GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, Diroa aaD raorntaroa. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WKDSESPAT MOHNIXO. FEB. 28, tUTI. DemocratU Stale Contention. Pureuent to a reeolutloa of lha Deioooralle State Bxoeutiv. CntnutiUee tbli day .doiit.d, a Demo. ratio Stat. Convention In nuuitiari equal to tho rapraaantatlon In botb nouses or th Legislature, la borrby called to lucel in Heading, Pa., on Thursday, May 30tU, 1H7I, at II o'clock A. ., to nominata candidate for Governor, Judge of tha Huprama Court, and (should tha Legislature 10 determine) for Auditur Ueneral and delegatee at large to tha Conitltutlonal Conrcntlon, aud alio to form an eteotornl ticket and it-liot senatorial And representative delegates to represent the State en tbe Jfemooratio National convention, Br ordtr of the Eiecutive Cominitto.. WM. A. W.U.I.ACK, Chairman - Attest i Wm, M'Clii.i.and, Bee'y. Harrisburg, February I J, 1871. Tabt The Aje suyn tbitt resigna tion nnd sentence to tlio ponllontiury re fust breaking up the Grnnt party in Philadelphia, JilOHT -Grnnt'a dulcgntot from South Carolina are nil Federl offico hulders. Of course his chances will not suffer -at their hands. . . Retired. V. P. Hustings has with drawn from the Punxsutuwnoy Plain dealer, And the paper will hereafter be under tho control of Messrs Keck k Cosson. Success to all concerned. Tli Pbick. A committed of tho Kansas Legislature has just reported that Mr. Caldwell, the new Radical United ' States Senator from that State, paid tho members of that body $00,000 for his scut. Of such stuff Radical statesmen are manufactured Just So. The New York Herald seems to think that the United States Senate is filled with demagogues. That Is a fact. Out of the 70 mem- bors, less than one-third are states men in the truo son so of the term. The Cabinet, also, is made out of tho s mo material. Sxobbkry. Lieut. Fred. Grant pre sented Generut Sherman' to tho Pope oo the 10th. Fred, is showing tho Cneral around pretty well. We sup pose lie win learn the old warrior some manners, by the time he gets him home. Glang! Undo Sam foots the bill. Travel on, Fred, while your dad 18 President, and make a lion ol yourself. Douoino. The Investigation of tho Evans robbery has been stopped, the allegation being made that he is nt the point of death in Philadelphia. We suspect very much that this is a ftiaAufoctured case to keep Evans away from IJarrisbnrg until after tho adjournment of the Legislature, so t . . t I n I I i t . . i vuuv tuts uugo iuiuiuui ruuuury ui wie Treasury can be covered up. Quite Wo notice by a number of our exchanges that the Devil has been troubling some of tho conductors on the maine lino of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and that Old Xick tuked an occasional rido on the cowcatcher of engino Ho. 477. If there aro no worse devils than tbe conductor of that train, some of the employes of the road will mako a .happy escape. ; Obituaby. Col. Samuel N. Bailey, an active Democratic politician, died at Dillsburg, York county, on tholSlh, in the 02d rear of bis airo. lie repre sented York for three years in the Jowor House of the Legislature, from 1842 to 1844. lie also served as clerk for nine years in the Auditor General's office, under Messrs. Banks .and Fry. From personal knowledge no know that York county has lost pne of her best citizens. Tdejb Ticket. Tho National Labor lUeformeiV Convention, which mot at Columbus, Ohio, on the 21st, norains 4ed Hon. David Davis, of Illinois, for President, and Hon. Joel Parker, of New Jersey, for Vice President. Mr. .Davis, is a states rights Republican, -and is at present ono of the United .States Supreme Judges, and Mr. Parker is tho Democratic Governor of 'Wow Jersey. They are both good men, but we suspect , that they will un far in tha rear next November. Pretty Good. Tho best feature of 4he limos is that even the negroes are spewing out the carjiot baggers. Here la wliuLa tnlllh Pnrrilinn nairrn numnl ..... Delancy has to say to Governor Scott. It is short, forcible and suggestive : T ;. - b i t'.. ii - . VourA Carolina I have lbs honor herewith 4o resign my position pi Aid-deCainp, with Iba rank ol McHtiiKnt-Coloaef, nn your staff. Facte Alia inoet palpable hare developed theioMlvee to euco an extern mat I oennot, witn respect to my aalf, and Justice to tlie cauee of my race and the people in general, longer continue the relation without a oumpronilao of principle. I bare the nuur to pcjtr, yonr most oneiiieot tcrvaot. M. It. Dnki. If that is not a flro from tho rear at ,l!ia "while cuss" who is playing Gov Amor in the Palmetto State, we aro certainly mistaken. South Carolina. This old, proud, tut used up Commonwealth, has do o lured or .y rant, and sends tun dele gates to tho PltibJelj)lu convention, sii of whom are negroes and four -while men. Among tha latter Is the scalswag, James L. Orr.oncea Demo--enrtto Congressman from that Slato aod Speaker, and the carpet bagger, ibn J. ratlerson, of Mifflintown, I iiniU cop.piy, f. ff these six ne groes and fqur whiles ore cj the rep re .tentative men of the Stale Jl la no wonder .the 8ipV treasury bat been erobbed ff twiwity miljlow 6 dollirs Cnnnot o Helped. Two weeks ago we said something about a socrot organization which we understood was nboot commencing business in Ibis place, and, deeming it a useless entorpriso, we so expressed oursclf. , We have a method of assail ing quackery of every kind, and wo treat quack philanthropists as we do quauk doctor or any other of the humbug vagaries which are being constantly brought to the surfaco for tbe purpose ot robbing some and en riching others. The editor of iho Journal took us to task fast week for what wo said about tho ''O. of U. A. M." We are sorry we cannot accommodate him with nn apology. We adhere to what we then said, but most emphatically denounce his method of interpreting our lan guage, and for a full-fledged, front scat church member to engage in such dirty work, is indefensible in morals and not warranted by "onlightoned public sentiment" or tho church. We are sorry wo occupied so much spaoe in tho Journal last week. It shocks our modosty. Jlut we will try nnd sleep off the nightmuro in a week or two. mm m .4 Cut Direct. Tho Radicals are certainly goreing each other those times to a dugroe re freshing to honest people. The N. Y. Tribune says : "About the ooolcet thing that hai oooured thii winter il a resolve of a filate Convention of the faction dominant In South Carolina In thaeawordn "foveff, Br the Union Hepuhllean party of the Slat, of South Carolina, in Convention ai cmbled, that we indorea tha administration of President U. n. urant, in its wise and suoocaerul Ananoial policy, which has reduced tba national dubt, while lessening the publio laves, and at the same tlma preserved full faith with the public Considering how these rasoals hava sold thum selves to meaiiurless infamy over and over by ateal Ing their poor Htate poorer than she ever was be fore, quadrupling her aspenvas, doubting her debt, and trebling her talea, this rosolre strikes ns as tba Cbimboraio ol trapoatura and villainy.' Pap Greoloy may bo right in pitch ing into the negroes nnd scalawags of South Carolina, but it is certainly un kind toward his friends in Clearfied, who met two wouks ago and passed a similar "financial policy" reeolulion Grant told us that he had "no policy," but his "colored brelhcrn" in South Carolina and the loynlists of Clearfield have- evidently picked one up, and understand each o'.bor perfectly. We hope Philosopher Greeley will with draw his offensive truths, so fur as they relate to this country. Jcst Likk Them. The fool-killers in Congress are about passing an act taking off the duly on tea and coffee. If so wo presume they will next put liquoro and tobacco on the free list. If tho expenses of the goneral govern ment mint bo mot by a tariff tax, why not place the ombargo on the luxuries instead of the necessities of the coun try f Wo say tax the former and let the lattor go frco. If a man has the means to indulge in luxuries too, coffee, wines, whisky, cigars and to bacco let him pay for his freaks. But take tho tux off the bread, butter and clothing consumed by the poor and luboring millions. Let those who want to danco pay tho fiddler, is an old 6aying, nnd our Congressmen must be very cclcBlial in their views if tbay cannot soe the tariff businoss and the real interests of tho country in that light. Tnc Contest. Tho muddle caused by the election of a Senator in the Fourth district has been put into a practical shnpo uftor two weeks do bato in tho Legislature. Tbo Mu- Clure-Gray contest goes on. Tho com mil too chosen to try tho case con sists of Messrs. liuckalew, Dill, J. D. Davis and Hrodhcad, Democrats, and White, Mumma and Fitch,-Rcpubli-cans. After all their display of Legis lative legerdemain for over two weeks, the Radicals are defeated. Four Democrats to three Radicals is just what tho former did not want. Tho contestant will now got a fuir bearing, and tho loyal Philadelphia mode of conducting elections be fully exposed. This isjust whnt tbe virtuous White, Mumma k Co. did not want. To Hand. Tho free and lively wo men who want to vote, led on by Mrs. Stanton, Buechor, Howe, Susio Anthony, and tlio Woodhull-Clufllin fraternity generally, having fuiled to secure the Judiciary Committee of the United Stutcs Senate to give them a hearing, huve issued nn address "to the editors of tho United Slates," set ting forth thoir grievances. These women it appears aro nearly dying for want of ja voto, but wo cannot help them. The "memorial" before us shows that those womon study every thing except tho duties of a wifo, mother or Jaeiy. All tho advico wo can givo them is to go homo and stay with thoir husbands and children, in stead of gadding around Washington and other largo cilics, quit jeopardiz ing their virtue and pursuo thoir moth erly callings with houor. a a Am Apolooy. Wo aro sorry that our article two weoksago,in reference to Junior Know Nothings, gavo the editor of Iho Journal so muuh concern lust week, in perverting our lunguago. If in his position of Deacon and Sun day School Suporintondent, he distorts and inisinterprcls the Biblo as out rageously us he did iho article in ques tion, he is certainly a dangerous trans lator and educntitr, so fur as orthodox theology, sound morals and truth are concerned. To any .that we named any mechanic, is an untruth so nn ked and brazen that even "the fulher of lies" would hesitate ttcpro uttering one of similar magnitude. Rail Road Accident. A terrible accident occurred on the Iouisville ft Cincinnati Jtsilroad on Friday. he train was precipitated over an em bankment Qf thirty feet by the break ing do.wo it a bridge. Jl'wo pnswen gers were- killed outright and fifty .th.W se.'.itt wpoiidrj. Coupon Vara. Drownsville, Pa., had a 950,000 flro ou the lQlh. Dr. MoCosh is daneorouhly ill at Princeton, No Jersey, of pneumonia. Governor Gesrv has vetoed the Phil adelphia Drng bill for various reasons. Tbe Income Tax for 1871 is to bo collected. This is one of tbo pot meusuros ol General Grant. The locality of the present session of the Nebraska Legislature is being tested in tho Supremo Court. The snow drifts on tho Pacific rail road In many placoa are one hundred feet high, or doep, just as you liko. Tho irico for violating a marriage vow in Pittsburgh is now fixed at tl,- 500. and is termed "Hearts easo." Tho Easton Artjus, in an able and earnest editorial, urges tho selection of the Hon. Charles R. Buckalew as tbo Demon a'.iu cundiditto for Gover nor. Tho Monarchists In Franco aro un usually aetlvo at tho nresont time. They evidently hope tor a restoration. And this qrder will add to thoir com fort. Samuol Wagner, E-q., for many years cushier of the York Bunk, diod suddenly nt his residonce in Washing ton City, on Saturday last, aged about 74years. The last spun of the great bridge across tho Missouri . River at Council Bluffs, Iowa, was finished on Tuesday. The Pacific Railroad trains are now crossing ovor it. The Harrisburg Teh-graph says, it is estimatod that ovor one third of our population at least eight thousand persons are amiciou witn me pre vailing disoase diarrhoea. Tho Now York Sun says: Tho Tummany frauds and robborics in Now York are a trifle compared to tho frauds and robbcrios porpotrnted through Urant s Administration. A Pouglikeepsio dry goods clerk, who lust summer saved Irom Orown ing the cook of a canal boat, has re coived a letter from her father, stating that "us ye saved the gal, she syourn." We must have "reform within the lines of the republican parly" shouts Forney. By all means, lot us have it. The reformation should begin at once will) Forney. Ho knows how il is himself. After a Southern State has been ohentod, robbed and oppressed until the carpet bug scoundrels aro obliged to run away, then their violims aro called Ku-Klux and placed undar mnr tial law. What security is there for the rights and property of the people of Penn sylvania when knavish clerks can "tel escope" bills through to the governor which have never been before either branch of legislature. The now railroad to Brookville from mouth of Red Bunk, to connect with tho P. & E. Railroad, is progressing finelly, and in about a roar from this time Brookvillo will oo "out of the woods." Tho Kansas IIouso In Committee of tho whole, has agreed to tho Senate hill providing that nobody bo bungod for murder until one year after convic tion, and not then, unless the Gover nor issues tho warrant for execution. Benjamin Beochor, of Lebanon, is in possession or a watch which he has worn for filty-throo years. He has also a ruzor which bus done sorvice for tbe same timo. Both articles are in good running order. In Boston, a life insurance company is contesting the payment of two policies aggregating (9,000, on tho ground that the insured life was rep resented as eobor and tempornlo, whereas it was in fact the reverse. The Democracy teom confident of winning a victory nt the coming elec tion in .New Hampshire. The Legis lature has made some modifications in the law relating to foreigners, which will add some two thousand rotes to the strength of the party. Nearly four million dollars' worth of steamers aro imperilled by the ex isting ice gorges along Ihe Mississippi. If the gorgos break up bJqwIv by Ihaw ing, little damsifo will be done, but if the river current forces Uiein apart the result will be serious. Rov. C. J. Shultz, residing in Bloom ing Grovo, not many miles distnnl from Williams port, has attained tho remarkable nge of 08 years. He was a soldier in Napoleon's army, and was present at tho battle of Waterloo. Ho has the appearance of living a few years longer. Mrs. Gordon, wifo of Cuptnin Gor don, Clerk of tho Circuit Court of Puniscot county, Mo., and her little daughter, thrco years old, woro so terribly burned by tho explosion of a cool oil lamp in thoir residence at Gupossa, on tho 28d ult., that they both died shortly aftor. Tho Louisville Courier Journal truly remarks that the Republican inembors of Congress who insist on ferreting out and exposing oflicial villainies are charged by Grunt's friends with aoling in the interest of tho Democrntio par ty. No higher compliment could be paid to Iho Democracy. Senators Paltorson and Wilson have trono to Now Hampshire to assist thoir Radical friends in the coming election. Wilson acknowledged that it is no use and that Grant's prosecution of tho New York Custom House small fry ihiovos is too lute. New Uampshiro is lost to Radicalism sure. Tho Pittsburgh Commercial says thnt Senator Cameron is a candiduto for vice prosident, and that his friends intend to givo him tho unilod voto of the Pennsylvania delegation. Tho Commercial thus explains tho action of tho radical central committee in conferiing on the statu convention tho power to select the delegates to thp national convention. The Verdict. Tho P'ttsburgh Jury in tho "brouch of promise" case of Miss Hultie Vuiikirk vs. J. P.John son, found for Iho Plaintiff in the sum of (2,600. Enough to heal tho wounds inflicted upon tlio sonsilive heart of Miss Hullio. Sho wuntod (10,000, but it seems tho jury did not "see it." Goon. The ISlow Orleans 7"i'ne says that Sonnlor Wilson of Muss., wroto to Horace Groeley, inquiring tho most approved method of .culti vating brtts. The philosopher's an swor was short, but to tlio point: "Persist in your efforts to have Grant renominated, and you yiJJ raiso a hugo one." Only Hatk. Tho Cleveland Herald, Republican, thus goes fur that God forsaken wrotcb, Urownlow t If thcro is ono thing moro disgusting than another, it is tha exhibition in the United States Senate of a confirmed paralylio or qripnlo whose only ac tive member, a loul tongue, seems still capsule of pttoring tho lowest slaog of the pot bouso. Poor Brown. I low, thoro secns nolhjng Iqft of him ' , by t bjs remw) j JuiHre nt ImI. Tho Philadelphia liuihlin.ano of the Radical oi trnns of that city, has at last bocame so disgustod with tho conduot of tbe corruption ring that it has taken to lashing them in regular Democratic style. In alluding to the McClure- Gray contest in me staio sonato, too editor says I A nor a long ana uitior contest, which few men would have had cour age to conduct to a conclusion, Col. McClure is to have u chance to present his claims to the seat in tho Senate, now occupiod by Mr. Gray. The hon esty of a few decent men In tho Leg islature has compelled that body to consent reluctantly to the lormation of a committee, and il is probable that the investigation will tiogin at once. We are not very well sutisllod with Iho nominations that linvo been made for tho Republican side of the com mittoo. Messrs. Whito and Mumma aro both rdedired to socuro Mr. Gray in his sent ff possible, and Mr. White has ao conducted himself throughout this contest that he will not act with any regard for fuirncst in his new position. If ho had nosscssod the smallest unr- liolo of good tasto, or the least regard for propriely, he would have refused to serve upon a jury when bo has com mitted himscll to give a cor tain ver dict. But propriety and good laste are not his most prominent qualities. Wo boliovo, bowevor, that tho fact:. which will be prosontcd by Col. Mo Clure wil! mako il impossiblo for even Mr. While to vole for his exclusion, wilhoul ruining himself. Jf Col. We Cluro has a chance to offer nil tho ovidenco that is in bis haads, Ins suc cess is assured, unless justice sliull be shamefully insulted by the majority in the Senate. The investigation has been opposed with such intonso bitter ness becausa tho Gray faction are aware that McClure can show that the most monstrous frauds ovor per pelrated outsitlo of Mow York city were committed in behalf of Gray at the recent election. Now that this testimony is to bo offered, the result is hurdly doubllul. Col. McClure will take tho scut and Mr. bray will re turn homo bearing n burdon of re sponsibility lor the ollences commuted in his behalf which will probably make a further political career impossible lor him. A Business Movement. Tho Phi) ipsburg Journal snys : The lumbermen of this region are petitioning iho munagcrs of the 1. 11. 11. for a reduction in tho rales of freight upon hemlock lumber irom all points upon tho J y rone and Llonrnclil branch to points east ns fur as Philadelphia, and west as lur as I'lltsuurgh, to en able them to work this linn her and place it in tLe market. Tho present rates ol freight are equul to a prohibi tory tart It, and it their petition is lu vorably received by iho company it will open up a vast trade now pruvli cully excluded, and tho company will be .t lie gainer by incrruso of shipments to an extent that will more than Lul unco tba reduction in Ireigbt. German Is Lo be Lht (ifTit-inl luni'tiacr-A in Alsace and Lorraine. No bolter way ol keeping the poople apurt could OU lll1Vlhl.ll. $fiv amtisrincnt. JTEW STORE IN HOUTZDALE! P. GALKAti HER having ji:it relume J fn,ra tbe Mit with an ntira new and coon !( a i tort ment of Merchitndit, aaitable for Winter and 8 p ring trade, which baa been acleottHl with great rara and bought at In nvtri, i prepared to fur Difb tht oilltrnf of Houtidala aud tiritiitr wiib goodi at Trj light advance on flrit coit for oaVAh. lountrj prfHjuea and humglet Uken at uarkat prices Call and J amine m) ilock before parcntuiiig citewovre, V. flAU,A.IIKR. Iltmtidalo, la Feb. 2, 1872-1 SAAC JOHNSON k SONS, Manufacturer! and Dealers in Hoot and LHlioe! Ladtei', MiiM and ChlMren'i (iattnri. Men'f, Boyi and WnmmTj Hcavj Root', and urogana, to., o. Flora and ahop on Reoond ttrvet, nearly oppo ilta I. V. lltgler k Co. 'a hardware ttnty Feb. 13, WMj CXKARPIfil 0, PA. "VT4TICR. In the aotjrt of Common pleai of Xl Clearfield aounty, I'ennijlrania. j Jii. K. Orr, j r. No. 243, Man T. Wl O. W. Gibbon; G. W. Foreign AttaJiinrnt. ilitrkin. Uarniphee. J t And now,24tb February, 17?, Mewr., Wallace t r iHuing, Attorney! for Plaintiff, enter ila upon tha Prnlhonotary to aMtit daraagei In ah itated na, which dtiHei will b attended to at tbe Pro tbonotarv'a office,. In tbo borough of i1arfleld, on the )6th day of March next, at 2 rlork, P. M. The elm in In thfa cane la three, htrfron dol lar! and eighty-four eenfa, aa of lh ;0i day of february. A. I, 171, awing for liiiunra, Ac, aold and delivered by aid Plaint f to taij Dcimrirint. f CertiBod from the Keeord at C It a r tie I L tbe 2Mb rehruarr, 1H72, I Feb, 2M-.1t A. C. TATK, Proihonotary IH'KNttE NOTirKfLWTh following per J ion i haw filed in the office of the CI!, or the Court of Quarter HeMione of C lea H, !! oounty, their petition! and bonda for Lioeniri at the March wiotn neil, agreeably to tt net of AswmblT, entitled "An Act to regulate 4 be aale of Intoxieatiug Liquora, Act HOTKIs Ml BTftB. William Hcbwera.Jr. Adam Kneri. (leorge Knarr , K.J. William HoWrt Lmnnrd... Andrew Ula , . Imko Ilennllt.., H. II. Row John F. Young John DiHighoaty John Fouls. Lawrence Flood tlangolph Miulti Peti-r iarnier , J. 0. Bergry Amu Id Hchnnrn David CVntoJifl Kline W. Walk W. W. Irwin William HUilr Kben Turner William J. I.nnhy Thoinm Hurley , lllram Straw Joseph tlililanl Kmanurl Hchtiarr Jumeit Ii. Curry Joseph Klcnbower. (leorge W. Deris William II. I'tnoer....,, ,,,,,,., J nmet llahtr!hain.H ,. Thou HorFlrv T. F. Iloallc'h JmJiq C. llenderton , William Parkr T errant Keonen , , Charlen Helper. .... Jttlio Nheepar.. Brady Rrady Hraily Bradford Hradford RurnRhle Rurnsitfe Clearfield Clenrfleld ClenrBeld Curwensville ..(.Coyington Covington Covington Covington Covington Decatur , , Deeaiur (Jo hen llu l-h .ulhh Ilu'ton , HnMon Jordan , Karthaus knrthAtii Lumber City 1 Morris 1 New Washington O woo la Osoeoln Osceola I ...Osceola Oseeola Oscpo!a 1 ,MPcna Penn I'nion 1 Jnmfi Carter., Woodward i Charles KeeneyH Woodward I P. P, Donnelly. .Woodward Obwrge W. Miles.., ,, Woodward ,. Woodward Oeorge Charlton ,.,, K. Smiles MRRrAXTiLn Lfcnan. John Sberlck. , L. M. Coudrli-U. Corrvetl A (..,.,. Patrick Dnnn James Dunn ....,.,... Jesse S, Williams- ..Woodward Rrady ...Covington Haston Oseeola . Wood ward ..Woodward A 1.0' Samuel Prpxton.. Joshua R. Jtrnwo , A. M. 11 iff ftta James JlU-y Peba'28, 1872. " 9 Means.. ....Rrsdjr ,,Ososol ms Woodirard Woodward A. C. TATK, Clerk. rAJIT.KUI-oflnO Ho. 1 SA-lneh ftarrd I afllNOLS, for which the hlcheal oiarkat pries will be paid. P. M LLAfj IICR. ont Hale, fth, It " ' j tw flffrtisrmftita. ADMINISJTRATORH' NtlTll i-Nollo. 1. berabjr given that letters of administration on tha estate or QKOKUH MUYKH, deceased, lata uf Orabam township, ClearAeld County, l'a hating been dulj- granted to tha undersigned, all persons Imlelited to said estate aill please niabe payment, and those having claims or demands will present man nroperij aoin.nur.irn ivr .. tlem.nt. JAMKH MOVKR, UANIKL WMKAL, Feb. J8, 1S71-SI. Administrators. Road Letting I NOTICE Ii hereby cl"H that tbe itnderalftied Bunerviaort of Lawrenoe township will re oeire proposals until 8ATI RDAY, the loth day oi ma mil next, (or ine grauing, nnuging ana eoaiplatlng of new pnblio road leading from James Irwiu'a faroi, in Lawrence township, to tha township line between Uoshen and Lawrenoe near tho mouth of Liok Hun. Proposals must state tha prioe per rod or for the whole work. Tho Supervisors will meat at the resideoee of Henry Mead on the day designated above, where all who sve fit can attend. THOMAS LA NIC II. JOHN R. PARKS. J. B. SHAW. Clearfield, Feb.2B-3t. JAMKH 1UIOWV. COURT PROCLAMATION. XirilEHKAS, Hon. 0. A. MATER. President TT Judge of the Court of Common Plant of the Ttnty-fifth Judicial District, composed of tba oouotiei oi uiearneid, tent re and Clinton aod Hon. William 0. Foley and Hon. Jobs J. Rbao, Associate Judges of Clearfield county nave issued tneir precept, to me directed, tor .be holding of a Court of Common Pleas. Oir'aana' Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Ooi:t of Over net Terminer, ana tourt ot ueneral .Jail Deliv ery, at tbe Court House at Clearfield, In end for the oounty of Clearfield, commencing on the Third Monday, iHtU day of March, lHt, and to continue one week. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to tbe Coroner, Justices of the Peaoe, and Constables, In and for said county of Clearfield, to aupeor in their proper persons, with their Records, Rolls, inquisitions, laminations, and other Remem. bra noes, to do the t binge which tm tbvU uOuea, and In their behalf, pertain to be done. GIVEN under my band at Clearfield, this 28th day of February, In the yoar of our Lord ont thousand eight hundred and -evenly. two. JUSTIN J. PIE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of writsof IVW.dW poaas, Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Clear field oounty, and to me directed, there will be eiposed to public sale, at tbe Court House. In Iho borough of Clearfield, on Monday, tho ism a ay oi mareo, 1072, at 1 0 clock, p 1 the following described real estate, to wit : A certain tract of land sltuato la the village of lluutnlale, Woodward township, Clearfield ooun ty, Pa., and known in the plan of aaid village as No. 8, and being about sixty ((10) feet by two hun dred (200) feel in slw, with the buildings burned off. Seised, taken In execution and to be aold as the property of Isabella Perfing and David f era ing. Also, certain tract of land sltuato la Osceola borough, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded on tlio south bf (Mono street, west by Mays alley, north by Decatur at Iff, and east by lut So. liti in said town l'lot, with large two-story framo house tharooh, suitable for twa or three fumiliee to lire in. teiicd, taken iu execution and to bo sold as tbe property of Cbarltts n, Bullock, deceased. Also, a certain tract of land si'nate in Karthaus township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded aod de- serilaed as follows, to wit! On the north by land of Charles Conoway and other, on the west by James Howe, south by land of II. BumganJner, and ran by ttousb 1 containing 6U acres, more or leu, aud having about ? acrea cleared and tog house aod barn thereon. Hclted, taken lo execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Michaels, Also, a cwrtalu tract of land slfue'e In Penn towofbip, Clearfield eouuty, Pa, boundvd and described as lollown, to wit 1 Iicginnlog at a cber. ry at corner of Derrick and DoutrrifrtT land : tbrooo south 2$ dujerees west 68 S-iti perrhes to stone; tbeooe south 6.1 J degrees r?t ad 4-10 perches la mall hemlock 1 thence north 2H degrees eaft bH 3-10 perches to stonea, near beerh corner of Kenton A Fullertou; tbenoe north 63 degrees west 06 110 perches to place of beginning ; con taining 20 acres. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold aa the property of Jacob S. Kb after. Also, a certain trwrt of land situate In Krler- tnwo, Morris township, Clearfield county, Penn'a., bounded and descrtlted as follows, to wi On tbe west ny jovepn f. tirenncr, north by land of Jos. Potter, east by Sebastian SanorofL and aourh h Front street ) oonlaining one half an acre mure or lets, and having a frame bouie and shop thereon erected. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William L. Merrell. - Also, a certain tia-t of land situate In Drady townfthip, ClearuYld oounty, I'a., bounded by land of Pri'scott, lUberling aod others, containing A acre, being nearly all cleared aud having a log houe, frame barn and g k-I orchard thereon. Seised, taken In execution and to be auld as tbe property of William Poeley. Also, a certain tract of land situate In Coving ton township. Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and dosoribe l as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of John J. Pirnrd, and eat, south and west by lands of L. M. Coudriet ; containing 10 acres and having a mill site on the preinitis. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of muuipiun umnancf j nomas ioompson. Also, two certain tracts of land ltua'e In Wood, ward township, Clearfield county. Pa., No, 1 bounded east by land of William Wister, south by land of Mrs. Ourkey, west by Clearfield ereck, and on the north by land of I). Reman 1 contain ing 12 aires, and having about 40 acres cleared and a house and barn thereon. No. 2 bounded west by land of David Philips south by land of jonu u. Aiexanner, east r-y land ofThumas Dixon, and north by land of Dr. llouti) oonlaining 40 acres. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Ileutal. r-BMderB will take notleo that 15 percent, of tbe purchase money must be paid when the property is knocked down, or ft will he put np again for sale. JL'STIN J. PIK. SBaairr! Orrira, I Bherlff. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 26, I B72 1 SherilTs Sale. )Y !rtn. tt writs ol t'itri A'oei'n.. Is,aed J I sat of tho Court of Common Pleas rt Clear eountr. and to m. dlraoKd. tb.r will hm ipossd lo PUBLIC FUI.K, at Ih. Tourt Hoax in tns tornnirn or ClearBeld, on Mondaj, tha lsih dajr of Marrh, 1S73. at I o'clock, p m., tha following K lata, Is win All Defendant's lalarast in all that aerUIn lot of .round eituala in the borouih of lluntsdala. ClearSeld wmnlr, Pa, beinjr on tha west aide of Hrlstiin strort. and uinndi-d oa Ihe north east by lot of II. r. (talea, and known as lot No. S4 in the plot of said boruunh, and bavin, thereon .reeled . nlank dwelling house ISs.tS feet In sise. rleised, taken in elocution and lu be aold aa lha pronert, ofll.J. Mrliowan. Also, all that certain pie, of ground sitnat. In Moulsilale,eounlof ClrarSeld.and Hl.leof Penn srlranla. on Ihe aorlh of Hannah street, and run ning north lit feel to alley, known and designed as lot No. IS in Ihe general plot of said lown, ana naving a two storr plank bouse and plank or frame stable thereon ervotrd. Helsed, taken In execution and to b. sold as the nrnnertr of Jobu Smiles. Also, sll Defendant's Interest In that aertata tract of land situate In Woodward township, Clear field eountr, Pa., beginning al a hemlock corner at or near tha nnrlb wct corner of tho .ri.inal survey thence, hr land warranted la the name of Uoorge liaker, Jr eoulh 40 degrees east I2S perches lo a whits oak thence ltr residue of tract north SO degrees aa.t tilt perchoa to a hemlock sapliogi thene. h rcaidu.of Iraot aorlh .0 de grees west 17S perches lo a post t Ihenoa by land warranted In Ihe name or John AlcAbnn, aouth ot) degree, weet I M perches lo the place of beginning; containing 102 acres and 111.1 perches and allow ance baring a small fram. bous. and stable thereon erected. Seised, taken In execution and ;to b. sold ss Ihe properly of Robert Alexander. I Also, all tha Inleresl, right, litis. Ac, in on. 'tract warranted in name of John MrCehon, eon Lining 311 acres and 1 4.1 perches, wore or less, sitna'e In Woodward townslitri; one tract In war rantee name of Uenjamin Wilton, containing 242 kcree and 1 22 perches, mora or le.s, situala in Hue lirh township ; op Iraot In warranto, nam. of John Fkjron, containing 7V acres, mora or less .iiuate in Iiccatur Inwn.hlpt on. Iract In war irantM name of of Thomas Kdmunstnn, containing ; 72 acre, aud SS perches, more or less, situate in Decatur township. Helsed, taken In execution, and to he sold as tha property of K. V. llala and James it. natsoa. Mr-Bidders will tak. nolle, (bat II par tent, of taa pureasM nonay must be paid whan tha property is knocked down, or II will h. put up again Cor sale. i USTIN i. PIK, Hnaatrr's Orrtru, I Sheriff. ClaarSrld, p.., Kab. in, I HI. J SherilT's Sale. T)T Tlrtu. of writs of Lmri I'nrini, Is. 1 1 surd out of lb. Court uf Common Plea, of Clearfield county, and lo m. directed, I lure will ba espossd la Pl'HLIO Ih. Court Hobs, la Ih. borough of ClearSeld, .a Mon. day, lha ISth day of March, 1871, al I .'.look, f, in., th. following Real Estate, to win A certain two-story frame dwelling bouse, II t SO fret, with kilcheu attached. Is I IS feet In lie, attusl. In Osceola borough, ClaarSrld eountr. i'a., oa lot No. IMS, opposile tha M. It. L'hurch and on Ilia norlb-east corner of Blaonlird and Hale sunt, and onrtlllag. appurtanslit thereto. Seised, taken in execution and to ha sold aa lha properly of Jame. Conrad, ownor or refuted owner and .ontractnr. ' ''' T-Ill.l.lcrs will tak. notice tynl II percent of the piirch.s. money must bb iaid when lha properly is haooked dowJ)' -t It will ha put up again for sal.. ' VTIN 4. PIK. ' Poseur's Ornra, I , PlirrifT, llesrt.M, Is', .cch II, t1.J A1En.-A MII.I.ER to run a Grist Mill, MuittirU'l good reeoiuinenrlatiooa. to ...T. H. FOHCJfiy. Feb. Orahamton, nA JirSTItKJ aV CORTABLR KIEfl Wo hava printed a large nniuber of tho new FKR BILL, and will on the reeetpt ftl twsniv. Ave aanta. mall a noT tn anv address- PRIVATE SALE or VALUABLE PHOPKRTV! . The premises ooounled by Joseph Goon, at Bloomington. aro hereby offered at private aale consisting of about three acres of ground, a oona modioua and convenient dwelling house, a barn and usual outbuildings. Well suited for the pur- f ruses of a store property or a hotel stand. Prioe uw and terms easy. Inquire of T. II. MURRAY, fel.2l-St Clxarfleld, Pa. CAUTION. All parsons are hereby eaulloned against purchasing or in any way meddling with the following pervonal property now In the CosMssionof John C. Mills, of UM township! One ay and I gray horse, oows, 3 hogs, 1 store, 1 urninr sieq, piow, narrow anu log c-ubior. jo it jiroperty was purchased by meat Hburiff'i sale, and Is left with the said Milts suhjret to my order. Rgwor, Feb. SlL J. N. McCHACKKN. DISSOLUTION NOTICE 1 The firm of Jaraes Dickey A Co. was dii solved oo February I .'I, 1871, by mu'ual consent, and William 8. Hiekoy baa associated with bliu his son, James Dickey, under tbe name and flrm of Williatn H. Dickey A Hon, in the business of general uerohandiiing and dealing In law logs, square timber, and all hinds ol sawed lumber, shingles, Ao., at tllm Hope, Clear Add oounty, aud at U Lawrence tlburch, Cambria county, Fa. James Dickey will givo the log and timber holi ness his personal attention, lie will be found at the old stand at Uten Hope, where goods nill be old at the lowest prices possible, and tbe best fljfures paid for logs and timber. Dr. F. H. Nev liug will be found at Ht. Lawrence, ready to wait on his friends. The Doctor Is a clever fellow j go aod see him. All tbe accounts of James Dickey A Co. will be settled by William 8. Dickey A Hon. We tl.a-k Mrwanarnus friends tW their kind and liberal patronage and ack a continuance of the same. WILLIAM 8. DICKEY A BOX. Ulen Hope, Fa,, Feb. SI, 1872 3m. Ri:.lTCIt'H NOTICK.-Notlce Is hereby given that the following aoeounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of reeurd In this ulhoe for the impaction of heirs, Iflteei, creditors, and nil others in any other way inUiresLed, and will be presented to tbe next Or pbane' Court ot ClearUuld. oounty, to he held at the Court Honse, In the borough of Ovarii eld, oom mencing on the 8d Monday (being the loth day) of Marrh, A. D. Wl. Final aooonnt of John Morrow, exeoutor of W. W. Andorson, late of Bloom township, deceased. Final aocount of F.llis Hmcal, executor of Klita beth Hmral, late of llogtrs township, defeased. Final account of William and Litis H meal, ail minlstrators of Uoorge Soieal, late of Roggs town ship, deceased. Tartial account of John R. Carr, administrator of Harah A. Jury, late of tlirard township, dce'd. Account of I'hitip Rogers, administrator of Ma ry J. Kelly, late oi Osceola borough, deceased. Aocount of KlUabeth Mcbucker, administratrix of Uoorge rwbucker, late of Brady town -hip, dee'd. Hk'IIstrm's Orririt, I A. W. LKK, Clearfield, Feb. 31. I H72 lc. J Register. )IilLADELPlIIA. fi PR I N C, 1 872. FENTON, THOMPSON & C0.F OIT CIIESTMT STREET, Hare now In Flore, and opening dally, a targe Slock, bourlit mainly direct from llannfacturcra at 11011 E AND ABROAD r FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC Drcn Fabrics, Silks, Shaicls and Soarfs, While Goods, Linens. EMftrtOIDERIES AND LACEP, EinbraclnK all lha Koreltic, of Ik. Season, offered lo Ihe Trade by tb. piece or packafra at Ihe loweet market prloo. febll-lm ASKOUNCEilENT . OF TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY PORTF.K Sll AW, I). D. . IMPORTANT TRt'TII8t Having succeeded In getting a lighter tariff on material, benoe the Una and modtrvtt charge for partial and full eets of Teeth. I use the beat manufacture of teeth and other material. All operations registered aod warranted lo glra ser vice and satisfaction. Friends, reflect that my charges fr the inser tion of artificial and tbe saving of tho natural tee Ih are now the most reasonable in Pcpn'ylvania, Preeerr. your teeth .nd you preserve your health. Pulling of th. natural torth In a haaltbv, pre servative and useful condition is made a specially. Diseases and malfcirmatl'tns common to the mouth, law and asioci.te parts, are treated and corrected with fair eueocss. Kaaminationa and consulta tions raaa. It would be well f.r patients from a dlslanc to lei me know by mall a few days before coming to tho office. It Is very Important that children between Ihe age of six and twclv. years should hava tbetr teeth examined. Anamhrtics are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. DiFpoaition, and character are Judged by all the world by Ihe expressions of tba face, bene bow very dieastrous may tt therefore be for per sons to indulge aa expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, lo enjoy natural (not artificial) comforts and pleasures, respect and obey natural simplicities and Instinct. S, PtlllTKR MIAVV, D. D. 8. Office la Xcw Masonio Building, Second street, Clearfield, I'a. febl471 1872. 1872. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. HOOD, BONBRIGHT & CO., Are now offering at NEW STORE, Nos. 811, 813, 815 Market St., Asp No. 800, 808, 810, 812 Filbprt Sf ., rUILARKLPJilA, A mgaiceDj sl.iek qf SEASONABLE DRY dOODS, complete I all lis departments of Silks and lr.s floods, Prints, Qlngham. and Detainee, Ilea's aad Boys' Wear, Whit. Ilaoda, Linens and Flannels, Furnlihlng Ooods, Notions, en.t Bleack and lire w a, Ac, t.,jr, ' Also, just opened an .xtrnelv. Carpal and Oil Cloth Department. To' ill of which, Including mr choice Fnatial Breads of Philadelphia made gnode, they mpeetfujlv Inrlt. th. attention of Jhe Trade ' ' " fcn grtiQ ni fttmntt. rpilK I.ATBIT HOVKI f II K THE LATEST M0VE1 HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Second 81 real, nearly oppoilt, th. slor. of Weaver A Baits, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will eontiaue to supply Oa-Ir old aoil as meny nw eastuiaers as tnsy oonti, with PUKE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Ino'll'llng all pew remedies,) Patent Medicines, Psints and Oil,, fllais and Putty, School Books, Stationery, Paper, A..1 .Iso, . full lln. of Drug gist.' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brnihes, Toilet .ap. Pocket Books, A.., all of th. best quality. PURJi jyiyES AXD LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purpose, only, Pure Wbit. Imi, Colors of all kinds. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Pilot A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Extract,, Confectioneries, Bird Swd, Epic ground aod unground, of .11 kinds. SMOKERS AXD CIIEWERS Will find our slock of Ch.wing and mkiog Toliaooo, Imported and Do mestic Cigars, Snuff and Pine-eat lo b. of the very bst brsnds in lb. market LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kind, of ULASS WARE, OARDEX 8EKDS, klSICAL IXSTni'JIENTS and Musical Trimmings of .vary variety. Having a long exporicajee In the busloess. and an eilausireand well selected stock of auedicinea, we are enabled to IU Physician prescriptions al th. aotio. and on tha must reasonable terms, day and night. ' HARTSWICK A IRWIN. ClearCeld, Pa, May Jl, ISTMf. P. T. 1. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Panl, Dll. ItOYKItS PURB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleassnt and hcalth-glvtngTonlo slsictly vostabhs and manufactured from th. most pure .nd eholoe materials la not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a scientific compound, for tb. protection of the system and the cure of disease, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other Irrita ting propnliea, and will not disagree or offend tha most delicate stomach. A long private expert ncc ba. attested It. Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present offered lo Iba public oontaina s. muob medicinal rirtua, and yet so safe end pleasant to lake lis use Is ta mire disease, and It will pot .ret. an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will cur. Ih. effects of dissipation. To increase Ih. Appetite, I'SI IT. To promote Digestion, I'SK IT. To our. Dyspepsia, USE IT. To euro Fare and Ago., I'SB IT. T. cure BllllousMM, I'SB IT. To cure Constipation, t'8B FT. To care Chronic Diarrhoea, I'SB IT. To nr. Heartburn, I'SK IT. To cur. Flatulrne, I p'K IT. To core Acid Eructations, I'SB IT. T. cure Keirnus Dehillty, VP. It FT. To care Hydochondria, I'SB IT. To cure Sallownrss of Complexion, FSB IT. To cur. Pimples and Blotches, I'SB IT. For Omcral rroslralloa of liu Physical powers, I'SB IT, and It will euro you. Sold everywhere, at tl.lo por bottle, Man factored exclusively by A. I. SUA W, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offer, liberal inducements to tb. trad.. Oct. 17. ISflfMf. Q. R. BARRl-TJ. Attorney anp Counhf.lor atLw, clarfikld, pa. Having raelgned bis Judgeship, ba. resumed the preslioe of tbe lew In bis old pins, .1 Clear fiHJ, Pa. Will attend the courts of J.ffrrs.n and Kik oouutles wnen sp.ei.l1y rsiaiaed In connection with resident oounsel. 1:U:7S TPN()-one Horses for Sale! FI1IIB undersigned offer, for sal. TWENTY. 1 ONE FIRST CLAH8 llOUMjft, In good ooajltion. Principally large, strong Horses, suit able for any kind of heavy work. Purchasers will find It to tlrelr luteresl lo examine them be fore purchasing elsewhere. Inquiries answered by addressing PETER alrdKORUK, Feb. 14, IKTJ, crc.rSdd, Pa. 100 tJHKUI OF TIMOTHY IKKD and 100 bwsbels of CLOVER SKKD for sal. at ih. Corner htnrs, by ' " Vm. W. D. IBVIK. Curweniville, pa., Feb. If, 18it. VrcmjltJ, )Vhcre.,my wlle.SADIB WAH ij RUK.ilid leai. my bed and board ahou Qsfrmber I, IKTI, without any lust eaurr uf1 pro vqcaliowi 'I 'hereby' Mullcw all p.rinns'li.t to hsjW or Irud her on hy aceoanl, arl will pay no debts of h,r contracting. - . V. I.QCK PfKEV. flen Hop., Febraary !1 t. ' ' J ' p leu Hop., durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. Till WINTER TERM of fourteen werV,,,,. Monday, Jan. 1st, lo71. IEIIM8 OF TUITI0K. Reading, Ort bogrsphy, Writing, OI.J-tLn. wins, Primary Arlthmetla and Primary Ooography. ... ; History, Local aod descriptlva Ueogmphy with Map Drawing, Urammar, Mintal and Written Arithmetic... , Algebra and the Sciences , Instruction In Instrnmental must. ., ), Oil painting, 34 lessons ) Wan work w rr lull p.niouiars sella lor virouisr ClrarOeld, ScpU 7, lJ7Mypd. XEW VA8IIIGT0 ACADEMY, Clearfield County, Pa. 11HE BECOND 8KSSION of this InstltoHoi . will oommeaos on th first Mondsy of NoTtm. tcr neit. (Term, five tuontbs.) The oorrlculum of study will mhraeo twi snd Itiortmirh course In trery branch requisite prMtioftl od MoomIUbrd cducntion, Bprcisl at tent loo given io persooi desiring aulify tbtnnsolvcs for tba jirofcsslon tf tcacLing. Also, to rooal and Instrumental moslc. J'unils will bo ivdiuittcd at any tins darinr tks lusslon, and charged fro La time of entering to tba close of tba term. No deduction will La mttk Tor absence, except lu cases of protracted illim.. Htttdtmls desiring rooms for "clubbing" can t aemimuiodatcd at moderate rates, (iood boarding can be procured at lower ratn tnan any otner place lo toe eoonty. ihreedoi. lara per elt at public and prirate boosts, for particulars address . UEOAGU W. FNMP, Prloclial, eptSO'TI-tf Kew Washington, I'a. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male ud Female Classical High School, Each .Department Separate, IMatluct ml Complete lu Itself. Til B scholastic year of this InstltnHoo Is dir.. ded luto two sessions of fire aontbs (twrntj. one weeks) each. The first session commence h the first Monday In September, tht second, on tat Irst Alouday in February. Tbe coarse of instruction embraoes ertry tbing ntaessary to a thorough, practical and aoeomplit ed eduoation of botb Mies. Pupils will be admitted at any time and chirRd IVoni date of entrance to the close of the sen ion. No deduction will be made for absence, eietpt in eases of extsame and protracted Ulneea. Htudcnta from a distance eaa be acevmaodaM with board at low rates. For particulars, tend for oirenlars, or addresi Her. P. I. 1IAKH180N, A. M., July 26, 1871-tf. Principal. alaapMM M eal Estate tor $U. Farm for Sale ! XHB oodsrstgned, residing in ltogt tewnibip, offers for sate his farm, containing CM NDREU ACRK8 T6 aeret of which is clear ed and nndercultiratioa f baring thereon erectetl a frame dwelling hounc, log ham and the brasl eutbuildiogs, together with 129 bearing fruit tret and an exucllrnt spring of water. A three-lost vein of COAL and a three-foot vein of PINK CLAY, both open, which ean b area at any tia by calling on tbe premiere. Tble farm is sitwtci' one fourtb-of a wile from Wailaeeton station, os the TyruneA CIrnrfleld Railroad. Title indirna. table, and nossrefion girea at any timt. rsr further particular call on tbe premises oradlreM UKNHY A. rSMlMKL. IVallaectvn, Jaanarj 17, l;J-.lm. House & Lot for Sale or Rent! riUE undersigned offure for &ale er rent, apoa X. reasonable terms, a two story dwelliug, lot aud stabla, in Bloomiogton, Pike township. Fur terms, Ao., apply to LLU 15 1. BLOOM. Jftuua.y 3d, 1S71 tf. n;CT VIRGINIA Timber and Coal Lands FOR SALS! The following tracts of Timber aod foal Landi aro offered fr aale i Ont tract of 17,vo arret, lying on the Elk Hirer, in Webster eouuty tbres tracts lying on the suae river in Braxton eountr, two vf 0,uoO eeree each and one of l,u00 acres; and one iract containing 9,300 acres, lying oo the iiauley River, lu .Nicholas county. Tbe titles te there lands are perfwt. Any Inforuiitiun concerning thcav landscaa he had by addrersing U. 6. FLHOAL, .March 22, 1871-tf. Philipsbnrg, Pa: DENT AL CARD. Dr. A. il. IIILL3 TouUl may te his patients and ths nub lie genitrally, that, baring dissolved partnership with Dr. Shaw, he Is now doing the entire work of his office himaelf, ao that patients need not fear being put under the hands of any ether operator. Having obtained a reduction of the patent on tha plate material, I am enabled to pat np teeth mark tsheaper thaa formerly. I also hare Ir. fitnrk'i patvnt process for working rubber plates, whi'k make a much lighter, more elastic ai.d strorrer flate fur the same amount of mate rial, and pari shes the plate on both sides, rendering It tni"h mora easily kept clean, special attention paid (e the preservation of the nanrt teeth, nnd all wirk guaranteed entirely satisfactory to patients. t OfhVe at tbe old eornrr. opposite tha Is ha House. Office har from 8 to 12, a. m., and I ta A, p. m. Patient from a distance tkould notify me a few days beforehand uf their intention te suns. Always at home, unless ether notice ap pears In botb the eounty papera. fchU'71 J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Office over Irwiu'i Drag Store, CURWENSVILLE. PA. All dental -pem4luna. either im the mecbanicil or operative brand, promptly attended to aa4 tatisfactlon gnirsnteed. Hpeeial attention paid ta the ttratUK-til of disoate of the natural teeth, gams and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth sue cos fully eom-eted. Tveth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth Inserted, of tha best material and warranted to render sat isfaction. april2fl' l:ly THKRH to buy my PRY 000D7, 0RU If eeries, Qreensware, Qlassware, Irugi and Notions, Confectioneries, Au eheap for each. ; The subaoribcr Uib liCT to Inform hit old and new customers tfoyst be baa opened A VARIETY STORE IX GLKN 110PK, PA. And will sell goods at tirieei to suit the times. A liberal reduction will La made to customers buy ing at wholesale. t Call and examine rrv stock brfjie nurcha: 1 elsewhere, A liberal snare of public palronagtf If Sulioited, r. J. KEA0V. G If B Hope, Pa., Juae II, 1871. GREAT WESTERN BAZAAit, 130, 1SII, I ma, 1314 Market. St;, .' ' PHILAUKLI'llIAV Alwars op baqd a large'asenrttnent of new aoi aewmd haBd CKria-.. 4euboru,, e4 a(nri-at. and pul'ICc sale.7 . Falling and ftailMng-Tn. Onggiea Iroia t'O ' $173, llermaotowns (.hiding seals) froai ' Is $,iMI. IlorkawaTs (IrntWr Iriosaied) Ooia fC If fl.HJ. BrtH.oius, No Tfi Iluggies, Jnt" end Unriness Wegnns frvm $ VI) lo Uli. 8in.le Hw new from S lo "4 per sal. Double llarnw, Horn ?. lo124., Whips, lUltrrs, f)nt: Afghana, and .rsrrthing appertaining t. lbs business at rqttallv low prices. Uur anoifo is "Cheapn than lha Cheapest." aire as a mil e for. alsrwh.r.. Parlir. drsiring llnrsrs, atuLs.f ,rrir., W'l ons, Ac, will study Ibrir interr,! k V lronni" thla well. established llaaaar. Korsrsbept hr lbs daroraionlh. DAFJf' t El NT, Frh. T Urn. ' Tn PropHelors. AUANDSOMB MOUSTAC1IR! Prof, ft Troll's FHKNCII COMPOI Xn, MlU'STArlll, the grrat Hair Urower, will pre. w lllHKKH." inm a laiuri.nt Mouilach. Mill 8TACHB Whlsbars m tha smoothest Ism. WIIIHKHHS l'luant lo use. Sent t. "? address oa reoeipt of 4. e nts. U. T. BON I), Chralit. N. R. MS. T.olk mJ i'kMlnnt feUl'Ii-lj , Pbil,.flii. AUMIlTHATORll NIITIt'P Ncrtlf. Is given that letters or adeuinislratios on th. .slat, of M A K 1 JAMJ 1A IUM., are a, lata of llrll township, I'lestlM Mnnlr, Prna'a., baying bni dulr graalod lo tha unJorsiwod. all Ksreoae IwleMI tn said rtal will please asnk. naiedlat. pareae.t, ai.VI (buu ha.lng slsiai. ' doasawds will prasonl tBiorf properly MiheailwiaA tat settlomoalf rifhnil .hilar. ' ! d.VMRH alflg, r.n.W(la.--lpd. AJailalslrsKt f.