THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 21. 1878. Terms of Subscription. 1 1" paid in dvanoe,or within three month! ...$2 00 If paid after three and .wforo si months..... S 0 If paid after the expiration of six months ... I 00 - jCsT- All articles to injure Insertion In this .knnl.1 ! hknilpd In ftnrlv nn Tur1hv morning, m wo go to prow at 12 o'clock, (noon.) RELIGIOUS NOTICKS. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. J. H. M'Coitn, Pastor. Public Service every Sabbath, at 10 A. M.. and li v. JU. Sabbath Hohool at 9 A. M. Prayer Mooring every Thursday, at 71 P. M, Communion Horvioe, first. Sabbath of every month, at lot A. M. Ht. Andrew! Church F.pUropal Ror. Gftoiwia Uali.. Public Hervtoe Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and at T P. M .Sunday School at P. M. grayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. - Presbyterian Church Iter. Mr.BPTi.iii. "Public Service every babbatb, morning aod even Jng. Ifantiat Churf ll Rot. W. B. Skikwbr, Foe tor. Public scrriuos every Sabbath, morning or evening, alternately. St. Franc in Church Catholic Re?. T. J. McMaxi's. Mass at 10 o'clock A. M., on the second and fourth bundays of each month. Caught. Truo bills linve boon found in the United States District Court, at Pitts burgh, against George W. Barnes and Thomas JRilcy for robbing tho Tyrone Post Office last fall. Both KiniiT. A Mount Vernon, Ohio, merchant says he can get along without ad Tertising. To which the editor of the 77mm re plies, "vet, to oau a wagon run without grease ; but It grind and got hard." All Jones. A queer law suit is on the docket at Tyrone. The prosecutor u A. Jones; A. Jones Is defendant) the witnesses are members of the Jones family, and the ease will be tried be fore Esquire Junes. A report was put In circulation io the vicinity of Curwensville that a man has been lying sick with the small pox at FeuU's hotel, in that place. We are authorised by Mr. Fouls to ay that the report Is untrue and without foun dation. SimrwhNr.sfl Tlift LnnnnftLor Intel Hgtnetr says: A Jersey Shore lady puts lard on the stoop when she wants her husband to stay home of an eveuing. Barring an hour or so do- voted to rubbing hu bock, the time is pleasantly occupied. - In Tn "Rino." Ellsworth, of tlio Fhilipsburg Journal, has been elected a member of the Town Council of that font borough. He is cither after the "roughs," or expects some "pres ents" during the term. Look out, that you do not get paid off in kicks, cuffs and curses. Found Dead. Tho Elk Advocate of the loth says : This morning Phillip Iugle was found dead at the house of Jacob Miller, on the west end of Centre street. A jury was summoned by Chas. Mead, J. P., and an inquest held over tho it-wain. The verdtot was that deceased came to his death from the use of Intoxicating liquors. '- im . Might Learn. Tho Clarion Demo crat says a BrookvtUe man was recently asked to subscribe for a chandelier for the church. "Now,1 said be, "what's the use of a chandelier t When you gut jt you can't get any one to play on it." If that is so, It rook ri lie is not as it used to was. The story looks a little orotrn for a church member. The Twenty-Second. To-morrow Is the 22d day ef February, the birthday of "the first In war, first lo peace and flrBt in the hearts of his countrymen" Washington., This fast ago, however, seems to care but little for the day or the hero. The innovations made by several Imitators and their friends upon the day are quite visible in more than one sense. Patriotism, morals and the social rations all suffer more or less from the at tacks of avarice, ambition and pride. Another Strike. The minora of the Morrisdale Cool Co. struck on Tuesday, the I3th. The cause of the suspension is the demand of the miners for a chaogft in the weighing bosses. This was refused by the superintendent, and they forthwith "came out." The oompaoy are firm in their decision not to yield, and are taking meas ures to eject those miners occupying their tene ments from the premises. As this is not a strike for higher wages, it will probably not effect other mines. Philipiburg Journal. Cooling. The Uarriubuiic Patriot says the ice in the Susquehanna river is thicker this winter than it has boon for years past. At that point it averages fifteen inches. At Williams port It Is reported two feet thick, and at Munoy, where It Is being out out to make place for a boom( It measures twenty-seven inches through. If the lea should disappear suddenly, through warm rains and winds, a very destructive flood may be anticipated. In view of such aoontlngency many property owners along the river are making prep, arations to meet it. -To ConRE8poNDENTs.-"Sehool Dnd." You are evidently troubled with the same disorder your teachor is, and while you arc complaining about him he is alio complaining about you. To publish your communication would only get you and your friends Into trouble, and not cure the teachor either. Let the girls alono, and thoy will treat you In the same manner. "Winnebago." Your commnnication is as ssnr- ago as your name indicates, and while trying to scalp your antagonist, you might got scalped yourself. A newspaper correspondence will do no good in your ease. Fur yon to mind your own business particularly, and to got your neighbor to uo the some thing, Is the best cure for social m!s understandings. "One man is just as good as another" in this country, and your neighbor will not be convinced to the contrary. You might as well labor to run watur up hill, as to try to prove tnat might make right. More School Law. Tho following amendments to the general school law have passed mo nenate, and will no doubt pass the House due time. The first is si follows: krmo . fit t enaeted, ., That the word . bmw av insrnoti id me puve or tnoworu lour, in section twenty-eight, aet of May, one thousand eight hundred and flfty.fonr, and school directors ...... ;iiir mwn ma Knouts oi ineir rennoouve lllti-tnta In ......(.... a. .L i ' n Ti m. r v wvu.m in me year rotidtd, That the length of terra may rmain a at present, in district whore the maximum aracan of tax allowed by few to be levied for school pur poses, snail be found tnsiinVtmt to kef p the ncliools open a greater length of time ! Provuhd, That mo same ihall not apply to the city of Pbiladol phla and the county of Washington. ' The second eon templates a census and reads as follows t Skctios 1. It U nacttd, 4e., That the State j u'iuj(unuoni oi uommon nonools is hereby di rected to prepare and at the proper time transmit 10 me several boards of directors throughout the vummnnwitaun, suitable forms for taking an enumeration of all the children of reboot age, in cluding name, age, color, nalinry, time ofaitend- n , , ,V) unit, i rii anne at school during the preceding three y -auu uRuxm ui ann-auf n'isnt. ' ' Sac. 2. That the several boards of school di rectors shall, within four weeks aftor the general election in one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and within the same time every third year thereafter, place the forms aforesaid la the hands of the assessors of taxes of their rn.peotive districts or Wa.i-.lfl. ahnu Aiw U .k.ll 1.. - " W ID UIRKI ine enumeration In the mannor prescribed under the same obligation, and with the same penalties . f'r aoglect, as are now Impowd for like offenses oomm.tted in the discharge of their other duties, ; nd to receive the same rate of eompontlon .'said w mnr returns to the noart ofdlnwtors, who, when ftndrng the work done In a satitfaotory manner, shall give ft certio rate to that ofl,..t, signed by the president and secreUr.v, upon the pn sonlation of which, .ml not othorw w, to the county commissioners, or other aathorltue bv hm ik.i. ' . h, ih.ll lh. mi ,inp.o..tinn t. lowed b i'Hw.'J.J n.. i .i ' .... adelphu said assessors shall receive no additional compensation. Hbu3. That upon reeelving the returns from Ihe aseior, the several boards of dirtotors shall aL'sreirata thn . . . ! front tin Mtt Mn.t I i n ... , I uiFinaiiiD pntitoi, nu iran-mft ttiem wkth -their annual rrtxirts. ,l . - - "j mi- pnniT'vi me spfr6'aTy ihe b'Hird nt ootttrol. i fi - , . BuHiNtstj. In Decombor lust the iUsens of Clparfleld borough elected a complete new Town Council, all the members of whioh know something about business affairs. Whether the body has organised, or what it proposes doing in relation to the assessment of tho taxee and grading and Improving of the streets, we know not. That something substantial should be doue lo our streets all seem to agree, but no one leads off. The tax payors have for a number of years past paid the Interest on t.10,000, yt little has been dune, because It was not doue in the right manner, and if no "new departure" la taken, we will be compelled to pay tho interest on $30,000 for the next Are or ten years, and after that, with our streets in nearly as bad a condition as they wore three years ago, we will be compelled to borrow $20,000 to put our streets in decent order. Why not pass an ordinance) to borrow the sum indicated, $ j,000 of which eould be properly spent the first year, $10,000 the second and $5,000 the third year, and by that time all our streets would be graded and put In durable repair, io that but little expense need be incurred, except to pay the iutcrest $1,200 per annum. As it is, three hun dred and fifty Uxablcs are paytffg $2,200 each year, and our streets undraiued. Now lot u bor row the money and issue bouds therefor, redeem able twenty years from date, with a clause to can cel them after ten years, at the option of the bor ough authorities. Py pursuing this course we will beautify and render our borough healthful, and pay one-third less tax than we do now. Ilecause instead of assessing $2,200 tax, we need not go over $1,000 at the outside, and at the end of ten years there will be seven or eight hundred taxa bles, and if the bonds are left to run twenty years, the burthen will be carried by two thousand tax ablet. At tho present rate of taxation and improve- ment(!) it costs an average tax of $0.30 to eaeb taxablti, and the streets are still unimproved. Now, let us borrow $20,000 for ten years, the in terest of which If $1,200, or about $3.40 per taxa ble, a little over half what we are now paying. According to the present programme, each taxable will be oompelled to pay $63 for street purposes in the next ten years, or an aggregate of $22,000, and If we add the interest, $6,000, it will amount in all to $28,000. Now which does the sensible taxpayer prefer? The system which compels him to pay annually $0.30 and the streets out of repair, or the plan of psying$3.40 or $1.00 and the streets well improvtd. And more than this : Proporty In a borough im proved as indicated Is worth twenty per cent more than where everything Is dilapidated. Are we foolish enough to pay tho iutcrest on $30,000 for ten years hence and then go and borrow the money still f We will see, If we lire lo long. The Right Man. The Chiof Bur- gess of Kaston declines to affix hia signature to certain bonds ordored to be issued by the Council of the borough, becauae doing would be a vio lation of the borough ordinances. He is eertainty a sensible man, and a remarkable Radical. He certainly never went to school in Philadelphia, New York or Washington, or ho would have signed the bonds and kept them and dividod them among his family, Returned to Practice. It will be noticed by bis onrd in this issue that Hon. George R. Barrett has returned to the Bar, and will prae tico in the several courts of this and adjoining counties. The Judge was a good lawyer before he went on the Bench, and we will guarantee that his fifteen yean' experieuce in that position has not detracted from or mstrd out any of his legal lore, m i Well Said. Tho Allontown Demo crat says, "Monday was the aunirersary of the birthday of Lincoln by some people called the second Washington. All tho church bells in town were rung at 7 in the morning in commemoration of the event. Wonder if as much will be done in honor of the birthday of the eny Washington." PUBLIC REVIEWS. Mb. Editor Public reviews have been much more frequent the present winter than ever before. The beginning was made taut wiuter, but they have greatly iucroad in number, in interest and in the atUmdatice of visitors. I have been pres ent at three of thec, and with few exceptions beginners the scholars passed a very fair exam ination, and would, indeed, hare been a credit to a high school or academy. This shows what can be done when teachers are capable and faithful, and the scholars are incited by a laudable amht Uon. Will not every teacher in the county hold a public examination at the clone of the term? It will give directors and oititctis an opportunity to correctly judge as to the manner in which the schools have been taught, and enable the teacher to exhibit the character of the work, and whrn well done to get proper oredit fur It. It should be understood that the kind of examinations here meant are those which consist of a thorough review of the branches pursued in the schools; and not a repetition of a few lines of tho multiplication te ble or the recital of a few oommitted answers to questions. The schools thus fnr visited, with few exceptions, clearly show an improvement of z per cent., ana toe average attendance is at least 15 per cent, over any previous year. Let every teacher, then, close his school with a public re view, and prove to the publio conclusively that an increased amount or work has been performed. G. W. HxrDKR, Co. Hupt, - Just received, at L. Flegal's, a largo lot of fine white and colored Fbirts. Csll and see them. The largest lot of gent's Hoslory ever brought to the oounty has just been received at L. Flegal's, to be sold from 6 to 50 oepts per pair. Now is tho time to buy. HisTonv or Jahkh Fihk, Jr. Persons who are desirous of obtaining a correct history of the late James Pitik, Jr., whose anamination caused such deep regret throughout the entire oountry, should call on Joe Pie, Eiq., at the Sheriffs Office, who Is taking subscriptions. For the latest Neckties go to Flegal's. ' For the latest styles Hilk Hats, go to Flegal's, We noticed in ono of our exchanges this week the statement of Deo, John lUtdgkins, of South Jefferson, Sic., whose son was cured of Incipient consumption by the use of Johnson's Anodyne ijimincnu ni reier to mis at this lime as tend ing to corroborate tho statement we made last week in relation to this liniment as applied to eonsump If Congress had employed as mnnh scientific Sinn in tns arrangement or its "Reconstruction Policy" at the close, as the War Detiartment did in the beginning of the war, In arranging fur the manufacture oi wnat was on lied Minridau s Cav alry Condition Powders for the use of the cavalry horses, no doubt the Union would have been re stored long sgo. &x. Call and examine the large assortment of Roots, Short and Goitersjust received from the East by L. Flegal. . Dr. 8. Porter Plisw manifests a commendable nmhitlon by keeping fully up to all tho improve ment! in the scleras of dentistry. JUy his adrer tisouieut, tiiose interested will fee that while he offers reduced prbee, he elevates the standard -of work and material. The doctor Jen first olass dentist, does his own work and guarnnteoi lot i-fiction In all oases. Laud Plastkr. Kratser k Lytic arc prepared to furnish farmers with Land Plaster, at very luw rates, this season. A larao lot of frosh USt Dr. F. ri.lln. F..nllA .nj oftorl hli icrvici'. In tlio projil. of (,'ln.rdt'IU mid Ticinllr, mil will b. la rmdiu.ii to .(lend .11 1 Uajr or ll,lit. (Idle, on llr.d itml, w,t of the dimo!, CleurlMd, K. M, HI, IH71 tf StarrirdL On F.bru.rr tb, 1872. at llullhl. n. 1J llcr. Jubk Wi.n, Mr.RKU. SACk'uTt! oi iir.rneiu, riu, 10 -Mil t.M.MA RE1JVR, of bunoaniTllle, P. ' " Our frlvnd Fred. Sati'l hli iV lilcrbl hunting and tracking or.f lh, mouiiljjn, and although A r.r, il loat, a fiavkHI'l Kainrd, And nnnirht la from our number gonci In fact, Ihn fart, 'til aararlainrd, Ja apt to iuerpaao it mnr. than ono. At lh nildono. of Algernon R. llol.l.n. I. nioom townihin. on Februarv 11th. 1.72. 1. W. I). Human. Mr. BTF.I'HKN Vl.kTi'li i.-u to Mlu JI'LIA A. M. IKll.IiKV. girl t 1H73, KFFA C. JAMES, agd 16 ,ara, a month! nu t unjri. j n. par.uu .1 iKwiaam former F rrxidrd In IM ount, "lUarfcctS. ' Clearfield Markets. Corrected wnkljr by Rk rahu Moaaop, Whol.nal, and notatl lleaier tn Dry Uooaa, Hrooarl.a, 1'ro viliona, Ac., Mark.t street, Cluarfltdd, Fa. Ci.Kinrii.n,JU., FobJIo. 1872. Applrt.irrrrnOI I 60 Dried, V 1 10 Apple butUr,jKl, 1 Butter. 26fd) 4(1 lean $0 00 y I 96 Buckwheat 1 16 Uuokwhoat flour !h, 6 Heef, dried 6 Bef, freeh UI 'ill Boardt, M 12 00(14 0(1 Corn.lhellod- 1 00 Corn, ear 011(a) 60 Cam ?it. 1 o Chop, 18ell 0S0 Cloreneed 00 ChM.e. Cherrloa, lh. 10(u) 16 Chicken., dnd, lb, 11 IIi'Ki, dreiaod Hide, green.- Haws 00(4 Shoulders QOty) 8idoi. OOf.g Lard Mess pork,Wbbl...l0 00 Oat 70 Onions S 00 Potato. 011(1 hO Peaehes, dried, lb.. 124 Plaster, bbl 1.0 Br 1 10 Bag., V . ., laoli J ov Shln(loi,IHIn.,l(ii.5 00 Sliinj:l.-.,2fllnl"(ijl6 00 Timothr seed 6 00 Tallow 121 Wheat.. 1 60 Wool 66 Wood, l onrd S 60 KM . Klmeed- I 00 Flour 0 l)D (4 1 60 liar 80 00ru.1 00 I'eiinNylvniilaltnllrond TYRONE & CLEARFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, NOV. Mth, 18TI, the Passenger Trains will run daily (exeent 8un days) batwoen Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows: CIjKARFIEIjD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LKAVB NORTH. Clearfleld 8.J0, p.M, Tyron. O.lS.i.u, Oaeeol 10.S6, " Philipiburg...l0.66, " Clesrlleld .... 11.65, " l'hilin.burr 4.20, " Osraola 4.40, " Tyrone .00, CLEAKFIKLD KXPRKH8. LKAVKSOUTU. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfleld 6.46 1. U., Tyrone T.00 r. . Intersection ...7.1 8 " Onoeola 8.20 Philipl.rg...8.40 Cleartluld,ar...0.40 Phililiiburc. 0.46 Osoool ' Tntersootion. 8.12 ' Tyrone.- 8.25 1 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa $3 06 Lock Haven 2 70 William.nort ....... 8 80 Huntingdon 1 80 Lewistown. 1 00 Mnrysrille 4 60 Middlctown $6 00 Marietta 6 60 Lancaster 6 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 9i Altoona 1 86 John.tnwn 2 80 UAHKI8BUHU... 4 76 FITTSBURU t 14 Close connections made by .11 trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. QEOIlaB C. WII.KI.NS, myl7-tf. Superintendent. T HE NEW SEWING MACHINE! The " BLEES I" Patent Unk Motion. Almost noiseless machine. Don't fail to examine It before purchas ing elsewhere. II. IIRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, C LEAK FIELD, PA. Agent for Clearfield eounty. fiT" Local Agents wanted in every town In the oounty, to whom litMral terms will te given. lon't fail to examine it and satisfy yourself. Clearfield, Fa., Feb. 7, lH72-tf. CIlEUIU'TltEH Male and Female College! TUI3 popular institution will open for the Hummer sosslon on the first Monduy of May, 172, under th. initructionof aoornsof oomuetent trnhers, tn the wdlege buildings in the pleasant villngo of Chcrrylree, ludiana oounty, Pa. Course of instruction thorough. Alusie, vocal and instrumental, inolused. Uood boarding fur nished at from fi.60 to 1.10 per week. For further particulars apply to oither of the nndersigned Lirectors, or address them at Urant P. U., Indiana oountr, Pa. Hon. R. H. McCORMICK, II. B. K1NPORTS, Esq., JOHN KARON, Hsu, I). 8. IIRALL1KR, IB. A. K. LOVELACE, Feb. 7, 1872 5m. llireetors. NO SMALL POX HERE! A SURE PREVENTIVE! pi A IX at L. FLKflAL'S new Store, opposite vy ivx-hot. nigiori reRiuenoe, on necona street, vicnruviu, ., miu rjtaiiiiofj ui line SIOCB OI BOOTS k SHOES, HATS k CAPS, Gent's Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, Of which h. Is constantly receiving a large assort ment of the very latest and best stylus, which h. win uiipose oi at Astonishingly Low Prices! LADIES, I bavo on hand a largo and woll selected stock of those eelebrated hand -sewed aunucuu and I.AHTINd (1AITERS, which I oan sarciy recommend to be the best in tho mar ket. Call and eiamino thorn, OE.NTLEMEV, my stock qf Furnishing IJocds Tie., Cravats, Handkerchiefs, (Tmlerwear, Sus penders, vollars, iiiovm, Hosiery, c, together wi.ii a assonmoni ol mill, and Cioth Shirts. I hare on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats and Caps of th. Very Latest Styles I Also, Trunks, Valises, Railroad Dags, Umbrellas, Canel, inj many other articles, both useful and ornamental, which will he sold at fair rales. .0Tb. oitisrns oi Clearfleld and rleinily are respectfully invited to call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. LEVER FLEGAL. Clc.rfl.eld, Pa., Feb. 7, 1872. G. R. BARRETT Attorney and Counkixoh at Law, C1,KAUFIKl!i, tA. Having resigned lis Jutl)(.liip, has rcsnroid the praclioe of the law In his old office at Clear fleld. Pa. Will all.nrf lh i ' , """i""' eiier.oo ana hlk counties when specially iclained in conneelinn Twrnly-one Horses for Sale! TUB undersigned offers for sale TWENTY ON'JS FUST-CLASS HllltSRS, In good condition. J'rincipally lanre, strnni Horses, suit. ahl. for any kind of heavy work. Purchasers win nnd it to their Interest lo eiamino tli.ta he. for. purchasing elsewhere, lnouiriea answered by addieaslng , PliTEIl McOKORlIK, Feb. 14, 1SI1. . Clear elil, pa. a1 I l:l,IV4VVAHnt gi'KKMJWA RBI-Come . and .e. ettr SrMm.i.n.ia a,,..L I )nM.,c jusl reeclreil rrum icw Vrk. SpMial induce ments offered. ' KRaTKKR A LVTLK. Clearfleld, Pa., Feb. 14, l72-lgi, inf. "J"KM OF TIMOTIIT BKRl; 1VJ and ItiO bushels of I'LdVhlt 8KKD tor sale at the Corner Hlr, by K. A. W. D. IRVIM. furwensrllle, Pa., Feb. U, 1H7J. "JOTIt'l--All prsji) layjng timber en th. -L Ardery place, now In ry p6m,sslon, on Clear Held Creek, are notified to mm. rnrw.rrf .i nnd settle f ir (he fame. 1 eh. I let' SI'S AN BltlEni.Ey. ' , 1872. 1872. WINTER! REED BROTHERS, Mamcit 8tist, CLEARFIELD, TA., AXO Mill Smaar, CCRWENSVILLE, Ta., Ar. op.nlng THIS WEEK an atraetlr. stock of ' GOODS FOR THE SEASON! Our slock will be replete with th. !, W A E- - ... NEWKST DESIGNS I t 1 o trl W In Foreign nnd Domostio PRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, C0ATINO8, KEPKLLKNTS, FLANNELS, Etc., .th Together with a full line of Notions, Trimmings, LADIES' AND CENT'S Furnishing Goods, And MILLINERY O.OODS, At Vices to suit the Times ! Do lot fall to oa.ll. Respeotfully, REED BROTHERS. P. 8. Having purchased largely in Millinery Uoodi, Milliners lu adjacent towns win oe sup plied at wholesale rates. Kp 18-71 qaniel goodlander, LUTI1ERSDUUO, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, " HARDWARE. HATS A CAP.S, BOOTS' gnOKS, QueenKware, Men's and Boys' CMliing, Paints, Uils, Drug, (ilaifware, rnmui jiooki. a Urge lot of Patent Medicines, Confections, A a. Gum Phocs, Moose Boots, a larRe assortment of Jvutiona, ifoiirry ana LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURS, something new and attractive. Large and splendid assortment of French, Gflr tnia and Knliiih Toys, Dulls and Fane Uoods. No greatrr Ttrietr of goods In any store In the eouuty. All fur sale very kw for eauh at the Cheap uorner. vce. m,im. exthaohdinary ANNOUNCEMENT T WOULD respectfully aanoune. to tb. clll 1 sens of CLEARFIELD and vicinity that I bar. op.ned op In tb. n.w llasonl, Ilnllding flrst door below lh. Mansion House, on Second Street, wltb a .ntlr. saw stock of WATC1TES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Of th. latsit styles and ht flnlsh, Sel.cted wltb esr.. I bar. an .ssortment from all tb. novelties In Jewelry, eulta- bl. for the Holiday.. A Urg, stock of Ain.rlean Watch.. from b, fa.torl.i of Appleton, Tracy A Co., at Walt bam, Mass., and th. National Watch Company at Elgin, III., In from I to I os. oases, always on hand, and warranted. Thankful for yonr past liberal patronage, I bop., b, strlot atUntlon to basloeis, to ai.rit i eontlnaane. of h. a.m.. All kind, of r.palring In my Un. promptly attended to. .. . I. snj'deh., January S, 1173. A NEW DEPARTURE For the Konefit of Mankind ! I)R. llOYER'S PILE OINTMENT This Important disco very is ono of the most re markable results of modern medloal research, and The piQst Wonderful fc Speedy Remedy ever Known. Is now prownted in a scientific ooinMnetlon of soothing fttKi iiitHiing mj;t'nts. And baring tbor oughly tested It in nuuiberless cases, with most atiifnctir.v results, do not hesitate In offering It io me puiiie as T be mot certain, rapid ond effectual REMEDY FOR PILES, no matter of bo long standing. tuSold by all Druggists and Medicine Hosi ers who deslr. to all.viat. tho sufferings of their rn l.i 9 ivxvn uvillgn, I'lllCB, CO CENTS PER BOX. T. J. DOVER, Sole Proprietor, oolSJ'71 Clearfleld, Pa. IURNEI) OUTI It'T HOT BURNED UP! BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Ponq township, Cleardeld Co., Ta, , , Tb. snbserihen are, at w rent etnenie. rebuild. Ing, and In a few dnya will hav. completed, . nmgnnornrHa necessity, In lh. erection of. first class Woolen Manufactory, with all th. modern Improvements attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, f'asslmeres, Satlnrtts, lllnn kels, Flannels, lo. Plenty of gonils .a hand to supply all our old and a thousand n.w customers, wmira w. ..a io com. anu .xaniln. our stuck. Th. business of CAUDipa AND Fl'LLINQ will receive esveclal attention. Onr new mill will he rearly by wool-oanling jnion, therofore ther. need h. no hesitariinV on that seor.. Prniier arrangeraenU will b. made lo reoelv. and deliver wool, to suit eustomors. A II warranted and don. upon th. shortest notice, ltd b, strict .It.n tlon lo business w. bop. to realise liberal ah an .1 puono patronage. I,HK POINDS WOOL WANTEDI W. will pay the hielie.t market nrlce T. r We..l and aril onr manufactured goods aa low a. similar good- can ba bought In the oounty, and whenever w. mi to render reasonable satisfaction w. can alwnVslie foand t here, reads lo mak. nrnnar e.piaaniH.e, wiir an person or ny nn.r. l . a p. c.ts wviinnvn a rxiisn, aerii:0t! i Oramplaa Hills P. II. iOrjj toot&t, Gtottxiti, HU. 1871. 18.72. FALL & M IMER GOODS 1 The FirBt of the Seaaonl The Cheapest in this Market I BUY! BUYI! BUYII! OF' KRATZER & LYTLE, Vour Dry Goods, Tonr Window Curtains, Your Qrocoriai, Your CarpeU, Yoar Hardware, Vour Oilclotlis, Your Queon.ware, . Your Wall Papers, Your, Your Hats, Your Boots A Shoes, Your Cap., Your Leather, Your Carpet Chain, Your Sho. Findings, Your Stoves, Your Flour and Fish, Your Ilaoon and Feed. SALT! SALT! SALT! at wholesale to country morchants. , OILS, PAINTS, OLASS, Ac A liberal dis count to builders. Everything that you need oan b. bad at great advanlag. to th. buyer, at KRATZER A LYTLE'S, ' ' Market street, CLC.Rrtr.i.D, l'A., opposite th. Jail, pd. to meh9'7i jkEW GOODS! Yew Firm at Wallaeeton, Pa. JOHN HOLT & SONS Have bought the entire stock of goods from P. Gallagher, and are receiving a general assortment of new goods from the Eastern cities, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS & S1IOES, HATS k CAVH, BACON, FISH, SALT, FLOUIJ, i FEED, io., Ac, Ac, To exchange for Country Produce, Railroad Tics, Lumber or CASH. October lit, Ml. Down 1 Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CUEArE(?T! A Proclamation against High Pricesl WB are now opening up a lot of the best and most sitasoiiahle Goods and Wares ever offered tn this market, and at prioes that remind one of the (nod old days of ehep things. Those who lack Uilh upon this point, or deem oar alle gations supertluous, ioed nut CVfX .IT OriC STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where thv can see, feel, bear and know for them- mItm. la fully andrmtand wht rechr coeds, this must be done. We do not deem it necessary to euamerste and itemise our stock. It Is enough for us to ftate that We have Everything that is Needed and eonsi.tned In this market, and at prices that astonish Iftb old and voung. deo20 I . JOKl'H FI1AW k EOV. CORCORAN, WEAVER & CO., WHOLESALE It O CK It S, and dealers in Lumbermen's Supplies. WILLIAMSrORT, PA. augfl;l-ftin JKAI)' TUI8I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 The attention of tho etlisens of and vielnily ii directed to the fiu-t that Uio(llrIIsjv h fi n are the agents of M. Nioce k Co., nnd hare J ii it roilred a hslf dosen onr loads of Flour end i' d, which thej offer at the lowest possible fig its. A largo stock of FLOUR, CORN AIEAL, CHOI', BUCKWIIKAT KI.Ol Ii, 11RAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ac 1'ariUiular atleiition Is .ailed tn M. Nice, t Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is th. best in the market. i'lour and Feed can and wilt he sold cheaper Hist! it oan b. obtained elsrwhcr. In Clearfleld oounty. 47Rtore on Market street, next door to Hon. Alex.nder Irvin's residence. OOODFKLLOW 4 SOX, JmlOtr Agents fur M. Niece A Co. AUCTION ROOMSI Z. C McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer. HA VINO opened Auction Ttooins In Clesrflcld, I'a.. 1 would respectfully Inform merchants nnd inonuracturers that 1 am prepared lu sell all kinds vf merchandise on euoilniision at reasonable terms. Iiey. of sal. will b announced by posters afrit "therwia. f-lioms on Marbet sliwt, neil door to new Postnnleo. JanUII I C. McCULLOl'OH. ..i V , Sarttivarf, Sintunrr, &t. s ACKUTT as CI1KVVER, IISULRM 1ST DUIDIXG HARDWARE, AUti, manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Bceond Street, CL1SARFIBLD, PA, Carpenters and Builders will And It to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing el sow hero. STOVES I STOVES! We are now selling th. celebrated TIME,0 COOK and KKI.IANCK, th. cheapest and best store, in th. market. Evory stov. fully warranted. ALSO,' ' PARLOR, HEATIVfl, RAFTING STOVES! which will be sold as chenp s any In the county. Strict attention paid ordering articles for par ties who desir. it. JHRooltng, Spouting and Job work don. on reasonable terms. Clearfteld, Pa., April 13, 1871. II. F. BIGLER & CO., BBALIM 1ST II A It W A It E , Also. Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CL CAR FIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Barn..., Collars, etc., for ul. by II. F. BIGLER i CO. PALMER'S FATENT UNLOAD- log Uay Forks, for isle by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO QIL, PAINT, TUTTY, GLASS, Nails, .to., for i.l. by II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. TTaUNKSS TRIMMINGS k SHOE 11. Findings, for lal. by II . F. BIOLER i CO. QUNS, riSTOLS, S WORD CAXES For sal. by II. F. BIOLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sii.s, for aals by II. F. BIOLER k CO. TKOX ! IRON ! IRON ! IRON ! For sals by II. F. BIGLER A CO, II ORSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE 5AILS, for ial. by II. F. BIOLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sal. by . U. F. BIGLER k CO THIMBLE SKEINS AND FITF. BOXES, for sal. by H. F. BIGLER k CO. JpODDER CUTTERS for salo by iti-nM-70 II. F. BIOLER A CO. rpm tisi ti si i HTOVr.Sl !.TOVI STOVES! WAPLE &llAUTMAN Desire to Inform the eitisens of Osceola and the public generally, Unit tlit-7 havt just received a large and splendid assortment of Stoves, Jliise bold Ilardware end Pumprd and Japanned Wares of all kinds. Also that wo manufacture and keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Tinmen's Wares, which we will dispose of at cithar wholesale or retail, to suit purchasers. Kooflng, Spouting, Repairing and all kinds of Job Work dona to oniir and wiinuinpatch. Strict attention paid ordrring articles for par tics dtsiring it. Consumers will find It to their ad van Inge to purchase from us. Our stock and prioes will sat ivfy you that we do sell good wares at prioes that please the people. You will And us on Curtin street, nearly op posite the e-Kchange Hotel. Osceola Mills, Pa.. May 10, lR7l lf THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE ! Manufactured .specially for THE CLEARFIELD TliADE, rot iiali ir augS'JO II. F. BIOLER A CO. c OO K HTUVF.II PPKAIl'S CALOniKIC, BfrtQl'dlANKA, SUFKRIiun. GOV. i'KNN, KKUULATOR, Knni.RrooK, NATIONAL RANUK, TRIUMPH, PARLOR COOKH, HPEAn'8 KKVOLVINd KVailTS AND DOI D1.B IIRATERH, And all kinds of Heating Btoves for sale hy Bug.r7 II. F. 1)1(11, ER A CO. TOBACCO AND CIGARS 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At lh. New Tobacco and Cigar Store of it. n., Two door. East of th. PustulEce, Clcarlcld, P.. Constantly on band ft Una assortmmt of Navy, Congress, Cnv.ndl.b, Cable, PpunroM, Michigan and Century Fins-cut Chewing Tobacco, At. Also, a large and Fell ,elo.tcd stock of Imported and Do.nralio Cigars, Ntnoking Tobaccos, al.rracbaum and Briar Pipes, Pip. flxlur?!, Tubaoco Does, Cljitr Holders, and everything g'n.rally found In 1 well rci'lated Cigar and Tobacco Htora. ' tacmmin.r th. placi Tw.dooriKart of th. PoslohW, Cli-artleld, Pa. pd.lo Ian. 573 X (lf HIIKKP PKLT" WANTRDI ),lMVI And all hlndaof fl'lW for whloh the blghosl mah nrlo. IH h. rratd, hy scj.t2H dm ' 1. I.. RKIKNBTKII. rpilK LKMOCRATIC ALMANAC for IMC L IHlTand lint lor ssj. at th. font OKIrr!. Prlr. 1ft Ofuts. Willed 0"-anr aildress, w. ., ..- -k" . '.I 1 l I.. ....h.M. , E.A.&W.D.1RVIN - DEALKllS IN GENERAL .ii:nc ji vnii,hi:, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS'& LUMBER Ct'RU ENSVILLE, PA ARB otTvrlng, at tbelr srw Htore lloase. a complete stock of 1VKW OOUDH, of all descriptions Dry Goods and Groceries, II A RI) WAKE, BOOTS tl SHOES, CLOTH ISO, Ac. IS LAKOE VAIMETY. flour, .Meal, Ryt, Oal$, I'orn, Always oft band and for sale at ft small ftdvauco. ROPE, In large quantities, sold low by coil ; also, Pl'LLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANT1I00KS. One hundred ease, of ATWATER'S ELM IRA ISOOTS, for sale by the ease at wholesale rates. Received by car load ; 1IUXTISGDOX FLOUR, auil sold at small adranra. HARNESS, of all kinds, HORSE COLLARS and HAMEi, HORSE BLANKETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ac. Also, on ante fint-olas. two-bors. WAUONff, TWIN PLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and 6LEIUIIS. Special Inducement! oflcred to those getting cut Fquara Timber and Logs, as we deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at all time, to purchase Timber, Logs "and Lumbar. Corwensrillc, November 16, 1871. How to Save Money, TH F times are hard ; you'd like to know Mow yua may save your dollars) The way to do it 1 will show, If you will read what follows. A mnn who II red not far from here, Who worked hard at bis trade. But had a household to support That squandered all be made. I met him once. Says he. ''My fiiemlj 1 look threadbare and rough j I've tried to get myself a suit, Hut can't save up enough." Says T, my friend, how mo oh have yon 1 I'll tell you where to go To get a suit that's sound aod cheap : Te RE1ZENSTK1N k Co. He took what little he had saved, And went to Kelienstein k Droibers. And there he got a handsome suit. For half he paid to others. Now he Is home, he looks so well, And their effect Is each. That when they take their dally meal. They don't eat half as much. And now he finds on Saturday night. With all their wants supplied, That he has money left to spend, And some to lay aside. Bis good inceess, with cheerful smile, lie gladly tells to all. If you'd save money, go and bay Vour cloth os at RKIZENSTEIN'8 CLOTIHNO HALL Where the cbeftpeit, finest and best Clothing aud good Fom (filing Qoods con he bod to suit every taste and in every style, nprll.iO MARBLE AM) ST0AE YACD ! Mrs. S. S. LI I) I) ELL, Baring engaged In tb. MarhU business, dtslrrs I. Inform her friends and the publio that she baa now and will keep constantly on hand a large and woll selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MAIini.E, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CHAD1.E TOM US, MONUMENTS, Curbs aud Posls for Cemetery Lois, Window Sills and Caps, also, Bl HEAL', TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, io. ft.. Yard on Reed slroel, near Ihe R. R- D.-pot, OnruVId, Pa. Jei,7l FA R BANKS' STANDARD -Sfc-W- of ALL Kl.HlSj Uuggogo Burrcwa, Wan-house Trurks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ac roa balk sr II. F. BIGLER & CO., ' Dralrr. lu Hardware, ' mch.10:7ft If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. j I) II N TROUTHAK, Doaler in all kinds of FURNITURE, Market Strwt, On. door east Allegheny House, angl(l'?l !' ' CLEARFIELD, PA. AJIJII MKTK ATOHK NOTIck.-Notlca ti hiuVby girrntha! letters of adiuhj:-tfation on th estate of SAUl'KL PEOPLES, dec d, late or Brady township, ClearBeld' aonnty, Peanw-, h.riug been duly granted to th. urif)er.,grd, all persons iodehled to said ostalo will pleas. Biak. payment, aud thus, having ol.iu ,u d,ino.ds will prasent them properly auth ittl.-aii'd for art. tl'mnil. . , i i jlWR I.I.N Ell, Fob. J, )? Hf Adulijlitialor. iotrtfl. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET fir.. CL1.A11FH.LD, fa,- THIS large and eommodious new hotel haf been opened for the aceotninoONitlon of the public, where the proprietor will be glad to meet bis old friends, end receive a share ol puts lie pat ronage. By strict personal at ten! ton lo the d tails of his business, ha hones to be able to fondW satisfaction to his ptrous. Tho TAlil.B will, always be bountifully supplied wiih the bt-st that oan be proourrd Is tho market, and the UAH fill oontain aTullstockof LiqiOilb, DKhsK, a); Uood stabllog attached. Clcarfittld. March I, ItM-iy I'lrpriHoy THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market lirvcls, ' tLKARl 11.I.D, PA. TniS old and eomtaodloss Hotel has. during th. past year, been nl.r.d to doubl. lu lorm.r capaoity for th. .ntortainment of srran gers and guests. The wbol. building has been refurnished, and lb. proprietor will spar, no lo render bit guests aomfortabl. wbllaj lUylog wun nira sr--Tb "Mansion House" Omoll ui rent to and from th. Depot on th. arrival and depsrtnr. of each train. JOHN DpUUIIKRTY, aprd-70 u J'roprletor, ISUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curtt eiisvllle, (Jearlicia county, ra. THIS old and wall establiih.d, r.,ll. situat.d .a tb. bank, ol th. tiusou.- haona, in th. boro.gbofCnrwenSTllle, hat baca lead Tor t.rm oi yews oyiu. unti.iSu.. It has b..a .ntirely rettted, and It oW op.n to tb. public g.n.rally and th. tr.r.lling coiomu nity tn particular. No pains will h. s.nd lo render guests .omfortabl. wbil. tarrying at tbit house. Amrle Stabling room for th. aocouimo- dation of loams. Charges nod. ral.. 6pt. J8, 1870-tf. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main sr., niiLirsBuno, pa. TUB wnderalgned keeps constantly on bend th. best of Liquors. His it always supplied with tb. market afford.. Tb. traveling publio will ao wen 10 give mm ran. noYl,'o. KUBtlll iwm. MIAW IIUUSF. Corner of Market and,Front Slreott, Clearfleld, I'a. Tbit magnificent Hotel It entirely new, sowi- plela in .11 its Appointments, and convenient til tuc lourt Mouse. A Ire. ummuus runs io aaa from th. Depot on the arrival and depsrtnre of each train. OKOKUK N. COLlll'RN, April 111. 18T0. Proprietor. jeoxard ii or sr., Near the Railroad Depot, Clearfleld, Pa. S. B. ROW, Proprieos-, This hou. is large, well furni'hedj and nearly new, and th. Proprietor feels confident of render ing satisfaction to guests. N, B Oood stabling connected wlttTtbe hotel. o4-7l - THE SMITH HOUSE, (Opposite H. B. Depot.) CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. fllUE undersigned, having become proprietor X of this bouc is ready lo entertain strangis ai.d travelers, and therefore solicits Sojourner to give hi in a call. His Table will be supplied with the biMt the market afford , und Lis par will eon tain the cboioest of wines and liquors. Extrusive stabling is attached. Cliarges moderate. janlO'TS J.AMKS M LAVUHLIN. WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite th. Court Houae, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Aceouimodatloiit Grst-clnsl and charges moderate. oet JOHN F. TOl'NO, Praprieto.. osiToun ii oust:, Opposite th.'Court Uouef, LOCKJHAVEX, PENX'A. joU'71 IIAl SEAL KROU, Prop's. HOC ktKHOI P IIOIE, BELLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONI, Propriotora. oet!3'7l A MERICAN HOI'fE, Main Street, BROOKVILLE, PENN'A'. SUAXXON 1 Bl'I'.KCTl, Proprietor.. goots ni Shots. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufadurcr, CLEARFIELD, PA. n AS just rccoived a fin. lot of French CALF SKINS, and is now prepsred to vannfae. tur. .verything in his lin. .t th. lowest figures. II. will warrant bis work to b. at representee. II. respectfully toReits a call, at bis shop oa Market street, second dcor w.vtof thepostoffioe, wber. h, will do all In his power to render .alls, faction. Sou. fin. Oailar tops on band. my,'7.y DANIEL COKXKLLY. SEW BOOT AXD SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Coa. MARKET A 3d St.., CLEARFIELD,' Pi. THE proprietor bat entered into th. 6 II OK business at tb. tbor. stud, aid is determined not to b. outdon. .itber in nual ity or prle. for hit work. Special attention will be to uanufaefuriug Sewed work. H, has on hand ft l.rg. lot of Kreneh Kip and Calfskins, of th. very best qnaliiy. The eni lens of Clearflold and vicinity ar. respectfully invited to gir. him trial, Ko chftrg. for calls. ov,' lUsrcUnucDiJ.- Clcarfiqld Nursery. ENCOUItAGK UOMK INDUSTKV. nUE undersigned, baring established Ku; JL tery on th. 'Pik., about half way between Clearfield and Curwensvllle, Is prepared to fur nish .11 kinds of FRI IT TREES, (standard and dwarf,) Ev.rgr.enl, Shrubbery, Ur.p. Vin.s, Qoosaberrl.., L.wtoa Blackberry, Strawberry, and Rasberry Vines. Alio, 6iberiott Crab Trees, Quino.. and .ar'y seirlet Bhabarb, Ac. Order, promptly attended to. Address, - J. Ii. wriiujtl. t.pS0 ti-j Cnrw.ntviil., Pa New Meat Warket. T1IIR nudersigned have opened a Meat Market In the rora formerly occupied by Alexandei Irvln.on Market street, ClearReld, I'a., adjoining aUoesop's, where they Inttnd to keep a supply of All kinds of Meat, I'rv It and cctablcs. And at "rmrns tj ant ti; tixbs. Shop wilj be open repiilartyStn Tuf-ny,"Thiuiday and fat nnlay, and'oieat delivered at anv point. A share ot publio patronage i nyectluHy eolicited. 111. H. JIKU 9. k. r. nnowN., Mff-Amo Oontinue to deal fh all kinds e.f iuiproved Agricullurai Implements. ' ' ' 1 Clearfleld, August 31, IsTO-lf. STO.VE AM) EARTH EX-W ARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION j' " . LJ CROCKS! POTb!" CHOCKS! I'l.licr's Palrnt Alittiilit tMilf - Healing Kralt t anal Bl'TTKR CHOCKS, wlib lids, CREAM ( HOIKS, MILK CHOCKS, APPLE - IH-TTFR CROCK PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, Pig DISHES, 8TKW POTi, And a great many other things lee ntitnerout t mention, to be bad a? - " - FRED'K. LEITZINGER'8 STONE - WARE POTTKRY, Corucr ol Cherry lod Third BtrMts, CLEAKFIKLD, P. augl Beale's Embrocation,' (L ATI POWILI.',) " , For .11 diseases Incident to Dorset, C.tlls, aid ' Human Flsrtl, reinlring th. at. of fa .itertll appllcstio. J'his Jfmbrocatioa waa .1t.ntlr.l7 (tod hf the during tb. war. For ssl. by llartswtck A Irwin, Clearfleld. J.s.pb R. Irwia, CurweasTllle. Daakrl Good laad.r, Lo b.rshurg . .-. .1 .'