Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 14, 1872, Image 2

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The lirst Stnto election this your
tttkcuj plut'O in New Hampwliirt', on
Iho 2d Tuesdny in March.
Tied Amain. Hon. Henry S. Evnns,
Ktato Soiintor from tho Chester dis
trict, died ut liiu homo in West Ches
ter on Friday lunt, from jiheuinonia.
His dculh loaves tho Sec.te a tie
Time Fixed. The Directors of tho
West Branch Ccmji Meeting grounds
have fixed upon tho 10th of August
ns tho tirno for holding tho next camp
meeting, which is to continuo ten
OHaA.M.i:D. "Tho Lycoming county
Historical Society" has beon organ
ized at Williamsport. This society
proposes to gather all tho informa
tion relating to tho early sottlcnent
of tho Wont Branch Valley, and to
that end solicits rerbal and documon
tury cvidenco bearing upon this point
Governor Piccd, of Florida, a carpet
baggor from Wisconsin, lias been im
peachod for his frauds and corruption
whilo acting as Governor of Florida.
Ho is dismissed fram offieo it is true,
but ho lias three millions of money in
his pockuts, which ho stole from the
poor linio Sliiie, and being oypesMvo
ly loyal ho is all right.
FmuniNO. Wo notice that Gov.
Geary was nt Washington on Wed
ncsduy last, and had a talk with "tho
government." Wo suppose- bo wants
Grant to refund his share of (ho Evans
robbery. As ho gavo tho St. Domin
go rag amuflin, ISaez, f 1.33,000 out of
tho contingent fund, ho might acenm
inodato Geary, Evans & Co. with a
similar slico
Mended. Tho Act passed by the
House, two weeks ago, prevonting
the sulo of all kinds of I'quor on elec
tion day, has beon so umondod by the
Sennit as to stop tho salo or gift only
during tho time tho polls aro open.
After tho polls clone- drinks will bo in
ordor. Thoao thirty-throe grave gen
tlemen seem to understand human
nature protty well.
A Dead Faillee. The daily nows
papers for several days last week had
this country involved in n terrible war
.jaiiiiEaitiMulfirxAtTO nMiowcvcr7
but somebody realized a nico thing in
the advance of gold. It was not Fisk
this lime who played tho d I, but
somebody did. Whether "tho gov
eminent" had a lu.nd in it has not
beon developod, but it's altogether
Little Dearies. We notico in the
IMO.OOO bill now before tho Legisla
ture for fixing up tho Hulls, fivo Ax
minister rugs, 8100; two Cocoa rugs,
S.IOO (they must bo exceedingly fine
or very dcur loves of rugs cspeci
nlly tho Cocoa's j und $150 for a sofa
cover. In three months from now
neither of theso articles will bo in the
cnpilol. They might ho kept at a
livery stable until they are worn out,
but not "on tho hill."
DrFRATF.n. Tho general amnesty
Lill hich lias teen before Congress
for some timo, was defeatod in the
Sennto on Friday, because of Sumner'
civil rights bill having beon attached
to it. This civil rights bill is to compel
tho Legislatures of tho sovcral States
to pass luwi ordering tho churches, ho
tels, and ul! places of amusement, to bo
opened to the freo reception of no
groes. Those in favor of amnesty had
to voto against tho bill becauso of tho
luminous amendment.
A Dasii Wall street, New York,
was shocked on tho 0th, upon learn
ing Hint two Philadelphia capitalists
had purchased a block of buildings on
tho corner of Wall street and Hrond
vrny. Georgo W. Child, proprietor of
(he Ledjer, ond A. J. Drexel, banker,
.r tho purchaser, and aro going to
t-ruct tho largest banking houso In tho
world. Philadelphia may well feel
proud of thoso two capitalists, yet, it
looks now a though their ideas wero
Inclining New-Vorkward, whoro some
bow or other u II active businessmen
Itnd capitalists seem lo drill.
Dead. Joseph Uuffinglon, for many
years President Judo of the Arm
strong, Indiana and Westmoreland
judicial dist! ictjiind at ono lime (1850,)
it member of -Congress from this dis
trict, died at Kittar.ning on the .'!d, in
the 70th year of bis age.
James W. Grimes, for many years
United Slates .Senator from Iowa,
died at Darlington, in that Slate, on
Wednesday last. Ho was ono of tho
old rchool politicians Although many,
3'cnr b Congress ho novor cheated
the government or Indians out ofun
ncro of land or a duliur.
David Gill, High Shoriff of Chester
county, died suddenly on Saturday
Acehlihhop Spalding, of lluUimoi-4,1
.died in that city on Wednesday last!
after a protracted illness. Ho was in
.he C.'d year of his age, and well
known to lLo religioup nd lilfnry
The Venn liobberif.
Tho Legislative investigating com
niittco hns finully gono to work to
hunt up tho 82!)U,0UU robbery perpe
trated on tho Stato Treasury by a ring
of loyal scalawag who stand high in
tho Ktidiciil church.
Our render are nwaro that a poor
devil named (jcorgo O. Kvnna was
arroBtod for perpetrating tho robbery.
Hul tho invostigntiun, allhough just
commenced, tthowa that ho was Only
used as a cals-puw to scratch tho
chestnuts out of tho fire, fur which ho
has lout what little olmrr.cter ho had,
and whether ho cot to keen any of
tho money is not yet so fully devel
The committeo hns found 810,000 of
tho money. John W. Forney, the
virtuous editor of tho Philadelphia
Press, upon hMoalh before tho com
mittee, B'.ated that ho hud got JJ,0U0
of tho stolen money, given to him by
his cousin I). C. Forney. Tho latter
Forney swears that he got $5,000
from his Excellency John W. (icary,
and was to have- bad 10,000, but
Geary cheated him out of ?5,000, but
says ho is ready to rceoivo it at any
timo (ienry sees fit to hand it
Col. McMiehael swears that ho col
lectod just lis much money at Wash,
ington for tho State ns Evans did, but
that ho only got 1 1,400, whilo Evans
& Co. got SJ'JO.000.
Pretty work for the loynl Gover
nor and tho patriotic Forneys '. It
pays to bo loyal theso degenerate
The V.i tin lie.
Tho Quaker poet, Whittier, last
week wrote to Senator Sumner: "Am
nesty for rebels and a guaranleo ol
safety for the frcedinen should go to
gether." In other words, tho white
man must remain n slavo until he
concedes tho negro to be his suporior
and master. Hypocrites liko Whitti
er, away down in Mns-whusetts, used
to shed tears ns largo as hickory nuts,
while 4,000,000 of negroes wore in
slavery, but now when they huvo 10,
000,000 of whites in the siuno condi
tion they oppose freedom as glibly as
a harlot proclaims her virtue on tho
street corner. Whittier comes from a
slock w ho bad their cars cropped and
their lon"iies cut out, and somo even
hanged, in sight of tho Yankee blar
ney stone, Plymouth Hock, the au
thors of which bo und his school havo
donounccd us tho worst enemies of
tho human ruco. Yet tho "people of
God" only murdered, mutilated,
hanged and banished a few Quakers
and Baptist, whilo Whittier desir
es to treat ten millions no hotter.
Such is fanatacisni in every ago and
dime. Tho men and women who
howled and ranted over negro slavory,
and donounccd tho masters ns thieves,
villinns and even devils, for forty
years, now turn round and perpetrnlo
a moro horrid crimo upon their own
race and kindred. Fannticj) in tho
ti'bnists, and all Abolitionists are fa
natics and should never bo trusted
with tho affairs of Church or Stale
Col. Forney Unbosoms. Grant's
Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia
and editor of the vw, was called be
fore (ho Legislutivo Committeo last
week to tell whal ho know about the
Evans robbery. Tho gallant Colonel
answered tho qumlions of tho Com
mitteo in tho following manly man
ner :
Q. Piibsciurnt lo the passage of this rendit
ion, and alter the receipt if moneys by Mr.
Evans Irinn I lie I'nitrtl Suites government, (J,, you
know of any division of tho commission ntuim-d
liy Mr. Kvnns ?
A. Nolliinjr. except (und 1 suj.pipie tlmt in llio
ul'joet of iny being luminoni'd here) my cou"in, ll.
('-. Korno, wu one of bis sub-lireutf. 1 Uus't
know when he wns nppointetl.
Q. Do you know of Mr. 1). C. Forney having
received any ninoey f
A. Yes, sir. lie reeeived $0,(100 of Mr. Krnn,
1 Hi ink ; 'J.llOO of wiiieh he bunded to tne, wlnuh
I received, believing it to linvn been fairly earned,
an opinion which has been fubctirnlly continu
ed by the judgment of your local courts: bo re
ceived this auiuunt litat summer, 1 think, from
Mr. Kvnns.
Q. Cpon what account wni the '2,000 hnnded
to you f
A. I suppose, beeaaso of our rrlatinnst eer
tnilily not because of any services I rendered ;
I rendrri'd none I J know nothing of the dinposl-
tion ol tins money, oilier tliau t tsia ffi.non l
speak of: I must have given .Mr, Evans the let
ter of introduction to tle Uorernor alter the pas
sage of the resolution.
Democrat nnd Loyalist, thcro is the
way your money goes. And theso
thieves bavo tho impudeneo to my
after they are arrested that their ill
gotten gains "havo been fairly earn
ed." The opinion of tho court to
which Forney alludes is worth about
a much as Forney's in this case. It
seems that tho whole country, liko
Europe, is just now ruled, ond well
nigh ruined, by relationsblooded
families and thieves.
Something Wiiono. John W. For
ney, Collector of tho Port at Philadol
phin, bus rosignnd his olllco. Tho
political look-out in Pennsylvania is
very ominous for Grant, and Forney
sees It. The loss of 8,000 in ono Sen
atorial district has frightened the
foxy Colonel.
Forney in substance snys; Grant,
givo llio Custom Houso to soinu onu
else. I am satisfied you cannot carry
this Stale, and I want somebody clso
to bear thn bin mo. I think tho Demo
crnts and dissatisfied Padical aro go
ing lo carry everything beforo lliom.
Thercforo, let mo off at tho next sta
tion. Tho Evans froud investigation
at Harrishurg, und tho MeCluro con.
test has played h 1 with our party
in this Stato. Tho cut's out of tho
bag, and you and your backer aro
very blind if you don't see It. 1 guess
1 am for McClure, and I am bound lo
givo up my ?.',000 I got from my
cousin out of llio Evans stoal. Every
thing is going wrong and 1 am off.
Good byo, General, relations nnd all.
The lladicals are gulling into troublo
in nil quarters. Two ollieials in Han
Francisco hevo beon indicted for kJI
ing and buying olliccj, (
The Haillcal qtutrrrl.
If anybody wants to know how
Radicals conduct elections in Phila
delphia, let thorn read Col, McCluro's
stutotnent In auolhor column. Header,
if they client ono another in this man
ner at oleclions, how do you suppose
they Ireut Democrats. Tho election
in the Fourth Senatorial district two
weeks ago Is nn exact copy of tho
conduct of llio Itadienls in Philndcl
phia last October. Tho Democratic
candidates had a majority of nt lonel
a.OOO legal votes, but tho Radical ruf
fians counted them out and gnvo tho
other side 5.000 miiiorily. If those
fellows stuffed tho ballot boxos to tho
luno of a.OOO in n poll of 12,000, no
wonder they succeeded so well in a
poll of 100,000.
Col. MeCluro is now beforo the
Senate with his caio, and tho revolu
tions nro really startling already,
although tho contest has scarcely
An Immense mooting was hold in
Philadelphia on Wednesday last by
thoso wlio favor honesty in elections
as well as in business, and right well
did tho ring, ballot box stufTers and
repeaters como in for a good denunci
ation. To our mind tho rascals havo
gone too far with their frauds. The
Hadical curt has been upset, nnd next
October will clean tho nest out in that
Tho luto half million robbory of tho
city, by tho Treasurer, is diroclly
traceable to un organized ring of
robbors who stand at tho head of tho
Iiiidicnl party in Philadelphia, uni
form w ith tho Evans robbory ring ut
Vrrlrnee nnd Fractiet.
Tho New York S:m makes a splcnd-
cd hit in printing un extract from one
of l'residunt Grants messages wlncli
lays tho blamo of bad appointments
upon persons who write hasty loiters
ol'recommendation.side by side with the
President's own letter recommending
tho nolotious J.cet as "a business man
of unnuestioncd integrity." ToGritnt
tho pooplo might well suy, 'Physician,
heal thyself.'" Hero is tho showing
made by llio Sun :
"If bad men have
secured places, it
has been tho fault
of tho system cs
tablisued by law
and custom fur
"E Eet TIVK M.inhiot, )
Wamhncto, ll. C
March U, 1SI1H.)
M. 11. GnW;
"Dbau Sir : This
will introduce to
you col. ti. u
making appoint
nicnts, or the fault
of thoso who re
commend for Gov
Leet, who served
under mo from
early in the war to
llio presont day,
from tho fall ol
eminent positions
persons nol sulllci
ontly well known
to them personal
ly, or who give let
Yicksbu rg forward
as a stall otllcer.
Ho is a business
man of unques'.ion-
tors endorsing the
cd integrity. His
experience before
character of otlico
seekers without n
proper sense of tho
tho war Ins linn
for business of al
most nny kind.
gravo responsioin
ty which sueli n
course devolves
llo now proposos
to resign from llio
upon them. A civ
army to engage in
privuto lile, and
il seivice reform
which can corroct
this ahuso is much
I cheerfully com
mend him as po
.desMTiJ, .,..
ilios necessary to
inspire your con
"Yours truly,
!"U. S. GitA.vr."
The Now York Custom Houso in
vcsligation, inudo by a committeo of
Longres, proves that (his man Leet,
and (ien. Porter nnd Gen. Itabcock,
two of Grant's kitchen cabinet, have
robbed tho merchants of that city of
half a million dollars tho last year.
School Law. Tho following amend
lo tho general school law is now be
foro tho Legislature and is likely to
Skction 1. lie it enactrd by the Sen
ale anil J louse of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of l'cnnsylvania in Gen
eral Assembly met, ami it in hereby en
acted by the authority of the same, That
from tho passage of this act tho morn
ing session of tho primary, socondary
and grammar schools shall bodovoted
to rccitutions by tho pupils and ex
planations by tho teacher. The af
ternoon sessions shall bo given entire
ly to tho preparation of lessons by the
pupils, under tho cure nnd supervision
of llio principttl and assistant teachers.
Homo study may bo optional with
pupils, but ahull not in nny enso bo
reijiiircd by tcachors. When loxt
books are taken homo bv pupils, il
shall bo thoso only each day in which
recitations havo been preparod in tho
nfteriioon for the ensuing day, nnd no
addition hhall bo made to tho lessons
assigned on account of tho books bo
ing taken homo. Tho true principle
in education being "not bow much,
but how well," short lessons nro en
joined in all cuses. ll shall bo llio
duty of tho Slate nnd county superin
tendents to soo that the provisions of
this act aro properly enforced.
Got TniKit Dur.s. Tho two clerks,
Hunt and Green, of llio third auditor's
ollico, Washington, who were so t'n
(liscreH as to disclose tho fact that
the records in their division showed
the President to bo in arrears
to 1 ho United .States in llio sum of
fo.Ot'O nnd tho third Auditor ."00,
havo paid llio penally for tolling
family secrets. They havo been Mun
itioned beforu Llio government execu
tioner, and informed that Ihey "hud
no righl lo know anything outsido of
their olhclal duties, therefore, tho gov
ernment could dispenso with their
services." Tho third auditor is a Now
Hampshire carpet-bagger, but ap
pointed from North Carolina. Ho
lias refunded nnd so has the President.
"Let us havo pcuco."
A Nkw Lkcti'iur
Hon. Wayne McVoairh, of West Chester, Is on
a lecturing tour through (ha State. Ilia subject
is '-Turkey." AVeAaaye.
"Mack" is a son-in-law of General
Cameron, nnd wo rather suspect the
old Winnebago ha learned him to
"kill two birds with ono stono."
Turkey may bo ono, but to get Dad
bauk into the Senate is no duubt the
A rebellion to Custom House Im
position ha just taken plnco at Bar
celona, in Spain. A riol ensued and
a 1111 111 lio r of citizens wero killed It
is evident from this that tho Spanish
merchants will r.ot submit to bo rob
bed. This is an pxamplo American
tncrchisiiU might imitate with pro'll
under (ho Grant fryimf.
The Sit II Swludlra.
H would hardly bo creditod wero it
not a patent fact that some half (logon
suit mandarins from Onondaga, Mich
Igan, und other places, in solemn nro
oession marched up to tho capital on
Wednesday, invaded IhoSenate finance
committeo room, and there in tho most
oloipient struins (their spokesman bo
ing a silver tonguod judge) protested
not only against tho repeal of tho fait
duly, bill ugainst even tho reduction
of the duty. They of courso pttid a
liko visit lo llio ways und means com
niilteo on the following cluv. 1 hoso
mill mandarins, wealthy much nbovo
tho avoratfO ol rieli men, much of tlioir
wealth squoczoJ out of the poorest
negro nnd hard woruing seamen wlio
livo on salt provisions theso salt mill
ionaires havo tho effrontery to plead
for another yeur's plunder by the help
of government power in tho infamous
suit lux for a year or two longer to
rob tho pooplo. Could they but have
been inspired by tho goddess of 1 rtilli
this would havo been tho speech of the
sail mandarins : Wo, tho owners of the
Onondaga suit works, look advantage
somo twelve years ago of tho misfor
tunes of a broken down salt corpora
tion, got into our hands (only soim
six or eight of us) nil tho property for
a mere song, suy twouty cents oi thirty
cents on tho dollur. Congress kindly
helped us by tho salt duty to nseumu
late somo millions of dollars, and wero
wo to reckon our yearly divisions Bim
ply upon tho capital invested over
twolvo years ngo it would annunt to
an average of somo 2,000 pel cent,
per annum. Wo havogrown rich and
powerful. Wo enjoy comfortable in
comes 8JO.000, e;0,000, $10,000 an
nually. Havo you got tho heart to
rob us now of this incomo ? Wc huvo
no respect for tho divino rights of
kings or qucons, mil surely wo always
had and hope wo still may havo respect
for tho divino rights of million res,
which wo, tho Onondaga salt owners,
really nro. Beside, look at tho iijus
tico of tho tho thing. Our formor rep
resentative, the w io M'Carthy, phin
Iv told von two years niro that the
wholo salt tax is only six nnd no
(pinner conts por capita Is Uero
any hardship in thul? But loot tit
the hardship it would be lo us if vou
relieve the pooplo with this six mil
ono quarter cents per capita. iVe
should indiree'ly lose twenty, thiity,
forty r.iid pc
omo of ns ii:ivl
thousand dollars a year incomo. ?ic
Will He? No: Tho Pittsburgh
Post says: "Will President Grilit
withdraw his brother-in-law, Crannr,
now disgracing the mission to Den
mark f He bus proved himself uttcjy
incompetent for tho position nnd a
blackguard to boot. Let him bo smt
for immediately and place 1 with Ltrt
in tho general order business to rcdi
peratci'or the coming Presidential can
paign. President Grant lifts brou;r)t
shnmo nnd humiliation upon the ra
tion by appointing relations lo oflie,
in tho first place, lull when theso e
bilious so impudently ihrusl upon tin
country nro proved to bo corrupt aid
ignorant, it is timo tho Wnnliingt ii
clown was taught to respect the honor
of tho people, it bo bo not insensible t
shamo." I
Grant and Lincoln Contrasts!.
Whatever may have been sail
against Abraham Lincoln, he never
pensioned his rolatives on tho puhlo
treasury; never received bribes; ntr
.li.l lii nceent nrnaemt ill rr)t tlrO fin
nni..;ni r..,.n li n..rn. .-"irollcci
l.adical conventions bayonets
nnd (tailing guns; never speculate!
in Seneca sundstono; never sent h
son abroad on a frolic at the expense
of our tax payers; imver gambled i
gold ; and never turned the whob
machinery of government into an ori
gino of oppression to secure a ronomi
nation Lewintown Democrat.
JustLikk Tiikm. In Hhade Island,
nny colored man, no muttci j whether
ho owns a dollar's worth of 'property
or noi, is entitled lo voto. in adopt
cd citizen cannot vote n n lost ho is the
owner of a freehold. An at empt was
recently made to change tin Constitu
tion by a voto of the peojle, but il
wns voted down by about the usual
liudical majority in that 'Into. Tho
movement in question did noi nssumo
to change tho political righu of tho
colored man, but lo cnlinnco those of
tho adopted, and il wai defeat
od by liudical votes.
A liquor merchant in Neiv York
recently lesliluul before the Custom-
houso InvosliL'aliii! Commilloo that
hisbrandy was robbed under Giinncll'si
administration, of fivo gallons lo the
cask, and ho could get no snlMfaclion
at too Liistom-linuso. J but was a
small steal, considering tho peculiar
tomptttlion lilticcd boftiro a Crnnt of-
floo lioldor.
ISamcw. Economy. licpropftitntivo
Connor, of Toxiih, iPHlifiud biliiro llio
IIoiiro Postal Commiltoo that over
I? 10(1,1100 wua HUnnicrod in usoIuhb
muil contracts which were given to par
ticular men, lor particular purpnses. It
will lako n pretty heavy coat ol white
wash to cover tho record of tho Post
nuislor Goneral, when it in blackened
by such direct testimony.
A 8knsiiii,b Man. Gonerul Hun
cock ban been interviewed by a Woi
torn nowftnancr mnn. In tlm coiiro
of tho convei'Hiilion, in reply to u
qilOHtion nn to whelliur ho declined B
propoiiion lo run ns Iho democratic
tttiididato for presidency ,mid bo "novor
Ucclinuil anything belorc ll wnHOiierca
to bim.1
Tlio Philinlelpliia Aqc says t "Some
body lias taken the iroulilu to deny
tho report of sn ostrungomunl between
Secretary Fish und General Sickles,
nnd to declare that, on the contrary,
tho bctil feelings exist between these
gentlemen. A malignant method of
injuring tho Secretary !
S. P. Lowes, a clerk in llio Doston
postolllco with tho niunillcont sulnry
of glitlO per ycur, has turned up a do.
tin top ti t in amount til , . .
.Sixty unopened letters wore found on
him. Ho tinned over to tho post-
mustor 81 1,000 worth of properly.
Kt;oNo.Mv, A diseonsoluto widower
in Warren county thought of having
tho body of his docensod wife out.
lin lined, but ho found ho could bavo
her memory embalmed chenpor, and
bo did Unit.
Duluth, tho great mil rond focus, on
our cxtrenio Northwestern border is
named after Capluin John I )n Lutli,
tin ollicer of tho Fronnh Marino Corps,
who visited tho north short) of Lako
Sl'nerini in 1 1571.
P.i;i)onmi Hev, K. V. Kirby.
convicteil ut Chnniliorburgof aJtiltry,
nt" i.'ecn ji'irtlnncii)iitivern,(7ruettry.
Coupon Jsir.
Oil city hnd a 10,000 firo on the 0th.
Toleration is the child, not of faith,
hut of doubt.
Tho raw material for hydrophobia
in Ohio consists of 183,124 dogs.
An effort Is being mndo before the
Legislature lo advance tho ralo of in
terest on money to 8 per cont.
A pnssongor on ono of the Now York
ferry-boats is said lohnve lately sneez
ed himsolf overboard.
A Wyandotte lovor eommittod the
horrible mistake of kissing his intend
ed mother-in-law in the dark.
Adam's nativity has nt last teen
discovered, Ho was, according to
Darwin, a German.
The heirs of John Slidoll havo brought
suit to recover real oslato in Now Or
leans, confiscated during Iho war.
Our Legislature Booms to bo pretty
busily engaged in tho divorco business
tliisBcssion making llio miliappy nap
py. The falhor of Col. James Fisk has
gono crazy from griof and excitement
ut Iho assassination of his son. Ho
literally worshiped bim
A young woman in Pittston, chloro
formed her grandpapa tho other day,
robbed his house of 8700, and doped
with a festive deeotvor,
A. M. Holbrook, for thirty-five years
ono of tho oditors nnd proprietors of
tho ?ow Orleans 't(V7yttnf,diod in Hint
city on tho -Hti.
Georgo C. Carpenter obtained a ver
dict of?:!,000 against tho Camden ami
Amboy liiiilroud, for injuries roceived
on tho Koad in July,
Brigham young has boon called tho
"Father of his Conntry." And though
you if? as a father, ho has had the
greatest success of tho ago,
- Tho project of sinking railroad tracks
bonoalli tho surfuco of tho streols in
Now York, is now attracting tho at
tention of tho pcoplo of that city.
In fifty years past tho Mexican n
lion had over thirty changes of ad
ministrations, with sovorul dictator
ships thrown in for a seasoning.
Tho Indianapolis Journal (Radical.)
thinks that, unless tho Kepublicans
nominato honest men for office, Indi
ana will go Democratic in October.
Having appeased his hunger for
buffalo, Alexis can now dovoto himself
sgiiin t "killinsr tho littlo dears," who
annoyed him so much in tho cities,
Tho election lo fill tho vacancy in
tho Bedford and rullon Assembly dis
trict, occasioned by the death of Hon
J. W. Dickerson, look plucoycslerday
JIadumo Do Groso nnd two male ac
complices have beun arrested at Mil
waukce for passing $20 counterfeit
notes. A largo amount was found on
An cxchtinco says: "Leap year is
so called because the ladies jump for
ioy becauso nn opportunity is granted
them to say soine'.liing every lour
lilair county ha f io,uuu oi out
standing taxes enough to meet ono
rear's expenses of the county. And
"this, too, whilo paying 8 per cent in
The cvidenco ncainst Senator Clay
ton is becominir Uronger every day
und the opinion is stri'inrthonin-r that
tho Senate will bo obliged to expel
Forty years ngo nearly tho wholo r.f
Ohio was a douse forest ; now a rcso
t ii I ion is introduced in the Ohio Leg
islnturo to eiii-ourago tho cultivation
I' forests.
Ti.o convention "to consider nnd
ndopt moaaiires for the improvement
of the Ohio river," is to assemble in
Cincinnati on iho twentieth of the
present nionlh.
Tho remains of Gn. I'ohert Antler-
son, tho hero of Fort .Similiter, who
died in Francs two months ego, ar
rived nl rortress Monroo on tho Oth
tnd wero thoro intorrcd
A Minnesota sheriff kindly allowed
a convict to step outsido tho peintcn
tiary a mntnont to kiss his wife, nnd
tho lumily tio proved so strong that
lie lias not yet returned.
Hon. I'otort J. Bront, ono of the
most distinguished members of the
.Maryland bar, and ex-Altorncy-Gen
oral of Maryland, aged sixty-ono years
died in lSallimoro on llio .'lb
Tho Kansas Legislature is pushing
the investigation ol tho alleged cor
ruption in tho Senatorial elections
with vigor. Tho testimony shows thai
the churges aro not without lounda
London is a wonderful city. Every
leight miniilos, day and night, ono per-
sou dies; every fivo minutes, ono is
born ; HOO.OOO huvo been ndded to tho
population sinco 1851. It is a world
in itself.
Tho blank book am:
stationery bill
for lliintint'ilon county Iut yenr am
lottntud to llio sum of SS8 l.liO. A
, pretty stiff bill. Tliry imtHt bo linrtt
on blank books and stutionory over
Tho motion for a now trial in cnno
of Ilonry Ward, of Townnda, Pa., found
of guilty mnnBluiif'hler in killing V, E.
Stnulcr, ij denied, and Ward hug boon
sentenced to nine months' imprison'
A Western reporter litis found out
that Alexis gets only 8-I,000 a year
for being Grand Duko. An insigniH
cant Bum. Our model "Stato Agent,"
Kvnna, would turn up his iioho at
llev. Peter Ourtwrighl has boon
strlckon witb parulyxls ul bis homo, in
Pleusunl Valley, Illinois, nnd bis re-
covory in hopoloBH
llo is P7 yonrs
oltl una lias ucon in tno Minisiry us
President Grant visited Baltimoro
on the itd. Tho Indies gavo him a
splendid chair, and bent a lutndsomo
presont to Mrs. Grant. Vico President
Colfax received a hnndsomo present lor
young "Smiler."
A wostern lady recently managed to
bavo twins born In dittcioul Stales by
doing il in a rnilwny train while cross,
ing from Indinna to Michigan. Tho
ono is therefore a lloosiur anil tho
oilier a Miuhigander.
A lady who rofusod lo irive, nflor
t hcnting a tlinnly sermon, had her
Pket picked as sho was leaving
j church. On making Iho discovery sbo
Bitiu . "llio parson count not. linu llio
way lo my pocket, but tho devil did."
Sl'KflllliN UaDICAL lIltlt'KS. In tho
Pliiladel)ihia (Jnarlor Sessions court,
on tho loth, Judgo Piixon sentenced
Joseili Moroor, Into City Treasurer,
In nay a flno of throe hundred thous
and dollnrs and imprisonment In tho
Kasturn Prison for lour yenrs nnd nino
C. T. Yorkus, llio City Brokor, wn
also Aontoncod at tho samo timo to an
imprisonment for two years and nino
ninntlis in Iho Penitentiary anj a flno
ol'fl.o hundred dollars.
Theso two bricks bad swindled Ibo
( ily orit of f-10,000.
$f.v ;pi,rr.i.mfnt.i
WAVIED A MILLER I" run a llrlst
Mill. Hull brlcj g-jod
Apply to
T. II. FOIlth'Y,
Job. li-zu
Uraliamtoll, l'l
"IVTOTIt IU All persona laying timber on tho
l Arderv Itlaee. Dun in my possession, on Clear-
Hold Creek, art noliled to oouio forward al ooca
and soltla for tha same.
Feb. 14-31 SUr-AX UIWI.IW.r.1.
Q 1 1 F. H N W A K K 1 Q I' E K X M W A II K !-Come
and see our tremendous stock of Qucensware,
Just reeeived from New York. Special induoa-
ments oflcreil. hllAW.i.a 1.1 i i.e..
ClrarHeld, l'a., Feb. 11, IS, 2 lm.
1UU and 1011 U.hrls of CLOVi:it HKEU
for sale nt t!ie Corner H'nro, by
E. A. W. D. IBV1H.
Curwonsvllle, l'a., Feb. 14, 1K72.
Twnity-onc Horses for Sale!
THE uiiiaVrPiKMril olTVri fur nalo TWENTY-
ONB F.HHT-C..AH.S 110USKS, in good
uondilion. rrincipally larK lroii) Uoricn. uit-
aMu fur nny kind ul' heavy work. Purchweri
will QtiJ it to llii'ir intrr-t lo rxnmioa thtm bo
foro liurv.miiDZ elsewlirrp. iMiiiiil Br.rwervJ
by fc'liiieuiiiff I'UTBIl MVfl K0HJ K,
rob. lit 1 it-ftrncii, r.
Attoiinkv and Comnsj.lok at Law,
clkahfikm), pa.
Ilk vine renlniiBti bit JudKeliilS hul reaumed
thn iimetice of (ho law in fain ohl nfili:n nt Clear-
fifl't, I'. Wilt Attend the ootiru of JiiTitmhi and
Klk coutitlri when i.tcially retained in connection
witb rrmJt'iU oouustl, Z:M:72
IIV h. iohti:r mi aw, i. i. .
Having fuecccricd In (fttinr tighter tariff on
matnrinl, hntn thn low and mmrmtt rhitrpu fur
partinl and lull iti of leetb, 1 uh the bout
manufacture of teeth aud otlior matrrial. All
ojiermtiiini rf'niBtcred and warranted to give ier
vice and natiHlaelion.
KrirndF, reflect that my charge for the inier
tlon of artificial and the laring t( the natural
trith arc now theiBoitrcwiial.U in Pe uQtylvania.
rrriwrvt viur let-th ami you prevtrre your b-at(b.
uttinjc of the natural tectb in a healthy, pre
servative ana usi'tul conihlion ti made a fptn-'ialty.
I)iiemei and niAllorMiaiiorm oomuion to the rnoutb.
jnw and arnociale Hrtn, are treated and corrected
with lair muTt'is, txauiuiatiuni and coniulta-
tiom rnr.K. -
It would he well for jmtiVnti from a diitatice to
Il mo know l-y uiail a lv day before coming
to tun oflx-e.
It i very importunt that children between the
a(;ea of nix and twelvt ycart ahould have their
tectb ciamuieil.
Anrratiixiir r H''mi!s!?t?rrr4 and Teeth rc
moved without pain.
iUipociiit.Dt and character are judged by all
the world by the expressions of the (mcp. hence
how very diaaftroui mny il therefore he for per
oni to imlul" " exprcixioii ol iliatorted feature!,
even opart from a hygienic view. to enjoy
natural (not artificial) ruuifortf and ph-Murri.
reptH't aud obty natural impliciti and instinct.
H. PORT KM KHAW, 1. I), fi.
OlHee in New Maaunio Jiuilding, Bectnd street,
Ctearficld, Pa. fehM'72
at 1.. FI.KliAL'S now S!tt, ot.iio.itr
ov. Ulah-r's n-sidf net-, nu rtt-t.nd street.
Llrarllcl.l, l'a., aud txatuiue his fine srek ul
1JOOT3 k SliOE.S,
HA is tAl'ti,
Gent's Furnihhing Goons,
Of which he la constantly reeeivinft a lare wiort
inent of llio very latet and tail itylcn, which be
will diipoie of at
Astonlshinsly Low Prices!
I.A01K3, 1 have on hand a U'jre and well
pelet'lfiil ptock of Ihope celebrntrd hand tewed
MoRot'CO and I.AI I.N(J (JAlTKKri, which I
can lafely reeomaiend to be the but In the mar
ket. Call and examine them.
OKNTLKMKX, my itoek of FunilaMng Oondt
i complete. 1 have all the novelties in tSenrfi.
Tiff, Cravatl, lUndlttrohiefn, I ndcrwekr, Sua
pendem, CuHnre, fllovei, ll".iery, etc., totfelhor
with a ormiplele aivortinent of W hit and ( loth
Shirt. I bare on hand a large and well aelectrd
took of II Mi and Cnpi of the
Very Latest Styles I
Alio, Trunk i, Yalisen, Railroad Pnjri, Umbrella,
Ouiiur, and many other article!, Ixith ufleful and
ornamental, which will be iold at fair ratea.
ft"TJio eitiiena of Clearfield and vicinity are
respectfully invited to call and examine oy good
before purchasing elsewhere. FI.EGAL.
Cleartlel.l, Pa., Fob. T,
& CO.,
Art now .iffrring at tbelr
Ntw. 811, 813, 815 Market
Xoh. 800, 808,810,812 Filbert St.,
A raagnifloent Mock of
completa Id a!t its drpartmrnta of
H ilk a and lUepa ilood, Print, ninghanii and
belninea, Men'i and It Wear, While
Uoodn, Liaeni and FlftntielF,
FurniKhlng (loodn, Kotioni, ie., Illrarhed and
Drown rhirting( Ac.t &o.t lo.
Alto, jiint opened an extenniva Caqiet and Oil
Cloth Iipnrlmnt. To all of which, tnohiding
many oho me Kjial llrand of Philadelphia made
good, Ihej renpeetfully intite the attention of
the Trade. Janl7-Brn
In hviChv given that Ml. rn r adininiit ration
mi the emitte ol HAMI KL PKOPLICM, dee d, late
of Jl roily townnhip, C'learlleld ooiimy, Penna..
having been duly grand d to the m.dorpigned, all
pertnii(i indebted to laid faUto will pli' make
iaT;iiMit. and thoao having ejaiinx or rtemanda
wiil pn'mnt thorn nroprrly auiix'nth'nted for aet
lleoenl, ' " JKShK UXKH.
Prh. T, 173 Admiiititut'.r
Sruju m gitflirlnrj.
To their new building on 8tond Streat, ncarljf
oppoiita tha store of Wea-rcr 4 Balls,
Where they will continuo to nupply tlioir old and
ai many Dew cuitoiuiTi ai way come, with
ruin; imuus.
(Int-luUtng all new retucdU-s.)
Patent Medicinas, Paints aid Oils, Class aud
Putty, eehool Btxilis, 8tatinery, Papr,
io.; alu, s lull line of Drug
gilts' Sundries, IUlr
Cosmetic, Prrrurorries, Toilet Artteles, Bru'hes,
Toilet hoaps, Poikct Hooks, lo., all of
the best quality.
for nu-dieal i sacramental purposes only,
Pure White Lead, O'or. "f all kind., Raw and
lioilid Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpen
tine, Coal Oil, P'int Varnish
llruhbes, Flavoring
Confectioneries, llird Beed, Fplce, ground and
unground, of ail kiuds.
Will f nd our stork of Chewing
artd Smoking Tolweeo. Imported anl I)o
meslio Cigara, ISnnff and Kiue-cut to bo of He
very best brands in tlia market.
All kinds of UI.AB8 WARE,
nd Musical Trimmings of every variety.
Having a long experience In the btt'iness, and
au extensive and well peleclwl stock of medicines,
we an enabled to All Physicians' prescriptions at
the shortest nutiue and on the nift reasonable
terms, day and ci'tt.
flearfiel.1, Pa., Max 11, ISTLtf.
I T. i.
"For thy Stomach's Saio and thine
other Infirmities." St. Pauls
. I50YKir,S
4 eafe, pure.pleaannt and health giTiTig Tnnio
V. ttriolly regetable, and manufactured from
the moat pure and choice material a 1 not a spirit
drink nor tahMitute for whisky, but a ecirntific
compound, for the protection of the ayntem and
the oura of dianase, made from chemically pure
ppirita, entirely free from fuil oil or other irrita
ting propcrtiea, and will not disagree or offend the
moat delicate ttouiach. A long private experi
ence baa attcett'd ItJ
Superiority over all Ordinary Remcdios.
No Bitten at present offered to the public
contaim io much medicinal virtue, and yet ao aafe
and plnMant to take. Iti uve ii to oure diaeaae,
and it will not ereale an appetite fur rptrituona
liqtiori, but will cure the tfTccta of diuipation.
To increase the Appetlto, l'3S IT.
To promote Digeatioo, VSB IT.
To oure Pyrpcpaia, VSB IT.
Tu cure IVvor and Ague, I'BK IT.
To cure llillioutneei, I'SK IT.
To cure CmMipatiun, I'SR IT.
To cure Curonio PiaiiLxa, I BE IT.
To curt Heart burn, VSB IT.
To cure FUtdUnce, VSB IT.
To cure Aoid Kructations 1K IT.
To oura Naivmie Debility. VSB IT.
To cure Hydoohondria, VrW IT.
To cure Sallowneaa of Cooijdoxlon, VSK IT.
To cure Pimploe and Ulotchet. I'gE IT.
For General Proilnttion of the
, Phyih-al power. VSB IT,
and It will oure you.
Bold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottle. Manu
factured exoluiively by
A. I. SUA W,
Who utTers liberal indui'cixrnta to tho trade.
Oct. 27,,
Y lT " A T T I . N T I O 1
Are yiiu In need of a grind set of liftmen f
Ant you in ned of a g'od Hnddlo or llridlef
It an, call at the hnddle and llarneaa tfhop of
v. Harwich, wnere. you can get the heal In
the market, Houiileand hmgle Harneaa and La
dire' and tlcnt'a Haddtra of superior worktuanftup
always on hand or manufactured to order. tiio
v'lul attention is enlkd to my stock oi Cdllara and
Uainet, which are the beit in use. I alao have an
aaaortinent of haudlers' )lardwar, which will be
disposed of at rraaunnlde rates, pepairlng of all
kinds promptly attended to, V.lmn't forget to
cull before purchasing elsewhere. Shop in Old
i n" Minoe, maraei street, i iearneui,
Mayn, lBH-ly. JOHN C. 11AUWIKC.
J nf rlearliuld eonntv, l'ennslvanla.
Marj Blanc, lijp her net
frienJ, Ih'nry lloekman, No. 1 17, Copt. T. 1171.
r.. Alias eub. sur divorce.
William II. Plate.
The undersigned enminlssloner appointed lie
the eourt to take testimony in the above rare.
neri Dr Hives nutipe that he will attend to theilu
lies of hi. appointment, at the office of J. B. lie.
Unallr, Keq,., In Clcarnold, l'a., on .'III'HSIIAV,
tha 7th ilar of March, A. II. at o'clock p
w.t where ,11 parties interested uiay altond.
( VlirH imhlMIW, Commissioner.
I'lra:l 1.1. feh. T, ri...t,
rilllB WINTKH TERM of fourteen weeks, .ill
JL ooinuietten Uoud.y, Jan. 1st, lt72.
Reading, Orlhwwrnphy, Writing, Object I.e..
at.ns, 1'tiinery Arlthtnetto and 1'rimnry 7 u
History, l.oeal and descriptive ileogriiphy
with Mtip Prawing, (iratnmar, Mental
nd Written Arithmetic u V 01
Algebra and Ibo Sciences 1 Ul
Instruction in Instrumental oiceie II) oi
Oil painting, 21 lesions It It
Wat work tl
For full particulars send for Circular.
Clearfield, Sept. 7, lS7lt-lypd.
Clearfield County, Pa.
rpiIK BKCOXD IBESRIOX of thii inifituh..
will coiiuticnoc on the fimt Monday of Nov tut.
bur next. (Term, fire monthi )
Tho curriculum of iturly will etnhracf a r ril
and thorough miuric in erery branch ruiilte in
racttfal anu accoinihflut:il ctlucatioD.
Hptcial attcuUuD givrn to persona dcirinpt It
quHlify tlicuinultci lur tbe proltifiun oi leacuuig.
Alfu, to vucitl and intrunaiitl wuflio.
Piipili will he adniiltcd at any lime during tli
!fiui), und clinrgi'l frou lime of entfrinjr to tit
oloia of the term. So dftluotion will he mo-l
for ihiciicc, ct io caiti of protracted iUncri,
Htudenti dttfiriii); rooioi for "clubbing" can U
acctiDimO'iatcd at moderate ratei,
(ioud bonrJiii can be jiroturtJ at lwr rain
than any uther 1aco lo the county. Three dol
lorn por wtM-k at puhii; and private housei.
J'ur partuulMm nMrrm
OKOKOK W. Principal,
icptJ0'71-tf New WaohingtoD. l'a,
A Male aud Female Clafctslcal High School.
IlarU tcparfmetit Separate, Distinct an
Completa iu llMclf
TllF. acholaatic ytor of thii Institution ii divi.
di-d into two ar-mon of fire months (twenty.
(.iiv w U fhnh. Tb tirrt ttraiun eommencct o&
Hi flrft Mnly in Kopti-mher; the cood,on tbe
firM Mndity in February.
Thecunrne of inrtrtietiun emhraoet every thing
re'farr to a thoroujrh, praolleal and acoomfilir.,
td cdti-ation of both ifiei,
Pujiil will be adtnittH at any time and chnrpr-4
froin dir of rntranra t the cloe of Ihv ntttwu.
ho deduction will bn made for ahaenee, ucejit
In cue of extreme and protracted illneu.
fitnl-nti from a distance oaa bt accommodated
with board at low ratr.
Fur particnlnni, "end for H renin rt or addreM
l!ov. P. L. llAIUtLSOX, A. M.,
July 2fi, 1ST 1-tf. Principal.
ttral tfjtatf Ut a!f.
Form fnf CaTa I
THE anderaignrd, reaiding in Bogi townl.ip,
offerg for ml hi farm, contmining OK
UL'NDRKD ACKK.-i 75 aorea of which ii cleir
ed nud under culthation ; haring thereon er-x-tH
a framv daelling hout, log barn and thn unuil
ftuthuildinRn. together with 120 bearingfrnit tri
and an excellent rpring of water. A three -fi,t
vein of COAL and a thne-f-ot Tein of H R K
CLAY, both open, which can be wen at any titn
by railing on the premiaefl. Thii farm ii aituitfl
one fourth or a mile from WaJlaeeton itation, on
the Tvrune l Clrarfield Railroad. Title in lifj.u.
tahle," nnd pout tiin girea at any time. i ir
further particulnrf call on the premiaei or lirm
WtitlneetoD, January 17, lS72-3ra.
House & Let for Sale or Rent !
fpiiE umli'riMjmed offera fur aale or rent,
retirionable tennn, a two Mory dwi-lbng. Id
tud tV.le, to Ilfomington, Pike townidiip. ur
tcrtnr, Ac, apply to LKWIS I. ULUOM.
Jauuary .VI, lt-tf.
Coal liiuid for Kale!
rpilE undersigned offer for fate a valuable pieci
X of foal Und, aiunt in Deoatnr townr-hip,
CleNrfietd county, adjoining lands of John Crane,
Oooeola Cont and Lumber Co. and Osceola tor
ungh. containing
115 Arrm. 3f Perchm,
end allowance. It is underlaid with two vein of
Con), and is also desirable for town lots. There
i a turnpike laid out through It from 0oU t.i
I'hitipnliurg, d1 it is witlilo a qunrter iT a null
nf t Liu Tyrone A Clearflrld Kailnad. and atxtit
ib same diinnne frt-a the Moshannon Branch
Had. For further infurma'ion address
no22 3 in Sinking Valley, Blair Co., Pa.
Timber and Toal Lands
The fallowing traots of Timber and Ciml Lands
are offered for si)e : Oue tract of I7,fo acw,
lyiog on the Elk Kiver, iu Wehfter county ; thrre
travt lying on the eame river in Braxton,
two of a),0 .0 aorvs each and one of 1,000 acre ;
and one tract contnitiing 0,300 acres, lying cm the
Oauley River, in Nicholas county. The titles to
thei-e lands are perfect.
Anv information concerning these lend ran to
had by addressing U. f. FLKUAL.
March 22, lH?Utf. Philipsbnrg. Pa:
I)rt. A. M. UILL3
Wmi Id iitv tn ht n4tifnta tirt lh nnt.
lie generally, that, having disavdved partnerohin
with Ir. ihaw, he is now doing the entire work
of his office himself, so tht palii r ts need not ft ar
being put under the hands of any u.ber operator.
Having obtained a reduction ol tbe patent on tha
plate material, I am enabled to put up trrth much
cheaper than formerly. I also have lr. tStuk'i
patcut process for working rub In? r plates, which
make a much lighter, mora elastio and stronprr
plate fur the same amount of material, and pol
ishes the pluto on both sides, rendering it much
more easily kerf clean. Ppecial attention puni to
the prraervatii vi the natural teeth, and all wmk
guarnnteed entirely satisfactory to patients.
47umce ai tne old corner, oppusite toe fctw
House, OfTice huurs from 8 to 12, a. m., and I to
fi, p. m. Palit-nts from a distiinoe should not if
me a few days beforehand of their intention tc
couie. Always at home, unless other notice ap
pears in both the county papers. ft blh Tl
J. M. STEWART, D. D. S,,
Office over Irwtn'i Drug Store,
AH dental operations, either In the meehanlrsl
or operative branch promptly attended to and
aatiiinction guaranteed, i-pevial attention pi'i
to the treatment of diseases of the natural teeth,
gums and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth utv
oeFsfully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain
by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth insr.nd
d the best material and warranUd to render sat
Isittotin. ai)ni2ti'7llT
Alf'llERK Iu bu.sny PRY OOOIS, llllrt
II eerics, ifiiiMinsware, Ulasswair, Prun anJ
Notions, ConfVetioncrirs, Ao., cbnap for ean.
The anliscrilior Wits trara lo Inform his old and
ntw custuinon that bp baa opened
is' air.s nnru v.
Ami will soil ifikmIs at prices to suit tha times. A
liberal reiturlifin will be male to ousloaiers buy
ing al wholesale.
Call and examine mv stock bt-ftire nurrhsi1!
elsowhore. A liberul share vf publio pstron' "
Olcn Hope, Ta., June U, 1871.
l:lm, 1.111. HIS, l.'ll.i Market dt.,
- I'll 1.1.A l.KL.1'11 1 A.
Always on hand a large assortment of new .nl
serond-hand Carriages, Llearbornr, Harness, Ac-,
at private and piiblin sale.
Felling and Phiftlng Top Buggies fmm
174. Ilernianti.wna (shining sealtl from t'.
I Ml. Huckawara I leather trimmed) from '
JCIJ. DrnrlKTiis, No Top Hnitgles, Jager
Hnslness Wagon. irm to i2?t. Pmel1''
nose from tt $:ti per set. I'oubl. llaincf. Ir"ffl
lid to ita. Illankets, Whips, Halters. ""
Afghans, and orerjthing appertaining M ll"
liuincss al equally low prices, tlur u.oll' i'
"Cheaper than the Cheapest." Give ., a call
fore purchasing elsewhere.
I'artles desiring llorrcs, Mule, Carrlsces, si
one, Ac., will studv their interest by patrolling
Ihn well.esta,l.ishrd Hasnar. Horses kept ') U
da? or month. DAVY A lit NT,
Keb. 7 dm. 1'roprlcf"
e hut, printed , large nnmler of Ihe
rr.r,, ana will on ine reeeij.. u,
re iwnls, mail a copy in an? address. )