THE REPUBLICAN. CLK Alt FIELD, PA. r WKDNKSIUY MOKNINQ, FKB. T, 1871. HOPE. As o'er the uoenn's stormy wave, The IJi'aoim's llht appiare, When yawm tl suuiuun's wat'ry grate, And his lorn hnsou. uhecrst . , . , Thnii though the raging ocean (Win, Jill In-art shall dam.tlvss prove. To rrneh vrcure his rheriahcl home, The haven of bis lure, " '. go when the tout Is wrapt in gloom. To wurMly grh-f a pitn. Thy beauts, blral lloiw,' beyond tho tomb, Illume tho pilgrim i way r And pulut to that Krone abode, Wutro virluoasjiutb shall rest; , Protccli'tl by tho sufferer! tJud, And be fricrcr bluitt. , . Oh still, though sorrow's raylcss night O'emhatltt my worldl) way. May puru Uuligin'e holy light Shed on my soul lit ray. How Kattlosnakcs are JJorn, About (he lOih of May Itist Doctors Cnrdwoll and Westmoreland cnpliirctl, nt Prospect, In tlio lower ctlijo of Gilts county, near tho Alabama line, a rut Ik'snnke four fuel llirco inches long nnd tivo inehp in fircuinftronco. Tlio shako wus sent to tlio cxponiiion, but tho niaiiiijjcru not deeming it prop or to rtwuive it it wus sent to tho drug Htoro of Messrs. Jkrry & Deinovillo, who nlso declined to givo it tjmirtera It wus thon sent to tlio drui: store ol AI. C. Cotton, in South Kntihville, where it has been since the 15th of May. Whon cnplured it had eight rattles and a button, Since that timo it has been confined in a glass case and Las not purlaUcu of one particle of food, though it has been luinptod with mico und other small nuimals on which tho reptilo is accustomed to food. Tho srako manifested no in convenience from ils confinement, nor did it lotto any in sizo or bodily vitali ty, lis eyes continued to gliston like magnetic bled, and its hincinating totigua was ns ready to proli udo ul (ho oppearaneo of nny ono near ils cuso. Dr. Cotton thoiiKht nil tho while it was a male. Though small mice and rats have, been confined in the enso with tho snako until their own hunger urgod them to bito at its Kcaly hido, tho serpent refused to givo thorn ootico or to purlako of food. Un two or three occunions it bus taken small quantities of water. On Tim, day, at 1' o'clock, on going into tho hack room of the store, where tho ease is kept, it wus. discovered Hint tho snuko hud given birth to four young iMiukos, and by 3 o'clock bIio hud giv en birth to tlirco more, making seven in all. Tho young snakes uindo their upponraiieo ono at a time und in a coiled or striking position, their eyes glistening and their envenomed tongues continuously darting out. Tho young ones tiro each from nino to fifteen inches in length and in a stale of perfect development. They are quick of motion and possess no ordi nary spinal vitality, as they crawl readily to the top of iho case and move with celerity across mid around it from end to end. What is most singular and contrary to all tho ro icoived notions concerning tho reptile, each of these young snakes bus u full button on thn tail, which clearly re lules tho idea that they hare to bo hix months ohl before the formation of I lie button. Tho old snake wus lying in iter cago in n lethargic state, with tonic indicutions,as the doctor thought, of increasing tho coiling family. The young snakes coil around her nnd under and over her, and ho seems to huvo for them tho natural maternal affection of instinct. This snako has ibccn in captivity near four months, yet during nil that period olio has par taken of not u morsel of food, and has brooded her seven young. As to ex actly how long from inception the 'hwoss of gestation or incubulion has Loen going on thero is no moans of ns ocrtaining, ns wo can only date from licr captivity. Dr. Cotton informs us that ho once "before kept in tho sumo case a larc bized ratllcsnoko for three years and nine months, und that ho studied closely ils various moods and chunges. This snake, he says, did not partake of u particle of food for tho first nine months und but little water. J I o then gave it mice, rats, etc., putting tlio same into tho case olive, und it com menced dovouring thorn voraciously. Jt never would touch a lamo mouse or -u dead one, fresh us it might be When o young rat was put into tho fcaso it would plant its unerring fang in some part of the limb or body, and then wait until it died from tho thorough inoeulution of tho posion. When quite dead it would turn it over, take it headforemost and swallow it, evidently drawing nutriment from tho poison ils own fangs had infused. It ulied its skin twice ft year each spring and autumn a new initio up gearing ut each shedding, which ex plodes tlio popular notion that but ono rnttlo comes a year. Yesterday morning tho doctor look tho case and put it in tho sun. From tho effects of tho sun three- of tho young snukes died. Two others bo enmo stupefied, but recovered their vitality on being removed into tho ehado. TllO circuinfltnhc& nltrootod largo numbers of visitors to tho drug toro to sco tho venomous family yes terday ovoning. Sathcille American. ConVk.nt. This is tho gift of licaven, and not tho certain effect of anything upon earth J nnd it is ns easy for I'rovidenco to convey it without wealth as with it; it being tho undo niublo prerogative of tho r'rsl Cause, ihnt whatsoever it does by tho medi tation ol second causes, it can do im mediately by itself without thoni. Tho hcuvens can and do every day derivo water and refreshment upon tho enrth without either pipes or con duits; though the weakness of human .industry is forced to fly to these little assistances to compass tho sumo ef fects. Happiness, und comfort sin-am immediately from liod Himself, us light issues from tho sun, nnd soine liuies looks and darts itself into the meanest corners, while it forbears to visit the largest and tho noblest rooms. Kvcry man is happy or miserable, as the temper of his mind places him cither directly under or beside the in fluences of the Divino nature ; which enlighten nnd enliven tho disposed mind with secret ineffable joys, and uiich as tho vicious or unprepared mind in wholly unacquainted with. Dr. South. AVhcn a oliild comes into tho world it cries. When a soul is horn of God it sing's pcrudvciituro shouts for iny. Well may this be so, for the ono comes Into a world of wickedness, trouhlo nnd sorrow ; tho other into a kingdem cf righteousness, peace at.d joy. RECEIPTS AD EXTEXII1TIRES llSVIIIt VLEUAL, Eq., Traur.r of th count; of Clearfield, In the I'oinmonwoullh of Peuiisyl ni., In account with the fund, of Mid county from tli. IlHli day uf January, A. D, 1X71, to tho lit day of January, A. L. 1 b72, - lirUTOH. To balance Hue county from Treasurer at kit setUruKuts. flJ.CU II To amiri'icnte Amount ol il-.h-U dupli cate for 1H71, vili t.'oulily tax J;.:i.l3t 71 Slate tux 1 ,11 1 0 M 1.1,041 To mqount of nttsealvd County tax uwet for IS70 8,512 41 10 .mount or itnflrattii llouuly tux m.scMvd tor IsTU 4,2.'i0 1 To .mount of mipi-uM t'ouuly tux ikiwiI for 1H71. ' 15,!05 60 To nuiount duo from llruoiu, Liicutiier A Co., I'ounl.v 34 92 To amount duu trom Urooiu, Liulilnvr i Co., liuuinj , IT 4fl Tj nui't d." from cdliiUrii' roturu... ' 1 Oil To .uiount ol jury A, .... ......, ' Kl lo .mount of onuli fur old luinlii-r 20 III To .iiiuuut uf cifh for routitr map... 4 VO To nuiount of Kiluiur A ltirpuiiir'l n'ite(u.rl) 4t Oil To Imliuic. duu luiliti. fund 1.01 let- llcincnt 360 .111 To amount uf fine, collected 87 00 To redemption ou Innd, vii: J. Ouair, 2oDn''retin Knox. (17 f0 II. A I,. K. 1 1 1 1 . Iieofiliir.... 1 87 A.H.M'l'orlili,t'!ii.(lruhiiiu 2 70 No. (IHO ntrei in fux, l:t 70 Ko. 42 12. 2Utt ucrri in Fox, '. 05 lane A lldr, Fox, Hi) HI) lluli-t Lot, 62 arret In l'ox, 21 15 . 871 00 To amonnt oftinfun bond. Isnued.,,.; 25,llnf I'd lo lalaiu'O uuo 1 n usurer rieui ?o u Total.. ....JU.2.2HS 02 CHKOITOH. lly county order, redeemed, vix! lly as.e.x'ini' wnReii , lly Afrriculturtil o"lely.u lly ao.litiir. nnd clerk lly Axyluui, lmial(i.,,n lly auilitiej; I'rnlhonotHry'e und lli'g- i.ter'a aeuount. lly bridge, vix : Ilrll townhip Ja,6(l 00 Kartlntu. towu.tiip 1 .ittiO 03 Pike tuwnidiip 1,500 00 fly bridge vieu. wl, lly court reporter Uy oourt crier H.. lly oonntalile.' return. lly Couiuii.. ioners' OHieo, vix : foiuucl 11. KIhiiTiht im t . rlmuiiel II. 407 60 Unvid II nek 4U0 l0 F. K. Coulriil S 110 11.11 (luodlandrr, clerk... 1,000 00 lly Williiim A. Wallace, counsel By Court House cxpcn.e.f i? : Fuel and lislit. IM 42 llcpair. 211 8 J M..IHIIK- 01 50 llepairiog A winding olo-k two year. 70 00 Fence M 00 Kprinkling street 16 00 By Commonwealth costs, vix: Com'ih v. I.oveji'Vi delison $92 27 lli) P hirer.'. S0t'7 . Do M'.pl.. 71) 6 Do I.vllcADuWilt.. l;.2 53 Do O Connor. SO 74 Do Ii.linxon 23 60 Do. Davi 13 1V Do Iluriler f.0 71 lli Tra... 42 02 Do Snvdrr. lierg'u'r 104 07 Do ..Croup.. 12 CO Do M Oeeilli.ek n j 2 478 7 1(11 (III 167 61' Kill l)j Si 01' 0,050 CO OS III 105 Oil 273 11 J,4S7 50 150 00 678 80 Do... r.n.i... ICS f (I ;;rJ C2 0 lit 3 til IS 2 ."li M S.T 67 14 il 12 ."iJ 7 I'O y 4 Dj... I io Do Do Do Do Do Do.... Do...., Do... ... Hunrc ...C'lulter ... Morrison ...Klifcert ...Smi.k" ...H van ...A.I.illM ,,. y ...Sltoff A tuyere... ,..Ilr')wn ...I'nrkcr MUrr H uncoil, l.lfii 40 l'R'3'UBI.K ORDINARY To estimated ekjelifc. fur 1S72 $22,000 011 To llouiitv Lund, redeemable dunug 18T2 16,300 00 To piisun Int.. 4.2IUI t'O To intcrrsl on 4-1 7l (I I'onnl v lionil ... 1,122 III) To interest ou 01:0 prifou biud... .. 2,1ml Pu To inttTi'.t on ? I 200 pi icon lot bond. 2.'0 00 To abatement allowed I.2H0 Oil To exonerations allowed collectors... 1,070 00 To rxiineratiou.ouuuiieatcd lauds lor 1S70--71 1,210 00 To Treasurer", per oentn:rc 1,120 (lit To new bridge., probably ..I... 6,000 On Total S.,,',,',72 On Cr amnont due frnlu unseated lands for 1870 $12,0I 61 KOAI) FUND 1--OU 1(411. ' LEVTR rr.KliAr, Treasurer of Clearfield eeuntj, in the Corononwea'th of Pconsrlrnuia, in acoouut with tLc fund, uf tbo soveral townrhip. of .aid oounty for Itoad )urpou. xir.BTOR. I itriiirolt. To cnh iu Trra.ui-ei. band, at last lly supervisor.' orders rudecint-d $2,836 38 settlement $2,070 6 lly exoneration. 127 M To amount uncollect! d nt this date... 8,S1'2 72 Ity amount uncollected 25,107 .10 To autouitt aisi'sxed for 1871 16,Io5 Hi lly ra.'b in Treasurer, hands 133 58 To amount of 257 811. Total., .2 4; FTATEMENT OF ROAD l'I NI) I! DI:TAII.. To l.ol. dneJon,l71 To amount assessed ToTtsaiitrs. j i'ti."h In I jTrs' hands.'i leccaria $58 6'.lj Hell 40 83 lllooui 45 82! l)oK. 27 S(l llrailord 34 It! Ilradr. 80 4t! Hum. ,lc I 121 00. Client 277 VS. t'ovinglon... 12U 116 Decatur Ferguson ... 10 47' tiiiuid 27 l?i llo.-llen I'.O'l 8:.j ilrnlnitu 83 8tl (lulieh. 62 KOI llu.lon 318 till Jordan 82 (I0! Karthau..... 07 2i'! Knol. 6 28: l.awreucu ... 3'.l 67: Morri. I 852 27 l''n'; Pike 2'H 61 I'nion 108 01 Woodirard- 30 42 Total ' 82.070 4 Amount for 1ST I. $:i! 8;ii i:il 31 162 IK1.., s:.:l ci ... 102 15... 121 8 i ... 115 6., ... 407 7 ... 43 8i; 801 8ll) 42H 85'... 470 04 ... 110 lo... 6114 811! 1,243 4''... 108 65'... 8X3 III,... 6,005 50 70 20 ... 4.1 15... SI'S 6s ... 1,055 611 ... 1.0 4 Oil C.iO 16,., 211 50'.., Sn6 111 ... M13 81 ... 126 87 1 12 5'.l Ilia 2.t 4 ,0 72 ' 150 I5i 342 7. 805 09j 842 84 41 20; 360 8 II .V2 S.l 223 I ill l2 2ll 2,070 08' 60 l 280 3 1 1 279 7U: 46 811' 645 10 2M) J 5 156 77l 851 111' 4::0 It f8,D2 7'-' I6,II5 16 Non: line Treasurer tu Decatur, 8. 76; in Ileeeircit, ( leiii field, P.., January 2:, 1872, of thirlr three dullurf nod 6fty ti$ cents, in full St:lS.48. r-t IIODl. FUND FOR 111. LKVCR FI.KQAt. Ksii-, Treasurer of Clearfield ouonty, In the f MnraonwenltU of Pennsvlvnnia, in aooount with Ihe tund ol the si-rcral school district, of .aid oounty for the year 1871 To balance duo l.t .cttlvracnt, via t Amount utuiollected Cash in Treasurer's hand. , Amount assessed lur 1H71 Additiuual $11,686 3,1 I.I 41 15,011 21 4 31 .... $1(1.7(0 II BTATKMKXT OP sellout, FI ND IN MCTA1L. To list icltirmrnt. . to amount: Amount I l.'adi ill ! assessed unrollccleil Trs' band.: fur I8M. Told Un,8ro 1 MoT.. 'Additional asussiurnt, 14.31. 11(11' !NTV UTATIIMUKT. Li:Vr.n n.UUAI., l:....Treasuieror Cle.rfleld COUIII,, 111 m-'T-UII. W.t " ...... 1 1. j (hu.. w. said county, fur tlio year A. D. 16, 1, nanroa To halsnee du. from unseated lands for J 870 $4,156 15 To ainount da Irona Uruum, Light Her Ca. for 1P70 1 17 46 Total. , $1,273 81 Ilee'.ri. $-'-8 -'i 6I os, 861 li2 f.'il 7:; , t'.,5 21, $m o-i tsj ii .,. I" II 'H f l ! H , l.7.1 27' 8 1I 83 3.V 1 5M ; ij Hlooni 164 t.! 37 85 2110 1111; 4H.17I 65 87 851 425 84 Vl.-4 :-Kii- '" 7:'. I 72 00 413 72 2142 1 '2 nt 441 JJ Hrii'lf-rd lot HI li'5 Oil HI SO, 501 1 1 1 Ut In) III, s1t j,,', , ';"'.-? f MI V " '2:l. 2142! lit SI: 851 00 li S3 ""fn'dc 1118 .,1: ,6 1j 3116 27, 7.'8 7.', fa 1 si JI3-67 788 78 '" 311 t:. 131 4:111 vm 0120; 24 i 7;7 0 SIS C7 Covinnlon.. 4.M 6:1 HI! 428 85' .. Ml ' 4 III 6.1 0l! 887 31 951) 84 I """ 758 16 178 111. 659 63! 1,487 10 3S i 176 01, 1,2.1 3:1 1,487 10 FerRuson ... 88.',' 0 2- HI If 1-6IIJI 2(1 6(i ll 1 56 (i 1602 tllrard 4ii.1 dsl 207 0-1 8U'i I 111.11 9s . 41 207 ! I,su8 t.t I.W62.1 ""ht 4011 011 641 811 6!1 7ll 1.71m 4V 0:1 611 P0! 1,118 OH l,7'(l 40 '". '' 3I'7 71 317 8! Hill 71 1 4o 307 71; f54 54 0114 74 lulieli. 8::6 76 83 8!l 5' 0 08; 8711 33 1 60, 83 M- 8.H., 76 870 83 llo"'on 2,0711 118 18T 1.1! 8,01:2 6 1, i.Il'.H 83 I 12 42l 187 1.1: 6.(160 2 S,tM 83 '"dan 118 .' 44 70; 118 Kill 283 61 I 6u 44 Till 2.17 22 2"1 61 6.18 fj 216 Oil 1,282 461 1,047 08 84 0l 316 Olj 1,717 0:1 2.047 118 Knox 3'-1 f.l !t 43 614 .Wi 0.17 31: 14 05, 57 0:1 8U5 ,"r. 0.17 34 Lawrence... 63. 3 111 iilll (ml 701 67I 1.68S 21 1 1 07 Ji'.O (In: 3.323 61 1. 585 24 Morr 873 (Hi 52 3nl 3,20 llli 2.1:2 81, 51 8il 1.H80 01 2,132 81 I'mn 116 ai : 1 4 M 45 3H5 211 14 61 360 76 8116 2,1 Pike I1381' t.8 781 2-0 Mi 677 88! 8 28 83 T 4011 ;ii 677 38 I'nion 3..1 OU 63 21 713 201 1.116 41 1 6:1 21 1.011 ! 1,116 41 Woodward f 61,0 04 1,2:13 .':0! 1,8011 II 1 112V 1,603 11 1,800 21 .ilia ".011 7 ! 7 11 11 17 m 111 11 T7 OF CLEARFIELD CO. FOR 1871. Tlr BiH'.l expeniel.H.. Uy attorney lee., viii I0S 13 Mrnel ' e.t W. M. MeColluuKli.. ....$40 00 60 00 lly Hiitriot Altoruoy., 238 00 S46 OS 22 13 Hy elt-otlon exi.n.e... Hy inquest fee. Uy janitor', few 163 00 Uy juror, fee., vill lira nil Juror. Trvor.e juror.. $122 60 2,226 06 3,018 65 6S 02 72 50 665 40 77 87 30.171 43 1,500 00 ny ju.tioe. toe. , lly jurry ooulnli..iouer., clerk, lly penitentiary uy poatae nnd il.llonery lly prlinn, new......,. ...,..,...M: lly arrhttoot fee... By prinlinf!, vix i M. J. llo floodlaudor A lliiuerty. ..!54 CO . 63S 76 702 73 824 02 S63 15 151 10 3IHI 00 1 70 00 276 00 fly rrirl.lry law expense...... lly I'riitnonolKry a tec. lly refund, to tmpnycr... lly reward for Jiiudoik..1..u. lly road damnge. ..... Uy roaj view. lly record., vix : Prothouoturv'i offieo ...(3A 50 llcgitlcr'a office 10 t'oinmiij.ioncr.' ollioe IS 60 Dy arulp. Ry i-tioo!, eouitnun, vli I Ain't pd. tonchora' In.titute..l64 71 Militia fine. pd. dibt. trvui urtre. vix: fleoiKo Turner, Bocir $11 S3 Alex. Uvloft.ton, llradlord, 21 'J Jao. UorntiBiiffll, Hurnsido... 29 14 01 10 221 23 Jacnli Willielm, Oialiim...... 10 Vi I). W. Wire, Jorilnn, 13 31 Cimrad Dukcr, Kaoi,.. V. P. Hoiul, Luwrtnce.. J. Ii. Stewart, Morrit,,,, W. F. Johnnon, I'rnu... 8!tuon Welly, I'nioo , IS 07 ;i3 86 17 10 13 63 V 74 238 30 114 00 Hy tijistavcs witjjti, ..,,,. m Hy irlfon, old, vix : t.'lMth'p-iwnsh'p foriiijioncrBtf 90 Ut ti ling fur irtouiT 67 .1H Uatchuicn.. I.')2 00 lliiml euiT hud lc iroui,. )'h nieiiin and iimlictne Kt'l-tiirs Fut-1 By Sheriff' lYm, vii : uttfyintc ofiictri oloot Coininonwcullh cofti UoarttinK iri(incrn t'onvpyiujj )riJDri to the penilontiHiy Snrving Jury nutiupF Hy nrUou conjinui red won d.. . 20 35 Inn oil ,2.17 03 , 70 37 $18 00 Ml 83 1)01 20 248 30 117 00 8U4 02 1,36 42 I. M'A (JO 7. VI J 4,0 I, Til 00 1,817 10 vy uouniy notnM rt dwmea Tty oouponn redeemed lly Hint' 'i'rcnfurer'ii receipt, $1!10 04 Ky 8tutTrtajurer'reocipt. I,5i7 06 lly BUiuunt of ouUtntidinff taxes, vix: I'lmenttd lands tor IS J it. County tS.iOJ 46 VnfcttUd lands for 170, Ilounty 4.109 15 Vacated lands fur Is? l( County 15,505 50 pfnuddiiplieutclorlti71 County Duo from (I room, Light- imr Co., County luc frotn UrotHii, Light- uer A Co., llouniy Due frtn collccturs' ro titrnn, County Due fntn collixtors' re- 1,887 Ol 34 91 17 46 '. 10S 82 tuinr, Buuuty Ill &0 By tx:m rntionsjr lands sold county. County By cxdiiurotiuni of lands iuld oounty, liouiity By halanee dns Trensorcr on Uoimty ut lunt Dvtth'iiKnt By alinU'inctit allowed tatpayora u& j.'54'i !tH, at 5 percent By cxunomliu" i!uwcj eo:is:ri,lef.. By I rciiHiirer's per rentaj;p on $2if- M'J 5S, at 5 mt o ut By Trensurer'n per eciitfio on 12,- t'.'!4 12, at 1 per cent By Tri'MBurvi-' per ovtilue on $l!5,- tOj UU, tit li pwreunt 30,451 74 100 03 67 00 35 51 1 .21'2 48 1,.". 51 1,292 48 ISO SI 375 (HI Total. . 102.2f,S 82 KXIT.N-M FOR 1871. I'jr eiiiouni due from unacted lanJl for 1-rl ll.v delieiciiey to b. raised by t.xatioo during 1872 15,505 60 27.374 80 Total , 5.1.571 OH Tire cxpcu.c. for 1871 were .. follow., rif : Wholo ntu't of eoonle order, issued... l.4,7)tt 65 Oa aeeount of newprison,c'3l,67l 43 County expcni-. 16,030 12 On aec't of bridjr.'.. Til : Dell township 3,060 06 I'iko township 1.6O0 00 K.irtbuus township........ 1,500 00 Dridge riewr C8 10 Total.. ...t.M.riO 06 i4,7l 05 tly aiu't due lrciu. in I'cnn 4 Decatur 10 l;i Total.. f21.2'i5 45 lly Ciuper visors' order. redeemed. Additional ruturucd. Ity cxnn-'Cafh in lly ainount erationa. Trees' .uueollected hands. $1 21 2 7H; SO' 8 21 . 1 67, 21 42 $55 53, $K8 61 7K2 14 2:6 1,2 2 ,6 (HI 153 88 8.'.4 00 801 87 1,208 88 M4 H4 700 68 151 40 (1112 88 1,62 J 70 J3 43 676 87 T,d06 08 1 10 00 64 8 50 6X4 76 1,4811 88 1,8-0 80 876 47 .'(05 81 747 2il 1,201 111 $4o 3;i "' 27 'ioj HI 4U 121 00. 277 2. 120 33 . 2 .8 ' 4 : 14 (III io 3.; 27 121 8111) 8.) . 83 m; 62 tv. 818 Olj. 82 60; 7 26 ""Mhi 352 2?!. I, "i:',3 Mi' 108 IH:. 80 42! 0 ,i. 41 H7 0 en;. 1 61' !2',7 811, $2,826 361 $127 (Ml $1311 68 $25,107 80 I'enn. $1.38. l.evtr Flrjrul, T;sip, the turn of onV h.ndrcd And of Iho above halnure. KAMI 111, P. WII.SOX. Treasurer. rneoiron. Ilr exonerations l.'.llly amount paid district treasurers... Hy .mount uncollected Hy hnlaiic due Troasiircr in M'ood- ward T.lal.. i ... I1'-'. I Total. -j pni'i i.y atnounr . 'exnoer- Tiislriel uneollectedi A!tIr,'Sat0- , auoiis., inns .. 136 07'f3",71" II $:o2 06 3.141 01 27, HO 07 185 07 $1(1.7 III 1J f Ualance due Treasurer, r'183.07. B, ,n.ont transfers to fo.'.ecount $4,271 61 BOIINlt UONPS KEDEE Amount of bonds overdue Amount of bond, due July, I87J., Amount of bunds due July, 1873 . Amount of bomla due July, 1878.. T dal outst)ndin IADI.Ki ... $1,760 on ... 12,6011 00 1,200 (HI ... 1,200 HO .,. $16,700 86 NtfTR. No I'ounty tax lutvlnK horn assesatid for IKVt, (nor mil ttV'iu I'd 1 tha future,) tlio Bounty .vvimnt is thtiMdnro inlusad and tht unnul Icctcd bnlniH' tiftnelVrriid to tho oouuty twoflunU cianiiMCATics. . Wc, the nndKmlned, Cuuiiuiailonari uf the county uf CtcaiHold, In tb CoumonwenltU ol l'eimKylvniiift. hnviiin imd aaoordiujt tu Inw and bavinn exauiinod the a'vurnl tocouma and tut ti ers of Lever t'li'trnl. '1'reiiHiirt r ol tnv ooun tv, for the ymr 1871, U oertify tht we find them as nut forth In tho fulfilling latim iit. We find thu amount duu him from the county to ha sewn hnndrud and thirty lour di'llurs nd eitrlit oants (f..Hi (IK). 'i ho Hinount due tho euuntv irow ouuiamitnK taxes aiununts to thu suui of thirty tliouitaiid thruu htuitl it'tl and lilty.tun dollars aud avvenlr-luur cents (:t(l,:ifi3 7-t), The ajrRregnte atuouut of huuuty bonds still unredeemed on the first dur of January, win i-igl.tucn tlifUtim itven liutulrcd uollnrn, (?lfvl,U uit), inruu iiKMininiu neven nun dred dullurs (9f.'t.T0 0(1) of ntilfh are due. Tho amount rclroiimMf during 1S7'J is ttxlenn thou sand three hundred dollars, lfV.ti0 00), aud by tho elosn uf (lie year inuy nil be redeem. J, The TreaMim- is indebted to the road fund In thn sum ol one bundled and thirtr-three tioiiars and Arty-eight cents, (n.l t), while tho school tuud is indebted to him In the sum of one hun dred and eiirhtv llvo dollars and seven contf. ($1K6 07). fr bulh of nhlch see ttibulnr sta'o- incuts showing amount ilno ouch tuifimhip fr road purpones and tho amount due the several school districts. Witness our hnndi nt Clearfield, this twentieth day of Juuuary. A. I. ini2. fAMCKL H. I1INDMAN, DAVID 1UTK, F. F. CUl'TltlKT, Attest! Coiuiuisslonersi U. 11. tiooiuAaPEfi, Cleik. ' Wo, the undcrjigncd, Auditors of Cl(t2vM oounty, in the Cominonwcullh of Benniiylvatiiii, hariog met at the Court Jlouse, in the borough of Chai tliltl, accord. UK to tiivr,ai.d having exaimned the several account! aud vouchers of Lever 1' iegal, !.().. Treniturer of unit! county, for the year lHi"!, du report wo find them as aJiovo slated. The baluuoe due the Treaurur from the county is seven hundred and thirty-four d'dlnri and eight cents, ($V.'4 0-S), und from tho school luud one hundred aud eijthtr-fi ve dollars aud seven cent. (iflSj while ha is imluliUd to the r sd fund in thu euin of oue hundred nnd thirty-three dollars and 4illv-tiiht cents. The aumuut of Bounty bonds redeemed during the year amount to the sum of tevrn thousand nine hundred and forty ttve dollars (W.'.HJ 00). Tha amount of I'rUun bonds lisuod by the County Commissioners dttrinj; the rear is lhirly-lh tliou'apd dollars if-.Ouy.) In testimony whon-of we have hereunto set our nan tli, this iUlu day ui Juouarv, 171. JOHN l. W1LLKH, DAMKL A. WIMK, ItKl'BKX MiBllKllSOy, 0. B. OoonLANDKii, Clerk. Co. Auditors. glaning llill. Q. L. Reed. NOTICE. Km- Po""'! S I'O.VELL. . CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpilE proprietor, respeclfully Inform tlieeitiHna of Clcarliell eoonty, that llioy hare entirely refitted I his eslablishracntwiihthelatestimproved wood working machinery, and am now prepared to execute all order, in their line of limine.. They will give especial ottcntion to the manufac ture of material for house building, auch . FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, - SASH, DOOliS, BLINDS, VMLtCltETS MOVLIH.rtlS, of all Styles, We .Iwiiya Lai. on hand a largo aloek of DRY I.UM lli:il, and will pay cash for all clear Lumber. On. and-.-half Inch panel elurT preferred. Lumber 'Manufactured to Order, Or xclianc,ed, to customer.. V9-0rtlcr ."Uciti-1, and l.utnVrVumi.had oa short nutioo .nd on reasonable tortul. PLED A POWELL. Clearfield, Jlnrcb 8, 1871. Srs Goods, tSrorvics, gtr. j. r. it via... ..W. W. lEfTt. CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering, at Ike old stand of 0. L. Ito-,1 k Co., their stock of good., eonai.ting of- DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 1 BIIOES, HATS 4 CAPS, HARDWARK, tJl'EEXS'n'ARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At tli. wio.t rcaaonable rat, for CAH1I or in for Squaro Timber, Eoards, Sliingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jr-tr Advance, made to those .lifraged in get ting out iquar. timber on Hie ino.t .dvurdagcou. t' rnia. January 6, 1870. J) II A t li IN 12 V U O P K i:t GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCH VILLE I Tlio Monti y contrjt bptwern Franrv anil Prumia 1 at an cml for the prnftent, an lr a the alnntrh trrlnjf of men an) tha ilmtriD'ilon nf propfriy ii C'nr4jTiird. Tbe lliU JuUn no lUuht rit. tlifiiinplvrf nnd rrjo.t'a over Ilia p'tullt Iml hmv irf i(tui!lcriht in llti'ir wtirk wlioti rotuparoj with thf liuuiane anJ christian ITria uf L. M. COUDRIET, who ht nii.lortfilif n to pupply all the MtlfBtn In t)in lower cinl uf Uf o.Mint.v m ith fuoil anJ mi.ncnt at rH'TMlint' li'ir rntn Inup liin inmninoth utMrc In Ml l.KOMtl' HO, whrrn li Pn alrnya lia fnim-i reu I) to unit .i'in Oftlh'ra n-i'l iii'tl ll.ein witli Dry Goih1.:. of all Kinds, Such aa (Moth. Pntintlti, fMlmiroi, MnIInit lfloini-n, t.iuea, lirilliiifi, ('aliooefi. Trlmtnlngi, Uihldim, Luca, Hra ly-tnf . lilhlnn, lluoli aurl Shorn. Hull ami Cn - nil t'f thfl hi)H motel tul niiij tiiali to orilrr liunc, Stakt (ilxtrt, MiUt-tiri, Lnt'o, l.ilit'Oiif, do. OKUCHUJKa OK ALL KiXl.l Cultrr, Tra, Pur, Hrt M-.liSflJ., Kuh, Salt, l'urli. LiuffHiJ Oil. Firh Oil. Carbon Oil. Hnnlwnrr, (JinTnfwarn, Tlriwitrr, Cactirtffn, IMown ami l'low CatingB. Nnil-, Spikua, ('orn t'ultiva turn, Cidor Pr i.u, and all knitli of Axea. I'erruincrv, 1'ninU, Varcl-h, (Jtaoa, ant a grnrra) asuurtinent uf Statinnorv. GOOD FLOUR, Of different l.rnii.l., alnny. an hand, and will he old .1 the loweil possible fig-urea, LIQUORS h ai Ilrandy, Wine, Clin, Whisk r, Jiiyuc'a Medicine., Hosteller') .nd HooOaod'. llilter. 6000 pouuds of Moot wanted for which the hit'he.t price will tie paid. I'loverseed on hand and for oil. at the luceat tnirket price-. Al.o, Atfcol for Klrallonvillsaad Curwenivllle Threshing Machines. 3; .Vail and aonfor eour.elre.. Von !ll i.,t everything usually kept in retail store. L. M. COI PRIKT. FrenjUvlllc P. O., March 1,1871. rP"R IsBMIIOttATIOLlliUlioMM 1. 18(17 and 8t;? for .ale .1 ih. Port OflJce PriM ?6 trt. ftsiledlo any . 1 Ire... S'KtUvarr, Himvars, (?tf. THIS ITvOlTSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE! G. S..FLEGAL, Ph.ilipaturg, Caatxo Ccunty, la. rprlE undersigned respeotfully .nnoanee. to L l". pubin ib.t he Has on liana . oar., fully-loleoted and wall .i.orted .took of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW, ware: TIN, COrr-ER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! III. itoek of Cooklnf Btot.i eon.liti of Hill CKLKRKATEO IRONSIDES, Which bar. never failed to brlnn poac. and prosperity Into f.oilile. where it ii used, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Sp.kri1 California Cook Move, Hpeara' Antl-Duat, Ual-llurnlng Cooking rjlov.i, Victor, .nd I'nion Rang..,' Cookina; Range., io., do. tee. Th. Tin and Fbeet Iron war. elven with th. Move. I. mad. of Ihe and beat material, and warranted to give perfect latli faotlon. His Stock of Parlor 4; Hoating Stoves Ii larger, b'ttor and cheaper than aver before exhibited to tne public eon.l.tlng or Spe.ra' Revnlvlna; Light Illuminating Stovt, t; pe.ra Anti-Dual (ia. Uiirnlnj Parlor .stove, Hpeara' Orbicular (Jos-(turning Parlor ritov., Speara' Parlor btov., lloqurt, Ponrl,Oem, Ida, Sun, Tropic, Nov.d., A.., Ac Vulc.n, Elm .nd Victor Ile.ter., Epe.r.' Re Tolvlcg Ulgut Heaters. II. 1. alio to furnish a complete Miortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholct.l. or retail, manufactured neatly and with th. .ole flew to ..rvic, from th. beat ma teri.l in th. market- PLOWS A TLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of .v.rv ceoript!on constantly erj hand. OKDEltS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOKING And other work belonging to bli bmln..s will k. promptly Bli.ii by eiperl.aeed and akillfnl workmen. BRASS, COPrER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASU Taken io ..change far f oodi fr-Tie .specially Invltei th. attention of Mercbanti wiablng to purchase .1 wboleaal., a. they will And it to their advantage to aa.mlo. bis .lock b.for. purohaslng .liewner.. Look out for lb. l'.lg Sign opposlt. th. re. I done, uf Mn. tr. Puller. All Oooci Wa.ii.t.s Jl Rlramaaito. C. 8. Pblllpibnrg, June 8, 1670. I'LECAL. augt (8 MOSHANNON LAND it LUMBER CO., OSCKOLA CTKAM WILLS, UJi-riCTrans LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. 8II1I.L1NOFORD, President, OHieo Forest Place, No. 128 8. 4th St., Phil's. JOHN LAWSIIP, Urncral Sup't. Oscoola Mills, Clearfield county, P.. LAM) AD IIJIBER COMPAW OKFKR INDUOEH 13 A TS TO rurcl:asers of Choice Goods AT TUL'Ul MAMMOTH STOltE OSCEOLA. "II rCKSHANNoN UNI) AND 1.1 'MDI.ll COM 11 TAN Y ulViT for aale Town ltot In tho tmr mikIi of OfrcnU, Clrartifl'l coimly, IV, and alun loti to autf i'Urthafpr! ouUi'la thn liniitu of fa id borough. OKCt-oU it lituntnl on thn Morhannon Crtik, In tho ri"hrt poriU-n of iha oounly uf ( Itarueitl, on the line of the T.vrom? A Olrarlltld Itailrontl, where tha Mofhaiinon "J Havprltin branch roada tnterwt. It Ii alio in tha heart of the Monhannon tint., basin, nnd litra holia of vrhltA tilnc, hrmtork, onk. and other timber nir round it. One of the Urjc'"t lutnhr mnntifarttir inK evtnblihmrTitit in tho Htnte ti looatrd in the lwn. wh'le thtre arc innny other lumber and ihinulo mi III around It. 'Iho titwn ia but an 'en yram obi, antl eoutuini a population of one thou aanH Inhnbiianta, jT-l or further Information apply at tha office of the above company. JOHN i.AWHHK, 1:4:70 General Huparintondent. Ilofor. tnking I owdi-rs. Alter taking Powder.. bllAW'H MII'lTtTruil tOMHIION p PiiW'llKIIS. t'scful in ob.lln.t. eases of loslenipcr, ('uuglis, Colds, lloli, Farcy, Co.tiv. ncs., ItotiglinoH or th. fkln, .nd btoppag. of w'aler. (ircase, Swi lled Legs and Intliieiiia can f r, lieveil, and sometimes our, d, by the use of icse Powdeis, They will not Interfere wilh the liily work of the Horse, and can be given ti oat le with rutin) advantage. Put up by A. I. rillAW, Druggist and Apolhe rr, Clearfield, Pa. Novrmbei .I7I. Sold every where. I Limo lor Salol fpilE nndi .signed, residing near th. depot hai X niad. eoniplrt. nrrangcuient. wilh Lima llurncrs east of ll, o mnir.laln, whereby he is ena bled to kurp constantly on hand.l.rge ijuntityol P U 11 E L I M E ! hlcli b. offeri Io faiiaeri and builder, at a trifle bov. cost. Those in need of the article would do tell U give ma . call, or aildres. ui. by letter, be .Veiiollalii,g their lime. , , . HKO. C. FASfJIORE. .riearlleld, P.., June t, 18IIU. TMTI( T.H A ((H4TAKMW rG.'.H ' " w" b.vt printed . large nntnlier of th. new TKR J1II.L, .nd will on th. receipt of twentv nva eents, mill . nopy to an. address. mj it Ak t ONTAIII' !.. kills pur Ml. it this .die,. ' . . NEW DRUG STOltE! m. S, ALEXANDER, M. I)., "rtiKgt.t md Apotlioc.ry, CURWENSVILLE, PA., Keep, con.lantly oa band t largo auortmeat of DRUGS, Patent Medloiue., Paluta and Oils, Varnishes, live Stiifls. la. Ilia itouk of Drug. I. pur. and fruali, and customeri can rely utiun getting the belt of everything In his line. Ilia .took of P E II F, U M E R Y , Toilet Articles, Hair Tonlel, Cnnnetiea, Ilrusbel, Toilet Soaps, Cuwbi, Pocket Hooks, Pens, Inks, Pencils and Paper, and . general aaaorluenl of this claaa of good., ar. all of I lie belt quality. PURE WINES .fc LIQUORS, For Modlcol purpoaoi only, (Has., Pully, Lubricating Oils, o., to lull the want, uf the comtuuntty. Hi. and well .elected stock of Drug. and Mcdirinel enable! him tu Oil Phy.lcian. prescriptions on short nolle, nnd on th. ino.t ruaionaoi. terms. - Smoker, and Cbewort will And his stock of Chewing and Smoking Tohaoeo, (.'iguri A Hnull, to ounsiM of tn. very best bramli In in. markuu A .luro ofpublio patronage Ii aolictlra. Out. Ill 8iu. W. 11. ALLXANlJiCIL l O O K S WHICH HAVI ALWAYS O IV E N SATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 K FRIENDS AND CCS T0KER9. JUST RECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY G00DS-SCC1I AS BOO K S AND 0TI1EE STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE I NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT 1TBLISIIERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Clcaroold, Dec. U. 1 7. .LING Of I' AT COST! FOR CASH! Th. large.t stork of F U li IV I T U II 13 rer offered tn CLEARFIELD I At the FTKAM f AlUXET RHOP.eorner Market and Fifth .Strops CLKAIU'1L.L1, VA. The underalKTieil would annonnee to the publl that be haa on hand and te now oflt-rinjf cheap for caeh, the larjrrit atok of Furniture ever io atore in thia ooQoty, contiitiof of rpboUtcred Parlor Suite, Cbaniber Setts. Kitrnnlon Tablet, Beeirtarlai, Book Caaea, Boihleadi. Spring Bedi and Mattrcxsri, LounjLrea and Benobcff, Plain 4k Marble Tp Tables A Bureaus, WauhrUandi, Cane 8eat and Conituon Chairn, Booking Chairs, Looking (llaucf, Window Fbadea, Picture Frames. Cords and Taisalt, ko. He altfo manufketurtl and keeps oo hand Pat ent Hnrintt Hnln. the beat arer in rental. No family ahuuld bo without thttu. Any kind of goo du not on hand ran be had on short noiict,. I'pholatoring and repairing neatly eiccuUd. COFFINB, of all sites, ean he had un ft half hours' notice, and at the lowest prices, A deduc tion of SO per oent made for earn. MKT A LL1C CASEfl, or Koiewood, Walnut and Chrrry Collins, with glass or wood tops, f amished on fire hours' notice. Personal attendaoca with beane( on funeral occAnionst and oarringes furnUhcd when desired. Thankinf the publlo ful Mt favors, and tj strit't personal attention to buniueioj, I hope to receive a oontinuanca of the same. Kcmrmher the plare the IStcatn Cabinet Fhon. turner of Miirket and Fifth Streets. March 5, 7i-ly. DAMtL BENWER. R. B TAYLORS LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Icpot,) CMURFII'.I.I), P1CNNM. I KM H HACK this method of Informing the public, that 1 hare opened up a yard fur tha Hle of wood or coal-burnt 1,1 M K and Anthracite COAL, tn tha hormich of Clearfield, and have oomplctel arrangrmrtits with cat lorn dealers by wnirn 1 enn Keep a tun unt pir conntantiy on band, wliirh will be dipod of at reasonable rates, by the tun, bohr or ear loal, to suit purrh.isor. Those at a distance can address ma hr Utter, and obtuiu all noeossary Infonuntlon by return mnil. R. B. TAYLOR, Clearfield Pa., Feb. It, l8rM-tf JL V M U Ii II M li S PERFECTION IS CANT HOOKS! The Clcarflild Eaeelslur fanthook will not wear out or break, being constructed wilh one solid band from clip to point It is prononnerd by all 'practical lumbermen who have eiamined it tj b. ,tb. most perfect Canthook aver inrentod. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Uanufarlurrd by Anos Keian A Co., nt CLEAUFIELD, PA. M"AII orders promptly attended to, n5J'70 DREXEL & C0m No. 31 Huutlt Third HI root, Philadelphia F.l.' I.'H.V, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applioatlnn by mall will reoeir, prompt alien Hon, aud all Information cheerfully furnished, Orders ."llctrt, Anvil ll tf. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Buooeiaort to Bujnioo k Yuung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufaoturara f - PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin. Streets, tl.KAItUEl.D, PA. Vfcw-Wfc'1''-,-'''ii,;' T'TAVIXG engaged In the mannraeture of flrst- 11 clam MACHINEHY, we respectfully inform the public that w. r now prepared to til all orders .1 cheaply and ai promptly .1 can bo done in any of the cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wbecli, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Usages, 8tim Whiilles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Oaugo Cooks, Air Cocks, Qlobo Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Quia Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. tf-Orders solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrea- ing us at Clearfield, Pa. deciT70-lf BIOLF.R, YOUNG A CO, 11 O S A D A L I S TUB ISOREDIEXTS THAT COM POSE kOSADAI.IS are nub'.iihed every package, therefore it il .of a secret 0 preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. It Is a certain care for Scrofula. Syphilis In all its forms, l(hrum.tim, pklti IMS eases, Liver Complaint and til diseases of s lb. Uiootl. ONE BOTTLE OF KOSADALIS will do more guod than ten bottles of th. byiups of baraapanlia. A THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have ord Roaadalia in their practice for Ibr pat t!.rce years, and frerly endorse it a. a rclial.le Alterative and Uluod l'untcr. I) DR. T. C. PU0 11, of Palllmor.. DR. T.J. BOY KIN, " IiR. R. W. CAKR. IiR. F. O. HANSKLLY. UK. J. S. 8I'A RKrl. of Nleholasvllle, Ky. UK. J. I,. Mrt'AKTII.e., Columbia, M. (.. DR. A. B. NOBLES, E Ijtcoonib, N. C. USUD AND ENDORSED BY A J. B. FRKNrulSON.F.ll Rivcr.Mass. r. vv. r-.vii 1 n. .racKsoo, alien. A. . WliKKLKK. Lima, Obio. 11. 11 ALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN A CO.. Oordonsville, Va. SA11I LLO. MclADDLN, llurlreeiboro, Trun. Our srac will not allow of anT axtcad ed rrmarks in relation Io Ih. virtues of Rosadnlis. To tbs Mrdieal Pmfeasion we guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to anv they have ever ueM in Ihe treatment of diseased Itlood ; and to the efllictcd we say try lloadalis, and you will be restored to health. Rosadalli Is sold by sit Druggists S 1 price f 1.00 per bottle. A'Mress i DR. CLEMENTS A CO.. !Mrtnfactring f'aramf., Aug. ?, 1871. -ly. Bai-vimobk, Mp, For sale by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa. Newly Found! The Con! I found, Iff in Shaw's Hill, It can't be beat In Clearfield ; A hundred btifhHf at a time Yon can buy for the figure ninef Or, if you'd wih to haul yourself, You can have the same amount for seven cents. dot8 .Im WIXMAM WIU.IAM.S. ""OTI CIV Having pumhaied the interest of i. J. A. Jilaitenberfrer, llnq., ia the business lie ret oft. re carried on under the firm name of J. A. Illattenberficr A Co., the satue will be conducted heredfter under the name of .Moshannon Land and Lumber Conipany, (Store.) 11. U. HHILL.LNUFOKO, JUlIX LAYVSHH, m2jif Fresident. General Sup't SAWS! SAWS I SAWS! DISTAN'8 CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'g Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SATTS, For sale by oct!5,70 II. F. BIGLER A CO. H. F. NAUGLE CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orrosira thi (jvvTtv, mnitr srnaaT POST 0FFICE.a IS-SSCLEARFIELD rpilR subscriber respecttully Infjrms bis old L patrona and th. public gennwllr. that b. h.s on band, (and is constantly reosivlng new additions thereto,) a largo stock ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. b.ep Jewelry In all Ils form, and of diaerent values, eilh.r by th. plec. or let. WATCHES A full assnrtnent of either Oold or Silver, mad. by th. best Atrerio.a and for ln manufacturers, Including a fine lot of .old and silver bunting onse, full jeweled, Patent Lovers. CL0CKS-d)f nil designs, consisting of eight day and thlrlv-bour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. REPAIRING. All klndi or Watches and Clocka Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated. I keei a full assortment of SPECTACLES, colored and plain s.1.-.. Al.o, GOLD PFNSand PENCILS, SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, and la fact.verylblng ia tbs Jewelry Hn.. If 1 fall lo bar. oa band Just what a customer may need, 1 win oruer por nrst express, wttnnnt extra charga. A liberal rhar of public patronage Is solicited May f, ln -j II. F. NAUGLE. 'practical millwright, LUTlli:itSIU R(l, PA. Aent for tbs Aurrican Double Turbine Water Wheel and Andrews A Kalbach Wheel. I'an fur nisb Portable . rl it Milt, un short notice. i 15 71 ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WAIT HICS), J GVt l.I.R Y, 148 North Second fit., cor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and I lated War constantly on hand. Repairing nf ii au nes ana Jewelry promptly attended to. Sillily f,000 IMIinr.P PK1.T UAMKUl And all kinds of Fl'tlM -for wni h tha hiirhest eash price will ba tiald. hy set.t?d dm . t. RFIZKNKTfrH. Clearfield County Bank. rnUB Clear Bold County Baak as aa Ineorpora X led In.titatloa baa goo. oat of .listens, by tb. surrsnder of ils charter, on May It, 1 894, All iu eiuok la on.d if tl.s suUciiUra, who will eontlnu. tht Banking business at th. isms place, as private Bankers, onder Ihe ( ria nan. ol tb. "Clearfield Coasly Uaok." W. ar. re- apoosibl.for th. debts ot (lis Bank, and will pay iu notes oa demand at lb. counter. reo.ived .nd interest paid wbsa money Is left fur ad.d lima. P. par discounted at sia per cat, as heretofore. Oar psrsonsl rsepon.ibillt. Is plsdged for all Do oaiu r.trlved and buaicas transicted. A oontiousaoa of lbs lib.val pat ronage of tb. men of tha eonnty is r. pecu'ully solicited. As President, C. bier snd ofHeari of th. lata Clc.ileld County Bank, w. require too note, or laid Hank to bs pretested for redemption. J A 8. T. LEONARD, HICIMRD SHAvT, W.M. I'l'ltTEIt, JAS. B. (1 11 A 11 Ail, A. K. W RIGHT, O. L. REED, VYM. A. WALLACE. Th. of tb. Bank will b. conducted br John U' Adams., Esq., as Cashi.r. tl 1 71 Counly National Bank, . OF CLEARFIELD, PA. KOOM In Masonic Building, on. door north of C. D. Watsun's Im.r Store, i'as.ajre Ticket, to and Irom Liverriool, Queoaa town, Olesgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, Drafts for aula on th. Royal Hank of In laad and Imperial Hunk of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pree'tr. W. 11. 6UAW, Cashier. H1:I:7 - J. D. M'OIrk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OF McGirk & perks., Successors to Foster, Verts, t Co., ' 1 Plilllpkburfr;, Centre Count, P. fllKHR all tho business of a PanVinsr Hoasa wil' oe transacted promptly and wpoa tb mosit favoraole terms. mur7-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEIiS'S! rVBRTBODY trying to gat tbere first, for fear j of being crowded out into tbo oold. II yoa want food Bboeiog done, go to BtBM. If you want your Sleds irooad right, go to Beans. If you want good Mill Irons go to Buna. If you want your wagon ironed in tha best style and workmaoihlp, go to Cbiri. fiiiaa makes the best Stamp Machine In the all kinds of ULACKSMlTHINtt as chep as ean ba dono in tho eoonty for Cub. Uy Post Office address is Clearfield, Pi. THOMAS UtERS. Boirgi Tp., Dee. 19, 18T-tf. Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICH DVS1RE8 to inform his old friends and ens. to mors, that baring an larked bis shop and Increased bis facilities for manufacturing, bo is now prepared to make to order knob Furniture as may be desired, In good stylo and at ebaap rates for CAbll. Bo generally haa on band, at bis Furniture rooms, a raried assort osnt of ready, mads fur si luro, among which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining Ki tension Tables j Com mon. French-port, CuttaKe.Jenny-Lied and other liediteads i 8 fas of all kind, Work-stands, llat-rarks, Warh-Btnnds ; Rooiting and Am Chairs S(iting-eat, cane-hottom, parlor, em eaon and other Chairs; of ovcry description on hand ; and new glasses for eld fmnies, which will be put In on very reasonable terms on shortest notice. Ho also keeps on hand or furnUhci to order, Corn-husk, flair aatt Cotton-top Waitresses, Coffins or Evert Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with Hearse wbcDerer deiired. Also, House Painting done to order. Tbo subscriber also manufac tures, and haa eonstantly on band, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, tbo best now In ass I Tbosa using this machine nerer need bo with out clean clothes! He also has Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family wing this Churn nersr need be without butter I Alt the above nod uieoy oihit tu ikies sr fur. nlibed to customers cheap for Casi or exchanged for approved country produce Cherry, Maple, Poplar, I.inwood and o.bftr Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in nchange for furnitu-e ir-Rotnember tha ibop la on Markef street,. Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JUHK GCUCU. iN'oreaber 24, IBftl y READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS tt- STATIONER Y. Market St., Clearfield, fat the Tost Oflicf.) fllllE nod.rsign.d b.;. leav. to anooonc. t. X the Hti.ena of Clearleld and vieioity, that h. has fitted np a room and bas nst returned from the city with a larg. amount of raadlo, eafttter, coosistinf in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Acconnt and Pas. Books of every de scription , Paper and EnT.lopos, Fre-neh pressed and plain Pens and Pencils lilank, Lsssl P. pra, Heeds, Mortgsires i Jndament, Eienp. tlon and Promissory cotes ; Whit, and l'.rck; ment Brief, Lctal Cap, Reeoid Cap, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Musi, for .ith.r Piano, Flul. or Vioiia constantly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may not bar. oa band, wil) bs or ordered by first, aad sold at whol.sal. or retail to anlt cuatomer.. I will also ksep periodical lltsratura, snob as Hagaaines, Newt, papers, io. P. A. QAUL1N. Cltarfltld May 7, 1 SCS-tf DAVID YOUNG, Sloiic-f utter nnd Stone-Mason, TILL eiecDts all work In his line at nmd. ersis prices and in MKM-C LAbS stjla Architectural Ornaments In ALL 6TYLE5, Eton. Hressinf of .very description, and all kinds of mason work ccn trseted for in oroutof ihe eonnty. Any persots wishing to hav. respectable mason work and trnia-euttinf done, will find it to their Interest to call upon me I would also Inform the pub lic that I oan deliver any quantity or class cf ston. detir.d, as I am th. ownor of a FIRST-CLASS STOXE QUARRY. Orders for work caa b. addressed tn DAVID YOl NO, marM.TS C!er(leld Pa. jEVV STORE AND NEW GOODS jos. siuw ii son liar j tut opened a Niw Stors, od Main 8t.,CLtAirm.D, Pi., Iatelv occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN, Their slock oonsist. of DLLi OT CD CD LD ai Gaocisiu of lbs best quality, QUEENSWARE, JoOt3 tll'l S!'.0Ci! and Try artiolo ncoessat for pne'i comfort. Call and txamine our slock before , obasinK elsswlinrv. May 9, lM'V(f. The Lightning Tamer. fpilB under.lgned sr. the solo Agents In this 1 eiinlv for Ihe "North Amerlrsa Uslvsnll'd 1.1'lllTMNll ROP.S." Tbese are th. .rlyssf. rod. now la use. and are endorsed by .11 sclrntiflo m.a In th. eauntry. V. hereby notify th. oills.ns of th. eourly that we will put them up a heller rod. .nd for less money, than Is charged by the fersigt arvnta who annnally trav.r.a th. county sal carry t our little ca.b, n.rer to return. fatouiiacjIE home labor. Thos. wishing lightning Rods .reeled sa their buildings need but ns by letter, et call ia p.rann. Ws will put up .uyirhert In theoounty, and warrant them. Th. Rod and ilitnr.e eaa b. seen at any lira, br oilier. ' our sir.. . f, DIGLER A CO. Clearfield, Vareb 10, I StO if . ;nn nnn siisii.M n.n ti- OUU,UWVJ Tho nnder.igned ofl,-r the hest sawed IS-ineh Shinjles In market, and In grade, to suit pnrehaiers. No. 1, No. 1. ' i'i Ko. S, M on. WKAVKR 4 JIBTr ' Clrarfteld, Ps., feplemhcr St.Rm.