, ) Sheriff. Clearfield, I'a., March 27, 1173. J CAUTION. All pereona arc hereby oautioned against purobnaliig or in any way meddling with the following peraonal property, now in tho 1-uB.Dp.iipn vi muua j.iuey, ui loosi lownanip : Ono blnck horao, 1 ilunu horae, 1 roan horae, 2 cowa, 1 hop;, I acta of harnraa, 1 plow, 1 harrow, S cheep anil houaehold furniture. Thia properly waa purehnaed by me from him, and ia left with ntm subjoot to my order. THOMAS CONNLT. Cheat (ownibip, March 37, 1871-31. "ORPHANS' COURT SALE 1 Vy In purauanoe of an ordur of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield oounly, there will bo aold at 1'ublio hale, at the Court llouae. in Ilia borouirh ol Clearfield, on SATURDAY, tho 20th of A I'll 1 1.. a. u. at I o clock, 1'. 11., of aaid day, the following described real citato, lato Ibe eitate of John Slos., deceased i All that certain mcssuao-o. tenement and traot of land sileate in Knox townahip, Clearfield Co., i-a., uouuuoil ana described ae follows, to wit : Degmnmg at tmst, oorner P. Owena and Jane Sloasi tbenoe by land of Jane Sloaaand Margaret Sloss, aouth .til degrees eat U 3 10 perehca, tu poat; tlicnoo by laud of J. M. Chaae, north 4-'J degrees east 1.H7 perobea, to dogwood; thenee, by laud of J. M. Chaee, north 3oi degrees west 79 3-10 penilies, to post) thence, by p. Owena, aoulh degreea weat U7 perchos, to poat aud ptaoe of bo. ginning containing VI Acrea and II 7-10 peruhes and alluwnnco; being part of a larger tract in nnuie of Ueurge IVcst: baring about 20 acroa cleared land, a largo two-slory bewed log bousi and bewed log barn thereon, with excellent opring of water at tho door, llalnn.-e of land well tim bercd with hemlock and bard timber. mnain ur paLft. une-mtrd the nnrelinae money to be paid in band on oonflrmation of aale. aim trie balanoo In two canal annual payments with tnleroat, to be aecurcd by bond and mort gage on me premises. A. C. TATK, iooii;, -it uuardian or l.ilie J. Bloaa. rpoWNSIIIP AUDITOfiS' SET- L Tl.E.MK.NT. Kenort of the Aii.llli.r. r Liuwrenee lownslnp lor A. I. 1.7 1 1 KOAI) KlltVU. i'llliam T. Trrln, James Brown, J. II. Shaw and Thomaa M. I.atiich. b'upenriaora of Lawronoe township, in account with tho Hoad fundi of aaid township for 18! I. WILLIAM T. IUVIV. n.' To amount of tax levied for 1871 , fSM 10 Cr. By amount of work done by cioiena (13 By sunerrisor'a wage. 115 00 By exonerations 10 70 By per oentage... 42 ti By plank and apikee 1 04 By making duplicate 2 SO By team on roaJ 1 no By one dny at aeltleuenl 2 00 Balance duo townrbip...., 4 to Total fafii H! jDip.j In JAMES BROWN. I)a. To amount of tux eried for 1871 !? un To order on auceesaor to balanoe account 24 U2 Ca. By work dona by eltiiens thXS Si By transfer to Irvin and Shaw, 112 00 By per oentage 34 20 By superriror'a wagee. 107 00 By making duplioate 2 60 By working caab tax 4 SO By one day at settlement.. 2 00 By J. M. Head, aa ovar-wurk order It 00 By over work of W. P. and Alex. Head 1 00 By amount pnid audito-ra and eicrx M. 1 40 Total . (8110 02 (MHO S J. B. F1IAW. Da. To amount of tax leried for 1871 fOlO 00 To unseated nrder for I87l. 20O 00 To order to balanoe aooount tig 5 Ca. By work done by ctfiient $821 Jt By cash tax eollooted in work. 91 By percentage 4i 64 By luporrisor's wages.. IIS 00 By two days at aetticment 4 00 By exoncrationa 9 go By over-work of D Lansberry 4 00 uy oruer of jntm lrwin 7 20 By Peter Mclieorire'l hill 00 00 By K. Bwarliwortb, judgment and cost 74 97 By amount paid printer S 7 By amount paid auditora and i' 2 67 Total.. J 1. 707 65 J1.207 66 THOMAs1 M. LANICII. Da. To amonn': of tax levied for 1871 tm 20 80 67 100 00 SO Oil 27 63 To unaeatc4 ordv.rfor 1871 To unseated order for 1871 To unseated order for 1871 Balanoe duo aupervisorM...H , Ca. By amount due last settlement, 7I 21 By work done by cilieena ..I4 -U By Pupervisor'a wagua 150 00 By per arnla.'re 35 J.1 By amounts paid (reei ipta 1871) 21 00 By amount for printing ( 110 By bill of plank 11 13 By bill of J. L. MePboraon. 21 00 liy two dnya1 aeltling 4 CO y transier and exonerations. .... 61 60 By making dnnlicato 2 f,0 By ami. paid Auditors t clerk... 2 S7 To'al ?l,nl(l.i(i.oi(i:in Townsbtn IndjbUdneaa t Old at POOR MM). CI.ARK BROWN li 0. B. MERnEL, Overscan oi tne roor, in account with Lawrence Town skip, for 1S7I , To amount of dtitilienle . 01i 91 Te cah on judgment vs. Bnjrge twp 00 Ca. By onler M ilh. 0den Jits 1J cy rcc is oi niennra IH4 jj u recisot nrnuer at l.vtlo. II I'll Bv bill of W. I. Tala 91 Oil By bill of Lydia Uonard 1110 liy lull or Jainea Dougherty 4tl (1 By bill of II. Orvia Ill 00 By bill of Miriam Orr A 01 ' By bill of Wnllnee k Fielding... t 00 By bill of T. 1. Boyer 10 til By bill of O. B. Merrel ID JO By bill of M. W. Hnidrr (15 00 Br hill nf Jnectih llorat a an By bill of Will, am Porter 4 00 ' uy Din oi sunu. lor J. w. Jones, Si 13 By bill ofcloiliine; Tor Hhilling.. 0 70 Br bill of timo for C. Ilrnwn . IV 10 By exonerationa it liy peroentajre tj 40 By one day's seltllnp; 00 lly amt. paid Auditora clerk... J 7 licianec uue township , 433 43 Total ..K!0 II (W IV 81 We, the undersigned, Auditora of Lawrence wnehili, havltlt examined the aeennnta nf U'm T. Irwin, Jainea Brown, J. II. r'haw and Thomas M. l.nnioli, riunerrlsors. and Clark llrntin ,.! O. B. M -rrel, Oicrseeraof tho Poor of aaid town- nip lor ln, nnd Itiein as above slated. (1. II. HAM., JAM. ftPACKMAX. R. J. CONK 1.1 N. ,,,'l! Auditors. W. T. Si-Ai'Mix, Clerk. Farm for Sale I fpiIU undersigned, residing in Bo, township, X "ffers tor sale his farm, containing ONK IIIIMlRKD AI'IIKrl 76 nerea of which la "I and under cultivation j having thereon erected a frame dwelling hnnae, log harn and the naoal outbuildings, together with 1 20 hearing fruit trees on an eieeneni spring 01 wnier. A threw-tonl vein of CO A I. and a three-fool vein of IIHK CliAY, both open, whioh can ho si en at any time by onlling on the prcmisra. This farm ia situated one fourth of a mile from Wallaeeton atation, on the Tyrone k Clcerueld Railroad. Tillr indium, table, and pnaecaalon gtreci at any time. Fur further particulars call on the premiers nr aildreea 1IKNIIY A rllllMKI,, Wallaeeton, January 17, 1H7J Sin. r SAAC JOHNSON & SONS, Mnntifficlureri and Dealers in II o o t h mi rt H li o e s 1 l.B'Uf-', Mlai and CUIUren'i flaltari, Men's, lloya and Wnmen't Heavj Dootn, and liroganaf Ao,t As. Kt'ire and ahnn n Weeond ttrecf, nearly oppo nite I', Y. Ilijtkr k Co.'i hardwatr atnre, r isy? iv fXKAnr.ipMi, pa.' Jirugs ana SlUairinrs. rp H E LATEST MOVRI THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Sooond Btroet, nearly oppaaite tbe alora of Weaver k Betta, CLEARFIELD, A. , Where thor will eontinne to mppW their old and ai many new ouitomeN m ma ounie, wtia rUUE ' DRUGS! CIIEMIOALSl PIIARMACEl'TICAL PHEPArtATIONS, (Inoluding all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Patnta and Otis, fllon and Tutly, (School Books, Stationery, Paper, Ao.j alao, a full line of Drug gtsta' Fnndriea, llalr Tonics, Cosmetlca, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushea, lollet Beaps, roetet Hooka, ae., all or the beat quality. PURE WISES AND LIQUORS, for medical A laeramental purpotei onlj-( Pore AY hit Lead, Color of all kinds Raw and Dulled Lin iteed Oil. Vamlnhea, lurpcu tint. Coal Oil, Paint A Varoifh Bruihe, Flavoring Extract i, Con fee U one rt ei, Bird See!, Ppiee, ground and SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will find our ttocli of Chewing and Kin ok in r Tlaeco, I in port id and Do- mefltio Ciffirt, SntitT and Fine-cut to b of the ver bat brandi in tha market. LAMPS AND CniMNEYS, All kindi of OLA 88 WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, ML15ICAL INSTRUMENTS and Muiioal Trtmmlngi ol arary variety. Hartac a lone experlrnoa In the builneni. and an axtenalraand wAl aelacted ttoek of medieinot, we are en allied to fill Phyiieiani' prescription at thm koHt tint ic and on the noit reasonable termi, daj and oighL HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa.( Majr 51, 1871tf. r. t. i. 'For thy Stomach's Sake and thine othor Infirmities." St. Paul. in. noYEit'N rem WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Aaafa,pvrt.plcaaant and health-giving Tonlo trlctly regetaUe, and manafaetored fron the mofit pure and choice material. Is not a vplrlt drink nor sabatitute for whinky. but lolentlfle oompouad, for lha proteetlon of tho ajitem and the cure f diieaae, made from chemically pare plritA, entirely free from funil oil or other Irrita ting propertiei. and will not disagree or offend the moat delicate atomaeb A long private experi ences haa attcftad ill Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No tit lorn at pre tent offered to the public contain! so much oicdiclqal virtue, and yet o aafe and plcn'nnt to tnke. Iti ue la to euro diicane, and It will not create an appetite for plritaoui liquorp, but will cure the effect! of dUtipation. To increase tho Appetite, To promote Pigcition, To euro Propepsin, To cure Fevor and Ague, To cure BilliouneM, To aura Constipation. To care Chronlo Dlarrhva, To euro Hnart-harn To cure Flatulence, To enre Acid Kruetatlnne, To cure Xerrnui Debility, To euro Ilydoehondrla, t PK IT. USB IT. USE IT. VSEIT. I HK IT. rSEIT. VSEIT. t'SK IT. tSB IT. UBR IT. U8B IT. VSK IT. To oure Sallowneu of Completion, V&K IT. To cure Timplei and DMchoa, t'8E IT. For Ooneriil Prontration of the Phynleal powen, THE IT, and it will cure yon. Sold everywhere, at $1,00 per bottle, Manti fiiotnred ezcluslrcly by A. I. SUA w, Druggist, CI.KARFIKLD, PA., Who offers libera) InducetnenU to the trade. Oct. 27, lWhtf. Luthersbiirg Marble Yard! fpilR suliserilier respeotfnlly annonnees to thia 1 community and tlio public generally that he ia now eatensively engnacd In the manufacture of Monumenta, Head and Foot Stonea, Stand, Tnble and Bureau Tops, etc. No higher tribute ean be paid to a deceased relative or friend than the ereo tion of an enduring slab as a witness to unburn generations where they have laid him or her. I hare engaged Mr. John W. Gahngan aa my agent toaell, and to whose workmanship and skill many ean bear witness. Ordcro eulieited and promptly filled. Work delivered whereTrrdrslrrd. H. II. MUURU. Lutbersburg, November 10, 187(1. HANDSOMK MOUSTACHE! Pmf. St. Croii'a FRENCH CUM POP Nil, Mnl 'STAI'IIK I tbe great Hair Grower, will pro HKLHH I duee a luxuriant Mouslaeho or W II I Mot STAOHR Whiskers on the r. win HKKIIS Pleasant to use. Pent to any address en receipt of 5n eents. 11. T. BONl), Chemist, M. E. ftor. Tenth anil Chestnut Htn..... feb 2VU-IJ Philadelphia. IHO nilMIKM OP TIMOTHY SEED 1JJ and loo buahela of CLOVER SEED fur sale at tho Oorner fitor., by I. A. AW. D. IRVIN. f'tirwrnsvllle, p.( Feb. 1 1( H7fr . 5nj CooW, 5rori, ?tf. E.A.&W.D.1RYIN DKALERS I GENERAL SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER Cl'HUENSVII.LF., PA., ARB offering, at their new Rtnra House, a complete atock of KKVV UOUIH, of all aeaurlptioua. Dry Goods and Groceries, IIAUDWAJtE, BOOTS SHOES, CL0TI11SG, Ac, IS IiAItdB VARIETY. Hour, Steal, Ityr, Oalt, Corn, Always on hand and for aale at a small advance. ROTE, In large quantities, sold low by coll; aire PULLEY BLOCKS, EMAI.L ROl'S aud CANT1I0OKS. One bwndred oases of ATWATEU'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for tale by the eaie at wholeaale ratos. Received by ear load ; HUNTINGDON FLOUR, and sold at small advance. HARNESS, of all kinds, IIORfiK COLLARS and 1IAMKS, lliiUHB BLANKKTf, Bl'FFALO RORF.S, Ao. Alao, on aale Irat-elaaa two-bom WAflONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOQ BLEDfl, and " SLEK1I1S. Spaelal Indoeetnentl offereil to thoaa getting oat Square Timber and Logs, aa we deal largely in Lumbermen's Suppltee, and are prepared at all limea to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber. Cnrweisvilla, November li, 1871. ClotUing. How lo Knvc Money. r 11 Etlmea are bard ; you'd like to know llow yon may eave'your dollare The way to do it I will ahow, . If you will read what follow. A man who lived not far from here, Who worked held at his trade, fiat had a houaehold to aupport That squandered all ho made. . I met blm onoe. Saya ho, ''My frienil, 1 look threadhare and rough ; I're tried to get myeelf a in it, But oan't save ap enough." 6eys T, my friend, how much bar. jonf I'll tell yon where to go To get a suit that's sound and eueati t To RKIZKNSIEIN k Co. , Be took what little ha had saved, And went to Relaenateia A Brothel', Ana there n got a bandsome ault. For half ho paid to others. Kow he ti home, he looks ao woll, And their effeol la such. That when they take their deily men1 Tuey oon t oat hair aa maen. And now he Indi on Saturday night With all their wants supplied. That he haa money left to spend, And ions to lay aside. Ills good sueeesa, with cheerful sull He gladly tells to all. If you'd save money, go and buy Your elothea at REIZKNHTEIN'S CLOTHING HALL Where tbo eheaneal, Burst and best rotliln anq goon rumisnitig unous can be had (to suit every lasts and in every style. iirll,i MARBLE AX!) ST0E YARD! Mug. S. S. LID DELL, Having engaged In the Marble buainras, desires to Inform her friends end the publlo that eke has now and will keep constantly on hand a largo an I well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARRLE, and la prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONfMEXT.l, Curbs and Poati for Cemetery Lota, Window Hills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac., Ao. Mr Yard nn Reed atroet, near the R, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. JeT.TI FAIRBANKS' STANDARD N A li I'' IS , or all at t.i mi i "ggage Barrows, Warebonso Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ac. roa sal tr II. P. BIGLEIt & CO., Deulrra In Hardware, mcha0:7 tf Second Stre.1, Clearfield, Pa. J O II X. TROUT MAN. Dealer In all klnda of FURNITURE, Market Slreet, One door out Allegheny llouae, augld'Tl CLEARFIELD, TA. Twnily-onc Ilorsrs for Snfc! flllB nnderslgned offera for aale TWENTY X ONB FIRST-CLASH HOHHRS, In gmid oondilion. Principally largo, strong Hones, melt able for any kind of heavy work. Purehaanre will And It to their Intereat to eiaamln. theoj bo fore purchasing elsewhere. Innulrlee answered by addressing PETBR McGKORMK, Fvl. 4 I "It, - flearleld, Pa, Darflwnrr, ITiuirnrf, Sit. TH3 ir.OHSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, IHlipsturg', Contro County, Pa. TUB nnderslgnad reipaotfully annooncea to the publlo that he baa on hand ears-fully-selected and well assorted stock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COITER AND SIIEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Illf atoek of Cooking Stoves conslsU of 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to bring peace and ..v aniiiei WDara U U uaad. Diamond State, Farmer, Herald, Charm, Spoara uailtornia uooa piovo, opeara' rintl.uost, Has. Doming Cooking Btovea, Victor, Reliance and Union Iten,ea, Spears' Cooking Kangoa, Ao., oro VuThe Tin and Sheet Iron wart given with the ftovoi la mado of the heav'eel and best malarial, and warranted to give perfect satis. faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves la larger, better and cheaper than ever before xnibiica to tne publlo conii.tlng of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, ppears An.i-uusi farlor eitove, tipears' Orblaular .Uas. Burning Parlor ritove, Speara' tlas-Uurr log Parlor Steve, Boquot, Pearl, (Jem, Ida, Sun, Tropio, Kevada, Ao Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Ileatera, Spears' Re Tolvlng Light Ileatera. Ho ia alao prepared to furnish a complete assortment oi Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to aervice, from the beat ma terial In the market. PLOWS k PLOW POINTS, COPrr.R, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN. LIKED, SPUN k COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on band. OUDEKS FOB SrOUTlJ.0, HOOFING And other work belonging to bli bualneae will be promptly tilled by experieneed and skillful workmen. BRA6S, COrTER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken in oxcoaoge fur gooaa. O-IIe (specially Invites tho attention of merenante wtantng to purchase atwboleaale, aa they will Ind it to their advantage to examine els stook before purchasing elsewhere.' Look out for the Big Sljrn nppoalte tbo real dene, of Xr. Dr. Foster. Alt Goods Wihuthi aa Rmrivun. ri. N. Phlllpsborg, Juno , 1870. 1'i.r.c ai.. aoglt (111 MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, anrrACTtiniM LUMBER, LATLT, AND .TICKETS. II. II. SHILLINUFORD, President, Ollloe Forest Tint, No. 123 S. 4th eU, Phil'a. JOHN LAWS1I1'., General Sup'U Oaeeola Mills, ClearDeld county, fa. LXD AM) LIMBER COV.rAXY OFFER -TO- Purchasprs of i'ltofcc Cools AT TIIEIH MAMMOTH STORE -IM OSCEOLA. Now ('ubhict I MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMRER COM PANY offer for sale Town Lois in the bor- ouli of Oseeola, Cleartleld county, Pa., and alao lota to suit purchasers outside tho limits nf said borough. Osceola ia situated on the Morhannon Creek, in tlio richest portion of the county of Clearfield, on the line of the Tyrone A Clntrlield Railroad, where tbo Mosbannon and Bearerton branch mads intersect. It ia also in the heart of the Moshaunon eoa! boein, and large hodiea of white pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber ear. mead it. One of the largest lumber manufactur ing OBtahiishmenta In tho State ia located in the town, while thor. aro many other lumber and shingle mille around it. Th. town ia but ee'en years old. and contains a population of on. thou sand inhaliitenta. -t1rPor further information apply at the office tof the above aonipany. JOHN LAHS1IK, 1:4:7ft General Superintendent, Before taking Towders. After taking Powders. SUAW'H IMPHOVLI) ()MIITIOM POWDERS. I'seful In obstlnata rnaes nf Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Hots, Farcy, t'ostlv ness, Roughness of the Skin, and Stoppage nf Water. Grease, Swelled Log, and Influenia oaa be relieved, and aninetlmee eared, by the use of three I'owdera. They will not interfere with the daily work of the Horse, and ean be giren to cat tle with ennal advnntago.- Put up by A. I. SHAW, Druggist and Apothe cary, Clearfield, Pa. November K, 1.171. Hold everywhere. Lime for Sale I v npilE undersigned, residing near the depot has JL made oomplete arrengomenta with Lime burners east of tho mouutnln, whereby ha Is ena bled to koep constantly on hand a large quantity of PUltK UMKI which be offers to fWnnam and bulldora at a trifle) above cost. Those In need of tho article would do well to give me a call, or address me by letter, be for. negotiating their lime. GEO. C. PASSMORK. Clearfield, Pa., June , IH(1. House & Lot Tor Kale or Rent ! rpilR undersigned offera lor sale or rent, upon JL reasonable terms, a two story dwelling, lot aud stable, in Bloomtngtim, Pike township. For terms, Ac., apply lo LEWIS I. BLOOM. January td, ISTI-lf, O O K S WHICH DAVI ALWAYS O. I V E N 8ATISFA0T ON HERETOFORE, WILL BB DISPOSED OV IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PLBA8E 0 R FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY 000D9SUCII AS BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFEItED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. ClearOeld, Deo. I I, 1)70. gULlING OFF AT COST! FOR CA 8 HI Tho largest atock of U K Jf I T U li E ver offered In CLEARFIELD! At Ibo STEAM CABINET FflOP.eorner Market aud Fifth htrwti, t'LEAHFIKLD, I'A. The ttndenlKnd would annuo nee to the puhltc that he haa on bind and U now odurin ohenn for eaih. tbe larjrvet iUek of Furniture evor in store in Una eounty, eoutiftinf of - rpbolFtcred Parlor Pull. Chamber Sctti, Extenvlon Tablet, Bccrctartei, Hook Caeca, Urde tends, Prln Deds and Mattresuf i, Loonite and Bcnohei, Plain 4 Marble Tnp Tablet A Dureaui. Wahitndi, Cane Peat aud Commoo Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Looking (.laases, Window Shades. rial ore Frame, Cords and Teasel. Ac He also tnanufaelores and keens on hand Pat ent spring Brli, the best erer inrentrd. Mo rum. J j him Id be without them. Any kind of gonna not on nana ran he had on short notice. I phuitteritig and repairing nvatlv eioeuted. COFFTN3, nf alt tires, can 1e had on a half- Mutlov, mud at lliw Iwt3el ii1cu. A QeUuo- tion of 20 per onnU made for easb. METALLIC CASKS, or Rosewood. Walnut aad Cherry Coffins, with class or wood tons, furnished on fire hours' notice. Personal attendant with hearse, on funeral oceasions, and earriages furnished whet desired. Thanking the public fur l ast favors, and bt strict personal attention to business, I hup to receive a eontinuano of the same. Remrmher the place the Steam Cahinet Shon. oorner of Market and Fifth StreeU. March M, "Jl-ly. , DAMEL BKXXEll. li. B. TAYLOH'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) t'i.E:.inrir:M, pknn-a. EMBHACR this method of Informing the I punito, that 1 nave openei up a jard for the Is of wood or eoal-hnnit MMK and Anthracite COAL, In the bnrough of Clcarflthl, and have eomplrted arrangements with eastern dealers by which will be disposed of at reasonable rates, bj the tun, bushel or ear load, to suit pure haws. i nns a aiitanoe ean aiittresi me or letter, and ooimi a an neocssary inionnatton hv rt-turn mail, II. B. TAYLOH. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, ISOW-lf O LUMRERMI1KI PERFECTION IX CANTHOOKSI Tbe Clcarfti-U BxoeUior Can (hook trill not wear out or brenk, being oonptruelci with one fotid hand from clip to point. It U pronoaneetl by all pmetfoal lumhennen who have examined ft to be the moit perfcot Cantbmik erer lnvtinte.1. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured be Aitoa KriRn A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. ft A II orden promptly attended to. t.23'70 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street. Plilladelplila n.i.rHKiis, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive nrotnnt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully furnished, tlrdero solictcd. Afrit II tf. URN F-1) O (J T t BURNED UPI BELL'S Itl'N VOOLKN FACTORY, Tcnn township, ClcnrOtild Co., Pa. Tbe ut.Mriberfl are, at rreat exheniw. reltnilJ tnjt. nnd In a fiw dnri will hue eui.l(i(edt a neiirhbnrhnod n-oMi(T, n (he rTi'oHon of a firat- elaM M'nutcn Manufactory, with all the niodrrn Improveiuenlf attnebed, and are prepared to make all frimli of Cinllia. V$imer?tt talinetttt, Ulan, kelp, Klaonel, Ae. Plenty of goodi un hand to upily ail ourold and a Ihouxand new cuflonicr, nhnmweaak to eome and examiue our itoek. The buiineii uf CAKUINO AND FILLING will reoelre epeela1 allrntion. Our new mill will be reajy by wool carding aenjion. therefore there need be no heiitation on that eoore. Profipr arrange mrntu will be made to receive and deliver Wool, lotuit enitmner. All work warranted and dune upon the ihorteit notioe, and by atriot atten tii to bitrineta wa hope to realtte a liberal lhare of puMto patnnaf(e. KMNNI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will nay the hljthrnt market ..rits, for Wool and nrll our manufaolured khoiI ae low an almilar gontu ean ne noujjtil in tne county, and whenever we fall to render ranunable Hatipfaelion we onn alwayi be fuand at home ready to make proper explanation, either In perenn or hy letter. JAMK.1 JOHNHUN A HONS, primtf Grata pita Hilli P. O. WAMTKDI 60MM o. 1 Jn-lneh Shared PIIINtll.KS, forwbirh ibehieliept market priee will be paid. - P. (lAl.l.A'i llhll, noutitlale, feb. 2!. 1IT2 lj' ounurij and turbine $bW BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (flueoesson to Boyntos A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth anil Tina Streela, ci.KAiti'in.n, pa. ...l.-VaJJ'-- -US- HAVING engaged Id the manufacture of first clast MACHINERY, we rrspeetfully Inform tho email to..- mm aMwtra4 .ia AU all nroWa aa eheaplj and aa promptly as ean bo done in an of the eitlca. We manufacture and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Milla Head Blocks, Water Whccli, Shafting Pulleys, Oiffurd'a Injector, Steam Gauges, Stcain Whletlit, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Coeka, Air Cocks, OMie Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, 8atn Pumps, Boiler Peed Pumps, Ami Friction Meirea, Soap Stone Parking, Uum Pox-king, and all kinds of MILL WORK together with Plows, Sled Soles, COO IT A ND PARLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. Ordera si)lleited and filled at city prices. All lettora of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answcroJ, by addres ing ua at Clearfield, Pa. decino tf l)n;Li;it. Youxrj A co. O S A D A L I S TUB INGREDIENTS THAT COM POSK ItdSAll.U.'l-l are pulilished nn every package, therefore it la .of a aecrtt preparation, oonseiuently piiysiciaxs rr.EscRinE it. 0 It la a certain core for Scrofula, Srphilla ! in all its forma, Rheutnatirm, Fki'n llta fea:s, Liver Complaiut and all dieeaics of the Illood. 0XE E0TTI.E OP ROSADALIS j will do more g wd llian ten bottles of the t'yiupe of Sraparilla. I TUB I'XDERRIGXEO rilYSICIAXS ( i hare nsed r.oaadalia In their paettce for I the past three yi-ara, aud freely enlori it A aa a reliable Alterative aud Ulood j'urir4or. PR. T. C. PlIGII, of Baltimore. l R. T. J. BOY KIN, " Ml. It. W. CAR R, l'R. F. O DANNKI.1.Y. 1) Ml. J. S. SI'ARKS, of NirhotaJvilte, Ky. IlR. J. I.. Mi CARTIIA, Columbia, S. C. liR. A. U. XOllLKS, E lgeoouib, N. C. t'SED AND EXHORSrD BY .1. R. FRENTII I SOXS.F.'n Rirer.AIass. F. W. SMITH. JocVaon, Mieh. A. F. WIIKI'.I.EII, Lima, Ohio. II. II ALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVKN k CO.. (ler.lonsville. Vs. A ISA.MI EL U. McFABDIiX, Marfrreebero, lenn. Our s.ace wilt not allow of Buy extend ed remarks In trU'l". to Iho virtues of Itosadulia. To the Medieal Prufeasiiin we guarantro a Fluid Extract sonerior lo .they have ever ueed in the treatment of ilivawd Blood: and to the afflicted we say i try Horodalis, end yoa will be restored to j health. I llosadnlis la sold by all Prnggivte price cl..'0 rer l-otile. AMrrse I BR. rLKMKSTS A CO.. S . iiianut-lMefeir I Aug. 1, 18ri.-iy. Bai.Tiuoni, Mo. For aale by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa. "VllTICI'. Having pnnhated tho Intereat of i.1 J. A. litattetiberger, Eq., in the businrsa heretofore earried oa under tbe firm name of J. A. Illatlenberger A Co., the same will b. oondueted hereafter under thename of llosbannon Land and Lumber Companr, (Store.) 11. II. SIIILLl.VGFOHIi, JOHN LAWSI1E. mv2Stf PreaiJcnt. General Sup'l SAWS! SAWS! SAWS MSTAX'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG ClRCl'LAR SAWS. AND Boyiiton's Lightuirjg Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, " rATE.XT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For tale ly oetl5,7 II. F. BIGLER A CO. H . F. NAUGLE CLOCK AM) AVATCH MAKER, orroatTi ti ft'F?, itf armar POST OFFICEjCiiwi'CLBARFIKLD TUB subscriber rerpeetlully Informs Mi old patrone and the tmhlio cenor.llv. that W. has oa handtand la eonslantly reoeiring new additiena tbereto,) a Urge stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. rV I keen Jewelrv In all lis forma and of difierant valuea, either by tbe piece or aet WATCHES A full areortaent of either Oold or Silver, made hy the beat Awertean aad for eign manafaoturera, Including a fine tot of gold end surer nuntlng ease, lull jewolod, Fatoul Lererr. CLOCKS Of nlldeelo-na, eoueletlni of eicbt- day and thlrtv-bour, of either weight, rpring or levera, and both etrike and alarm. , RKPAIR1NU. All klnda of Watches and Clocks Repaired, and warranted. -In addition to what I bare enumerated, I keep a full e mortmain of KI'KCTACLKS, colored end plsln glass. Also.OOLI) PKNSend PENCILS, SPOONS, FORKS, Rl'TTEU KNIVES, and In fact everything In the Jewelry lino. If I full to have on hand Juet what a rnstnuier may rood, 1 will nrder per Hrat express, without. lira charge. A liberaUbare of puhltc patronage ia soliofled. May 7, IStlD-y II. P. NAUULK. Jjlvcry IHfnblo. Til K nndersignod begs leave to inform the pub lie that he is now tollr prepared to aemimmo date all la the way of furnishing Homes, llnggies, Sadillca and llarnees, on the ahortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Looust struet, between Third and Fonrlh. HKO. W. Q EAR II ART. Ilearfleld, April 1 1, 1 SAT. AUCTION ROOMSI Z. C. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer. HA INO opened Anetlon Rooma In Clenrfirld, Pa., I would reapeelfnlly Inform mentlinnla and uianutaetiirera thai I am prepared In sell all kinds of merchandise on commission at rearonaMe terms. Daya of sale will be announced hi posters and otherw iae. fir Room, on Market atro.1, nnt door to new vFiumre, an.1i) r. c. MocrLLornn. v ; PISK, WntTI ROA!t tlNI-lfl SKIKS Juat reoelved and for sale by April M, 1 JO. a. t. PWLKR CO- Clearfield Counly Bank. fnilB Clearfield County Bank aa ea l.J 1 tod In.tlt.tioa haa gone ., of Vn ZT th. turrender of Its oharter, oa Mae it i..7 All IU stock la owned by th. ab,lb,p, IV.' wllloontlun. tbe Banking bualneaa at th, .! place, ae private bal.sera, under the Ira of Ibe "Cleartleld County Bank." Ws are sponsible for the debts ol the Batik, and will tulv 111 notei on demand at the eonntar. B.noiii recelred and Intereat paid when money 1, 1, (o, a filed lime. Paper diacounled at sii pereuL as berolofore. Our peraonal reaponaibillii u pledged for all Ilojosits rocclTed and Latineat tranaieted. A continuance of the liberal ,ii ronago of thebuafnoaa men of tbe eoanty in, epeetfully solicited. As President, Cashier and olllcerj of ih late Clearfield County Bank, we require tho note, of laid Bank to be presented, for redemption. JAB. T. LEONARD, RICHARD BIIAW, KM. PORTER, JAB. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT, G. L. DKEB, WM. A. WALLACB. The business of tbe Bank will be eondoeted by Jobn M- Adams., Esq., aa Cashier. en. ; County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. KOOM in Maeonle Building, one door north of ' C. 1). Walson'a Drug Hloro. Passage Tieki-ta to and from Liverpool, Queens town, Glasgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, brails for aale on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of Imdon. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prea't. W. M. SHAW, Cnibier. 11:1:71' . 3. 1). M'Glrk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OP mcgirk & perks. buoecsiors to foster, rerks, s c Plilllpsburg, Centre County, F. fUKIIE all the business of a Banklna- Hoi will oe transacted promptly and upon tbe most favoraole teraia mar7-tf 25ogg.,Ton.,Iiii Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! r?VERYR0DT trying to get there first, for feaf J of being crowded out Into tha oold. 11 yoa want good Shoeing don., go to Btita. If you want yonr Sleds irooed right, go to Baeael If yon want good Mill Irona, go to Baaaa. If yoa want your wagon ironed in the brat atyte and workmanship, go to Baiaa. BatRB'makea tbe beat Stump Machine in the State, and doea all kiada of BLACK SMITHING aa oheep aa ean bo don. in tha eonnty for Cask. My Poat Oitico adJroaa Is Cleartleld, Pa. THOMAS BEERS. Bogge Tp., Deo. 1, 187-tf. Clienp Furniture.. joiin gulicii DVS1RES to Inform bis old friends and eas terners, that havinr enlaraed kia abo ..a increaeed bis facilities for menuteeturing, be la now prepared to make to order such Furniture as maybe desired, in good atylo and atebeap rater for CASH. He generally baa oa hand, at his Furnitur. rooma, a varied aaaortment of ready mado furniture, among which art BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobes and I)ook-CaaeSj Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Urcaafast and Dining Eitenaioa Tablea; Coat men. French. port, Cottage, Jenny. Lind and other Bedsteads Brfua of all kinds, Work-stands, llal-racka, Wash-stands: Rooking and Aral' Chairs spring-reel, cane bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs j Locking-Olaeeeo .f every description on bend ; and new glassee for eld frames, which will be pat lo on very reasonable terms on shortest notic. He also keeps on hand or fiirnishra to order, Corn-busk, llalr and Cotton-top blattresaea. Coffins or Evert Kind Made to order, and fune'ralo attended with a Hearse whraevor desired. Alao, House Painting done lo order. The subscriber alao manufac tures, and has constantly on band, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, the beat bow in aae I Those using this machine never need be with UfcMl He t,M Flyer. Patent Cburn, a superior article. A family using tkit Churn never need be wilbont butter I All the above and many other articles are fur nished to enetomers cheap for Case or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Linrood and otaer Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken In i Jctang. for furniture t- Remember tbe shop la on Market street, Clearfield, Pa, and noarly opposite the "Old Jew Otero. JUU ttl'LICH. Kov.mber it, ISA! y READING FOR ALL! BOOKS d- STATIONERY. Market St., C learfield, (at the Poet Office., ''lift undersigned begs leav. to announce te X tbe eitisena uf Clearfield and vicinity, that oe n. unco wp a room ana nes juet returned from the city with a large amount of reading wia.icr, i uuuiiiu in pan OI Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Rlank, Account and Paai Books of everv da criptlon Paper and Rnvelopea, French pressed and plain; Pent and I'eneila j Blank, Legal ripere, peeda, Mortgages; Judgment, Eirasp tlon and Promissory notes i White and Terek men! Brief, Legal Can. Record Can. and Bill Can, Sheet, Music for either Piano, Flute or Violia ooniuntly on band. Any books or stationery desired thet I may not have on hand, will be or ordered by first express, and aold at wholesale .i- retail to ault ouatomers. I will also lit periodical literature, such as Magaainee, News- papers, ao. r. A. OAIL1X Cl-arfitld May 1, 18f,S tf DAVID YOUNG, S(onc-C((cr end Sfone-Jroson, XIJ ILL execute all work In bis lino at mod I .rate prioea and In FIHt-T CLASS style Arclutectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Stone Prei.lng nf every description, and all kinds of mason work con tracted for ia or out of tbe county. Any pereote wiening to nave reepeeianio mason work aoi ti ne-cutting done, will find it to their Interest to call opon me I would alro Inform tbe nub lie tbt I can deliver any quantity or elaaa of stone aorired, at 1 am tbe owner of a FIliST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Orders for work can be addressed to DAVirt rotmo, er;S,?l Clearfield Pa. KW KTOUT: AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SIIAW & SON Hive just opened Kgw Smug, on Alain StCitAnu, P.. InlelT occupird bj Wm. T. IKWIV . Their tork conaiitt of D IU 2 an. cr cr m Gtoctttu of th boat quality, Queensware, Doots and Shocty nd rrory article neorwarv for one'i comfort. Call and examine our Mock before fvf. chaeing elaawher. May 0, 1SC6-lf. The Lightnina Tamer. TriK undersigned are the eole Agents la IM eoontv r.)rtbe"Sath Auerleea Oalvanise LIHHTNlrltl RtipF." Tlteee are tke only esO tods t.ow ia use, and are endorsed ky all ts aolrntlte men la the ewonlry. n e nereny uniiry tae eltisens .r the aee.'j that we will put ihem up a better rod. eed ti leeo m.nev. than le eharA r. tha ferfif agent, who annually traverse the oounly aal, earry of .nr little rash, never to return. ENCOTJIUGK HOME LABOR:. Those wlahlnt I lablnlna- Rode erected-. e Iheir balldlnge need bnl nddresa aa by I.H". " call ia perron. We will put them up aeywketo In the county, and warrant there. The Redtaa. fixtures can be seen at any lime by ealliaf " ourator.. II F. BIULKR A CO. Cleartleld, Merck r If C1 AI'TIOJAH penona are hereby oeulloa"' eguinst purchasing or In any way meddliag with one grav and ono hay mare, now In noasss- eion of VY. P. Narehood, of Oeaham towniolp- " the earn, belong to me and nr. eubjeet to asy oHer. JEREMIAH KVLLR. (irahanitnn, Marth f7( ffl St. " "