THE HEPUBUCAN. CLEARFIELD, TA. WKDNKSDAY JIOIINI.N'O, JAN. SI. 187J. A CHURCH QOINO BELLE. A dainty Utile bonnet 'I'll, awceteat marabout, A eea of lawny wavelet! O'er funhaad whit mi mow, A brace uf apnrkliug inpphlroe, Two eureka of roey dye, A mlr of llpi of ruby And a fuaelnatlng ligh. tliou alio fot lo worabip f Ah I ilia difheult to tell, IM iff plain buth aalula and tinners Worbip tliat Babbath belli). A litfbtly-ntllng bodice, Coatuiue all brocaded, fcliort pcttlcoate Willi Hmincot, In cmllcae eolore braided, Enamelled iliooi with buckle, ' Hn'-li ai Frenchmen Tend, With lofty, taper heel-tana. To give a tlrceiau bcuil. Thinkcet thou It'e for (lod'f glory rHio dreaeoe out 10 well ? Or doea she want aome Faint or liuner To love the rj&uhath belle ? Past and Preisent. Bomewhnt more tlian ninoty-fivo yours ago Uio world was startled by tlio duclurnlion Hint a now nntion hud liocn born. Its birth wus ushered in (y tlio tramp of mailed legions, tlio din of nrms, and tlio thunder of buttle. Whon tho old bell of Indopondenco Hull rung out a joyous poitl, nono but tlio God of m-mica know whether tho infant Kopiiblic would survive or per ish. But survivo it did. ' Evcntutilly tho rod waves of war were rolled back, nnd tho while, flag of peace fluttered from our bill-lops nnd glntuuod alone; our rock bound coasts. The Itopublic bocamo o fixed fuel, nnd tho princi ples of self-government a living reality. When our fathers lightod the fires of liberty upon tin nltnr whose stones had boon cemented with their own blood, tho nngols sang as molodiously ns when tho shepherd wero ravidhed by their entrancing strains upon the plains of Judea. Tho glad tidings rollod over tho wasto of waters, und wero boino lo distant climes on snowy wings. Tyrants trembled. tingeoo cd nulions hoard and wero glad, i'il grinis ennio from every land to wor hhip at tho new shrino. Soon the in fant bceoino nn atlilelio giant, nnd de manded a placo in tho front rank of nations, it created cities whoro tho inonnrchs of tho forest had wrestled wilh the storm nnd breeze for untold nges. It created commence nnd sent ils whito-wingod messengers through out the hubilablo globe. It put in motion the spindlo and loom, and cro Htcd a thousand industries for tho benefit of its teeming humanity. It nwoko tho plowman's song upon the Western prairie, and with Southern products mndo other nations our trib utaries. It provided liberally for tho industrious sons of labor, and filled their homes wilh good cheer and Jinppiness. "Then Done WM for a party j Then all were for the Htate J Tbea the great maa belp'd the poor, Aod tlus iour Dian lov'd the (treat. Then lunda were fairly portion d; Then landi were fairly nld; The peoplo wore like brother., In the brave dnys of old," To-day we sit nraid tho ruined mon uments of our former greatness, and weep over the remnants of our decay ing splendor. Wo look out upon the land, and can scarcely realize that it is tho saino of which birds have sung in glowing strains, and the lips of olo quenco extolled lo Iho skies. Asa people we are naked nnd bank rupt. Dubtsits heavy upon our should ors, and tho worm of greedy taxation is gnawing at our vitals, rrauds pre side nt tho council board, and corrup tion steers tho ship of Slnlo. Our custom housos nro run by tho vilest thieves, nnd ono hundred millions of intornal revontio, each year, become the property of unblushing plunderers. Our currency has become tho sporlof knnves nnd a souroo of profit to spec ulating rings. Our commerce is as dead as an Egyptian mummy; our manufactures are languishing, except in casus whore capitalists huvo had moans enough to purchase a markota blo Congress. Agriculluro nO'ords no remuneration to the tiller of tho soil, and Heeding labor is mado to foot the bills of a reckless and improvident Government. Wo nsk for bread and .they givo us a stono. Wo suo for lib erty, und get it in tho shnpo of fed eral bayonets and Galling guns. Wo potitiou for reform in tho civil servico, und straightwny faro dealing or base ball playing is mado tho passport to ofllco. Thus wo might goon ad infi nitum in the the reheaiital of our na tional evils, but wo forbear. Tho thoughtful and wiso will not fail to call them all lo mind. Fools and parti nans in lending strings would fail to understand or aeknowledgo them its truths. The People. Standard Thoughts. rromise little and do much. Sin and sorrow aro inseparable. Want of decency is want of sonso. Pride that dines on vanity sups on contempt. Lot another's passions bo a lecture to tliv reason. It is better to forget ono's misfor Arnica, than to talk ul out them. . C'ottrngo is moro likely to bo pru rient than imprudence is to be courago .ous. !eul gently with those who stray, draw the in back by love and persua sion. True practical philosophy makes tho most of littlo pleasures, and tho worst of everything. Of all our infirmities, vanity is Iho dearest lous: n man will starve his oilier vices lo keep that ulivo. It is a common fault ncvor to bo satisfied with our fortune nor dissut jslied with our understanding. Ai easily expect oaks from a mush room bed us a gr,at and durable pro duct from small and linsty efforts. At twenty-fivo wo kill pleasure, ul lltirly wo enjoy it, at forty wo bus band it, nt sixty we regret it. Wo may look coldly upon tho sweet -cut and most gentle dew of love till it becomes snow or frost. Much of tho unhnppinosg in this world arises from giving utterances to nasiy, unkind words. lie who reforms himself, has dono moro towards reforming tho public, in an a crowa ot noisy, Impotent pat riots. An hour's industry will do moro to beget ciicerlulness, suppress evil hu mors and retrieve yonr affairs than a mount s ninamng. Tho r.ervo w hich never relaxes. Iho eye which noror blanches, tho thought which never wanders theso nro tlio masters of victory. Tho best dowry to advanoo tho mar ringo of a young lady is to hnvo in her countenance, mildness, in her mioccIi v I (JotU; nnd in her behaviour modesty. . Qenorol John B. Magrudor, This old warrior sloops Iho sleep of a aoldier in n rudo Texas grave, ovor which tlioro is no monument, 'iho grass wus growing ubout it in early summer, and there was some flowers thoro, withered nnd faded, seattorcd bv a woman luinu. A votary at uio shrino of nature nnd n finished diplo mat at tlio Court ot Vonus, It was fittine that thoro should bo laracsxe of creen-growino grasses and lovo flow ers. If roses aro tho tear drops of angels, lis tho beautiful Arab belief puts lorth in pootry, tliou is tnotowiy mound n hnllowed spot, and needs not tho, sculptured stono, the frotled col umn, tho ivy or tho obelisk. JIagruuer was a wonuorlul man. II o stood six foot four Inches iii bight mid had a form men envied and wo man adored. Ills nerves wero ull iron. Foreign travel and comprehen sive culture had given to his wit a r.est that was always crisp nnd sparkling. Uo never lacerated. To tho sting of it rnpnrtoo ho added honey of Iho clo ver, lie could tight nil day and nance all night. In the morning a glass of brandy and a strong cigar renewed his strength, nnd caused tho cup of his youth to run over with the precious wine, of health and high spirits.'; He loved magnificent uniforms, nnd mag nificent horses, and magnificent wo men, (ilfled and graceful in lonvor sntion, he wits n poet in tho boudoir, and a logician in Iho barracks. He had studied French in Paris, Italian in Jiomo, nnd .Spanish in Iho halls of tho jtloiile.timas. J ho satire oxorcise ho learned from a Turk. His horse manship wus of tho English kind, that is to sny, not graceful, but impossible to bo surpassed for firm riding and endurntico. llo wroto litllo love songs that wero set to music ono of thorn, "Imogone," had in it Iho plaintive molody of a lover, nnd tho sad rhythm of buriod bugles. In tho Crimen, lie nstonialicd tho French oflluors by sleeping at tho front with Chasseurs undor fire. In Mexico, he sent hack to the Archbishop a lady's porftinied glove ho had found in Ins paliieo whon tlio city wnn won, nnd with it a noto which rend : "It is pretty enough to hnvo belonged to a Queen. Would sho hnve pardoned mo if 1 had appropriated it? As tho Archbishop sent him Iho next day a basket of delicious wine, it is supposed that tho fair owner of tho glove must hnvo looked leniently upon tho hand somo American soldier. Later, ho was riding wilh Goncral Scott down lite lonir street of Iuturbide. General Gurnott joined them, and Mugruder drew a littlo back for his superiors to confor togothor. A while puff of smoke curled out from nn open win dow, n sudden report followod speedi ly, nnd Garnet and horse fell hard nnd bloody. An ounco bnll, intended for Scott, hud broken Gurnet's thigh nnd killed his charger, r earing another firo, Mugruder galloped to tlio sido of his chief and covered his body wilh his own. Tho old man's eyes never dropped, nor his voico changed nn in tonation, "llow long will it tuko you to batter down that house V ho spoke curtly lo Lieutenant Mugruder, point ing with a sweep of his finger lo tlio ono nearest, and from which tho bul let camo. "An hour by the watch, General." "Then open fire nt point blank range nnd leave not ono stono upon another!" It was dono, and those who saw Mugruder soonest af terwards noticed that ho had another bar on his epaulets he had been made n Captain. War was his element, tho bivouac his delight, nnd tho battle his perfect happiness. Kecklcss, prodigal, f'ashiontilile, foolishly hrnvo sometimes, a spendthrift, generous, n true friend nnd staunch comrade, the surrender of Appomattox mado him an aged man in his prime, and wrinkled the features which had before resisted nil tho attacks of time. Ono who wandered far nnd long wilh him in oilier lands, in sweet and sunshiny weather, rolatos how, from Very Cruz lo Chepultepeo, ho wont with Mugruder nil over the battlo fields of the Mexican war. Tho light camo back to his eyes and tlio fire lo his f'aco whon telling of Contrurns and ChortibuKco, and 1'eroto, and Molino del Key, and tho Uelen Gate, and Chcpullcpce, and tho City of Mexico. His talk never ondod of Scott nnd Twiggs, Wool and Worth, Smith and Pillow, Taylor and Quitman, nnd all iho young subordinates who nftcr wurds played such bloody parts in tho grcntost of American drainus. Of Mo- Clellnn ho told this incident among a thousand : "Tho firo from tho hill of Cheptillepeo was torriblo. Fifty pieces of heavy arlilery was massod against my tourtccn battery nt a point blank range, and in tho valley below a regi- mont of Lancers were forming for a charge. Our tiro hnd been slackened, und tho men wero laying down. A young man sat besido ono of tho guns amusing himself with picking up peb bles nnd shooting litem out from his hand. Tho Luncois cames neurcr. I called to tho young officer, whom I had noticed, and ho sprang up salut ing: "Your nntno?" "Lieutenant Geo. li. McClcllan." "Very woll, Lieuten ant. Tuko command of ono of these guns nnd disperso thoso Lancers." Tho gunners rushed to their pieces. All tho great cannon around Chepnltc- pec went to roaring, 'iho battlo be gan anew. Worth was sweeping up tho neclivily.tho Lnncors wero routed, nrd tho next I saw of MeClellan, ho was smoking a cigarito in tho palace of Santa Anna, his face as black as a powder keg, and nn ugly wound in his arm." Wlmt a 1oolc his life would make in tho hands of somo men. llo onco intended to wrilo an autobiography. Whether it was begun or not, wo do not know most certainly it was never finished. Tho brave, fond heart is pulseless now. Tho form of tho stub wart soldier is dust in its far-away grave. Tho laurels that ho gathered and woro so well nro faded and gone. Hack from tho unknown land no voico will coino to tell of what rank ho takes in tho spectral columns, closed op nnd silent, waiting for Iho resurrection day. Yet God deals gently with n soldier. When ho is bravo, and noble, nnd courrtcous, and merciful, ho lias thoso attributes which assiniilato heav en, and, therefore:, is ho foreordained to happiness after death. It may bo Into in coming; tho bivouacs nro right cold and dreary wo know, for somo, but after tho night Iho morning j and nftor Iho Judgment I ny tho New Jortisulcm. LutluTshurg Marble Yard! FIMIK subscriber rrimect fully announcr to this I community end tho public generallT llmt ho In now niteniircly nm?". In the innmifftcttir f tM'tmimrntft, llnil l loot Htorw-f, Mnml, Tnhlo nnl lhirrnu Tops, t-io, Jin hinlmr tribute asn b pa ul to b tlucranrn ri-utth c or mcti'l thftn tho erec tion ut n rni.ur.njc lnh ft wlfnwf to unburn fjrrnfrntlun whim tlirv hnv lntd him or hr. 1 hurt rnijtRf(l Mr. J hn W. (UlmRian m my ftffutit loill. unit to wliu work man oh in mxl nidi I mnny run n wittifM, Order lollcitrd nl promptly filled. Work doliTowlnliPrnrrTfW'ftlr. d. Jt. 11. MOOIIK. latlitrvWf. yniimlxr 59 1870. gninj and kUfdhinrj. rp II IS I, A T E 1 T IOVEI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DKUQ ST ORB, Tu tLulr dw kulhliiif on Be.on4 Ptrwt, icailj opj.oiln lb. .tor. of Weaver k Il.ttt, i CLEARFIELD, PA., Whoro llioj will eoutinut to lupply thrlr old tod tt man Dew cuitomcri m nuy eom, with PURE DHIHJS! CHEMICALS! . PHARMACEUTICAL 1'REPAKATIONS, - (Including all now rcintillc.,) I'atpnt Medicines, Paint, an.l Oil., flla.i and Putt?, Hfihoul Iloolm, ptatiom-rr, Paper, Ao.j ul"", a full Una nf Drug gist' Snn.lrif., lluir Tonic, Cuimrlh-a, Prrrumrriix, Toilft Article!, Bm.liM, Ttiilrt &oam, P.ickot D.mkf, Ao., all of tho twit quality. rURE WISES AND LIQUORS, for A ucrauiiiutal parpwei onlr, Tan Whit. I.rail, Colon of all kind., Raw and Duil.-.l l,incrd Oil,, Turpan. tin., Coal (III, Paint A Varni.U llruflir-., Flavoring KitracL, Couft!oncrlc, Bird Sci.l, Culpa, ground and unground, of all kind.. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will find oar ttock of Chewing iid Smoliinit Toharro, Imparled and to mcstio Citrira, SnniT and Una-cut to be of the verjr bent brnndi in the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds or (JLASS WAUG, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Mimical Trlmmii of orery virlcty. Having ft exptiricae In the huIitef, And an extensive and well eelmtrd itock of mclicin, we nro conMt-d to fill Plidiciana' prf loripliom at the fliortect notice and on the most reasonable tcrini, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, P., May 31, l71-tf. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. i) it. noYi;i:s PURB VEST BRANCH BITTERS. A iftfe. pore, pleasant and health-giving Tonie J.. atrictly TegPtnble, and manufactured from tho mo it pure and oholoe material! it not a aplrit liluk nor iubititute fur whink, hut a icicoliftc eompoiind, for the protection of the lyitcin aod the euro of dlncttee, made from chemically pare fpiritH, cnllrelj free from fuiil oil or other irrita ting properlicf, and will not dimgrec or offend the mont delicnte atomaeh. A long private expert ence haii attested Itl Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten at prrnrnt offered to the publle oontatns o luuch mcdicinnl virtue, and jot lo lafr and pleasant to take. It uio li to oure dioeiue, and it will Dot ore n to an appetite for iirituoui li(uon, hut will cure the efTecti of Jiiiip.Uion. To lucrenao the Appetite, VBR IT. To promote Digntlon, VHE IT. To oure Iypppni&, I'SE IT. To cure Fuvor and Ague, USU IT. To cure ltilllouxnenf, USE IT. To cure Constipation, USE IT. To cure Chronio Diarrlura, I'SE IT. To cure Heart burn, USE IT. To oure Flatulunoe, VSE IT. To cure Aoid Eructatlona, ISB IT, To cure Norvoui DebllUj, USE IT. To cure Iljdochondria, USE IT. To cure (Jiilluwneii of Coiuplexloiv USE IT. To oure Pimplou and Hlotvhei USE IT. Fur (lenoral Prostration of tho Physical powers, USE IT, and It will tureyon. Paid every whoro, nt $1.00 par hutlle, Mnnu Ttntured exclusively by A. I. SHAW, Dinnni.t, CLEAR FIELD, PA., Who ofiVrl lilieral induormpiitl to th. trado. Ort. 27, ISMrtf. Insure Your Property I rillll! undrr.i(rnrd aro rr)inr.d to take any JL ri-nnotinble tiro rlakn, in good an.l n-llnl.lf roninanira, .u.-h a. Ilia " Pnrim-ra' Mntnal," ol Vmlt, Pa.i Ilia ",' of Cincinnati, Ohio t thr ''tlt-nnania," of New York, and other., llal. ri-a.onalila, and in oaaeof In', mnnajr will ha paid up prniiiillr. IIIVIN i K IllvllH. Claurtlrld, Pa., April li, 1 87 1 -If. 11 very Nliible. tfll E undoralaued bpff. laav. to Inform th. pub- X lio that h. is now fully pr.-j.nrrd to arcniiimo d.itaall in tha whv of furni.tiliil Moraa., Hiiftirlaa, Kail'llra and llarno.a, on tha ahorteat notira and on maflonnhle tartna. Ha.iitant. on Locu.t itreet, oeiwevn iniru and rourm. (IKO. W. OEAIUIAKT, Olaarllald, April 11, 1SA7. oam (r( Hiii!;i.i-; wamj.d;, JUV.,UUU Tha niliacrihrn wnnt to hur a Inrea lot of ill. inch alinvrd rllilnnlr., for whi.h wo will p.y tha vrry hllict narkat prlra. I'rr aona having luoh on hand will do wall to pall at our tore. M KAVKR A UllTJS. flpartlrl ffpptenihar 20-Am. CAI1D0LIC I'M NT 1'ltOTKCTOK " for alo hr )M Urn jURT'Wlrp t iiv, Uanlivarj, Uiuu'arf, (ftr. 1 THE IRONSIDES' ' : TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipsfciiriy, Coatro Coxiaty, la. rilHB unilorilgtied retptotfull, annctnot. to X t" publlo that he hai on hand a ear.-fulijr-i.leoted and wall afiortad itoek of STOVES, II RATERS, IIANGES, HOLLOW - WAKE! TIN, COITEIt AND SHEET-IKON WAUEI ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE I lilt itock of Cooking Stor.i ooml.ti of IUK CELEUKATEU lltONSIDES, Which bar. nerer failed lo bring peace and - pro.porltj Into familial where It li u.ed, Diamond fltate. Farmer, Harald. Charm, Rpcari' California Cook 8loe, Dpeare' Antl-Oa.l, Uaa-llarolng Cooking Htovee, Viotor, Kelianee end Cnlon Kanxei, Kpcure' Cooking Kangoa, Ao., i-o, tnuTlie Tin and Sheet Iron ware givenwltb the motoi li made of th. beav'.it and boat material, and warranted to gir. perfect latli faotlon. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, better end ebraper than orer before exhibited to the public eonil.ting of Spear.' Tlernlrlng Light Illuminating Stove, b' pearl' Antl-Dnal Uaa-Barn in g Parlor Ftova, bpeare' Orbicular .Una-burning l'arlor , ritove, Speara Jtirlor btoea, Uoquet, Pearl,Gem,Ida, Bun, Tropio, NeTada, Ac, lo. Vulcan, Kim and Victor Haatere, Fpeara' Re ToUIng Light lieaten. He It alio prepared to furnl.b complete ..fortment of Tin, Copper, Slieot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Whole. ale or retail, manufactured neatly ecd with th. eol. elew to eorvloe, from th. be.t ma terial in th. market. rLOWS k PLOW POINTS, COPrEP., BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN k COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of .Terjr deeorlptlon eonatantl on band. OUDER3 Full SruUTINQ, ItOOFINU And other work belonging to bla buatnee. will be prompt! Ailed bjr experienced and akillful workmen. luiAss. corrER, OLD metal, rags AND CASH Taken In chng for goudi. pAt- II ipeolally Inritot tht tUatlnn of Merclianli wtHhinK lo purrout it wDoteial, fti thoy will find it to their drntn to xtvoiot bii tock before purcbaalng aliewhert. Look oat for tho B1f Pifo -nppoilu th rnU deoco of Mn. Dr. Fuitor. All Ooopi Warrahtid ai BipxriKiiTKD. h. I i f f; A I.. rbilitubora, Juno 8f 1870. nug A8 MOSHANNON LAND Si LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, HAnrricTrnil LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. S1IILLI.NGF0KD, 1'reai.lcnt, OBlce Fore.t Place, No. 125 S. 4th Phll'a. JOHN LAWPIUI, Ocncral Sup't. Oeceola Mill., Clcarllc'ld ax.ilutjr. Pa. LAM) AXD LIMBER (OMP.VM OFFKR i x i it c i: n xts To rn r chasers of Choice Goods AT TIIEIH MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. 1 I OPH ANNON LAND AND t-l'M Tt KR COM 11 1'ANV ofliT for ihIp Town Lota in tlio twr uutctt of OeroU, rimrilotd county, I'm., ftiid .to loti to tult urchMn ouiniile tho Minim nf mid borough. OjwpoU ic fliuntrd on the MB)ianmn Oerk, in lit richril portiim of Iho county of rkftrflrld, on tho lino nf the Trrnne A C'kirliold Itnilrnod, where the Munhinnon nnd Itnverton liranch rvndn intrrMt. Jt in aine in tho bcort of tho Mirtiliannon coal bmin, and lrff hodiel of white pine, hemlock, oik, and other tlmhvr tur round It. One of tho lawnt lumhor ninntiUotnr in g edtnbllnliitidnts in tlic Htnt ii lucntml in tlio town, while thro aro nrntiy other lumhor and dhinftlo mi 111 round it. Tho town ii hut le frn yeara old, an.i outaim a iiopulation of ona thou sand Inhahitanta. ffKor further Information ttpfty t the office of tho above company. JOHN LAWS1IK, - 1:4:70 (Icocral ISupcriutondvnt. llfor Inking rowdrr. After taking l'owthr. Siiav ihiimhTvi:!) (OMUTION 1M V ItS. I M-dil in ohminato oamii ol Iittiii)iri-, Coital) Col-la, Hota, Farcy, CoetiTf. nri, HoufflinritH of tho Hkin, and Htitpimiio if Water. Urrnpe, Hwrllrd LfRi and InDui'iita onn b relieved, and aomotiinea oiired. hy the uno of thrne rowdem. Thry wilt not hilertiro wtib the dnily work of thr Horne, and oau bo giveo to cat tle wilh -ttial advantaifA. Tut up by A. I. bllAW, Driiftifltt tnd A pot ho oary. 4'lriii flnl J, l'n. Jiovciiibor H, I H7 1 . Hut overywhero. Limo lor Sale! rpilB un.lir.lKiii..l, rr.i.lln( nor th. ilepol dm I. mad. oomploU arraiiKcment. with Linn llurnara ea.t of the mountain, wharelir ha la ena bled to kei-p con.tanllyon hand a large quantity ol PUKE LI M E ! wlili-h he ofTvra to farmer, and hiiildrri nt a trifle enure eo.t. Thoae in need of the article would do woll to Rive me a eall, or a.l.lre.i nia l.j K.!ter, bo. fore negotiating their lime. OKO. C. PASPMOItg. Clearflelil, Pa., June , l.M'.tl. Tiimtici.:h ('okhtaiilkh fei, We hare printed . lara number of th. new KKK HILL, and will on tlie reeelpt of twentr flve eentf. mail a aunt In anv adilreaa. mvM rpilK HKMOrBATIO ALMANAO (or lVn L IHI17 and litna fur .ale at the Port Odiea. 1'ri?. 1J ertl,. Vjied to j.njt iJ-lrM,, 0. Reed, j NOTICE. W" , j i . ! . i " : ; i ' .' i . CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL It I G II T I 11 HE proprietor. re.poctfully Inform theeltUeni . of CleatHold oounty, that the' liar, entirety refitted thii eatabllihmenl with the late.t Improved wood-working maohinery, and are now prepared to exeouto all orderi la their line of bu. inert. They will give erpeeial attention to the manufac ture of material for boas, building, lueh e FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, Mt.lCKETS tf .VOI LIH.VG8, OF ALL STYLES, We alwayi bar. on band a large itock of DKY LUMHKH, and will poyoa.h for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Incb panel ituff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to lult eu.tomen. -a-Ordcr. lolleltcd, and Lumber furnUhed on abort notio. and on reasonable term,. REED k POWELL. ClearllcM, March S, 1871. j. r. WEAVE.. ,.W. W. BETTI. CLEARFIELD, PA., Are olTering, ftt tke old itand of 0. L. Reed k Co.. their itock of goodi, comltiting of DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 8I10E6, HATS CAl'b, HARDWARE, QUEKNSVAM, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, dec, &c, At th. moit reaaonablo rale, for CASH or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODl'CH. 49" Advance! made to tboi. engaged la get ting out iquare timber on the moat advantageous term.. January 5, 197. 0. L C. "tVniKnK to buy my PRY eOODS, ORO ) ovrtrs, (JmhKWurc, fitaKxware, l)run and Notioni, Confiotioneritf, ttc, cheap forctuh. s The iibao ribor bojrn leave to itifonn bii old and new customer! thut he baa opened A VARIETY ETOKK IX GLEN HOPE, VA. And will writ food at trie lo auit tho tint. A liberal reduction will ue made to ouitomcn buy ing at wbok'Mlc. Call tnd ran mine my atork brfnre purchasing clnowhrre. A libirul iliire oi jiublio patronago i ohcitcd. C. J. EEAGY. Glen Hope, Piua June 14, 1871. YUH ATTENTION! Jl'ST FOR A MOMENT! Aro you In nted of (food art of IlarnoM? Are you in need of a rmd Haddla or Rridlef If o, rail at tho Haddlo and Jlarncai Khop of Jonn t. li a n wick, wtiero ynu enn grt the beit in the market, and (Single Ilarncin and ! dira' and Oont'i Haddlti of anperinr workmanship, alwayH on hand or manufactured to order. rpo f?iftl attention ii oullrd to my itock of Collara and Mantra, which are the bent in ue. I alio hare an arnortmcnt of PaddlrrV llardwaro, which will Im dispotird of at renaonablo ratca. Kepairinf of all kind promptly attended to. -ft..In't forget to call before piirr.baaing c I new hurt. Mv-p in tira bam'i Row, Markot itreet, Clearflelil, l'. Mays, 1871-Iy. Joll.V C. HARWIKC. p 12 A C 12 IN KURUPEI GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE I The bloody enn tent between France and Prmtda i at nn end for the prenrnt, id far m the slaiifch tori it k of men and the destruction of property it concerned. The Royal Jua!i(leri no doubt pride themitelvea and rejoice over the result, but how intifroitiirant it their work when compared with the humane and chrintian effort e of L. M. COUDItlET, who bat uhtlcrtnken to tupply all the citixent tn the lower end nf the connty with fnod and raiment at exceeding low ralea from hit mammoth store In MI LSuNHl H(i, where he ran alwayt be found ready to wail upon eallcra and lupply then with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such at Cloth, Rntlnettt, Caatlmeret, Muilint. Itclnlnet, Linen, lriltinjtii, ralieoet, Trimming, Kibboni, Lace, Readjr-made Clotblnfr, Hoots and Fhon, Ilala and Capa all of the beat material and made to order Hoie, boch i, uiorei, Mittcnn, Laoea, Itititmnt, Ao, GROCHRIKfl OF ALL KINDS. CiitTee, Ton, Rujrsr, Rice, Molatset, Finn, gait. Turk, Ltntovd Uil, Mub UU, Carbon Uil. llnrdware, Quernnware, Tinware, Catinirt.'Plowa and Plow CnHtfnfrt, Nailn, Ppiket, Corn Coltlra tora, Cider P ret out, nnd all kindt of Aiet. , Perfumery, Paint. Varnlh, G!ae, and fenoral Mtortmcnt of Stationery, 00 01) FLOUR, Of different lirnml., atlviiy. on hand, and will b. lold at th. loweat ioa.ille Bgiirea, LlyllOltS, iueh ai Ilran.l.T, Wine, (lln, Wbl.lty, Jnyne I aieillnnea, lln.telteri and lloollaml a Ilittera. 60(10 pounila of Wool wanted fur whleh the hlirheat jirloe will be paid. Clnveraerd on hand and for aale at tho loweat market priee. Al.o, Acrt fnr Btraltan tile and Curwen.vllle Thre.hing Machince. 1-ll-Call and .oefnr ynurai'lvea. Yon will And everything n.ually krpt In a retail itnre. I,. M. COl'IiMET. Frenehtllle P. 0., lar.-h 1, 1N7I. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H V A li 1: S, or all iintiii Ilaggaga Harrow., Warehonra Trnrki, CoiyIng Preaiea, Improved Money Iirawer, Ad roa ai. a r II. F. BIOLEll & CO., Dcalcri In Hardware, raohSO T".tf Reeond Street, Clearteld, Pa, 1)1.NK, Wllliy k ROAN I.tNINU HKIN8 Juit reoelr.d and tir aal. hy April if. I It. H. V. IIIIILliK CO. 33 LAS.K ( (M"TAIMJS , 1.IH at. at I'm office, NEW DRUG STORE ! WM. B. ALEXAM)ER, H. I)., Druggist and Apothecary, CURWENSVILLE, PA, Keepi eon.tanlly on hand t large uaortinent of DRUGS, Patent Meillelne., Palnti end Oil., Varnlehei, Dye Ktutl., is. Ilia etook of Drnga ia pure and frt-ah, and ouatouierl ean rely upon getting the belt of everything In bia line. 11 i. .tuck of PERFUME It Y , Toilet Artlclci, Hair Tunica, Coainetic, Brushei, Toilet Boapa, Comb., Pocket Honks Pen., Ink., Pencili and Paper, and a general aaiortment of thil elaw of good., an all of the belt q.ality. PURE WISES A LIQUORS, For Medical pnrpoiei only, 01 an, Putty, Luli.UAttnj Oils, kc.t to 9v ha wantt of the community. Ilia eitemive and will teleoted ttock of Drag and Medicine enablei him to All Pbyticiant' preforiptloni on short notice nnd on tho tnoit roaioneble Urmi, Smokort and Chew era will find till itock of Chow inn and (Smoking Tobacco, Cigari k Snuff, to eontist of the rcry bett brands In the market. A ih are of public patronage it I'dicilcd. (Jet. ID Sin. W. 1. ALKXAN'DER. 2JSfrt!aneoj. 0 0 K S WHICH HAVB ALWAYS U I V EN 8ATI6FACT ON UERETOFOIlB, WILL BK DISPOSED OF IX SUCII A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS. JUST BECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS SUCII A3 BOOKS AND 0TI1E?. STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' k MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. ClearBeld, Dee 14, 170. g i: Liiitr. OFF AT COST I FOR C A 8 II I The largeat itock of F U It X I T U It E rer offered In CLEARFIELD 1 At tha STEAM CABINET SHOp.rorner Market and Fifth Street, CLKAUFIKLD, PA, The nndrrtltrncd would annonnce to the public thru h hat on hand and it now offering cheap for oath, the Itrtrcat ttock of Furniture arer in it or in (hit oonnty, coniitting of Upholstered Parlor Suiti, Chamber Eettt, EitenIon Tablet, Eccretariea, Book Caiei. Bedtteadi Fprtng Bedi and Mattrfttn, Loungei and Bencbct, Plain k Marble Top Tablet k P urea in, Wathttandt, Cane Seat and Common Chairs. Rocking Chain, Looking QIaitet, Window Shadci, Picture Frmmei, Cord i and Taitelt, Ao. lie alio tnanufaetnrea and keepi on band Pat ent Ppring HihIi, the beat ever invented. Ko family fhould be without them. Any kind of good not on hand ran be had on short notice, rpholttering and repairing neatly exeoutcd. COFFINS, of ell timt, can be bad on ft half, hnuri' notice, and at the loweat prioet. A deduc tion of 20 per cent, made for euh. METALLIC CASES, or Rotewood, Walnut and Cherry Coflini, with gtasi or wood ttpi, fumithod on five houri notite. !! tonal attendance with hearte, on funeral occatiom, and carriagci furniehed when desired. Thanking the public fur patl favnre, and by ttrict personal attention to butlnctt, I hope to receive a continuance of the tame. Rememher the plane the Pteam Cabinet Shop, Corner of Market and Fifth St refit. March ,7i ly. DAMKL IJENNEU. R. B TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tha Railroad tVpot,) (M:ahph:i.1). pi.nna. IEMI1RACE this method of Informing the public, that t hare opennd up a yard for the 'Hie of wood or coal-burnt LIMK and Anthracite COAL, In the borough of Clearfield, and hnve completed arnwfrrments with eat torn by which I enn keep a full tupply constantly on hand, which will be di'potcd of at manor able ratct, by the tun, buthel or oar load, to tuit purchators. Thote at a dittanca can address mo hy letter, and ohtnin all necessary Information bv return mail, R. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 14, ismi-lf- T m l u ai ii i: u m i ; n i TKUFKCTION IN CANT HOOK SI The Clour field Excelsior Caiitlmok will not wear out or break, being comtrnclt-d with one solid band from elip to point. It li pronounced hy all practical lumbermen who have eiamined It to bo tha most per feet Canthook aver invented, Amos Kennard, Patentee! Manufactured by Amos KrxsAnn k Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. All onlert promptly attended to. b2S'70 DREXEL & CO.T No, 81 Mouth Third Ktrrot, Phlla lrljihla JMlftfel(. And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will receive nroinpt atten tion, and all tnfvntftiion cheerfully furnished Itrl... .t:...4 ' ; I II ai oundri) and 'iUatUiur ho4)3. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (guoeciaon to Boyntoa 4 Touiig,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manirfactnrora of POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin. Streeti, CLEARFIELD, PA. n A VINO engaged lb th. minufaetur. of flrat elael M At II IKCKY, w. reipeetfulljr Inform th. publio that we ar ow prepared to 111 ail ordara ai elieaply and aa praniptljai ean b. don. In an of the eltlea. Wo manufacture and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blooka, Water Wheela, Shafting Pullejl, OiffurJ'a Injector, Steam Oaugei, Steaut Whlatlei, Oilon, Tallow Cupl, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cock a. Air Cocka, Ulobe Valvei, Cheek Valvea, wrought Iron Plpel, 8 ram Putnpa, Boiler Feed Pumpi, Antl Frietlun Metrea, Boap Btuoe Packing, Oum Pack ing, and all kindi of MILL WOfiK; together with Plowi, Sled Bolei, COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kloda, 90rden lolloited ar.d filled at citj prieel. All letterl of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anawered, bj ad dree ing ul at Clearfield, Pa. decJl'JO-tf BIULER, YOl'NO k CO. It 0 S A D A L I S TUB IXGRKDIENT8 THAT COM-ro.-E ItosADALl.S are publiibed on eeere paekage, therefore it la not a Koret preparation, oonaequently TUYSICIAXS PKEsCBlIlE IT. Tt Ii a certain eure for Scrofula, Srphilii in all itl fitmia, llheuroalirm, Skin Ilie eeaea. Liver Complaint and all diaeaeci of th. Blood. ONE BOTTLE OF T.OSADALIS will do more fiod than tea bottle, of the Sviupe of baraaparilla. THE VXDKRPIQN'ED rilYSICIAXS hav. weed Boaadalia In their p -aft ice for the paat three yeara, and freely endorae it aa a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. Pl'0 11, of Baltimore. IK. T. J. 1I0YKI.V, DR. It. W. CAltlt, " lUt. K. O. DAN NELLY', " Ml. J. H. 8PAHKS, of Niebola.ville, Ky. Ml. J. L. MifAHTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NUBLKS, E lgeeomb, X. C. t'SED AND ENDORSED BY 0 s 1) A J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall River, Man. F. W. SMITH, .laekeon, Mich. A. F. WIIKKI.KH. Lima, Obiu. 11. II A 1,1,, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN A CO., (iordornrille, Va. I SAM I'LL Q. McFADDEN, Jlurfrceiboro, Tenn. Our et.ire will not allow of aov extead- ej remarka in relation to the virtuea of IRneadalif. To the Medieal Prufesaion we guarantee a Fluid Extract auperiur to anv they have ever uaeit in the treatment of dmraeed Hlood ; and to tlie afflicted we lay try Roeadalta, and you will be reetorcd to health. It, ,..)!! la iA !! Tin,,;.. r . i - - - -rs -' W price 1.50 per bottle. Addrral kJ DR. CLEMENTS A CO.. AffMearfHrtH4 Vhfmut: Aug. 2, 1871. -ly. Baltimore, Md. For lale by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa. Xcwly Foil ii 1 ! The Coal I found, ita in Shaw'i Hill, It ean't be beat in Clearfield ; A hundred burbcla at a time You cnu buy for the figure nine; Or, if you'd with to haul youraelf, You can have the Mine aiuouut for aeven oentl. nov8 .1m WILLIAM WILLIAMS. VrOTIt'H. Having purrhafed the Inlereet of i.1 J. A. lllattenlierger, Kaq., in the buaineaa heretofore carried on under the firm name of J. A. Ulatlenberger A Co., the eame will b. conducted hereafter under the name of Muabannoo Land and Lumber Conlpenv, (More.) II. II. SMll.l.lNUl'OKIl, JOHN LAWSIIE, my26tf Prcaiilent. tleneral Sup't SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'8 CROSB CIT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCFLAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED k ELECTRIC SAWS, For aale ky octl 2,7(1 II. F. BIULER k CO. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroitTiTBI A r-vewj, At itihit POST 0FFICK4xk&SScLEARFIELD T1IIK inhieriber reapeettully Informi hli old patroni and th. public generally, that h. haaon hind, (and Ii eonatantly reeelvi.f new addition! thereto,) a large itock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, P8l keep Jewelrf In all III forma and of uiuarent Taluei, either hy the piea. or aeU WATCHF.3 A full aaeortnent of either Oold or Silver, mad. by th. beat Anertcaa and for. In manufaeiurera, Ineloding a fine lot of gold ana eurer nuntttig eat., lull Jeweled, Patent Leveri, CLOCKS Of all dralgna, eenalitlnr of.lcht- day and thirty-hour, of either weight, apring or tevera, inu oom una. ana alarm. REPAIRINO. All klndi of Watch, and Cloeki Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I hare enumerated, I keep a full aatortmentof SPECTACLES, colored .id plalnglail. All0,(10l,D PENSand PENCILS, SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, and In fart everything in the Jewelry Una, If I fail to hav. en hand juit what a euatotner may need, 1 will order per firet .ipreaa, without extra charge. A libiralahan of publio patronagr ta aolicited. May 7, lo y 11. F. NAUULK. L I II A H M A N , Practical millwright, Ll.TUEHSBl Hil, PA. Agent for th. A nrrlnan Double Turbine Water wheel and Andrew A Kalbaeh Wheel. Can rur niah Portable f ri it Mill nn abort eol lee. tvll'TI ISAAC K. STAUFFKIt, WATCH l'., 1 E HI. II V, 1 IS Norlh Seeond St., cor. of Quarry, I'lllI.ADlil.rillA. An aaanrttnenl of Watehea, Jewelry, Silver and Plated War. eonatantly on hand. Repairing of y ateiiea and Jewelry promptly attended to. 9:ivy Hi f if if. ri'l TH WA'VTI HI IUU And all kind of I'l I1H for which th. hlgheat eifb prlo. will h. irald, hv leptJOnra I. t. ftjUKfiVmnt eIi. AT r flints. Clearfield County Bank. riAIIB Clearfield County Bank al aa Ineorpcra. X ted Inatltuiio kai gon. cat ef exlitenr. by the aurrender of Itl .barter, on May 11, IHIti All IU itoek ia owned by th. lubierlbora, who will eontiuue th. Banking bualceia at tha aan. place, ai prlvat. Banker!, under the firm mm ol the "Clearfield County Bank." W. ar. ,,. ponilbi.ior in. aeon oi tin Dank, and will pay it! nol.i oa demand at the eounter. Bepuaii. received and lnt.rrit paid when money ii left lor a tied lime. Paper dticounted .1 all percent, ai heretofore. Our p.rrenal reeponaibiliti a pledged for all Dopoiiti received and tram. cted. A continuance of lb liberal pal. ronago of tkl bualo.aa mea of th. county li ra pectlolly lolleited. Al Frelident, Caabier and otBceri of tl lat. Clearfield County Bank, we require th. note of laid Bank to b. pr.ienttd for redemption. .IAS. T. LEONARD, RICHARD SnAW, WM. rnitTKII, JA8. B. OKA1IAM, A. K. WHIUHT, 0. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Th bualnoil of th. Bank will b. conducted hr Job. M' Adami., aq aa Caahi.r. li 1 72 County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD, PA. KOOM In Maaonfo Building, one door north of 0. D. Wateon'a Drug Bt.ire. Paaaage Ticketa lo and from Liverpool, Qneteia. town, tiaxg-iT, London, Paria and Copenhagen. Alro, Dratla Utr aale on the hoyal Baudot Ireaauil and Imperial Bunk of London. JtJIt! T. Lt.U.AllU, t'real. W. U. SHAW, Caahier. ll;lrj J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perkl. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSi; McCIRK & PERKS. Suot-ctsora to Foiter, Pcrki, k Co Phlllj.aburg, Centra Coimtyv P, 71IBRK all tha builneai of a D.nkicg Kom wii' m iraoiaouHi proinpu ana oiitb tn mult favorai! term. lisrftlanfous. " ISogHTownslilp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEIiS'SJ I EVERYBODY trying to gtt tbore fint, for fear j of being crowded out into lb cold, if yon want good hoeii.jr dona, go to Bisai. If jou want yonr 8lerf iroaed right, goto Baaaa. If you want good Mill Ironi, go to Bitn. If joy waot your wagon Ironed in tht but itylo and workmanahip, go to Bikrs. Beiri niakaa the beit 6iDnp Maeblne In the flute, anddoaa all kindaof BLACKHMITIIINU aa cheap ai oan b dona in tha eoanty for Caib. Mj Fuit Office addred ) Clearfleld, Pa. TU0MA9 BLKH3, Boggi Tp., Deo. 19, 1867-tf. Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICH DESIRES to Inform hli old friend and e. tomeri, that having enlarged bia ibop and increased hie faoiliticf for manaiaeturing, he ii now prepared to make to order each Furniture u may be deiired, in good style and at ebeap ratei for CASH. He generally baa oa band, at bia furniture roome, a raried aafortneni ef ready, made furniture. Among which are BUREAU? AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobei end BookCeeei; Centre Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast aad Mning Kitention Tablet Com mon. French-poet, Cottegejeany-Lind and other Bediteadi j Sfa of all kinds, W ork-iiandi. Ilat-racki. Waeh-itandi; Rooking nnd Arn Chairi I epriner-ieat, eane-bottom, parlor, com mon and other C'haire j Looking-tilaeei of every deerriptton on band ; and new glaiaei for old frMcea, which will be pat in on very reasonable term! on ehorteat notice, lie alio keeps on baud or furnirbes to order. Corn-bask, II air and Cot ton-top Mattreaaei. Coffins of Every Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever deiired. Alee, House Painting dune to order. The subscriber aloo matiurtie tares, and baa constantly on hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, the best now in aw f Ihose using this machine never need be witb nt clean clothes! He alio has Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family vsing this t nurn never neea oe wiiojui butter 1 All the above nnd many other articles are far aisbed to customers cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country prndure. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Lin wood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work. Ukeo in tzebange for furnitat 4rRemember the shop is on Mark, itreet, Clearfield, Pa nnd nearly opposite theOldJew Store." JOUU UtLK'U. November SA, 1S(3 J READING FOR ALLII BOOKS fr STATIOSEItY. Market St., Icarflcld, (nt the Post Office.) f1HK undersigned begs leave to announce t X. the citltens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted op a room and has just returned from th city with Urge amount of reading matter, consisting in part ol Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Account and Pass Booka of every de scription ( Paper and Envelopes, French preined and plain i Pens and Pencils ( Blank, Leral rpers. Deeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Eieirp tion and Promissory note i White mrA I'aca; ment Brief, L-gal Cap, Record Cap. and Bill Csp, Sheet, Muslo fr either Piano, Flute or Vlrlia cotipLantly on band. Any books or suttoceiy desired that I may not have on band, will be or ordered by first express, and sold at wholepsls or retail to suit customers. I will also keep per iodic I literature, such as Magasmes, News papers, Ac. p. A. OAt'LlN. Clearfleld May 7, ISflS-tf DAVID YOUXG, Stonc-Cuttcr nnd Stone-Mason, "117 ILL execute nil work In his line at mM IT trato priecs aod in FIHST-CLAHd' style cldtectural Ornaments tn ALL STYLES, Stone Pressing of srrrv description, nnd all kinds of mason work con tracted fur in orouiof tbeetmnty. Any prrsots wishing to have respectable mason work an 4 stone-cutting done, will find it to their Interest to call upon me I would nl'o inform the pan He that 1 ean deliver any quantity or class cf alone desired, aa 1 am the owner ef a FIKST-CLASS STONB QUAKR. Orderi for work ean bi .d.lreaaed le DAVID YOCNO, mar:s,T0 Clearteld Ta. JkJEW 8TOK15 AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON liar, juet opened Nr Stors, on MainSt.,Cninriii,D, lately ocoupieJ Wm. lRWiy. Their ttock of OkociKiu of lb beit quilily, QUECNSWARC, lloOt? Mid SIlOCI and fTcry nrtiole oeceu.rT for ono'i comferl. Call ind examine our itock before (; cliaainn olmwhnre. Ma 9, 1 BOO-tf. Tho Lightning Tamer. rpilK nnilrralnoeil ar. Ihe K.le Agmli in lbl X eennlT for Ihe "Norlh Awerlean (lalraeil'l l.lilHTMNG RODS." Tlieae ar. Ihe enlj reda new In nae, and ar. .ndoriad by .11 111 letentifle men In Ihe eeuntry. W. harebj nnlif; th. elliaenl of Ih. eeeal; (hat, will pit them np a heller rod. and I'l leai nonejr, than la ehareed hy the forelfj ajrrnli whu anneal ly trarera. th. enonty eirry oS uur l.ule c.ah, nerer le return. KNCOUJlAfJE 110.MK LA 11015. Thou feliln l,l,Mln Boda .reeled tbelr balldTnga need hut addiea. a a by leil". " eall in veraon. W. mil fnt them aeyae" In theeeunly, and warrant there. Tha KedtiM r'lllnrei .en b. l.en al ny lime h.r ealliee onritore. It. V. HIULKR A CO. Cleardeld, Mareh . I "70 l . K(r nnn ninii.E ' ' r-z JUUiUl'U The nnderaianed offrr He I aaweit IS Ineh Khln(rlea In market, and In t'' lo mil imn-liaiori. K. 1, I Ji I No. J. Ko. . J on. WKAVriH Jl)" l fleerlleld, r , eei.mber m. ' . . . .. . j . . .