Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 03, 1872, Image 2

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She 3epttbliatt.
Democratic Stale C'OHrtuliom.
Purauant to a reiolution of (he Dcmoorntio State
KxflSllttva flllMllliHH till, il.w ait ...1 - 11
eratio State Convention in uuuiheri equul to tho
rvprvevnieiion id nom noueei o! me l.cgialature ,
I. kerchv mIIm! tn -- 1. T( 1 ; u.
ThnrenVv. elav .lAlt, 1K74 . ll.-.Uk . .? 4.
J - I -" -1 - . V v.irv. . . K ., IU
numlaeta ejendidatei for Governor, Judge of the
tiupremo 1 ourt, ana (rhfiuld the IiCgialiilure eo
'determine) for Auditor Ueneral anil dcligatci at
IraCM tn the r?(in.llttlnn.l P.......,;... --.1 .I..
t 1 form an electoral ticket and (elect ecnatnrlal
ana representative delegate! to rrpreeent the state
an tho Demoeratio National Convention.
JJy order of tho Executive Cotninitteo. ,
WM. A. WALLACE, Chairman.
. Attcit : Wv. M'Ci illand, Sec'y.
Ifarrliburg, Fobruery IS, 1873.
Tn. State Senate. This body now
stands 10 Domocrnts, 10 Kudicnls, find
Col. Alexander K. McClure, whoso
power just now Is equal to either of
the 10 named, boennso wlifsh evorend
of tho plank bo jumps on sonds the
other 10 up sky high. How terribly
he will goio the Winnebago Chief for
the next yoar !
CapitaIi Agitation. The removal
of tho Stuto Capital from llarrisburg
has boon tho rago in tbo Legislature
and Philadelphia the last wrote.
Williamsport, Heading and Altoona
are rivalling .Philadelphia in this mut
tor. We pot-sumo tho subject has been
brought to the surface by somo jobbers,
and will end in agitation only.
Adjournment. The Legislature has
finally agreed to adjourn on Thursday,
(to-morrow,) the4tb of April. This will
not bo regretted by any one, unless by
those "pinchers" a"nd "rooster)" who
may not have had "a fat thing" thus
fur, To thorn the adjournment is no
doubt premature and uncalled for at
this curly period.
A Forkey Cheated. Romarkablo
as it may seem it is novortheloss de
veloped by tbo Evans fraud investiga
tion, that while Col. John W. and
cousin P. C. Forney, feathored thoir
nests out of tha steal, Wion Fornoy
Mas cheated out of $2,500 by Dr.
Dunglison, Geary's privato socrelary ;
who, according to Evan's oath, pock
eted that sura. What a braco of vil
liunsl Tub Difference. Lawrence coun
ty has a bondod debt of three hundred
andthirty thru thousand a,ot7iri,($333,
000.00,) and gives 1,200 Radical major
ity. Clearfield has only $18,000 of
dobt, gives 1,200 Democratic majority,
and has 600 taxablcs moro than tbo
former to pay tho debt. Tho Com
missioners of Lawronco assossod $48,
000 county tax Inst yoar, and havo
outstanding $4,000. Lawrence coun
ty economy scorns to ran in tho Wash
ington and llarrisburg groove.
Justice Tho Altoona Sun reviews
tho conduct of Bcnj L. Ilowitt, Dluir
county's Representative in tho Legis
lature, right sharply and truthfully.
This man Hewitt is a moro tool at
llarrisburg for tho Camoron faction,
and caros about as much for tho inter
est of bis constituents as tho Lion
does for tho Lamb. His conduct on
the boom question was outrageous,
and In our vie w of the caso was direct
ly in the interest of Tutor llcrdio and
against that of the State at largo,
find that of tho mercenary demagogue
Instead of tho liberal statesman.
IIirdic Ahead. Tho boom bill has
been defeated. , Fetor boughtand paid
for 45 members of tho Assombly, just
$40,000 $1,000 apicco. But it was
not divided In that way; somo of the
members woro greedy enough to voto
against the reduction for$150und $200.
Hordio can well afford to pay this
sum, becnuso by tho prcsont boom
rates ho will colloct 5150,000 off the
West Branch lumberman, henco ho
can donate $40,000 to tho members of
the Lower Houso about 40 of whom
should bo shouldered by the people of
the Stato and thrown into the Susquo
hflnna river at llarrisburg and drown
ed, as a warning to their successors.
Reform ! A poor loyal devil nnmod
.Rprngno, ono of tbo Internal Revenue
tcollcctors In Ohio, has boon arrcstod
ity "tho government" for defaulting
tho Treasury out of $20,000. What
'humbuggory I Gcorgo O. Evans, ono
of tho most loyal men in this Com
monwcalth, stolo $200,000 two years
ago, and ho is ncithor dead nor in jai
yet. Besides, Gov. Geary says bo is
am boncst man. What torn-foolery it
Is to arrest govcrnniont officers these
times fora mere "irregularity' of from
twenty thousand dollars to a million
of dollars! It is enough that the
money is lost to tho people without
sending a committee to invcs'.igate
the cose who will charge nearly as
nneh for thejob as tho original "stoall
it on
Ex Gov. Curtin is coming homo
ins ltussiun mission ana tiio Hep
pnna am anirtAwltnt nuprplnml tl...
purlin and Cameron are not trie
hi luuv not, 10 put too lino poi
it tllCV hsta enr-h nth or mml ,
ally. Curtin is said to bo uAor
Vice presidency, failing in that, a
n me v. o. ocnnie vice Cameron,
jut do unacceptable to him.
FuiX AOAm. Honator Knight, of
Bucks, appeared in his sent, Thursday
evening, for tho first timo In two
months. Jo ha partially reoovored
Irani his severe illness. All the Kcna
t'r are in (.heir safs for tha firt tlmn
this seeion.
Th tloeernorthlp.
' The near approach of the State Con
vention nocossarily causes somo activ
ity among the friends of tho tovoral
Candidates named for the Governor
ship. In (he eastern portion of the
Stale our friends soom to behave rath
er better than in tho west, wbilo the
northorn section Is moving lu the in
terest of Senator Buckulow alone,
whom we have tho bcBt assurances, is
oppnsed to tho use of his name for
any such purpose
A superficial view of the field here
in the west would load ono to beliovo
that we ara all "split up," from tho
fact that an unusual number of gentle
man have been named for Govornor.
Clearfield, at hor county mooting in
January, might have followed tho cx
amplo of hor neighbors and mado
auoihcr "split" by naming ono of hor
own citircns, who would havo gone
into tbo contest with many friends,
and with a littlo effort could have so-
cured the nomination. But this was
deemed impolitic und inexpedient.
and having elected ono of our worthi
est citizons (Ex Gov. lligler) Repre
sentative delegate, without instruo.
tions, concludod that that was eufll
cient for tho occasion.
Sinco, boweror, candidates are mul
tiplying, and It now becomes the duty
of those who nro not merely flunkcrs
or in tho decoy business to present a
bold front, and show to the coinpli
mont dealers that tho period for triflos
has passed and that a square Demo
cratic, business departure must bo
mado and our forces concentrated upon
a enndiduto who is ublo to load us to
victory in October.
Of the integrity and ability of Cupt.
McClelland, of Lawronco county;
Gon. Coultor, of Westmoreland; Mr.
Gibson, of Allegheny; Col. Hopkins,
of Washington, or Seuutor Buckalew,
of Columbia,' '.hero can be no question;
but that either has, generally, scatter
ed all over the State, a host of warm
adherents, is not quite so plain. Their
forces aro but local and command but
little attention outside of a solcct cir
cle, and are thcrcforo not availablo
To our mind Gen. George W. Cuss,
of Pittsburgh, prosenls all the elements
nocessary, and should be nominatod
by acclamation at the Reading Conven
tion. (Privately, he should have been
our nominco three years ago.) With
bun for our stundurd bearer, tho old
Democrats throughout tho Stato will
wake up und the young ones will bo-
come cntiiimiastio, and the battle will
bo half won by the mere announce
ment of his nomination by tho Slate
Convention. Givo as Gen. Cuss, and
then wo can put the harness on and
"fight it out on thut line" ait summer, '
and then attend the Radical funeral
and assist to bury the Stato robbers
with pleasure.
Poor Dkvu Tbo State robber.
George O. Evans, on his sick bod at
the Now York hotel, to which city tho
investigating Committee followed him
last week, swears that ho is tho poor
est man in the Stato, that be noilber
Owns houses, lands, bonds or money.
When asked, "what have you dono
with tho $201,000? says, "I gavo some
of it to friends and spent the rest."
About tbo best poijured man now alive
is this man Evans. Ho has sworn
ovory inomber of tho robber ring clear
except tbo Forneys, Dr. Dunglison
and two or throe parlies in tho gov
ernment employ at Washington.
Auditor Gcnorul Uartranfi paid him
back the $7,000 ho gave him after the
fraud was exposed. The gifts ho made
to his friends amount to less than
$40,000. .Now tho question arises
where aro tho other $251,000 f Evans
says be spent it, who bolieves him f
Justice at Lant.
The decision in tho M'Clnro-Grsy
caso by which Col. M'Clnro tnkos his
seat in tho Senato of Pennsylvania will
be iiaiiod as a triumph of truth over
perjury j honosty over fraud; decency
over ruffianism ; and wu might add,
independent journuiism ovor those con
trolled by thieving rings, ns to their
crodit bo it said that several of the
leading Republican journals in Phila
delphia stood tip squarely for M'Clure
in Ins contest with the perjurors,
rounders and ropes ters, bneked ' by
Gen. Grant's offlco holdors and tho cor
rupt Stato House Row, who havo for
years mnnnged to carry the elections
inciiy ana ouie oy irnuil anj violence
1 Lis will leave the ecnato, 10 Demo
crats to 10 Republicans, with McClure
with tho casting vote. Ot courso it
was Radicals only who sought to per
seen to and defraud him, while every
Democrat stood upon tbo si Jo of honor
and juHlico. To the former he is in
debted for nothing to tho lattor ho
is indebted for his seal, and wo won't
attempt now to guoss where his voto
will bo recorded upon tho just meas
ures advocated by tho Democratic
mombers. Wo may say, however,
that the infamous Congressional np
portionmonl bill will not bo passed by
tho Senato in its present shapo. Mo
Cluro always donounccdjlhe unfairness
of tho lust apportionment; told the
loading men of his parly that it was
unjust, and he will not bo caught vot
ing for one which is evon more infam
ous in its hearings. This much has
boon gnincd by tho triumph of Col.
Alex. K. McClure Pittsburgh rost.
Rich Indeed. Governor Geary has
notified the Legislature that "A joint
resolution authorising the Bute Treas
urer to collect from lb United States
certain moncysimpropcrlypnid'mcan
ing tbe moneys paid to Geo. O. Evans
baa become a fuw without his signa
ture, not hnvfng bcon rclurnod to tho
Legislnturo within ten days, as pro
vided for by the constitution. Ho
says respect for the Logislutili pre
vented hi in from vetoing the bill, but
ho protests against it, as discreditable
to the State; the Stato, by this reso
lution, repudiating tbe authority of
hor own appointed agent, to w,fm
the money was acton I ly pah), lis
thinks tho State could "bolter afford
to loso tho money than to place her
self In this most questionable attitude."
"(Juoationablo attitude," n trying to
intf nm'i tiu n mnnaw I . I n tiA , r. I.
, thee loyal, refined times,
Coupon .fltiM. - '
The man who siioered at theology
hnd his nose froxon this winter.
Palpitation of the gizzard is depop
ulating tbe hon roosts In many places.
llarrisburg Is exoitod over a triple
murderer end a partially decomposed
infant found In an ash pilo.
What we know abopt furming. Ill
is too early yet for planting corn or
sowing turnip seed.
Tbo President has mustered onongh
of courage to sign the bill repealing the
tax on mustard. Wbatn thrust at
the revonuel
Tho application of Shaffnor, con
vlotod of murder in tho first dogroo, in
tho Dauphin county court, for a now
triul, haa boon ovorrulod, and the cul
prit sentenced to be liangod.
It is rumored that ono of the beau
tiful county scuts at Norwulk, Conn.,
has boon lakon by tho ox-Emparor
and .bin press ol f ranco, and wit
occupied bylhom next summer.
' John W, Union, lato Stuto Prison
Agent, who has been on triul at Jack
sun, Michigan, ombezxlomont has plead
guilty, andrecuivod a scntencn of five
yours and a half in the State prison.
The Philadelphia authoritos are In
vestigating tho death of a young lady
mimed Mary Shcn, from Warren coun
ty, who died on Thursday last from
an attempt to procuro an abortion.
Noar half a million of dollars has
been expended by General Grunt in
maintaining a flsot upon the const of
Nun Domingo, to keep unec in power.
This is one portion of tbe San Domliipo
ilie lirooklyn Eagle alluding to tho
attempt of Grant's oftico holders to
control tbo Cincinnati Convention says:
Tho Eastern rufllung who go Wosl
next May as passengors will return as
.Somebody tells the Scientific Ameri
can of a way to clear a wollof carbonio
acid gas. It is to lower a red hot iron
to tho water, so as to produco a littlo
stoam. Tho vupor instantly absorbs
the gas.
John Bullock, of Bristol, R. I , will
be 103 yoars old in Juno next, and is
surprised to find thut his bond, tho hair
on which has been gray for more than
half a century, is putting out a new
crop, black as jot.
Tho number ot clerks who aro seek
ing employment in New York to-day
is lamentable. A gentleman mot one
as a car driver who formerly bad-a
salary of three thousand dollars in a
largo mercantile house. . .
Tho N. Y. H'orWof a recont dalo
has somo startling statistics prepared
by Dr. J. M. Toner, showing that In
the Yankeo Status but three children
aro born to each family : to cichl
children in rovolutionnry times.
Gen. John C. Fromont, who has
boon very quiet for several years past,
was at Now York on Thnrsdny, ndvo.
eating his Southern Puciflco mil rond
scheme, which be snys is bound to
suporccdo all others.
On the night of tho 21st., tho house
of Sandy Clay ton, in Lawronco, Kansas,
was burnod, and Clayton and his three
sons, aged burfiii, eight and four
years, perished in the flumes. Mrs.
Cnylon and an infant woro severely
Diversities in bookkeeping is tbe
mild excuse offered by Secretary Bout
well for tho discrepancies in his ac
counts, but wilt ho persist in plucing
his fulso statements before tho people
concerning tho reduction of tho public
An oxchango says it is fifty four
years ago this winter sinco a season
has run from November to March with
out a goneral thaw or break up. At
thut time the scarcity of water was
similar to that existing now. That
fullow has a good memory.
: A transcendant faith, a cheerful
trust, turns tho darkness of night into
a pillir of firo, and tho cloud by day
into a perpetual glory. They who
thus march on are refreshed even in
tbo ' wilderness, and hear streams of
gladness trickling among tbe rocks.
Tbo Louisville Courier-Journal takos
tho Detroit Free Prext to task for
speaking of "tho colored people of
riiiHourgn, ana snys : as mo pcopio
oi that ooai-smoked pinco are all col
ored, if the Free Prcst means tho no
groes of Pittsburgh, it ought to say so.
Two men having arranged to fight
a duel in Rbodo Island, tho Governor
issued a proclamation forbidding it,
whereupon ono or tbo pnrtios sent him
a note saying that ono of them would
stand in Connecticut and tho other in
M sseachusotts, and shoot over bis mis
orsble littlo Stato.
Salt Lako City seems to be in cxict
ly tho same condition as Philadelphia.
under her fraudulent Election law.
The Gentiles did not think it worth
while to put a ticket in tho field, it
was so sure to bo cheated just the
caso of tho Democrats in tho Fourth
Tho Ohio Radical State Convonlion,
mndo np of Tost Mnstors, Revonue
ioiicetors, Assessors and Grant s ro-
Inlions, hnvo instructed for him for
President nnd Hon. Wm. Dcnnison
furvico. Ho was PostMnstcr Goneral
under Lincoln. This blow hits the
Smilcr Colfax right belwoon the eyes.
An exchango says: Tho coming
"spring bonnet" is going to bo "two
nieo for anything." A convention of
milliners will bo held this month, to
soo wholhcr It shall bo trimmed with
ostrich plumes or tho more humblo tall
feathers of a shnnghui rooster. Tho
prico will bo tho samo in cither caso.
Tho preliminary examination of Col.
D. L. Stanton, cx Collector of Inter
nal Jfcvenuo for tho Fifth Maryland
District, began at Haiti moro yester
day. Supervisor Fulton testified thnl
an investigation of tho accused's ac
counts showed a deficiency thus far of
eiii.ouu. m list a pity cxclnims loy
uldnm !
The Inst jibe at tho oxponso of "II.
G." rcporla that "in an Otfricnllural
cssny on tobacco ho asserts that tho
nno cut will not ripen well unless the
tin-foil is stripped from tho growing
bud early in tho spring ; nnd thut
plug tobacco ouirht to bo knocked off
tho troos with clubs, instead of being
mulu on mm mo nanu.
A Radical Rri.iT Thero lias bcon
a split in tbo Kentucky Rudit ul Con
vontion,and a withdrawal of a portion
of tho dulozates. Tho bono of dlsson-
sinn wus a resolution that no delegate
should bn cntitlod to a sent unless ho
would agree to support tho nominoo
of tho Philadelphia Convention.
About one fourth or tho Convention
were negroes. It matters bat little, so
far as the vote of Hontucky Is concern
ed whothnr d v sioni or harmony per-
vado the Kadioal oaifip thoy will be
In a hopeless minority i bnt the move
ment U worth something as en itom,
showing what olomoiils of discord and
decay have entered Info the hitherto
unbroken rnnf of tho llndjcnl pnfty
Tlu Frttitmen' Burials'. '
The Freodmen's Bureau is still In
oxlstonoc, and, as a muttor of course,
those who are running it want Con
btcbs to vote them moro money.
There, is always a deficiency In the
coneorn. nomcnow it eoome to par
take of tho extravagance and careless
ness which characterizes tho negro.
It can novor make both ends meet.
There are always leaks in its troasury.
Monoy will disappear from its drawers
mysteriously, and yet, whon asked
whoro it has trono, or who look it. no
body knows. It would bo as hard to
detect the delinquents, as for a stran
gor to pick out any particular chicken
thief irom a multitude ot gonmno Af
ricans in tho dark. At the ond of the
prosont mouth the Bureau will be
without a dollar in it, nnd tbo loyal
majority in Congress are expoctod to
fork over a sum largo enough to keep
tho concern running wbilo Grunt Is
running for reelection. Whether it
will bo kopt up aflor that must depend
upon tho temper of tho noxt Congress
If it should bo stronglyJBadicnl, the fill
places now filled by those who run the
mireau will not be vacated spoediiy
Should Grant bo rooioctod, with a
Congress propored to support biin, it
will be taken tor gran loa that the tax
payers aro perfectly satisfied to bo
jilundorod by office holdors and tho
assumption will not bo a violent ono
by any moans. Lancaster Inteiligmctr.
All the Decency You Know; A
cortain class of humbugs are only on-
durable wben they are sorlous. Tho
Boston Traveller, fbr Inslaneo, wbilo
it confines itsolf to grave an earnost
fulsohood, has something mthor im
pressi ve about it. But soo bow dis
mally brutal it becomes wicn !l tries
to bo cheorful i
"It is Blatcd that Ihoie is no truth
in the storv that I.owo v has been
laid low by doath. Whyuoti't Sohurz
and Trumbull go after Lowery f They
might not kill him, but hon ho might
kill thorn which wouU answor just
as won, or oven better.
This is tho loading arant papor in
now England, and nay luiriy bo as
sumed to represent Iho avorugo wit
and decency of its pirty. Is it not
about time for the 1'roHidont to call
off his bounds? Sucharo tbo remarks
of tho Now York Trihine, and coming
from thut Rndical billo mean far moro
than the babblings of a Press or Jour
Ei.kctino Postmasters. The plan
of electing postmasters by tho pcuplu,
now agitated in Congress, has been
several times urirod, and bus cent-ral
ly been received wilb favor whonovor
discussed. The ew i ork Tribune,
speaking in favor of the change, argues
mat it would be only reasonable to
permit the peoplo who use the post-
office to choose tho person who is to
servo them. To muko tho noslmas-
ters elective would be to cut off a largo
ana n uuiui soiirco of olliciul corrup
tion at the fountain head of tho con-
oral government, ond muko the De
partment far more cffectivo than now
Driitino. The letter of Horace
Grcolcy nnd other prominent Repub
lican politicians of New York, to Col
Grosvornor, Chuirman of the Liberal
iieimuiican vnmmuino, is Indeed a
now depnrluro in politics. Whon we
And suwii a inrin man as Horace Vreo
ley, calling for a revenuo tariff, the
tact is significant of a very radical
cnango oi viow.
Hon. J. P. Walker, United Stales
Senator from Wisconsin in 1854, died
suddenly of appoplcxy, at Milwau
kee, on the 30th ult.
Humphrey Marshall, of Kontuokr,
ox Congressman nnd ex-rebel Goneral,
died at Jxiuisvillo on ibursday, aged
00 years
Wu adi'frtlsrmtnw.
Fishing Tackle I
JTST rarelred aoAtnnleteaiftortmeBt.eoniirt
lui of Trout Hoda, Fiih Banket), Lineeaud
iiofiii, ui an acferipuoor, at '
II. t. IttOI.Elt A CO R.
Clearfield, April J, 1S71, lm. I
II U K N 8 I D E. V A
The lubMriber bavinr built anew (total, with
all modern improvement, U prepare j to receive
fueiU. The table will be eupplied w lb the beet
In Ihe market , the bar wilh Ihe cbool. ett Itquon.
Good itahlinf attached. j
prJ-ij A. H. BCHAKFFEliJ PropV.
I hare a larce iloek of AMtftlC
-ytl and SWIS1 WATi'llR r
... .a - -
kVr an aradoa. in from twa iA
"eioi. I offer theee for eale
guarautee them lo (Ira entire ntiifa
e differ-
ht emtio
lOW, and
A food uaortment ot Lediei' and Oent'a the l.teit title. I Alrtajl fettlnf
odothinf iel
I would aik Lumbermen and other who In
tend purehailnc VTalchei to call ar I lee mj
took before loit to the elliea. I m r.
ur I eaa fell W. tehee ai low ae tan be
nougui, sendee the dlfferrnoe in dietanoa in
the event of die goedj proving defoetite.
All kindi of REPAIRING In mvllue oromrtl.
attended to at the itore on Beoond atrael, eppo-ll
it the Coart Ilouie. For font liberal mpport
in me paat I am verv thankful.
8. t. SNYDER
April t, 187..
la Clearfield Cowntr, Fa., for
isie mi i7i.
Holloa li hereby given, In pnrraanoe
of an Aet of Aaeetubly approved Ihe
11th dey of Juno, A. li. IHI3, entitled
"An Aot lo amend an Aot dlraoting the
mode of oelling unieatad landi in Clear
field euiiuly," and the leveral aupple
rueun therein, there will be elputed
to publie aale or outcry, at the Court
Ilouie, In the borough of Clearfleld.on
the HKCOND MONDAY, lOth day of
V ft k, A. v. mi a, tue loiiowiag Iraota
or pieeee of uneoated landa in eald
eounly, for taias due aud unuilj,rli:
.Vo. Ad Vtr. fr'arrnarve. .
tn Fetar Miller t 41
- M John Mailer..,.. IS Si)
.. 10 . Fred'k Ilubley.. M 10
as John Baiiiman.. 1 !4
Fred'k How man J 23
Tl IIS Thoi. Blllingtoa JO 14
t:l Phil. Myelneupe 11 S4
. 160 John Myiinoone 4J AO
IS 10 Michael Muuer, 14 78
St SO Michael Mueaer. 14 III
100 Jaa. MeMurtrie.. IS 40
RV , 'Ihol.Murgalorjr 14 12
SO Magnni Miller.. jl
410 John Urady a? oa
ISO , William Brad., g, 00
i if. a. uiair..,.i4 Bg
U , John Whllaer... oj 4.1
8t ' Henry Whinner, (4 at
1SI William Wtlioa. ,4 l0
184 Jaeoh King...... 87 97
1U4 Jvha Oibion,,. 39 20
111 71 ItobertWibon... si 0
i3 li) William Urey....loj li
43:i i, John Miller 108 li
St. Brown k Fulton, IS j
.... 30 SS John Ketlend..H T 81
lol IIS PaUe Um .-. o ee
VI 91 Jeroml'h Meeker 20 IS
433 11 David llarto Si 84
S80 168 Mania Franti... 41 00
lUft Ui J. Franta, Jr.... 48 89
7t 31 Tbomaa Uibtoa II 10
S10 Uoob Kina 7S sa
-' S Wm. FlnnketU 4 Si
lit Myeonoope. 49 83
17 47 Jere. Moiher... 49 88
W0 Keagy 28 48
IM Fred. Ueat.i... Si
ISS 37 ThoiUilllngloa 41 70
S9 John Beam. . 19 99
141 Martin Foati... 49 411
ll Mathiai Barton 41 f I
74 Tbomaa Qibenn II 39
91.1 143 Fred. Uaalea... 48 81
120 49 J. Muuerimith 19 97
14 Brown a Fulton 4 S8
, 10 II. llanpt, a Co 13 SO
-'0 Jacob Fouu..n I to
Z-'O W. Whiteeidei. 12 40
IIS Thtmae room 14 60
A'o. Ae. Ptr, Warrmmltt.
42S9 1(100 Henry Bock. 272 00
4(120 400 ....ISO 99
6704 llldS " ....271 00
4S20 809 ....1.10 69
42H7 110 ... 18 04
4819 10? 100 " 17 ft
4I9 100 - .... 1J 94
4SI8 I IS " .... 31 47
5818 101 .... J2 8
42KT 79 120 .... 31 24
STB 1000 ....2CJ 00
41SS 60S " ....US SS
4.'S9 600 98 00
3.ifli 101 118 John Nichola 28 99
6918 1.0 Nicklinallrilblh II 99
439 134 Jflae;,h Boom.... 1.12 67
4 3 Booj. tlibbl 144 24
4819 141 10 Honry Boek... 8-i 88
4?KT 91 97 " " II 37
4U(i 81 l:s Kicklioaahsith 6 78
69117 90 II 98
42S8 100 11,-nry Beck 23 M
42S7 4O0 ....104 80
4L'87 201 - .... jj 91
.Vo. Ae. Ptr. Wmrramt.
2004 3SS 89 B-oberU A FII1S 10
138 Nieklinatirimih 11 78
" 41 f9
J. W. 8mlth.... Si 99
A. K. Wright.... 10 28
89 W. . Roherti... 38 00
Boberli k Fox.
iJ2 98
Sttl'O 290
49.. 1 107
420 I02S
1011 III
K.'.UO 1004 169
.'lata lea
1999 74
1.1 60
9.1 27
crt, rJttaTrr..... 12 wo
II. Irvin'e etit....l.17 60
Joha P. Hale.... 19 .19
34 N'.Vrti k ro. 29 96.
. I 80
71 VV
e Tomj..
Ae. Per. Wnrmntte.
John Tbomaa
78 II. 8. Drinker
William Mel'ormiek...
Naney Bogg.
19 97
68 94
68 8.1
41 Malcolm MoDonald..... 81 98
el John liven
SO Michael Conklc
Barbara Pny.lcr
tleurf-e llu!inanH...,
78 Jolrpb Drinker ,
Henry Farner.......,
llorgeAyn 61 81
31 William Troutuiau.-... it M
John kean
17 John Montaoiuerr
96 148 Richard Theinaa.
49 Barbara Snyder
44 Blair McLanahan ,
427 Jainri Hteinhcieor
90 147 Merrrll k lligler
218 Watson A Muueon....
100 Jneoph Hall
100 John lluetcn
Ae. pgr. ll'tirnfarre.
K'4 lluch KIt
102 16 John Campbell
Itall Uurk.
John Vaughn
Martha liueton
17 Poll) McLaanhan 71 39
Andrew Petit 17 9J
Matlhiaa rjlarmeker... 13 38
No owner s 2.1
Francie Weal 23 80
N. Mainee 8 80
Jofrph Powell..
Daniel 'irabam.
II. L. Hall.
William Uraham, Jr...
John llanna.
Uavid Aekey.,.,M
Andrew Petit
82 98
67 64
14 20
21 8.1
37 82
6 87
61 81
28 89
17 84
s 00
64 II
68 14
It 69
36 93
16 76
11 it
17 SI
! 57
19 94
SI 15
10 90
1.1 04
4 30
9 14
T 31
14 60
17 SO
28 SO
e. Per. Karmafe.
3..U1 1
IV!8 J
W. Kirkpatrlck, 6( II
I Roberta k Foi. 21 34
a.B.Uoodlandor 17 34
Conrad Locg 47 89
J. B. Smith 196 96
846 Henry Wycor...201 Jl
' 86
Roliert Carry,.,. 66 0.1
John Donl.p... SI 06
l'aper Stevar... 20 92
" ... 16 74
Roberta k F01..IU 76
Cbritt. Lower... 73 67
Robert! A Foi.,410 10
Z. S. Welch
0. 11. Preeoolt...
It. X. Calhera....
Chriat. Lower,,,
Adam Weaver..
J. W. Smith
4 67
14 61
76 94
II 76
19 18
14 43
Ao. Ae.
Jacob llllebrun, 16 76
John IVnli 4 16
llolop'rtllru'a'r 14 46
Kelly A Co . 11 97
WrlghU Darling 96 T6
Jacob Pent!...., I 16
Per. irWeroafee.
Steel Cultivator Teeth,
Shovel riow Shovels,
Clearleld, Pa., April I lia, . ,
ll hereby given Ihnl lollcre of a'lminlitrallnn
on Ihe aetata uf UKOROK MOYKIl, deeeaaed,
lata of liraliam towniblp, eioarlald Oonnty, Pa.,
having bean duly granted to the underlined,
all beriona Indel.tiul im .m .ill ..tu..
payment, nnd ihoae having elalma or demande
., i(wiii iuw properly BMiurnnrateo; ror eat
tlement,., , ; ... JAtit-fl MOVF.R,
Jtb, J8, IS71 St. 1 oKlniitratore,
41.02 100 Joha Mehnleon, 6S 14
.V.03 114 - l6 14
6694 I.1S ' 114 86
79 John Mailer 46 66
SI Abram W hitmer 41 19
114 t'aep.Miefftr,Jr. 66 61
260 Daniel WhllmerlSJ 64
421 John llilblcy..217 61
103 Mary Rohrrli... 69 97
St 7 John Treealor...201 76
1121 Ciipcr rlhnflcr..lS7 6.1
200 . Sniilnr A Burui, .16 00
100 J. Willitmeon...l66 74
824 MaryCrawfnrd.,179 91
311 T. Hpckman..llS 60
2U8 Rebeocallniwn.210 06
100 Leonard llollii. II 16
Ae. Per. Vi'itrmnfM.
311 148 Renl. Yonng 1(6 67
mi 163 Martha Worlualou...IU4 92
416 30 JameiPaga 119 10
mo nilllem Haaimao.,.,. 61 70
106 163 John Boyd 43 90
311 163 Joaiah Wagner 161 14
433 163 Thoinae Hamilton..... lil 99
l.'S Jamei Hon 79 16
413 163 John Cunningham 114 0b
69 Cherlee Uohin 10 IS
o Robert Fleming. ....., 41 90
209 Iaaae Rlchnrdeon 41 90
209 Jonathan Walker. 43 90
4.18 163 John Cook 171 28
4.11 163 Jaeph Kwing ...I71 JS
4.13 16.1 William Cook- ,17l Is
43-1 163 Alei. Hunter.
411 Henry
231 .lamri Noble.
I'M 0 Chrl.j, Rohtier..,.,.
.161 10
laaae Kirk k Co ...1(19 41
Mol'ord tract 86 20
Hugh llarlla. ... 28
Joaeph I'lper...... 28 79
iicorge rage. 77
Pegam..M.f 18 II
, it or
3 41
Ae. Per. Varrnnttee.
87 John Mopberron. 9 76
19 P. Blanchard 26 65
431 163 John Muaf. ..., ...ISO 10
166 Miller ACrlat... 19 99
11 " . t 61
tl MehaftV a Mikhail II 70
ll John Mrennrmau...... tl 96
61 J. ABLBrath S 64
601 - Ford k Ht.rlnkle- II 60
67 William Roland t 97
160 Joieph McMurray 41 16
74 97 Patrick Noble II in
116 Hugh Bartley 6 69
431 Matthiae Blough 16110
JVo. .Ae. Per. H'arraefee.
6167 804 fleorgo Meal.. 14 16
6378 4S3 .... tg 20
6404 326 .... 86 81
1S9S 67S MorriStewarl,204 00
ISU9 890 " III 00
11102 t9 114 00
1911 646 " 191 29
IS99 60 Mary Wearer.., 11 10
IVII 24 MorrlftBlewart, I 64
ISDI 209 41 18
6377 1100 George Mead.... 12S 16
ihut ) Morrii aHtewart 13 10
1S93 600 14 67
127 Kinerlck allcller 6 07
200 11. Burgett. 10 00
1891 203 Morrii aHtewart 61 69
e. Per. Warrantee.
106 116 Jamei flamillon 44 12
49 41 John Bkyron 20 68
73 Tbomaa Kdinundion... 30 66
101 169 Thomaa Billington...143 6
404 Cbarlee Hiek 139 06
111 Patrick .Moore.. 4.1 87
100 Tbomaa fllewirdiun-... 36 80
160 Joaeph Matlock St 40
60 Robert llaltiiiner 14 06
202 Mary McLanaheu 67 97
404 Ann MeLanahan. 96 47
1 S Stacy W. Tbomnaon.... 28 46
66 Mary Mel.anahnn 38 90
84 1.17 Jeeeph Whitehall 36 19
4O0 Hubert Hain-y 147 10
lee - ImA a.waaiv....(., no ae
69 Tbomaa rJtcwardton... 21 40
90 Jebn Drinker 37 92
lOO Samuel Kay 39 16
146 147 Tbomaa K.luiunjaon... S3 6.1
400 Samuel llainbloton.,..10S SO
20 Joaeph riaaaotn. I 76
100 Williaen Hoover 40 46
60 Thomaa Stowardeon... 7 06
2O0 Jonathan NoabiU..,.. IS 20
17 Joaeph Saneom.,HMHH 8 20
74 David Stewart. IS 71
100 Carper Maine 38 80
801 Thomaa P. Cone.. 13110
261 Thomaa Kdinundeon... 94 11
2SI (lilbert VaorhU. ...! U 12
314 John llarriaoa..... 66 80
149 Eliiabeth llarrieen..., 81 40
116 K. Fletcher 24 00
131 Joaeph llarrlaon.. 19 40
Ae. Per. 11'orraNlee.
2.13 159 John Hembrlghl . 76 70
in lUUcorgo Itoal. .....116 14
74 Lewie Jordnn..... 21 68
100 Abram Ogdcn.. 18 00
100 ,. Adam Higart 26 26
60 Matlliiaa Slough I 6.1
66 II. Paaamore. 6 76
140 Ilnniel Frank II 60
60 Jebn (Iras'. -.... 140
Ao. Ae. Ptr, M'ormareee.
63 Jt 1100 Ueorge Mead.... 91 01
6.'I6I 10C6 .... 911 63
6.165 751 .... 89 69
5:i74 10S2 k .... 9 98
6.161 1100 .... 94 04
6371 1100 P .... 94 91
6379 641 ' - .... 66 48
6371 1081 " ,. 91 64
5.160 1109 .. 94 04
6.158 1048 . .... 93 66
5.1 j4 1008 ' - " .... 89 10
5.159 1000 .... 84 75
68j 1100 - .... 91 04
6361 1108 - - ....101 64
6.161 1100 " ....209 00
lull 20.1 101 Morrill Stewart 7 70
I9:il 649 lit " " 16 46
1935 6.16 m ;B
IU2I 40S l, 4 48
ISWS 154 129 " ' Si 1.1
1617 IS t 5.1
I09 140 U 94
5352 798 Gcorgo Mead. ..191 79
5.178 1100 " " ...150 60
5353 I1O0 ...240 60
6357 1101 ...250 80
ISSS 120 Motrlea Stewart 8 II
ISS9 221 114 " 13 37
3648 2S3 66 "17 56
1929 S3 i 1 28
1V:9 1(1 II e "4 1.1
19.10 131 " 21 76
HIS lit n " 45 97
1SS7 1ST 44 " "66 18
1917 63 79 " 9 1-4
1928 409 " " 69 86
IS90 187 "23 .18
ISSS 15S h , 4j at
1017 146 69 11
8060 106 18 OS
1SS7 446 " 77 9.1
1916 .6 ax g t5
85 A. llugneny.... 4 5i
105 " " 19 95
1921 110 Jnalin Plubtl) . 8 93
Xo. Ae. Per. Wammteee.
5.113 661 Ueorge Meal. til 63
4317 1059 ' ...140 67
6118 1099 " ...161 91
5.119 1099 ...161 01
6320 1109 i ...102 80
6:121 100S " ,..H9 18
6.121 1100 ...161 SO
6.114 760 ... 9.1 10
6115 1000 ...113 00
6.116 lleOO ., " ...HI 00
5828 1100 - .1S7 00
5X11 1100 ,..S7 00
5.12J 100 " ... .15 60
5.121 1100 ...187 00
6:i24 613 " " ...111 65
lllll loo Monies Stewart IS 90
6314 100 Wm. Mnix-e 34 90
1012 4.18 Morriaa (Stewart 40 62
IVOK 176 94 " 6S
1916 1 4 -14 ' " M 17
5324 1511 67 Qoorge Meail...851 67
5.126 1100 ...319 00
6.117 111.1 m u ..,32i ar
5:129 1IO0 " " ...319 00
61.10 1IM ...819 00
921 868 (1. Albert a Bra 46 60
1921 100 W. A. Wallace. 80
1922 200 Morriaa Stewart II 40
ISS6 771 77 (Iil'h'ma(iarri'nl07 14
79 Knob Lot. I 80
Ae. Per. n'drroeree.
Jul Tbomaa P. Cope 47 41
198 John Skyron 16 71
I John Tbomaa. I 00
109 Ueorge Mead. 17 41
819 Joaeph Simoni... ......... lit 40
164 - Bernard Urate... 69 93
110 53 11
10 J. Henry. I 60
IS " " 97 10
109 .14 00
41 J. O. AllporL II 76
46 laraelCnne. t 40
61 Chailea llall I 00
Ae. Per. H'arrwareee.
119 IllChriatlan Bloke 61 64
193 111 Malhiaa Young. S 19
431 153 Chrialian liador... 100 04
4.18 163 Ueorge Muaaer..,..,..ll'0 6
117 48 Thomaa Ycaler. lol 48
216 Daniel Offley 90 69
211 75 Ueo. Baker. Jr......... 91 15
4.16 146 Timothy PaiUia.....l8S 8.1
411 16.1 John Barge 190 61
366 69 E. Rrigert. .l 42 69
H6 Benl. Wilaon 34 93
100 R.Atherlon. II 14
.103 48 Ueorge Baker 67 09
48 114 Ueorge Moore.. 10 91
819 96 151 07
1.11 Phil. GloBjlnger 67 91
l;.S JohnMeCahen. SS 37
431 153 Kdward Hand 45 48
I0S Ueorge Mead .., 18 90
ISO John McCaben 91 87
98 Lauipblaek 85 40
26 Benj. Wilaon JJ 88
IIS John Whitmer 17 71
MS Plgolt Shaw. .... 14 02
ino John Whitmer 14 TO
170 R. Ilandoreon 10 18
SO T. Mortliagne 19 63
26 ' Plgott Shaw 84 91
IS1 Kdward Hand.. 19 61
106 Benj. Wlleon S 4ii
71 R. HiinneL. ., I 16
A'a, Ae. Per. H-'arraaee,
UK) J. O. Kidder..,. 61 00
4901 4M W. Willlnk Uf 78
196 David Caldwell 63 18
5873 1041 Moore. Delan, SIT 1.1
6674 1041 x 117 81
6676 1041 " 117 83
6066 9V William Powenl20 T6
606T ITS " 184 75
6671 147 17 Moorettiolany 107 64
4263 9'JO Jamei Wllaon.SJO To
4264 990 " " I II
4199 496 " " 141 05
4109 495 " " 143 04
42.16 4911 " " 141 61
4225 740 " . iai 8
4199 .170 " 103 87
4S99 124 W. Willlnk 13 61
6906 190 Willie PowerlSOl 41
171 I, rikeemaker..lil 95
101 " " II 98
19S William Powers II
I6 Jaael Wlleon.. Tl 16
600 " .144 6
II " . 61 4T
64T II It
40 93
Xa. Ae. Ptr. Warraelea.
8689 856 II Koberu A Fox.,247 43
1000 1020 " - 111 61
1001 1989 ..-'. I 111 71
4901 190 . W. Willlnk 17 61
1691 90 . ' Roherti Fet,160 10
II8S 429 II 123 94
4171 491 Jamil Wllwa .l 16 88
4164 999 .. " t " . 46 00
607S 900 . Wat. Powera..,..16l 41
420 U0 Jamei Wlleon, IS 86
4181 990 " 48 13
4181 496 - - " -- IS 02
4200 130 w i S 64
4188 140 ..; ,r w.a 10 19
II US li ' nep IT 60
4181 495 " " w.J II 02
4I8S 201 i 14 00
4188 85 " ., 15 13
4276 990 ." ( m., 41 II
4271 495 x ' ' ' " w.p 26 01
Ae. Per, Warrantee!.
224 163 Richard Petera.... (2 II
f.v.i 163 PelorKehn. I2S 68
41.1 153 Thomaa Martin. ..150 71
13 Robert Martin.... 91 77
91 Ml , Philip Loaaf. 21 09
49 Wm.Johrrann 9 15
100 Jonathan Jonea... 19 91
100 Richard Martin,.. 10 60
431 153 Jno.Dunwoodio,,. 61 68
100 Richard Martin... 21 40
60 Daniel Smith 13 II
100 x i j5
209 ; i Richard Pelcrl ... 2J 10
' ' karthaaa.
A'o, Ae. Per. Warrantee,
6409 1100 George Mrad...351 67
6411 1100 x JJ2 e7
4611 717 x u .. J20 T
64U 1041 x ai igg g4
6401 1100 x .,i7, ,
6414 1100 . . " - ..ITS 10
5405 1ST IT IS 91
1900 600 MooretStewartlTS 00
19AI 771 x u 40 9
1948 H7 x Sl) jr
1093 100 Chi. Willlnk.126 oo
1480 239 Wm. Smith..... 1.1 SI
6710 400 Caaner ttl-"
6701 Si O " " . 81 (10
1094 vT I26Ckaa. Willlnk. IS 40
1094 121 " ... jj 8
I09T 100 ... 12
1097 100 x i ,
I09T 69 x "... 71
UC5 100 M'CI'rk'iiPot'r It 70
1864 8J0 ' B- D. UJI 31 60
1090 m Chu' Willlnk. I II
1097 15 x x t 13
600 FAMinarrreCu 46 0
122 Daniel Yothara 20 97
83 Mary Kgane.... I 62
45 Jno. R. Vooght 7 16
1:13 Chriat. Brown. 14 93
265 J. Uilllland 6 71
4 x --71 8
111 Oliver Moore- SI
60 H.McOonlgal. II 16
100 M.K Mioeat-U. I 64
it n. Yotbera...,. 27
'-0 D. B. llall 1 35
3651 127 Km'rt'ktRetter 17 01
709 14. M'Uarvey. 14 :il
61 x ,. 36
74 . I 99
41 Keating . 1 16
61 W. V Keating. S 87
167 16 Jaa. McO.rvey 23 20
144 60 ' x ,0 j
Ae. Per. Warrantee.
417 48 Reuben llainee. 49 -
4:15 60 Luke Morria 49 81
4.18 153 Jouph Billiard 79 16
433 153 Robert llray 79 15
429 41 Jno. Bringhurat 10 34
431 151 sarah Ward. 99 01
431 161 George Edy. 99 03
433 153 Moore Warton .. 99 01
1.1.1 153 Ueorge Aahtoei. 44 95
4:t1 lis Benj. Poultney 121 12
431 163 I.rael Morrie H5 39
373 163 Martin Pierce.. 126 13
4'3 153 Iaabella Jordan 09 0.1
I HO Henry Trout 25 20
333 163 Caleb Fault. 128 SO
254 153 Ueorge Weacatt 98 31
361 161 Ueorge 8,-.ll...... ........ 97 71
225 John Boyd..- 77 S
109 Saaaaaa Ward 17 49
JjS UaMM'Ceruiok..... 85 71
71 Thooial Jordan S 84
40 Henry Trent I 16
111 I John Pirom.- 126 XI
60 Suaanna Ward.......... II 16
433 153 William Haute s 14
311 163 John Doracy 64 45
II John Bord 17 94
16 llenj. Poultney. 48 37
II Nancy Hobieua 91
AV A. Per, Warrantee.
62V9 III! Geo. Mead 106 71
ejve now " " ......106 12
6.14S 1104 x jj
6.1111 1100 " 100 72
6303 1100 x m ....i,8 7
6104 110 " .I96 72
6308 1100 urn lcj r2
6.106 lllll x m )oll JJ
6307 1100 " " ion ,j
6101 1100 x o, 7J
6319 1100 " ...... 106 71
6310 1100 x jug jj
6.111 1100 x M jog 7J
5291 1100 X . jus ST
5S91 1100 x 41 jus 17
6195 IIO0 x h 87
6298 1100 " ' 29S 17
6291 374 " 31 7.1
61S .1.10 ' x fg 76
1996 11 SO Roberta k Fox. Ill
121 Hugh Jordan... 19 49
413 John Heed II 02
61 114 Rudolph l.ittf.. 1 91
2001 1029 66 Roberta at Fox. 78 66
90 RobL Milrriell, II 1
1914 lOO J, W. Smith,.- I 48
4 x . I 15
185 W. Montgomery 38 77
'6 J. b. Uarriaoa. 6 86
9 M. W. rnyeer. 1 91
16 Iaaae Cooklln. 1 . 1
10 I.rael NlchoU- I 04
6191 726 ; Ueo. Mead...3l4 19
5296 1167 x ( ...504 1
6197 1111 " " -....314 61
6190 4S " " 191 7
5291 1100 x ....434 40
1906 T4 I. Irwin a Sou 7 14
1908 176 x h 8 41
I91T 141 X ej jo
1913 37 x x . I 69
Out Lot Mordecai Shirk 1 91
Ae. Per, H'arraaleee.
4(1 Ueorge Weticl...204 81
206 William Werla...l50 06
S.'T Chrialian Werti...l01 16
171 David Laueh......lO0 II
421 Jeaae Vernal 1.10 51
410 66 Joaeph Turner 1.16 60
440 109 x ..,.1.18 80
.140 10 x x .105 40
42.1 Geo. TJnkekor....l31 II
.100 Peter Yarnel 93 00
418 151 Clem. Stocktr.. 99 61
4.1.1 153 John Vaughn...-. 99 61
4:13 163 . Jwlmatban Neabit 99 61
316 91 John Real 15S 64
99 142 ... William h'.aue.... 48 10
90 Patrick Kara 20 93
2T1 I Robert 81 65
400 Johnlloueton 91 00
IT ' Blair M'Unahan. IS 30
298 Wm. Stewart 151 32
407 131 Richard R. Smith 4.1 90
117 Walter Stewart.... 45 46
116 Ueorge Uatee..i... 10 80
111 Herman Urate.... II II
111 4 Canrad Swarti.... 47 61
19 17 John UraJ-........ 4 18
KIT N. Reidenonr. 11 II
40 Fred. Hubler 91 00
18 MathlaaSlongh.... I 67
Robert Canon.
484 95
in 59
I nvnera tanron. I ,,. . .
117 N. Reidenonr... I
176 Malhiaa Slough... Tl 86
25 Henry Drinker.... 4 10
269 91 Joaeph Hubler.... T6 67
119 143 Jacob UrafT. 17 65
S John lira IT. 1 50
100 William lligler.... 11 60
96 Joeeph Potter 14 8T
1:16 Francil Johnaonm 18 IT
61 ' " .. 8 10
ISO Rallaton a Hoover 14 86
.131 Conrad Swarta..... .11 80
180 Jao.b Graff 17 00
440 Joaeph Turner..,,. 40 00
499 Ueo. Ilaybaker..... 69 81
Pen 11.
So, At Per rTnrrnNreee,
60 Patrick llagerl 7 25
6961 641 14 John Nirkolaon...l92 91
16S Urcenwood llrll... 50 40
135 Mrklln a Griffith. 41 1.1
Ao. Ae. Per. Warmntret.
6TTS 100 Ino. Nirkolaon. 168
6TSI 1020 14 " . 67 Jj
6786 619 41 - 88
67T4 sua 94 - . 76 81
6TT4 820 64 X 9.1 81
425.1 98T 5 Jr.mea Wi1.on.11.1 12
4250 61 6 - 4, J1
4J59 t9d , x m M- 70, J)
4201 990 x ; 4
;25 121 X ll . 18 66
42.M 94T II x t j, ,
6TT6 10 I' " .. I 61
6777 410 II Jno.Nl.'kolaon. 17 01
I77J 419 11 . x 50 71
25 John P. lloyt- II SI
4261 tl0 - Jamei Wlleon. .16 09
4010 476 Y. S. Roberta.. 17 1.1
160 Joacpk Bally..., 14 18
. 196 X, MoNaul 17 90
4lia " " 19 61
67T6 476 6 Jne. Nirkolaon. 42 89
ITT 176 dele Way 19 II
6TT6 till Jno. Nlekolaon.. 13 OS
677 100 " " I 7
SS t M. Ilenrr ... 11 31
67T7 167' - Jaw.Nikilioa.. 13 68
424 IT6 Jamei Wilaon... IS 71
124 64 Laluiewn.. SO 4,8
Janil Wt.
A'o. Ae. Per. Warrantee.
1601 909 161 RobcrleeFox 81 81
I59 606 66 x k ' "..64 64
16.11 799 30 " .71 91
1681 125 ' " ( x 43 T4
1698 35 ' x .42 87
4126 840 67 aa.Wllaoa..,i; M
Ae. Per. Warrantee. '
411 41 John Oannon.,151 66
420 120 Henry Drlnkar..)66 S6
II Wm. Drinker..... 81 61
433 151 Iaaae Wbeelor.,145 06
2i, . Sam'l Kmlln. J 48
115 t Thonai Nell.... 26 40
60 Kit llootmaa 7 14
111 156 John Vaught..., 68 88
169 Mary Nell 88 14
SO Benj, Jobnaoo.. 19 41
471 Ilagerty 161 61
401 M. Barton .101 SS
7 Mary Neil 41 15
111 145 Juba M'Cahen.. 38 10
67 143 Mary O.nnelly.lll 13
10 HolaaJ Evaoa... 21 90
334 41 Pigot Shaw 121 I
21 S.baatlen Graff.. 78 46
43S Tl T. tdmooe"n....l ,,S 89
41 Joi. Aihtridge .179 19
916 151 John Mueaer, Jr 76 38
121 Eli Hootman.... 21 72
loll Mary candwlck 27 62
211 Chinee RU-ketli 37 44
II x ,5
164 Joaeph Clark.... 21 73
10 John Mol.'lellan 4 80
lo John LowJer ... 4 SO
411 163 Philip Loaat....16l 62
4.13 151 Jacob R. Ilowell2U 60
431 111 Wm. Johnaon..16l 62
190 li Geo. Braekhata. 4 10
268 Semnel Kinlio... ( 00
141 Cbarlea Ilight... 43 60
t.17 Daniel Turner... 62 02
loo Henry Shatner. 39 60
16 Joha Lowe II 40
100 Iaaae Goat 1 20
72 Roland Krani... 7 16
170 Peter Loader.. .. I 06
area a aVav ea tSUi . 1
444 John Ilarriaon...l6S 32
100 - Joa. Clark - 25 .10
100 Benj. Johnaoa.. 64 73
437 Reuben Uaim... 79 02
411 Luke Moiria... . 79 20
100 Ueo. Athlon 16 10
147 22 K J. Pruner..... 41 12
J' Thoe. Martin ... 21 00
200 William Sheup. 72 00
88 Suaanna Ward.. 96
150 William I arker. 1 40
27 Cberlea Lewder. 72
ClenrfleM, April 8, 172 9t.
8 a
. p.
. ei
3 .
3 o
$ H
p ,
o .
c '
Having auoceeded In gelling a lighter hole
material, hrnee the lam anil .
...... 1 ' j .n ..7: 'iil
,,-.,. .ui, wi jaaio. 1 ear tbi Ll
luanutantura of te.lh anil ntl... . .
operation! ri-?ift-red and warranted to ej,, 41
vice and lutlal'aotion.
Frienda, reflect that my chariea for Ih. u
lln nf MrtiH.ial an. I tl.. ..... .. 'Xt
. - - - ,ua wi iae iai.
teeth ara oow the moat reaaonalde in Pn..i. n
Preaerve your teeth and yon preaerve yoar ktTI
Putting of the natural teem In a bcaltkjTj
. , ... ........ ... . ... ........ 1 ... i, naoe a Ipeciai-
aw and aeaoeiata parti, are treated and oortej
with fair lucceaa. Jiiaminatlonl and a-,.-.
tione rnaa.
It would be well for patlcntl from a dlilau,
let me know by mail a few day a before eta
10 ino omce.
It la rrrv imnorlant that ebildren l,.i.
agie of all and twelve yean ihould ban u,"
let-in rsnminea.
Aua'ailieiici arp adtniniitcred and Tcetl
moved without pain.
DiTioaitiona and character are ia,le.H L.
Ihe world by Ihe expreeaiem of tbe face, keJ
how very diaaalroua may it therefore be for3
eona to indulgo an expn aaion of diflorted feauJ
even Apart from a hygienie view. Now. tanl
natural (not artiAcial) eomfortl and pleuaJ
reapect auu ouvy naiural aimpllcitiea and mitit.
Office In New Maeonie Building, Second rtrJ
tiearneia, ra. e feblt,:
r.,.u ... . li. ...
... 8. ,,,.1, u..iuj oiaaoivea partner!
wiih Dr. Shaw, be ie now doing the aotira t',
of hie office hiineclf, eo that patienti need ael .
being put under the handi of any ether oneru
Clearfield. Mareh oil 1
J. M. STEWART, D. D. Sa,
Office over Irwta'e Drag Btati
All dental operation!, cither in the neekaj
or operative branch, promptly attended te2
....... ....... XurnivT-ia. special airentioa
to the treatment uf diaeaaca of tha ait.. ,L
gumi and mouth. Irregularity of tbe tcttk
ceaafully corrected. Teeth extracted withoelu
by lllO uae of Ether, and artiri.o.l Ijik
of the beat material and warranted to render J
I4..UIIIOB. apnl26'71:l
$ral Estate for n!r.
I Thrn ffwn.atf.t-w rl.-l tT... .
Ihirtl ftnd I.oeuit trtnti. now in t,aM,i.
lira. Add M. WaMtm. Houw if it) fMt fr
kci ia good euodirion. Inqnira of
iinriu .a. narrn zo 1871.
Farm for Sale I
rTlllR undereignrd, reeiding in Bofga tcwirt
JL nnere ror aatc an rarm, containing 0'
HUNDRED ACHES 75 acre! of which i. ,u
ed and under cultivation ; having thereon erar
a frame dwelling faouae, log barn and the a,
nutlinildinga, together with 1 20 bearing fruit uJ
ana an exneneut rpring or water. A three-f-.
vein of COAL and a tlirto-fcot rrin of I'll
ti'AI, both open, which can he even at lay t.!
by calling on the preraliei. Title farm ilntai:
one fourth of a mile from WaJlaecton atatioi
Ihe Tyrone A ClearUeld Railroad. Title indie
laoie, anu poaeraattn girva at any time,
forlbev partMMllarl call on the premtrea or add
n allaceton, January 17, 1871-Sm.
Wall Paper I Wall Papei
The larffeat an-l moat eomnVta atock at V
Paper ever off-red in lhi aeolion, hai jurt U:
--1 1 "in 1 . aura.
Thoae necling Wall Paper will do Well Ie
and examine bvfcre buying.
A More in Cuniensvlllc!
J. R. IRWIN, Druggist,
TT AS removed hie Drug Store to kia an
XJL rooma, three doora wcat of hn eld rut:
end tehee thie opportunity of lhankinr hit
eultoman for their liberal patronage, and koa
by eloae attention, combined with a eeieet 4H
or goude, to merit ite coonnunuoe on tbe part
all hie old otaetomere. and eooure thatotauu
new ones. Plrae give him a eall.
J. R. IRWIS. ville, Mamh 17, 1871.-6m.
Xa U UAH AMTON. Clearleld Co, Pi.
AZi'til lor -fame! B. Jlarxh a
"Valley Chief" Reaper & Mowe:
and all other Agricultural Implement! m.oaf
turtnl by mm. Any inrennatioa in refereaea
tne eale nnd manufacture oan be obuined kv
dreaaing ae above. aucli20 a
Attention, Lumbermen!
"rU' are now manntaeturinr our I.MI'ROV
HOOKS, mpeiior to any other in uae. We ha
a i to in nect a large quantity or Ceataoeka ni
ble for rafting i.urpoaea, which we an aelli
cheap foreaah. AMOS k R. KEXNAHD.
llc:,rncl.l, I'a, Manh 11, ISTl.
l AUTI4IN. All pcraonl are kerehv eaitiai
J ed atralnel buying or in any way mejdlia
ailh the following properly, now la ihe pa
linn of W. W. Bowman, of Curwcnirille, Pa.f
wit i One two horae waron. 1 brown marea. 1 w
rel borer, I black horae, 1 bay itallioa, i or
horaea, 4 pair log alexia, with ebaini, Ac., ai tb
belong lo ua and ere In hi! poaaeaaion on aw
Curwenavllle, Pa., March 10, 1871-lt.
P. QALLAOIinR having jnat retarned
.. -- 1 vw compirie aw
ment of Merrbandiac, luitable for IVimo ex
Rare mnA bnu.hl .1 l.w u . t. , J
nun the eillicm ol llontadala aad Vicinity
giKMia very ngni aa vance ea Bnt
A&ah. 1'i.nnlr. P-...I 1 t'V ! i . ,
j - hw c-aingiee t.
market itrie. I1. 1 1 . . l
, .... U . Ui I
Iiurehaallif elaewhere.
iiuaitoaic, re, ato. zs, 1871.10
lakre v
Are yoa In of a .....t .i r n
Are vau lo vumJ nt - . , y . i p. ii i u t
Jf , call at the Saddle and Harneea
"u'.a ij. HAnwirw. wher v-jw can get the rw"
'.ae martlet. Xrouhle and Binrle llarnea)
diea'and Uenl'i laaddleeof luperior worknuma
wwaye oa aaaq or maaniactu,4 te eroer. er
cial attention li callrd to my iloek of Collarn"
Hamei, which are the beet tt are. I alee he'tn
aaeortment of Haddlar' Hardware, whirk nil
dlapoacd of at rpMonable ratca. Fcpairiil et1
kinda promptly attended to, tfi.Dr.n'UurrHi
eall before purehafing eleewbera. 8hep il
Poal OAice, Market a I reel. Clearleld, Pa.
May 1, 1671-ly. JOHN C. llARWIfl-
The Irm of Jainee Dickey A Co. wal 4
aole.l an February in, 11,71, bv aia'eal eea";
and William 8. Di'rbey haa aaaoeialed wilt
bn ion, Jamea Dickey, under the name led
of William H. Dickey k tten, in the buiiie'
general mrrchandiiinf and dealing In 'J
aquara timber, and ail kinda n rawed la""
Ihioglea, Ac,, al Ulen Hope, Cear6rld count.'.'1'
at St, Lawrence Church, Cambria county, TV'
Jamea Dirkey will give the log and llnal-er ka-
neaa hi! rterannal I. It. ill Ka leOM 1
the old aland at (Ilea Hope, where good)
ewu aa ipo lovcat prleel peeeieie, ana (
Sgurea paid fu loga and limber. D-. - 8 ''
line will b. foona .1 Kl readv
on hii frirudi. The Iootor ia a clever felk; '
no. ace him. All the acconnle of Jamea i"",
k Co. will ha aiiUJ k William I. Dickey I8"
W. ik. 4k .... -. .u.. r.i j. r.. . eie4en
liberal altoage apd nek a aontiananee el ;
nine. WILLIAM g. HH KEV A 6'
uiea iiopo, a., aco, ai, lafa-am.
1 1 I0,0,v mill of Wall Paper, mchi: