GEOROK B. GOODLANDEIt, BUI TO II AD I-ROritluTOK. CLEAH FIELD, Ta. M'KUNKRDAT MOKNISO. FEB. II, 1STI. Mftmocnitlc HUttc Convention. .. Pursuant to a rraolutlon of tba Democratic State Jlxuculive Coinwiltoe thia il'iy adopted, a Demo cratic 3leu Conn ntiou in number, equal to tlio rapicacnintlon In both houaea of the Legl.latiire, l hereby eullc.1 1o im-ot in Heading. IV, on 'I'hurednx, May 3"tu, 1S72, at II o'clock a. ., to nominate candidates for Uorernor, Judge of the PiiprcMa Court, aid (rliou'd I ho l.rgltluturo ao dctcrmhie) for Auditor Ucnernl and delegates at largo to tlio Conatltutionnl Conrcutlon, and alao to loriu an elojloial ticket aul s.kct senatorial nod representative ilclegn'ca to n-pres'-nt the State ill Itie Democratic National Convention. Hj order of the Kccntii Comniltleo. WM. A. WAI,I,Alb',Chalrman. Attests W. MTLKLLann, rjeo'y. Jlnrriaburg, February 1ft, 1S72. "Journalistic Flunkies'." Tliis is tlio nitmo awarded to tlio Grant edi tor by tlio New York Tribune. How nro you, "Flunkey" Uow f , VtnuAST.-TlieTyronoArnWsnys: "The lawyers of Blair county, under Judge Dean's administration, have already learned tho meaning of prouiptuoaa, oourtcay and order." , It is well for tho member of tho bur, ospcriuHy Calvin,Oressvc!l, Dluir, etc., Hint tliey liuvo fell into tlio lintids of somo one to polish thorn up u little in their deilino. An election has been ordored on tho l.)lh of March in tho Fifth Sena toritildistriet, to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of Henry S. Evans. Tho district in which Mr. Evans, win elected Is composed of tho countics.o.f Chester, JJolnwtti'O and Montgomery, which, under the old apportionment, was en titled to two members. What a Titv. A lot of New Or leans Radicals got up a shooting match on tho 14ih. after tho Concres- Bional Committee left tlmt city for Washington, but ttioy were 80 badlv frightened that .neither could bit tho other; so, unfortunately for the city nnd State,, none of tho rascals were killed. Notice. Wo hereby givo notice to the patrons of tho Journal that that concern will hereafter bo run in the groovo of "enlightoned public senti ment," instoad of tho dark ehannel of principle. Whether this will bo tiny improvement, tho future must devel op. Wo chnrgo nothing for this ad vertisement. ".Reform or ruin," exclaims Forney, kin no he threw off the Custom IIouso yoko. And ho continuofi, "if utterly reckless politicians nro allowed tornlo in Stale nnd city, even tho Grunt 4oeo motive will stop." What ft pity it would bo if that macliino were to stop. Tho Colonel actually begins to tulk like a Democrat, and if he con tinues to "fight it out on thnt liao nil summer" he will ruin the Radical par ty in this State! How that would spite robbers liko Evans k Co. .Alike. Tho Senate of Ohio, liko tt of our own Stato, has boon con siderably demoralized tho past ton days. A JUudical hits been BtufTed hto tho Senate of that Stato on tho .Philadelphia Gray plan. He was de flated at tho pulls but counted in by tho sluflers, and wants to bold bis scui, andavory Radical seal nwng tells him UJ-"4itiok." Hence tho debate has been, "you are a liar," "you'ro a d d scoundrel," 4:0., and chairs and desks have suffered groully.. ot the morals of tho members do not seem to have Buffered n bit. Parson Erowi:lov. This human Satan has been resuriectod, and mado ono of bis vulgar ami blasphemous spoochoi in tho United Stale Sennto on Thursday. His personal abuse of Congressman Beck, of Kenulclty, is characteristic of tho man. Hock, who is a inombor of tho Southern Ku Jilux cominittao, bus been making a roKrt of what ho knows about Ten ncs8co and its late Governor, lirown tpw. has nroiued tho did fiend, rami J10 denounced Beck's g;ot.'pel stato . mcnts "as falso ns hell." . 'Xh't is rather roagh for on old clergyman,, .but it's Jirownlow, to life. What a Fitv ! Poor Stokes, a loyal member of Congress, has boen heavily fined and sent to tho peniten tiary fir violating an net of Congress. Now, what is Gon. Grant entitled to for doing tho vory sumo thing ? Thoro is an act of Congress which prohibits witty government official from no ccpting n present, yet bow many presents hiK1 Grant accepted sinco lie has oeetiicd iho Presidential chair. Jf an individual, or a member of Con gress, is soitt to t.'ie penitentiary fur violating the law, vhy should not Presidents bo .treat-id ' in ft similar Ajmnu"!'? '. Il.viin on the Lr.vtus.i-Otir rtod era) ate no doubt ftwnro.that.Philililel phiu contains a Radical organization irrmcd tho '-Loyal League," an older of werdihy, nristocrnlio Radical poli ticians. The members of this grand concern, in connection with tho regu lar rng-a-tntifiins, have ruled tho city f r ton years past. Last week two ;;f tho "loyal" nris'-ocrats were sent to the pcuilentiiiry nnd throe woro ex pelled from the ciiy councils, nnd will ,tlso turn tip in the aforesaid institu tion er.o Icng if they get thuir just dues. That these -wealthy, educated aristocrats .should thus be tranted by fho cnuunonaity is hnrh indeed! Wo l fill. p h '. ' ' ' f Vondtrful .Vainr. "Enlightened iublio senlimont" ("ontini'onl" is good 5 it's tho food on which fanatics feast,) alias tho Jbitr- nal, last week informed ns that on; of tho "national wards was boing hous ed with tho whito school children In this borough. This is news to uand we snppoKO has been brought nbout by "cnlightoned public sentiment." Pro- furring to bo controlled by principle, wo cannot mibscnba to this dark "senlimont" which in this beastly manner attempts to blend tho two races. Wo uro n mechanic, but not gonitis onottgh to attempt to overcome tho decrees of tho Creator. This is tho peculiar job of men governed by "to tit intent," nnd vicious taRles. As the schools are in tho hands of inlclli gent directors,' wo nllow thorn to regit Into that question. As wo were not sent to tho Stato Convention a yenr ngo, by negroes nor their allies, wo are not answerable to them for our conduct. When our constituents complain of onr conduct on that occasion wo will endonvor to oxplniti. Thnt our vote was recorded against tho ninth resolution, every in tolligent citizen knows, nnd as to what occurred in caucus wo nro not scalawag enough to rolnlo to Ulnck Republicans, nor do gentlemen pump us cn that point. That there have keen Juliuses iti church nnd Stato for nearly two thousand years all know, but wo cannot imitato them for the purposo of satisfying "onlightonod public senlimont." There, you have tho item demanded. Oh Hand. As prcdictod, tho solf samo old familiar faces, which for nearly a quarter of a century havo annually appeared in our midst to regulate the domestio affairs of Radi calism, assombled in the Arbitration Room, on Friday last, for tho purpose of electing a Representative Delegate to the approaching Stule Convention. All tho members of tlio "bread and but ter brigade" wero present and nctivo in thoir support of "tho govornraont." After considerable button-holing, Gon. John Patton was choson delogato, will) instructions to support Frank Jordan, (now Secretary of tho Com- monwciiHb,) for Governor. Thore was quite a nuiubor of icAi'fi! men prosont, and Gen. Patton looked like one, but be was compelled to take Jordan, although it will bo a vory "hard road to trnvol." The gonoral fooling of tho Convention was decid edly nnti Cameron, but tho doso had to bo swallowed, because there wore at least thrco candidates in tho field fbrdelegato, who finnlly compromised on Pulton and Jordan, which tho form er did not relisli. Tho Radicul waters aro greatly troubled just now, and tho few mournful looking pilgrims pros cnt could not conceal it. Wkll Stamped. -Tho Committeo of Ways and Menns, hnvinjr ngrood to report in favor of a tax of sixteen conts on plug tobacco and twenty four cents on smoking tobacco, the smokers will certainly contribute a rcasonublo skure towurd the support of the government under this bill 13ut, if it is really uccesiary to stamp things In order lo greaso tho govern ment machine, let the luxuries bear tho burthen. Let Congress put its heel on ' the cltcwor, smoker and drinker, and allow the necessaries of lifo to go free. Wo say, tax tobacco, rum of all kiuds, cofToe, tea, figs and all imporlod fruits, silks, satins, eto., and let those who want lo indulge in frivolities pay for their whistlo. Any well regulated family can get along without any of thoso ileins. Vet, ii they havo tho mentis, und covet thorn, let them indulge in them. Put, take tho stumps off tho nocossnrics of I'fo. "Innocents" at JIomb. Tho editor of tho Journal Inst wock unbosomed himself thusly : "Wo don't npprovo of forcing anything." How vory con sistent tho man isl "Undo Sam" called for him repentodly for three years to help carry on somo force work, yet "Deacon Sam" never an swered, although be was a terrible warrior in tho second story of a brick building hero in Clearfield when tho music was on and boyond tho Poto mac. How wo heroes pant for glory, through ''enlightened public sonli mcntl" A Goon Law. The following scrap of legal information is to bo found on pago 2-9 of Furdon's Digest : No Councilman of any municipality shall bo a Treaaurer or an? other officer, or 6 a turetg fur tic njfieer, and that any person violating the pro. viafon 01 una inn anal! turieit ma incnihcrajiip in "ttcb ini.n'cipalit.V, and hia office or appointment ih-renndcr. an't ahull bciraillvof a misdemeanor, and, on oonviciioi! thereof, be acntencej to pay a fino not exceeding Thfoo mombcru of tho Philadelphia council wero lust week expelled and two resigned. All five Radicals. Tho enforcement of tho law will inn!;'? that body Democratic. ' ' ' Loyal Revelations. It npponrs by the debate in the United Slates Scuato on Thursday lust, that our War Department sold the French govern ment hundreds of thousands of guns and muukcls during tho late war with Prussia, in open violation of all law upon tho subject. This Is not all. Thojo loyal villiuns novcr accounted for half tho money they got for tho vuns and amunilion '.hey sold. Wix Down. That wo ever charged tho editor of tho liafUman's Journal Anything for copying his cdl. torials "irom an eastern oxehange," is mistako in him. Ho can keep bis potato, becnuso tlioro is no editor in tho Stato who furnishes so much original. matter woekly to his readers. Over. Tho special ploction held on the 15 th in the Bedford and Fulton Assembly district, to fill the vntnncy caused by tho death of Mr. Dickotvaon, resulted in llievdcclion of George A. Smith, Domoerat,,of Fulton county. - ,1nolhrr One f.rsi. Tho Radical majority in Congress naa lost anothor memborby accidont. Hint loyal seulawng, Col. ,Wm. R Stokos, of Tonncssoo, has boen con victed of high crimos nnd misdemean ors. Ho was arrcatod, indicted nnd convicted undor the act of Congress ot ISOJ, which provides that any Son alor or Representative in Congross who shall act as ngont, or aid or assist in tho prosocuiion of claims for com ponsation paid or to bo paid, or re ceiving a gratuity or sharo in such cluiinx, obuii bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall bo puiilshod by a flno not excooding f "1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding ono your. It was shown that during tho lalo war a military company, known nsUully's Independent Scouts was ruised in Tenbress county. Ton nossoe, and after tho war had closod, Stokos secured tho passage of a bill by Congroes to pay tho mon, receiving lor ins services, tho sum of f 10,000, Tho company nevor exceeded 50 mon. although tho rolls, as prescntod for pHymout, coiiluincd 102 names. Ho will cf courso bo expelled now, and nftcr Grant pardons bim, or his timo in tho penitentiary is out, ho can go nnd hunt up tils old congressional as sociates, Whittomore, Rower, et al., und havo themselves sont as loyal delegates from tho South for Grant. Who noxt f Who will follow Siokosr Grant. Ins "White" Demaoooue. Our neighbor, Gen. White, Slate Senator from Indiana, instead of growing up into a statosmnn, is becoming nothing more nor loss than a ranting doma. goguo. In this lino bo has no match in tho State. Ho talks more and says ttss than any other momber of the State Sonate'and yet ho wants to be Govornor. His conduct in tho Gray- McCluro contest has boen disgusting in tho cxtromo. Tho Philadelphia Age, in alluding to this caso, sayn : "Senator While is wronirin suppos ing tho newspapers of this city do not unacrstauu tlio Oray-Mqijluro caso. They understand tho caso in all its bearings, and also Senator Whito connection wilh it. If it is not the desiro or policy of tho Radical party to prevent an investigation into al leged fraudulent returns, why the present action of Senator Whito and his colleagues f They can open the door for investigntion by a single voto. They can do justice to tho poo plo of tho Fourth Senaloriul district, by nctinif upon tho spirit of tho law. not sheltering themselves behind mere technical quibblos. Roth tho peoplo and pross of this city understand the real monts 01 tho liray-JleUuro case, nnd Senator Whito will not improve ins cnanccs ot teing chosen Governor by acting tho rolo of tho small parti san, not the upright, conscientious Senator. A "National Ward" Insulted. The Titusvillo Courier says : "And now Lrw lias insulted rred Douglass. Tho other day tho great Frederick ar rived in that city, ono: lie, tired, loot- sore and weary, proposed to ride from tho depot lo tho J iced Houso in an omnibus; but tho driver, not having' Uie tear 01 tlio civil rights hill ueloro Ins eyes, rofused Frederick a seat. And his troubles didn't even ond hero. for arriving at Hint funious hostelry, he was assigned a room, but notified that if bo would pnrtako of tho furth er hospitalities of tho houso, bo would have lo submit to cat Ins roast chick en and drink his coffee in UU own room, and not al the public tnblo. Alas 1 alas 1 can this bo thus, in a dis trict represented by Glonni W. Sco- held, and in a county which gave (jrnr.t thrco thousand and five hun dred majority? Let Srofield'S com mitteo como back from Now Orlonns at once and investigate; and in tho niuuiitimu mum uugiib lo proemiin martiul law and suspond tho writ of habeas corpus. Smuooi.ino for Tns Administra tion. We loarn from good authority thnt tho stcntner Liberty, which ar rivod at this pott on Tuesday after noon last, had on board somo six pack ages of cigars which did not nppenr on her manifest, but which, it is said, wero shipped under consular certifi cate and seal at Havana Ono of these pneknges was addressed lo his excel lency, U. S. Grant; another to Mr. Fish, secretary of Stato, nnd the others toditferent membors of Gon. Grunt's cabinet in all ubottt 0,000 cigars. Had theso cigars been addressed to nny other six citizens of the United Mates tho custom liouso officers of this place would havo ponncod upon them, and probubly mulcted tho captain of the stenmor in a heavy lino, or bnve sought tho confiscation of tho vcssol. Wo regret lo toy that tho oialtcd official position of the recipients of these cigr so overshadowed the laws of the laud that they were suffered to go on their way to Baltimore. We trust that tho tastoms olhcers at that port will exhibit a Utile moro bark bone in tho matter, nnd cotnpol Mr. U. b. Grant 11 nil Ins confreres to duly enter the cigurs and pay the statutory duties thereon. Wo nro at a loss to discovor nny more privilege in Gonor al Grnnt to smoke smuggled cigars than there is in General Tom Thumb. 1 Key West ('Vii ) Dispatch. : : Of (jiWsE. Tho carpet bnggors and Bcalawngs 0" Goorgia met in cau cus on tho 14th, and elected delegates to thoRadical Presidential convention, instructing thorn to vote for the gift enterprise Una of Grant k Colfux. This is nil they can do, as thero arc not mon enough of thut class in that Stale, outside of the ponilontiury, lo Control tho voters in that lino. Geor gia will caflt her clectorial vole noxl Novomher for the Democratic nomi nee, whoovor ho may bo. Kicked Out. Tho president and two members of the city council of Philadelphia woro last week cxpolled from lliit body for corrupt practices. They ore to bo indicted and Bent to tho penitontiury, whero Ihey IjoIqp. Tho Democrats nro nil sufo. A Test. An oxclmngosnys: James Fisk, Jr., bad on his person 111,000 wot th ol jewelry at Iho timo of hw denth. It, is therefore demonstrated that jewolu .wjl not du'.cr ussnsuins or i c-iist bullets. ' "". " , Coupon IYirfa a A rule for honest men : voto the Democratic ticket at every election. - Tlio Methodist Episcopal Churoh at Kingston, Pu., was burned on Satur day. Loss 85,000. Tho Now Orlonns Investigating Com mittoo have roturned to Washington nnd will soon report. Tho Methodist Book concorn, nl Nnshvillo, wos burned on Wodnosday night. Loss, 835,000. Tho famlno continues In Persia with undiminished fury. Thousands aro perishing weekly. i It has recently boon discovorcd that tho Government is cheated annually out of eight millions of dollars by, the Pension Jluroau. It is stntod that tho London Tablet announced the very morning ofi bis death that archbishop Spalding was to bo mado Cardinal. s .- Tho government has commonccd action to recover 822,000 deficit in the. accounts of A. M. Wood, late Internal itovonuo Collector of Brooklyn. - At a ball held at Bethlehem, recent ly, In ft publio houso near tho canal, two girls mado their debut with tho smallpox scars still upon thoir faces The Grant and Sherman circus per formed nt Roino and Naples, Italy, on the 12th and IHih. If tho General is not ashamed by this time, Fijod. Simula no. Imponchmcnt sooms to bo as hard on enrpet bnggors and scaliwags- in tho Soul horn States as Courts nnd tho Penitontiury are on tho loyalists of j. miuuoipiiia Captain James Riggs, of Covington, Ky., lato Deputy United Slates Afur shnl, has boon arrested and sont toiail at Louisville, on account of a deficit of ;j,000 in his accounts. Tho Clearfiold county Radicals bare instructed for Frank Jordan for Gov ornor. This is a little bard on neigh bor Whito, who has got his eyes turned mat way. A Scrnnton telegram says that tho wounded by tho lute accidont on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad have compro mised with the Company and rocoived pnymont lor their injuries. Huntingdon county collected 810.00 Inst yenr ot pnrtios lor shooting wild turkeys out of seasons. It would Bo a long time before they could pay off 1. no ixuuoiini I'eui at mis rate. Hon. A. K. Syestor, of Hagerstown, Attorney General of Maryland, has been requested to deliver the next ad dress before tho Literary Societies Of l-ranulin and Mursball College. A young ludy requostod to bo re leasedfroin her murriaee on the croand that when contracted, she believed her lover a 'duck," bul has sinno found bim to be an inlernul "gooso." . No wondor tho war "paid" somo loyal scoundrels. Out of ono hundred and fifty million dollars paid for vessels. ships, etc., not ton millions, worth are ill lor sen 10-Uay. On a former occasnn. when Col. Forney cried "halt!" Grant appointed him Collector. As ho is at tho samo trick again, wo wonder what "the government" will givo him noxt. Tho Houso Naval Committeo have agreed to report a bill appropriating 8:1,000,000 for tho construction of ten iron steamships. It is nbout timo wo wero getting somo vosscls nfloat. Tho parents of tho marriageable young men of Atlanta, G11., havo ag-rcod to cniorco as a ruio that young ladies pitying attention to thoir sons must not stay lutor than 10 o'clock al night. Many Radicals who seo tho floods rising, aro now anxious to get into the Ark of Reform. Wo nro willinrr that they shall ropont and bo saved, but care must bo tukou that Ihuv do not scuttle tho Ark. Thoro is a religious revival going on in Helltown, California, nl present. If tho name is nny indication of the character of thut placo, thero couldn't bo a bolter field ibr religious opera tions. Tho Radicals of Clarion oountv want to mnko Gen. Harry Wliito, of Indiana, Governor and Hon. Laao G. Gordon, of Urookvillo, Supreme Judgo Tho laltur is filled for tho position, but tho former is a humbug. , Tho President liko that other e illant patriot, Artemus Ward, is wili ne to sacrifieo every nblo-bodied rclutito of his wife's for his country's good, and proposes in consoquono to abandon tho general-order business. lion. A. Oakey Hall, Mayor of Now York, was nrrttiguod beforo Judgo Gunning S.Bedford on Saturday, upon tho charge of gro.-s neglect of duty, and, in reply to tho accusation, stated that ho desired an immcdiato trill. Gen. Harry Whito, tho Lndieal lender in the Stuto Senate, showod bis a ctivity on sovoral occasions last week in advocating the interests of the "robber ring." Ho is itAt'fJ, it is truo, but ho hns no right to bo. I Iho West irifinia Constitutional Convention has adopted sovoral sec tions of Iho Bill of Rights, not mater ially differing, liowevor, from th pro visions 01 1110 oiu uiii. a provision was adopted prohibiting political test oaths. Julius T. Hat twcll, convicted of em bezzling government funds in connec tion wilh tho Ward k Mollon enso, has been pardoned by tho Presidont.ft More health is wanted in thnt city, and if ft "Board" will produco it, send it along. Tho "Liberal Republicans" of Mis sourl mean business. They have passsd resolutions denunciatory of Grnnt,sny ' they will "hurl him from power," and havo called a general convention lo meet at Cincinnati, on tho first We 1 ncsday in May. Mr. L. S. Thurlow. of Wilkosbarro. was fortunate enoui'li to draw fiom tho Trenton bank, a day or two be fore the robbery, somo $75,000 worth of Camden and Am boy bonds deposi- leo more, in us saving mo thieves the trouble of negotiating them. . , An cxclinngo suys: "Tho Lehigh Vallev Railroad Coinnanv will hero. . after sell life insurance policies on each train." Thnt is a very rood plan whero they kill so many, nt timos. and is a shrewd business transaction botweon Iho living and the prospective killed. According lo tho Southern pnners thero has beon nn unusual ounntily of sno'.v mid ico in that section of tho country during the prosont venr. Ico is nn sight on tho Mississippi river within the borders of Louisiana, but they hnvo it this year, nnd plenty of it. R. B. Brown, editor of the Clarion Democrat, has been chosen Senatorial delegate, nnd Win. i. Abrams, Rep rosentntive delegalo to reprosent Clar. Ion county in lh noxt Democratic Stato Convention. Tho county moct ing doclarod in favor of Gen Cass for (iovrnnr. " " - - - Old John Burns, of Gettysburg re nown, diod in Adams county, on Tues day night of last wock, of pneumonia. "Tho Anciont Governor" is tho titlo of a colorod man who has beon body servant to every Kxocutlvo of Ken tucky sinco 1881. It is said that a more dignified old Africa nevor travel ed about this piano of action. Ho is about to rocoive from tho Stato a pen sion of 812.60 per month. E. W, Kirby, whoso conviction at Chnmbcrs'burg of adultery was notod last week, has been pardoned by tho Govornor. Tho Temporanco Vindi cator champions his Innoconco, nnd alleges that bo is tho victim of the liquor dculcrs. Rather thin. Wo thought the "victim" was a woman, Tho Tribune makes tremendous as saults on tho Administration. Speak ing of the Custom Houso villainy, it says : " The case is clearly made out, and the veil is tcithdrawn from one of the most shameful pieces of official ex tortion, mismanagement and plunder ever set up in a commercial community." Tho Age says; "Our Phiadelphia election law, thought to bo peculiar to us, scorns to have a parallod in Suit Lake City, if tho accounts of tho re cent election thoro aro truo. The Gontilo candidate thoro has no moro chance than a Democrat or Reformer in Philadelphia." Undor date of tho 12th inst., Gover nor Buldwin will issue a proclama tion convening tho Michigan Legisla ture in extra session ut Lnnssing, March 13, to reapportion tho Stato into nino Congressional districts. Ho also has directed spociul elections to take place llio Ulh ol March, to fill vacancies in tno liOgisluluro. The Interior asks, "If Christianity were rocognized in iho Constitution. would thero bo nny gnin to religion f iv ouia uou uo honored any more I ivouiu mo Amorican nation Do any more a truly Christian nation than it is to dny r 1 beso aro questions for which wo have trlod to find un affirm ative answer, bnt as yet In vain." Justico William Strong, of tho Unit ed Stutos Supromo Court, has removed bis family to, and fixed his permanent residenco in Washington City. Tho juogo nas. therefore tixed himself. whether bo cvor succeeds in getting ow in too vuiinuuitiuii or not. Wo presttmo he will try and live on tho fruits of his late legal tender de cision. Tho duel between Pollen Stinnrln ter.dent Biidiror nf Vnro i 1,-lanna an1 ex Speaker Carter, of tho Louisiana II . . r 1 . 1, ... nuu-iu, wna lougut nt uuy 01. l.ouia, M isS . On the 1 (th. Tim icumnna u-ni-a rilles, and tho distanco sixty paces. onow wero exenangea, Dtit neither wua iiijurou, ana "inoir aitierences wero then amicnhlv adiiiHtml " a nitv thev wero not nil "hit." ami curriou iiomo "scnsiuio. Tho Pittsburgh 7W anca' Thcu nave a -nurry n into dun" in ilarns burg. Its aim is suid to bo tho eleva tion of Harry White to the Kxoculivo chair of Lha Suitn. Tim fir.t voeli blockod out for the club is to follow tho cxumplo sol in Indiana county, where tho taxablos were raisod ono thousand to moot the cxigoneios of the timos. 'ihoro is no other process w hereby they can have anvllunr lib a rcnsounblo hope of seeing thoir ex pectations realized. Cltiei justico Hrinkerhofr, of Ohio, has wriUnn a l.'ttnr in u-l.ii-l, I, a nn. dorses iho nail fur l!m f'inni nail 1 ,ilu nl Republican Convention on the 1st of May, and snvs: 1 As lo tho DtfrsOn;il ndmimMlt-ntmn f Grunt, I do not liko his acceptance, prior 10 uis inntiguraiion, 01 munifi cent presents from men distinguished 'for their wealth, and then appointing those samo men to oflloo. I do not liko his shameless nepotism, hns np parently inlimii'.o nnd continuous as sociations wilh atnelt t . I . I . nra fit trn ject for the purchase of St. Domingo. Gbantikii F.XCULr-ATION. Tho Now York Tribune (good authority on this point,) 6ays: "The most revolting lest uro of the present investigntion into the disorders of our custom-house has bean tho oncn and Immnlnaa mr. jury of tho employes. Whenever ono 01 mem nas ooen inculpated by the evidence of a plundered merchant, tho delinquent is sont for by thecommitteo, or boldly presents himself, to dony tho charge llo usually indulges in no research of invontion or play of imagination. He contents himself wilh a courso and brutol statement that ho nevor saw his accuser beforo in bis life." Will Not Surrender. An attempt on the part of prominent Republicans of tho State of Now York to secure a reconciliation between tho Greeley Ponton faction and Grant has reunited in an ignominious luiluro. Tho Presi dent would not listen to any torms whatovcr, but demanded an "uncondi tional surrender." Grant evidonlly thinks ho is yot a military commano'or and can order thoto mon into lino, but will miss his mark this time. Ho and his relations will no doubt "fight it out on that lino" all summer, but they will never capture the "Kichman" they Rro oftor. " ' am t Tim New Oiuias Tho Vonango Spectator saya t "J. Vannote, tho no torious dabbler in religion, law, race couchcs and nowspapers, who spoke at a Republican meeting hero last, full, is tho editor of a now Grant paper in Pittsburgh, and District ' Attorney Swoope is B.iid to bo its proprietor. These two will muko an excellent Grunt team, eilbor one of them being able to do nil the tall lying nooded for iho Radical cottso in Wostorn Penn sylvania." . . Tun DiFrrnENCK. Tho Now York Tribune nnd Forney's Press both do. nnunco tho action of tho Radicals at ILtrriabut-g, in attempting to evade the McCluro-Gray contest. Hut the smnll fry, ring, robbor "journalistic flunkies, put them on tho back, say ing, "gonhoad boys," or remain silent, which is tho snmo thing. , $fiv (U'fi'tijfmtntj. yi r AN 1 -:. a" Mll.l.ERTo"ru7T 7l7ia1 M Mill. Musi bring goml reoommendationa. Apply to T. . Finn KY, . Feh. IS Jt. (irohamton, Pa. PRIVATE SALE or VALUABLE J I'llnPKRTVI ' .Tbo preiniaea aoeunied by Joseph (laon, at llloomiiigton, are hereby offered at privnle aala oonalrting ol alinnt three aarra orgmand, a eom modioua and convenient dwelling honae, a barn nnd uillal ontbuildlnga. Well auited for the pur poaea ot a atora properly or a hotel stand, l'rloa low and terms oaay. Inquire nt T. II. MURRAY, fM-H Clearlleld, Ta. i DMI NINTH AlOll'N NOl'H'l'M Notie.n J la hereby irlren that b ltrra of adminialrallnn ou tbo i alate ol M A IIY .1 A. H IIA V I IIKON, deo'd, late of Roll lownahip, I'learOehl aounty, l'enn'a,, baring been duly granted to tha nndnrained, all neraona Indebted to aald aetata will please make immediate payment, and ILoaa bating claims or iTemanda will pn aent them proparly nuOlenlieatad Inp aeltleiaanl wllhmil Amim ' I'AMhrt M.OKK. . ". Administrator. Krb. si, i ?: n-i. XTOTH.'IV-Wharoaa, my wife, SADIE WAR. 11 Illt.'K, did leuvo hit bed and board about flnooinhar 1 , 1871, without any Juat oauaa or nro Toeathin. 1 hereby eaulion all peraoai not to harbor or truat tier oa my aooouot, a I will bay no ueoia 01 uer ouniriiciiniri W". tOCK PK'KEY Glen Hone, February 21-31. A UTIO Nt A II neraona are horehy raut lonet J ajralnat purehnaina; or in any wuy meddling with tha following pcraonal nroiierty now In Iho tioaaeaalon of John t. Aiilla, ol Hell townibiui One bay and I gray horao, 9 oowa. S boia. 1 atore. 1 timber aled, plow, harrow and log ohalna. Thia propony waa puronaaaa lir uie at HhenS'l aale, and la left With the eaid Willi aubjeet lo mr order oower, reo. zi-at j. k. MoCnAl'KKN, A HANDSOMH MOUSTACIIK! i I'rof Ht.t'roli'a FHKNCII COMPOUND, Mol HTrilb' I th great Hair Urowep, will pro. WHISHUHM dueo a luiurlant Mouatavheor Mill riTACIIK I Wblaheri on tha nuootheal fane. WlllSKIilLS rieaaant to uie. Kent to any auun-ia on reeeipi or ou eenla, II. T. liONb, Cliamiat, N. E. oor. Tenth and Cheatnut Htroeta. fobtrri-ly l'biladelpbla. DISSOLUTION NOTICE I The firm of Jimca 1)I,-V A f ... ,n. eolvcj on Fubmarv in. IRi2. b mum.) and W II Haul 8. IHnkoy has aaaooiatod with him hla son. Juuiea iJiekev. under the nama ami firm of William B. Dickey A Son, In tha buaineaa of general merchandising and dealing in l aw logs, Kiiare timber, and all kinda ol aawod lumber, ahingtea, ., at lllrn Ilooe. Clrarlield oonnlv .n.l at Ht. Lawreuoe Churoh, Cambria oounty, Fa. Jomea Dickey will give the log and timber bust neaa hia peraonal attention, lie will be fouud at the old aland at (lien Hope, whero goo, la will be aold at tha burnt prices poaaible, and tba beet airve ibiu ior toga ana limner, ur. r. a. Wer ling will be found at Ft. Lawrenoa, ready to wait on hia friends. The Dnotor la a olerer fellow ; go and aee him. All tba aneounte of James Dickey nu. win uo settieu oy n imam n. llivkey a Bon. Wa thank our nuinamua frieoda for their kind nH liberal paironnae and ak a eontlaoanoe of the aaine. w 1LI.IA.M 8. HICK fc A SON. Ulen Hope, Pa., Feb. il, 1872 lm. Ul :;lTl:H'S M)TICI-i-Notloa Is hereby given that tho following aeaounta have been eiaiuined and pimed by me, and remain Sled of reeoru in una omoei ior ina inapeellnn or beira, legatees, ortiuiors, and all ottiors in anyotber way lnlp..l...l ami will K. n.......t...l .1 . r. w w.v ..... .,vvu,vu u MH arji nr phana' Court ol Cb-arfleld oounty, to be held at tha uuun, ii im uumuKu ui ncarnom, eom mrnclng on the Sd Monday (being the tilth day) OI ntnrcu, A V- loii. ' Final aeoount of John Morrow, executor of W W. Andereon. late of lilunm biwn.Mn Final aoorant of Kllia Hmeal, eaeeut'or of Kliaa- netn nmeai, lata ol nngga townahip, deceaaed. Final aooount of illiam and Kllia Bmeal, ad mlniatrators of Ueorge bmeal, late of Ilugga town ahip, deeeaacd. I'artial aooount of J .bn R. Cnrr, adininiatrator of Harah A. Jury, late of Girard townahip, dee'd. Account of l'hilip Ri-gera, adininiatrator of Ma- rj tf. nvny, inic 01 uaceoia norougn, deoeaaed. ' Account of Kliiabeth Hehueker, adminiatratril ol ueorge hcliucker, late of Urady townahip, dee'd. RioiaTKB'a Ornca, ) A. W. I.KE. Clearfield, Fa., Fob. 21, 1872-1 l-tc. j Regiater )HILADELPHIA. SPRING, 1 872. FENT0N, ' THOMPSON & CO., OIT CIIESTXIT STREET, Kara now In Ktore, and opening daily, large Slouk, boaght mainly direct from Maaufaetarera at HOME AND ABROAD of ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Drcis Fabrics, Silks, " ' Shawls and Scarfs, White Goods, Linens. BilBROIUERIES AND LACES, Embracing all the Korelliea of -the Reaaon. offered to tha Trade by tha piece or paekage at tne loweat market price. febll Jra ANNOUNCE JIENT OF THE GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES! 1JY 8. PIITi:n Nil AM , . D. 9. IMPORTANT TRl'THSt KaWiDaY UrCMilfwl In armtiiiia a li-l.taa laelff matrriat, hi'HM tbe low and modtmit charge for Bui-lift! anil full Mia tT Tulk I a l. i a maoafaotur ot twtb and lbr material. All rt)rau)ni rrriirrii and warraatod t ix ier Ttr) and latiafaction. Frtcodn. nflnt that mv f)iFBaa t. tk. tloa of artificial and th taring of tho natural teem are now tiimoiirtMonaiilo in rcnni.vlvanta. i-retrvc your loeiu ana you trMrve your health. ll,. I a..'.a. I a h.ii id t''tnl WIU m neaiiDj! jira irrTat.voand wucful oonUition mad a (eoialtaY. MMriPfei ana maiionnaitAntPommott lo the mouth, jaw and aMooiate parti, are tratd and corrected with fair tuooeii. Kiaminationa and eonu I ta li um raxa. It would bo wrll for put lent from a diitanot to let ma know hj mall a few dayi before ootuing to lha office. Il It ?erj ImTiortant that children Wtwoen the agf-a of fix and twelre yean thoald hart their teeth eiaroined. Ana?nthrtici aro adtafntitered and Teeth re mored without pain. D.Ppoiitkmi and character fcrn judged by all tha world hy (he exprensleDi of the face, henoe how verjr diaaMroui ma? It therefore I fur per- fUH tO illritlisTsl amU BlTllMllslal.n II f il I a taaa-l n.l . even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy Hiurni (nn. aninciiii) aomiuru and pleajurei, reiprct and obey natural implirltion and In Ml net. J r. i pil A IT , V, 11, p. Office In Vaw Mimnls )).iiM.n. r...a . . Clearfleld, Pa. febU'73 1872. 1872. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT, HOOD, B0NBRIGHT & CO., Are now offering at their NEW STORE, Nub. 811, 813, 815 Market St., atn yog. 800, 803, 810, m Filbert St., niiLAbhiriiiA, . . A magnificent stock of KKASONABTiK PHY GOODS, eomilota In all Ita departments ot Rlllca ami lre.a tlnoila, Prints, ningliatn' antl ueiainoa, ana s ana hits wear, White II omla, Linens anoi I'lannolt, Furn'.lilng, Notions, Ao., Dleaekeil anil lirown Shirtings, Ao., Ac, e. ' Alio, Jnet opened an eaten lira Carnal and Oil Ctolh Ilenartment. To all nf anhieh, Including uanr i hiiloe Ftpaetal Branda of Phttndeliihiamade goad tliey rtirulljr Inrita tbo atlenilon of, inj ircie. .-, -j tauli-Iai Jrurjj suit lrit.riurt. rjri ii i; latest m o v e I v - - -. THE LATEST MOVE HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S pnua STORE, To their new building on Second Btreet, newly opposite tha store of Wearer A Betts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to lopply thetr old and at many new eojtomeri ai may oome, with PU11K DltUGS! . CHEMICALS! PHARMACEl'TICAL PUEPARATIOSB, (Including all new reinedtce,) Patent Modieinea, Palnta and Oils, Glass and Patty, School Books, Stationery, Paper, Ac; also, a full lina of Irug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonies, . Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Tuilet Articles, brushes, Toilet bsaps. Pocket Books, .,all of tha bast quality. PURE WiyES AND LIQUORS, for medical k flacramental purpoaca oiilj, Pur White lad, Color of all kind, Raw and Dolled Lined Oil, Vaminhei. Turpen Udo, Coal Oil, Paint k afiiiih Brushei, 'lavorinf ti tract, Confact5 oner !ea. Bird Seed, Fpice, grennd and nngrounds of all ainU( SMOKERS AND C1IEWERS Will find onr ttook of Chewing and 8iDokina Tobaoeo, ImporUd and Do- metie Cigara. .Snuff and Fiue-cut to be of the very beit brandi in the market. LAMPS AND ClllMNKYd, All kind of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Mimical Trimmings of orery rarirty. Ilavtnr a loot experience la thn b'ninei, and an eitetuire and well telected itork of medicineii, we are enabled to fill Physirtani' preaeriiitioni at the itiorteit notice and on toe looit reaonaUle tormi, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield, Pft, May 31, I ST I If. l T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. VII. no Yi:us Pl'RB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 safe, pare, pleasant and health-gtrlng Tonic --X. strictlj fegetable, and mannfaatared from the most para and ohoioo ntatoriala Is not a spirit drink nor snbstltuU for srhiaky, but a soientifie eoniponnd, for tha protection of the sjratcm and tha euro of diaoaae, made from eheniiealty pure apirlta, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or olfend the moat delioate stomach. A long private experi ence has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Xo Bitters at present offered to tba public contains so much medicinal rirtue, and yet so safe and pleasant to take. Ita use la to cure disease, and It will aot create an appetite fr spirituoue liquore, but will euro tha effect of dieeipetion. To lacrosse tka Appetite, VSB IT. To promote tilgeation, . . t SB IT. To cur Dyspepsia, VSK IT. To cure lever and Ague, VSB IT. To cure Dilliousnaas, , VSR IT. To cur Conatlpatlon, USR IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhoea, VSK IT. To cur Heart burn, . VSK IT. To cure Plat ulenee, ' CSB IT. T cure Acid Eraeutloas, l'8E IT. To cure Xoivoua Debility, ISK IT. Ta our Ilydochondria, ' t'SE IT. To aura Salluwaeaa of Complexion, VBB IT. To cure Pliide and Blotc hes, VSB IT, , For Ueaeral Prostraltoa al th Physical powers, ' ' PSH IT, and It will euro yon. Sold Tcrywhcro, at tl.M pr bottle, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. SHAW, druggist, .,,''.' (H.KARriui.D, ta., . Who uRVrs liharal inducements to the trade. Oct. 7, lS6iif. Y O V H ATTUNTIOHI Jl'FT FOIl A MOMKNT! Are you In need nf a good set nf Harness Aro yon In need of a good rtaddle or Url llol If so, eall at tha Padille and llarneas n v. ,, e, wurre jwu ... go. Ill est In tne marKei. ueatileaad Sinrjle II iu--,.. and La me and tlaat a r-addlee nr auperi-r workmanahip, alwaya on hand or manufacture J to i.r.ler. K,.t-. rial attention U called lo mj stock of Collar, and Itemce, which are th be.t In na. I alao a.aortmrnt of Sad il.ra' Hardware, which will be di.poaed of al roMonahle rates, Repairing of all kinda pror.p'.ly attended to. taJL-D'Ol'lurgal to oall keror purchasing alar where. Khop in Old uiucn, aiaraec sirrai, i irvniii, e'a. . alay .1, 18U-ly, . JOHN C. IIAUWIKC, H THE l')IIUTOITOMMt! PLUAs) Mary Htaga, by her neat friend, Henry llochman, 1 oi v;iarneni eouniy, 1'enaayit'aiiia. . H. 11T, Sept. T. 1IJI, Allaa sub. sur divoroo. Win: l, l-i Tha undnraignevl ooiamiaaloner appointed by tha court to take teatimony In Ihr aboye eaao, hereby glrea notira that ha will attend to the du tiea of hia appointment, al th olhce of J. 11. )lc Knally, K in Clearlleld, Pa,, on TlU'llrtHAY, tba Tib day or Marah, A- P, ln3, at I a clock p. m., where all r-artlec internated may attend. .' - CVHUA HiiHUON, rmnissionr. Claicia, Fub. , ia;i..4t. . tfiliiattoital. MISS H. S. SWAN'S .SCHOOL FOR GIRLS vJ.KAItFIELD, PA. rpilB WINTHR TK'ItM of fo,t...n ,nU ... X eommenoe Monday, Jan. H?2. w " TkKHMfl OP TVITIOy. " Ileadlng, Orthography, Writing, Object L. sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary .&terjrr:rrr.r-'" anu nriuen Arimmciic a a. . ..7 r . ' anaial Inatructlon in Instrumental muaii"""!' la !! Oil nalnllnir. il l...,.n. !I w.; work::.::;::":; z :::: " " ('vu,r mr circular. Clearfield, Bopt, 7, IHTO-Iypd. V,.r fa, If 1 .1-.. J ., t SEW VASIIUGTM ACADEST, Clearfield County, Pa, milR REPOVn RFSBfAV Rf nr. will C3fnrucnon tbo firm Monday of Ntvt. Ht. (aciui, uvg mon in 91 Tht urt-iriiliim nf !.. wtll . nd thorough tonne In erery branch retjuiiitc to . I'li' -iiui uuu uvuiujJJIflUCU CUUCailGB. Kcial attention xivtn to peruont dtiiritig U nalify themiolrm for the proft-ation of ttmclmt. .do, to roonl and lintru mental mime. I'tllalla will .. m,i.niHA . .!.. J..i . 7' " - v muj iiguwiJuriUB; ID lemun, and harffd from tliii of entering to tb eloie of tho term. Xo deduotiun will be irtw, ior aoicnoc, excrpt in oaat-i of protraotad tllani, HtudenLal ilMiriii rrM.mi for 'Vlulitainv" i . n . .. va aooouimoilatod at moderate rrtci. flood boarding can bo procurfd at lower rati than any other place to the oounty. Three do.. aaas s wvva Bl put'HV KUU JTITMIC HVUIll, For particulara addrn! ifptlO'71-tf New H aahiDctoa, yK CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male ftud I cm ale Claaalral High School. Kach Department Separate, Dlstluct and TnR scVolanUo yrar of thia InftUuHon ii d.rl. dpd in (ft CftTQ nf five mnnlka ODO WCCkfl he flrnt aeanion eotLmrneei ob the fi rut Monday In Sepir tuber ; the fcoond, on tlv firnt Bfonday i& Frbrual. Theeoaroa of ioitnicflon embrace! every thing nectary to a thorough, praelicaJnd accompli, I,, cd edaealion of both aeaei. Pupils will be admitted al arty time and charge: from date of entrance to the cloie of tho ioutoi.. No deduction will b made for ahnoe, exetpt in eaaei of ext. erne and prutrmcud illneu. Student! from a distance eaa be aoeomuiodate4 who ooara at low raiea. tor particular, vnd for eireolari, or ad'lrcn Her. P. L. UAilUliJON,A. al., July Sft, 1871-tf, Principal. ?cat G$tott for Jalr. Farm for Sale I . rriflE aadoroiKned.rmiidinR in Uocrf town'bip, HUNDRED ACHES 75 acrt of whirh n cfnr. ed and under cultivation ; having therw.a cret a frame dwellinc hou. lor bara and the n'aa! outbuilding!, together with 129 bearing fruit trri ana an exceiiKni iprtng of water. A thn-fwn rein of COAL and a throe-foot rein of FIRK CLAY, both open, which can bo eeen at aaj time bj eallinr on the premlart. Tbii farm ii lituatel one-fourth of a mile from Wallareton itatim, oa the Tyrone Clearfield Railroad. Title In Jipa table, and pooertoion gitu at any time. fr luriner partieuiare eall on the preraioet or addreii n h K i A. blilMbL. Wallaoeton, January 17, 1H73-Sm. House & Lot for Sale or Kent 1 TMIE nnderaigncd offcra lor sale or rent, npea riot.onahle tenna, a two sorr dwrljin. kt and stable, in Bloomingtoa, Tike tnwnvhip. ler i.rma, c., apply 10 Itn IS i. IlbOCM. Jannarr .1.1. I7I tr. Coal Laiid forNale! rpiIR undcraiirned offer for sate a valuable piece X of Coal laml, eituata in Iacatur town, hip, Clearfield eonntj, ailjoinica landa of John Craca. Oaveola Coal and Lumber Co. and Os-ola bor ough, containing IIS Arret, 3!) Perchf. and allowance. It is nnderlaid with two rinf of Coal, and is alao ie.iral.le (or town lots. Than ia a tumpik laid out through it from Oeeoola t PblMpebarg, and it la within a quarter of a mil of the Tjmae A Clearlleld Hailmad, and abviit the same diatanae from tba Moahannoa Branch Road. For further information addraaa A. A K. McMlLLEN", nor2:-Sm finking Valley, lllair Co., Pa. E8T VIRGINIA Timber and Coal Lands FOR 8 A L X I The following tracts of Timber and Coal Land are affered fur aale i On tract of )7,0ua acre., lying on the Elk River, in Weheter eonntyt three tract, lying on the aaaie rlrer In Braxton eoaotr. two of t.C'O acres each and ona of l.iUO acres; and one tract containing I,tto0 acres, lying on the Uauley Hirer, in Nicholas oounty. Thetillea te tbea. landa ara perfect. Any information conocrnlnr the landacaa a bad by addrtaring . . a. S, FLKUAL, Jlarcli::, 18,1-tr. I'bilipaburg, Fa: 1 . - 1 . . . DENTALCAED. Pr. A. AI. HILLS Would ay ta hie patianto aad the auk lie gonorally, that, having diaaohed partnenbio with Dr. 8haw, he ii now doipa the entira work of hit ofliee himte If, 10 that patienta need aot fear being put under the bands of any otber operator. HaTiue; obtained a reduction of the patent oa tbo plate material. I am enabled to rut up teeth maeh cheipcr than formerly. I aleo bare Ir. g'Bcb i pateut procrri for work In (5 rubber plate?, whirl, mike a much lighter, mora elantie and ifrtnfrr plate for tho lauia amount of material, and pl- iene tne piaie oa 0010 otaea, rendtring u muca more enail krnt clean. Ppeciol attention aiid te lha preaervaiifH ot the natural teeth, aad ail work guarantied entirely latiifactory to patient. T-w-i'VTce at Hie oiii corner, om.ooffe- tho Pbiw Ilouaa. Offlee hor from 0 to lit, a. bh anti 1 to p. no. Patients from a distance rhuold nctii"? me a few days bffnirhand of their intention to coma. Always at home, anlesa other notice op paars ia both tha county papers, feb 1571 J. M. STTWAET, D. D. S., Olio over Irwin's Drug Star, CCRWENSVILLE. PA. All dental nn.retlnn.. .ilk. i il.. nuk.n:fl.t or operative branch, promptly attended lo aad aatialaetioa guaranteed, r-pocial attentioa paid to the treatment of dieeaae of the natural ltth, gum. and aoatn. Irregularity of t'ie teeth ane ces.fuliy eorreeted. Teelh extracted without paia bytbensaaf Kther, and artidi-ial teelh tr.ertt4 of the list material and warranted to render sal- uiacuon. - anril2C';i:iy o. 1. c. AyUERB to bu my PRY OOfibai, OK0- f eerira, Qtieemwan Ulaaaware, L.-uga ard Notions, Confuctioncrioa, Ac,, cheap for ea.b, Th subscriber begs leave to iufirm his olJ and new euatouera that he has opened A VARIETY STOKE IN GLEN HorE, Ti And will sell goods at prices to suit th f ints. A liberal redn.-tir.ii ill V. .-. I. ,...tnn,F. hue. ing at wholeaala. Call and examine mr stock b,fore purchaiieg laewhare. A liberal share if put-lie patronage ll solicited. ' ' C. 1. KEAtiV. (lira Hope, l'a., Jurjs It, 1ST 1. GKEAT WESTERN BAZAAR, ' l.tll. ism, lms Market fit:, I'UILADKLl'llM. Alwaya on hand a large assortment of new and second-hand Carriages. I'rarborns, Harness, As at prirate and nnblle ante. Calling and Shifting T..p Buggies fmra $175. ttermantown (abifllnk aeata) from te 1.M)S Itoekawaya tleather trimmed) from t lJ. Dearhornl, No Top Hli-gies, .larrrr sil llueinc M'ngona from $.0 to fl2S. Pintle llar neas from $ to a",S per act. Itouble llarneas fr-'Oi :'0l. fljj. Ulankrls, Wbi)e, llalierr, SSiccta, AfRhnna, and vrrthlag appertaining to the bn.ineaa nt equally law prices. Our motto la "Cheaper than the Cheapest." (lie tie a osll be fnre slai'nharo. - PaHieadealring Horses, Mntee, Carriages. one, Ac, will eludy Ihvir intvn-sl by piuonlrg thia well-ralnbliahcd tlaraar. Morses kepi b-tk day ot month. 11AVV HI NT, ' Feb. t dm. rmprlcl. ra. TlitTICK COHHTTABI l.K' Wa hare printed a largo number of tba nr KKR BILL, and H on tha rrfciut of twentj TVf,1nwi "Vr 'illy ddras.' 1 "J'