GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, ItllTUn AND PROI'maTOH. UZ.:- n . ...r. -r-.--:-.-..:-..J..t-i.:-..-3.-t CLEARFIELD, Ta. WKHNKSPAY MOHN1NQ. APRIL 10, 1871. Bold Kobdkrt. Tlio ofllco of the Lycoming Mutual Incnrnnoe Compa ny, at Miiney, was ontorod by burg. lura on tlio rtijjfa. of (ho 4th, and the Biifo drilled and bnrstcd by powdor, and $32,000 worth of bonds stolon. .Enterprise. It it now said that Goo. 0. Evnns hns negotiutod with omo Now York firm for the publish ing of a (40,000 lifu or Governor Uonry.. That's the wny tho monoy goes. . Loyal Honesty. Under tho now Apportionment bill, it takes 82,600 Democrats to elect a Congressman and only 20,700 Radicals. Such Is tho equity produced by the party "con trolled by grand moral ideas." Gkntlk. Anna Dickinson told tho IMttsburghors last week in her lecture that Horace Greolcy, Charles Sumnor, Carl Sehurz and Lyman Trumbull, wore tho bruins of the Republican parly. It appears she is not afraid to "toll the truth and shamo tho devil." Wmsky by Machinery. They know how to bold oleclions in Fliila delpliiu, as well as avoid the Sunday liquor low. Tlio Press says its done in this way : "The bar-tcodcr placos upon Uio bar a wheol. Tbo customer pott tea cents upon it. The wheel revolros, anil t glosa of whisky appears. Nobody knew where it oaine from, ho liquor fni bought, loiil, or giren awny.H The Convention. To day tho Radi cal Slate Convention meets at Harris burg. Tho corruption ring want llttrtrnnft nominatod for Governor, wliilo Cameron is quietly working (Granl-liko,) to nominate his ncphow, Tucker. But, if tho ring insists, Simon must back water, for foar it will not go for him for Senator noxt January. Another "New Departure." Our Radical contemporaries havo had a good deal of sport tho past year, over un imaginary "now departuro" made by the Democrats. Wo would like to know from some of thorn whut thoy intend to cull Dr. Greeley's movement and the Cincinnati Convention ? Will not somebody clso have a "new de parture" on hand this year 1 A Protist. About a dozen of tho clorgymon of Lnncustor city havo signod a protest against attending funerals on Sunday, and havo given notice to thoir respective flocks that they must die hereafter so that the funorals will not occur on that day. They deem it a desecration of the day, and scorn to belong to the same class who cashiered CI. rit and his disciples for pulling corn cars on tho Sabbath. Thoy are godly abovo all other mon. Rhode Island. This loyal garden patch was nearly carried by tho Democrats at tbo State election on tho 3d. Instead of th Radical candi date for Governor having over 8,000 majority he has only 1,100, and Cut ler, tho Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is elected by 257 mnjority! The Democrats gninod over 100 per cent, on Senators and Assemblymen. Hold on, gonllomon, wo don't want tliat State. Wonderful I ho Washington no groos, who are nearly all fed and clothed out of the United Stales Treasury, on Friday lust held a mass meeting on the Presidency, and unan imously repudiated Judge Davis and declared for Grant. How natural! Like tho Ass, they know thoir mas ter's crib. The Radicals pronounco this negro movement "truo to tho Aug." Had they tcrmod it ' bread and butter," they would havo ap proached the truth. Too Bad If thore is such a thing as first-class perjury, or an individual swenrinir his aoul straight to hell, somo of the parties who did tlio swearing in the Evans robbery inves tigation had bolter bo looking out for old "Brimstone." If such follows as Evans don't get into "tlio lake that burns with flro mid brimstone," thcro Is no use of having ono, Ho and his comrades havo dunked the peniten tiary, and they will try their best to gel around the other place. The Great Inventor Professor Samuel B. F. Morse, the Inventor and projector of tho mngnctio tologrnph, expired at his homo in Now York on the Sd inst, nt an advanced age, full of honors. In 1812 Mr. Morso had spent a for luno in trying to perfect the tolo graphio system. He was persuaded by friends to apply to Congress for assistance. Hon. Fernando Wood was thou as now a member of Congress, snd took an interest In Mr. Morse's welfuro. He introduced a resolution appropriating t-30,000 toward com pleting the telegraph system. But so little faith had Congress in the practi cability of tho sysiem that tho resolu tion barely ptuncd. Tho voto stood yeas 80, nuys 87, Mr. Wood is tlio only ono of llio 80 who is alive at Ilia death of Prof. Morse. No one has in quired whether any of the 87 nays aro nljvo or not. If there arc I"1)' they Vt','1! )i (l"M kffji rjtiirt, The itppartlonmmt, ' Tho Congressional Apportionment bill, as finally passod by tho Lcgisla ture, is one of tho most aocursod gerrymanders ever foisted upon tbo pooplo of this Statu. t Although tho parties aro nearly balanced, tho Domocrnts nro nllowod but ten of the twenty-six districts. Tho Radical nowspupors of Philadel phia hove condemned the conduct of tho shoulder kiltoi's and juil birds of that cily in tho McClure-Gray eloclion eontost for Senator, but it was no moro iniquitious than tho conduct of the majority in tho Legislature on the apportionment bill, which is as fol lows : Flnt District. Thlr.1, Fourth. Fifth, Sixth, L'lertnih, Twelfth end Sale-nth Wards, Philadel phia. Second District First, Pccond, Seventh and Twciity.sltb Werdi, Philadelphia. Third District Kigth.Miilli, Tenth, Thirteenth and Twentieth Wards, and all that portion of the Seventeenth Ward woet of Scoond ilreot, Philadel phia. Fourth District Fifteenth, Twmty-B nt, Tirou-ty-fourth, Twenty.scvcnth, Twenty-eighth aud Twenty-ninth Wards, Philadelphia. Fifth llUtricl Kightoenth, Ninetocnth.Twcnty second, Twenty-third and Twenty-firth Wards, aud tho Seventeenth Ward cost of Second I'ro-t, I'bilu dcli.hia. Sixth Dietrlot Chreter and Delaware counties. Sorenth Distrlot Lancaster ounnty. . Eighth District llcrks and that portion of Montgomery northweit of Norrittown, Whiteplaln, Gwynedd and Montgomery townships. Ninth District lluoks aud ftortuatnptoa and balance of Montgomery. Tenth District Lehigh, Carbon, Monroe, Tike and Wayne. Klerenth Diitriot Schuylkill, Columbia and Montour. Twelfth District Dauphin, Lebanon and North umberland. Thirteenth District Lutorne. Fourteenth Diitriot Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan and Wyoming. Fifteenth District Tioga, Totter, McKoan, Cameron and Lyooiulng. Sixteenth District Union, Snyder, Mifflin, Centre, Clearfield, Cliuton and Elk. Seventeenth Dlitrict Huntingdon, Blair, Cam bria and Somerset. Kigbteenlh Iliitrlot Bedford, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata and Adnme. Nineteenth District Westmorland, Fayettoand Oreene. Twentieth Diatrict Cumberland, Yolk and Perry. . . Twenty-first Diitrlct Indiana, Arnntrong, Jef ferson and Clarion. Twenty. second District Pittsburg, Birming ham East Birmingham, 0rmaby,8ootb Pittsburg, Monongahela, Mount Washington, Temperance ville, West Pittsburg, Union, Allentnwn, St. Clair, Verona, Braddooks and the Townships of Plum, Wilkins, Penn and Potter. Twenty-third District All Allegheny oounty not inoludcd in the above. Twenty-fourth District Washington, Bearer and Butler. Twenty-fifth Distrust Lawrence, Mereor and Crawford. Twenty-sixth District Brie, Venango, Warren and Forost. The reader will notico that Mont gomery county has boon cut in two, and where the Domocratio counlios could not be thrown tngotlier ono Dcinocratio county is put in with a number of Radical counlios and lit erally dovoured. As witness, Cambria, Clarion, Northumberland, Lycoming, Sullivan and Wyoming. But one singlo instance occurs (and that is in our own district Snyder and Union,) in which a Radical county is over whelmed by Democratic counties. But, notwithstanding this effort to disfranchise tho Democrats of this Stalo, so fur as thoir voico in Congross is concerned, wo shall bo greatly mis taken if not at the first, by tho second election we will bo ablo to tio tho rascals. adjourned. Our Stato Legislature adjourned on Thursduy, the 4th inst., as indicated in our lust. Tho usual number of presents woro offered and accepted. Liko Grunt, the Speakers and Clerks followed suit accepted everything of ferod. Wo havo spent sovcrnl days, for ten years past at Ilarrisburg, during the session, invariably taking a horoscopio views of tho membors in both Houses. Tho Senato as now constituted contains moro intelligence and integrity than has oxisted for many sessions in that body, and what pleases us most is, the Democratic side possesses two thirds of this mako up. This the most bigot ed Radicals admit. But the House! From another such "good Lord, de livor us." For irnoranco, venality and debauchery it lias nover been equalled. Yet, with all the prevailing iniquity the body contained about 25 or 30 mombcrs who inlolligontly and honestly represented thoir constitu ents. But thoy woro mere ornamonts, and what legislation they dosirod was suffered to pass. About 40 aro a dis graco to thoir friends, party and Stato. If llioro is to bo no improvement in intelligence and integrity in the mem bers of tho tower IIouso, tho doors had bettor be closed. A'altonat Otvgratt. It was not humiliuling onough to tho American peoplo to sco Gen. Grant hustlo his son Fred, premature ly through West Point, put a govern ment uniform on him, ordor tlio Com-nmndar-in-Chiof on board of a govern ment vessel with Fred, and proceed to exhibit him, prince like, all oror Europe on the circus plan. Un Thursday "Miss Nellie" and Mrs. Grant wore packed off on a gov ernment vessol, to bo exhibited all over Europe as Princess and Queen bolonging to the Houses of Grant and Dont. Tho brothers in-luw we sup pose will next bo put on board of a government vessel, to follow the Princess and Queon, by tho time they mako the lour of the Continent. We supposo Congross will bo ankcd to mike an appropriation toward defray ing Fred. Nellie and Ma's exponsos, bcloro tho adjournment occurs. This would bo Grant liko. Who would not take a trip to Europo and play tho clown under such circumstances? Why don't Portor and Bubcock go, too 7 or, must thoio clowns bo kept on oxhibitisn at Washington for tho pur poso of amusing and cntortoinlng the "loll millions" at homo f Comino Home. It is announcod that Ex Gov. Curtin hat resigned his position as Minister to Russia at a salary of 117,000 In gold. It is furth er assorted that ho will bo nominatod for tho Vice-Presidency by tho Cin cinnati Convention. Tho Ex Gover nor evidently knows what ho is about or ho would not walk thus oiilmly Way ffnin A f 17,000 gold salary, Without an M-lnlerim. The Stale Sonate ad journed on the 4 th instant, without electing a Spoak or ad interim. The Domocratio norai neo was J. D. Davis, ofBerks, and tho Rudioal caucus nomineo was Goorgo II. Anderson, of Pittsburg. Tho business of tho session having boon gono through with, at about eleven o'clock tho Senate proceeded to vote for Speaker. Tho roll was called and tho Sonators votod as fol lows : Messrs. Albright, Anderson, Brodhead, Bucka lew, Collins, Crawford, Deohert, Dill, Fiudlay, Knight, M 'Sherry, Nagle, Petrikln, Puriaan, Ran dall and Wallace 10, voted for J. D. Davis, Demoeiat. Messrs. Allen, Mllingfelt, Brooke, Davis (Berks), Davis (Philadelphia), Delamater, Fitob, llrahaui, Humphreys, Mumma, Strang, Waddoll, Warlcl, Weakley, White and Hutan 10, voted for tleorge II. Andersou, Radienl. Mr. At'Clur. ruled fur Butler I). Strang. The Speaker announced that thcro was no election, and tlireo moro bal lots wore hud with tho sumo result, tho voto boing tho same as on the first, except somo pairs on account of committees, which wero absont wait ing upon tho Governor. During tho fourth ballot the hour of twelve arrived, and at its olose Mr. White cullod tho orders of tho day, and tho Spoaker adjournod tbo Sonate sin die. This fa rnUinr- ponuliar piawav o work and adds nothing to tbo honor of tho Sonate. Two of the Pittsburgh Radical jour nals speak of Mr. Andorson in the following inharmonious stylo. Tho Commercial says : ''Tht unanimous nomination of Hon. George It. Anderson, as Speaker of the Senate, by the ltepublioan oaueus of that body, is a deserved oouipliinont to a worthy and .ffioical member. Seuator Anderson, during his two years' service, has made a good record, and Is now one of the most active aud influential members of the Ltgtt lature." That Is rather nice, and roads woll ; but here is what tho Dispatch, another loyal organ, eays of Goorgo : "We are free to confess that w are rather pleased than otherwis with the aetlon of the Senate, In refusing to eleet Mr. Anderson Speaker, as agreed in the eauous meeting. We will go further and say that, so far as our tnflnenoe went, we helped to bring about this result. Mr. Ander son, a mere tyro In polities, without eilbor the brains or parliamentary experience to fill the of fice of Sneaker of the Senate, intelligently or sat isfactorilywhy woe h nominated for the posi tion 7 The man is not fitted for the position, and a grosser pioee of Im- fcrtir.enco then that which prompted him to offer imeelf can hardly be imagined. Who tells the truth is rather hard to say, at this distance from Pittsburg. But, as it is not our funeral, we shall not go for the sexton. Report of the "t'.vani fVaiirf." It is a satisfaction to record tho fact that another committee of tho legisla ture has dono its duty to the public, irrespective of parlies or persons. Just beforo tho adjournment Thurs day, a report was prosonlcd by the joint committee of the Uoue and Somite, appointed to investigate the Evans frauds, involving the greater part of 8201,000, paid to Evans by the United States, and withhold from the Stalo Treasury by him on the pretonce that thatenormoussum wasdue to him as "commissions" tinier bis appoint ment by Governor Geary to "collect" tho Stalo's war claims from tho United Slates. The report is a clear, slruighl, overwhelming exposuro of a most shameless robbery of tho Slate, and is complete except upon the ono point concerning the division of tho monoy among those in tho conspiracy. As to this, tho committoe say thoy "cannot give credence to the statoment of Mr. Evans" that he used the monoy to pay his "dobts of honor," snd they aro ''impressed with tho belief that the whole truth on this subject has not boon rcachod." Tho report shows that of $1,010, 741.33 involved in this account, which Evans fulsoly cluimcd that he "collect ed" and for which false claim he re tained out of other moneys bolonging to the State 8KU.074.13, bo nover "collooted" a single dollar. He did "collect," as far back as 18G7 and 1808, under the bill got through the legisla ture by the conspirators, 1184,108.35, and ho kopt every' dollar of it for him self and his confederates, although ho was entitled at that time to no more than $18,410,831, at the very outside, according to his own wild notion of "commissions. Under another ap pointment by tho Governor (Evans having shown himself to be a most "fuithtul agent"), and armed with a letter from tho Governor, in March, 1870, ho got from tho Auditor Gener al's ofllco another batch of vouchers for Stato claims, amounting to $1,065, 708.78. As to these thore is not now, and nover lias been a shadow of pro lonco for his claim of ton por cent, "commissions;" on tho contrary ,thoro wasaclearoxprossagreoment with the Auditor General that he (Evans) was to have only such "equitable compen sation" ns the Auditor General should allow. Tho committco, thorcfore, do nounce his ten por cent, claim as "ut terly unfounded." Upon this last batch of vouchors Evans colloclod, August 20, 1870, $130,840.09, and ho pocketed the wholo of this also for himself and his confederates. Not a syllublo concerning any of these trans actions was over reported to the Stato Treasury or to tho Auditor Goneral, ulthough, as llio roport shows, tho governor was fully cognizant of thorn. The conspirators now had in their possession $321,014.14 of moneys real ized upon drafts drawn by tho Treas ury of tho United States to the order of John W. Geary, Governor of Penn sylvania. Thoy got the first of it May 2, 1807 $78,510.80 tho noxt Oetobor 27, 1808-$ 105,05 1.40 and tho last August 20, 1870 $18,830.00. They kept tho wholo of it till July 21, 1871 moro than four yoars aflcr tho first payment snd then they disgorgod $20,0(17 55, ono week after tho damn ing facts first began to reneh tho pub lic through tho newspaper press, It was at this timo that tho patched up fraudulent claim first apponred for the other $1:01,540.59, to puy their "com missions." 01 this enormous sum Evans may possibly havo been entitl ed to $18,410.83 upon his "collodions" on ono sot of vouchors ; and to about $10,300 for his collodions npon tho other set in all say $31,000. And this would bo straining liboralily to the utmost point. But ho and his con federates have pockolcd and still with hold $201,410.83. There is ono asprct of llio report which it is painful to contemplate. Wo refer to the passages all through the documont which show the knowl edge and privity of tho Governor of the Male of I'onnsylvania to the trans actions of Evans, so far as the with holding of $321,000 of State money from tho Treasury is concerned. Whatever conclusions may bucui)io lo as to tho other aspects of this disgrace ful business there can be but one as to tho Governor' concealment of his knowlodgo that Evans had roceived from tho United States a lurgo sum of money for the Stato, which ho had not paid into the Treasury ortheStulo. Even if Evans had just claim to the whole ton por cent, upon tho two millions which ho did not collect cvon allowing this monstrous assumption, a tho Governor does Evans still had in his possession In January, 1871,over $97,000 of Stato money, which even h does not claim he was entitled to at that timo ; yet tho Governor conceal cd that. Tho committee presont con clusive evidonco of tho Governor's knowlodgo of it, and call attontion to the dark fact that he did not commu nicate it to the logislaturo; and thoy further cull attention to tho conceal ment by tho Governor of u 11 theso nofarious transactions, and to tbo ofiorts of "those in official position" to "palliate and excuse" tho Evans oper ations. The reudors of the report can hardly fail lo observe how strongly its facts, its analysis of the fraud, its figures and its results corroborate and tally with those heretofore publishod in the Ledqer. Tho conspiracy originated nt Washington, with Evans then in tho plot, and beyond all quostion it was instigated by some ono either In tho Treasury Dopartmont or who had tho "run of it," and who was awaro that certain book entries had not beure made. It lound mcllo Instruments at Ilarrisburg; they got tho ground plot of the gigantic fraud through .the, lo gislaturo ; thoy managed the swift ap pointment of Evans; they know that ho was pockoling for himself and his co plunderers llio wholo sum of his actual collections untilUthcy had $321, 000 ; and "Stato officials'' concealed tho facts from- the State Treasurer and the Auditor Gonoral, until the rascali ty was exposed by the public press by too aid of a subordinate in the At torney Goneral's ofllco who was turned oi ! fir ofllco by his superior immedi ately after this piece of sorvico to the plundered people of Pennsylvania. Of one of theso concoulmonts the eom mitteo say that the neglect of the Stato officials who knew of the trans action and who failed to report it, was "a gross dereliction of duty;" and they say furlhor, upon tho goneral tubjoct, that tho "committoo havo no languago sufficiently strong to express their dis approbation of so bold an outrago, or fitting terms in which to charao torize those in official position who seek lo palliate or excuse tho wrong. I'lulailcipiua Jjctiger. We need only add that Gov. Geary has had a pamphlot of 48 pages printed at tho public expense, and is circulat ing it throughout the Stato, defending this very robbery, and pronounces Evans an "excellent agent." Wo will givo the report of tho Committoo next week. ' Cincinnati. Tho Democrats clean ed this Radical hot bed lust week by nearly 2,000 majority. That city has been ovorwholmingly Know Nothing and Radical ever since 1854. Grant ism Is causing the scales to fall off the eyes of the tax payers In tho tjuoen city. A lady in Louisville, Ky., who paid soTDiily-nvo dollars to liuve her lace enamelled to attond a ball, has sinco paid three hundred dollars to the doc tors for saving bor life. AN I EL GOODLANDEIt, LUTHER8DCR0, PA., Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOS1EKY k GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS k SHOES, Tobaeoo, flroeerici nif Fish, Nulla, IIan.irf.rv. (jufnw.,r and UlMPare, Mvn'i and it u j i" Clothing, Irrtw, Painti, Oil", Kftmol, a Urge lot of Patent, Candlei, Nuti A Dried Prutl, Oimm and Crmck rs, Hock and Rifle Powder, Flour, Gtuin and Potatoes, J Clorer and Timothy Sued, 1 J Sola Leather, Morocco, Lining, Binding! ftnd luroad, nboemakcrr looli and Bhoe Findings. No greater rarlety of goodi in any itoro Ir county. Alt for tale Tery low for (Mwh or eoarrjr produce at the thoap Corner. April 10, 18; rihe Fishing Tackle I Jl'RT racalred aeompleteassortment.een'lst of Trout Rods, Fish Haskell, Lines iai Uuoks, ul all description, at I II. V. IIIQLKK A CO'-i Clearfield, April 3, 172, Jm. HAVER A BKTT8 hare Inst reeeiM 10,01111 rolls of Wall l'aner. meh2M REVEHE HOUSE, BURN8IDE. PA. The lulirerlber baring built a sew Hotel II modern improreinenti, Is prepared to nralve guests. The table will be snmilieil with the tyest iu mrnRiHBij ine imrnnn lae couotccst iiquera. .1 1 ..-II: . uuwi nauiing Buaciieq, apr.l-ljr A. II. BCHAEFFEII, Prop .with Road Lellinql NOTICE li herehy given (hat theundervlgrted Super? I lore of (Jonlten township will reorira proponAli until KATUHDAY, the lOih Hay of April next, for the grading, bridging and ooro- tiding of forty-one rodi of road, more or Ivm, ceding from h. L Irwine, in UoibcQ towmbip, to the Lawrcnoft town hip line. Proposal! mailt ett the price nr rod for the whole work. The fiuperrttwri will meet at Lick Run oa the day above designated, where all who oe fit can attend. , J!. K. PHI KEY, U. E. KYLAR, mcliSTIi 8uervUori. pARMEKS, TAKE NOTICE! H. F. BIGLER & CO. OFFER FOR RALE SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS, W(HI IRON CULTIVATOR", Steel Cultivator Tcctli, Shovel Plow Shovels, IRON k WOOD TLOWS, IIILL-BIHB PLOWS, Ae., It, Clearfield, Pa., April 1 Ira. -a n n a a T u i J' " IV 0 A U i J l ' wil- . . i . tt . ih iwo-iHory plana iiowee on corner or I Tliiril and Ieut streets, now in aosoessloa oT Nro. Aana H. W.llooe. Unas. Is 60 fn.1 and in food eondiuon. Iniinlr. of QEIilUlK W, RIIEEM. Clearfield, March !, 1871. front WALL TAPilR, an to ; .icIi'.'Min V tAVUH 4 BEITS, T REASUREU'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS In Clearfield Conntr, Pa., for WO aud 1871. Nutloo Is hereby given, In puriuenoo of an Aot of Assetnlilr upprored the l llh day of June, A. O. 11)44, entitled "An Ael to amend an Act direetlng th. modoof selling unseated lauds in Clear held eoiiitty,' and the sevi-rul supple monts thereto, there will b. exposed to publle sale or outcry, at the Court llunse. In the borough o! Clearfield, on the SECOND MONDAY, loth day of JUNK, A. u. i7a, ine following tracts or pieces of unseated lands in said county, for taxes due and nnpafd, rti: llrrcaria. So. A: nnrranltl. ti (0 i Peter Miller t 41 John Mallei...... M an Fred's Hubley. 14 10 John Bailsman., f 14 Fred'k Ilowmaa 11 23 Tl lit Thoi. Bllllngtoa 10 14 l:il Phil. Myalaoope R4 1JO John Myslneop. 41 AO . tt tO Michael Masser, 34 Ti 86 10 Michael Nasser . It 111 100 Jaa. MeMurtri.. li 40 tO Tboi.Murgatory 20 12 tO Magnus Miller., to (1 410 Johi Brady eg j! U ( William Brady., go oe ! J. A K. Blalr.Ui jj 1110 John Whltmer... 95 43 ltd Henry Whitm.r, 84 41 181 William Wllsoa. g, l0 111 Jacob King 17 97 104 Juhn Gibson.-... 10 20 lit tl Ilohert Wilson... 01 OA 4.11 1H William Gray.. ..105 li .do loa Mill,, 105 15 80 Brown rutsuu, jo 12 10 10 John Kellend.... 1 61 101 lit Peter (Jets- 28 to tit 01 Jereml'h Moeher 20 It 4.1S 15t Darld Barton,... tt ti 190 16.1 Martin Frsnti... 41 00 : lu 125 J. Frants, Jr.... 41 60 74 tl Thomas Gibson 21 10 t00 Jacob King..., 70 tt 80 Mia. l'luokeU. 4 12 174 A. Mysonoope. 48 11 176 47 Jere. Mosher...' 48 80 100 Keagy 28 40 lit Fred. Beates.... II Jj lKt 17 ThosBllllngton 41 70 10 John Beam 18 88 1.10 lit Martin Foots.,. 48 40 124 Mathias Barton 52 fl 74 Thomas Gibson 11 38 tli lit Fred. Beat.... it SI 128 40 J. Muss.rsmith 18 97 14 Brown 4 Fulton 4 H6 10 l. Ilaapt, a Co 11 10 60 Jacob Fouls... .. 00 150 W. Whltesides. 21 40 lit Thomas Groom It 60 lie 11. rTarmiWec. Henry Beck.....3l 00 " " ....IN8 98 " " -...271 00 " 130 68 42K7 110 .... 25 01 5W9 1IIJ IO0 " .... 17 82 618 100 23 95 6618 lit .... 31 47 6018 llll .... J2 f2 427 78 120 .... 81 15 i;(lt 1000 ...2B2 00 4286 606 ...,I4 88 42S8 600 .... g 60 Sidi 101 118 John Nicholas.- 28 89 5818 150 McklintGrinith II 89 4S9 Ui Joseph Boom.... I. S3 67 4 1.1 242 8.1 tl 90 100 4H0 20J AT. j(e. Per, 4?t 1000 5020 600 6764 1000 68211 6110 BeuJ. UibbS 146 24 20 Henry Book...., 6j M 87 " 21 37 128 MokllnaUriffith 5 78 " " 21 88 Henry Beck.... 23 86 " - ...,I0 80 u " .... 63 01 Itloonw A'o. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 2004 36 69 Holierts A Fox..ll9 10 88 138 NickiintGriffilh 12 78 5618 42S7 58(16 5907 42K6 4287 4287 '928 M26 296 822 5851 1117 Will 1020 .Kill 111 xm 1005 158 3616 1898 Ac. 196 4118 411 416 429 419 427 l0 132 231 70 427 427 400 1.19 100 260 8.1 74 42 89 J. W. Pmlth... ti 99 A. K. Wrlt-nt.... 20 28 60 W. 8. Roberts... .16 00 oberts t Fox. 1.1 60 , 9.1 27 220 Jaonb Bilgrr.... 12 90 1. Irein's eat....l37 60 John P. Dale.... 19 39 36 Roberts A Fox.. 19 86 " I 60 George Toscr..., 71 00 Htiirira. ' Per. H.rr,i. . John Thomas 76 11.8. Drinker William McCormick.... Nancy Boggs. 41 Maioolw Mulooald 41 Jnhn Byerst 10 Michael Cimkle Barbara Fnyder Ueorge llooliaan. 71 Joseph Drinker Henry Farner George Avres SI William Troutinau... John Kean 37 John Montiromerr 85 14t Richard Thomas. 49 llarhara Snyder 4W Blair Mrl.anahan 427 Jataca 8toinbciser 86 167 Mcrrell A Iligler.. 216 Watson A Wuusou..,.,. 100 Joseph Ball 100 John llusten. ' lira d ford. Ae. Per. ll'iirroetes. 124 Hua-h Klf 103 35 John Campbell.... Hall A Buck John Vaughn Martha Huston.... 17 Poll) Mel.anahati Andrew Petit Matthias Blaymaker... II 36 No owner 8 23 Francis West. 23 ho N. Maines 8 60 Joseph Powell.. IS 85 Daniel Graham. 4 30 11. L. Hall. 8 14 William Graham, Jr... 7 tl John llsnna. 14 66 Uarid Askey. 37 80 Andrew Petit. 28 80 llrndj. i4c. Per. linrraares. 18 87 68 84 66 63 64 68 62 86 62 80 67 64 li 20 24 63 tf 82 6 67 tl 64 61 84 61 84 25 88 17 81 t 00 66 21 68 14 14 69 Si 93 11 76 12 36 37 61 28 67 19 04 61 26 18 90 71 30 37 82 JVn. 491 3674 SOS 102 341 315 614 626 5861 6H771 ES-a I tui m 5886 J 2611 220 - W. Kirkpatriok, 66 tl S4 Roberts A Fox. 21 84 O.B.Goodlander 17 34 Conrad Long..., 47 .19 J. B. Smith lit 5 96 Henry Wyeoff...201 31 S:ll 100 77 650 421 .12:1 195 18J IdOJ 13 i'.n 1 mi . . -3i ,S,. 65 122 115 60 100 . 100 74 100 106 660 76 Robert Curry... John Dunlan... Casper Steror.. 65 t3 61 05 20 92 li 71 Rolierta A Fox . 11.1 76 Christ. Lower... 71 67 Roberts A Fox.,416 80 lit 2.8. Welch C. 11. Prraontl.. It. 8. fathers... Christ. Lower.. 4 67 14 61 76 86 tl 76 A'e. ' Ae. Pi 5602 100 660.1 114 5601 8.16 ' 78 I 8t 1 114 ' 2110 (' 424 10.1 817 ' 351 ' 200 too ' S24 .111 206 100 Ae. Per. II Adam Wearer.. 10 38 . W. Saltb 24 41 Jaeob Uilebrun, 16 7& . John Penta 4 35 llolnp'rsllru'a'r 14 46 Kelly A Co 11 07 WrlghltDarltng 86 78 Jacob Penta 4 35 Iliirnnldo. r. Warrantee, John Nicholson, M 15 ' 186 14 " " 165 86 John Mailer 46 86 Abram Whittner 41 19 Cesp.8harTer.Jr. 66 61 Daniel Whitmerl52 65 John llubley 247 61 Mary Roberts... 68 97 John Tressler,..2lt 76 Casper 8hafTer...l87 63 gnliler A Burns, 86 00 J. Williamson. ..165 76 Mary Crawford..! 18 01 T. 8paekman....2l8 60 Rebecca llrown.,210 08 Leonard Hollis. 34 16 Cheat. 311 16.1 Benj. Young 150 67 1.1.1 16.1 Martha Woringtoa..,lll4 82 410 SO James I'ago. 100 William Baueman.., 100 163 Jobn Boyd .112 163 Josiah Wsgner 433 163 Thomas Hamilton.. 258 James Ross tt.l lit John Cunningham., 60 Charles Gobln. 2O0 Robert Fleming 206 lioao Richardson... 200 Jonathan Walker... 4.11 16.1 Joha Cook 4.11 168 Joseph Kwlng 431 161 William 431 lit Alex. Hunter 386 140 257 88 271 411 284 lsaao Kirk A Oo. MoCord traot..., Hugk Bartl. ,.,., Joseph Piper..,,,,,..,.,. George Pago...,,,., HenfT Pace Jamge Kohle........ 218 10 61 70 41 80 161 14 161 80 78 ti 114 08 10 88 4.1 80 43 80 43 80 171 18 171 36 171 38 163 SO 168. 41 , i to 38 It 38 78 77 S8 73 tl 77 07 180 Itl Chrliv Robner. 03 41 Ar, Per, Warrauteet. 37 Joha Mcl'hcrron 8 74 18 P. Blanehard ti 04 4.13 161 John Muasor 88 10 366 Miller A Crist 88 80 33 " , ' -7 81 toil M.hsffv a Mltboll... 62 70 100 Joha llrenaruiaa. 31 85 61 ! J. A II. llretb 8 64 too i Ford A rinrinkl. , 81 to 67 ' William Roland 8 97 150 Joseph MoMurray 42 li 74 87 Patrick Noble 13 20 Hi Hugh Hartley 6 60 431 iiutllilae Slough lit 10 Covington Are. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 6867 804 Ueorge Mead.... 34 16 6.178 488 " 66 20 1404 326 " .... 86 61 I MID 678 Morrlst8iwarl,204 00 I HUH 890 " " 814 00 1902 888 " " til 10 1812 644 " " 191 29 1688 60 Mary Wearer... It 20 1941 26 Morrlsa8tewart, 1 64 1893 306 " 41 25 i377 1108 George Mead,,.. 128 16 Hj J 450 Morris iStcwarl 13 30 1893 tot - ' 14 67 127 Emeriti ilUlter I 07 201 II. Ilurgett. 10 00 1891 383 Murris aSlowart 64 69 Decatur. - . Ae. Per. IFderfinfes. . . ,; 1116 lit James Hamilton.. 44 13 48 41 John Bkyron 30 68 73 ' Thomas Kdmundson,., 30 66 181 158 Thomas Ililliogton......H3 86 404 Charles Risk 198 06 111 Patriok Moor. 43 87 100 Thomas Htewardson 3t 80 150 Joseph Matlock 64 40 60 Robert Haltiiuier....... 14 06 303 Mary MoLanaban 67 97 404 Ann MoLanahan 85 47 I 0 Htaey W. Thompson.... 38 46 40 Mary Mcl.nnahnn 88 Oil 84 tit Josupn vt tint nan eo ts 400 Robert Hailiey 117 1(1 109 Jacob Downing ,M. 36 60 it Thomas Htewardson... 31 40 80 John Drinker 17 02 ine H.muel Kay. 88 16 346 147 Thomas Kdinundson... 83 6.1 406 Beuiuel llambteton.,.106 80 30 Joseph Sansoin...., I 76 100 William Hoover 40 46 66 Thomas Htewardson... 7 05 3110 Jonathan Noebit.. 38 20 17 Joseph Hansom 120 75 Darid Htewart. 38 73 106 Casper Hain 81 80 191 Thomas P. Corteu. 11110 261 Thomas Kdmundson.,, 84 12 281 Gilbert Vaugbt lit 32 814 John llarrieon. 65 80 160 Klisaheth Harrison.,.. 81 40 115 K. Fletcher . 34 00 331 Joseph Harrison.. 69 40 Fergusou. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 23.1 lit John HambrtghL. 70 70 33 163 Ueorge Hoss 146 34 74 Lewis Jordan 21 68 100 Abram Ogden.. 28 00 100 Adam Kigart 25 36 60 Matthias Hlough i 63 46 II. Psssmore. 6 75 140 Daniel Frank 33 60 60 Julio Graff. i 60 Cilrard. Ato. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 6356 1100 Ueorge Mead.... 81 01 i:i6l 1006 - .... 90 63 i:.6j 763 " .... 60 69 6376 1083 - - .... 91 86 i361 DUO " .... 91 04 571 1100 .... 94 04 i.178 641 .... 65 48 5.171 108.1 " .... 81 64 5380 1100 - - .... 84 04 6358 1048 - - .... 8.1 66 6354 1008 " .... 88 10 5358 1000 " .... 84 75 6.1 i 1100 - .... 94 04 6361 1(08 ss ,.Io t, 5361 UOt " " ....209 00 1921 203 103 Morris Stewart 7 70 19.11 648 110 " " 86 48 1U35 636 " 34 70 1924 408 lot " 43 66 IS10 254 120 " " 81 28 '117 19 " 1 63 l8-.8 140 3 (,4 6352 798 Goorgo Mead.. .191 78 4376 1100 " " " ...250 80 6358 11(10 " ...250 60 5357 1108 - ...259 80 I88H 128 Morrhu Stewart. 6 12 1888 227 115 - 13 87 8648 383 66 17 i6 1928 3 ' I 30 10 33 " i 1.1 1930 134 1 t IU16 .128 23 " 4i 87 1887 387 44 "I 66 18 1827 5.1 78 " "8 ni 1938 409 69 80 1890 187 28 36 1888 358 u 43 08 1917 846 " 69 12 8650 106 " " 18 03 1887 456 is w 77 9 1916 it . 1 ii 83 A. Hugrnny..... 4 52 lOi " 19 85 1824 lit Justin Plubell. t 83 Gnahen. No. Ae. Per. Wamnteee. 6313 653 Ueorge Mead... 86 42 i.117 1058 " ...156 67 i3l8 1098 ' ...161 81 5318 1099 - ...161 01 582(1 1100 ...102 10 5.121 1(108 si u .49 J, i.'!21 1100 " ...162 M 6.114 760 - :.. 83 to 6316 1000 ...113 00 6316 1000 ss a jg g, 6.128 1100 ,n7 09 6331 1100 " ' ...187 00 5325 200 " ... .13 60 8323 1100 - ...187 00 6325 623 " " ...111 65 1911 loo Morris. Stewart 18 90 6314 1(18 Wm. Miipes . 36 90 1913 438 Morrili Stewart 40 62 1906 176 81 " " 9 68 1884 1 1816 j 430 158 it 17 5.124 1211 67 George Mead... SM (17 6126 1100 " " ...318 00 4127 lilt " ...322 67 6329 1106 " ...SIB 00 5.1.10 1100 ...119 09 19-'l 858 G. Albert k Bro 46 60 1921 200 W. A. Wallace. 8 80 1922 200 Morris. Stewart 11 40 1886 771 77 Girh'msGarrl'nlO? 14 78 Knob Lot.. 8 60 Graham. Ae. Per. ilarmwfrea. 297 Thomas P. Cop. 47 41 198 John rtkyrnn. 36 71 1 John Thomas..... 1 00 109 Ueorge Mead 17 44 140 Joseph Simons 134 40 164 Bernard (J rail.... 69 93 13(1 " 65 38 10 J. Henry. 1 60 tit - 97 20 109 Charles Hall 36 00 41 J. 0. Allport. 13 76 143 Israel Cop. 3 40 iO Charles Hall t 00 Gnlieh. Ae. Per. Warranteee. 118 121 Christian Stokes 61 61 183 122 Mathias Young 68 20 433 158 Christian ileder 190 04 4.13 lit George Museor. 190 64 337 48 Thomas Yealer. 103 48 310 Daniel Offley 96 68 314 74 Geo. Baker, Jr 91 16 436 146 Tlmothr Paxtoa 188 83 4.13 163 John Burg. ...190 64 3; 6 tt R. Reigert. 141 t9 lit Renj. Wilson 86 88 lot R.Albrrton SI 21 804 48 George Baker 67 68 48 114 George Moor... 20 91 349 96 ' " 141 07 131 Phil. Gloningcr 67 81 I .'.3 John McCahen. 63 17 4.13 163 Kdward Hand.. 46 48 108 George Mead 18 90 3IIU John McCahen 81 67 98 Lampblack 85 40 126 Ben). Wilson 37 8.1 116 John Whitmer. 17 72 1.16 Plgoll Shaw 84 02 108 John Whitmer........... 14 70 170 K. Henderson 10 28 80 T. Morthagao 19 i.1 126 Pigotl Shaw 34 81 183 P.dward Hand 18 61 106 Benj. Wilson I 40 76 K. ltunnal 1 16 lltlntnn. Per. H'nrmnfee. J. O. Kidder..., S Oq W. Wllllnk......137 71 Darld Caldwell 6,1 18 MooraDelanjSH7 33 " 117 S3 " u 8.17 83 William VowsrillO 76 " " 184 76 37 Moovilelany 107 64 Jrn.i Wllsoa.320 76 8 u antl $ats. Au Ae. 100 4903 420 19i 6671 1041 6674 1041 4676 1641 4066 896 4067 678 4673 147 4263 890 4364 99 4198 483 4198 494 4214 461) 4Tii 740 4899 878 4890 124 4861 896 171 181 60t I9t 4124 360 41.16 606 4398 lit 4676 647 67f 147 667 t 1941 141 05 143 06 141 61 161 II 101 17 S3 61 fl " t - si a it W. Wllllnk William Pow.ra.101 41 K. 8koemak.r..ll4 13 " It 96 William Powers tl 88 Jama. Wllsoa. Tl Si " .144 48 " 3 47 II NorrlsDelany.l88 10 II 46 81 i a ' t. " ! ,t He. Ar, Per. Warrantee. 8488 666 33 Roberts 4 F.1..347 43 3000 1026 " " 113 41 3(101 1088 ' si 838 7t 4903 108 W. Wllllnk 37 64 1591 8(K Roberts A Foi,260 10 1981 429 It " " 123 94 4271 494 ' Jsmee Wllion..ll 81 4264 996 ' 46 00 6971 896 Wm. Powers 361 46 4200 6116 Jamil Wilson, 21 60 4183 880 ' " 43 13 4181 494 " 18 03 4208 138 " W.J 161 4181 140 " w.p 10 10 1181 156 " "sen 17 60 4181 494 " w.l 1 4188 206 " "ell 4181 151 m., 14 13 4271 990 a., 43 It 4271 484 " w.p 36 06 tforaaii. Ae. Per. Ifurraatees. 224 143 Riehard Peters..,,. 43 It 433 163 Pet.r Kuhn 138 61 433 163 Thomas Martin...!. 'i0 72 383 Ruhert Martin.... 88 77 91 133 Philip 31 09 49 n ui. jonnson y as 100 Jonathan Jones... 19 91 100 Riehard Martin.., 16 to 4.11 163 Jno.Dunwoodie... 34 68 100 Riohard Martin... 21 40 68 Daniel Biuitli 13 II 309 31 36 2US . ' Richard PcUrs.... 32 19 Kartliaua. So. Ae. Per. Han-antes. . 6409 1100 George Mead. ..35 1 67 i4ll 1106 " . ...822 67 4613 747 - " ...120 87 6413 1043 " ..188 14 6406 1190 ..171 20 6114 1100 "' 171 SO 4404 167 37 u " 16 81 1900 60O MoorstStswart 78 00 1901 771 " ' 490 19 1943 407 " lit 37 1093 306 Chai. Willlnk-lta ae 1180 339 Wm. Smith 18 81 6720 400 " uaspar Wisler..3tt 60 5711J goo " . 81 00 1096 87 136 Chos. Willlok. 18 40 1094 123 " ... 33 II 1097 100 " . T 13 1097 100 x ... 1 02 1097 68 " "... 6 71 1666 100 M'CI'sk'ysPot'r 18 70 1661 160 B- D. Hall 39 69 jJJJJ 124 Chas. Wllllnk. 8 It 1097 34 - x . 1 j3 6(18 FASrhnsrruCo 44 00 123 Dani.l Yothera 30 97 83 Mary Egans.... I 63 65 J do. B. Vooght 7 14 133 Christ. Brown. 14 93 344 J. Glllilaud. 6 71 144 " x 2S 111 Olir.r Moor 81 66 II.McGonlgsl. 13 16 100 I 62 It H. Yothers 27 66 D. B. Hall 1 86 3553 137 Km'ri'btReli.r 17 61 780 Kd. M'Garrey. 14 31 it " . I 35 74 ' . I 99 43 Keating 3 II 63 W. V Keeling. I 87 167 26 Jno. MoUarrey 33 20 145 86 - x 1, t Knox. Ae. Per. yfarranteee. 437 48 Reuben Haines. 49 i: 43i 60 Luke Morris. 40 81 4.I.I 153 Joseph Milliard 78 25 433 153 Robert Gray. 78 35 428 41 Jno. Hringhurst. ...... 10 14 t:U 163 Sarah Ward. 88 63 483 143 George Bdy.. 96 03 433 163 Moor. Warton. 88 03 133 163 George Ashton. 44 95 4.13 153 Benj. Poullney 121 12 433 153 Israel Morris 144 S9 373 153 Martin Pirroe.......125 83 : ) 153 Isabellu Jordan 99 C3 100 Henry Trout. 25 20 331 163 Caleb Faulk". 128 80 254 153 Ueorg. Wcscult.. 98 XI 361 153 George Kcaff... 97 73 225 John Boyd....... 77 3'J 109 Susanna M ar.!.. ......... 17 49 2.5 GtMM'Conuick........ 86 71 73 Thomas Jordan 6 84 40 Henry Trout 4 96 861 John Pirom 121 31 80 Susanna W ard.......... 21 36 433 153 William Hunter 1-9 14 314 163 Joha Dorsey 64 45 8H John lloyd 17 94 186 Benj. Poullney. 48 87 12 Kaacy KobieB 93 Lawrence. AV. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 5299 lilt Geo. Mead 106 72 6.IU0 1100 " ' .....106 72 6.109 1100 - x o8 ;j 5.102 lino " x tug 7 4303 1100 x 11 n,g -2 5-104 1108 x ..06 72 i.10i 1100 x 72 6306 1106 " ......106 73 6307 1100 " ......106 73 i30l 1106 x 11 06 73 43V8 1100 x 1. ,...06 73 6.110 1108 x mo 7t f3ll 1100 106 72 5291 1100 x 21,3 87 6284 1100 ' 598 87 5295 1190 " 298 87 6298 J 100 " 298 87 6291 374 " 31 73 618 336 at 78 7i I89i SI 10 Roberts A Fox, I 36 321 Hugh Jordan... 18 49 413 John Heed 81 82 63 114 Rudolph Lilts.. .1 91 3003 1020 66 Kohris if Fox, 76 66 90 Robt. Mitchell, 31 13 1814 100 J. W. Smith.... I 48 4 mm .... 3 li 285 . W. Montgomery 38 77 46 i. B. Garrison.. 36 9 M. W. Snyder. 1 61 36 Isaac Conklin. 1 1 16 Israel Nichols. 1 04 6393 726 Ueo. Me.d 314 18 6296 1167 " " 604 '1 6297 1218 x 621 61 5208 488 m ,uj 71, 6291 1100 " " 434 60 1905 74 E. Irwin Sons 7 14 I90J 176 ' It 41 1917 341 ss et j5 yg IV I A 37 " M S 89 Out Lot Mordeeal Shirk 1 93 Morrla. Ac. Per. Haemal. 403 George Wetiel.,..304 81 3(16 William Werts 150 66 327 Christian Woe 161 36 373 David Lauch 300 32 421 Jcase Y.rnal 1.10 il 440 6t Joseph Turner 116 60 440 109 " ....1.16 60 340 28 " 105 40 423 Geo. Habeeker 131 13 306 Peter Yarn.) 93 00 4.13 153 Clem.Stoekcr 63 63 433 153 John Vaughn 99 63 4.13 163 Johnathan Ncibit 98 62 315 91 John Read 163 34 99 143 William 48 10 90 Patrick Hays 30 83 373 IS Robert Glenn 61 66 400 John Houston 83 V6 170 . Blair M'Lanahan. 18 SO 2VS Wm. Stewart 151 S3 407 130 Richard R. Smith 43 t0 317 Walter Stewart.... 44 46 125 George tlates IV xu 111 Herman Urals.... 31 81 213 48 Canrad Swarts.... 47 63 18 17 John Graff......... 4 38 137 N. Reidenonr 31 33 400 Fred, liubler 63 OU 83 Mathias Mlonlh.... 67 484 86 ) Robert Carson. 1 ... ., 117 1 N. Heidenour... I ' " S76 Mathias Slough... 71 86 24 Henry Drinker 4 16 269 81 Joseph liubler 76 37 210 141 Jacob Graff. 37 64 6 John Graff. 1 66 100 William Iligler.... II 60 96 Joseph Potter 14 67 1,16 Francis Johnson.. 18 37 63 " .- I 20 1611 Rallslon t Hoover 14 86 .1.13 Conrad Swarts..... S3 80 1.10 Jacob Graff 17 08 440 Joseph Turner..... 46 60 499 Geo. Ilavbaker.... 69 60 Penn. I No, Ae. Per H'nrrnnrees. 60 Patrick lift" Jr 7 25 46A1 643 14 John 8,,.jon",'"l92 91 168 Ue-.enwood Bell.!'. 46 40 I3' N'.cklin aGrlffllh. 43 6.1 ''Ike. ..a. &a. Per. Warranteee. 4778 30 )no. Nicholson., I 63 4783 1030 61 x 87 73 6784 619 41 " 8.1 88 6774 est 64 71 81 6776 820 64 " 83 32 426.1 9i7 65 Jamas Wllson..l23 13 4250 643 5.3 " 48 43 4258 880 . 78 49 42(13 8110 x a .lo6 40 4258 S23 It 46 4263 857 It " " .. 70 63 77t 100 " I 63 6777 416 13 Jno.Klrkolson. 17 64 6777 418 13 " " 60 73 35 John P. Iloyt.. II II 4161 890 ' Jane. Wilson.. 3 fit 4020 476 W, 8. Robarts., 37 1.1 366 Joseph Bally..,. 14 68 296 ' Z. MoNaul....... 17 90 468 x ; J9 8j 3776 474 IQ Jno. Nicholson. 43 19 5776 176 Caleb Way , 38 II 776 301 Jno. Nlckolsoav 13 0.1 477t lU(i x . . 1 ro 111 M. Henry.. , It 33 5777 167 Jno. Nl.kolmn.. IS 66 4250. 174 James Wilson... 16 73 1 3.1 1 31" Vn,kuoa. U0 48 Unions No. Ae. Per. Warrant... 8(ln3 908 161 RuborteaKog 81 II 8698 606 16 " " .64 44 8663 798 80 " " .71 61 8581 134 ' " .43 71 84U8 850 X 4J g7 4134 146 67 Jaa Wilson. .,67 13 Woodward. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 413 41 JohnCsnnon....253 64 420 120 Henry Drink.r.,146 16 211 Wm. Drinker...., 68 42 433 161 Isaac Whc.lsr..l43 tt tot Sam'l Etnlln,. 34 46 114 6 Thoeaas Neil.... 26 40 60 P.ll Ilootmso T 14 tit lit Jobn Vaugbt..,. II tt 168 Mary Nell 83 14 86 Benj, Johnson... 39 44 471 Hagerty 163 13 403 M. Barton 303 68 70 Mary Nell 48 34 til 146 John M'Cah.n... 83 lo 67 113 Mary 0 nnelly.,111 13 100 Roland Brans... 31 90 ,134 42 Plg'il Shaw 121 16 311 Sebastian Graff.. 78 45 436 75 T. Kdmonsra..l58 89 4:16 Jos. Asbkrldg. ,179 19 216 lit John Musser, Jr 78 86 121 Ell Uootman 31 73 100 Mnry "andwlch 37 62 218 Chancy Rtcketts 37 44 x g6 164 Joseph Clark.... 28 78 108 John McCl.llan 4 10 Kit Jobn Lowder.,.. 4 80 431 143 Philip LouL....161 il 4.13 168 Jacob R.Uow.11218 60 483 lit Wtu. Johnson.... 161 62 loo 13 Oeo. Brock ham. 49 to 268 Samuel Emlla... 8 60 341 ' Charles Illght... 4.1 60 337 Daniel Turner... 63 02 100 ' Henry fchaOoer. 39 60 161 John Low. II 40 lot Isae Goss 16 20 1?5 """ Peter toVje"". 16 Charles Lowdsr. 1 20 444 John Harrison... 168 32 100 Jo.. Clark 24 0 10O ' Benj. Johnson.. 64 78 437 R.uben Hales... 78 02 433 Luk. Morris 78 20 lot G.o. Aibton..... 14 (0 147 23 K J. Pransr..... 41 82 ItO Tbos. Martin.... 24 90 300 William Shoup. 73 80 IS Susanna Ward.. 86 166 William Fark.r. 3 46 37 Charles Lowder, 73 SAM I EL P. W1LSU.V, Treasurer. Cleartlel.l, April 1. 1873 81. s CO -! IO 9 ' 2, W o H X tt Q 5. IKS w tmad H - -1 O H c Srntlstrij. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GUKAT REDUCTION OF PRICES! II Y ft. POHTI.H HII AW, I). I), k. IMPORTANT TKt'TIIH! Having auooil(l In (Citing 11k hi or Uriffoi matt'rlHl. hciio ttia Uw ni motimt9 ehRrt for pnrlUI and full lotn of Ttalh. I dm ifae uiftnofttvctur of (elb Ami other matcriil. in omttliom ng.tored od WMrraotod to girt Nr. Tint inu Bttiiasinoiiun. Fru-ndt, rettect tit at my ohargei for the intnt tiun of artiAri. anil tko taring of tbo naiitrtl teeth are now the mmt reaeonalile in Penaiylnnli, i'rMerve jruur tectb and you precerVe jovt bealtlt I'uttinn of tho natural tenth in a heatlhr. nr. Mrrativeand useful oondition la mailt a ipeeialtv, Dlieaneiiand malfurmativnioommoi. to the mouth, Jaw and ait.ciate parti, are treated and eorrecUd with Mr suooeai. .xaminatioDi and euaiuita- tloril fHKI, It would be woll for paticntf from a diataooe t let me know Lr wail a few dai bofore eouiiiir to the offlue. Il I very Important that children betwera tba agt-eof iix and twelve yeara ihould hare their tth examined. Antvithctiea arn edrainiitercd and Tcetb r. mriTttd without pain. Iipor-itioni and eh are tor are judged by all the world by the eipreeiiani of the fane, hence how very diiaftroui may It therefore be for Tier- om to Indulge an exprciiioa of distorted featurei. even apart from a hyginDle view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) com f rti and nleafurei, rcipcet and obey natural simplieltiea and in ill not. B. f OH J bit ftIAW, U, v. a. Office In New Ma ionic Building, Second itreet. Clearfli-ld. Ha. fcbM'r? DENTAL0AED. Dr. A. M. HILLS Would tar to bii natienU and the nub lie generally, that, having diitolved partnerihlp' wilh lr. iSbaw, be li now doing the entire work of bit office bimitelf. w that paticnti nrod not fear being put under tuo nanui of any ether operator. Clcarflcld, March 20, 1872 tf. J. M. STEWABT, D. D. S.f Offloe over Irwin' Drng Store,, CtRWENSVILLE, PA. All dental oparmttona, elthr In th mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to aid i.itifactfoo guaranteed. Ppecial attentioa paid to the treatment of diteatct of the natural teeth, gam i and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth sue oe? fully directed. Tevtb extracted without pain by the uae of Kthcr, and artificial teeth Inserted of the beet material and warrautt-d to render eat Ufaotiou. april2671:ly (UjSfrUattfoiis. Wall Paper! Wall Paperl Tba largeat and molt eompkte atock of Wall Paper ever offend in thia aectiun. hat juit been received from New York. Tboae needing Wall Paper will do well to call and examine bvfura buying. mch27Sm WEAVER ft BETTS. A Move In Curnensville! J. It. IRWIN, Druggist, Cl RWEN8VILLK, PA. HAS remuved big Irng Ptnre to hie new rnonir, throe door weat of hie old Hand, and Uke thit opportunity of thanking bia old en at omen fur their liberal patronage., and bopet by elo attention, combined with a aeleet stuck of gx id a, to merit Its contiuaanoe on the part of all bia old eualomers, and tceure that of many new onca. Pleae give him ft call. J. R. IRWIX. , Curwenn illo, March 27, 1872.-5m. I) CURLEY, X CRAIMMTO.V, Clrarfield Co., Pa Agent for James S. II a rah 'e "Valley Chief" Reapor& Mower, and all other Agricultural Implements manufae lured by btm. Any information In reference to the aale and manufacture can be obtained by ad dreffing a abore wchSO 3m AUenlion, Lumbermen! tTB are now mannfoetnrlng our IMPROVED BTKEL-SOCKKT 1iK1 l.NU CAST HOOKS, superior to any other in nee. We h.r. also in stuck a largo quantity of Cantbooks suita ble fur rafting purposes, whioh w anr selling cheap fur caeli. AMOS 1 R. KE.NXAHU. CleatfielJ, I'o., March 11, 1873. WATCHES 1 WATCHES I I hare a large lloos of AMERICAN and SWISS VTATOHB3, or th. differ en grades, la froai two to tight .ane. eaut. I offer these for sal. LOW, .ad gnarante. them to glr. cntlr. satisfaetion, JEWELRY I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Jewelry of the latest style.! Always gelling something new ! I wonld ask Blimhemien ane) others who In-, toad purchasing Watches to call and as. ay stock befor. going to th. oitiet, a. I am Tsrr sure I ran sell Watches ss low at they, can be bought, besidas the differeno. in aUstane. in , tb. .rent of the gnodt prorlng defeatist. All kinds of REPAIRING il ay lint prcmptly attenJed f at tht itora on Stooid strost, .ppo-. til. th. Court IIuiuw. Ft yont libtral support i la th part I am r.ry lhaakfult S L ESIDER. April 1, 1173. E V STO 1IE IN IIOUTZDA.LEV P. Q A I. LAG HER H.llfr j,t returned frto th. east . wi b oa .ndr. new and eomplet. ...orl eaeut f Marchanilise, snltll. fr Viuu. .J Spring tra.e, which has anew mW4 ' care and Wmghl at low rates, is prepared to fur. aish the oilisens of lloutnlsl. and ?ionity with goods at a ry light advance on irst eost for cash. Country Produce and,. taken at market price. Call and .xamlPem. ,toc, befors pnrchasiog elsewhere, ,,,, P. Q AI.I.AUI1F.R, Ilontsdole, Pa., Feb. JJ, Ig7j.ia Y W R ATTENTION! '"it Foil A MO,illiriTI, s . . . "., you in neeii or a good sat of Harness nl" jw urn, y. m a" ci.anie w nniii. If sn. rail at IL 1-a.l.ll. and liarnass Bhop s loan C. HRWH'K. where yon can get the best is the market. Iouhle snd ftingle Harness .ad La dies' ad tlenl's Saddles of superior workauMp, always on hand or manufactured to order, ripe elal attention is called to my stock of Cullers snd Mantes, whieh are the best in nee. I also hsveas assortment of Saddlers' Hardware, which will hs disponed of at reasonable rale., P.cp.iring of ell kinds promptly attended to. ajuLon't forget ts oall befor. purchasing .Isewhers. Phop in 014 Post Office. Market street, lllearteld. i'o. May t, 1ST I -1 y. JOHN C. HARWICH. 7Y.SS0J.UT1ON NOTICE 1 X f The Arm of James Hickey A was dil solred oo February 1.1, 1873, hr mutual eonsrel, and William, 8. Dickey hat ateooiated with bia his son, Jsmes Iticbey, under the and tra qf Wnlisra a Mckcy A Ron, In tht business et general merchandising and dealing in i aw log, rqnar timber, and all kinds of sawed lumber,' shingles, Ae., at tilon Hope, ClenrAeld", at tjt. Lawreno. Chnrch, Cambria eoonlr, Pa Jame. Dloke will glr. th. log and timber boii ness his personal attention, lie will he found tl the old Hand at (Hon Hop., where goods will hs told at the lowest prices possible, and the brat figures paid for logs and limber. Isr. t. S. Nrr ling will be found .1 St. Ltwrene., ready to wall on nil friends, Tb. Doctor is a oletM fellow: ge nod see him. All th. accounts of James Dicker A Co. will ba settled by William . Dickey A . We thank our numerous friends for their kind asd liberal ratroaag. and ask a continuance of lf same. WILLIAM 8. DlrKEV A SON. Ulen llcpe. Pa., Feb. 31, 1173 Int. DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for 1" 18(17 .ad l"nt for sal. at th Port Olios. Prie. 31 oiiils. Matltd to any address.