r THE ItEPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WKDNF.SPAT MORNING, APRIL 10, 187J. Terms of Subscription. If paid In advance, or within three monllif ...$2 00 II paid after three and before l monllii 1 60 If veld after the einlration of lit monthi... I 00 pir All artlole to Ineur. Insertion In thli p nper should bo Unruled in early on mesany morning, m we go to press at 12 o'oloek, (noon.) 1 , RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Methodist Episcopal Church Rer. A. D. , Yocr, Pastor. Publio Service .v.ry Sabbath ( at lo, A. M., ana i r. n. f Sabbath Sohool at t A. M. ' Pravor Mooting every Thursday, at U P. M. Communion Scrvloe, tret Sabbath of every month, at lot A. M. i SU Audrew'a Church Eplneopal Rer GnuKaa Hall. Public Sorvico Sunday morning at 10 o'oloek, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at BP. M. Prayer Meeting Wedneoday evening at 7 o olook. l, Presbyterian Church Rev. Mr.Biiri.nn.- ( . Publio Service ever Babbath, morning and even V Inc. 0 Ht. Fraud.' Church Catholic Ror. T. P J. McMAtir.. Mesa at lu) o'oloek A. II., on the t . .eoond and fourth Sundays of eaeh montb. On Hand. Wo havo received tho ' annual report of the township Auditor! of Pike ' township, fur 1871, relating to the road and poor 'fundi, but we are eompelled to hold it over for a week or io, as we are too much orowdod with figure adrertiilog at this time. Tin Prksbvieby. Tlio Hunting- -don Presbytery, eompriaing Blair, Bedford, Clear- Held, Mifflin, Juniata, Huntingdon and Centre ooantlos, eonvened in the Presbyterian ehureh, Tyrone, yesterday, and will remain in session for sevoral days. Lands tor Sals. Samuol P. Wil- son, Esq., County Treasurer, presents onr readers with a formidable advertisement, whieh will no doubt prove Interesting to those unseated land holders who hare failed to pay their tales for 1870 aod 1871. A Grand Bkkak Up. One of the finest rises that probably ever ooeurred in the up per Susquehanna and its tributaries, set in in the latter part of last week, and during Monday and Tuesday a eonitant float of round lumbor was passing the borough to the lower market tho . river being too high for rafts. - CoNFERENCK DELEGATES The del cgates sleoted by the Central Pennsylvania Con ference, to attend the general oonferenoe of the M. E. ehurch, in May noxt, are B. B. Hamlin, D. D. 'Thompson Mitohell, 1). D.; Francis Hodgson, D. D. J. A. Gere, D. D.,- Rer. B. Barnes, Rer. J. B. McMorray. Lay Delegates, Hon. John Patton and W. Aschcum. Tns Institute. A corrennondont from Frenchrille says : "The district iustltatewas a complete success in Covington township. The eitlsens far and near were present, and took an active part, and the teachers, Messrs. (Jalbraith and Ganoe and Miss McDowell, deserve special credit for the interest manifested, gratuitously, for . the advancement of tbe children." Tub XVItii District. Our county bu been placed in tbe (Sixteenth Cougreiiioiiftl District, under the now apportionment, and will remain to for the noxt ton yean, and U ai followi Clearfield, Centre, Clinton Elk, Mifflin, Fujder and Union. The lait two ooantic bare surely been put in food oo m pan j, which may prove a decided ad- rantage to them by the time the ten years' mar riage rum out, prorided the citixvni take lessons in Democracy. - A Cuanob. Tho Shaw House lias it, undergone a obange In tbe proprietonbip during 5 the put week, Mr. Geo. N. Colburn retiring and f Mrs. E. O. Clement taking possession. Mm. i CIttmU bJU bMB lm tha hnt.l mIm Um Ut . lifetime, in Brookrllle, Ridgway and Indiana, and I is well and fs.Ton.bljr known to the traveling pob- lie. That the will keep Srst-cJau hotel and - reap a liberal ihare of public patronage, there can . be no doubt. I Another Gone. Josoph McClar- f ren, one of the early aottlen of tbif eonnty, died in Philipsburg, on tbe 2 1 it of March, In the 80th year of hia age. Mr. MoClarren rvmored from I Half Moon to Decatur township, in thli county. j in 1821V 47 yean ago where he reiided nnlil a few yean ago, when ho removed to Philipsburg. t, Ho was a living example of what men ought to ibe, lnduitrioufl, frugal, temperate in all things, I and therefore an excellent cititen and a useful neighbor. m a Neptune No. 1. Tyrone has got a fire wagon. The Philadelphia Sunday JJ4rerf -describe. It thaslj: GoB Wkht. Tbe Neptune Fire Company, No. 1, of Tyrone, I'a., have purchased from 8. V.Ureer the hoe carriage formerly owned by the Good t Wilt II one. It has been handsomely painted a arinine body, and tbe running gear striped with gold, and the whoelsareof the New Haron patent and highly polished; on the side lockers are look ing glasses. On the front locker is their name, Neptune, in eonepicuous gold letters, ornamented with color. It has throe bells. It was shipped yesterday. f FataFj Accidents. Wo loam that a fatal accident occurred on Trout Run, on Mon- lay about noon, which resulted in tbe death of Lewis W. Owens, a Jobber on that Run, It ap leari that tho doceascd waa assisting to break a landing, and by some means was caught between lie logs, one of which rolled over his head, al tojt completely mashing it, killing him instantly. tt loaves a wife and fonr children. We also learn that an accident of about the line nature ooeurred on Anderson's Creek, on whom J od Monday evening. ' ma S " J PAKTMLLr rBACTICABi.r. A 'cflP ear episode ocurre4 in onr quiot villa,4 ,ait M, which quite unnerved some of the old darnel ho "never heard of tbe Vile Wtpm." A goodly Umber of the young ladies, of the g of "sweet IX tec n" and upwards, took it Into their bcadl to H up a party, and accordingly invited the young ten, who were no little surprised, but never the- m mgniy pieateu at the turn maUen bad taken if tbe inviting line. Tbe excessive darkness of ia night, however, interfered, and to a certain ttcnt broke up the programme. The ladies had m courage to invlta and tea the grnts to ths srty, but their pluck failed when the period for teeing them home" arrived. At this point the 1 method was adopted. It Is reported that the (it party will occur on a bright moonlight night. I m I - Mo AvsT?We undoratand that a bounty tommtseipnors Have made partial ar gements for fitting up an bosutlfying I be yard und tbe Court Honse, ordering a number of or. mental shade troci and ovorgreens for planting, d intending to seed th? entire yard with some lamuntal grass. This is a move in the right dl Ition, and we hope- to act It carried oat. And tbe boys nan be per sanded to stay out of the rd, and those who enter It will olose the gates they pass In and out, to as to keep the cattle t, the surroundings of the building will soon spare favorably with any in the Plate. Hut If I boys, oowi and hogs are allowed to monope- ft the yard, tbe iron fenoe may as well be sold I removed and the money appropriated to some ter nse. Ornaments are of no use where those W creatures carry on as, they plcaie, obty Pays without Food. We red. My In for mod by eitiiens of Kartbans that w MoDonald, who bad been a pauper on that whip for aevea years past, lived forty dajs ut partaking of any kind of food whatever. uit eating on the 17th af February and -I op to the day of bis death, whloh oocorred ia 27th day of March. When Informed that ould starve If ha did not eat, and when at tU were made to put food Into his mouth, bo Id order those waiting oa him nway, aaying $e had eaten a hearty breakfast that morning, ould also refer to those la olden t linos who I to long without food, lie mad no profo. Sf godliness, but the reverse, and yet eeemt We relied faithfully upon dlvioe pro tee 1 1 on. hat means his physical natnro wai supported H Hf prolonged under the clrrumstancw In dnnht rrmiln a mrMery. . " j Court Proceedinoa. Wo clip the fullowiug court proceed in gi, In relation to road and luisocllanooui affairs, at March Torm, from last week's Journal: , noAD ArpAtna. Petitions For a road from John Wilson's, In It rati fi rd towuship, to CUmrold and Leooule's road, half mile below ntoutb of Lick Run, and to vnoate road between Wilsoit'a aud A. Bhiray's. Viewers, J. I.. Cuttle, Dao'i Stewart, Lewis Irwin. For a road from at or near Joacph Winery's, In Dradford township, to road at or near Mr. Wood's, in tlophen towntbip. Viewers, Robert Stewart, John Liviogilon, James Mitchell. ' For a road frm D. Aaron Callicart'i to Abram Walker's, In Kuox townihip. Viewers. 8. F. MeHoflkoy, Aaron nise, Iraao Me hoc. Fur a road from Geo. Krincr's to near Henry Shaffer's near Jelfersno Line, In Urady township. Viewers, David Reams, n. A. Kubrl, ii. Krtner. For a road from near Oliver Westuver's, In Durniido townshin. to near John Meyer's. View. en, Lewis Uolce, Uideon Kin port i, Wm. Owens. For a road from Jfueiau roaa in rt ooawara township, to plauk road at corner of Isaac llegar ty's lot. Viewers, Bamuel JKgarty, Frederick 8 huff, Bamocl 8hoff, 8r. For a road from Pino corner to Roblson's saw mill, in Oulieh township. Viewers. Samuel lle garty, R. B. MoCully, Alex. Ream. CoKriaMKn Ni 8i. A publio road la Gosbon township, from D. tShirey s to II. 8penoe's. A pubfie roaa m reun Hwnsnip, irom i nomas Wall s saw mill to near Ueorga Hartshorn's, A nuhlie road In U rah am township, from near summit turnpike to school bouse near Wm. John ston's. A nubile road in Brady township, from J. liar mnn's to near tJeorge J. Weaver's A nublie road in Morris towntmn, from near George Diilen's to near Mrs. Merrell's, and to va cate. A nublio road In Chest township, from Wm. and Jamos Hummerville's to Cambria county line. A publie road in Pike towntbin, from r. Aver- ell's to near Pleasant Qrore aohool house. A publio road in Bell township, from R. C. Thompson's to widow Uartle road, . A puoito roaa in iirnuy uiwniuip, irom jnrt. a. Brook'tt to near Shafrr'i hriH- A publio road in Brady township, from J. Line's saw mill tract to road near F. Bhafer's. A nublie road in (Juehoh township, to vacate from McCully's farm to Muddy Run. A publie road in uosnen townsnip, irom iianl. Cypher's to near K. F. thircy's. Annexing farm of I. O. Barger to Bradford township school district. A bridge over ClearSeld creek, near Beeearia Mills, In Bccoaria townihip, with a recommenda tion that the county assist in building tbe same. A bridge across Anderson oreek at Rock too, with a recommendation that county appropriate $750. CoxrinuRD Amoi-Cti, A road fmm Robert Patterson's to mouth of Pott'a run, in Knox town ship. A road from near Peter MoQeorge'i to near Mt. Joy Church, In Lawrence townihip. To vacate road opposite the Fullertoc lot, and lay out private road on lands of Mr. (Snyder, in Lawrence townihip. A road In (Jirard and Bradford townships, from A. Lccoote'a. Against erecting a bridge over Clearfield creek, near D. Adams', in Boggt township. Against erecting a briilge at (Jsllowi Harbor, as there is no road on tbe (Jirard side of tbe river. MISCKLLINKOL'I. Petition of oltitens of New Washington nuking the appointment of two auditors i and the Court epjtoint Jauiec Savage and J. R. Mc Murray. Petition of citisens of Boggs township, asking the appointment of a supervisor j and the Court appoint Henry A. Hhimel. Petition of eitiiens of Osceola asking the ap pointment of a Constable; and the Court appoint Abraham Krphart. Petition ot eitiiens of Gtrard township asking for appointment of Constable and the Court ap point Daniel Krive. Petition of John Trout man for tho adoption of a child, fetation granted. Petition of eitiiens of K art ha us township auk ing to cbsnge tbe place of holding elections to Joseph Uillands. An election relative to proposed change, ordorcd to be bold. Petition for tbe erection of a now township out of part of Brady. Commissioners, 8. F MuClon kev, James Thompson, Sam 'I Jenkins. Report of viewers In reference to the bridge over Clearfield oreek, at Fording. The Urand Jury recommend an appropriation of $ii0 towards its completion, by the county. I be court grant tne request. List of letters remaining uncluimod In the Post office at Clearfield, for the week ending April nit, 1872: Hoyden Loolus. Magulre, Robert. Bcckner, George. Plant Louis. Cary, William. Philippe, John D. . Cross, John. Rons, James C. Dixon, M iss Martha. Rood, Jobn. Jaekson,ll. W. Weaver. Mara. J hones, w. W. - Worts, Mm alary A. . McHhadun, Jobn. . Wickam, Kdward J. Miliigan. Klmira. P. A. CAULIN, P. M Fatal Accident. We loam inci dentally that a young child of Mr. Miltou Nich ols, of Lawrence township, died last week from an overdose of laudanum. It appears the mother had bees giving a smaller on a few drops, and set the vfal containing th drag on a chair, when tho child in question took It and drank a large portion of it before the mother discovered what tbe child was doing. Every effort was made through med leal aid to eare its life, but all proved unavailing. Tub LihT. Tho list of juror drawn for June Term will be found in this Issue. Court commence on the first Menday, th 8d. Special Wm. Porter, Esq., has a bouse aod lot for talc. Sec bis advertisement elsewhere. Read advertisement of 1). Ooodlander, Lothers- burg, Pa., In another eolumn. Surer School. E. B. Spaekman, B. E. D, will open a select school In Corwensrllle, on May 8th. Mr. S. is a graduate of the North Western State Normal School. For terms, Ac., see adrer tlsement. By advertisement and bills prinUd at this offloe, It will be notleed that E. Ililtebrand, Esq., offers some valuable real estate for sale, lata th proper ty of Robert II. Rainey, doeeased. Just received from Philadelphia Gardeners, a fresh supply of (larden Seeds, including Onion Setts, at tbe Drug 8 lore of Apr. 10-41 I1atswic A Iawi. Small Poi. To avoid and us .very precau tion against this terrible disease is a duty we owo to ourselves and our fellow men. Persons going dowa tb. river run great risk, and by all means should b. po!J",, "lib freventiv. Tho u.-ooklyn Hospital Small Vox Preventiro" oui bodies to a considerable extent th. virtu, of an entire disinfectant, and no on. going down the river should be without a package of It. It is put up i convenient paekagea, and can ..carried in an inside will pocket For sale by A. I. Shaw, Pruggtst, Clearfield, pa., at th. small sum of 14 eents. For Wall Paper, go to Weaver A Betts. Fiances, Taxa NoTirs. II. F. Bigler A Co. bars Iron and Wood Singl. and Double Bhove Plows, Woii and Iron Cultivators, Steel Cultiva tor Teeth and Sliorel Plow Shovels, Iron and Wood Plows, Hlll sid. Flows, Ac, Ac. aps lm. II. F. BIOLkn CO. IUrrx, Taan Noma. Ooodftllow A Soa bar. on hand Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, and other provisions, which will be sold to ruftrnrn at th. right figures. Stora on Markot street, opposite tb. Sbaw Hens. Wearer A Betts hare Just received 10,000 rolls of Wall Paper. Nonca To rna Dmcirt.ns or Isaao Wai.vo.v. After April 10th we will have th. largest assort ment of fishing tackle aver brought west of the Alleghenles, consisting of Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks, Unci, Jlait Boxes, Ac, Ac. All di..'l.lcs of Isaac nation are Invited to call and eiamlne onr stock. II. F. Biolxr A Co. March 27, IS72.tf Dr. F. Plalto, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon offers hia serviees to the people of Clearfield and vicinity, and will be in readiness t attend all professional .alls, by day or night. Offlo. on Reed street, west of tb. depot, Clearfield, Pa, May 81, Wl tf , Ystrinery surgeons all over the country an re commending Sberidan'c Cavalry Condition Pow ders for the following trouble In horses t Loss of appetite, roujhuoii nf the hair, stoppage of bow els or water, ooughs and soldi, swelling of the glands, worms, horn ail, thick wind and heaves. A friend of onrs ho Is chief elerk la the Or, crnmental Dlsponsary, sayi that no Medicine obest Is now complete without Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, Wc always supposed it was preeorlbed by law If It Is not, It ought to be, for ecrtainlf there Is nothing In the whol materia) meaVoa of o mneh tniportano. to tb. eoldier and tb. nallor as .Tohnian's Anodyne Liniment. COUGHS AND COLDS. There are few persona who are aware of tbe im portanoe of attouJtng to a cough or a cold at its first appearance. . Tbe thouaauds who die annually of consumption, were first attacked with a "alight" oough or coM, which they thought would luou "wour" itself off, and therefore neglected to uie the propor remedies until they became Incurable. Kvery day tint a oough, eold, or any lung dis ease is neglected, makoc the obanoes of a euro more uncurtain. We would reeoinuioud all fuller ing from any disease of the Lungs whatever, to use llAsaoVs CourousoPviiuPor Tan it never fails in curing tho worst caies of coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. It Is an Infallible remedy for Whooping Cough i be ing prescribed by some of tbe leading physicians in tbe Northern and Southern States, anil being prrparod under the immediate supervision of a 5raduate of the Pennsylvania Medical College. he proprietors beg leave to inform all that It ts no "Quack" preparation, but made strictly In ac cordance with tho advanced principles and theory of medicine. Price 50 cents per bottle, RU8SKLL A LANDI8. Proprietors, Philadel phia. Hold at Joseph U. Irwin drug store, Cur wcnsvillc, Pa, inchfl-Sm Notice to GAnnnssna. All those In need of a good on t fit of garden-making tools, should eal at II. F. Bigler Co.'s, whera they will find a largo assortment of spades, spado forks, shovels, hoes, and rakes of all kinds. apU-m Fn rah Onouno Plastic a. Received at Corner Store by oar load and for sale by K. A. A W. P. Inwin. Cnrwcnsvillc. March IS, 172. Wall Paper ai any price, from' 121 to 60 cents a bolt, at Wearer 4 Betts'. Dtarrifd. On th, 10th of March, 1S73, in Morris town ship, by Ror. J. 8. MiLi.aa, Mr. ISRAEL HOO VER to Miss FRANCIS NKARIIOOD, both of Clearfield county. , ' ' , In Curwcnsrillc, on March 14th, 1873, by Rer. W. O. Fnou au.JAUEa uuuirrsr, n Bell township, to Miss MAMIE J. THOMPSON, of Cnrwcnsvil).. gird. On April Sd,tS73,LAl'RAMAKPFIEI.D,dangh- t.r of Mil-Tiis A. and Maao-snr.T Nicnou, aged 1 years aod 4 days. lUarliftj. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Rirnian Mossop, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Dry uooifs, uroe.nes, 1'ro- Visions, Ae., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Cl.nrmi.n. Pa., AprinOmi Applos.e;roen,00 3 OO'llogs, drossed 0 Dried, izj inuos, green.. 7 Apple bulter.ygal, 1 00 Ham 00(4 i Butter. 2..((4 40 Shoulders.... ..00(a) 10 Beans $0 OOy 25 Sidis 0(l(, 11) Buckwheat 1 Jo Lard lidO 18 Buckwheat flour lb, Mess pork, bbl...I 00 Beef, dried 25 0at ti Beef, freh... 10 Onions i 00 Boards, M 13 00((tU 00 PoUtoe Q0 84 Corn, shelled.. 1 00 Peaches, dried, B.. 14 Corn, ear 00 (ii 60 Plaster, bbl I 40 Corn meal, W sack, 1 40 Rre.. 1 10 Chop, ewtl 0 Q I 40 Rags, B ......... 1 Ulorerseed 7 ait,wsaea i so Cheese. 14 Rhins.,8 a.U(d)i 00 Cherries, lb. 10(?$ I4 rlbingles,i(l inl0(o It 00 Chickens, drsd, tt, 15 Timothy seed t 00 Ems 34 Tallow 13) Klaiseed. X 00 Wheat. 174 Flour 0 000 ( 35 Wool 44 II HI 0 00f1.15 00 Wood, eorti I 40 gew di'frtlsrmfttts. SUAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market i Front stroetl,) CLKA KKIELI), PA. This marnifleent llotwl is entirety new, eon plote in sll its appointments, and ounvenient to tho Court House. A free Omnibus rnns to and from the Depot u the arhral and driinrture of osoh train. nua. IS. u. L en l s, April 10, 1873. Proprietress. llfATRRMRN, THIN WAV1 Th. an. derslfrned hereby gives notie. that ho is fully prepared to aoooromodate wat.rmen at tb. "Foot of Buttermilk Falls." He baa erected new snubbing posts all along tbe landing, thereby ren dering it an easy natter to land, and making rafts inor. aeenr. when landed. Two or throe free boats at all times ready tu eonrey men to and frum th. nous, across to. rtr.r. JOI1M 1IIII8B. TSTATR OF 8ANFORD II. WALLAC l j deoeasefl Notloe is hereby giren that letters ol administration have been granted to th. under signed on. the estate of Banford H. Wallaoe, doe'd, late of Osceola, in tb. eonnty of Clearfield. All parsons indebted to aaid estate ar requested to make immediate payment,and those having elaims against said estate will present them duly authen ticated for settlement, to the wndereigned, or to Walter Barrett, Esq , his Attorney, at Clearfield, fa. U. U AlbKlthUlJ, April It (It. Administrator. House and Lot for Sale! fTlHB nnderstKn.4 offers a Hons, and Lot for X sale, situated on Fourth and th. junction of Cherry street, tn th. borough of Clearfield, Pa., known as the Htin. property. Possession giren on tbe 1st of July next. For farther Information applrto WILLIAM PORTER, Clearfield, Pa., April 10-tf. O ELECT SCHOOL! KJ A Select School, em brae ins; (he grades of tne niga andintermeuiate schools, will be opened in Curwenivi.lt, Ma oih, 1872, under the oharfc of K. B, Spaekman, D. K. I), Tanns or Iuitiuk (Per Term of 11 weeks.) Lommon branches, with Alsjibm, U. B, lustury, Phyiical tieoftraphjr and Natural Philosophy, $4. The above, with (Jeometry, Book Keeping, Kty- moiot;y anu uivu uovernmeat, 7. Tbute preparins: to teaeh. will find the In trac tion adapted to fit them for their work, and The ory of Toaching will lie taught if desired. For further infornution, address the above at Clear field. Pa. April 10, 1873 St. rkUPIIANS COURT SALE I V In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' r i , I : J . tee, Ac, In the mattor of the real estalo of Rob. ert Rainey, late of Burnside townshlu. said eoun ty, deceased, will sell at public sale, at the store nouse 01 William Hunter, In the villaie or New bnrgh, on WEDNKSbAY, MAY 15, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a- m., the following described real estate, late me property ol aatd deceased, vis i No. 1. All that certain tract of land, sltnat. In said township, adjoining land, of John Le., L. J. Kurd and others, eontaining about 70 acres. No. 3. All the Interest of decedent in that eer- taia lot of land in Boll townshin. said oountv. adjoining the above, containing Four acres, mora or less. TiftM 6r Sal.- On. naif the purclinse money casn on eonnrmation Ol sale, and tne balance in on. year, the latter payment with interest, to be secured by nond and mortgage on tbe premises. KMANltU UILTKBHAMD, April 10, 1871. Trustc. I 1ST l J 171 1ST OF JUKOHS drawn for June Term, S)AKD JVRonS. C. J. Kegy...HBeeearla David Bell Bell Charles Sloan Bos:f W. Livlngston..Bradf 'rd Boyd Kirk Bwly B. tlorman Burnside J. II. Hreth (.'best I,. Pickardm..Covington (1. h. Reed Clearfield J. M. Adams.. " 1. Pauoi'Curwonivllle M. Watt Ferguson M. h- Oill.. (Irabam Kobt- Patterson..Jordaa W. J. IIniror....Karthaas A. II. Shaw Lawrence .1. Mitchell, W. M. Henry ..Lnmber C. Geo. Hoover.. ,...Morrie I). R. flood Oseeola Drier BelL Jr Pena Bcnl, Moor Pike II. Bhults Decaiar 1 1, He: cnderson.,Wood.w'r4 TnAvanaa jnnoRa riur tut, J. Crce Beocaria , Bell J. J. Bloom..Curwensv'le A. Reese Decatur Ueo. Kvler. Uoshen D. S. Stover. Ilulioh C. Waodall Huston P. Strong. Jordan W. Ileiehel Karthaus B. Ilalrd, Jr , J. F. It (1. W. Lindley... J. Butnharger Henry Uosa , N. V arren.. . J. R. Iteed 0. II. Merrill ,. Boggs D. A. Wise. Knn II. Ross Lawrenoc 1). Wilson .Bradford I 0. Bloom.,., D. Weleh J. Mcl)ivitt.. M. R. Howies. W. P. Reed.... . ' J. Wilson - I). Walllurn.....Ktlrady N. T. llrisbl....... " J. 3. J.u.s. ........ " C. ala.jSall m " J. Thompson Maori Harry (loss Osceola Jno. HookMibvery.ChMt J. B. Mrahaia..Cloat,'ri IS. Keuhart F. U. Miller.. Wm. Powell.... M. Shirk W. M Sbaw... J.W.Wrlghljr 8. P. Sbaw..., L. Flcgal H, derrick Penn F. S. BlooJi Pike J. Cartor .'-dw'rd J, West brook. " R. Ilagorty.... A. (loss , W. Hagerty,., ft rnavanaa junoas aicunn mi, 8. C.Shon. Beeearia II. Krna.Carwen.vllle A. J. Uoe .DeoaMsr J. Hagerty 8. Sunderlin Bell K. tlatee. Huston W. II. Orr J. Witherow, Jr.i,.Kno Oeo. Turner.. Boggs K. Krhard John lllair " R. Haekman...Lawr.M. D. I.IU Bradford II. Lawhead... A. Rallstoa R. II. Moor .Brady A. Smith " h'll Lin i, Romhargar....; " , Mcllenry " J. Wetsel.. Barnslde ..Morris J. Waring A. Kephart ., M. Fllnn , Oseeola ...Pena T. A. Hoovor.... W. P. Johnston. J. Curry. Cbejt W. R. Curry Plk. n. Illltehrand " C, (llrard Covington It. Most op rieariald R, W. Mo Heal , Caldwell 1.. AiMlemen 1 J.U..Norrlt.Curwsniv, . , rnoa noudi4 gidrfrti5jurutHe ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Woltoa Is hereby given thai Utters of administration Un the estate of William Uatcock. doe'd, late of Uurnside township, Clearfield county, Pa., having been duly granted to tn ucdersineua all persona indebted to aald estate will pleas vak immedlst payment, and thosa having claims or demands will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. JOUN K. JU0HU4K, April 19, 1873 At Administrator. Notice to Taxpayers 1 TN aeeordanee with an Aot of tho Ooneral As emblv of this Commonwealth, annroved the 12d day of March, A. O. 1870, "relating to the oulleolion of taies In Iba oounty of Cloarllcld," notloe is therefor hereby givon to the taxpayers residing In tbe distriotc bvlow named, that the County Treasurer, in accordance with the seoood section of aald Aot, will attend nt the pleo. of holding the borough and township elections on tbo following named days, fur tbe purpose of receiving the County and State taxes and Militia Fines assessed for the yoar 187 J i For Clearfield and Lawrence township, Friday and Saturday, May 3d and 4tn. For Karthaus, Tuesday, May 7th. For Covington, Wednesday, May 8th. For Ulrard, Thursday, May 91 h. For (loehcn, Friday, May 10th. For Bradford, Saturday, May 1 1 lb. For Urahain, Monday, May I3lh. For Morris, Tuesday, May 14th. For Decatur, Wednesday, May loth. For Osceola, Thursday, May 10th. For lloutsdale, Friday, May 17th. For Bogga, Saturday, May 18th. For Hustun, Tuesday, May list. For Union, Wedneeday, May 12d. For Brady, Thursday, at West Liberty, May Md. " Friday, at xroutviiie, may z.ia. Saturdnv, at Lutbereburg, May S5th. For Curwensville, Monday, May I7tb. - For Pike, Tuesday, May sth. For Bloom, Wednesday, Mar ""k- wr o, eb..o esj loth. For Lumber City, Friday, May 31st. For Ferguson, Saturday, June 1st. The Treasurer will not be In the other districts until after June Court, (oommencing about the Iflth.) Vpou all taxoa paid to the Treasurer there will bo a reduotion of fiv fr eeet., while live per cent will be AUbr.n to all unpaid taxes, making a difference of TKN per oent. to prompt taxpayers. Parties oan, from this lime forward, pay tbir taxes at the Treasurer's office. BAJnur.1, r. niuivn, inaonvrt Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, Pa., April :id, 1872 -It I Pcniisylvanln Hall road TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH. AfkN and after Monday, NOV. 10th, 1871, the 1 f PaMenvAr Trains will run dallv (exoent Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield....... J. 70, r. w. Tyrone v.I5,A.at. Philipsburg 4.20, Oseeola 4.4, Tyrone .....0.00, Osceola... 10. Si, " Philipsburg..,10.S, " Clearfield 11.64, " CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield ft.45 1. K Tyrone T.OK r. u. Intersection ...7.1 S " Oseeola 8.J9 - Philipsbarg.,.8.40 " Clearfield, ar..l.40 " hllimburr.. 6.4e Osooola. 7.05 Intersection., a. 13 44 Tyrone. 8.J5 " FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa h IH-k Haven 1 70 Middletown $5 00 Marietta 60 Lancaster . 8t PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Wllliamiport. Huntingdon lwistown. I 60 1 80 1 vo Alto-ma 1 li 4 40 Job Mown.. I 80 Marysville... UARRIKBLRU... 4 TalPI'.ISBL'RO US Clos eonneotions made by all trains at Tyrone and L)OcK llarcn. OEORGE C. WILRINS, my17-tf. Superintendent. 5rjj Booai, tSrortrif, (tit. r. .. niLi.Ee. A. a. rowau. MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Gnhftm'a Row, Market fit. CLEARFIELD, PA. Wfl would nott rsptfnll7 Inform ou friend, fjaitomeri, nd th publio generally, thftt wt fcre now baek In oar old qaartin. which hart ben remodeled and improYed, and wt ara now pre pared to accommodate all who aa fafor ni hj calling. NEW GOODS,! We have Just received on. of th. largest stocks of all kinds of Merchandise over brought to Clear field eonnty, whloh we Intend to sell at inch fig ares as will make It an object for all persons to purchase from us. Families laying In winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, should not fail to giro as a nail, as ws feel confident ur prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Our stock of GROCERIES eon ilit of Coffeea of (he bent quality, Teal, 6u fan of all kindi, Notajfoi, Fiih, Salt, Cheete, Pried Fruit, Bpieei, Prorliions, Floor aod Feed, Ac, Ae. Our itook of DRY GOODS Is large and varied, and w. will just say w. can supply any article In that line, without cnumer tlng. READY-MADE CLOTHING W. have a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which wo'wlll dispose of at a Try small advance ol cost. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queenswara, Wood and Willow Wars, Nations, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac, ic. iJe-Relng extensively engaged In th. Lumbar bnsintss, ws ar abl. to offer superior inducement, to jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. Clcarlleld, Pa., Jan. I, 1871, miLADELrniA. SPRING, 1 872. FENT0N, THOMPSON & CO., 6IT CHESTNl'T STREET, liar, new In Store, and opening dally, a large Slock, bought mainly direct from Manufacturers at JI0M1S ANP ABROAD . FOREIGN AND DOMK8T10 Drcis Fabrict, Silks, ShawU and Scarft, White Goods, Linent, BMUROIDERIXS AND LACES, Embracing all th. Novelties nf tb. Season. eland to th. Trad, by th. pleoe or paekaae at tne lowest mat est price, fb?,-3ai o..l. R.ed. NOTICE. Wm- pr"' . 1 t REED A IOWi;fiL. CIRARFIRLD. PLANING MILL all' It I Q II T I npiIB proprietors respectfully Inform thceltlttne -a- of Clearfield eonnty, that they bar. entirely refitted this establishment with the latestlmproved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order In tholr line of business. They will glv. .special attention to the manufae tar. of malarial for house building, such as FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, URJICKCTS It MOVLDIJTGB, OF ALL STYLES, W always bare oa hand a large stock of DRY LUMBER, and will pay cash for all clear Lnmber. One-and-a-half lnoh panel stuff preferred. 'Lumber Manufactured to Order, I, -Or aohanged, to suit customers. VcjwOrder. soliolted, and Lnmber furnished on short uiUe .nil on rw.Lt. tarme ' - i ' '. REED POWELL. I Clearfield, March I, 1871. i. r. waAvin... ,..w. w. laws, ' CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at th old stand of O. L. Reed A Co., tbelr stoek of goods, consisting f DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS I SHOES, HATS CAPS, IIARDWARE, QL'EENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, dec, &o., At tb most reasonable rates for CASH or In aaoheng. for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRT PRODUCE. fT-Advances made to those enraged In get. ting out aqnare timber on the most advantageous terms. January , 1870, is. a. AHOLD., "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" GOODS AT REDUCED TRICES jost aacaiviD ar Arnold V ITartNliorn, (On. door w.st of First Natloaal Bank,) tl'Hv EXSV1LLE, PA. HATING Just relumed from th. east with a com piste assortment of Goods suitable for Spring and Snmmar trade, w. ar. bow rMdy to fnrnUh all kind of Goods ; "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our customers for their liberal patronage during th. past year, wc weald most respectfully ask for a coctlnusncs of th. same. I Our Sioek consist, of a eomplste assortment f Dry Hoods, Notions, Hardware, Queenswara, Wlllowwaro, Groceilea, Boots a Shoes, Data t Csps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ac. Also, Floor, Bacon. Jell, Fish, Grain, sto. I All cfwhlrh will b. sold on th. most reason abl terms, end th highest maiket prle paid for Orai, Wool and all kinds of Lnmber and Ccuntr; .rroduce. PHlcas. glv. at a call before purchasing eleewhri e. Satisfaction guaranteed as to pric. and quiUly.-m . , ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cot er of Main and Thompson Streets, eprJO CURWENSVILLE, PA. , E .V C E IN EVROPEI I ai'i GREAT EXCITEMENT J' IN ' FRENCHVILLEI 1 : The Moody ennteit between Franoe and Prnapla It at an end fr tLe nreiont, to far a the laugh- UrinK mn nd the detraction of property Mnecmed. The Rural Jnjtetcrt no doubt pride flN-MeMvei ana rejotee orer the roinlt, bat now iftiignifloant ii their work when compared with i io humane and ehrlatiaa effort of L. M. COUDRIET, ho has undertaken to lurnlv all the eltlsons In tne lower end of the oounty with food and raiment at exceeding row rates from bis mammoth store tn MllLSONIiURG. where he can always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them wnn : Dry Goods of all Kinds, 3uch ai Cloths, Satlnetts, Canaluicres, Muslins, Delalnel, Mnn, Drillings, lancocs, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, lUadv-made Clothlna. Boots anu 5.w: "' nd ('aps all of the beet material end made toorder-- Ilose, hocks, tlloros, Mitlena, l,aoes, nihoons, c GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Klsh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hsrilware, Queenswara, Tinware, Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultlva wre, Cider presses, and all kinds of Aies. 1'srfuroory, Talnls, Varnlh, Glass, and a general assortment of Stationery, . GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on band, and will be eold at the lowest posslbls figures. LIQUORS, snch as Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whisky, layne'a Medicines, Hosteller's and lloofland's Uilters. tono noundi of Wool wanted for whleb the highest prioc will be paid. Clovereeed on hand no. ror aalo ?r in loweii marnec prioc. Also. A.ent i"r Btrattoavlllc aad Carwensvlllc Threshing Machines. ' fcA-Cell and see for ynurselvei. Io2 will find fvefy thing asaally kept la a retail .tor. I,. M. COUDRIET. Pranchvlll P. 0., Varch 1, nil. liMlfijlaJTRATftR'S HOTICR, Nolle. iV, is hrliy given that letters of administration on III. estate of PHILIP IIRAN1KI'. deu'rf, lata of Beeearia township, Clearfield county, I'enna., having been dnly granted to the undersigned, sa li persons Indebted Io said estate will ploaee mak. payment, and those having elaims or demands will p reseat them properly authenticated for aet Uteeawt. r MICHAEL IIKANIKF, Mamk 27, 1873 6U Auiluistrator. (SrtuDtloiu!. School roit taiti.M, ' :i IT'tlW 1..VPV1LLK, i'a. Spring term commences Muy t, 1S72. moh27lo IiL'LLE WELCH. KEW VASIHXCT0a ACADEMY, Clearfield County, Pa. THE BL'MMKU TKHM of thii InilUntioo will opea on the flnt Uundar of War noxt. (iVrm, Are monthi.) j be ooarie or stuJj will em br tie a rfgtd and thurtiUth Un io evnrv branch rrfuiilto to a prao tieal aud aooouipliUod eilucatiua. Vooal and In it rumen tal muiio will oeeupy an Important place In tbe eourae of iludjr. I'unlli will be admitted at any time durln the eiiiont and charged frota time of entering to the eloee of the term. No deduction will bo made for abirnoe. eioept In eaiea of prtitrectod lllneii. Btudentt deriring roomi for "clubbing' oan be aemmodatpd at moderate ratvi. Good board. an can be procured at three dol lar por week at public and private lioaata. ror uaruouiari and rem UKUUUB W. INNTS, Prlootpal, March 6, 71-tf New Washington, I'a. MISS H. S. SWOT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. . rpilK Pl'IUN'l TKItMoffourtern weeks, will X oommonoe Monday, April Hlh, 1 87s. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Wrillng.ObJect Lei- eons, J'riuiary Arttnmetlo ana rntnery fleoe-raTibr $7 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography with Man urawinc. u rammer, meuial and Wrltlen AHtkm.ll. H . Algebra and the Sciences IS 00 Instruction In instrumental music 10 00 Oil painting, 34 lessons 12 00 wai work a (10 For full particulars send for Ciroular. Clearfield, (Sept. 7, 11170-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Claaalcal High chool. Each DepaHment He para to, DUtlnct and Complete li. I tne 11. TUt KholMtlc yoar of thi Iuatitution U divi ded into two feuioni of Are montbi (twenty one weeks) eaeh. Tbe Drat teuton oommeneea on the flnt Monday In September j tbe aeoond, on the flrat Monday In February. The oourae of Inatruction embrneca every thing neeeuary to a thorough, practical and accomplish ed education of both exii. Poptlawill be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance te the clone of the leeilon. No deduotion will be made for ahienee, except In eauca of extreme and protracted illneaa. Biodcnti from a diitanco oan ba aoooumodated with board at low ratei. For particular!, aend for elreiilnra, or addreai Rer. P. L. Ii AHK1.SON, A. M., July 10. 1871 tf. Principal. CIIEURYTREE Male and Female College 1 THIS popular Institution will open for the Bummer teevloa oa tbe first Moo day of May. 1372, under the instruction of a corns of competent teachers, In tbeoollrge buildiugs in the pleasant village of Cherrytree. Indiana county. Pa. Conrte of instruction thorough. Music, vocal and instrumental, tnetusptt. Mood boarding fur oiihod at from $2.b to .t.&0 ncr week. For further particular, apply to cither of the undersigned LH rectors, or address thou at Urant P. v., luJiana eonnty, Pa. lion. K. H. MrCORMICKr H. B. KINPOHTS, Ksg JOHN EAiSON, Key., Ha. K. PUALMKK, 1r. A. R. LOVELACE, Feb. 7, 1872 Sin. Directors. $U$rrUaiuou$. A NEW DEPARTURE For the Benefit of Mankind ! DR. IIOYEH'9 PILE OINTMENT This important discovery la on of tbe most re markable results of modera medioal research, and The most Wonderful A Speedy Remedy ever known. Is now presented In a seienttfio combination of soothing and bra It rig agrnta. And baring thor oughly tested it in numberless eaaet, with moat satisfactory results, do not hesitate In offering it to the publie as Tho moet certain, rapid and effectual REMEDY FOR PILES, no ni.ltcr of how long standing. VfA-Buld 1T all Drueiists anil Medicine Deal ers who desire to allsviale the sufferings of their lellow beings. mice, 50 cents rKH. nox. T. J. BOYEIl, Sole Proprietor, oolli'tl Clcarlleld, Pa. O. I. c. TtrilERB to buy my PRY G00M, QRO if oeriee, Quoensware, (llaetware. Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac., cheap for eaah. Tha subscriber begs lea re to Inform his old au new customers that be has opened A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will sell goods at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be tuade to customers bur- tng at wholesale. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share of public patronage is tuhcitfu. C. J. KEAQY. Glen Hope, Pa., Juns II, 1871. TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At th. N.w Tohaeeo and Cigar Rtore of mi. n. &H.i ir, Two doors East of the Poitofltoe, Clearfield, fa. Constanllj on hand a fine assortment of Nary, Congress, Carendish, Cable, Fpunroii, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Ac. Also, a large and well selected etook of Imported ana votnesuo cigars, pmoatng looaeeos, aleersehaum and Briar Tines, Pipe natures, Tubaoeo Sates, Clgnr JIulJrrs, and everything generally foand In a well rfHaled tigar and lobieeo Store. ff-IUiuenibor the placet Two iluOri '. "r tha ruiiodloe, Clearfield, Pa. pd.tJan.3'T THE SEW BE VYING MACHINE! The " BLEES 1" Patent Link Motion, Almost noiseless machine. Don't fall Io esamlne It before purchas ing .Isewhorc. II. nRIOCK, MERCHANT TAILOR, CLI'ARFIELD, PA, Agent for Clearlolii eonnty. fttr-Local Agents wanted la every town In the eauniy, to whom liberal terms will I. given, llon't fail In eiamlne it and satisfy yourself. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. I, 1873 tf. . TltMTICRN' tOUKTAIlI.Kr" VtIA vye hav. printed a larg. nnesbor of th. new FKR HILL, and will an tb. receipt pf ttroulv. five eouls, mail copy to an address, milt NO SMALLPOX HERE-! ... A JSSURE PREVENTIVE! C1AT.L at I.. FI.tidAL'S Utoir, opposite J Kx Hoy. Ui trior retideuoe, ou tiecond it net. Clearfield. Pa.t and exAiniuo hi le-aUuk of BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CA PS, Gent'si FiRNisrtisa Goomr TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac, Of which he la constantly rocolrlnf a large atiort inrnt of the very latoat and bctt itvlea. whicli be will dispose of at Astonishingly Low Prices! LA If ft!, I have oa hand a largo and well elected etook of tboae celebrated hand 'tewed MOKOCCO and LASTINU UAITKKd, which 1 can safely reoomtuood to be the but in the mar ket. Call and examine them. tiENTLEMEX, my atock of Fan. lashing Goods it complete. I have all the noveltiet In Pcarfs Ties, Cravat. Handkerchief1, Underwear. Sas pendert. Collar. Ulovea, Hosierr, ., together with a complete assortment of Wkfte and Cloth 8 hint. 1 have on hand a large and well aelcctcd stock of Hate and Caps of tho Very Latest Styles I Also, Trunks, Valfset. Railroad Haga, Cmhrollaf, Caaea, and many otbor articles, both useful aud ornamental, wbivb will be sold at fair rates. 3yThe citterns of Clearfield and vicinity are respectfully iavited to cell and cxamino my goods nolo re parch Ming eltewnere. LEVKR FLEGAL Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 7, IB7J. N bw g o o I m 1 ew Firm nt Wnllacoton, fa. JOHN HOLT & SONS Ilavw bought the entire stock of goods from P, Gallagher, and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from the Eastern cities, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QL'EENSWARE, IIARDWARE, BOOTS k SHOES, HATS k CAPS, BACON', FISH, SALT, FLOUR, FEED, 4c, 4o., 4c, To exchange for Country Produce, Railroad Tics, Lnmber or CASH. October 18, IS? I. 1872. 1872. SPRING GOODS I J. M. K RATZKR Is Just receiving a large and attractive stock of Spring Qoods, DRV 000DS, DBE8S QpODS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, LADIES' A CHILDREN' S SHOES, WALL PAPERS, Ac. Clearfield, March 6, (87. Down I Down 1 1 ' THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "YYTV nits nnonlnaT tT ft Int nf the twit und moat seasonable Goods and M ares ever offered in this market, and at prices that remind one of the good old days of cheap things. Thone Who lanR rHO up" ) pniut, ur wwio vur atiiv- gationi superfluous, need but C.f. itT Ot'K STOilE, Cornor Front and Market streets, .. .1 W.. buJ k nnas fnai rAm. neiT mrj mn !, inn, ' " selves. To fully underxtand what are cheap goeds, this must he done. We do not deem it neoeMnrv to enumerate and itoiniae our stook. It is enough for us to state that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed In thi market, and at prices that astonish both out and young. de20 JOSKl'II fiHAW A BON. R EAD THIS! FJ.0UR & FEED DEPOT I Tito attention, of the eitiiena of Clearfield and vlclnitv Is directed to the fart that (loodltllow A Son are tha agenta of M. Nieoe A Co., and bare just rcocirrd a half docen ear loads of Flour and 1'oed, which tbe olfer a4 the lowest possible fig ares. A largo stock of FLO UH, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, SRAIT, Potatoes, Slioltod Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ac. Particular attention Is called to M. Kleee A Co.'s brand of Familv Flour, whloh Is tbe best in th. market. Floor and Feed can and will be sold cheaper Ui.m It nan be obtained elsewhere la Clcarlleld eooals'. i ... Mr-Kur on Market street, nest dotl Io lioq. Alexander Irrin's resldrne. UOOPFELLOW A SOS, JanlOif AnentsforM NleceACo. "1T"ALL PAPER at any price, from II) In to yy eents a hell at meW-la) V'EAVBH A PETTS. JLlatfljf.- THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL.- 'MARKET Sr., CLEABf ItLD, Taw TniS larte and eomnio.lloos new 11 el has been opened Jor tha accommodation of Ibss: public, where tbe proprietor will be la.l to meet hia old friends, and reoelv. a share of public pat ronage. By sliitit personal altonlion to the de tails of bis builnrsa. he hones to be able to rrnoTef satisfaction le bis patrons.' The TAPI.B will alwav. be hounlifiillv supplied with the best Diet can b. procarad la tb. susrket. aad tb. UAH will contain afullslock of LllsCOK-SlEBlt, V Qood staklin attached. VAffl'Ml L.Cirt.l.AIA, Clearfield, Maroh S, 18M-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of 8eoond and Mukct Streets, C1.i:ahi ii:i.l)PA. Till 3 old and commodlons Hotel has. dnrln the past year, been inlerged ta double Us former capacity for the entertainment of etrea gers and guests. Th. whol. building has bear refurnished, and the proprietor will spar, no patns to render his guests comfortable whil. slaylog with hint. . ir Tb. "Mansion noun Omnibus rant Io ansUrom the Depot on the arrival and departure "ftTtrein.. ' JOHN DOUUIIEttlY. apro.Jd tf , ""i""1"1 SUSQUEHaTnA HOUSE, .r.a M...viiiM l learticld county. Pa. millS aid and well tstablisbed Hotel, bautl- I ..j av . k..k nf thai finiaul Xfullf s luaieu od " - . banaa, tne oorogai v.-- -leed for a term of ,..r. b, tb. It has b... V. Mnw ...... Srra'paJtUular.' No p... -Ul . " at ...I.). .i,u. t.rrvina' at this render guests oommM-i -a...- - . i. ci.kiu fAAn for tha aocom datloaofteaoii. Charges odere . . Btpt ,;mo-tf. THE1RA1LR0AD HOUSE, MAIS ST., PUILII'SBUItO, FA. TUB undersigned keeps constantly on nana . l . v. - i ni. sable la always a in. pnk '1 " - - supplied with tha best the market afforde. Tb trar.ling public will a. ".Tnvn" nOTl. OS. BUPmoa IEONAED IIOUSK, . J J""" Near the Railroad Depot, CUAHIIfci.il, v e n a. This house is laree. well furni.hed, and nearly new, and Ibe Proprietor feels confident of render ing satisfaelion to guests. M. 1) Oood .tabling connected with tbe hotel. o4 ?l H. B. KUH, rropneior. ST. C1IARLE3 HOTEL, (Oppo.lte It. R. Pnpol.V CLEAUFIKLU, I'lSaM A. ri.. Mn.aiffii hnvinir become ttronrietor of this house, Is now reedj to entertain strangers and trnvolers, and inercioreeuntu. wj-n"' give bim a call, ins laoie wm oepupi'ii ! Ibe best the market afford., and Bis liar will eoa ii...i.niM,inrinMind linnoT. Eitcnsiva stabling i.faltacbl Chargee melerntis. janlOTl " AJIES McLAUOIILIlf. WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite th. Coart Hons., CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Accommodations Qr.t-c!ass and eharges moderate, cett JOII.N'.F. VOt'NQ, Proprietor. MONTOUR HOUSE,. ....... Upposile me I'onrs iiouse,. LOCK IIAVEX, PENN'A. JeU'Tl 11AI SEAL A KROM, Prop's. B nocKtmiol'i' holhc, BEI.LKF'iMi; PA, D. JOHNSTON A 8i'i, oclio'Tt Proprietors. NERICAN llllLSl:, Main Si met, J5HOOKVII.LE, PENN'A. SUANNON A Bl'RUETT. Proprietory. ol 71 DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot nnd Shoe Manufaetnrrn CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS Just received a fin lot of French CALF 8EINS, and Is now prepared to manufac ture everything in his line at th lowest ngoros. . H wilt warrant bis work to b a. represented. He respectfully solicits a eal!, at bis shop on Market street, second dror w.u of Ihepostoffiee, when he will do all in his powsr to render satis faction. Bon. Iln. Uaiter tops on hand. myll,'7-y DANIEL CONNELLY. SEW BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Co. MARKET A 3o ?ts., CLEARFIELD, Pa. rpilE proprietor has entered Into th. BOOT X SHOE busln.ss at th. abov. aland, and Is determined not to be outdone either In qual ity or prio for bis work, Bpelal attention will be paid t. manufacturing 8ewed work. II. has on hand a larg. lot of Kranek Kip end Calf Bkins, of the very best quality, Tb. eiti iens of Clearfield and vicinity ar. respectfully invited te glv. him a trial. So charge for call.. nov,' 6 tr lisrrUanrous. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY.. TflB vaderslgned, having .stahllshed a Nut cry oa the 'Pike, about half way betweea Clear6eld and Cnrweesvllle, Is prepared so fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TREES, (standard an& dwarf.) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Orap. Vineer, . Oooseberries. Laaton Blackberry, Strawberry, and Ra.berry Via... Alio, Siberia. Crab TreM, Quince, and ear:y scinei rnunarD, no. uroera cromptly attended to. Addrees, ' i n Hatin . if. n niun I. cptt 6t-y Curwensvills, Pa . New Meat Market. THE nndcrsirned hare opened a Meat Market", in the room formerly ocoopie.1 by Aleaander. lrrin, on Market .treat, Clearfield, Pa , arljoining Moasop's, where they intend to keep a supply of All kind, of Moat, fruit and Vegetables, And at "rntrrs to srtr vnn tiwks." Shop will be open refrnlarly on Tuesday, Tbursdsy anil Sat -urdiiy, and meat delivered at any point. A shsra , of public patronage Is re.pcctfiilly solicited. M. O. DROWN. E. YY. BROWN. ' jTAl so Conlinne to deal in ask kbuil f. ltunrored Agrieolloral Iinplrtnrnts. ClrarfleM, August II, U'O-lf. STOVE AD AUT1IE-WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTSt CROCKSL Fiehtr'a Patent AlHlRht Hclf . Pealing l' r ti It ansl . BI'TTER CROCKS, with this. CREAM CHnrKS, MM.K CROCKf, Al'I'I.E -IM TTKR CHOCKS, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, ' STKW POTS, And a great many clher things loo numerous tn mention, to bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAKE POTTERY", Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, CLEAKr'lKLI), PA. aagS Beale's Embrocation, (L AT B POWELL'S,) For all diseases Incident tn Horres, Cattle, and Ueman Flesh, requiring th. as. of aa .atern.l application. Tbll Embrocation wae aiienslv.ly nesd by the Uovernmeet during th. war. For sal. bv llartswlek A Irwir. Clear I eld. Joseph K. Irwin, CnrwensTllle. Psaiel lioe. lander, Lulheisbarr if AlHMiTn ATOItW' NOTIt'K- Nnlic. Is hereby given Hi at letter of administralloa on the eetate of IIEOHtlH tit). Kl, deeeaenl. late of Urahata lowushii, ('Inarlield Oounty, I'a., having been du'y granted to the anderaigned, .11 Jjrnns Indebted to said ealale will please make parrasnl, and those having elaims or rirmaadl wtll present mom propory aninenurairti ,or .-v-tletuenl. JAMKS MOVER, DAMEL SMKAb, Fob. JH, IST2-II. Admlnlslrnlor.. 1) LANK C-OHHTABMCH H.F.S FOR sale at int. out,.