Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 07, 1872, Image 2

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    She Upublititm
it ii i mn ajd rnoi'itiiiTon.
Slate Executive Vommltlc,
Tho Democratic State Exocutleo Corauiltlco ars
requested to meet at Bolton'i Hotel, llarrUburg,
Thursday, February IS, 1872. at hair post icren
pi o., fur tho purpose of filing llio tluio and
plaeo of holding the Democratic Stato Convention,
i . ', ;. Wan. u A. WALt-ar,
Janonry M. 1972. Chnlrman.
Short. Tlio proceedings of llio
invosligiitiotig into llio Custom House
frauds in llio Uuilifftl ncwurmpoM.
Tliey would sliiclil ''tlio government"
if it stolo llio hrcukftut out of their
mouth. Slavery, to bo sure.
. No Doubt of Jr. Tlio I'liilmlcliiliin
Age naj-8 : "t'pon iuviMHigntliin it lits
boon discovered tliut tlelleieniie" exist
in netirly nil Dermrinients ol tlio Fed
eful Govei-'jinonl, tlio Inrgot item
being in llio War Department."
Awful. The Tyrone Herald rniys:
Fred. OoajilaM win refused permission to dine
1 the FImiU'ik' House, at tit. Louis, aud Uii liuue
scratched uD' tlio register.
Whuro is the net of Congress, epc
cially made to protect our "colored
brethren 1" O, Liberty, wliut crimen
nro don in thy naino !
Hadical Gl.oitv. The Congression
al Investigating Committee have ar
rived in 'uw Orleans, and U' til imme
diately proceed to business, Thus
has another item of expense been
heaped upon the people by the eurpet
bag and scalawag governments forced
upon tlio people by Kadical bayonets.
More Trouble. The Dudicstl Gov
ernor, Davis, of Toxfts, like bin carpet
bag brethren in Georgia and other
Southern Slates, is in trouble. The
United .Suite Grand Jury bait imlict
od him and hi secretary for fraud j at
the Into election, and lor using the
fiindit of tho Slate. Treasury, contrary
to their oatlin und tho law. What a
meddlesome, jury that must bo.
' Grant's Man. Cul. Gray was the
avowed administration candidate for
Senator in tho Fourth district, Phila
delphia, last week. The election was
io (a i ,10 vacancy caused by tho death
of Georgo Council, 'llio ucmotruto
had no candidate in the field. Tlio
district is so hopelessly Radical thai
uo Democrat cared to muko the cam
paign. Mr. Council' majority last
October was 7,420, yet Grant' man
4s only elected by 812 over Col. Mo
C'lure, tho independent candidate.
How is that for "supporting tho gov
ernment f"
Kb Dies Uaiip. Tho government's
father still holds on to tho Covington,
Ky., postmastership. Josse, though
very sick for a month past, will not
surrender. The government is com
polloj lo incur the expensn of nn
agent to keep tho olrlco open, while
"the eon of Jmso" no doubt tells the
fatjief to "stick," Stanton like. A
dispatch from Cincinnati says:
The post muter fr neral bat appointed Sharlford
Easlon epeeiul agriit ti tnl.e charge of tho Cor
iujlton, nr., posl office during the illness uf Jrsre
It. llraur, At a salary of fl.tiuil per annum. ' Kilt
Ian .baft aocepted llio al lioiittlitcut with the under-
ftaudinK that he lie made potioes(cr in cue of tlio
resignuuou ur ueatn ol .!r. tirunt
Senato Commit'.eo now investigating
tho iillau of the ew York Cunloin
house, will shortly return t Washing
ton, where tho Chairman will address
a letter to tho President, asking him
if ho desiros to tiolico tho evidence
which has been taken, und which in
cludes letters from him to Lcet and
others. It is understood tho Presi
dent will write an elaborate letter,
tally explaining hi relations with
Lect, and tho circumstances under
which he wrote the letter referred lo.
Generals liutx-oi-k and Porter will
both go befuro the committee on its
The Test. Gen. Morgan, Congress
man from Ohio, wus tho author of llio
llllli hmriwlmnrit In tlit fottatiliitinn
striking out the Know Nothing clauso,
which prohibits a citizen
from huing elected President. A
negroes are now eligiblo to the offices
of President and Vieo President of
the United States, it was proposed in
the House of Iiep rescn tatives lo amend
tlio Constitution so that Germans,
Irish and other naturalized citizens
might enjoy the sumo rights lis the
negroes. The amendment was lost
by 01 irycs to 75 nays not two-thirds
in its favor, which tho Constitution of
tho United States requires. All who
voted against tbo proposed amend
ment weio Radicals.
Tue Xiw Sfnator One year ago
tho North Carolina Legislature olotted
JCx-Governor Vunco U. S. Senator, but
because ho was 0 gentleman of unim
peachable character and u Democrat
ol Iho old school, the political harlots
and gift culerpri.o concern nt Wash
ington refused to givo him tho sent.
Jlo went lo Iho capital with bistro
idunUul but refused to apply lo the
"ring" Mid pay (or a pardon, and bo
returned to hi State and delivered
his credentials to the Legislature,
which body, on tho 81t till , olectcd
Cien. Wm. Ranoin In ids stead. Gen.
Juinaom is just as good a Democrat,
but ho bus bovn pardoned of bis rebel
tins, and bn obtained hit srut, mrtvh
o tbe ctmgrUi of "the govern nifrit,"
,Vu 1'on Don't I
Tho mixing of negro with while
children in our common schools, isono
of tho practical questions of tho day
in our Suite. There Is no nso for any
ono to dodgo tho question. Parents,
school directors, editors and toucher
mo bound to face tho music sooner or
later. Upon questions of such marked
distinction we tiro unwilling to occupy
a shilly-shally or hypocritical position
Wearo opposed to "blending the races"
for their improvement, l.adictil legis
lation, both national ttnd Slnto, for
ton years past, hr.s drifted in this
direction. Tho negro is tho rnco llio
Radical leaders seem lo worship, and
their legislation is alinott wholly in
llio interest of llint riuo und for the
duL-radation of Iho white, Abundant
testimony is ut hand lo provo. this,
and two weeks ago we incidentally
oallcd tho uttenlion of our readers and
tho editor ol Iho Journal to this fact,
by quoting from tho Radical biblo ol
Pennsylvania, (llio Press,) but tho
aforesaid editor, in his usual Yankee
style, Instead of denonnciiigornpprov
ing tho political heresy, goes oll'uboul
"pot, kettle, potato'.' and "original
paragrapbs'tuid dodgo the real ques
tion til issuo in genuino duck stylo.
Hear him :
Tbu sno mid fugacious editor or the Republi
can inlini-.ilci in bif lant issue, liiut ire ate "io the
Imbit ol manuliu-turiiig odittirinll from tit rol
umnH1' of an eat-rn i-xtdifluiru pMlN-r. 'rival!
Thnt aoui.di tH) tnui-h like "Uie pol eiilliiiif llu
Itcttlo black, " to dwoive any oik-. Now, we will
miftcr Iho mr'Ht pot.ito in t'jwn, that wo have
written twice aitinuiiy original j;mu;rji pba witbiu
lh lni.t tlirte mcntli an ttiu wuuli-ho.uctute editor
of tho Hrpubl ictm, A-!ii'm!"
"Original paragraphs" nro not tho
questions ut issue. Do you or do you
not accept und approve of tho plat
form luid down by tho Philadelphia
Press in relation lo forcing negro chil
dren into thetomuun schools and the
adults into churches, holels, etc., upon
the same equality with tho whites?
Yes or no closes tho dispute. Again,
to be still mere practical, do you want
your children sandwiched in along
with n benchfull of young Africans in
tbe school room or anywhere olso f
Now, then, let us have a few of
your "original paragraphs" on these
points. Let tho cut, potatoes, etc.,
alone, and give us some common sense
thrusts upon n prcsing domestiu que
lion. Ivo dodging, Deacon.
Rati Ho ml ffcffMf.
, The past week hits furnished quite
a harvest of railroad accidents. Com
mencing with one on (ho Philadelphia
& Erie, just below Lock Haven, where
tk broken rail threw tho cars off the
track and down nn oiubankment thirty
feet into tho river. Fortunately the
ico was strong enough to provent the
cars from breaking through. More
than a scoro of passengers wore more
or loss Injured. lH.t all wero not
uuicd is a mirado. Mr. A. C. Finney
and his -daughter were on board of the
train, and received somo injury,
thougb notserious. Three of the cars
were burned.
Tlio next accident occurred on tho
Lehigh Valley Road. A broken rail
threw tho whole train over an em
bankment fifty feet into tho river,
killing eight person and wounding
thirty others. Tlio whole train wits
burned up.
A broken rail threw a puscngcr
train of tho Allegheny Valley Road
below Franklin, also inlo llio river, injuring many passengers
Tho train was pretty well burned up.
An oil train tnok fiio near Johns
town and burned up over two hun
dred cars, consuming u largo amount
of oil The loss lo Iho company in
material will amount to over 9200,000.
A "Twekd" l!nx. Tho following
is a copy of the bill sent into tho Leg
islature, for which tho parties demand
pay from tho Stule, for "fixing up"
tho two rooms. Tho curtain, etc, bill
is certainly "Tweed," if there nro no
T. F. Wnlraren, eortuimt, o!o I9,flr3 3fl
1'. V. Vullutcr, iiiiwlliieoii work K,iiO 10
F. W. Yiligst, mifcellaneoue work 15 (III
Andrew t'atlvreun. carpels, eto. 1,7711 2S
I). C. Knlp, merchandise.. 1,2:,:) 07
J. .7. Iti-hntnrr, mcrrhatidiKC 4(11 US
F. A. Hociitiicr, plamhing, ele 1,fiSl 4b
8. II. .Miitttn, liiii'ccilHiieiii,M.,H,.H,.., 6s;f fto
(I. I.. Dickey, plnjleiing, etc l,t.1S 50
Lull A Hiuilh, plntlet-ing, etc 2:i4 00
(I. W. Hook, ttiiffeellam-oui.. SII2 60
C. A. Hpicer, mitcHUm-oiia. S7S Oil
Win. Uvrgslroeacr, painting 400 OH
Total .
fill, 179 08
biii'hk or nrrnKSKSTATiv
Samuel Adam, etirlaint, ele.
Kitnni-I Adiime, mioellaneouf, etc....
It. holler, rrpiiiring, ele...
J. II. Hi. i.l nt, h, .1.1.,!,, -1,.
... t,
03 DO
6711 (111
IDS 76
,ii(l (III
,t22 00
.. 1
.. 1
J. H. lloyd, itiiC(-llant'on4
l.uli Hunth, plastering
1'arkhill A Brother, plainbitig, etc...
Andrew I'nttpmon. i-itr,i,-l
J 16 60
2111 no
M i j :w
.70i 6I
John t!rnili tliwriW nnlnlinir
..I7,8C7 21
..2I,179 (Id
.. I7,li7 21
Pcnate hilt
IIoumo bill! H
Total, both hnut-
111,019 es
At . WotiK. Tho joint committee
appointed by tho Legislature to in.
vostigulo the L'vnns robbery, baa been
"interviewing" the Auditor General
and other dignitaries. Tho State of
ficers seem to know but little, except
Unit tho Slnto Treasury has boon rob
hod of three hurJrerl and thirty fii:e
thousand dollars, and who 1ms the
money they know not. As thero arc
but (our in tho "ring," it seems lo us
tho coinmitteo should soon "tree" tho
money. Tho four are Evans, Gvacy,
Ilurlranft and Muckev.
So wb Go. Tho ('incinnalti En
(niircr says: Tho milk in tho New
York Guneral Order coeou-nut is ac
counted for. Our Fort Wny no special
telegraphs that Leot, tho biggest ras
cal 111 llio whole lot, is a couxiu of Mrs.
Grant. No further answer to tho
conundrum Who is Lett's purlner,
who is able to pul his hand ou Rout
well's shoulder is required.
William Thompson, aged eighty,
onco tho wealthiest banker of New
Orleans, and General Jaksnn'g adju
tant, wan found by tho police in a mull
nfflco in Pirnudway, Sow York, lust
SlllldaV Iiieht. "sick, ilenlitilln .,.,1
starving. " JJe wn removed to ljje
The Ji'ttc i.lqvor Artie.
Wo lay beforo our roitders the fob
lowing copy of llottso fllo No 80, road
in that body on tho 21st tilt-, and
ontilied "An Act to provido against
tho evils resulting from the sale ol in
toxicttting liquors." Wo bellovo it is
what is culled the Ohio und Illinois
act, and relates wholly to patns and
penalties, which oro severe, but, like
every other law, cannot bo enforced
unless npprovod by publio opinion:
Skctios 1. lie it enavted by the Sen
ate and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsgleanin in lien
eral Asicmbhl met, and it is henbi) en-
neted by the authority of the same, 1'htit
it shall be niilawttil lor uny person or
nersiins. be uiiout or otherwise, with
out fust having obtained a liconsu, to
keep for salo or lo sell 111 any quantity
intoxicating liniiors to bo drutik 111
upon or about the building or premises
whero sold, or to sen sucit niioxicui,
iug liquors to bo drank in auy adjoin
ing room, building or. piumises, or
other place ol public resort counecling
withsuld btiildintr: Provided. That no
person shall bo grnnted u llcenso to
sell or givo away intoxicating liquors
without lirsi givingu uonu 10 uiu inuu
iciniilitvoratilhoiitvuiithoiized bylaw
lo grant licenses, w hich bond shall bo
in llio nnmo 01 tne uommonweuiiu 01
Pennsylvania, and bo in Iho penal
sum of three thousand miliars, with
til least two good and sufllcient socur
ities, who shall bo freeholders, con
ditioned that they will pay nil dam
ages to any person or persons which
may be inflicted upon them either
in "person or property or by means
of support by reason of so obtain
ing a license or selling or giving
away intoxicating liquors, tind such
bond muy bo sued and recovered upon
for tho uso of uny person or persons
or their legal : representatives who
may bo injured by reason of tho sul
ling intoxic iting liquors by tho per
son by tho person or his agent s6 ob
taining a license
Sr.c. 2. It shall be unlawful for nny
person or persons by ngont or other
wise to sell intoxicating liquors In
minors, unless upon tlio written order
of their parents, guardians or family
physicians, or sell to persons intoxi
cated or who aro in iho habit of gul
ling intoxicated.
Sec, 3 All places where intoxicat
ing liquors 1110 sold iu violation of this
net shall bo taken, I10IJ and dcularcd
lo be common nuisances, and all rooms,
taverns, eating houses, bazaars, res
taurants, drug stores, groceries, coffee
houses, Collin's, or other places of pub
lic resort, where intoxicating liquors
nro sold or given away in violation of
this tut, shall bo nil lit up and abated
11s public nuisances upon conviction of
llio keeper thereof, who fball be pun
ished us hereinafter provided.
Skc 4. F.vciy person who shall by
tho salo of intoxicating liquors, with
or without a license, cuuso the intoxi
cation of tiny other person, shall bo
liable for and compelled lo pay a rea
sonable compensation to any who may
take charge of ttnd provido for such
inloxiculi'd person, und two dollars
per day in addition thereto for every
day such intoxicated person shall be
kept in conscqucnco of such Inioxlcn
timi, ni.iot. ...., may bo recovered in
an uction ol debt beforo any court
having competent jurisdiction.
Skc. 6. Every husband, wife, child,
parent, guardian, employer, or other
person who shall bo injured in person
or property or means of support by
uny intoxicated person, or in conso
quenco of iho intoxication, habitual
or otherwise, of any person, shall havo
a right of action in his or her own
nuino, severally or jninlry, against tiny
person or persons w ho shall by selling
or giving intoxicating liquors havo
caused tlio intoxication in whole or in
purl of such person or persons owning,
renting, leasing, or permitting tlio oc
cupation of any building or premises,
and having knowledge, that intoxicat
ing liquors uro 10 bo sol i (herein, or
who having leased (he sumo for other
purposes shall knowingly permit the
sale of any intoxicating liquors that
havo caused in whole or ii: part the
intoxication of nny person, shall be
liable severally or jointly with the
person or persons selling or giving in
toxUiiiiing liquors aforesaid for all
damages sust lined und lor exemplary
dumuges ; mid n married woman shall
have tbo same right to bring suits and
to control tho same nnd the amount
recovered ss femmo sole, nnd nil d mil
ages recovered by n minor under this
act ! tt II ho paid either to such minor
or to his or her parent, gnurdinti or next
iili-nd, as Ihe court shnll direct, and
tho unlawful salo or giving away of
intoxiou'ing liquors shall work a tor
feiluro of nil rights of Iho losses or
tenant under uny lease or contract of
rent upon the premises whero such
unlawful sale or giving 11 wny shall
lake) place, nnd nil suits for dunutgo
under this act muy bo by any appro
pritilo action in any of tho courts of
this Sluto having competent jurisdic
tion. Sr.c. 0. For every violation of tho
provisions of tlio first and second sec
tions of this n( t, every person so of
fending shall forfeit und pay a lino of
not loss than twenty nor 11101-0 Ihan
one hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned
r 1 lha oi.imf t- Ait ittl, limit,
for not lets tliiin ten nor more than
tli i 1 Iv days, nnd pay the costs of pros.
edition, und for every violation of the
provisions ol Ihe thin section of this
act, every person convietod as Ihe
keeper of nny of tho places therein
declared to bo nuisances shnll forfeit
and pay a fine of not less than lifty
nor more than ono hundred dollars
and bo imprisoned in tho jail of Ihe
county or work house for not less
than twenty nor more tliun filtv days
and pay llio costs of prosecution, und
such place or places so kept by such
;crson or pori-oiiM so convicted shall
do shut up mid abated upon llio order
of ihe court beforo whom such eonvio
tior, muv bo hud until such tiiuo us
such porsou or persons keeping such
I duces shall givo bund and security to
10 approvod by said court In the penal
sum of ono thousand dollars, payable
10 viiu ouuu, conuiiiuueu muii lie, sue
ir tliey-will not sell inloxii ntinc
liquoi'B contrary to Iho laws of (his
Stale and will pay ull fines nnd co(s
and dumtlires assessed niitiust such
keeper or keepers for any violation
thereof, sml in case of a fbrfuilura of
such bond suit may bo brought there
on for (ho use of uny person interest
ed or for the uso of tho county; Pro
vided, Thai tlio penalties in thenaturo
of lines metilioncd iu this section may
no euioreeii separutejy lroni tho im
prisonment beforo justices of tho peaco
or polico magistrates.
Sr.o. 7. 1 ho Kivimr nwoy of Intoxi
cating liquors or oilier shift, or device
lo (ivitdn tho provisions of ibis act
sliuil bo deemed and hold td bo mi 1111
lawful selling witbiu tbo provisions f
imp uci.
Kko. 8. For tho pay mont of ull fines,
costs and damages assessed uguiust
any person or persons In conseqiionco
of tho sale of intoxicnting liquois as
iirovidud in soclion Bvo ol this net,
I. . , t I ..,.u
llio real nnu personal prupuny ui sucu
person or poisons of every kind, ex
cept such as may beoxompt from levy
and sale upon judgment and oxccutlon,
shall bo liable, and such fines, costs
and damages shall bo a lion upon such
roal cstttto until paid, ana in cuso any
person or persons shall rent or leaso
to another or others any building or
premises to ho used or occupied in
whole or in part for the sale of intoxi
eating liquors, or shall permit the
same to bo used or occupied, slit) II be
held liable lor and may ho sold to pay
till fines, costs and damages assessed
against any person or persons occupy
ing such building or promises. Pro
ceedings may bo had to subject tho
sumo to tho payment of nny such fine
und costs assessed or judgmont rccov
ed w hich remains unpaid or uny part
thereof either beforo or after pxecu.
lion shall Usuo against, tho property
of the person or persons against whom
such fine nnd costs of judgment shnll
havo been adjudged or ussei-scd, and
when oiocution shall issuo against the
property so leased or rented the ollieer
shall proceed to satisfy suid oxeculion
out of tho building or premises so
lettscd or occupied us (.foresaid, nnd
in case such building or promises ne
long to a minor, insano person or idiot,
guardian of such minor, insano person
ur idiot and bis or her real and per
sonal properly shall bo held hblo in
Httiitd of su ;h minor, insano person or
idiot, and his or her property shall bo
sulject to nil llio provisions of this
section relating lo tlio collection of
fines, costs and damages.
St;c. 9. Tho penalty snd imprison
ment mentioned ill tlu sixth section
of this uct may bo onf irccd by Indict
mont in any court of record haying
criminal jurisdiction, and ull pecuniary
fines or penalties provided for in Ihe
sections of this act (except the fourth
and fifth) may bo enforcod and proso
euted for beforo any justice of tho
peaco of tho propor county in an action
of debt in the nnmo of the Common,
wenlili of Pennsylvania s plaintiff,
and in caso of conviction the offender
shall stand committed to tho common
jail or workhouse until the judgment
und costs aro fully paid, and tho mag
istruto or court in which tho convic
tion is hud slmll issue a writ of eapias
ad satisfaciendum therolor.iuid justices
of tho peaco edml! also have jurisdic
tion of all onions ui iing under tbo
fourth and filth sections of Hiis net
when tho amount in controversy dues
not exceed two hundred dollars; such
net ions to bo prosecuted in tho name
of tho party injured or entitled to ti e
debt or damages provided fur in said
fourth and tilth sections.
Sf.c. 10. In all prosecutions under
this net by indictment or otherwise) 11
shall not bo mwessnry to sluto the
kind of liquor sold or lo descrtho tlio
place whero sold, and for any violation
of tho third section of this uct it shaM
not be necessary lo state Iho name of
tho persons to whom sold, und in all
cases tho person or persons lo whom
intoxicating liquors shall bo sold in
violation of this uct shall be Competent
wimesscB to provo such fact or any
other tending thereto.
"Sfecimk! DitiCK." Tho Journal
lust week, in conjunction with tho
Times, got oil llio ioiiowig "nrijinal
purnprsph :"
Tho X. Y. Tw4 on Monday a week hf.l
an exhaustive article on "WhM Urnnl'i Adminis
tration has done for Cliil Servioe Hoiorm," Innn
which we excerpt Iho following "rpeeitnen brick,"
tor the clilicalion and uigiHii'B ol liraul c tua
lignrra :
"The AdiniL'i-trntion hn hroiii,'ht to account
for delimit or emlieiIctnenl, fnrly luternnl ltrv
cuuo otlicerr, llltei-n Cotonil oQlcere, thirteen olh
eera of the Interior lrp;u!mriit, lllj l'oitmnfllcrp,
ixteen money order ollicere, four ieera of Ihe
navy and two of Ihe army 1US in 11 11, involving
an a.'lnal or ponihlo Inns lo llio lloiernincnt 01
e2.;'.lil,li:'l. Of tin. .0were aiipotnted by
previous Adininir! rations and third nine by the
present one, llio loci ae-ritltig from lb' former be
lug l,lr1,il3 1 Iron the latter only t.t2a,lus.
As ill 010 bus burn 110 Democratic
administration for twelve years, what
n set of infernal robbers theso Radicals
nro uccording to this "par igrupli 1"
"Tho hillcr only 8320,11)8." Why,
bless your pious soul, Evans himself
did better than that bore in Pennsyl
vania! You huvo certainly not beard
from (ho lost of (he Stale. This body is now main
ly engaged in maiiufacturing candi
dates for tho Presidency, occasionally
talking nboiit amnesty, lurill' and the
personal interest of tho member
consisting of railroad subsidies, school
lands, etc., out of which tho majority
of tho members expect lo get a good
slice. Slumps, taxes and tlmso mat
ters which relute lo tho public gener
ally, receive but litllo attetilinn from
the members. Self first and their con
stituents iifterwards. The amnesty
bill will bo so saddled with amoud
mcnls in tho interest of tho negroes
exclusively, that tho friends of to
while slaves will bo compelled lo vole
against it, if it ever reaches thutpoii t.
All tho negro inembcis votoobstinaiu
ly against every phase of tho amnes
ty bill TliM, hr,,vi'Voe, (j rrtctor-
istiu of iguornnco and fanaticism.
The Rascals The lain con lest for
.Senator in tbo -lib district, Philadel
phia, was entirely between tho Itadi
eul themselves. There being nearly
7,')00 Radical majority, llio Democrats
look no part, and allowed tho R.uls
lo "go in" mid win. Gray, tho Grant
Forne .plunder oil 1 til i In 1 0, has nlioi.t
000 majority, while McClure, his
ponent, cluinis thut ho curried (ho ilil
tricl by 2,000 majority, and is going
to contest Gray's seat. If MoCltiro
only tells half (ho truth, tho Philadel
phia Rails nro abend of even the li
tnons California ballot box, slufl'eri.
MeClitro says ho will huvo his
und send a scoro of Ruds to tho peni
tentiary beforo ho goes to llurrishurf
Reader, theso uro not "eopporhrnd
lies." They urn ground out by 11
"loil" mill and must bo accepted I ly
that party us gospel truths,
A Goi.tir.M Wkihiinu. Tho Lowir-!
burg Chronicle says: A gilt odged,
IN karat wodding look plnco iu Dan
ville, tho other day. Hnissels i-urpot
was laid from tho brido's residence Iu
the church (on the opposite side of tl o
street,) in which the ceremony was to
"go off," nnd tho br'do realised mmo
spoons and things than Ren Butler
oversaw. Jt would bou good
incut to havo ull tho streets of that ' lime," if meauwbilo they nro not sonl
city of cinder paved with Bruss.ds cur-j lo llio Ponilontiiiry in splto of Govor
pet. Wo know of no spot n oiirtli norConley's udvunce purdon, in which
where such fabric would lio li) bolter they uro jsxompiod from punishment
n-lvanidgo, j for their pbolrsule ropbories.
Coupon A'turt,
For "Oriirinul nuruL'rnnhs," see tbo
Journal, especially on tho "colored"
Counterfeit ton dollur notes on the
Poitghkoepsio bank nro circulating
largely. , '
a man who sat nnon a nnnor of car
pet nuils suid they romindod him of
Ilia iftcow la.v.
U i ronorted that M. Thiols Is op
nosed to t ho crsution of tho ofllco of
vice presijent for France.
Mount flood, iu Oregon, is giving
evidence, of volciuno notion by emit
ting a denso volume of smoke.
'Tho property boipieulhod by tho
11(0 Issue men to llio tiostor. memo-
dist University is stated at 81,700,000
Joseph B. Lyman, agricultural edi
tor of the Now York Tribune, died on
tho "Stli ult. His place will bo hard
m till.
Rlk county has a sheriff named
Ovster, and ho bus moved into Ihe jail
It is feared tho prisoner muy cat
him. .
Mr. Buckalevy has introduced a hill
in tlio Senate authorising cuiniilntivo
voting in tho election of school direc
Philadelphia bus nn "Improvod Or
der of Hod Men." It's 11 pily they
hadn't a lew of them out West, whero
they nro needed.
lion. Iloralio Seymour, of Now
York, has boon elected President of
tho Prison Reform Association of the
United Slates.
, An undo of Georgo Francis Train
hits mitdo oath that Georgo is a Inns
lie, und bus asked to bo appointed
guardian over bun
ThecPiiiisylvaniu Railroad manage
ment huvo cut oil' ull tho "dead bonds,"
and will issue no rnoro pusses. So
says tho Newark Advertiser.
Henry Sulkeld lost a 815,000 store
by tho Chicago conflagruiinn, und is
now n brukeinan on mo ruiiaucipmu
and Krie railroad. liuKiness.
During tho triul of Mrs. Wharton
sixty six witnesses wero culled ami
tillysix sworn. Tho co-tot tho triul
is about sixteen thousand dollars
Sinco tho first of January, tho Bed
ford street Mission, Philadelphia, has
given out 2Mut louvcs of bread, and
providod 1,!J15 dinners for children.
In tho Loui-duturo muddlo in No
bruska ono of tlio factions is known
as tho "Rump llouso" und the other
us tho "Salt Steal House."
Tho Maine Legislutivo Committoon
Banks und Hanking have decided in
favor of levying a Slnto lax of half ol
ono per cent, on Suvings liutik do
Both tho United Slates Senators
from Indiana huvo hud their pockets
picked in New York wiiliin a low
weeks. Senators should keep better
The South Bend Biale, Colfix's
homo organ, decluresthtit iho"Sniiler"
hits never mudouny money during his
entire puhlio career. iOW, luia
simply 11 on sen f-o.
It is said that Daniel W. Voorhees
will accept the nomination for Gover
nor from tho iJeniocrats ol Indiunn
and lead the flelil in 1S72. No better
man in the State.
There is suid to bo only ono mnn
who has a correct idea of tho site of
the United Stlnites, and ho is tho man
who, in luO-M drove an ox team from
Miotic lo Culiloriiiu
A meeting of negroes employed on
the ncu plantations of bouth Curolimi
ttnd Georgia, held at Savannah, adopt
ed resolutions petitioning Congress
not to repeul tho duty on nee.
Senator Scott's Ku-lClux Commit
teo will soon bo ready to report the
result of thoir labors to scc:iro, if pos
sible, llio ro iinniinuiion and re election
of General Grunt.
Governor Brown, of Missouri, has
vetoed a bill to pay maturing Slate
bonds in greenbacks, the Supremo
t iiiu l ol tho Mute having decided that
ihc-e bonds ma -t bo paid in coin
Benjamin Price, a dixtinguishod min
ister of (ho Society of Frtends, and a
inuu noted for bis ninny excellencies.
died ut West Chester on the 9U1 ull.,
at llio ago of sevcoly-eight,
Tho Pennsylvania Contral Ruiltond
Company has secured a lenso ol the
Memphis and Charleston Railroad
tins is an iniKiriHiii iiiik in 1110 ciiain
of Southern connection.
A correspondent inquired of Groo
ley if guano was good to put on polu
Iocs f Uo suid it might do for those
ho.c lasles hud become vitiuted with
tobacco and rum, but ha preferred
gravy or 011 iter.
Charles P. Keller, crtshier in tho
freight department of the Hartford
and Kriu Railroad, in Boston, hanged
himself on tho i!Uh. No citusu is us
signed for Iho uct. Ho leaves u wife
and llnvo children.
Tho only survivor of Iho United
Slates Senato of 18:7-8, is the Hon.
William Allen, of Ohio. Clay and
Webster wero among tho members of
Ihul Senato, and added to its dignity
and stuleHmuiiship.
It Is reported that Gotieral Grnnt
means to (lean out (ho Now York
Customhouse. As I, eel has cleaned
out tho men hunts of thut city, under
iho Grunt Grinnell letter, the Alitor
process cuii now bo put iu action.
- Den Duller Itnn ini rndiic-ud a bill in
Congress providing lor woman stif
fniun. II11 evuli'Mily means to run
nirain for Governor of Massachusetts
Tlio beusl" loves tbe Indies, iiide hi
.New Orleans proclamation.
Tho Germans in the Board of Alder
men 01 l Ineinnall, voted against u
resolution inviting tho Grand Dnko
Alexis to visit that cily. This imli-
( ales the state of feeling between Ger
many and Russia at this I i 1110.
Pennsylvania has mine post offices
tliun any oilier State of llio Union
1 lie minim r id post unices 111 Penn
sylvania is 2 8'lil, and in New York,
2,(i!IO. The whole army of post musters
ml ho 1 1. lied Mutes amounts to .iU,0J0.
As Gen. Grant has paid over his
t'i.000 which ho owed tho government
since tho Mexican war, wo hope the
regiments of Radical defaulters will
follow his example und pay up, too.
They need not bo so long ubout it,
The Radicals of Conlro coitnly havo
instructed their delegato to vote for
Gen John II. Hurtranl'l, forGovornor.
I Iu is tho 1 1 rose nl Auditor General.
mid keeps tho books for Georgo O.
Kvans, who w ill no doubt go for Hart
ran ft, too, "Birds of u foatlior, cto."
Tho stylo of Grant's Philadelphia
Convention may be judged by the
selection of Bludgolt and Robb us del-
egates at largo from the Stslo of
Goorgiu. They will be present und
voto lor Grunt "first, lust und ull the
1(11! tU'frtiSfmmts.
. 1 : -; A' SURE ' '
CAM, at I,. FI.KllAl'S new Btore, opposite
tix-(!ov, UiRler'l reeideooo, oil Second ilreol,
Clearfield, l a., and examine uu una hoc ui
' Gcmt'h Fuumsiiino Goons,
-VALISES, io., ' ; ;
Of which he lieonnlandy receiving large aseori
ment of the rery latest and best styles, which be
will dispose of at
Astonishingly Low Prices!
LADIES, T hnr on bod a Urge and well
Mfert'! tck nf ' elhntf-( bknil-arwerf
tnn ittfrlr rcrnininenii1 to he the bsit io tbo ur
ket. Call and otRtoiBe thorn.
OENTLRMRX, mr stock of FnrnUhlng
ii ounplclo. 1 huvo all thn novfltica in Sen r ft
Tic. Cravnti, ilan'lercljicf, t'uilcrwear, Sup.
penilort, CuMnrit, (Jlovri, floiirrr, - togHher
with a oompinfn aMortinvnt of Whit and Clo'h
Shirti. I have tm hunt, a 1iirf;tiad well telrcted
itock of Hal and Capa of tho
Very Latest Styles I
Alio, Trunk t, VaMi, Hailroid Pa, rmhrttlai,
Cni, and many other artlclri, both useful and
ornamental, which will b told at fair rafea.
a-Tho citlient oi Clrarfleld and rlolnity ara
rcpectrnlly Invlrrd hi call and examine my guodi
bvfurt purcuaiiiig elicnhcra.
Clearfield, Pa., Fell. 7, 1 972.
fIale and Female College I
CTXUS popular icititution will oprn for tho
X SuuioiiT ccMinn on iho first Monday of May,
lajsl, uodcr tha imtruefionofaeorpaofoonipatfiit
ti'iv-hfrs, in the college tuiiltiings in thn pluaaant
Tillrie of ( herrytrce, Indiana county. I'a.
Count of Intrrut ti m thoroitfb. luio, rcJ
ami inatruiitrotnl, iiielutfcil. Uood boarding fur
nithod at from i'2.5 ti $.(.50 nrr werk.
For further partiouUrt apply to cither of the
uiKleniufd ltrcotori, or atljrtsi tbcoi at Uraut
P. U. ludiaDa count v. Fa.
II. It. KINI'nlt rs. Bsq,,
JOHN K(WN, Ksq.,
Dn. A. It. LOVK I.A( K,
Fab. 7, 1872 3m. lirwtori.
T 11 K
Patent Motioa. A Ira nit ooUtJeH machine.
ltn't Cail to fxamiot It befini purcbai
log rliawhira.
Agent fur Clearfield count.
jftiTLooal Amli wanted In every towa in tha
oouniy, to whom librral teroie wiil fce given.
fail to nam mo it and itify youreelf.
Clcartiild, Pa Ftb. 7, lh2 if.
iW, 1.111, 1 .11.1. I.m Mnrket St..
Alwara on band a largo a wort went of now and
fecund-band Crri.ifren livarbornf, Utrniu,
at nrivnto and puMte a'p.
Fulling and MuOmjf-Tnp Dogie from ff.A to
uriraniowos ultiilio Matt) from (75 to
rt.rft. )uH' Mrather ttiitiined I row i0 to
$Kl. lie'rtirnit No T-'p Ilorica, J.tjtfrr and
ltusincp Waonn Ir-ro i.MJ to I2.. Hmle liar
ne fvnn to &j pnr tct. Double Ilarneri from
i-'U U ltUi,irr M liip-, Hallrra, Shoct,
Atbnni, and cvrrything apptrrtaiiunc to the
tni-lni-M at rqunllv low pritci. Our motto is
'Cheaper than tl.c CboapesU Uite us a call be
for purebaxinf eWnhere.
Parties drsinny; llrM, Mules, CarrUffOH,
oiir. Ac, will study t h ir nitt nat by putruniiinx
tliit well rrfn-,liibcJ Uaiaar. Hnrats hpt ty lb
day r month. DAW A III NT,
Fob. 7 Out. PmpriaUH.
of Clflarfl.-ld county, Pcnnsy tvuuta.
Mry Htnire. by her next 1
fnouU, lUnry llwkioan. N"o. 1 1 T. Sepl. T. W7I.
r: Alias suo. sur dirorca,
Williata II. Ptnrc. 1
Tbe undrrsi(nej commisnionor appoiulcnl by
the rourt to tnka testimony In the altora ease,
hrrthy K-rrs untice ilmt he will ntrund to the du
ties ol his amii'tntmeut, at the office uf J M. lo
KiimMv, K-q., in IrnrrMd. Pa., on Tlil'KSDAY.
tlic llu day of Murvli, A. D. I,!, at Z oolock p.
m.f wuvro an piriirs mtnritei may attenii-
CVUP8 tioltDON, CosDoiivsionar.
Clearfield, Fih. T, lM72.-4t.
K(f nimilKI.S IIP ('I.I)VIB AM)
OXJU Tl.MOIIIV HKKD. Tho undersiKned
hjs now on hand five hundred hushels of prime
seed, ill oanlilus lo sun puiuliaevre, at tnu very
lowcal roarkel price, (.ail in person or aililrms
W. W. ilillr-ll.
I.ulhershurg, Feh. T, 1872 m.
Z. C. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer.
TT AVIS' (1 nppnetl Auntiim Rooms in Cloarfleld
Niiu inaniiUotnrpr ilmt I aia prppnr-d to wll all
kinds of mctrhrtihllopon commiositin at reuofiaMc
Ivrtns. Iays of alc will he announced by posters
and "thfrwmc.
fT-ltootns un Market strnL nait door to new
Jao30 Z. C. MrCl'LLOl'nil.
Tha attention of tha oifltm of CUarAald anrl
vlolnlty la illrwtrd to the fact that U-llrllow A
Son ara tha ams of M. Nicoo A 1, and have
just rififivt'd a half iloiin rar lomU of Fl; and
f-ord, which thry offrr at the Wweat posstbU Gff-
aras. A large stock of
Potatoes. Bhvllod Corn, Corn In ear, A., As.
rartlsnlar Rttentinn It fallrd to M. N'ivee A
Co. 'a brnnd of Family Flour, which it the best In
the market.
Flour and Feed can and wilt be aId cheiper
than it ean be obtainrd eli where In Clearfield
e-wStore on Market ttreeL aext door Ut Hun.
Alexander Irvio'i rrrilenca.
JanlQtf AoisfnrM NlreeACo.
X 1M7 nd t"K for tale at tfce Foil Ofiio,
Prtre tb ter.t. lallii to my addrn.
rnilG I. AT HUT MOV El
To their sw hulldlng on Seoond Itreot, nearly
opposite the .tore of Wearer 4 D.tli,
Where they will ennlinoe to aupply (heir old aod
as many new euilomeri as may eomo, wiln
(Including all new remedies,)
Talent Mcdleln.s, Palntl and Oils, Olaia and
Putty, Sehool Books, Hlalionery. Papar,
go.; also, a full lino of Drug
gists' Hundrief, Ilatr
Tonlca, 1
Coimetles, Perfuwieriei, Toilet Arlieles, Brushes,
Toilet Soaps. Poeket Boohs, to., all of
tho besl ejuality.
for medical I sacramental purposes only,
Pure Whit, toad. Colors of all kinds. Raw nnd
Boiled Linseed Oil. V erm. ... lurpen
tine, Coal Oil, Piint A Varnish
Brushes, Flavoring
Confeel'onerleo, Bird Seed, Ppieo, grauni and
ungrouoa, 01 an aiaus.
Will tlnd our stoeh nf Chewing
J u..l,: T..I..M.. tmnnrtt-A .ml TB.
meitie Ciders. Snuff and Fina-eut to b. of tbe
very oosl oranus m 100 maraee.
All kinds of GLASS WARE,
nnd Musical Trimmings of erery variety.
Haling n lon experience In the businesa, and
ii ailensleeand well Mleeteit stnek of medicines,
we are ennhled lo flil Physicians' preeeriptions at
Iho shortest nolle and on tbe most ruaaouabl.
tertut, day and night.
Clearfleld, Pa., Mr SI, 187 1 -If.
P. T. I,
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Infirmities," St. Paul.
A aafe. pare, pleasant an J health firing Tunic
-il. strictly Tcgetablt, and manuractumd frnsn
tho most pair and eboic materials is not a spirit
drink nor substitute for whisky, but a scientific
oiintpmiid. for tbe protection of Ihe system nnd
the eure of disease, made from chemically pure
spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita
ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the
must delicate stomach. A long private experi
ence hat attealcd it
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Bitters at present offered to the publie
contains ao much medicinal virlpe, and yet ao tale
an t pleanant to take. Its noe It to cure disease,
and it will not create an appetite for rpirUiioux
liquors, but will eure the effect of dissipation.
To iueroaae tbe Appetite, I'SB IT.
To promote Digestion, DE IT.
To cure Dyspepsia, USE IT.
To cure Fever and Ague, I'SK IT.
To care Dilliousnese, URE IT.
To cure Constipation, TSR IT.
To cure Chronto Diarrhoea, VSB IT.
To cure II r art burn, I'SB IT.
To cure Flatulence, l'8K IT.
To cure Acid Eructation, USE IT.
To cure Neivoas Debility. lPK IT.
To ear Uydoehondria, I'SE IT.
To cure Sallownett of Complexion, USE IT.
To cure Fim'plvs and U, t'SR IT.
For Qonerai Prostration of the
Fhysioal powtrt, UHB IT,
nnd it will cure yon.
6dd everywhere, at $1,00 per battle, Mann
fuc tu ml exclusively by
Who offers liberal Induoemenli to Ih. trade.
0:1. J7, 1(W:!f.
Am yon in neej of a good set of Ilameat t
Are you in nocl of a gHid Hiid'lle or Itrtdlel
If so, call at lh Saiblle and Harness IShop of
ims v.. MAHwua. wnern yrm pan get uie nest in
the market. Double and Mingle lUrneat and Im
dirt' and (tent's Saddles ! superior workmanship,
always en hnml or n.ttnufiicturrd to urdrr. tSpo
elal attrntinn it enllrd lo my stock of Cllara and
llnmi t, which art the htM in use. I nlao have an
asDortineiit nf Saddlers lltirdware, which will ho
dippnst'd of at rejftinablp rates, PepAtring of all
kinds promptly nttomird to. ftfL.tion't fnr?t to
enU hel'iirc pimdni'ing elsewhrre. Hh"p in Un-
nrtm t liow, Aliirkct sliert. ipnrllein, Va
MnvM;i ly. .1011 N V. HAHWTKC
it I
j It hrndiT airen tlll letters of fl'liditilsl ration
an tho cttnto uf HAM Mil. 1' KOpl.KS, dee'd, lato
ef ltrtidf township, rienrfltdd enmity, l'eutia..
naving naen iuiy nmnicd io nio no'irrnignmt, a'l
persons Indrbtpd to suid eftale nil) please make
pnyment, and thnae h nving rltiliua or o'tmandi
will prcscut thout properly authmtieoted for set
tlement, JK.-K 1,1 NLH,
Fch. 7. 1 J !(: Administrator.
We have printed a large number of the new
FKB HILL, and will on Ilia rroeipt of twrntv.
ra flentt, null ft ep7 to an? ftddreis. ) J8
Till WIXTlilt TliltM of fourteen weeks, win
oemuieai-e Monday, Jim. let, Ii7.
Reading, 0rlhotrahr,Vrillng,OljFilL.i.
anns, 1'rnnai v Ai lliiloi-tiu aul J riroarj
(Jcoernr.hT I; It
Ilislorv, Local and desuridivo ieoi(rn.lij
with Mnp drawing. HruuiDar, aie&lal
nd Wrlllen Artthmelio Hi
AlKobraand the faiences 11 M
Instruction In instrumental nusi m 10 PI
Oil peiatinf, 24 lesaons H.. 12 11
Wa work...- I II
For full jmrtiuiiUrs send for ( ireular.
Clearfield, F171U 1, l7l)-l.vpd.
Clearfield County, Pa.
rpilE SKCOND SESSION of (fait In.'iluMoa
will eoniioenee on Ihe nrst Monday 01 Aoveta.
Urnett. (Term, firo months. I
The eurriculuiu of (ludrnill eu.orare a r-cid
and Ihorounh conrse In eiery hrnni-h r'Jot.ile to
a i.reatiealand areonilihe(l elifea(ioa.
- ripeeial adendon Kiven to person, deslrinjr to
qnulifr Ihemselrea for tho nrofteeion of toaehlug.
Also, to roeftl nnd lns(nnnen(el musio.
I'litiils will lie admilted al any time durinrnie
session, and charged from time of entering to Ihe
olose of thelernt. No deduelion will b. msle
fur ahsenee, eietpt In eases of nrotraeled illnot.
Pludinis deliin rooros for "clobuing" can be
aoeounnodati-d at moderate ralea.
UihhI tw.ardinjr ean be procured at lower rale
thno any other plaee it the eoubl.r. ltiredel.
lers per ween at puitne and private uousos.
i-or parilcuiHrs a'i'irre.
UKOKliE W. IXNIR, Principal,
aep(!0'7l-tf New Washington, I'a.
A Male and If male Ctasaknl lllh cbool.
Hach Urpartuirut Hp po rate, DleUuct nnd
Cumplele in It wll.
rilUE acbolastie yeaeof thia loititutton Is div.
X dwl into two tcuHons ol five months (twenty,
one week) each. Tho firm sctniun eun.nieDCt.-i on
tbe first Mumiiiy in hvpteiuoer; the tt-ct.ud,&D tbs
first Monday in Fi'liruary.
The eoane of Instntotion cmhrnces every tinnr
noccfssry to a ihorough, practical and accumpluh
ed education of iotb sexes.
Pupils will he adni.ttbd at any time and chsrgM
fri'to date of entrance to the eloae of the session.
ho deduction will be made for absence, except
in eases of extreme and protract d illness.
Btuleutt from a distanoe can be a-ccon.moilr.tcrl
with hoard at low ratea.
For particulars, seud for efrcutar. nr adrlress
lev, l L. JlAKKlriO.X, A. M.,
July Jfi. 18-1-tf. Frinctpal.
$rat if state Ut j5a!f.
.Farm for Salel
THE undersigned, residing in Hnijrt township,
(.ffei-s for snlo hia farui, eoninialng (NS
It UN IKK1 ACHES 7 acres of which U clesr.
cd and an lerrultivalion : having thereon crecifl
a frame i w T I i n x hoc, '"r? ,'rn ftT,d the oiqkJ
outttuildins. toi-ther with 120 bearing fruit trees
and an excellent spring of water. A threr rot
vein of COAL and a threw-foot ctn of FIHR
CLAY, both open, which can w aeen at sny tirns
by calling on the premises. This ferm is tilonteil
one fourth of a rail from Walfaeefon etiitton, 01
the Tyrone A OUarlirld HnilroaiL Title indiira.
table, and posflCMiuu given at any tim?. tux
further particulars call on the premises or n'Mreai
11KNKV A Slil.VEIi.
Wullaeetoo, January 17, 1,72 Zia.
House & Lot for Sale or Cent!
TIlilK undersigned offers lor sale or rent, u.oi
X rc-i'iinabln term, a two story dwelling, lot
aud stable, in Uluonilngton. Fie township, Fur
terms. Ac. apply to LEWIS I. Itl.OOM.
Jununry 3J, J87S tf.
Coal IiUiul for Male!
ril II K underftifrtiH ofh-r for rule a Talaable p'eee
J ot Coal land, situate In t-eeatnr tfiwntbip,
tienrfi"ld county, adjoining lac lsnf John Crne,
0"ccla Con I and Lumber Co. and Osceola Lor
ough, containing
115 Acres, 33 Pe retire,
and allowance. It is underlaid with tworeinief
Coal, and la also desirable for town lor. There
Is a turnpike laid out throogU it from Oyreola tt
Philipsl'iirg, and it is within a qnartor of a n.ile
of the Tyn-ne A Clearfleld Railroad, and a)
r he same .lint n nee from the .Moshannuu Br well
Hoad. For further inloruiarida ad'irnst
nov22 3m Sinking Valley, C(-( Pa.
Timber and Coal innds
The following tracts of Ti tuber and frt LttxU
aro oScrrd f?r pI: One tract of K.Otf teres,
lying on the Etk River, iu Wi-btter eotipty ; three
tract tvSng nn the same river in K ronton coantr,
two of i,0-0 arret t-ach and one ol I,(t 0 arrrs ;
and one trad containing arcs, lyinron the
Hauler Kivrr, Iu Nicholas coonty. TbetiUeste
tbeie luud are perftct,
Aov mtormation ccoeerntng there lendwaa at
bad by addreMing U S. FLKtlAL.
Alarrh 22, ISTl-tf. Fhiltpsuwrir. Pa:
Da. a. il. IIILI.3
Would tay to hia patients and the rub-
no gvoiraiiy, tnai, nartng nifaulvea partnership
wi h Ir. thnw, ho is now doitg tha entire wrl
of his olhec himself, so that patients heed not frsf
being put under the hands of any nthr 0'eratur.
Having obtained a reduction of ibe pntent on the
pl.ite uiate. -ul, I am enabled to put ap teeth merh
cheaper than formerly. I aim Imve Ir. ft nek's
patent process for working rubher plates, nbnk
make a mm h iihtor, more elastic and strmfef
plate fur tbe same ntiiount of material, and pol
islici the pinto on huh r-idrs, rt-odiring it nmch
more easily kept clean, special aitentiirn paid 't
the prcmrvntitm of the natnml teeth, and all tro.k
guaranteed entirely Satisfactory to patit tils,
jg-iTOifioe at the old corner, nppixiie the fbt
Ilouae. inf.ff h-mrs from 8 to Ii. . in., and 1 te
6, p. m. Piitlentt from n iistance thould notify
me a few days brforehand of their iutenticn tt
twins. Always at hnine, unlcsa other notice ap
peart In both tho c aunty papers. fcbliTl
irtrji Otlire in Masonic Hoi Id ing,
Putting of the natural teetn In a healthy. if i
tervativeand useful condition If made a specialty.
Diseases and malttirmati'-nsponimon to the tnoutb,
jnw and associate parte, are treated and correctrd
with fair success. Examinations" aud onsults
tions mnn. Prices for partial and full sets f
teeth much lower than In ISTtt. It would be well
for pattenta from a distance to let nt know ty
mail a few dart beforo coming to the office. It
Is rery important that children between tot tr
of six and twelve yrero shauM have their tth
examine 1. By Annethesia Teeth nro irmovpi
without pnln. febli il
J. M. STEWART, D. D. S.,.
Oilice over Trwiu'i Drug Si are,
All dental opcrationa eilhvr In the aierhnptei.
orperntive brnnrt, promptly attended to na
titinUctioii gunrtntevJ. Special aHi..Upn pm
to the treutiiM-nt of dtscsci of the natural tirib,
gums and mouth. Irregularity of thu teeth sue-'
cjrsfully enrreote!. Teeth exireted without pH
by the use of Kiher, and artificial teeth liistrtr
of tho bevt material aud warratited tn rendt-r (
isfaetion. tprilSrt'Il ly
O. I. c.
"liniFRR to lay my DRY 000 PS, ORO-
eerles, ljueensware, Ulaioware, Drug ani
Notions, Cuoreolioucrit'S, Ac. cheap fr oah.
The tubscriWr begs leave lo Inform bis old so 4
new customers that be has oprued
And will sell good at prioet lo titit the times. A
lit.crnt redoctiim will be made to customers buy
ing at wholesale.
Call and examine my stock before parcbaiin
elsewhere. A liberal there of publio phtfona
Olen Hope, Ta., June 14, 1871.
nll R nndoralned Wgs leave to Inform tha pub
lie hal ha tt tiuw fully prepared tea".
d;tte all in tbo war of f.trnilnnjj llores,
Suddlrs and llarnrsi, nn the shortest notice ti'J
on rcaa-mOile tvimt. Hoidcnoeon Locust street,
between Third and Fourth.
nonrflnld, April! 1, ld7. " '