MWBgBgi m aw . 1. 1 at.AUj I , ' ' Miti ! ' i JHE ? REPUBLICAN.: ( , CLEARFIELD, PA. " WEDNKSDAT MORNINO, APRIL 8, H?. BRADDOCTS GBAYE. . ' , INTERESTING! EXAMINATION. -.Tbo. tTnibntown (Pa.) American Standard, after giving an account of tin planting of sundry trees at the grave of (Jon. Braudock, in Farclto county, Pennsylvania, adds the follow ing interesting hisloricul skotck of events and incidents conneotod witb fir&ddock's expedition and death, and the customs or that period : ' In connection with Braddock'sgravo, we cannot resist the temptation to sivu dijiuu uioiuriuui iiiciuuiits uurivvu iromtbellon. Andrew Stewart. About tho year 1802 Air. Stewart's falhor lived about two miles East of Brad dock's gravo, on what Iscallod "Brad dock'H Old Jtoad" tho old military road. Buing supervisor of roads, he wont with some hands to rcpuir mo ronci,1 taking ' with liim Mr. Stewart then a boy ten or twolve years of sgo. . While the men woro at work on the east bank of Braddock's Uun, Thomas Kaucotto, (born in 1712, and died in 1810, aged 104 years, and who was with Braddock's army at the lime oi nis uoteat anu.uontli ), an old mountain huntor, then living on tho road less than a mile oast of Brad dock's gravo, in a cabin, some of the ruins ot which are still visible, came along, witb his rifle on bis sholuder, a hunting knife in his bolt, dressed in a lilue bunting shirt, bearskin cap, and buckskin pants, standing straight as an arrow, about sit feet lour inches in Lis moccasins. Faucotte said : "Tako oaro, men, or vou will dig up Brad dock's bones. "Ye buriod him where he died, right on tho bank of tho run. We dug away the bank, and drove the baggngo-wagons ovor tho gravo, so the enemy could not find the gravo. I will show you the spot. Tho water has washed down nearly to tho bonos. Dig down hero a foot or two and you will find them." Tho men did so and found the bones. ' "Braddock," said Faucotte to the workmen, "was a bravo man, but to save his men I shot him." "Why so?" was asked. . - "I will toll you. My brother Joo and I were fighting behind treos when B ruddock came riding along and struck Joo, saying, "You coward, stand out and fight like a man." Considering him our worst enemy, I turned around and shot him instead of an Indian. When Washington took command of us bo told as to tree. Wo did so, and Jthe romant of us woro saved." In confirmation of Faucelte's story, history says that it was thought at the timo that Braddock wus shut by ono of his own mon, and it was upon this occasion that Braddouk, when Wash ingtoii advised him to lot tho men treo, said : "High times, whon a Virginia buck skin undertakes to tench a British General how to fight." Mr. Stewart further says tho bones were reintcrrcd at the foot of a large whilo oak tree, except a few which his father took home, and afterward sent ty some Westorn merchants, going Last, with directions to put them in tho Museum at Philadelphia. Tho morchants, Mr. 'Stewart says, then traveled in companies, armed with pistols, to protect their money, con fisting of Spanish dollars. Kach pack liorse carried two or tbreo thousand .dollars in small bags. Tho merchants would carry back on the small horses, iron, salt, and other merchandise, for the supply of the WeBtern people, tho -whole in a year amounting to porlmps not much more than one "iron horso" now takes over the mountains in a single train." Sluvcs from Virginia wcro driven through Uniontown in thnno days corraled together like tiorscs, lor the Western market. This may soom strange to yoang ears, but there aro many old persons still living who witnessed It. . An Eventful Life, In the lower shops of tho Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, in this city, is employed an individual, a painter by trudo, who has experienced as many changes in thU strange life as gener ally fall to the lot of man, and which wo condense for publication. Hograd- ualed with high honor at Jefferson College and subsequently assisted In the building of tho first railroads in Illinois and Upper Canada. Six months of his lite woro spent with the Huron Indians on tho Mon to Islands, in tho Goorgiun Bay. Ho has boen tho editor and propnotor of two week ly papers, and tho editor of throo others "two ot them daily." Ho was a captain under Gcnoral Wra. Walker in his last fatal expedition to Nicaragua, on which occusion he was captured with his commander and was tried And condemned to be shot, but subse quently mado his oacnpo, and after wandering, for three months in tho forests, succoeded in roturning safely to this county. At the breaking out of the Into oivil war ho was commissioned a Lieuten ant Colonel by Secretary of War, Cameron, and assigned to the Bluff of Major tionorul McLollum, of the Con struction Corps. By this Inllor officer io was assigned to General Shormun's department whoro ho gave enliro sat isfaction both to General .Sherman and Socretary of War, Stanton. At tho closo of tbo rebellion, in settling his accounts with tho government for pro perty passing through his handn, ho was adjudged a defaulter to the amount of ovor six hundred thousand dollars, although he steadfastly maintains thnl ho has nover wronged the govorninonl out of a solitary coppor. Altoona Tribune. Taking Umhraob at Advice,.- The New York Tribune, thoroughly posted ns to tbo corrupt appliances brought into requisition by the Radical party in all oloction contests, calls upon tho Connecticut Republicans to bo honost in tho ponding ennvass, and not cor rupt voters, as was tho caso in Now ' llampshiro. At this somo of tho lead ing Radical journals tako umbrncro. pnd plainly intimato that the Tribune hnd better mind its own business. The N. J. State daztUe, rabidly Radi cal, snappishly shows its chnurin. bv saying: "Can t it think of soma olhor nice plans lor holping the democrats along?" Could a more unblushinir admission of gross Radical deslro to ..corrupt tho ballot be cited than this? fiat that is thoir only road to success. e em o Admit that there are opinions In tho world worthy of respect bosido jour own, and do away with a great deal that is diaagrooablo pnd makes ptnplo dis)iko yog, 0. U Ro.d. j (J 1 1 (JJ!i. J ''" REED POWELL. ' ' CLBA 11 FIELD ' PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpiIE proprietors reipootfully Inform the clllst nsj or Clearfield county, that they hare entirely refitted this establishment with the latestlmproved wood-working machinery, uj .re now prepared lo execute all orders In their line of business. They will (In especial attention to too mnnufae- tnre of material for house building, men at FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, brackets ft .noiLin.rcs, ' . Or ALL 8 T Y L B H, We always hare on hand a large stook of DRT LUMBER, and wiU par oaih for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panel atuft preferred. . , Lumber' Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. B0rders solicited, and Lumber furnished on short sotloe and on reasonable terms. REED A POWELL. Clearfield, March I, IS71 grjj oods, (Grorrtrs, gtc t. r. WIATtR..... ,...W. W. SSTTS. f - I,. . i WEAVER A 1IKTTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, tit the old ilmnd of Q.L. Rood A Co, thflr itoek of (uodt, oomiitlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCEKIES, BOOTJS SHOES, UATS I CAPS, IIARDWAItB, QIEENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tho toovt reuontble rstoi for CAS 11 or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY TRODUCB. JrAdvsMMjei mftJe to Miose enggrd Id get ting oat quart tlmbor oa the moit advanUgroui termi. Janaarv 5, 1870. X. B AIMOI.O V. ROII ARTinORIt, "Cheaper than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES jvtr naciiTBD t Arnold . A IlartNliorn, (One door west of First Rational Beak,) tl'im ENSVII.LE, PA. nAVINQ just retnrned from tho oast with a osnpleto assortment of Goods suitable for Fprlng and Summer trade, wa are now readj toTurnish all kinds of Qoods "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thanking onr customers for their liberal pa'josege during tho past year, we would most reiieotfullj ask for a oontinuanea of the same. Our Stock tourists of complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Quoonswaro, Wlllowware, Groceries, Boots Shoes, Hats A Caps, Clothing, Tohaceos, Ao. Also, Flour, Bacon, Ball, Fish, Grain, ote. All of which will he told on the most reason able terms, and the highest market price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds of Lumber end Country Produoo. llPleaee giro us eall before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quality." ARNOLD A HARTSnORK, Comer ef Hals and Thompson Streets, eprJO CURWENSVILLE, PA. pEACE IN EUROPE! nut GREAT EXCITEJJEXT IN FRENCHVILLE I The bloody oonteit btween Franeo end PrunU U at an end for the prwnt, eo far m tha eUnich terinf ef nsn and the dwntrnetlon of p roper tj (p concerned. The Rn.val Junnleri no doulit pride themiielrei and rpjoloe nrer the raaolt, but bnw infigniflnant ii their work wbea compered with the bnmane and ohrmten effort or L. M. COUDRIET, who hat nndertnken to inpply all the ettUooi In the lower end of the eounty with food and raiment at excordinjc low ratei from nil tnuinmoth ilore In MULHONHUHU, where be enn alwnjrs he found reedy to wait upon eall en and euppl them witb Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such m C'lothf, Ffttlnctti, Caiitmerei, Muallni, iJelninei, Linen. lrllling, Cnlieoeip Triininingi, Ribbouf, Lace, Readjf-tr.ido Clothing, Itootn and Phoci, MitU and Cane all of the beet material and mail to ordr Uute, Hooke. Uloree, Mitteni, Laces, Uibboni, Ao. GROCKHlBfl OF ALL KINDS. CoITt!, Ten, Rugnr, Rife, HMom!, FIfH, Salt, Pork, Llmeed Oil. Fish Oil( Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quwnnware, Tinware, Captlnga, PIowp and Plow Catinge. Naile, Hpikri, Corn Cultlva inn, Cider l'reifee, and all kindi of Axei, Perfumer, Paints. VamUh, Glass, and a general assortment of Stationery, 0 0 01) FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be old at the lowest possible figures. LIQUORS, snrh as Rramlr, Wine, flln, Whisky, Jajne'i WeHolnes, Hn-itetter'l and llfH.fland's Hitters. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for whloh the highest price will be paid. Clovrrveed on band and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agnt for fltrattonirtlle and Curwenivllle Threshing Machines, IV-Cell and see for ynnrestrei. To will And everything usually kept 1b a retail store. L, M. COUDRIBT. Frenohftlle P. 0., March 1, 1H7I. TIIH DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for IMA I'll and IMA for sale at the Post Offloe. Prloa It cents. Mailed lo any address. Wo have printed a large nufnlmr of the new rUR UII.L, and will on tbo receipt of twenty Ova osuts, uiiiil a ajy to anr addref. nyW Jirugs and J&t<tott. rpilB IATEIT MOVBt i! ( :' 'I $ i.' V f - M i" ' TnE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, ,,. To their new building on Second Street, nearly opposite the store of Wearer A Betts, CLEARFIELD, A., Whore tber will contlaue to supply their old and as many new customer! as may oome, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ' (Including all new remedies,) ( Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Glass and i'utty, Bcnool hooks, niaunncry, j aper, Ac; alio, a full line of Drug girts' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Bruahes, Toilet Heaps, rocket Books, c, all oi the best quality. PURE WWES AND LIQUORS, for mtdlcal A sacramental purposes only, ' PuroKThlto Lead, Colors of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varniehre, Turpeo. lino, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brajhefl, Flavoring Kilraots, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spice, ground and A I, L!.l- , UDgrounu, oi ail lutui. SMOKERS AND CIIEWEUS Will And our stock of Chewins; and 8mokina Tobacco. Imnorti-d and Do- nostie Cigars, Hnun and Fine-eut to bo of tbe very best brantle tn tne market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Havlnt a lonf ciperleaco In the business, and an .xteiuive and wi-ll seleotcd stock of medicines, we are enabled to til Physicians' prescriptions at the shortcut notice and on the most reasonable torins, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearneld, Pa, Maj 91, IHJI-lf. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. mi. noYEii'B PUR WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, purs, pleasant and health-giving Toale- strletly regetabl and manufactured from the most pure and eboleo materials is not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a oolentlto compound, for tho protection of the system and the euro of disease, mado from ohemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other Irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the must delicate stomach. A long private experi ence has attested it. Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present offered to the public oontalns so much medicinal virtue, and yet so safo and pleasant to take. Its ue Is to euro disease, and It will wot create an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will euro the affects of dissipation. To increase tbe Appetite, I'SE IT. To promote Digestion, USE IT. To oure Dyspepsia, Lr8B IT. To ours Fever and Ague, I'BB IT. To euro nilliousncss, USE IT. To our. Constipation, , CBE IT. To core Chronle Dlerrhoaa, I'SB IT. To cure Heart-bum, USE IT. To euro FlatulntM, I'SE IT. To euro Aeid Kractatlens, USE IT. To cur. Nervous Debility, USE IT. To oure Itydochondrla, USE IT. To euro Sallownee. of Complexion, USE IT. To oure Pimples and Olotohes, USB IT. For Osneral Prostration of the Physical powers, USE IT, and it will euro you. Bold .very where, at $1.0 por bottle, Manu factured exclusivity by ' A. I. S HAW, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers liberal Inducements to the trade. Oct. J7, 1S'J:tf. Liilliersburg Marble Yard J rpilR ifuliscrther respectfully announces to this I community and the ptiMlo generally that he in now extensively enRnjred in the manufnntiirc of Monnnt-nts, and Foot Hlonci, Htsnd, Table and liutrnu Tops, cUi, No holier tribute can be peid toadeofascd relet I re or friend than therroe- tlon or an ennunnj( tine as a witness to unborn generations where they have In Id him or her. I have enKnjrrd Mr. Jchn W. Ualmgan as my ngrnt to sll. and to whose workmanship and skill many can hear witness. Order solicited and promptly filled. Work delivered wherererd.lrd. R. H. HOOUU. Lnthersburf. Koiember 20, 1870 A IIANDSOMR MOUSTACHE! I. Prof itt. Croix's FRENCH CnMPOI'ND, MOUSTACHE I the great Hair Grower, will pro. W IIIHKI:RH I dnoe a luinrlant Mouslacheor MOHHTACIIB Whiskers oa tho smoothest faoa. WHIHKKIIH I Pleasant to use. Sent to any . address on receipt of 6. eents. II. T. BOND, Chemist, N. S. eor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets, fel,?l'71-ly J'hldej;W. llin l'l'EI OF TIMOTHY EKED ltJ and 100 bunhels of CLOVER SKEl) fur sale at tiio Comer Slnro, bv R. A. A W. D. IRVIN. Cnrwensrlllo, P7 Feb. M; 17, ' ti iRoofls, rorU, (git. E.A.&W.D.IRVIN . r i DEALERS IN , , GENERAL . 1 i i JIKItCIIANDINK, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS'&rLUMBER : CURWENSVILLE, PA ARB offering, at thslr new Store House, a complete stoek of NEW UOODB, of all descriptions. Dry Goods and Groceries, IIAJIDW AKK, BOOTS b SHOES, " oLoriiiya, dc. IN LARUE VARIETY. ' - flour, Meat, itye, Oalt, Corn, Always on hand and for sale at a small advance. ROPE, In large quantities, sold low byooll; also, TULLEY IILOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANT1IO0K3. On. hundred eases of ATWATEH'8 ELM IRA BOOTS, for sal. by the cas. at wholesale rates. Received by oar load .- JIUNTIXODOX FLOUR, and sold at small advanoo. TURNERS, of all kinds, IIORPE COLLARS and I1AMKS, IIOKSB IILANEETS, Bt'PFALO ROUES, Ac. Also, on aalo Urst olas. two horse WAUONi', TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and SLEW IIS. ' Special Inducements offered to those getting out Square Timber end Logs, as w. deal largiiy in Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at all times to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber. Curwensville, November 15, ISil. Clotting. How to Hnve jflonoy. TH Ktlmea are hard ; you'd like to know How you may eave'your dollars) The way to do it I will show, If you will read what follows. . . A men who lived not far from here, Who worked bald at his trade, ' But had a household to support Thai squandered all bo made. I met him once. Says ha, "My friend, I look threadbare and rough, I've tried to get myself a suit, - ) But can't save up enough." Says I, my friend, how much kav. you! I'll tell you where to go To get a cult that's sound and aheap t To REUENSIEIN A Co. H. took what lltll. hs had raved, And want to R.iseosteln A Brothers' And tbsr. h. got a kandsom. suit, For half hs paid to ' How h. la horn., hs looks to wall, : And .ff.ot I. sueh, That whon they tax. daily meal, They don't eat half as much. - And now he (nds en Saturday night, ' With all their wante supplied. That h. has money left to spend, . And soma to lay aside. His good success, with eh.erful smll.f Ha gladly tells to all. If you'd sav. money, go and buy Your elotbes at I REIZBNSTEIN'S CLOTHING BILL Whero the cheaper, finest and host Clo king and good Qoods can bo had to suit every taste and in orory stylo. aprfl,7v MARBLE AM) STOVE YAH I)! Mia. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged In tho Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and ih. public that she has now and will keep eonstantlyoa hand a larg. and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOS AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, A a. Verd on Rord straet, near tha 11, R. Drii,t, ClrarnYld, I'a. j.-7,7l FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H A I. i: N, "KKl!o Barrows, Wartihons. Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Mnncy Drawer, Ao. ron salb ar ' II. F. BIGLEIt & CO., Dealer. In Hardware, , mch.10:TO If Second Street, Clearneld, Pa. JOHN TROlTM A N, " Dealer In all kinds of .furniture; Market Street, Ono door oast Allegheny House, anglo'M CLEARFIELD, PA. Twenty-one Horses for Snip! TUB undernlrnrd offers for sale TWENTY ONB FIRST CLASS 1IORHKS, in good condition. Principally mrge,stmng Horses, suit able for any kind of heavy work. Pnrchasers will find It to their Interest to examine them b fare purchasing elsewhere. Inquiries anawwad by addressing PETSR HcOKDROK, , reb, 14. 1H7I. nrr8cld, !. T 45. , TSa ZS02TSXDSS i - : .'-'i...' I. .... - ' TIN AND STOVE STORE 1 G. S. FLEGAL, PhllipoTjurff, Coatra County, Fa. THB undersigned respectfully annoances to th. publlo that ho ha. oa hand a ear.-fully-selected and well assorted stock of STOVES, II HATERS, JtANGES, j"."" HOLLOW WAKE ! ; TIN, COrPER AND SUEET-IRON WABEI WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! HI. stock of Cooking Stores eoaslstt .( HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare never failed to bring peace and prosperliv into lamtit.i It Is assd, Diamond Stabs, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California Cook Stove, Spears' Anti-Dust, Oaa-Burnlng Cooking Stoves, Victor, Rsllanoe and Union Ranges, Spears' Cooking Hanges, Ao., sto. i Sk fk Tin anil Sheet t.n. marm .1... i -L the Stoves is made of the hsavloat and best material, anu nnriuvu .v give pene.l satis faetlon. His Stock of Parlor & floating Stoves la larger, bettor and oheapor than orer befers - exhibited to tne punne eoasisting or Spears' Rsrolvlng Light Illuminating Stove, Spears' Orbicular .(las-Burning Parlor Stove, Spears' Parlor Store, Boquet, Peart, Oem, Ida, j . Suit, Tropio, Nevada, t Ae., Ac Vulcan. Elm and Victor Heaters, Spears' Re rolvlng Light Heater.. He I. also prepared to famish a complete aesortmonl or Tin, Coppor, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and ' "Willow Ware, &o,' Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with th sole view to service, from the best ma terial In (hs mark.t. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS. COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on hand. ORDERS FOR SrOUTlNO, ROOFI.VU And other work belonging to his business will be promptly Ailed by experienced and skillful workmen. mugs. corrER, old metal, rags AND CASII Taken In exchange for foods. gtAr-no especially Invite, th. attention of M.rcbants wisnlng to purebaae at woolesale, as they will Ind It lo their advantage to examine his stock before purchaalag elsewhere.' Look out for the Big Sign opposite the resi dence of Mrs. Dr. Poster. All Goods Whbshtid as RxraasaiiiD. C. H. FLEGAL. Pblllpsbvrg, June S, llfO. nugA US MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILL8, mifrjrxcTitna. LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. IT. SIIILLINOFORD, President, OKIco Forest Plaoo, No. Ill 8. eth at, Phil's. JOHN LAWSHH, General Sup'U. Osoeola Mills, Clearneld county. Pa. LAXD AD LIMBER COMPANY "" ' OFFER ' ' ; ' I N I U C E M E NTN v TO- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN- OSCEOLA. .New Cabinet ! MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PANY olTrr fur fitle Town LoU In the bor ou'h of Oupfoln, CltroVtd poanty, and a1o loti to full parchurri untitl the limits of Mid borough. OiwroU li fitUKted n tho MophMiooii Otk, In th rich rut jinrtlon nf tho eountr of Clir?ll, on tht lino or tho Tjmn A Olorflld hnilnmd, wboro Iho Movhonnon and Dotrertoti branch road InUneoi. It Ii alfto In tho bfart of tho Mowhftnnon eooi btvtin, and largo bodita of whits plno, hotnlork, oak, and othr timber mir rmind It Ona of the largR lumber nanoiMtnr Ing oitahllihmcnti In tha State Ii looatfd In tbe town, while tho re ara many other J urn her and ehingl? mllhi aroand it. Tho town la bat -eo ji-arp old, and oontalui a population of ona thou g hfid Inhabltanta. ."For further Inform a Hon ipply at tho offloe tbe above euaipanv. - - ' JWHN IaAWMUK, 4:T0 Grimal iSuperintendont. l'tfore taking TowJero, Alwr taking Towdrrs. SHAWM IMPkTTvV;!) CONDITION roWDKHH. Vnrfiil In obatinata eeeoe of I'ittcmper, Cuugh, Guide, Bote, Karoy, titiTe n''i. .Hoiijrhneie of tho Hkin, and Htopimge of Water, tirrap, Hwelled I .eg and Inducma an be rdiovrd, and aomctimre oitrvd. by the me of tlie Powder. They will not inttrlera with tbe dally work of the II or, and oan be gtren lo cat lle with eounl advantage. Put np by A. I. HilAW, Drugglit and Apothe cary, t'lcrtrflrlil, Pa. lSnrMtttitir 8, H7I. 8tdd eTorywh?ra. Lime for Sale I TIIR inderelgned, r Hiding near tho depot hai mada aotnpleto ftrrangetnenti with Li tne lltirnare oaet of tbo mountain whereby bo Is ena bled to keep eonetantly on band a largo quantity of PURE LIME! which he offers to farmers and builders et a Irllls above ooat. Those In need ef the article would do well to give me a oall, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating their Ume. UKO. 0. PAS8M0RB. Clearfield, Tfc, June (, MUD. House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! rPHB undersigned offer, lor sal. or rent, upon .1. reasonable terms, a two story dwelling, lot and stable, In Bloomington. Phs township. Far terms, Ac, spply lo LEWIS I. BL00N. Jauuary Id, INTJ If, ' &ttaUattf ous. B O OK S ' . t. . . , :' (i . " WniCH HAVB ALWAYS ' I .. .... .... , . ... G I Y K N BATISFACT OS DXBETOFORB, WILL HI DISPOSED OF IN 8UCII - ' A W AY AS TO PLBASB 0 R FRIENDS AND CUB TOMERS. ' JUST EEOEIVEDI THB FINEST ASSORTMENT OP HOLIDAY GOODS BUCn AS BOOKS --- AMD OTHER. .- STATIONERY ARTICLES, BVER OFFERED TO.THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACB! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALS AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THB POSTOFFICE. Clearneld, Deo. 14, 1170. s ELLIKO OFF AT COSTI FOR CASH! Th. largest stork.. f T V Jl Hf I T V R E ever offered In CLEARFIELD I At the STEAM CABINET SHOP.oomer Market and Filth Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned would announce to the pnhlle that he has oa band and Is now offering ebea-p for cash, tbo largest stoek of Furniture eves in store in this county, consisting tl Upholstered Parlor Sails, Chamber Setts, , Extension Tables, SeoreUriea, Book Cases, Bedsteads, Spring Beds and Mattressro, Lounge. and Boaouea, Plain A Marble Top Tables A Bureaux, Washstands, Cane Scat and Common Chairs, Reciting Chairs, Looking Glasses, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels, Ac. lis also mannfaeftaraa and keeps on hand Pat ent hpring Beds, tbe beet ever invented. No family should be without them. Any kind of goods not on band can be bad on short notice. I pholstoriug and repairing neatly executed. COFFINS,. ell u.u h. hut ua a half, hours' notice, and at tbe lowest prices. A deduc tion of 30 per eenU made for eah. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, Walaut and Cherry CoOins, with glass or wood tops, furnished on nve nours notice. Personal altcedaaoo with hearse, on funeral ooeaeiusis, and oamsgc furnisbod when desired. Thanking the nubile for past favors, and bv strict personal attention to business, i hope to receive a continuance oi tne same. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet Shop. comer oi xsaraet aaa r utn streets. March M,tl-ly. DAMEL BENNER. It. B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND-COAL YARD, (Near tho Railroad Depot.) CLfiAKVIBLI), PKNK'A. IEMHRACK this method of informing tbe tublie, that I bare opened nit a yard for tho m lo of wood ot ooal-burnt LI M K and Anthracite COAL, in tho borough of Clearfield, and bare completed arrangement with eattero dealers by wnirn i can keep a luiteuppiyoonfiantiyon nana, whirh will bo di'poeed of at reaaoneble ratea, by the tun. bushel or oar load, to sait parraeers. Those at a d Ufa nee eaa addroee nw by letter, and obtain ail baoessary information by return mail. H. B. TAVLOil. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, 18oi-if T O LVMBERMEKI PERFECTION IN CAN'T HOOKSI Tho CloarfieU Ezoelstor Canthook will not wear put or break, being eon it r acted with one solid band from clip to point It ts pronounced by all practical lumbermen who hara examined It to be tho most perfect Canthook aver Inrentod. Amos Kennard, Patentee, Manufactured by Amos Kinkard k Co., at . ' CLEARFIELD, PA. pfrk orders promptly attended to. n2S'70 DREXEL & CO., No. t South Third Street. Philadelphia And Dealors In Government Securities. Aifltoatlou by mall will reeeive prompt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully furnl.hed. Orders Mlloted. April II If. R H E D OIJTI ut nor BURNED UPI BELL'S lU'N WOOLEN FACTOBY, Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa. The subscribers are, at great expense, rebuild ing, and In a few days will bare completed, a neighborhood nroessity. In the erection of a first class Woolen Alanulaolory, with all the moiiera improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, t'asslmeres, rUtlnetls, Blan kets, Flunnels, Ac. Plenty of goods on hsnd to supply all onr old and a thousand n.w customers, whom we ask to come and examine uur stock. Tbe business of ( CARDIXn AND FIILLIN'U will receive espoclal attention. Our new mill will he ready by wool-carding season, therefore there need he no hesitation on that score. Proper arrangements will he made to receive and deliver Wool, tn snit customers. All work warranted and done upon the shortnet noliee, and by strict atten tion to business we hope to realise a liberal share ef publlo patronage. lO.IMMl POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Ws will pay the highest market price for Wool and sell our manufactured goods as low ae similar goods can he bought in the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we oan always be found at home ready to mske proper explanation, either In person or by letter. ' JAMBS JOHNSON A SONS, aprilifttr Qrampian Hills P. 0. T ANTIini No. I ta-lnnh Shaved S H I .MILES, for which th. highest market price will be paid. P. tlALl.AUHKH, PJoutidale, Feb, 1, le2 1)0 BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Sucosisors to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ef PORTABLE i STATIONARY i ; STEAM-ENGINES Cornsr of Fourth and Pine Streets, , CI.KARFlP.Ln, PA. HA VINO engaged In the manufacture of first class MACHINERY, ws respectfully Inform the publlo that we are now prepared to til all orders as elieapV T-rMr - t im mmj f the oltlos. We manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cnps, Oil Cups, Gauge Cooks, Air Cocks, Olobe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; thither with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PA RLOR STO YES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. k JC-ff-Ordcrs solicited and tiled at city prices. All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrea ing ns at Clcarield, Pa. doejno-tf BIOLER. TOUNO A CO. J O S A D A L I S T11K IVOrtKMKNTS THAT COM POK HOSAUAI.IS are published on Tory package, therefore it Is not a secret o preparation, ounsequently PIIYSICIAX8 PRESCBIBB IT. It is a eertain oure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Kbeumatism. Fkia iris- s eases, Llrer Complaint and all diseases of tUO DI0O4. 0XE BOTTLE OF KOSADALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the syrups or earsapanlla. TUB VXDERSIUNED P11YSICIAXS hare used Rosadulia In their practiee for the past three years, and freely endone it as a reliable Altorativ. and Blood Purincr. 1) Pit. T. C. PCGII, of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKIS, " IR. R. W. CARR, Ml. F. 0. DASSKLtT. " Ill. J. 8. FPARKS. of NicholosTille, Ky. V II. 4. U. 01(1 AKIIIA, iolurnbia. H. (J. UK. A. B. JiOUl.t.-t, Kdgeoouib, N. C. TSED AKD ENDORSED BY J. B. FREXrn A ROKfl, Fall Riror.Uass. r. e.PHi in, .lackson, Mtch. V U'llUUI L'll I n. r. nnr.Di.nn, ijt.S, UOie. . I B. I1AI.I,, Lima, Ohio. A rnit'Kii A i n i.i...iu. xr. SA.M1 hL U. McFADDKX, Uurfreosboro, lean. Our space will not allow of anr extend ed rrmaras In relation to the rlrtuea of T Hoeedslls. To the Medical Pn.fessiou we B guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to anr tbey have ever weed In the treatment of disrated Wood ; and to the afflicted we say try Koaadalis, and yea will be restored to health. u . ... .1-1: . I. ... u l. . r. i ..'-on.. .,. vj urHggirie we, pnee a l. so per not lie. Address J DR. Cl.EMFNTS t CO.. ieauelMrNy Cktmittt Aug. 1, 1871. -ly. UiLTiuonu, Wo, For sale by A. I. 8haw, Clearneld, Pa. "VHTICI'V-tlaTlng purchamd the interest of XI J. A. Jilattenherger, r.itq., In the business neretolore carried on under tbe Ann name of J. A. olattenberger A lo.. tbe same will be conducted hereafter under tbe name of Moshaonon Land and Larmier Company. (More.) U. H. RIIILL1XGFOKD, JOIIX LA1Y8IIB, mjau rreaiuenl. Ueneral Hup't SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAX'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Oross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATEXT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by ' II. F. BIULER A CO. H. FN AUGLE CLOCK AXD WATCH MAKER, orrosit. vn. . S5ft,-wx xUMit mitt post office jxikc2!)cLtAB. field TUB subscriber respectfully Inform, his old pstrons and the public generally, that he has no hand, (and Is constantly receiving new addition, th.reto,) a large stock of OlockB, Watches and Jewelry, I keep Jewelry In all Its forma and of ainereat values, etiner by Ike piece or net. WATCHES A full arsortasnl ef either Hold or Silver, mad. by th. best Aw.iieaa and for elgn manufaeiurere, Including, flne lot of gold and silver hunting ease, full Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, consisting of tight, day and thlrtv hour, of either weight, spring or lever., and both atrlk. and alarm. REPAIRING. All kinds of Watches and Clocks Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have .numerated, I keep a full assortment of SPECTACLES, colored and plain glass. Also, 001,0 PENS and PRNCILS. SPOONS, FORK, BL'TTKK KMVBS, end in fact everything in the Jewelry line. Jf I fail to have on hand just what a customer may need, I will order per first express, without extra ehargo. A liberal share of public patronage Is solicited. May T, lht-y II. t. NAUULB. Ilvery Stable. THE undersigned hegs leave to inform the pub lie that he Is now fullv Prepared tn aeeoiiimo. date all tn the way of furnishing Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notioe and oa reasonable terms. Residence oa Locust street, oeiwecu iniru anti rourtn. (IEO. W. QRARI1ART. Tleartleld, April 11, 1rlT. AUCTION ROOMSI Z. C. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer. H AVISO opened Awetlna Rooms In Clearneld, Pa, I would respeotlully Inform merchants and manufacturers that I am prepared lo sell all hinds of merehsndlseononmmission at reosonabre terms. Hays of sale will be announced by posters and otherwise. jKO-Hooins on Market street, nest door to new PostotBoe. J"0 E. C. McCTLLOi'on. PINK, WniTB A ROAR LtNINO SKINS Jasl received ii for sals by A it'll M. IM. ' p. t. PIULKR A CO. . " "''' '-mi.tiJ4 " '-'S m if . .. ft--':-- "jti'Jf-r. Clearfield County Bank. rpllE Clsarlleld County Bank at an Ineorporg I ted Institution has gene out of eaisuee. k. the surrenderor It. (barter, est May I, g All lie slock la owned by the subscribers, wbo will eonttuue the Banking butlncas at th. same place, a. ptlvat. Banker., under lb. firm asm. of the "Clearfield County Bank." W. ar. re. sponsible tor in. ueois oi in. nam,) 'will pay Its notes on demand at the eon.ter.' isoposit. received and Interest paid when money Is lefl for a (x.d lime. Paper discounted .1 six peresnt, as heretofore. Our personal responslblllti , pledged ror nil vefosiis reoeiveo .no bustnss. tran.icted. A continuance of tbe liberal pit. ronage of the men of the eounty Is re spectfully solicited. As President, Cashlsr and oOceri of the late Clcarield County Bank, we require tbe notes of laid Bank lo be presented for redemption. JAS. T. LKONABD; RICHABD FflAW, WM. rUKTKH, JAB. II. (IHAilAM, A. K. WKIUIIT, O. L. HEED, WM. A. WALLACB. The business ef the Bank will be conducted ly John At- Adams., Esq., as Cashier. 'ti l !1 County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic BulMiug, one door north of C. D. Watson's Drug Store. Passage Tickets to snd from Liverpool, Queens town, tllnsgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Alro, Drafts for sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JA.MKS T. LEOXAIiD, Pree't. W. M. FITAW, Cashier. tl:l:71 J. D. M OIrk. Edward Perks,- BANKIIfG & COLLECTION HOUSE OF McGirk & perks. Successors to Foster, Psrks, A Co., Phlllpaburg, Centre County, Pg. - TITHERB all the business of Banking Hons . f wil1 oe transacted promptly and upon th. most furore. ile term a mar7-tf U$llanfousi. KoggJeTowiwliIp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEItS'Sf rVERVBODT trying to get there firat, for fear J of being crowded ont into tbe cold. If ycu want good Shoeing done, go to Baxnst If you want your Sleds Ironed right, go to Baaaa. If you want good Mill Irons, go to Bnaaa. If you want your wagon iroasd In the beat style and workmanship, go to fixsns. Bnaaa snakes the best Hnmp'Macblne in the State, and doei. all kinds of BLACKSMITH 1X0 aa cheep as ran be dose In tbe eounty for Cash. My Post Once addrss. I. Clearfield, Pa. THOMAS BEERS. Boggs Tp., D... 19, 1667-tf. Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICn D1SIRES lo inform his eld friends and ens. tomers, that having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, hs ia now prepared to make to order such Furniiur. asv may he desired, ia good atyle and at cheap rat.r for C.'.SU. ui generally bas oa hand, at hie Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready mad. furxltur., among which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOABDS, Wardrobes and Book-Caseai Centre, Bora, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining Extension Tableai Com mon. French-post, Cottage,Jenny-Lind and other Bedsteads i 8. fas of all kinds, Work-stands, list-racks, Wash-stands; Rocking and Arm Cneira i spring-seat, eane-bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs; Looking-Glasses of every description on hand : and new glasses for eld frnuice, which will b. pyt In on v.ry r.asooabl. terms on shortest nolle. He also keeps on hand or furnishea to order, Cora-husk, Hslr and Cot-toa-top Maitressea. Coffins of Evert Kind Made to order, and fenerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, Hours Paiating done to order. The subaeriber also maoatee turea, ai d ha. constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, the best now in use I Those using this msrhine nevor need be with out aleaa elolbeal lie also hae Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family using this Cbuin nsrer aced be without batter I All the above and many other articles are fur nished to customers cheap for Ca.a or .xehanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Meple Poplar, Llnwood and ether Lumber soluble for Cabinet work, taken in tichaoge for furniture Remember the shoe; is oa Market street, Clearfield, Pa, and noarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHM OIUCH. November K, ISfil y READING FOR ALL 1 1 LOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St , Clearflrld, (at tha Poet Offlce.) fpiiE undersigned hegs leave lo announce to J. the eitlsens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has diced up a room aad has just retorted from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Socks, Blank, Acroaat and Pass Books ef every de scription Paper and Envelope., French pressed aoopiatai reus una rrnous uiank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgsgea; Judem.nt, Exemp tion and Promissory note, t White snd Tsreb; men! Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Csp, Sheet, Mnate for either Plane, Flute or V lolls constantly on band. Any book, or statloosry desired that I may not have oa hand, will be or ordered by tret express, and .old at wholesale or retail to ault customer.. I will else keep periodical literature, took as Magasin.s, News papers, aa. p a. nan. in. UlearQ.ll May T, 1805-tf DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutler and Stone-Mason, w ILL execute all work In his line at mod erate prices and in FIRST-CLASS style Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES. Stone Dressing of .very description, and all kinds of mason work sea trarted for in orontof the eonnty. Any persets wishing to have respectable mason work sad stone-cutting done, will And II to their interest to call npon me I would aire inform tbe ps. He that I ean deliver any quantity or class of stone desired, as I am Iho owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAHRY. Orders for wsrk eaa he addressed to david Torso,- ar:j,T Clcarield I'a. JkEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS JUS. SI I AW & SON liar, jusl opened Ntw Sto, oo Main St.,CLtAgri(LD, 1Y latelr occupied b Wm, F. 1RWI.V. Tbclr (lock of LD IH CT CE CD CD IE 3 Gaoriarii of lb boat quality, Quf.f.nsware, Boots and Shoos and every article ntceeearT for onc'i comfort. Call and examine our itock be for. por- cbasinf! eteaivhere. May 0. iPuMf. The Liqhtnina Tamer. THE noder'lgaed are the sole Agents latslj eonntv ror th. "North American "LIvesiM l.lilllTNINU RODS." Tliese are tkeonlyes rods now la as., and are .edorted by all I" aelemHe wiea In tbe renntrr. We hereby notlfv the eltiseee of the eeesV that wa will pat thaai no a better rod. en Hs less monsy, then I. .barged by tbe fereilj agent, wko annnally traverse the eouniy -carry ef our little cask, never to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thnia al.kln 1 I. Reds erected SS thslr buildings need but address us by l'"''" eall la person. We will put them np snvwlisn) la theeeuaty, and warrant th.m. The R "disss tixtare. eaa he sssa at any llese ev eein.s - our star.. . II. F. w Clearlleld, March SI, 1T0 tl "1 AUTIt)Nr-AII perso.s are herebyaulleeej ) raiosi pnrenasmg or ia mmj " , with one grnv ana one nay mara, now w. ..r u; u k ... sMiu SowalhiP. s sioa the aam. belong le ae and are snbieet t JKRKMIAH KYLER order llrahamtna, March 17, l,l-3t.