THF REPUBLICAN. CLE A JU FIELD, PX. Vt'EDJfKPDAY MOHNIKO. JAN. 10, 1871. Gone to lleaven Sure. Tliroo livesforono who tho forfeit paid justieo in un execution in tlio Vnrisli of M. Jniiioi, J.mnNiunn, llio other day. The convicts wore nc;roos and tlio crinio wan most ilnetiirilly. 'i'lioro wore four concerned and the ohjout was tlio robbery of a storo. Alter breaking in, they seized tlio liolnlest dork, twisted n ropo about his nock, and, ono taking hold of each end, pull ed until tho poor fellow was strangled like a dog. Alter plundering tho 6toro, thoy sprinkled coal oil about und set it on 'fire, destroying tho wholo. Willi the fatal inoraneo of their class, thoy carried the body to the river and throw it in to reappear as a witness ngninst llioni and shot tho murdered man's doj; outside tho store. A i i cst coon follow cd, and one, bv naino 1'nrker, turnod Rtato's cvidonco and saved hiinsolf, while briiuimg Ins accomplices to ius- tice. 'J'lio HIieritT, wlio irut his idea from old Englii-h law, determined to hang them upon the very spot where tuo crime was committed, and thither blaek and white Hocked on an excur sion to see tho sight. The erncs wore charuetcvislic. "Vlicn the Sheriff road tho death warrant lo tho condemned men, WiilhtiH, tho ringleader, burst forth in tliu exclamation j "Thank God, it has como nt hc-t. Heaven bo praised for making mo commit the . crime, for without, I wculj not have know n there was n God." As the Sheriff, who is a negro, entered to prepare thorn for tho gallows, they wore rooking constantly to and fro, ever exclaim in g, "Thank God," "Come, Lord, and take mo home." To the question, "Aio you happy and willing lo lite?'' tlio tli i co answered, "Yes, I nm happy ; I want to go homo to hea ven, and livo in glory." As an ex ample, another negro, in jail on tho charge of murder, was taken along with tho rent as n spectator, and for the sake of tho moral effect the ono who turned Stuto's ovidenco drovo tlio cart. Tho executioner was also a no gro, and at tho word of command, "cups down," ho pulled tlio fatal mus lin over llio three, faces. Then tho cSlicrilf adJrcssed n few words of warn ing to the trembling man whom ho bad brought thoro from tho jail, and at tho word "Timo !" tho black execu tioner tugged at a rope And tho deed was dono. Tiik Wharton MinnKti Tiiial. Tho trial of ills. Wharton, at Annap olis, Md., for the murder, by poison ing, of Gen. Ketchum, ot lialtimoro, las now been in progress two weeks, und is still dragging slowly along. Eminent lawyers uro engaged on both sides, and tlio testimony of tlio wit nesses is drawn out slowly and at length. The object of the prosecution, is to show not only that (ion. Ketchum was poisoned, that tho accused did il, but nlo lo assign a motivo for the ne t which was lo obtain possession of a nolo for ?2,00l, which lien. Ketch um held against Mrs. Wharton. Tho trial is one of tlio most remarkable in criminal initials, (ion. Ketchum, tho victim, was an oflicor of the nrmy in tho lato war, and Sirs Wharton and her family have been moving in the highest circles of society at Iialtimorc and elsewhere. Vri.r, 1!i n li ATri.f riK.t.u. Tho farm called Hazel Plain, in Prince William county, Virginia, (better known as Ciiinn farm) containing oUO acres, nnd beloniring to H. T. Ciiinn, w as sold on the tl'.Uh nil. for ?S jicr acre, lo Mrs. ' JIary A. Downnmn'n, executrix. 'J'his farm is a portion of llio plateau upon which wcro fought tlio lirst and sec ond battles of Manas-a. When the war commenced it was under a hi;;h flato of iiiiiiovement, and tho dwell ing house upon it was ono of tho finest in that tcction of the Stale, but that seotirpo ilevaflated U, and tlio open fields, nnd the young pinea mid shat tered mansions, all now bear ovidenco to tho bloody conflicts of which it was the scene. Turn In." Tho Lancaster F.x press 6uys tho executors of llio estate of (he hilo lion. 'J'liuddous Stevens will eooii f reel n monument over his firave. The same paper adds : "When r. Stevens di scovored that there was a clause in tho charters of the dovcral ccmelci'ii s prohibilinp; tho burial of nny but whilo persons in them, ho declined lo taku any of tho lots, and went to .Shreiner's piivato coinelery, where no such prohibition existed. He purchased two udjoinin lots. Ono of his friends, In view of ho fact that thero was no ono but, himself to bo Imped in them, asked him w hy ho secured so much ground. 'Oh, well,' ho replied, in liis inlimila bly humorous way, 'somo poor devil may como aIonr. ono of theso dnvs, and will havo no plneo to go, lfo can turn in with mo.'" Tiik Li hkha t, IIkim'iiucans or. Mis oi in. The St Louis Hrpublican pub lishes tho . address of tho Liberal Jicpubliean Stato Coimnittoo, signed, also, by fivo of tho Slato olllccrs in cluding Governor Grata Brown ihroo of tho .Slato Scnalors and twonty-ono members of tho llouso and by other citizens of prominenco. A Stato Con vention is called, and activo prepara tions 1110 lo be mado to carry out tlio policy of tho liberals inaugurated hut .year. It is tho first movement in the direction of tho Presidential campaign of 1872 yet developed, and hence pos scsscs general interest nnd importance. SIaiik a Mistake. Alluding to tho serenauo recently civon to Gram Collector friend, Tom Murphy, the World says Connolly mado a gravo miMakew hen hn joined tho Democratic party, llo ouht to bnvo called him self a I'.cpiihlicjin. Jlad ho donn so his convictirn as n dishonest ollleo holdt r would havo been followed by a t-ureiianu irom i itu s iiand and a com- phmeiilrny speech by Ondyko. As it is ho occupies n prison cell and awaits tho verdict of B.pny, whilo his fellow (windier Murphy expects n fat diplo- iiiiinu U1H..0 at, vuu nanus oi iiram. A TuiitiroaiAi, UlNti Thodorclorj mcnts at Washington show that tho Territorial government of tho District ot Columbia, is run by tlio Grant Sen ecu Fandslono Jiing, and that in the ninnngoinonl of the otTuir they hnvo niiopicii mo maclnnory of "llosg" Tw eed. It has in about ono your run up debt of fl. "i,000,0(i( and continues its operations on tho Taininaiiy scalo. The "liinn" is mado un of Kepiihlicarm, and the Now York Timet, of course, , iruiei it, and holds it up i a model. JUU (SoolU, racrlfj, (tit. j. r. WEAVE.. ,,w. w. icni, A 1SETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at the old tand of 0. L. Recti 1 Co., their itook of jutnh, ounilrtlng of DRY - GOODS, G IIOCERIES, BOOTS I 6II0EB, HATS CAI'S, IlARDWAUl!, QUEB.NSTARI, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o. At the mult reasonable rates for CA81I or in exchange for 1 Squaro Timber, Boards, Shingles, OB COUNTRY 1'RODUCH. ff-Advances maile to thoso engaged in get ting out iquiiro timber on the rooet advautngeou terms. January 5, 1SJ0, O. I. a r JIKUE to buy wy IRY HOODS, QUO n-rtt'K, ijurctiFwari', (ilaswiir, Drug and Notions, t unftctiouvnep, Aa,, chenp fur caith. The lulmcribT hops vnt to inform hi old and Dew cuitoinen that he hue ojicnt'd A VARIETY FTOKE IN GLEN ItorE, PA And will mil too. In nt prlcn to unit the time. A libei ul reduction nill bu wade to ciutumcn bujr ing at wliolcjalc. Call nm! examine my stock before purchasing eluewh.vo, A liberal share of public patruunge ia SOllCltCJ. r. J. KEAUY. film Hope, Pa., June 1 1, 171 Y U It ATTEXTIOSI Jl'ST FOR A MOMLXT! Are yon in need of a good sot of Harness' Are vuu in iipin! of a irixnl paddle or Bridle? If lo, cull at tho addlo and Harness Shop of .lon.l l . IIAIiwu-K, wncre ymi can gvl the Ocst In Ihc market. IH'iiMc and fcutirle lianit'ss and l.a- din'end (icnt's Saddles (if superior workman!) ip. alwavs on hand or inunulncturca lo orcltT. buv- ctal attention il culled lo my itoek of Collars and llatnei, which are the let in ae. 1 also liavuau aMrtmrnt of Saddh-r' llardnare, wiiirh will h di.nved of at reaiontiMo ratrl. Repairing of all kindi pruntptly attondoil to. -j.lon't lorpot to c.ill heloro ptirehaiin eluenheru. Hhop in Ora- nnm s now, Market ilrer-;, f learuei'l, ra .May 8, l.STl-ly. JOHN C. HAKWIKC. niiACIi IN Kl'UOPCI (il'.EAT EXCITUJirNI IN FRENCHVILLE! The hloody contest bclwrcn Kranettand Prussia ia nt an end for tho present, so fur as tha ilaugh- terini of men and Hie tlestnielion of property is concuned. The ltmal Jtitrglrrs no doubt pride theluseUcs and rejohie over the result, but how iininifle:mt is Iheirwork when compared with tuo humane and cltmtlan enorti o L. M. COUDUIET, who lia nnilriinkrn to nupplv alt (lif eitiifm in the hm i rrnd of tliv county with ftmj and niment nt rjorctlini )iw rrtton from his tmunmoih ntre In Ml LSOXlil uhrre ho enn aluraya be fount! rrudj to n.iit np'n eullure and pupply them with Dry Coin's of nil Kinds, Such as Clothf, Pntinrf', CaMimcm, MuIio, Itolaincs, Linen. WrillntK'. t'alioofK, Trimtning-i, KibhoLS, Luce, Ready -nift'le rtuthtti, Iluoti nii'l Shooi, lints and Culm all nf the hcM mtitrrinl nnd nisle tnorder Jlne, Hokf, (llovii, Mitten, L..ces, Hil)buns,Ac, OUiJCKKIKS OF ALL KINDS. CotT.'p, Tr;i, Pmrsir, Rlrt Mulasses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Linseed Oil, Fifh Oil, Carbon oil. Hnirlwart1, Q.irrnnvarr, Tinware, Caftinjft, Plows nnd Phw Cit'tinif, Xai(n, Ppikcs, Coin Cultiva tor, Ciiir I'rcintiK, nnd all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Pulnt?, Vnrni-h, (.Inn, and a genera', s'portiti'.nt i f fttit iuncrr, GOOD FLOUR, Of JifTcrt nt bran-lri, alnnys on hand, and will be sM at tho loTTf.M "?siljle figures. LIQUORS, siifti a Itrundy, Wini (Jin, Whisky, JnyuVi Jledi'.'ini1', Hotttcr'i and Il'i'-ftand'e IJittrrn. SOtO pounds rf Wool wanted for whioh the hijfliprt prippwlll be pai l. Clovcrsced on band un t for fnie at ti.e iowtJi. uinrkcl inve. A 10, A cent fur Pira'.tonville and Ctirnensvillc Throdbiufi; rfiiihinr. ft'Q.CQll and swefnr yourselves. Vou will find everything uKutilly ktpt in a retail store. f L. M. COUMUET. Frrnbville P. 0., March 1, 1671. a. a. ARKui.n.... ,.v. Rons a man oft h, "Cheaper than (he Cheapest!" CJOODS AT KEDUCED PRICES rsr nxciirtD ir Araolel & IffarlshoriK (One door west of First National Bank,) CmWIiXM ILLK, PA. n AVI NO Just relumed from the t with s complete assortment of Goods sultabU for Pprlng and Putumer trade, we are now ready to furnish all kinds of Goods "Cheaper than tho Cheapest I" , And after thanking onr customers for their liberal patroaaga during the past year, we would most ,ros eetfuHy ask for a eontlnaanes of tho same. Our Stock consists of a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Quernawara, VYillowware, Oruretles, Hoots f Shoes, lists A Caps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ae. Also, Flour, Bscon, Salt, FMi, Grain, eto. All of wh1b will be sold on the most reason able term, and the highest maiket price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds of Lumber and Country Produce. -Please gire us a eall before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quellty.H- ARNOLD HARTHIIORN, Corner of Slala and Thompson 6 tree U, pr20 CURWENSVILLK, PA. J Awry Hiiiblt. fplH I" mulorFtjrned brjf laro to inform the pah JL lie that be In now fully prepared to arromm dnie all in the war of furni'b-ni Horses, Ho juries Hadilles and llarnrss, on the shortest notice and on rraennsblo term. Rildeneo on Locust street, botweon ihtrd and rounh. OKO. W. GKAUHART. Ilearneld, April 11, 1HA7. 300,000 HtllKCIFH WANTI DU Iba rubscrilirrs wnt to bur a Isrire lot of SO-looh ebawd Hhinfflc. for Which wu nil) pT the very highest market price. Per- sons baring suck on blind will do well to mil at our store. HbAVtsK 4 Uh iil Itatflcl . P Septrmbrr JrO Pm. Jinifj and lUrttirinrj. rjA it is LATEIT MOVBI THE LATEST MOVE I HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DKXJG STORE, To their Dew building on Beoonl Strut, neatly opposite the itort of Wearer k Ilsttl, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whero they will continue to iupl their old and ai waof new onituuiera ai ma; ooine, wiltt 1U11E DUUCiS! CHKMICALS! PHAHMACEUT1CAI PKEPAIIAT10NS, (Inaluding all new remedies.) I'd tent Meilicinen, Pnlnta anil Oili, 41 lata and Putty, School Hooltt, htatlwnery, Paper, Ae.f ftlio. a. foil line of Drug jjUlV Sumlrira, Hair Tunies, Coirnrtifli, PrrfumerioA, Toilet Article, Bruihet, Totlet IStiiips. pocket Vorkt, 4o., all or the beet qualify. PURE WISES AND LIQUORS, for medical A lacramental parpoiet only. Pure White 1ari, Color of all kinds, llaw and Uyllcd Linicrd Oil) amUhrs. Turpen Une, Coal Oil, Pntnt A Varniih It rath et, Flavoring Ki tract!, ConfectlonerioR, Itird Srrd, Pplre, ground and unground, ot all kind!. SMOKKIJS AND CUEWERS Will find our itork of Chewing and Smoking Toliawo. Imported and Io- meotie Cinr, iSuufT and Kiue-eut to bm of the very best brand! ta ilie market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kind of CLASS WARE; OAR PUS EKDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Hating a lonj cxiiertrnco In the buninem, and an extrnvire and wrll seleoted stock of omiiciupn, we are to till Physicians' preeeriptiuns at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, day And bight, II ARTS WICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May 31, 187Mf. r. t. i. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. PURH WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsitfe. pars, yilvnssnt and btnlth giving Tools if nelly VFgctnV, and manufactured from the most pure ami oho ice materials Is not a spirit ilrlnk nor subititute for whisk, bat a scientific compound, for the protection of tha system and the cure of diaeAse, made from chomicalljr pure spirits, entire) free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the mast delicate stomach. A long private export enco has atluitsd its Superiority over all Ordiuary Remedies. No Bittnrs at present offered to the publie contains to muob medicinal virtue, and et so safe and pleasant to take. Its me Is to cure disease, and it will not c rente an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will cure the effects of dissipation. To increase the Appetite, tSE IT. To promote Digestion, lFK IT. To cure Pyfpcpiia, VSK IT. To euro Fever and Ague, VPE IT. To cure rtiMtottiDess, 183 !T. To cure Coiitipatlon, USE IT. To cure Chronic Diarrhoea, I RE IT. To cure Heart-burn, USB IT. To cure Flatulence, VPE IT. To euro Acid Eructations, UFE IT. To euro Nervous Debility, I'PE IT. To our Ildoeliondria, I'HK IT. To cure tSallowoess of Completion, USE IT. To cure Pimples and Itlotohes, USE IT. For General Prostration of tha Phsiral powers, USB IT, and it will oure oa. Sold everywhere, at $1.00 per hot I Is, Manu factured exclusively 1 A. I. SUA W, ' Druggist, CI.EAftF.KM. PA., Who offers liberal indueementi to tha trade. Oct. S7, For Rent I rilllR nnderslgned alters In rent a I'W KI.I.INO 1 IIOI SK sii.l lll.At'KHMITH HIIOP, litualo al Oslend P. O. in Hell township. This is a very dcsirahl. location fur Ihe business. A full act of tools in the shop. Plenly of ouitnm. A good st-ttnnl in the villtiffe. Address or apply to II. L. Henderson or the subscriber. March li If 1IK.NRY PIIKTII, Jr.' Insure Your Properly 1 fpilK undrrilgned .re prepared to tek. any X raasttnable lire risks, In good and reliable coinpeniM, ewrh as Hie " Fsrmere' Mutual," ot Vork, l'a. tho " Andes," of Cinrinnalt.Uhioi the "liennania," of New York, and oltiers. Hate, reasonable, and In case of loss mnnej will be paid up promptly. lilt in Kllt.US tllearflold, Pa., April 11, 1H7I tf. (ARqOLIC PLANT PltOTBCTOR J . , fur sale br ' JillH 3m' HARTSWICK k IRWIN. L I II A II M A It, ' Practical millwright, l.L'TIIKKSIIl HO, PA. Agenl for th. A-nerican Double Turbine Water n liel and Andrew A halbarh n bcl. Tan fnr lib rrrb!e f f) it J(Ha eg ibq.rt nolise. Sarflwarr, Uinunrf, tt. THE IE0NSID3ES ' TIN AND STOVE STORE I 0. S. FLEGAL, rMlipoturp, Csntro County, Pa. riTHE nndrsl,n.J r.spsotfullj uiiiihi to X tl public that he has on kand a u fulljr-seleoted and well assorted stock of ., ' STOVES, 1IEATEUS, JtANffEST, HOLLOW - WAKE ! . ... v: TIN, COPPER AND SUEET-IKON WARE! V WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills itock of Cooking Bterei eeoiliti of 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare n.T.r failed to brine; .ad prosparltj into f.utllel when 11 is used, Diamond Stat., Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spean' California Cook Btoee, Spears' Anti-bust, Uai-Uarntng Cooking Btosei, Vlotor, ( Rellane. and I'nlon Hansel, Epearl' Cooking Ranges, Ae., io. k.Ths Tin and Sheet Iron war. ilr.nwlth tht riloT.s ta mad. of Ih. hear'sst and heat material, and warranted to glr. perfeet sails, faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores Ii larger, hotter and cheaper than erer belere eihlhlted to Ihe public consisting of Spears' ReTnletng Light Illuminating Star., flpears'Antl-Ilost Uaa Burning Parlor Rtexc, tipears' Orbieul.r Uas-Horning Parlor tftoec, Speara' Parlor bter.. Roquet, Pearl, (Jem, Ida, Bun, Trnpto, N.eada, Ac, ll. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Healers, Fpsars'Re Tolrlog Light lieat.ra. H. Il also prep.r.d t. furnish a complete tisortmcnt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, VTholecalc or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole flew to serrice, from the beat ma terial in the market. PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN t COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of .eerjr description constant! on hand., ORDERS KOR SrOUTCROOKISG And other work belonging to hie builnass .ill be promptly nll.d iij .ip.rleac.d and ckllllol workmen. BRASS, COPPER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods. V-IIi .specially Inrltea th. stienlion of Merehants wisning lo purenas. at wnoiecaie. al the, will find It t. adrantaice to .lamia. Bis itook before puronaslng aiiewnerc. Look .at (or th. Big Sign opposite Ih. resi dene, of Mrs. Dr. foster. All Goods Viiiinis is RsrarsiaiiD. 1 LEGAL Philip. burg, June I, 1870. augt tit MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, .sin rscruais LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. n. II. 8I1II.LIN0F0HD, President, Offloe Foreet Place, No. 125 8. 4tU St., TblPa. JOHN LAWSIin, tiencral Sup't. Oreeola Mills, Clearteld count, Ta. LAM) AM) Limit tUlAYMY OFFER -T0- PuiThascrs of liiolcc Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOKE IN OSCEOLA. 2Vew C-nbinirt I MOSHANNON LAND AND M'MBKtl COM 1'ANV offer for wale Town I.nls in the bur ouro. of Oiceolit, Clcarfirld eounly, V., and also lots to suit purrlina n-p outside the limits or saia borough. Osoeula U situated on the Moshannon Creek, In the richest portion of the eount of i.learticid, on tlie line or tlio iyronp & Clearflelu Kailroad, where the Moshannon and Deaverton branch roads intersect. It is also in the heart of tha Monhannon ooal basin, and Urge bodies of white pine, hentlook, oak, and other timber sur round it. One of the larffent lumbir nianufactur- in K eitatilixhmonts In the Htate Is loeated In the town, while ther are many other lumber and shingle mills around it. The town II but se en years old, and eontains a population of one thou,- and innnUHanis. fi4toT further Information apply at the offloe oi toe aoero eompan. ' JOHN LAWSHK, 1:4:70 General Superintendent. lie fore taking Towders. After taking Powdrrs. CMsW'H 1MPHOVED rOMDlTIOM f roWDKHH. rueful in obstinate eiifS of Diittmner, Oouirhs. Colds, Hots, Farcy, ttottve- m'ss, Jloii)ihnese nf the Pttio, and Ptitppnj; of WoltT. tirease, H welled Legs and lnflm-nts oan be relieved, and sometimes enred, by the me of the no Powders. They will not Interlere with the daily work mf tho Jlnrse, anu oan be given u cat tle with en ul adtaiitfiKe. Put tip by A. 1. Ml AW, Drugglit and Ap 'the farr, Clearflt ld. Pa. NorsmLer H, 1 H 7 1 . Fold everywhere. Lime for Sale I rfll R undersigned, residing near tha do not has L nisde eoniplete arrnnfieinents with llme llurners east of tho mountain, whereby he Is ena bled to koep eon slant ly on hand a large quantity ul PUBK LIME! which he offers to furmert and builders at trl le above cost. Those In noed or th. article would do well to Kite me . call, or addreas me be letter, be. lurr nrguuaung meu lime. UKO. C, l'APSMOUK. Cliarlleld, Pa., June , IHIID. "IlLAJiK tOJIHTAIIMiH M.ll.F.H FOR M 9 ssi. ai mis nnina. TIfTICE A CO?l!aTAIll.lCH iKES We hat. printed a lsr(te aumlier of th. new KL'R HILL, and will on tha receipt of lueutT. Hre cents, mail a opr to tT irldr'H. mjil planing 1IU. NOTICE.! a. L. Reeil. Wn. Powell. ItEtD A POWELL. . ' . CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL ''RIGHT! rpilK proprlctoin respectfully Inform th. oltlsens 4- of Clearfield county, that they bar. entirely iwltud this eiublllitneut with the latest Improred wood working toaohinery, and are now prepared to execute all orders In their line of bu.lness. Tbey will give cspeoial attention to th. nianufao- tur. of material for house building, such as MOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, BUCKETS K .HOI LOM.VGS, Ot ALL STYLES, We alwayi hare on hand a large stock of DRY LU.MUER, and will pay cash for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half Inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. )U Orders inllclied, and Lumber furnished on ibort ontioe and on reasonable terms. HELD A POWELL. Clearfield, Unroll I, IS71. rtiSffttanfos. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orroslT. rai . v i maaar sraaar POST OFFICEijiiil'iSCLEARFIELD riAllg subicriber rerpeeUalW inform! bis old X patrons and the public generally, that be baeon band, (and is ooostantly reeelTiog new aaaitiena tn.r.u,j a targ. stool ot Clocks, Watchea and Jewelry. keep Jewelry la all Its forms and of dlflvent values, either by th. pi.e. or set WATCDK8 A full assorts .nt of either Oold or Ellrer, mad. by th. best Arsrlcaa and for eign msnufaevorexs, Inelnding a fln. lo .fgold and eitrer bsntliig .as., full Jeweled, Patent Lerars. CLOCKS Of all designs, eoniisllnr ofeirht- day and thirty-hour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. REPAIRING. Al! kinds of Watches and Clocks Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have .num.rated, I k.ep a full assortment of BPECrACI.KH, colored and plain glass. Also.OOI.D PKNH snd PKSCII.S. SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, and In faet.T.rylhlng In the Jewelry Una. If I fail lo have on band Joat what a customer m.y ne.d, I will order per nrst siprees, wilboul eilra charge. A liberalsbar. ot publie patronage is solicited. Ala, 1, 1S88 y a. 1. NAtULE. JUST OUT! THE JJEW WHEELER & WIIJS0N SEWING MACHINE I The Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine Com pftny, baring had eigitteen years experience In manufacturing and selling Hewing Machines, and employing tha ablest mechanical talent in this country and ia Europe, now offer to the publie THE NEW MACHINE confident that It possesses all tha advantages which esperieuce has shown to be essential to a Perfect Sewing Machine ! The principle Is the same as In tha old Wheeler A Wilson Maehiue, but changes have been made which Increase Its efficiency, while at the same time, less oare nnd skill am required in Its man agement. 8eems are crossed with case. The work guided with scarcely an effort. Nearly double ill former power. No under-tension to manage. Erery joint can be tightened as fast as it wears. OYER 580,000 HAVK RL'EM MANl'FACTl RBI). 100,000 MORE Wheeler & Wilson MACHINES bare heel told for family use than of any ether make. Wa recommend eur customers In the country to purchase their machines direct from cur Agents, as the price is the same as at our offices, and they eaa thus secure, at their own hemes, the accessa ry Instructions. KTAOKNTg WANTED.- WM. SUMKKK k Co., General Agents for the Western Plates, M0 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa, JMAgents apply at office In person or through any of our traveling agents. Horse, wagon and outfit furnished. . octU 3ia FAIRBANKS' STANDARD fi V A Id K ft , or til nuns Bggte Barrows, Warehouse Truoks, Copying Presses, Improred Mnney Drawer, c. roa SALa r II. F. BIOLEIl & CO., Dealer. In Hardware, Second IMreeit, Clearrleld, Pa. INK, WHITR k ROAN LIN I Nil BKIN- X uoii receiTsa ana inr sale oy eipri) so, lero. II. MUOLfiR k CO. Jiruflfl & TffitMw. NEW DKUG STORE! MM. B. ALtXAXDER, M. D.. Dniftglat ud Apothecary, CUHWKNSVILLK, PA., Keeps oonstantly on band large assortment of d it u a s , Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Varnishes, It. Hlu(T, Ae. liis stuck of limes Is pure and fresh, and .uetomere ean rel, upo. getting the beat of everything in bis line. His steak of P E R F U M E li Y , Toilet Arttalos, lUlr Tonios, Cosmetios, Brushes, Toilet Boaps, Combs, l'ocket llHik IVns, Inks, Pencils and Paper, and a goerttl auortmeut of this class of goods, are all of the best quality. PURE WISES & LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Glass, Putty, Lubricating Oils, Ae., to Suit the wants of the oomoiuuuy. His eitensive and well seloeted stoek of Drugs and Medicines enables him lo fill J'heieiaas prescriptions on short notice and on tha most reasonable terms. Hmokcrs and C be were will find bis stoek of Chewing and (Smoking Tubaoeo, Cigars k iSnuff, to consist of Ihe very best brands In the market. A share of public patronage ii solicited. Oct. llMu. W. U. ALEXANDER. lUi$r(UiiU(ou5. 1 O O R S WIIICU IUVK ALWAT8 g i x n 8ATI8FACT ON HBRITOFORK, WILL BK HISPOHKD OF IN SL'CIl A W A Y AS TO FLIASB 0 H PRIBJtDg AMU CUS TOMERS. JUST RECEIVED ! THE NNKST AS80RTMSKT Of nOLIDAT OO0D8 BUCII AS BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER nrVKRED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXniDITION AND FOR SALE AT PI'BLISnERS' A MANUFACTURERS' TRICES, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Cle.rn.ld, Deo 11, U70. g E L 1. 1 N tJ OI FOR V AT COMTt CASH! The largest stock of V URaMTUB is ever offered In ClAKFIKLDt At the STEAM CABINET fiHOp.eorner Market and Fifth .Streets, CLKARFILLD, PA. The nndersirned would aunonnee to the nnbltc that he has on hand and is now offering chenp for cash, the Urjrest stoek of Furniture over in store in this county, consisting of I'pholitcred Parlor Suits, Chamber Setts. Extension TaMfs, Secretaries, Book Cases, Hod steads, Fpriug Beds and Mattresses, Lounges and Benehes, Plain A Marble Top Tables A Hureaus. Washstaads, Cane beat and Common Chairs, Kockiug Chairs, Looking (Masses, Window tsbades. Picture Frames, Cords and Tassels. Ac. lie aIo manufactures and keeps on hand Pnt ent Hiring Beds, the brst ever invented. No family should be without thcfti. Any kind of good not on hand ean be had on short notice.' I'pholstcritig aud repairiag neatly executed. COFFINS, of all sites, can be bad un a half, hours' notico, and at tl.c low cut prices. A deduc tion of 20 per cent, made for cash. METALLIC CASKS, or Itojewood, Walnut and Cherry Coffins, with glass or wood tops, furnished on Arc hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral occasions, and carriages furnished when deeired. Than kin tha nnblle for rtsit favors, and bv strict personal ntieulioo to buiinuia, I hupe to receive a continuance 01 tne lauie. It c member the place the Pleam Cabinet Shop, corner of Market and Fifth Hi recti. March IVM-ly. DANIKL TJKNNER. JL B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tho Railroad Depot,) CLIiAHFII.M), PI'.!SA. IEMBBACK thtc method of Informing the public, that 1 have opened np a yard for tha sale of wood or coal-bnrnt L1MK and Anthracite COAL, In tho borough of CIcsrBvKl, and hare completed arrangements with eastern dealers by wnicn 1 ean Keep a tun supply constantly on band, which will be dixi.osed of at reasonable rates, bv the tun, bushol or oar load, to suit purchasers. Those at a distance oan address mc by letter, and obtain all leeossary Information bv return mall, R. B. TAYLOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. J4, 86v-tf LIME AND COALl TTAVINO Increased eur facllitlee for buruing a bime aunng tne past siaaee,. we are pre pared to furnish Wood Ilurtit Hue, ( oal Burnt Lime, Wood and Coal Iturnt l.lme, Manutactured from the celebrated "RKLLEFONTI LIMESTONE," which produces the w mrrst and rrna-T Lime, for all tnechanieal purposes, that oan be found In the State of Pennsylvania, and which we cell nt as low psioee, delivered on cars, aa the Inferior Llmos are sold at their places of manufacture. Also, dealers In and shippers of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all sites, prepared eipresslj for fainil, ose. Orders solicited. VHOrtTLIIHlK k CO., Noe. , IMTO-ly. llcllrtonte, l'a. DREXEL & CCL, ' No. 31 louth Third Ktrret, PUIIa.lf l(ihla And Dealers in Government Securities. Upplioatioa li, mall will reeelre rrninpt alien tlmi, and all Information cheerfully rurni.bed uro. re eoltoted. April ll-tf. nilK IlEMni'HATIO ALMANAC for Mild 1KA7 and ln for sal. at the I'oit Office. Tries Si sen Is. MutlrJ lo tnjr tddre-s. ounflru aua "lUarliiu j!s;i BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boynton k Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of P0BTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLUAHl IKI.D, PA. nAVlNO snle.l Is the manufacture of trst class M ACI1IXKH V, we respeotfuUjr inform tli. poblio that w. ar. now prepared to til all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can be done lo aoy of tb. cities. We manufacture aod deal jo Mulay and Circular Sawltills UeaJ Blocks, Water Wheels, Bhaftinf Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam (laugi s, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cooks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipca, S'.eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pnmps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinda of MILL WORK; together wilb Plows, Sled Soles, CO OKA SD PARLOR STO VES, and othsr CASTINGS of all kinds. 0rders solicited and filled al city ices. All letters of Inquiry with referenoe to marhmeiy of our manufaclur. promptly answered, by a idrea- lug os at Clearneld, l'a. decji'To-tr vorsu A CO. OSADALIS THE IXGREDIKNTS THAT COM POSE HOSAUALIO ar. published on erery package, therefore It is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT. It Is a certain core for Scrofula. Frnhilis In all lis lonns, nneomausm, pun iris eases. Liver Complaint and all diseases of s I the lllood. ONE BOTTLU OF T.OSADALIS j will do m,re good than tea bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDF.RSIGNED PHYSICIANS A : hav. used Rosadalis in their practice for Ihe past three years, and frtcly endorse it M a reliable Alt.rallr and lllood 1'urlOer. IR. T. C. PI'GII, of Baltimore. IiR. T. J. BUY KIN, I)R. R. W. C.MtH, " ) DR. F. O. IIANNKLLY, - Hlt. J. S. SPARKS, nf NirholTillc, Kv. I l K. J. L. M. CAIITI1 A, Columbia, S. C.' ( Ml. A, B. NOlll.KS, fJJgMoub, .N. C. i ISHD AND EXDORSKD BY A I J. B. FRKNrH A 80.VS, Fall Rier,Mass. j F. W. SMITH. .Urkson, Mich. j A. F. W1IKKLKR. Lima, Ohio. "It. II ALL, Islma, Ohio. i CRAVKN A Cu (loHonsville, Va. tSA.M I KL U. McFAUUKM, Mnrfreesboro, 1 Tcnn. Our spaec will vt allow of any estenJ i ed remarks in relation to the virtues of Rosadalis. To the Medical Prufcitiion we i guarantcn a Fluid Extract superior to anv 'they have ever usrd in the treatment of I diieaM-d IMuod ; and to the sfllictrd we say I try Hotadaiis, and yoa will be restored to health. Roeltis is sold by all broggitts price 1.50 per bottle. Adilress ItL CLKMENTS A CO.. L s ionr(tir'Mj7 Chrmittt, Aug. 7, 1871. -ly. lUi.Tiaoap;, Md. For sale by A. I. Phaw, Clearfield, Pa. LADIES' FAXCY JOHN FAREIRA, TISAhchHt. Middle or the Block, bet. 7th A (1th Sta.,SJuth lide. PHILADELI'HIA, Importer. Manufwrturer A lcslir in ail kiml- and qunlily of FANCY FL'KS urn Ttlll'.i tor LaJKS ana t.uilurens wear. lluviux Imported a vrry large and utilrnUid ahurt- ,;mei,t of sll the dillerent - -"JITU kinils or rurs now first l.sind in Europe, and have bud them made up by the nioMt akillitil workmrn, would rcpeetfully in Ti(e the renders of this paper to call and examine his rery Urge and beautiful assortment ol Fanoy Fur. lur Ladies and Children. 1 am determined to sell at as low prices as aoy other respectable house in this oily. All Furs warranted. Nouiis reprcseutntion to cSeot sale". , JtIX FARKIRA. Oct. S3, I871-tu3 71? Arch &L, Philadelphia. EDWAUD TEIIKS & CO., I'Monr InniifaeturerN, Aud Ilcalcrs in GItAIN OF ALL KINDS, r it i l i r s u t it u , PA. A Ft'i.i stirpi.Y of FLorn. wheat. CORN and CHOI eonstantle .a hand, and for sale at rates remarkably low. Ifebe-tt eXcwIy Found! The Coal I fonud, Un in Shaw's Hill, It oan't be brat In Clearfltld ; A hundred bushels of a tiiuo ' You ean buy for the figure nine; Or, if you'd with to haul yourself, You ean bare the in me amount fur seven ceuii. norMm VT1LUAM WILLIAMS. "VT 01 1 CIV-11 av iiig puWli Xl L A. Blattenbergcr, Knq linked the interest of Knq., in the business heretofore carried on under the Arm name of J. A. Hlattenhergcr A Co., the same will bo conducted hereafter under the name of Moshannon Land and Lumber Company, (Store.) II. II. MllLLlNUl'OKU, JOHN LAWSHK, my2.Mf President. Ueneral 8up't SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! MSTAN S CnOSB CVT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCl'LAR SAWg. Boynton's Ligbtuiug CrosBrcut Saw. ALSO, 1'ATEHT r-KrtroruTED k El.rCTKIC FAWS, For sale j oetlS.ID II. F. BIOLRR k CO. Liillirisl)iir Marble Yard! rpilK subsnrlW respectfully announces to this 1 oummunlfy und the iublto aenerallr that he is now extensively cugnucd in the msnufacture of Monuments, I had ana Foot Stones, Htand, Table and Bureau Tops, etc. No hltfher tribute oan be paid to a deceased relallre or friend than the erec tion of an end u rim slnb aa a wiinens to unborn generations a here they have laid him or her. I havo engitgt d Mr. Jihn W. Uahsgan as mv agnil to eel I, and to whose workmanship and skll' many ean bear witness. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Work delivered whererrrdetlrrd. R. II. MOO UK, Luthersburg, Koumber 80, IH70. 5,000 HHEKP PEI.T4 nAKTF.IM And all kinds nf H It 8 -for which the hkfthest carb price will be paid, by septjn am 1, Lt RriRFNUTHlN. r. Clearfield County Bank. rnilB Clearteld Co.nty Baak as aa Ineorpora. X. ted Institution has gone out ef existence by the surrender of It. .barter, .a May 1, ittflt All lu .took la own.d by th. subscribers, wk. will continue the Banking business at the tern, place, aa private Bankers, under the Arm nam. of th. "Clsarleld County Bank." We ar. re sponslbl. for th. debts oi the Bank, and will pay it. notes on armeoa at tne ecuoior. uepoeits recited end Interest paid when auioey la left for a Hied time. Pap.r diseonnud at six per cent. as heretofore. Our personsl responsibility U pledged for all Bo csiU rtoelred .nd bnslnsss transioted. A contlnaane. of tb. liberal pal. ronage of the men of th. eoonty Is re. spectfullr eollcited. As President, Cashier and officers of lie late Clearneld Coanty Bank, we require the notes of laid Back to bs presentrd for redemption. J A 8. T. LKONARD, RICHARD NHAW, WM. PORTER. JAM. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. REED, WM. A. WALLACE. Th. of th. Bank will be conducted he Job. M- Adams., Esq., as Cashier. ( ll 1 tJ County National Bank, OP CI.EARFfELD, PA. ROOM In Maionie Bulldlos;, on. door north of C. D. Walsou's Drue Sture. Passage Tickets to and from Liverpool, Qoem.. town, Glasgow, I,ondon, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, bruits for sale on the Roval Baukwf Ireland, and Imperial Bank of London. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Pree't. W. M. 6IIAW, Cashier. tl:l:71 J. O. M'Girk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OP McGirk & perks. Sucoessors to Foster, Perks, A Co., Plillllibur(j, Centra County, Pi. WHERE all the business of a Ranking House wil1 oe tramaetod promptly and upon th. most fuvoraole terms. aiarT-lf $H$rrUattfOBj. ISoggeTMV iihIi i p A wako GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! IVETlYBODV trying to get ibeieflrit, for fear j of beiog crowded out into tho eold. li yoa want good 8hotinjr dono, go to Baias. If yon want yonr Rleds ironed right, goto Baaas. If yoa want good Mill Irons, go to Bitas. If yoa want your wagon ironed In the best stylo and workmanship, go to Bains. Baaas makes the best tttump Mschine in the Stata, and does all kinds of ULACKbM ITH INt as cheep as can be done In the county for Cash. My Post Office address Is ClearOeld, Pa. THOMAS BEKkS. Boggi Tp., Dee. 19, 1867-tf. C'lioap furniture. JOHN GUL1CII DESIRES to Inform his old friends and eas terners, that having enlarged bis shop aod Increased his facilities for nanntaetnriog, he is now prepared to make to order saeb Furniture as may be desired, in good style and atebeap rates forCABU. He generally has oa hand, at kts Furniture rooms, a varied assortment of ready made furaiture, among which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-Cs see; Centre, Sofa, Parlor. Br oak fait and Pining Extension Tables; Com mon. French-post, Cottage.Jenny-Lind and other Bed. toads Sofas of all kinds. Work-stands. Hat-racks, Wash-stands; Rocking and Arm chairs ; spring-seat, cane-bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chairs ; Looking-O lassos of every description on hand ; and new glasses for eld frame, which will be put In on very ro.woBeele terra i on shortest notice. He also keeps on hand or furnishes to order, Corn-hack, llatr and Cotton-top Mattresses. Coffins or Evert Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. The subscriber also manufac tures, arid has constantly on hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, the best low In use t Those using this maehiae never need be with out clean clothes I He also has Flyer's Pateot Chum, a superior article. A family aslag this Churn never need bo without but tor 1 All the above and many other ariloles are fur -oiihed to customers cheap for dsn or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Mi pit, Poplar, Llnwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken la ixohango for furnitare NrKftnembcr the shop Is on Marker street, Clearfield, Pa., and noarly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHN UULICU. November 26, 1862 y READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS fr ST ATI OXER Y. Market Kl., Clearflrld, (at the Poet Office.) rJ1iiK undersigned begs leave to announce to Jl the eitiseno of Clearneld and vicinity, that he has fitted op a room and has just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Booke, Blank, Aooount and Pass Books of ovary de scription ; I'm er nd Envelopes, French pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils f Blank, Legal Papers, Ieeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Kiemp tion and Promissory notes j White and Parch; mcnt nrief, L gal Cap. Record Cap, and Bill Cap , Sheet, Mtisie tor either Piano, Elate or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may net have on band, will be or ordered by first ei press, and sold at wholssa'e or retail to suit customers. I will also keep i periodical literature, such as Magasines, Nsws- l1l'l IV. r. Ae UAbssiM. CUarileld May 7, 1868. tf DAVID YOUNG, Sloae-Culier nnd Stone-Mason, "T ILL eiecnte all work In Ma line al mod .rale prices and In FIRST-CLASS stjle Architectural Ornaments In ALL PTY1.KS, Fton. Pressing f .esr, description, and all kinds .f work eea. traded for ia or oat of the coobIt. Any persons wishing to hav. respectable mason work and stone-rutting done, will Und it to their lalereil to call upon m. I would alro Inform Ike pet it, that I ean deliver an, quantity er .lass el ston. desired, as I am th. owner of a first-claIs STONE QUAKR1 Orders for work caa b. addressed to DAV1U YOU ltd, mar:J,: Clearteld l'a. JkEW 6TOUE ,KD NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hara just Ofened a Niw Siori, on llnio St.,CniiriiLD, Fi.( lately occupied lj Win. F. 1KWI.N Tbelr atocK conaitli o( Okoc:u of th beat quality, Queensware, Boots and Slioei, aod erery article pcpriarr for t QDa'f romfort. Call tud tiamine our atock betot pur chasing eltstrheiro. May 9, J866-tf. The Lightning Tamer. rpilB anderslgnrd ar. th. sol. Agents la tell I .onntT fnrth.'-Norih American OalVeoli'e l.lllIITMNti HllllS." These .r. the .nly ss's rods now In use, and ar. .ndorsed b, all seientiti. mea in th. oenntry. Wa hereh, nottfr th. eitls.ns of the eooatj that we will put them ap a better rod. and In. lesa money, than Is charged h, th. forcif agent, who annnally traeere. th. county aas oarry oi our Utile cash, never to return. EXCOUKAGK JIOMB LA BOH. Thos. wl.klng Lightning Hods .reeled es their buildings need but address as by letter. M, oall la person. W. will put them p enjwbsrl In Iheeounly, nnd warrant them. The llodsaad Hitures .an b. s.ea at any lima by railing our store. 11. f. UIULKK CO. OUarfleld, Vareli fid, ( T r.AA flAA MIIX.I I'J 1'tlH SlIBi JvVjVH'U The nAder.lgned oir th. s sawed in.lnrh sihinglee In mnrkel, and In rrsd4 to suit purehaeei.. o. I, $.1 i No. I t' -Si No. S, M HO. W'RAVKK liCTT". Oksilifld. 1's , so.diu,