GEpiiEi.!5. GOODLANDER, ..,'EDtTR KO MorHirTUK.- . , - . ClEA &FIELD, Vx. WHiKedAY MOltNINCl, JAN. M. 1TJ. E(.r'CTTD. lion. George K. Dennis, Democrat, lis been vloctad United States Senutor from Maryland, la suc ceed lion. Georgo Vickers, whoso torm expires March, 1872. ' In a IIvhry. The Legislature has passed a joint resolution for final ad journment on Tuesday, the 28th clay of March. No ono will complnln about that except the ILirrittburg ho tel keepers. Ttis Tune CiiANOKD.-"Local option" wns u loyal teinpernjico song hint win ter when the Senate was Democratic, and urged with great zeal by tho Rud icaj teiDpcrance hypocrites. Kow, whon the Lagir-luturo ia liadical in both' branches, theno same harpies proiiounCo such a law unconslitu tioniiU Can hypocrisy be rendered noi glaring? Ilis Bin, W'e notico by the Audi tor General's report that George Berg tier's bill ugainst the Common wealth, fur tho past year, amounts to tho snug sum of fifty thousand ono hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fifteen conts, (830, J 27 15). Bergner is the publisher of tho Han isburg Ttkijraph, the Radical Stale organ, and also post master. If ho cannot make a fat liv ing we would liko to know who can. As Old Dkbt. Tho books in the War Department nt Wrthngton show that Gen. Grant is indebted to the United Slates Treasury in tho sum of 83,000 for money he spent and nercr accounted for during tho Mexi can war, when ho acted us a commis sary and quartermaster. . Wo would suppotso that ho hud received presents enough since ho become President to reiinburso iho Troasury. Ho is cer tainly no revenue reformer, Pexsibi.k roil Once. By direction of the President, tho War Depart ment has issued un order discontinu ing the' Military Division of the South. The commanders of tho Departments of the South and of the Gulf, com prising that Divisiun-, nro to report directly to tho head quarters of the army, Bayonet rule is therefore about wound np on this continent, and tho 4th of March, 1873, will "wind tip this farce- of a government," as the Radicals of this Congressional district Baid on a lute occasion. Scalawaoery. Tho Radical Gov ernor of Georgia, before vacating his chair, issued a pardon to six of his confederates, who have boen indicted for defrauding tho Htate Troasury out often millijns of dollars during their short stay in thai SlaVo. The reul point in the case is, theso fellows have not yet been tried, although big late excellency has issued a pardon for each. Wo suspect that the pardons, under theso circumstances, will not be worth tho purchmont npon which they ore written. ' Oub. LKOisr.ATtRR. This body has not done muoh for tho public jet. Somebody "fixod up" tho two halls during tho summer, and sent in his bill for 8.10,000, being 818,000 for each hull. This excessivo chargo has pro duced quilo a sensation, but wo pro hit mo it will be hushed up liko tho Evans robbery. Somebody also stole ii number of volumes of "Bales' His lory," (bales' robbery would be a better numo,) and an effort is being liiado to find ificm. Of courso they ar lost, and the State must pay the bill. . , t'oNOMifs This body Is principally engaged in contesting seats and di viding tho public lands among its members. Civil servico reform seems to troublo tho Senate just now, but if there wus no Presidential election on baud that would even get tho go bye. Personal interest, instead of the pub- lio good, seems to be the prcvuiling sentiment in both branches. The "free lovo" women mado on assault upon the members lust week, but sago Senators and brave members repulsed the enemy after ono afternoon's sharp nkirmisliing. The enemy withdrow in great disordor, but may renew tbc vllack any day. Tuat Picture. A yeur ago -tho filate paid 825,000 for a painting representing tho battle of Gettysburg. The artist took the money and duubed A picluro, and for eight months past baa been exhibiting it in the large cities nt fifly cents a sight, which ho has patriotically pocketed in addition to (ho amount ho got from tho State. flor "furmuig" tho picluro in this manner he has returned to Ilnrrishurg with it, but there no room in tho Stoto capiiol largo enough t3 display H. henco some partioj want il hung up 1b Philadelphia, wliiU those who Tiro In Tor n "job" want tho Kute to build a house at Harrisburg cipeclally to accommodate the picture, w hich. we suppose will cost the lax-payeia $26, 000 more. Our wise legislator have quite an elephant on hand in this pic ture, and it now looks ni though it would cost tho 3uila treasury 125,000 ;nore to gt rid ofik It is hard ip toll rhicJ U Ue prevailing tnpiivo, urt or fVbbtfj I Damnable HtTtlalion. Calccuzy, the Russian plenipotenti ary to this country, has loft for St. Petersburg; tho family fight betweon Mrs, Grant and Mrs, Catamy having became so notorious that one of the government families wus compelled to louvo Washington. The .Russian Bear has therefore returned, to hit own homo, where bo will not be a subject of family debate and loyal snobbery. Tho Washington correspondent of the Now York Jlerald states why Cassius M.Clay, the celebrated Aboli tionist, wus recalled while minister to Russia during Lincolu's reign, It was becauso Mr. Clay was in tho habit of loading a lowd woman into his car riage and driving into the Emperor's grounds, tokwhich tho Emperor pro tested. Another chargo was that tho woman, in u nude state, had bcon pho tographed a-l tlia resideneo. of the American 'minister, and tho -photographs promiscuously distributed. For such senndaf Mr- Clay was sent homo. The parly . "controlled by grand moral ideas" have succeeded in concealing this infamous outrage to tho present. time. Is the American born who will not blush ut this able piece of Radical diplomacy f The rosidunco of tho American mini. tor ul St. Petersburg a den of harlots! and naked at that ! This is not all. Clay was kept thero as minister for nearly' two years uftor all this harlotry wus brought to tho notico of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward by the Russian gov ernment. What kind of an opinion will tho Russians have of us Americans after Cutocazy gets homo and tells all he knows about the present government families ? The Clay diplomacy and tho horse jockey President must be subjects of rare reflection among tin Greek worshipers. We hope the Duke Alexis, who is now hero on a visit, will bo utile to oomprelicnd that Cussius M. Clay and tho Grant and Dent families are not representative Americana, but ob tained position by accident and for only a limited period. Dole! at a i.lon. Tho iicgrophobiuns uro beginning to speak, plainly. Whether the "white Irush" want to hear it or not makes no difference- to tho Inidcri of tho Radical party, . Tho Philadelphia Ftett, whilo dis cussing Mr. Sumner's equality bill, now before Congrcas, says: The negro must b received In the ehuretirs, tit hotels, tb publie eonveyanoea, aud even tbe common schools of (be land. The question is not on of sentiment but of lav, and whatever may be tbo drift of Ike funner, tho diroqtlon of tbo lalter i sight. Tbe oolueed people hove a right under tbo common law to enter the publio bolele. railroad oars, and theatre of tbe eounlry, and if, as at prtaent, thoaa who manage theso Institutions Lava to'i Hue a seiiae of superiority to admit it, it should be enforced by law. It ia foolish and weak to wnit in Ihis matter. We supposo tho readers of tho loy al organ will understand that this is a straight forward movement in the in terest of tho negro alone, and against that of tho white man. As the editor of the Journal is in the habit of manufacturing editorials from the columns of the J'reu, wo may look for An etnplmtio ondorsomcnt of this amalgamation doctrine. Such, however, uro tho sentiments of tho Radical leaders, but there are but few among thorn honest enough to express them ns menacingly as Forney. Tho white people who ore opposed to associating with negroes may a well mako up their minds at once to throw their influence and votes against thoso fanatics ; because, if they nixist them In their crusade, a war of races on thU continent will be Iho remit of their infamous teach ing"., und that, too, within thirty yciiis, unless tho negroes havo more senso than their while allies. Government RoDnKus. Tho inves tigation of tho frauds practiced in the Now York custom bouse by tbo ring, fully establishes tho fact that General Porter and Goncrul Bubcoek, two of Grant's clerks, were partners in ull iho robberies oommiltcd, and that each have mado 820,000 a year out of tho custom house, and also drew a salary of 83,600 each us officers of the army and $2,500 each ns secretaries of tho "government." If thero nro an)-other villains in tho United States, of icspcctiiblo standing, who can do moro barefaced stculing, Iiurnuin could certainly make moro out of them than ho ever made out of his woolly horse if he could obtain and place thorn in bis museum. Hot.D On ! A Radical exchango gets off tho following : The porniciouB practice of carrying conceited deadly weapons, wlncb baa led to no many cow ardly manlers all orpr the country, il brine; de-eem-dly oonderaned in vvory aeotion. Tbe only way to break It up ia to make impripontnnnt tbe punbdiiuent. inatund (if a tine, M ill our Icgiala tora net tn this matter T Why, bless you brother, tho Radi cal judges in I'h'ludulphia order llu negroes in that city to carry the tools you complain of. You will ho church ed if you don't look out. Democratic judges will agree with ynu, but look out for tho loyal city Allison and Sambo. Dry up, or thry will "go for you I" Otu Dti.EOATE Tho llarrisburg Ptttrivt thus dilutes npon tho action of Iho Democracy of this county : Hon. William Diglcr will repreHent Tlf-arnVId connty 1o tb neat lletnoerntlc ritnte contention. The great ptllticnl Miicrienoc of tlorernor Higler, bil wisdom and aaf?n'eity, hie attachment to the Democratic pnrly, nnd bis libeml views nn ,ui,lie JnoilionB, render bis setecliifri, at this time, when ise oounsets are needed, t!trxe;li;&;ly appropriate. It should b the aim of tbe licuio-iats throughout iba State to hmlate their brethren in t:icarnel.l, and send tholr best men to the nc-xi enroniioa. Clearfield is always right upon this point, She sends nnno but goo j men to represent her.,, CtsDgrcss, on the loth, adopted a resolution appointing a special com mute of live, to inquiro into the origin and chnrnuter of the politico1 li.slurb anecs in Louisiana, with power to scftd for pernojn and papers. Wa hope tho Inquiry will go fay fnongh hnck to etntuaiit fkt fettling gun oiubroglio, Judgt Sharnrood on Ifoinnn Rlfht to rote. This distinguished jurist recontly rendered an opinion in the case of Buruham vs. Swoaey, Involving tho question of female suffrage in the Si a to, Burnham was nn election of ficer in tho eleventh district of Phila delphia at the October olociion of 1871, und denied Swezey (a woman) the right to voto. Sho went to law, aver ring "Unit sho was qualified in all ro speets according to tho constitution and laws of this Commonwealth." Wo condense some of tho points of tho de cision, which was ngiiinst hen After recognizing woman's rights to full governmental protection and tho enjoyment of "ull tho privileges which properly bo.'ong to a citizen," and denyingthat tho eleclivo frunchiso is ono of them that beinjj exclusively regulated by the constitution and denying Unit il is a violution of cither the 14th or 15th amendment, her voto not being denied "on account of race, color, or previous oontlition of sorvi tudo," ho comes to tho consideration whether the .word "freemen" in tho State constitution "was intended to continue the right of voting to citizens of Iho male sox." Ho says: Tliij section, so far as tho matter in hand is concerned, is in effect from the constitution of 1790, nnd that fol lowed also the constitution of 1770. In tho littler, chapter II, (notion G, it is provided j Every freeman of tho full aj;o of twonty-ono venrs, havinc resided in this Slate for tho spneo of ono whole year next heforo tho day of election for Representatives, and paid publio tuxes during that liino, shall on joy tho right of an elector, pro vided, always, that sons of freeholders of tho ago uf "twenty-one ycara shall bo entitled to vote, although they have not paid tuxes. Tho constitution of 171)0 hud also a similar proviso, show ing clearly that by "froomcn" only malo was intended.' Por, surely, had it not been so, iho daughters, us well as tho sona of freeholders or qualified i-lecliors, would luvo been included. When Iho meaning of this word "free men" is thus clearly ascertained from tho language of tho constitution of 1770 and 1700, thero can bo no doubt that it ought to havo the same mean ing in tho amended constitution of 18;iS), although the proviso is not ex pressed in tho same form not being confined to tho sons of qualified clee tors betweon tho ages of twenty-ona and twenly two. There is ono other clause of tho constitution in whicb tho word "freemen" is used, nnd that Is most unquestionably confined to mules. Article six of section two declares that "the freemen of this Commonwealth shall bo armed, organized and discip lined for its dcfVne when ami in such manner as may be directed by law." It is clear that the constitution con templates Hint tho sumo class of per sons who do tho voting shrll also do the fighting. The correspoiidingclause In tho constitution of 1770 is still clearer and moro emphatic : "The freo men of this Commonwealth and their sons shall bo trained nnd urincd for its defense." Chapt. 2. seo 5." The uniform construction of the pro vincial constitutions und charters in which tho same word is employed, as well as under tho constitutions trinoo the revolution, has been in uceoidance with the doctrino that none but tho mules hnvo tho right to vole. A co temporaiicons exposition is iho best and most powerful in tho law. In (ho Common wealth vs. North et nl., 8 Hazard's Uep. 220, tho Supreme Court of this State decided, when the charter of a cliusch gave tho right to vote to members generally, that Iho fact that for twenty llvo years (he females of the chi.reh had not voted, was conclusive. Chief Justice Gibson remarked : "Thero is no sufer exposi tion of what was intended bv such an instrument than usago." We can say that we have in Pennsylvania uniform and uninterrupted usnyoof nearly two hundred years, showing that women were nover intended to possess the elective franchise. Such a usuy;o ought to settle tho construction, oven if the words of the constitution were moro general and comprehensive than wo have seen tlioni to be. A Good Step. Congress is just now trying to got thip building revived in this country, from which England is reaping a rich harvest. Del tho infer mil tariff and slump tuxos be repealed and economy practiced by government officials, nnd tho remedy will be com ploto. A merchant would bo a great fool to pay an American ship builder 8200,000 for a vessel whon ho can buy ono equally as good in Europo for 81o0,000. This difference is produced by tariffs and plump. Tho movement is a good one, but tho luriff cormorants are tho wtong men to foster trade and commorce, except for sectional, parti zan or family benefit. Commeico,liko political integrity, has received a so rcro blow since tho Radical reformers havo mounted to whore statesmen onco occupied scots. The EotinTn Sknatokial District Hon Alexander K. McClnro has ac cepted the nomination of the Reform Kepuhlicuns of iho Fourth District for Senator. Wo understand that thoro will bo no Democratic candidate. so that tho fight will be between Mr. MoClnre and the Ring cundidulo of me Kiiuicais. Mciwcon Hie two no thinking person will dispulo that Mr. McCluro is by n t lions md per cent, the best man, and ought to Is clotted In behalf of honest legislation. Tho following is the oponing paragraph of tho ailtlress ol the Jtctorm Kcpubli cans to Mr. McClure: BiR I The violent abuses of the delegate sr'tcm in the primary notion of the KbTt HMCAN I'AKTY of this ci'.y, as developed in many reoent nominations, and vepccielly In the nomination of a Senatorial cnmlttlate lor the l-oi IITI1 Ihslriet, on tho I7lh inst., demand the positire reprobation 01 an goou nepuoncian ciltsecs. , Ms" McClure concludes his lutlur accepting Iho candidacy us follws : Personally 1 am Indifferent, Indoed reftf-tnnt, about attaining a place in tbe renate i hut if uiv humlde services, either In the ennrass or in the LrirleUture, can aecomplih anything in restoring oar oity to ocnnotnjr, fidelity end justice, it is my duly to give them. I therefore accent the reppon- slinniy yon nave imposed upon me. ami 4 fiuvc so nntiSed Colonel israv, and rertttested him to meet aie tu Joint discussion before the people of tbe eastriui every nigiu until mo eu-ciiou, ( H'-Npoctfully yuurs, c., A. K. MuTu sr, , 1 1 eg mm . laasi 1 11 Thrown of r tub Ysk!!. On Frl day, tho 12th, (he new Governor of Georgia wosjnslwleu inollico. After iliscogi-ng on the inefficiency of ex Gnvrriuir Bullock and tbe groat In (le.blX'liios of tho Slnto, ho said he had "come to the C'huir in response to the rnll tW'lhe people atlor a ch'uorlsss night 01 inisruir), - rviiii promises to dnvolo all his energies to the welfare of tho Stato, Ihfi rtcaco and nroporiiyo,fJe,ie people, (toorgia js again free, jiUiiCUL'h fiunn- (isllv lor;,V!f4 jj jth , hugn isbl TA11 fff e C'iiiffci " Ex Governor Joseph E, Brown, of Georgia, auled a very conspicuous part in tho Chicago convention as a friend of Gonoral Grant and in no small degroo aided In bringing about bis nomination. A short time ago an unprincipled carpot-bnggor addressed a letter to him, soliciting his aid in nrociirintr a declaration of martial luw in timt Stale and by tho use of the bayonet securing tier electoral voto to Grant in tho coming Presiden tial contost From Kx-Uov. Brown's reply to this pimp of tho administra tion, ho is evidently disgustod with tho vindictive legislation of Congress towrda tho Smith and regards tho Radical policy of reconstruction us an ignomimtjuu full uro. Being u native of tho South, ho is a competent Judge of whut is required to restore pe-aee and hurmony among her pooplo, and repudiates Grunt's bayonet policy as applied to the Southern Stales in the following manly and omphutio lan guage : "Tho Republican party has boon constantly weakened until it is almost destroyed in Gooriia by tho repeated acts of Congress during rhe period of reconstruction, prompted no ouuot by unwiso counsellors professing to speak for tho Stuto, who cither misunder stood the true condition of things hury or wilfully misrepresented it. In either case the effect wus the same. Congress has been misled und popular sentiment here has bucn outraged lo an extent that has rondercd it impos sible for the supporters of the admin istration to stand before it with' any prospoct of success. I think it itn limo unwise legislation should ocaso, and I protest against further enact ments of tho character contemplated by you and others who assist you in your proposod movement.' The wisest thing, in my judgment, that Congross oould do for Georgia would be to oon cilialo her people und show them that il is the intention to deal justly und liborully by lliein. If a general act was passed sweeping from tho statute book tho lust vusligo of polilicul disa bility that rests upon any of her citi zens, and sho wero left as other Slates aro to manitgo her own internal affairs in her own way, it would do moro to restore peace, harmony, loyalty, nnd good government in the Stale than anything clso that is now in tho pow er of tho Federal government to do." Ex Gov, Brown is no Democrat, Ihoutrh he writes like one. llo is ut present ono of the Supremo Judges of Georgia placed there ry u runts bayonets yet bo cannot approve the suicidal conduct of the national ad ministration toward tho peoplo of tho South. Wo presumo tho scalawags and carpet baggers will let In in alouo in tho future ArPiiBNTicKs ?oa tiik NAW.--Mr. Scolield, of Pumisylvuniu, introduced a bill authorizing the appointment of tliroo hundred utldilioiiul apprentices in tho nuvy, to bo known 11 u "inton apprentices," who shall bp between the ages of lifloen nnd seventeen yuurs, and servo until they ure twenty-one years of ago. Upon urriving nl tho 'i of twenty. one, if they pass u sat- infuctory examination, it is made tho duty ol tho Secretary ol the iSavy lo appoint them as Union seamen, which position they shall hold for life, unless dismissed tiy soutenco ol court martial or on resignation, Tho bill oni braces a number ol other provisions calculat ed to muko the sorvice honorable and desirable. Nor to Get a Seat. Tho Commit tee on Elections on Thursday agreed to report against Cessna, of Pennsyl vnniu, in his claim to tho seal of Myers. Tho voto was seven in the negative and two blanks. Tho Coin milteo also for the third time refused to favor an extension of time for Ed wards, of Arkansas.- This is hostile to Senator Clayton, so far as tho House committee can pass upon the merits of tho controversy between the loyal thieves who infest and disturb that State, Tho detest of Cessna is tho overthrow of a first-class Pennsyl vanin demagogue and one of tho most unscrupulous politicians ovor tastto tbo surface. A Skctionai. Pamtt Thero is nothing so delightfully edifying as tho bold uttoranccs of Wendell Phillips, when ho takes tho idea into his hard head lo upset the vain boasting ol 1.1s pnrly in its moment of patriotic effu sion. Tho claim which the party makes of being tho party of tho Union Is ruthlessly diKOWiied by Phillips, in this Cushion. It ts the first sectional party ever formed iu ttic United cilntea. It does not know iti owe place, nnd oalls itself a national inrly, but il 11 not a national pnrly. The ltrpublicnn parly ia t tie party of Ihe North, pledged (he Ssutb to me ena 01 Itnse. Tho (lirl'oronco between Phillips and his brethren is about this : lie is given to telling the truth, whilo his col leagues lire oblivions to everything of the kind. One Okhofr to Six Mkn. Mr. Logan, n Illinois, now in ihe Senate, snitl in tho Houso of lioprcscnlnlivos : "Wo hnvo In tho navy, one ollleor to every six men j 85,000,000 goes lo offi cers, and 82,01)0,0(10 to tho men. 1 desiro to cull tho attention of tho country to the fact that tho taxes paiJ by the people uro being ubsorbeil by men who havo no duties to per form whalover." This rominds ns of what is related of Stonowall Ja;kstm's men, who wero wont lo bo willed his web footcd-eavulry. Whenever they wore passed by a regiment of eavajry, they would yeli out, "Boys, here's a command every devil of which is an officer." ; ss 1 0 . A Rknuvoi.ent Bai.timoiikan. Tho will of the Into Alexander Lnrniaii, whose estate is vulued ut 0110 and a quarter millions, contains tho follow ing bequests to chntilablu institutions in that city 1 Blind Asylum, 8;'iO,O0l); Bultimnro Orphan ARylum, 810,000; Aged Wonjcji'd Home, (10,000 1 Aged Muu'a, 8itt,0l),0 Union Orphan Asylum, 1)0,000 ; jubjirch Homo and Infirmary, 80,000; jjomo of the Friendless, 810,000; St. Paul's Or phan Asylum, 810,000; Mount llopo Uotrcul, 810,000; Manual Labor School, 810,000 ; Boy's Home Society, 810,000; Poor Association, 8IO,0(lljj Jlury land Sluto iiiblo Society, 510,000. ' Radical Cuhhhttion. A lively nnm motion exists in political circles in Kansas, on used Ly an rrpnse in the Lawronco Utandnrd, wJ.iph snys nino teen members of tho lust ijtsto Legis lulnro were bribed to vole for Cahl well for United States Sonator lint winlCA', and stHtoa tho sum paid each member. The Stanford duclaros Itself prepared to sustain i,ts charges wild nbuirJunt pruolB. But why grow,; about such things T Ilia tho way Radical Sfnalori am cloty'd thesii Ijm&f '.:'"! , .. ' Thi Hti'Klux Jf usinrtf. The New York S'un, un outspoken Radical jotimul, denounces Grant's late Ka-Klux ruid iu the Stute of South Carolina in theroost unmeasured terms, declaring in Iho strongest language that the Columbia triuls have demon staled the fact that tho shameful acts of violenco committed in that Stato by tho Kii-Klux have mostly been the result of tho ill fooling existing be tweon the worst clusses of the two rncos, and that they might havo been efl'oelunly suppressed without any re sort to martial law. Indeed thero had boon no disturbances for a long lime when martial law was declared for political effect at the instigation of tho swindling curpei ouguters 01 South Carolina. They huve also shown that the exoeutioii of tho Ku Klus. Ittw, with its illegnl military nr rests, hag resullod In tho scijjuro. nnd imprisonmont of many entlinjly inria cent persons, against whom no ovi denco could be found, bought or manu factured, sufficient to support a prose cution ; nnd that tho efforts of tho law, when put in forco, aro as injuri ous to the community us the luw itself is anti-Amcricnn, unconstitutional and unnecessary. This view of the case is, rapidly growing among tho more thoughtful Republicans of tho country, who sco In Grunt's repeated attempts al usurpation, a predisposition on bis purl to disregard nil tho forms and re quirements of a constitutional govorn- lUCIltj. W'Ay If wa Done. Hon. J. D. Duvis, State Sonator from Berks county, while on a rocent visit to his homo, gave a public explanation of tho motives of the Democratic Senators in authorizing Mr. Buckulew lo voto for tho Republican candiduto for Speaker, with a view of securing the organization of the body. Ho said to havo continued iho contest for Speuker would merely have created bad feeling, with no adequate return, ms the election In Philadelphia would soon havo given tho Republicans a majority it) tho Senate. Mr. Davis continued ; " We hope to. secure, through this ooiaproniise, a modification of the odious itegirtry Law, which Will he a benefit to the Pcniooratir psrty through out the Slate, 't he ISposker of tbe Senate bus declared to us in tbe most positive manner that he will supply two amendments to tbe Registry, and use all bis influence in tbe Hi-nate and Mouse to pass tbctn. The Speaker for tbe House will vote for and otherwise luvor the adoption of tbe amendments, and Othor protuiusnt end iiijl'4 ential wen among the lfepuolieaus of tbe House heve said the enine thing. A good feeling is ex isting at llarrisbnrg, and we have more to expect now, with the assurances we have received, than we eoutd have cxiectcd if wc bad pursued a dif ferent oourse." We trust Mr. Davis' expectations may bo realised 1 but our faith in the magnanimity of licpublicun logislulors is very weak, when tbo odvanlagu of their jiurty is at stuko. We believe, nevertheless, that the Democratic Senators did right in allowing the Re publicans to havo control of ihe Sun ulo, under the circumstances, though wo would rather it hud been done without the aid of a Democratic voto. Erie Observer. Tho Russian Duko Alexis and his suite aro nt the foot of tho Rocky Mountains shooting buffaloes. A Bio Job. Tho New York Sun thinks it probable that Grant's friend Arkansas, may be expelled from tho Senate, for his scandalous conduct while Governor of that Stale." If ull the Radical members who huve been guillv of scandalous conduct arc to boexpoilcd w hat is the Sunato going to do for a quorum A bill is to be introduced In the Leg'sluluro this winter lo license houses of prostitution. Exchange. If madam, rumor in worthy of be lief, wo should say th. re is license en ough already upon that subject. Tho members of tho Legislature may not soo it in that light, however. A newspaper is lo Iho pooplo what a signboard is to the traveller. Tho paper lells who is in business, and whore to tiado, and the signboard lells tho name of tho pluco and direc tion. Then, if you want pooplo to buy of you, toll thorn through tho pa per wbero you stay, and what you iiitvo. New Military Law. A State military convention met in Harris burg on Wednesday last. Among other business a new law for the gov eriiiuent of tho Stato national guard wus adopted, which Is to bo presented to tho Legislature for i'saciiin. It makes important changes in tho law now iu forco. Bk Consistent. The N. Y. Tribune furnishes a table showing the real cs into purchase of Tweed and others, und how rich tlicy hnvo become in a few years. Kow let it show how Grant has emerged from poverty to uffluonce in a few yours, nnd givo us a list of his transactions, If it wlshos to bo considered consistent. Let Gramt he Gknerouh. Tho New York Sun says tho c.slato of Ihe late Julncs J-'jsk, Jr., does not appear to be so largo 11 was supposed. This renders il proper thut Gen. Grunt should refund tho subscription of one thousand dollars 10 tho liawlins fund which Fisk paid for him. Let him send on the money by express ; or bo might remit il through iho hands Of his brolhor-in law, Mr. Corbin. Tu RonnKtiii'ii Congressman k has prepared n careful nnd thorough statement of tho total amount of mopry taken from tho Southern Stales by tho "eurpot hng" government, lie compute nn uggregato of ssver two hundrod millions. Sonator Blair and Bsyard will also sign the staUmont, which will be submitted to both Houses as a minority report from tho Ku Klux Committee. How LiTTi.r ? .Tho smallest act of tho small President who now rules America has just boon committed General Hallcuk, in chargo of the De partment of the West, is dead. To succeed him, no ono is cligiblo but General Hancock, than whom a liraver or more worthy soldier does hot live. But Gonorul Hancock does nsladiniro the receiver of goods or ihe. iunevjr of bull puns, and is nbovo concouling the fuel, llunco, to vent u personal spite, the little fellow in the Presidential chair has recourse loanow expedient. Mo simply abolishes tho dupurtmvul. 'ri.i. ..... ...i. t. :.. .1... ... Imp, nine ii., in uiu im-itni-sb act, ui pjlty personal spite In iute;feroneo wilt publja duty that bus yet come lo light. If tho department was not necessary, jvny was it ijepi up, at such great oxpose,unduf fyiierril Halluck? Was It mewly to pruv Jo that officer will) a semblance of rjutyf if it was so necessary thou, Itpw can it be dis pensed with now without dotrimeul to publio servioor ill some of Mr. Grunt's admirers njousa, answer 'WW) tiopoor't, "..'''.' Coupon Jttiv. Reading had a 8250,000 fir on Tues day of lust weak. Tho special olectiou for a Senator in the Fourth district takes pluco po the 30th. ; . Lock Haven Is to bo embellished with a huge boot and shoe factory during tho coming summer. Numerous petitions for a reduction of the tariff on iron, coal and suit are bct'ig lonvarQed to Congress. An Illinois younu; wotann cut four loads of wood per duy, in nrderto ruiso money to got "them furs." - Mr. O. II. P. Archer has been ctcot cd Vice President of tho Erie Railway in placo of James Fisk jr., deceased. A Pittsburgh young man took mat rimony and tho small pox at tbe same limo. The honeymoon wasn't a suc cess. ' Girls, do you know this 1 leap year, and according lo custom you havo a right to help your bashful lovers out of difficulty r Some onoenys the best way totiain a child in tbo way it should go, is for tbe person to travel that way occas ionally himself. A cotcmporary speaks of "a man with ono oye named Robert Welch," but does not tell what his other eye was named. The Frocstono Quarry al Lumber ton, In Buck county, will furnish tho foundation slono for lho new public buildings in Philadelphia. Thero are 202 princes und princcssos in Europo, with aeveral newly sel up royal families to hear from. Tho Grant family is still larger. Two clerk in the Clevclnnd, Ohio, posloffice wore arrested on Wednesday, charged with abstracting drafts and money orders from tbo letter. Joe Jefferson's orange island prom ises a yield of nearly two hundred barrels of oranges this season. The crop is being shipped to St. Louis. There were forty-two murders in Now York last year nnd ono execu tion. Food for reflection. And tho bunging advocates keep quiet, too. There nro seventy seven stations o,n tho Pennsylvania Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, a distance of three hundred and fifty four miles. Henry W. Gray, is tho name of the liadical candidate far Senator in the Fourth district, to fill, tho vacancy caused by the death of George Council. Malicious hoys in Buffalo adorned tho cont of a gentlemen Oil his way homo from dining out on Christmas with Iho placard : Choice poultry inside." An aggregato of twenty-eight thous and four hundred and eighty hogs, horses, cattle, sheep, and mules were fed at tho llarrisburg stock yards lttl woek. Mrs. Abby Sago Richardson McFar land is lecturing on tho Chicago Firo. Abby is Without a husband just now and has some leisure moments to lec ture on fire. At St. Paul, on Siiliirduy night, John Betier, who had beep sepcrnted from his wife for a year, wept lq her resi dence and murdored hor, "literally cutting her lieud to pieces." Lulher Smith of Biddofurd, Maine, convicted of shooting bis two sons in u quarrel about somo rum has been sentenced to ten years in tho Stale Prison of that Statu. The Senato Postal Commit leo havo agreed to report Uubbuid's bill provid ing for tho Postoflice Department ad rurtising for a telegraph service, Ihe sumo as letter carriage A Nebraska married man who clop ed wiih a young girl, was pursued, knocked down, beutcn and retaken by his indignant wife. Ho has guno out of tho elopement business. Loyal South Carolinians met on the 10th to nominate a Sonator to till a vacancy; but they mado so many mo lions with tho whisky bottle that tho meeting broko up in a row. On Saturday lasr, at Quinn's saw mill, in Homo township, Crawford county, Delos Crosby was completely cut in two by falling on tho saw. Ho leaves a wife and savernl small children. Henry Smith, Postmaster at St. James, L. 1., set a trap gun for burglars last Wednesday night. Forgetting he gun ho went to tho ofllco for some piipern, was shot, and died next morn ing, ' Tho ex-Empress of Hie French has sold hor jowely to a celebrated firm of jewellers in London for 8100,000. Curiosity is excited us to her reason for requiring so largo A sum of money just now. Tho Wharton trial is still in pro. gross nt Annapolis Maryland. It now seems lo be tho general impression that Mrs. Wharton will bent-quilled. Forty-two days have thus fur bcon consumed in this trial. To protect plants from freezing at night, nothing is moro simplo and ef fective than newspapers. A single thicknossof newspaper folded around a tender plant is sufficient protection ngaipst a moderate degree of frost. The Now York Snr tells us that ITonry Ward Beecher has "dismissed ull faith in tho long bejd dogma of hell firo and damnation." Wo never could sco how Beecher could bcliovo in such things and do as ho does. The Democrats of Now Hampshire, aro forming "(Jrnnlto Clubs" in all parts of IheSlulo, in order to strength, en their prgauisation. We need such a revivifying movement in this State, and il should be commenced without delay. removing tho post office at Knox ville, Tenn., to now quarters on Tues dny a week, a packago of two hundred letters were found. The letles were written three your ago, nnd several of them contained drafts nnd other valna;ps, Tho defeat of Scnqtor Ilnrinn in Iowa i tho severest rebuko tho Grnnt administration has received in Iho west. Tho effort of Rev, it. New, man, Grant's spiritual ndvjscr, were unavailing und coujd not sitvo thai corrupt member, T')P printers of Now York comment Dieted Benjamin Franklin's birthday by unveiling a magnificent staliio of tho illustrious Amt-ricun 111 Printing House Sqiiure. Thirty thousand peo ple wero ussomblcd to witness the Im posing ceremonies. Tim civil servico reform movomenl on the purl of Grant, is only to tric'lit on iho ofllce holders into his support, in order to socuro Ins nomination. After Ibat occurs tho "reform" may go to tho dogs and Grunt ivjlj go. (o Long Bruncli. . According lo thu Ci(uiiisili (!a:itt (Republican) '. 'thoro nro Jive hundred ili. tt wot fwmdlt in thu presotil tariff which, bench I only the parties who mujii)ulalod it, and aro n injury to tie country and tho treunury. 8u0b if the roMjt o'"iial" Uajidation, Where are They Tell us wbore lo find thoso clerical gentlemen who were eo violently moved to preach the country a salva tion during the luto war) tho men who divided concrceation and called down ridicule upon their guild by forsaking the seriplnros lo deliver orations upon the political situation. If they aro alive to Day why stand they idle whilo the nation's vinevurd is being desecrated and spoliated by the thieves of a party they labored to elevate ovor the subjects of their de nunciation in tho days of war f If it was Godly in 1804, und they claimed it was, to use the power of tho pulpit in national politics, would it not bo just as religiously correct to denounce the corruption ot tbo otllcolioiaor ot to day lrom the same pious stand point f Tbe nationul trcusury is filch ed from hourly j plucos of honor und trust are sold like merchandise; an honest official is a rariiy. Ycl few "loyal" clerical voice are heard cry ing from the pulpit against this great demoralization. We want to know where these political preachers aro They usod to bo thick as locusts over the land. They had a special culorio theology for the Democrats once. They wero "loyal" and wrestled for tho nation's sulvation. If they are not hypocrites let thorn open their floodgates of goodness and wash tho nation of .l.c Radical frauds of 1872. Speak out, genthnsn, and let U sco if party affiliation controlled your vltor ances a few years ago. Let us sec if in religious u in profttno maltors "suuco for iho goose is sauce for the gander," if tho Almighty' wrath i tit your service as well for publio plun derers as for "disloyal" Democrats. Venango Spectator. Tiiie Family DiBB.A.NLijjq. Jesso R. Grant, the President's father, is said to bo vory feeble, and has resign ed his offico of Postmaster, at Coving ton, Ky. Both House of tho West Virginia Legislature, and the Constitutional Convention of that Stato, are now ia session. The Speakers of all the bod ies uro Democrats. This shows wall for the intelligence of tho people of West irginia. Iliey have hud ft lot of loyally and carpet baggers. Unfortunate. Tbe failure of Judgo Pierrcpont to secure the Secretary ship of Stuto after he had made Mr. Grant a present of 820,000 should sug gpst to expectant cabinet ministers and foreign ambassadors the impor tance of enforcing tho C. O. D. prin ciple in tho sale c( public offlcea. Tbo loyal fandango which vas kept up nt New Orleans by tho two Radi cal facljoin, has been closed out by ono Democrat meeting with tho War month faction and repealing ncarly ti 1 1 the corrupt und infamous legislation imposed upon tho people of Louisiana by iho tarrpet buggers for tho past fivo j-ca-s. This movement is tho complete oveptliow of Grant Ii Co. in that tstnto. Fancv. The churnis of West Point ers, whatever their color, aro subver sive of tho feeble barriers whicb guard the susceptible ftmnlo heart. It is said that tii3 nrgrQ Smith ii engaged to ten white girls. One of them moves In Iho highest circles of tho Hub, whilo nnolher belong to one of tho most aristocratic families in I'lnlu, delphiti. There is no accounting for tho tusto of some pcoplo. A resolution in favor of tbo ono tcrm principlo was pussed the other duy by iho lower houso of the Missouri Legislature by a vole of 80 to 21 ; and tho lower House of the Kansas Legis lature has just adopted n similar dec laration. Tho people nro for this principlo everywhere, and will mani fest il in a way thai cannot be quae lioped, nt the propor tfmo. itw dvo'tistmcitts, I)HOrOAI.!4. The School Pirectors nf Knox district will meet al Turkey Hill School House, in sai l district, on Katurdar, tbc 3d day of FebrjvTi I'"!. ' 1 o'clock A. M at which time and place tbey will receive proposals for the ereotion ol tae new Sc&nnl II. mace in aaid dia- triau Contractor to furnish all tho materia) Plana and spr-oiflcstions of said bouses ran be seen by calling on tbc undersigned at their resi. deuces. 1'. A. UUlVI.btf, I'ree'u U. J. Ki orpr, Secretary. janUSl THE SMITH HOUSE, (Opposite R. R. Depot.) CLEAKFIELP, PEN'N'A. ffnHH midcrsigned, bavlne: become peoplietor X 'f this house is ready to enlcitstn etmnj-crs and travelers, end therefore ioti its sojourners to give hi ir. a OMll. lii Table will be supplied with the bct tbc retract affords, and llsr will con tain fhechol.-csl of wines and liquors. Eitinsivc stnldinft is attavLed, flint-res moderate. jntiluii JA.MK8 M.-LAIUIILIN. LINT OP JtlHOItS DRAWN FOR MAtJHl Term, IS72, commencing 3d Monday, It-tb: Oca, W. Dotts...Decoaria Alex. Morray..llirard I. . K. Hcfuliy HuMoh II. Woodward.... Huston I. C. MoClolicy..Krt'ee A. L. Ilickok Knoi II. It. Mellbr ..Hell Edwd. Albert I!ojrrs Kli llarnmn llradv Wm. Drockbenk... Othello Snieod-.ltiiriiaid,. Abm. 0den...Lawrcnoa A. McliarTav Chest W. P. Knlton Jno. Mulsoiut'ovlnfrtcni'Jos, Vojtrr.,. Oeo. Yonnjr... .Clearfield A. J. J.ikion.N. Wash It. 8. linllcy Osceola l". M. Uoff '.-nn U. W. Uheuui.. " U. I,iporte...CNrn'evillc p. Copelioj,,...,,. Decatur Robt. Neeper, Pike ruivr.usa -:-ncni Jno. II I)iltoa.n.i)eocaria Kcnleioy...Porniton II. W. ilolL 11,11 F. Coutriel.... Wm. Henry, rllootn W. II. Uill....".....CI'f'd r. ft. Cross.. lloftirs W. Korcoy Uradfurd Den'l Kenhart. " Wm. Tucker - Jos 8. Showers..,. u I). O. Ncvlinir..... Awns IJonsall Dradv Jas. A. Moore.. " A. Penta, Sr....... t)en. Penta ,. S. C. Diinlep.'..,., -I f. K, Porter....... ' 3ns. Haley Hurnsido W. llrolbera.... " 8. Newcomer.,, ' K. McM etcr.. " 1. Met lltre..CurwcnsY'e Wm. A. Reams.. isceetur V. IMuhell tlirnrd R. Kvler M.,.liosbcn M. Nichols Lawrence Jas, Fulton.. . " (tea. It. Dillon. ...Morris 8. Thnmpson...N. Wash V. Shepherd.,,, II. ii. nurd..:.... Haw'l Byorf I' ..t'besl a. . rlose Wm. T. Irwin tIV J.D.AIclandOT..WvodnJ JEAp THIS FLOUR & FEED DEPOT! The attention of the eitlirns of i'leardead and tiolnily is directed to the hrt llial UuodteUow A Son are the agenta of M. Nisoo t Co., and hare Juat rrceired a half doacn cat lons of Flour and Feed, which they offer at the lowest possible Gf nres. A largo etaok of , FLOUIf, COW WM, CHOP, BlCKWKKAT FLO I'll, bit AN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Oars In ear, aVc, Ac. Particular attention le called to M. Kieoa t Ci.'s brand of Family Flour, which ii th beat In the market. r , Flour and Vocd cn and will be anM cheaper tnan it cp be ooialnea elsewsorQ to cieartleld oouoiy, fjfilnr ns Market itrori., teil door In Hon, Alfaapder Irein'i residence. ' ' QOOPFCLLOW i BON, (eauriitioiui. MISS H, S. SWAN'S " SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, FA. "' rpiIK WINTER TEHM of fourteen weeki, U1 X oouiraenoe Monday, Jan. 1st, 1872. TKRM8 Of TUITION'. Reading, Orthography, Writing.Objecl Lea- sons, Primary Antbnietle and rtmary Dcnirraphy 1 0e History, Loosl and deieriptlee tiaotrrapby with Map Urowiog, tirammar, JUcntaJ and Written Arithmetic. I 00 Algebra and the Soteneea M II (10 Inslrnction lo instrumental mosie 10 00. Oil painting, H lessoni Ii 0 wai work on For full particulars ssnd for Circular. . Clcarnold, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. SEW VASHIXGT0. AC.4DEaMY, Clearfield County, Pa, rpiir SKCOND SESSION of Oiii iu-fflnttoa 1 will oommenfM; on ihe firnt Mondar of fiovou tier next. (Ttriu. t.v uiontliF.) Tbe rurr.oulum nf tnd.T will euibrnct t rgA nd thorough curpe in everr hranrh requil( lo ft trtwhral ati'l rcmpJihfMi eilucaUus. Hpciftl Attuntioo given to proni Jeriricg io qnAhfj tticniselvvi fur th prrtfciitun of UfteUtfig... Aliu,lu vucnl nd irnirumenUl nuiio. Puuili will ipt lrui(Ud at anv time durmc tb Hfoii'iD, and chnrtd froia tttne of cplerioK to tbo cloie of tbe torm. No deduct. on will b ma do for absence, exoi pt Iu caici of protracted illncii. HiO'itnt deeirtng room for 'Vlubbinf " can bf ac'(ntodated at moderate rate. Good boftnline caa be nrocured at lower rate tbaa an; other jiiaue la the ouunty. Three dol lar per wock at publie and prirute bousrt. tot purLicuiM-! aaureca UEOItUE W. IKNT8, Principal, iept20'71-tr New Wafbingtca, P, CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Slalf and Female Claiafcal High School. Each Department K-pa rate, IXotiiiCt and Cumplrte In Itaelt'. fpiIE i holm tie year of thii Iostilutlon Ii dlvl 1 ded into two truncal of five tnonthi ftwenty- urte weckf) each. Tbeflrit iciiion eommeneei on th first Monday in September; the lecond, onthe fimt Monday in Febraary. Theoonrie of iiiftruetion embToei every tblnj nocciiary to a thorough, rraetieal and aecoinpliib ed educatioTi of both pcxen. Pupil will b admitted at any time and chargti; from date of entranc to the close of the chiod. Ho deduction will be mnde for absence, except hi caeet of extreme and protracted illneaa. Student from a distance can be accommodated with board at low rate. Fur particulars, lend for circular, or addreii Her. 1. L. UAUKlHUXtA. S!., July 26, lSVUf. l'rincipal. rnl tfstatr for alt Farm for Sale ! rpiIK onderetgncd, reitdia; in Bof gi townships g offers fur tle hi furm, eonUininK ONE HLNDHKO ACHtS 76 aero or whicb U clear cd and un itr cultivation ; having thereon erected a frame dwelling boue, log bara and the usual outbuilding", together with 120 bearing fruit tree and an excellent spring of water. A three foot rein of COAL and a three-foot rein of FJRB CAV. both open, which can be een at any time by calling on tbe prcmiaes. Tbl farm i situated one fourth of n mite frora Wallace ton station, on the Tyrone 1 Clearfield Railroad. Title indiff a lable, and possession girro at any time. For further particulars call on the premise or address HKNRY A- SUIMEL. Wallauelnn, Janaary 17, 1S72 3m. House & Lot for Sale or Ken;! rTMlK andcigi.t offrnt for rale or rent, npon I rc!tinn.ltle lertnt. two ilorr dwrlMnv. ttit Mid stft'il, fn Rloomiogton. Plkv tonuliip. For Wnnft, Ac, epply to I.LWXS I. BLOOM. Jatettary Sd. 1372-tr. House and Lot for Sale! F"MIE nnderslgued offers at priva'e i1e a boate X and lot situate in Witltaceron, Clearfield cono tv, ra. Two story liiu-, 19x2S, with kitchen nftarhedi plastered tbrousrhout. (ood wU on the prcioists. The terms will be reasonable. For further information inquire of nr address Jus. B. Mi'KrwIlr, attorneT-nt-luw, ClearflrJd, Pa. janltl-st '.Mns. MA1UA J. WAPLB. Coal TjuikI for Sale! rriHg underpinned offer fnr rale a ralnsble plec X of '1 Incl, situate ia Delator township, Clearfield cfluaty, adjoining lands of John Crane, Osceola Coi and Lumber Co. and Osoaula bor ough, oontainiog IU Arret, SO Perches, npJ allowance. It is underlaid with two veins of Coal, and is atro desirahla for town lots. Thero if a lurnpik laid out through It from Osceola to Hiilipitmrg, and it Is within a qnartar of a mila of tbe Tyrone A ClearQcld Railroad, and about the same distance from the Muahanaon Branch Road. For further information address A. A K. McM CLlsEy, no 22 Sin Sinking Valley. Blair Co., fa. -T V,nT VIRGINIA Timber and Coal Lands FOR 8ALS1 The following tract of Timber and Coal Lands are offered for salai Ono tiact of K,6V acre lying on the Elk Hi-r, in Webster con tit 7 r thrra tracts lying un he same river in Ilraitoa county, two of 3,0 acres each and on of 1,000 acrei f and one lrcl contntnibg 9,300 acres, lying on tha (laulcy Itiver, in ii.hulas couijty. The titles ta (beta ata perfect, Any U. j.atiua auncarning these Is nd scan b bad by addressing , 4 G. P. F LEGAL, March U, ltU-tf. Pbilipsburg. Pai ,. DENTAL CARD. Da. A. M. HILLS Would sav to hi ratlents ttnd th ttuh- lio KVi'ersIly, that, having diisolred pArtnershia wi'h l)r, thaw, he is now doina tho entire wora of his oCtr-o himself, so IsMt patient need not fear firing put untr the liana or any otht-r operator, llatinr obtained a redaction of the natent on the plate mstorinl, I am enabled tu put up teeth tnoeh ehenper than formerly, i also have Dr. Stack's (intent process for working rub Iter plates, which make a much lighter, mora elastic and stronge plate for the same amount of material, and pol- ifovs mi" iuam on ouin xiit'S, reminug it mac a aiort-esify kept clean. Hneeial attention naiH tu the prejcrention nf tjie pstural trrlb.and all work guaranteed entirely eahsfaotory to patients. w-umfe at tue ohi corner, opposite th Phew II D use. Office h Mir from 8 to 13. a. ui.. aud I to 5, f. m. Tatlent fnm a distance bould notifo ni a few day brf.Trhnnd of their intention ta come. Always at home, unless other notice sp, pear in both th en a my paper. febll'71 S. rOKTEE SHAW, D. D. S., Office in Manonio Ruilding, CI.KAKKIELD. PA. I tilth)! of tbe natural tectt: is a bra!thv.-i- eervativcand condition is imtl a sneeiatty. IlllHMl SaO.l et..!..... 1H lUi. .1. - jaw and associate parts, are (retctf snd correctrt wnn tair success, lvxaminaiious and consuit.T-' lions rnait. Prices for partial and full sett J teeth aiQch lower than in I8TU. It would be Wee for pntionts from a distance to let ui know bv mail a ft w days rur; tg th ffftce, H is very important tjirvt chilyr 1 bvwn th ag'k of six and tw, .rt si.i.uid have their teetL examiturd fiy 4iiftjr.cjia Teett are rctnovrJ Iitbo paiu. ' ' febl571 7 ZmT STEWART, D. D. S., Office over Irwin's Pins; Store, HIW CI RWKNSVIll.K, P. All denial operations, eillier in Hie mHisli.lsl or nperallve braner, (iromplly alleti lej lo sad sillsfiiclinn Kiiarantrel. bjeutal afirMhm rtnitl In (lie treuliu.-nt of diseases of the e.iueal teeth, (urns in) innnlU. Irre(iilarity of terlh suc 'i pilulljciirrrole'l. Teeth oxlrete(j silthont paia hy the lien uf Kther, and arlifleftl lettb Inserted of the West material and warraivjci to render sat Isfivetion. aprlHI)Tl:lj To Adici-thscra. All ,iersoa nlie eontem plat, making eontrnete with newspaper fur the insertion uf adverllsewent shou'd send to CJco, lloucll A Co. for a Clrrutnr, ar inclose f . cent a for their OtiC II mid red Paifo I'amphlH, oontaining Lists of l.nuil Newkpsittora and estlmaie. showing th cost of advertising, also many useful bints to ad vertisers, and sumo account f the ? aperient? of men who are known as ttiicrraaiiil Adicr tUrru 'This Arm are proprntor of the Auieri oau Neyspnpvr Advertising Agcnev, JJ Park Itow, 'IS, Y., and are nosicss,-.! of tuieeiialul (o-illtiea fur ss eurli.g tlio Insertion ol ndeertireinttils In all Newspapers and Tortus'ieals at lowest rote,. nnv;a 2 in TTASTr.O -Annnmairlid j-iioii,n'no,wlll T I some eiei'K'Upn j. eentnf jnj aeqnafQiue III ti.e eounties t.rClser'!hl sod jit 'iinjiu, to sen oout mr a wioini a'" wijl'j ll"iin, M' trairiiitf and ittlieruise. Address- h MIT II A HLM'ZKB, yi M A'sf y ,V, TJ,ltt fu .'bjiaWjV-